Heart Attack: A Specialized Heart Attack First Aid Team

Heart attack is an acute pathology that can occur in people of all ages and genders. Women are usually in the minority in the company and having a specialized heart attack first aid team is helpful. In addition, recognizing the signs is also helpful, so a campaign should be created...

Dr. Rosser-Mims’ Diversity Model and Leadership Style

At some point in the past, I volunteered at a local conference, and the organizers intended to meet the diversity quota. However, they limited their inclusive practices to primary characteristics, such as race (D. Kerry Palmer, 2020). Meanwhile, personal preferences in managing individual tasks were entirely ignored. As a result,...

Podcast on Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’s Works and Beliefs

Introduction This essay critically reviews the ‘S22/03 Dorothy Hodgkin’ podcast from BBC’s Our Times series—in which Melvyn Bragg and contributors analyze Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’s (1910-1994) works and beliefs. The critical podcast review addresses the important historical lessons acquired, the exceptional characteristics of Hodgkin’s work and life, teachings about the era...

La Vie En Rose Song by Ann Hampton Callaway

The song La Vie En Rose was performed by Ann Hampton Callaway as a part of her concert Jazz Goes to the Movies. The performance took place on June 25th at Feinstein’s/54 Below Club, where the concert ran for several dates (Feinstein’s/54 Below, 2019). The song, originally written and performed...

Climate Change and Global Warming Awareness

Introduction Climate change is a global phenomenon that generally occurs due to natural causes. However, global warming is a relevant problem that is getting worse each day because of greenhouse gas emissions from human-made factories and industrial processes. The global temperature rises, causing food security issues, biodiversity loss, and changing...

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Duties

Nurses’ “to-do” checklists change rapidly when they learn that The Joint Commission (TJC) members arrived at one of their sites for an inquiry. When they discover that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has assigned the state health department to investigate a patient’s accusations, their meticulously planned day...

Projective Personality Assessment

Projective methods of personality research have been of particular interest to both professionals in the field of psychology and ordinary people for more than a decade. The term “projection”, literally translated from Latin as “throwing forward”, is used to denote the conscious or unconscious transfer of the subject’s own experiences,...

Incarceration in the U.S and Ireland

In different cultures and social settings, the state of being confined to prison or intercalation is spelled out as a formal structure. In the progressive development of the various aspects elements, different approaches are deployed by the respective authorities to define prison terms and the measures put in place to...

Corruption in Africa: Causes and Solutions

Since corruption is a negative social phenomenon that hinders the development of many countries and undermines their economy, the fight against it is considered one of the most significant tasks of the modern world. Bribery is probably the most burdensome for the inhabitants of African states, where it weakens the...

Epic Systems: Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Record Systems Epic is a privately held company that provides electronic health record products to more than 190 million people worldwide. Established in 1979, the company saw its client base grow tremendously with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009. According to Forbes magazine, Epic System’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Researching of Ancient Greek Sophistry

Introduction In the third quarter of the 5th century BCE, the term ‘sophistry’ started being applied to a loosely affiliated group of philosophers who used argument and rhetoric to convey their opinions and influence others. This was especially true in Athens, with specialists often charging high prices due to the...

Disconnecting from the World by Being Connected

Introduction Only Disconnect is an essay by Gary Shteyngart published in 2010 in New York Times. It concerns the notions of people’s personal connection in the age of electronic devices and the Internet. The essay uses a wide range of instruments to craft its rhetorical appeal. The ideas and the...

Jazz Music as Reflection of Social Injustices

Summary During the civil rights movement, jazz music took a decidedly political tone to undertake an active role in the fight for civil rights. Jazz music provided soundtracks used in most liberation movements by utilizing vocal arrangements to create sound expressing injustices against marginalized African Americans, acting as a force...

Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed

Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was underwater, and about 700,000 people lost their homes (Rohland, 2017). Artificial accidents, oil...

Listening Competency and Its Role in Leadership

Listening is a crucial competency in the modern world, given the amount of sound information one needs to process for various needs, from informed decision-making to meaningful relationships. The leadership role suggests that one individual interacts with many different people, both delivering information to them and receiving messages from them....

Kohl’s “Spring Into Action” Clip: Advertisement Analysis

The selected advertisement for this report is the 2021 Kohl’s “Spring into Action” clip. The video features an employee delivering a package to the house of a family, outside a young girl is drawing on the sidewalk with chalk (King, 2021). The clip depicts neighbors playing and jumping through the...

The Montgomery Bus Boycott: A Triumph of Civil Disobedience

Introduction There are many historical examples where people have manifested their citizenship and protested against injustice. Due to their multiplicity and resilience, many have been able to transform not only their lives but the lives of the entire city or country. Examples of civil disobedience include the Salt March and...

Mercantilism and Its Impact on Atlantic Empires

A successful economic strategy known as mercantilism, which flourished in Great Britain during the 16th and 18th centuries, aims to boost a country’s riches through exporting. Between 1640 and 1660, while mercantilism was at its height, the nation reaped its grandest rewards (British Parliament 1660). At that time, conventional economic...

Community Counselling of Bristol County Overview

Community-based service centers are essential organizations that help individuals cope with a large variety of issues. One such entity that operates in Southern Massachusetts is Community Counselling of Bristol County (CCBC). The organization provides numerous services, including adult behavioral health, child & family, acute care, community support, and rehab programs....

Benefits and Costs of Discretionary Benefits

Introduction Employers who offer bonuses, paid time off, wellness initiatives, employee discounts, and tuition reimbursement to their staff are said to be providing discretionary benefits. Employers provide these incentives even though they are not necessitated by law in order to recruit and retain talent, raise morale, and increase output. Understanding...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Depression on a Family

Depression may not top the list of the most traumatizing experiences, but it definitely hits the top ten. It alters a person’s live, changes the pattern of one’s social interactions and blocks one’s way of experiencing positive emotions. However, the family of the depressed person also suffers greatly. In their...

The Meaning of Responsibility

The meaning of responsibility Different people have a lot of responsibilities which can be various according to their age, peculiarities of life, personal and social status. Many persons understand that while becoming adults, they acquire not only many rights but also a great number of responsibilities. However, from this point...

Freight Strategies and the Importance of Classification

The classification of freight is necessary for the efficient transportation and handling of goods. In particular, it is important to group products that have similar characteristics such as density, value, weight, fragility, and so forth (Bowersox, Class, Cooper, & Bowersox, 2009, p. 213). One should note that logistics companies may...

Social Media’s Influence on the Children and Teens Lives

Social media platforms have influenced the lives of children and young teens in many ways. These platforms are associated with negative and positive aspects. Owing to this fact, there is the need for people to appreciate the impact of social media so that they can caution children and young teens...

Alzheimer’s Patients and Adverse Effects Reduction

Research Question and Qualitative Method Research question: What are the best practices that could mitigate the adverse effect of Alzheimer’s disease on aging patients and how these practices influence the existing practices of geriatric nurses and patient outcomes on a long-term scale? Within the framework of the current research, the...

Family Building in Symbolic Interactionism View

Introduction Family structure, relationships inside it and factors of influence tend to change over time. In the context of social family studies, the approach of symbolic interactionism deserved its privileged place due to a number of factors. First of all, it has a wide capacity for the theoretical thinking; its...

Global Social Progress and Human Development

Defined as the attempt at improving the rates of social investment from all denizens of the world population (Guiding social investment, 2015), global social progress is an essential concept that helps locate the mistakes that have been made in the past I terms of economic and political solutions, assess the...

Cognitive Behavioral Theory as Addiction Treatment

There are different procedures through which patients with addiction problems can be treated. Two of these procedures are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the role of thinking when it comes to people’s feelings and actions. This is a beneficial fact...

Elie Wiesel’s Book “Night” Literature Analysis

Introduction Elie Wiesel was an American national (born in Romania in 1928). The book ‘Night’ is actually a translation (by Hill & Wang in 1960) of the original novel titled ‘Un di Velt Hot Geshvign’ that Wiesel wrote in 1955 (in the Yiddish language). In this book, Wiesel brings about...

Service-Oriented Behavior Promotion in Nurses

Introduction The motivation of staff plays a big role in nursing management. Nurse leaders are responsible for securing the professional development of nurse practitioners, performing conflict and relationship management, and promoting service-oriented behavior and values. Service orientation includes identifying and meeting the needs of customers and motivation to improve health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Understaffing at Palmetto Hospital

Introduction The problem addressed by the present project is nursing understaffing at Palmetto Hospital that is associated with a variety of negative outcomes in the staff cooperation and teamwork that, in turn, translate into the decreasing quality and safety of care provided to the patients of the institution (Rogowski et...

Chief Nursing Officer as a Leader and Representative

Comparison of the Roles Nursing directors are administrators that are working at different healthcare facilities (such as hospitals and nursing homes). Their role may revolve around the concept of supervision, but they are no strangers to administrative functions (including budgetary operations and record-keeping). To acquire this role, an individual has...

Nursing Code of Ethics, Human Dignity and Commitment

Introduction A nurse is one of the central figures of the modern healthcare sector. Being responsible for the efficient delivery of care and communication with patients, this very specialist plays a critical role in the recovery process and its outcomes. At the same time, working with patients and engaging in...

Female Drug Abuser’s Recovery Care Plan

An object of this study is a woman in her late forties. She is a IV drug abuser who is recovering. Both her physical and moral condition is not good. She complains of feeling bad. The laboratory tests reveal elevated alanine aminotransferase and antibody positive for Hepatitis C and Hepatitis...

The Concept of Human Needs Theory in Nursing

Human Needs Theory: Description In 1943, the Theory of Human Needs was created by Abraham H. Maslow (Cao et al., 2013). Known as Maslow’s Hierarchy (of Needs), the framework allows determining the role of specific factors on the personal development of an individual. According to the theorist, there are six...

Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola Companies Performance Management

Coca Cola and PepsiCo are Fortune 500 companies and therefore other companies observe their human resource practices as models. Motivating and managing human capital It is imperative to recognise that both Coca Cola and PepsiCo take pride in their workforce. Pepsi, for instance, acknowledges that employees are its greatest assets...

Standard 3 for Early Childhood Professional

Introduction To be able to advocate the rights of young children and their families, it is important to be aware of the context of early childhood development. There are different standards within this area of expertise, but knowing the standard of observing, documenting and assessing to support young children and...

Cargo Crimes and Threats: Government Accountability Office

GAO Report Government Accountability Office (GAO) report was first published after the September 11 attacks. It was published during the attempt to improve on the security of the United States. After the September 11 attacks, the government realized the nation was not as secure as earlier thought. Before the attacks,...

Wal-Mart Corporation and American Nation’ Development

Living in the realm of globalization, people of the 21st century engage in the multicultural communication process on a regular basis. Be it a part of their job or heir pastime, intercultural communication has become an integral part of the American people’s lives, a fact, which Wal-Mart leaders have taken...

Just-in-Time Production Method: Toyota Company’ Case

What is JIT? The JIT commonly refers to the just-in-time method of production. The major area of its implementation is the Japanese car manufacturing. It is a holistic system of managing the process of production. The major objective of this manufacturing method is an attempt to reduce production waste and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health IT: Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter

Health care technologies play an important role in not only ensuring better outcomes for patients but also making the work of practitioners easier and impactful. One of the recent technologies is the Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter (PICC), which offers a new approach to providing intravenous access. As an alternative...

“The Wizard of Oz”: Movie Analysis

Analysis The Scarecrow is a character that shows his optimism even in situations with minimum available information about possible outcomes. For example, he is optimistic about two roads that he has never put his foot on and believes that “it’s pleasant down that way, too” (The Wizard of Oz, 1939)....

Patient-Centered Care: Nursing Training Quality Indicator

Introduction The topic of the paper is “Patient-Centered Care.” An individual approach to the care of each patient is an indispensable attribute of the contemporary nursing activity, and it meets all the standards of professional requirements that are entrusted to junior medical personnel. In the process of work, not only...

Location of Chemical Disposals

To state the fact that chemical disposals located near the community can cause severe illnesses, it is necessary to complete the careful research, to analyze the findings, and focus on conclusions. Thus, it is important to clarify the type of research needed in order to find the necessary materials on...

Gestalt: Hebb’s and Tolman’s Theories

Gestalt Perception is a cornerstone of Gestalt. It establishes the process responsible for the processing of the information (Lefrancois, 2016). As such, it is likely that it had a profound effect on the development of cognitivism. The primary reason for that is the core component of the approach that requires...

Data Presentation and Method Variance in Research

Use of Tables and Figures in Research Research is an essential aspect that enables people to make appropriate use of the available information to handle issues that affect their lives. Data collecting, recording, and analyzing are critical aspects of any research process. Data collected by researchers forms the basis for...

Predicting Pressure Ulcers in Critically Ill Patients

Introduction In the article “The challenge of predicting pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: A multicenter cohort study”, Ranzani, Simpson, Japiassú, and Noritomi (2016) focused on the risks of having pressure ulcers that are faced by patients with severe health problems. Professionals underlined that even though these preventable events are...

Vitas Innovative Hospice Care’s Patient Referrals

Procedure and Process for Patient Referrals The process of patient referral in Vitas Innovative Hospice Care can be made by any healthcare professional that identifies the apparent need for the procedure. Importantly, the patient’s general practitioner must be notified of the fact of the referral. The patient who is being...

Implementation of Clinical Business Intelligence

Dr. Philip Smith provides a discussion that is devoted to the introduction to Clinical Business Intelligence (CBI). The discussion does not appear to clearly and explicitly define CBI. However, from the speech, it can be concluded that CBI involves all the processes that are employed by healthcare organizations to turn...

Policy in Nursing and Healthcare

Nurses as Activists Today, many people are involved in the discussions about the roles of nurses and their consideration as activists, who are able to improve modern health care and contribute the solution of nursing challenges that may occur at local, national and even global levels. Taking into consideration the...

Ann Fudge as a New CEO of Y&R and Her Management

Five-Factor Model Applied to Ann Fudge, the CEO of Y&R Ann Fudge’s management style is open, which makes it easy for her subordinates to collaborate with her. She is positive and receptive to new ideas her workers propose, and this inspires them to perform better. She encourages her staff to...

Faithful Citizenship: Catholic Social Thought

Personal Reflection The Church has always played a great role in the politics of Christian states. However, while the Middle Ages were the time of its full power, the Church’s influence in the modern world is not as significant. In the times of the crisis of faith, it is extremely...

Nursing Research and Its Fundamentals

Research in medicine is an essential factor in testing concepts and developing new knowledge. In nursing, research can be conducted in different areas, connected to the patients care and health outcomes. Blake (2016) argues that nursing research improves the quality of care that the patients receive. As the primary objective...

Gifted and Talented Students

Existence of Gifted Programs Gifted programs have over the years been helpful and beneficial to students who have been enrolled in it. These programs should exist and the money allocated to cater for the programs should be provided. Talent and gifting is part and parcel of our lives and academic...

Integrating Data From Multiple Sources

Examples, where integrated data may help, inform the core business procedures of the larger organization A firm can use it’s Business Process Management (BPM) framework and service account from a Client Relationship Management (CRM) implementation can be integrated into a core data hub for one view of the client (Loshin,...

Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity

The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers but also from believers who sought to change their faith. The reasons for these persecutions were mainly due to the fear of Christianity by the Romans, as they dubbed it a mere superstition rather than a belief. It is imperative to...

The Keep Britain Clean Campaign Press Release

The launch of The Keep Britain Clean Campaign London, Eng. – August 18, 2011. In an effort to stem the tidal wave of litter that has clogged Britain’s city streets the various local city councils have started the “Keep Britain Clean Campaign”. Spearheaded by environmentalist Michael Murphy the campaign seeks...

Food & Beverage Companies’ Input to Global Food Consumption

Introduction The objective of the article was to show that without the participation of small and medium enterprises in the International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA), the impact by major multinational companies, through their pledges, would remain insignificant. Their share of the global packaged food sales is only 3.3 percent....

Ethics and Supportive Systems in Organizations

Ethics and supportive systems are critical within an organization. Autonomy is a potential stimulator of ethics in an organization. It refers to the extent to which workers are provided with the independence to plan on how to do their duties. Autonomy has been noted to motivate workers and usually increases...

Corporal Punishment in Florida Public Schools

Introduction Corporal punishment is widely used in Florida schools, and many educators view it as an efficient method of children’s behavior management. Florida state laws allow schools to use corporate punishment at the principal’s discretion, even if the parents are against such practice. Nevertheless, psychologists argue that the practice can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Reflecting Pool” Video Art by Bill Viola

Throughout his career as a video artist, Bill Viola has created numerous single-channel videos and installations focused on exploring viewers’ inner spirituality and influencing deep levels of consciousness. His work has been deeply affected by the scholarly studies of Western and Eastern art, religion, and philosophy. While Viola’s current use...

Fire Support Planning in Military

The methods of war change every day as their increased efficiency and dominant character are a key to the creation of the strategy and struggling against near peer competitors who might pose a threat to the states security. For this reason, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of...

Chapter 12 of Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies by Gills & Jacobs

Part II of Chapter 12 Intersectional feminism seems to have appeared as a response to the predominant paradigm of radical feminism that was characterized by the oversimplification of a phenomenon as complex as gender disparities. Radical feminists allegedly strived for the establishment of the global sisterhood, and yet, they never...

The 2016 Kindergarten Program: Curriculum Analysis

The philosophy of the 2016 Kindergarten program is established based on providing a substantial foundation for 4-5-old-year learners in friendly and safe conditions. The major goals are concerned with the development of young learners’ curiosity, social and emotional competence, creativity, and well-being (“The Kindergarten Program,” 2016). The program emphasizes the...

Gentrification and Urban Change: Brooklyn’s Story

The question of gentrification has been raised for decades and continues to bother many people who live in such neighborhoods as Brooklyn. The conundrum of gentrification and the role of demand in modern society serve as the reason why I want to share my position on this issue. Though zoning...

Abortion in the US: Human Behavior and Social Environment

Each year, a broad cross-section of U.S. women obtain abortions. The following statistics are provided by Guttmacher Institute: “some 60% of women having abortions were in their 20s; 59% had one or more children; 86% were unmarried; 75% were economically disadvantaged; and 62% reported a religious affiliation” (“State facts about...

Nursing Stress Solutions: Benefits and Support

Introduction Nursing practice is associated with a substantial workload, demanding working environment, and numerous conflict situations to be addressed. Nurses often experience stress that hinders their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, as well as their capacity to complete tasks effectively (Khamisa, Peltzer, Ilic, & Oldenburg, 2016). Nursing stress is one...

The Concept of Patient-Centered Care

Introduction The present paper will consider one of the nursing competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC). PCC can be defined as a form of holistic care that is suited to the specific needs, preferences, abilities, and circumstances of patients and aims to empower them along with their families (Constand, MacDermid, Dal Bello-Haas,...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention in the Hospitals

Topic Description Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a significant burden to healthcare as they are associated with high morbidity expenditures. According to Cano et al. (2015), “the cost of care for one PU is between $500 and $70,000, depending on the stage” (p. 574). At the same time, PUs are considered...

Risk of Arterial Hypertension in Workers Employed at Coal-Mining Enterprises

The target population is likely to be exposed to a multitude of threats that jeopardize its health and quality of life. First and foremost, the target population consists of miners: their professional field implies certain occupational risks and the possibility of developing numerous adverse conditions. The most common concern for...

Diagnosing Dementia in Older Patients

Many older people of different occupations receive the ‘dementia’ diagnosis nowadays. As a rule, dementia develops after the age of 65 and has three stages – early, moderate, and advanced (Khachaturian & Radebaugh, 2019). The development of the disease may be hard to prognosticate, while the average life expectancy after...

New Science Company’s Success in the Global Economy

Introduction An aggressive increase in sales through active global market penetration is often seen as a rather risky strategy to take, yet, for an organization with a significant competitive advantage that is ready to enter the global economy, the described approach is likely to have a positive effect. In New...

Applied Management: Developing Leadership Skills

Introduction Leadership development refers to any activity that enhances the quality of leadership within an individual or organization.Successful management requires more than just assigning tasks to the employees to perform. It calls for a leader who can inspire its members to achieve their full potential. To successfully develop leadership skills...

Trauma: the Main Problems and Consequences

The problems of trauma and loss, resulted from all levels of conflict, can be seen as a common theme, specifically in the context of the historical and political events of the 20th and 21st century. The apparent need in dealing with traumas and losses, in terms of providing psychological care...

Stadiums and Arenas: Economic Development or Redistribution?

Exploration of Stadiums and Arenas Coates (2007) evaluated literature to retrieve the effects of proficient sports’ teams as well as stadiums to the people residing in the surrounding areas. The research indicated that this aspect had been addressed by copious academic and hired investigators. Essentially, the researcher addresses the problems...

Business Practices and Sustainability

In our ever-changing world, innovation is one of the most important processes to exist. Nowadays, people seek changes that would bring the largest amount of value to individuals, organizations, and the environment. It is crucial for one to take into consideration the business practices of today’s companies. In his paper...

Strategic Management and Business Policy: SWOT Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis refers to the analysis of the strategic environment that impact on the activities of an organization. Under SWOT analysis, the internal factors that originate from the firm are categorized into strengths denoted by S or weaknesses denoted by W, while those factors that are external to the...

Mechanism of US Agricultural Market

The fact that lower interest rates increased the number of potential customers for real estate in the early 2000s shows that housing prices should have increased substantially. Based on market supply and demand theory, a reduced cost would attract an incredible number of consumers and engage them in mortgages irrespective...

“The Spellman Files” by Lisa Lutz

Lisa Lutz’s The Spellman Files is a novel with disordered episodes which combine some genres. It combines literary work with comedy and mystery in a 300-plus-page book. Despite the problems found in the structure of the book, Lutz’s choice of characters, humor and adept narration makes the book an interesting...

Culture and Trauma: Domestic Dispute

Article Review The issue identified is Domestic dispute (Divorced parents and Child care). The article identified discusses a special Issue: Culture and Trauma and was written by Mattar, Drozdek, and Figley. According to the authors, a lot of studies in the field of trauma emphasized randomized controlled trials and evidence-based...

Intelligence: Are We Smarter Than Our Parents?

The Flynn effect states that the levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) have been rising over time and increasing among the consequent generations. The change may be attributed to several factors like the changes in technology, lifestyles, learning methods and the increasing number of scientists and inventions of our time among...

What Does Money Have to Do With It?

The policy oriented toward providing judges with the information on the costs of sentencing types can be discussed as rather controversial because of the impossibility to predict its potential effects on society. Presenting judges with sentencing costs can change their decisions and be an economically advantageous solution to address the...

Mobile Apps for Diabetes Mellitus Patients Research

Research on mobile medical apps for diabetes mellitus (DM) patients Intent to analyze commercially available apps available for DM patients Apps have outcomes published in the literature, received FDA or CE Mark approval Apps intend to support blood glucose (BG) and DM self-management 14 mobile medical apps identified: smartphone-based and...

Toyota Motors: Strategy Analysis

Introduction Toyota has been known as one of the major global corporations producing cars. Originally founded in Japan, the company quickly grew into a global enterprise represented on multiple levels and targeting a wide variety of buyers. However, despite the attempts at incorporating the latest advances in HRM the company...

Concept of Labour Mixture: Interpretations and Arguments

Locke argued that in the ‘natural state’ the human original condition, every person had an equal right to ownership and use of natural resources that were provided by the “spontaneous hand of nature” (Locke, 2005, sect. 25). The earth was commonly owned; however, resources are not useful for human survival...

“Amélie” Film by Jean-Pierre Jeunet Review

After watching a good film, it is sometimes hard for the viewers to explain what it is about because they are too impressed with it. However, it should be added that these people must necessarily have shining eyes, a smile from ear to ear, and some “inner glow”. After watching...

Pharmaceutical Industry: Effective Market Strategy

Effective market strategy greatly determines the successful performance of a business. However, its sufficiency to meet the requirements of a business is highly doubtable. With a biased focus on the pharmaceutical industry, it is, therefore, cardinal to ascertain the authenticity of the above statement. A marketing strategy in the pharmaceutical...

The Theme of Death in Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” Poem

The American poetry of the twentieth century is marked with many outstanding works that still draw the attention of the public and literature researchers. Sylvia Plath is one of the authors whose profound poems and vivid language brought her posthumous fame. In this essay, one of her most well-known poems,...

Sexual Harassment in the Army: Causes and Solutions

The right to be protected against assault, specifically, the one of sexual type, s one of the basic rights of individuals, yet this right is regularly violated in military settings. Due to the rigid structure and the established hierarchy in the U.S. Army, the instances of sexual harassment and assault...

Cedar’s Journey in “Future Home of the Living God” by Louise Erdrich

The story presented in Louise Erdrich’s novel under the title Future Home of the Living God is an example of a hero’s story. Being set in pre-apocalyptic America, the dystopian novel is written from the first-person perspective. It conveys a journey of a pregnant twenty-six-year-old Native American woman named Cedar...

Different Interpretations of Conquest

The accounts of conquest vary significantly depending on the angle one views the same events from. The Spanish conquest of South America is a landmark event in world history. The clash of civilizations that happened when Spaniards discovered America is an example of the event which is interpreted very differently...

Plea Bargaining: Justice or Injustice

Plea bargaining is one of the key elements of the American Criminal Justice system. It is a unique approach towards inducing cooperation between the defendant and the prosecutor regarding the case. Its advantage is that both parties achieve some form of benefit, but the disadvantage is the endangerment of the...

The Writing Poetry: Review

About Patriotism Who is a real patriot in your eyes? The one who loves his country With all his soul, Or the one who willingly arises When the anthem is playing loudly To prove his role? You can be proud of your nationality. But can you cross that thin line...

The Book “Wonder” by R.J Palacio

R.J. Palacio’s debut book Wonder was first published in 2012. The author was working as a visual designer and writing the novel at the same time. The book focuses on August, who suffers from a facial deformation that stopped him from attending a public school (Palacio, 2012). However, this situation...

Diagnostic Testing in Chest Pain Units

Early diagnosing is important for the patient population with symptoms that can be consistent with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) because the wrong diagnosis and premature discharge can have tragic consequences. The monitoring of the undifferentiated population with acute chest pain in the traditional hospital setting is ineffective, costly, and time-consuming....

Comparative Study on Technological Failures

Institutions of higher learning are increasingly using technology to aid in the learning process. However, this vital resource is prone to constant failures that slow down the learning process. In addressing this problem, Hitch (2002) and Wepner (2004), present similar and diverse ways of dealing with this predicament. Hitch (2002,...

Progressivism in American Political Life

Progressivism is the reform movement that prevailed in American political life in the early 20th century. Progressivist reforms have been about government regulation of monopolies, support for trade unions, government health programs, curbing political corruption, and protecting the environment (Shi & Tindall, 2015). During World War I, progressives took steps...

Utilitarianism and Protection of People’s Rights

Among criticisms targeted at the ethical theory of utilitarianism is one that states that it fails to protect people’s rights and freedoms. The critics’ argument is based on the main principles of utilitarianism formulated back in the eighteenth century, their interpretation, and their applicability in the modern world. The purpose...

“Chief Nursing Officer Executive Development” by Frederickson

The scope of nurses’ responsibilities and roles is expanding and evolving with time due to the involvement in administrative and leadership functions. In the contemporary times, nurses have been occupying executive positions, and this culture is developing in most hospitals across the United States. Therefore, these emerging roles require chief...

Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA

Introduction Over the years, public service announcements have become a genre in themselves, creating an environment where the focus on warning and prevention warrants significant exaggerations and, at times, even the presence of logical fallacies. A closer look at one of the earlier PSAs will show that a single announcement...

Mrs. Pitcher vs. Bankruptcy Trustee

Introduction Corporate governance is the primary system that aims to ensure that a company is managed adequately and under the established collection of rules. When corporate governance is poor, it may lead to unfavorable outcomes for shareholders, including financial losses or even bankruptcy. Mr. Pitcher’s bank, after being inherited by...

Obesity Treatment – More Than Food

The proponents of the study, Anders Lindelof, Claus Nielsen, and Birthe Pedersen wanted to explore how obese adolescents, and their parents view obesity. This qualitative study is a good example of phenomenological–hermeneutic approach. The researchers developed a qualitative study based on the phenomenological approach, because they examined real life situations....

Changes in the Healthcare Environment

Continued changes have occurred in the health provision sector, health care providers and team members. These changes are fuelled by a number of challenges facing this sector. The factors include: introduction of new supportive technology, social changes involving demography and disease patterns, patient intelligence, demand for quality services and legislation....

Coordination and Involvement

Introduction Patient collaboration and outcome are central elements, which dictate the overall success of the nursing practice. In order to advance patient-centered care, nurses should always consider the importance of coordination and involvement as two critical components of health interview and assessment process. Coordination is vital because it utilizes a...

Continuous Probability Distributions in Biostatistics and Public Health

In oral health settings, continuous probability distributions are often used by researchers and practitioners to measure variables such as the occurrence of dental caries in a particular population, level of hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and optimal orthodontic bonding system in the treatment of teeth irregularities (Kim &...

Medicare and Medicaid in the US Healthcare System

The research gave an extensive history of Medicare and Medicaid in the US healthcare system. Additionally, it provided an overview of the healthcare standards in the country. Through the research, it was identified that it is the role of the government to ensure that its citizens access affordable and quality...

The Problem of Violence and Aggression in Health Care Services

The problem of violence and aggression in health care services has received great attention over the last few years. Many health care workers have to be able to handle behavioral emergencies. It is important not only to be able to react or avoid such situations. The primary problem refers to...

Probation Success and Failure

Probation is a key element of the criminal justice system, where an individual is kept out of jail but imposed a certain set of rules. One should be aware that probation’s success relies on a wide range of factors, which can include the active involvement of probation officers and the...

US Criminal Justice System’s Most Significant Problems

A criminal justice system of any country is meant to ensure justice and maintain law and order in the society. A good criminal justice system must therefore provide for safer environs and reduced crime in a country. The US Criminal justice system seems to have failed on this account if...

Applying Socioeconomic Model

Introduction Socioeconomic model is an effective model of public health, which effectively elucidates occurrence of health disparities in various neighborhoods owing to socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic factors that are present in various social settings such as neighborhood play a significant role in determining health status of individuals in a neighborhood. Brenner,...

A UGV in My Life: Commercial Functions, Application

A UGV is not typically deemed as an item that one would have in their household as a means of transportation. However, due to the specifics of my professional life and the environment in which I live I need a UGV to reduce the time consumed by transportation and focus...

Training Program Planning and Evaluation

External factors and influences Nowadays companies have to face quite a number of competitive challenges that encourage them to improve the quality of goods they manufacture and the services they provide. Training is regarded as one of the most effective methods to enhance staff performance. The traditional approach to training...

The Process of Muscle Contraction

For muscles to contract, the muscle fiber creates tension within itself. This tension is brought up by the action of myosin and actin cross-bridging sequence. Contraction in muscles generally means the generation of tension by the muscles with the help of neurons (Starr, Beverly 108). “The sliding-filament theory of muscle...

Philosophy and Science in Practice Discipline on Nursing

Influence of Philosophy of science on nursing Philosophy of science has contributed a lot to nursing. It has acted to bridge the gap between theory and practice of Nursing. Just like all other professionals, nurses seek knowledge to improve service provision and also to define their role in society. Philosophy...

Accessory Plus Incorporated’s Drug Abuse Case

Overview of the case Drug addiction is an undesired incident in any given work environment. For a company to deal with incidences of drug abuse and related incidences in the work environment, a clear policy on drug abuse should be established. In the case of Accessory Plus Incorporated, the issue...

Children and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction This article plays a valuable role in studying my topic, which is the influence of coronavirus on children’s mental health. In their report, Phelps and Sperry (2020) discuss an extremely important but underestimated issue and try to draw people’s attention to it. A vast number of factors may harm...

Lockdown Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Lockdown measures are practiced in many regions to control the spread of the COVID -19 virus. It involves restrictions of movement and association in public. Although population health is protected by the set boundaries, several important activities have been hindered. For instance, the ability to socialize, and exercise human...

The Impact That Telehealth Could Have

Telehealth is defined as the transfer of medical information through electronic means to improve the health of the patient. The state allocates millions of dollars for the development of Telehealth to improve medical care for people living in rural areas. Despite the relatively long history of use and rapid technological...

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The Odyssey: Ideas for Creating a Sequel

Introduction The Odyssey is the world-famous ancient Greek epic and is interesting to a wide range of readers due to a variety of storylines. This work includes both a fairytale narrative and the descriptions of the characters’ lives, which makes it a unique object for detailed study and analysis. The...

Communication Goals and Attainment Practices

Establishing and securing diverse communication goals is an essential task for any individual. Attaining knowledge and conveying various emotions and perceptions becomes possible through extensive interactions with other individuals, which require an understanding of public speaking. Some scholars state that successful organization and achievement of communication aims is a necessary...

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Christianity in the 3rd Century AD

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Liz Kotz’s Statement About Artists` Personalities

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Franco Dictatorship: Censorship Peculiarities

Writers and artists aspire to express themselves freely – with only the inner ethical boundaries of this expression. Censorship has always been considered as a primary obstacle for and burden on art. During the period of the Franco dictatorship, a Spanish writer had to bear this censorship burden and adapt...

The Essence of Human Sexuality

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Oral Health Program: Funding Examples Discussion

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Health Professionals’ Challenges and Countermeasures

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Organizational Change in the Restaurant Industry

It is inevitable for a company to experience the need for organizational change. Strategic choices taken by leaders of a firm are often based on the need to gain or keep a competitive advantage (Oreg & Berson, 2019). This transition can be a result of restructuring, merging, new technology, optimization,...

Response to “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes

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Analysis of Meaning of Microaggression

Recently, there have been extensive attempts made in the US to get rid of the inequality and discrimination in the different life spheres. Nevertheless, microaggressions persist, with thousands of people experiencing them on a daily basis in coffee shops, school, the workplace, and other places. The articles discussed in this...

Botulism Prevention and Food Security Approaches

Introduction Botulism is a life-threatening infection by the botulinum toxin produced by the clostridium botulinum bacterium. These toxins cause respiratory or muscular paralysis secondary to the impairment of nerve functions. Patients with this infection generally present with double vision, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, pupil fixation, and dry mouth not corrected...

Challenges Faced by Ethnic Minorities

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Poverty Causes and Solutions in Latin America

Introduction The lack of equality in the distribution of goods among the world population is conditional upon historical processes. They primarily include colonization of different regions by European countries and the consequent exploitation of their people and resources for their benefit. From this perspective, Latin America was no exception to...

“Walking on Eggshells” Photo by Sandy Skoglund

Understanding of the Image Walking on eggshells is a photograph by Sandy Skoglund, which depicts two women in a room with snakes, eggs, and rabbits on the floor. The two women are close together and one has her arm stretched towards the other, who is holding a towel. They both...

Themes in the Novel “Invisible Man”

The novel Invisible Man is rightfully perceived as one of the pillars of American classical literature. Its main themes include identity, racial oppression and prejudice, civil rights, radicalism, and the contradiction between an internal and an external vision of oneself. The identity turmoil specifically acts as a central conflict of...

Leadership: Making Difficult Decisions

Jeffrey Stephen Wiegand is an American biochemist and former vice president of research and development at Brown & Williamson. Wiegand became known as a whistleblower when he appeared on the CBS 60 Minutes program and claimed that Brown & Williamson had intentionally manipulated its tobacco blend to enhance the nicotine...

George Washington’s “Farewell Address” Analysis

George Washington’s “Farewell Address” is often considered the most important document for the US political strategy. In tandem with Alexander Hamilton, he developed a memorandum or ‘instruction’ for future governors to ensure that his vision would be determined and understood not only by political scientists but also by the whole...

Chapters 1-4 of “Frankenstein” and Suggestion of Future Events

Frankenstein is the dramatic story of a scientist whose enthusiasm for science led to terrible consequences and personal misfortune. The protagonist, Victor Frankenstein, lost his dignity, honor, and faith in people in the pursuit of knowledge. For him, his picture of the world was probably the most important one, and...

“Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey: Song Analysis

The song “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey is an interesting piece of music. It was initially released in 2013 as a part of a soundtrack for the movie The Great Gatsby, based on the novel of the same name (Sia, 2013). The song’s lyrics were inspired by one...

Social Significance of Censorship and Alternatives

Introduction Censorship is the review of speech, television programs, or any other media, and the suppression of parts that are deemed objectionable for moral, political, or other reasons. By introducing various forms of censorship, state bodies motivate this kind of decision by considerations of state security, the need to combat...

Shakespeare’s Macbeth: Ambition Corrupts Good Morals

Every individual is driven by an ambition which often manifests itself in the desire to achieve a goal. In this context, individuals will go to any length to achieve their ambition. However, in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, too much ambition is depicted as a corruptor of good morals. Through the character...

Variation in the Types of Families in the USA

A family is the smallest unit that makes up a society and comprises parents and their children living together. The ideal family consists of a mother, father, and children while the extended family lives separately but meets on special occasions. The formation of a family is guided by moral and...

Strategic Leadership, Leadership Positions, Roles

As an essential phenomenon of society, leadership can be presented in two aspects. It is necessary to distinguish operational or situational leadership focused on the present and strategic leadership focused on the future. Without diminishing the role of a manager’s personal qualities, we view strategic leadership as the ability of...

Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity

Quran serves as the basis for Islamic doctrine and is considered the word of God, whereas Muhammad is merely a conduit through whom God speaks with humans. A significant part of the Quran could be described as the “family law,” and it contains a view on such types of family...