Concept of IT Security

Ensuring the security of information does not entail securing the servers and the network only. Physical security of the organization is paramount in ensuring the IT security. When I got to the company, it did not have proper physical security measures for its equipments. Employees could access the server room...

Animal Use in Pharmacology: Negative Effects on Humans and Animals

Animal testing has been a contentious issue in biomedical research for a long time. For decades, scientists have used animals to carry out tests before they implement them on humans. Supporters of the animal testing claim that it enables scientists to understand physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology in humans. On...

Ethics Issues: Personal Responsibility

Introduction The enthusiasm for admitting the significance of values that societies set for personal behavior is referred to as personal responsibility. It entails making active personal determinations to live based on the values. In fact, it also means that when a person fails to meet the anticipated values, he/she does...

Immigration to the United States on Ellis Island

Abstract The history of the United States depends on the idea of immigration. Ellis Island is the place where the thousands of immigrants started the new life during the period of the 1880s-1930s. As a result, immigration on Ellis Island contributed to the economic and social progress of the country....

Globalization Impact on Sustainable Agriculture

Introduction Researchers are in agreement that the ongoing agents of globalization, including trade liberalization, international migration, rural-urban migration, technological innovations, and global currency deregulation, have far-reaching implications on sustainable development (van der Velde et al. 2007; Zimmerer 2007). However, there are conflicting views on whether globalization has actually led to...

Tuberculosis Epidemiology in Global Public Health

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most widespread infectious diseases all over the world. More than 95% of TB deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries (Tuberculosis, 2016). However, wealthy regions are not secure. In 2012, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing outbreak occurred in France. Summary of the Article The article “Mycobacterium...

Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

In nursing, theories are used as systematic explanations of a certain event and concepts which may be identified in terms of their relations and possible impact on people. Each nursing theory is the possibility to structure and organize nursing knowledge in a proper way (McEwen & Wills, 2014). It is...

Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes

Introduction to Evaluation There are different barriers to the implementation of the project that need to be considered. It is also necessary to review methods for collecting and analyzing data. However, the main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice...

Quality Improvement Initiative in Health Care

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is vital in health care due to the profession’s nature. I have decided to evaluate interventional radiology and its areas that can be improved. Quality improvement in the area primarily focuses on removal of waste, delays, errors, and unnecessary costs. In this essay, I will review...

Property Value and Human Health Outcomes Correlation

Background of the Research Topic Residential property values are assumed to be a reliable indicator of socioeconomic status because it is among the most prized and valuable assets for many people. According to Coffee et al. (2013), the property value is a reliable wealth indicator that could help researchers understand...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Domestic Violence: Analysis and Evaluation of Articles

Abstract This paper is an evaluation of peer-reviewed articles that touch on the subject of domestic violence. The first article addresses the current state of domestic violence against women in Nepal. The second article seeks ways of fostering collaboration between child protection services and domestic dispute departments. The third article...

Walt Disney Company’s International Services and Strategies

Describe Disney’s international products or services. What locations and countries do they operate in? Walt Disney Company is an international corporation focusing on entertainment and media businesses. Walt Disney and Roy Disney founded the corporation in the early 1920s. During its inception, the corporation was registered as Disney Brothers Cartoon...

Ancient Architectures Comparison: Similarities and Differences in the Architecture of Different Cultures and Epochs

Architecture represents the core values of the national culture and historical period. By comparing particular examples of Aegean, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine architecture, this paper will explore the similarities and differences which can be found in works of architecture of different cultures and epochs. By comparing the Lion...

Federal Minimum Wage Really Help the Working Poor?

Introduction Procedural fairness in public administration is one of the major issues discussed in many democratic societies. Canadians also strive for fairness but public administrators sometimes fail to ensure procedural fairness and transparency, which leads to tension in the society and a lack of trust in officials. Thus, the case...

Students with Special Needs: Education Assessment

Introduction The US educational system is based on the principles of fairness and equal opportunities for all. No Child Left Behind enacted in 2001 ensures that all students receive proper instruction and assessment aligned with the existing standards (Kritikos, 2010). This policy is specifically beneficial for students with special needs...

Oncology Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction The work of a nurse is one of the noblest and most demanding in the world since these professionals take care of people that are not able to look after themselves due to health issues. However, it is crucial for nurses to secure not only their patient’s protection of...

Robotic Technologies in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction Robotics, as a branch of engineering science that constructs and designs machines capable of performing certain actions, has the potential to add significant value to health care. Due to the proneness of humans to errors arising from internal and external factors, robots that are capable of relatively flawless and...

Heart Failure: Nursing Research in Design Phase

It is worth noting that congestive heart failure is a pathology in which a patient experiences a violation in the circulation of oxygen. The heart of the individual cannot pump blood effectively, which leads to its status. With this pathology, the patient needs systematic monitoring and medical supervision from the...

Water Quality in Savannah, Georgia

Introduction Water plays a central role in the sustenance of any form of life, which underscores its importance in the current world. However, water could also be a source of life-threatening health conditions if not handled carefully. The present levels of pollution aggravate the situation because thousands of chemicals and...

Robinsons’ Statements About Changing the Education Paradigm

Introduction In his TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson shares his observations regarding recent changes in the education paradigm. According to the speaker, there are two reasons for considering a transformation: economic and cultural. The new generation lives in an ever-changing world where making predictions is oftentimes nigh on impossible. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chemistry of the Dying Process, With and Without a Mordant

Ancient people may have gotten the idea to dye fabrics when they noticed stains on their clothing after eating or working with different plants, berries, and mollas. They began to use these plants and animals to dye fabrics. Ancient dyes can be classified chemically into three groups: blue and purple...

Honda vs. Toyota: Comparison

This section continues the discussion of the issues that the company must face. The paper aims to cover some issues faced by the company such as being accepted by the market of the switch from gas to electric, adopting new technical expertise to make this change, coping with additional costs...

Zimbabwe Inflation Now Over 1 Million Percent

Introduction Inflation is one of the main problems in third world countries. The article describe the situations in Zimbabwe and evaluates the impact of inflation on the economy and common citizens. In 2008, Zimbabwe becomes a leading country with an “annual inflation rose this month to 1,063,572 percent” (Shaw 2008,...

Waitrose Supermarket: Marketing Brief on Research and Information

Current business position Waitrose supermarket is amongst the largest retailers in the UK, categorized as one of the leading upscale supermarkets in the UK (Wendy 2008). A majority of the branches for the Waitrose supermarket are largely situated within London, as well as England’s south-east side. In addition, the chain...

Interrelation of Gender and Contemporary Society: Madonna

Introduction If we have to speak about the issue of the interpretation of interrelation of gender and contemporary society, it is difficult to find more suitable and impressive example for the analysis than the iconic image of Madonna. There is no denying the fact that she may be considered a...

The Main Founding Principles in American Vision and Values

The USA is a comparatively new country that had to fight for its freedom, independence and the right for its nation to express their will feely. It is true that the US citizens had to go through much grief, effort and intense struggle for their independence and received the most...

The Attractiveness of Southern US for the Auto Industry

Introduction It is proven that geographical location is an important factor influencing business decisions. Even on the local level, taking such factors the cost of labor in particular regions and the company can save costs, which at the time of a financial crisis can be a determining factor of the...

Porter’s Generic Strategies Analysis

Choosing what position to take in the market in which a business function is an extremely important part of a company’s strategy. Michael Porter identified three basic strategies which cover the range of positions that a business can take to compete in the market. These three strategies are Cost Leadership...

Hiring a High Quality Educator

Each person holds his own set of beliefs on how life is to be lived. Teachers derive their behaviors, attitudes and ethics from their own personal and professional philosophies on teaching. Gore (1997) analyzes how such a philosophy leads to one’s development of a pedagogical approach. A school having its...

The Rising Cost of Retaining Employees

Hiring and retaining a good employee is one thing that for many years has left many companies in a dilemma. Usually, an employee works hard to ensure that they retain that dream job. However, this trend is fast-changing, and today it’s companies that are on the receiving end when it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mystical Experience in Real Life Analysis

The main characteristics of mystical experience highlighted in St. Teresa of Aliva’s statement Mystical experience is the process when the believer reunites with the transcendent casting away all material things and problems. The feeling of the whole unification of the cosmos, the deity or other reality, and a real-life penetrates...

Time Management Skills in Leadership

Time Management Self-Assessment Implementation of time management finds manifests in various types of activity. For example, taking advantage of a learning time, finding strategies to learn better and faster, compiling a list of things to do, etc. All of these demonstrates that time management capabilities are well-developed and of a...

Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in the Wonderland”

It is difficult to imagine a person in the world who has never heard about the famous story of Alice in the Wonderland. The address to this fascinating plot about a little girl who appears in miraculous surroundings seems to have its reflection both direct and indirect one in a...

Australian and American Companies: Continuous Disclosure Policies

Introduction The world of business lives certain regulations, and in Australian and US business environments these regulations mainly concern the policies of information disclosure. In Australia, these regulations are determined by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and in the United States, it is Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD) that deals with...

Literacy Practices in Different Contexts

Maintaining one’s language is an essential part of developing as a person. A child or an adult in a foreign country may acquire spoken language skills without much effort, but writing and reading are deliberate processes that require full attention and certain techniques. Literacy is honed depending on the setting...

America’s Healthcare Policy and Obamacare

Introduction Although medical bills are the leading cause of all financial issues in the United States, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 minimizes bankruptcies, especially among the uninsured. Unlike other developed nations, the United States does not have a comprehensive and unified healthcare system, even though it spends more on...

Plessy and Briggs and Brown Cases Analysis

The Plessy and the Briggs and Brown Cases Although the Plessy, Briggs, and Brown cases sought to end segregationist policies, various elements differentiated the three landmark lawsuits. In the Plessy V. Ferguson case, the defendant was charged with defying the racial sitting arrangements in public transport, contravening Louisiana’s statutes. Plessy...

Organizational Values in a Healthcare Institution

Introduction Organizational values are essential for the success of a healthcare institution. They define the vision and mission of the organization. Similarly, nurse values are vital for patient handling and maintenance of good relationships in the clinical workplace. Nursing aims at ensuring the wellness of patients by providing safe and...

Urinary Tract Infections: Evidence-Based Prevention

Abstract Urinary tract infections (UTIs) constitute an important public health concern because they account for the largest proportion of all hospital-acquired infections. UTIs are more prevalent in nursing homes and affect the elderly disproportionately. Catheterization is the principal factor that increases the vulnerability of institutionalized patients to UTIs. As such,...

Nine-Stage Model for Intervention

Today there are various hazards putting “human services professionals” at more risk than ever before. Most of these professionals are becoming victims of abuse and violence. The problem of violent behaviors is a major issue affecting different institutions today. The American Psychological Association (APA) designed a task force to train...

Sexual Assault Against Women: Factors and Prevention

Sexual assault is quite a common type of crime. In the majority of cases, females become victims of sexual assault though males (especially young boys) can also be victimized (Bramsen, Elklit & Nielsen, 2009). This paper will focus on sexual abuse against women. Rape is a form of sexual abuse....

Right to Timely and Appropriate Healthcare for Everyone

The right to the maximum achievable standard of health as a vital right of every human being is envisioned in the World Health Organization constitution, a requirement for all UN member nations. This essay seeks to assess the level of attainment of this goal in the United States and globally....

Nissan Disruption Response Evaluation

The world’s production gets severely impacted by a number of macro and microeconomic factors daily. They are essential to consider and plan the potential response to any arising issue. However, in the regions most susceptible to natural disasters, such as seismological activity in Japan, these plannings become more challenging due...

History of Early North America Up to Independence

Introduction It is exactly 245 years since the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule. The nation, in this period, has developed a long and rich heritage that could easily obscure pre-independence events. Accordingly, an occasional reminder of the factors and influences that contributed to the birth...

R v. Abraham Case Study Analysis

Involved Parties and Access to Justice The case focuses on the judicial procedures regarding the sentencing of a perpetrator in Australia. Although a separate nation, it is also a member state of the Commonwealth of Nations. Australia’s head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who represents the accuser in this...

Blood Cultures Overview and Analysis

Blood cultures are tests aimed at checking for foreign invaders in the bloodstream, such as yeast, bacteria, and other microorganisms. A positive blood culture is the presence of these pathogens in the bloodstream, a term that is medically referred to as bacteremia. Normally, when a physician suspects their patients might...

The Problem of Finding a Job for College Graduates: Rhetoric Analysis

Introduction One of the major concerns of present-day students is their future success in the workplace, which is, unfortunately, not guaranteed by educational facilities. Therefore, Alina Tugend expresses her ideas in this respect as an affected person or, more specifically, a mother of a college graduate. In her article “What...

The Literary Heritage of the Harlem Renaissance

Introduction The early 20th century was a great period for African American culture, especially in the industry of creative arts. Moreover, this was the most definitive phase when it came to Black people’s art history in America. The juncture, explicitly known as the age of renaissance, was marked by the...

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony: Concert Review

Introduction Concerts of classical music performed by contemporary orchestras tend to target a specific audience. However, some of the performances are outstanding and not limited to individual viewers due to musicians’ high professionalism and world recognition. As a concert for review, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony will be considered by the Chicago...

Camus and the Meaning of Life

The meaning of life, if there is any, is one of the oldest and most profound questions in the history of human civilization. The sheer number of philosophical traditions that attempted to answer it in one way or another suggests there is no easy and evident solution to it. However,...

“Waiting” by Judith Wright: Poem Analysis

Summary The poem “Waiting” was written by Judith Wright and was added to her first book of poetry published in 1946. The author, famous Australian poet, and environmentalist dedicated The Moving Images to the themes of love of the environment, the dispossession of the Aborigines, and the possibility of changing...

“Beowulf” Poem and Old English

Background The English language is rightfully considered one of the most complex languages in terms of its genesis, derivation, and creation throughout the years. The history of the language, while unavoidably intertwined with the physical history of the land and people, reflects some of the most significant milestones in history....

Nurses’ Knowledge to Be Successful Healthcare Professionals

Introduction As they say, a master of information is a master of the situation. That is why it is challenging to overestimate the role that data plays in various spheres of human life, and the healthcare industry is not an exception. It is not a surprise that the more knowledgeable...

Adolescent Addiction and Behavioral-Based Alcoholism

Background Addiction to substances can be perplexing and difficult to comprehend. Despite the progressively unfavorable consequences, addicted people take drugs and alcohol obsessively. Psychiatrists and psychologists have created a variety of theoretical models to explain the paradoxical and complicated character of addictive behavior throughout the years. Various techniques have been...

Windshield Analysis of Edison, New Jersey

The specificity of the infrastructure of the city of Edison lies in the fact that it is a city that provides large-scale transportation of goods. As a transit point, Edison is a city where the highways running through the city are particularly important. Walking in the city center and observing...

Leadership and Army Profession

This essay aims to examine the impacts of the Armed Forces leadership principles on military expertise, knowledge, and service competence. Leadership lays the foundation for professionalism in the military by underpinning the service values such as duty integrity, respect, and selfless service. Every military officer is a leader with a...

Legalizing Medically-Assisted Suicide

Introduction Do life and death begin and end with an individual, God, or medical practitioners? The discussion on medically assisted suicide, MAS, has been taking unprecedented directions over the last few years, making it a controversial legal and ethical issue. According to the ProCon organization (2022), 66.3% of patients used...

The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System

Introduction Contemporary social problems occupy a significant place in the lives of numerous people and societies. Considering the wide variety of social issues that prevent numerous individuals from maintaining a high level of well-being, it is essential to understand the connections between modern social complications and the affected social systems....

Reducing Violence Against Women

Introduction While civil rights movements all over the world have shaped the way societies view different groups of people previously marginalized, certain problems still occur and represent a significant danger for vulnerable individuals. A topic that is to be discussed in terms of prevention and addressing is violence against women....

Popular Research Paper Topics

ZIP Code 11229: Brooklyn, New York

The population of each area, independent of its size, has various needs and purchasing power. Accordingly, it is essential that products and services be available within a locality that will satisfy the public’s requirements. Therefore, if products are necessary for the citizens, people will have a demand for them, which...

The Development of the Music Industry

Introduction The moment that changed the music business occurred when Shawn Fanning started working on Napster, once a famous file-sharing platform. Although distributed file networks existed on the Web, Napster focused on MP3 files combined with a relatively conventional interface. Accordingly, this enabled the service to reach 80 million registered...

“Effects of Classroom Testing” by Microcomputer

Author, F. (1776). Effects of classroom testing by microcomputer. Journal of ABCDE, 99(9), 9-19. Problem Recently Active Shooter rates have been on the rise, while general Homicide rates keep decreasing. Research into the reasons for these crimes, the means through which they are executed, and the motivation of killers has...

Evidence-Based Nursing Case Study

Understanding the nature and composition of a group or an individual requires proper analysis that encompasses various approaches to extract the right information. A researcher should comprehend the features of the subject in order to design the appropriate method. For situations that require deep insight into the person or event’s...

Basic Concepts of Macroeconomics

Introduction In this essay, I want to highlight the main concepts from Chapter 4 of macroeconomic principles and tell you what they mean. I believe the basic concepts are supply and demand, market equilibrium, monopoly, oligopoly, and competition. I can say that the whole economy is built on these concepts,...

Depression: Psychoeducational Intervention

Introduction Understanding the threat and dangers of depression to an individual deepens, pushing researchers explore interventions to treat it. The disorder can affect individuals of different ages and significantly interfere with their lives. At the same time, interest in psychoeducational interventions in cases of depression is growing. However, this approach...

Thoughts That Enable Realistic Prediction of Future

Forecasting is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. is essential to predicting what the future holds; people daily map their plans and consider what steps to take in choosing their future. Essentially, forecasting reflects...

Analyzing Operation Anaconda: Principles of Command in Combat

Introduction In March and April 2002, multinational forces in Afghanistan conducted Operation Anaconda to locate and destroy al-Qaida fighters and their bases in the southern parts of the country. U.S. Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla., provided overall command of the operation. Reconnaissance preparations for the operation included the discovery...

Africa’s Fight Against Hunger in the Diamond Mines

Introduction Africa is a rich continent with diverse flora and fauna but is highly susceptible to climate change and, in turn, economic changes against this background. The agricultural sector mainly funds African states, not the industry and the information sphere. Accordingly, the state reacts very painfully to climate change when...

The US Should Not Pay the UN Membership Dues

The Argument: The USA and the UN Some foreign publications have been critical of the United States’ failure to pay its U.N. membership fees. I believe that the United States is entirely justified in this. At least twice, the Soviets have withheld theirs when they did not approve of U.N....

Promoting Socially Irresponsible Products to Stakeholders

Introduction Infidelity is morally wrong as it involves the breaking of moral virtues such as faithfulness. However, two consenting adults having sexual relationships is not against the law. Moreover, if their relationship remains discrete, it is likely that no one will be negatively affected. Noteworthy, there are four primary steps...

Business vs. Personal in Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather”

Introduction Despite the existing attitudes and opinions, most critics and ordinary people across the globe consider The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola a classic movie that changed everything about gangsters in the film industry. In addition to professional stage direction, well-developed dialogues, and a perfectly chosen cast, the work covers...

Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens

Introduction Individuals’ addictions can be discussed as a serious problem faced by the population in many countries in the world, including the United States. Addictions can arise from many factors, including psychological, biological, social, and political ones. In this paper, it is important to conduct a critical reflective analysis of...

Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy About Ethics

The philosophy of morality and ethics determines the laws that should be the guide for every human being. Immanuel Kant has extensively written on the topic of ethics and by what principles people should behave. Even today, Kant’s work on the highest moral principles is adequate to outline the truth...

What Is Buddhism? History of the Religion, Beliefs, and Rituals

A defining characteristic of human civilization is the presence of religion, which is the belief in and worship of a supernatural being(s) through rituals. Most people in the world practice a religion and their particular faith influences their worldview and affects how they act. There exist many religions with most...

The American Family: Reduction in the Size of the Family and Its Historical Factors

The size of the family has been reducing gradually. The reduction in the number of children has increased the proportion of elderly people in the population. Some places are experiencing a reduction in the size of the population. America is experiencing a reduction in birth rates. This has increased the...

Workplace Immigrant Discrimination: Opportunities and Challenges

The paper aims at examining an article about the peculiarities of immigrant discrimination in the workplace written by Krings, Johnston, Binggeli, and Maggiori in 2014. The authors introduce two hypotheses about immigrants, identify their roles in local labor markets, and prove that certain cultural, educational, and personal issues are crucial...

Obamacare: The Solution to the Healthcare Problem

ObamaCare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) was signed by President Barack Obama in 2010; it is “a US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations and taxes” (ObamaCare Facts, 2015). In this way, the purpose of this reform is to...

Canto III in The Divine Comedy by Dante

Introduction Canto III describes Dante’s first acquaintance with Hell and the interpersonal changes that occur in the pilgrim’s inner world as a result. This part demonstrates to the pilgrim the sufferings of those people who did not strive hard during their earthly life to make the right choice between the...

Ice-Fili Company’s Brand

Introduction A medium-sized Russian ice-cream producer, Ice-Fili, is still a middle store. The company is dominating the Russian top ice-cream production. However, according to Bernard Koopmans’s market share targets, the company does not have a stable dominating market share. The company only boasts of 4.3% market share which is very...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hepatitis A, Syphilis, AIDS in Miami-Dade County

Healthy People 2020 is an initiative program created by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. It establishes guidelines and goals, which are necessary to achieving national wellness priorities and addressing critical issues in population health. States and local governments are encouraged to follow the recommendations and focus...

Hepatitis A, B, and C and Healthy People in Miami

Introduction Every healthcare intervention program seeks to ensure that the community does not continue living in an environment characterized by the ever-rising number of diseases. In the last few decades, my community, Miami, Florida, whose zip code is 33012, was in the list of regions where communicable diseases had claimed...

US Environmental Protection Agency’s Budgeting

The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the fiscal year 2015 will be discussed (U.S. EPA, 2014). It amounts to $7.89 billion, which is ≈4% lower than the agency’s budget for the previous fiscal year. This forced the...

Transgender People in Healthcare Facilities

Attitude to Transgender People in Healthcare Facilities Gender nonconforming and transgender people face discrimination in almost every sphere of human activity. When this discrimination occurs in the framework of health care provision, it has a negative impact on the access of these groups to primary care. This discrimination and stigma...

Impacts of Diversity on Employee Communication

Diversity Leads to Prejudice According to Allen (2009), interpersonal communication in a diverse workforce is susceptible to prejudice. Consequently, organizational leaders and workers are required to choose their words correctly and structure a message in such a way that it is void of ambiguous phrases. Beamer (2007) maintains that jargon...

Nursing Care’s Personal Philosophy

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing health care to individuals, families, and communities to restore, maintain, or enhance their wellbeing. It involves the application of knowledge gained through practice and nursing research in different fields (Powers & Knapp, 2010). Quality nursing is based on the development and...

Chronic Kidney Disease Identifying

Chronic kidney disease is a critical illness that affects mainly the population older than 50 years. Its complications are rather severe, as they include disability and may even lead to lethal outcomes (Thomas, Kanso, & Sedor, 2008). Because of the chronic kidney disease, the quality of people’s lives worsens greatly...

The Feeling of Powerlessness Among Workers

Feeling of powerlessness The feeling of powerlessness is a rather common complaint among employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs. First of all, the feeling usually accompanies stress in the workplace. While sometimes it is the defensive reaction of the human psyche and thus appears as a result of stressful...

International Human Resource Management Challenges

Career management model The work environment is constantly changing due to various factors. Some of the factors which contribute to changes in the work environment include changes in technology and technical professionals, and the need for innovations and inventions in organizations. It is for these reasons that managers and professionals...

Death and Dying in America: A Nursing Point of View

Birth and death are the two things that a single person can never avoid in this life. It is possible to avoid illnesses, financial challenges, hunger, psychological disorders, etc. Still, human birth and death remain to be unchangeable: one day, a person appears in the world, another day, a person...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Twins: Genetics Study

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex condition, and genetics play an important role as one of its causes. The current research shows that complex interactions involving genes and the environment are responsible for ASD (Yoo, 2015). The concordance rate of this disorder in monozygous twins is approximately 60-70...

Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast Club

Introduction In any society, culture may be played out from different dimensions such as through masculinity and femininity. Masculinity entails a cultural dimension in which gender roles become distinct by spelling out characteristics that men should display. Such traits include materialism, assertiveness, and toughness among others. Conversely, women are expected...

Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections are associated with a high level of patient morbidity and mortality. According to Shiva (2014), nearly 1.5 million hospitalized individuals around the globe suffer from the healthcare-related infections, and about 37 percent of patients referring to intensive care units catch them. Hospital personnel is considered to play...

Health Information Technology Leadership Ideas

This course involved a thorough consideration of numerous notions that are central to leadership in healthcare information technology (HIT). The book by Snedaker (2016), which offers a comprehensive overview of HIT leadership, has been helpful in the review of these topics. Apart from that, Maxwell’s (2007) book The 21 Irrefutable...

Strategic Thinking and Military Lessons

Orientation To a large extent, I would consider myself a strategic thinker since strategic thinking is my basic orientation to mission-driven cooperative work. This is true because I believe strategic thinking is an important facet for growth and also an effective component for adapting to change in today’s fast-paced world...

Bio-Neutral Pty Ltd Technical Report and Analysis

Introduction Bio-Neutral Pty Ltd intends to design a bio-diesel production facility. The company requires that different sections of the production process be designed. These sections include the size and the number of the tanks used, the types of pumps and their ratings, and the number together with the models of...

Proposal for Fad Diets

Introduction Topic Research question: Could fad diets be considered as the efficient tool to improve the general state of a persons health or they result in significant deterioration? Working thesis: Fad diets could not be considered as the efficient and secure tool as there is no solid scientific rationale evidencing...

The Role of Time Management in Leadership

Introduction Modern leaders pay much attention to time management as it is one of the constant and irreversible things in the work of any organization. Once it is wasted, it can never be returned or used again. Therefore, the task of any leader is to make sure that time is...

Slavery and Its Religious and Moral Aspects

Introduction Discussions on the religious and moral aspects of slavery have been and remain relevant social topics. In order to evaluate individual opinions regarding this area and compare the ideas of past centuries with those promoted today, two primary sources will be reviewed. The letter by Foster included in the...

“Identifying Barriers to Pain Management in Long-Term Care” the Article by Egan & Cornally

Introduction Effective pain management is critical to increase patients’ health quality and keep their satisfaction levels high. Unfortunately, it may be difficult not only to manage pain but even to identify its severity in some cases. Nurses working in long-term care, especially with elderly patients, frequently admit the presence of...

Abortion and Moral Theory

Introduction Healthcare professionals have to face numerous ethical issues each day. In many cases, there are certain guidelines and principles shared by practitioners and patients that help in making moral decisions. However, some issues are still debatable, and no single opinion exists on the matter. Abortion is one of such...

Identifying Three Trends in Information Technology

Introduction As part of the business or other enterprises, information technology (IT) is a rapidly progressing industry in the modern technology-based society. It implies the use of “computers and other devices for exchanging, retrieving, storing, and networking of electronic data” (Morkes, 2018, p. 23). IT engages with various companies, ranging...

Intellectual Property Theft in the US

Introduction Nowadays, technological advancements have created a situation where many valuable assets only exist in the form of information, and many physical ones can be replicated, given specific data. As such, the concept of intellectual property, which can be stolen, is gaining importance. However, the laws on the topic are...

International Monetary Relations and Cooperation

An international monetary regime is structured to achieve international liquidity and is necessarily founded on the principle of collective action and, as such, a stable monetary regime is a collective or public good driven by collective interests-a result (fruit) to be enjoyed by a large group (of countries or economies)....

Ford and the Firestone Tire Setback

The controversy the surrounds the relations between two companies –Ford and Firestone has raised a lot of arguments and opinions. The facts, the background, and the setback were several of many aspects of the scandal. This essay analyzes the aspects of Ford and the Firestone tire setback along with providing...

Diversity Training Program. Diversity Management

The success of an organization depends on among other factors, the ability to manage the diverse cultural backgrounds in the organizations towards the attainment of the common organizational goal. According to Schauber (n.d), “an effective, culturally diverse organization is one whose culture is inclusive of all of the varying groups...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen: Nora as a Victim

It is undeniable that life for women during the Victorian period was very different from life for women living today. With the growth of the Industrial Revolution, women were able to find more opportunities to support themselves without remaining dependent on men, particularly within the cities. However, success was not...

Comprehension in ‘all Children Read…’ by Temple and Al.

Scholarly Article Summary An article by Muijselaar et al. (2017) focuses its attention on the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension. The paper describes a quantitative cohort study that aims at creating a linear regression model with reading comprehension as a dependent variable and reading strategies as the independent...

“Women, Food, and Learning” by Claudia Setzer

Summary The issue of female representation in the Bible and its portrayal of women and womanhood, in general, are considerably controversial issues, mostly due to the perception of gender roles and sex-based prejudices that were common at the specified time slot. While there are key women in the Scripture, their...

Leadership: Definition and Key Issues

Definition Leadership as a concept can be approached and defined form multiple perspectives. However, most of the existing definitions share a common characteristic of viewing leaders as agents of change, be it within the workplace environment or in staff members’ behaviors. From a general standpoint, leadership can be described as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Analysis of Galeano’s Writing

The article “Upside down: A primer for the looking-glass world” by Galeano (2001) represents an immensely honest and even, to some extent, brutal overview of the present world. The work is comprised of metaphors, exaggerations, irony, and contrast. Galeano (2001) attempts to open the readers eyes to the reality in...

Exploring the History of Texas: From the 1920s to the Bush Administration

The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Texas during the 1920s Being a notorious blemish in U.S. history, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) emerged as the ultra-right organization that advocated for highly reactionary ideas, promoting racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and a range of other ideas associated with White...

Grief and Blight in Poem “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkin

Introduction Gerard Manley Hopkin’s poem “Spring and Fall” is centered around one’s perception of death and mortality. The central figure of the writing is a girl called Margaret, who is crying over dead leaves and ordinary seasonal changes. However, the narrator understands that the underlying reasons for such an emotional...

The Glass Menagerie and the Idea of the Escape

Topic: The Glass Menagerie and its idea of pursuing adventure or sticking to one’s duties. Thesis Statement: The Glass Menagerie suggests that a person should not make a choice between chasing one’s dreams or staying put because it is possible to find the middle ground and do both. Brainstorm: Happiness Comes at...

Causes of Racism and Racial Discrimination

Black Lives Matter movement reveals that racism still exists globally, and it is more dominant in the US. The recent killing of George Floyd showed that racism is a hierarchical process that has become a pandemic. The perception that blacks have a likelihood to commit crimes than whites forms the...

Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber

The history of countries can be understood by studying numerous explicit and hidden processes of economics, politics, and trade. Thus, for example, for America in the 20th century, the development of crack production and trade was a striking phenomenon. This drug was popular among different population segments, but it was...

Tone in “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman

Introduction Walt Whitman is a free verse innovator and reformer of American poetry, whose primary ideas are people’s closeness to nature and kinship of a person with all people and all phenomena of the world. Moreover, he gained fame as the first nationwide poet in the United States since an...

Automated Hospital Dispensing Systems

Introduction Both the Pyxis and Omnicell are products that are used to automate operations in a hospital. The handling of and management of medication has undergone a lot of transformations that are geared towards reducing costs and making medical services to be more effective and efficient. The use of automated...

Quality Improvement and the Need for Healthcare Insurance

People have come to appreciate the importance of having medical insurance, especially in emergency cases. In response to this need by consumers, many insurance providers have flooded the market hence presenting a host of choices for the people. This essay seeks to find out whether PPO, HMO, or PHO is...

“The Gods in the Homeric Epics” Book by Kearns

Belief in Gods was part of the culture and religion of Ancient Greece, which was reflected in sculpture, art, architecture, literature, and traditions of the population. Nevertheless, often the images of the Gods in the art are the representation of the author but not of the entire people, since rituals...

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the successful implementation of evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. A strategy for 22-bed intensive care units in an Australian public tertiary hospital was developed (Aitken et al., 2011). The article provides details of this implementation and it can be regarded as an...

The Hand Washing Program for Children

 Name of Agency The program was presented at Five Palms Elementary School. Client Assessment Data A health assessment data method was employed. Records from the nurses’ office recorded the following health complaints: Chest congestion Productive coughs Sore throats Rhinorrhea The conditions above were classic symptoms of a common cold caused...

Personal Health Initiative Report: Achieving a Normal Body Mass Index

Introduction The nutritional status of any individual can be estimated using anthropometry. Anthropometry attempts to compare parameters like height, weight, skin folds and Body Mass Index (BMI) with established standards in order to gauge current nutritional status. Body Mass Index is considered normal when it falls between 18.5 and 24.5...

Addressing Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover

Introduction Nursing shortage is a major issue across the globe. In the United States of America, it is projected that the shortage of registered nurses (RNs) will intensify (Rosseter, 2012). This is due to increased need for health care catalyzed by the aging Baby Boomers. This is also influenced by...

“Miami Sets Ambitious Emissions Goal” by Harris

Miami has experienced various issues related to climate change, including hurricanes, storm surge, and floods. Still, the city was able to recover after significant crises and thrive in the face of adversity. However, over the previous years, the situation associated with the excess of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and...

Trichoderma Reesei as a Useful Fungus

Introduction The impact of biotechnology is being felt increasingly in modern days across several sectors and disciplines. Biotechnology can be defined as any technological application that makes use of biological systems or living things with an aim of making or altering products or given processes for specified purposes (Thieman &...

Gross Injustices in a Superficially Equal America in Kurt Jr. Vonnegur’s “Harrison Bergeron”

Kurt Vonnegut Junior’s critical short story is a futuristic fiction that presents the hypothetical United States metaphor where uniformity is socially engineered, and individual differences are suppressed. The narrative opens by stating that “everybody was finally equal” (Vonnegut 1). Those who are beautiful wear masks, strong and well-built people are...

Disease Outbreaks: Toxicity of Fatty Acid Profiles

In the recent past, there has been a rise in the number of new infections. Even as the globe moves towards achieving global quality healthcare, these illnesses impede on the scientific advancements made towards this goal’s attainment. Worse still, these outbreaks vary in nature and finding cures is the only...

Doctoral Methods of Scientific Inquiry

Doctoral methods of scientific inquiry aims at enabling the inquirer to unveil new information pertaining to particular subject from his/her perspectives of view at the same time not negating the prior scholarly works. The intent is to depict the relevance in conformance or departure from other scientist’s garnered information about...

Emotional Intelligence Test Results Analysis

An emotional intelligence test is an effective tool applied to determine the ability to understand and recognize feelings, excitements, and interests. It helps explain how one can become close to others, gain motivation, as well as manage emotions (Fischer et al., 2018). It consists of questions where one is expected...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Gone Baby Gone” Moral Issue

Gone Baby Gone is a movie about kidnapping a girl Amanda and investigating this crime by the young detective Patrick. At the end of the story, the man realizes that the police officer Doyle kidnapped the girl to save her from her neglectful mother involved in the drug business. This...

Quality Improvement Organization Programs and Their Purpose

Introduction We are living in a world whereby every person requires the best healthcare services and support. Many people are facing different healthcare needs and challenges. This situation explains why we should come up with the best programs and promote the quality of care delivered to different patients. This paper...

Feminism and Femininity in “Death by Landscape” by Atwood

Introduction The rebellion of women against the roles, characteristics, and behaviors imposed on them and expected from them by society is quite successful and popular in the modern world. Although it began centuries ago, at those times, few women saw a need for it. Most females saw specific sustainability in...

Review of Environmental History

Human impact on the environment is global: the influence of humans on the appearance of the planet is already comparable to the processes in the Earth’s core, continental drift, and cosmic catastrophes. The anthropogenic factor is becoming the leading one, and without taking it into account, it is impossible to...

Gilgamesh’s Search for Immortality: Inevitability of Death in a Story

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an interesting work to analyze on the topic of life and death. It is one of the oldest literary works that have survived to this day, extremely psychological in its essence. This epic is composed of old material, but the old legends were woven into...

Ethical Vignette Assignment: The Case of Helpful Receptionist

Introduction The case of a helpful receptionist addresses the question of whether privacy and confidentiality were violated when a receptionist revealed to a husband that his wife came to the counselor. The receptionist shared the information unintentionally, yet they should not disclose private personal information about a client when working...

The Immune System Fighting Off COVID-19

Introduction In the article “How the body’s immune system tries to fight off COVID-19”, Healey (2022) discusses which processes happen in human bodies that naturally help them to fight against various threats, including coronavirus. In this regard, the author argues that each individual has three defense layers, namely skin, B...

The Revenge Theme in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play driven by revenge, with many of the main characters falling victim to it. There is no denying that revenge is a powerful feeling that can completely dominate and destroy a human’s life. One of the most common justifications for revenge is the pursuit of justice...

Analysis of Theories in Communication

Introduction Stanley Deetz developed the critical theory of communication to explore ways of ensuring the health of organizations while increasing diverse human interests’ representation. This was achieved first by indicating that corporations have become not only economic but also political institutions. The theory points out various ways through which decision-making...

United Airlines Customer Service Case Study

Introduction The way companies treat their clients predetermines the perception of the brand by the general public. It is important because the contemporary penetration of social media publicity into everyday life makes every corporate action matter to society. Ultimately, the impact of customer service outcomes is seen in the profits...

African American Civil Rights Movements: Lessons Learned

Introduction The 1960s and 1970s was an era denoted by the complexity of inter-related cultural and political trends worldwide. Therefore, due to the revolution, changes in the dressing code, the music industry, and schooling eventually transformed. Social character and taboos degraded as a result of the emergence of a wide...

“Where Are You Going…” by Oates: An Analysis

Introduction Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates in 1966. The narrative emphasizes the modern culture and norms of American society in the 1960s by telling a story of a 15 years old girl – Connie. The author uses various...

Literary Analysis of “A&P” Story by John Updike

The short story A&P is centered around the main character named Sammy, who is displeased with his current life, including his job and the people around him. As a teenager, he realizes that he wants a more adventurous life because he is living in a highly conservative and quiet town...

Comparison of Hard Work and Talent

Introduction Hard work refers to putting effort or working tirelessly towards achieving the desired goal. On the other hand, talent is a natural skill or ability to do something without training. I consider hard work to be the most significant aspect of talent. This is because whenever one puts effort...

Review of “Still I Rise” Poem by Maya Angelou

Introduction Maya Angelou was born in 1928 and died at 86 years in 2014. Despite being a poet, Angelou was also known for her civil rights activism, acting, dance, screenwriting, and authorship. The poet was best known for her 1969 memoir, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and the...

Intelligence Testing in Professional Psychology

Introduction Professional psychology implements tools to assess individuals’ attitudes and intelligence. Psychological tests can be traced back to the Han dynasty in ancient China, where public officials were given competency assessment tasks (Reynolds et al., 2021). Later, psychiatrists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries introduced various types of evaluation to...

The Crazy Movement’s Importance for Society

Introduction Mental problems at the present stage of society are discussed with greater openness than in the past decades. One of the driving forces for the development of this factor was the Crazy movement or Mad Pride. This initiative contributed to the development of awareness that people, regardless of their...

The Value of Operation Anaconda for Joint Missions

Introduction Operation Anaconda, conducted in the Shahikot Valley of Afghanistan in early March of 2002, was a battle fought in mountainous terrain under challenging conditions. American Special Operations Forces (SOF) decided to cooperate with Afghan forces and U.S. space power to achieve progress in Afghanistan. Executing plans for the combined...

Connectedness and Disconnect on Social Media

Social media has changed people’s lives significantly, as it has introduced a novel way of sharing information. Although people can share the smallest details of their lives with their friends and loved ones, the platforms also allow communication with strangers. Moreover, as people try to show their best selves on...

The Wasco People’s Legend Coyote and Multnomah Falls

Coyote and Multnomah Fall, a legend of the Wasco people, tells the traditional story of love, longing, and sorrow. The story’s protagonist is the Coyote character, widespread among the North American Wasko Indians. Coyote in the works usually acts as a minor character. It can be used to contrast with...