The Issue of Low Staffing in Nursing

As stated by the report of The World Health Organization “A Universal Truth: No health without a workforce,” made at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in November 2013, noted that in 2035 there would be a shortage of 12.9 million workers in the world health. Modern...

The Relationship Between the Environment and Humans

The relationship between the environment and humans is a symbiotic one – people impact their surroundings, and they influence people. It is not an exaggeration to say that environmental conditions affect human health every single day. However, it is humanity that is responsible for the deterioration of the environment and...

T Facility’s Performance Assessment

Identification of Problems The T facility has a single major customer to whom over 98% of its production is sold out. Shipments to this customer are covered by long term contract. As per the terms and conditions of this contract, facility requires virtually the same quantity to be shipped every...

Literature’s Judgment Different Issues

The world of literature is the sphere of entire features and prospects that never die in peoples’ minds. The fact that the literature comprises the wholeness of the experience gained during thousands of years is apparent and presents many themes for discussion. The paper is dedicated to three works by...

Modern Medicine in “ Mountains Beyond Mountains” by Kidder

In the book Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the world, author Tracy Kidder narrates the story of Dr. Paul Farmer. An anthropologist and a physician by trade; Dr. Farmer is an individual who has dedicated his life towards the struggle against...

Coca-Cola Case Analysis

Summary of the case Coca-cola is the largest beverage company in the world and employs about 71,000 people in over 200 countries. It has a range of products which includes: diet coke, coca cola, sprite and fanta. There is concern from coke that the move towards healthy eating and drinking...

Phonemic Awareness for Children

Children at a very young age need to be taught strategies that will help them be able to understand various practices in academics. These strategies of learning mold them into being able to self learn without any supervision. These learning procedures need to be emphasized at all levels of learning...

Philips Company: Product Lines Case

Introduction Philips Company specializes in the production of household appliances. Its markets stretch across the globe with a market presence in over 200 countries. The company is among the leading corporations in the manufacture of household appliances with major competition from Asian producers (Philips, 2010). This essay will analyze five...

A Rhetorical Defense of Leonard Peltier

Introduction Leonard Peltier has been a prisoner for 28 years. This is due to crime that he did not commit. He was falsely accused to have murdered two FBI agents. Leonard Peltier is innocent and in fact the American government has confessed that they have no evidence against him. His...

Post-Global Financial Crisis Companies’ Strategies

Introduction This paper advances proposals that companies should exert to change their strategies regarding bonds, fixed income, and leveraged securities, given the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis. This appalling global phenomenon sabotaged economies worldwide and plunged them into radical bankruptcy and landslides (Farlow, 2010). Of vital significance is the impactful liquidation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hard Rock Café: Operations Management and Productivity

Operation management is a business area whereby a business is concerned with the production of goods and services. It makes sure that business processes are very efficient i.e. using fewer resources as required and effective in regards to meeting customers’ requirements. The ten decisions of operation management are very crucial...

Brownmiller on Free Speech and Pornography

Brownmiller’s argument for keeping pornography under wraps (Lederer 54) is based on the premise that it is not a political statement that deserves Constitutional protection. Hence, one of her conclusions is that women who patronize a newsstand should not have to confront a whole range of women en dishabille on...

“On Liberty” by John Stuart Mill

Introduction In his work, an English philosopher John Stuart Mill (1869), emphasizes the importance of individuality within any public system. Chapters II and III of his book became the parts of the collection of short essays that were edited by Roca and Schuh (2015). The chapters focus upon the role...

Wound Physical Therapy for a 75-Year-Old Man

Patient History A patient is a 75-year-old man who admitted to an emergency department with pain on his hip. After the death of his wife (three years ago), he lives alone. He has two children who live separately and does not want to bother them with his problems. During the...

Transformational Leadership Style as the Most Effective One

Introduction In the sphere of leadership research, the styles of leadership occupy a key place. Style is defined as a set of attitudes and behaviors of a leader. Such a set influences the whole run of a company and, to a large extent, predetermines its success or failure. The number...

A Right to Experimental Drugs

The field of medicine is not restricted to patients’ direct treatment and involves the constant expansion of medical research. Compassionate use programs provide critically ill patients with no other treatment options with an access to experimental new drugs (Munson, 2014). The issue of whether they have a right to use...

The Problem of Workplace Bullying: Literature Review

Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that is often observed in working settings. It is associated with targeting, mistreating, harassing individuals for the purpose of upsetting and causing emotional as well as physical harm (Bowling & Beehr, 2006). As a result of prolonged bullying, its victims become less productive, emotionally instable,...

The Practice of Public Health

The issue of public health is one of the most important questions as it involves the wellbeing and health of every individual. Public health is a science and art because it is based on traditional medicine and healthcare issues but requires a personalized approach to every citizen. It is important...

The Importance of Me Too Movement

There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder...

Possible Answers to Question “When Does Life Begin?”

Introduction When trying to find the singular correct answer to the question “When does life begin?” there are different sources one can consult. This results in the problem of coming to vastly contrasting conclusions when examining all possible texts. There is also an array of bioethical issues that depend on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety

Introduction There are many ways of how to improve clinical performance and promote patient safety. Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (Team STEPPS) is one of the methods with five main principles and skills in the spheres of communication, team-building, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support...

Checklist for Evaluating Internal Controls

Introduction Internal control is a key element that should be incorporated into the operation of a firm. The core objective is to integrate high standards in the operation of a firm. Effective internal control can be conducted through the integration of a checklist (Louwers & Strawser, 2007, p.65). For efficiency,...

Social Pressure to Young Adults

Social pressure has existed for as long as human beings have lived in groups. People exert influence on their friends and colleagues, making them take some actions and change their behaviors to engage in their social circle. Various persons have suggested that, despite the differences between generations in terms of...

Nike Inc.’s Sustainable Manufacturing Assessment

The Stakeholders Sustainable manufacturing is a matter of paramount importance in the 21st century in the context of the clothing and footwear industries. Jiang (2019) writes that the popularity of high-end athletic shoes is on the increase, and industry leaders must respond to growing demand. Nevertheless, growing competition poses challenges...

“The Intern” by Nancy Meyers

Introduction The importance of employment, a desire to work, a threat of retirement, the development of professional qualities, and interpersonal relationships are the issues that bother millions of modern people. To share their opinions and visions, movie directors find it interesting and necessary to discuss these themes in their works....

Ethical Practices in Nursing Healthcare

Ethics refer to principles that govern the character, conduct, or attitude of a person. The field of healthcare is not an exception when it comes to ethics. In the 1950s, the American Nurses Association (ANA) created the Code of Ethics, which contained guidelines and standards followed by the nurses (Joseph...

The Personal Health Records of Today

A reflection on personal health records (PHRs) and patient portals A PHR is an online record that contains a patient’s health information and is accessed, edited and maintained by the owner of the information (patient). The VA maintains PHRs that offer veterans a flexible and scalable platform to maintain their...

Maternal Health Literacy & Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs

This research study aimed at investigating the relationship between children of specific age enrollment in social programs and the level of maternal health literacy by seeking to establish the impact that maternal health literacy programs has on such enrollment. To investigate this, the research study applied cohort research study in...

Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article

The concept of how biological compounds influence the health status of an individual is intriguing for research. For instance, how assimilated substrates such as glucose and amino acids induce obesity and other metabolic disorders make in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry important. The article’s topic captivates attention since it informs the...

Alcohol Dependence as a Physical Dependence

Introduction Alcohol dependence is a wide and diverse topic that needs to be well evaluated and understood for sustainability (Inaba and Cohen, 2007, p. 7). This is because it relates to a lot of issues that are relevant in our society. Alcohol dependence can also be described and termed as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflection on the Realization of the Diversity

The following work presents some issues connected with the realization of the diversity. It centers around the feeling of being different from the others and the peculiarities of the process of recognition of this fact. The accent is made on feelings connected with the realization of the diversity in workflow...

Telemedicine in the Health Care System: Article Review

Introduction The development of technology has enabled the introduction of telemedicine in the health care system. One of the recent implementations of this field is real-time remote monitoring in triage and priority-based sensor technology. To assess its credibility, evaluate outcomes, indicate challenges, and provide recommendations for the improvement, an extensive...

Congestive Heart Failure Project Proposal

Identification of the Issue The paradigm of nursing interventions has always been closely associated with the development of long-term prevention care plans in order to anticipate negative patient outcomes. Patients with chronic cardiac conditions are at risk of struggling with disease complications triggered by the slightest change in their environment....

New Jersey v. Tracy Lois Odem Lawsuit Analysis

Introduction T.L.O, whose real name is Tracy Lois Odem was a teenager and a student in high school. She was suspected of dealing with drugs by the school administration. Upon searching for her, a list containing students’ who owed her money was found in her purse, along with cigarettes and...

Transcendental Ideas in Frederick Douglass’ Memoirs

One of the seminal literary works revealing the theme of historical legacy is The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written as the memoirs of a dark-skinned American slave. The book proper consists of eleven chapters describing, in chronological order, childhood, the stages of learning to write, the periods...

Policy on Roles of Licensed Practical Nurses

Nurse delegation is a critical process in the provision of nursing care. Delegation is the process by which nurses assign tasks to other persons to conduct nursing activities and tasks. Registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) have to delegate tasks at various career stages. Some nursing facilities lack...

Reflection of “Globalization of Missions” Article

In “Globalization of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Mt 28:18–20),” Kgatle undertakes a fairly thorough exegesis on the end of Matthew 28 to establish its implications for proselytizing in the modern world. The author’s interpretation raises several main points regarding the Great Commission. These include the global nature...

Stakeholders of Medication Assistance Program Design

Purpose Statement Having been invited asked to develop a task force for designing a medication assistance program, the purpose of this paper is to identify stakeholders who will contribute to the development of the initiative. The proposal seeks to directly serve patients by ensuring that they can afford medication. In...

Immortality, Personal Identity, Death and God

Introduction According to the traditional perception of immortality, the after-life or eternal life follows the physical death of a body, but the soul stays immortal. In conformity with the religious or philosophic fellowship, the personal identity of a human either stays the same, either disappears. The idea of the hereafter...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflections on Dworkin’s Ideas

Pragmatic judges do not consider themselves bound by the requirements of the rule of law. They are ready to reject them at any time if, in their opinion, the interests of the case require it. Norms are important only when they can be used to substantiate one’s position. From Dworkin’s...

Book Review: “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was the pseudonym of the beloved children’s writer Theodor Seuss Geisel. His works have taught generations of children how to read, feel, and think (Go, 2019). Dr. Seuss’s books are instantly recognizable because they feature a simple plot told in an extremely original matter with delightful wordplay and...

The Qualities of a Real Leader

Introduction Leadership is a cornerstone of the army, fleet, and warfare in general. Although war is not a need, it has existed since the earliest days of humanity. Good military leaders, including officers, are one of the key factors in winning the war. A competent and well-qualified officer with a...

The Fromm and Roderique Talking Points on Disobedience

Commonly adopted social norms play an essential role in governing certain principles in civil society, like maintaining the status quo. Social norms are appreciatively important; however, they are harmful to people and society differently. If all kinds of social norms remain subject to no debate, they usually become powerful to...

Cutting Taxes, Increasing Tax Revenue, and Fiscal Policy

Government’s Goal In Cutting Taxes Reflected In the Budget Amadeo, K. (2022). Tax cuts, types, and how they work. The Balance. Web. The article is devoted to tax cuts and their impact on the economy. The most evident thing about tax cuts is that citizens approve of them more than...

Parental Caregiving Assumptions and Best Practices

There are several biases about parental caregiving the society might have. Many people believe that when they become adults, and their parents reach a certain age, it inevitably leads to shifting the roles of their parents. Society has a deep-rooted bias connected with the fear of death, and aging is...

Katherine Mansfield – Eminent New Zealand Writer

Katherine Mansfield Murry is regarded as one of the eminent New Zealand writers. She was born on the 14th day of October 1888 in the middle class of the colonial family. She wrote several short tales, narratives, and poems under the name Katherine Mansfield. In 1898, the First Mansfield Printed...

Aspects of Obama’s Tax Reforms

Introduction Administrative systems must control taxation strategies and processes to ensure effective taxation that matches the administration’s objectives to promote a secure and attractive investment environment. Under President Obama’s administration, there were substantial changes in taxation and income wages to promote fair tax for all Americans. The former president fought...

My Coaching Philosophy for a Basketball Team

When it comes to coaching, every great professional should have a guiding philosophy, which they are then going to emphasize on a day-to-day basis. My principles have helped me throughout my 35+ year long career as a professional basketball player and coach. I believe that apart from having certifications or...

Searching for Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities Priority Funding Option Debt or Equity Type Maximum Available $ Amount Interest Rate Company Share Terms Documents to prepare Contact Information Notes 1 Personal savings Debt $6000 0% I retain 100% I Will repay myself in 18-20 months No 2 Borrowing from relatives/friends Debt Parents $15,000 – $20,000...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Features of the United States Health Care Industry

Introduction The US is a country where healthcare spending is several times higher than in other countries with comparable income levels. In particular, costs in the healthcare industry have been increasing at a much faster rate than the rate of inflation in general. Equally important, the role of the federal...

How Global Warming Affects Wildlife

Global warming is a matter of great concern since it affects humans and wildlife directly. However, global warming is typically caused by human activities. There is evidence of how global warming has negatively affected wildlife. It is an essential concern since many wildlife animals have died, and others are ultimately...

Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Rate of Enzymatic Reaction

Introduction Many of the biochemical reactions are carried out strictly in the presence of enzymes, special biological catalysts that help to accelerate and initiate chemical reactions. The essence of enzymatic reactions is based on a unique combination of substrate and enzyme, the relationship between which is individual for each pair...

Communication in Veterinary Practice

Communication is crucial in many areas of life, including interpersonal relations between people. Some experts divide communication into four key steps, which are called encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback (Dimbleby and Burton, 2020). In the first step, people encode their ideas into an understandable message. This process is...

Dss Analysis: Interactive Interaction With Business

It should be noted that DSS is aimed primarily at interactive interaction with business, in particular, with the management of an organization or project. This tool allows management to modernly and efficiently obtain the necessary information from primary sources for its subsequent analysis (Finn, 2021). It helps to identify the...

The Future of Depoliticized Politics

Introduction Nowadays, the field of politics is prone to changes that are implemented under the tensions that stem from other nations or domestic conditions. In this respect, there are many speculations about the future of politics. While one group of people is convinced that the countries will undergo the complicated...

HIV Research: Assessment of Adolescents ́ Sexual Behaviour

At the moment, one of the most relevant and dangerous diseases for society is HIV. Despite the fact that information about the prevalence and negative consequences of this disease is widely known, HIV continues to lead. In order to increase the effectiveness of the fight against this disease, it is...

Different Types of Child Abuse

Have you ever been helpless in your life? Faced with someone who has power over you and is willing to use it, while you can do nothing in return? When the abuser in question is the person your livelihood depends on? Take a moment to answer these questions for yourselves....

Culture and Evolution of Hip-Hop in South Korea

Introduction Korean hip-hop, otherwise known as K-hip hop, is a subgenre of hip-hop music from South Korea. The audience listens to hip-hop primarily as “underdog music,” the voice of the disadvantaged (Song, 2019). The hip-hop originated in South Korea and canonical themes in hip-hop glorify the established way of life...

The Representational Aspect of Art

Introduction Representational art encompasses all drawings that symbolize something that already exists in real life. The displays portray things with significant visual similarities to the actual world; they depict real-life subjects or objects, even though some forms can be moving towards abstraction. Representational art was embodied by the initial artworks...

The Rise of Sexual Assault in the US Military

Introduction Despite all the training within the US military, the number of personnel affected by sexual assault and harassment has increased by the day. For instance, in 2018, more than 20500 members of the military were sexually abused, which included 13000 women and 7500 men (Absher, 2022). Only 203 cases...

The “Crack Is Wack” Painting by Keith Haring

Introduction The paper will consider the painting “Crack is Wack” which Keith Haring created. The artist used catchy slogans to make a quick and effective statement. One of the most prominent examples is “Crack is Wack”, a mural about the crack cocaine epidemic and its consequences in New York City...

Racialization and Racial Formation

Introduction One crucial and still unresolved issue is the existence of races in the spectrum of past and modern times. To date, there are several points of view with intermediate variants, but none of them gives an accurate and objective explanation. Michael Omi and Howard Winant managed to bring a...

The “Boldly Go” Article by Weil & Reddin

The selected article, “Boldly go: Character drives leadership at Providence healthcare”, describes how the CEO and president of Providence Healthcare, Josie Walsh undertook to improve the institution’s performance. As the leader, Walsh “led Providence through massive change and turnaround, from potential crisis to financial health and innovation in four, short,...

Bipolar Mental Disorder: Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disease or manic depression, is a mental condition characterized by extreme fluctuations in activity, focus, energy, mood, and the ability to carry out routine tasks. Bipolar disorder can present itself in three distinct ways. There are noticeable shifts in temperament, vigor, and activity levels...

Concepts of Holistic Comfort Theory

Holistic comfort is a theory proposed by Katherine Kolcaba in 1994. It is based on meeting a patient’s need for comfort and ensuring their recovery. This theory has gained popularity to such an extent that it is a requirement for nurses in the current healthcare system of most countries. This...

Community Engagement and Relations

Introduction Community relations are imperative to effective policing since they help develop trust between the residents and the police. Mutual trust in the relationship is essential since the police rely on community cooperation to provide crime-related information (Hartley, 2021). Moreover, through community engagement, the police devise solutions to crime and...

What College Is and What It Should Be

In many jurisdictions, education remains an important function that helps young people develop proper skills that can guide them to become successful members of their respective communities. Learners can join different institutions or academic levels depending on various attributes, such as age, developmental abilities, and required competencies. A college is...

United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals

Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and goals seek to address a broad range of global issues to promote a healthier and equitable society. These interconnected yet complex issues have a lasting impact on our world’s current and future state and must be tackled with insight and integrity (Newton)....

System Thinking and Corporate Strategy

Introduction System thinking proposes a framework for the effective evaluation of elements of the system and the interaction between them. The approach can be defined as considering structures and events as part of a larger structure that has a unified and specific function (Ercil, 2020). The characteristics of the system...

Courage Definitions and Attributes

Abstract The present paper has sampled the various definitions of courage to illuminate some of the concept’s most important components as applied in contemporary contexts. The components of courage covered in this paper include experiencing fear yet choosing to act, following one’s heart or wishes, persisting in the face of...

Standard 2 for Early Childhood Professional Training

The purpose of this paper is to outline the NAEYC (2010) Standard 2 and prepare a plan for its exploration to improve my skills. A Summary of Standard 2 The NAEYC (2010a) Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs include Standard 2 (S2): “building family and community relationships” (p. 1)....

Google’s Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter?

The View of Managers Prior to Project Oxygen The organizational culture largely predetermined the employees’ view of management before the implementation of the Project Oxygen. Garvin, Wagonfeld, and Kind (2013) write, “Page and Brin established an informal culture from the very beginning: exercise balls and dogs were permitted at work…The...

Diabetes and Dementia Relationships and Nursing

Introduction This paper provides a summary and analysis of the article by Jill Hill (2015), which is entitled “Diabetes and dementia: The implications for diabetes nursing,” and was published in Journal of Diabetes Nursing, which is a British peer-reviewed journal for professionals in diabetes nursing, in vol. 19, no. 4,...

Childhood Obesity and Independent Variable in Parents

Extraneous Variables The parental variable is the main confounding factor. Body mass index of parents and their socioeconomic status are important to consider when measuring the influence of the independent variables. These extraneous variables belong to the group of participant variables; therefore, the use of an appropriate strategy will help...

Children’s Socio-Emotional Development and Factors Influencing It

Trust versus mistrust According to Erikson, between 0 and 18 months, the child has to acquire the feeling of trust without fully eliminating the feeling of mistrust (Erikson, 1950). The feeling of trust will develop in the child if they receive a positive response from the parents. He or she...

Physical Inactivity: Negative Effects

Introduction Physical activity is an essential requirement for healthy living and functioning. During workouts, the human body decomposes energy that enters the organism with food consumption. When individuals lead a passive or sedentary lifestyle, their immune system begins to weaken together with a deterioration in muscle tone. Moreover, at the...

Slavery and Civil War: American History

While some contemporary political discussion calls for a “color blind” society, other voices argue that race remains the central issue in American life and Slavery is the defining element in American history. How would you trace issues of race in America from the 17th through the 19th century? What organizing...

Buddhist Religion and Western Psychologies

Principles The principles and rules used in this school are derived from the Buddhist religion. There are two main divisions of Buddhism: Mahayana and Theravada. Each of them also includes a number of schools which differ in their principles. However, all Buddhists use meditation practices to reach their goals. Values...

Italy: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Out of the examples of totalitarian societies, it is possible to distinguish Fascist Italy as one of the first major political influences both locally and globally. In the first part of the twentieth century, Italy was under a totalitarian regime, with Benito Mussolini acting as the central political figure...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tobacco Control Policy in the U.S.

Tobacco use is one of the most significant health threats in the modern world. A reduction in tobacco consumption is not possible without clear legislative regulation and long-term anti-tobacco programs. Due to the considerable medical and social consequences, primarily due to the premature death of smokers, as well as a...

Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction Marina Bay Sands Singapore Hotel is a luxury hotel and casino on the shores of Marina Bay in Singapore. It is famous for its rooftop Infinity Pool and panoramic views of the whole of Singapore (“Singapore Luxury Hotel”, n. d.). The complex has everything for recreation and entertainment, including...

Japan: Impact of Culture on Business Management

Abstract Japanese culture influences the work practices and business practices in the country. The culture of stressing the process than the results has brought out large changes in the way the work is done in the companies. The loyalty to the companies that they work for and the pride that...

Financial Appraisal of Wal-Mart Stores Inc

The chosen company is Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and an appraisal of its financial performance based on Income Statement and Balance Sheet has been made in this write-up using four different methods. As per Stephan Gilman(2007, page 9)1, “A complete grasp of the situation of a business is obtained by the...

Middle Eastern History: The Five Pillars of Islam

Introduction Islam was introduced through Prophet Muhammad who was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 571 AD. He preached the basic belief, the oneness of God to the people of Mecca for ten years until he was forced to leave the city to settle in Medina where he passed the...

Shakespear’s Hamlet: Conflict Between Seeming and Being

Introduction The conflict has been one of the central themes of Hamlet, the celebrated play by Shakespeare, and the conflict between seeming and constituting a major part of the conflict theme. “The theme that remains constant throughout the play is appearance versus reality. Things within the play appear to be...

“Iliad” by Homer and “A Thousand and One Nights”: Comparison

Supernatural power The Iliad by Homer in his character analysis uses supernatural strength to describe the development of the story. He uses Achilles to link a close relationship between humans and the gods. This superhuman strength describes the character as a warrior in the Achaean army. He uses this character...

Evolution of Cell Phones

Introduction To begin with, let us mention that nowadays people do not imagine life without a cell phone. For us it is no more a wonder of engineering, but a usual means of communication and it is more likely that a person without a cell phone will be considered an...

Components of the Treatment of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness. Anyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million are affected...

Eliezer’s Struggle to Keep His Faith in “Night” by Wiesel

Introduction In the novel “Night” the protagonist, Eliezer, is a Jew, who lives in Sighet. He is a devoted believer who studies Holy Scriptures such as Torah and Cabbala. Unfortunately, the Nazi militants terminate his religious studies when they deport his instructor, Moshe. The story is set during the infamous...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Vaccine Hesitancy: Prejudices and Fears

Introduction Falling vaccination rates worry medical professionals in those countries where the number of cases of vaccine-preventable diseases grows steadily. According to data collected by UNICEF and WHO through July 2019, “the Western Pacific Region and especially the Region of the Americas experience drops in [immunization] coverage” (3). It can...

Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War and Globalization of the World Economy

Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War The global political and economic landscape has been changing in the context of several factors. They are: the globalization of the world economy, rising interdependence of national economies, growing global competition, and increasing role of developing countries, as well as the gap and...

Piven and Cloward: Social Movements and Protest

The purpose of Piven and Cloward’s (1978) book is to investigate the reasons, mechanics, and outcomes of social movements in a capitalistic society. The authors’ main argument is that mass movements are subject to social structures controlled by elites and, therefore, cannot achieve significant change due to the lack of...

Donepezil for Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease by Govind

What is the article about and which drug is discussed? The article provides the investigation concerning the implementation of donepezil for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in general. According to Govind (2020), “dementia is a syndrome of acquired deficits in multiple domains of cognition” (p. 148). It was...

Social Media Marketing: Case Study

Social media is a fundamental part of contemporary consumers’ lives. They use it to read the news, communicate with friends and family, shop, and learn new information about trends in various industries. Therefore, businesses need to utilize social media channels for their profit. Such strategies as reaching new and existing...

Defining Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Discrimination is usually defined as a negative attitude towards other people based on prejudices and stereotypes regarding their gender or ethnicity. Stereotypes represent convictions regarding a particular community that is fixed in society. The primary distinction between a stereotype and a prejudice is that the former is based on experience...

The Effectiveness of the World Bank

Introduction The World Bank was established with the main aim of alleviating poverty by providing aid to developing countries. For many years, the institution has given billions of dollars both as loans and grants. However, its effectiveness has been questioned because despite the support, many countries have remained stuck in...

The Family Health Assessment as a Basis for the Family Care

Introduction The connection between people and their families has been widely studied for a long time. The climate within the family has an undeniable effect on the health of its members (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson, 2018). Understanding the structure, lifestyle, attitude towards health, nutrition, and other factors is essential...

Cultural Considerations in Public Health

Introduction Consanguinity is the kinship of two individuals defined by the sharing of biological ancestors. In other words, it refers to a reproductive relationship or marriage between two closely kindred persons (Koellner et al., 2018). In many countries, this phenomenon is a typical feature, and marriages, especially between first cousins,...

Approaches to Understanding the Constitution

The Constitution of the United States as the Supreme Law of the country was designed to determine the univocal point of view about all the basic realities and cases. However, it is not always easy to figure out what is prescribed by the Constitution and how to read it. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Hacksaw Ridge” Film’s Achievements & Shortcomings

Introduction The return of the master after a long pause always gives rise to multiple deep and conflicting emotions. In the case of the legendary and most controversial director of Hollywood, namely, Mel Gibson, the return appeared to be, if not triumphant, then worthy. His latest film, titled “Hacksaw Ridge”,...

Is Racism a Natural Condition of Human Society?

Despite the widespread progressivism in the developed countries, the juncture demonstrates that the issue of racism does not belong exclusively to the times of slavery or institutional segregation. The discussion around the new wave of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the United States, for instance, proves that it stays...

Perfect and Monopolistic Competition

There are four various market structures that differ in their attributes, demand curves, and the basis on which their firms compete. These structures include perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the perfect and monopolistic competition and their differences. Moreover, the list...

The Immune System of Human and Macrophages

The immune system of human beings serves as a shield against different microorganisms. Bacterial infections continually assail the body and it is the agents of the innate immune system that are responsible for immediate attacks on these microorganisms and serve as the first line of defense. These agents are called...

Unauthorized Migration and Acquiring Citizenship

Amnesty Encourages Criminal Behavior One of the biggest qualms against illegal migration is that accepting it encourages criminal behavior. Legal ways of obtaining citizenship are long and arduous, involving language tests, background checks, and living on the territory of the country, engaging in legal trades, for a prolonged period of...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen

“Dulce et Decorum Est” is a poem written by Wilfred Owen after his experience of fighting in World War I. The title is a Latin clause meaning it is worthy to die for one’s country. However, Wilfred Owen shares the reverse opinion, implying that it is an awful death. Due...

“Grandmother” by O’Connor

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” The Grandmother is egoistic, self-centered, and hypocritical; she is obsessed with herself and “afraid she’d miss something” (O’Connor 32). She is also judgmental and manipulative with her family and tries to convince everyone to behave as she wants, which leads to tragic consequences....

Interrelationships Reflection in Art

Description In ancient times, art was even used as mental therapy; it was believed that under its influence, a person’s character, feelings are formed, psychological problems are healed. People get the opportunity to improve, develop spiritually, and find spiritual balance, harmony due to art. Some artists are inspired by the...

Social and Societal Determinants of Health

Introduction One of the key research directions devoted to studying the state of health in the contemporary world could be considered the analysis of the formation mechanisms of social-based inequities in health. Reducing these inequities in health could be regarded as an inseparable composite part of state policies, directed toward...

The Problem of Adolescent Addiction

Adolescence is dangerous for the appearance of addictions, as it brings many difficulties for both parents and children themselves. Due to modifications in the hormonal balance, the mood changes rapidly, and the appearance becomes more adult. Teenagers try to understand the world around them and find themselves. Moreover, parents’ authority...

The Plot, Character Development, and Motif in “Kindred” and “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction There are many essential elements that authors should consider when writing a novel or a stage play. They should build the plot carefully, offering the readers action and mystery, and develop the characters, showing their distinct personalities and motivations. This essay will consider Octavia Butler’s Kindred and Lorraine Hansberry’s...

Fazio v. Speedy Delivery Company’s Business Tort Case

Introduction A business tort is one of the most complicated and controversial realms of Corporate and Business Law, implying that one party committed wrongs against others who consequently suffer particular harm. In the case of Fazio v. Speedy Delivery Company, Fazio experienced physical damage because of the accident caused by...

Decision-Making: Euthanasia in Switzerland

With just the mention of death, it is a real shock to the world. Then, it is surprising how one can comfortably walk into a medical center and demand to die. Michele’s case could not be the only one in the world but watching her die is flabbergasting (Bueller, 2012)....

Analysis of Environmental Racism in America

Introduction Despite the decades-long struggle against racism, its effects are still tragically visible in present-day American society. Moreover, racism seeps into every area, from social interactions to business to environmental concerns. Affecting the well-being of African American people on a tremendous scale, the latter represents a particularly egregious instance of...

Philosophers’ Arguments for the Existence of God: Pascal and Descartes

Introduction Throughout history, many philosophers have raised the topic of the existence of God. Each of them has his own special approach and argumentation. Due to this, many theories and philosophical statements have been created, which are further discussed, revised, and interpreted. Arguments for or against the idea of the...

Social Roles and Statuses Influence on Society

The notion of marginality is one of the characteristics of the state of the social structure of contemporary society. The transformation of the social structure of society entails intensive dynamics of the social structure, which determines social differentiation and contributes to the development of social marginality and stigma. This destroys...

Improving Healthcare Staff Communications

Interactions between personnel are among the key points that are necessary for the success of any organization. In a health care context, well-coordinated teamwork is even more critical, as the lives of others depend on it. Studies show that communication disruption between health workers accounts for more than 60 percent...

Epidemiologic Research Designs and Predictive Correlational Designs

The chapter focuses on explaining epidemiologic research designs and predictive correlational designs. It starts with the explanation of epidemiology as a discipline and subdisciplines such as Descriptive and analytic epidemiology. The first is focused on the description of the distributions of determinants and diseases (Drummond & Murphy-Reyes, 2018). The second...

Researching of the Opioid Crisis

The term opioid describes natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates, and new psychoactive substances, NPS that have similar health effects as opioids. These products are used in medical practices due to their ability to relieve agony. Opioids activate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are also referred...

Ethics and Civics of the Patriots in America

Introduction The 18th century was the time of the founding and development of the North American English colonies, and it ended with the United States acquiring independence from England. During this period, the American land was torn between the landowners from Britain, Spain, and France, who only pursued their own...

Geladas: Habitat and Causes of Extinction

Geladas are monkeys that are acquired only in Ethiopia’s mountains. They are the most-earthly species in the highlands of the tropics, and it has become unusual for their primate relatives (“WATCH: Spend a Day”). Geladas are also experienced rock-climbers; however, they prefer to sit for a significant part of the...

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo as Inspiration

Rethinking the past is beneficial for idea generation, so turning to the universally recognized masterpieces for inspiration is a common practice. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, one of the key tourist attractions of the Vatican, is among such thought-provoking pieces. This paper presents a drawing inspired by Michelangelo’s painting...

Standardization and Adaptation in Global Marketing

Standardization and adaptation are actively used by different companies as strategies for more effective development. For example, Coca-Cola is a company with successful global standardization policy in doing business and the reason is that its products are often associated with football, whose fans are located all over the world, regardless...

The Populist Movement in the United States

In the 1880s, the most massive and most radical farming movement of the last third of the 19th century entered the political arena of the United States – the populist one. Armed with the democracies of Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln, populist leaders demanded a radical transformation of American society. The...

Japanese Workaholic Culture

Foreign traditions and beliefs often seem weird and unfamiliar because people view them through the lens of their culture. To understand elements of foreign culture and appreciate their value, one needs to abstain from regarding one’s cultural norms as universal and axiomatic. Some foreign practices are more difficult to accept...

Marino’s Article Regarding Ethics Analysis

Marino concludes that simple studying of ethics theories will not improve a person’s morals; one has to analyze themselves critically and understand their values. This will provoke them to do the right thing. To support his conclusion, Marino uses testimonial evidence through Kierkegaard, anecdotal evidence through his personal experience in...

Gustav Holst: Classical Music of Planetary Proportions

Gustav Holst – The Planets, Op. 32. The “Planets” suite, written by the English composer Gustav Holst, attracts the attention of musicologists as one of the most striking and conceptually original works of classical music. Consisting of seven parts, this massive composition refers to the names of the solar system’s...

Madagascar Drought and Mitigation Efforts

Extreme weather events have been happening in various parts of the globe, leading to human suffering. This is the case in the Southern region of Madagascar, where extreme drought has left people with severe food insecurity. The drought has affected a population of 725,620 people in the regions of Andrefana,...

Ideology Warfare Before and After Vietnam War

After World War II, the USA and the USSR entered the period of the Cold War, which initiated a large number of local conflicts. Thus, the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1975 can be classified as ideology warfare, with communist forces supporting North Vietnam and anti-communist coalitions supporting South Vietnam...

Issues of Female Gender in Modern World

Introduction Literature studies may be utilized to access the vast amount of human experience on gender issues in order to raise awareness among individuals. Books have traditionally acted as guidebooks for behavior, enforcing social norms on female readers through moral norms in the texts (Dicke et al., 2019). Thus, it...

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