Ethics Game Simulation in Business

According to Beauchamp, Norman & Denis (2003), Simulation by definition is the act of undertaking a Xerox of some condition of the issues or the processes that are mostly meant for the depiction of some particular traits of a chosen existing physical phenomenon. Simulation has for long been used in...

Effective Management Skills Lecture Reflection

Prior Knowledge and Learning Effective management is associated with the power to influence and persuade others to work towards common organizational goals in order to achieve the desired objectives through their input (Islam and Ismail, 2008). The art of influencing others to behave in ways that will be mutually beneficial...

Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Introduction Perhaps no President of the United States have ever been as unpopular as Richard Nixon who to date has been the only President to have resigned under disgrace. However Nixon did have some remarkable foreign policy achievements. Nixon inherited the disastrous Vietnam War involvement from the previous administration. Nixon...

Definition of Terrorism Mitigation

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that mitigation is the key assignment of the emergency management. Mitigation itself is the necessary effort aimed at decreasing the dangerous impact of disasters on people and property. The mitigation actions should be taken before the disaster strikes. Mitigation of the...

How to Know What Your True Purpose in Life Is

The cosmic joke with humanity is that those who have seek more, and those who don’t, wish they had. Life is tiered along lines of needs, and at any one point, there’s always that next goal to be accomplished or challenge to be overcome. Yet as soon as that next...

Aspects of Supply Chain Management

Introduction Supply chain management is the administration of a group constituting interconnected businesses with the major aim of improving product and service delivery. This management entails the handling of raw materials; overseeing the production process and transportation of the finished goods to the market. This work process between the three...

Leadership Skills in Production of the Journal

Each of the following members of the leadership of the SMB has got a unique way of exercising their leadership skills lets evaluate each leader and the kind of traits they contain. The Faculty contains members that are in the category: Writing Director, Rep. Marketing/Com and Faculty-at-Large, they are elected...

World Is Flat: Globalization Effect

Summary of the Seminar To begin with it should be stated that Globalization is the tendency, which develops steadily and rapidly almost all over the world. The fact is that, even ten years ago level of globalization was close to zero, while nowadays it is rather high, and presupposes the...

Differences Between Anaerobic and Aerobic Adaptations in Training

Introduction People respond differently in each training program. Ultimately, an individualized training program is needed to address the specific needs and responses of the trainee. However, the extent of performance depends on the size of a trainee adaptation window referred to as genetic ceiling for change. The effectiveness of various...

The “Substance of Things Hoped For” by Samuel Dewitt Proctor

A crucial mechanism for survival in the black community’s struggle The “substance of things hoped for” is a crucial mechanism for survival in the black community’s struggle because it is extremely important not only to dream about freedom and prosperity but to follow the dream and embody the plans and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Types of Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal

Introduction Communication is the most important aspect of human life. Without communication, there would be literally no activity that can take place. Choosing an effective means of communication is very important, and this should be done consideration of the parties concerned and the degree of formality of the message. To...

Communication in Agilent Technologies While Layoffs

The way in which managers communicate change is very crucial to the success of a changed program in any organization. The communication style which the company decides to use should ensure that their staffs appropriately understand what will happen and why it should happen. They should also be in a...

Description of the Homeless Problem

Varying definitions of homelessness complicates the methods for estimating the number of people who are homeless. The Census Bureau has used an approach to attempt to determine the homeless population by the surveying of those who are benefiting from homeless services. This method, which involved the use of Emergency and...

Organizational Development in a Global Setting

Introduction Organization Development refers to the evaluation and change of the strategies, processes, and structures of an organization in a bid to improve the performance of the organization and help in the development and contentment of its employees. It may involve things like coaching, work-life balance, leadership development, performance management,...

Civilians Are the Foundation of Our Force

It seems like just yesterday that I took command, but it has already been almost six months. In that time, I have been genuinely impressed by the Soldiers and civilians of the 310th MI Battalion – their teamwork allows them to provide world-class technical support to counterintelligence investigations and operations...

Greek Culture and It’s Influence on the Modern West

Introduction The history of Greece may begin with its geographical and climatic conditions that established the social and cultural norms of the people; it is also the major factor in defining the traditions and the mentality of the Greeks. The age of the Greek culture was marked by enormous achievements...

Bipolar Disorder: The Childhood and Adult Etiology

Research Hypothesis The research is aimed to study the aspects of bipolar disorder. Originally, the authors of the research state the following: “the research investigating the childhood and adult etiology of bipolar disorder will be organized according to the situational, behavioral, and organic factors proposed in PB theory. Finally, 15...

Concept of Checks and Balances: A Real-Life Case

According to Patterson, the division of power into branches is highly important in the prevention of power usurpation, tyranny and totalitarian regimes and for maintenance of the democratic political course in the state (Patterson, 2007, p. 28). The classical concepts of checks and balances were coined by Montesquieu and suggested...

Mandatory Job Drug Test Should Be Allowed

Statistics show that close to ten percent of employees in all organizations are drug users. Drugs pose a great threat to the professional productivity of addicted workers. Drug addiction leads to improper performance of the duties for which the employee is hired. By introducing drug tests before and during employment,...

How Affected Market by the Merger Electric and Honeywell Merger

Market affected by the merger General Electric and Honeywell merger is one of the big events of the last ten years in the market. Even taken alone these companies had a large market share on their respective markets. In fact, both of the companies operated in several markets but their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mythlenian Revolt Told by the Witness

I am the person who can offer you the first-hand authentic information about the significant event in the history of Greece, the Peloponnesian War. In fact, I am the messenger whose mission is to inform, warn, and cast light on the treachery of the Demos of Greece. My mission is...

What Is an American According to Crévecoeur

According to CrĂ©vecoeur there are many things that distinguish an American from a European, as they are inhabitants of different continents, but there are many things in common, as they all are Europeans by origin, “they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes” (CrĂ©vecoeur, 1912)....

Objectivity in Educational Conduct and Research

Education is the main consideration of people in the modern world. People have used to the opinion that to get a good job people should study hard and have excellent knowledge in the sphere he or she wants to work in. Objectivity in education is one of the main issues...

Crone V. United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS)

Crone Vs United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) is a case involving one of the workers, Sarah Crone, and the company with which she was working, UPS. She accused the Department Manager, Mr. Ray Whitaker of not promoting her for a managerial position while she deemed herself suitable for the position...

The Washington State University Vancouver: Organization Member Analysis

The Washington State University Vancouver is the educational establishment that values the rights of human beings and does everything to protect them. The Student Media Board of the University is charged with the protection tasks, and the two positions in this board are of prominent importance. These are the Chair...

Most Memorable Childhood Christmas

The most memorable Christmas I ever had was during the time I was quite a young kid on Christmas eve, just out of the theatre where the movie Superman I was running. It was a breathtaking experience and I remember quite well that it took a long time to get...

Economic Significance of Predictability

This paper written by Phillip Gray provides very insightful analysis into the predictability of Australian equities. In the theoretical literature that exists out there, there have been attempts to predict the returns on equity employing diverse methodologies with varying degrees of success. Some of these employed the use of R-squared...

Determinism in Philosophy: Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism, Libertarianism

Philosophy is one of the most ancient sciences in the world. It was created by people as an attempt to explain the course of world development on the whole, and the events that happen to every particular person in his or her life. There are also numerous schools of philosophy...

Human Resource Practices and the Managerial Activities in the HRM

The article is found to be a good one as it covers in-depth analysis of the human resource practices and the current trends. The different human resource aspects include job design, specifications, knowledge process sharing, outsourcing, recruitment and training etc. The article finds an overall picture of current events in...

American History in 1820-1860s: J.Q. Adams and A.Jackson

Introduction The interim between 1820 and 1860 in American history was marked with the formation of the inherently American political ideologies and movements as well as with significant economic growth, to great extent at the expense of slave work (Davis, p.138). The present paper has two aims: first, contrasting the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Organizational Change as a Process of Death, Dying, and Rebirth” by Zell

In the article “Organizational Change as a Process of Death, Dying, and Rebirth” (2003) by Deone Zell, the author presents and discusses the results of a study on the resistance to organizational change in professional bureaucracies. The study was conducted in the physics department of a public research university, in...

The British Economy: England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland

The fifth largest Economy in the world is the Economy of the United Kingdom also known as the British Economy and this is on the basis of the market exchange rates; in terms of purchasing power parity it is sixth largest in the world. In Europe it is the second...

The No Child Left Behind Policy

The No Child Left behind Policy or NCLB came into being because of ex-president, George W. Bush in 2001. It reauthorized various federal programs that aimed to develop the functioning of the secondary and primary schools in United States by providing the parents with more adaptability of being able to...

Should Death Penalty Be Abolished in the US?

The death Penalty has always held popular support in the United States since the colonial days. The entire premise of the death penalty hinges on the rationale that the perpetrators of heinous crimes must ‘pay for their crimes with their life so that they cannot commit any more such crimes...

Development of the US Economic Status From a Net Importer to a Net Exporter

The economies of most of the countries are developing toward world globalization, which increases the role of such phenomena as migration of capital, and international trade, which in turn is directly connected with the national debt. In 1985, a vital change took place in the state of the international assets...

Evolution by Natural Selection

Charles Darwin has worked out a theory of evolution according to which all the species are united by a common ancestor. There exist some objections to this theory. These are mostly philosophical objections of those who claim about the existence of immutable essences stating that there are certain variations within...

Eli Whitney, an American Engineer

Eli Whitney is fairly considered one of the most prominent figures in the American engineering of the verge of the 18th and 19th centuries. He was a recognized inventor, engineer and pioneer, so the main invention he is credited with is the cotton gin (‘Eli Whitney’ 2002). He was born...

Sustainability in International Business Operations

The aspect of sustainability is a major factor in determining the success of a business enterprise; it determines the ability of a business enterprise to develop intelligence measures which can be used in the analysis of opportunities and threats likely to affect the operations of the business. The aspects related...

How to Structure a Persuasive Speech

Introduction According to the analysis of the speech forming strategies provided by Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the main aspects to be used by every speaker are usually focused on the approaches of logic and persuasive speech building. The data highlighted the principle steps of perfect and influential speech creation based on...

Fashion Trends 2009: International Collections

Trends 2009 of the international collections have been presented during fashion weeks in Paris, New York, Milan and London. Spring-Summer textile collections were introduced through bright colors and asymmetrical style of clothes. Great well known designers managed to express their mastership and creativity demonstrating the public new fashionable style 2009....

American Civil War Reasons

No war can start without any reason. So, the war between the Confederacy and the Union in 1861 was the consequence of a chain of different events and crises, which helped to intensify sectional animosity. Thus, one of the main reasons for the beginning of the American Civil War was...

Emerging Technologies in Higher Education

At the beginning of the 21st century, emerging technologies enter all spheres of our life. In modern educational institutions, emerging technologies play a crucial role in the development of learners and the competitive position of the educational establishment. The task of the educational sphere is to communicate benefits and goals,...

Drinking Laws and Obedience to This Law

Introduction Drinking laws in a country should be defined clearly to avoid irresponsible behavior within the society. It important for bar owners to keep watch and ensure they sell alcohol to the authorized persons as stated in the law. The drinking laws should be known by bar owners so that...

“Vagabond” Film Directed by Agnes Varda

Introduction The film” Vagabond” or its French title is “Sans Toit ni Loi” begins with the discovery of a woman’s body which is found covered in frost. This character is seen as the central character of the film as her journey as a vagabond is traced throughout the film. An...

Buyer Behavior in the Wine Industry

The buyer behavior entails the processes through which buyers go through when purchasing and using goods and services. Buyer refers to consumers, agents, or dealers. The buyer’s both personal and psychological characteristics are among the major factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Some of the buyer’s personal characteristics include age,...

Development of Technology. Future Prospects of Technology in the Next 10 Years

Technology has been a powerful factor in developing the human civilization, their lifestyle and cultural environment as technology is considered one of the intrinsic parts of our society as well as cultural system in order to mold the core values of our social setup. Technology helps to develop human capabilities...

Garrett Hardin: Mutual Coercion

Hardin and his work Garrett Hardin is known for his good attempts long with arguments to work out social reasons and effects that can damage the environment. His work ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ explains the main source of the hazards that appeared in society with the flow of time....

Human Service Agencies. Substantive Change for Better

Human service agencies face a lot of challenges, and it is appropriate to create a substantive change for the better. Looking at the recent past it is obvious that human service agencies ought to become multicultural to accommodate the increasing cultural diversity. This is noticeable given that there is an...

Cialis Production: Pharmaceutical Review

Background The case relates to a firm that is in the process of innovating and launching a new drug with the brand name Cialis in the market. The drug is aimed at treating impotence in men (Product team Cialis: get ready for the market, 2006, ¶ 3). Problem Method of...

Is Russia a Democracy?

Democracy means different things to different people and many forms of democracies exist in the world today. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia embraced democracy, the progress of which is being monitored closely by the world. This essay examines the question of whether Russia is a democracy. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Can a Case Be Made Against Freedom and Equality?

Brown v. the Board of Education, the Cuban Missile Crisis and NOW’s Statement of Purpose None of the three cases under examination is, at first glance, controversial. All are widely regarded as triumphs for freedom and democracy, and few people would have wanted any of these cases to have been...

Fleeing to U.S., the American Dream for Cubans

From time immemorial Cubans have been moving to America in search of greener pastures. Most Cubans mostly Musicians started settling in areas like New Orleans. This eventually worked for the formation of American-Cuban connections around the United States. Cubans began living in all parts of the U.S, and Florida came...

The Transition Government’s Economic Plan

Introduction The document talks about the then president-elect’s Transitional team’s economic plan, that is, the $ 700-800 package which was proposed to stimulate economic growth in the United States of America. The plan has tax cuts as part of its components (Oxford Analytica, 2009). This goes hand in hand with...

The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank

Introduction This paper will make a review of the book, The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank. The author has explicitly examined and narrated how corruption becomes uniquely blameable in a democratic setup in violating the basic principle on the part of the government, of serving the citizens of the country....

The Position of Major Political Parties on Gun Control

Introduction Gun politics and gun control has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States of America politics. The bone of contention mainly stems from the debate on an individual liberty to own a protective weapon in this case a gun and the government’s duty to introduce...

“On-Line Live Support”: Role in Company’s Success

Introduction To begin with, a variety of methods and tactics for successful decision-making in business considers the implementation of new technologies, techniques, and ideas, of course. A diversity of services in the company presupposes a streamlined business with prospects on a good work of all departments in a company. A...

Parliamentary and Presidential Democracy Discussion

Parliamentary democracy At the beginning of the 21st century, parliamentary and presidential democracies are the main forms of power. Parliamentary democracy is a structure of state power wherein the state leaders of the executive branch are appointed by the legislature. In a parliamentary democracy, legislative and executive branches of power...

Health Advertisements: “Open Your Eyes to Saturated Fat”

This advertisement presents a surprising image for the viewer depending upon how they first view it. At first glance, it can either appear to be a large mousetrap complete with a plate of appetizing cheese or it can be seen as a rustic dining table and chairs set with an...

“The Anabasis by Cyrus” by Xenophon

The dictionary article defines anabasis as “a march from the coast into the interior, like that of Cyrus the Younger against Artaxerxes II, described by Xenophon in his historical work Anabasis (379–371) (Dictionary 1). Thus “Anabasis” is an account by the ancient writer and soldier Xenophon, which depicts the long...

Effectiveness of Culturally Responsive Education

Introduction Definition of culturally responsive education Culturally responsive education involves using the cultural knowledge, previous experiences, and performance styles of different students thus making learning more appropriate to them. This is accomplished by majoring in the student’s strengths. It’s also vital to note that this kind of teaching considers culture...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sarbanes Oxley: Issues and Moral Dilemmas

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, also known as Sarbox or SOX, is a mandatory US federal law that was passed in July 2002 to curtail rampant cases of corporate and accounting fraud. Before its introduction, high-level scandals and irregular dealings involving huge public organizations such as Enron, Peregrine Systems, Tyco, and WorldCom,...

Isolationism and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The great depression and isolationism demanded new international policies and relations that would help America to overcome the economic crisis and played an active role in international affairs. Always a consummate politician, Franklin Roosevelt saw an isolationism welling up among the population and veered away from confronting this trend. For...

Marriage Has Lost Its Relevance In Modern Culture

Marriage is commonly understood to be the embodiment of a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. It is a long standing tradition that seems to have more of a religious connotation rather than a social meaning. The social view of “slavery for the woman and prison for the...

“The Souls of Black Folk” by W.E.B. DuBois

Biographical Information William Edward Burghhardt (W.E.B) DuBois (February 23, 1868) was an esteemed African American civil rights activist, historian, sociologist, author, editor, and Pan Africanist. A respected and prolific writer, DuBois authored 22 books, including five novels and three autobiographies as well as helped establish four academic journals. Some of...

Feminism in “Trifles” by Susan Keating Glaspell

Before the 1900s, men dominated society in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world, while women were considered inferior to them. Women were discriminated against in all walks of life. The Feminist Movement also called the Women’s Movement and the Women’s Liberation Movement included a series of...

“The Lamb” and “The Tyger” by William Blake

Introduction Poets often write poem with similar themes. Poetry as part of literature which can be viewed as creative reproduction of reality, socio-political and economic commentary represent strong views of the author about particular issues affecting society. Authors normally write from some sensitivity to some strong opinions. In his Poems;...

Human Resource Management: Interview With Job Analyst

Introduction: Job evaluation system is considered to be a systematic process aimed at identification of jobs roles and size within one organization for the purpose of internal relativities’ establishment and grading structures providing. It is important to stress that job evaluation is used for the purpose of regular raises, talented...

Media Utilization: Case of Eureka! Company

Mini Case 1 Given the company dealing with the telephone and Internet-based operations, Eureka!, the list of desired equipment for its new office cannot be limited by either analog or digital data transmission systems as computer and telephone operations demand both speed of activities and best possible technique of reducing...

Genocidal Activities in American Movies

The theme of Genocide has been centralized throughout the flow of history; the movies Schindler’s List and Sometimes in April strive to reflect the times of global genocide suffered by nations. Nazis involvement into the fate of thousand people suffered at wartime took lives of the whole nations; tragic illustration...

Problems Experienced by Children That Are Reared by Heterosexual Parents

Heterosexuality is one of the oldest concepts mentioned by historical narratives since the dawn of history. In spite of its historical significance, it is still one of the underdeveloped and uninvestigated problems of the modern society. Democratic freedoms and changes in social relations permit homosexual men and women to marry...

No Child Left Behind Act: Overview

No child left behind act was enacted by the federal government in 2001, and its main objective was to uplift performance of schools in America through several directives that the teachers ought to follow strictly. A lot of emphasis is provided by the act on the importance of teachers giving...

“Blood Diamond” Movie’s Critical Review

This paper is a critical evaluation of the movie “Blood Diamond”. The movie is about how the global trade in diamonds from the African continent is fuelling wars and genocide among the local populace of the countries where the diamonds are found. The quest for diamonds is vicious and bloody...

Woolworths, Australia: Organizational Change Management

Introduction Change is a human enterprise, the how and why of things consists of change in general. Change management is the set of procedures that are useful in the implementation of the valuable resources like the people, team and the organization to reap the fruits of success. The change process...

The Approaches to the Concept of Family in Society

Introduction This paper is about the concept of family as defined by the functionalist, Marxist and feminist approaches. The modern era gave rise to the concept of the “nuclear family” with its attendant benefits and problems. While traditionally, family meant an extended gathering of people including all the siblings, parents,...

Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by people’s tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of one’s actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of...

“Downfall” by Oliver Hirschbiegel

The movie Downfall directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel is considered to be the historical reflection of the Third Reich epoch and disclosing the Hitler’s last days. The aspects of morality and responsibility described in the movie can be perceived as the kind of link between German history and present days. The...

Data Protection Act Definition

Modern society is aimed at privacy in all aspects of life. Intellectual property is required to be copyrighted and is considered to be plagiarized if somebody uses it without permission. Plagiarism is a crime in the twenty-first century; it is punishable and may involve serious circumstances. Certain restrictions also exist...

The Brief Introduction of Balance of Payments

The definition of Balance of Payments The term Balance of Payments (BOP) is used in referring to the methods that countries adopt in monitoring their global monetary transactions that have taken place during a given period. Normally the BOP is calculated once every three months and once in each calendar...

Club IT Firm’s Strategy for Competitive Advantage

Introduction The managers and owners of Club IT, Lisa and Reuben have just renovated the interior of the nightclub. However, Lisa and Reuben have been faced with the challenge of managing the information of Club IT. As an intern at Club IT, I have been hired to implement the strategy...

Law of the Sea Treaty: The Use of the World’s Seas

The law of the sea treaty is also known as Third United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea, UNCLOS III. The law was adopted in 1982 after it commenced in 1973. The law gives the definition of rights and responsibilities of nations regarding the use of the world’s...

Venture Capital and Used Book Store Business

The best solution for the used book store business is venture capital. There are many determining issues when attracting venture capital. First, there tend to be long-term and large-scale practices and business activities, and these activities should be better handled by an independent company like a used book store business....

Aspects of Successful Negotiating Across Cultures

Human communication is predominantly based on negotiating process, which is considered to be referred to unconscious phenomena; the principle characteristics of negotiating can be illustrated through the individual’s culture analysis, taking into account the style, assumptions and behavior. The investigation of this process on the cultural level can demonstrate its...

Most Productive Part of the Day

Humans have a varied productivity cycle depending upon their bodily constitution, environment and cultural factors. This essay explains the most productive period of the day as applicable to the writer of this essay. The author feels most fresh and productive early in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The...

Total Quality Management: Impact of Globalization on Quality

Introduction TQM is the implementation of very comprehensive management techniques with very organized and structured approach to constantly improve the quality of products from continuous feedback from customers. Impact of Globalization on Quality There are several ways to ensure that information technology (IT) has been implemented into a business process...

Soccer and Basketball Differences

To begin with, the world of sport is a versatile unity of strength, endurance, will to compete and win realized in tempos and movements of various kinds of difficulty. Though, in this paper, the comparing and contrasting ideas are emphasized between two sports: soccer and Basketball. Thus, a peculiar outlook...

Socially Responsible Leadership in Education

The article “Discerning Professional Identity” discusses socially responsible leadership in education and teaching profession. The author claims that education represents a unique educational environment for children and teens. In this case, the philosophy of education endorses both the intrinsic value and the importance of knowledge. Strict moral and ethical principles...

Physicallism and Dualism: Definition

Physicallism and dualism are two different paradigms, which have the opposite views on the essence of life, however, they complement each other. Abstract Physicalism and Dualism are the most confronting philosophical theories that represent the views of the origin and nature of life and the surrounding world. Physicalism stands for...

History of Palau Independence

Palau was established as a sovereign country by the Compact of Free Association on 1st October, 1994, which guaranteed the continuation of military, economic and political links between Palau and the US for fifty years. The Compact of Free Association outlines the relationships that three sovereign countries had entered into...

Separatists Puritans in Plymouth

Introduction There were religious exchanges that occurred in England during the 1500s. , Henry VIII who used to be a strong Roman Catholic separated the church by seeking to persecute the Tudor monarchs. Despite the presence of an English Dependant Church, religious people remained divided for many years. The Church...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Persuasive vs. Directive Communication

Communication is defined as the exchange of ideas. “Communication has a very important role in the daily life of human beings. Studies proved that everyone is spending the majority of his time in a day in communicating with others.” (What is communication? n.d., p. 1). Persuasive communication is aimed at...

Obama’s Stimulus Plan of 2009

Outline The economic stimulus plan as introduced by President Obama is expected to have a budget provision of up to one trillion dollars. It will primarily be directed towards the creation of more jobs and for the installation of infrastructure, which are the two essential requisites for rapid economic development....

The Problem of Teenage Alcoholism

A census in the United States conducted in the year 2000 found that 14.5% of the population was in the 10-19-year-old range encompassing more than 40 million individuals. Among these, there are teens 13-19 years old that drink alcohol and open themselves up to a lifetime of problems and addictions....

The Role of Medieval Roman Catholicism in Christianity

Introduction The Roman Catholic Church is the major and leading Christian denomination in the world. It has existed as an institution since the first century AD, and its form, scope, and teachings have changed over the years. The headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church is in Italy, the Vatican City...

Financial Performance Appraisal Ford Motor Company

Introduction Ford Motor Company is the fourth largest car and truck manufacturer in the world in terms of sales. Although the firm has had financial difficulties in the past, the management has implemented various strategies to ensure that the company stays afloat in the current difficult economic environment. Ford aims...

Marketing Definitions and Examples of Experiences

Definitions of marketing Marketing can be defined as “the process via which a firm creates a value for its chosen customers. Value is created by meeting customer needs. Thus, a firm must define itself not by the products it sell, but by the customer benefit provided.” (Silk, 2006; p. 3)....

Nurture Versus Self Concept

Introduction Self concept is a term used to explain how people feel about themselves which determines how effectively they handle life experiences. Throughout the world, human beings have continued to question life’s reason. We often wonder what our essence in this world is and who we really are. In a...

Communication and Working in the Group

Team presentation As a team member of the group, members of the group introduced themselves initiating the process of knowing one other. Initially, there was suspicion and hesitancy but progression to the second stage (storm) receded after each member had defined roles and tasks. This stage was relatively more difficult...

“Conspiracy” by Frank Pierson

The movie Conspiracy introduced in the USA in 2000 is devoted to the disclosure of the Wannsee Conference being one of the most secret and mysterious historical meetings. The movie appeared to have ten nominations and it won two awards. It is important to stress that the storyline is aimed...

Marketing Segmentation and Positioning Report

Introduction Marketing communication strategies within various companies are generally regarded as the key of marketing success and communication with the target audience. The project proposal is aimed at analyzing the two companies with various specifications and approaches towards marketing positioning, nevertheless, they use similar principles of marketing communication. Proposal The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Australian Insurance Market Segment Analysis

Executive summary In the marketing of goods and services market segmentation is a useful tool that helps divide the market into different subsets. This in turn allows the service provider to identify one or more segments for the focus of the marketing effort to derive maximum benefit for the business....

War in Iraq: Should Be Withdrawn Army?

The positive sides of the US deployment in Iraq In this article Joseph D’Agostino argues that the situation in Iraq can be improved if the US troops continue their deployment in the country. He discusses several aspects: first, he emphasizes that the clashes between coalition forces and the locals have...

TNT Express Company’s Supply Chain Management Components

As any company that operates in the sphere of transportation and logistics, TNT Express has to pay special attention to the development of supply chain management; in particular, its management has to concentrate on such aspects as planning and control, work processes, and organizational structure. It should also be taken...

The Difference in Consideration by Men and Women

Introduction Men and women are different, and it deals not only with the physical differences but also with the behavior, perception of the world, and convictions that are not easy to understand and to change. Men have their consideration about this or that fact, which usually differs from women’s one,...

Teams Should Maintain the Spirit of the Game

This is a reply to the article “England may want to be tough but Wickets and Runs are important” published by you on 15th August 2009. This article brought to light the reality surrounding sports. This article tells us about the teams which were strong till recently, had to face...

Racial Discrimination in Analyzed Movie and Book

Introduction Movie industry and book creating are very common items, if to observe them in general terms. Films and books are aimed to entertain people, to make them relax or give them an opportunity to thing over some issues or discussed life problems. Films and books create some new reality...

Gangs: “Always Running” by Rodriguez and “Locas” by Murray

Books Always Running by Luis Rodriguez and Locas by Yxta Maya Murray show the life in the gang and the way people join street gangs for different reasons; the violence of the street life, poverty of the representatives of the gangs. Meanwhile, the motivation for the main character of Always...

New Product of Coca-Cola From the Strategic Management Point of View

Introduction Coca-Cola Company is a leading producer, distributor, and seller of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups globally. The success of Coca-Cola products is mainly derived from the high level of customer satisfaction. Coca-Cola Company satisfied their customer by creating brands they love. They introduced two new products in the market...

Statement of Work as a Guideline

The statement of work functions as a guideline for contractors, suppliers, producers, etc to meet the requirements set by the consumer. These requirements include the scope and location of work, applicable standards, deliverable schedules, special requirements, and acceptance criteria. The statement of work is usually bound by a contract that...

“Everything That Rises Must Converge” by Flannery O’Connor

Introduction A short story collection “Everything that Rises Must Converge” is written by Flannery O’Connor, an outstanding and well known writer. The book is considered to be a special one and combines philosophical and social issues; it is necessary to underline the fact that it was written during the author’s...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Mediums: Advertising Effects

In today’s business world, marketing is one of the fundamentals without which a business company would have significantly less possibilities of success in the market. There are several methods for marketers to develop new ideas and advertise new products and services. Among these methods, or advertising formats, the media plays...

Trail of Tears and Blood: Personal Reflection

Alexis de Tocqueville’s sentiments sum up the whole episode of The Trail of Blood. His visit to Memphis having been coincidental with the forced movement of the Choctaw Indians, Tocqueville paints a picture of gloom and oppression when he says, “the wounded, the sick, newborn babies and the old men...

“City Lights” by Charlie Chaplin

The movie City Lights (1931) was one of the best works of Chaplin devoted to a young man who falls in love with a blind flower girl. The young fellow does everything possible to find the money for the operation which can restore the girl’s sight. This movie is based...

The Holistic Development of the Child

Leading scholars have not yet come to the consensus as to what technique is the most conducive to the holistic development of the child. Such term as holistic development is multidimensional; this notion comprise two constituent parts: intellectual and moral growth. Overall, it is quite possible to single out the...

The Future of Society Depends on Treatment of Juvenile Offenders

Introduction In its development towards civilized relations, society has enacted a system of laws, the disobedience to which entails corresponding penalties. Jurisprudence has recently paid specific attention to the age of criminals: there has been a tendency to introduce a lighter sentence in cases involving juvenile delinquents. However, witnessing the...

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

From the 16th to the 18th century, absolute monarchs asserted total sovereignty on the basis of divine rights although at this time in history they were bound by certain elements of law. Absolute monarchs strived to remove the contending institutions and jurisdictions in their provinces and were able to acquire...

Starbuck’s International Operations: Case Study

SWOT shows that Starbuck successfully identifies the main advantages and threats of correct market position and company’s operations. The strengths of Starbuck are its strong brand image and expert system, excellent website, and customer support. Resource-based philosophy and innovations create new opportunities for market development and brand recognition. Customers’ loyalty...

The Boston Matrix Model by Bruce Henderson

Introduction The Boston Matrix model was developed by Bruce Henderson in 1970. This model aims to evaluate the position of the company on the market and allocate resources of the organization. In spite of opportunities proposed by this model, there are some authors who criticize it for simplicity and lack...

Biblical Prophets of Israel

The Bible is an indivisible entity, a document of spiritual and historical relevance. Depending upon interpretation and usage, it has been and can be an indispensable tool of liberation or a weapon of mass destruction and oppression. It is the infallible word of God as depicted by His inspired prophets...

Religion, Science and Atheism

Evolution and Intelligent Design Intelligent design holds on to the believe that most of the universe and living things features are only well explained through the use of an intelligent cause instead of the commonly known natural selection method. Those who advocate for this kind of view insists that the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Is It to Be an American

Introduction When my family moved from the Philippines to America, my world suddenly opened up to experiences that, before then, had only occurred in my life as fantasies. I suddenly found myself free of a national dictator – President Marcos – and could essentially do as I liked. And while...

Thomas Bell “Out of This Furnace”: Immigrants in the USA

Introduction Thomas Bell’s book “Out of this Furnace” is a good presentation of five generations of Hungarian family immigrants who moved into the US in the 19th century. One of the characters in the book, George Kracha came in 1881 and settled in Pennsylvania, and started working in a steel...

The Causes of First Civilizations

Introduction In the course of mankind’s development, there was a period marked by a transition of humans to more massive and universal forms of existence which are generally defined as civilizations. The first springs of civilizations had appeared as early as 6000 BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and South Asia followed...

Nicholas Carr’s “IT Doesn’t Matter”

Introduction The focal point of the paper is to write a critic of Nicholas Carr’s “IT doesn’t matter”. This article was published in the May issue of 2003 in Harvard Business Review. The writer puts his emphasis on the rapid growth of information technology and the reliability of business organizations...

Philosophy’s Influence on Education System

Introduction Education can be defined as a process of passing knowledge to others. It may also be considered as an area of study taught at learning institutions. Education can be carried out formally as in an organized setting or informally. Education has undergone various philosophical changes. This includes changes in...

Motivation & Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma

Introduction It is reasonable to insist on the fact that motivation and control are two opposites since control always induces to commit obligations under the leader’s authority and seldom applies some incentives. In its turn, motivation is unlikely to be promoted if it is controlled. After an overhaul examination of...

Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement

The current paper under consideration “Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement” by Harper relates to a common and previously thought after socio-psychological issue, relating the uplift of the under deemed Afro Americans, an issue that has been prevalent for centuries. The author, Shaun Harper emphasizes many perspectives relating to...

Return and Risk in Socially Responsible Investment

The article chosen for the critique is titled, ‘The Stocks at Stake: Return and Risk in Socially Responsible Investment’, and is authored by Galema, (2008). They begin with an introduction to what socially responsible investment or SRI is, and informs the reader that 10% of the US investments are...

Narrative Versus Descriptive Writing

Introduction Narrative element of an essay appeals to a person’s basic instincts and the impact for his/her shared stories. The main focus of the writer could be just to entertain the listeners allowing them to divert from the main business of the story. However, a storyteller could also be aiming...

The Role Kennedy in the Policy of Vietnam

I will answer the second question first because that will make it easier to answer the first question. How did the Gulf of Tonkin resolution change the face of the Vietnam War? As Kenneth Davis points out, before this incident America’s involvement in Vietnam was advisory, that is, the US...

Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis

There is an influence of ethical awareness in each of our daily activities. Here I am going to explain the role of education in creating ethical awareness in students when the idea of ethics should be given to the student, the practice of professional ethics, etc. It is in childhood...

Five Percents of the Muslim Religion

Abstract The basic faith of Muslim religion is same, i.e. to believe in one God Allah and His prophets as messengers. Different Muslim sects evolve from followers of different Imams. Though basic teachings of Islam are same but with time different groups and denominations were formed. Theologically they are same...

Martial Arts. Ultimate Fighting Championship

The world of aggressive sports currently lists boxing as its most popular incarnation. Why not? Boxing feeds off the need for an adrenalin rush and allows for the spending of excess energy among men. For decades, boxing was king. But in the 1990s, a new sport began to emerge that...

Cameron Balloons Company’s Inventory Issues

Introduction The world of business can be characterized by the great complexity of relations involved. The possibility for one concept to mean different things for a business entity also adds to this complexity. Inventory, as an integral part of business, can also be considered dually, i. e. as asset or...

Ethical Issues in Business: Professional Code of Ethics

Similar to other employees, Moira is faced with moral and ethical dilemma. The best solution for Moira is to report the problem to the supervisor over the manager’s head. This behavior will not be considered as unethical because Moira had already reported the problem to her direct manager but received...

Lee Valley’s Advertising Technique Analysis in Terms of Business Ethics

People are in a state of constant interrelation with one another and this process should be regulated accordingly in order to evade violation of people’s rights, freedom, and security. Since business relations occupy the position of primary importance in modern society, these relations should be regulated and controlled from different...

American Family’ Changes Since the 1950s

American families are better off than they were 100 years ago because of the positive changes that have taken place in society for this period. Reportedly, more children experienced child labor in the 1900 than they do today, by working full time in mines, mills and sweatshops. In addition, people...

“Lives of Others” by Dreimann and Orwell’s “1984”

“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past” (Orwell, 309). In his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell describes by far the most terrible and powerful political regime that has ever been created by the human mind. Oceania is the classic example of dystopia, the...

Use of Six Requirements of Value Chain Management

Monopoly paved the way for competition in the global market. Competition has made companies restructure their management systems so that they can come out with a more improved and competitive product. Marketing strategies have evolved for companies to stay ahead of the competition and this is where replicas have emerged....

Stuart Cellars: Marketing the Core

Wine is one of the most favorite alcoholic drinks all over the world. There are a lot of different brands which products are very popular and people all over the world consume them. There are a lot of wine clubs all over the world when people consume the wine products...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business, the Constitution and Administrative Agencies

The Constitution and business Laws that govern business play an important part in lawmaking and granting equal rights and obligations. Such leverage is represented by the Constitution and Administrative Agencies. The Constitution is the supreme Law of the United States. “While all parts of the Constitution have an application to...

Wartime Ethical Decisions Are Justifiable

Introduction Ethics is a set of principles that tells us how we should conduct ourselves. Every individual needs a code of ethics to guide them in life. Ethics is not only doing what you must do but it’s also performing the right thing in life. Because this calls for discipline,...

Supply Chain Inventory Management Company Analysis

Forecasted Demand The forecasted values are derived from the figures provided for the year Sep 1996 to August 1997. The demand on the other hand is derived from the historic MAD and the forecast figures for the specified time range. The table below depicts the forecast and the demand for...

David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”

Introduction David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language. His criticism is reasonable, because he points out some main difficulties of the “basic writers” in the context of educational writing, gives us examples of the students’ essays with the typical mistakes and explains...

Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

Introduction By enrolling in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard a person submits himself to the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which contains the criminal laws dealing with the activities of the service personnel. While UCMJ consists of 146 articles, of which...

Coca-Cola Slash Prices and Financial Outcome

Introduction Coca-Cola Inc. is one of the most respected firms who have celebrated more than a century of sustained business excellence, the company was incorporated in September of 1919. The 53 billion beverages consumed worldwide that bear the company’s trademark in which Coke owns or licenses accounts for approximately 1.5...

Population Density and Major Problems of This

Population density is a problem in every city where people migrate from different parts of the country or state. This paper presents the major problems related with population density and crowding. America also experiences the problem of population density and the writer tells his own experience when he had been...

High-End Retail Strategy Mix for a Shoe Store

Introduction Strategy mix is essential for developing a company. Without accurate retail strategy no organization can work. Location, operating procedures, goods and services offered, pricing tactics and various promotional methods are very essential factors for development of a company. This is the age of survival of the fittest. In a...

English Phonetics: Studying and Teaching

The piece of reading we have been assigned to during week three became a highly useful part of our studies as educators as it gave a quite different insight into English phonetics on the whole and into certain parts of studying as well as teaching it. The most value of...

Censorship in Cuba and Trends for Change

The Republic of Cuba is an island in the Caribbean, located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean (CIA, 2009). Among many facts about Cuba, such as the militaristic regime, communism, Fidel Castro, cigars, etc, with which Cuba can be associated, there are a prominent historical issue that...