Learning Entrepreneurship in Examples

Even though the possibility to effectively teach or learn entrepreneurship remains a highly debatable question, I strongly agree with Drucker’s assumption that entrepreneurship is a discipline that can be learned. Possible Reasons Results and conclusions may vary from one research to another, and hence, there is a significant number of...

Researching of Personal Health Recorder

At the moment, people have become more concerned about their health. They are searching for ways to improve control over their health, and find services that will help with this. There are many applications to help the patient monitor their condition. However, people are concerned that data may be leaked...

Schizophrenia and Dopamine Level

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects a person’s cognitive functions. People with this disorder suffer from psychosis, delusions, and apathy (Millard et al., 2021). This illness can manifest due to genetic predisposition; indeed, it is one of the factors that can provoke it. Various psychological traumas, stress, and...

Reliability in the Era of Electrification in Aviation

The article, “Reliability in the era of electrification in aviation: A systems approach” talks about the reliability of electric powerplants being a primary source of thrust used in aircrafts, as well as the challenges that will inevitably come with it. The article describes the motive to incorporate electric motors and...

Importance of Medical Leadership Study in African States

Efficiency in a health care setting involves management skills and leadership abilities. Management and leadership have been developed in the business field, applying knowledge to the companies, aiming at financial profit. However, leadership in the medical field needs another perspective, which is different from the business one. Management in health...

Nine West: Target Market, Customer Profile

Target Market of Nine West An analysis of consumer behavior determines those customer market segments that can best be served by the firm. These segments are the target market. Target market can be defined as potential consumers to whom a product is marketed. Firms cannot meet all needs of all...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pathophysiology

Introduction of Disease Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a disease of pelvic organs in women. Specifically, it is defined as “an infection of the upper genital tract occurring predominantly in sexually active young women” (Curry et al., 2019, p. 357). PID can cause infectious processing spreading through different parts of...

“Science, God & Creation”: Video Analysis

The content of the video is focused on providing evidence in support of the existence of God and the soul. The speaker presents four key scientifically established facts and concepts in order to prove that the universe has a beginning and a creator, and a human being has a soul,...

Significant Developments of the Ancient World

Some people wonder what the world would have been if this or that event had not occurred. It is challenging to answer this question because the world’s history is a chain of mutually dependent phenomena and events. If any element is dismissed, it is impossible to imagine how this fact...

Experiences of Childbirth of African, Indian, and American Women

Pregnant women refugees from Africa face many issues during migration. The mothers felt fear, loneliness and did not understand how the baby would be born because they had no previous contact with the Australian health system. At the same time, the situation was complicated because they did not know their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity in Adolescence in the Hispanic Community

Adolescent obesity poses serious health problems to Hispanic communities, health service provision, and nursing practice. Therefore, adolescents considered to be obese have surpassed being overweight and have increased risks of succumbing to chronic health conditions. Additionally, any health issues that begin in childhood and continue through adolescence can be serious...

Nike’s Marketing in the United States

Nike’s marketing strategies are the key component of its successful management system. One strategic fit applied by the company is its tendency to use professional athletes’ experience to develop products for nonprofessionals. This strategy is based on Nike’s mission to provide people who are not professional athletes with high-quality products...

Comparison of How Communities React to Plagues and COVID-19 Pandemic

The City of Oran next to the Mediterranean Sea in Algeria is a setting of the famous fiction outbreak of the bubonic plague. The book was published in the 1940s, and its plots resemble the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The plague is a bacterial zoonosis disease affecting rodents, and it is...

International Change Theory in American Sport

Introduction Sports science is one of the most accomplished fields in American research due to the historical and cultural importance successes in sports hold for the United States. It is, therefore, not a surprise that theoretical frameworks have been developed across fields to analyze the famous successes and failures of...

Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development

Kohlberg’s model of moral development is regarded as a theory that focuses on the way children develop the ethical form of reasoning. In 1958, Lawrence Kohlberg strongly agreed with Piaget’s theory of moral development, founded in 1932 in principle, but he intensely wanted to explore and further his ideas. Therefore,...

Importance of Post-implementation Metrics

Post-implementation evaluations (PIE) are critical in ensuring a project’s success. The PIE reports direct the senior managers on how to improve the outcomes of an implemented project further. Post-implementation reviews also provide an overview of a completed project’s success, challenges, outcomes, and lessons. This, in turn, provides a framework within...

Fighting for Political Power: Analysis of Documentary Video

Fighting for political power is the fourth episode of the video documentary Chicano. The history of the Mexican-American civil rights movement is how the Chicanos demanded political representation formulation of their part La Rada Unida for a change in the U.S political field. The film begins with five Mexican-Americans elected...

Seasonal Flu: 2011-2012 Influenza Outbreak

Introduction The following analysis presents the next America’s flu outbreak challenge. The influenza pandemic that was reported in the last two years shook the entire globe with many people hospitalization cases reported in the United States. Many people lost their lives to the disease, and it was estimated that more...

Outdoor Arts Festivals in the United States

Outdoor art festivals have been part of the community involvement for many decades. People usually value the practices and displays from the activities offered seasonally by the respective artists in the country. According to the survey conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), most Americans and non-Americans always...

Researching of Reasoning and Decision-Making

Deductive logic is the process of reasoning where the specific information is concluded from general premises. It normally has a form of a syllogism, which in turn can be divided into categorical, conditional, and disjunctive syllogisms. The former implies two or sometimes more categorical statements that indicate the existing relationship...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Authors’ Views in the Atlanta Independent Newspaper

I am a black female domestic worker from Atlanta serving private households. After reviewing the work of black scholarly publicists, I would like to express my opinion on the authors’ views in the Atlanta Independent newspaper. First of all, it seems crucial to introduce the person in question to the...

Analyzing Modern Art: Works Comparison

The standards for art changed over the centuries from strict and proportionate to daring and distorted. Today people choose what to accept as a masterpiece based on the work’s originality, presentation, and cost. Most viewers would feel uncomfortable in the art gallery if they could voice their personal opinion. Others...

The U.S. Army’s Retreat From Afghanistan

The past couple of years have been representative of a particularly strong political tension and the eruption of multiple conflicts. However, the situation in Afghanistan appears to have become the event that stirred the greatest controversy, mostly due to the controversial nature of the outcomes of U.S. withdrawing its troops...

The Emerging Issues of Social Media in the Modern Works

From the dawn of oral and written literature, poetry has reflected the social philosophy of the contemporary people. As the leading ideas of society evolve, similar transformations happen to the major topics discussed within the cultural space. The current age is characterized by the rapid technological progress that introduces new...

The Treatment of Internal and External Stakeholders

Since any organization is a social institution, it tightly interacts with society, which usually results in mutual influence. In particular, by affecting each other, a business company can contribute to the prosperity of the public, and, simultaneously, its success significantly depends on the population’s well-being. In this context, the management...

Philosophy and Social Sciences

Skepticism Skepticism is the belief that human knowledge is fundamentally lacking in some way, which in turn undermines the conclusions people reach. As Vaughn notes, there are multiple schools of thought that adhere to this view, differentiated based on the reason for the purported lack of knowledge (276). Some question...

A Study of Watching Movies as a Way to Practice Language Skills: Proposal

The modern globalized world offers multiple opportunities for cooperation and interaction between representatives of various cultures and regions. Under these conditions, language, as a central communication tool, acquires the top priority. Multilingualism increases an individual’s chances for successful interaction, career building, and collaboration. That is why different methodologies to get...

George Orwell’s Work “1984” Review

George Orwell’s work 1984 is a utopian social and political science fiction book and morality story. Issues and topics of the novel include totalitarianism’s effects, surveillance, and coercive regimentation of individuals and activities of the community. The dictatorial regime in the story was designed after Communist Russia and Nazi Germany...

Substance Abuse and Its Effect on the Community

Introduction: What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse is the excessive use of addictive substances such as drugs alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, over-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs. People who intoxicate their bodies on a daily routine are likely to have impairments in their occupational and social functioning. Excessive utilization of the substance...

Deficit Spending Overview and Analysis

Introduction The economic system of states is a complex, multifaceted set of procedures and measures initiated by government and society in order to maintain the financial development or stability of the state. Among the multitude of descriptive facts, special attention should be paid to deficit spending, which characterizes the state...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Relationship Between Strategy and Operations in an Organization

Strategy refers to the pattern of integrating an institution’s goals, regulations, and actions into a collective section. A well-generated strategy depending on its weaknesses and strengths, changes in the environment, and liable steps by a witty opponent, assist in collecting and assigning resources in an organization. For a competitive strategy...

Responsibility in “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

Introduction Macbeth is a play, one of the most famous tragedies by William Shakespeare, presented for the first time in 1606. It is based on the true story of the Scottish king Macbeth and reveals an excessive lust for power. In the story, General Macbeth hears the prophecy of three...

Software Technologies in Healthcare

The presentation by David Smith, Nicole Sowers, and Scott Randall on Champ Software and Nightingale notes is an outstanding demonstration of how a team can take on the challenging task of modernizing health information systems. The most interesting part was about Minnesota’s success story, which implemented the software for the...

Readmission Rates: The Effect of a Discharge Follow-Up Service

Vernon, D., Brown, J. E., Griffiths, E., Nevill, A. M., & Pinkney, M. (2019). Reducing readmission rates through a discharge follow-up service. Future healthcare journal, 6(2), 114–117. Web. The primary purpose of this article is to examine how readmission rates influence hospital finances. Ninety-eight Washington hospitals were reviewed from 2012...

US Police Brutality and Human Resources Connection

Introduction Police brutality is one of the most pressing crisis problems in the United States. Plutocracy, the spread of COVID-19 and structural racism, along with this problem, are the main threats to the health system as a whole and the life of each individual (Krieger, 2020). The process of concern...

Computers: Dangerous and Indispensable

The technological and scientific revolution that occurred in the last century modified how societies and individuals operate. Technologies became ingrained in the most distant corners of daily routine. For instance, tasks that once were inherently manual are currently computerized. The process allows numerous advantages varying from enhanced performance to eco-friendliness....

Business Disruptions for Information Technology Services

The most frequently occurring natural disasters in the US include flooding, hurricanes, and storms. Natural disasters are dangerous for the well-being of people and could severely harm even the performance of companies. In addition to natural disasters, another threat to the business activity of any company is a cyber attack....

Spencer’s “One Day I Wrote Her Name” Sonnet Analysis

This work presents the 75th sonnet by Edmund Spencer and belongs to the sonnet cycle “Amoretti,” which can be translated from Italian as “admiration.” Spencer’s poetic speech is distinguished by its originality both in terms of national coloring and its form and symbolism. It is an example of an English...

Interest Groups in the United States

The American governmental system provides the legal regulation for interest groups which can influence the legislation passage. The interest groups have influenced the legislation many times throughout history. These groups were created thanks to the constitutional amendments and guarantees of freedoms for every citizen. Interest groups mainly aim to represent...

A Bill of Rights: Constitutional Law

Constitutional law A Bill of Rights refers to a compilation of human rights protection policies defined within a country’s Constitution (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations). In Australia, attempts to enact a national Bill of Rights have not been fruitful for ages. However, the Australian Capital Territory’s...

Mandatory School Uniforms Debate from Rogerian Perspective

Several major scholarly publications discuss the issue of introducing mandatory uniforms in schools, adopting particular positions towards the problem. While some studies defend the appropriateness of this regulation, suggesting that schools can implement dress code rules, other authors claim that initiating such practices depoliticizes differences between individuals. A summary article...

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) is an amended act to establish the Office of Juvenile Justice’s work. JJDP supports both the local and state efforts to reduce delinquency and make changes by developing the Juvenile Justice System. The advancements are made to protect the lives of children and youths. The...

Tartan: The Symbol of Rebellion?

Tartan refers to the pattern of interlocking stripes that runs through the cloth vertically and horizontally. Today, tartans’ different fabrics and designs are thought to represent specific Scottish clans and families. It has a long-standing history, with the earliest known Scottish tartan dating to the fourth century AD (The Scottish...

Carrots and Silverbeet: Review

Carrot is considered a root vegetable because it has a horn like shape. It comes in different colors like red, white, and yellow varieties. However, most varieties come in an orange colour. A fresh carrot has a crisp texture. Its taproot is commonly eaten as it contains a high concentration...

Latest Real GDP Analysis of the USA

The term GDP is used when assessing the economic state of the market at the global level or in an individual state. The concept appeared in 1934, and it was proposed to use the American economist Simon Smith. The value of GDP is reflected in national or foreign currency, depending...

The Epic Poem “Paradise Lost” by John Milton

It has become common today to view the most notable literary works in the light of their reflection of the specific era. Paradise Lost, the epic poem written by 17th-century English poet John Milton in 1667, represents the political and historical events of this period. Still, it can be argued...

Human Development and the Security and Safety Index

There has been a surge in interest in assessing human development and the elements that influence it. This area has attracted the interest of many academics and practitioners. Some academics had previously claimed that if human development is stagnant, it is a sign of impending doom, and it is impossible...

Presidents Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson

Introduction When it comes to the discussion of the U.S. presidency, with the election of every new president, his policies and traits are compared to those characteristics of other presidents throughout history. Such a comparative analysis allows to find patterns in potus’ agendas, decision-making principles, and overall interaction between personality...

“Girlhood (It’s Complicated)”: The Exhibition Analysis

The exhibition “Girlhood (It’s Complicated)” displayed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History unveils various facets of women’s contribution to the development of American society. Political, social, economic empowerment of females is traced by looking into girl’s everyday life, their struggle for their rights, health, relationships, and even fashion....

Beethoven: The Greatest Composer of the 18th Century

Beethoven is a crucial figure of classical music in Classicism and Romanticism, one of the most performed composers in the world. Although Beethoven lived half of his life in the 18th century, he is a new age composer. A witness to the great upheavals that redrawn the map of Europe...

Popular Research Paper Topics

ABC Hospital: Health Care Policy

Purpose To ensure the safety of medical personnel and patients during various radiologic procedures. To meet the objectives of Healthy People 2020, C1-C11, C-20, GH-3, GH-4, and GH-5. The goals of those objectives concern global health and the rates of cancer among the population, including the influence of irradiation on...

WWI and Territorial Changes in Europe

Introduction World War I (WWI) occurred between 1914 and 1918, which involved 32 nations, resulting in various social impacts and demographic changes in Europe. The social effects include deaths, the emergence of technology, modern medication, defined social classes, and changes in women’s rights. Demographically, Europe was divided and reshaped to...

Vincent and Theo: Life Stories in the Film

I learned the story of the artist Vincent and his brother Theo after watching the film on their life stories. Vincent van Gough lived between 1853 and 1890, and his closest brother Theo, who lived between 1857 and 1891, worked in tandem, with the former being the artist and the...

Homosexuality Perceptions in Mexican Culture

Modern society has drastically changed over the centuries, and compared to the old times, it is now much more liberated, democratic, and accepting. However, there are still issues that require special attention and cause many debates over their existence, such as homosexuality. The attitude towards people belonging to the LGBTQ...

The Joffrey Ballet School “Nutcracker” Performance

In 2019, I visited the Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City, where I watched Joffrey Ballet School’s performance. The crew performed the Nutcracker dance, a fantasy dance story written by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann in 1816 (Owen and Crawford 13). In the story, the Nutcracker, one of...

Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes

Introduction Scientists sought to experiment that drinking coffee may have a positive implication to blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. This procedure had to be carefully conducted to articulate positive results that could be verified through standard experimental procedures. In a research procedure, some experiments may only be...

Indexing Performance Areas: Developing Measurement

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides a range of evaluation options that can be used to address vulnerabilities and protect systems. The concept of indexing performance areas refers to arranging the areas of activity based on their importance and input into the overall organizational work. In terms of...

The Protection of Human Subjects’ Rights in Research

The first video outlines the Institutional Review Board’s function in human research, as well as the values that underlie it. The three pillars, namely the necessity for free and informed consent, the advantages for risk analysis, and the participant’s ability to withdraw, have established the foundation for codes of ethics...

“The Physician” Film and Narrative Tradition of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction The Physician is a German movie released in 2013, based on a historical novel by an American novelist Noah Gordon. The movie’s plot is about a man whose mother died from sickness during his childhood, and he vows to travel the world to study medicine. The plot essentially repeats...

Multiple Myeloma. Disease Analysis

Introduction Multiple Myeloma is the phenomenon, which requires continuous attention, as it changes over particular time. Doctors were trying to find the possible cure for the disease since 1960s1. Additionally, it could be said that this blood disease is widespread, as it is “the second most frequent blood malignancy” in...

Paul McCartney: Rhetorical Analysis

“I am still very competitive” or “Do you know anyone who does not have insecurities?” are the phrases that you could hear if you met him now. He is a member of the order of the British Empire and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his services. NYPD gave...

Survey on Opioid Crisis in Anytown

Summary A survey is a valuable research instrument allowing for the in-depth examination of different problematic situations, conditions, or topics of interest by querying a specific group of people and analyzing the gathered data. In this regard, surveys help scholars or organizations to raise discussions about disturbing issues, reveal solutions,...

US History: The Civil War Discussion

Although many events happening during the Civil War may seem quite easy and comprehensible from the modern perspective, generalization is usually the tool for producing such an effect. Therefore, diverse situations may be interpreted differently based on the consideration of facts related to certain examined events. For instance, the issues...

Cultural Competence Concerning Native Americans

Culture affects health care as it determines the people’s urgency to seek modern-day preventive care. In clinical practice, cultural competence is vital as it helps the practitioner develop culturally sensitive techniques essential in determining nurse-patient relationships. It builds the nurse-patient understanding, which is crucial in ensuring safe healthcare delivery to...

Hubris of Odysseus and Ozymandias

Excessive pride or hubris becomes a significant concern in Odyssey by Homer and Ozymandias by P.B. Shelley. Hubris defines pride as a destructing quality of a character, which might even be dangerous for the hero and his family and friends. Odysseus and Ozymandias are men from faraway islands; they function...

Reduction of Deaths Caused by Sepsis: Nursing Intervention Plan

Nursing Theory Utilized As it has been already mentioned in the preceding parts of the proposal, the great role in the prevention of sepsis lies upon nurses. They should be able to notice the early signs and symptoms of this condition and immediately take appropriate measures. Thus, to provide patients...

Male Characters in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen created the play A Doll’s House in 1879. The play’s central theme is the position of women in society; contemporaries perceived the drama as a feminism manifesto. However, the problems of A Doll’s House are not limited to the women’s issue: it is about the...

Elder Abuse: Violation of Fundamental Rights

Elder abuse was largely ignored because it was seen as a social welfare issue. However, it has evolved into a public health and criminal justice challenge owing to the fact that it involves the violation of fundamental rights. It is an important matter to consider since this segment of the...

The Principle of Social Justice in World Religions

One of the remarkable features of modern society is promoting diversity, not only in views and opinions but also in religious affiliation. Many people worldwide profess particular religious views, and according to the number of adherents of particular faiths, there are several world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Interestingly, there...

African Christianity vs. Western Rationalism

Introduction Christianity has spread to all parts of the world since its early days, and the cultural differences of those who adopted this religion shaped their religious beliefs, practices, as well as spirituality. African Christianity is characterized by spiritual and holistic nature, which encompasses the acceptance of the empirical and...

United States Constitutional Amendments

The US Constitution is a revolutionary law with elaborate procedures on its amendment. The two most commonly followed routes when amending the US Constitution are described in Article V. The first route requires an amendment to be endorsed by a vote by two-thirds of the members of Congress and ratified...

Impact of the Internet on Mental Health

Introduction The Internet plays an important role as a catalyst for rapid development. However, its prevalence causes major mental issues in its users. The conversation regarding its detrimental effects on the human mind is currently widespread and is being discussed around the planet. From personal experience, anxiety and trouble with...

Starbucks Coffee Company Closing Down Stores

Company and its business The company selected for review in this paper is Starbucks Coffee Company. It is one of the leading international coffeehouse chains based in Seattle, Washington, the U.S.A that was established in 1971 by three partners to sell high-quality coffee beans and machinery. Over the years the...

Weight Loss Program and Vegan Diet

Abstract Millions of individuals are obsessed with controlling their weight and losing pounds. There are many weight loss diets for people with different opportunities and health conditions. For example, several years ago, about 3% of Americans, 2% of British adults, and 10% of Germans officially reported their desire to eat...

Activity-Based Costing at Electric Storage Battery Company

Introduction The Electric Storage Battery Company was established near Philadelphia in 1888. It marketed its first Exide battery in 1900. Its growth record was dramatic over time, fuelled by the growth of the automobile industry in the US and Europe. Its success could be largely attributed to product innovation, better...

Sliding Versus Deciding: Inertia and the Premarital Cohabitation Effect

The main concept of the article stating that premarital cohabitation has a negative impact on the future of relationships is relatively new to me. Stanley et al. (2006) note that the couples who cohabit before the marriage experience more problems than those who do not. This information could be useful;...

Importance of Early Balanced Diets in Children

Abstract Nutrition plays a critical role in a child’s cognitive and physical development. These developmental phases are highly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies in children (Hurley et al., 2016). Research indicates that substandard dietary choices in children below five years can lead to lifelong health disparities among this populace (Hurley et...

The Mask You Live In (2015) Movie Review

The Mask You Live In exposed the strict gender roles which remain perverse in American society. A fascinating aspect in this thought-provoking documentary is the powerful articulation of the impact of the rigidly enforced expectations that gender roles place on young boys and girls in contemporary society and how these...

Governance in Investment Field

Governance is considered a vulnerable area for multiple businesses, especially for the spheres involving investors, since many functioning mechanisms remain invisible to the broad audience and stakeholders. Therefore, each organization controls every team daily to establish systemized work; such an approach proves board employees’ value (Lan & Heracleous, 2010). Over...

“The Awakening Conscience” by William Holman Hunt

Art Creation and Reflection There are many types of art, and each person perceives them differently. Personally, I prefer portraits and still lives to other kinds of painting since these genres best represent the true shades of images and objects portrayed by artists. In this respect, the works of William...

Diabetes Type 1 and 2 Preventive Measures

Introduction Millions of people all over the world suffer from diabetes. This health condition is characterized by increased blood sugar levels during a long period of time. In case this disease is not treated correctly, individuals with diabetes are at risk of receiving severe health complications, such as a stroke...

Coronavirus Outbreak at Ohio’s Pickaway Correctional Facility

Despite an order barring volunteers and visitors in March, Ohio’s Pickaway Correctional Facility registered its first coronavirus case in April. The implosion of the virus in the detention center highlighted the dangers of the nation’s notoriously overcrowded and unsanitary prison systems, particularly regarding the rapid spread of infections. Within a...

The Morality of Nursing Decisions

Introduction Nursing decisions are often debatable from the moral point of view. The patient’s wish and the medical necessity or a nurse’s morality may contradict each other and lead to negative consequences for both sides. Nurses’ decisions often have an irreversible impact on the patients’ health or lives and their...

Contemporary Health Information Systems

Medicine and biomedical sciences are influenced by technological advances and digitalization of information in recent years. Biomedicine is concerned explicitly with building the data about diseases through the help of new technologies, medical applications. According to Highfill (2020), new medical analysis techniques provide opportunities to analyze medical statistics more thoroughly...

Distribution in Fruit and Vegetable Business

Major milestones have been achieved by global perishable goods logistics, culminating in dramatic shifts in people’s lifestyles. Consumers worldwide love each bite of an apple, and each splash of roses, the comfort which is brought by the global supply chains. However, the onset of the Coronavirus has resulted in unrivaled...

“The Presidency” and the First Ladies

The White House page devoted to the first ladies throughout the history of the United States. provides its readers with the information on their biography. Moreover, one may learn about the projects carried out throughout the presidency of their husbands. This data seems quite relevant, considering the poor representation of...

Importance of Snow in “The Guest” by Camus

At least once in their life – and, in all likelihood, far more frequently – everyone has the reason to think that the universe is unfair. While despicable and immoral actions may yield rewards and recognition, doing the right thing not only does not guarantee those but may even bring...

4PS Marketing Approaches and Advertisement Type

Introduction There are several similarities between the 4Ps marketing approach and the value perspective. Both value and 4Ps market approaches aim at related objectives in the market growth and development for the organizations’ products and profit maximization. In both techniques, the initial commodity is manufactured as per customers’ demands and...

The Reality About Isms and Heterosexism

Abstract The terms such as classism, sexism, antisemitism, ableism have one main characteristic. They all are linked, due to the involvement of a negative prejudgment. Preconception’s primary purpose is to offer and maintain power and control. Such words are called isms, and all work to ensure the establishment of a...

Ethics in the Coleman v. Retina Consultants Case

Contracts lie at the foundation of any modern economy, yet many agreements used in business transactions are not legally enforceable. Reasons that may prevent contracts from being enforced include lack of capacity on the part of either party or the illegality of the agreement. One controversial form of contract that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unmanned Surface Vessels and Aerial Vehicles Caharcteristics

Surface Vessels Wave Glider is an unmanned marine system (UMS) unmanned surface vehicle with full autonomous capability. It is produced by Liquid Robotics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company (“Wave glider,” 2019). Ten feet long, it employs wave energy to propel itself forward with complimentary use of stored solar...

Integration of Health Policy

Becoming a full partner in service development and policy formulation processes can ensure that the right representatives are present in the office. This role requires healthcare providers to become facilitators of service improvements and reform (Higgins et al., 2018). I would take responsibility for identifying problems facing their facilities and...

Philosophical Thought of Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre is one of the most known French existentialists of the twentieth century. His ideas were expressed in numerous works related not only to philosophical writings but also to plays (Hayim, 2017). The main problems that he discussed were connected to the notion of freedom as a...

Fools and Foolishness in King Lear by Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear is one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare. It is thought to be written in 1605-1606 and focuses on the character of King Lear developing madness after deciding to retire from the throne and dividing the land of Britain among two of his daughters....

Coronavirus vs. the Great Depression for Economy

Also known as COVID-19, coronavirus has significantly changed the whole world. Political, economic, social, and health care spheres witness essential adverse effects, while both developed and developing nations suffer from the pandemic. This state of affairs demonstrates that it will take much time and effort to recover from this situation....

Aromatherapy as a Treatment

Essential oils are considered to be the medicine for everything from headaches to depression; thus, not many bother to research the benefits and contraindications of aromatherapy, primarily to using it. Limited research on the effectiveness of aromatherapy and therapeutic use of essential oils; however, some empirical studies refer to benefiting...

A Valid Contract: The Case Study of Rita

A contract is defined as an institution which guides the behavior and conduct of those who enter into it. It usually occurs when two or more people, organizations or even companies make an agreement that can be enforced through a court of law and penalties may follow if the guidelines...

Practices to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction The evidence-based project entails the implementation of bundled practices to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is a common occurrence in intensive care settings (Sedwick, Lance-Smith, Reeder, & Nardi, 2012). Readiness Level Survey results show that the readiness level is high because the organization views EBP as central to the realization...

Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline

Introduction In the 21st century, the Internet has become a global phenomenon, fully reflecting its name as a worldwide web. State-regulated censorship on the Internet is one of the key topics of heated debates within this context. From one perspective, the contemporary paradigm of human rights emphasizes the essential nature...

Consumer Behavior: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Consumer marketing involves the personal acquaintance of a potential customer with a product and is aimed at stimulating sales of a product in a specific place and at a particular time. The main goal of consumer marketing is to increase the volume of sales of a product or service, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Marshmallow Challenge as a Model of Teamwork

Introduction There exist numerous techniques in the modern world aiming at understanding and enhancing teamwork mechanisms. The Marshmallow Challenge, where the participants are asked to build a tall tower using several materials, is one of the most outstanding examples. Its efficacity is proved in all age groups, and sometimes the...

Governance, Management, and Organization of Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Healthcare professionals play an essential role in society because they treat the sick, assess risk factors, advise the public against unhealthy behaviors, and mitigate outbreaks, among other roles. Jobs in healthcare include pharmacy and surgical technicians, sonographers, doctors, and nurses. A shortage of health workers in one sector makes...

The Conflict Resolution Process

Conflicts exist everywhere in day-to-day activities and are inevitable. Whether in families, social relationships, or workplaces, they are bound to arise at any time. Conflicts may occur when one wants to push for better quality or differences in personalities, values, and backgrounds. They can also be due to unfulfilled expectations...

Nissan Motor Company: Operations Management

Operation Process of Nissan’s Production System Nissan’s production system meets the modern standards of a competitive market and is based on several significant aspects. Firstly, this Japanese automaker maintains a constant interaction with the target audience by reacting to the demand indicators immediately and, thus, adjusting the pricing policy (Reuters...

The Problem of Workplace Bullying: Literature Review

Workplace bullying is a phenomenon that is often observed in working settings. It is associated with targeting, mistreating, harassing individuals for the purpose of upsetting and causing emotional as well as physical harm (Bowling & Beehr, 2006). As a result of prolonged bullying, its victims become less productive, emotionally instable,...

Drug Abuse Factors: Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a multifactorial health problem that is increasingly critical in society. The various reasons for the abuse of opioids, alcohol, and nicotine account for the challenge in research and treatment. The factors that influence addiction can be divided into biological and psychological, each of which has...

The Perspectives of Protestantism

Introduction The evaluation of the same religion from two different positions makes it possible to assess the perception of individual concepts and dogmas and describe specific approaches to the interpretation of relevant opinions. As a background for analysis, Protestantism as a branch of Christianity will be used, and etic and...

The Anglo-Egyptian War’s Effects and Results

The Anglo-Egyptian war occurred in 1882 when Britain and Egypt opposed each other due to low payments. The disagreements made Egypt face low economic growth due to colonization by the Europeans. The war made Egypt surrender its investments such as irrigation, railways, cotton plantations, and schools which seduced Egypt to...

Ethics, CSR, and Ignatian Values

Introduction The three ethical schools of thought include ethical universalism, ethical relativism, and integrated social contracts. Ethical universalism asserts that a mutual agreement regarding evil or good across different cultures forms the basis for universal moral conduct applicable to all people (Thompson, 2016). Ethical relativism is based on the notion...

Gender Stratification and Divorce Trends

The question of gender stratification is tightly integrated into various vital parts of individuals’ personal and public lives. The ways males and females interact within the society is essential to fully comprehend the effect gender roles have on various aspects of culture. Different thinkers have applied theories and perspectives to...

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Health and Fitness Industry Licensure and Certification

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Preventative Measures for Pressure Ulcer

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Differences between Gasoline and Electric Cars

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The Problem of Climate Change in the 21st Century

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Medicare and Medicaid Patients: Medical Theories

Introduction Many aspects have to be considered while promoting health care for American patients. Decamp et al. (2018) underline the importance of following ethical principles of non-maleficence, respect, and justice to design efficient population health programs and enhance medical professional growth. However, the case of Cape Fear Endocrinology and Metabolic...

Ritz-Carlton: The Image Perception

The image and discernment of a hotel are essential as they help attract potential visitors. Clients’ perceptions are often based on the appearance provided by a particular organization (van den Hemel & Rademakers, 2016). Some of the items and products used to shape the image and customers’ observation of the...

Genetic Association and the Prognosis of Phenotypic Characters

Summary The article understudy is devoted to the topic of genetic association and the prognosis of phenotypic characters. In practice, the probability of successfully measuring these parameters depends on the exact determination of the human phenotype (Wollstein, et al., 2017). The study focuses on such a topic as human iris...

Declining Marriage Rates Outcomes

People’s lives and communities’ well-being are better when a high number of individuals marry and maintain the relationship than when just a few get married. Despite the declining rates, marriage remains the most potent anti-poverty, anti-delinquency, and pro-health establishment. It is indubitable that opportunities for monetary success, psychological welfare, and...

Leadership Styles in Organizations

Leadership is when an individual envisions a goal and motivates others to work with them towards that target. Managing a team in an organization can be a daunting task for any leader since they need to create strong leadership-followership relations and also meet the organizational objective. The followers can assist...

Pressure Injuries in Acute Care

A number of steps must be taken to ensure zero pressure injuries in an acute care setting over a one-month period. First of all, a clear and constant patient assessment must be conducted no later than 8 hours after patient admission to the acute care facility (Hommel & Santy-Tomlinson, 2018)....

End of Life Care: Challenges for Nurses and Families

Introduction Marilyn Walker, a critical care nurse at the Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice, began her career after losing her husband and aunt to hemorrhagic stroke and cancer of the pancreas, respectively. Her line of work demands excellent listening skills as terminally ill individuals often call the office in need...

Evaluating Marx’s Labor Theory of Value

Notably, one of the renowned sociology theorists is Marx who introduced the labor theory of value which diminishes capitalism. The reason for choosing this discipline and theorist is that it develops a critical understanding regarding the authenticity of the different reasonable prices and the way products should be valued in...

Case Law Analysis: Intellectual Property

The following is a presentation of a legal case most relevant to the current operations of the Wixen Music Publishing company. Though the case of White-Smith Music Publisher Co. v. Apollo Co was tried in 1908, its outcome still affects the music industry. Apollo Co, a mechanical piano manufacturer, was...

Freedom of Assembly: The First Amendment Act

The 1st amendment of the United States Constitution accords any US citizen the right to freedom of Religion, Expression, Press, and Assembly. The initial objective of the amendment was to prohibit any system of control with regard to political expression. However, this platform has been abused by people pretending to...

Analysis of Disciplines: Articles by Epstein, Hopton and Katzman

The adequate knowledge of discipline-specific language skills and strategies, as well as the use of conventions, is fundamental for providing proper writing to inform or educate the targeted audience. The three articles by Epstein, Hopton, and Katzman, discuss the issue of eating disorders, specifically anorexia nervosa. As such, Katzman’s article...

Arguments for Space Exploration

Introduction According to the latest statistical data provided by the United Nations Organization, today’s global population has reached 7.6 billion people (para. 1). It is expected that by 2050 it will reach almost 10 billion (para. 2). Such estimates do not give much cause for optimism. The Earth’s resources of...

Iowa’s Characteristics on Claritas.com

Understanding the primary aspects of the setting where a particular population resides is instrumental in meeting its needs accordingly. Therefore, using data aggregates such as Claritas.com, where data is presented based on the ZIP code of an area, is an important step in delineating the general direction of the further...

The Top Five Causes of Death in the US

Approximately 75% of all deaths in the US happen attributable to ten diseases that encompass heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide. Over the last five years, the major sources of death in America...

Evidence-Based Approach to Policymaking

Criminal justice policies often fail to address the issues of diverse individuals and vulnerable populations. As opposed to minimizing the role of individual characteristics, policymakers should employ an evidence-based approach to formulate actionable steps to combat discrimination. This essay will examine the evidence-based practice of policymaking in a specific case...

Opening a Bank Branch in Lithuania

Introduction The right place for opening a regional bank overseas in order to serve those businesses that are expanding internationally would be Lithuania. The main reason for choosing this country is that Lithuania is the financial technology center in Europe. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the bank to establish...

Managing People in Different Locations

Employment law The legal requirements for employment in a foreign country are crucial for any global mobility program. For Australia, there are 69 entries in the employment policy section. There are also 80 documents regarding conditions of work, 75 for conditions of employment, 238 for occupational safety and health, and...

Why Do We Need to Decrease Fuel Consumption?

Today, air pollution, global warming, overpopulation, and other issues start revealing the catastrophic consequences of the vast progress humanity reached within the last few centuries. This essay draws attention to the invention that roughly harms the environment – fossil fuel. National Geographic counted that nearly 90% of air pollution and...

Agitation against Social Ills: Call for Action

Growth in and access to social media has made it possible for people to agitate against social ills. Social media has provided a platform for everyone to exchange information about some of their issues and, in a way, call for action both within and beyond their country’s borders. Individuals from...