Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Preston Store: Performance Management

Priority Objectives The newly-recruited manager should be able to transform the situation at the Preston store. The store is currently facing various challenges and obstacles that affect the level of performance. This situation explains why the store manager should focus on specific goals or priorities. Such priorities should be aimed...

US Budget Deficit in Political Simulation

Introduction The budget process is a crucial undertaking for every country across the world. It yields an essential economic policy tool that guides all government activities. Apparently, a government cannot raise or spend any funds without a national budget. This requirement makes the national budget pivotal in all government endeavors...

Racial Disparity in the US Labor Market

The reasons offered by market-oriented and embeddedness perspectives for explaining the racial disparity in the U.S. labor market The U.S. labor market has been characterized by an ever-increasing racial disparity when it comes to employment opportunities available for the population. There have been various market-oriented and embeddedness perspectives that have...

China’s Investments and Activities in Africa

China’s Heavy Investment The article “China’s Heavy Investment in Ghana Ignites Debate” looks into China’s engagement with Ghana in terms of loans and grants, and if this engagement is healthy for Ghana’s industrialization prospects. One important point is that China’s engagement with Ghana is not generating shared prosperity for both...

Group Counseling Management and Duties

Introduction Before the session commences, I must ensure I have informed the participants on the length of time necessary during the process helping to deter some people within the group not to use too much of the “air time” when the time for asking and answering questions comes. This will...

Group Therapy: Process and Practice

Group therapy refers to a situation where one or more therapist or counselor is working with a group of people at once (Finn, 2003). Group therapy operates in the form of several people meeting for two or three days a week to discuss their issues, with the help of a...

Visiting Temple Israel of Greater Miami

I am a practicing Christian, and I have never visited a temple of another religion before. For this assignment, I decided to visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Its peculiar facade always caught my eye, so it was an easy choice. In this paper, I will describe my visit, the...

Total Quality Management in Aviation Security

Introduction Airport security is one of the key components of aviation security, as it can prevent a variety of threats, such as terror attacks, hijackings, illegal transportation of weapons and explosives, and more. Most airports have rigorous procedures in place to promote security and safety of travel. However, it is...

Cloud Computing as Information Technology Innovation

Cloud computing, the most recent innovation in information technology, has changed the shape of information system management around the globe. The central idea behind cloud computing is transferring and storing data in a big data center securely accessible from any computing device connected to the internet. This innovation in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Revolution: History and Theories

Introduction The history of the economic revolution has been traced by different authors from different periods in time. Some trace it in great Europe. The economic revolution is defined as the transition of modes of production from the hands of individuals. The change in the modes of production means a...

Slavery in “The Satyricon” Novel by Petronius

Introduction In ancient Rome, slavery was common, and it was highly significant for the growth of Roman society and its economy. Apart from participating in manual labor, slaves were also tasked with several other domestic services, with others engaging in skilled professions. However, slaves from Greek were highly educated. The...

Students with Special Needs: Education Assessment

Introduction The US educational system is based on the principles of fairness and equal opportunities for all. No Child Left Behind enacted in 2001 ensures that all students receive proper instruction and assessment aligned with the existing standards (Kritikos, 2010). This policy is specifically beneficial for students with special needs...

Cultural Expressions in the Daily Life of Africans

Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify such units as being family, race, or ethnicity. The study...

Solidifying the Company’s Hiring and Promotion Process

The decision definitely has a great effect on the promotion procedure of the company. This is mainly because the enterprise’s 1800 staff comprises individuals from varied backgrounds, though the majority are United States natives. The company’s hiring and promotion processes have always been transparent and the test is mandatory during...

Domestic Violence Experienced by Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Oram et al. (2013) suggest that there is a direct linkage between the incidence of domestic violence experienced by patients with psychiatric disorders and the nature of their disorders in terms of prevalence, severity, and sociological factors such as age and gender among the control group. Introduction Oram et...

“Federalist No. 10” by James Madison

As we have been discussing, throughout history, many people were not fans of pure democracy. One of the reasons for this was the idea of factions, as addressed in Madison’s Federalist No. 10. So what is the definition of a faction? The original definition provided by James Madison revolves around...

Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice

Abstract The work of a teacher is multifaceted and involves a set of very different duties, obligations, and tasks. A teacher is to promote and deliver knowledge, know how to assess and improve the learning process of the students, evaluate their own performance, and that of the children. Also, a...

“Rethinking Marketing” by Rust et al.

Main Messages, Ideas, and Implications Nowadays, there is a need to transform marketing based on the opportunity for direct interaction and customer cultivation. The formation of long-term relationships is the key message revealed in the article Rethinking Marketing by Rust et al. (96). At this point, a customer-manager-driven organization should...

Air Pressure Experiment Methods and Results

Methods The plastic mesh fabric was placed over the mouth of the Mason jar, and the metal screw band of the latter was fastened firmly over the plastic mesh sheet. Scissors were used to cut the edges of the plastic mesh to make it perfectly match the mouth of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthy Relationships in the Healthcare Workplace

Healthy Relationships in the Workplace As a former employee of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, I am aware of a bad relationship between its nurses and laboratory personnel. Particularly, I remember an incident where the Hospital Laboratory manager and the assistant nursing manager openly disagreed about the use of...

Progress in Bread Production Technologies

Abstract Bread as a culinary product has a range of physical characteristics that are essential to rating its quality. While the outcomes depend on the wide range of factors, they are quite unpredictable, and scientists are looking for ways to control this process by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method, which...

Movie Character: Stanley Ipkiss

Overview of Presentation Functional assessment of the patient Relevant additional observations Nursing diagnosis based on the available information List of interventions and resources Background of Movie and Character The Mask is a romantic comedy film. The protagonist is Stanley Ipkiss, a bank employee. The film revolves around a mysterious artifact....

“Critical Thinking” by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker

Introduction The author of this piece commits some serious logical errors owing to the fact that he/she is trying to convince other readers to support his/her position based on a bad flow of reasoning (Andolina and Andolina, 2001). First, he goes on to assert that the murder of a young...

Becoming Effective in Dealing with Other People

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills Conducting interview-based research helped me to realize that letting people know what you expect from them is a key to finding appropriate answers to my requests. As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This...

Environmental Impact of the Football Stadium Construction

Introduction The construction of the 36,000-seater Football Stadium in the district of Tipner, Portsmouth, UK, is a great event for the Tipner community. However, the construction of such a large architectural complex is also a great challenge for the site’s environments and ecological situation. To predict the environmental impact of...

Clinx Clinic’s Organizational Structure and Staffing

Organizational structure refers to established formal relationships among various units of an organization. The purpose is to ensure that organizations get their work done. This is made possible by having some subdivisions in form of division of labor, which bring coherence within the whole organization. In the structure, each job...

Semiotics of Wolverhampton University’s Buildings

​Introduction The two buildings may be read as a complex set of signs in which symbolic and aesthetic meaning can be deduced. If one treats the two photographs as works of art, then their aesthetic appeal will limit the person. However, a symbolic analysis reveals the semiotic meaning of these...

Compensation and Pay Equity at a Local Hospital

Introduction In the present situation, I am to perform as an HR Consultant working for a small local hospital, with the task of expanding the workforce of certified medical assistants. The major problem is that three exemplary certified medical assistants who occupy the same positions in the organization are paid...

Philosophy Studies, Areas, and Theories

Explain some of the benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy The major benefit of studying philosophy is that it provokes students’ thinking on the crucial aspects of life and existence. Also, philosophy helps to analyze a variety of approaches and enriches students’ knowledge. Apart from that, learning philosophy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Characters in the Play “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Fences, a play by August Wilson, was published in 1986. The play details the African-American experiences and deals with the themes of racism, infidelity, and forgiveness. This paper explores how Cory, son of Troy and Rose, has avoided following in his father’s footsteps and learned to manage his anger...

Diversity and Society: Race, Ethnicity and Gender

Abstract Self-identification is a complex process, and it includes answers to questions of how a person views his or her ethnicity and culture; whether a person feels privileged or discriminated ideologically, personally, or institutionally; and even how an individual can identify oneself sexually. Each person needs to answer all these...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Attitudes to Rape

Introduction Disgrace is a 1999 novel by J. M. Coetzee, written from the perspective of a middle-aged white South African professor living in Cape Town, who loses his job and, consequently, his usual life after his black student files sexual harassment charges upon him. David relocates to his daughter’s farm...

Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Pretrial Criminal Processing

African Americans and Latino Americans are incarcerated more than five times the rate of whites in State prisons across the United States (Crutchfield, Fernandes & Martinez, 2010; Walker, Spohn & DeLone, 2012). First, the introduction will provide a brief definition of what racial/ethnic disparity in the criminal justice system entails....

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

CRM – Provide an example using the CSR (Corporate social responsibility ) Model Customer relationship management is a concept that, when applied properly, creates value for all stakeholders, including both suppliers and customers. However, it also harbors certain ethical issues that may complicate the outcome. The easiest way to illustrate...

Global Markets: Model to Success

Introduction Companies and enterprises have established operations beyond national borders. This condition has heightened competition in the global markets. Using Arvind Mills from India as an example, Bartlett and Ghoshal point out that companies from developed countries dominate the global markets thus making it hard for companies from developing companies...

Creating Meaning and Six Facets of Understanding

Introduction For a teacher to attain his goals in teaching or design of lessons it is always important for him to create meaningful activities for the students. Such tasks can be used by the teacher within the lesson duration to overcome the challenges experienced in the course of teaching. The...

Impact of Culture on the Learning

Introduction: Reconciling with the Changes The importance of the cultural and social environment can sometimes be critical when looking at it from the perspective of the educational process. I realize that teaching strategies should be primarily based on respect, understanding, and compassion toward their learners irrespective of their cultural, ethnic,...

Aggression Management and Coping Methods

Aggression is a perilous power as it can trigger an outburst of feelings, negative emotions and result in undesired consequences. For this reason, psychologists state that it is critical for a person to release his/her anger to preserve intellectual sobriety and avoid poor outcomes (Chester, 2017). There are different ways...

Ethical Behavior: Human Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction The Affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has set up its standards of work and performance. These standards and expectations of conduct at work are the ACHE’s code of ethics. The code has several specific standards of moral conduct to direct healthcare professionals through their professional...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Federal Minimum Wage Really Help the Working Poor?

Introduction Procedural fairness in public administration is one of the major issues discussed in many democratic societies. Canadians also strive for fairness but public administrators sometimes fail to ensure procedural fairness and transparency, which leads to tension in the society and a lack of trust in officials. Thus, the case...

The Unique Fashion Style: Changing Standards and Ideals

Sell Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images, such as ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’. Moreover, they see such...

Object Relations Theory and Personality

Object relations theory states that psyche of a person is formed in relation to others in the environment during the childhood (American Psychological Association, 2010). In other words, all peoples responses to particular situations are stipulated by family experiences gained during the first stages of their lives. At the same...

“Too Much” Integration With the Global Economy

Introduction A number of issues are responsible for poverty and underdevelopment in poor countries. These issues vary from country to country. In most cases, ineffective policies and dependency upon developed states are the main contributors to poverty and underdevelopment in poor countries. These causes of poverty and underdevelopment depict the...

Jones-Blair Company’s SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths SWOT Quality and experience Sales and Services Market Internal Strengths Jones-Blair Company is known for providing the best quality products. The Company follows ISO 9001:2000 quality system and has an additional lab which performs quality assurance tests (Jones-Blair, 2010). Jones-Blair company was founded in 1928 and has mastered...

Alaska Supply Chain Integrators Company’s Case

Case analysis Radio Frequency Identification (RFDI) has developed to become a transforming factor in supply chain management (Ma & Weng, 2013). RFID is the solution for connecting information models with elements in the physical world. RFDI utilizes radio waves or optics thus offering various advantages over the barcode system. RFID...

Characters Analysis of Joyce Oates’ “Four Summers”

Sissy In the story, Sissy is the protagonist and the narrator. In the first summer (or the first episode of the story), Sissy is a child, accompanying her parents and brothers at a tavern near an unnamed lake. She is dependent on her parents because she is quite young. For...

General Motors Company’s Reputation Management

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an American-based company that manufactures motor-vehicles, as the name suggests. It is an international company, meaning it has manufacturing plants in various global regions and offices in a majority of the countries (General Motors). According to O’Callaghan, the company was ranked the leading carmaker in...

American Manifest Destiny and Its Implications

It is critical to notice that Manifest Destiny, the concept invented in the middle of the 19th century, caused several adverse effects. First of all, the Doctrine of Discovery affected American Indians in a profoundly negative way. The expansion of America was characterized by the belief that the white man...

Legal Risk and Opportunity in Employment

Contract Law Pat has an opportunity to apply to the court and win the case in this situation. According to the Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance/Corrective Action Plan which has been created and signed up before the employment, Pat has to be informed about the problems he has and pointed to...

“I Cross Till I am Weary” by Emily Dickinson

Introduction In this work of poetry, the persona describes the struggles that she goes through, and what awaits her as she makes her journey to the place of grace (heaven) (Stanza five). As the persona nears the end of her narration, it is not clear whether her goal (place of...

Wicked Laser Torches Branding and Product Marketing

Introduction The importance of designing the package and logo to brand a product is indisputable. The amalgamation of the three aspects, the package, design, and logo create the imagery of a brand. This paper discusses the packaging, logo, and branding of Wicked Laser torches. This will help to understand the...

Domestic Violence as a Topic for Academic Studies

The topic selected for the research deals with family issues and is critical for the contemporary society. Domestic violence is reported all over the world that is why it should not be ignored. Only in the USA, ten million victims suffer from it annually (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015)....

Otherness in Anne Sexton’s ‘Her Kind’ Poem

Introduction Social demarcation in the population is portrayed in geographic, tribal, or ideological lines. Identifying these differentiations within us enables individuals to establish themselves based on how they perceive others. A faction may find itself superior, based on its subjective appreciation of other cultures being inferior. Othering has been used...

Google Search vs. EBSCO Information Services

Abstract The following work is devoted to the investigation of modern ways of getting information. Possibilities of a web search system are analyzed and compared with possibilities of a web library which also gives access to academic sources. Their convenience, ease of use, ability to fulfill the demands of a...

Philosophy of Knowledge and Critical Thinking

The benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy and the Socratic Method of Teaching Studying philosophy benefits students as it develops their thinking abilities. Philosophical inquiries and debates contribute to the students’ critical thinking and encourage them to look at one issue from different angles. This can help students...

Erikson’s Psychosocial and Freudian Psychosexual Stages

Introduction Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud are great psychologists who came up with different theories that seek to explain the formation and development of personality. Erik Erikson came up with psychosocial theories, which explains that personality development depends upon epigenetic elements and the influence of culture in a given society....

“Rivers of Blood and Money” Article by Burden

Summary of the Source The colonization and Nazi activities during the Second World War may seem separate events that took unique courses. However, Burden argues that it is possible to draw a parallel between the two. It is easy to identify commonalities in these events. When the British and German...

Bilingualism in Children: Pros and Cons

Children learning more than one language have plenty of advantages associated with their memory, cognitive skills, reading, communication, etc. Bilingualism helps a child to develop and reveal his or her abilities and develop them. Research results show that children who speak one language more than others have better preconditions for...

Philosophy: Plato’s “Five Dialogues” Analysis

In the suggested passage, the philosopher revolves around the price of freedom and whether it could be achieved by any means. If to speak about the main idea of this very text, it could be determined as the essence of the cogitations about justice, injustice, and the appropriate response to...

E-Concert Report: Pieces from Early and Baroque Music

Introduction The epoch of Baroque, which took over one and a half centuries from the early 1600s to the 1750s, was a majestic period for all branches of art. Its bizarre pompous luxury found reflection not only in architecture but also in other arts, such as music. The main genres...

The US Accounts Deficit in “The Overstretch Myth”

Main points of the article In the article, Brown and Levey delve into the current furor surrounding the U.S. accounts deficit and the level of debt the U.S. finds itself in. Brown and Levey state that the problems are less dire than what analysts claim them to be. They focus...

The Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities

Title & general information Title: Reading Fluency: Implications for the Assessment of Children with Reading Disabilities Authors: Elizabeth B. Meisinger., Juliana S. Bloom and George W. Hynd Name of journal: Ann. of Dyslexia (Annals of Dyslexia) year of publication 2010, Volume 60, pages 1–17 Introduction Aim of the research: the...

Pepsi Company’s Talent Management System

How PepsiCo sustains its competitive advantage In today’s marketplace, performance is the key element of every organization, or company consistency is the central issue in the marketplace. PepsiCo has been able to utilize its ability to use the right people to do the right job; this is the genesis of...

Ancient Greek Tragedies: Agamemnon, Antigone and Bacchae

The Agamemnon Agamemnon, one of Aeschylus’ greatest work, is a classic Greek Tragedy. This play shows the extension of a curse that was on the house of Atreus. The time setting for this play is the end of the Trojan War, and King Agamemnon’s come back. The play entails the...

Gender Discrimination Topic for Research

Selection of the Topic Topic I have chosen gender discrimination under the family category. Description Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on cultural practices that set a glass ceiling to women in many aspects of life. For instance, in the workplace, women are discriminated in different ways including, recruitment,...

Domestic Violence in the US of the Last Decade

Selection of the Topic Topic The topic chosen is the prevalence of domestic violence in the US in the last 10 years. Description The issue of domestic violence is a global societal problem. In most cases, women are the main victims of this uncivilized behavior with men being the perpetrators...

Beliefs in Buddhism and Classical Hinduism

Abstract The following text reviews the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Hinduism to understand the relationship between the two unique religions. The study findings show that Buddhism and Hinduism are the two most dominant and thoughtful religions worldwide, which might have similarities, but are very different in terms of...

Searching Cell Phones Seized Incident to Arrest

Identification of the article The article selected for critique is titled “searching cell phones seized incident to arrest”. The author of this eight-page article is Wesley Clerk, who is a senior attorney in the Domestic Law Section, Office of Chief Counsel, DEA. It was first published online by FBI Law...

Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Death Penalty from Religious and Historical Standpoints

Introduction The death penalty is a judicial process of putting criminals to death. The death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment and is interpreted as a legal process of dealing with capital offenses (Nagin & Pepper 2012). The death penalty has emerged as a contentious issue in the...

A Person I Would Like to Be: Helen Keller

Introduction My daughter Andrea was born with brown eyes and soft brown hair and from the first moment I saw her “beautiful” was the only word that came to mind to describe the light of my life. The way she curled her small hand around my finger when she was...

US Constitution 1787 and Articles of Confederation

Introduction America in the 1780s was in a state of political volatility, with the country’s system of government undergoing reevaluation and amendment. The need for creating a structure that would answer to the requirements of a newly formed nation, one that had only recently won its independence, influenced the establishment...

The Colombian Conflict Effects

Research Question State your research question in a way that clearly highlights the discourse, practice, process, identity, etc. that you propose to study [this will depend on whether you choose discourse analysis or ethnographic research]. The Colombian Conflict lasted for over half a century, and its effects extended to all...

Is the United States of America an Empire?

Even though over a century has passed since the War of 1898, there is still much controversy surrounding the question of whether the USA should or should not be considered an empire. Many scholars, politicians, and other actors have expressed their opinions on the issue. The present paper will discuss...

The Project Management Life Cycle

Project closure procedure How can have a project closure procedure improve future projects and benefit the organizations involved? According to Brown and Hyer (2010), the project closure procedure is important for handing deliverables to the customer. It enables the consumer to provide inputs and to point out weak areas that...

Scheduling of Resource-Constrained Projects

How does the development of project software compare to other methods of scheduling. What are the benefits of using project software? What are the downfalls of using technology in this manner? According to Brown and Hyer (2010), the different project scheduling methods depend on different variables. The Critical Path Method...

Business Development Initiative for Success

Assuming that a business productivity project was done for a company, it would be first presented to the consulting company for approval before sending it to the prospective client for review. This project focused on a business development initiative that established the stages, which a prospective business person or entity...

Amazon Inc.’s Consolidation Process and Tax Benefits

Amazon, Inc. is a global company that has developed particularly as a result of acquisitions. For instance, Amazon, Inc. purchased Whole Foods Marketplace in 2017, and the company’s revenues are now part of Amazon’s consolidated financial statements. Amazon’s corporate structure allows for consolidation by using a hierarchal framework, with varying...

Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts

Compare and contrast the effectiveness of group therapy. What elements are particularly helpful for the group? What elements are potentially detrimental to group dynamics? The type of addicts best suited for the Self-Evaluation Group are learners who have to abuse drugs to perform an array of tasks as individuals or...

Sara Lee Corporation’s Strategy in 2011

Sara Lee’s corporate strategy Sara Lee changes its business strategies so that it can manage to align its operations with market demands. When the company was being formed, it acquired different industries so that it could increase its overall global market share. When this strategy became successful, the company began...

Teaching Strategies Promoting Active Learning

Introduction The use of technology in education is beneficial for both educational establishments and learners since it provides many opportunities. First of all, online education enables more people to obtain the necessary education. On the other hand, educators can concentrate on individual teaching and assessment strategies. It is necessary to...

Heat Transfer Rates in a Hot Jet: Experiment

Abstract The experiment is aimed at determining the heat transfer rates in a hot jet. The reasons for the hot jet to have different heat rates in different areas will be determined. The experiment has shown that, due to convection issues caused by impingement, heat conduction did not occur properly....

Facebook Platform, Business Model and Goals

Facebook Platform and Business Model Facebook was founded by a Harvard undergraduate student the name Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook platform was launched in May 2007 by a California-based company. This platform allowed third-party users to develop applications for the site and this convinced many observers of social networking that Facebook...

Roosevelt’s New Deal: Arguments For and Against

The thirty-second president of the USA, Franklin Roosevelt, was known for many political and historical decisions. His activity influenced not only the lives of U.S. citizens but also of other nations. However, the most widely discussed innovation offered and implemented by Roosevelt was the so-called New Deal ─ the politics...

The Lowe Art Museum: Experiencing the Unknown

The Most Beautiful Object in the Museum Understanding the Art The trip to the Lowe Art Museum was a fabulous experience in exploring new ways of artistic expression and interpretation thereof. Among the 2018 exhibitions, one should mention the one dedicated to the most influential Americans as seen by the...

High School Community Service as a Predictor of Adult Voting and Volunteering

Introduction This article is a study examining the relationship between high school experiences and civic participation. According to the article, in the last fifty years, the level of civic participation has declined. This decline is particularly notable among young adults. Previous research on the matter indicates that other forms of...

USA Motors Company’s Employee Absenteeism and Incentives

Why the absenteeism plan will succeed Jack Parks, a benefits and services manager in the auto electronics division of USA Motors, proposed a plan on reducing the number of absenteeism in the company. This plan has a greater chance of succeeding because of the following reasons. The initial plan was...

Stress and Happiness in Personal Experience

Introduction I thought a lot about stress and happiness during the past week. Currently, I am running three companies including a car dealership, a rental company, and an automotive shipping firm each of which requires the transition to a new stage. For example, they need superior business planning and thorough...

“The Compound” by Bodeen: Close Reading

Choose a favorite chapter/section in your YA novel In this section (the beginning of chapter seventeen), Eli and his mother are trying to figure out how to leave the compound. Since Eli’s father is unconscious, they have the chance to leave the compound, but only if they can understand what...

Trends and Changes in Marketing Management

What is the most important market segment? The importance of a market segment to a business is determined by two variables namely, the attractiveness and the suitability of the segment. The segment is considered to be attractive if it has a high growth rate, low competition, and large size. It...

Global Expansion of Business and Political Factors

Political Issues When planning to expand internationally, the political issues to consider are at the micro-level and macro-level. These include an assessment of the political systems of each of the countries for investment, their political structures, and major political risk factors. Political issues are vital components in influencing company executives...

Personal Development in the “49 Up” Documentary

Introduction Starting from the opening scenes, the plot of the documentary 49 Up reveals various factors that can influence human lives directly. The main purpose of Michael Apted as the director of these series was to prove that not only childhood background but also other environmental factors can have a...

Principal Librarian’s Job Interview Questions

The position of Principal Librarian requires providing direction to and interaction with all levels of library management and staff. Describe a time when you were most successful communicating with varying levels of personnel. In your response, please include your employer, job title, and levels of personnel. In 2009, I worked...

Auto-Ethnography: US and Saudi Arabia Differences

Personal Experience The United States and Saudi Arabia have different cultures and lifestyles. Remarkably, people, who live in the respective countries, demonstrate a range of diversities in their lifestyles. As a woman, who is a mother of four children, and a teacher, who traveled from Saudi Arabia to the United...

Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career

Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist, currently working for Apple. Initially, she worked as an operator in the Silicon Valley and used her connections to become a rather successful venture investor. The personal characteristics that lead her on the way to success are associated with communication and networking. In...

Ecology Lesson: Curriculum Design and Concept Map

Curriculum design The ecology unit is to be taught in collaborative settings emphasizing the following objectives. Understating of the terms related to ecology. The terms to be discussed include among others, environment, ecosystem, botany Understanding of the daily experiences relating to ecology Understanding of ecological problems and their solution. The...

Flora of Earlier Geologic Periods

The “Rhyniophyte Flora” and the “Coal Age Flora” The rhyniophytes which has completely extinct comprises of the earliest vascular land plants. It is only known from its fossils and helps in understanding the origin plants. It existed 450 million years ago and once formed a dominants species of the Devonian...

Language Development from Psychological Perspective

How can the study of aphasia patients advance our knowledge of language processing and language development? According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2011), aphasia is “the neurological term for any language disorder that results from brain damage caused by disease or trauma” (p. 6). People with aphasia rarely experience total...

Media: Mirror on the Wall and Professionalization

Introduction The essay is a critical review of two articles written by Fakhreddine, J., and Merrill, J. titled “Mirror on the Wall: Who is the Best Communicator of Them All-Al Jazeera or Al-Hurra? and “Professionalization: Fusion of Media Freedom and Responsibility” all published back in 2005. Issues to be addressed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gender Stereotypes: Data Presentation Strategy

Data Presentation Strategy On the one hand, the idea of presenting data with the help of the natural strategy is quite legitimate. Indeed, representing the information in the order that the feminist issues evolve in contemporary society could be an option. However, the phenomenon of gender issues is very complex,...

Business Start-Up Challenges and Niche Marketing

Challenges when starting up a business Business challenges refer to factors that make it hard for entrepreneurs to launch their new businesses successfully. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of creating a vision and a business idea. When starting up a business from scratch, most entrepreneurs find it difficult...

Data Analysis Proposal: Gender Stereotypes

This study is based on the empirical phenomenology approach, and the corresponding data analysis procedures will be employed. Moustakas’ approach is chosen as the guiding methodological paradigm, and it implies the in-depth analysis of the participants’ accounts alongside the description of recurrent themes (Creswell, 2012). Empirical phenomenology focuses on the...

Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg

Introduction Theology of hope is believed to must have been conceived in the 1960s, with its roots grounded in the 20th existentialism philosophy. Albert Schweitzer was one of the exponents of the theology of hope. In his eschatological teachings, Schweitzer dwelt about faith and stunningly argued the implication of history...

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 3rd Edition

​Introduction The language-free measure of reasoning, aptitude, and intelligence is referred to as the test of nonverbal intelligence (TONI Test). The test is intended to be used by people from the age of six years up to ninety years. The TONI-3 test takes less than twenty minutes. Toni-3 is a...

Texting While Driving: Dangers and Policies

Abstract Texting while driving is more dangerous than driving under the influence of substance abuse or alcohol. Drivers who drive while texting has increased likelihoods of colliding with other motor vehicles, running over foot travelers, and injuring travelers. Even though people acknowledge that texting while driving is a major cause...

Self-Management in the Classroom

Abstract It is improper for teachers to solely use intrusive reinforcers in their quest to teach students how to behave appropriately. They should use them moderately to prevent dependency among the students. They should only use them when necessary and withdraw gradually while training their learners to respond to natural...

Analysis of A-Cat Corporation’s Sales Forecast

Statistical Tools and Methods Working on the development of sales forecast for a company is essential for the further identification of the strategies, which the organization in question views as crucial for attracting new customers and increasing its profitability rates (Roberts & Russo, 2014). In order to address the situation...

Vapid Lumber Industries Company’s Barcodes Use

Introduction Vapid Lumber Industries (VLI) is an organization that is focused on the operations with wood. Its purchasing director, Taylor, is willing to implement changes to streamline manufacture and improve the quality of purchasing, sales, and inventory. Her innovations are connected with technology that is ignored by her boss, Bob....

Chapters 4-5 of “Story, Performance, and Event” by Bauman

Chapter four summary This chapter concentrates on the role played by a reported speech in oral literature. The author begins by asserting the importance of excellent structural elements in reported speech. Direct speech is restrictive in the way of reporting while the reported speech gives the speaker some flexibility to...

Children Investments in Theory and Practice

Introduction The concept of investment in children is both intuitive and appealing. The relevance of welfare and education of children is applicable to any political and social context and aligns well with the fundamental psychological and social values of humanity. The following paper provides an overview of areas consistent with...

RFID Chips: Safety in Personal Identification Tags

Introduction Technological advances have made people’s lives much easier and more comfortable. For instance, RFID technologies have been used in supply chain management for years, and this advancement has been already introduced in the sphere of people’s personal and financial data (Saadi, Touhami, & Yagoub, 2016). The use of RFID...

Knowledge of Budgeting in Government

Public budgeting leader in the public sector An effective public budgeting leader focuses on achieving particular goals and meeting certain groups’ needs. To be an effective leader and manager in the public sector, it is essential to be able to set clear goals, as well as develop plans to achieve...

An Appalachian Mountain Ecology

Introduction Mountaintop removal afflicts Appalachia in many ways featuring both positive and negative repercussions. Mining is the only economic activity in the entire community in eastern Kentucky. Reece points out that “the mountains are situated eastern Kentucky, one of the poorest places in the country, where coal mining has been...

Politeness Strategy in Complaint and Response Letters

Complaint Letter John Black, CEO of High Nile Hotels, 11/1/2013 Dear Sir, Mice in the Hotel I would appreciate it if you would help me with this situation. Your waiter Helen Harris served us at your restaurant on 5 January 11, 2013, and we did not have a very pleasant...

Human Services: Genogram and Narrative Assessment

Narrative Assessment of a Genogram The paper is dedicated to a narrative assessment of a non-family member genogram. Such genograms are developed for a better understanding of the clients’ problems as they allow to trace the person’s beliefs as based on his/her family beliefs (Spindel, 2015). The narrative assessment will...

National and Cultural Identity of Canadian Population

Introduction It is worth noting that many people consider the culture of Canada to be contradictory. They stress that it is based on a constant desire to differ from the neighboring country – the USA. Nonetheless, some individuals believe that both states exhibit varieties of common cultural heritage. In addition,...

Discrimination Problem in the Workplace

Introduction It is necessary to mention that discrimination in the workplace is a topic that has been actively discussed by scholars over the last few years and has drawn the attention of many researchers. The concept may be defined as unfair treatment of individuals based on the color of their...

Governance and Public Policy

Democracy and Equality In his writings, John Stuart Mill makes important contributions to democratic governance by putting forward key principles that govern how democracy should be exercised. In its simplest form, the democratic rule indicates the rule of people whose authority and legitimacy comes from the people themselves (Brink, 2007)....

Latent Fingerprints in Forensic Examination

Introduction The forensic examination of latent fingerprints requires the dusting of surfaces with suitable powder to reveal invisible fingerprints. The nature of surfaces determines the type of dusting powder and the quality of latent fingerprints. Dusting powder ought to be fine, adhesive, sensitive, and dusty with an appropriate contrasting color...

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The Role of Values in Leadership

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Porter’s “What is Strategy?” Management Article

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Tim Brown’s “Design Thinking” in Strategic Management

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The Movie “The Devil Wears Prada”: Recommendations

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Nursing Philosophy and Conceptual Framework

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Global Strategic Management: Competitive Advantage

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Business Within Society: Food Truck

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Clinical Decision Support System for Patient Safety

Change Proposal Patient safety is the key priority of all health care professionals since no mistakes are allowed in this area. Regardless of the level of technological support of the unit, safety policies require ongoing improvement as they must respond to the ever-changing environment (Healy, 2016). The problem is that...

Episode Analysis: “The Entire History of You”

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Betty Neuman’s Theory and Implementation in Nursing

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Research Findings Dissemination in Medical Institutions

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Pablo Picasso’s Biography

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Southwest Airline Company’s Case Analysis

Measuring capacity and utilization For companies of the Southwest Airline capacity, the capacity and utilization can be measured by managing the sizing and timing strategies, economies of scale, and scientific and systematic accommodation decisions. The Company has attracted many passengers to its airline in terms of measuring the economies and...

Pedestrian: Promoting Safety and Reducing Risk

Pedestrian Safety to Children: Intervention Pedestrian safety is a crucial skill that should be learned by children to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality from traffic accidents. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2017), children and older adults are most at risk of being killed...

Conflict Resolution for Nurses and Other Providers

Introduction This paper discusses an argument between a nurse and a physician that appeared because of the patient’s desire to be assessed by the caregiver. It suggests the possible way of its elimination according to the Twelve Skills of conflict resolution. The paper reflects on the actions the involved parties...

Leadership Theory: History and Research

Introduction In the early Ohio State leadership study, we learn that effective leaders embodied a considerate character in their relations with their peers and subordinates; Always showed personal concern for their interpersonal relationships. The effective leader was also showing concern for the accomplishments of tasks and therefore came up with...

Genesis 28:10-22 and Its Ideological Aspects

Introduction This paper focuses on the passage presented in Genesis 28 verses 10 to 22. It is crucial to examine the literary, ideological, and communal aspects presented in this passage with the view of revealing the theological message intended by this author, Moses. In particular, these verses convey vital ideological...

Mexico: Emerging Market Analysis

Introduction It is apparent that entering an emerging market has a significant potential due to various advantages such as the increasing economic growth, the absence of serious competition, et cetera. However, it is also evident that numerous problems can occur in the process of entering. Therefore, it is essential to...

Change Management: Rick’ Dismissal Case

Why Rick was dismissed Despite having proposed a radical change that could have resulted in efficiency in marketing scheduling, Rick was let go by the PPP because of his behavior, which the others thought would destabilize the status quo, in a fairly traditional and family-based company. Through proposing and showing...

Alcohol Abuse: the Economist Approach

Introduction To an economist, the problem of alcohol abuse is viewed as an externality in both consumption and production. The value to consumers is greater than the value to society. Alcohol consumption is linked to many social problems, and addressing these problems diverts a significant amount of resources that could...

The Relationships Between American Revolution and Cultural Diversity

American Revolution In the course of history, the status of women underwent several dramatic changes. First of all, the American Revolution gave rise to the debate about the rights of women in the community. However, at the end of the eighteenth century, the legacies of the colonialism were very strong,...

Mandatory Reporting in Nursing Practice

Documentation and Mandatory Reporting Mandatory reporting implies that nurses and other service providers are required to disclose an occurrence or an individual’s behavior that may put someone at risk. The study by Petschnig and Haslinger-Baumann (2017) reveals that reports can result in sustainable corrections in medical institutions and contribute to...

Stand Your Ground Law Issues in Florida

Laws related to self-defense and the use of guns are among the most controversial policies in the United States. In Florida, the Stand Your Ground law, enacted in 2005, has sparked a number of debates on its potential consequences. The law is related to castle doctrine, which states that a...