ā€œLog Cabinā€ by Lillie Mae Pettway

Introduction The work under review is one of the Gees Bend quilts. Specifically, it is a variation of the Log Cabin, also known as Housetop, by Lillie Mae Pettway, the daughter of Aolar Mosely (ā€œHousetop-Twelve-Block,ā€ n.d.). She made the blanket in 1965 of multicolor pieces of cotton, wool, and corduroy...

Finance and Development by Arestis et al

Arestis, Nissanke, and Stein (2005) conduct an investigative and informative piece where they focus on financial liberalization policy. They suggest that financial crises are unavoidable since they are caused by policies with little utilization of economic development and finance. In their view, the authors believe that flawed theories lead to...

The Experience Economy in the Retlio Firm

Introduction The experience economy refers to the type of economy in which many goods and services are sold by focusing on their effect on people’s lives. Most people in today’s world tend to spend more money on experiences than commodities because experiences are more memorable. Most businesses are now determined...

Healthcare Errors, Risks, and Project Management

In healthcare, project management may be defined as an organizational process designed for the improvement of medical facilities’ functioning. It aims to facilitate current operations at resolving problems related to them, implement policies or regulations that may enhance health care delivery, and establish positive relationships between stakeholders (Gordon & Pollack,...

Humeā€™s Bundle Theory of the Self

Introduction Philosophers of all times have been concerned with the issue of human identity, approaching it from many angles. One of such scholars was David Hume, who included a chapter ā€œOn Personal Identityā€ into his extensive work on human nature. Interestingly, Hume has set himself apart from other philosophical traditions...

ā€œAnd Muhammad Is His Messenger”: The Role Played by Prophet Muhammad

The significant role played by Prophet Muhammad in the daily lives of Muslims is mainly ignored by Western scholars. Through artistic expressions, texts, and examination of the Muslim religious execution, Schimmel shows the soft side of Islamic religious traditions as practiced and experienced in the Islamic world. She views the...

The Everett Philharmonic Orchestraā€™s Performance

Classical music is one of the most valuable art forms because it reveals peopleā€™s deepest and sincerest feelings. It is not enough to listen to the sounds but observe how musicians perform their shows and deliver the composerā€™s messages. On November 29, 2021, I got a chance to attend a...

Different Generations in a Workplace

Nowadays, when the labor market has been restored from the lockdowns of COVID-19, more and more people are looking for jobs. Belonging to different generations, people have different values and expectations of a workplace which employers should necessarily consider to recruit talented workers. The millennials and z-generation are among the...

Proposed Computer Network Design for Dreamz Inc.

Computer networks facilitate communication between systems while considering the most efficient path to send information from its source to its destination. As a result, the main objective of a network model is to facilitate communication between processes on different hosts. Thus, a network model should represent the needs of users...

Decline of Christianity in Europe

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with more than two billion adherents. Christian faith includes numerous branches, the most popular of which are the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Protestantism. Even though all the branches are diverse in terms of canons and rituals, all of them...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Generation NeXt Behavior in College

Generation NeXt is a common group of young people who are younger than twenty-six-year-old. Their behavior in college is being studied to understand how modern people choose their areas of interest and how they find jobs in the fast-changing world. The hypothesis proposed by Taylor (2006) shows that college students...

The Secret Government and National Security Agency

The authorities and their actions are the key instruments for the protection of democratic principles and ideologies in different states. However, this area of public life is extremely complex, which can be explained by the scale and volume of demands and impact. One of the features is the presence of...

History vs. Fiction of Oroonoko, Inkle and Yarico

There are many uncertainties as to what is absolute truth, exaggeration, or understatement within fiction based on stories that were told centuries ago. That is the case of Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko, a fictional work of prose recounting the elements of the life of the Oroonoko, a Coromantin prince. It is...

The Four Main Types of Business Entities

Introduction Businesses can greatly benefit from forming a formal business organization. It ensures the protection of business owners and decreases tax expenditures. After analyzing some of the advantages of formal business entities, this discussion post will describe some of its disadvantages and suggest that forming a formal business organization helps...

Technology and Social Services

The objective of multidisciplinary human services research is to enhance the lives of service users by identifying and addressing issues. Due to this process, individuals, families, and communities gain from social and service technologies such as methodologies, models, and theories (Fichtenberg et al., 2020). In terms of relevance, it enables...

Congenital Hypothyroidism and Myxedema

Research One of the most important pertaining to the endocrine system is the thyroid gland. With a weight of roughly 25g, the thyroid gland is the biggest adult gland focused solely on endocrine activity (Saladin et al., 2021). The thyroid consists of sacs termed thyroid follicles on a histological level...

Dr. Rosser-Mims’ Diversity Model and Leadership Style

At some point in the past, I volunteered at a local conference, and the organizers intended to meet the diversity quota. However, they limited their inclusive practices to primary characteristics, such as race (D. Kerry Palmer, 2020). Meanwhile, personal preferences in managing individual tasks were entirely ignored. As a result,...

Discussion of Asperger Syndrome

Stephen M. Edelson published the article on 30 January 2022. The hypothesis of this study was to examine if there is proof that this diagnosis needs to be restored. The study adopted a quantitative research design and involved people with behaviors and symptoms related to the existing diagnostic standards of...

Place Names in Englewood: Belleview Park and Avenue and Broadway Street

Belleview Park and Avenue The origin of the word Belleview comes from the combination of two words: belle and view. In French, ā€˜belleā€™ means ā€˜beautifulā€™ and, in general, this word is often associated with women. French speakers associate it with softness, lightness and purity. These characteristics are often attributed to...

Labeling and Social Reaction Theory

ā€œIf you repeat a lie one thousand times, it becomes the truthā€ ā€“ this line is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, who was the minister of propaganda in the Nazi Germany. This sinister message is perfect for describing the mechanism of labeling and how it affects individuals, both those being branded...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Case Study

Case Scenario Mr. M., a 54-year-old white insurance employee, sees a urologist and complains of pain when urinating. He comes to the appointment with his wife, who was the initiator of the visit to the medical specialist. According to the patient, in the last two months, he began to go...

App Market Fees: Epic Games vs Apple Trial

Imagine being a beginning developer and hoping to make a living from your work. You distribute your first app, and it turns out to be impossible. You have to face many costs, and the market’s fees take the small percent that could have been your profit. Googleā€™s Play Market and...

Mindful Self-Compassion and Self-Awareness

The webinar “Mindful self-compassion: Heart skills for our families and ourselves in challenging times” explores important strategies for finding solace after making mistakes in life. The session addresses the need for self-compassion, which is integral in establishing kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Self-Compassion is treating oneself with empathy and understanding...

Technology: Is It Neutral?

Nowadays, people live in a world where technological advances come one after another at a constantly increasing pace. On the one hand, lifestyle improvements that come with it cannot be simply discarded. On the other hand, technology contributes to various factors detrimental to human health, the environment, and civilization. In...

Discussion: Social Anxiety and Loneliness

Humanity is fundamentally akin to social animals, and its survival depends upon connections made during its lifetime. They are essential for maintaining optimal mental and physical health at all ages. Therefore, social isolation and loneliness have tremendous effects on longevity, health, and well-being. The development of such conditions at old...

Dating Sites as an Investigative Tool

Introduction In the age of technology dating websites allow people to search for partners who fit oneā€™s preferences. To find their perfect match, the users provide a lot of information about their interests, hobbies, life goals, place of residence, education, and many other personal details. However, all this data available...

Aspects of Functions of Money

Money is one of the vital tools in society; this invention helped to develop trade and exchange. Many people refer to money as a physical entity; indeed, in economics, money plays a significant role in electronic exchange. Money has several functions; for example, it serves as a medium of exchange,...

The Role of Western Power in the Middle East After World War I

Introduction The conclusion of the World War I led to the transformation of Middle Eastern countries on different fronts, including the emergence of nationalist movements. The change is greatly attributed to the involvement of Western powers in the Middle East. The presence of Western powers shaped the nationalist movements within...

The Leadership Gold Book by John Maxwell

Good leadership is a crucial skill that is always needed to make a difference. It has the capability of increasing an organizationā€™s profitability well as positively impacting the lives of numerous individuals. Therefore, learning more about leadership makes a difference in individualsā€™ lives and helps them to impact other peopleā€™s...

The Opioid Crisis: Reasons, Consequences, and Coping Strategies

Drug abuse results in annihilating consequences such as substance abuse overdose, death, and children born to addicted parents experiencing psychological and emotional problems. “Drug use has been common since ancient times and has been common in almost every society” (Barkan, 2020). Statistics show that legal and illegal drugs contribute to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Soil: The Essential Aspect of Agriculture

Introduction Weathered rocks, mineral particles, organic material, air, and water make up soil matter. The material provides the necessary nutrients for plants and organisms to grow. Soil formation is a gradual weathering of rocks due to physical agents like wind and water and chemical reactions such as oxidation-reduction. The progressive...

Data Visualization: Principles and Techniques

In order for the recipient to gain more insights into the data, it is of paramount importance to create a consolidated and distilled summary of the content. In most cases, creating a graphic component to the data demonstration has the advantage of being more accessible and memorable for the end-user....

Volunteering in an Environmental Group

Due to the growing number of ecological problems, volunteering in environmental groups is becoming increasingly popular among those concerned about the state of the environment. The reasons for enthusiasts may vary, but in general, they all aim to protect nature from the negative human impact. Along with supporters of volunteering...

Native American’s Oregon Recipe

Native American recipes are techniques used by early American tribes to prepare foods rich in nutrition. In this case, the main discussion will focus on the Oregon native recipe, specifically, camas, a type of root used for medication and nutrition. Camas is among the most important traditional foods among the...

“The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” and “The Kite Runner” Films

Introduction The film shows the story of two boys from different worlds: one is rich and well-read; the other is poor and illiterate. The boys have been living together since childhood, they are best friends. The war in Afghanistan will force Amin and his father to leave their home and...

The Cold War: Contemporary European History

The Cold War was a unique phenomenon that represented a fundamental political conflict on a global level. Researchers define the cold war as the state of extreme hostility between two states, with the extent of the confrontation bordering the state of war yet not reaching it fully (Bouwman 2). However,...

The Most Promising New Media Source

Introduction With the development of the Internet, people have been able to access various new media characterized by the transmission of information in digital form. Their mass character and accessibility are directly related to the computerization of society and subsequent digital literacy. Traditional media are turning into multimedia, and everywhere...

Open-Source Licensing: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Often, the term ā€˜open-source licensingā€™ means special rights and benefits that allow people to use the program’s source code for users’ needs with minimal restrictions. Thus, the data obtained from free access can be changed, distributed, and modified, eliminating potential costs and establishing limits and boundaries (Tomsho, 2016). It...

American History in the Entirety of Trumpā€™s Speech

The United States prides itself on being a multi-ethnic country and a host country to people of many races and originating from various backgrounds. However, there have been persistent socio-economic inequalities among the citizens. Thus, in his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump recognized the need to recreate a greater America...

Hiring and Recruitment Plan for XYZ Company

Introduction The operation manager is a fundamental part of the managerial team that supervises high-level duties such as talent attraction, the establishment of training standards, the production of goods, and providing services. According to Akmal et al. (2022), operations manager analyzes and improves the organizational processes, while working on the...

Sociolinguistics and Anthropology

Social interaction and language usage are significant themes in sociolinguistics, a field that examines the interplay between the two. The specialization focuses on the impact of language on a community’s social stratification. To better understand how people communicate in a given circumstance, sociolinguists try to identify the specific language traits...

Responsible Relationships and Abstinence

Introduction Developing responsible relationships and remaining abstinent is crucial for adolescents and young adults, especially for their mental well-being. Many people in youth do not have the information regarding how to build healthy relationships, which might lead to a number of issues, which are usually psychological, though sometimes they can...

Hilton Hotels’ Brand Management

Introduction Hilton Hotels represents a worldwide extending brand of hotels and resorts. The brandā€™s reach spans 119 countries and properties on six continents. Hilton Hotels was established by Conrad Hilton in May 1919. Currently, it stands as one of the biggest full-service brands in the hospitality business. Moreover, it is...

Concentration Camps: The Nazisā€™ Disinformation

When one side wants to win, it can use a vast number of various methods apart from killing to undermine the moral qualities of the enemies, destroy their faith, or instill in them false hope. During the World War II, when the Nazis began the holocaust, they planned to catch...

Discussion of Change Model and Processes

Kurt Lewin’s change theory model is based on a three-step process (unfreezing, changing, and refreshing) that provides an approach to improvement at a high level. Kurt Lewin has developed a theory that explains the mechanism behind the change. He argued that for people to change, they must move from their...

Exploding Samsung Phones Apology

I am a public relations manager and a representative of Samsung. It is necessary to talk about a recent issue regarding our new line of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. The aforementioned model are the latest in our Samsung Galaxy line, and the biggest technological leap we have made presently....

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Implementation

Introduction As a Chief Diversity Officer in an organization in the retail industry, recognizing the need to implement a DEI-oriented course is necessary. Since not everyone is ready to support new changes fully, this plan will provide information on the benefits of introducing DEI policies. The changes themselves and their...

Clothing Creation and Ethical Issues

Clothes creation relies heavily on technology. Hence, technological evolution provides an impetus for the emergence of new products and trends. It is the first measurement that allowed the mass-market ready-made clothes to occur. Due to the growth of demand, ways to increase supply were found, and as a result, the...

Impact of Various Types of Communication on Adolescentsā€™ Behavior

There have been numerous debates concerning the influence that various types of communication with peers may have on adolescentsā€™ behavior and development. For instance, Laghi et al. (2019) claim that adolescents with impaired social skills could be more vulnerable to binge drinking. Some conservatives point to the fact that teenagers...

Team Development and Team Dynamics

Introduction A team is two or more people who work together to achieve a common objective. Moreover, a team might be formed for long-term cooperation or only meet for a few hours and complete a small task. From this perspective, group dynamics refer to how individual team members’ duties and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Cold War: Cultural Changes

The Cold war between the United States and the communists emerged after World War II. It was associated with ideological, economic, military, and political confrontations (Wang, Xiaojue 1154). Massive cultural changes marked the post-Cold war period. The fall of the Soviet Union led to new social relations that facilitated the...

The Role of the Colonial Archives in Indigenous Communities

Introduction For many years, Indigenous people have been fighting for the rights of their lands, languages, and cultures. This is because of the colonial groups and institutions that have, over time, removed these rights and knowledge. Since the 1940s, indigenous people have raised various concerns about declining the right to...

Application of Utilitarian Theory of Morality

Finding a Solution to an Ethical Dilemma Utilitarianism is the ideology based on the idea that human life is not significant and that the genuine value is the benefit that one person can potentially bring. The utilitarian approach and values focus on estimating the statistical happiness that particular actions can...

Retail: Bowerā€™s Case Study Analysis

Summary Bowerā€™s case study focuses on the measures that the management of Marcs & Spencer took to restore the companyā€™s image as a retail power. Founded in 1884, the firm has had numerous periods of decline and growth. For example, despite its progress at the beginning of the 20th century,...

Cinematic Language in A Beautiful Mind Film

The movie A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard, implements a wide range of cinematography techniques and concepts to help the audience develop an understanding of powerful ideas regarding the main character’s mental illness, schizophrenia. Furthermore, the film raises such themes as reality, love, relationships, morality, and recovery (Grazer &...

Chinese Media and International Relations

Introduction There is a considerable extent of evidence that Chinese media possess a notable influence on modern international relations. It seems rational to present this influence through a particular example. ByteDance is a Chinese privately-owned Internet holding company that owns a number of popular services. This company was founded in...

The Current Trends of Patients With Diabetes

Introduction All forms of diabetes affect numerous individuals across the nation and remain the most prevalent non-infective disease among patients. The following study would focus on the age group that is predominantly affected by life-changing diabetes, individuals aged sixty-five or older (LeRoith et al., 2019). Information can be primarily gathered...

Laxative: Classification and Overuse

Classification & Types When a Laxative Should Be Used A laxative should be used when the patient has a problem with fecal constipation: it is a medical condition when dense fecal masses move away with difficulty, and the stool is irregular and painful. Bulk Bulk laxatives, upon penetration into the...

A Letter to Plato the Philosopher

I regularly review your reputable philosophical literature and its moral ethics. I am writing this letter to proclaim how your philosophy has been helpful to me in handling my everyday decision-making reasoning. The concept of happiness has helped me achieve my existence, nature, and self-happiness. I have used the idea...

Teacup Dogs: Appearance, History, Health Complications, Art

Teacup dogs are the name for the most miniature breeds of dogs created by humans. They are the result of selective breeding or genetic modifications occurring within laboratories. Teacup dogs were created to serve as a decorative breed; their primary purpose is to perform on various shows or be human...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interventions Preventing Diabetes Development

Introduction The patient had been hospitalized with high blood sugar levels of 128 mg/dl on two separate tests indicating he had a diabetic condition. She had been pre-diabetic for the last few months. However, despite several interventions, the patient developed diabetes. Additionally, she also had an upper respiratory disease that...

The Mandate System: Impact on the Ottoman Empire

The mandate system proposed the allocation of the Axisā€™ post colonies to the members of the League of Nations. Hence, the set of regulations was directed toward the Ottoman Empire and Germany, as their armies were defeated as a result of the war. Moreover, apart from the Empireā€™s evident loss...

Researching of Basics of Budget

The budget in any field of activity or business is an essential part of its functioning. Thanks to the funding, it is possible to calculate all income and expenses, plan any costs, and implement any plan for the modernization of production, its functioning, and improvement. Any company or organization must...

Hardware Components, Network, and Connection

Dreamz Inc. has significantly developed and expanded to include e-commerce services and branch offices in the scenario. As a result, using a sole (local area network) LAN network is insufficient to assemble the venture prerequisites, thus massive demand for accommodating (wide area network) WAN (Rainoff, 2019). Dreamz Inc. demands an...

Autism: Child and Family Involvement

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disability characterized by social interaction issues, restriction of interests, and repetitive behaviors. According to recent studies, the disorder prevalently manifests among children: approximately 2% of children acquire ASD in the United States (Shaw et al., 2020). Therefore, earlier identification of the disorder...

Traveling to Arizona and Studying Its Geology

My favorite place on earth is Arizona and I have visited the state once. Every year, the state attracts hundreds of international and local visitors. Arizona has a diverse climate and is big enough to offer visitors enough room to explore. In addition, it is home to several world-famous tourist...

Human Relationships and Happiness

The topic of human happiness is a complex matter that cannot be fully explained by psychological or cognitive processes happening to a human. For many people, psychologists depicted happiness as a phenomenon unique for every individual, as peopleā€™s sensations and so-called ā€œhappiness triggersā€ depended significantly on oneā€™s perceptions of happiness....

Anxiety Disorder as a Mental Health Challenge

Cognitive or Mental Health Challenge Anxiety is common in stressful events, such as delivering a speech or passing an exam. When sensations become overwhelming and all-consuming and conflict with everyday life, anxiety is just a symptom of the underlying sickness. There are various risk factors for anxiety that raise the...

Content Model: Leisure and Well-Being Model (LWM)

The LWM is the Content Model that best captures my view of recreational therapy practice. According to Carruthers and Hood (2007), within health and human services, a fundamental paradigm change is taking place that has the potential to determine the future of therapeutic recreation. LWM was created by Carruthers and...

Role of Spirituality and Religion in Later Life

Spirituality and religiosity play a significant role in the process of later life development. Aging is associated with the deterioration of bodily functions accompanied by chronic diseases, physical fatigue, and an activity decrease. Moreover, people tend to leave their jobs, spend more time at home and become socially isolated. Such...

The World Trade Organization’s Impact on Public Health

The World Trade Organization is an integration organization established on 1 January 1995 to liberalize international trade and regulate its member states’ business and political relations. It is responsible for developing and implementing new trade agreements, oversees their performance, and monitors trade quality. The WTO was initially created based on...

The “Birth of a Nation” and “Hallelujah” Films

Introduction The history of the United States (US) is full of paradigm shifts that have turned American domestic politics, society, and the economy on its head. There are many cultural lenses through which one can trace this civilizational and historical process, such as literature and music. American mainstream cinema, namely...

Binomial Trees: A Financial Tool

A binomial tree is a financial tool that seeks to present a graphical representation of different intrinsic values that an underlying asset or option can take in different periods. The first general approach was developed in 1979 by Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein and has since become a popular method of...

Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction

Introduction The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern, especially among adolescents. It should not be forgotten that it is the responsibility of human service providers to improve people’s lives...

Are Children Smarter and More Socialized Because of Internet?

Introduction Internet is a certain environment of functioning of an individual, which has the laws of formation of internal relations. In addition, it has its own unique set of factors that influence peopleā€™s psyche. The Internet forms groups of people based on shared interests, stimulating the development of interpersonal relationships....

The Ancient Contiones in the Roman Republic

Contiones referred to the assemblies in which influential legislators debated and presented their views to the people of Rome on policies proposed by the People’s Assembly and aspirants for public offices. Contiones took many forms, including legislative, electoral, and judicial. Even though Contiones never addressed many issues affecting the general...

The Recovery Department Organizational Analysis: Case Study

Introduction In this case study, the Florida re-entry subdivision is analyzed as a whole entity that involves three main departments. Firstly, the recovery department is focused on prisonersā€™ spiritual health. (Florida Department of Corrections, n.d.). The main objectives are to positively influence the individualsā€™ world perception from an educational perspective...

Servant Leadership and Personal Values

Influence of Personal Values and Servant Leadership on Individual and Group Behavior Personal values are significant in one’s life because they form the foundation of one’s beliefs and interaction with other people. Personal values tend to determine one’s perception of life and their reaction to various situations that one experience...

Scientific Approaches to Medical History in Former British Colonies

Introduction The article’s purpose is to explain why the colonial and post-colonial era approaches are ill-suited to assessing medicine in Africa, the Subcontinent, and British India. The author emphasizes that British scientists transferred many scientific approaches to the evaluation of medicine in the then colonies, propagating the mistakes that occurred...

Living Beyond the Product: Levi’s Case Study

Any company that establishes market dominance built on a single unique product is successful for as long as the market remains the same. However, markets can change quickly with demand for goods decreasing, prices for raw materials increasing, and new companies entering it. Therefore, brands should strive to live beyond...

Authentic and Servant Leadership

There is a large amount of information that can help in determining the leadership style that suits a person. However, without knowing and analyzing their own traits, individuals will be able to achieve little. Thus, learning about oneself is an essential step in becoming an authentic leader (Northouse, 2022). Self-awareness...

The Project Management Standards

Project management conveys the operational departments of an organization jointly as a team to attain the objectives and indicators of the approach. Successful project management is fundamental to increasing efficiency and achieving better results. That is why in the modern world, there are many international organizations engaged in developing standards...

The History of Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is generally divided into two periods of dissemination: earlier (ngadar) and later (chidar) dissemination. Tantric Buddhism, in turn, had a major influence on all types of Tibetan Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism in particular involves a significant emphasis on Tantric practices. Although there is no standard list of Tantric techniques,...

Earth Day and the Climate Change

PEER #1 Response The main assessment strategies applied in this analysis include a thorough study of the sources and evaluating possible biases involved within the narrative. Despite recognizing the biased judgment, a peer decided to assess the versatility of origins behind the prejudice. Thus, the use of diverse voices was...

Bhopal Disaster: Analytical Evaluation

Introduction The Bhopal accident occurred in India almost 40 years ago, on December 2, 1984. This disaster claimed the lives of 3800 people, tens of thousands were injured from contact with toxic substances, and 102,000 were disabled (Lucchini et al., 2018). The incident occurred when water entered a methyl isocyanate...

The Container Store: An Employee Centric Retailer

Introduction The Container Store was established in 1978 by Kip Tindell and Garett Boone. It started its main operation with the ultimate aim of offering a solutions-based approach to retail at its headquarters at Capell, Texas, with 49 locations across the country selling more than 10,000 products. This unique approach...

Air Canada: History, Profit, Pandemic, and Future

The movement of people by air has always brought enormous profits, not only to the countries to which people have flown for tourism purposes but also to the airlines themselves. This is why there are many air transport companies in the world. There is a lot of competition in this...

Youth Self-Reported Health and Their Experience of Parental Incarceration

Previous Findings Parental incarceration leads to significant impairment of children’s health, which may be related to poor access to medicine. There is a correlation between the frequency of delinquent behavior in children and the fact that their parents were incarcerated. Data Collection Method/Methods: Underline the data collection method or methods...

The Research Devoted to the Dada Art Movement

Artland (n.d.). What is Dadaism, Dada Art, or a Dadaist?Ā  The article ā€œWhat is Dadaism, Dada Art, or a Dadaist?ā€ published on the platform for contemporary art in a detailed way explains what Dadaism is, its origins, and critical ideas. The major advantage of this article is that it not...

Fighter Planes: The Role in World War II

World War II (WWII) saw a significant shift in fighting methods from earlier conflicts. In fact, aviation became an important aspect of warfare during WWII, and as countries competed for dominance, they were forced to modernize their aircraft fleets rapidly and rigorously. This essay will focus on the pivotal role...

Popular Research Paper Topics

European-Native American Encounter After Columbus

Contact After Columbus, the contact between the Europeans and Native Americans was founded on the need to exploit and gain wealth from the Natives. The Dutch, the French, the Spanish, and the English established ways to enable them to be part of or have territory in North America to exploit...

Human Population Growth and Its Effects

The Population of the Planet The planetā€™s population is constantly increasing, which is facilitated by more favorable living conditions than centuries ago. According to publicly available data, at present, the figure is approaching 7.95 billion (Current World Population). The peak of growth occurred at the beginning of the 19th century,...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Strategic Management Journal

Background Caterpillar Inc. is the worldā€™s largest construction machinery and equipment company. It produces, designs, and markets financial and machinery products. As the company notices on its website, for about a century, they have been “helping customers build a better, more sustainable world and are committed and contributing to a...

Developing Countriesā€™ Transformation Factors

It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that many citizens of developing countries await their transformation into universalistic welfare states providing social benefits to their citizens. However, the very process of transformation may stumble upon difficulties as countries seek to embrace their new roles. Nevertheless, there are key factors...

Violence on TV: Impact on Children

In modern society, the media is one of the leading channels of socialization of children and adolescents that serves as an alternative to school and family. The impact of the media on the personal and intellectual development of the child, his or her psychological and mental health and emotional status...

Unethical Business Practices and Policy Recommendation

Introduction Unethical activities that people engage in while doing business transactions include lying, stealing, false impression, engaging in conflict of interest, unfair advantage, improper personal behavior, hiding information, allowing abuse, and condoning unethical actions. In most cases, people resolve to go contrary to their moral expectations when in dilemmas. However,...

Care Services for Patients with Alzheimerā€™s Disease

Alzheimerā€™s disease is common among elders aged 65 and older and is a neurological disorder affecting brain cells. Alzheimerā€™s disease is one of the most common diseases among nursing home residents in the United States. According to data provided by the Joint Commission, in 2021, more than six million Americans...

Alexander the Great: The Worldā€™s Greatest Military General

Introduction Alexander III of Macedon, known worldwide as Alexander the Great, is frequently regarded as one of the worldā€™s greatest military generals of all time. During the eleven years of his rule and campaigning, Alexander the Great ā€œnever lost a major battleā€ creating a great empire with considerably small resources...

Endometriosis Fund of America’s Analysis

Endometriosis Fund of America is a nonprofit organization directed at combatting endometriosis. It is a disease affecting women, which expresses via the inappropriate growth of tissue that is typically found in uterus. Medical News Today is a publication by a health information company Healthline Media. Journalists of this organization convey...

Feline Mental Health and Separation Anxiety

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets focuses typically on dogs, it is essential to review the existing studies related to cats. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of data about...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Golden Record 2022 Playlist Analysis

In compiling my own Golden record 2022 list, I did not try to match the selected songs with any physical locations or time eras. My main goal was to divide these songs according to their emotional meaning with the result of conveying meanings and images that fully describe human perception....

Switching to Electric Cars: Impact

Introduction Multiple industries that have been known offenders of environmental premises are willing to make a switch to more sustainable ways. The automotive industry, in particular, has been heavily preoccupied with offering more mindful consumers options that would be less damaging for the environment. Hence, the electric car market has...

Competence in Relationships, Interaction, and Guidance

Introduction When dealing with youngsters, competence in interactions delves into the continuing socializing and guiding procedures in the early year’s foundation stage. Interactions with youngsters and associates that are mutual lay the groundwork for helping children’s social and emotional development as well as engaging and cooperating with colleagues, coworkers, and...

Does the Internet Negatively Impact Peopleā€™s Brains?

With the rapid development of technologies, it has become impossible to imagine life without them. The Internet has given individuals worldwide the possibility to communicate easily, plan and perform faster, study, and realize different tasks simultaneously. However, some humans argue that the global network seriously influences peopleā€™s concentration and short...

Coffee Shop: The Blog Posts

About Greetings and welcome to our coffee shop! Coffee blog posts concerning more information about our coffee shop can be found here. You can have a look at our content as we are all passionate coffee drinkers. Additionally, our coffee shop offers more pieces of training regarding making coffee which...

Analysis of Shantideva’s Philosophy

Shantideva was an Indian philosopher and monk who preached ideas of virtue and promoted many basic principles of Buddhism. Among the many themes he raises in A Guide to the Bodhisattvaā€™s Way of Life, there is an exploration of the nature of patience, which is often the result of reflection...

George Washington as the Foundation of American Nation

Introduction George Washington is widely known for being of the seven Founding Fathers of the USA and the first American president who served from 1789 to 1797. In addition to that, he was also the leader of the Patriot forces, who won the American War of Independence that ended in...

Supply and Demand Factors of a Bottle of Milk

Economic theory does not identify all the factors that directly or indirectly affect supply and demand. One of the main reasons for this is the assumption that economics tends to model the choices of individuals rather than represent reality, which is too complex for a theoretical representation. Consequently, it is...

The Concert ā€œThat Magnificent Mozartā€ by the Everett Philharmonic Orchestra

I attended a concert titled ā€œThat Magnificent Mozartā€ by the Everett Philharmonic Orchestra at the Everett Civic Auditorium. The concert was held on February 06, 2022, and was led by Dr. Paul-Elliot Cobbs and other conductors, namely Michelle Rockwood, Tonya Harris, and Ryan Christopher. Due to the continued risks of...

The Feminism Theory in Modern Society

Women perform significant social, work, and parenting functions on an equal basis with men. However, in some cases, they barely have the same rights and freedoms as men do (Feminism is for everybody). I believe that even in the 21st century, we can note a tremendous gap between men and...

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Role of Leadership in Managing Patagoniaā€™s Change

Businesses undergo different changes when it comes to their operations and management. Changes in operations and strategies are the very known modes of change emerging from natural occurrences such as climate and weather while some are from economical enforcement. While there are different stakeholders in effecting changes, the key determinants...

Organizational Structures: The Systems Archetypes

Management discipline offers a myriad of ways to deal with problems within an organization. A keen manager will attest that not all problems are unique, and there exist repeating patterns in business, termed archetypes. A systems approach to problem-solving renders most workers inept at perceiving these patterns, which, if correctly...

Social Media: A Distraction in the Workplace

Background Social media has become an important part of most individualsā€™ daily life regardless of age. It has changed peopleā€™s lives in diverse ways, ranging from being a crucial source of information to a platform that promotes social interactions. Companies have also embraced social media as an instrumental tool for...

Population Aging and Healthcare Concerns

Demographic metamorphosis leads to significant economic and social impacts affecting labor and capital markets, goods and services, social protection, health care, and pensions. The consequences of a shrinking working-age population are lower labor productivity and aggregate savings, and thus slower investment, demand, and economic growth. Therefore, population aging is a...

Descartes: Philosophical Analysis

The perception of the world by the human mind is one of the fundamental questions studied by philosophy. Understanding one’s self and awareness of reality are questions that puzzled the philosopher of antiquity, Descartes (Miceli, par. 4). He tried to answer this question in his writings and came to an...

ā€œA Defense of Abortionā€ by Judith Thomson and Abortion Discussion

A Defense of Abortion is the most famous text by the American researcher in philosophy and ethics, Judith Thomson. It is interesting because Thomson is trying to bridge the gap between supporters of abortion, who believe that the fetus is not a person and a woman has the right to...

Himalayan Megaquake’s Tragic Consequences

The video tells about the mega-earthquake that occurred in Nepal in 2015. This catastrophe affected the capital of Nepal and remote villages, as well as caused numerous avalanches in the Himalayas. Additionally, the earthquake caused many casualties among the local population and tourists. Most interestingly, the magnitude, which was 7.8,...

The Ketogenic Diet: Advantages and Complexity

R. Wilder first used the ketogenic diet in 1921 as a way to treat epilepsy. Recently, the diet became popular as a new concept of rapid and effective weight loss. The diet mainly consists of high fats (55-60%), moderate proteins (30-35%), and very low carbohydrates (5-10%) (Masood et al., 2020)....

Athletes Performing a Power Clean and a Power Snatch

The purpose of a power snatch is to raise the bar as quickly and as heavy as possible from the ground to an overhead position. This technique is used widely in both CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting since it is foundational in both sports. Weightlifting movements such as the power clean...

Lucky Me Animal Rescue: Project Management

Projects are the driving force behind change for any organization, especially when it comes to organizing and operating a collaborative event. Accordingly, the way to create business value of an organization through the implementation of project activities depends on the capabilities and resources of the organization, as well as on...

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Pepsi Co., E-Commerce and the Protection of User Information

About Company Pepsi Co. is an international corporation that has distributed its products worldwide and gained recognition. They started producing and selling soft drinks that helped people survive the heat and served as an excellent addition to a delicious meal. The company also made snacks such as Lays, Doritos, and...

Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Rate of Enzymatic Reaction

Introduction Many of the biochemical reactions are carried out strictly in the presence of enzymes, special biological catalysts that help to accelerate and initiate chemical reactions. The essence of enzymatic reactions is based on a unique combination of substrate and enzyme, the relationship between which is individual for each pair...

Patriots in the American Revolution

Introduction The mid-18th century has witnessed significant historical changes in the political arena. One of those changes is the emergence of a new county and a nation, the United States of America. This grand event that created a country, which later will become one of the most developed nations in...

The Reconstruction and the Civil War Impact on the US

Background The Civil War and the Reconstruction period had a significant impact on American society and the development of the political and social relationships within and out of the country. On the one hand, the first wave of globalization at the beginning of the 19th century shaped Western Europe and...

The Effects of the Lack of Teamwork in Healthcare

Introduction Interprofessional collaboration is necessary for medical institutions because it promotes successful cooperation and the formation of consensus about the design of care plans and the quality of healthcare. Numerous research in health and social care has substantially enhanced the ability for cooperation and interprofessional collaboration to carry out diverse...

Reconstruction in the United States

During Reconstruction, the United States faced different economic, social, and political issues. However, for the South and the North, the impact of this period varied substantially independence on the regionā€™s characteristics. First of all, the level and nature of Reconstructionā€™s influence were presupposed by different economic structures. The North was...

Forms and Changes of Family in the World Today

Introduction Families throughout the world are changing in various ways, such as a decrease in the fertility rate has been seen in most nations during the last three decades. Meanwhile, the number of women joining the workforce has increased significantly. Nowadays, having a career before starting a family is becoming...

Lorna Simpson’s Background and Artworks

Background There are numerous prominent female artists that have substantially altered the way people perceive modern art. Lorna Simpson is one such ingenious and brave person, as she has made a remarkable contribution to various social functions of photography. The unique style that she developed has inspired millions of females...

Discussion: The Impact of New Technology

Introduction In recent years, employers and workers have been assailed by an avalanche of pessimistic predictions about the crushing blow to jobs that the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution will inevitably cause. It is associated with the latest technological advances and robotics, digitalization, and the creation of artificial intelligence. Although, there...

The Aldi Corporation’s Marketing Plans

Introduction Customers have more options when it comes to where they purchase products and services in the more competitive marketplace. For an organization to attain its targets, it should initially discover what shoppers desire and then select the ideal approach to meet their demands and preferences. It might be challenging...

Do Human Beings Have Free Will?

Free will, what is it and do human beings have it? Does everyone have free will? Is free will a concept to be able to account for the evils within our world if you believe in any form of a higher power? Is free will a real thing, or is...

Independent Filmmaking and Artistic Expression

Independent filmmaking has been around for centuries, with one of the earliest examples being Georges MĆ©liĆØsā€™ A Trip to the Moon in 1902. This film was not commissioned by a studio, and MĆ©liĆØs financed, wrote, directed, and starred in the film himself. In the early days of Hollywood, there were...

Researching of Sojourners Truth

Born and raised as an enslaved African American woman, Sojourners Truth’s life significantly influenced the massive development in the United States. The abolitionist and a strong human rights activist traveled across America denouncing oppressors and slavery and highly advocating for women’s entitlement, their freedom, lady’s suffrage, and temperance. The women,...

Apple Watch Series 6: Benefits Analysis

The Image Apple introduced the Apple Watch Series 6 with a new blood oxygen level feature that provides additional opportunities to monitor oneā€™s health. Blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) is the red blood cells (as a percentage) that transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. This level indicates the...

Discussion of Affordable Housing Solutions

Shelter is the basic need of every person, yet quite often, people face difficulty with finding a place to live due to high costs on the market. As a result, there is a substantial demand among citizens for affordable housing, which would allow them to have proper living conditions without...

Natural History of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Introduction HIV infection is a slowly progressive infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. This disease is characterized by damage to the immune and nervous systems, with the subsequent development of concurrent infections and neoplasms leading an HIV-infected person to death (Saag, 2021). The rapid spread of HIV among...

Therapeutic Models: The Common Features

Specific factors support an individual approach to every patient and define specialized therapeutic models as a crucial component in the outcome of a treatment. In contrast, common factors refer to the assumption that all therapy methods share similar features that affect the effectiveness of medical treatment. I believe that the...

Researching of Genetic Engineering

DNA technology entails the sequencing, evaluation and cut-and-paste of DNA. Previously, DNA technology has involved an imagination that living organisms could get desirable characteristics by controlling the expression of specific genes in their DNA. However, in recent times, technology has been integrated into the production of valuable products, such as...

Teaching Foreign Languages in the Online School

Introduction This proposal suggests launching a program in the online school to add foreign languages to the list of taught disciplines to attract new potential customers, expand business activity, and raise profits. The three years of the online school’s existence have demonstrated that, as a private educational organization, it has...

Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit

This paper is a comprehensive summary of a White Paper titled ā€˜Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbitā€™ and submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 on 15 July 2020. Its context is formulated by human and robotic Mars exploration developments by MEPAG (Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group),...

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Feasibility Study and a Cost-Benefit Analysis

The method compares the cost of the total expected benefits from the project with the total costs of its implementation. The analysis has two goals: 1) at the project justification stage, determine whether the benefits from the project exceed the costs and, if they exceed, by how much; 2) create...

Claes Oldenburg and His Artworks

Why I chose Claes Oldenburg Claes Oldenburg is a modern sculptor who is famous for his public installations reminiscent of large everyday objects. Another direction of his sculptural art is the creation of soft versions of familiar objects. Many of his works were created in collaboration with his wife, who...

Acetone-Related Safety of Sigma-Aldrich Company

Introduction Acetone (CH3COCH3), commonly known as 2-propanone or dimethyl ketone, is an organic solvent with industrial and chemical applications and is the most fundamental of the aliphatic (fat-derived) ketones. Purified Acetone is a colorless, slightly fragrant, flammable, mobile liquid that boils at 56.2 Ā°C (133 Ā°F). Many fats and resins,...

Communication in Veterinary Practice

Communication is crucial in many areas of life, including interpersonal relations between people. Some experts divide communication into four key steps, which are called encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback (Dimbleby and Burton, 2020). In the first step, people encode their ideas into an understandable message. This process is...

Is Watching Football Morally Acceptable

Introduction Football, or American football, is undoubtedly among the most widely viewed category of sports, as it is called in many foreign countries. Athletes participating in football constantly hurt themselves for the sake of their careers while their fans cheer and wear colorful shirts. Therefore, a moral dilemma presents itself...

The ā€œSeated Statue of Khafreā€ Sculpture Analysis

Introduction The ā€œSeated Statue of Khafreā€ represents the old Egyptian Kingdom, 2575-2525 BC, best known for the Sphinx and the three Great Giza Pyramids. The statue depicts the fourth dynasty and is one of the most iconic and significant surviving sculptures that ancient Egypt offers. The statue’s function transcends the...

An Organizationā€™s Treatment of Its Stakeholders

Numerous organizations worldwide vary in many aspects, including the way every entity treats its employees, clients, and other stakeholders. Whether leaders respect or neglect the interests of each party involved in a firm’s life depends on such elements as the vision and mission statements and the establishment’s worldview perspective. An...

The Current Problem of Obesity in the United States

In their speech, the speaker raises the current problem of obesity in the United States and describes what health consequences it carries. The purpose of this speech is to inform people about the current issue, as well as what effect obesity can have on health. The awareness lies in the...

Literacy Is More Than Writing and Reading

Introduction The most widely accepted definition of “literacy” is that it is only a catch-all phrase for reading and writing. According to Darville, “procedures of reading and writing are constituents of forms of social organization – of social practices and the relations among people brought into being by those practices”...

Starbucks Firm’s External and Internal Analysis

Summary It is hard to disagree that many people enjoy drinking coffee outside. One of the most famous companies offering such a service is Starbucks ā€“ an international and highly respected retail coffee and snacks store chain that provides people with high-quality goods and services. Despite the popularity of Starbucks,...