Aspects of Policy Which Make Life Protected and Equal

“Policy” can be many things including, but not limited to: laws put in place by national, state, or county/city governments; practice guidance (“best practices”) suggested by international or national organizations working in the field; and policies/practices adopted by organizations such as non-profits, coalitions, etc. For example, a set of rules...

Mortuary Law: The Cultural Significance of Burial Sites

A decent burial ground is a good business opportunity in American urban centers. Cities have high population densities with little space to lay the dead. Many individuals prefer to cremate their loved ones because of the high cost of burial spaces, but many families still give the latter priority in...

Strategic Planning: Healthcare Organizations

Strategic planning is one of the most important approaches to the development of any organization. Having a strategy is especially crucial for a healthcare institution, as the increase in services’ quality allows them to improve patients’ health and creates a competitive advantage. This paper will determine a small privately-owned hospital’s...

Ecosocial Approach: Air Quality and Toxic Exposure

Kreiger’s ecosocial approach highlights racial and ethnic discrimination and social research’s importance. Nancy Krieger introduced the ecosocial framework, which investigates how various historical, ecological, and social factors influence public health, such as economic inequality. Briefly, the ecosocial framework identifies the incorporation of racial inequality and its effects on health inequalities....

Application of Public Opinion on Trial of Hosni Mubarak

Introduction This reflection will focus on the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Therefore, the study will review one theory of public opinion that is relevant to the above case and provide sound judgment. The maxim is that no person is to be prevented from pursuing justice. The former...

Monsour’s “Parking Lot” and the Fitting Rooms

Leslie Monsour is a notable modern poetry writer who connects with the reader through a masterful approach of emphasizing the senses in her poems, and “Parking Lot” is not an exception. The atmosphere of this poem reminded me of the fitting rooms in the clothing stores. These are organized in...

Online Teaching as the Major Concern in the Field of Instructional Technology

Introduction Instructional technology has gained an immense prevalence in a modern, challenging educational climate shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. The wide-spreading disease has substantially altered the current teaching process with an increased shift to online education (Darby and Lang, 2019). With the high numbers of schools shut, the e-learning approach...

Conflict and Power: Police and Community Collaboration

Introduction Conflict is an indispensable part of human life on different levels, including individual and interpersonal. Conflicts are often associated with power-related issues and tension, which is specifically apparent in multicultural societies such as the USA (Jordan, 2017). Conflicts between authorities and communities are quite common in all countries, and...

Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley: The Change of Status Quo in Literature

Anne Bradstreet, born in 1612 in England, was married to Simon Bradstreet and graduated from the University of Cambridge at 16. A couple of years later, after moving to America and having eight children, she became one of the first poets in the American colonies. Phillis Wheatley Peters was a...

The Formation of Medieval Japanese Confucianism

Medieval Japanese Confucianism is a unique phenomenon, which spread across the whole nation. The main reason for its popularity in the country of the rising sun is the fact that Japanese neighbors such as China had been practicing Confucius’ teachings for centuries before it got to the island. Japan was...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nature and Effects of Co-Occurring Disorders

Mental illness and substance use disorder (SUD) have common symptoms and may appear alongside each other. These conditions result in what is commonly known as co-occurring disorder (COD). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), COD is referred to as a condition in an individual manifesting two or...

Act of Defiance: Bothering Random Shoppers

I chose to commit my act of informal defiance while I was grocery shopping. I went to a familiar shop I visit often, and where I recognize some of the cashiers. There, I randomly approached other shoppers and attempted to engage in conversation about the items they were looking at....

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnosis

Introduction The body’s immune system plays a critical role in preventing various body organs from diseases. However, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that is depicted by organs and tissues being damaged by immune complexes and autoantibodies (Harrison, 2008). According to Ben-Menachem (2010), SLE is a chronic inflammatory...

Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors

Successful entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry are pretty famous and well-known; however, some achieved the same goals yet haven’t been recognized as others. In India, for instance, it has been challenging to sustain the tourism and hospitality industry during the pandemic. Major financial issues have become the reason for the...

Do Cell Phone’s Technologies Promote Loneliness?

The influence of mobile phones on people’s psychological well-being has already been thoroughly studied. However, it remains a controversial issue because there are different points of view regarding it. Although there are those who claim that mobile apps and social media that can be achieved through cell phones lead to...

Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

As healthcare systems become more complex, there are growing concerns about the safety of patients and healthcare workers. The two parties should be safe against injuries and infections that are likely to arise in a health facility setting. I have worked as a nurse in a local acute care hospital...

Negative Cancel Culture Perceptions in Contemporary Media

The modern-day trends in social media and digital activism encompass a variety of controversial social topics. As such, the necessity to reprimand an individual who performed unrighteous conduct became especially prominent in the digital environment over the past years, enabling the rise of the cancel culture phenomenon (Mueller, 2021). Currently,...

Health Promotion Among Australian Aborigines with Respiratory Diseases

Grant Application: An Original Study Chronic Condition Addressed: Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinson’s disease. Auto-immune diseases eg ulcerative colitis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, Coeliac disease. Blindness. Hearing impairment. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic hepatitis. Chronic pain syndrome eg post-vasectomy pain syndrome. Chronic renal failure. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis. Chronic respiratory disease, e.g., asthma, COPD....

Health Situation in the Neighborhood

The Mount Sinai Expansion The Mount Sinai expansion has been beneficial to the community. The hospital that houses 500 personnel, including 40 to 50 surgical and medical staff, has now expanded to house more patients and doctors (Mount Sinai, Queens). The services are faster than before, and this way, people’s...

Discussion of Family Problems Impacts on Children

When it comes to assessing children, it is of importance to use multiple evidence-based tools. Interviews or open-ended tools are considered a starting point for becoming familiar with a child and their families and determining what further assessment measures are suitable (Wooley, 2013). This information demonstrates that quantitative methods should...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Does Culture Shape Identity?

Introduction The complexity of the concept of identity necessitates the understanding of the characteristics which make up a person’s identity and the factors which influence their development. Identity is a concept which describes a set of physical and psychological characteristics associated with a particular person (Bamberg, 2010, p. 4). It...

Workplace Conflict in the Medical Sphere

Conflicts are an important consideration to take when working in a medical sphere, as their existence can impact the health delivery process in a variety of ways. By definition, a conflict is an event where two or more parties experience an incompatibility between their goals, ideas, beliefs, methods, or expectations...

Kaiser Permanente Company and Its Strategies for the Future

Kaiser Permanente is an integrated health care organization that was established in 1945. It is based in Oakland, California, USA. It consists of three entities. These are Kaiser Foundation hospitals, Kaiser Foundation health plan and its groups, and regional Permanente medical group. Kaiser Permanente vision is to be a leader...

English Colonization and the Road to Revolution

Introduction In the seventeenth century, the political situation in the world was significantly impacted by the active position of the British Empire, which expanded its power on a global scale. It had a particular interest in obtaining the lands of North America, which is why the large territories were gradually...

Shared Decision-Making Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Shared decision making is an essential component of patient-centered healthcare. It is the process in which patients and health professionals work together to select treatments and healthcare plans and make decisions that balance the risks and expected outcomes with patients’ preferences and values (Bae, 2017). To provide effective care,...

Challenges in Studying Seniors’ Sexuality

Introduction Diverse and complex issues of seniors’ sexuality include homosexuality, the attitude of general practitioners and social service workers to the issue, peculiarities of sexuality issues in terms of gender and different countries. Seniors’ sexuality is a challenging and provoking subject to study and practice but crucial. Personal Growth Reflection...

History and Evolution of Online Education

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by significant changes in the area of education, when the confines of classrooms were significantly extended. Even though the majority of changes occurred in the first decades of the current century, some shifts in the learning paradigm can be noted in the 19th century...

“The Art of Racing in the Rain” and “A Dog’s Purpose”: Comparison

Introduction To be truly happy, an individual should have or, at least, seek a genuine value that makes his or her life full-fledged and gives it a significant meaning. Undoubtedly, one of such worth is unconditional, real, and sincere love that can be manifested in different forms, including friendship, intimate...

Sexual Assault: Definition and Prevention

Introduction Sexual offenders are thought to be one of the most dangerous types of people in the modern laws and society. The type of offense is much different from all others and is judged within certain the criteria. A sexual assault is one of the most violating crimes that can...

A Plan for Receiving and Handling of Food Products Based on HACCP

Introduction According to Wu & Hsiao, (2021), HACCP is an abbreviation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. This operating facility is applied in curbing safety risks of dangers in food and is internationally recognized. HACCP system expects physical, biological, or chemical dangers selected and managed in a particular section...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing, Product Promotion, Distribution & Pricing

Intro to marketing Utility Marketing is promoting a product or service in the market that allows customers to know and eventually purchase it. It is a must for anyone looking to engage an audience and profit from sales (Godin 26). In addition, marketing helps create a positive company image. Thanks...

The Problem of Breastfeeding: Research Methodology

Practice Change To analyze the problem of breastfeeding, one factor impacting exclusive breast milk feeding will be considered. Postnatal breastfeeding support impact will be evaluated in the postpartum period to determine how it affects breast milk feeding rates. In particular, interpersonal communication between nurses and patients will be provided as...

Benefits of Peer-Assisted Injection Sites

The increase in the consumption of opioid drugs in Canada has led to overdose prevention centers that offer peer-assisted drug injection and supervised drug injection. The author shows that different sites offer different services. For example, Mike’s site in Moss Park is a peer-assisted injection site where volunteers like Mike...

Researching of the Shoot System of Flowering Plants

The shoot system of flowering plants consists of leaves, stems, and bud structures, as well as flowers and fruit. The root system has mechanical and conductive functions. The mechanical role of the roots is to create a stable position of the plant on the surface. The conductive function is responsible...

Personal Experience Adopting Kiko From Humane Society

In 2018, my family decided to adopt a pet for our home. We did not know where to get the pet; thus, the best place that we could get the idea was through online platforms. We started scrutinizing different internet-based sites that had pets that needed adoption, and we encountered...

“Le Morte d’Arthur” Book by Thomas Malory

Le Morte d’Arthur retells the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The medieval setting of the literary piece is traced through the use of outdated language that describes the atmosphere, social relations, and the environment of the medieval times. However, the themes of love, friendship,...

Sensorimotor, Cognitive and Psychological Changes of Aging

Lifespan changes in the coordination between the sensorimotor and cognitive aspects of behavior occur with an increase in age. Perfect concurrent and coordination of sensorimotor and cognitive sensory inputs are demanded in everyday life for body balance and simple memorization of facts. Older people tend to experience problems in perfectly...

Preventing Forest Fires in California with Forestry Changes

Forest fires are remaining a significant issue in the California environment. From the beginning of the 21st century, California has been experiencing an increase in forest fires, destroying citizen’s lives and property. Thus, it should be the government’s primary concern, especially during climate change, increasing temperature, and weather conditions. However,...

The Ethical Issues in Business

Introduction Business ethics is a kind of ‘applied ethics’ that seeks to assess the ethical principles as well as the ethical or moral issues which have a potential of arising within a business environment (Hartman, 2004). The dawning of the 21st century has resulted in marketplaces that are increasingly becoming...

Article Summary and Personal Reflection

Summary The article titled “Letting Go of Resentment and Anger” explores the concept of forgiveness from the perspective of its relationship with anger and resentment. The author gives two meanings of the word forgiveness: to let go of anger and resentment and to give up the pursuance of punishment for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Services Field Development and Historical Issues

The social sphere of services is relatively extensive and multifaceted, but it is imperative and necessary today. The main goals and objectives of this area are to provide services and forms of assistance. It can be found everywhere in the district – from public places to working and life moments....

Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile

What are teams and what ties into teams? A team is a group of individuals who share certain goals, objectives, and a mission, and participate in a number of activities to accomplish these. Team learning orientations and behaviors are essential, because they reflect team members’ common learning goals, as well...

Nursing Leadership and Health Policy Changes

Introduction It has been acknowledged that the US healthcare system faces a serious issue associated with the shortage of qualified nursing professionals. To address this challenge, several incentives and policies have been introduced. Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act is one such policy that has proved to be...

Sales Associate Recruitment Strategies by Tanglewood

Introduction The process of recruiting can define the success of an entire facility. To improve the results of the efforts of an organization, companies have introduced numerous methods that help them with obtaining an optimal candidate for a job. Depending on the focus of a company’s recruitment of staff, there...

Gun Violence: Solutions to the Issue

Introduction From the objectivist point of view, a social problem is a social phenomenon or particular behavior that negatively impacts individuals, groups, or society. The subjectivist side of social problems focuses on reasons that drive society to recognize a particular issue as a social problem. Although more Americans were killed...

Department of Homeland Security: Main Functions

The most useful law associated with homeland security is the Homeland Security Act of 2002. It established the primary mission of the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The main objectives included reducing the vulnerability of the United States to various domestic and foreign security threats as well as...

Multiple Sclerosis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Treatment

Introduction Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS), which is typified by progressive neurological disability and is perceived to be autoimmune in nature and scope (Burgess, 2011). The presenting neurological disability often occurs as a direct consequence of permanent axonal damage (Meehan,...

Campus Sexual Assaults: Fisher’s Group Research

Introduction Campuses have the highest number of women who are at risk of assaults, especially the sexual ones. Bonnie Fisher and his group carried out research under the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the United States Department of Justice. There was a strong judicial...

The School of Athens by Raphael Da Urbino

Raphael Santi (Da Urbino) is an artist, graphic artist, and architect of the Renaissance. He is considered one of the outstanding representatives of the Umbrian school. His career was rapid, but very short since this greatest creator died at the age of 37 (Graham). The great Raphael Santi painted his...

Community Agency: Needs Assessment, Projects, and Future Goals

Introduction It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower families and young people to be successful through the care continuum that promotes growth and healing. Its vision is to lead in the creation of a community that provides every young person with an opportunity to thrive. It is...

Australian Government Policy Response to Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Background The statistic report shows that nearly 1 million Australians have diabetes mellitus type 2. The disease dominates among males than among females. According to the Heart and Diabetes Institute (2012), “Australia is ranked 7th highest in the world for the prevalence of type 1 diabetes in children aged 0-14...

How Have Technological Advances Affected the Workforce in the Past 20 Years?

Overview Technological advancement has had a lot of impact on how man communicates and performs tasks. The most significant impact of technology is that it has globalized the whole world making the globe to be a small village in terms of communication and work. This research paper examines how technological...

Philosophy: Political Advertisements

Introduction Philosophy is usually understood in various diverse ways by people or philosophers of different backgrounds. However, these different philosophers aim at achieving some understanding, awareness and gaining some intelligence, to think, support and argue rationally on various essential matters. Moore & Bruder, 2005 philosophically offered a succinct definition of...

Self-Defence and Mental Condition of Criminals

First, self-defense can be determined through the perfect or perfect defense, depending on what the attack will cause. The attacker can cause death or severe injuries to the body of the person being attacked or even consequently end up causing severe emotional damage to the people involved. At times, the...

Political Changes in the Soviet Union and South Africa in the 1980s-90s

Introduction The paths of the formation of the statehood in the USSR and South Africa in the 1980s and early 1990s were different, although both powers adhered to similar principles of reform movements. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the ineffectiveness of the government’s measures to strengthen the political...

The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Legal Duties

Introduction Healthcare professionals operate within the dictates of various laws that impose certain obligations arising from their work and interactions. Doherty and Purtilo (2016) explain that regulations delineate the conditions under which hospitals, doctors, nurses, and administrators acquire the privilege to practice. Consequently, they are vulnerable to both personal and...

Christianity vs. Judaism: A Medieval Conflict

The world’s most significant religions existed together for millenniums, and even in the modern world of globalization and science’s domination, they stay valuable worldwide. Indeed, Christianity has more than two billion followers now, and a smaller but older religion, Judaism, is being supported by at least fourteen million (Hicks-Keeton, 2018)....

“The Churching of America” Book by Finke & Stark

Despite being technically defined as constitutionally secular, the U.S. is largely affected by Christianity and the associated values, traditions, and perceptions. As a result, the role of the Christian church has been expanded to influence nearly every domain of most American people’s lives (Finke & Stark, 2005). In the range...

Crankiva Woods Case

Over the years, technology has caused a considerable explosion in trade. Due to technological breakthroughs, many traditional business models and concepts have been revolutionized. Technology has allowed people to look at things from a new perspective and approach what they have already gained from a new perspective. Technology has also...

Classifications: Cell-Phone Users, Relationship, Class Items and Drivers

Cell-Phone Users Cell-phones have become powerful devices that make it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and communicate effectively. Analysts group users of such innovative tools depending on their favorite applications and aims. First, there is a group that relies on them mainly for interacting with other people. Some...

Feminism and Social Change. Feminist Movement

Gender inequality is widely discussed in the modern world and inspires the feminist movement to promote its philosophy instead of the idea of ​​male superiority. Functionalists argue that social change in relation to gender roles is impossible since differentiation is the basis for the functioning of society (Croteau & Hoynes,...

Digital Forensics and Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Introduction The science of forensics encompasses a variety of other sub fields within itself. The field of forensics has a number of disciplines such as computer forensics, forensic DNA, forensic pathology, digital forensics and others. This paper seeks to address the relation between digital forensics and DNA in the prevention...

Sony: Critical Analysis, Market Opportunities

PESTLE analysis revolves around six major factors, which are political, economic, sociological, technological, environmental, and legal elements (Perera, 2017). In the case of the former, Sony is experiencing significant political benefits and support from the Japanese government in the form of improved data security (ITA, n.d.). Sociological factors are manifested...

Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War

The two most historically important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different. Their expansion principle and opposing views on how society must develop ultimately resulted in World War 2 (WW2). Communism is predicated on...

Nursing Career Plan Development

Introduction Decisions in life are sometimes influenced by the pedigree from which a person comes from. Sometimes certain families exhibit a distinct pedigree which is manifested in various ways including hereditary diseases, vocations, professional ambitions, talent characteristics and many other characteristics. Having been born and bred from a family with...

Reaction Paper: Glass Ceilings

The glass ceiling is a metaphorical notion that implies a barrier, which does not allow a particular group to reach a higher place in the hierarchy. This concept can be applied, for example, to women or members of a certain minority who have obstacles to getting a high job position....

The Social and Cultural Rules

Social and cultural rules define the expectations and behaviors as dictated by shared beliefs of a special social group. Although sometimes these rules are not spoken, they present social standards that support appropriate behaviors and determine acceptable actions and interactions of people. This implies that they are influential in diverse...

The Role of Proteins in the Structure and Functioning of the Human Body

Introduction Proteins are known to be blocks that build our bodies. They are made up of amino acids. There are essential and non-essential amino acids”. Just as the word suggests, essential amino acids are required more than non-essential amino acids because they cannot be made by our bodies. However, the...

Researching of Pop Art in the 1960s

Introduction The US in the 1960s was a country with a need for the people to express themselves in an extraordinary way. The classical art schools did not have the potential for divergent tendencies among the painters, sculptors, fashion designers, and musicians of that time. It was an appropriate moment...

Non-verbal Communication in “The Client”

The body is an instrument that humans use for communication with each other. Over the past few decades, different studies have suggested that between 70 and 93% of all communication is non-verbal, which means the messages are not expressed through words. Instead, people show their emotions, convey their points, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Morality Policy Making: The Relationship between Politics and Morality

One of the methods of direct determination of human actions is normative regulation, in which the needs of people living together in society and the need to coordinate their mass actions are recorded in general rules of behavior, instructions, and assessments. Morality is one of the main types of normative...

“An Argument Against Banning Phthalates” by Juan Lucas

Introduction The essay “An Argument Against Banning Phthalates by Juan Lucas” espouses caution and logical thinking when it comes to the push for banning phthalates from their use in children’s toys, in particular for babies. While Lucas does not outright point it out, the main logical fallacy in the anti-phthalate...

Personal Historical Manifesto: Declaration of Independence

It goes without saying that as a country, the United States was founded on the principles of human rights, social equality, tolerance, freedom, and democracy. According to the Declaration of Independence, all people are created equal, and “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these...

Transformational Engagement Practices for Workforce

Introduction Corporate strategy is the plan of the organization that assists in defining the company’s overall goals that are intended to achieve in the future, based on current and potential management activities. It can also be seen as a unique vision of an enterprise that shapes the directions it moves...

Ethical Issues and Concerns Regarding Abortion

In this paper, I will be addressing contemporary ethical issues and concerns regarding abortion. Induced abortion is generally defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 20 weeks since conception (Niţă and Goga 283). The debate over this subject involves various underlying issues...

The US Correctional System Analysis

Introduction The main goals of any correctional system are to: punish the offender, protect society, and rehabilitate the offender. However, it is not very clear how well correctional systems attain these goals. Many countries have carried out drastic reforms in the way they handle lawbreakers. This essay is going to...

Is the Internet «Making Us Stupid?»

The global spread of the Internet is raising concerns among the public in the fields of general education and knowledge. Society is worried if the open access to the information makes people less intelligent by excluding the need for researching or memorizing it. On the other hand, scientific progress has...

Analysis of Local Human Resources in Austin, Texas

Introduction The human service profession is about meeting other people’s needs, helping individuals or groups, and being a supportive comrade for those seeking it. This is a broad term, which includes different variations of assistance for people in difficult life situations. It is essential to examine the duties and responsibilities...

Analysis of Ernst & Young Marketing Strategy

Introduction Ernst & Young is an international firm that provides professional services to at least 140 nations for example the United Kingdom where it is headquartered, China, the United States, and South Africa; its major competitors include KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Deloitte (, 2011). Business line Ernst & Young provides...

The Concept of Race in the Social Context

The concept of race has stirred people’s minds for centuries. Issues like why people are born with different color of hair and skin, and how these characteristics determine a person’s place in society have been a subject of fierce debate since the dawn of humanity. More recently, the discussions have...

Luke’s Edition of Mark’s Gospel

There are many different reasons for people to study the Bible, and regardless of them, one needs to study the Gospels and analyze the similarities and differences between them. Doing that is necessary to better understand the meaning behind texts of Christian Scripture. With that being said, it may be...

Close Reading of Alice Spencer’s “White Things”

The works of Anne Spencer, one of the well-known representatives of women’s poetry of the 20th century, are distinguished by their vivid and expressive literary techniques. In her poems, she touches upon serious aspects of interpersonal relationships and universal values. As an object of analysis, her poem “White Things” will...

Cognition and Emotion: Interactions and Contextual Expansions

Summary of Each Article In the article “The Nature and Organization of Individual Differences in Executive Functions: Four General Conclusions” the authors, Miyake and Friedman (2012) sought to summarize the available research, at the time, on executive functions (EFs). The authors conducted the research to investigate the inherent differences in...

The Air Force Struggled To Maintain a Moral Stance

In his essay “The Air Force Struggled to Maintain a Moral Stance,” written in 1947, Lieutenant Colonel Conrad C. Crane discusses the role and influence of precision bombing doctrine on the bombing of Hiroshima in the Pacific theater. In this essay, the author presents a balanced and truthful position and...

How Configuration of Furnitures Affects Legibility of Young Children

Title and Abstract This paper is about a consort evaluation on a randomized control trial done to compare the furniture configurations in the printing performance of young children with cerebral palsy in two schools. The randomized control trial aimed at comparing the effects of furniture configuaration on printing legibility among...

Increase the Rate of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among African American

To obtain more precise results on the selected healthcare problem, the student altered the PICOT question from a foreground to a background one. Thus, the PICOT question is, “In pregnant African American women (P), will an educational program (I) compared to no education (C) increase the rate of breastfeeding (O)...

Clinical Problem of Falls in Older Patients: Change Project

Clinical Problem Falls in older patients is one of the critical clinical problems that can frequently be faced in the current nursing practice. Despite the efforts made by nurses and other healthcare specialists, the evidence suggests that falls are the main cause of fatal injuries among senior individuals (Centers for...

Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences

Introduction The perspectives on the creation and development of social media vary depending on the lens utilized to analyze the event. While humanities and history lenses are perhaps some of the most widely-known and widespread points of perspective, others offer valuable and unique insights. Social and applied sciences view technological...

Review of Environmental History

Human impact on the environment is global: the influence of humans on the appearance of the planet is already comparable to the processes in the Earth’s core, continental drift, and cosmic catastrophes. The anthropogenic factor is becoming the leading one, and without taking it into account, it is impossible to...

Discussing Climate Change: Randy Johnson

Introduction The issues of climate change are a significant concern for many scholars throughout the world. Many scientists have pointed out the need to address these problems in order to find an effective approach towards their resolution (Crate & Nuttall, 2016). Even though the body of research on this topic...

The New Deal Liberalism Analysis

In the 1930s, America faced the most significant crisis known as the Great Depression which harmed economic development and infrastructure. By 1933, more than fifty-five hundred banks had closed, and unemployment stood at 25 percent or 13 million workers, having a bad influence on people’s well-being and the general mood...

Interim Report on JP Morgan Chase and Co. 10K

Balance sheet The balance sheet of JP Morgan & Chase Co. shrunk in 2015. This can be seen in the drop of the value of the total assets from $2,572,274m in 2014 to $2,351,698m in 2015. The decline is equivalent to 8.58%. A further review of the balance sheet shows...

Discussion of Essay Development

Essay development pattern refers to different techniques writers employ in developing ideas. It assists the writers in categorizing information to shape paragraphs that make up an essay. Patterns of essay development are also used in outline organization based on the purpose of writing to determine the form of the paper...

Coach INC: The Key Success Factors

Key success factors for makers of ladies’ handbags and leather accessories. The company needs to consider the needs of this particular market segment. Women are people who are known to be sensitive about the quality of products they purchase. Therefore the first success factor concerns quality products. Maintaining the required...

Medicare Reimbursement: Medicare Program

Introduction Hospital-based in a rural area is significantly affected by Medicare laws and legislation (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2007). These legislations are enacted not only to create parity among the Medicare providers but also to show a clear guideline in payment of individual hospitals. A Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997...

Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling

The Most Therapeutic Use of Prayer In the given case study, Chichima, a 20-year-old Christian woman, suffers from depressive symptoms caused by the abortion she did seven months ago. The woman did not tell her parents about her pregnancy and abortion, which may indicate that she is afraid of being...

An Exploration of the Abortion Debate

Introduction The abortion debate has always been particularly interesting to me, as various groups of people choose to view the issue differently. Especially the question of whether abortion should be the choice of a woman or not allowed at all, its morality, religious interpretation, and its effect on a woman’s...

The Importance of a Scientific Component in Choosing a Future Career

At the beginning of the 21st century, the factor of science was successfully introduced into all aspects of the daily lives of human beings. This did not bypass the sphere of careers and work, especially the most intelligent parts such as Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). The learning from the sciential...

The Roman World from 753 BCE to 500 CE

According to mythology, on April 21, 753 BCE, the two brothers and demigods Romulus and Remus established Ancient Rome. According to mythology, Romulus murdered Remus and renamed the city after following a dispute over who would control the city. When the guys wanted to continue after arriving on Tiber River’s...

Free and Fair Trade: Vietnam-EU Partnership

Free and fair trade between countries is a crucial issue in politics and economics. Free trade includes policies that help to reduce barriers that may serve as an impediment to international commerce. Fair trade aims to support manufacturers in developing countries by providing fair and sustainable commercial relations with developed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pediatrics: Frequent Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures

Documentation Assignments Initial focused assessment of Jackson Weber. The initial focused assessment of the patient consisted of the questions regarding his parents’ allergies, pain levels on the FACES scale, blood pressure and temperature measurements, and breathing. It was concluded that all the specified indicators except for breathing were normal at...

Great Depression and Its True Causes

The Great Depression is one of the most critical periods in the modern history of the United States. It began with the global economic crisis in 1929, which most affected the United States. Throughout the 1930s until 1939, the economy could not fully recover from the crisis and recover. Therefore,...

Informatics Reinforcing Wisdom in Long-Term Care Facilities

The enhancement of the management of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom continuum (DIKW) is the core purpose of nursing informatics. The nurses’ work in long-term care facilities incorporates a number of duties and requires proficient skills and knowledge. The research question of the current essay is dedicated to the issue...

Honig Verses DOE Case Analysis

Introduction Honig versus Doe case was a milestone case argued in California courts during the year 1987 and decided in the year 1988. After the final court ruling, the rights of the mentally challenged students regarding school disciplinary actions were enhanced. Throughout the 1970s, several disabilities related laws were presented...

Nigerian Luxury Fashion Stores in Dubai

Luxury fashion stores in Dubai are fashion hubs where customers can get affordable design items under one roof. There exist over 1000 luxurious shopping outlets that offer the same things to customers. Some of the most renowned luxury stores include Mall of Emirates, Brand for Less, MarkaVIP, The Luxury Closet,...

Integrated IT Solution for Medical Assistance

Introduction The constant developments in the field of medicine are always related to information exchange. In that regard, it can be stated that one of the concerns in the medicine, IT, and patient triangle, is information exchange. One example is emergency medical responses. Thus, “[e]lectronic medical record technology has been...

Discussion of Muscular Christianity

Introduction Throughout human history, sport and faith have often intertwined and influenced each other. Sometimes sport served the purpose of religious dissemination and was imbued with morals and philosophy that supported the concept of spirituality. However, it was rejected for his worldly, carnal accent and ability to distract people from...

Organizational Cultures in Healthcare Facilities

Organizational culture is one of the fundamental aspects that organizations need in order to improve their performance and quality. In the health sector, organizational culture is important because it helps employees deliver services that match the needs of patients. A good combination of organizational cultures is essential for any health...

American Folk Music and American Roots Music

Music is probably one of the most powerful forms of feeling expression that significantly vary across the countries. Each nation has its unique vision of the world and implements different genres to share people’s joy, sorrow, pleasure, problems, happiness, and other emotions (Manard and Coelho 61). In the United States,...

Understanding of Contract Law

Introduction The law of contract is a fundamental concept enabling the freedom of individuals in the civilian society to help them structure the mutual relations in various legislative aspects regarding one’s goals, preferences, and motives. The contract law establishes the framework wherein parties can determine their rights, responsibilities, and powers...

History of Texas: Colonization and Slavery

Introduction Texas has a long and unique history with rich sociocultural practices. The Spanish rule played a central role in the economic and social development in Texas. René Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle’s expeditions contributed significantly to the colonization of the region. On the other hand, Stephen F. Austin...

Dubai Small & Medium Enterprises and Nine Pillars of Corporate Governance

The corporate governance code for regulating the activities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was developed by Dubai SMEs in 2011 (Shehata 2015). Dubai SME in association with the Department of Economic Development formulated nine pillars as the main corporate governance principles in...

Airline’s Policy Impact on Its Reputation Among Customers

This paper discusses the impact of United Airlines’ policy on its reputation among customers. There is a need to change the standards of interaction with the company’s clients since the regularly occurring removal of passengers from the airplane, and refusals in flight due to the non-compliance of passengers with the...

Common-Law in the Healthcare Sphere: The Case of Mr. Andy

Introduction Defined forces for peaceful coexistence regulate interactions among individuals in a society. Such forces manifests through legal or moral obligations and duties in each particular society. Moral obligations are established through customary practices and enforced through conscience and goodwill while legal obligations and duties are defined by systematic legislative...

Examination of a Mock Crime Scene

Notes The crime occurred around 9:00 PM on March 11th, 2021, was discovered and examined approximately at 9:30 PM on the same day. As presented in the pictures, the objects found are a large red-colored ashtray in the shape of a fire hydrant, containing pieces of used cigarettes and ash,...

Divorce from the Biblical Laws’ Point of View

Divorce is one of the main contemporary social problems, and there are debates in religious circles about whether separation is allowed in the Bible. Accordingly, the church does not recognize divorce and considers it not biblical, except in cases of betrayal and desertion of marriage. The Bible consistently asserts that...

Espaillat’s “Bilingual-Bilingüe” & Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays” Poems

Family relations, in particular between parents and children, are often complex and ambiguous. Moreover, the connection established with the mother and with the father also contrasts. Most modern adults were probably closer to mothers who took care of the home well-being, while fathers worked daily for the benefit of the...

Trichoderma Reesei as a Useful Fungus

Introduction The impact of biotechnology is being felt increasingly in modern days across several sectors and disciplines. Biotechnology can be defined as any technological application that makes use of biological systems or living things with an aim of making or altering products or given processes for specified purposes (Thieman &...

Deficit Spending and Economic Growth

Introduction: Defining Deficit Spending In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the economic outcomes of the Great Recession and other financial catastrophes, it is crucial to grasp the concept of deficit spending. The media has been the source of public dismay concerning the massive national debt, which continues to...

Fluid Flow Visualization and Its Methods

Introduction Fluid flow visualization entails the creation of a means of making fluid flow patterns perceivable. This is important because the flow patterns can be used a basis for analysis in experimentation and in model simulations. A few methods of fluid visualization are: surface flow visualization, particle tracer and optical...

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Idea and Topics of Garrett Graff’s “Raven Rock”

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“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien: Analysis

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Failure of Intelligence at Pearl Harbor

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“Dwellings” Rhetorical Techniques Analysis

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Advanced Practice Nurse Regulations in Vermont and New Jersey

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An Overview of Investigative Techniques as They Apply to Terrorism

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Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

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Socio-Economic Impact of Grabbing Water Bodies: A Sociological Study

The two hypotheses of the article include: H1 – Grabbing water bodies have a negative socio-economic impact on indigenous residents with different livelihoods, H0 – Grabbing water bodies do not have a negative socio-economic impact on indigenous residents with different livelihoods. The hypothesis is correct since the research is focused...

Plaatje’s Mhudi on South Africa in the 19th Century

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The Literary Analysis of Robinson’s and Kincaid’s Stories

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The Concept of Truth in Christianity and Ancient Greece

Philosophers of all eras were interested in the truth and the search for the ultimate answer. Faith often took a centerpiece in this goal, serving as either an indomitable basis for further discussions or as a framework of expanding philosophical views. For this paper, Plato’s allegory of a cave and...

The Allegory of the Cave Reflected in the Modern State

Current politics, government decisions, and media communication are based on the views and opinions of those who should be at the edge of intellectual and strategic knowledge. Nowadays, different people criticize authorities and communication channels for being biased or one-sided. One might say that this is not the first time...

Thyroid Disease as Chronic Complex Endocrine Condition

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Research Critique: Protection of Human Participants

Protection of human participants In an empirical study carried out by Jayadevappa, Schwartz, Chhatre, Wein and Malkowicz (2010), a total of 201 participants were recruited to take part in the survey. These were patients who had already been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prior to treatment, the subjects were supposed to...

Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

The character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello is one of the most unique and multi-faceted villainous characters from all of Shakespeare’s works. The mysterious and deceitful aura of the character makes the play more thrilling to the viewer or reader, who is aware of Iago’s untruthful motives, and makes the...

A Sample User Guide to Blackberry Features

A user guide is also known as a manual. In simple terms a user guide or user’s guide is a practical communication document meant to provide help to people using a particular system. User guides are mostly linked with electronics such as telephones, computer hardware and software, radios, cameras among...

Globalization: Arguments For and Against

Globalization as a process began several decades ago along with the restructuring of the world, the emergence of new states, and the development of new technologies. This process continues today, and arguments both in support and against this phenomenon are expressed regularly. Such a broad discussion of this event in...

The Lived Experience of Suffering of Males After Blunt Trauma

Introduction The problem is stated unambiguously, it is easy to identify, and it builds on a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study. Additionally, the problem has significance for nursing as it addresses issues that nurses face in their day-to-day care activities. There is also a good match between...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea: An Analysis

Introduction Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea is a philosophical novel examining human existence and experience through the protagonist’s deteriorating psychological and emotional condition. The hero of the novel, Antoine Roquentin, is a historian who begins to suffer from a constant nauseating feeling that inhibits every aspect of his life. Roquentin’s crisis prompts...

Vietnam: Controlling the Deflation and Providing Stability

Vietnam Nam has been the Ministry of Finance the United States sticker labels are those who sport in need of money currency in press statements usually aged about to stop blocking the country in winning is beneficial that commercial trade does not work with on day 12.16.2020. Month 12 years...

Media Influences on People’s Views and Opinions

It is hard to disagree that various types of media can have stronger or weaker impacts on the behaviors and thoughts of their audiences. Even though many of these effects are, unfortunately, negative or biased, some sources or authors decide to open people’s eyes and get them to think about...

Modern India’s Development and Political Challenge

Among the pressing issues within the Indian society is the contrast between a prospering middle class and people living in poverty, who face serious economic challenges. The modern Indian state is characterized by the caste system and the presence of scheduled groups, such as tribal people. Moreover, the history of...

Sexual Abuse and Different Factors of Rape

Definition of rape There are several definitions of rape that vary in different states. However, in most cases rape is defined as forced sexual contact.Generally, during rape the victim is forced, constrained or is manipulated into sexual abuse by a stranger, a partner or even a friend. It is an...