ā€œNurses and Nursing Assistantsā€™ Decision-Making Regarding Use of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Technology” the Article by Kanaskie and Snyder

Research Problem/Purpose The problem statement is clearly presented in the article ā€œNurses and Nursing Assistantsā€™ Decision-Making Regarding Use of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Technology: A Qualitative Studyā€ by Kanaskie and Snyder (2018). This study aims at exploring the use of safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) among registered health...

The Concept of Bar Code Medication Administration

Bar code medication administration (BCMA) has been identified as a possible solution tool for addressing the issue of medication errors that lead to adverse health outcomes of patients. BCMA implies the scanning of barcodes to account for the five components of medication administration: right patient, dose, medication, time, and direction....

Information Systems in Healthcare: Overview

Being able to manage the available information is a crucial requirement for a healthcare expert in the modern era of information technology and innovative technological solutions. For this purpose, the active use of information systems is required since the identified concepts allow managing the available data and arranging it respectively....

The Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction This paper studies one of the most practiced nursing theories, the self-care deficit theory introduced by Dorothea Omen. The review explains its meaning and origins, providing insight into its ideas and purposes. The paper also revises its usefulness and testability, presenting an example of the study based on the...

Paramount Decisions: Predictive Model Assessment, Implementation and Pattern Discovery

Introduction The decision-making process is a key activity of all organizations. Right decisions are a significant part of businesses’ success, a high level of performance, and competitive advantage. Thus, the choice of an appropriate decision support system based on the company’s needs and purposes is vital. This paper provides an...

The Problem of Gun Violence in the USA

Contemporary society faces a number of problems that deteriorate the quality of peopleā€™s lives and result in the emergence of even more complex concerns. Gun violence belongs to this cohort as there is a tendency towards the increase in the number of crimes involving the use of arms. In accordance...

Nursing Process-Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Nursing is one of the most challenging and most interesting fields in health care in the 21st century. On the one hand, it is necessary to consider recent progress, technological achievements, and human rights to make sure that high-quality care and assessment are offered. On the other hand, it...

White Racial Identity: When I Learned About Race

In the modern world, where globalization has impacted diverse spheres of human life and migration is a natural process, people of different nationalities, races, and classes live in the same social spaces. When one perceives race of others, he or she realizes his or her own racial identity, thus becoming...

Heart Failure Readmissions: Nursing Study Design

Introduction The readmission of patients with heart failure is a critical problem for the healthcare sector. The quality of treatment and the utilized methods of care delivery significantly impact outcomes and the quality of treatment; however, the question remains as a high number of patients have to return to medical...

“Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History” by Mintz

Having access to a variety of food and drinks today, people would hardly think about their history. The availability of flour, salt, or sugar is usually taken for granted. Sidney Mintz, an American anthropologist, challenged the approach to treat food as something ordinary and focused research on the history of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patients’ Healthcare Directives in Nursing Context

The Advance Health Care Directive The analyzed advanced directive (AD) form was obtained from my current organization. This document is usually available to patients receiving medical services from different health facilities across the state of Florida. After analyzing it carefully, I observed that it was prepared in accordance with the...

Research Designs and Sampling in Nursing Practice

Introduction The primary role of nurses is to take care of patients, but the scope of practice has expanded to address emerging needs. Research is one of the areas that have emerged and it contributes significantly to the overall care provision. In nursing, research is needed to advance the practice,...

Pediatric Asthma Readmission: Nursing Study

Despite the intentions to improve the quality of life and create the best control and treatment approaches, asthma remains a significant problem in the United States. Statistical data from various credible sources show that about 10% of American children (7 million) have asthma as a diagnosed chronic disease (Johnson et...

Social Sciences: A World Without Leadership

In every society, some people can motivate others to perform any actions that express common interests and preferences. Such individuals possess all the best qualities necessary to accelerate changes, such as justice, responsiveness, determination, and giftedness. However, some so-called negative leaders contribute only to negative changes in society. Therefore, the...

Health Issues Caused by Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is induced by the rise of Earth’s temperature. In recent years, it has globally increased by almost 2ĀŗF (ā€œClimate changes allergies and asthma,ā€ n.d.). Its main reason is the burning of fossil fuels, which produces heat-trapping toxic agents and carbon dioxide and creates the greenhouse effect on...

Pediatric Obesity Study Methodology

Sample/Setting The study involves 110 12-14-year-old racially diverse children of both genders who are diagnosed with obesity, as well as their parents. The criteria for inclusion are the following: children should be diagnosed with obesity during the recent two years; they have not taken medication treatment for their obesity problem;...

Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety

Introduction Nurse staffing is one of the burning issues in the US healthcare system that needs effective solutions and proper legislation. The bill H.R.2581 entitled ā€œNurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019ā€ dwells upon the standards concerning nurse staffing in all American hospitals (Congress,...

Nurse Bullying and Legal Interventions

Introduction Bullying has been an issue for many years, discussed both in media and on television. However, the primary focus is usually on high school students and bullying among schoolchildren, which is not the only domain where this problem exists. Despite the fact that nursing as a profession implies compassion...

Electronic Health Record Implementation Results

General Points It should be noted that the primary purpose of the research was reached. The efficiency of the EHR system has been assessed by the two parties, which were healthcare specialists and patients. In the course of the study, all workforce members who use EHRs took part in the...

Hospital Readmissions: Preventive Project Results

The prevention of hospital readmissions among patients with chronic or congestive heart failure (CHF) was chosen as the focus of the course project. According to the process thoroughly described in the third phase, the effectiveness of post-discharge patient visits and telephone support was measured. This essay is aimed at describing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Heart Failure Education: Implementation Phase

Introduction Initiating an intervention always requires a solid implementation plan in order to successfully achieve the goals and objective of the research. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the major causes of death in the US and the rest of the world, thus deserving the attention and additional studying...

Generational Health and Fitness: Strategic Position, Marketing, and Operations

Strategic Position and Risk Assessment The strategic position of Generational Health and Fitness (GHF) is a low-cost fitness program offering cycling classes to residents of the local community. The long-term goal of the enterprise is to create an environment where community residents could learn to love exercise, improve their health,...

MegaGlobe Business Solutions Expansion

Why Do We Need Diversity? The globalization of the world economy and the appearance of numerous companies operating in different countries across the globe has caused a shift in the financial consulting market. While localized services are still invaluable, especially for companies planning to expand into new countries, most clients...

Family-Centered Health Assessment and Promotion

Introduction Family-centered care is a medical practice aimed at helping all the members of the same family, which is often the case when several problems manifest themselves. The spectrum of intervention may involve different procedures and imply engaging both adults and children in collaborative activities. In the family in question...

Should Plant-Based Dairy Be Labeled as Milk?

Statement of Purpose The issue of labeling plant-based dairy remains controversial within years that is largely associated with the increasing consumption of such products. On the one hand, people state that such should not be labeled as they look like traditional milk and may be used as its substitute. On...

Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating

The formation of a well-conceived and balanced nutrition routine is essential to oneā€™s knowledgeable approach to life and health awareness. Developed eating habits are different and unique, as they are adapted to the individualā€™s work schedule and timing. In today’s world, our lifestyle and diet have dramatically changed due to...

The Moral Status of the Human Fetus

Introduction In the modern world, there are two popular opinions concerning the appropriateness of abortions. Crudely speaking, some people are convinced that pregnancies should always be controlled by women, whereas others tend to equate abortions with crimes. However, apart from these extremities, there is a number of intermediate positions that...

Advance Health Care Directive and POLST

The Advance Health Care Directive When investigating the topic of palliative care, I downloaded the Advance Health Care Directive (AD) for Florida from the official website where relevant documentation for all states was collected (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2017). The information presented is consistent with existing legislation and...

The Advanced Healthcare Directive

Introduction The US medical facilities are known for delivering patient-centered care. Ever since the adoption of the course for the patient agency, the recipients of healthcare services have been increasingly informed about their care, capable of making well-informed choices regarding their health and lives. According to the federal law and...

Identifying Alzheimer’s Disease in Elderly Patients

Dementia is a loss of cognitive functioning, and Alzheimer’s as one of its forms is diagnosed in the majority of cases. The prevalence of this disease among the elderly doubles every five years, while women are at a higher risk. In 2016, 5.2 million older adults (11 percent of this...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Russian Immigrant Family Health Assessment

Over the last several decades, the healthcare system has taken social factors into consideration along with recommendations for regular medical treatment. Researchers and scientists have discovered that drugs usually guarantee a temporary effect in health improvement, while the continuous socioeconomic stability of a person is more influential. The case of...

Nursing Understaffing Change Implementation

Applicable Change or Nursing Theory Utilized Addressing the current problem of understaffing in the United States will need a policy change. As explained above, the issue is aggravated by high levels of dissatisfaction among nurses in the country. Poor scheduling, workload, and poor remuneration are some of the issues that...

Defense in Depth in Cloud-Based Systems

Introduction Cloud-based systems are referred to as systems on which applications can be manipulated, configured and accessed online (Mahalkari, Tailor & Shukla, 2016). Cloud computing users can gain access to several database resources through the internet regardless of where they are located, and for as long as they need without...

Social Determinants of Health: Policy Brief

Identification of the Issue Public health is an immensely broad field of study, which includes various problems related to health, care, equity, and infrastructure (“Topics & issues,” 2018). However, it is possible to state that one of the problems in the public health sector, which is often not paid enough...

Cross Culture Awareness Among Nations

Introduction Culture is mainly defined as the customs, beliefs, and behavior of a group of people. Indeed, cultures can be found in several countries. However, it is more common to find people of the same culture residing in the same areas and countries. One can argue that the essence of...

“Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire” by Jon Latimer

Introduction Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire is an interesting historical book by Jon Latimer. The author chronicles historical events that occurred during the seventeenth century as buccaneers controlled the Caribbean. The buccaneers were confused with pirates, but they were privateers from France, England, and Holland, authorized...

Contagious Diseases in the United States in 21st Century

Local, State, National, and Global Communicable Disease Group Trends While the treatment of HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis is feasible only with therapy and antibiotics, measles, pertussis, and smallpox require a different approach, such as immunization. The broad implementation of vaccines has historically curbed the spread of communicable diseases if a...

Case Analysis of Fabritex Operations

Fabritex is a company that produces various types of textiles for different purposes. Its customers are other manufacturers who sell their products to retailers or in independent outlets. One of the key Fabritex’s customers in the segment of UK lingerie warp knit is Pearlwear, a large company operating in Europe...

Cyber Surveillance and Privacy of Internet Users

Abstract Cyber surveillance is becoming increasingly important for Internet users. In this paper, the topic will be discussed from the perspectives of everyday surveillance, its justifications, privacy-enhancing technologies, and the need for balancing different and often conflicting interests. It will be shown that cyber surveillance is justified by cyberattacks, but...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Home Visit to a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

This case study is a home visit with Ms. Sallie Mae who is an 82-year old widowed female patient, who lives alone and was recently discharged from the hospital for exacerbation of her congestive heart failure (CHF) with breathing difficulties, weight gain of 8-pounds, and pain in the chest. Ms....

Nurse Safety Adherence During Chemotherapy

Introduction The work of nurses in oncology departments is characterized by not only professional challenges but also other nuances. In particular, adherence to safety measures when using chemotherapeutic drugs is the essential aspect of the activity, which is not always respected. The article ā€œNurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus...

Insulin Pump Therapy in Children with Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a widely spread disease both among the adult population and children. Since this type of diabetes demands regular insulin injections, it can negatively influence the quality of life, which is particularly undesirable for young patients. Moreover, children are less responsible and careless about their health,...

Hand Hygiene Promotion in Hospital-Acquired Infections

The incidence of hospital-acquired infections can be listed among the leading concerns of healthcare specialists all over the world since infectious diseases often nullify the results of effective treatment strategies. Without exaggeration, the development of strategies helping to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections is among the tasks of national...

Balance and Gait in Neurodegenerative Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of the research is to measure balance and gait in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases. What is the research question (or questions)? This may be implicit or explicit The research questions are: Are there differences in balance and gait...

Magnet Designation in Nursing Management

Introduction Nurse leaders possess adequate skills and philosophies that guide them to mentor their followers. They can consider various issues in practice to transform existing situations and maximize the health outcomes of the targeted beneficiaries. This essay compares and contrasts how leaders and managers approach the concept of Magnet Designation....

What Are Cyber Threats and What to Do About Them

With the growing number of cyberattacks on the government organizations that use third-party vendor vulnerability management to analyze their security, the need to introduce new solutions emerges. There is a concern that national technologies and tools can potentially be used for purposes incompatible with the tasks of ensuring international security...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play an important role in improving all business processes. For example, Company N can implement an appropriate ERP system to overcome certain issues and barriers preventing it from development. The first issue is the focus on paperwork and manual paper processes. ERP systems allow for...

Childhood Obesity Prevention: The Role of Nursing Education

Introduction Nowadays, many healthcare facilities and independent researchers admit the growth of childhood obesity as a global epidemic problem. The role of a medical worker is frequently discussed to underline a possibility to monitor a body mass index (BMI), evaluate co-morbidities, and give counseling (Dabas & Seth, 2018). Nursing knowledge...

Steps in the Process of Risk Management in Healthcare

Introduction Risk management is essential for any enterprise, but for healthcare organizations, it has even greater significance because, frequently, peopleā€™s lives are at stake. Risk is defined as ā€œa probability or threat of damage, injury, liability loss that is caused by vulnerabilities and that may be avoided through pre-emptive actionsā€...

The Future of Nursing: Solutions and Opportunities

Introduction The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report ā€œThe Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Healthā€ is an attempt to resolve a multitude of problems that have arisen in nursing practice. It discusses the range of essential functions performed by nurses in health care settings, as well as challenges that arise...

Occupational Health Nurses’ Role and Settings

Occupational health nurses (OHN) form the single largest group of healthcare professionals providing primary care services in workplaces in the US. The assigned community setting selected for this assignment is a large electric power-generating plant. The roles of an OHN include providing clinical, especially emergency care to injured workers, counseling...

Social Determinates of Health in Family Assessment

Introduction Health is a complex phenomenon, and many factors influence its state when it comes to different individuals. Many people tend to believe that clinical services are the only factor that can either improve or worsen a health status. However, since people are social beings, it is impossible to neglect...

Effect of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Patient Safety

Introduction Customer service, otherwise known as the patient satisfaction, has become a critical benchmark of modern healthcare. It is helpful from a business and reputation perspective while strongly contributing to positive patient outcomes. Management in the industry has shifted its focus towards patient satisfaction as a key measure of the...

Healthcare Policy Issues: Health Equity

Issue Identified One of the main healthcare policy issues that are currently in need of addressing is health equity (HE) (American Public Health Association [APHA], 2015). Alternatively, it can be identified as the presence of health and care disparities (Ubri & Artiga, 2016). In other words, HE is a challenge,...

The Changing Public Image of Smoking in the United States

Tobacco use is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and deaths in the United States. According to the survey from 2016, 37.8 million adults in the USA aged 18 and older currently smoke cigarettes (ā€œCurrent cigarette smoking,ā€ 2018). Scholars have discovered that 15 of every 100 country residents (15.5% of...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Communication Plan

Communication Strategy So far, the Coca-Cola Company has been pretty efficient with its verbal and written communication. The communication analysis has shown its strong suits that should be capitalized upon and make part of subsequent strategies. Firstly, the Coca-Cola Company might want to develop the ideas of diversity further, demonstrating...

History: Great Depression and New Deal for Society

The Great Depression is one of the most critical periods of modern U.S. history. It began with the global economic crisis in 1929, which most affected the United States (Davidson, 2014). In 1933, when the crisis reached its peak, the Democratic Party candidate Roosevelt entered the post of President. He...

How to Make a Good Research Project?

What is a Research Project? It is a particular type of academic assignment that requires studying an issue of interest to contribute to theoretical or practical knowledge. The paramount goal of the research project is to examine a topic in an in-depth manner, integrate the available evidence, and produce new...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Patient Case Study

Background Teresa is an 8-year-old female student who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM-5)) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and assigned the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. The patientā€™s family comes from Mexica and has problems with speaking English, which complicates the...

Healthcare Beliefs of the Korean and Mexican Heritages

Introduction The heritage of a given group will dictate its cultural, religious, and healthcare practices. Medical professionals should be aware of the issues affecting or influencing their patientsā€™ behaviors. This paper describes the heritage of the Mexican and Korean people and their respective healthcare beliefs. Discussions and Similarities The heritage...

Medicare and Medicaid in Nursing Practice

The healthcare delivery system in the U.S. is complicated and more expensive than in neighboring Canada and other countries. Some people go into debt or file for bankruptcy because of their inability to pay medical bills (Banegas et al., 2016). To provide people with affordable health services, the government of...

Literary Topics in “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell

The Bog Girl is a short story by Karen Russell that was published in The New Yorker in 2016. It describes a fictional scenario where Cillian, a teenager born to a single teenage mother, finds a well-preserved dead girl in a bog and falls in love with her. His environment...

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security

People’s interactions with each other and the world are founded on their ability to think. Critical reasoning is another unique skill of living beings that allows them to form and present their opinions and converse with others to make decisions. Thus, it is vital to understand what factors contribute to...

America as a Superpower and the World’s Police

Introduction with Thesis After World War II, the USA became the most powerful actor in the political arena. The country’s role was growing internationally, and it became known as the world’s “police.” There was hardly any serious event in which the USA would not participate. Frequently, the side taken by...

Heroes Portrayed in Ancient Works

Introduction The epos of ancient works is rich in vivid images and characters that embody the ideas of heroism and convey the moral character of past eras. Nevertheless, the approaches of some authors with respect to the portraits of the main characters were different, which makes their work even more...

Global Warming and Its Various Consequences

Introduction The slowly overheating planet may carry a wide variety of repercussions for humanity as one of the species living on its surface. From a drastic increase in the amounts of CO2 gas present in the atmosphere and dangerously rising sea levels to weather-related chain reactions, global warming affects humankind...

Roman Art and the Ways It Excelled

Introduction During the vast Roman Empire, which lasted for hundreds of years, artists created widespread forms of outstanding artworks that have continued to be popular even in modern times. Roman art excelled in different ways due to its diversity, availability to the masses, and embracing of trends from all over...

Public Health Delivery in the Information Age

This study uses the article by Williams, Oke, and Zachary (2019) entitled ā€œPublic Health Delivery in the Information Age: The Role of Informatics and Technologyā€. The decision to choose it was informed by its rich content with respect to the effective means of obtaining, studying, and managing medical information, and...

Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Considerations in Health Care: Shared Decision-Making

Main body Patient-centered care is a frequently mentioned concept in modern health care. Its main idea is to consider patientsā€™ needs and achieve desired health outcomes by inviting patient input into making specific decisions. This type of care promotes improved self-management, patient satisfaction, and adherence to medication (Elwyn et al.,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bacterial Pneumonia in Older People

Introduction Acute illnesses are especially dangerous for human health as they occur suddenly and have a substantial effect on the body. For this reason, patients who were hospitalized with this type of disease need a quick response, an accurate examination, and constant care. Bacterial pneumonia is an illness for which...

Nursing in Community Health Practice Settings

Introduction Community health nurses operate in a variety of environments ranging from patientsā€™ homes to public clinics. The key goal of community nurses is helping patients access the highest-quality care not only through supervising their treatment but also through educating and advising them on the appropriate measures of health. Since...

ICARE Principles in Nursing

Introduction The nursing practice involves a number of critical components that ensure that a nursing action is through interprofessional team support. The workplace setting is a geriatric unit, where a nurse plays an essential role in cooperation with the interprofessional team of medical specialists, nurses, and patient’s family members. In...

Fall Prevention Strategies in Hospitals

Introduction The chosen study studies patients’ experiences after a fall and their views on fall prevention strategies in hospitals. The research used a qualitative methodology, with patient interviews as the main source of data. The analysis of the interview results suggested some common themes and attitudes, such as self-blame, reluctance...

Community Health Nursing Definition

Community health nurses (CNHs) offer timely services to different people depending on their health demands. The selected community setting for this discussion is a hospice facility that provides medical support to patients with a wide range of terminal conditions. Every CNH in such a facility is expected to offer both...

The Roles of a Community Health Nurse

Community health nursing is an integral part of providing care to patients in different set-ups. This nursing discipline incorporates evidence-based research and other established scientific approaches to deliver quality and timely care to patients. The assigned community setting for this assignment is a home hospice. The primary role of a...

Fetus with Deformities and Its Moral Status

The main figures in this case study are as follows: Jessica: A pregnant mother; Marco: The childā€™s father; Anna: Jessicaā€™s aunt; Dr. Wilson: The treating physician. The case study begins by describing the situation in which Jessica arrives in the hospital on her 4th month of pregnancy to scan the...

Chronic Heart Failure Management: Design Phase

Literature Review In the USA, chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the most common causes of hospital readmission. Ziaeian and Fonarow (2016) report that medical therapies that are found to be beneficial for CHF outcomes and readmission rates are critically underutilized in patients. The authors highlight the following strategies...

The Role of a Dog in a Family

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument ā€“ the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning ā€“ people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Healing and Autonomy: Four Medical Ethics Principles

Medical Indications: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence James, an eight-year-old boy, was accepted to a medical facility with kidney failure and elevated blood pressure. The condition was acute enough to suggest immediate dialysis as a temporary measure. The boy’s parents decided to forego the treatment, and the patient was let go. After...

ā€œCloseā€ the Photography by Martin Stranka

ā€œCloseā€ byĀ Martin Stranka The process of art creation is complicated due to the search for exciting ideas for a message an artist can convey. The present works of well-known photographers inspire other people to create pieces of art to show their perception of the original idea. Philosophical concepts are the...

The Evolution of Nursing

Introduction Understanding the differences between various nursing roles performs a vital function in the arrangement of successful collaboration within healthcare settings. Advanced practice nurses are some of the most skilled healthcare specialists who perform many duties to reach the best patient outcomes. However, a more recent specialty, forensic nursing, has...

Reconstruction and Radical Republicans

The Reconstruction was a period in the U.S. history at the end of, and immediately after, the Civil War. Although the North won the military conflict, political and ideological differences had to be resolved. President Abraham Lincoln put forward a long-term plan to reintegrate the South states as a first...

Concept of Worldwide Health

Introduction By definition, health is defined as the absence of illness or injury, but the World Health Organization and many medical professionals and theories suggest that health is a state of complete “physical, mental, and social well-being” (Huber et al., 2011). The modern health continuum has evolved to provide a...

Artistic Expression: Caring Concept

Caring in Nursing When a child is sick, they turn to their mother To get medications and much-needed care. But when an adult is sick, they care for themselves, Get doctor’s prescriptions, cook, and work from home. Nurses are there when self-care is not enough, When people can no longer...

Nurse Turnover and Effective Management Approaches

Medical practice is associated with multiple challenges occurring in a working environment. Over the past decade, nursing managers have developed several strategies to address and resolve the issues that fall under their jurisdiction. No matter what kind of approach a leader takes, the goal of any intervention is to ensure...

Senator Rodriguez’s Attitude to Behavioral Health Care Integration Act

Nurses can and should be involved in the process of policymaking, which may need interaction with legislators. Therefore, nurses should be able to locate the policymaker who can help in developing bills and introducing new laws. The debate concerning the integration of mental health services into primary care is still...

Behavioral Styles: A Self-Reflection

Behaviors are shaped by a vast array of factors, yet influencing them to improve oneā€™s leadership skills is possible. A survey that allows identifying the strengths of oneā€™s behaviors and the weaknesses thereof is a crucial tool in shaping onesā€™ leadership qualities and improving the quality of healthcare. According to...

Empirical and Normative Theories in Business Ethics

The article by Donaldson (1994) argues that since two theories, empirical, or descriptive, and normative, or prescriptive, are opposing in nature, they take completely opposite logic and, therefore, cannot be relevantly combined in a single integrative theory. However, Weaver and Trevino (1994) discuss three approaches to the combination of the...

Opioid Crisis Viewed from the Political

From the perspective of agenda-setting processes defined by Kingdon, the introduction of any problem to the political agenda is comprised of many steps and contributions of various participants. Some essential health care issues that become addressed in the national political process pass the same pattern. They originate as specific conditions,...

Community Health Nursing and Occupational Safety

Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) are involved in ensuring workplace safety in different work environments, as the key primary care providers in such environments. In a bid to contextualize the roles of OHNs in the workplace, a car manufacturing company is selected as the community setting for this task. In the...

Obesity Prevention and Weight Management Theory

Nursing Theory for Obesity Prevention The issue of obesity prevention within the project will be guided by a nursing theory. One of the theories applicable in case of childhood overweight is a middle-range theory of weight management (Pickett, Peters, & Jarosz, 2014). The focus of this theory is on psychosocial,...

Nursing Shortage Issue in the Healthcare Sector

Selected Issue The increasing global population means that existing medical professionals should work hard to deliver high-quality and personalized health services. Unfortunately, the current number of nurses providing medical support and care in this country continues to decline. This is the case since the consumption or demand for such services...

Retaining Nursing Retirees to Solve Understaffing Issue

Introduction Nursing understaffing is a prevalent issue in the U.S. healthcare system impacting the quality of care, the safety of patients, and the professional wellbeing of medical professionals. Nurses face increased workloads, long hours, and highly irregular work patterns which lead to chronic fatigue, stress, and sleep deprivation. To prevent...

Using the Systems Theory in Solving Problems in Nursing

The quality of nursing services is one of the pivotal issues in any healthcare organization especially in the context of skilled personnel shortages. To solve the problem of service delivery well, it is however not enough to analyze the hospital-level staffing indicators alone. The view on the healthcare organization as...

Spiritual Needs: Managing Challenges

Interview Interviewer (I): Thank you for participating in the interview. You will be asked several questions concerning your recent experience of using nursing services and the nurseā€™s management of your spiritual needs. Participant (P): Sounds good. I: But first, tell me about yourself. P: I am an Asian American man,...

The Glass Menagerie: Analysis of Relationships

The Glass Menagerie is a play about a dysfunctional family, each caught in between their feelings and dreams. The conflicts experienced in the Wingfield’s family primarily lie deep within themselves, but also intertwine with each other. This essay will analyze the complicated relationship between Amandaā€“the mother and Lauraā€”the daughter and...

Transforming the Texas Plant: Possible Solutions to the Problems

The ā€œTransforming the Texas plantā€ case presents several important problems that may be of everyday occurrence at the workplace. That includes abuse of power, organizational behavior issues, the establishment of leadership and a healthy corporate environment. With the example of this particular case, it is easier to come up with...

Prevention of Pressure Ulcers

PICOT Question Will you have a comparison group or will subjects be their own controls? As the project focuses on the prevention of pressure ulcers and not on their treatment, it would not be possible to use subjects as their own controls. Based on the evidence collected, using historical data...

The Clash of Civilizations vs the Clash of Ignorance

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the views of Samuel Huntington and Edward Said on the sources of geopolitical conflicts in the modern world. In his article, Huntington claims that future geopolitical conflicts will be not ideological or political in nature, but cultural (Tuathail, 2006). Said,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Understaffing in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The problem of understaffing in healthcare organizations can be addressed from multiple points of view. However, all clinics should analyze possible retention strategies to detect how they can reduce nursesā€™ turnout rates and increase job satisfaction (Hughes, Bobay, Jolly, & Suby, 2015). The current state of research shows that...

ā€œCompassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canadaā€ the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su

Introduction Varying healthcare systems between countries may create different work conditions for staff. The article examines the relationships between the demographic attributes and secondary traumatic stress, burnout, or satisfaction in a sample of American versus Canadian nurses in the oncology unit (Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, & Su, 2016). From the...

Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses

Introduction Although the needs of nurses are often overlooked in a hospital setting, staff members may face serious health issues due to an inadequate schedule, workplace pressure, and similar factors increasing stress. Thus, tools for handling the problem and reducing the pressure under which nurses are forced to work is...

Project Translation and Planning: Shared Decision-Making in Healthcare

Introduction Promoting shared decision-making in patient-centered care is a chance for nurses and patients to establish trustful relationships and exchange necessary information. Planning and implementation of change cannot be ignored by project developers. This paper will focus on goals for improvement, measuring change, needed resources, the timeframe of implementation, mechanisms...

Oncology and Ethical Dilemma

Solving ethical issues is critical in medical practice, especially in Clinical Oncology. Cancer is the hardest psycho-emotional test, both for the patient and their relatives. In our society, the cancer patient is often perceived as a person marked with special signs. It is good if the patient is adjusted to...

The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses

Research Problem/Purpose The article ā€œThe Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Patient Satisfactionā€ by De Simone, Planta, and Cicotto (2018) examines the impact of various elements such as work fulfillment, employeesā€™ commitment, and self-efficacy on healthcare officialsā€™ turnover plans and patientsā€™...

Leadership in Nursing and Optimal Functioning at Work

Introduction The concept of leadership is becoming increasingly more significant in the environment of the global communication. Being a leader is no longer linked to managing specific processes. Instead, a leader is deemed as the source of inspiration and motivation within a team (Binder, 2016). Engaging others is especially important...

The Role of Advanced Nursing Practice

Advanced nursing practice roles are associated with a variety of tasks completed by nurses on a daily basis, involving their leadership skills. Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are advanced practice nurses who are responsible for providing care for patients during their lifespan while using a holistic nursing approach. FNPs work with...

Interview With Family Nurse Practitioner: Ms. Garza’s Case

A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse who is primarily focused on providing care for patients during their lifespan (Hoyt & Proehl, 2015). This includes working with patients and their families in a close manner. Usually, FNPs are responsible for treating chronic diseases, but sometimes they also...

Dorothea Oremā€™s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Meaning For the purposes of this assignment, Dorothea Oremā€™s self-care deficit nursing theory is chosen. It is based on several principal assumptions, which are the following: a ā€œtheory created for a practical science such as nursing encompasses not only the What and Why, but also the Who and How;ā€ nurses...

The Concept of Oremā€™s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

Meaning The main idea behind Oremā€™s theory is that the vast majority of the patients desire to be able to care for oneself and the individual members of oneā€™s family. Some of the major assumptions behind the theory are as follows (Alligood, 2017): Every patient is a distinct individual with...

Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Empowering People with SUD The class presentation has identified addiction and substance use disorder (SUD) as some of the health challenges many people in the global society face. The affected victims become stressed, change their behaviors, and find it hard to achieve their personal goals (Robinson & Adinoff, 2016). This...

Financial Statements of Titus Lake Hospital

Financial statements can provide substantial information regarding a hospital’s operations, including its revenue, assets, and cash flow, which display the ability of an organization to be profitable. The General Practice Affiliates intends to partner with the Titus Lake Hospital, which will provide the former with the ability to take advantage...

Transgender People’s Challenges Within Healthcare

Introduction The word ā€˜transgenderā€™ refers to a person whose gender expression or identity differs from that which was assigned at birth. Transgender individuals face widespread economic and social marginalization. Intriguingly, discrimination, harassment, and rejection ensue even from the healthcare sector, which ranges from routine check-ups, and emergency room visits to...

Transgender Care by Healthcare Professionals

Introduction In numerous approaches, the world is progressively turning into a transgender-affable place with enhanced awareness and reception. Nevertheless, among the many problems that transgender patients experience is obtaining suitable medical care. Almost 30% of transgender patients report denial of healthcare services and approximately 50% experience delayed medical attention because...

Dorothea Oremā€™s Deficit of Care Theory

Meaning Patient education and awareness are crucial to the successful delivery of healthcare services. As long as a target demographic is capable of identifying a health threat and managing available resources, the possibility of complications or a rise in mortality rates drops significantly (Pelicand, Fournier, Le Rhun, & Aujoulat, 2015)....

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Introduction Caring for patients is a core element of practice in nursing. Not only can the lack of caring behaviors in a hospital lead to individuals’ dissatisfaction with rendered services and ways of treatment, but it also may threaten the healthcare quality in general. The Theory of Human Caring developed...

Unionization and Magnet Accreditation in Healthcare

Introduction I myself have never partaken in the union organizing process. Yet, literature research has made me quite knowledgeable on the subject and recent trends and dynamics. It seems that there is a clear rationale behind unions. Through starting, joining, or choosing to be represented by one, workers and employees...

Patient Safety Promotion as Nursing Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The topic chosen for this task is promoting patient safety within hospital set-ups. Errors are common occurrences in nursing practice, and they come with adverse effects by affecting patient safety and health outcomes (Lawati,...

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MediSys Corporation Case

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