111 Collaboration Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Collaboration

✍️ Collaboration Essay Topics for College

  1. Collaboration Problems in Nursing Practice
    Cross-disciplinary collaboration is beneficial to both the patient and practitioner and organizations should strive to include this risk-lessening strategy.
  2. Enhancing Patient Safety Through Interprofessional Teams
    This study aims to explore the topic of collaboration within teams, with the focus placed on interprofessional dynamics.
  3. Conflict and Power: Police and Community Collaboration
    This paper includes an analysis of the nature of the conflict between law enforcement and citizens in the US, as well as some strategies that can contribute to solving the problem.
  4. Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care
    All techniques must be used to ensure the safety and best results of patient treatment. Sometimes access to them can be difficult.
  5. Video Reflection on Interprofessional Collaboration for NURS4010
    During the video it’s plan to cover the objectives like: personal experience, the troublesome Vila Health scenario, the importance of collaboration regarding clinical informatics.
  6. Nike Inc.’s Successful Collaborations
    The paper states that Nike Inc. and its successful collaborations provided an appropriate description of the company and its marketing endeavors.
  7. Addressing the Challenge of the Nokia Corporation: Strategic Collaboration
    The 5G network coverage issue encountered by Nokia in the past year was described in this paper and suggested a strategic collaboration pathway.
  8. Teamwork and Collaboration in Healthcare
    Successful health outcomes are best attained when there are teamwork and collaboration among the individuals involved.
  9. Collaboration Between Google and China Mobile Company
    The outcome of the strategic alliance between Google and China Mobile Company will therefore be a modern smartphone par with changing technology and customer needs.
  10. Feudalism and Manorialism Collaboration
    First of all it should be stated that manorialism is the economic system which may exist only in the circumstances of feudalism.
  11. Benefits of Online Collaboration
    Online collaboration encompasses real time communication that consists of the telephone and web conferencing, making use of many groupware package.
  12. The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
    Interdisciplinary cooperation has been on the rise in the last few years in the healthcare system and its impact has been substantial.
  13. Teamwork and Collaboration in Future Nursing
    Teamwork and collaboration are the primary requirements of the contemporary health care setting because various issues can be resolved faster due to joint decision-making.
  14. Interprofessional Collaboration in Mental Healthcare
    This annotated bibliography provides insights from Maehder et al.’s study on the efficacy of collaborative and stepped-care approaches for patients with mental disorders.
  15. Researching of Classroom Critical Thinking and Collaboration Activities
    The students will be instructed to engage in brainstorming and explaining ways in which recycling can be conducted at the school to improve the environment.
  16. The Supply Chain Collaboration: Values and Barriers
    Collaboration in the supply chain is a way to execute processes faster and better. Collaboration can reduce costs, optimize time, and increase demand for goods or services.
  17. Collaboration Between Local, State, and Federal Governments in Addressing Healthcare Issues
    The paper highlights how levels of government collaborate in healthcare initiatives, and the advantages, disadvantages, and efficacy of this type of engagement.
  18. Enhancing Education Through Observation and Collaboration
    The process of teaching and learning may be characterized as the sharing of information from educators to students is a blend of several aspects.
  19. Leading Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare
    The healthcare processes reliant on interprofessional collaboration are essential procedural elements of any medical facility.
  20. Collaboration for Better Health Outcomes
    There may occur situations in care for children with special needs that only collaborative efforts from multiple sides may resolve.
  21. Remote Work: Building Meaningful Collaboration
    The opportunity to work remotely is becoming more popular, as it is economically beneficial. However, this has a critical issue related to building effective collaboration.
  22. Collaboration: Impact on Employee Relationships
    Collaboration is one of the main features of a team because it provides many opportunities to develop relationships and solve personal and professional problems.
  23. Aston Martin and James Bond Collaboration
    The paper discusses the collaboration between Aston Martin cars and the James Bond movie saga and the partnership between Aston Martin and the James Bond movie.
  24. Marketing and Collaboration of Departments
    The paper demonstrates that marketing should be a collaborative effort of various departments and employees with unique skill sets and perspectives.
  25. The Importance of Organizational Collaboration
    The paper is about organizational collaboration. The culture of working together as team members has a significant impact on the performance of an entity.
  26. Undefined Roles of Nurses and Doctors Lead to Conflict in Interpersonal Collaboration
    The paper provides a discussion of the issues causing conflicts between doctors and nurses in the healthcare system.
  27. Operation Anaconda and the War in Afghanistan: Collaboration and Coordination
    Operation Anaconda is an important case study for military operations and the importance of coordinated efforts.

đź‘Ť Good Collaboration Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Asia-Pacific Collaboration: Opportunities and Threats
    The collaboration between Australia and other economies in the Asia-Pacific region presents numerous opportunities for development.
  2. Teamwork Performance and Effective Collaboration
    Essential collaboration skills in business include engaging in a purposeful conversation, appreciation, creativity in solving conflicts productively, and plan management.
  3. Comparing Collaboration and Advice Giving
    The concept difference is that the collaboration approach implies constant therapist-patient communication. The advice-giving is one-sided and based on the clinician’s experience.
  4. Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care
    The emergence of new communication technologies, such as messaging and the Internet, has removed some barriers to healthcare access.
  5. Collaboration in Special Educational Process
    Collaborative processes help teachers improve students’ outcomes and arouse their interest in learning. Collaboration is an essential part of an IEP for special education.
  6. Art and Science: Collaboration and Interdependence
    The collaboration between art and science has led to innovations in many fields. The paper explores the practical applications that result in collaboration between art and science.
  7. Aspects of Effective Collaboration and Teamwork
    Effective collaboration is a balanced system, which can be compared to a body that functions correctly and independently to some extent
  8. Importance of Collaboration in Healthcare
    In recent years, the idea of interprofessional collaboration in this sphere has become a matter of intense interest for professionals and scholars.
  9. Healthcare: Interprofessional Collaboration
    The essay presents ethical and legal principles providing a positive shift from traditional views in the health care system and nursing in particular.
  10. The Link Between Collaboration and Penetration Testing
    Collaboration is also critical to an organization’s information security because its lack can be exploited by an attacker as a vulnerability.
  11. Team Collaboration for Smoking Cessation
    The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (2018) show that smoking harms almost every single organ in the human body, causes various diseases and conditions.
  12. Team Collaboration: Processes and Expectations for Communication
    All the team members have been requested to outline the number of hours they can devote to the project daily. All members are continuously reminded to remain committed.
  13. Wiki Collaboration: Several Points for the Writers
    Writers should realize the long-term goal of their work, the context in which the material is created, the rules for publishing content to become an effective wiki collaboration.
  14. Collaboration Agreement: A Partnership for Tax Purposes
    A collaboration agreement between A Corporation and B Corporation is a partnership for tax purposes under the current regulations.
  15. Patient-Centered Care: Interprofessional Collaboration
    In this essay, the author describes how interprofessional collaboration has improved the outcomes of his practice for patients.
  16. Collaboration and Teamwork Within Healthcare Unit
    The ability to cooperate within a healthcare unit is necessary not only in terms of a beneficial working atmosphere but for the best possible treatment outcome for the patient.
  17. Partner Collaboration Barriers and Their Overcoming
    If the company’s directory is somewhat conservative or does not accept changes, it must undergo a thorough overhaul to eliminate any possible stagnation in views.
  18. Intelligent Systems, Collaboration Technologies Cigna Health
    This essay addresses the importance of communication and collaboration technologies, reviews the challenges of integration faced by Cigna Health.
  19. Collaboration Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal
    Analysis of relationship between C-commerce and corporate portal, and a research study on the e-commerce applications in a selected company – the Thai-Lay Fashion.
  20. Collaboration Between Business Strategy and IT Strategy
    This paper looks at the collaboration between business strategies and the information strategies, the problems with strategy formulation, implementation, and the strategic processes.
  21. Supply Chain Collaboration in Kernels Popcorn
    This paper on Kernels Popcorn’s supply chain collaboration with primary considerations has designed through both of literature overview and scenarios of Kernels Popcorn.
  22. The Daily Tribune: Advertisement, News, Collaboration
    The case is about Daily Tribune, a well-established newspaper in eastern Tennessee. The newspaper’s readership is in the small towns and commands a good number of readerships in counties.
  23. “A Case Study of Online Collaboration” by Ling Thompson
    This article describes the experiment which was conducted the degree of online collaboration between online students from the point of view of participation, synthesis, dependence and interdependence.
  24. Enhancing Resident Nurse Collaboration in Internal Medicine: Key Insights
    “Interprofessional Collaboration Between Residents and Nurses in General Internal Medicine” discusses the lack of teamwork between nurses and physicians.
  25. Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare
    Teamwork in healthcare contributes to better patient health outcomes. Clinical staff and administration of healthcare organizations must work collaboratively.
  26. Nursing Development: Inter-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare
    This paper presents the essentials of inter-professional collaboration, a plan of promoting excellent patient outcomes, a healthcare delivery system plan, and MSN interventions.
  27. Enhancing Nurse-Physician Collaboration for Better Patient Outcomes in Medicine
    Although nurses and physicians perform different functions, their major goal is to provide high-quality care and improve patient outcomes.

🎓 Most Interesting Collaboration Research Titles

  1. Collaboration and Teamwork in Nursing Education: Benefits and Challenges
    I have found both collaboration and peer review to be very effective forms of learning because they enable exchanging ideas and sharing experiences.
  2. Collaboration and Peer Review in Nursing Education
    Interaction with colleagues in the successful practice of finding answers to current research questions and problem-solving mechanisms.
  3. Linking Trust and Collaboration in Project Teams to Project Management Success
    The article addresses the importance of trust and collaboration in management success, high levels of which are expected and required to improve the outcomes of high-end projects.
  4. Inclusion Training for Teachers: MOOC (Online Course) Outcomes
    The identified medium for helping the teachers to receive the appropriate inclusion training is Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).
  5. Isuzu Australia’s Shift to Collaborative Digital Solutions
    The Isuzu Australia Limited (IAL) was manually distributing information to other truck dealerships within the region.
  6. Storage and Collaboration in the Cloud
    Cloud storage also enabled companies to use various online business collaboration tools, such as wikis, blogs, instant messaging, and shared documents.
  7. Teachers’ Collaboration with Libraries for Testing
    This paper analyzes the potential of teachers’ collaboration with libraries and librarians in improving the results of standardized testing.
  8. Microsoft Access: Efficiency and Collaboration
    This paper presents a proposal for the migration from the Microsoft Excel to a relational database such as Microsoft Access in order to help in tracking personnel data.
  9. Advantages of C3 System and Centralized Supply Chain Control
    The phenomenon of the Collective Customer Collaboration system (C3) on the supply chain performance of an organization can hardly be overrated.
  10. Role of Mobile Collaboration and Social Capital in Modern Workplaces
    Mobile Collaboration: Exploring the Role of the Social Capital shows and the influence of mobile technologies on the social activity of workers, involved in mobile collaboration.
  11. Business Networking Strategies for Collaboration
    This paper explores business-networking strategies that enhance collaboration. It compares different networking approaches and benefits of collaboration.
  12. Interprofessional Collaboration in Surgery: A Three-Tier Program
    Overcoming medical errors is a complex task, but improving collaboration and communicative patterns between professionals that have a mutual goal
  13. Enhancing Patient Care Through Interprofessional Collaboration
    Interprofessional collaboration or practice is an evidence-based initiative that caregivers in the field of nursing should take seriously.
  14. Exploring Teamwork Dynamics and Collaboration in Capital Veterinarian Clinics
    This paper describes the major teamwork dynamics related to the Capital Veterinarian Clinic and determines reasons for them, explains advantages of focusing on teams.
  15. Driving Innovation and CSR in Global Business Strategies
    The paper will support the launch of a new IT entrepreneurial project. The venture will perform in collaboration with Facebook, one of the Fortune 500 enterprises.
  16. Consular Service and Collaboration in the 21st Century
    In the context of globalization, consular collaboration acquires particular interest as it is meant to develop a variety of international links and support national ex-pats abroad.
  17. Challenges in Transitional Care for Older Patients
    Transitional Care Model allows nurses to operate better the interventions targeted at addressing the health outcomes of older patients at risk as they move between clinicians.
  18. Quality Collaboration Initiatives at Kendall Regional Medical Center
    Kendall Regional Medical Center is involved with the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems as its main tool for assessing health care quality.
  19. Impact of Nurse-Physician Collaboration on Patient Health Outcomes
    This paper focuses on the effect of the collaboration between nurses and other healthcare professionals have on patient health outcomes.
  20. Community and Government Collaboration
    This paper evaluates the collaboration between community and government, methods of citizen involvement and advocacy, and analyzes the community for aspects of a problem.
  21. Faith-Based & Community Nursing: Enhancing Collaboration Benefits
    Faith-based communities have developed the concepts of health and healing that are consistent with the principles of nursing.
  22. IOM and RWJF Collaboration: Transforming American Healthcare
    The collaboration between the Institute of Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation led to new insights on how to transform the healthcare of American citizens.
  23. Nurse Staffing and Collaboration: Essential Components for Quality Healthcare Delivery
    The current paper is a literature review related to the issue of nurse staffing and nurse collaboration in hospitals.
  24. Cloud-Based Collaboration: Comparing Wrike and Asana Solutions
    Asana is a cloud-hosted software that facilitates collaboration. Just like Wrike, the software allows managing corporate communication and streamlining workflows.
  25. Teamwork and Collaboration in Healthcare: Professional Dynamics and Benefits
    Shared governance is one of the fundamental components of collaboration. It allows nurses and other practitioners to take part in the decision-making process.
  26. Conflict Resolution Strategies in Nursing: Promoting Harmony and Collaboration
    The growing diversification of nurse responsibilities can lead to the emergence of conflicts, some of which cannot be resolved with immediate intervention.
  27. Collaborative Nursing Practices in Miami: Enhancing Patient Care Through Teamwork
    The following SWOT analysis will focus on the areas of collaboration, teamwork, and aesthetic leadership of one of the nursing departments in Miami, Florida.
  28. Tallest Skyscraper in Rio: Global Collaboration and Cultural Challenges
    The construction company has been tasked with the responsibility of constructing the tallest skyscraper in the globe. The essay shall endeavor to clarify the lack of interactions.
  29. Smart Growth: Collaborative Urban Planning for Sustainable Development
    Smart Growth refers to the leading systems of urban planning. This work provides an overview of the principle of collaboration between the citizens and stakeholders.

đź’ˇ Simple Collaboration Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Firm Collaboration and Modes of Innovation in Norway
  2. Industry Engagement for Teamwork and Collaboration
  3. Collaboration and Female Representation in Academic Fields
  4. Factors for Healthcare Environment Teamwork and Collaboration
  5. Reflected Knowledge and Trust in Global Collaboration
  6. Collaboration and the Quality of Economics Research
  7. Communication and Collaboration Strategies
  8. Collaboration and European Defence Industrial Policy
  9. Fostering Collaboration: The Power of Effective Teams
  10. Tolerance, Collaboration, and Economic Growth
  11. Business Collaboration, Rather Than Market Competition
  12. Industrial Collaboration and the European Internal Market
  13. Improved Effectiveness Through Collaboration
  14. Building Successful Collaboration Within the Work Group
  15. Collaboration, Problem-Solving, and Conflict Management
  16. Collaboration, Communication, and Teambuilding
  17. Factors Influencing the Collaboration of the New Testament
  18. Collaboration and Innovation Networks in Esprit
  19. Creativity, Innovation, and E-Collaboration
  20. Collaboration and Transparency Across Project Teams
  21. Leadership, Collaboration, and Team Work

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