Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory: Strengths and Limitations

Strengths One of the main strengths one can identify in Kolcaba’s theory is its logical presentation. The original 1994 article contained the major concepts outlined in a grid at the top of which were the forms of comfort sought by the clients (Kolcaba, 1994). Since its inception, therefore, the theory...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

Nowadays, there are many opinions about the impact of slavery on people. Some people believe that slavery is something from the past and can never return. Still, some people think that slavery as it cannot be dead and continues influencing people in a variety of ways. Reece and O’Connell (2015)...

Childhood Obesity, Health and Psychological State

Childhood obesity remains a complex, multilayered issue that can be caused and exacerbated by a variety of factors. The relationship between parental education and childhood obesity is considered an environmental factor. However, it does not account for a series of extraneous variables that can impact the child’s health and psychological...

Adjustments for Students with Language Impairments

Abstract A classroom should be the place where all children regardless of disabilities receive the most appropriate education. Children with speech and language impairments have the right to receive efficient education. Thus, the task of the professional school staff is to adapt a classroom environment and educational curriculum in such...

Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: Medication Efficiency

The Strengths of the Academic Work The study paper, which discusses the efficiency of two medication types that are used in adult individuals against non-valvular atrial fibrillation, presents an excellent model of academic work constitution. The paper has a correct structure, which provides a division between the backgrounds, the purpose,...

Malawi Public Program’s Outcome-Focused Evaluation

Program evaluation is the application of social research methods for systematic assessment of the impact of social interventions (Babbie, 2016). It is a part of evaluation research that aims at investigation, appraisal, and improvement of social intervention programs and their main elements such as “the diagnosis of the social problems...

Diary App for Patients with Chronic Pain

Introduction Patients with chronic pain require consistent support from healthcare providers due to the challenges with which the target population has to deal on a regular basis. Monitoring changes in patients’ well-being is imperative since it will allow determining the instances in which the pain that they experience subsides, as...

Cargo Crimes and Threats: GAO Report

The worldwide supply chain comprises of a wide range of infrastructures that are used for transport. This includes ports, railways, and airlines that all make up the supply chain. All these infrastructures are interconnected such that they all work together for faster transport of goods. Supply chain means the transport...

“A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard

One of the best DVDs that is exemplary of the medium is “A Beautiful Mind” that was directed by Ron Howard; the film focused on the life of John Nash and can be considered as a form of fiction documentary. The basis behind this type of categorization is due to...

Nonhuman Primate Culture in BBC Earth Series

Culture influences the humanity in many ways. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to explain its origin. Specific cultural characteristics have been forming for centuries. A lot of people consider culture a privilege of homo sapiens, but they are wrong. It is curious to observe the behavior of primates in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dell Company’s Supply Chain Management Strategy

Effective supply chain management (SCM) ensures customers get a better value from the business. SCM entails the integration of structures and processes in the supply chain ensuring an effective and efficient flow of goods, services, and information necessary to provide the value demanded by customers (Sridharan, Caines & Patterson, 2005)....

Nursing: Population, Public and Community Health

Population Health and Community/Public Health Nursing Population health nursing is a relatively new term that is usually used to cover the field of nursing that deals with health outcomes, determinants, policies, and interventions. Nurses have to promote the health of populations but not only the individuals within populations (Clark, 2014)....

Nurse Manager Position: Recruitment Process

The paper overviews the recruitment experience, which concerned the application for the position of a nurse manager. Primarily, it is critical to assess the essential duties of the corresponding specialist as well as the fundamental skills and competences that refer to the job type. The position of a nurse manager...

Heritage Assessment and Family Health in Nursing

American Background The first interviewee, J.S., is a 34-year-old female born in the USA, as well as both of her parents and grandparents. Using the heritage assessment tool, it has been found that her parental grandparents come from Phoenix, Arizona, and her maternal grandparents are from Atlanta, Georgia. The interviewee’s...

Parental Education for Preventing Pneumonia in Children

Background Vaccinations have led to the prevention of many childhood illnesses. Prior to the introduction of vaccines many of these illnesses, such as polio, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, flu, diphtheria, and pneumonia ranked as the leading cause of death in children. Today, the vaccination coverage of children in the...

Pain Management in Patients With Dementia

The article Pain management in patients with dementia by Achterberg et al. (2013) is a literature review that explored four main perspectives concerning pain management among patients with dementia in order to make recommendations for further research and practice. Researchers explored the biological, assessment, organizational and educational, and practice perspectives....

Films: Dr. Strangelove and The Russians Are Coming

With the international nuclear fear during the Cold War, the culture was politicized. Stanley Kubrick in his movie Dr. Strangelove and Norman Jewison in his movie The Russians Are Coming used comedy genre for expressing their criticism of the nuclear strategies, showing the absurdity of the irrational fear of the...

Preventing Urinary Tract Infection

The plan for preventing the occurrence of urinary tract infection due to foley catheter involves several stakeholders. The paper indicates their reasons for supporting the plan. Registered Nurse (RN) Why the stakeholder would or would not support the change It is the role of Registered Nurses to ensure necessary bedside...

Artistic Change in Sculpture During Prehistory

Paleolithic Title: Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf) Location: Naturalhistorisches Museum, Vienna Place of origin: Willendorf, Austria Materials: limestone A website where you found the picture and the information about the image: https://klimtlover.wordpress.com/art-before-history/paleolithic-art/ Time period of origin: ca. 28,000-25,000 BCE. Physical properties (lines, shapes, colors, textures): The sculpture is 4 ¼...

LabVIEW Software: Design Systems of Measurement

Introduction LabVIEW is software that was developed to design systems of measurement [1]. In addition, LabVIEW provides an array of tools for controlling the course of an experiment, such as specific methods of providing time constraints, etc. Thermocouples, in their turn, are typically defined as tools for measuring temperature [2]....

Popular Research Paper Topics

How the Role of Children Has Evolved?

How the Role of Children Has Evolved Through History The roles of children have been evolving over the last centuries. Throughout the middle ages, children were mainly expected to engage in hunting and gathering. Girls were expected to complete different household chores. Boys were trained to become future warriors. Throughout...

Peterson Industries Company’s Management

Running a large company presents a lot of challenges to the administration and management team. Some firms can cope with the pressure, but others fail to do so. The example of management at Peterson Industries leaves some lessons to learn. In terms of planning, the company gives a seemingly positive...

Hines and Riis’ Photographs Analysis

Introduction Jacob Riis was a police reporter working for the New York Times paper that ensured that information on the poor working conditions was brought to light. In his works, Riis advocated for better working conditions, better housing, enough lighting, sanitation, and construction of city parks in different cities of...

The US-Australia Cooperation and Its Implications

Analysis Summary In his article ‘An ally for all the years to come’: why Australia is not a conflicted U.S. ally, Bisley (2013) argues that the partnership between the United States and Australia, which has existed for an impressive amount of time, provides for economic and political safety of the...

Inequality in Wealth Distribution in the US

In the speech, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen talks about the inequality in income and wealth distribution in the United States. Before the Great Recession, the gap was relatively small. However, the losses that people incurred widened the gap. High rates of consumption widened the gap further and made the...

Lesotho Apparel Industry Unites to Fight AIDS

ALAFA has played vital roles in the fight against HIV/AIDS. To begin with, the alliance has been raising funds from factory owners and other donors to help in sensitizing workers against the dangers of contracting HIV/AIDS. For instance, numerous peer educator programs are organized around workplaces. Peer educators are fellow...

Recording Observations in Field Research

Introduction There is a close relation between field research and qualitative research. However, the observations made while conducting field studies may either be presented as quantitative or qualitative data or both. The data recorded by field investigators are highly dependent on whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative observation This...

Lock Out/Tag Out: Requirements Fulfillment Among Workers

Introducing the Article The article “LOTO Made Simple” by Burns and Foust (2015) is devoted to the issues connected with promoting the necessity of lockout/tag-out (LOTO) requirements fulfillment among workers. Summary and Analysis of the Key Points Pointing out the importance of LOTO procedures, Burns and Foust (2015) highlight that...

The Poem “In Justice!”

The poem ‘‘In Just’’ is pieced together and deciphered based on love and deliberately visualizes the external world in portraying its intended message. On the whole, the poem depicts apprehension of the coming of spring from a childhood visionary perspective. It is woven in satire and rhythmic analysis bordering on...

Patients With Diabetes and Concomitant Diseases’ Risk

What are the effects of controlling BP in people with diabetes? It has been proven by several studies that patients suffering from diabetes run the risk of having various related conditions. More than 75 percent of all patients who die from diabetes die because of having cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, high...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Media’s Influence Importance

Introduction Social media (for instance, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube) has played a key role in the way human beings communicate by enhancing data sharing through considerably trimming barricades of communication. Through social media, persons from diverse areas of the globe are able to note any developments of occasions or events....

Organized Labor Success Evaluating in 1875–1900

Introduction It is hard to overrate the significance of organized labor. However, at the end of the XIX century, it was only starting to gain its influence on society. Although not all goals of organized labor were reached at the end of the XIX century, the fundament for building democratic...

Employee Conflicts Resolution and Ethical Dilemmas

Any workplace represents an environment where many people have to interact with one another; as a result, due to the overlapping interests, diverse values, and clashing needs, there is a high possibility of conflicts between employees (Carter, 2015). Some of such conflicts can be resolved with the help of internal...

Presidential Elections: Strengths and Weaknesses

Elections Strength The major strength of federal elections is their unfaltering commitment to fundamental beliefs and values of American society. The latest presidential elections that have been extremely competitive have proven that the candidates always enjoy the freedom of expression, assembly, and association, which aligns with the key rights documented...

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. As the history tells us, “he was mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth, who was a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, in the Presidential...

Measuring Tendency: Typology and Examples

Population Mean Definition The population mean is the average of all samples included in the study (Rubin, 2012). To retrieve the population mean, one must add all values and divide them by their number. Being rather basic, the given type of measurement is used in a variety of cases. For...

Regal Marine Company Strategies and Competition

Product life cycle explains the life of a product in a given market. This is done in relation to sales measures and various business costs. Products have a life cycle because they pass through various stages. This is in relation to sales and it implies that a product has a...

Concept of the Responsibility in Society

Every day during all our life, we hear that we are to take responsibility for every action. But to bring something into life one should clearly define its profound meaning. Some views on responsibility in the society are too all-encompassing, so that it becomes hard to determine the correct behavior....

Leadership Styles in “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard

In Apollo 13 (1995) directed by Ron Howard, it is possible to observe several types of leadership that are mostly represented by such characters as Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz. Inasmuch as both characters demonstrate different leadership styles depending on a situation, it is possible to apply the contingency theory...

How to Manage Radical Innovation?

Introduction In his article titled “How to Manage Radical Innovation,” Robert Stringer focuses on identifying factors that hinder radical innovation in large organizations, issues that make small companies become a major source of the most radical innovations, and the actions to be done to stimulate and manage innovation in large...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient Engagement in the Electronic Health Record

Introduction The electronic health record is a digital register of a patient’s health information that is gathered from the experiences at a particular care delivery center. The demographics of the patient, past medical history, immunization, and radiography reports are some of the crucial information elements that are contained in the...

Racial Makeup and Governance Policies

After Ferguson witnessed one of the highest voter turnouts in its history, residents of this town are now hopeful of changes in governance policies. For the first time, this Missouri neighborhood has witnessed the election of three African American officials to its city council. Previously, Ferguson’s city council consisted of...

Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test and Application

A statistical model can be used to reflect a particular sample of data. However, the process is not straightforward. It requires some procedures and analysis before arriving at the final true reflection of a given sample of data (Rosner, 2010). When a particular model is chosen for use in statistical...

Motor Carriers and Freight Transportation Future

What Do Transportation And Logistics (T&L) Leaders Need To Do To Prepare For The Future Of Freight Transportation, Especially Motor Carriers? Transportation is one of the most important aspects of supply chain management. The existence of competitive transportation rates during the 1990s compelled many companies to develop supply chains that...

The Tibetan Culture Views on Stress Management

Introduction High levels of stress can hinder the efficiency of a person’s undertakings, thus resulting in undesirable outcomes. The management of stress is vital for the enhancement of aspects of spirituality and communication (Seaward, 2015). Fear can emerge due to stress whereby an individual loses self-confidence, which can be portrayed...

Emotion Management in the Workplace

Abstract Emotions are a complex and often challenging part of the everyday life of modern individuals. Emotions are present at all times and in every situation we face. Sometimes they are quite pleasant and relaxing, and sometimes they are confusing and frustrating. Both positive and negative emotions have one important...

The Detroit Auto Industry Reviving

Introduction The American auto industry has suffered a severe drought in terms of sales and production over a period of time. In particular, several reasons have contributed to the program. The Detroit auto sale economy is one of the hardest hit. First, it is worth noting that the emergence of...

The Vice Presidential Debate US Elections 2012

Introduction The US Vice- Presidential debate took place on 11 October 2012. The debate took place at The Central College in Danville- Kentucky. This was between Joe Biden of the Democratic Party and Ryan Paul of the Republican Party. Martha Raddatz of the ABC News moderated the debate. This debate...

Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill’s Philosophical Views

Greatest Happiness The ‘greatest happiness principle’ is based on the belief that an action is right if it promotes “happiness” or, in other words, “pleasure and absence of pain” and it is wrong if it produces “the reverse of happiness” (Mill, 2015, p. 107). Two Pleasures It is possible to...

Crime and Criminals: General Characteristics

For a long time, crime has been a subject of discussion among various countries across the globe, with various strategies and inventions being developed to curb the same. Many researchers have also made in-depth discoveries about crimes and criminal activities, most of which are interesting, fascinating and clear pointers to...

Inner Strength in Women Survivors of Cancer

Major Findings Dingley, C., & Roux, G. (2014). The role of inner strength in quality of life and self-management in women survivors of cancer. Research in Nursing & Health, 37(1), 32-41. This article dwells upon the role of self-management and inner strength in the life of women survivors of cancer....

Gender Stereotyping among Children

Andrews and Ridenour (2006) assert that gender stereotyping in children is a common reality that superintendents and school principals cannot ignore. In particular, the authors argue that young learners who aspire to work as school administrators must be in a familiar learning environment whereby equality exists between both boys and...

Caregivers’ and Health Professionals’ Risk – Nursing

Today there are numerous hazards that put caregivers and health professionals at risk. “More people are becoming victims of oppression, torture, and abuse in different organizations today (Kerr, 2010)”. This explains why there is a need for adequate measures to address the issue. For instance, the American Psychological Association (APA)...

The Group of Twenty’s Summit in 2015

The Group of Twenty unites the leaders of twenty major world economies and is aimed at promoting the cooperation able to improve the international financial stability. As the G20 economies comprise nearly eighty percents of the world trade, the annual summit plays a vital role in setting the trends for...

Work-Family Conflict Implications in Strain Levels

The article “The Implications of the Conflict between Work and Family in Strain Levels” was written by Ioannidi et al. dwells upon the interaction of work and family domains in the case of conflict in their relation to health (1139). It was stressed out that previously it was considered that...

Poems Analysis: “Heaven” and “La Migra”

“Heaven” by Cathy Song In her poem, Cathy Song reflects on the ethnic identity of her children, ancestors, and herself. The main character is a Chinese boy, who migrated to the USA for a long time before the author wrote this piece of poetry. The character worked at the railway...

Communism as the U. S. National Paranoia

Because of the desire to keep the integrity of the American society, the fear for the Red Plague, as known as the communists, has been cultivated in the United States for decades. Despite the fact that the United States were rather distanced from the Soviet Union, the Communist ideas were...

“The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” by Katherine Anne Porter

1. Consider Cornelia’s efforts on behalf of her dying mother. Does her mother fully appreciate her daughter? From your experiences and observations, would you say the mother’s response is unusual? Cornelia is taking very good care of her mother’s needs. She is always there to take care of anything the...

Security Governance in Health Care

Discuss How Information Security Governance Has Been Challenged with the Evolution of the Digital World. Why Does Maintaining Information Security Governance Matter? The evolution of the digital world challenged information security governance, as almost all devices can be operated wirelessly. There are two ways to manipulate smartphones, cars, computers, and...

Nurses Role in Conflicts

Nursing has always been one of the main occupations that contributed to societys further rise and development. Having appeared at the dawn of civilization as the first attempt to help people in need, this kind of activity moved along with humanity and passed through numerous stages of its evolution. At...

Psychology: Christian Counseling

Counseling is a useful practice because it makes it easier for troubled persons to have better lives. This situation explains why lay approaches to religious counseling have become common today. The four models of Christian counseling include “cognitive and solution focused approach, active listening, inner healing, and mixed models” (Garzon,...

Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Ethical Challenges

Ethical Challenges The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves several ethical issues connected with failing to protect some of the most fundamental rights, including the individual’s rights to abortion. This defect in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not only unable to correct the past mistakes linked...

Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence

I suppose that Ho Chi Minh meant the help that Vietnam provided for France in the course of World War II. At that time, Vietnam got into the center of conflict between France and Japan. Becoming a location of the fight for territory between the two nations, Vietnam lost its...

Nurse-Patient Communication: Role and Issues

Introduction It is imperative to note that the process of nurse-patient communication is incredibly complicated most of the time, and an understanding of all the aspects is vital for every healthcare professional. A nurse should provide the patient with all the necessary information related to the current condition, progress, and...

Personal Networks and Communication System

Introduction Technology has shaped the life of a contemporary individual. People find their live much easier than it used to be as technology enables them to do more within less time. Communication has also become affected. Many people are even worried that they have become “too immersed in the digital...

Social Policy Underpinning Service Delivery

Nowadays, a number of care homes for people with different needs and expectations could be found. Modern UK residential care homes, independent hospitals, and various nursing homes aim at providing support and care for older people, who cannot have a kind of positive life because of some crisis or instabilities...

Asia: Effects on Regional Growth

Introduction It is important to mention that regional growth is a topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years, and it is especially true for such areas as Asia that are still actively developing. Some of the recent events need to be mentioned to get an understanding...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God

Introduction This story reminisces Jews’ suffering during the Holocaust. The book reflects what happened in Germany and its colonies during the Nazi era. Wiesel uses Eliezer to express his experiences during the Holocaust. The protagonist (Eliezer) undergoes some of the most terrifying situations in life. At a tender age of...

Total Remuneration Value in Companies

Helms (2006) identifies many different types of contingent workers – seasonal employees, temporary workers (or temps), part-time workers, interns, and independent contract workers. Each of these types of workers helps employers to organize their workforce more flexibly and cost-effectively. The modern companies operate in a way that forces them to...

Nationally Determined Contribution of the US

Every effective climate change agreement always requires broad participation, stimulates high compliance rates, and reflects high individual and collective ambitions (Bang, Hovi, & Skodvin, 2016). The 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement aims to meet these high standards and encourages all nations to contribute to the achievement of the formulated global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

High Blood Pressure Treatment in Diabetic Patient

The given case study presents a sixty-year-old African American male patient who has been diagnosed with hypertension and types 2 diabetes for the last twelve years. His body index is 32, and he is currently taking no other medication except 37.5/25 mg every morning. The information about the patient’s age,...

The Documentary “Explorer: Inside North Korea”

A documentary titled Explorer: Inside North Korea produced by the National Geographic Channel provides a unique view into the life of the most reclusive society on earth –North Korea. The country also has the world’s fourth-largest army and probably the most protected border in the world. North Korea is ruled...

Rise of the Networked Generation by B. Coleman

Contemporary society is characterized by great and irrepressible development of computers, digital technologies and virtual world. This process became so significant that it had even obtained its unique term digital revolution. With this in mind, it is no wonder that a great number of different authors investigating this issue appeared....

Early Education, Family and Community: Standard 2

The primary purpose of the paper is to summarize the selected standard while providing a rationale for the choice in terms of professional, advocate, and personal development. In turn, the questions are designed for the professional of early childhood education to clarify the primary intentions of the standard and offering...

Clinical Studies and Current Research Progress

Clinical Studies Clinical studies are an integral procedure of medical practice, and such work involves quite a few aspects. The possibility of participating in various researches is a responsible and significant task as different exciting cases and correlations can be revealed in the process of such activity. Almost the entire...

Understatement in Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—”

Robert Frost wrote his famous poem “Out, Out—” in 1916, during the First World War. The poem reveals the author’s dark thoughts at a difficult time in the world’s history. The author was not at war, as well as the audience is not. However, Frost manages to reflect the core...

Educational Research Methods and Data Collection

Different research projects are completed by means of various methods and techniques. However, comparing and contrasting those it is possible to find similarities in the methodology if the main idea of the research projects coincides. This paper aims to compare and contrast five research projects conducted in the sphere of...

American Psychological Association/Direct Quoting

APA Style In order to document ideas in writing, a variety of styles may be employed. However, one of the most effective methods to do so is the APA style. With its help, the author makes it easy for readers to find the sources that were employed while writing the...

The Florida National University: the Lack of Ample Parking

Introduction Every year, several undergraduates join the American universities to begin their fresh undergraduate courses or to proceed with their courses (Schmidt and Wesley 2). Florida National University receives several students for different course purposes. The university has several students and employees who possess personal cars. Roen, Glau, and Maid...

Credit Cards with Radio-Frequency Identification

RF safety and security safeguards for building into credit cards, passports, and other personal identification tags An access control system and a radio shield should be embedded in the ID tags to enhance security. In the first instance, the data that the RF chip contains would be encrypted. The key...

Standard 5 for Early Childhood Professional

Introduction Purpose of the Paper There exist numerous requirements for early childhood professionals (ECPs) related to their personal and professional qualities (Colker, 2008; NAEYC, 2010a; NAEYC, 2010b). The purpose of this paper is to study the standards related to ECP activity and provide questions that could be asked for an...

Robert Moorman’s Views on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

The study by Robert H. Moorman titled “Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Do Fairness Perceptions Influence Employee Citizenship?” aimed at canvassing “the relationship between perception of fairness and organizational citizenship behaviors in a sample drawn from two firms in the Midwestern United State.” The two companies were...

Overdiagnosis and Wasted Resources in Healthcare

Overdiagnosis is a Result of Wasted Efforts Managing resources properly is a crucial objective for experts in contemporary healthcare. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the efforts of a healthcare expert are not wasted during the process of diagnosing a particular issue. The phenomenon known as overdiagnosis can...

Advanced Nursing Practitioner’s Role and Settings

Introduction The advanced nursing practitioner role has become complex and versatile because the current health care industry and patients’ needs have changed drastically during the last decades. However, its core principles rely on and are driven by the educational background, professional expertise, and the system of rewarding. The definition of...

Load Duration Curve in Electric Power Generation

Introduction Inefficiency in centralised process of generating energy has led to innovative ways of monitoring efficiency. Of great importance has been the introduction of load duration curve (LDC). This paper will examine load duration curve. The notion of a load duration curve LDC provides information on the amount of power...

“The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury

Americans, in the twentieth century, saw wonderful scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb, the space age, and political moves that came as a result of a sense of superiority for America. It elevated America to a nation that was ahead in civilization and development. All these phenomena had a great...

Fad Diets Research and Lessons Learnt

I decided to choose the controversial topic (fad diets) due to the direct effect of such diets on the daily lives of thousands of Americans. As fad diets can be dangerous and cause dehydration, I believe people should understand their side effects and be aware of how such diets work....

The Sinews of Peace by Winston Churchill

As a wise and experienced politician, Churchill could not but realize the fact that being a state which contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany most of all, the USSR expected to obtain the fruits of war and compensate for all losses. Moreover, possessing an overwhelming military power, the Soviet...

Ronald Heifetz’ Type of Leadership

Heifetz presents a form of leadership that involves leaders providing leadership when the organization they are leading is under siege from external factors. Changes and transformations in today’s markets, clients, competitors, and technology all over the world are necessitating organizations to restructure their modes of operation (Heifetz, 2001, pg.124). According...

Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts

The article by Cai, Bagchi and Gauri published in Journal of Consumer Research named “Boomerang Effects of Low Price Discounts: How Low Price Discounts Affect Purchase Propensity” demonstrates that lower discounts for low priced product reduce the propensity to purchase non-essential, low priced goods (especially groceries). This paper provides a...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Magical Realism

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Elisenda and Pelayo responded to the arrival of the old man with enormous wings like to the ordinary event, which captured their attention only for a while, and then they focused on benefiting from the situation. Thus, having met the old man, Pelayo...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and His Struggle

Introduction The book shows Eliezer’s struggle with faith in God. This theme is quite dominant throughout the story. For instance, other characters like Akiba Drumer, among others lose faith in God. In the face of fiery problems, God seems silent on them. Moreover, Jews in concentration camps wonder why their...

Supply Chain Efficiency Aspects

Introduction Supply chain entails the systems that are involved in the movement of a product from the producer to the customer. The systems include people, information, activities and various organizations that aid in the movement of the product (Chan & Qi, 2003). A supply chain should be efficient in order...

Patient Education Process and Its Failure Factors

Patient education is a major factor in the care delivery process. The lack of integrity in the field may severely compromise patient outcomes and introduce health risks. The following paper provides an example of a failure of the patient education process, recognizes the ethical, economic, and legal factors related to...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer and His Father

Introduction Eliezer loves both his family and God-given his strict reverence to the Jewish tradition. However, he seems to love God more than he loves his father. This is evident when he defies his father’s wish by studying Cabbala. However, as trouble surfaces, he tends to lose faith in God...

Burger King Corporation: Resources and Core Competencies

Burger King Corporation was founded in 1953 in Florida and initially known as Insta-Burger King (Hunger 18-1). The fast food company quickly became popular within its industry and differentiated itself from its main competitor –McDonald’s allowing the consumers to alter the ingredients of the hamburgers without a delay in preparation...

WRSX Group’s Strategic Position in Advertising Market

“The strategic management process begins when d firm defines its mission” (Barney & Hesterly, 2013, p. 8). For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to determine the mission of a company under analysis and understand all peculiarities of its functioning in order to make a well structured and comprehensive analysis...

Diagnosis-Related Groups in Healthcare Research

History of the Standard Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) is “a statistical system of classifying any inpatient stay into groups for the purposes of payment” created by Fetter and Thompson at Yale (Health Law Resources, 2011, par. 1). It was implemented at the beginning of 1980’s by the organization that is now...

Franklin Equipment Ltd Company’s Operations Management

Franklin Equipment, Ltd. (FEL), a company specializing in producing machines for the sphere of construction, focused on expanding internationally. Project Abu Dhabi was planned to be the first project associated with entering the international market (Larson & Gray, 2014, p. 413). However, before starting the project, Carl Jobe, a facilitator...

Mexico’s and the United States Great Wall

Introduction Initially the U.S. secured the border because of illegal Asian immigrants, the Mexicans moved to U.S. at will. In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declared the initiation of a project whose purpose was to safeguard U.S. borders and minimize prohibited immigration. The project involved building a 2000...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Art of the 20th Century: Political and Cultural Turmoil

Art, Architecture, Music, Literature, and Sculpture of the 20th Century Throughout the history of humankind, various kinds of art not only explored beauty but also reflected social, political, and cultural phenomena observed in a given period. Therefore, the history of art provides a valuable perspective on the development of society...

“Barbie-Q” a Short Story by Sandra Cisneros

A short story is a very interesting genre because authors are supposed to convey their messages using the limited number of words – therefore, it can be supposed that good short stories have to be revised many times in order to exclude odd details that do not help the reader...

Social Engineering Attacks and Network Security

While looking for other articles on the topic, I was trying to find those addressing the ways to deal with social engineering attacks as well as those that would go into detail about the techniques that are typically implemented by hackers. When I investigated the issue and the case study...

Russian Democracy and Political Stability

Democracy is defined as the form of government where the citizens exercise the ruling power in either a direct or indirect manner through a system of free elections. The question of whether there are links between democracy and political stability has been a subject of heated debates. If to include...

“Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”

Tomb Raider is not a typical video game. Tomb Raider is a phenomenal success story within the video game industry. However, Tomb Raider’s popularity transcended the world of digital entertainment. It is a good example of a game that went beyond the confines of the TV monitor, personal computer, and...

Moral Doctrine of Active and Passive Euthanasia

Active and passive euthanasia Active euthanasia may be more preferable in those cases, when a person struggles with excruciating pain caused by some incurable illness. For instance, one can speak about people who struggle with cancer. By choosing this approach, a medical worker can end the suffering of an individual...

Negligence of the Medical Personnel

Negligence of the medical personnel is among the best-known causes of breach of safety culture. It ranges from the minor violations of the rules to the severe mistakes that sometimes bear irreversible consequence, known as “never events.” Several ways of overcoming the issue have been suggested, most often the educational...

Family Relationships and Dominant Culture

Personal preferences, values, and attitudes are largely conditioned by the social and cultural environment in which people live. This idea embedded in a number of social psychology theories can be applied to the sphere of human relationships as well. It is valid to assume that the manner and outcomes of...

“Come Alive” and “Shitty First Drafts” Comparative Literature

Introduction Derrick Brown’s poem, “Come Alive” dwells on designing arguments when describing an item. Besides, Anne Lamott the passage “Shitty First Drafts” discusses arguments in terms of the ethos, pathos, and logos. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to identify critical writing issues that these authors identify in relation to the...

Transport System for the Supply Chain

Introduction In the recent past, companies in various sectors have become cognizant of the fact that the supply chain involves more than just the cost of moving products among the suppliers, distributors, and customers. Managers can leverage on it to facilitate minimum transport costs and maximum efficiency in product distribution,...

“The Corn is a Lie” – Environment

Introduction The essay The Corn is a Lie discusses the use of the ethanol and its impact on the environment from various perspectives. The essay has quite a catchy and interesting title, but at the same time, there is the professional expertise and the insider opinion. There are, however, some...

Organizational Management vs Leadership

The article Issues facing management vs. leadership in public organizations discuss how management and leadership in public organizations influence their functioning and present the key differences between these two concepts. To understand what concept is more appropriate for contemporary organizational management, the differences between management and leadership need to be...

The Role of Social Media in Activism and Revolution

Introduction The recent technological advancement has made communication a lot easier. More than 50% of the world population are now using cell phones and other wireless devices to transmit voice and text messages across the globe (Howard 6). According to Howard (7), social media makes it possible to transmit information...

“The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” by Katherine Howe

“The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” was written by Katherine Howe. The book was first published in 2009. The story in the book involves a quest a young Harvard graduate and doctoral candidate Connie Goodwin needs to complete in order to uncover the secrets of Deliverance Dane, the woman who...

Screenwriting: Spike Lee and His Works

Abstract Screenwriting is art of writing scripts for films. Screenwriter is a very important person in the process of filmmaking. This paper studies the works of Spike Lee, a well known and appreciated African-American screenwriter, who also obtains the roles of a director, produces and actor. Spike Lee, the Screenwriter...

Elderly With Alzheimer’s Disease: Functions and Falls

Researchable Population The fact is, approximately 5% of Alzheimer’s cases develop after the age of 65 (Nelson et al., 2012). Mental alertness is one of the most important aspects of aging, and the majority of geriatric patients tend to have memory issues (especially those who are 80 and up). Within...

Multimedia Vocabulary Instruction for Adolescents

Multimedia technologies are discussed by educators as effective instruments to enhance instructions and contribute to learning different concepts. Researchers often propose using multimedia technologies to improve the results of students with learning disabilities. In their article, Kennedy, Deshler, and Lloyd (2015) discussed the effects of multimedia on teaching and learning...

Quality Improvement and Conflict Management in Healthcare

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Nowadays, in health care, much attention is paid to such issues as quality improvement and patient safety. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a list of “never events” to clarify the conditions under which transparency and quality outcomes may be observed. According to...

Interactions in Young Students with Special Needs

Poor social development ranks as a common problem for children who suffer from conditions such as autism. This paper considers one study on the use of peer networks to improve social interactions among students with special needs. The studied literature (Debra et al., 1997) presents suggestions on how early childhood...

Events in the Concentration Camps: “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction Eliezer’s has a very close relationship with his father in the beginning. However, the relationship between Eliezer and his father, Chlomo, change in the course of the novel. Initially, Eliezer and his father have a close relationship, even if Chlomo is very dedicated to the community, and Chlomo does...

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“Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis

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PICC-Related Complications Reduction: Obstacles

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Pedagogical Approaches in Nursing Education

Diversity in the Classroom Multicultural diversity induces multiple challenges in the current education system. It indicates that more individualized approaches to instruction and learning are required and that curricula must be revised in a way that would allow meeting the interests of all students. It is possible to say that...

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive Advantage in 2014

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Discrete and Continuous Data’ Mixture Possibility

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Motivational Axiom, Health Behavior and Promotion

Discussion Healthcare professionals influence patients’ behaviors if they apply certain motivational axioms and health behavior models. Being able to explain patients’ behaviors and motivation with reference to these axioms and theories, educators can choose the most appropriate strategies to stimulate patients’ learning and behavioral change. The purpose of this paper...

3D Animation in “Ice Age: The Meltdown” Film

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Rules of the Game and Two Kinds: Books Comparison

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Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners’ Scope

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Anxiety Disorders in the United States

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Suicide Causes, Awareness, and Prevention

A life is one of the most priceless gifts given to a person, and it seems to be unnatural and truly egoistic for people to commit suicide and leave the world without any clear and justified reason. Though suicide is not the first reason for human death, it is still...

Information Technologies and Minimizing Medical Errors

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Repeatability and Reproducibility in Business

Quality management and the promotion of a consistent update of the quality standards is an essential part of any company’s operations. The subject matter is especially crucial in the field where the possibility of creating defective products is especially high, such as the production of gauges, as the study carried...

Supply Chain Management and Associated Risks

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Nursing in Media Representation and Perception

Nurses and the profession have been stereotyped all along the history of the career. One of the widespread fallacies is that nurses have to be female, and this has resulted in the stereotyping of male nurses as not masculine. Such generalized notions of nursing have created a distorted image of...

Social Change and Advocacy Comparison

The society is rapidly changing nowadays, and the changes that take place within it affect different groups of individuals in distinct ways and to different degrees. The fact that some (vulnerable) groups may be left behind means that advocacy is paramount to promote their interests as well. This paper considers...

The Great Wall at the US – Mexican Border

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Quality Interviewing and Case Management in Social Work

The main purpose of case management is to promote the well-being of the client through communication, education, consultancy, and empowerment. It is important to recognize, however, that unlike similar services, quality interviewing aims at facilitating self-sufficiency in the client and reduces dependence on external sources. Thus, the ultimate goal of...

Henry Jenkin’s Views on Technologies

Textual poaching is explained by Jenkins as the phenomenon of rewriting of original text belonging to a certain author by supplementing the text with additional details and special features. One of the examples of such “reluctant” poaching is rewriting Star Trek by female fans that transform it into “feminist romance”...

Poets’ Views on Love

Love in Poetry Admittedly, love has always been one of the major themes in poetry. Poets have always expressed their feelings in their works. More so, many people state that poets write their greatest masterpieces when they are in love (Arana 33). It is also possible to state that poems...

Eliezer and His Father Relationships in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel is a story about the experience of two men, a son and his father who appeared in the Nazi German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944–1945. The story depicts many themes and dwells upon various topics, however, one of the most important themes is...