Operation of any business, especially a multinational one, requires thorough planning and strategizing. Policies picked by the company for any local market depend highly on different factors, and consideration of them all is vital for the successful outcome. In the framework of this paper, Heineken’s business strategy on multiple levels...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 677
Pages: 2
In the article Mother Tongue, Amy Tan, a daughter of Chinese immigrants brought up in America, describes the importance of the mother tongue in her life. The definition of “mother tongue” relates to the language of the country of her origin, as well as the tongue her mother speaks. The...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 677
Pages: 2
In fact, every nurse has to look for elderly patients in their professional practice. However, only geriatric advanced practice nurses have the special preparation for elderly care; the other nursing specialists often lack it (Melillo & Houde, 2011, p. 31; Touhy & Jett, 2014, p. 11-13). Therefore, for a nurse...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 677
Pages: 2
It is unethical for any health care professional to prescribe or administer medical tests or treatments to protect themselves against potential liability. They need to do what they believe is in the patients’ best interest. In Mr. Wilson’s doctor’s case, it is ethical to order a coronary angiogram since he...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Health equity is the foundation of patient safety, quality of care, and improved health outcomes for vulnerable populations. A Triple Aim is an approach for optimizing the performance of healthcare systems offered by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The initiative was developed to enhance the patient experience, improve the...
Topic: Patient Safety
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Natural disasters, such as tsunami, which affected Japan in March 2011, caused the loss about 28,000 lives, injured thousands of Japanese, displaced thousands of families, and destroyed infrastructure utterly (National geographic, 2011). Since the injured and displaced populations had diverse needs, the situation of the tsunami depicts a scenario where...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Determination and evaluation of alternatives The problem highlighted in the paper about the company’s work is the lack of employees’ motivation and involvement. This is a significant disadvantage because employees passionate about their work are of great value to any company. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of...
Topic: Business
Words: 677
Pages: 2
About the Selected Work of Art Restorative Healing Exhibition Spirit Spouse Baule people, Ivory Coast (no date period indicated) Wood According to the background information, this is an H 12” Spirit figure, possibly Spirit Spouse. One of the beliefs of the Baule of the Ivory Coast is that there is...
Topic: Art
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Religions are ancient social institutions, designed to perform several tasks at once. One of the main goals is the formation of the worldview and behavior of people, which determines the belief in the existence of some supernatural force. There are four types of ancient religions that have existed for...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Racial Identification Reflection Racial identity is the unique complexion of the skin that human beings can be associated with, including the ethnic backgrounds and social settings based on the culture, such as language and style. Child development also has some aspects of racial identity because, at six months, children can...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Overall, it is fair to say that the war brought many changes to Great Britain. The war economy peaked in 1943 when dozens of large military factories were operating in the country. Many civilian industries, including export ones, were reoriented to produce weapons and military equipment production. In 1943, the...
Topic: History
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Main Idea of The Text The reading discusses the idea of rhetoric as a means of persuasion. Aristotle (1954) argues effective persuasion depends on the successful use of ethos, logos, and pathos. In other words, persuasion depends on the speaker’s character, effective appeal to the audience’s emotions, and appeal to...
Topic: Aristotle
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Diabetes mellitus is a series of disorders that alter how the body utilizes glucose. Diabetes can induce artery thickening, leading to heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, and stroke risk. Consequently, a person with diabetes may have to avoid certain foods. Nevertheless, while diabetes requires adhering to specific rules, with the proper...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Metaphysics is a process of searching for the original nature of reality, the world, and existence. Aristotle was the first to use metaphysics to answer the cause of beginnings and the becoming of the world. In the Middle Ages, the content of metaphysics was replaced by finite: Thomas Aquinas thinks...
Topic: Metaphysics
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Unemployment is the most important indicator of the economy’s health. Its rise confirms the economy’s decline after a recession and leads to the diminishment of household purchasing power, which decreases overall consumption and causes a further economic downturn (Amadeo, 2020; Picardo, 2020). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics qualifies...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Apple Inc. is one of the most powerful corporations operating in the current technology market. The large-scale brand founded positions itself as a trendsetter in mobile technologies (Kotabe and Helsen, 2020). It holds a strong brand loyalty supported by the resistant and long-established customer trust for the company. Therefore, by...
Topic: Apple
Words: 677
Pages: 2
An important task of modern times is to improve the forecasting of disasters and develop methods for the rapid and effective elimination of their consequences. Emergencies in recent years have been characterized by their unpredictability, claiming lives and leaving behind numerous destructions and disasters. It obliges the management bodies to...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 677
Pages: 2
The Parallels Between the Classic Mountain and Sea and the Spirited Away Creatures There are parallels between the classic mountain and sea creatures of the seas and the host of spirit creatures that come to the spirit bathhouse in the animated film Spirited Away. In the classic of mountain and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Dreamz Inc. has significantly developed and expanded to include e-commerce services and branch offices in the scenario. As a result, using a sole (local area network) LAN network is insufficient to assemble the venture prerequisites, thus massive demand for accommodating (wide area network) WAN (Rainoff, 2019). Dreamz Inc. demands an...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Any company that establishes market dominance built on a single unique product is successful for as long as the market remains the same. However, markets can change quickly with demand for goods decreasing, prices for raw materials increasing, and new companies entering it. Therefore, brands should strive to live beyond...
Topic: Business
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction The business model canvas is the most commonly used tool in developing a business strategy. Its application ranges from schooling to entrepreneurial simulation to real-world company planning. Furthermore, the business model canvas is a means of describing, assessing, and constructing business models, with nine building elements that demonstrate the...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Fashion is an expression in appearance that is popularly done at a specific period with a specific context. Fashion is about clothing, makeup, structure, and hairstyle as well as body proportion. Fashion is a distinctive expression, which is supported by traditions and is recognized and supported as an industry....
Topic: Computers
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Servant leadership differs substantially from traditional styles based on power, positioning the leader as a servant, not a supervisor. Servant leaders should consider their employees’ interests first and act for their benefit – to ensure workers’ well-being and development. Under the guidance of a servant leader, people operate independently and...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Galanz is a Chinese company producing microwave ovens and competing with such giants as LG, Panasonic, and Toshiba. The company’s success is attributed to the low-cost strategy, achieved by efficient use of capacity and process improvements, and the combination of OBM, OEM, and ODM, allowing for economies of scale. Currently,...
Topic: Business
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Chronic Bronchitis S: A 68-year-old man stated that he could not catch his breath or breathe deeply enough to cough up secretions. He complained of mild nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting. O: Vital signs: HR 125, RR 30, Temp 37° C (98.6° F), BP 190/115 Overview: The man was diagnosed...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction As businesses progress into the era of advanced technologies, digital transformation increases its strategic potential. Implementing information technologies such as information systems directly impacts the quality of business operations and customer experience. According to Rainer and Prince (2021), information systems “collect, process, store, analyze, and disseminate information for specific...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Servant leadership is a leadership style in which the leader prioritizes people over performance and acts as a servant to their followers. This type of leadership establishes strong relationships among followers and encourages them to sacrifice their personal goals for the team’s sake (Sarratt & Chadwick, 2020). This paper will...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Strategies for success, especially in media and publicity, change to the demands of the times and existing trends. However, each person determines their tactics based not only on the average current agenda but also on their identity and the conventions associated with it. In modern conditions of “feminization” of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Technological advancement has made our lives significantly more manageable, from transport, healthcare, and telecommunications to money transfer, among others. Nonetheless, there have been issues that have emerged because of digital inventions. On that point, this article discusses the effects of social media on our lives and whether it needs regulation....
Topic: Social Media
Words: 677
Pages: 2
The ethical theory promotes the application of moral practices in every business process. The ethical theory supports different concepts such as “corporate social responsibility, fair remuneration, and equality” (Walker & Deaval, 2012, p. 17). Spaho (2013) believes strongly that “moral standards should be taken seriously in every business organization” (p....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 678
Pages: 3
The proposed scenario discusses the issue of universal health care. The current paper argues that universal health care should be introduced so that people would have access to medical care regardless of their financial status. Apart from providing several reasons for this, several counter-arguments are also addressed. It should be...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Introduction Performance assessment is gaining popularity among educators throughout the world. Therefore, teachers ought to be updated on the most recent and most effective assessment tools. They must learn how to utilize the tools efficiently in assessing student understanding and performance on certain objectives. This paper compares some of the...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Abstract The paper provides the analysis of two pitches from Episode 11 in Season 6. The paper also presents a summary of the ideas discussed in the selected pitches. The comparison of the pitches’ features is supported by analyzing the business idea that is worth investing. Evaluation of Pitches Shark...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Organizational structure is a major factor that determines the management styles and performance of various organizations. According to Myers (2017), organizational structure determines the division of work, assignment of duties, and the level of authority of employees and management levels. Vertical and horizontal organizational structures are two major forms of...
Topic: Law
Words: 678
Pages: 3
General Aspects of the Technology Topic Science and medicine: rapidly developing technologies; Technological innovations expand healthcare facilities’ potential; Along with opportunities, there are threats; Cybersecurity: one of the greatest dangers; Security threats exist in every sphere; Lost data leads to adverse outcomes. In the world of fast-developing technologies, there are...
Topic: Cybersecurity
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Introduction Organizational culture is a very important aspect for any company. It promotes the company’s values and fosters the performance of employees. The Walt Disney Company and Fox Broadcasting Company are two entertainment giants that are famous for their unique methods of business dealing. The main goal of this paper...
Topic: Culture
Words: 678
Pages: 3
In the process of nursing care, a significant role is played by the leaders of junior medical personnel who can be an example for their colleagues and coordinate their activities according to specific goals. The task of such staff is to evaluate current workflow indicators, as well as use appropriate...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Nature vs. Nurture It is worth noting that the intelligence and abilities of an individual can be inherited and developed, but the identification of the system of ethical values is the outcome of social interactions. Even if mental capacity is largely determined by genes, it is still vulnerable to external...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Introduction The impact of attentional focus on the execution of skills has received more attention than its impact on the actual performance, which often involves technical performance and cognitive skills. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the impact of attentional focus on information processing, movement accuracy, and...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Statistical Tools and Methods Working on the development of sales forecast for a company is essential for the further identification of the strategies, which the organization in question views as crucial for attracting new customers and increasing its profitability rates (Roberts & Russo, 2014). In order to address the situation...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 678
Pages: 3
The subject for this week is iconography art. I have been really impressed by the subject because I have always paid attention to the icons or symbols in the art. Actually, in art criticism, iconography is defined as the description and systematization of typological features and patterns taken by the...
Topic: Artists
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The characters of Macbeth and Smeagol/Gollum in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings seem at first glance to be drastically different characters. Macbeth is a relative of the king, in line for leadership. Smeagol is a cut-throat of dubious, possibly Halfling origins with none but himself and his...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Heberlein argues that the environment should be protected not only by people but also from people because people are the number one threat to the environment. Issues of global freezing and warming have all come about due to the activities of man. Moreover, technology has a big role to play...
Topic: Environment
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Introduction I suggest the following ten things to reinvent journalism. First of all, it is to empower the readers by continuously engaging them in various posts and writings. Keeping one’s readers and the public well informed and fully engaged in the current affairs and news enables the readers to access...
Topic: Journalism
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Developmental assessments are standard health maintenance procedures in school-aged children. Physical examinations may be common and allow to determine subjective and objective information fundamental to providing care. Physical assessments may be inherently uncomfortable for children, therefore, it is important to utilize appropriate techniques and create a safe environment that...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 678
Pages: 2
A lesson plan is an integral part of the teacher’s preparation for the upcoming lecture. It helps to fix the content in a sequence of the educational process, clarify the necessary formulations and concepts, and to build a logical sequence of information. Although in every school or university, there is...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Solution We Can Stop Domestic Violence To address the problem of domestic violence, it is necessary to propose a complex program as a response to this social issue. “We Can Stop Domestic Violence” can be viewed as more successful than other initiatives because, firstly, it is oriented to providing different...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Different companies are situated in Miami, Florida; they have different products, services, and activities that define the company’s scope of operations. One of the companies that are located in Florida is Novartis, a pharmaceutical company that originates from Switzerland. This paper will analyze the marketing mix of Novartis, present...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 678
Pages: 2
School-aged children need regular evaluation and analysis of their development. This assessment is necessary to identify physical or mental problems and prevent their growth and influence on a person’s future life. However, a child of five, nine, and twelve years old are at entirely different stages of development, so adults...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The use of personal nursing philosophies as the foundation for nursing practice has attracted many scholars interested in establishing how these philosophies lead to positive patient care outcomes by not only enhancing the proper application of nursing knowledge but also stimulating the development of the nursing theory (Petrovskaya, 2014)....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction One of the essential tasks of nursing is to achieve the highest efficiency and quality of nursing care for the population. Nursing research is based on study of various phenomena with a scientific approach. Being a nurse means being a professional, and research is one of the basic premises...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Throughout times, various nursing theories have emerged within the healthcare industry, and each of them defined nursing and its major elements in its way. Smith and Parker (2015) define nursing theories as “patterns that guide the thinking about nursing” (p. 2). Different healthcare professionals imply the concepts into their...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Basics for choral conductors working with instrumentalists include such aspects as verbal and gestural communication, using the baton, articulation, and bowing. Verbally, the conductor is recommended to address instrumentalists in the same fashion he or she would attend a choir. The best course of action in terms of tuning the...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Cultural Group: African American A Brief History the race initially emerged in Africa. ethnicities and societies developed continuously. African Americans were transported to America. racial discrimination largely shaped the group. African Americans represent a distinctive social group. Values and Worldview worldview determined by the cultural legacy. the uniqueness of being...
Topic: Health
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction A crucial component of behavioral analysis is the exploration of different types of learning. Operant conditioning (OC) and respondent conditioning (RC) are to be mastered by behavior analysis since these learning types allow teaching new behaviors with the help of specific stimuli. While OC and RC are two variants...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Democracy means a rule by the people and its evolution of Greek government evolved as a direct opposite from the dictatorship form they hated. Therefore, democracy has developed in a setting where people feel oppressed and generally being dictated upon or where unfair means are perceived to exist or a...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The Bintel Brief is a book of letters from the Jewish daily forward which brings the reality of the life of the Jews immigrant in the United States. It is a renowned advice column that gave fair-minded and practical advice to its readers in addition to giving them an opportunity...
Topic: Culture
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a short story which reveals the dark side of human nature. It depicts the collective unconscious of the people of a village, of about three hundred people. The author brings them together to take part in an annual rite in the form of a...
Topic: The Lottery
Words: 678
Pages: 2
There are several suggestions that perhaps Homer’s The Iliad is the product of a much longer oral tradition that Homer wrote down and passed along as an artist. An oral tradition can be generally thought of as a story that is passed down from one generation to another through oral,...
Topic: Iliad
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a useful guide for governance, this is apparent from the beginning of the book: its dedication to Lorenzo de Medici, the leader of Florence. Chapter 1 and 2 illustrate the book’s scope, a discussion of autocratic systems. These chapters describe...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 678
Pages: 2
In this sociological research paper, we are going to critically analyze the experiment on obedience to authority figures conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram of Yale University. The experiment objective was devised to measure the willingness of individuals to obey authoritative commands which conflict with their personal conscious from an authoritative...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Third world culture The world is constantly becoming more and more intertwined. Countries and people are becoming more dynamic and interdependent. A couple who changes their original environment, move to a new country, and have a child there will be forced to rise up to the challenge of raising the...
Topic: Bilingualism
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The urinary system is significant for body metabolism because it regulates the content of blood and the fluids of the body. The major organ of this system, the kidneys, filtrates body fluids and contributes to the acid-base balance. For athletes, it may provide some insights into the strategies to reach...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction A written play can be staged in multiple ways by changing how the characters look, behave, and talk. On the other hand, the stage reflection can also attempt to communicate what the author originally intended with no alterations. This essay will compare and contrast the stage directions, dialogue, and...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The problems of indigenous people in the context of the ethnic revival process activation, the spread of the ideas of multiculturalism as an integral characteristic of a modern legal state are gaining increasing political importance. In this regard, the experience of a country such as Canada, due to some...
Topic: Art
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Business and entrepreneurship play an important role in the economy of the United States. American small, medium, and large corporations have the following ratios: 97–99%, above 1%, less than 0.1% respectively (Burns, 2016). The level of employment in large corporations in the United States exceeds 50 million people. Small (and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The Civil War is considered to be one of the central events in the history of the United States. This war has started as a result of uncompromising differences in the views of the North and the South on the issue of slavery. Primarily, the government tended to search compromises...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction There are several similarities between the 4Ps marketing approach and the value perspective. Both value and 4Ps market approaches aim at related objectives in the market growth and development for the organizations’ products and profit maximization. In both techniques, the initial commodity is manufactured as per customers’ demands and...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 678
Pages: 2
While the initial chapters of Piven and Cloward’s (1978) book aimed at explanation of movements’ structure and the specific features of the American protests of the unemployed, the consecutive sections cover more particularities related to poor people’s movements. The fourth and fifth chapters of the reading discuss the reasons, mechanics,...
Topic: Protest
Words: 678
Pages: 2
This project is going to use the STEADI tool kit as a primary tool for preventing cases of falls in geriatric patients, aged 65+ years old. The tool kit consists of three core elements: screening; assessing; intervening. On the screening stage, a healthcare practitioner is provided with algorithms for fall...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Sources credibility is a burning issue of the information era the United States and the whole world are currently going through. Reliability of information can influence various spheres of life, and healthcare services are no exclusion. For instance, it is essential for evidence-based models addressing specific conditions and diseases. Autism...
Topic: Autism
Words: 678
Pages: 2
A study conducted at Paul Sabatier University found that societal shifts caused ancient hunter-gatherers to prefer male horses. The research used DNA from the remains of ancient horses to determine alterations in animal husbandry preferences. The study of DNA, starting with the human genome, has broadened to allow researchers to...
Topic: DNA
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Humanities is an interesting batch of disciplines, as it studies what seems obvious – people themselves and what they create. However, it appears that both subjects are complex, and there is no definite way to interpret them. The sheer variety of art expressions shows not only how talented the creators...
Topic: Literature
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelle, while Eukaryotes possess both. The nucleus is one of the most important structures required in living organisms. The nucleus can be thought of as the ‘brain’ of the cell. Mostly Prokaryotes are single-celled or unicellular, except the...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The development of any marketing plan should start with analyzing the initial positions: the companys strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats it faces. Adaptable Home Products (AHP) is a startup company ready to launch its first three product lines: furniture (1), kitchen appliances (2), and adjustable screens (3). One of...
Topic: Home
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The concept of gender roles has existed as long as a society, and it does not lose its relevance to this day. The study of women’s position is a subject of research that has generated much discussion, even in ancient times. However, often only writers could show the life of...
Topic: Canterbury Tales
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The article by Verweij et al. (2014) is devoted to the research of the effectiveness of drug round tabards with respect to reducing the cases of nurse interruptions and medication administration errors. Here, the results of the study will be considered in the light of the limitations, and possible conclusions...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction People who operate those large and heavy commercial motor vehicles on the roads do not manage their tasks without specialized skills and preliminary training. An abbreviation “CDL” stands for Commercial Driver’s License, and it gives an individual permission to drive buses or large commercial vehicles (LCVs) on a highway...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Racial profiling occurs when the law enforcement base their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom. Although some people consider racial profiling as a means of improving security, it must be stopped at all cost because it is discriminatory. In the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction In the recent past, many organizations have established mergers to improve the level of competition in the global markets. In the banking industry, various banks have established mergers to improve performance in the markets and to establish competitive strategies. Some of the mergers, which have been established in the...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Art has always been used as an instrument to create awareness, express emotions, and entertain the audience. Consequently, to appreciate an artwork accordingly, it is necessary to conduct full analysis on the artwork and its creator. Flaming June is a magnificent work of art created by Frederic Leighton, a British...
Topic: Art
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The right to possess and carry weapons is enshrined in the United States as a constitutional norm. However, the very essence of this right is highly controversial. Debate on gun control comes up regularly, highlighting the topic from both a practical and a moral point of view. Given the need...
Topic: Gun Control
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The purpose of literature is to be thought-provoking and to convey strong messages. Even fictional stories demonstrate a certain degree of connection to the issues present in real life. Such works of literature are often filled with profound symbolism, which invites the reader on a philosophical journey through the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Public communication becomes possible when individuals enter the public sphere to deliver messages to other people or groups. In its turn, a public sphere is a social place where citizens gather and express their views on political, social, and economic matters (Crossley and Roberts, 2004). The concept of the public...
Topic: Communication
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The Harlem Renaissance saw many writers, poets, and artists, but Langston Hughes was the best contributor to the period with his protest poems touching on African Americans’ livelihoods and experiences. During this period, most of his poems demanded answers to the many social issues that the black faced, including racism...
Topic: Literature
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Transportation of goods and services is the primary concern of every manufacturer, which makes it an integral part of the production process. Transport and logistics are the main elements in the supply chain, providing the right quantity of goods to the right customer at the right time, in the...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Chinese cuisine, with a long history, multiple styles and traditions, and unique cooking methods, is integral to the great Chinese culture. The Chinese are very sensitive to food, knowing how to appreciate every cup of rice. Moreover, there is no concept of a light snack here because this shows...
Topic: Culture
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Database Management Systems (DBMS) are software that provide storage, updating, and retrieval of data in a computer. There are many types of DBMS such as network, hierarchical, relational, and object-oriented. These databases exist in various forms, for example, oracle, SQL server, and clipper. DBMS are essential in information technology and...
Topic: Data Management
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Case Summary American Football League vs. National Football League, 205 F. Supp. 60 (D. Md. 1962) The American Football league, abbreviated as AFL, filed a lawsuit against the national football league (NFL) on the grounds of the Anti-Trust Act breach. The AFL sought to get injunctive relief and recover damages...
Topic: Football
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Inadequate communication between professionals of the healthcare team often leads to errors and adverse events that adversely affect the patient and the healthcare team. Effective collaboration and communication are essential to improve the healthcare system quality and reduce the errors associated with risk. Interprofessional learning by nursing students has been...
Topic: Communication
Words: 678
Pages: 2
“The Book of Eli Movie” is set in post-apocalyptic times, with Eli being the protagonist. Eli is a Godly person driven by his faith in God and is on a mission to preserve and protect the only remaining copy of the Bible. Ethics can also be analyzed in this film...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The profit planning system at McDonald’s comes down to turnover and guest count planning. Planning is an estimate of future turnover and guest count based on current trends and past data, such as seasonal events and programs that have been held in the past. It is very important to plan...
Topic: Information Management
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The plea-bargaining process is a method of sentence bargaining. The prosecutor, investigating a case, accepts the possibility of imposing a lighter penalty or a sentence on a wrongdoer if they do not contest accusations and plead their guilty. It is a case of an exchange, where a defendant confesses...
Topic: Law
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Youth Justice Every day, children and teenagers are detained in the United States, with people of color being especially vulnerable. Even though youth arrests and detentions have decreased, severe racial inequities in the juvenile justice system seem to remain at the same level. Minority children, specifically Black children, tend to...
Topic: Justice
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Almost every nation has its hymn, which is a sign of patriotism. The national anthem is interpreted as a solemn song adopted as a symbol of state and social unity, performed on all official occasions. It is sung primarily at formal celebrations, events, ceremonies, and rituals; during its performance, it...
Topic: History
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction An urban legend or urban myth is a widespread contemporary coequal to the vision of fairy tales circulating in modern society. At first glance, the story may seem plausible, including actual characters and carrying a particular moral, but usually, urban legends do not have valid evidence. The legend usually...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Decision-making in the case of Metabical depends directly on the manufacturer’s performance, Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals, and the FDA with clearance, including detailed profitability and cost-benefit analysis from Barbara Printup. Stakeholders include consumers, investors, and company management. The high quality of the product will be confirmed by the FDA and the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 678
Pages: 2
About 75 years after its publication, How to Win Friends and Influence People was named Time magazine’s 19th most influential book in 2011. It is one of the best-selling novels of all time, with over 30 million copies sold globally (“How to win friends & influence people,” 2022). In this...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Social media in the past few decades has become a huge influence on people’s lives. Studies show that a regular person spends from 3 to 6 hours on social media, which is becoming a form of addiction for many users Naslund et al. (2020). Nevertheless, social media is proven...
Topic: Health
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction As part of this work, two articles from recent months are analyzed, devoted to rearrangements in the internal organization of two companies, GameStop and Tesla. The analysis identifies the nature of the ethical problem that accompanies changes within companies. The social nature of the problem is revealed in the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The Synthesis of Readings Primarily, it should be noted that injustice and inequality in American society, discrimination and oppression of citizens, and the issue of exclusivity of individuals are fundamental concepts that seem to run through the readings like a red thread. The experts remark that these problems are not...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Among the many problems of the food industry, the identification of food products is the most relevant and multifaceted. The absence of clear evaluation criteria and often methodological bases, the prevailing economic conditions, and actively developing technologies – all this and much more contributes to the complexity of the...
Topic: Food
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Pages: 2
Marie Sklodowska Curie was born in the 19th century in Poland in an impoverished family. Despite the strong urge for knowledge and science, Marie Curie had almost no prospect of entering the university. The patriarchal society of that time had a negative attitude towards all attempts by women to contribute...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Thanks to the Great Geographic Discoveries, Europeans began to explore new lands, establishing trade relations with remote corners of the earth. But the process was not always peaceful. The traditional societies of Asia, Africa, and the Americas could not resist the military might of Europeans. The establishment of a...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction The study of the literature of the past centuries is of particular value as it provides an understanding of how their thought represented itself in earlier times. Moreover, this process provides a unique insight into how people perceived the world and what morals and attitudes to culture and religion...
Topic: Literature
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Pages: 2
In Mary Conway Dato-on and Eileen Weisenbach Keller, Health Center for the Homeless: Changing with the Times describes the functions, history, goals, and principles of the Health Care Center for the Homeless nonprofit organization. This organization began in 1994 and was founded by Rick Baxley. The man realized that homeless...
Topic: Health
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Overview Globalization is associated with an increase in social, political and economic ties around the world. The problem of global inequality associated with the exploitation of developing countries comes along with the process of globalization. Neoliberalism, colonialism, modernization and independent development theories assume that globalization remains responsible for global inequality....
Topic: Globalization
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The spread of communication technologies has given rise to a significant increase in information volume. This has led to the emergence of the big data phenomenon and related analytic models (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). Most of them are considered within the data science, which actively uses machine learning to solve...
Topic: Machine Learning
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Emotional intelligence is one of the most critical components in the business environment and important quality for any manager, essentially determining a firm’s success and failure. For example, world-famous personalities like Tim Cook, Satya Nadella, and Elon Musk undoubtedly have a relatively high emotional intelligence. Still, each of them...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 678
Pages: 2
A ritual is a ceremonial act that has spiritual or religious significance. Rituals create cosmologies they enact in different ways; firstly, they promote a sense of cosmos and order by establishing recognizable patterns of behavior. Secondly, they foster community logic by uniting people with similar interests. Thirdly, the key moments...
Topic: Culture
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction When I saw the competition title, “What is one thing you could not live without?” I immediately thought about water. Regardless of the context, water is something that all people need for functioning, and it also has multiple other benefits. It improves digestion, prevents dehydration, and significantly enhances kidney...
Topic: Water
Words: 678
Pages: 3
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society today. Some believe that a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and believe that abortion is murder. The debate over abortion is often highly emotional and can be difficult to discuss rationally. However, it...
Topic: Abortion
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Pages: 2
Social justice is a broad term that covers all areas of human life and intersects with many other concepts close to sociology, such as mental health. As a result, people of different educational backgrounds use different interpretations of it. Every person builds a unique explanation of the theory, and there...
Topic: Justice
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The work can be tedious and stressful, negatively affecting wellness. Therefore, searching for methods to reduce stress and support well-being is necessary. Yoga is a well-known practice that positively affects physical and mental health. When considering the issue of yoga and wellness at work, it is essential to note that...
Topic: Wellness
Words: 678
Pages: 2
The major goal of fostering professional learning is to help educators acquire the information and abilities needed to provide students with more meaningful possibilities once they graduate. Examining the data on student accomplishment is the first step in designing effective professional learning development that aids in defining the educational requirements...
Topic: Education
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Evaluation of I Love Rewards Survey Findings: Millennial Motivation and Attitudes Millennials are one of the most motivated generations in the workplace, and many factors influence their attitude. I agree with the comment of the founder of the “I Love Rewards” survey, Razor Suleman, regarding the comment stating that millennials...
Topic: Business
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s tragedy play that was written in the late 14th century. It is believed to be the most popular of his literary works owing to the catchy phrases that have found their way in today’s conversations such as “to be or not to be” (Shakespeare 110)....
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
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Pages: 3
Public Health and Economic Principles Health care is closely connected with economic principles and depends on them heavily. In the health sector, the economic evaluation is performed in order to explore the cost of a study of various infectious, long-term or chronic diseases. The costs and benefits of the applied...
Topic: Finance
Words: 679
Pages: 3
Introduction Creating the environment in which employees will be able to excel in their performance is an absolute necessity for an organization to exist and, in the best-case scenario, thrive in the context of the contemporary global economy. Therefore, the introduction of a cohesive and efficient measurement system must be...
Topic: Performance
Words: 679
Pages: 3
Pregnancy can be defined with respect to time and as a condition. With respect to time, it is the period from conception to childbirth (Hale, Saunders & Margham, 2005). It is vital to understand the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy and their implication in human development and heredity. Below...
Topic: Human Development
Words: 679
Pages: 3
The title of the article “Burnout and Resilience Among Nurses Practicing in High-Intensity Settings” by Rushton, Batcheller, Schroeder, and Donohue (2015) reflects the area and the population of the study: nurses working in high-stress environments. In the beginning, author affiliations and contact information are provided, showing that the investigators are...
Topic: Burnout
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is one of the tools that are used to evaluate patients’ psychological state. The questionnaire is also usually applied to measure depression symptoms in adolescent patients (Richardson et al., 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the PHQ-9 with the focus on its...
Topic: Health
Words: 679
Pages: 2
What is criminal profiling? What are the procedures used in criminal profiling and how is the profile evaluated? Criminal profiling is an investigative tool that is used to create a personality profile of a suspect based on the information found at the crime scene (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008, p. 84)....
Topic: Law
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Pages: 2
Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a systematic research of phenomena using methods involving the analysis of numerical data; these methods are usually mathematical, statistical, or numerical (University of Southern Carolina Libraries, 2017). The data is commonly collected via polls, surveys, etc.; after that, it is systematically generalized to a wider...
Topic: Depression
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Creating a capable HR department in any given organisation is traditionally aimed at generating additional value by attracting and managing talent in an administrative role. However, in recent decades, HR departments have been striving for a more strategic role in the business organisation and an advisory role to the...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Overview of the Issue In some countries, children are still unprotected and viewed as cheap resources to be used in military activities. For the period of 2013-2018, 29,128 cases of using children as soldiers in 17 countries were reported, but actual numbers are higher (Varfolomeeva). In the legal context of...
Topic: Sociology
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Pages: 2
Introduction Reading Descartes’ Meditation may be difficult because of the impossibility of finding out the truth and staying consistent. The intention of the author to clarify the things to doubt is a complex work with many perspectives. In this paper, the analysis of Descartes’ Meditation 1 is developed to explain...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 679
Pages: 2
History Christopher Columbus created the first colony of Santo Domingo on Hispaniola island, which became the capital of the Spanish colonies in America. Until 1924, the Dominican Republic was repeatedly ruled by different countries, such as Spain, France, Haiti, and for short periods it was an independent and autonomous state....
Topic: Democracy
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Meiji restoration was brought into effect more as a restoration of the imperial rule in Japan. This was also seen as an end to the Shogunate that was ruling the country and brought in the imperial rule across the islands. This paved way for swift industrial growth bringing to...
Topic: History
Words: 679
Pages: 4
Key concepts of my nursing philosophy The key concepts of my nursing philosophy revolve around my core values, which include integrity, honesty, advocacy, compassion, respect, patient privacy, and knowledge. Compassion is the backbone of my nursing philosophy as I believe that I am a gift to humanity and my duty...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper is a critical evaluation of “Popular Sovereignty and Nationalism” By Bernard Yack. Discussion In his article, Yack proves the relationship between nationalism and popular sovereignty and shows that against popular belief, modernization is not a prelude to nationalism but rather a result of nationalism to some extent....
Topic: Nationalism
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Presentation is an important part for companies and individuals in selling themselves or their products and services. This paper looks at some professional advice on how to carryout a successful presentation. Requirements and don’ts Before making the actual presentation, adequate planning on the presentation is required. This may involve...
Topic: Education
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction In her short story The Management of Grief, Bharati Mukherjee describes the feelings of a person, who has lost her family. The author shows how the main character Shaila Bhave tries to overcome this tragedy. Apart from that, she compares her reaction to that of other people, who have...
Topic: Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Decades ago the asbestos was the main and most likely the favorite construction merchandise among many clients. In line with Trevino and Nelson (2004), it is estimated that “over 3,000 products contained some kind of asbestos components”. This automatically shows that the management had to do what they could...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The success of any educational process depends on its planning. It is the plan that provides a framework for the educational process. Educators use various models when planning for educational programs. Most popular program planning models in use are Knowles’ and Barr and Keating’s models of planning. Though they may...
Topic: Education
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The name of the marketing plan is Community Based Fundraising. Multiple generations of contributors and potential fans will be targeted using different advertisement techniques, including traditional promotions and social media posts. Older fans will be targeted with advertisements focusing on community pride, while social media engagement and promotions will be...
Topic: Fundraising
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Four Key Management Functions For successful and effective management, it is necessary to determine its primary functions. The entire control process can be divided into four parts, arranged in strict order to be performed sequentially. The first stage is planning, which can be viewed in terms of strategy, tactics, or...
Topic: Management
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Shawn Corey Carter, also known by his stage name Jay-Z, is a successful American musician, producer, and businessman, renowned for his influence on the hip-hop genre. Born in Brooklyn in 1969, Carter was raised by his mother with his three older siblings (Jay-Z Biography). Having a rough childhood, the boy...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Wegmans is a large family-owned company that sells groceries in 6 states (Ebert and Griffin 305). The total number of stores run under the supermarket chain accounts for 80 (Ebert and Griffin 305). The company has a long history; it was founded in 1915 and since that, has been...
Topic: Management
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Violence is one of the forms of deviant behavior, unfortunately, promoted in and by the media. Media violence, in its different types, makes abnormal behavior more aggressive and transforming into criminal behavior. Today, even cartoons have the reflection (mostly hidden) of violence. One of the most vivid examples of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 679
Pages: 2
“Act Without Words I” by Samuel Beckett is an example of the Theater of the Absurd, a designation of the particular type of plays written by different playwrights in the mid-twentieth century. The central idea, characteristic for the genre of the absurdist drama, is a concept of the meaninglessness of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 679
Pages: 2
This review dwells upon David Farber’s Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed. The book sheds light on diverse aspects of the war on drugs and the crack market in the USA in the twentieth century. The author attempts to identify the major causes of the problem...
Topic: Literature
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Ethical issues are encountered by all health care professionals and organizations in their everyday practice. Codes of ethics are a set of rules and norms of behavior regulating the external manifestation of the relationship between employees, providers and patients, their relatives, and other parties (Cocks, 2016). The purpose of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Between 1933 and 1939, President Roosevelt endorsed the New Deal programs in the United States to counter the effects of the great depression through programs, financial reforms, public work projects, and regulations. These programs answered the needs of Americans in recovery, reform, and relief after facing the economic meltdown...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The issue of organ donation is acute in most countries, since transplantation has undoubted benefits and can save hundreds of people, but at the same time, it raises moral questions for many people. The organ conscription policy causes many controversies because the state takes organs from all deceased people who...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Depression treatment in the U.S. varies based on health practitioners’ preferences. Some prefer drugs as the ultimate solution, whereas others embrace therapy. Regardless of the approach, severe ordeals of depression are treatable provided that the patients remain positive and are dedicated to adopting the different educational strategies as advised by...
Topic: Depression
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Tourism is one of the most significant pillars of economic growth in numerous international economies. The industry accounts for 20.8% of the international revenue and 21.7% of the total employment before the COVID-19 pandemic (Aladag et al., 2020). However, the world bank’s recent report revealed an alarming situation caused by...
Topic: Strategic Planning
Words: 679
Pages: 2
The Butler is a historical drama by Lee Daniels about racial discrimination, based on the life of Eugene Allen. The protagonist Cecil Gaines, played by Forest Whitaker, spent most of his childhood on a cotton plantation. After the rape of his mother and his father’s death, the plantation caretaker, Annabeth,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Buddha, meaning the enlightened one, started Buddhism as a religion. He was born Prince Siddhartha Gautama around the fifth century BCE and died at the age of 80 around 400 BCE after a long time of traveling and preaching (Kleiner 447). After his death, his followers collected, organized, and...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Innovation Activities Innovation is one of the most essential factors in the sustainable and efficient development of the company. The company’s executives might choose among different solutions and innovation activities, depending on the selected process. In the case of Nike, it was identified that sustainable manufacturing is vital for the...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 679
Pages: 2