Aspects of Walmart Management Strategy

Introduction The local Walmart store is expected to improve its performance standards. According to the recent balance sheets and statistics, the company remains stable in the last 3 years (“WMT | Walmart Inc. Annual balance sheet – WSJ,” n.d.). However, the performance of individual locations fluctuates more rapidly than that...

Technology for Learning English as a Foreign Language

Although online courses force students to face many difficulties, they also open up many opportunities. Professionals recognize that educational technologies as a means of regular improvement can be useful and motivating. Teachers and tutors are looking for advanced methods to facilitate the learning procedure, which online courses are. In the...

The Climate Change Impact on Sea Levels and Coastal Zones

Climate change caused by global warming is melting the world’s ice, and sea levels are on the rise. Homes, businesses, roads, power lines, anything close to the shore will be in danger. The inevitable danger of increased sea levels would lead not only to increased number of floods. This paper...

Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia

Due to the expansion of modern technologies, the information and creative environment have become interactive, and artists strive to create a work and interact with their listeners or viewers. I think that the development of culture at this time is unpredictable, as there are many subcultures that can unexpectedly gain...

Modern Families and Current Trends

Introduction The notion of a family differs in various cultures and social contexts. While the idea of a nuclear family continues to dissipate, other options for relationships have become more popular among younger generations (Ferris & Stein, 2018). The drastic changes cause conflicts between different ages and within the same...

The Suppression of Progressive Activists

The First, Second Red Wars and McCarthyism were among the most challenging historical events. They have affected every significant aspect of American society, and their common denominator is blaming communists and communism for all hardships. Thus, under the guise of their anti-communist sentiments, the McCarthys fought the liberal intelligentsia, the...

Analysis of Paintings by Manet, Degas, and Gauguin

“Claude Monet Painting in His Studio Boat,” by Edouard Manet (1874) Manet, the French modernist painter, depicted one of the famous Impressionists. His technique with petite and thin brush strokes and emphasis on the depiction of light made him stand out among other artists (Kleiner, 2020). Manet’s art series with...

Microbe-Human Interaction in Health and Disease

One of the most critical topics in microbe-human interaction concerns microbial reservoirs since they inform one about the various places pathogens can be found. Generally speaking, people, other species, and environmental elements are the groups of reservoirs (Anderson et al., 2020). Pathogens with human repositories, as a rule, adhere solely...

Microbiology Aspects and Benefits Discussion

The Main Themes of Microbiology Microbiology’s main themes study microscopic organisms, their structure, functioning, evolution and interaction. Microbes are the main subject; thus, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and algae influence nature and the planet is explored. Indeed, these organisms are the major part of the Earth’s biosphere, and microbiology allows humanity...

Scientific Method in the Scope of Recent Events

The analysis of the technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) can be considered the example of the scientific method appliance. This event was researched in response to the health-related problems related to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Due to the...

Researching of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil has a high content of omega fatty acids, which play an important role in our body’s physiological processes. It regulates the production of hormones, participates in the processes of oxygen transfer to tissues, maintains vascular health, and improves the function of the digestive tract and excretory system (Shahidi...

Ethical Issues of Informed Consent in Intoxicated Patients

Since the participants in the current case study are heavily intoxicated, the process of obtaining informed consent becomes complicated. According to recent studies, the majority of people who filed questionnaires while intoxicated could not remember the event once they became sober (Martel et al., 2018). Therefore, an ethical problem arises...

Discovering Extraterrestrial Life on Human Society

Human beings have explored the universe for decades, hoping to stumble upon unique components and extraordinary elements with the potential to alter the face of the earth. However, the discovery that the human race is desperately anticipating is the revelation of life beyond earth as these answers will change societal...

Resistance in Psychotherapy by Beutler et al.

While it is assumed that people strive to be healthy, some tend to be reluctant to receive practitioners’ advice on treatment. In their article, Beutler et al. (2002) discuss people who express resistant behavior and describe its conceptual issues, measurement, and effects on treatment outcomes. The report by Beutler et...

Social Inequalities for People With Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities face many social problems – some are very visible, and others are hard to notice for people without disabilities. For example, having a disability can result in reduced chances of employment, poor health, lower education levels, and more (Shandra, 2018). In daily life, people with disabilities may...

The Anti-Firearms Law in the United States

The article written by Fleegler et al. in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal focuses on estimating the practical efficiency of the anti-firearms law passed in the United States. The work analyses the data related to the firearm deaths reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web-based Injury Statistics...

Environmental Ethics in Genetically Modified Organisms

Environmental ethics is centered on the ethical dilemmas arising from human interaction with the nonhuman domain. It investigates ways in which society can resolve different challenges that touch on ethics and the environment (Anyshchenko, 2019) There have been protracted ethical dilemmas relating to the scientific technologies in genetic engineering leading...

The “SiCKO” Documentary by Michael Moore

One of the most baffling occurrences from the SiCKO documentary, to me, was the opposition to universal healthcare. Throughout the film, the audience sees that the arguments against free healthcare view it as a sign of communism and a danger to the values of the US. I found it baffling...

Aspects of Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a fragmented political organization that aims to raise awareness about racism, prejudice, and injustice that black people face. When the group’s followers join together, it is mainly to oppose police abuse and racially-based brutality against black people. Stopping police violence and advocating for fair treatment...

“It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” by Park Shin-woo

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay may be regarded as an excellent example that demonstrate the current evolvement of Korean dramas. Created in 2020 starring Kim Soo-hyun, Oh Jung-se, and Seo Yea-ji, it has immediately attracted the attention of viewers all over the world through Netflix. In addition, viewers’ interest...

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory Applied to Hemodialysis

Changes are integral to any process, especially in the healthcare sector. Proper management and study of the basics regarding this topic will support healthcare specialists in the improvement of their practice and procedures that concern carrying for patients. Hence, the Kurt Lewin change theory will be examined, based on such...

Challenges to American Democracy Principles

In my opinion, the surveillance of U.S. citizens and residents by intelligence agencies is a fundamental departure from the principles of freedom and a serious blow to liberal principles. It is evidenced by the fact that respected human rights organizations, such as Human Right Watch, are releasing new internal documents...

What Is Consent and How Can It Be Manufactured?

This paper discusses the concept of consent using an example of an incident of calculated consent that happened in my life. Consent refers to an approval or agreement to a proposal of another person. Consent is important when communicating and setting of personal boundaries when interacting with other people (Bolinger,...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Nursing Intervention

This case study concerns Roslyn, who has been recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Since the closest family members do not have the same disease, Roslyn and her parents lack experience in dealing with this diagnosis; therefore, they will require special attention and additional support. It is necessary for the...

Aspects of the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation began in Germany but quickly spread throughout Europe. The essence of the phenomenon was the church schism, the result of which was the separation of the Protestant movement from the Roman Catholic Church. Thus, the second church schism was the end of the full influence of the...

Musical Style and Cultural Identity

The concept of collective identity and cultural uniqueness has been core to musical style. In “People’s music comparatively: Style and stereotype, class and hegemony,” Keil (1985) argues that the existence of style signifies a stable society that has taken form over time. He defines style as a statement of submission...

Confirmation Bias and Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Confirmation bias is a common behavioral tendency, which pertains to every person on some level. In its most basic form, it is the habit of overlooking contradictory evidence in favor of the facts that support one’s existing viewpoint (CrashCourse, 2014). It transpires unconsciously and requires high emotional awareness or...

Institutional Review Board: The Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice

Institutional Review Board (IRB) assessment aims to ensure that sufficient measures are undertaken to defend the rights and well-being of those participating as research subjects beforehand and through periodic evaluation. IRBs assess research procedures and related materials (such as informed consent forms and investigator brochures) in a group setting to...

Air Cargo Transportation and Its Economic Benefits

Air cargo transportation, along with passenger air transport, are important areas of the global economic industry, providing key aspects of human activity. Air transport operates to serve people on a variety of scales, from individual travel and the transport of small private cargo to multi-ton cargo flights. Given the speed...

Credit History and House Purchase

Introduction Credit history determines a person’s ability to manage debt in the future. It demonstrates the time, place, and organization of the owed credit and affects a person’s opportunities and chances for applying for the credits or loans. A person with a low credit history is less likely to rent...

Annette Baier’s “The Need for More than Justice”

Introduction Justice is a quite vague concept that is perceived and utilized by people differently. Due to its ambiguity, it sometimes leads to misunderstanding and dissonances. Annette Baier explains that men and women perceive the world divergently and have varied values, which leads to considerable differences in their attitudes and...

“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis

Anxiety has already become a part of our lives and is present in everyone. Each person experiences such a feeling differently; for some, stress is more pronounced; others less. Often, anxiety can destroy life and interfere with living in general, so it is essential to know how to properly deal...

Crop Lien System: General Prosperity of the Southern People

The exploitative Crop-Lien system permitted the affluent planter class to imprison formerly enslaved people and low-income white people in figurative debt chains. African Americans who had just gained freedom lacked the resources and the land necessary to start a farm. Through the crop-lien system, they were compelled to rent land...

Utilitarian vs. Kantian: Comparative Analysis

A utilitarian person is usually characterized as having a desire for practical benefits. The concept of utilitarian means imbued with narrow practicality, limited by immediate interests, needs or prescriptions of utility motives, benefits (Mensah & Agyemang, 2020). This means that such a person will see a valuable advantage in having...

Overview and Application of Specific Strategies of Elementary Science Lesson

Overview The lesson provides a clear and simplified picture for 2nd-grade students. The teacher used movements and visuals to catch the audience’s attention from 1:00 until 1:30 (May 2013). Before the lesson, she encouraged questions and the learning process by acknowledging that there was no specific answer to her question...

Retail Objectives for the New Company

In the case of a new company, it is recommended to focus on attracting new customers and selling more to existing customers. Therefore, the company should focus on Marketing and Advertising and Sell-up strategies. To raise the sales volume the company can focus on advertising, marketing, or republic relationships with...

First Nations and Colonialism Dismantling

Introduction The Coast Salish Peoples originally inhabited the areas where I live, in particular the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Sauk-Suiattle Tribes. Their tribal villages were situated in the area around contemporary Surrey and Vancouver B. C. These are the first nations that are indigenous to British Columbia and came under...

The European Union’s Foreign Policy

The foreign policy of the European Union (EU) is, first of all, the issues of ensuring peace and security in Europe and on the planet as a whole and preventing and eliminating armed conflicts. The main elements of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) are civilian and military capabilities,...

Barriers to Policy Implementation

Generally, policies require much effort, along with funding and public endorsement. For implementation to be successful, administrative capacity needs to be built and strengthened. An impediment that prohibits or restricts the implementation of a specific policy instrument is known as a barrier. In severe cases, these obstacles may cause some...

High Incarceration Rates in Texas

Texas continues to face a challenge in making progress toward advancing its criminal justice system to the modern standards. Despite the state’s efforts to decrease expenditures on its prison system, there are almost 150,000 offenders currently being kept in jail (Gottschalk, 2021). There are numerous ways to fix the issue,...

Japanese Cultural Identity and Its Influence on Tanka

Introduction The ideas, ideals, practices, and customs of the societies in one’s life are assimilated, evaluated, and adopted as a vital element of one’s cultural identity. Japan employs Tanka poems as a popular and representative form of ancient Japanese poetry which aids in the promotion of Japanese cultural identity. Tanka...

Laura Bohannan vs. the Tiv on the “Hamlet” Meaning

Laura Bohannan believed that the universality of Shakespeare would be clear to everyone, regardless of cultural differences. However, she found that her assumptions were challenged when she visited the Tiv in Africa. The Tiv had different ideas about ghosts and omens, which made it difficult for Bohannan to explain the...

Camping: The Important Advantages

People planning a vacation by the sea sometimes consider camping. Camping is a summer type of auto tourism, which involves a closed area with places for tents. This type of recreation is widespread worldwide, and often in the warm season, people prefer it to many other types of leisure. Even...

The Gender Concept and Its Impact on Health and Wellness

The concepts of gender and sexuality are critical phenomena, the dissemination of awareness about which is necessary for society. Understanding the differences between gender and gender is especially critical. Hence, gender is the biological characteristic of the men and women they are born with. Gender, in turn, is a psychosocial...

Mass Shootings: Global Firearm Ownership

The U.S. leads the globe in mass shootings that have been escalating fortnight. It is a paradox and a tad embarrassing that the country with the most effective policing and security systems cannot confront mass shootings. The Federal Bureau of Investigations FBI defines mass shootings as any incident that cause...

Descartes and the Mind-Body Relationship

In the 17th century, one of the most prominent philosophers of all time, René Descartes, put forward his view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Urban (2018) states that, in Descartes’s view, matter is spatial, and it possesses attributes confirming it, while mental entities have no such...

Confucianism vs. Taoism: Comparative Analysis

Chapter 5 of the book “The World’s Religions” is devoted to Taoism in the 6th century B.C. by Laozi in China. Compared to Confucianism, Taoism is a more mystical, irrational religion whose central concept is “Tao” (the Way) (Smith, 2009). This is the metaphysical path of ultimate reality, which cannot...

People and Culture in English-Speaking Countries

In addition to being the most widely used language in the world, English is widely spoken as a native language around the globe. The English-speaking culture is extremely influential all over the world and the English language is indeed the main tool of world communication. The English language itself can...

Negative Influence of Economic Unions on Management

International Human Resource Management (IHRM) focuses on regular human resource management activities, such as creating recruitment and training policies and planning human resources in multinational firms with subsidiaries in different countries. Therefore, the main goals for IHRM are solving human-resource-related issues, studying the cultural differences in approach to human resources,...

Rent Prices and Factors of Their Change

Inflation reached a 40-year high as a result of the consumer price index’s 7.9% year-over-year growth. The cost of a building goes up as a result of inflation’s impact on the materials and labor required to develop a rental home, which drives up housing costs overall. Mortgage interest rates will...

Vygotsky’s & Erikson’s Childhood Development Theories

Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory The main focus of Vygotsky’s theory is the belief that learning has a crucial role in the development of children. Thus, the theorist based his opinion on the fact that children should study particular strategies to help make learning more efficient and productive. It is worth noting...

The E-Cigarettes Impact on Respiratory Diseases

Smoking cigarettes used to be one of the most dangerous habits exhibited by young and older adults and adolescents. Recently, electronic cigarettes that use special devices to transform liquid with flavors and nicotine into vapor became popular. The producers promote their product saying it is much safer than combustible tobacco...

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Attitude Toward Booster Doses

Introduction In their cross-sectional research, Pal et al. (2021) measured more than 1,300 U.S. health professionals’ hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccines and explored the hesitant and non-hesitant subgroups’ levels of trust in the healthcare system. According to anonymous surveys, vaccine hesitancy was noted in less than 8% of the respondents (Pal...

Feminist Ideas of Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil

Feminist ideas have significantly varied throughout their history due to differences in socio-cultural experience and individual capacities. Western currents are usually more expressed than Eastern ones since the development of civilization has followed different paths. Feminist narratives are found in painting, and the representatives of these currents are the artists...

The Amazon Company Information

Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among companies engaged in selling all kinds of goods and services via the Internet. It is also a leader in the field of sales of mass-demand goods through the system of Internet services. One of the characteristic features...

The Criteria of Ann Thorpe’s Design Activism

Nowadays, designers have a considerable advantage in the field of sociology. They can illustrate and convey critical social problems faced by society (Girard et al., 2022). There are particular criteria that designers must follow to correctly and ethically convey a message to society through their products. In general, this movement...

Role of Consumption of Meat in Human Evolution

Ever since the antique times philosophers and scientists have been proving that humans are not much different from other animal species. For example, genetically, Homo sapiens are almost identical to chimpanzees. However, through the course of the evolution, humans diverged from other representatives of the animal kingdom. Meat consumption played...

Ethics of Illegal Consumption of Medical Products

Opioid addiction is a relevant social problem that ruins the lives of thousands of people annually. Hence, pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to prevent the illegal consumption of harmful drugs. Rule utilitarianism supports this position since it is a theory of maximizing happiness (Dimmock & Fisher, 2017). Like all...

Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood

Teaching children is a rather delicate and responsible process. The teacher should be the person who helps the child gain not only knowledge but also experience in life and become the personality they want to be. It is also necessary to consider that as the child grows up, they need...

Baroque: Vivaldi’s Spring and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto

The Baroque period is known for greatly influencing European history and culture. In the following essay, the influence of the era on music will be reviewed. Two musical pieces will be used for that specific goal: Vivaldi’s Spring Concerto and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto. After listening to the two works, I...

Diversity of Cultures and Surprising of Peoples

Cultures are very diverse, and people accustomed to specific traditions can be surprised when faced with other customs. For me, acquaintance with a girl from a culture where children do not celebrate birthdays but honor their mother giving birth was such an experience of culture shock. This holiday is so...

Malaria: Causes and Prevention

Some infectious diseases reappear again after a period of decline in incidence. One of such reemerging acute febrile infectious diseases is malaria. Every 30 seconds, it becomes the reason for a child’s death (Fauci, 2005). The symptoms include high temperature, headache, and muscle pains. The causative agents are the reason...

Building and Maintenance of a School Organization

Building and maintaining school organization is crucial to providing an effective and healthy learning environment. Many educational institutions have become aware of reconstructing old facilities to cater to emerging student needs and maintaining the buildings, furniture, and equipment to reduce expenditure. However, basic information on effective facility maintenance and management...

Interpersonal Deception Theory and Feministic Muted Group Theory

Most Favorite Theory I genuinely enjoyed learning about the feministic muted group theory, which implies that women could not express themselves fully in Western society. This inability to recognize their voices resulted in the lack of linguistic representation of females in the nation’s language (Griffin et al., 2019). It was...

The Dance Performance and Media Arts Lesson Plan

Name of lesson Dance Performance and Media Arts in History Content taught using creative arts as a pedagogical tool Audio-visual information on dance as a cultural art form will be used as a pedagogical tool for this lesson. The cohort Levels 3 and 4, students from diverse backgrounds Learning outcomes...

Methodology of a Collective Psychological Inquiry

The task set in the script for the experiment is to establish the attitude of students toward the survey they have completed. It is required to choose a design that goes beyond the survey and comparison of the control and experimental groups. By comparing various innovative methods of psychological investigation,...

Why Promote Acceptance of Youth Styles Among Adults?

Some adults still embrace negative stereotypes concerning the abilities and perceptions of teenagers. However, youth-adult partnerships positively impact society if rightfully nurtured. A youth-adult collaboration involves a relationship where adults fully engage young individuals on issues affecting them, including programs and policies (Alford, 2022). A true partnership between adults and...

The Role of Humans in Biodiversity

Biodiversity alludes to the diverse set of plant, animal, microbial, and fungal species found on Earth. Biodiversity encompasses not just rare or endangered species but also includes every living creature, from humans to microorganisms. According to estimates, there are approximately 8.7 million species of animals and plants (FuseSchool – Global...

Laws for Business Systems Working and Decision-making

Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline is a thought-provoking piece with the eleven laws that determine how business systems work and influence our decision-making. The rule that impacts my performance is the fifth one which states that the cure can be worse than the disease (Senge, 2006). This law describes...

“Sundiata” by Niane and “The Odyssey” by Homer Review

The heroic epic that has been saved today represents stories that interested people many years ago. Sundiata and The Odyssey are epic poems from different cultures and eras – 13th century West Africa and 8th century Greece respectively. They have few historical events, but in a significant way, they are...

Analysis TED Talk Outline: Broken Relationship

Sometimes, relationships get broken for seemingly no reason; you just abruptly drift away from each other. Indeed, even the closest of people can grow apart without a reason and that is it. That is what we have to accept as we move on with our lives, and not let it...

Death Penalty Position in Society

Death penalty is the most severe punishment a government may sentence a person to for breaking the law, for example, by committing murder. Its use has been the subject of debate across the world for decades (Udoudom et al., 2019). In my opinion, death penalty should be abolished because it...

“Black Skin, White Masks”: Stuart Hall’s Quote Analysis

In the 1996 documentary, ‘Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask,’ sociologist and cultural theorist Stuart Hall mentions, “You can’t abstract a cultural sign from its context and no cultural sign is fixed in its meaning.” The scientist makes this claim as a response to Frantz Fanon’s false beliefs that the...

The Solar Panels Installation Benefits

Introduction Being sustainable, renewable, affordable, and green, solar energy attracts more and more American citizens across the country every year. While small solar photovoltaic cells that change sunlight into electricity may power small electronic devices, the arrangement of multiple sells in solar panels may produce electricity for a house (U.S....

Battle of Long Island Impact on America’s Independent

The Battle of Long Island is one of the first battles of the American War of Independence. It took place on August 27, 1776, when British forces under William Howe confronted the American forces of Israel Putnam (Rust). The conflict resulted from a blockaded British army on the Boston Peninsula...

Importance of Prepared for Crisis

It is important to note that sudden and drastic changes can affect any individual, which is why being prepared for crises both mentally and financially is of paramount criticality. This lesson of life was taught to my family the hard way. I had to adapt to a sudden change in...

Scheper-Hughes’ Anthropology: Analysis

The most exciting detail seemed to be beliefs about angels, which children turn into when they die. Such ideas appear to turn women into warriors whose tears are seen as weakness. Instead of mourning the angels, these warriors should protect them and trample them, possibly, on the way to heaven,...

Worker-Employer Relationship According to Bible

Introduction Job is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to such relations as interactions between a slave and a master. It offers various guides and advice to improve their cooperation and make it beneficial to both sides. While...

Multilateralism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Multilateralism is the process in which several independent countries partner together to seek solutions to the challenges they are commonly experiencing. This collaborative method plays a critical role in fostering good ties between partner countries and enhancing global stability. It majorly involves formulating policies and practices that address the various...

Role of Nutrition in Human Health

Nutrition is determined as a physiological and biological systematic process a living organism regularly uses to sustain its life by consuming food and nutrients. A nutrient is defined as a chemical that an organism demands to exist, develop, and reproduce. In fact, animals, vegetation, fungi, and protists all have to...

Hyponatremia: How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

Coaches frequently tell their players to drink a lot of water before they are thirsty. Some schools, like Mississippi State, do hydration tests before each practice to ensure their players are adequately hydrated. Walker Wilbanks’ untimely death as a football player may have been averted if he had not consumed...

Desertification and Climate Change

In his Ted talk, Allan Savory proposes the new idea of fighting climate change and stopping desertification. The speaker argues that desertification can be prevented by holistic and planned grazing. This transformation can lead to better outcomes in the fight against climate change (Savory, 2013). Despite the claims about the...

Therapy for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Victims of domestic abuse require immediate exposure to life-saving knowledge and psychological assistance to understand the judicial process, pursue retribution, and recover. Therefore, domestic abuse advocates are a valuable service in this regard. These trained activists support sufferers in obtaining the information and treatment they require to manage and progress...

The Gasoline Demand and Its Economic Impact

For many products, demand is more elastic from the price for a long rather than a short period. One of the reasons is that it takes time for people to change their consumer habits. For example, even if coffee prices rise sharply, the required amount will decrease only gradually since...

Patriotism in Relation to Morality and Politics

When relating morality with politics, terms found helpful in this and considered, as per my evaluation, would be patriotism and political conspiracy. Patriotism is generally regarded as morally relevant, and in many cases, as morally good or even obligatory. Patriotic discourse no longer presumes a conflict between two political groups...

Importance of Clinical Research Study Budget

It is critical for researchers, authors, and even consultants to know every cost linked to establishing a clinical research study coupled with the capability to document such expenses to authenticate budget requests. The group remains dedicated to the subject since there is a need to develop a clinical research budget...

Researching of Giardia Parasites

Various types of parasites pose a severe threat to humans by causing diseases. Giardiasis is an illness appearing because of the parasite called Giardia duodenalis and leading to diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and dehydration (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). These unicellular protozoan parasites are also known as...

Against the Removal of the Confederate Monuments

The Charlottesville incidents have shown how a violent, disruptive minority may quickly derail a rational cultural debate. The American Left is using white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and their self-described “alt-right” sympathizers as ammo to support the false claim that all conservatives are racist. Thus, the majority of people who support keeping...

Aspects of Media and Social Change

Global history proves that social movements, technological innovations, and media, combined or separated, can create social change. Another thing that the historical discipline shows is that the process of bringing it in can be brutal or peaceful. The current century is comparatively calmer regarding social transformation and change, and social...

California High-Speed Rail Project

The high-speed rail project in California, United States, is based on the high-speed rail technology that allows running trains significantly faster than standard rail. According to the California High-Speed Rail Authority (2022), the project would use state-of-the-art electrically-powered trains with a steel-wheel-on-steel-rail design. The trains would be capable of running...

The Separate But Equal Education and Racial Segregation

Racial segregation was common in the U.S. in the previous century. For instance, a “separate but equal” doctrine implied the provision of separate facilities of the same quality for people of color. In 1947, the Coordinating Board of Texas Colledge and University System established a new, separate university (Texas College...

Rhetorical Triangle Assignment: “In The End” by Linkin Park

Music is a powerful medium capable of conveying highly impactful messages. Modern rock is especially noteworthy for its combination of electronic sounds and important social meanings. Linkin Park is one of the most recognized rock bands in the world. Although it has produced a substantial number of memorable songs, In...

Luther King’s “Letter From the Birmingham Jail”

Dr. King’s main argument was that Black Americans have been suffering from unjust laws and inequality for a long time and that it is now time to create a more fair society to benefit everyone. King explains this to his audience with these words: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to...

Philosophy of Plato: Theory of Knowledge

Philosophy is the highest science, which embodies the pure desire for truth. It is the only way to know yourself, God, and true happiness. Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is its image in a fragment of the expression of the main ideas of the perception of the world, the...

The United States Preventive Service Task Force

The United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent, volunteer body of national specialists in prevention and evidence-based medicine that offers recommendations on clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling, and drugs. They are intended to help primary care providers, and patients determine if a preventive intervention is...

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night” by Mark Haddon

Theme Sentence The theme of social disability: Christopher’s consciousness is reflected in the narration and identifies his cognitive features. Peer Theme Comment One theme from “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” is bravery, facing your fears in order to feel safe. Christopher explores the world more through...

Ricci v. DeStefano: Supreme Court Case

The Ricci v. DeStefano court matter is an example of a court case with strong public participation. The case summary is as follows: a group of African Americans could not get a promotion which they filed as racism in the workplace. Later, the group of African American firefighters received a...

Analysis of Walmart Innovations

Digitization and development of subscription services is a current trend in modern business. Embedding such technologies into organizational processes should be expected to affect performance positively, but additional analysis of specific impact factors is required in this context. This paper aims to evaluate the popular technologies of Online Grocery Shopping...

Jamestown Area History Analysis

The Geographic Features The area around Jamestown had fertile soil and adequate water supplies in order to maintain reasonable harvests. This was utilized in the growing of tobacco plants. Similarly, further out, timber and iron could be found and used. These geographic locations and natural resources were instrumental in allowing...

Andrew Jackson: The President of the Common Men

Andrew Jackson represented the new generation of the political leadership of the United States. His presidency is a period known as the Jacksonian Era, also called the Era of The Common Man. Despite that, Jackson made many opponents representing the rise of the lower class. The election of Andrew Jackson...

How Does Lewin’s Model of Change Deal With Resistance to Change?

The model offered by Kurt Lewin to implement change consists of three major steps. Unfreezing is the first stage to determine the general requirement for change, study the environment, promote the need, and check resources. The second stage is change itself, during which participants communicate, empower their actions, and involve...

The Origin of Cricket in American History

Cricket is a sport that emerged in England but managed to surpass the border and attain international significance. Being subjected to prolonged English influence, the U.S. was exposed to cricket and eventually adopted the sport. It initially gained popularity in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with the help of many individuals, namely William...

Analysis of Apple’s Operations

Apple focuses on the production of technology, which includes modern communication devices (cell phones), playing music (headphones), and other computer operations. It was founded quite a long time ago and has gradually occupied the largest niche in the production and distribution of technology. People use at least one Apple product,...

Monte Carlo Simulation Method Discussion

Sometimes business people may face various types of problems in the course of their business. One of these problems may be deciding on the duration of the project and the likelihood that it will be completed and completed. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation method allows to solve many other...

Article on the North American Free Trade Agreement

Regional Economic Integration is a treaty between nations to minimize and ultimately eliminate tariff and non-tariff obstacles to the free movement of services, goods, or inputs of production. The economic justification for these agreements is that when free commerce is restricted, it delays the development of the country’s goals and...

International Criminal Court and Its Importance

During the last century, human society witnessed numerous crimes of shocking severity and cruelty. For example, the first and the second World Wars showcased the use of chemical weaponry and racial genocide, respectively (Kramer, 2019). Due to the broad scope of such crimes, which resulted in many involved people and...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business

For many people, the concept of artificial intelligence is still something related to the area of science-fiction type of dystopia. However, this image seems to be closer to fading into obscurity with each passing day as AI becomes more common in people’s everyday lives. Uzialko (2022) notes that today, not...

Human Responsibility: Social and Personal

Human responsibility is a subject of analysis in many fields, from the legal to the social. This concept can have entirely different meanings and scope of influence depending on the context. From my perspective, however, one of the most important variations of this term is personal responsibility, which I have...

Impact of Different Population Group on Children Development

Modern society is increasingly paying attention to different people, remarkably other population groups. Now more and more classes are starting to be not just ordinary, but those that accept people with various disabilities or social statuses. This kind of change has an excellent effect on society because the active involvement...

Healthy People 2030: Addressing Cardiovascular Diseases

Specific Objective & Current Data Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) stand among the leading death causes in the U.S. and the world. According to Pescatello et al. (2019), it accounts for approximately every third death in both cases (30.8% in the U.S. and 31% globally). Hypertension is the most common CVD risk...

“Good Omens”: A Book and a TV Series

Introduction Good Omens is a novel about the birth of Antichrist who is supposed to bring the apocalypse and end times to Earth. It is striking how much time the series writers have devoted to the book’s details that are critical to the narrative. The book and the series are...

A Heroic Myth of the Harry Potter Movies

Introduction Harry Potter’s birth and childhood have various extraordinary elements beginning with the magical world’s chaos, where Harry was born. He gains a special scar that makes him famous among magical beings as the boy who survived an encounter with the most powerful wizard of his time, Lord Voldemort. The...

Health Informatics and Its Definition

Introduction Digitalization and the integration of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human life are omnipresent; health care benefits from such a technological shift as well. Health informatics is an intersection of computer and information technologies with health systems that are aimed at facilitating healthcare opportunities (Hurley, 2012)....

Grief Counselling on Managing Child Terminal Death

Introduction Preparing parents for the death of a terminally ill child is a subject that requires sensitivity and dignity. Whereas anticipatory grief for older patients such as parents or grandparents is relatively common, preparing for the death of a child can be significantly more impactful. Clear and honest communication is...

Aboriginal Youth’s Risks and Resilience

There is no arguing the fact that the socialization of people belonging to minorities occurs differently than that of their more privileged peers. It is also true for Aboriginal youth, as discussed in the paper Aboriginal Youth: Risk and Resilience by Paula Du Hamel (2003). The author believes that the...

Aspects of Active Listening Skills

Introduction Effective active listening involves encompasses involving diverse techniques that facilitate proper perception of the patient. I observed a conversation between a nurse and a patient and the active listening technique of nonverbal cues used mainly by the nurse. The nurse would nod to show understanding of the patients’ opinions....

Monitoring Employees by Employers

Employers and employees have a very shaky relationship. Some workers could feel as though their privacy has been violated and that their bosses do not trust them. The problem in this instance lies within the lack of trust, which can lead to dissatisfaction and reduction in productivity. However, monitoring employees...

The War on Drugs in the United States

The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon and supporting the modern attempts to control the use. Drugs disapproved by diverse societies enable the administrations to offer strategies to influence the situation and eliminate abuse via addiction...

Evaluating the “Expertness” of the Southern Law Poverty Center

Not all information is reliable, even if published in a textbook or written by a respected academic. In Chapter 6 of Thinking Critically, Dr. Peter Facione calls the Southern Law Poverty Center (SLPC) an “expert on hate in America” and commends it for “seeking justice for the most vulnerable members...

Adjustment to Changes in Personal Experience

In every person’s life, events occur that cause significant changes to everything they have known before. I grew up in a supportive environment and close environment; however, everything changed when my uncle suddenly passed away in August last year. The emotional pain of losing a loved one and the new...

Healthcare Services for Vulnerable Populations in Georgia

Daily Bread The Daily Bread provides hot meals, a place to shower, clean clothes, modest medical treatment, and social assistance to the homeless and destitute. The center assists those who require mobile phones, identity, and other forms of documents, as well as tax preparation, literacy lessons, and job searches. Donations...

Utilizing Thorium in Energy Production

Thorium Today’s generation of industrial nuclear reactors mainly burns the U235 isotope of uranium as fuel. However, due to the multiple adverse effects of uranium fuel, researchers started searching for a more environmentally friendly alternative to generating energy and found thorium. Thorium might have elevated nuclear power production to a...

The Battle with Grendel’s Mother in the Beowulf Poem

The monster’s mother is one of the three main antagonists of the Beowulf poem, along with Grendel himself and the dragon: different versions have referred to her as both a “female monster,” a “warrior-woman,” and even “the monstrous bride from hell.” This paper examines the episode of the battle between...

Bipolar Disorder From Theoretical Perspective

Involved Neurotransmitters and Receptors Being a complex neurobiological issue, bipolar disorder has an intricate pathway that determines the pathology. Specifically, the interconnected limbic, striatal and fronto-cortical neurotransmitters are involved in the pathology of the disorder. Connected into a network, the specified systems contribute to the development of the disorder to...

Volkswagen Group’s Emission Scandal

Introduction The massive scandal around the Volkswagen group demonstrates irresponsible management, ignorance, and prioritization of personal interests. The CEO of the company Martin Winterkorn was aware that the company’s cars could not meet the US gas emissions standards, which meant it would be impossible to sell products there. However, Dr....

Review of “Try Something New for 30 Days” by Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts provides a new perspective on how to live a life more vividly. His talk is encouraging, for it is full of sense and incorporates life-changing advice – not to be afraid of trying new things. The speech is truly inspiring, even though it lasts only three minutes (Cutts,...

The Aerodyne Research Firm: Air Pollution Studies

Aerodyne Research is a limited liability company that researches air and air pollution levels, one of the world’s most pressing environmental issues today. Clean air is necessary, as it affects all creatures’ daily quality of life, even if people do not notice it. With every breath, toxic aerosols penetrate the...

Social Media Networks’ Role in America

Social networks provide users with many opportunities that greatly simplify their lives. It includes sharing information, personal messages, and opinions and ensuring collaboration between people or brands. In the late 1970s, bulletin board systems (BBS) appeared, which were the first type of social network (Dhingra & Mudgal, 2019). The systems...

Aspects of Lesson Approaches

During the previous assignments, investigations were made mainly based on the video material and information from the text readings. They required analyzing and critical thinking skills to answer the questions and share personal ideas. However, to make the lesson more suitable for K-5 students, it would be beneficial to include...

Autonomy as a Motivator for Employees

I agree with the post on the fact that autonomy is not always an applicable motivator for the employees, but it is not solely due to variations among people. I would like to add that the speaker’s statements about autonomy and mastery being better motivators for positions with some cognitive...

Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama Comparison

Between Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, President Obama was the most successful both on domestic and international fronts. Healthcare is one of the most important metrics of success. Obama oversaw the biggest reforms in healthcare by presiding over the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA expanded Medicare...

“Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis

Summary Don Marquis is an author of an essay that argues that abortions are immoral from a non-religious standpoint. He begins with a general discussion on why killing is wrong. According to Marquis, killing any human being is morally wrong not because it inflicts suffering on their loved ones but...

Social Media vs. Television and News Channels

People in my age range use media much more extensively and actively than the people of my parents’ age. Young people prefer digital media as the main source of information about the country and the world and it significantly reduces the time they spend watching traditional TV or reading print...

“A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by Tennessee Williams

Being one of the best-known plays by Tennessee Williams, “A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” has a major potential for multiple theatrical adaptations. The Broadway one is by far the most famous reiteration of the play, yet the Broadway approach to reimagining the play might seem as unusual to...

Operation Geronimo’s Legal Issues

Operation Geronimo by U.S Navy SEALS during which Osama Bin Laden was executed was conducted on May 2, 2011, and has raised questions on the legality and permissibility of targeted executions. The U.S laws justify the killing since he was a leader of an organized armed group that had engaged...

Varieties of Religious Experience

The argument raised from the lecture is that religious attitudes within the soul are adjustments and beliefs of things people cannot see. However, regardless of whether the unseen or the unrealities are things people believe to exist or objects of their consciousness, they elicit a reaction resulting from things thought...

The Nasal Septum Patient Assessment and Treatment

Interview Summary An interview was conducted with the patient, during which his main characteristics were established. The person belongs to the male sex, 25 years old. The man is from Finland, and he speaks with a slight accent. Perceives health as a critical element for functioning and successful future building...

The Apple Products Popularity Analysis

Every time an Apple product is released, there is a frenzy of press coverage and long lines of eager customers waiting to get their hands on the newest model. I frequently purchase Apple things, like many other people. The top market rivals of Apple are Huawei, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and...

The Discussion of Power: “Come September”

The article Come September by Arundhati Roy presents a perception of power as a tool to control an American way of life. It provides a number of examples of how the power was used to ruin the lives of peaceful citizens during armed conflicts, coups, and interventions initiated and supported...

Reading Diary: The Skills of Helping Individuals

The main theme of the reading in this chapter was that the social worker’s place is between their clients and systems that play an important role for people. To be effective, the worker’s role is a kind of intermediary in which they represent the interaction between their clients and systems...

“Black College Men’s Sources…” by Goodwill et al.

The two research questions guide the researcher to understand the challenges faced by Black college men and how they are solved. From the criticism, building the study from prior research was critical since it helped the researcher understand the age range of the participants and the appropriateness of the questions...

Reducing Carbon Emissions to Zero

Carbon emissions refer to gases released into the atmosphere due to human activities or natural sources such as ocean release, decay, and burning of fossil fuels, for instance, oil. Bill Gates argues that in the future, the US should be able to make electricity, steel, and cement without freeing emanations...

Health Benefits of Juice Consumption

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a field of study with many controversial issues and is based mainly on people’s personal experiences. In this regard, the most effective way to understand the principles of such functional medicine can be an independent experiment on lifestyle changes. As part of a similar...

Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders; due to the peculiarities of the course of disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them. In both cases, it is possible to refuse to eat, excessive concern about body weight and appearance, depressive states. At the same time, the...

Aaronson’s and McCue’s Speeches on Terrorism

It seems reasonable to state that today, there are many platforms that make it possible to express significant claims on various issues. Relatively recently, Aaronson and McCue have had their chance to deliver their speeches at TED regarding the problem of terrorism. Despite the fact that they had a different...

The Similarity in Reasons to Start and End a Romantic Relationship

While it may seem that the reasons behind starting and ending a relationship belong to different categories, in some cases, they turn out to be the same. The answer to this similarity phenomenon is determining in what circumstances it occurs more often. According to Umemura et al. (2017), people’s motives...

President Joe Biden’s Effective Leadership

Effective leadership involves understanding the fundamental factors that influence the leader and others. Further, it is essential to realize five main factors of self-awareness. These items include emotional intelligence, values, cognitive style, attitudes toward changes, and core self-evaluation (Whetten & Cameron, 2016). I believe the most important part for President...

Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Advantages

The NCBI article I read discusses the potential therapeutic advantages of hallucinogens. I learned that N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) functions by momentarily obstructing chemical system communication in the brain. Clinical studies on hallucinogenic substances as therapies to treat depression, terminal disease, and substance misuse issues have thus recently regained interest. Additionally,...

The Relationship Between Internal and External Customers

The article “Internal Customer in the Management of Sports and Recreation Company” by Widawska-Stanisz (2021) was published in the source called the Journal of Physical Education and Sport. In this work, the researcher seeks to find a relationship between the activity of sports sector employees who are internal customers with...

The Optimal Marketing Research Method

The marketing research conducted would be considered quantitative due to the research method involved in the process. Howard Moskowitz organized food tasting sessions for people to try different flavours and rate them on a scale from 0 to 100 (Gladwell, 2004). Then, huge data sets were analyzed to find the...