Romeo and Juliet Play at Globe Theater in 2019

The theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet at Globe Theater 2019 is a contemporary example of postmodern art. The proof of this statement is the mixture of styles shown to the audience. The modern theater is increasingly striving for experiments, and individual interpretations of certain directors are often expressed in...

Intercultural Communication in Traditional Educational Setting

Introduction The effect that globalization has on various spheres of human existence could not but change the field of education and the ways it functions since this field is considered a formative element for a specific society. Every day each person faces the results of these processes that pose themselves...

Raising the Minimum Wage Research

Opinion on Raising the Minimum Wage From a personal viewpoint, increasing the minimum wage is great for the continued protection of workers against unduly low pay. However, this plan works best if the salary floor is set based on supply and demand for labor as opposed to other factors such...

The Oral Anticoagulation After Myocardial Infraction

In nursing research, language and sensitive questions should be looked into carefully in order to get the correct information required. The respondents as well as the whole community need respect; justice and contextual care. The researcher should at no cost disclose the personal information nor force the respondents to answer....

Manifest Destiny: History, Ideals, Points of View, etc.

Manifest Destiny is a philosophy that embraces American history as a whole. This idea originated during the early colonization of New England by the Puritans, who considered America destined for New Canaan to conquer and themselves as God’s chosen ones who were to build the “City on a Hill” –...

Fire Hazards: Prevention and Protection

Introduction Fire hazards can pose a significant danger to the production and human lives that are essential to diminish through fire prevention control. The inspection of the amount of extinguishers and acetone in welding and molding shops in the project safeguards the space from potential danger. The welding shop faced...

Analysis of Legalization of Marijuana

For many years cannabis was believed to be an abusive drug, and yet in high doses or case of its low quality, it can be dangerous for health. Recently, there have been numerous debates on the legalization of medical marijuana as it has a variety of benefits. This essay will...

Health Literacy Program for Kids from a Low-Income Area

Introduction The US does not have universal healthcare, which means that the only way for a citizen to receive medical help is to have health insurance. However, for many people living in America, this is a luxury they cannot afford. For those families and, in particular, their children, it would...

Charlottesville Tragedy: Racial Issue in the USA

Initially, the United States was formed as a heterogeneous society, in which traditions of tolerance were historically strong. However, this did not exclude fierce clashes based on religious, ethnic, or racial hostility. Now the relative stability of American society is facilitated by a high standard of living, the promotion of...

Education Reform and Policy Information

Background The central idea of all five reports is that ambitious goals that the USA educational system sets for itself require correspondent ambitious efforts but for the moment, the situation is far from acceptable. In particular, the tests system is not well-adjusted to the standards, and often even to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Policy in the USA Overview

Introduction For many years, the United States has been having the poorest medical policy among the developed nations across the world. This led to private health insurance companies exploiting their clients because the government did not have any better plan to offer. The poor on the other hand had no...

The Dark Side of the Cruise Industry

Introduction Cruise ships are often associated with wealth and vacations, taking their passengers to ports all over the world for land excursions and providing luxurious amenities onboard. However, this lucrative industry has always been subjected to criticism related to a variety of problems that are often the result of the...

The Problem of Children Obesity

Introduction Topic The primary research question is what means could achieve additional mitigation of childhood obesity. Therefore, it is also important to provide coverage of childhood obesity’s prevalence, current stage of research and other important aspects of this problem. Therefore, certain counter-measures are required to decrease obesity rates and prevent...

Green Architecture: Principles, Advantages and Stages

Introduction The work of factories, the process of building, and any human activity in general lead to severe damages caused to the functioning of the planet Earth. Climate change, air and ground pollution can change the lives of future generations. Green architecture is a developing trend that can bring a...

The Cyberbullying Concept: Causes, Harmful Effects, and Prevention

Cyberbullying involves acts that aim at harassing or harming people using information technology. Perpetrators use intimidations and communications that are meant to harm the reputation of the recipients. The acts could be conducted by manipulation, intimidation and humiliation of the victims of cyberbullying. There are chances that a cyberbully could...

Inequality in Australia: Poverty Rates and Globalism

No matter how hard it is for the XXI century human race to acknowledge the fact of inequality within society, injustice doubtlessly exists (‘Inequality and globalism’ 2013). More to the point, it penetrates every single field, affecting the relationships between people at the most basic level and altering the entire...

Oral American Literature: A Genre That Is Slowly Fading Away

Prewriting The intended research will focus on American literature. This is one of the favorite subjects for the researcher and it would be necessary to conduct research about it. The target audience will be my classmates who may not have much interest about this topic. The intention will be to...

Six Essential Factors for a Successful Logistics Strategy

Assessing the success of logistics operations carried out by an organization in the environment of a global economy is a challenging task, primarily, because of the number of factors to be taken into account. Apart from being divided into inbound and outbound, the logistics processes occurring in an organization include...

Motivating Employees: Company Performance and Employees’ Productivity Level

The major role of the head of sales and marketing of any company is to ensure customers are satisfied. When all the customer demands are met, and customers are fully satisfied, there is a likelihood of attracting more customers in the company hence expanding the business. In case the department...

Protectionist Policy Benefits and Efficiency

These policies safeguard domestic jobs, hence the survival of employees and domestic industries in the protected sectors. When the cost of acquiring imports is raised, local industries are accorded the opportunity to compete if their goods are reasonably priced. This is because customers will be discouraged by the exorbitant prices...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Track Your Diet: Diet Observation and Nutritional Choices

Past Diet Observation Since my last week’s overall food tracking average of calorie intake is more than 2000 calories per day, I have set my proposed plan to be based on the 1800-calorie allowance. My last diet routine analysis made me realize that I did not take proper vegetables, fruits...

Public Speaking Experience and Recommendations for Improvement

Introduction Public speaking refers to the act of speaking to a group of people. Although the thought of speaking in public creates anxiety and discomfort, it does not have to be scary (Thomas, 2009). In general, excellent public speakers are men and women who tend to focus on having a...

Corporal Punishment Argument: Old and Harmful Method of Childrearing

The choice between a corporal punishment and the methods of upbringing that do not involve physical aggression towards children has been in existence for decades. Although modern methods of upbringing have been designed and proven to be quite efficient with children of all ages, a range of people still resort...

‘Finding Gene-Environment Interaction for Phobias’: Article Critique

Introduction Phobias could be termed as morbid fear or dread of something. It could be the expression of repressed dread of unpleasant childhood experiences which surface when a similar situation occurs, although the original fear itself may have been forgotten. For instance, a child which has been bitten by a...

Globe Environment Communities and Industrialization

The defining factors of a prosperous society in the modern-day era has been the level of industrial and technological achievement from which that society derives a certain degree of economic success and creates the trappings of what is known as the “modern-day lifestyle.” Organizations all over the world continue to...

Applying Ethical Frameworks: Solution of the Ethical Dilemma and Its Justification

In the recent past, ethical lapses in the practice of business, ranging from Enron to the Lehman Brothers debacles, have once again refocused the attention of scholars and practitioners to a contemplation of ethics and the moral dilemmas employees face in the context of modern capitalism (Fang, 2006). Scholars have...

Payment Incentives, Their Importance, and Effects of Not Paying Incentives

Introduction Pay incentive is a motivational feature that could be awarded in both monetary and non-monetary form and is used for the purposes of encouraging staff and employees to achieve the targets set in the workplace. As the business environment becomes more and more competitive, higher goals are being set...

Modern Communication Technologies and Personal Contact

Introduction Ongoing developments in new technologies, particularly smart technologies, have brought about significant changes in personal interaction and society. Modern communication technologies have introduced devices with high capabilities and speed, which have facilitated communications between people (Kwon et al. 1). While these advantages have enhanced efficiency and convenience in modern...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effective Business Communication: The Importance of Messages

Effective communication is one of the most important prerequisites for business success. This is because, not only does it help to pass on important messages from top organs in an organization, but also in some instances, it can help to solve organizational problems, which may arise because of ineffective communication...

‘Medical Tourist’ Documentary: Tour for Physician-Assisted Suicide

Developed by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in 2010, the documentary film “Medical tourist” provides a story on the last days of Craig Ewert, a native of Chicago who goes on a tour to Switzerland for physician-assisted suicide. The story is quite fascinating but sad. First, the article attempts to...

Learning Disabilities: Speech and Language Disorders

When is a child’s communication considered delayed? When a child has trouble in the generation of speech, it amounts to a serious communication problem in the end. In addition, a child should be fluent in communication after attaining five years. However, there are cases when a learner may lag behind...

Active Professionals’ Self-Care: Self-Care Tips for Domestic Dispute Professionals

Abstract This article explores some self-care tips that might be used by professionals working in the field of human services. The article provides three strategies that are useful to human-services professionals especially those in the field of domestic disputes. Introduction Human service professionals reap several benefits from their work but...

Battered Woman Syndrome as a Theoretical Explanation of Domestic Violence Effects

Abstract Battered Woman Syndrome is an inductive theory that seeks to explain the reactions of women when they are subjected to domestic violence. This theoretical approach seeks to sympathize with women who have been victims of domestic violence. In social context, several women have been exonerated from legal liabilities as...

Developing Empowered Relationships Within the Organization

Navigating and facilitating change It is crucial for both managers and the rest of employees to master workplace skills in order to boost productivity. One of the vital skills is the ability to navigate and facilitate change process. Although the leadership of an organization is largely charged with the role...

Evaluation Research: Hospital Administration

Evaluation research provides a pathway of supplying dependable proofs of a variety of social programs, especially in clinical practices. This research uses a variety of research techniques discussed in the previous chapters in order to come up with comprehensive results. For instance, evaluation research can be used by a hospital...

Articles of Confederation and Constitution of 1787: Comparison and Analysis

Introduction Disagreements among the political elites and the ruling forces of the US after the Civil War led to the emergence of new legislative documents establishing renewed regimes of power. In particular, the Articles of Confederations were replaced by the new Constitution of 1787, which was a new period in...

Article of Federation and the New Constitution: Various Views of Critics and Supporters

Introduction The Articles of Confederation were a combination of guidelines that was adopted as the constitution of America immediately after the Revolutionary War in 1777. After a grueling Fifteen Month Debate, the document was adopted by Congress as the first governing document to the U.S.A. It was subjected to amendment...

A Pale View of Hills: The First Novel, Written by Kazuo Ishiguro

A Pale View of Hills is the first novel, written by a prominent English-speaking author, Kazuo Ishiguro. In this book, the novelist explores various themes, and this book can be analyzed from various perspectives, for example, the relationships between family members, the sense of alienation, the hardships, which many immigrants...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics: Overview and Analysis

The main objective of nursing is to have one group of human beings care for another group of vulnerable-human beings. Therefore, patients consider nurses as skilled counterparts who can take care of their (patients) needs professionally. The American Nurses Association (ANA) provides nursing practitioners with a code of ethics that...

Afro-Latin Attitude to Health Issues: Cultural, Social, and Economic Factors

Latin American culture is characterized by the contact of heterogeneous cultural traditions and inter-civilizational interaction. The civilization of Latin America began to form as a result of the collision of three genetically different cultures: Iberian, Indian, and African, which led to its borderline character, characterized by heterogeneity, symbiosis, inversion of...

The Usage of Radio-Frequency Identification Technology

RFID Technology The RFID technology becomes one of the main technologies used by various companies to improve their functioning and guarantee better results achieved due to the implementation of the new practices into their functioning. Moreover, the spread of the given technology is also determined by the increased requirements for...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Analysis and Reflection

Gilman’s short story called The Yellow Wallpaper is partially autobiographical; otherwise, I cannot imagine a healthy person with any physical and mental concerns writing such a stunning literary piece. The novel, as if criticizes the medical approaches to curing women of the depressive disorder by the so-called “rest cure.” Written...

The Theme of Death in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction Dramatic events associated with death have always been a compelling topic in fiction. However, in addition to creating a straightforward appeal, they can be used as devices for the exploration of deeper themes. In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin uses the theme of death to successfully reveal...

Providing Social Services to Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.

With increased globalization, people are able to move from one region and relocate to other regions. Immigration has also been enhanced by the fact that mobility of labor is increasingly becoming perfect, compared to ancient years. The United States has received many immigrants being the largest economy in the world,...

Ho Chi Minh and His Role in Vietnamese Independence

Service of Vietnam During the Conflict The primary service that Vietnam rendered came in the form of local resistance groups and sparsely armed militia that helped to repel Japanese troops from the shores of Vietnam. Without the intelligence and manpower provided by the locals, it would have been likely that...

Florence Nightingale’s Philosophy of Nursing and UN Millennium Goals

Introduction The legacy of Janet Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of nursing who became famous for her social reforms, helped shape healthcare as it is known today. A century after her death, medical professionals all over the world are still faced with the same challenge of improving the quality of medical...

Florence Nightingale and Her Role in the Enhancement of Nursing Services

Influence of Nightingale’s Legacy Florence Nightingale played a critical role in the enhancement of the nursing services. She helped to identify social and environmental health determinants that influence human health. Nightingale’s contribution to the nursing field led to the formation of a grassroots-to-global movement that aimed at creating public awareness...

Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. The Notion of Criminality and Crime

Introduction The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof. Thus, a profound analysis of crime as a notion. Its implications, and patterns is a critical aspect of managing breaches of the present-day laws. However, the study of the subject matter will...

The Issues of Childhood Obesity: Overweight and Parent Education

Introduction The issue of obesity is now trending globally. The absence of physical activity among individuals struggling with overweight is also prevalent. Moreover, these two problems combined have a great impact on children and may increase premature mortality rates in middle age (Muthuri, Onywera, Tremblay, Broyles, & Fogelholm, 2015). The...

Basic Principles of Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Concepts of Nursing Paradigm

Definitions Besides being a discipline studying the fundamental essence of knowledge and existential aspects of human life, philosophy can also be defined as an attitude of a person or a community that provides guidelines for behavior. Philosophy of nursing is aimed to state one’s personal ideas concerning the nature of...

Nursing Profession and Personal Philosophy

Nursing refers to the sovereign duty of managing persons with different health problems in society. Caring takes into consideration a diverse group of persons within the society who require attention for their well-being. Therefore, it encompasses caring for sick individuals and those who require any attention related to health. Nursing...

Advanced Practice Role in Nursing and Proper Medical Treatment of the Patients

Introduction To explain the main roles of a nurse practitioner, it would be proper to identify some requirements that one has to follow in order to occupy this position. A nurse practitioner is expected to have a master’s degree and a specific certification or a license for allowance of one’s...

Iron Curtain Speech: Winston Churchill’s Famous Fulton Speech

The famous Fulton Speech made by Winston Churchill in 1946 was a resonant and well-prepared action. Although it was officially entitled “The Sinews of Peace,” it is mostly known as “The Iron Curtain Speech.” Its role cannot be underestimated, as it triggered waves of criticism and questions about the threat,...

Iron Curtain Speech: History, Facts and Impact

The concern the western world had with the expansion of the Soviet Union is not based only on the U.S.S.R gaining more territory but also the spread of communism. The Cold War was, in essence, a battle of clashing ideologies between democracy and communism. It is due to this that...

Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech Analysis

Question 1: Churchill believes the Soviet Union “desires the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” How might those expansionist desires challenge the Western principle of national political self-determination, a cause it championed during World War 2? Churchill did not believe that Soviet Russia wanted...

Case Study of Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Medical Indications (Beneficence and Nonmaleficence) James has a critical form of acute glomerulonephritis, which resulted from complications associated with a strep throat infection (streptococcus infection). This condition requires immediate treatment, as the patient has high blood pressure and needs temporary dialysis to relieve fluid build-up. James’s parents rejected the dialysis;...

The Issue of Police Brutality in Community

Our group comprised three females and one male. We learnt a lot regarding police brutality. Each one of us had strong opinions and reflections on the information that we gathered. It was a great experience to work in a group as we learned from each other and everyone made a...

Hinduism’s Early Beginnings: The Origin of Hinduism and Its Development

Hindu religion is the prevalent religion in most parts of South Asia and indeed, the third largest religion after Islam and Christianity. The faith has more than a billion followers, but a billion of such followers are said to be residing in India. There are currently many versions of Hindu...

Claude McKay’s Biography; His Experiences and Poems

Claude McKay was one of the most influential figures during the Harlem Renaissance period of the 1900s. Born and educated in his native Jamaica, McKay ventured out to the United States in 1912 to pursue further education (McKay). While in the US he discovered the cruelties suffered by the African...

“Incorporating Bedside Reporting into Change-of-Shift Report”: Article Analysis

Major Points of the Article The article “Incorporating Bedside Reporting into Change-of-Shift Report” supports the importance of positive nursing practices. According to Laws (2010, p. 70), “bedside change-of-shift reporting has the potential to empower both patients and caregivers”. Every patient expects to be “involved in the decision regarding his or...

Captiva Conglomerate Strategies: Overview and Analysis

Major facts Captiva Conglomerate purchased a set of software solutions from an outside developer to improve its inventory management system. Preliminary tests have demonstrated these applications are not suitable for the needs of this enterprise. These applications are too difficult to use, and many of them do not correspond to...

Social Community Constructions, Expected Social Conduct, and Economic Structures Within the Society

Introduction This paper outlines social community constructions, expected social conduct, and economic structures within the society. Also, it analyzes the government’s support for occupations and unfortunate citizens. It evaluates various aspects of society and their significance to the culture. Come the unity refers to a social set up with values...

Analysis of “The Tempest” Play During the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival

William Shakespeare is universally acknowledged as the creator of theatrical performance. His plays written for the Globe Theatre expand the limits of literature by turning the written word into an art of theatrical performance. The play “The Tempest” written in the very beginning of the seventeenth century influences the canons...

The Swahili Culture and History: Shirazi People

Introduction The Shirazi is a group of Swahili-speaking people found along the coast of East Africa. The Swahili people have been known variety of diversified traditions and some very confusing history. A lot of research has been done on these people mainly from the fact that they seem to have...

Philosophy of “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

“The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” is a philosophical short story that deserves the public’s attention. In her work, Le Guin describes a utopian city in which all people are happy, but their happiness rests on the misery and suffering of one child. The short story is filled with...

Literary Elements in “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” is one of the more famous works of the author. It tells the story of a grotesque plague that is sweeping the land. Instead of dealing with it, Prince Prospero gathers a thousand of his friends and travels to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jazz Age in “The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzerald

The Great Gatsby is considered to be one of the most renowned books of the beginning of the XX century. Written by a famous American writer Scott Fitzerald (1925), it represents extensive chronicles of the era named “Jazz Age”. The story is set on the background of the aftermath of...

Life-Changing Experience in “The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

The essay is written by Junot Diaz, a well-known Dominican writer, who immigrated to New Jersey. In this piece of writing, he tells about his mother’s childhood, and some people may think that it is the only story. However, if one deepens into it, the underlying message can be revealed....

Manifesto of a Generation: “The Breakfast Club” by John Hughes

Introduction The Breakfast Club was different from typical films for young people of that time. The release of the picture determined the development of the English-language youth cinema genre for decades. I choose this film because although it is a simple story without plot twists and unpredictable ending, the most...

African American Women and Stroke Education

In the modern world, people become more anxious about their health. They study the information on health issues due to the internet. It is a good tendency, for the knowledge of the illnesses’ symptoms and timely visit to the doctor on the necessary first aid are likely to favor the...

Spirituality Part in the Worldview Inventory

Spirituality Over the years, several connotations have been developed with regard to the concept of spirituality. The commonly accepted definition of spirituality describes it as a religious process through which human beings seek to reorient their originality in the image of God through the help of the Holy Spirit (Sheldrake,...

What Is Philosophy? An Introduction to the Discipline

The benefits of studying philosophy Apart from being an interesting subject that provides an insight into the development of modern society and its knowledge, philosophy is beneficial for students regardless of their majors. I think so because philosophy is connected to the development of critical thinking skills and offers various...

Changing Attitudes Away From Corporal Punishment

Introduction This paper deals with the scourge of corporal punishment which is becoming a severe problem and is increasing by the day, which is evident from the large number of such incidents that are reported in the media and other publications. Incidents of child abuse in this regard are constantly...

Effectiveness of the Online Courses in Traditional Universities

Abstract Online learning programs have increased significantly within the past two decades. This is the case since the Internet has made it possible for human beings to exchange ideas instantly without having to travel from point A to B. The selected research question for this proposal is whether most of...

Organizational Change Models by Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, and William Bridges

Introduction The merger of two companies with different organizational cultures inevitably creates difficulties for the manager who has to adjust his or her leadership style to the needs of the corporation and regulate workplace relations among employees. In this case, we are speaking about the fusion of two departments which...

The Rough-And-Tumble of the Business in the “Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

The history of America includes lots of positive and negative characters that influenced the country and its citizens. At the end of the 19th century during the gilded age, the economy of the country improved and businessmen were holding the power in their hands. Some of them decided to work...

Lucy Lurie Character in the “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

“Disgrace” is one of the most significant works of J. M. Coetzee, which brought him the Booker Prize and worldwide recognition. The action takes place in post-apartheid South Africa. In “Disgrace,” J.M. Coetzee’s creates a complex character, Lucy Lurie, which faces the shameful and disgraceful acts of her father, the...

Jules Ferry: A Defense of French Imperialism and Colonialism

Jules Ferry left his mark in the history of France as a gifted politician famous for promoting anti-clerical education and, which is the matter of our current interest, the expanse of the French colonies (Jules Ferry, n.d.). In his speech delivered in the French Chamber of Deputies in 1844, Jules...

Critical Thinking in the “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

The ability to review and evaluate texts often depends not only on one’s ability to criticize but also on the ability to be self-reflective and fair. As Harris points out, there is no need to re-represent the text; rather, the writer should translate it from the author’s language to her/his...

Willy Loman’s Character in “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

Introduction In his play the Death of a Salesman, the author narrates a story of Willy Loman’s desperate searching for happiness and recognition. Though aiming for self-realization and professional success, the protagonist, undergo neither spiritual transformation nor liberation as the plot progresses. Instead, readers observe the personal failure of the...

Non Probability Samples and Their Categories

Probability samples are not sufficient for research. This is why some researchers apply non-probability samples. Here, researchers are completely unaware of the probability of the elements contained in each population in the samples provided for investigation. Non-probability samples come with several advantages. They are particularly important when used in an...

Debate on Circumcision: Is It Unethical and Unlawful?

Introduction Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin of the male reproductive organ. It is an integral part of the Christian doctrines because they do it as part of God’s covenant with humankind that all boys were to undergo the procedure on the eighth day (Terkel & Greenberg,...

The Role of Environment in Learning

The environment in the context of learning can be defined as the surrounding of the learner in terms of both physical and emotional dimensions. This therefore implies that both physical and emotional aspects of the environment influence the learning process. The environment plays a very significant role in the learning...

Becoming a Professional in Your Career

Introduction Many people struggle to find a career they want to pursue. Some of them succeed to do so, while others fail. Without any doubt, it is critical to choose the right job and make an effort to become a professional. Otherwise, individuals may suffer from a discontent with life,...

Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

Workplace ethics is one of the most important issues today as it determines the moral standards and values of employees. The case of Wilson shows that standard ethical principles cannot be applied to all situations and problems occurred in the workplace. Every employee can expect workplace safety and healthy working...

Jig’s Character in the “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction This conversation shows that Jug has made up her mind to keep the pregnancy. This is quite interesting because she engages in an ironical conversation, which is full of satire. This can be observed through the symbols she uses in the conversation. Apart from this, Jig fakes her innocence...

Health Promotion Among Latino Population in the US

The health status of different population groups largely depends on their cultural and socio-economic factors, including values, beliefs, and attitudes to health care practices, as well as the level of access to medical services. When speaking of the Latino population in the United States, its representatives are predisposed to the...

Foundation of Army Leadership: Definition of Individual Leadership

The success of the army essentially depends on the extent to which fruitful army leadership is formed. A leader acts in the interests of ensuring the organization of joint, collective activities of people. Their main purpose is the most rapid and successful achievement of a common goal (Walker & Bonnot,...

Debate on Abortion Insurance in South Dakota

Overview The selected healthcare policy is the Health Insurance Abortion Ban in South Dakota which prevents Medicaid funding for any abortion procedures unless the patient’s life is in danger. This directly contradicts federal law of the Hyde Amendment to the Affordable Care Act which allows insurance funding under Medicaid for...

Guide to Healthcare Regulatory Agencies

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality This is a federal agency that is in charge of the improvements that can be made to the healthcare system of the United States, its safety, and quality (Murphy, 2015). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is designed to help American citizens to...

Hand Hygiene in Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections

The proposed intervention for nurses was aimed at developing their skills in preventing and managing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) to improve patient outcomes. While applying the qualitative methodology and case study research design, 20 nurses invited to participate in the project were interviewed before and after the implementation of the intervention....

Globalization of Healthcare in the US and Haiti

Global processes penetrate all structures of society and affect all its social institutions, including health and healthcare. On the one hand, these changes have a beneficial effect on the development of the health care sector: the intensity of the exchange of scientific information, access to effective foreign medical technologies, the...

Supply Chain Management in General Electric

In organizations, it is important for management to understand the stage that followed when purchasing their raw materials so that the right products are delivered and produced at the appropriate time. General Electric Company is a multinational organization that is located in America. This company conglomerates services and technology that...

Gender Gap in Financial Literacy

Background of the Problem Studies on gender have become a significant part of scholarly literature in the past several decades. The possible reason for it is that many scientists are trying to analyze the possible differences and similarities in knowledge people of different genders have, as well as the approaches...

“Love, I’m Done with You” by Ross Gay: A Poem Analysis

Love, I’m Done with You by Ross Gay shows the poet’s feelings after escaping from his partner. He realizes how wretched their relationship was and everything he liked about his beloved was an illusion. Gay sees all the flaws of his partner, which he did not pay attention to before....

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Modern Nursing

Introduction It is agreed that health care staff should provide treatment to patients according to their wishes regarding consent. Legal documents proclaim that a patient has the right to refuse treatment or any other type of medical interference even if this would lead to his or her disability or death....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Water Recycling: Why Is It Important?

Introduction Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led...

Energy-Efficient Architecture and Environmental Design

Introduction Energy Efficiency is a key concept in today’s architecture with its environment-friendly, low carbon footprint bias. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that 50% of all energy consumption in Europe is building-related (Holm, 2006, p. 247). Hence one of the main thrusts of modern housing is...

Crimes in America: The 9/11/01 Terrorist Attacks

Crime has affected people in different ways. Neither I nor my parents and relatives have been victims of crime. Consequently, I have not been impacted by crime in any manner. The 9/11/01 terrorist attacks The 11th day of September 2001 will remain a dark day in memory of many Americans....

What Is Orem’s Self-Care Theory?

Meaning of the Theory In the process of care delivery, there are multiple instances when patients are advised to put in their most beneficial qualities despite dealing with an illness for long periods of time. In environments where health care relies on patients being independent, Dorothea Orem’s self-care nursing theory...

The Lecture on Orientalism: What Is Orientalism?

Hello, students! I hope your break went well, and now you are focused enough for the lecture on Orientalism. Can anyone tell me in brief what is Orientalism? In the past years, Orientalism was predominantly used for referring to two different nations. First, Orientalism referred to the school of painting,...

Histamine Intolerance: Analyzing the Information Sources Credibility

The diagnosis selected for this assignment is histamine intolerance, also referred to as histaminosis. Histaminosis occurs when histamine, an organic compound that is involved in immune responses taking place in particular tissues or organs, starts to accumulate in the body. The mechanisms leading to the development of histaminosis differ from...

Preventing Hospital Readmissions for Congestive Heart Failure

One of the main causes of hospitalization is a congestive heart failure (HF). This is a world-scale problem. However, most heart-failure patients are readmitted after discharge. The main goals of this paper are to review the key aspects of congestive heart failure and analyze the measures that prevent readmissions. Article...

Public Health Nursing: Societal Issues in Practice

Every job in healthcare settings requires much preparation and responsibility. However, public health nursing is more difficult than other nursing jobs because it involves a variety of duties that the employee has to perform within a short period of time. Public health nurses do not look after only one patient...

Public Capitalism in Promoting the Common Good

Capitalism is both an economic and political system in which the financial market, production, and concepts of private ownership are driving factors for operation and success. Power in a capitalist society is held and maintained by those with wealth. Although capitalism is not a government system, it often interacts and...

Business World Image in the Film “Michael Clayton”

A Critique of the Dilemmas Presented The movie “Michael Clayton” addresses a wide range of ethical issues faced by corporations and advocates. The movie highlights how situational factors, corporate cultures, and professional business environment can be viewed from different perspectives. It offers an optimistic account of the moral resources that...

Healthcare Facilities Standards and Disaster Management

During the outbreak of a disease, healthcare facilities must act in a very fast and efficient manner in order to bring the rates of those, who have already got sick, down and prevent the disease from spreading further. Therefore, it is crucial that the standards created for healthcare facilities to...

Professionalism Definition, Concept, and Major Determinants

Professionalism can be defined in the strict sense as the process of executing daily tasks in a specific, competent and accepted manner guided by the set standards (Freidson, 2005). The required standards are determined by one’s environment, self and career and set by other succeeding professionals who have been on...

Manual Therapy: Definition, Techniques, and Education

Definition of manual therapy From a clinical perspective, manual therapy can be defined as an approach that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissues and joints. In most cases, the strategy is adopted by healthcare practitioners to modulate pain, increase levels of motion, eliminate inflammation, induce relaxation,...

Euthanizing Handicapped People: Ethical and Moral Concerns

The most fundamental right of every human being is the right to life. Consequently, care should be taken to ensure that every person lives until he or she dies naturally. However, there may come a time when a person’s life will become a burden to society. In such a scenario,...

Websites Preventing Rape and Types of Messages Articulated

Introduction Rape is one of the most common crimes in the US and in the entire world. It is estimated that 20% of American women are victims of rape (Masters 33). Notably, numerous organizations and individuals are trying to address the problem and develop programs to prevent this type of...

Cardiovascular Diseases: Causes and Risk Factors

Cardiovascular diseases refer to the ailments that affect heart and blood circulation. These diseases are the most common causes of death in the UK, especially among the older population (Bonow et al. 120). Physical inactivity, lifestyle of individuals and unhealthy diet are among the key factors that increase a person’s...

Freight Strategies and the Importance of Classification

The classification of freight is necessary for the efficient transportation and handling of goods. In particular, it is important to group products that have similar characteristics such as density, value, weight, fragility, and so forth (Bowersox, Class, Cooper, & Bowersox, 2009, p. 213). One should note that logistics companies may...

Romantic Comedies Comparison: “What’s Your Raashee?” and “I Think I Love My Wife”

Introduction Comedy is one of the techniques used by play writers to express opinions, views, and judgments. Through comedy, the audience is able to access information that would be difficult to explain using conventional communication means. Some scholars view comedy as an intellectual tool that helps writers express their intellectual...

Technical Communication Problems: Benefits and Detrimental Effects of Technologies

Overall, the development of information technologies can significantly facilitate the communication between people who no longer have to be separated from each other. For example, they can better overcome such an obstacle as long distances which created many problems several decades ago. To some degree, these information tools can transform...

Woodbury Geological Structure and Its Analysis

Though Woodbury of the present day is the exact representation of the ordinary, its geological structure may reveal the mysteries that will shed some light onto the prehistoric life on the continent and the evolution of the species, as well as the changes that North America has been undergoing since...

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Why We Should All Be Wearing Face Masks

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The Mexican-American War: History of Both States

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Discussion: Care Plans for Pregnancy

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Genetic Factors as the Cause of Anorexia Nervosa

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Care Transitions Program

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