122 Infection Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Infection

✍️ Infection Essay Topics for College

  1. Tuberculosis Infections and Healthcare in Brunei
    Tuberculosis infections are a major health concern in Brunei, just like is the case for other South Asian countries. This paper discusses the aspects of the problem.
  2. Hospital-Acquired Infections as a Project Topic
    The issue at the focus of the project is hospital-acquired infections. Before starting work on a capstone project, it is crucial to identify the major aspects related to it.
  3. Hand-Washing and Infection Control: Evidence-Based Study
    Implementing a special protocol to promote hygiene among patients and nurses is an important practice when solving the issue of HAIs spread in care settings.
  4. Staphylococci and Streptococcus Infections
    While S. aureus among the staphylococci is the most infectious and harmful, S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus are also contagious in human bodies.
  5. Altered Gut Microbiome Composition in HIV Infection
    The suggested response was to launch community-wide education campaigns to inform people about the requirements of HIV/AIDS patients.
  6. Quality Improvement Initiative to Prevent Infection
    This summary proposes a quality improvement initiative to cultivate a more responsible practice of intravenous catheter use for patients to minimize their risks of infection.
  7. Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control
    Dental Healthcare Persons are required to adhere to the codes and enforce minimum precautions toward reducing the spread of pathogens in clinical care settings.
  8. Oncology: The Prevalence of HIV Infection, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B
    The paper discusses the prevalence of HIV infection, hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B among patients diagnosed with cancer. There is a need to screen patients.
  9. Factors That Affect Fertility: Sexual Infections
    In this case study, due to sexual infection, the patient has inflammation because of which scars form in the fallopian tubes, and they become impassable.
  10. Infection Control in Nursing Practices
    The leader nurse ensures that the nursing staff members apply evidence-based practices in a way that contributes to positive and effective treatment.
  11. Urinary Tract Infections in Rural Tertiary Care Centers
    The paper studies interventions for treating urinary tract infections. It provides a way to treat urinary tract infections effectively.
  12. Kouzes and Posner Model for Investigation of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Rate
    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term used to describe a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. CAUTIs remain the most common type of healthcare-associated infection.
  13. Preventing Nosocomial Infections: COVID-19
    This report discusses the need for effective measures to prevent nosocomial COVID-19 infections in healthcare facilities.
  14. Effective Preventative Measures Against Nosocomial Infections
    The main aim of preventing nosocomial infections is to implement a standard institutional procedure employed by all departments in the facility.
  15. The Syphilis Bacterial Infection and Disease
    By engaging in sexual activity with an infected person, an individual can contract the bacterial infection syphilis. This paper aims to analyze syphilis infectious disease.
  16. Preventing Infections in Abdominal Surgery
    The problem of this article touches on the topic of infections in places of surgical intervention, namely in the field of abdominal surgery.
  17. Hospital-Acquired Conditions Based on Surgical Site Infections
    Surgical site infections have become a public health problem worldwide because they result in adverse outcomes.
  18. Perioperative Hypothermia and Surgical Site Infections
    This paper identifies the association between perioperative hypothermia and surgical site infection. It analyzes evidence-based data collected.
  19. Reducing Surgical Site Infections
    The paper analyzes how professional health institutions have suggested reducing surgical site infections. The interventions told included actions to be taken.
  20. Stay Safe and Sexy: Chlamydia and Other Infections
    A new campaign called DC STIs will be aimed at spreading information about free STI tests among people living in Washington DC.
  21. Salmonella Enterica Infection Symptoms and Prevention
    Salmonella enterica does not have a shaped nucleus, and its DNA is preserved in an unclearly structured nucleoid.
  22. Dementia, Bladder Infection and Other Nursing Issues
    This paper discusses five major issues for nurses, which are dementia, bladder infection, immobility, anxiety, blindness, and discusses a nursing process for each.
  23. The Upper Respiratory Infections Treatment Methods
    Upper respiratory infections do not usually lead to deadly severe diseases; however, in some cases may require the usage of antibiotics.
  24. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia Trachomatis
    It is highly crucial to emphasize sexual health education. In the United States, the chlamydia cases statistics are overwhelming.
  25. Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection
    Once an appropriate leadership model is in place, nurses will be ready to accept a new range of responsibilities and tasks to avoid CLABSI in the hospital setting.
  26. Hepatitis B and C Infection in Kidney Dialysis Units
    The objective of this research is to identify shortcomings of dialysis procedures that make dialysis patients susceptible to the Hepatitis B and C viruses.
  27. Isolation Wards Preventing Infections in Elderly
    Since overcrowding is not a rare case in EDs, patients have to stay in close proximity to one another for a considerable period of time.
  28. The Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in Newborn Babies
    The purpose of this research is to provide a better understanding of analysis within the asymptomatic population; to increase the amount of knowledge regarding Cytomegalovirus.
  29. Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Nursing Homes
    The essay discusses research studies focusing on examining barriers to preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections and other healthcare-associated infections.
  30. Hospital Acquired Infections: A Nurse’s Perspective
    The clinical environment provides stress factors for patients and medical practitioners, and hospital-acquired infections (HAI) augment the risks in stressful situations.
  31. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infections
    Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infections are widespread and continue to increase to date. All the measures should be taken to control the spread of infections.

👍 Good Infection Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Hospital Surface, Environment and Hospital-Associated Infection
    A healthy and safe working environment is very essential in successful running of a hospital and minimization of poor environment associated with infections.
  2. Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: Prevention and Reduction of Infection Rates
    The paper is the analysis of five peer-reviewed evidence-based articles on the issues of central line-associated infections with older adults and ways of preventing them.
  3. Outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis Infections
    The United States Food & Drug Administration together with the Center discovered an infection outbreak in October 2011 for disease control.
  4. Human Papilloma Virus Infection
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) denotes the most widespread sexually transmitted infection (STI). If not treated opportunely, HPV could result in cancers.
  5. Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Homes
    This paper aims to critically analyze fifteen different research articles that addressed the problem of urinary tract infections (UTI) in nursing homes.
  6. Infection of Chlamydia Trachomatis
    Chlamydia trachomatis is an infection affecting young and sexually active individuals. The risk factors include having multiple sexual partners and the failure to use protection.
  7. Hand Washing and Nosocomial Infections After Surgery
    The study will compare the efficacy of chlorhexidine-based detergents over plain soaps in eradicating microbes colonizing the hands of the medical staff.
  8. Urinary Tract Infections: Evidence-Based Prevention
    Urinary tract infections account for the largest proportion of hospital-acquired infections. It is essential to identify evidence-based practices to minimize this risk.
  9. Adherence and Compliance Difference: Treatment of HIV Infection
    The aim of the quantitative study is to determine the correlation between medical and social support and medication adherence among HIV-positive African American women.
  10. Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
    UTI is a common condition that occurs more often in women than in men. Primary education for patients with UTI includes rules for taking medication and preventing re-occurrence of infection.
  11. Theory of Planned Behavior and Educational Intervention in Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections
    This essay describes the application of the theory of planned behavior and educational intervention in prevention and control of HAIs.
  12. High White Blood Cell Count as a Sign of Infection
    An elevated white blood cell count is a valuable indication of an infection, but it should be used carefully in combination with other diagnostic means.  
  13. Statistics in Epidemiology & Infection Outbreak
    Statistics play a major role in epidemiology. Numerous populations of interest in epidemiology require articulate analysis and interpretation using statistics.
  14. Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention in Intensive Care Unit Patients
    The purpose of this project is to reduce the prevalence and incidences of hospital-acquired infections among intensive care unit patients.
  15. Nursing Practicum Experience With Focus on Infections
    The practicum experience is an evidence-based solution to ensure that nurses are competent in their medical practices to avoid the occurrence of adverse health practices.
  16. Infection Control: MRSA, C.Diff Norovirus
    Norovirus and clostridium difficile are viral based and bacterial based infections that can be easily transferred from one human to another and may be fatal.
  17. A Standardized Guideline for Use in Clinical Practice With Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection
    This research paper seeks to develop and refine a standardized guideline for use in clinical practice for catheter-related bloodstream infections.
  18. Prevalence Study of HIV Infection Analysis
    The purpose of this study is to determine the occurrence of HIV infection among adults aged 18-60 who present themselves for care to the ED at Franklin Square Hospital.
  19. Preventing Infection and Transmission of COVID-19 in the Population
    To address the problem of rapid transmission of COVID, the US government created public health and safety measures, which have been implemented in many states across the country.
  20. Infection Control Related Sentinel Events
    The work gives a review of The Joint Commission (TJC) website, especially on the sentinel event alert part. Much emphasis will be given to the Sentinel Event Alert.
  21. Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Prevention Using Intravenous Tubing Change
    The occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections is a high-rate and severe medical condition that endangers the health and lives of many patients.
  22. Reducing the Number of Healthcare-Associated Infections
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the problem of health-related infections, the problems they cause for healthcare organizations themselves, and to develop a solution.
  23. Increasing Diabetes Infections Among the Hispanic Populations
    The article’s objective is centered around establishing whether chronic stress makes US Hispanics more susceptible to diabetes.
  24. Opportunistic Infections: HIV and Kaposi’s Sarcoma
    Kaposi’s Sarcoma is usually triggered by the herpes virus, which, on condition of immunity functions normally, does not affect health.
  25. Nosocomial Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
    The Centre for Disease Control defines Nosocomial infections as diseases that occur three days or more after birth usually in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) setting.
  26. Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness
    Unhygienic food, which is due to bacteria, viruses, and parasites, can put anybody under the weather. Several People have had food-borne illnesses but they do not know the causes.
  27. Skin Infections: Cutaneous Diphtheria
    This article describes the development of skin infections, in particular the case of a five-year-old girl with cutaneous diphtheria in London.
  28. Hospital-Acquired Infections: Leadership Action Plan
    This paper is centered on the prevalence, implications, and solutions to hospital-acquired infections that are linked to increased mortality rates and financial implications.
  29. Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infection
    The essay describes the problems of sexually transmitted infections and how they became a serious threat to the human resource of developing and underdeveloped countries.
  30. Medical Microbiology: Salmonella – Causes of Infection and Its Prevention
    Salmonella is a type of gram-negative bacteria that can lead to typhoid fever, food poisoning and paratyphoid fever. These species can cause the production of hydrogen sulfide and are motile.
  31. Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Site Infections
    There is a difference in the incidence rate among outpatient and inpatient surgical site infections. The latter possess a higher chance of developing complications.

🌶️ Hot Infection Ideas to Write About

  1. Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus: Infections and Treatment
    This study would cover the discussion on what VRE is and what are the characteristics of the disease it carries and what the treatment is for the infection.
  2. Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections with a Positive Change Model
    The issue of HAI is especially problematic among patients in the medical-surgical setting, where the exposure to numerous infections becomes even more explicit.
  3. The Problem of Hospital-Acquired Infections
    Despite the importance of meeting sanitation norms, the problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) remains a source of concern for numerous healthcare facilities.
  4. Addressing the Issue of Health-Care Associated Infections in the Hospital Setting
    The first step of the implementation phase of the project will require reconsidering the current standards for managing and preventing HAI in the hospital setting.
  5. Surgical Site Infections as a Nursing Practice Issue
    Surgical site infections are a critical problem in nursing, as they influence patient outcomes, increase the length of stay, and contribute to medical costs.
  6. Hand Hygiene Protocols: Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections Effectively
    This paper discusses whether adherence to hand hygiene guidelines as compared to the lack thereof will lead to lower healthcare-associated infection rates.
  7. Enhancing Patient Hand Hygiene to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections
    The purpose of the study was to establish whether increasing access to hand hygiene products and educating patients could reduce cases of HAIs.
  8. Hand Hygiene & Hospital-Acquired Infections: PICOT-Format Study
    The proposed study is going to focus on the role that proper hand hygiene practices in patients play in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections.
  9. Infections Prevention and Incidence Reduction
    One of the central reasons for the emergence of HAIs, their development, and complications among patients is the disregard for the hand hygiene patterns and the lack of knowledge.
  10. Preventing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
    The studies reviewed in the scope of this research suggest two different approaches to reducing CLABSI among patients: lecture-based or practice-based training.
  11. Addressing Hospital-Acquired Infections with Nightingale’s Theory
    The plan to prevent HAIs in the clinical setting and, particularly, in ICUs, can be accomplished by using a special hand hygiene protocol.
  12. Hospital-Acquired Infections and Handwashing Intervention
    Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a prevalent cause of infection, disability, or death in hospitalized patients due to the presence of pathogens in healthcare settings.
  13. Healthcare-Associated Infections in Neonatal Units
    The PICOT question is: how does alcohol-based hand sanitizer, contrasted with antimicrobial hand cleanser, influence hospital acquired infection rates on neonates in a half year?
  14. Bloodstream Infections as a Clinical Issue
    Continuous changing of IV tubings to prevent the occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections bears high importance in the acute care medical-surgical settings.
  15. Nursing Ratios and Nosomial Infections: Literature Review
    The issue of nurse understaffing is a major problem in many healthcare facilities in the country and around the world.
  16. Hand Hygiene & HAIs: Study Insights and Design Flaws
    “Patients’ Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infection” aims at defining correlations between post-operative patients’ hygiene level and the number of HAI cases.
  17. Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections in Geriatric Units: Best Practices
    The risk of developing HAI is linear with age. In fact, the overall burden of infections in nursing homes exceeds that of acute care locations.
  18. Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Foley Catheter
    UTI is a health issue observed not only in those individuals who seek care because of urination pain but also in those who are treated with Foley catheters.
  19. Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for HAI Management
    The problem of hospital-acquired infections continues to affect many patients and health facilities. This paper explains how a HAI management practices can be embraced using the ACE star model.
  20. Instituting a Hand-Washing Initiative: Problem and Solution
    The program “Instituting a Hand-Washing Initiative: Increasing Compliance and Decreasing Infection Rate” targeted the healthcare providers.
  21. Improving Infection Control in Nursing Homes
    Infections may be sent in many settings, and this process is hard to control. This work explores the infection control in nursing homes that can provide some area for improvement.
  22. CAUTI Reduction Project: Boosting Patient Safety at KRMC
    This process improvement project aims to minimize catheter-associated urinary tract infection cases through a CAUTI bundle for Foley catheter insertion, removal, and maintenance.
  23. Effective CAUTI Prevention at KRMC: A 3-Step Quality Plan
    Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infection rates involves a three-step action plan focused on instilling best clinical practice and cultural change.
  24. The Infectiousness of a TB Patient: Key Factors and Control Measures
    The purpose of this paper is to explain the elements that influence the infectiousness of a tuberculosis patient.
  25. Addressing Healthcare-Associated Infections: Strategies for Improving Safety and Prevention
    This paper investigates the problem of healthcare-associated infections that deteriorate outcomes and result in the growth of patients` dissatisfaction.
  26. Urinary Tract Infection Management: Action Flowchart
    This paper intends to visualize and review the workflow of urinary tract infection management in long-term care with the aim of determining the potential for improvement.
  27. Reason of Wound Infections
    Wound infections are extremely common among patients; sometimes, they can have symptoms similar to sepsis or cellulitis.
  28. Clostridium Difficile Infection: Rising Rates and Prevention Strategies
    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) levels in America increased tremendously between 2000 and 2005 with an upsurge in the disease mortality and morbidity.
  29. Healthcare-Associated Infections: Patient-Centered Clinical Prevention
    In this study, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) were reviewed based on broad global and social determinants of health.
  30. Urinary Tract Infections and the Role of Indwelling Catheters: Risks and Management
    This paper concerns the issue of indwelling catheters being able to lead to urinary infections in acute care settings.
  31. Strategies for Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections: Change Plan Overview
    The issue of hospital-acquired infections is important in the context of hospital nursing care as it affects quality of health care delivery and deteriorates patients’ outcomes.

🎓 Most Interesting Infection Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. HIV/AIDS Infection among Women
    HIV is the acronym of the human immunodeficiency virus. Of causing AIDS, attacks the immune system, responsible for defending the body from disease.
  2. Nurses on Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention
    The research studies the threat of hospital-acquired infections and their prevention. The question is whether the actions of nursing staff help to reduce the number of cases.
  3. Addressing Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in U.S. Children & Seniors
    This paper aims to analyze the problem of the new invasive pneumococcal infections among children under the age of five years and adults aged 65 years and older.
  4. Hospital Infections Prevention: Implementation Plan
    The paper describes the implementation part of the research project, on the topic of causes of HAIs, and outlines the way the program should be introduced.
  5. Chlamydial Infection: Pathophysiology and Prevention
    Chlamydiae could be precipitously transmitted. The infection proportion from a diseased woman to her child is more than 50%, triggering such illnesses as conjunctivitis.
  6. Strategies for Preventing Urinary Tract Infections in Healthcare Settings
    The plan for preventing the occurrence of urinary tract infection due to foley catheter involves several stakeholders. The paper indicates their reasons for supporting the plan.
  7. Infection Prevention Strategies and Educational Interventions: Promoting Health and Safety
    Educational interventions are effective in not only saving patients’ lives but also providing facilities with cost-saving opportunities.
  8. Ebola Disease: Fatal Infection in Humans and Primates
    The Ebola disease is a fatal infection that affects human beings and other primates. It is believed that the Ebola virus got its name from where it was first discovered.
  9. Patient Isolation Precautions: Guidelines for Safety and Infection Control
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the article written by Spraque, Reynolds, and Brindley, titled “Patient isolation precautions: Are they worth it?”.
  10. Quality Improvement Meeting Plan for CAUTI Prevention at Kendall Regional
    This essay describes a plan for a quality improvement meeting meant for the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections at the Kendall Regional Medical Center.
  11. Electronic Health Records and Quality Improvement in Healthcare
    Effective prevention strategies tend to focus on bacterial infection controls and restrict the use of an indwelling catheter and discontinue the use when clinically sound.
  12. Effective Strategies for Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections
    This essay uses the ideas gained from the “Partnering To Heal” video to outline the best practices towards preventing healthcare-associated infections.
  13. Strategies for Preventing Hospital Infections Using Evidence-Based Change
    The modern healthcare sector faces numerous challenges that result from the complexity of the environment and living conditions.
  14. Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: Prevention and Management Strategies
    The paper identifies central line-associated bloodstream infections as a clinical problem, presents evidence-based solution and the change process in the organization.
  15. Monitoring and Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections: Best Practices
    The healthcare-associated infection could be defined as an infection that occurs in a patient during the process of care in the healthcare setting, hospital, or other health units.
  16. Ear Infections and Pain
    Otitis media is a group of infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation, which affects the middle ear. This condition could be caused by various infection agents.
  17. The Trend of HIV and AIDS Infection
    This paper analyzes the article that determines the trend of HIV and AIDS infection and the related deaths in the United States.
  18. Factors Affecting Pathogen Growth & Infection Cycle
    This paper describes the conditions that favor the growth of pathogens, the infection cycle, levels and methods of disinfection, and regulations and recommendation of OSHA.
  19. Trends in Healthcare-Associated Infections in the U.S.: Prevention and Management Strategies
    This paper provides some basic statistical information about health care–associated infections in the U.S. and supplies a problem statement pertaining to this issue.
  20. Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections in Thailand
    Many countries have greatly suffered as a result of HIV and AIDS. Many of them have tried their best to completely finish HIV/AIDS to no avail.
  21. Respiratory Infection and Pulmonary Immunity: Impact on Lung Health
    The article “Respiratory Infection and the Impact of Pulmonary Immunity on Lung Health and Disease” explains how PI changes depending on the microbes encountered in the lung.
  22. HIV Case Management Framework for Asymptomatic Infection
    The paper presents a HIV case management framework for a 36-year old woman with asymptomatic HIV infection. It contains treatment goals, drug therapy, diet and lifestyle changes.

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