Films and Television: Visual Techniques

After engaging in Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical, visual and production aspects of film and television I have found that many similarities between techniques used in contemporary films and television. It is a well-known fact that the film industry appeared first and only then followed the era...

Product Launch of Lenovo 3000 Family Series PCs

Introduction Lenovo’s fundamental point of differentiation is innovativeness and creativity. As the Company began to make preparedness for global expansion, it borrowed its new name from the amalgam of part of its existing name- the Le in Legend, and ‘novo’ meaning new and ingenious. The combination of these two syllables,...

Pepsi Co’s Diversification Strategy in 2008

Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co....

Florence Nightingale’s Nursing Contributions

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was an outstanding human and left the priceless legacy for future nurses. She devoted her life to globally raising awareness of health issues and successfully transferred her message: widespread nursing care is essential for reaching “local-to-global health” (Beck, Dossey, & Rushton, 2012). Nightingale made a great contribution...

The Writing Process Overview and Analysis

Introduction Writing is a process involving both creative and routine aspects. It includes several steps, which help develop, shape, describe, and conclude one’s ideas. It is known to include five separate stages: prewriting, discovery drafting, revising, editing and proofreading, and publishing (“The Writing Process” 2). While some people move along...

Lowell Mill Girls and their Strikes

When Lower Mills decided to reduce the salaries, many girls felt angry and resolved to strike in large numbers. The girls decided that it was important that they oppose any attempts to cut down their earnings. This was because their wages were not the only thing that was bringing them...

Kant’s Moral Philosophy and Judge Patrick’s Final Decision

Kant’s moral philosophy falls under deontological ethical theories. The theories in this group hold that “the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty” (Walla 731). Kant argued that events such as lying, theft, and murder were morally wrong even...

Willowbrook: Consequences and Prospects

The Willowbrook State School, a psychiatric facility that mistreated its patients in an unspeakable manner, represents a dark chapter in American history. Exposed by journalist Geraldo Rivera in 1972, the misdeeds of Willowbrook became known as a catalyst for change in legislation in order to protect the civil rights of...

Logical Fallacies of Companies’ Advertisments

Gillette: ‘We Believe’ Genetic Fallacy The Genetic Fallacy is a logical fallacy that directly links a person’s origin to its character, personality, or nature, and it is present in the Gillette’s campaign ad. The argument begins with an identification of the origin of an individual, group, or entity. The next...

Dove Advertising Campaign “Real Beauty”

Thanks to the development of the media and social networks, people think about what is happening in the media space and express their opinion about it. Discussion of a Facebook post, a tweet, or a video can be complex, or even aggressive because content creators have tackled a controversial topic....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Prevention and Management

Goals of Therapy To cure insomnia and to achieve a healthy sleeping pattern To raise the awareness of self-treatment and OTC and to notify S.H. about their possible harmful consequences To educate the patient about the perimenopausal period, its symptoms and the ways of handling it effectively Drug Therapy Low...

Egyptian Military Potential Analysis

Introduction The Egyptian military potential is large compared to many other countries. According to the annual review, out of 138 states surveyed for this indicator, Egypt ranks ninth, which is a high result (“Egypt military strength,” 2020, para. 1). At the same time, the country is highly equipped with heavy...

Leadership in Extreme Situations: Iraq War

Introduction It is essential to have a leader who understands the needs of employees and the tasks assigned to them for any field of activity and any team. The combination of strict management and friendly exhortation pushes team members to do their job efficiently and feel comfortable with it. Examples...

Benefits of Sun-Gazing

Sun is a solar body that supports life on Earth and provides living creatures with multiple benefits. It gives energy for plant growth, to the animal kingdom, and it is necessary for climate change. One of the activities related to the sun is sun-gazing, the act of looking at the...

“Blackberries” by Ellen Hunnicutt and “Blackberries” by Leslie Norris – Comparison

The same title ‘Blackberries’ combines two stories written by Ellen Hunnicutt and Leslie Norris. The mention of berries is not accidental because the image of the berries goes through each story. The following essay will be devoted to comparison of these stories and finding the differences and similarities between them....

My Way of Balancing Responsibilities

Nowadays the tempo of life is becoming faster for the modern world requires a person’s performing many tasks. That is why people try to find a way to manage their time in order to deal with all the problems and responsibilities successfully. There exist courses, programs, and books that suggest...

Math: Set Theory

“A set is a collection of well defined and well-distinguished objects of our perception or thought.” (Mohindru & Grover, 2003, p.1). Set is usually represented by capital letters and some of the standard sets that are available are N [represents set of all-natural numbers] W [represents set of all whole...

Applications and Groupware: Wikia Site

There are numerous websites online offering tools to build wiki-sites. The websites range from offering enterprise solutions to offering personal spaces for individuals. The present paper will provide an overview of Wikia, and which provides the capabilities for building a wiki, based on preset categories (Wikia). Wikia has an initial...

Analysis of “This Is Water” by David Foster Wallace

The speech “This Is Water” provided in the paper is an address to the students of Kenyon College made in 2005. In it, David Foster Wallace reviews some particularities of people’s minds and their unconscious attitude to the events and circumstances around them. The author uses the young fish asking...

Project Planning and Management

Introduction Project planning is the foundation of any project work success. Managers need to understand all the steps in the project planning process. There are several approaches to project planning but a few are universally acceptable as vital in project planning. This essay seeks to address the topic of detailing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Practice of Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a type of physical treatment with a long history and a variety of contradictions. Some people truly believe in its effectiveness, and people cannot realize whether it is safe to rely on this practice. Though manual medicine does address certain local ailments, its outcomes on a psychological...

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education

Caregivers with baccalaureate degrees can provide quality care to their patients. A BSN nursing program transforms learners into professional nurses. The program should produce nurses who can make a lasting impact in healthcare. A good nursing program embraces various humanities and sciences in order to produce competent nurses. Such nurses...

Criminological Theory: Crime Theories and Criminal Behavior

Crime Theories and Criminal Justice Policies The concept of crime was created and promoted by people to evaluate their behaviors and responsibilities, as well as to maintain control and order. To gain a better understanding of crimes, it was necessary to introduce theories and follow changes through different times in...

‘Paint a Face’ on the Typical Reader

Internet is a marvelous invention that helps people be updated on whatever they want. However, the rules of advertisement and commerce should always be strictly adhered to. Thus, the Internet articles on various sites always have their target audience. Undoubtedly, you stick with the article you like the most. It...

The Virtual “Anti-Corona” Concert Review

The Concert Environment The virtual “anti-corona” concert with Albrecht Mayer (oboe) and Kimiko Imani (piano) was performed as a response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. It consists of four prominent works by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for the aforementioned instruments (“Albrecht Mayer Plays Bach’s Air”). The concert takes place at...

Professional Nursing: Personal Background

A professional nurse is described as one who has expansively studied the course of nursing hypothesis and practice. Additionally, for a person to be considered a professional nurse he or she must have clinical proficiency. Personal Background Related to Professional Nursing The art of professional nursing is diverse. For many...

An Overview of Meningococcal Meningitis

Abstract Meningococcal meningitis is a serious health condition. It is characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. The two form the central nervous system. As such, the disease causes serious neurological problems. The condition is caused by a bacterium commonly known as meningococcus. In most cases, it...

Police Reforms Implementation: The Los Angeles Police Department

Police reforms implementation is a part of change management. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) set in motion reforms by means of experiments ever since the police crises sequel to Rodney King episode in 1991 and Rampart police corruption scandal in 1999 though the measures were not voluntary but court...

Kitty Genovese’s Murder and the Bystander Effect

Introduction The phenomenon of the Bystander Effect has gained quite large notoriety in the world of social work, psychology, and the related sciences. Multiple studies conducted to examine the problem of the Bystander Effect have proven that the subject matter exists and increases the threat faced by vulnerable populations (Levine...

Computer Crime Prevention Measures

Computer crime is increasing at a higher rate in our society. Many government agencies and private corporations rely on the services provided by communication networks and computers. When large amounts of data are stored in the electronic form they are vulnerable to different kinds of threats than when they exist...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hepatitis B and C Infection in Kidney Dialysis Units

Introduction The following is a research proposal on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B infections in the dialysis units. The dialysis units are the sources of the Hepatitis B virus. This knowledge helps to look for ways of preventing kidney dialysis patients from hepatitis infection which will be the concern of...

Maintaining Population Nutrition

Contraception or birth control is a fertility control aimed at preventing pregnancy. Some countries try to discourage access to or limit contraceptives, as they believe contraceptives to be immoral, unethical, and undesirable in terms of political viewpoints. People resort to contraception usage for several reasons. The first one is that...

Evidence that We Are Too Dependent on Computers

Humanity has come a long way from learning how to make a fire to building skyscrapers and metropolises. With constant progress and development, we are afraid to look back in time to barely recognize the way former generations lived. Technology and computer science have become an integral part of our...

Search-Based Advertising Market Structure

The importance of online marketing in a pandemic is becoming paramount. However, at the same time, the search-based advertising market is undergoing serious transformations. Search engines usually consider this niche of online advertising. In this case, Google consistently holds a leading position with a market share of more than 90%...

Marriage Theme in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

The play “The Importance of Being Earnest” is considered one of the main works of Oscar Wilde. The writer criticizes the hypocrisy of high society in Victorian England and its traditions. The social customs of that epoch were focused on the pursuit of love and marriage. Wilde mocks the institution...

Dudebox Firm’s Operational Plan and Subscription Box

The idea of supporting men in their attempts at shopping to be actively engaged in the household chores is a rather important task that the website in question strives to solve. Due to the Covid-19 issues, the shift in gender roles has been enhanced drastically, with a significant amount of...

Protected Health Information: The Best Practices

In the United States to protect health information is implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HIPAA, any information that is somehow related to the physical or mental condition of an individual is considered protected health information or PHI (Drolet, 2017). PHI includes patients’ names, surnames,...

The Epic Poem “Paradise Lost” by John Milton

It has become common today to view the most notable literary works in the light of their reflection of the specific era. Paradise Lost, the epic poem written by 17th-century English poet John Milton in 1667, represents the political and historical events of this period. Still, it can be argued...

History of the Koreas During 1910-1945

The early twentieth century became a ground-breaking period of time for many countries, as the most influential conflicts and events occurred at the time. Japan’s aim of strengthening its political and economic rank in the world could be highlighted as one of the main reasons for its invasion of Korea...

COVID-19 Impact on New York State Population

The COVID-19 pandemic has been described as an unexpected occurrence that has affected many social and economic systems globally. However, the impact of the pandemic has not been felt equally by different communities. According to Reyes (2020), African Americans have been more affected by COVID-19 than other communities in the...

Why Is It Difficult to Resist Societal Rules and Norms?

Introduction Social rules and norms are standards or expectations of conduct and thinking founded on shared views inside a sociocultural community. Norms, which are often implicit, provide societal expectations for acceptable and unacceptable behavior that control interpersonal relationships. These rules have a substantial influence on human behavior in a wide...

Critical Analysis of Lu Xan’s Madman’s Diary

A Madman’s Diary is a story written by a Chinese author in 1918. The story is divided into two parts – the introduction written by the author serves as a short preface. The second part contains excerpts from the diary the author’s friend led during the exacerbation of his mental...

“Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology” and “Economics”

In the article Interrogating racism: Toward antiracist anthropology (2005), the author Leith Mullings discusses the issue of racism in anthropological studies. In the introductory part of the research, Mullings explains the historical connection between anthropology, racism, and antiracist movements. She states that anthropology has a contradicting history when it comes...

Between World Wars: Dada and Surrealism Movements

I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organization’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically, but I...

Human Dignity: Created in God’s Image

The concept of human dignity from the religious perspective serves as the principal guidance for people. It correlates with the essential perceptions and societal affairs, which are managed with regard to this quality. Therefore, it is critical to demonstrate the source of this phenomenon, its principal characteristics, and the relation...

Blockchain Technologies by FinTech for Enhanced Security

The financial department within an organization or any given entity is one of the most delicate sectors that help ensure high levels of productivity within any profitable and non-profit firm. Most firms have taken measures that help ensure high levels of security are maintained to avoid unnecessary losses. FinTech is...

Industrial Revolution and Nationalistic Movement

Both the industrial revolution and nationalistic movements rapidly developed in the 19th century. Nevertheless, even considering all the effects of the industrial revolution on nationalism, they are different. The industrial revolution had a social impact but was mainly related to technological changes, whereas nationalistic ideology related more to economic and...

Asos Company Financial Analysis

Introduction ASOS plc is an online British retail company that deals with fashion and cosmetic items. This company was established in London in 2000 and primarily targeted the young adult audience. However, during its growth phases, ASOS endorsed a kids’ wear fashion line, which did not thrive as expected due...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Comparison

In order to complete a robust, valid research project, it is vital to implement a fitting methodological vision that will reflect the study’s aims and objectives. Evidently, the contemporary practice of academic research possesses numerous tools that help to address profound topics with due levels of detail and credibility. At...

Marriott International’s Financial Analysis

Abstract This job involves finding and analyzing the numbers in Marriott International’s reports. It includes the collection of information and a detailed study of the data obtained during the study. At the end will be formed a detailed report on the work done, as well as the conclusions. Based on...

The Humanities Studies of Human Cruelty

World history shows us that human cruelty has no limits; unfortunately, people will constantly clash with it. One recent example of a man’s cruel, immoral treatment of another man was the case of the murder of George Floyd. On May 25, 2020, while attempting to arrest Floyd, police officer Derek...

Organ Transplant Allocation Ethics

Organ transplants are scarce, so they should be allocated, and decisions should be made about who will receive the transplant. Those are hard decisions, as people’s lives usually depend on them: if one will not obtain the transplant, they will die, or their lives will be miserable. However, for now,...

Critical Changes in American Society From the 1790s to the 1840s

Introduction The second third of the 19th century is one of the key stages in the historical development of the United States. Achieving excellent power status is impossible without expansion, which is a high road to world recognition. The general rule, however, is that such a rise is not a...

How to Create Literacy Centers in Classrooms

It is important to note that literacy centers seek to promote literacy in a comprehensive manner by developing essential skills in a multifaceted way. The sketch with labels for the literacy center can be accessed in Figure 1 below the text. The key areas of focus of the literacy center...

A Diabetes-Related PICOT (Research) Question

The study of the PICOT question involves the search and systematization of sources to find the most relevant evidence. The Evaluation Table includes the date of creation, the conceptual framework, the design and method of the study, the sample and setting, the main variables studied, the way the data were...

Pride and Prejudice: Personal Integrity as the Driving Force

Introduction From the very beginning of Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, the readers understand that Elizabeth Bennet is a person with a high standard of integrity. Nevertheless, it seems more of a burden for her because life is majorly disappointing to Elizabeth when she sees other people’s behaviors....

The “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture…” Article by Wilson

According to Joseph Wilson in his article “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture Human Language,” researchers in artificial intelligence have made amazing achievements in emulating human language. However, they still need help to capture the parts that genuinely comprise human language. He provided several justifications for his essay title. Wilson’s...

The Mediation of Conflict in Personal Experiences

Mediation is becoming increasingly common because it saves time and money compared to going to court and allows both parties to own the outcome more than they would if a judge was in charge. On the other hand, a mediator is there to help facilitate a resolution that the parties...

History of Crusades

Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...

The Effects of Overpopulation

Global problems affect the life not only of certain individuals but the society in general. One of the global dilemmas that can consequently lead to the severe outcome is overpopulation. The major purpose of the paper is to discuss the problem of overpopulation, highlight the risks and environmental problems, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bullying and Sexual Harassment at Work Place

Introduction According to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP), workplace bullying occurs when an individual or a group of people direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker(or workers) in order to threaten, degrade, disgrace or demoralize them (1). Sexual harassment, on the other hand, takes place...

Family Happiness Definition and Aspects

Family Happiness: Introduction A family is the basic unit of society. Owing to the complex nature of contemporary family structures, it has increasingly become difficult to comprehend and define the key tenets of a happy family life or whether there is such a thing as a truly “happy family”. Incidences...

The Play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen

The play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen is a play depicting the immorality that was inherent in the society during his time. Set in a country side home, the play revolves around a dramatic turn of events. It seems the events are in some way interconnected and tied up together by...

A Modest Proposal by J. Swift and Candide by F. M. Arouet Literature Analysis

Based on the evident mistreatment that women get in society, feminists have devoted themselves to making hefty campaigns to end gender segregation. However, the role of women in society has not received its due attention. As a result, the paper sheds light on the roles of women as portrayed by...

Transformational Leadership: An Ideal Solution

Extant scholarship on leadership and management demonstrates that transformational and transactional leadership styles are widely validated in business and industry owing to their impact on employees’ outcomes and performance (Ilies et al., 2006; Ismail et al., 2010). In this paper, I focus attention to comparing the two leadership models to...

Ebola Outbreak in the United States

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of the issue of leadership and its manifestations in terms of the spread of Ebola virus. Introduction There is no use denying the fact that leaders are very important for society as they help it to move in the chosen direction...

Yayoi Kusama, Japanese Avant-Garde Artist

Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese avant-garde artist, born in 1929 in Nagano Prefecture of Japan. She is widely known as a sculptor, painter, and novelist. However, the first thing that comes to mind when her name is mentioned is the polka dot style and the infinity rooms. Kusama arrived at...

The Climate Change Problem

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of the 21st century. Hite and Seitz (2016) state that issues such as global warming, extreme weather conditions, the rise in the sea level, and the disruption of natural ecosystems are all linked to the problem of climate change and...

Just Culture and Transformational Nursing Leadership

Introduction Attention Material: The notion of “just culture” has a significant influence on the way nurses and other medics interact with patients (Dekker & Breakey, 2016). On a bigger scale, it imposed on the nursing practice several justified limitations but provided the former with adequate protection against wrongful accusations when...

Pedagogical Approaches in Nursing Education

Diversity in the Classroom Multicultural diversity induces multiple challenges in the current education system. It indicates that more individualized approaches to instruction and learning are required and that curricula must be revised in a way that would allow meeting the interests of all students. It is possible to say that...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech and Its Importance

Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum? Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech to the United Nations (UN) of 1988 is believed to have paved the way for the improvement of the US-Soviet relations during the Cold War. Although the remarkable speech was mainly focusing on the strained relationships arising...

Human Progress in Renaissance and Modern Society

Introduction The Renaissance is one of the turning points in the history of the development of the world. This era changed the direction and pace of human progress. Such processes significantly affected European countries. Life of regular people, as well as of aristocracy, became different and more resembling the life...

Environmental Legislation: Clean Water Act

Environmental Legislation Clean Water Act (CWA) is the legislation piece of the United States that determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water. The law covers both point and non-point pollution sources. The former...

Adaptive Change: What’s Essential and What’s Expendable?

Introduction Professor Heifetz in the article, “Adaptive Change: What’s Essential and What’s Expendable?” looks at the process of change, especially how people view the whole process of change. According to this article, people are usually optimistic about the process of change but they do not consider what they are going...

Colonialism in Barbara Fuchs’ “Conquering Islands”

The Tempest is believed to be the last play William Shakespeare wrote alone. It was written at the times when a big part of our world was still unknown and European people were fascinated to discover what is hidden in these mysterious faraway lands and islands. Many different ideas and...

Computer Zone Company’s Human Resources Management

Human resources management is one of the core aspects that can affect the development of organizations. Human resources are often referred to as key assets of companies, which is largely true, especially in companies operating in industries that require innovative approaches and creative vision (Mathis, Jackson, & Valentine, 2015). Some...

Communicable Disease Reporting Systems in the World

The Scenario and Its Ethical and Legal Issues The present case study considers the issue of the lack of an appropriate tracking mechanism of certain reporting processes at a tertiary-care hospital. In particular, an audit has shown that it is impossible to determine the whether the reporting of the instances...

Health Reform Strategy in New Jersey

Introduction The healthcare system of the USA has been a subject of constant debates for many decades. It is notorious for being one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world. According to statistics, US healthcare spending has reached a point of 3.2 trillion dollars (“National health expenditures,” 2015)....

Nurse Practitioners: Industry and Organizational Culture

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) have various responsibilities and tasks to complete. At that, they are not working on their own as they have to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and take into account various issues and aspects associated with organizational culture (Poghosyan, Lucero, Rauch, & Berkowitz, 2012). It is important...

Doctor of Nursing and Evidence-Based Practice

Being one of the two essential doctoral nursing degrees in the United States, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) opens an array of opportunities for addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing by using evidence-based practice (EBP). The position of a DNP allows arranging organizational, managerial, performance-, and leadership-related...

American Health Care Act vs. Affordable Care Act

Introduction The American Health Care Act (AHCA) passed on May 4, 2017, provoked a strong public reaction. The proposed reform aims to reverse the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), decrease taxes, and reduce the budget deficit. Despite all the discussions about expenditures and shortcomings associated with the ACA,...

Ethical Philosophy: Right and Wrong’s Distinction

The definitions of right and wrong are a fluid subject. Over the course of history and the evolution of human ethics, the concept has undergone significant changes. Many religions around the world are thousands of years old. They have participated in the formation of the society as we know it...

Departmentalization in American Elementary Schools

Nowadays, most of the US elementary schools adopt “a self-contained model” of education (Chang, Munoz, & Koshewa, 2008, p. 131). This model implies that the students are taught by the same teacher every day. Although the traditional generalist model is proved to be less stressful for the children and provides...

Coca-Cola Company: Capital Asset Pricing Model

Estimated Beta Coefficient Based on data from Coca-Cola stocks and the market index, the beta coefficient can be taken to be 0.57 (Yahoo Finance, 2011). In order to arrive to this answer, several concepts have to be considered. One of these is the stock value, which has to be computed...

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive and Financial Analysis

Introduction Tesla Motors is an American-based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian markets. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis of Tesla Motors. Financial analysis In...

Educational Philosophy and Curriculum Development

Exploring the connections between teaching philosophies, educational philosophies, and philosophy. Learning-based curriculum development The articles from the Electronic Reverse Reading I chose are written by Beatty, Leigh, and Dean (2007) and Nygaard, Højlt, and Hermansen (2008). They both focus on educational aspects but highlighting different peculiarities. The article prepared by...

Fitbit Company’s Marketing, Consumer, and Product

Fitbit is a company that produces and sells fitness trackers, smart watches, and accessories and develops apps aimed at improving the health and fitness of their users. The company offers a narrow selection of products targeting people interested in maintaining an active lifestyle. The present paper will introduce the three...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring: Theoretical Foundation and Implementation Plan

Understanding and Measuring the impacts of nursing staffing intervention on health outcomes among patients is a non-trivial task. Due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the issue, there is a need for a theoretical foundation that could assist in revealing the meaning and increasing the relevance of the results...

Sepsis and Hygiene Protocols as a Clinical Problem

Introduction The analysis of a specific clinical problem by evaluating the aspects that it affects and reviewing its implications may allow finding a relevant solution that contributes to increasing patient outcomes in a particular care environment. This paper is aimed at assessing the use of special hygiene protocols to reduce...

Life-Work Flexible Work Schedules in the Nursing

Introduction Topic The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations. Context/Background Flexible...

International System During the Cold War Era

The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo- polarity nature. This was a period characterized by war of ideologies between the greatest and the two most powerful nations on earth by then; the United States and the united Soviet Socialist republic (USSR). The...

Ideal Theory of International Political Economy

Introduction First of all, the definition of “international political economy” should be stated. Frieden and Lake (1999, p. 1) state that political economy has a number of meanings. It may primarily refer to “the study of the political basis of economic actions”, that is the way how the policy of...

InterClean Sales Team’s Compensation Plan

Introduction The most important motivational factor in any workplace is the monetary rewards offered to the employee. Wages and salaries are the most commonly applied remuneration methods at the workplace. However the nature of sales work has prompted the development of other channels of compensation which have proven to be...

Philosophy’s Influence on Education System

Introduction Education can be defined as a process of passing knowledge to others. It may also be considered as an area of study taught at learning institutions. Education can be carried out formally as in an organized setting or informally. Education has undergone various philosophical changes. This includes changes in...

Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce

Introduction The article “Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce. A Randomized Controlled Trial,” written by a number of researchers deals with the behavior of adolescents whose parents have been divorced. The study presented in the article is based on the results obtained by interviewing and observing the...

Comparison of Swimming in Sea and Swimming in Pool

Amongst the different forms of exercise, swimming, whether done in the swimming pool or at sea, is an excellent rejuvenator that leaves a person relaxed and brimming with freshness. It does not make the person feel exhausted or worn out as in other forms of exercise. It is an excellent...

“Nobody Knows” by Hirokazu Kore-eda

Nobody Knows is a movie that is quite slow-moving and gradually builds over to an emotional end. The plot of the movie is set in Tokyo and is about a mother who shifts into a new flat with her four children that are from different fathers and ultimately deserts them...

Beethoven and the City of Bonn

There were a lot of people who were called geniuses in different spheres of human activity. When music is concerned, probably, the first name that leaps into one’s mind is Ludwig Van Beethoven, a composer, and pianist whose works and memory have been living for many centuries already. Such prominent...

Pogues’ “If I Should Fall From the Grace of God” Review

Britain has always been a complex entity of four distinct unique national identities with individual peculiarities, customs and traditions. As far as Ireland is concerned, it has its own separate identity that is embodied in Irish music which is an inseparable part of Irish culture. One of the representatives of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management Practices and Cross-Cultural Dimensions

The crossvergence concept is important as it addresses development, interaction and growth of economies and its impact on culture. This subsequently leads to the creation of unique values among individuals in a society. It is highly influenced by interactions of culture and business ideas. This improves with high development in...

Two Passages From ‘The Devil on the Cross’ by Ngugi

First passage In this passage Wariinga who is the main protagonist in this play talks about her material and emotional problems. In this case, it can be argued that Wariinga had been abandoned by her lover, which resulted in her emotional problems. From the passage, it can be argued that...

Shakespeare’s Othello’s and O. J. Simpson’s Tragedies

Shakespeare provides very many examples that can be used for comparing O.J and Othello: the juice and the fish. They are all stars in different ways, champions, combatants, and gladiators. Therefore, having all these ideas in place it is possible to get down to comparing and contrasting the two. Othello...

Symbiotic Relationship Between Cleaner Gobies and Fish

Introduction According to Deloach and Paul, symbiotic relationship refers to the interdepenence between two animals of different species for a long duration of time (7). Symbiotic relationship occurs only when different species are involved in intra-specific relationships (relationships within the same species).They include mutualism, when the two species benefit from...

The Nightmare in South Sudan

Introduction The civil war in South Sudan broke out in December 2013. More than 50 thousand people have been killed, and more than 1.6 million were forced to leave their houses during the war (“Civil War in South Sudan,” 2018). In 2014, South Sudan’s food crisis was admitted the most...

The World of Trade in 1897 by Jules Ferry

According to Ferry (1897), the world of trade changed significantly at that time due to the introduction of protectionism. Germany and the United States of America imposed sanctions and duties on the import of foreign goods. In such a situation, French traders could not access these two enormous markets, which...

A 12-Year-old Boy With Asthma Exacerbation

The second scenario refers to the case of a 12-year-old boy that presents to the emergency department with asthma exacerbation, and, notably, it is the third time he has the same problem in the last three months. The process of collecting the patient’s medical history is simplified in this case...

How to Make Our Ideas Clear by Charles S. Pierce: Review

In this chapter, Mr. Pierce expresses several opinions about the concept of a clear idea, the way it should be defined and recognized, and the distinction between a truly clear idea and an idea that only looks clear on the surface. He states that any thought is a system to...

Social Learning Theory and Rational Choice Theory

Attempts to understand human behavior has led to studying social and individual behavior and their aspects. Such theories as Social Learning Theory and Rational Choice Theory assume the nature and prerequisites of personal decisions. Both these theories are used in modulating criminal behavior, however, they cannot guarantee it is a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Mechanisms of Inflation

Introduction High inflation is considered a severe problem for many national economies, and there are several reasons for it. It takes place when the prices grow, and the purchasing power of money decreases. According to Sloman and Garratt (2013, p. 203), it is calculated as “the percentage increase in CPI...

Childbirth in Venezuela and Its Nuances

Socioeconomic Status of Women in Venezuela In the Childbirth in Venezuela, Where Women’s Deaths Are a State Secret article,  Julie Turkewitz and Isayen Herrera take their readers through horrific experiences that Venezuelian mothers have to go through in their pursuit to give birth. The economic situation in the country is having...

End of Life Care: Challenges for Nurses and Families

Introduction Marilyn Walker, a critical care nurse at the Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice, began her career after losing her husband and aunt to hemorrhagic stroke and cancer of the pancreas, respectively. Her line of work demands excellent listening skills as terminally ill individuals often call the office in need...

The Impact of Organizational Politics on Employees

Introduction Once in a while, employees working in an organization engage in workplace politics. In most cases, these occurrences arise when some employees tarnish their colleague’s reputations, hoping to receive favors from their seniors. Workplace politics refers to the act or process which encompasses human interactions with power and authority...

Killing Demons in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is famous for his striking stories that shed light on the darkest aspects of the human mind and soul. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of such works that make the reader think of important topics such as the good and the bad, sanity and insanity, crime and...

Capstone Project Recommendations for Truist Financial

Introduction Truist Financial corporation is the result of the recent merger, that occurred in December 2019 between SunTrust Bank and BB&T. It is currently considered to be one of the largest banks in the US, serving in 15 states, managing almost 3,000 branch offices, and possessing over 506 billion dollars...

Market Failures and Governmental Interventions

Introduction The free market model based on voluntary exchange is assumed to be beneficial for all parties. However, markets are not perfect, and often they fail to meet social efficiency, and that is why the role of governmental regulation is justified. The cases when markets do not correspond to society’s...

“Going to Meet the Man” Story by James Baldwin

Koritha Mitchell’s Living with Lynching and James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man” In the book Living with Lynching, Koritha Mitchel studies the so-called “lynching drama” and the role that lynching played in the American culture. She claims that the depictions of racial violence produced by the black and white...

Complementary Alternative Therapy for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism is a generic term for multiple conditions, which are collaboratively called Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are three main sub-categories of autism: Autistic Disorder (classic autism), Asperger disorder, and Pervasive developmental disorder (National Institute of Health, 2010). People living with the disorder have trouble with social interactions...

Personal Experience of Child: Parenting Styles

It is a well-known fact that parenting choices exert an enormous impact on the future life of children. The behavior of parents towards children can fall into four categories or parenting styles. The current essay reflects my own childhood experience regarding the parenting style my parents tend to follow. In...

Transportation of Cell Phones From China to the USA

Transportation of cell phones over the ocean is a challenging issue even in the 21st century because the influence of weather conditions or other external factors is hard to be predicted. What is more, in comparison with other products, smartphones are noticeably expensive, which means that damaged devices would become...

National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators

The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) The NDNQI was founded to provide a reference point that could focus on processes, structures, and outcome indicators to assess the care provided by nurses at the setting level. The database has been used successfully to correlate the number of nurses in...

The Problem of Smoking in Young Adults

Despite its serious complications, cigarette smoking is common among young adults. In the US, nearly 44 million young people are smokers. While 33 percent of these smokers may die from tobacco-associated diseases, adopting an appropriate health promotion approach is critical to the future of advanced nurse roles (Centers for Disease...

Restaurant Staff Training Plan for 2020-2021

Introduction This proposal covers a training plan for all employees of the restaurant. The purpose is to educate and train the personnel following the demands in the hospitality industry of 2020 and the following year. The expected result is the fully trained and properly prepared staff within a reasonable time...

The Use of Taser Guns in the United States and Canada

The use of taser guns in the United States and Canada among civilians and the police force has become a common practice since tasers have been considered to be less lethal and effective weapons for maintaining security and apprehending aggressive suspects. However, there have been long-running debates on the safety...

Research Proposal on Justice in Health Care

Abstract Justice is a very vital component in healthcare as it is in other forms of business. There are disputes that can occur in health care that needs to be handled through the law. This is despite the presence a set code of conducts that the health care professions needs...

Role of Small Gas-Powered Engines in Air Pollution

A lot of people rarely attribute air pollution to small gas-powered engines like lawnmowers. However, emissions from lawnmowers represent a crucial source of air pollution. These small engines are a significant source of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, all of which are actively involved in the formation of ozone...

A Doll House by Ibsen: The House of False Values

Similar to Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin, the Norwegian playwright Ibsen is considered a classic of national and world literature. Ibsen, creating an analytical drama, reveals the deep tragedy and cruelty of reality, hidden under external well-being, as well as the ability of a strong-willed person to resist circumstances. The...

Analysis of Organizational Inefficacies in the National Center on Education and the Economy

The National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) is a non-profit organization offering practical advice to schools, teachers, and students. The mission of the Center is to analyze educational system all over the world, synthesize their best practices and implement them in the United States. This goal presupposes interaction...

Epidemiological Study Designs in the Media

Introduction A recent article titled “Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors Drops Diabetes Risk: Study” appeared on The Scientist Magazine on 27th October, 2016 (Grens, 2016). It reports the findings of an epidemiological study carried out by Transade et al. (2016). The study is titled “Population Attributable Risks and Costs of Diabetogenic Chemical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the Issue

Introduction Sexual harassment and abuse are prevalent problems in the United States army. The issue extends the boundaries of one unit, department, or organization, affecting people throughout the military system. According to the Department of Defense (2020), the prevalence of sexual harassment complaints “grew by three percent in comparison with...

The Straw Man Fallacy in Disagreements on Moral Issues

The straw man argument is a logical fallacy in which the appearance of refuting an argument is created by replacing the actual subject of the debate with a false one. The effectiveness of this technique is explained by the fact that when using it, the opponent’s argument begins to look...

A Bilateral Contract Between Two Parties

This is a bilateral contract between A and B for A providing Marketing services to B from November 1, 2010, on a retainer basis of £1000 per month. In return, A would provide full Marketing services to B, including preparation of monthly market reports, surveys and customer meets for promotion...

Evolutionary Mismatch and Mental Health

In the study of human evolution and psychology, a few definitions guide the discussion on evolutionary mismatch and its connection to psychology. The first definition relates to human behaviour as understood from the point of evolution. During the growth and development phases, human behaviour refers to the potential and embodied...

The DHL Company’s Environmental Audit

DHL is a universally known company that specializes in urgent international shipping of letters, parcels, and documents. As such, its environmental impact has the potential to be very damaging due to the organizational difficulties associated with long-distance high-speed transportation. Therefore, environmental audit of the DHL is one of the most...

The Benefits of Investing in Information Security

Introduction There are quite some benefits for a firm that invests in information security. The ability to cope effectively with today’s computer threats such as computer viruses/worms, computer threats such as web hacking/breakings/defacement, internet disruptions, and other cyber events is on the verge. Insecurity has caused the delivery of products...

New Home for an Immigrant Family

When we refer to the immigration story, it is not about the statistics. It is about people, their experience, and the challenges they have to overcome. Since America was founded as a state, the energy of newcomers continually filled its potential. Their assimilation can hardly be considered smooth. My family...

Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Tunneling Protocols

A virtual private network (VPN) is encryption placed in a network connection from a device. The role of encryption is to ensure that sensitive data is not accessed by unauthorised personnel when transmitted. It prevents eavesdropping and allows VPN users to conduct work remotely. The VPN has four tunnelling protocols,...

Policy Implementation Challenges for Social Workers

Sometimes social workers may disagree with the central policy of the higher management, based solely on their own biases and views. Racism, sexism, ageism, lookism, and discrimination on many other grounds are not uncommon in modern society. Intolerance, hatred, suspicion, and mistrust became the reasons for how employees of social...

“Goblin Market” Poem by Christina Rossetti

Introduction The goblin market is a poem published in the 18th century by Christina Rossetti. The poem unfolds the story of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who enter the Goblin market when men are selling their fruits in the streets. The fruits represent sexual activities advertised by the merchants in...

Synchronous Global Economy: Pell Grant Increase’s Influence

How a “synchronous global recovery” is occurring and the reasons for it The COVID 19 pandemic is known for a variety of consequences, the most significant of which are economic ones. However, this situation is expected to improve many sectors of activity and all regions of the world eventually, as...

Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement

Abortion is contentious topic that has engulfed the socio-political debate in policy formation and general societal expectations. Approximately 600,000 abortions are performed in the United States year, with the CDC reporting a rate of 11.3 per 1000 women. The issue has become embedded in political and ideological opinions, often creating...

International Business Within Cultural Dimensions

Introduction Culture is an essential part of every person’s outlook on life, values, and goals. It is no surprise that culture and its dimensions dramatically affect business on the international level. When different mindsets clash with each other, the prospects of business partnerships can be undermined, and on the contrary,...

The Photography Atelier 21 Exhibition

Nowadays, it is not recommended to visit public places, and many people prefer to stay home and find other ways to enjoy their free time. However, many persons may notice that engaging with various art forms heals and helps relieve anxiety and depression. Therefore, in this century of technology, it...

The Right to Abortion Must Be Protected

Introduction Even though the Supreme Court granted the right to abortion in 1973, the debate between the pro-choice and pro-life camps remains heated. It has become a point of contention between political conservatives and liberals. The Republican Party advocates for criminalizing abortion on a federal level because the government is...

Characteristics of Effective Teams

Teams have been regarded as a major element in enabling institutions to improve business performance. They push individuals to innovate faster, exemplify higher productivity, see mistakes more quickly, and develop better solutions. However, some teams do not succeed in attaining the organizational objectives. Teams that succeed, as evidenced by the...

Spatial and Social Mobility: Barriers and Restrictions

In sociology research, there are several forms of mobility that can be restricted for disadvantaged populations. According to Massey and Denton (2013), barriers to spatial mobility or intra-urban migration can also act as challenges to individuals’ movement through social hierarchy systems. The authors regard groups’ movement across various locations as...

Cultural Analysis Through a Stranger’s Eyes

Different cultures worldwide have varying cultural norms that set them apart; it is what makes our planet colorful. Many people worldwide find it fascinating that most Americans do not take off their shoes when entering a house. These seemingly mundane issues that are part of everyday American (and other nations’)...

Adverse Effects of Deforestation: Are People Doing Enough?

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the current state of the environment is not quite positive. The population of people is growing rapidly, pollution is increasing, and nature continues to suffer the consequences of technological progress. To make enough space for agriculture, new plants, and numerous skyscrapers, as well...

“Barbie Doll” by Piercy and “Girl” by Kincaid

Introduction Literature is characterized by a set of characters used by the author to convey their message. While each character has unique features, their levels of influence differ. The protagonist is the main actor in literature, who is often opposed by an antagonist. The protagonist makes crucial storyline decisions, largely...