🏆 Best Essay Topics on Smoking
✍️ Smoking Essay Topics for College
- “Thank You for Smoking” by Jason ReitmanThe movie, ‘Thank You for Not Smoking’ has a theme that mainly revolves within the tobacco industry. The movie Thank You for Smoking is a campaigner for use of tobacco products.
- Smoking and Health Promotion in the UKIn the following paper, issues of health promotion and smoking, in particular, will be evaluated and analysed on the basis of facts from the United Kingdom.
- Discussion: Treating Smoking DependenceA controlled study was performed to determine the efficacy of Mindfulness Therapy (MT) in treating smoking dependence among 40 adults.
- Why Should Smoking Be Banned in Public?Cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are associated with prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke.
- Design and Health Promotion Program for Someone to Quit SmokingThe paper will present a smoking intervention program that combines medical and psychological solutions that address all the aspects of smoking addiction.
- Smoking in Public Places: Negative EffectsPublic smoking should be banned in all public places to ensure workers perform their duties without interference. Also tobacco contains harmful substances that intoxicate people.
- Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation MethodMotivational Interviewing intervention is one of the primary cessation methods that is used among patients that reluctant to abstain from tobacco use.
- Harmful Effects of Smoking: Why to Quit Smoking?This paper highlights the harmful effects of smoking on the human body and associated health risks and emphasizes the need for smoking cessation.
- Smoking and Cognitive Dissonance TheoryThis paper seeks to study smoking from the perspective of the Cognitive Dissonance Theory (CDT) and dissect the issue of dissonance-reducing beliefs in smoking people.
- The Pros and Cons of Smoking BanThe question of whether cigarette smoking should be banned as it causes diseases, increases the healthcare system’s burden, and pollutes the environment, is pondered in this paper.
- Smoking in Public Places: Should It Be Banned?Restriction on smoking in public places may contribute to achieving several important benefits. It will solve certain environmental issues, protecting animals and birds.
- ‘Social Smoking Among Young Adults’ by Song & LingIn the article, Social smoking among young adults: Investigation of Intentions and Attempts to Quit, Song and Ling discuss social smoking among young adults.
- The Problem of Smoking in Young AdultsThis paper will propose cigarette cessation as a health promotion plan to address smoking in young adults.
- Impact of Smoking on a Pregnant WomanSmoking has various effects not only on a pregnant woman: it affects both the unborn child and the woman who is expectant.
- Smoking Ban in Bars and RestaurantsThe smoking ban in bars and restaurants law took effect in New York in the year 2003. The law stated that there was no one who was supposed to smoke in a café, restaurant or bar.
- Tobacco Smoking as Substance AbuseTobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco leaves. Tobacco smoking is primarily used for recreational purposes but can also be used for other reasons.
- Smoking and Its Negative Health OutcomesThe current research paper focuses on the connection between smoking and the negative impact of this activity on people’s health.
- Smoking and Gender Factors of Lung CancerThe rising prevalence of lung cancer in young females compared to young males is widespread and not entirely explained by gender variations in smoking habits.
- Aspects of the Harm of SmokingThe paper states that it is a mistake to believe that if you smoke one cigarette for two or three, then the harm to the body will be less.
- Adult Smoking in Hatch, New MexicoAdult smoking is one of the health risk factors with the highest prevalence in Dona Ana County in New Mexico where Hatch is located.
- Impact of UK Smoking Ban on Pub ClosuresSmoking bans in bars came with serious risks and a dire prognosis; pub owners expected harm in the short term, yet such a ban benefited British society.
- Smoking Ban Ethical ConsiderationsThe paper highlights the harmful effects of smoking. The chemicals trigger various adverse health conditions, many of which can cause death.
- Smoking: An Idea for a Statistical ExperimentThe hypothesis is that people who smoke cigarettes daily tend to earn more than others: this is a personal observation that requires careful experimental testing.
- Discussion: Smoking and Health RisksThe WHO and numerous other influential organizations are persistent in their attempts to draw attention to the problem and encourage efficient ways to prevent people from smoking.
- Why Should Smoking Be Illegal?Cigarettes have been the most harmful invention in human history. Because of this, it is a huge financial and political drain.
- Passive Smoking and Pancreatic Cancer in WomenThe association between ETS and pancreatic cancer is weak. The pancreatic cancer risk associated is confounded by environmental tobacco smoke exposures.
- Tobacco Smoking CessationThe Addiction Institute of Mount Sinai’s interventions alleviates the economic and social burdens caused by tobacco use.
- Drinking and Smoking During PregnancySmoking and drinking alcohol is a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child.
- Smoking Cessation and Increase in Quality of LifeThis paper seeks to establish whether smoking cessation improves the quality of life in African American women beyond 50 years who are smokers with COPD.
- Adverse Effects of Smoking Marijuana on ProbationThe smoking marijuana is associated with many possible negative health effects. Despite the initial euphoric state, panic attacks, confusion and anxiety are common.
👍 Good Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Health-Care Cost of Smoking: Economic ImpactsSmoking simply refers to a practice in which a known substance, usually cannabis or tobacco, is burnt and the smoke it produces is inhaled directly.
- Team Collaboration for Smoking CessationThe Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (2018) show that smoking harms almost every single organ in the human body, causes various diseases and conditions.
- Tobacco Smoking Trend in AustraliaThe following essay investigates the trends of tobacco smoking in Australia and what environmental and health effects it might bear.
- Problems of Smoking in Public PlacesThe below discussion will discuss the arguments for and against banning smoking in public places which will lead to a comparison of the same.
- A Health Problem – Smoking AnalysisSmoking has been a health problem worldwide due to its adverse health effects. The paper gives several alternatives that have been advanced to assist addicts in quitting smoking.
- Antismoking Ads and Youth Smoking PrevalenceThe article “Evidence of a dose-response relationship between “truth” antismoking ads and youth smoking prevalence” elaborates on the influence of antismoking advertisements.
- Smoking Cessation: Causes and StatisticsThis article focuses on smoking, examining the causes, statistics, and approved medications used to quit smoking.
- Motivation Methods to Quit SmokingAccording to the recommendations for treating tobacco use, the interventions for such patients should be aimed at motivating them to finally quit smoking.
- Tobacco Smoking Among Adolescents: Signature AssignmentThe purpose of this paper is to describe the reasons for the prevalence of tobacco use among adolescents of low and middle-income households.
- Reducing Cigarette Smoking American YouthThe number of smokers among juvenility in America is alarming. Instead of going down, this amount just leveled up.
- Health Risks: Smoking and Usage of SubstancesThe purpose of this article is to consider the health risks to which people who smoke and use psychoactive substances are exposed.
- Young Mothers-Smokers: The Transtheoretical ModelThe transtheoretical model by Prochaska and DiClemente involves five consistent stages that are as follows: pre-contemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance, and relapse.
- Smoking: Addiction Treatment MethodsThe therapists advise those who are daily tobacco users to quit, despite their willingness. However, the intervention for smokers without any desire to stop is a complicated one.
- Ban on Smoking in the WorkplaceThe third state after Delaware and California to issue anti-smoking legislature banning the use of tobacco products in public places with effect from April 2008.
- Cigarette Smoking Cessation MethodsThis essay is about smoking as a bad habit that people should quit and strict laws should be applied against it.
- Smoking and Public Policy in the United StatesIn the USA, a number of public transportation agencies have decided to ban smoking in their transportation facilities, like trains and busses.
- Anti-Smoking Persuasive Campaigns and Factors Determining OutcomesTobacco has become one of the major health issues, affecting most of the American population and other world citizens.
- The Problem of Smoking BanThe goal of the essay is to provide arguments to defend nonsmokers on the dispute regarding smoking-related restrictions.
- Smoking Bans: Impact, Laws, and Public HealthThe paper researches evidence that secondhand smoke causes the same problems as direct smoking, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and lung ailments.
- Smoking in Movies: Tobacco Industry TacticsThe American tobacco industry has a long history of collaboration with the film industry to promote smoking and advertise some tobacco brands.
- Smoking Cessation Plan with mHealth ApplicationThe goal of this paper is to develop a smoking cessation plan for a patient at risk of depression, using a mHealth application based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
- Quit Smoking: Therapies and MedicationsThis paper describes how nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), non-nicotine medications, and behavior therapy are valid ways to quit smoking.
- Environmental Health Strategies to Combat the Effects of Secondhand SmokeSmoking remains a significant environmental problem that affects many people. Secondhand smoking can also be a dangerous issue because of the pernicious impact of tobacco.
- Changing Public Attitudes Toward Smoking in the United StatesScholars have discovered that 15 of every 100 country residents use tobacco products on a regular basis, which poses the problem as a nationwide issue.
- Smoking Management and Patient Teaching PlanMost smokers need outside prompts to jumpstart their quitting process. This can involve reminding the participant the benefits of quitting.
- Smoking Cessation and Patient Teaching PlanThe key purpose of this patient teaching plan is to collaborate with him regarding the improvement of his lifestyle, smoking cessation, awareness related to smoking damages.
- Acupuncture vs. Medical Treatments for Smoking CessationPeople want to know if acupuncture may be regarded as an effective method for smokers to quit this harmful habit considering that numerous past attempts were taken in vain.
- Heart Disease in Florida: New Smoking LegislationFlorida Health Department identifies three major risk factors of heart disease: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking.
- Minimum Legal Drinking Age in the U.S.: A Contested IssueSome scholars indicate that lowering the minimum legal drinking age from 21 to 17 years will help to limit the number of negative consequences faced by young adults.
- Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Anti-Smoking PersuasionThis paper narrates a rhetorical moment in which I had an argument with my brother on his smoking behavior while he was in high school.
🌶️ Hot Smoking Ideas to Write about
- Health Implications of Smoking Trends Analyzed by Weight WatchersThe lack of alternatives to the rewards of smoking as a method of controlling weight has created an inelastic demand for the product, which is unlikely to change with the decision to impose high taxes.
- Indoor Smoking Ban: Study MethodologyThe issue of whether or not the United States should pass a nationwide ban on indoor smoking is one that has managed to elicit a lot of debate.
- Asthma and Smoking: Understanding the Relationship and Health ImplicationsThis study explores the relationship between asthma and smoking among adult African Immigrants in California that are a relatively understudied group.
- Addressing Tobacco Smoking Issues in Miami-Dade CountyThe paper presents the analysis of the tobacco smoking problem in Miami Dade County and analyses the opportunities of the community for resolving this complicated issue.
- Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation and Effective InterventionsThe paper studies a case of a client addressed for help to solve his smoking cessation. It identifies the questions to ask the client during each stage of change.
- Weyco Inc.’s Smoking Ban in Deontological EthicsThis paper investigates the case study of the smoking ban used in Weyco Inc. from a deontological (non-consequentialist) perspective.
- Health Problem in Delaware and Smokers’ FamiliesThe paper reviews the NHIS data collection system, explores health problems in Delaware, and studies an article that assumes that married smokers are less likely to quit smoke.
- Health Implications of Primary and Secondary Smoking: Key FindingsPrimary smokers are people who smoke directly while secondary smokers are people who inhale smoke released by other smokers.
- Understanding Teratogens and Their Impact on PregnancyThe teratogen is an umbrella term for substances that can have adverse effects on an embryo. In the situation, a girl continues drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes despite being pregnant.
- The Link Between Asthma and Immigrant SmokingThe purpose of this study is to determine the association between asthma and smoking status among adult African immigrants in California.
- Smoking’s Role in Increasing Heart Disease Rates Among African AmericansHigh prevalence of smoking in African-Americans leads to the increased incidence of heart disease in this population.
- Smoking Bans in the Nationwide IndoorThis paper highlights opinions on indoor smoking bans by the US government and the results show that smoking bans are generally approved by the public.
- Nursing Interventions for Smoking CessationThe article “Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation” aims to investigate the effectiveness of nursing-initiated interventions. The authors are the nursing professionals.
- Smoking & Asthma Among Immigrants in CaliforniaThis paper analyzes relationship between smoking behaviors and asthma cases in states or regions that have multiple immigrant population groups, such as New York and California.
- Health Impacts of Tobacco Versus E-Cigarettes: A Comparative Analysis of Smoking-Related RisksCigarette smoking is well known to have diverse health effects on humans, include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, bronchitis and heart attack.
- Smoking Cessation and Associated Depression ProblemThe aim of the study is to scrutinize the issues inherent in the process of smoking cessation and align them with the occurrence of depression in an extensive sample of individuals.
- Secondhand Smoke Hurts Children with Asthma: Effective Nursing Interventions NeededThe available literature indicates that secondhand smoking from parents hurts children with asthma and other respiratory diseases, causing complications.
- The Broader Impact of Smoking Bans on Public Health and Social BehaviorThis paper focuses on a systematic review of the article Impact of institutional smoking bans on reducing harms and secondhand smoke exposure.
- E-Cigarettes Smoking: Threat or Solution?Nowadays, the new challenge looms on the horizon – the introduction of electronic cigarettes. There are many views on vaping, smoking e-cigarettes, both positive and negative.
- Impact of Smoking Cessation on HealthIn the article on smoking-related hazards, the reference to the measurements made by national healthcare representatives to define the benefits of smoking-cessation.
- CCSU Smoking Policy Review: Need for a Complete BanCCSU should bans smoking from campus because according to cancer.gov, it is proven that secondhand smoke contains at least 250 dangerous chemical and could cause a lot of diseases.
- Smoking Cessation and DepressionIt was estimated that nicotine affects the human’s reward system. As a result, smoking cessation might lead to depression and other mental disorder.
- Anti-Smoking Poster Visual Analysis in AdvertisingThis discussion presents a visual analysis of an anti-smoking poster that explores usage of words, images, colors, settings, and layout to deliver message to the audience.
- Cigarette Tax Hike: Obama’s Plan to Raise $78 BillionCigarette smoking produces little marginal social benefits. This paper provides an insight into the debate surrounding cigarette smoking and public health.
- Is Smoking Cigarettes Just for Fun or a Death Sentence?Smoking cigarettes is one of the most popular bad habits in the world. Those who are addicted to it keep saying that there is nothing wrong about smoking.
- Public Health and Legislation: The Social Debate Over Smoking Bans in Public SpacesThe essentiality of the essentiality of this paper is to explore the effects of public smoking and provide arguments that will lead to the prohibition of public smoking.
🎓 Most Interesting Smoking Research Titles
- Current and Long-Term Effects of Smoking
- Nationwide Indoor Smoking Ban
- Does Smoking Affect Body Weight and Obesity in China
- Psychological and Social Influences on Smoking Behaviour
- Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Cessation
- Women Smoking During Pregnancy Effects on the Children They Carry
- How Will More Obesity and Less Smoking Affect Life Expectancy
- Human Body and the Impact of Smoking
- Nursing Management Plan For Smoking Cessation of a Patient
- Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Smoking
- How Nurses Can Prevent the Onset of Smoking
- Each Year More Americans Die Due to Complications of Smoking
- Link Between Smoking and the Occurrence of Cardiovascular
- Working Time and Cigarette Smoking: Evidence From Australia and the United Kingdom
- Smoke Signals: The Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking Behavior
- Lifetime Smoking and Asthma: A Mendelian Randomization Study
- How Smoking Affects Your Life and People Around You
- Motivation and the Brain: Quitting Smoking
- Pregnant Women and the Cessation of Smoking
- Cigarette Smoking and Its Health Risks
💡 Simple Smoking Essay Ideas
- What Effects Can Cigarette Smoking Have On the Respiratory System
- Analyzing Two Opposing Perspectives on Smoking
- Youth Smoking Uptake Progress: Price and Public Policy Effects
- New York Smoking Ban and Its Constitutionality
- Diseases Associated With Cigarette Smoking
- How Smoking Affects Adults Health & Well-Being
- Anti-Smoking Campaign for Smoking
- Should the Government Ban Smoking
- Links Between Smoking and Panic Attacks
- How Smoking Affects Relationships in Work or Home
- Quit Smoking and Intervention for Adolescent Smokers
- Intervention for Smoking Cessation of Smoking
- Gender Dynamics and Smoking Prevalence in Japan
- Midwives, Pregnant Women, and Quitting Smoking
- How Nicotine Affects Your Quit Smoking Victory
- How Smoking Can Negatively Affect Your Life
- Lung Cancer Women’s Smoking Effects
- Public Places and the Hazards of Smoking
- Cigarette Smoking: The Negative Effects on the Human Body
- How Smoking Tobacco Affects Your Life and Surrounding
📌 Easy Smoking Essay Topics
- Lung Tissue and Cigarette Smoking Effects
- Persuasive Against Smoking for Teens
- How Smoking Has Changed Through the Years
- Anti-Smoking Advertisement Just Makes a Smoker
- How Smoking Affects the Teenage Brain
- Cigarette Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Children and Adults
- How Smoking Bans Are Bad for Business
- How Smoking Increases the Risk of Lung Cancer
- Does Smoking Cause Lung Cancer
- How Smoking Cigarettes Destroys Your Health
- Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Early Child Outcomes
- Does Falling Smoking Lead To Rising Obesity
- Hypnosis Quit Smoking Techniques
- Obesity, Cigarette Prices, Youth Access Laws, and Adolescent Smoking Initiation
- How Smoking Affects the Health Care Costs
- Research Project About Likelihood of Smoking for Children of Smokers
- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on Smoking Habits Among School Children
- Drug Smoking and Drug Trafficking in the World
- Cigarette Smoking Slowly Kills the Country
- Anti-smoking Advertisements: Why They Don’t Work
❓ Research Questions About Smoking
- What Effects Can Cigarette Smoking Have on the Respiratory System?
- Does Smoking Cigarettes Relieve Stress?
- What Are the Reasons for the Teenagers in Smoking?
- Does Smoking Have Benefits?
- What Kills More Cigarette Smoking or Obesity?
- Does Elevated Job Stress Affect Smoking Levels?
- When Quitting Smoking Leads to Nicotine Gum Addiction?
- Why Stop Smoking Commercials Are Still on for Cinema Halls?
- What Are the Effects of Smoking on the Respiratory System?
- Why Quitting Smoking during Pregnancy?
- Can Economic-Psychological Parameters Predict Successful Smoking Cessation?
- What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
- What Effects Did the 2006/2007 Smoking Ban Have on the UK?
- Can Public Policy Deter Smoking Escalation among Young Adults?
- What Are the Leading Factors That Affect the Girls and Boys to Start Smoking?
- Does Smoking Affect Body Weight and Obesity in China?
- What Are the Inventions to Promote Smoking Cessation?
- What Makes Smoking and Computers Similar?
- Why Smoking Should Not Be Banned?
- Does Cigarette Smuggling Prop Up Smoking Rates?
- What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Banning Smoking in Public Places?
- What Are the Most Prevalent Dangers of Smoking and Drinking?
- Does Smoking Harm Your Earnings So Much?
- Can Counselling Assist with Smoking Cessation?
- What Are the Effects and Causes of Smoking in the Human Body?