Elie Wiesel and His Novel called “Night”

Elie Wiesel is a well known American author of Jewish origin and a Nobel Prize winner. His novel called “Night” is a significant and meaningful work that carries multiple functions. Apart from being an outstanding literary masterpiece, the book has a historical character because it is a reflection of Elie...

Business, Government, and Society: Critics of Business

The chapter Critics of Business of the book Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective discusses the emergence and development of the concept of business criticism from medieval times to the present. The concept of business criticism originated from the belief that businesses were established with the main aim of...

Meditech System as an Electronic Health Record’ Tool

Standards A consistent improvement in the quality of the nursing services provided to the target audience is the first step toward promoting wellbeing and meeting the essential responsibilities of a nurse (Kisokanth, Prathapan, Indrakumar, & Joseph, 2015). Therefore, the introduction of the latest technological advances is crucial to maintaining the...

Moral Philosophy: Goals and Concepts

Preliminary steps to appreciate the rightness of an action Before people can intuitively appreciate the rightness of a certain action, they may need to take two preliminary steps. In particular, they may consider potential consequences of an action. For instance, a policy-maker may need to think about the impact of...

Aging Changes, Positive and Negative Attitudes

Discussion Aging is an inevitable process that happens to all beings. It has enormous influences on an organism and its ability to operate appropriately. The majority of the representatives of general public consider that their quality of life will worsen with the course of time and develop negative attitudes towards...

Nursing in the Maternal Role Attainment Theory

Definition of the Meta-Paradigm of Nursing in the Maternal Role Attainment Theory and the Parent-Child Interaction Model The meta-paradigm of nursing in Ramona Mercer’s Maternal Role Attainment Theory is concerned with the health of nontraditional mothers who have an insufficient maternal identity (“Maternal role attainment theory,” 2016). The theory may...

Nursing’s Personal Philosophy

The nursing profession forms the backbone of the healthcare workforce. It aims to deliver quality nursing care to the patient, family, and the community as a whole. As a profession, it relies on philosophy to aid in critical thinking and reflection on personal values to influence professional practice. The sole...

Bar Codes vs. Radio Frequency Identification Tags

Bar codes have been popular in the world of retail for several decades; they have made the process of shopping much easier compared to its prior form. The combinations of black lines that comprise bar codes are scanned by the optical reader devices to decode the information (the title of...

Helping Children with Obesity and Health Risks

Introduction of population and health risk Nowadays, such a topic as child obesity is frequently discussed by several researchers, doctors, social workers, etc. More than 170 million children who are not even 18-years-old are classified as obese or overweight (Swinburn et al., 2011). The USA is one of the countries...

American Nurses Association Fast Facts in Research

Review of the ANA Fast Facts The ANA Fast Facts is a great source of information that provides nursing professionals with an opportunity to obtain information regarding their job and its peculiarities. For instance, those facts that are discussed in this paper reveal details regarding the characteristics of the nursing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transitional Care Model and Its Phases

Introduction Identifying productive ways to improve transitional care for older adults with chronic diseases in complex with other risk factors such as social barriers or issues of managing their care needs is essential for increasing the productivity, and for decreasing the costs of healthcare. One model that proved to be...

The Divine Command Theory

The divine command theory sates that all human actions must be evaluated as moral or immoral in accordance with orders of God. What God permits is considered to be good, and vice versa what is prohibited by God is evil. According to this theory morality and moral obligations depend upon...

Prevention of Zika in Pregnant Women in South Florida

Nowadays, many researchers and health care workers identify the Zika virus as a serious global health issue for pregnant women (Tharpe, Farley, & Jordan, 2016). For a long period of time, this mosquito-born flavivirus was limited to the territories of Africa and Asia. In 2015, it emerged in Brazil and...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Product Quality

Incorporating an array of tools that allow evaluating the product from several aspects is essential in assuring quality at the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. Since not only customer satisfaction but also the lives of end-users hinges on the efficacy of enhancing and supervising the process of QA, it is imperative to...

Hospital Infections and Rogers’ Evidence-Based Change

Background The modern healthcare sector faces numerous challenges that result from the complexity of the environment and living conditions. Therefore, there are multiple attempts to align the gradual improvement of the state of the health and eliminate factors that could be found in hospitals, and that might result in the...

Romantic Relationship: Failures and Lessons

Why do so many romantic relationships come to an end? Are people incapable of having true feelings these days? Where are Romeos and Juliets? Are they too afraid or busy to be attached to someone? Every case is unique, and there are usually many reasons for relationships to fail. Some...

The Economic Factors of the Beaver Depletion in Canada

The beaver population was significantly affected by the actions of Indians. As a matter of fact, the experts argue regarding the possible reasons that caused depletion. The major purpose of the paper is to discover the economic factors of the beaver depletion in Canada in the eighteenth century. The territory...

Strategic Planning: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Strategic planning is used to guide an organization during times of change. The plan applies external environments like the industrial environment and the economy. It creates concepts that strive to create an environment of healthy competition. It also comes up with ways of coming up with funding for projects,...

Communication and Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Communication is an essential part of life. No institution can operate without communication between its staff, leaders, and customers. In nursing, leaders have to utilize effective communication strategies to ensure professionalism in the workplace. This paper will examine various aspects of effective communication and conflict resolution in nursing settings....

Personal Nursing Philosophy’s Aspects

Introduction A nursing philosophy is a model that informs and guides caregivers to deliver high-quality care. Nurses should develop effective philosophies and use them as guidelines to achieve their career aims (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). This paper gives a detailed summary of my philosophy of nursing. The discussion goes further...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Technological Methods and Medical Approaches: Telehealth

Telehealth refers to technological methods and medical approaches that are used to improve health care, health education delivery, public health, and health care support (Eren & Webster, 2015). It includes a variety of technologies and techniques that provide virtual medical, health, and education services to individuals and communities in different...

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Tests and Diagnostics

Introduction There are three possible types of anemia: sideroblastic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and thalassemia. Thus, in order to treat the patient properly, it is important to identify the type first. Taking all the symptoms that Ann reported into consideration, it is possible to come to the conclusion that she...

Nurses and New Health Care Policy

In the modern world of nursing, it is not enough to be a nurse and complete several duties and tasks prescribed in special acts, regulations, and standards. Nurses must be passionate about their intentions to promote positive change and improve health care delivery (Milstead, 2016). Nursing roles have been already...

Communism and Liberalism’ Diplomacy

Communism and liberalism are two distinct ideologies that have been traditionally framed as opposing approaches. Nevertheless, certain similarities can be identified that determine their impact on the global community. The main similarity between liberalism and communism is the emphasis on equality characteristics for both ideologies. However, the specificities of the...

Mike Roth at Education Pension Investment Company

Education Pension Investment (EPI) is a prosperous company that operates in the investment segment (Whetten and Cameron 333). Thus, apart from the absence of support, Dan Richardson, one of the founders and CEO, made a decision to hire Mike Roth due to his outstanding performance and aggressive tactics (Whetten and...

First Civilizations and Their Characteristics

Introduction The history of the rise of civilization is long and intricate. It started around six thousand years ago with the formation of cities in the valley of Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East. Since then, the phenomenon of civilization evolved. However, its primary aspects remained unchanged. Taking...

Data Breaches of Protected Health Information in the US

There is no doubt that the rapid growth of digital technology has a significant influence on many spheres of the human activity. Frankly speaking, it is impossible to find at least one field that is not connected to the use of modern devices and databases. Discussing the role of technology...

Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US

Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the position of the United States as the largest investor and recipient of foreign direct investment is unique and only second to the European Union as a whole....

Successful Online Learner: Skills and Requirements

Being an online learner is not easy because he/she is expected to organize almost all activities personally with minimal guidance from educators. To become successful in this area, students should pay enormous attention to the peculiarities of online learning, especially those that differ greatly from their usual education. For instance,...

Stock Options: Scenario Analysis

Main Elements First and foremost, it is essential to identify the main elements of the statistics analysis. In the framework of this paper, the key statistical data that needs to be analyzed is the return and the standard deviation values for two stocks. Experts point out that the relevant variables...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Minimum Wage Increase for Low-Income Workers

There are a plethora of people who occupy such low-income positions as waiters, housecleaners, nannies, and so on. These individuals receive minimum wages that should cover their primary needs (food, utilities, and clothing). If the government considers raising the paychecks of citizens who work at low-income jobs, the quality of...

The Issue of Abortion: Ethics Challenges

Introduction The debate about abortion in terms of ethics has been in place for decades ever since this medical procedure was first legalized by the government. Throughout this time, the core question of the discussion of abortion has remained unchanged; revolves around the acceptability of the procedure and its ethical...

Digital Trip to the National Archives

Digital Trip Reflection The digital trip to the National Archives to view the Founding Documents Gallery revealed a lot of information on the founding principles of the US democracy and bill of rights. Specifically, the focus of the visit was on the constitution and the declaration of independence. The pictures...

Thomas Paine’s “Government is A Necessary Evil”

If you are about to discuss️ Thomas Paine’s quote where he describes government as a necessary evil, you’re at the right place! So, why is government a necessary evil? Keep reading to find out! In his pamphlet “Common Sense,” Thomas Paine describes government as a necessary evil and notes that...

Colombian Armed Conflict and Social Proactiveness

Effects of the Colombian Armed Conflict on the Level of Social Proactiveness among the Target Population The Colombian armed conflict has become notorious over the past few decades. The military confrontation caused by agrarian disputes in the 1920s grew into a massive conflict between the left-wing FARC and the Colombian...

Depression and Solutions in Psychiatry

Depression is a state where a person has low moods and a person’s concentration is derailed. This affects a person in several ways including thoughts, behavior, personal well being, and feelings. People in such situations usually feel sad and worried. At times, they may feel helpless, restless, and worthless. Depressed...

Turnitin and Grammarly as Plagiarism Checkers

Paraphrasing Plagiarism in scholarly writing involves the use of resources without acknowledging its authors. It is an act associated with the lack of integrity, and most academic institutions are quite strict about the avoidance of plagiarism (Anderson, 2016). Writers should avoid plagiarism through the application of several measures. One of...

Nursing Knowledge and Skills Development

Introduction All nurses must develop their knowledge and skills on a regular basis to experience and practice new professional methodologies and approaches to the treatment of their patients. This factor is essential for people who strive to become better at what they do and make all their clients benefit from...

Nursing Theories Differences: High-Range, Middle-Range, and Low-Range Nursing Theories

Nursing is a constantly developing profession. Nowadays, nurses obtain unique knowledge and skills that are based on profound scientific research. This knowledge forms a complex system composed of various theories and concepts. Three main categories are high-range, middle-range, and low-range nursing theories. The main goals of this paper are to...

Productivity and Costing Out Nursing

Established Goals: Description Managing financial resources is crucial for providing efficient nursing services to the target population. Herein lies the significance of understanding the concepts of productivity and costing out in nursing. Thus, the goals set for the week were as follows: Understanding the concepts of productivity and costing out,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Safe Medication in Intensive Care Unit

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provides various clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for physicians, nurses, and other parties involved in patient care. For this paper, safe medication use in intensive care units (ICUs) the CPG was selected due to its relevance to the current needs of inpatient care....

Prelude in E Minor by Frédéric Chopin

The principle of unity and variety can be applied to various musical works. This paper is aimed at discussing the way in which this principle can used to discuss Frédéric Chopin’s Prelude in E minor. It is critical to focus on such aspects as dynamics, timbre, and musical ideas included...

Corporal Punishment and Child Maltreatment

Problem Analysis Parents are the main people who are responsible for their children development, understanding of the world around, and promoting desirable behaviors that meet special standards and rules. Misbehavior of children is a burning topic for consideration in many countries because parents want to choose the most appropriate options...

Primary Health Care: Oncology

Mr. M is a patient whose freckles become worse, and he wants to examine a mole on the back of his neck. Along with information provided by the patient, it seems that he will share such additional subjective data as fatigue, continuous sunlight exposure, and, perhaps, a family history of...

Selma: Historical Drama Film by Ava DuVernay

In the opening scenes of the film, Selma, Martin Luther King is in Oslo to receive the coveted Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. In Alabama, the fight for the inclusion of the black community in the voting process is ongoing. Ann Lee Cooper is denied the opportunity to become a...

Diarrhea: Differential Diagnosis and Ways of Treatment

The correct diagnosing of a particular medical issue is a complex issue that demands the high level of competence from a therapist and utilization of appropriate questions to ensure that all essential elements are covered and considered while examining a patient. The first consultation with a health worker is critical...

James A. Garfield’s Biographical Information

Popular Quotes The truth will set you free, but first, it will make you miserable A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck The spirit should not grow old The right reason is stronger than force Ideas control the world By James A. Garfield Biographical Information James A....

Keurig Company’s Marketing Solutions and Strategies

Marketing Communications The advertising and promotion strategies of Keurig rely on integrating marketing communications between the company and potential customers. The company has long abandoned the traditional channels of advertising and communication, such as radio, TV, and paperback advertisements, instead preferring to connect with its potential audience using the Internet...

External Factors Affecting Pepsi in the Middle East

Introduction Pepsi is among the top food and beverage companies in the world. With its headquarters in New York, the company is heavily involved in the manufacturing and selling of different brands of beverages and foods. While expansion into foreign markets has presented the company with a wider customer base,...

The Big Fix at Toyota Motor Sales

The TMS’s new decentralized IS structure The TMS’s new decentralized IS structure provided a strategy that promoted transparency in major organizational or business units. It enhanced business alignment with IS and offered locaattentionio The TMS’ new decentralized IS structure while promoting the vision of the enterprise. Moreover, the decentralized IS...

Innovation and Change Management

Introduction Getting ready for Master of Arts and postgraduate diploma in Leading Innovation and Change, the following terms should be completed before writing a dissertation, ‘Leading Innovation & Change’, ‘The Essence of Leadership’, ‘Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership’, and ‘Culture and Innovation in Organisations’ (2011). Each term has specific purposes...

Observing the Various Technology Communities

Introduction Technology communities vary depending on their location and subject of interest. Still, attending a meeting where some specific topics related to technology are discussed can be an interesting experience. Meetup groups are an excellent way to find an event that can enhance knowledge and allow meeting new people who...

Water Management in the “Flow” Documentary

Man cannot live without necessities, such as air, food, shelter, and water. It has been said that man can live for many days without food but only a few without water. It is, therefore, a comforting fact that like air, water is free. No one owns the water, and because...

Economic Growth Factors in Australia

External factors such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), consumer behavior, and inflation rate play a very important role in stimulating economic growth. For instance, the rate of inflation of a given economy will affect its growth since a high inflation rate may lead to low economic growth. Though internal factors...

Persuasion and Manipulation in Business Communication

What different persuasive approaches would you use on the following audiences: a boss, a peer, a challenging person, or an open-minded person? Why would your approach differ? Different audiences require different approaches to persuading them because they can express various attitudes to you, and they can assess your reliability in...

The Literary Work Concepts

Introduction The literary work that we have thoroughly discussed this week was very significant and interesting to me in many ways. This literal work made me understand literature in a different way. Generally literature restores our past, arouses our imagination, praises the common place, stirs up emotions and serves as...

Qualities of a Professional: Personal Statement

Introduction A professional is a person that is relied upon by others to help them succeed. A professional may work alone but in the service of others but most of the time a professional is a team player. A professional must learn to work with others. However, a worker, employee,...

What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper. If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction People around the world have all sorts...

Women in Prison in the United States: Article and Book Summary

Magazine Summary The article “Coming to the Aid of Women in U.S. Prison” addresses interventions that could be used on women prisoners, whose population has been increasing at a faster rate than that of men (McClellan, 2002). Specifically, it is contended that education, litigation, and human rights could be used...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech: The Significance of the Message

Why Gorbachev chose the United Nations as his forum for this speech Gorbachev chose the United Nations as his forum of speech because he considered it an institution that brings the world together. According to him, his message of unity for the world could only be delivered in a forum...

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Cultural Rites and Customs in Latin America and Vietnam

Latin American Culture: Day of the Dead To fulfill the task and understand the Latin American background better, I interviewed Yuli Marquez, my Facebook friend from Tijuana, Mexico. She was excited about different traditions and finally decided to tell me about Día de Los Muertos – the Day of the...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Education

Child educators are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas. At the same time, they are expected to uphold their ethical responsibilities towards the children and their parents. Making a difference between ethical dilemmas, ethical responsibilities, and knowing which those are is paramount for a successful education and child care. The purpose...

Injustice. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. King

Introduction Martin Luther King is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers and fighters for Civil Rights in the USA. His “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is one of the numerous examples of this activist’s effective addresses to people. In this piece, Dr. King responds to white religious leaders who...

Boeing’s Financial Strategies After the 737 Max Problems

The United States aviation giant, Boeing, landed at the center of a storm that ended in the grounding of the newest airplane model, the 737 MAX, across the globe. This has created the image of the leading manufacturer spoiling the latest airplane design and, consequently, leading to the death of...

Should Parents Be Responsible for Children’s Crimes?

Do you think parents should be held responsible for children’s crimes? Who should be punished when a child causes trouble at school or in public? Find out in this essay! Introduction There is no doubt that some children engage in criminal activities, perhaps thinking that they are invincible. Some of...

Anti-Communist and Anti-Islam Rhetoric

Every society consists of individuals who have unique characteristics, attitudes, and fears. They respond to various threats in different ways when taken separately; however, being united, they acquire some common features peculiar to a certain community. That is why such a phenomenon as paranoia is associated with masses of people...

Digital Technology Is Changing Childhood

There is a clear trend towards increased digital technology use in minors. In recent decades everyone has grown attached to their smart device, younger generations in particular. The urges to severely limit children’s screen time and monitor their online activity likely stem from genuine concern. For hundreds of years, it...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Benner’s Theory

Key concepts of the philosophy Some of the key meaningful elements of daily nursing philosophy that I would like to incorporate in practice are an empathic connection between nurse and patient, the relationships of care, relationships of trust, monitoring as with care, and cultural specifics of nursing care. An empathic...

Hypothesis Testing and Probability Theory

Probability is the likelihood that an event will occur in the future. The creation of the mathematical theory of probability by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat was preceded by a gambler’s dispute in 1654 (Franklin, 2015). The point is, a well-known player Antoine Gombaud asked Pascal whether or not...

Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry represents a complex organism that has various branches and possesses numerous challenges and improvement possibilities. Various entities gradually incorporate technological developments into different sectors, such as finances, real estate, retail, and others. Blockchain technology is one of the advancements that can offer several benefits to the daily operations...

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns in a Community

Resources for Proper Assessment In the community under consideration, there are certain resources that could help assess its needs, strengths, weaknesses, and other necessary details. In particular, the community is extremely homogenous when it comes to the system of beliefs and values about health. Despite the variety of nationalities and...

American Exceptionalism and Social Policy

American Exceptionalism and Social Work The central idea of social work is that people from different communities may need support and assistance due to the plethora of internal and external factors. These aspects of people’s lives often depend on their background, culture, place of residence, and other elements that are...

Bullying Among Nursing Staff

Issue and Solution The problem discussed in the present paper is workplace bullying in the nursing field. In this day and age employers and policymakers are starting to consider the wellbeing of the workforce as one of the major contributing factors to performance efficiency. It is unfortunate that bullying in...

The Role of Nurses in the Implementation of an Evidence-Based Process

Introduction Nurses play a significant role in the identification of the health issues that determine the accuracy of patient care due to their position and relation to patients. They may influence the health care processes as they are closely related to patients and understand their needs and issues. Nurses are...

Madécasse: Business Model Analysis

Introduction A strong competitive advantage is an absolute must in an environment filled with a plethora of companies and where the production costs are comparatively cheap. Madécasse has been long known for its locally produced chocolate of the finest quality, yet the firm may have stumbled upon a problem. Due...

Marketing and Research & Development in India

The article tilted Dow Chem to Turn Pune Unit into R&D Hub provided by the India Supply Chain Council reports about “Dow Chemicals plans to develop its Pune unit into a global research and development centre.” (India Supply Chain Council) The would-be center will focus on a wide range of...

The Stresses and Deflections of a Uniform Cross-Section Beam in Bending

The stresses and deflections of a uniform cross-section beam in bending A beam or as it is called flexural member can be often met in mechanical structures and machines and presents one of the most interesting examples of the mechanics of materials. In mechanics it is an object of bending...

Comparison: The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad

The attitude towards death in the epic literature symbolizes the wish of people of those epochs to be heroic, ready to sacrifice their lives for the holy aims. Even literature of different epochs represents comparatively similar attitudes towards death. The Epic of Gilgamesh touches upon people’s nature profoundly and still...

Ford Motor Company: The Human Resource Strategies, Policies and Practices

Abstract The Ford Motor Company is the world’s fourth-largest automaker based in America after Toyota of Japan, General Motors of the U.S, and Volkswagen of Germany. It is involved in the large-scale manufacturing of cars and trucks as well as the mass management of the workforce. They have staff in...

Fleeing to U.S., the American Dream for Cubans

From time immemorial Cubans have been moving to America in search of greener pastures. Most Cubans mostly Musicians started settling in areas like New Orleans. This eventually worked for the formation of American-Cuban connections around the United States. Cubans began living in all parts of the U.S, and Florida came...

The Learning Activity Management System

At the University, the need for change was caused by old-fashioned technology and equipment which prevented students from effective learning and knowledge acquisition in distance education. The objectives of LAMS (the Learning Activity Management) project are consistent with the strategies that the entire organization LAMS aims to support educational facilities...

Novels by A. Bierce and H. James Comparison

Introduction The short story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” written by Ambrose Bierce is about the last minutes of a man who was condemned to hanging. Standing at the Owl Creek Bridge, the place of his execution, he never stops thinking about his family and plans his escape. Another...

Royal Airlines’ Poor Leadership

Introduction Leadership is defined as the social process under which a person can utilize the support of others to achieve a common goal and forms one of the most relevant and important aspect of organizations. It is also “a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective...

Air Cargo and Truck Cargo Transportation Deregulation in the U.S. Since 1945

The deregulation of United States transport industry picked momentum in 1970s. The inefficiency caused by strenuous regulations angered many policy makers who began to agitate for reforms. While the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) exercised control of the aviation industry, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) checked the rates of railroad carriers....

Preventive Psychotherapeutic Interventions: Beatrice Babee’s Approach

Introduction Preventive psychotherapeutic interventions are meant to understand and take action against certain behavior in babies. This is considered vital due to the sensitiveness of the behavior which shows up in the relationship between mother and baby. It becomes necessary to tame this kind of behavior early so as to...

Self-Quiz on Eating Habits

Introduction A Healthy life involves various combinations of what is stored in the body and how it is managed. For one to lead a healthy life it is important to manage what you eat and the quantity of the food eaten, furthermore, exercises are also important for a healthy life....

Art of China: From Tang Dynasty to Qing One

Chinese culture along with its every component including art can be acclaimed as having its inimitable style and unparalleled spirit which can be hardly confused with anything else in the world. One of the most remarkable characteristics of Chinese culture and art is its homogeneousness during the whole period of...

Big Hole River Area of Block Mountain Quadrangle, Montana

Introduction Big Hole River Area of Block Mountain is situated in one of Montanas states – Madison Country. Currently Big Hole River area is surrounded by the Anaconda Range, the Beaverhead Range and the Pioneer Mountains. The mountain ranges have experienced Quaternary glaciations, which embedded the high location and hidden...

Health Promotion Role in Reducing Health Insurance Costs

Introduction Health promotion is an important part of disease prevention tactics. It includes informing the population of the diseases which can affect them and explaining the ways to avoid them. Health promotion is crucial as it ensures that people understand the risks of their lifestyle and know how to avoid...

North Korean Decision Making: Kim Jong-Il

Kim Jong-Il was a respected leader of the military, and this made him become very powerful. In most cases, he was considered a genuine leader, hence making most of the military decisions that required urgency. Actually, most of the decisions were made on Tuesday and published the following day on...

Acquainted with the Night by Frost: Writing Techniques

Introduction “Acquainted with the Night” is a poem written by an American poet, Robert Frost. He is a famous figure in the literary world because there are no other poets except for him who managed to receive four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry. In this essay, the answer to the question...

Continuity Planning: The University of Virginia

Introduction The University of Virginia often abbreviated as UVa or sometimes UVA is by now the only UNESCO Heritage Site University in all of the United States of America. Located in Virginia at Charlottesville, the Public University is known for public research. It was founded by Jefferson Thomas and by...

Digital Information Systems for Businesses

In the modern world, any business regardless of its size has to use resources for storing and processing data. The practice of sending information in a physical form to a secure location is about to be entirely replaced by cloud services. They provide a more accessible way for companies to...

Blass’ Toolkit for Postgraduate Research Supervisors

Blass, E. & Bertone, S. (2013). Developing a toolkit and framework to support new postgraduate research supervisors in emerging research areas. There is no use denying the fact that nowadays society constantly undergoes different and very important changes. Processes of modernization and computerization lead to increase in the tempo of...

Proposal on Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

I chose the painting Christina’s World because of the strong emotional appeal I think it has. It impressed me very much when I saw it for the first time. The painting was printed in an art book that I was reading, and the moment I opened to the page where...

Loss of Faith in Night by Elie Wiesel

One of the main themes of Wiesel’s ‘Night’ is faith in God. Throughout the book the faith of the narrator, Eliezer, undergoes many assaults. In the beginning we see his ‘totalistic and zealous commitment to God’, as Downing describes his state of faith (62). Eliezer grew up believing, that everything...

Globalization and the Formation of New Claims

Economic globalization is an ongoing process that creates both opportunities for the growth of big cities with their corporations and problems for smaller businesses and citizens. Such an outcome is complemented by the emergence of the so-called centrality. This concept explains the prevalent role of cities in the matter and...

The Language of Doctors

Anyone who has ever spent enough time in the hospital has a good story about it; Perri Klass, in her article “She’s Your Basic LOL in NAD,” tells about her medical jargon experience. It seems like, for many centuries, doctors have been honing their skills of turning their both written...

Environmental Security and Environmental Degradation Consequences

There is an intricate link connecting environmental degradation, poverty, and political instability around the world in contemporary times. These factors combine to form an insidious relationship when realised from the general perspective of world events. Poverty and the environment intersect at various points. On the one hand, poverty and inequality...

Relationship Between Men and the Environment

This reflection paper starts with the discussion of the complicated relationship between men and the environment, as this is believed to be a key to understanding the shape of modern environmental law. Even though the historical perspective to grasp this relationship’s nature is essential, the values that the societies at...

Great Recession of 2008 and Financial Markets in US

The effects of the Great Recession of 2008 were experienced all across debt and equity markets as businesses’ earnings fell and investors became cautious and demanded higher expected returns because they regarded stocks to be riskier relative to cash. It is indicated that the value of the Wilshire Index fell...

Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition

The market is not a constant structure, but an ever-changing and complex construct. The well-known ideals of monopolistic and competitive markets are not as widely applicable as they would seem at first glance. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly are examples of mixed market systems. In terms of output and pricing, they...

Philosophy of Healthcare for Women

Along with common mission of controlling the normal processes of human reproduction, the spheres of medicine and midwifery have different but overlapping purposes and philosophies. “Midwifery and medicine have different but complementary purposes, philosophies and perspectives” (Ament, 2006, p. 21). Theoretical concepts which are relevant for the present day midwifery...

Ford Motor Company: Cash Flow Statement

Introduction In addition to an income statement and a balance sheet statement, a cash flow statement is used in order to conclude regarding the generation and distribution of cash in a company. The analysis of this statement is important to examine possible changes in the cash flows related to a...

“Cafe Rouge and Bella Italia Owner to Close Over 1/3rd of Outlets” by B. Mahmood

The Concept of Business Cycles Business cycles represent the natural change of economic development stages that reflect the external environment influencing a company’s activities. In this case, a cycle consists of several periods: expansion, peak, recession, depression, trough, and recovery. These events can be easily traced on the example of...

Core Values and Leadership

Personal values and beliefs are of immense importance to an individual since they dictate what a person judges to be of importance or worth in their lives. Pandey and Singh (2008, p.310) define personal values as “the deepest beliefs and sentiments we subscribe to” and state that values have a...

The Lexical Decision-Making Process: A Pseudoword

Introduction It is important to review the current literature in order to broaden the overall understanding of the lexical decision-making process. A study suggests that the given concept is mainly comprised of two regimes, which are high levels of competition for low frequency words and revisions for pseudowords (Barca &...

Fashion Design as a Major

Fashion design has long become global and spans across a multitude of industries, including clothing, modeling, retailing, and advertising. Clothes have functions besides covering the basic needs of human beings today. They serve as a way to express oneself, and sometimes they may be used as a communication channel. Graphic...

Competitive Advantage in a Firm’s Operations

A focus on the best of the three sources of competitive advantages to a firm ought to be the foundation for the others. For instance, concentrating on extra business advantages means ability to capture attention of more audience, thus the possibility to have more customers. Ensuring strict commitment to one...

Molded Affordable Care Act 2010

Introduction Research and analysis of health care among individuals indicate that most of the people found in correctional institutions come across numerous challenges in getting the health, as well as behavioral health care attention that they require while within such situations (Beronio, Po, Skopec, & Glied, 2013). According to a...

The Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender

Introduction The Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common dementia-related maladies that arise from damage or death of brain cells. Various health researchers have come up with theoretical frameworks that are aimed at alleviating the condition. This essay examines the health promotion model by Nola Pender with a view...

Nurse-Patient Ratios Problem

In order to solve the problems that cause difficulties and are perceived as the sources of stress and conflicts in their careers, nurses are to be able to choose an upstream approach. In other words, instead of trying to deal with the issues at the workplace spending more effort and...

Teaching for the Nurse Educators

Introduction The belief that teachers ‘teach how they were taught’ is one logical explanation of how educators develop their own teaching philosophies and methodologies. In recognition of the fact that contemporary educators need to reach out to a more diverse group of students, they also need to expand their teaching...

Hypothyroidism Pathophysiology and Treatment

Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones. The underproduction of thyroid hormones can result from an abnormality either in the thyroid gland itself, the pituitary gland, or the hypothalamus. Congenital hypothyroidism is not common. This paper will discuss the etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment, and...

“Ancestry in a Drop of Blood” Article by Karen Kaplan

In her article Karen Kaplan brings up the issue of racial and national identity, investigating the challenges of Native American people in the US. Providing examples from real-life stories the author aims to determine what does it mean to be Indian and whether or not DNA testing is scientifically and...

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and fighting against frauds and abuses in health care. HIPAA allows being sure about the effectiveness in the health care system and continuity of human health insurance...

Emergency Department Staff Hourly Rounding Effects on Clients’ Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility

The Purpose Statement A number of studies have noted that emergency departments of most hospitals around the world have poor patient satisfaction scores. According to Soremekun, Takayesu and Bohan, (2011, p. 668), satisfaction can be viewed as the difference between patients’ perceptions and their expectations”. Olrich, Kalman and Nigolian (2012)...

The US Veterans: The Problem of Tobacco Smoking

Veterans form an important cultural group in the society. The saddening fact is that such veterans have always been a major challenge to healthcare givers. Although the rate of tobacco use among American veterans has been declining, those returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are smoking at an alarming rate (Bastian...

Understanding of Kant’s Sublime Experience by Merritt

Melissa McBay Merritt is a philosopher whose works mainly concern Kant’s philosophy, history of ethics, and modern impact on society. She examines how moral rationalism can be implemented in contemporary ethics and what effect Kant’s legacy caused in the structure of today’s morality and the human mind. This essay considers...

Insurance Comparison: Dental Plans and Benefits

Dental practitioners must demonstrate adequate understanding of the existing Dental Plans and types of Dental Benefits if they are to succeed in providing optimal care to patients and receive sufficient reimbursement for the services provided. Direct reimbursement and indemnity insurance are two types of benefit models offered in the American...

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Qualitative Article Critique

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The Problem of Overpopulation and Energy Scarcity

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The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health

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Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation

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Change Leadership Techniques: Change Management

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Continuous Medical Education and Its Importance

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Value of Religious Literacy in Society

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“Miranda v. Arizona” Supreme Court Ruling

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Researching of Codes in Medicine

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is medical nomenclature that is vital for laboratory test requests and findings. It is one of a series of recognized standards for usage in United States Federal Government systems for the digital interchange of medical patient data. The Standards Development Organization designated LOINC...

The Antebellum South and Slave Resistance

The history of the United States is full of significant and pivotal events, and the Civil War is among them. The 4-year warfare resulted in a single political entity of the US, created a more powerful federal government, and brought freedom for many enslaved Americans and others. However, it is...

Shop Healthy NYC Assessment

Mannan supermarket maintains a healthy checkout aisle because it has natural food and healthy items rather than sugary snacks or unhealthy items at the checkout section. The Shop has a good produce section neatly arranged along the perimeter of the check out section. The arrangement enables the customers to see...

Writing and Photography Overview

The understanding of the process of creating literary works of any kind can be enhanced through its comparison with other types of art. For example, the consideration of this initiative contrasted with photography with details inherent in these activities might help grasp the meaning of aspects affecting the resulting products....