161 Business Strategy Topics & Paper Examples

🔝 Top 7 Business Strategy Topics

🏢 Best Business Topics for Essays

Future Profession Opportunities in the Business Field

The field of business is constantly growing, changing, and developing, with new technologies and theories coming into play. With the rise of AI technologies on the horizon, the market has plenty of new opportunities. These involve professions such as data analysts, AI trainers, ethics managers, and many others.

Effective Business Growth Strategies

Organizations can use several different strategies to promote their growth and development. These involve market penetration or expansion, strategic partnerships, competitive pricing, digital marketing, and employee and product development. Continuous innovation is the most important aspect for continuous business growth.

Successful Strategy Implementation Process of Toyota Company

Toyota is one of the leading companies in the world of car industries. It used several implementation strategies to guarantee its success. Some of them involve hierarchical restructuring, giving more rights to local managers, and involving more stakeholders in problem-solving.

Importance of Effective Leadership for Organizations

Effective leaders can greatly impact an organization’s structure, motivating employees and increasing productivity. They also tend to encourage more creativity and innovation among the workers, making them more engaged. Great leaders continuously grow and develop, in turn prompting the organization to grow and develop with them.

Strategic Thinking in Business Development

Taking a step back from the typical day-to-day business operations to look at the broader, more long-term prospects is referred to as strategic thinking. It allows a company to figure out its future prospects, figuring out where to allocate resources, and how to manage risk.

✍️ Business Strategy Essay Topics for College

  1. The Microsoft Firm’s Business and Corporate-Level Strategies
    The corporate-level strategy that Microsoft has chosen reflects the company’s intention to further diversify its products and manage an expanded range of potential market settings.
  2. The Hewlett-Packard Firm’s Business and Corporate-Level Strategies
    This paper examines the strategies Hewlett-Packard (HP) implemented to remain competitive in the market and achieve long-term success.
  3. Wells Fargo Business Strategy
    The paper outlines the best strategies that can be implemented to revolutionize the performance of Wells Fargo.
  4. McDonald’s: Business- and Corporate-Level Strategies
    Vertical integration, single product lines, and franchising are the corporate-level strategies adopted by McDonald’s for sustainable development.
  5. HP Business Strategy & HP Strategic Plan Analysis
    Hewlett Packard is a company that plays a leading role in providing its customers and other businesses with IT products and services.
  6. International Corporate Strategy: A Case Study of HYATT Hotels Corporation
    The Hyatt Hotels Corporation is a renowned multinational hospitality company with 20 well-known subsidiaries which assist individuals in reaching their total potential.
  7. Business Model and Competitive Strategy of IKEA in India
    This case study outlines factors that impacted IKEA entering the Indian market and the challenges it faced establishing its roots in India.
  8. Business-Level Strategy for Boeing
    All the companies are taking various types of strategies to overcome the competition. Among these three the most important strategy is the business-level strategy.
  9. Etihad Airlines Business Strategy Report
    This paper has selected UAE as the country of choice and analyses its aviation sector by exploring Etihad’s current business strategies, growth strategies, and methods.
  10. Mitsubishi Corporation’s Business Strategies and Core Capabilities
    This paper provides an overview of the business strategies and core capabilities of two Japanese companies, Mitsubishi Corporation and Hitachi Technologies.
  11. International Business: Amazon.com Marketing Strategies
    This term paper focuses on the marketing strategies of Amazon.com and how it has contributed to its continual growth in the competitive e-Commerce.
  12. Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management
    The paper describes the food truck business’s goals and objectives, management functions, decision-making process, organizational structure, etc.
  13. The Zappos Business Analysis and Strategy
    Zappos will seek to create value for its target market with medium income levels in the U.S. and abroad, by offering a wide selection of clothing and home product categories.
  14. Organic Food Delivery Business Plan: Pricing Models, Growth Strategies, Financial Insights
    Strategies for organic food delivery services include pricing models, financial projections, and customer retention approaches for business success.
  15. Strategic Assessment: Publix’s Business Strategy
    Publix is a large grocery chain store. The brand does not operate outside of the US but has a considerable network of stores across the country.
  16. The Business-Level Strategy of Starbucks
    Starbucks is currently experiencing a period of exceptional growth. One of Starbucks’ phenomenal success components is a well-thought-out and executed strategy.
  17. Porsche Company and Its Business Strategies
    Porsche emerged when its founder produced his first sports car. This paper analyzes the aspects of Porsche’s industry to determine the most appropriate business strategies.
  18. Business and Human Resource Strategies Relationship
    This paper discusses the reasons why it is necessary to have a close relationship between business strategy and an organization’s human resource strategy.
  19. Acer Group: Corporate Strategy and Challenges
    In the early ’90s, Acer embarked on an ambitious diversification strategy and focused on being a vertically integrated company, amassing as many patents as possible.
  20. McDonald’s Business Strategy Analysis: SWOT Analysis & More
    McDonald’s is characterised by the reputation of a leader in the industry, and this fact attracts and retains customers.
  21. Oil Industry: Business Strategy and Profitability
    The report focuses on the business strategy of oil industry, gives Porter’s Five Forces model analysis and defines the key drivers influencing strategic thinking and profitability.
  22. Coral Divers Resort’s Business Issues and Strategy
    This paper analyzes the case devoted to the experience of the Coral Divers Resort that suddenly became less popular among tourists.
  23. Apple vs. Samsung: Marketing Strategy & Business Strategy
    Both Apple and Samsung companies are in the electronics industry with specialty in mobile and computer technologies. Apple’s business strategies are different and depend on product models.
  24. Running a Café in Singapore: Challenges and Insights by Seow
    The paper identifies potential factors and strategies that could be adopted to enable Refuel Café to attain success through this visual research design proposal.
  25. Internal Influence on Walmart’s Corporate Strategy
    This paper discusses Walmart’s corporate strategy and explains that corporate strategy involves establishing value, setting profit, and growth goals.
  26. Apple Inc.’s Business- and Corporate-Level Strategies
    The work is concerned with Apple’s business-level and corporate-level strategies. The paper examines its competitive conditions, considering slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
  27. The UnitedHealth Group’s Business Strategy
    The UnitedHealth Group has maintained an impressive track record due to its corporate strategy and culture guided by high ethical attributes and integrity.
  28. Target Corporation’s Business Strategy & Recommendations
    This report analyses Target Corporation’s current business practices and provides strategic recommendations for improving its competitive advantage and market position.
  29. Heineken International Success: Business Strategy
    Heineken is one of the world’s largest brewers of beer and cider, in large part due to its successful business strategy.
  30. Tesco Business Strategy
    Tesco business strategy entails establishing diverse customer-oriented businesses in the domestic and foreign market such as non-food, financial services, and telecom.
  31. Ford Motor Company: Business Strategy
    There are two basic business-level strategies which Ford Motor Company has followed for the whole period of its performance.
  32. Apple Inc. Business Strategy
    This paper analyzes the strategies put in place by Apple Inc. to survive tough economic times. It also proposes some latent strategies to improve its future economic outlook.
  33. Diamond Model in International Business Strategy
    The Porter’s Diamond Model was initially worked out as an integral part of the company’s performance analysis and an efficient tool for successful strategy planning.

📊 Research Title about Business Strategies: How to Choose the Best One?

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

Your choice of a business strategy that you are going to write about in your research will vary depending on your topic. It might be that you are discussing several of them in a single essay or you want to concentrate on one in particular. Consider these questions before making your choice:

  1. What is the goal of your essay? Are you focusing on a particular company or are you analyzing the effectiveness of a business strategy?
  2. Are you considering real or hypothetical scenarios? Will you look at case studies or will you imagine possible outcomes?
  3. Have you done enough research? Did you look for examples of real business strategies online? Have you considered looking at a list of topic ideas?
  4. Which strategy will suit your project best? Can it be more than one? Should you compare and contrast several of them?

👍 Good Business Strategy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Dell’s Business Model: Evolution, Challenges, and Strategies
    Dell company finds a certain business model which will be able to guarantee success and make company beneficial and recognizable for people to buy its products.
  2. Business Process Management and Implementation Strategies
    The strategic plan is a formal document that details the steps and initiatives to achieve the project’s goals that provide reports and feedback on implementing this plan.
  3. Heineken Company’s Business Strategy
    In the framework of this paper, Heineken’s business strategy on multiple levels will be discussed, including the models, diversification programs.
  4. International Business Strategy: An Institution-Based View
    The institution-based approach constitutes the third major component of a successful performance together with industry-based and researched-based theories.
  5. Business Strategy and Plan for Beckman Coulter
    Beckman Coulter can expand the market it serves in Oman by increasing testing in hospitals and using customer product reviews to determine changing needs.
  6. Implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
    Corporate social responsibility is a relevant initiative towards promoting new social actions. The chapter explains why corporate culture supports the business goals of many organizations.
  7. Coca-Cola: Business & Corporate-Level Strategies
    Companies that manufacture comparable items constantly compete for consumers, market share, and brand preservation.
  8. The Bombardier Aerospace Firm’s Business-Level Strategy
    The paper states that Bombardier Aerospace is experiencing financial difficulties due to the inability of management to make critical decisions.
  9. Ades Cash & Carry Ltd: Corporate Strategy
    Ades Cash & Carry maintains low prices to ensure that its products are affordable to consumers. Its most successful raising limitless cash is through an initial public offering.
  10. The Corporate-Level and Business-Level Strategy for the Apple Company
    This work is intended to define and analyze the corporate-level and business-level strategy concepts using the model of the company Apple.
  11. Starbucks Company’s International Business Strategy
    In realizing its future internationalization agenda, Starbucks can consider venturing into more partnerships in the foreign markets and directly compete with existing retailers.
  12. The John Rhodes Community Centre Pool’s Business Strategy
    The first measure which needs to be implemented at the John Rhodes Community Centre Pool is the new simplified Red Cross Swim program.
  13. Costco’s Business Strategy and Model
    The report analyses the business development and its growth into one of the most successful corporations in the United States.
  14. Pestle Company’s Corporate-Level Strategy and Management
    Corporate-level strategy refers to the actions taken by an organization to ensure that it realizes a competitive advantage by the identification and management of several businesses.
  15. Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy
    Human resource management is vital for any organization that seeks to add value to its employees to ensure the growth of the business.
  16. MDCM’s Corporate and IT Strategies: Evaluation and Improvement
    It is necessary to analyze MDCM’s corporate strategy in order to evaluate the strategy’s strengths and weaknesses and develop appropriate solutions for those constituents that need strengthening.
  17. Eastman Kodak Company’s Business-Level Strategy
    For Kodak to survive in the digitally competitive era, it will require to choose strategies and concentrate on improving its products’ presence and performance in the market.
  18. Flybe Airline: Transformational Change and Business Strategies
    Flybe is a leading regional airline in United Kingdom. The pricing of its services and products makes the Airline a low-cost carrier.
  19. The Lululemon Athletica Firm’s Business Strategy
    Lululemon Athletica has to ensure that its revenues continue to grow at rates more significant than the growth rate of its expenses so that it can continue to increase profits.
  20. Transient Advantage in a Business Strategy
    Transient advantage refers to a business strategy that believes that competitive advantages are short-lived and encourages companies to find new initiatives.
  21. The Gucci Firm’s Sustainable Business Strategy
    The cost of original Gucci bags is high since they can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars and have serial numbers that prove their authenticity.
  22. The Starbucks Firm’s Business Level Strategy
    Starbucks Coffee is a brand that is known for its broad competitive advantage and uses a generic strategy of broad differentiation to trade successfully.
  23. Business Planning and Strategic Planning
    Many people confuse the terms and do not see the difference between business and strategic plans. This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of two phenomena.
  24. Business Model and Strategy for Success
    Owners of companies have to think and adopt various strategies to become successful and apply effective models to their enterprises to become one step ahead of competitors.
  25. COVID-19 Pandemic: Businesses Negotiation Strategies
    The use of negotiation strategies can help businesses to reduce losses and service interruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus offering a significant competitive advantage.
  26. Human Resource Management Aligned With Business Strategies
    When formulating a strategic plan, aligning HR with the business strategic plans helps make certain that the company achieve their goals.
  27. Business Strategy: Leading Change at SJHC and LHSC Hospitals
    The case under analysis describes the challenges that SJHC and LHSC faced while trying to transfer all the equipment and processes that were formerly carried out in SJHC to LHSC.
  28. Fiat and General Motors’ Corporate-Level Strategy
    The formation of a strategic alliance as a tool in developing the corporate-level strategy of Fiat and General Motors can be assessed as a rather dangerous step.
  29. Business Strategy: Applying Critical Analysis
    This paper develops at least one strategic objective from each of the following Balance Scorecard areas: Financial, Customer, etc., identified with the SWOTT Analysis paper.
  30. Sony Company’s International Business Strategy
    Sony is a giant electronic producer from Japan. It has been in the front-line in producing reliable technological devices, it should have produced machines to read the blue ray.
  31. Dell Business Model: Globalization & Corporate Strategy
    The Dell Computer company research and development department is mandated with the task of advising the company on the nature of products it should manufacture.
  32. The Role of Leadership in Airport Business Strategy and Growth: A Gibbs Cycle Reflection
    A Gibbs cycle reflection highlights the role of the airport CEO, who is responsible for strategic decision-making, team dynamics, and long-term growth.
  33. System Thinking and Corporate Strategy
    By applying system thinking, managers can develop projects that would contribute to the development of the overall corporate structure and goals.
  34. Unbundling Business Model: Strategy for Planet Fitness
    The paper states that the main business strategy for Planet Fitness is to offer high-quality services at a low price to ensure that it attracts more customers.
  35. Toyota: The Corporate Strategy of Sustainable Development
    Consequently, Toyota introduced an innovative product to the market, contributing to the company’s economic benefits and supporting its sustainable development strategy.

💡 Interesting Topics about Business: Inspirational Ideas

When you want to write about business practices, ideas, developments, or issues, there are plenty of interesting topics that you can choose from. In fact, there are so many, it can get a little overwhelming. To narrow down your search, consider:

  1. Look into creative marketing ideas. Marketing is a huge field with plenty of different areas to explore. You are certain to find inspiration for your paper.
  2. Consider the relationship between social media and business. Nowadays, a social media presence is absolutely necessary for an organization to succeed. Describe this relationship in your essay.
  3. Talk about the blogging industry. It is an up-and-coming field that is getting bigger and bigger every day. You can discuss its challenges, advantages, and the reasons for its popularity.
  4. Analyze small business ideas. You can look into how small businesses stay open and profitable in today’s market. You might also consider startups and their practices.

🌶️ Hot Business Strategy Topics to Write About

  1. Global Business Strategies Under Cultural Impact
    Global business strategies are dependent on intercultural environments. When setting out to implement a strategy, a manufacturer must consider the partnering country’s traditions.
  2. Business Strategies: Management Issues
    Every entrepreneur strives for sustainable business development and improvement of processes within the organization.
  3. Corporate Strategies and Financial Performance Analysis for Dollar Tree
    Dollar Tree is an American retail corporation that runs over 16,000 discount variety stores in 48 US states and five provinces in Canada.
  4. Business Strategies: Pathways to Success
    Depending on the capabilities of a business, its size, its niche and its competition, the preferred market entry and business strategies change.
  5. Business Strategy and Five Competitive Forces
    Business strategy should focus on the detailed assessment of the five competitive forces to enlarge the overall profit pool and maintain sustained profitability.
  6. The Value of Systems Thinking in Developing Corporate Strategy
    Systems thinking in company management can significantly affect the organization’s success that’s why this approach is of great value in developing a company’s strategy.
  7. Business Strategies: Cost Leadership and Differentiation
    Cost leadership entails organizing the firm’s resources in a way that the production of goods and services is achieved at the lowest price possible.
  8. Human Resource and Business Strategies Alignment
    The following paper analyzes the alignment of human resource and business strategies and their impact on productivity.
  9. Impact of Interior Design on Corporate Strategy
    This research focuses on two contemporary spaces, Kitty Burns and Aesop Pitt Street Store, with a retail theme.
  10. Tesla Inc.’s Corporate and Competitive Strategy
    Tesla Inc.’s generic strategy has been its effective approach to achieving a sustainable competitive advantage over other players in the global automobile industry.
  11. Netflix Inc.’s Business Strategies
    Improved sales and reliability will result from Netflix expanding its operations into new markets in developing countries, where opportunities for video streaming abound.
  12. Microsoft Firm’s Organization of Business Strategy
    Microsoft has managed to establish a strategy that allows it to stay on top of the completion, continue its development, and exhibit its care for the environment.
  13. Systems Thinking in Developing Corporate Strategy
    Systems thinking is a management approach that focuses on the interrelation of systems and how they operate within the context of larger systems.
  14. McDonald’s: How Strategic Choices Shape Fast Food Supremacy
    This paper will focus on McDonald’s corporation’s business and corporate-level strategies, competitive environment, and market cycles.
  15. Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
    Participation in corporate social responsibility practices significantly affects the company’s image, performance, and profit as it impacts customer and employee loyalty.
  16. Features of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
    Mintzberg and Waters note that here “leaders at the center of authority formulate their intentions as precisely as possible and then strive for their implementation”.
  17. Analysis of Disney Business Strategies
    Disney’s ongoing success, which has a significant history, can be attributed to the company’s expertise in diversification, which accumulates value.
  18. Mixed Business Strategy: “Outside-In” and “Inside-Out” Approaches
    It is important to note that outside-in and inside-out approaches can be used in mixed strategies by providing customer value within a company’s limitations.
  19. Business Management Strategies
    Running any business requires the investor to have the proper business strategies and tactics tailored to meet all the needs.
  20. Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Assignment
    Dexcom Corporation is a healthcare company that distributes generic, branded, and specialty pharmaceuticals in the United States.
  21. Demographics, Psychographics, and Geographics in Corporate Communication Strategy
    In fact, the success of contemporary business operations has become highly dependent on the organization’s ability to form strong, trusting relations with its stakeholders.
  22. Crocs Marketing Campaigns and Business Strategies
    The current paper states that the firm’s marketing campaigns and business strategies provide a robust base for Crocs in monetary terms.
  23. OCP Nigeria: Business Strategy
    Due to the challenges that the Nigerian economy is currently facing, OCP Nigeria will need to build a strategy based on cost leadership.
  24. The Importance of Corporate Strategy
    A corporate strategy enables the organization’s management to form well thought-out alliances and partnerships in order to reach bigger goals through productive collaboration.
  25. Apple Inc.’s Business Strategy and Competition
    The article gives details about Apple Inc.’s business strategy and policies that make the firm more competitive than Microsoft, Google, and Samsung among other top competitors.
  26. MGM Resorts International’s Business Strategy
    MGM Resorts International has a mass-market business model, that is, designed for the largest audience. This is a segment of the market of mass demand and supply of services.
  27. Business Strategies for Candy Ma
    The paper states that there are two main business strategies for Candy Ma to adopt to be prosperous during the post-COVID-19 era.
  28. Analysis of Starbucks Business Strategy
    The paper explores aspects of Starbucks ‘ business strategy: focusing on flexibility, productivity calculation specification, and actively employing information technology.
  29. Google’s Business and Marketing Strategy
    The paper analyzes Google’s marketing concept, the external environment’s impact on the organization, and the enterprise’s strategies for the integration of AI into its services.
  30. Wood Kitchen Industry: Business Policy and Strategy
    The wood kitchen industry had a strong revenue growth because of increasing growth in housing markets all over the world.
  31. Mindful Toys: Updating the Corporate Strategy
    Mindful Toys’ current development vector encompasses new products and enhancements to the existing range to provide friendly and educational playthings.
  32. Corporate Management: Tactical Planning vs. Strategic Planning
    Understanding differences between tactical and strategic planning in an organizational context is critical for the effective management of resources.
  33. CYC Sales and Business Strategy
    Charge-Your-Car (CYC) innovative charging devices disrupt the market and promise a competitive advantage for the start-up.
  34. LEGO: Innovation of Business Strategy
    LEGO can re-establish its leading position by implementing a reliable and innovative business strategy and critical changes based on the analyzed weaknesses and issues.
  35. Ethical Corporate Strategy in Contemporary Business
    Customers should be assured that the risk is not exacerbating and that the breach is being sealed in a timely manner.

🎓 Most Interesting Business Research Topics

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. An Organization’s Corporate Strategy
    The focus of an organization’s corporate strategy should be a sustainable comparative advantage because this allows the organization to maintain and improve its relative position.
  2. International Business Strategy for Foxton, UK
    This analysis has been done in relation to the social, political and economic environment of UAE to identify perspectives for development for real estate investments market.
  3. Collaboration Between Business Strategy and IT Strategy
    This paper looks at the collaboration between business strategies and the information strategies, the problems with strategy formulation, implementation, and the strategic processes.
  4. Picosam Technologies: Business’s Vision, Mission, and Values in Assessing the Strategic Direction
    Every business must be approached with a strategic plan, vision, mission, values, and dedication to be successful.
  5. Apple Incorporation: Business Strategy Analysis
    For recent few years, the revenues of the company increased, notwithstanding the fact of the economical crisis.
  6. Flybe Airline Company: Online Business Strategy
    The online environment business has been changing as a result of various factors. The environment is turning out to be competitive because companies have realized the need to compete online.
  7. Resolving Business Conflicts: Negotiation Strategies
    Currently two different articles under consideration are “Chrysler Debtholder Talks Pick Up Pace” by Krisher and “Globe Union Seeks Public Negotiations” by McConville.
  8. Corporate-Level Strategy Management and Responsibilities
    A good corporation should be able to maximize on its resources to beat up competition on the market, come up with better goods or services than their competitors.
  9. Wal-Mart Business Strategy and Marketing Mix
    The focus of this paper is to describe the elements of the marketing mix and how they impact the development of the marketing strategy and tactics of Wal-Mart.
  10. “Proactive Corporate Environmental Strategies” by Aragon-Correa
    This report reviews the journal article “Proactive corporate environmental strategies: Myths and misunderstandings” by Juan Alberto Aragon-Correa and Enrique A. Rubio Lopez.
  11. Coca – Cola: Business Strategy and Globalization
    The presence of the globalization phenomenon in the Company’s strategy can be proven by its effective presence in more then two hundred countries around the world.
  12. Nokia Company’s Changes in Corporate Strategy
    This paper aims to evaluate what potential changes in corporate strategy could have saved Nokia from losing its mobile devices business.
  13. SAS Institute’s Generic & Business Strategies
    SAS has four principles driving its day-to-day decisions and behaviors. The first principle is treating everyone fairly and equally.
  14. Business Core Competencies and Competitive Strategies
    This paper will examine business capabilities or core competencies and Bowman’s competitive strategies such as low price and hybrid differentiation.
  15. Strategic Business Analysis of Pearson PLC and Organizational Dynamics
    Pearson PLC is the leading education and book-publishing company in the world, and it is headquartered in London.
  16. Pearson Plc’s Business Strategy Options
    Two appropriate business strategies for Pearson Plc include embracing digital technology or the delivery of enhanced learning outcomes in fast-growing economies.
  17. Mountain Bank’s Business Strategy
    Organizational profits rely on a good business strategic plan. For the case of Mountain Bank, the profits have been declining as a result of the poor business strategic plan.
  18. Achieve Business Goals: Formulate Strategy and Measure Performance
    Operation Strategy refers to the actions chosen, mandated option and is stimulated by an organization within its operations functions to be able to meet the mission and objectives.
  19. International Business Strategy: Problems and Operations
    Business organizations often develop business strategies that define their mission, vision, objectives, and goals of the organizations.
  20. Managerial Economics and Business Strategy
    This paper answers the questions associated with managerial economics and business strategy, analyzing Samuelson and Marks’s book.
  21. Amazon.com Inc.’s E-Business Strategy in Its Functional Areas
    This paper outlines the e-business strategy of Amazon.com, Inc., the largest online retailer in the world, in use in its functional areas.
  22. Business and Information Technology Strategies Alignment
    To maintain a competitive advantage, it is necessary to reorganize the IT department, so that it could face new challenges and work on new projects.
  23. Business Networking Strategies for Collaboration
    This paper explores business-networking strategies that enhance collaboration. It compares different networking approaches and benefits of collaboration.
  24. Strategic Sourcing: Backbone of Organizational Success
    Strategic sourcing is a procurement process that continuously improves and re-examines the buying activities of an organization.
  25. Dong Feng’s Strategy for Expanding International Business Operations
    The paper analyzes the possibilities of Dong Feng, the Chinese government-owned automobile corporation, to internationalize its business.
  26. Apple Inc.’s Corporate Strategy and Global Ethics
    Apple Inc. is one of the leaders in the sphere of personal computers and other electronic devices globally. The company was established in California in 1977.
  27. International Business Strategies for Multinationals
    In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in stiff competition. In this paper, approaches to formulating international business strategies are discussed.
  28. Business Outcomes of Premier One Company: Performance Review and Strategic Insights
    This paper discusses how supply chain management and customer relationship management can help Premier One, a large pet food distributor, to enhance its business outcomes.
  29. Coca-Cola Company’s Business Strategy
    The fundamental objective of the paper is to identify the primary business strategy employed by the Coca-Cola Company.
  30. Empire’s Strategy for UK Telecom R&D Investment
    This paper proposes an internalisation strategy for an Indian telecommunications firm (Empire) that aims to benefit from technology transfer through R&D investments in Europe.
  31. Carnival Cruise Lines: Business Level Strategy
    The carnival cruises marketing plan is considered the most successful company. It controls up to 44% of the cruise industry worldwide.
  32. Banner Health: A Leading Company in the American Health Care System
    This paper discusses the Banner Health organization’s readiness to face possible healthcare problems in the next decade, its business strategies, and policies.
  33. Walmart’s Business Strategy: Analyzing Performance and Competitive Positioning
    This paper determines the business strategy that will improve the performance of Wal-Mart and increase its compatibility in the context of the modern retail environment.
  34. Kodak Company Corporate, Business and Functional Strategies
    Kodak is struggling with severe competition and the company has to come up with effective solutions to regain its status of the leader in the industry.
  35. Business Strategies of Ritz-Carlton and Room Mate Restaurant Chains
    The Ritz Carlton is a competitive hotel ensuring that every customer is contented. The Room Mate Restaurant is a three-star chain of hotels offering quality service.
  36. Business Strategy and Resource-Based View Theory
    The study analyzes how a firm’s strategic business strategies impact its environmental sustainability objective and how a firm can apply the resource-based view theory.
  37. Business Strategy in Supermarket Industry: Low Pricing
    The supermarket industry is one of the most competitive areas of the new product retailing business. To gain success, industry players need to employ successful business strategies.
  38. Unilever: Key Aspects of Business Administration and Corporate Strategy
    Unilever should always strive to pursue research and development to remain viable in the competitive world and to contribute to the well-being of their consumers.
  39. World-Class Business Strategies: Lessons from Industry Leaders
    The business can be discussed as a world-class one when the company performs as a leader within the market and industry not only at the local but also at the global level.
  40. Small Businesses Like Stable Diet: Premium Natural Foods
    Stable Diet is a small business enterprise based in Ireland. Essentially a baking business with products like cakes, breakfast cereals and flapjacks.

💼 Great Business Strategy Thesis Topics

  1. Comparative Study of Finance Strategies in Family-Owned Businesses and Multinational Corporations
  2. Innovation Management on Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  3. Strategic Implications of the Sharing Economy on Traditional Business Models in The Hospitality Sector
  4. The Impact of Business Intelligence on Strategic Pricing Decisions in the Hospitality Industry
  5. Disruptive Technologies and Business Strategies in the Financial Services Industry
  6. Alliances and Partnerships in Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the Automotive Industry
  7. Data Analytics and Business Administration in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Case Study Approach
  8. Effectiveness of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategies in Achieving Sustainable Growth in e-Commerce Companies
  9. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency and Resilience
  10. International Business Management Strategies on Market Penetration in Emerging Economies
  11. Comparative Study of Marketing Strategies Adopted by Global Companies to Cater to Diverse Cultural Markets

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "161 Business Strategy Topics & Paper Examples." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/business-strategy-essay-topics/.

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