Population Health Analytics: Technology and Healthcare

With the rise of digital devices and the Internet, many industries crucial for humanity and the quality of human living have also begun to transform. One of the recent approaches that combine IT, remote monitoring, and other technologies (i.e., electronic devices, the Internet) is the population health analytics that becomes...

American Dollar and Russian Ruble Relationship

Introduction This paper is aimed to make a currency report. It will consider a pair of the US dollar and the Russian ruble. It is going to analyze their relations in the currency market, as well as provide a short, medium, and long-term prediction on their future exchange. Currency Report...

Teams and Their Roles in Organizations

Teams are becoming integral constituents of organizations. Teams are ready to conduct a variety of functions, face challenges, and improve their mutual abilities. Though teamwork is advantageous for organizations’ performance, it can be rather a challenge to establish a successful leadership strategy. The article under consideration examines the issue of...

Anxiety and Depression Among Females with Cancer

The article by Burgess, Cornelius, Love, Graham, Richards, and Ramirez (2005) reports the results of a study which investigated the prevalence of and the potential factors of risk for anxiety and depression among females who have the early breast cancer during the first five years after the disease had been...

Pender’s and Parse’s Theories in Nursing Practice

How Pender’s Model and View of Health Influences the Practice of the Advanced Practice Nurse Nursing involves protecting, promoting, and optimizing health. Nursing professionals achieve this goal by preventing illnesses and injuries from occurring. In case they occur, nurses play a key role in the healing process. Hence, nursing services...

Learning Style and Read/Write Study Strategies

There are many types of learning which aid in a specific information retention. Some people learn best visually, while the others need to listen to the information presented. The preferred learning style is determined to be mostly in the area of reading and writing. Points and determinants are related to...

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children

Introduction Working with transgender and gender non-conforming (TGN) children and adolescents requires much knowledge and awareness. They may experience severe mental health conditions, lack support from their family, and show suicidal behavior. This paper discusses the issues a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) should be aware of when interacting...

Pregnancy in Teenagers: Possible Challenges

In order to decrease the overall rate of teenage pregnancy, it is crucial to address the populations that are disproportionately affected by the issue. There are numerous research studies and reports that suggest specific risk factors for teenage pregnancy. A report by Romero et al. (2016) summarizes the existing racial,...

Climate Change Affecting Global Public Health

How Can Climate Change Potentially Impact Global Public Health? While seemingly tenuous, the connection between climate change and health challenges is, in fact, rather strong. Climate change is likely to lead to the destruction of a range of habitats, drop in the amount of drinkable water, the rise in air...

False Confession in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction There are many important concepts in today’s criminal system. A false confession is one of the terms that are frequently used by modern criminologists. Media says that despite the intentions of the system to protect the population against wrong and prejudice judgments, hundreds of prisoners remain the victims of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Great Mobilization of Brown’s “Plan B 4.0”

Chapter 10 of “Plan B 4.0″ by Lester R. Brown devotes itself to answering whether people can mobilize fast enough with minimal time to counter the effects of human economic activities on degradation. If all the world nations realize the need and take pragmatic roles in the warlike mobilization of...

Solid and Hazardous Waste Reduction

Introduction The environment in which we live is composed of people, vehicles, industries, animals, machines, and other enterprises, which in the end, produce wastes to the environment. These wastes may take the form of solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive agents. Most of these wastes become hazardous to the environment and...

Money and Happiness in Economic Theories

Does Money Buy Happiness? According to the discovery of various economists and sociologists such as Adam Smith, money does not buy happiness where they have argued that the limited ability of people to achieve happiness through material wealth is not enough to guarantee them material wealth. Even though a majority...

Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics

If we are to live our life in harmony with nature, what qualities must our mind have? Seneca admits that if people want to live a life in a harmony with nature, it is necessary for a human mind to have and develop several qualities. Soundness, sanity, courage, moral energy,...

Classroom Components: Learner Weaknesses and Strengths

Basing on your cultural, linguistic, personal interests and family background, are you experiencing any problem with the classroom components? If yes, state them and how you think they can be rectified. What are your strengths and weaknesses? This tool shall be used in the form of a questionnaire that will...

College Degree and Its Effects on Career

The cause and effect chain described below begins with earning a college degree. It serves as a primary cause for the subsequent effects, which are interconnected and create a causal chain. Due to the college degree, there are multiple possibilities to explore, both in my professional and personal life. The...

Power in “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Marquez

Introduction Quote “They thought that he would have had so much authority that he could have drawn fish out of the sea simply by calling their names and that he would have put so much work into his land that springs would have burst forth from among the rocks so...

“A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side” by Brookshire

Introduction In her article entitled “A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side”, Bethany Brookshire describes the so-called trolley problem and the research conducted by Tiffany Sun in 2015 revealing some of the biases that people have. She also analyzes the results of this research, which revealed significant changes...

Teamworking Skills in Healthcare

Reaction to the Scenario and Feelings Working in a team people should respect and appreciate the time and efforts of other team members. Effective and successful work of the team involves good leadership and the ability to direct the attention of the group towards questions and tasks that should be...

Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” and Updike’s “A&P”

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates, and A&P by John Updike are both short stories that explore the subject of rebellion. The key conflict in Oates’ text is between Connie’s freedom to explore her beauty and sexuality and the views of people around her....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Lookism at Workplaces

Nowadays the world sees a range of social issues that affect different groups of people. Lookism, which is a tendency among employers to hire such candidates whose appearance corresponds with the so-called standards of beauty, belongs to the most concerning problems. Specialists note that this trend influences mostly women leading...

Family in Health Crisis

Introduction A family in crisis stands at the turning point when its members face health problems and lack the instruments to cope with stress. In the given family, Juanita Brown is a single mother with three children and her mother who needs ongoing care. The family has no health insurance...

Childhood Obesity Prevention: The Role of Nursing Education

Introduction Nowadays, many healthcare facilities and independent researchers admit the growth of childhood obesity as a global epidemic problem. The role of a medical worker is frequently discussed to underline a possibility to monitor a body mass index (BMI), evaluate co-morbidities, and give counseling (Dabas & Seth, 2018). Nursing knowledge...

Nurse Education Today: Professional Improvement

Introduction With the continuing expansion of healthcare systems, accommodating new patients, treatments, and technologies, education for medical professionals has become critical. Nurses, who are on the frontlines and facing new challenges, require additional knowledge. The management of chronic diseases and injuries requires sophisticated and modern methods or treatments. Therefore, the...

Chronicle of a Death Foretold by G. G. Márquez Review

Introduction Gabriel García Márquez’s novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, first issued in English in 1982, is one of the Nobel Prize winning writer’s shorter stories, but past and contemporary censors agree that the book’s small size conceals a huge work of art. The book’s supremacy is in the exclusive...

Geographic Effects on the Middle Eastern Economy

The Middle East is a term popularized in Britain around 1900 that is used to refer to a world region with no clear designated boundaries that span from southwestern Asia to northeastern Africa. Throughout history, the Middle East has been a major player in world affairs. The Middle East is...

Favorite Instrument on the Web: The Guitar

History and/or Manufacturers Guitars were invented in Spain, by the people of Malaga around the 15th century. Initially, it was a very small instrument with four pairs of strings each pair called a “course”. Two significant changes were made to the guitar in the Baroque period – double strings were...

Business Practices and Human Rights

To talk about success and social responsibility in business, in the same breath, is not just necessary, but also quite possible, provided the people at the top are convinced of the need for an ethically run organization. In the last few decades, there has been an increased need for taking...

Increasing Brain Performance and Its Influence on the Learning Process

People’s brain is the most secret and strange part of people’s bodies. Scientists have been researched it for many years, but the secret of the human brain is not solved for now. It is proved that people use only the smallest part of the brain’s potential and that it is...

Human Resource Practices and the Managerial Activities in the HRM

The article is found to be a good one as it covers in-depth analysis of the human resource practices and the current trends. The different human resource aspects include job design, specifications, knowledge process sharing, outsourcing, recruitment and training etc. The article finds an overall picture of current events in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

General Philosophical Concept: Empiricism, Rationalism, and Skepticism

Many views are a part of philosophy, while philosophy as a whole has not and perhaps never will merge its branches and theories into one way of thinking that is the best way to approach knowledge and life. Three major ways of thinking in this area are empiricism, rationalism, and...

Nursing Course Reflection and Future Plans

The knowledge acquired in the advanced nursing course is essential and valuable for every student to develop their professional philosophy in the future. The participants of the class were taught to differentiate between direct and indirect care providers. However, the following paper is intended to explain the right perception and...

United States unleashed the atomic bomb on two cities in Japan

Part 1 C. When the atomic bomb was unleashed by the United States on two cities in Japan, the act ended World War II and caused incalculable human anguish. This historically momentous event gave rise to questions regarding how wars will be fought in the future, the viability of the...

Russian Revolution of 1917: Two Sides of One Coin

Revolution in any country was considered to be a crucial point in the country and its nation history. World history knows several eminent revolutions that later were greatly learned, compared, and discussed by historian, political leaders, and ordinary people. The revolution in question is Russian Revolution of 1917. It had...

The Time Traveler’s Wife: Movie Review

Snow in August is written by Pete Hamill and the plot of the story is set in a primarily working class neighborhood of Brooklyn. The story is narrated very emotionally in revolving around two very appealing characters that have very rarely been witnessed in recent works of fiction. The story...

Racial Prejudices: Reflection on Readings

The question of racial prejudice always was one of the most problematic and striking all over the world. Three works I have read confirm this idea bearing the theme of advantages of the White and disadvantages of the Black. So, these works are dedicated to an insidious social and moral...

Nokia Company Strategic Management

Segmentation strategy has been successful for Nokia because it introduced low cost products available for large target market. Nokia is a company that differentiates products and is faced with the need to instill an image in the minds of customers that distinguishes their products from others and causes the customer...

Project Management: Meaning, Phases, Role

A project refers to a unique set of activities that are meant to produce a defined outcome and has a specific timeline in which to operate (start and finish date) and a specific allocation of resources. A project must be bounded by its results, time, and resources. If any of...

Involuntary Discharged Military Personnel Transitioning into Civilian Workforce

Introduction Military personnel play an important role in defending countries against external aggression. Their training curriculum is usually detailed and socially demanding (Clemens & Milsom, 2008). The nature of their work also forces them to work in extreme conditions that isolate them from the civilian population (Military Family Network, 2007)....

How “Recommendation 7” Can Influence Future Health Policies

Introduction The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report in 2010, coincident with the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The report is a comprehensive document that explores the future of the nursing profession in a continually developing scenario, where...

Diversity and Individual Differences in Child’s Play Behavior

Several indicators may be used to predict how a preschool child plays in randomly selected situations that are quite helpful in predicting a child’s play behavior. These include cognition abilities, physical abilities, social abilities, and the child’s emotional attachments. A child’s play behavior is heavily influenced by his or her...

“A Woman in Blue” by Thomas Gainsborough

The artwork under consideration is a picture of A Woman in Blue (1777-1779) by Thomas Gainsborough. The size of the original is 30 x 25 1/4 in (76 x 64 cm). The picture belongs to the Hermitage collection. The portrait A Woman in Blue by Thomas Gainsborough is the single...

The Concept of Reclamation

Introduction The word “reclamation,” as it pertains to words, typically refers to taking a term with a specific meaning, often a derogatory one, and assigning it a new definition that suits the reclaimer’s needs. The N-word can be seen as a prominent example, as, despite existing for a long time...

Evolution of the United States Health Care System

The United States has experienced numerous changes over its long history, which has resulted in an essential impact on all spheres of life, including medicine. Before the Civil War, the American health care system was almost absent, and thousands of people suffered from different health issues. However, the gradual social,...

Health Care Policy and Nurse Practitioner Practice

Introduction In ancient times, people recognized the considerable influence of internal and external factors, such as wars, diseases, and epidemics, united in small communities, understanding that this form of coexistence would help them survive and progress. With the gradual development of communities and the subsequent appearance of states and empires,...

The Snake in Hurston’s Short Story “Sweat”

Introduction The Sweat transitions enormously when Bertha is introduced in the story. Sykes is committed to having her put up with Della as a concubine. Delia is not ready to allow another woman to have the resources she has labored to buy. She resists, and in the event, the two...

Social Engineering and Cybercriminals

Social engineering refers to a wide range of psychological maneuvering of misleading people to reveal confidential information and imperil its security. There are numerous forms of manipulations, which hackers use to make their victims disclose personal details. Moreover, cybercriminals follow a set of specific social norms within their subculture. This...

Pipeline Industry in the U.K

Introduction Pipeline transport is very important in the growth and development of the economy of a nation. It is used in the transfer of numerous commodities that are used in the production of other products in the industries. The pipeline transport industry transports the largest portion of fluid products in...

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare

Introduction The impromptu nature of their occurrence makes it almost impossible to prepare for emergencies and other challenges. It follows that most medical attendants, especially nurses need to be equipped with the requisite knowledge for this endeavor. It is regrettable that most practitioners graduate from medical school without any knowledge...

Reflection – What Is Art?

Art has always been used to prompt reflection in viewers by embodying the artist’s emotions and concerns. Controversial art is shocking and scandalous, as it pushes the boundaries of social consciousness to their limits. An example of a controversial artwork is the installation My Bed by Emin, created in 1998...

Impact of Culturally Diverse Workforce

Introduction The evolution and advancement of technology have resulted in various countries in the world is interconnected. As a result, most companies are finding themselves having a culturally diverse workforce. Such individuals exhibit differences in culture, language, and attitudes. The value of diversity in teams exceeds beyond attracting a larger...

Political Preference for High-Technology Health Policy

Public health is a venture deeply interconnected with politics. In the United States, there is no steady association between what professionals in health discover and public principles. According to Michael Greenberg, some scientific discoveries are heralded and promptly incorporated into personal and political achievements. Other discoveries are ignored, and others...

Pulmonary Hypertension: Etiology, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Pulmonary hypertension, often abbreviated as PH, is a rare but life-threatening form of high blood pressure. According to Ogo (2020), the condition occurs when blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary arteries) are clogged, narrowed, blocked, or destroyed. It creates a condition where the heart has to use extra force...

Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Introduction Howes has noted that childhood obesity is among the greatest health problem in the US with over 23 million children and teens affected (Howes, 2012). The figure shows a tremendous rise in the last few decades (Howes, 2012). Cunningham, Kramer, and Narayan (2014) concluded many cases of obesity in...

Kafka’s Metamorphosis from a Legal Perspective: People vs. the Samsa Family

Closing Statement: The Prosecutor Your Honor, the life of a person, no matter what his or her body may look like, is sacred, which is why the Samsa Family must answer for their actions. There is clear evidence that, despite his transformation, Gregor Samsa still possessed the ability to feel,...

Intangible Qualities in Public Transportation

There are a couple of intangible qualities which make it beneficial for public transportation systems in large cities to flourish or be around for long periods. These include:- Exuberance Relaxed Spirit Ease Congestion Better visibility Emotional and physical experience Exuberance The approach of the omnibus almost always spurs a predictable...

Americans’ Readiness to Coronavirus Vaccination

Nowadays, one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases is COVID-19. Mass media and countless articles discuss the various vaccine development projects and how all of these tests are claimed to be the primary step of a major breakthrough. However, people had high hopes for different vaccine inventions in the...

Expectancy Theory in the Healthcare Sector

Expectancy theory has been used by leaders and managers in all industries to better understand the motivations and choices of employees among various behavior alternatives. In theory, if the desired outcome is offered, each person or a group of employees will shift their behavior to what the manager requires. This...

Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case

Case/Parties: Altitude Express v. Zarda (2020) Facts: An Altitude Express employee, Donald Zarda, warned female customers that he is gay to minimize possible sexual harassment complaints due to his work’s specificities that required him to be in close proximity to clients. However, one of the customers complained about the inappropriate...

Effectiveness of a Diet and Physical Activity on the Prevention of Obesity

Research indicates that obesity is the global epidemic of the 21st century, especially due to its prevalent growth and health implications. In Mexico, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased by 9%, from 61% to 70% from 1999 to 2006. The whole population, including both adults and school children, showed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Awareness Campaigns

The issues of HIV and STD have been on the global health agenda for quite a while. Even though new problems have emerged, toning down the gravity of the HIV- and STD-related ones, there is still the necessity to educate young people about the threat of STD. For this purpose,...

Asthma Discharge Plan Overview

Extant nursing scholarship demonstrates that asthma remains the most common chronic childhood disease and one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity, school absenteeism, parent lost work days, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations not only in the United States but also globally (McCarty & Rogers, 2012; Toole, 2013). However, it...

Medicare Funding: Research Questions and Confounding Variables

In the last couple of years, the federal government has cut Medicare funding because of the increased adoption of cost-savings measures. For example, it has reduced funding to the aged care and health workforce by more than $1 billion this financial year (Herman, 2015). Herman (2015) adds that most doctors...

“Small Change” and “The Facebook Dilemma “ Comparison

In his thought-provoking article titled “Small Change,” printed in The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell posits that social web platforms do not profoundly transform the nature of societal revolutions. Citing civil rights struggles that started in 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, Gladwell proves that real-time, online media is not an indispensable...

Fantastic Psychology in the Casares’ “Invention of Morel”

The novel “Morel’s Invention” describes a completely enclosed space. Its central theme is escaping from reality and an attempt to perform the same action constantly. On the one hand, this is insanity, with a paranoid reference, since everything that happens around is not true, and the hero partly understands this....

“Why Don’t You Dance?” Book by Raymond Carver

In “Why Don’t You Dance?”, Raymond Carver tells a story about a man who puts most of his belongings for sale. As he takes the furniture out of the house, cars pass by until one of them stops. A boy and a girl exit the vehicle and start examining the...

The Major Contributing Factors to Hypertension

Introduction Hypertension is a condition that affects a large portion of the population and presents significant danger in the daily lives of people. The term can be used to describe a long-term state in which a person’s blood pressure is elevated above the general norm, resulting in increased danger for...

English Language Learning in Special Education

In this analysis of a language learning process, a 20-year-old female, Carry, was invited to participate in an interview. She is a friend of mine, and it was not difficult to organize a meeting and ask several questions to study her decision and the peculiarities of bilingualism. According to Thompson,...

Discussion of Endangered Species

In recent decades the list of endangered species has increased at a terrifying rate. The main reasons for it are such global issues as climate change, air, water and noise pollution. People have affected this process of animal extinction immensely, and are continuing to cause harm to wildlife by overhunting,...

Policies for Social Problems

Social problems are not the product of an inherent society dysfunction, but rather a characterization process in which a specific state is designated as a social problem. When a society is unaware of a social problem, it does not perceive it, addresses it, discusses it, or handle it. History is...

Developing Collective Bargaining Agreement

Summary The employer and the Union agree on the following in the CBA: The employer agrees to provide employees with work equipment recommended by OSHA to function effectively during dangerous conditions, including inclement weather. Employer agrees to provide each employee with an annual $500 to cater to work gear purchasing....

Corporations: The Inevitable Influence

The controversy surrounding corporations as public figures touch on critical aspects of society’s development and well-being. Does one wonder why corporations have become so pervasive? Why do they affect all of us, not just the people who buy the companies’ products? In The Corporation, the authors talk about the reasons...

Issue of Racism in Colonial Haiti

The understanding of racism in Haiti, at the time called St. Domingue, was different even among the people at the time. In the book, The Haitian Revolution by David Geggus, two examples of contemporary writing on the matter of discrimination are presented. The first account is presented by Henri-Baptiste Grégoire...

Romanticism Poetry by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in Cumberland, England, under the reign of Queen Victoria. He began his poetry in England as a young boy while in school before completing his college studies. Wordsworth related his composition to the people’s affair with nature and advocated language utilization including, the lecture...

A Short History of Christianity by Tompkins

Stephen Tompkins, in his book, tries to tell the history of Christianity in an accessible language, avoiding specific church vocabulary and moral teachings. The author suggests listening to the story and thinking about how humanity came to today’s realities with positive and negative consequences. In the first chapter, Tompkins describes...

The Airparking Project Analysis

Summary Airparking is a project that allows people to rent out their parking spots by using an application. Zhidong Feng Yueting founded Network Technology Company Ltd in 2015 with the intent of creating a platform that would assist users in placing parking spots that would then be used by other...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Systems

Summary Alternative and argumentative communication (AAC) uses symbols, pictures, written words, and objects that help autistic children to communicate. It also helps autistic children perform in an environment where they can communicate effectively (Beukelman 2020). PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) is an AAC system with technology that allows persons with...

The Facts About SpaceX Missions

Introduction SpaceX was created in 2002 to revolutionize space technology and make life on other planets accessible to all people. More specifically, the company’s missions are centered around innovations and a leadership atmosphere bringing the result to the whole world. Since its inception, the corporation has demonstrated its seriousness of...

The Issue of Neglect of Personal Factors When Considering Legal Processes

Summary The task of pursuing justice is frequently complicated by the deficiencies of the court systems and, more specifically, the problems attributed to prosecution. These specialists work in the conditions of limited resources and tend to neglect societal circumstances due to the high workload and the lack of evidence. Therefore,...

World Anti-Doping Agency’s Anti-Doping Code

Introduction The problem of using stimulants has been a very long-lasting concern for judges and lawyers in world sports. Some sportspeople have deliberately ignored the strict ban on doping. The demand for harsher measures has increased because of such cases. The previous anti-doping bans have all led to serious failures....

Environmental Hazards That Humans Face

Introduction The environment, due to various anthropogenic influences, can be a threat or damage to a modern human being. The hazard represents the substance, state, or event that can impact people’s health. Some activities of individuals lead to natural disasters and contamination of surrounding water, air, soil, food, and places....

Primary Sources on Brutality of Native Populations

Introduction Throughout the nineteenth century, Europeans occupied a significant part of the world and interjected in local political, cultural, and religious matters to the point of a complete change in direction. This abuse of power was justified by media that depicted local communities on the occupied territories as inferior and...

Narrative Therapy and Career Counselling

The field of psychology has an extensive selection of approaches to therapy, many of which have shown positive results. One of the most highly-recognized approaches to therapy is the narrative one, the main feature of which is the separation between the person and their problems (Afary & Fritz, 2020). Narrative...

Reading Response on Urban Mining & Native Resistance

Environmental issues and the regulation of major mining and manufacturing companies continue to be high on the political agenda. Green activists participate in activities to oppose potentially harmful excavations to nature and the population. In addition, national identity advocates are often seen among such activists. For example, Winona LaDuke argues...

Managing Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is the characteristics of a product or brand that give a company an edge over its direct competitors. Structural and functional changes should make it possible to bring the main competencies of the enterprise in line with the emerging requirements of the external environment. Competitive advantage management requires...

Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Book Annotation

The book with the selected poems of Langston Hughes contains the chapter “Afro-American Fragments”. The chapter is illustrated as a multitude of poems describing the black experience at the time the poet was publishing his work, hence, in the 1930s. The narrator’s personal approach to expressing raw emotions and perception...

The Opioid Crisis Problem and Potential Solutions

Introduction Over the past decade, a troubling trend has been observed in the U.S. healthcare context. Though the use of opioids as a means of alleviating severe pain has been viewed as an inevitable evil, opportunities to minimize the risks of developing a strong opioid dependency were created (Le and...

Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth

The main purpose of the research Mary Ainsworth aimed at exploring the development of feelings associated with love in infants toward their caregivers. This information was then purposefully used to understand the effect of the first emotional relationship on the following loving connections. Ainsworth explored the similarities between the first...

Information Technology at Healing Hands Hospital

With the advancement of technology, there is a need to incorporate the current trends and improve on the existing ones in healthcare facilities. Patients need the best treatment, and the caregivers focus on delivering top-notch services. This can only be achieved if the systems in the healthcare facilities are compatible...

The Choice Milestone in Selecting a Career Path

In today’s workplace, vocational decision-making, or the process of selecting a career path, has emerged as a common and challenging matter. Relevant concerns include deciding on a profession and the necessary school preparation, choosing a job and then deciding whether to retain or quit it, pursuing official and additional informal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Academic Integrity Dilemma: Utilitarianism vs. Virtue Ethics

Introduction Signing a class attendant for an absentee to enable them to get extra credit is a moral and ethical dilemma. The extra credit may be essential for the student to pass and achieve an academic goal. However, signing the sheet is a form of cheating, demonstrating a lack of...

Genetics and Evolution: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow and Drift

Introduction Evolutionary genetics deals with mechanisms that explain the presence and maintenance of traits responsible for genetic variations. With all factors constant, it would be expected that selection would eventually exhaust genetic variation on traits that are related to fitness. Nonetheless, such gene variation is universal and triggers steady specific...

Effective Employee Recruitment Strategies

Introduction Because people are one of an institution’s highly prized and valuable components, businesses are presently focusing more on securing the right human capital. Employees’ productivity appraisals will come together to make up the institution’s total success. Organizations must develop a system to meticulously select the best candidates when hiring...

The Tibetan Culture Views on Stress Management

Introduction High levels of stress can hinder the efficiency of a person’s undertakings, thus resulting in undesirable outcomes. The management of stress is vital for the enhancement of aspects of spirituality and communication (Seaward, 2015). Fear can emerge due to stress whereby an individual loses self-confidence, which can be portrayed...

The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension

The prevalence of hypertension among the population of the United States can also depend on the factor of ethnicity. The researchers pay attention to the fact that Hispanics suffer from high blood pressure oftener than other minorities (Staffileno et al., 2013). Therefore, Hispanics need to adapt their diets and lifestyles...

The Transcultural Approach to Family Health Care

Defining the Transcultural Approach In nursing, the transcultural approach primarily recognizes that, along with universal care delivery principles, there are also culture-specific ones. The general premise behind the approach is that nursing care providers should consider the cultural backgrounds of patients to ensure patient comfort and the effectiveness of treatment...

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine with T. R. Reid

Introduction Ayurveda is defined as a part of Indian medicine that has been practiced for more than five thousand years. It includes such methods of treatment as diet, yoga, herbal medicine, massage, and others. It is a general opinion that Ayurvedic medicine has gained special attention nowadays as the number...

Musculoskeletal and Neurological Systems Assessment Techniques

Introduction If we talk about the spheres of healthcare and nursing, the specialist needs to know the methods and approaches used during physical assessment and possess proper observation skills (Dugan, 2016). The extended knowledge in the sphere connected to assessment methods for neurological and musculoskeletal systems are significant because proper...

Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Increasing

Issue There is pressure from certain organizations (such as workers’ labor unions) to increase the minimum wages to $15 per hour. Why Is This an Issue? Increasing the minimum hourly wages is an issue because there are numerous workers whose wages are lower than the proposed minimum level. This means...

Patient-Centered Nursing Care Delivery Model

Nursing Care Delivery Model Patient-centered care is a model of nursing care that encompasses a patient’s values, needs, preferences, and experiences in the planning, coordination, and delivery of care. It seeks to include patients and family members as active participants in the decision-making process rather than passive recipients of treatment....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing

The nursing profession necessitates the development of strong leadership and management skills inasmuch as they are of paramount importance for ensuring that care is delivered in a safe and efficient manner. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of management and leadership theories in practice. Assessment of...

Digital Consumer Involvement and Innovation Dynamics

Eleonora Paolocci’s article “Digital Strategies of Consumer Involvement and Innovation Dynamics: A Cross-Sector Explorative Study” (2014) is devoted to the investigation of the collaborative process between consumers and providers through digital technologies. The nature of this study can be examined with the help of the research onion suggested by Saunders,...

Psychotherapeutic Intervention: Veterans with PTSD

The complexity of the modern world often leads to the development of various emotional and psychological issues in people. Group psychotherapy is becoming a popular practice aimed at addressing these problems and concerns (Corey, 2015). Group work is often associated with the focus on empathy, trust, respect, and the development...

Entering a New Learning Environment

Entering a new learning environment is a challenging procedure for an ELL student. For this reason, schools offer a range of activities intended to make the process more seamless. The following brochure outlines the main steps in the placement process and identifies additional resources available to ELL student families. Welcoming...

Epigenetics and Its Effect on Physical and Mental Health

Introduction Research on epigenetics continues to elicit varied interest from scholars keen on understanding how heritable shifts impact or influence genetic expression without necessarily influencing the fundamental DNA sequence. This paper reviews a research article and two videos on epigenetics with the view to developing a deeper understanding of the...

Neuroimaging Methods and Arising Ethical Issues

The human brain is one of the most gripping fields for research. However, it has not been studied in detail yet. The lack of thorough investigation of the brain has resulted from the lack of means to make the research possible. Nowadays, scientists have become enabled to look insight the...

Food Stamps: Rationale for Tightened Conditions

Introduction An important role of the government is to assist its civilians when they are in need. One way through which the government fulfils this role is through food stamps. Food stamps are welfare benefits aimed at assisting low-income members of society in feeding themselves. This government program provides the...

Employee Burnout and Vacation Length Relationship

Adopting a One-Sample T-Test Approach to an HR Issue: A Scenario Analysis What factors should the vice-president consider in determining the presence of employee burnout? In order to determine the workplace burnout rate among the staff members and identify whether a 1.4-week rest is enough for the staff to recover...

Digital Media Product Placement at YouTube

Introduction: developing a major argument Distribution channels on the Internet serve as tools through which content creators discover channels to disseminate their creation. It is important to define the channels and virtual space that can allow the visitors and audience to receive the information (Boyd n. p.). Due to the...

Domestic Violence Issues and Interventions

Introduction The issue of domestic violence in the US affects many people every day, and public awareness about it can have a significant impact on its severity. While some may think that in 10 years the rate of domestic abuse has decreased, some statistics and studies show that the nation...

Marriott Company’s New Hotel Marketing Plan

Introduction Marriott Hotels is one of the best hotels in the US. It offers various goods and services that include fast foods, drinks, and lodge services where customers can get rooms to rest after taking part in heavy duties either during the daytime or at night. The management realized that...

How to Write an Essay

In elementary school, high school, and tertiary institutions, students are often required to write an essay. However, many do not like writing because they regard it as boring and time-consuming. Some students argue that they encounter challenges in identifying intriguing topics. One must appreciate that composing an essay can be...

“Snail” by Langston Hughes as an Inspiration Source

Introduction Poetry is one of the best ways of expressing one’s feelings and emotions, as well as understanding those of others. From ancient times, poets wrote about love and hatred, friendship and rivalry, life and death, and many other topics. Unlike prose, poetry does not relish the opportunity to use...

Childhood Obesity: Medication and Parent Education

Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation. The discussed research project is proposed to...

Oncology Nursing: “Detecting Distress” by O’Connor

Purpose of the Study A high level of distress is one of the main consequences of the process of fighting against cancer. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to be able to detect signs of distress in their patients. Particularly, a study by O’Connor, Tanner, Miller, Watts and Musiello (2017)...

Effects of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Safety

Introduction Understaffing is widely considered a primary nursing issue globally, with many nursing leaders and scholars claiming it to be detrimental to patient outcomes. However, in this context, it is not considered that there are many other professional factors at play that lead to poor results in inpatient care. Low...

Big Data and Data Mining in Healthcare Education

Introduction Information technology (IT) has become an essential component of many spheres of people’s activities. In health care, IT plays a particularly significant role due to enabling nurses and physicians to operate sets of data in a faster and more efficient way. The present paper examines the concepts of big...

Ashoka Incorporation: Employees Motivation

Any businessman or manager working in any organization in simply any industry has to encounter the problem of employee motivation. Employers or managers need to monitor and control all the employees working under them for their level of productivity. Normally, employees lose interest in their job as the level of...

The newspapers place in the media world

Newspapers have been the method by which countless generations have learned about the comings and goings, stories that affect daily lives, and important historical events unfolding in our world. Even with the advent of the internet, newspapers have not lost their importance. In fact, it has evolved into an ever...

The Literary Legacy of Paul of Tarsus

Introduction First, it is important to consider the direction of Paul’s life before the Damascus encounter, before turning to the encounter as supported by his epistles. In many occasions, we see Paul testifying about his conversation. He describes the vision to be a reality in as far as he saw...

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Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites

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The Effects of Food on ADHD

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Communication Failures and the Cases of Their Solution in Business

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Receptive Vocabulary Size and Proficiency in English as a Foreign Language

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How Sociological Institutions Directly Affect People

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Schizophrenia and Dopamine Level

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects a person’s cognitive functions. People with this disorder suffer from psychosis, delusions, and apathy (Millard et al., 2021). This illness can manifest due to genetic predisposition; indeed, it is one of the factors that can provoke it. Various psychological traumas, stress, and...

The Coronary Artery Disease: Nursing Intervention

Coronary artery disease, or coronary heart disease, is one of the most common and preventable diseases in the United States. Despite this, it remains as the cause of many deaths in recent years. The disease itself causes thickening and narrowing of the coronary arteries which then interferes with the movement...

Unconscious Bias in Group Formation

Bias toward the representatives of certain social groups may play a significant role in building human relations. It becomes particularly important when it is unconscious and, therefore, not recognized by the person exercising it. My experience suggests a conscious bias in favor of veterans and moderate unconscious gender stereotypes, and...