Romanticism Period: William Blake, John Constable and J.M.W Turner

Introduction The period of Romanticism began in the 18thcentury and lasted until the 19th century in the western cultures. Its origin is closely linked with artistic and intellectual movements that strongly castigated the impositions by the established values. The main concept behind this upsurge was to champion on individuals’ expressions...

Greeks Between Bronze Age and Peloponnesian War

Introduction American history is defined by borders and clear definitions. To understand the worth of all historical events and take the most important lessons, it is necessary to differentiate the concepts and know their direct explanations. For example, there is a significant difference between a citizen and a subject, and...

Musical Pieces of the Baroque Era

Introduction This paper explores musical pieces of the Baroque era through the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel. Two musical pieces produced by the two authors will be compared to analyze their similarities and differences. These pieces will be evaluated to ascertain how they contributed to the...

Romantic Era’s Music

Introduction This paper analyzes two musical pieces of the romantic era period to ascertain the characteristics that cause emotive feelings among their audience. The two musical pieces are Symphony number one (produced by Gustav Mahler) and Si, mi chiamano Mimi (a composition by Giacomo Puccini). The latter is an opera,...

Biological Psychology and Human Nature

Discovering the Human Brain The development of technologies in the field of medicine has become quite a natural process since the society has sought to understand the human body better for many thousands of years. The emergence of new possibilities has provided access to the study of even the most...

Center Parcs Company: Customer Relationships Management

As it might be clear from the title, the main focus of Customer Relationships Management is customers and their relationships with the company, as well as the influence of those relationships on the company’s sales and revenue. CRM is based on three pillars: getting new customers, fixing the leaky bucket,...

Drama: “Golden Boy” by Clifford Odets

Actors’ Style, Goals and Major Conflicts The play Golden Boy is remarkable in terms of the performance. Actors have to reveal the emotions of people who need to solve various personal issues. The major issue is the conflict of their inclinations and reality. The actors use realistic acting as the...

Computer Forensics Investigation Plan

Searching the employee’s purse The US Constitution prohibits employers from conducting searches on employees. However, the protection does not apply to private organizations (Easttom, 2014). The manager had a legal right to search the employee’s purse. The employee was suspected of using the organization’s softcopy data for other purposes other...

Motivation Types and Leadership Styles in Nursing

Internal and External Motivation Factors Categories Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic (internal) Job Content Characteristics 1) Challenging nature of work, 2) Opportunity of advance, 3) Explicit goals, 4) Effective performance appraisal, 5) Task significance. 1) Meaningful work, 2) Compliance with personal goals, 3) Creativity opportunities, 4) Sense of competence, 5) Increasing work...

Patient Education, Its Barriers and Obstacles

Discussion Education of patients is important to help them cope with health problems, adhere to treatment plans, and focus on recovery. However, the work with adult patients can be challenging in terms of educating and motivating them because of a range of factors (Bastable, Gramet, Jacobs, & Sopczyk, 2011). In...

Carrying Cost of Inventory

Introduction When one compiles a list of assets or any form of items for formal purposes then he is said to be making an inventory. It involves various activities which include: recording of items, time and costs involved, the management of these items, forecasting the profitability, and physical inventory. This...

Housing for Disabled People: Needs Assessment

Housing for people with disabilities is still one of the unresolved issues in many developed countries including the USA. The US government has come up with some programs to assist non-elderly disabled people and their families. However, this effort is insufficient. More so, some programs do not meet their goals...

Data Analysis and Dissemination in Research

The process of data analysis can be recognised as one of the essential activities throughout human history. Its purpose is to collect and process different types of data to obtain new and valuable information. Data analysis is the core of academic research that drives the technological and scientific advancement of...

Colonial Unrest in Virginia, New York and Massachusetts

Introduction Colonial unrest is a state of total dissatisfaction or disturbances to colonies during the colonial era. The study explores the disturbances or dissatisfactions experienced by colonies such as New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts under the control of the colonial states such as British, Europeans and Britain. The factors that...

Faith Factor and Mental Health in Young People

Addressing mental health issues requires a detailed analysis of the factors that affect the manta development of an individual, including not only the cognitive aspect of the brain’s functioning but also the emotional one. The necessity to appeal to the emotional state of the patient often serves as the justification...

Staffing System and Retention Management

The factors to address in developing a report on the effectiveness of a staffing process for entry-level jobs are staffing system, recruiting, selection, final match and retention, each of these factors needs to be evaluated in terms of its cost, timeliness, outcomes and reaction (Heneman, Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller 652). Staffing...

Homeopathic Treatment: Ignatia Amara

The presented paper is devoted to Ignatia amara, a homeopathic remedy that was found with the help of The medication is described from the point of view of historical and personal experience and scientific research. Ignatia amara is a remedy for anxiety and related issues that is made...

“Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Doug Lemov

The fourth and fifth chapters of the book “Teach Like a Champion 2.0” by Lemov (2010) offer insights into the lesson-planning techniques that can be of use for a teacher of mathematics as well as other disciplines. The fourth chapter focuses on planning as such while the fifth one described...

Aviation Company’s Poor Quality Costs

Defining the costs of poor quality for an aviation company, one must admit that the risks are far too high. Seeing that the quality of an aircraft or certain devices used by the pilots defines the safety of the flight and the landing, it can be assumed that poor rates...

History of Crusades

Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...

Awkward Scene in The Castle of Otranto by Walpole

Introduction One awkward scene in the novel was where Manfred stabbed his own daughter Matilda when she was out with Theodore at St. Nicholas church. Manfred was in love with Isabel, but he thought that she loved another man called Theodore. As a result, Manfred had deployed a man to...

Primates and Their Defining Characteristics

Primates are the group of mammals. This group consists of such animals as monkeys, lemurs, and apes. Humans are primates too. What is more, humans are the most recent category of primates. Although humans live all across the globe except Antarctica, the majority of primates inhabit tropical and subtropical areas....

Cosmetic Surgery Popularity in the Middle East

Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that seeks to correct different body defects. The common type of plastic surgery is cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is done on parts of the body with no defects and aims at improving appearance or beauty. Cosmetic surgery is popular in the U.S, but...

Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Recent studies have indicated that vicarious trauma is a major challenge capable of affecting counselors’ professional and personal outcomes (Ray, Wong, White, & Heaslip, 2013). The term “vicious trauma” refers to the distressing reaction to the experiences of a client (Ray et al., 2013). First responders and counselors are usually...

Curriculum Development for Employee Training

Designing and developing a course-centered curriculum in the agency The course-centered curriculum requires the support of the professionals involved in requirement and training and experienced workers of each department that will participate in the course (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). That way, the curriculum will be designed based on the subjects...

Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger

Summary of Article One In their article, Albougami, Pounds, and Alotaibi (2016) compared four theoretical models of transcultural nursing. The researchers claimed that globalization processes, immigration, and diversity in populations had led to changing the principles of providing patient-oriented care. They also formulated the purpose of the article as the...

The Role of Nurses in the Problem of Obesity

The prevention of cardiovascular diseases is directly associated with developing effective strategies to address the problem of obesity in Western countries, including the United States. Much attention should be paid to the role of nurses in this process. Even though nurses cannot control people’s daily activities and prevent them from...

Airline Capital Financing After Great Recession

The Great Recession of 2008 has caused a rollback of funding in the airline industry. Many banks associated with the aviation industry have reduced their loans for many airlines around the world. One of the significant problems in the financing of the aviation is that they are capital intensive because...

Affordable Care Act and Its Achievements

The Affordable Care Act and Medicare The most important change introduced by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the change in the new payment system. The fee-for-service model common before the establishment of the ACA has several flaws, including the possibility of needless treatment, also termed overutilization. The ACA substitutes...

The United States National Policy and Federalism

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy. National policies are often compared to those of the federal governments, and, which is also rather important, there is a number of considerable differences between the two structures. One of the main advantages...

Social Studies: Teaching Civic Values

Introduction Social Studies refer to “the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities in order to promote civic competence” (Waring, 2011, p. 43). Social Studies curriculum provides a coordinated and a systemized study drawing upon various fields of humanities such as Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology, Political Science, and Religion...

World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue

The uneven distribution of food is one of the most pressing global issues today. In most developed countries, people have no shortage of food and can afford to throw a lot of products away; in some developing countries, on the other hand, many adults and children are dying of malnutrition...

Hyundai Motor Company Success and International Operations

What are the roles of comparative and competitive advantages in Hyundai’s success? Illustrate your answers by providing specific examples of natural and acquired advantages that Hyundai employs to succeed in the global car industry. The success of Hyundai Motor Company, a South Korean carmaker, can be attributed to both its...

Jury’s Professionalism in Criminal Trials

Abstract The following paper is focused on the issues concerning the fair trial, the establishment of a professional jury, and the personal qualities of the jurors. The paper provides concise solutions to the problems in question and supports the author’s viewpoint with relevant examples from existing literature. A list of...

Communication Differences: Male vs Female

The differences between females and males have been studied for centuries. Communication has been one of the aspects that have acquired the most attention of scholars, scientists, and the public. The belief that the way males and females communicate differs tremendously has been persistent for decades and even centuries (Fulbright,...

Glass Ceiling for Women in Today’s Society

Introduction Glass ceiling is a term that describes invisible obstacles on a woman’s way to a leadership position. The circumstances have improved over the past decade, and now there are more female leaders. However, the situation still needs more improvement, and a number of ways exist to provide it. What...

Nelson Mandela’s Life and Politics

Nelson Mandela is known as a strong and purposeful fighter against racism and apartheid, the protector of the oppressed populations of South Africa. He is an honorable winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and the first South African President, who came to power through the democratic elections (The life and...

Johnson & Johnson Company’s Talent Development

The specific strategy that is followed in a company is the critical factor to determine the development and aspects of talent management in this organization. It is possible to concentrate on two types of pace that can be typical of the talent development programs: the traditional and accelerated pace (Gandz,...

Nursing Empowerment and Professional Expertise

Empowerment is an important aspect of nursing practice. In addition to psychological and emotional benefits, the concept has a positive impact on nursing practice. The paper describes the role of the concept in my learning journey and determines its contribution to the baccalaureate nurse transition process. The topic which I...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Data Points and Units

Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data Research studies require the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which helps to infer about the population. Qualitative data are collected from study respondents in the form of a specific language that is easily understood by researchers conducting a study. Researchers use qualitative data...

Electronic Health Record’ Benefits

An electronic health record (EHR) enables healthcare providers to record patient data electronically rather than using a large folder of paperwork (Mitchell, 2013). EHR also has the potential to perform several tasks that can help in healthcare delivery while observing standards of practice. The Health Information Technology for Economic and...

Ethical Issues in Animal Research

Animal research has always been a topic of ethical consideration in the scientific community. With experiments on humans being largely barred by numerous ethical and legal rulings put into place, using animals for potentially dangerous and invasive experiments remained the only way of testing various medical and chemical components that...

Maternal Role Attainment Theory in Practice

The sphere of nursing care connected with the relationships between parents and children remains quite complex due to the enormous role that such type of communication plays in the life of every single person. According to the assignment, we are supposed to analyze the case of Ms. Montayer, who has...

Red Cross as an International Organization

Abstract The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body, its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in...

Leadership: Mission and Skills

At any point in life, a person may ask himself or herself about what it takes to be a leader. Such a question can arise in a variety of situations, whether it is in the army during battle training or in the office when working on a new marketing project....

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

Communications: Online Dating and Its Perspectives

Introduction Dating is an art that is as old as human-being. Man is a social animal always looking for companionship. In the old days, the available form of communication was the snail mail that took long before getting to the recipient. It also involved walking over long distances searching for...

“The Origins of the National Consciousness” by Benedict Anderson

In “The Origins of the National Consciousness”, Anderson views the role of the development of print-as-commodity as the moving force of the qualitatively new consciousness in the society of the 17th century driven by the generation of authentic and progressive ideas (37). Anderson points out that the rapid development of...

Cognitive Behavioral Theory as Addiction Treatment

There are different procedures through which patients with addiction problems can be treated. Two of these procedures are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the role of thinking when it comes to people’s feelings and actions. This is a beneficial fact...

Popular and Serious Music

Introduction Music forms a significant part of entertainment in the modern world, and there are various ways people present their songs to their audiences. The compositions and contexts of different types of music determine their audiences, presentation, and suitability. Music has various components that enable it to play its roles...

Medication Prescription in Nursing Practice

Professional Practice Issue A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is authorized to diagnose patients and prescribe medications. As prescribers, NPs are expected to provide the prescription of medication in close collaboration with physicians. The role of nurses, in this case, is to control the appropriateness of the prescribed treatment measure and continuously...

World Expo 2020 and Financial Losses in Dubai

World Expo is regarded as an important international venue similar to the Olympics. This world exhibition is aimed at exhibiting products, trade, and innovation that can help the humanity address the major challenges it is facing (“In Depth”). The first world exhibition took place in the middle of the 19th...

Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management

There is no doubt that people working for any organization should pay an increased attention to a successful communication with customers as the latter can be called the primary source of income of the company. Therefore, effective collaboration with customers should be regarded as the most important factor contributing into...

The Crete Battle of World War II

Introduction World War II consisted of various battles among them, the Crete battle in which Germany invaded the territory that was hitherto controlled by the British and Greece troops. Germany needed the oil in Ploesti for its intended invasions and Crete was an ideal place for Germany to access the...

Suffering and Duty in Buddha’s and Siderits’s Theories

Are We Obligated to Prevent Suffering? It could be hardly doubted that Buddhism as a philosophy and religion had a significant impact on the development of Western moral and ethical conceptions (Garfield et al. 293). It is also possible to notice that such influence became more apparent since the 19th...

Cooperative Learning Groups for Disabled Students

The problem of integrating students with disabilities into the normal learning curriculum has emerged as big challenge to practitioners, policy makers, administrators, and families. In particular, childhood practitioners have been the most challenged since they encounter children with disabilities on regular basis. In reference to the text, the authors do...

Violence on TV and Violence in Society: Connection

Television is an important part of people’s everyday life. Today, to imagine a day without watching TV is almost an impossible task. Popular TV shows, series, and movies can affect not only the public’s attitudes to the definite problems and situations but also influence their behavior. Many sociologists, psychologists and...

Impact of Patient Education on Health Outcomes

Introduction It is possible to hypothesize that patient knowledge about the chronic disease they are suffering from might allow for increasing their health outcomes via a variety of mechanisms. This paper proposes an evidence-based project to assess the impact of patient education on health outcomes of the patients educated so....

Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement

Evidence-based Practice The decision to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) in the intensive care unit is sound, especially when one considers the need to continuously improve patient outcomes in the broader healthcare system. Yoder-Wise (2012) argues different researchers have demonstrated that evidence-based practice has led to better patient outcomes. Therefore, it...

Healthcare Quality Improvement and Stakeholders

Quality care is probably the most important factor in providing treatment. Understandably, hospital managers thrive to improve the health care process to attract clients and to ensure their needs are met. This project analyzes the key principles of the quality improvement framework to draft the best solutions for nursing leaders....

Social Change, Leadership and Advocacy

Such concepts as social change, advocacy, and leadership are closely related as they all focus on innovation, shifts, and collaboration. It is important to understand what these concepts are to apply them in the real world and make a difference. The concepts can be analyzed within certain dyads with the...

Social Media and Accountability in Organizations

The powers of social media have developed gradually over the last decade. Consequently, social media can provide an organization with a platform to form connections with its old and new contacts including customers and supporters. In an online article that appears on the “Tech Talk” website, Tod Newcombe explores how...

Global Social Progress and Human Development

Defined as the attempt at improving the rates of social investment from all denizens of the world population (Guiding social investment, 2015), global social progress is an essential concept that helps locate the mistakes that have been made in the past I terms of economic and political solutions, assess the...

Scatter Plots’ Benefits in Nursing Research

There are a lot of approaches that can be used to express the results of the research in a more effective and illustrative way. It is necessary to highlight the importance of the proper method as it often helps to make the results evident and attract the attention of a...

Fire Prevention to Protect Employees & Property

The article on fire prevention by Ross delved into the various methods that could cause a fire to occur and the preventive measures that can be implemented to stop them. In essence, the document is a generalized guide to various situations, locations, and issues that cause fires and what can...

Patient-Centered Care, Its Benefits and Barriers

Nowadays there is a tendency of increased patient-centered care, according to which the great importance is given to communication, mutual respect, and emotional interaction between healthcare professionals and patients. This implies a transition from the traditional model adopted in health care to the patient-oriented strategies and the engagement of patients...

Developmental Reading Assessment for ESL Students

The measurement of English language proficiency can be performed using the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) for ESL students (Connecticut State Department of Education, 2010, p. 1). This test is designed to assess the knowledge of students in terms of reading including comprehension and fluency of oral reading for English as...

Sony Corporation and the New Trade Theory

Introduction The New Trade theory is referred to as an economic theory which was developed by several economists in the 1970s. This theory contradicted some of the arguments which upheld the unlimited free trade as they were popular during that time. The economists behind this theory suggested that countries which...

Collaborative Model of Care in Nursing Communication

Proposed Model Nursing unit managers are responsible for choosing nursing care delivery models that will benefit the practice of the team and will ultimately improve patient outcomes. A collaborative model of care can be chosen for enhancing communication between nursing professionals and promotes their responsibilities with regards to making sure...

Validity and Reliability Discussion

Determining the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study When reading and assessing a quantitative research study, it is paramount to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments utilized in that study to understand whether the findings of that study can be trusted. The...

Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many...

Treaty of Versailles and Germany’s Economic Development

How Will Various Provisions of the Treaty Hurt Germany’s Economy? According to the authors of the complaint, the treaty prevented the country from proper development. First, reparations were unfair and the funds provided to other countries (often referred to as enemies) could be used to help the country address the...

Temperature Change and Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is often referred to as a severe medical condition, and it is associated with the development of thrombus in deep veins (Thompson, 2015; Vedantham et al., 2016). It could be said that DVT is discovered as a result of injury, surgery, changes in hormones, and a...

Power, Its Sources and Relation to Leadership

Power, Its Sources, and Usage Power is the ability of a person to influence and define the actions of other people. John French and Bertram Raven introduced five types of power relying on their sources, including legitimate power (depends on a position held by a person), expert power (depends on...

“The Tempest”: Viewing and Reflection

The Tempest performed by the Savage Rose Theater Company is a classical period drama performance of the Shakespearean classic. It is a faithful adaptation of the text and its themes. The company’s portrayal of The Tempest is a creative and organic product that puts the focus on character development using...

Psychological Research Methods: Behavior and Mental Processes

Abstract Psychology relies on scientific methods to understand human behavior and mental processes. Among the various research methods, a researcher chooses a research method that is commensurate with his or her objectives/hypotheses. There is no consensus on the main specific research methods used by psychologists, but one thing is for...

Amazon Company Advantages and Disadvantages is a recent response to the traditional retailing business. The company represents an efficient model of electronic commerce, which offers a wide choice of computer devices, bookstores, video games as well as clothing and furniture. The business is centered in Seattle and dates from 1994. The company was founded...

Harrah’s Entertainment Company Database Strategy

Importance of Integrating Databases Located at Each Casino Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. has integrated its databases in various locations to help it conduct business and customer-relationship-management activities more efficiently. For instance, the integration of the databases has allowed Harrah’s to carry out its Total RewardsTM effectively, by allowing it to track...

Social Inequalities’ Influences on Health

An overview of social inequity in health The distribution of the wealth and poverty not to mention its level is of importance in any society whatsoever. About the various evidences produced by different scholars from dozens of countries, it is now clear that a population’s health is directly linked to...

Stakeholder Analysis Theory: Allegiance Air Company’ Case

Brief overview of the theory In this research, stakeholder analysis theory was used to identify the parties that are likely to lose, gain or be affected in a given manner as a result of the outcomes of an action, a process or a program at Allegiance Air. This theory identifies...

Healthcare Quality Planning Meeting Minutes

Quality planning and organizational performance enhancement initiatives concentrated on distinct measurable focus areas have the potential to bring substantial positive changes in the healthcare system (Weston & Roberts, 2013). However, to ensure that a meeting is conducted effectively, it is important to write meeting minutes capturing the essential information discussed...

Social Stratification in Modern Industrial Societies

Social stratification means formation of classes basing on person’s social and economic wealth. Melamed (2005) explains that income, level of wealth, and employment rate play a key factor in determining the strata within which an individual is defined. Stratification therefore, is the process of placing individuals within specific classes, which...

General Curricula for Cognitive Disabled Learners

Introduction Over the last two decades, there has been a significant achievement in availing learning to students with disabilities. The progress in availing learning to students with disabilities has originated from an array of research on the subject of inclusive learning. Relevant parties in the education sector are now exploring...

Logistics and Supply Chains in the Company

When Stages of the Supply Chain Are Considered Separately, why Is Sub-Optimization Likely to Occur? One of the adverse outcomes of increased performance monitoring is the inclination of the organizations to aim attention at a limited scope of goals. Such a process is called sub-optimization (Nohrstedt, 2015). The major reason...

Florence Nightingale’s Model in Nursing Practice

Description of theoretical concepts and empirical indicators in the articles on Florence Nightingale’s model In their article, Selanders and Crane (2012) focus on nursing advocacy. The purpose of this theoretical article is to provide a safe health care environment by employing nursing leadership strategies in connection with egalitarian human rights....

The Problem of Youth (Students) Drinking

Last week, two students were temporarily arrested by law enforcers for demonstrating unbecoming behavior and damaging property belonging to private citizens after engaging in an off-campus binge drinking. Later in the week, another college student sustained serious injuries after he was run over by a motorist, but after preliminary investigations,...

Autocratic, Consultative, Group-Based Leadership

Autocratic leaders use readily available information to make decisions without involving other people. In certain cases, leaders utilize the limited input provided by team members but do not involve them in decision-making. The little input involves the supply of information that could help the leader in making decisions. Two classes...

Standard 2: Family Engagement in Education

The purpose of this paper is to deepen the knowledge about young children employing the second standard to improve early childhood professional’s preparation. Even though early childhood professional is considered to develop children’s abilities, the role of family and community cannot be overestimated. Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships...

Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment

The target population will include students from different schools regardless of their age, sex, and ethnicity. The total number of respondents is estimated to be 60 people. This amount of respondents seems to be appropriate to make relevant conclusions and suggest the corresponding recommendations to enhance the situation with juvenile...

Promotion of Sports Events

Sports events are important because they play a significant role in the development of the society. Their significance in unifying diverse cultures and restoration of peace can even be dated back to 1914, during the Christmas truce of the First World War (Masterman, 2009: 6). This was the period in...

Demographic Variables: Plan for Data Analysis

Plan for Data Analysis of Demographic Variables To identify associations between the demographic variables, correlational descriptive statistics tests will be used. The correlation coefficient will be the key focus to show how closely the two or more variables are related. The regression equation and the correlation coefficient will be calculated...

Public Library: Bureaucracy and Lack Motivation

The interview with this acquisition librarian increases my awareness of the functioning of public libraries. This person explained to me the key challenges faced by such organizations; moreover, she identified their weaknesses which prevent them from attracting new readers and from becoming more prosperous. In particular, she believes that these...

Conflict and Functionalism Theories

Functionalism theory Functionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society (Andersen and Taylor, 20). The theory gives an account of each section of society that comes together to build a whole society. According to functionalism theory, each part...

Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health

The development of the science resulted in the extended use of the chemical elements that contribute to the achievement of the desired goal, namely to increase the harvest or change in the structure of the product to extend the storage time or ease the transportation. Chemicals have already become an...

Trends in Newspaper Articles: Economic Analysis

The first article “Competition is Healthy for Governments, Too” by Gregory explains why competition is necessary for the government if it is provide quality services to the citizens. To begin with, the author argues that competition is important for markets to thrive and achieve their gains. Competition provides businesses with...

Western Movies and Their Effect on Arab Youth

Most of the Western movies shown on the screens reflect on our culture. The movies display desire, identity, fantasy and extravagance. Globalization is on the rise, and the Arab countries are not left out of the process. Thus, the media has made it easy to access everything that one needs...

Love in Historical and Social Contexts

While speaking about the concept of love, sociologists usually note that love is a product of people’s relationships which also serves as the medium to make these relationships not only easy and pleasant but also productive. Thus, love in the historical and social contexts can be described from the perspective...

Hospitals’ Centralized Organizational Structure

Work Process Organizing Organizing the work process performs a vital role in any company. Since health institutions are responsible for people’s welfare, managing them needs to be effective to the greatest extent possible. There are two kinds of organizational structure: centralized and decentralized. The former one is more traditional. It...

Diversity in Workplace Communication

International organizations comprise of people drawn from different races, ethnicities, and religions (Harvey & Allard, 2008). The differences constitute to workplace diversity. The perception that dictates how one views a particular group has a far-reaching consequence in a diverse organization. In order to reduce this effect, companies have to address...

Acer Group: Corporate Strategy and Challenges

According to the Acer group website, in 2006, Acer had 5,300 employees working for them in over 100 countries worldwide. Open employee communication among employees is encouraged which not only allows the company to understand employee concerns but also helps employees to find common ground and build lasting relationships. The...

Higher Education: Personality and Academic Success

Intelligence is not a single factor to predict the individual’s academic success in higher education because the factor of personality is also crucial to affect the academic achievement. For instance, conscientiousness is a personality trait that explains “five times as much variance in GPA as does intelligence” (Kappe and Van...

Modern and Traditional Nursing Educational Frameworks

The worksheet presented below is targeted as describing two educational frameworks of perennials and positivism. Its analysis will be beneficial for understanding the key principles as well as the way in which both frameworks are used in education and can be used in the nursing curriculum. Perennialism – A Traditional...

Sociology: “Damned Lies and Statistics” by Joel Best

The brash title is the premiere point of the captivation of Joel Best’s ‘Damned Lies and Statistics.’ As per its apt title, the book investigates the lies and or the truths that are presented by statistics. Within it, the author states that people, for the most part, are innumerate. They...

Dominance and Cooperation as Classroom Management Strategies

Introduction The importance of applying classroom management strategies is discussed by many educators because effective classroom management contributes to developing an appropriate atmosphere for teaching and learning. However, management of students’ behaviors in a classroom can be viewed as a challenging process, and it is important to determine approaches that...

Industrial Fermentation as Energy Conversion

Industrial fermentation is the way of making products useful to people by the use of the microorganism’s fermentation. Fermented products can be generated in food and other industry sectors. One of the most common examples of employing fermentation in the industry is producing alcoholic drinks and dairy products. This type...

Nursing Philosophy and Developing Factors

The current paper is designed to review the existing nursing philosophies. I thoroughly describe the two theories that are consistent with my outlooks. I also enumerate the factors that majorly influence the overall development of the nursing philosophy. My thoughts concerning the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm are also presented...

“The Tempest” a Play by William Shakespeare

In the Tempest, Shakespeare, portrays Caliban as an uncultured half- man, half beast, who is enslaved in his own land by a foreign intruder. Shakespeare portrays him as a person who has limited understanding on how the modern world works. Through Prospero’s own description, Caliban is shown as a beast...

Tongue in Communication and Personality Generation

The tongue is vital for communication and understanding of the ideas, values, emotions, and desires of the other people. It could be assumed that language creates new conceptions of self-identity, as it is an essential component of one’s personality and can change one’s perceptions, attitudes, and values. The analysis of...

“The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street is an illustration of the problems faced by Latin women in a culture laden with racism, prejudice, and discrimination. Society as depicted in the book is being dominated by men where women are generally praised for their physical features; however, the Latin...

A Hero: Character Definition in Literature

In literature, a hero is a type of character who shows courage and ability to endure dangerous or difficult situations or sacrifice themselves for the sake of the greater good. Heroes often perform feats and brave deeds and usually act according to their strong beliefs. Rayhanova (2006) explains that these...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by Jack Richards

Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes In Curriculum Development in Language Teaching by R. Jack, the fifth chapter, Planning Goals and Learning Outcomes involve a lecture on planning goals and curriculum development. In decision making, this forms a crucial dimension, especially in curriculum development. It is assumed that people are generally...

Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons

Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are created after combining DNA from a different species into an organism to come up with a transgenic organism (McDonagh 8). The controversy surrounding the development and consumption of GMOs has been ongoing for years now. The development of genetically engineered organisms brings about...

The Novel “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai

The book “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai talks about an important world issue of class division and the differences between the social layers. The Soviet times are analyzed as the period when there was a race for satellite and space control between nations, which created even more division...

Hotel Rwanda Film Review

Hotel Rwanda is an interesting and well-told story that compels people to watch it. It is set in Rwanda’s capital city Kigali, during a time when the infamous Rwanda genocide took place. The film revolves around the unbelievable Paul Rusesabagina’s real story, an assistant manager at Milles Collines Hotel. Using...

Business, Government, and Society: Critics of Business

The chapter Critics of Business of the book Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective discusses the emergence and development of the concept of business criticism from medieval times to the present. The concept of business criticism originated from the belief that businesses were established with the main aim of...

The Book “Business, Government and Society”

Though the relation between the process of managing entrepreneurship and the social life of the citizens may be considered somewhat farfetched, the link between society and the state economy is much stronger than it may appear to be. In The study of business, government, and society, the first chapter of...

Jack Welch’s Leadership Style in General Electric Company

One of the outstanding functions of a leader is to create a vision for his or her organization. It is necessary to have a vision in order to ensure an organization realizes its goals. Every individual in an organization can create “a concrete mechanism for examining and verifying the successful...

American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics

Introduction In Philosophy, ethics refers to things involving a systematic defending and coming up with the concepts that define right and wrong behaviors in a society. The term originates from a Greek work ethos referring to habits and customs. Ethics defines the best way the society intends human beings to...

Labeling in Special Education

Currently, there is an intense debate about labeling and its effects in the area of special education. Some people believe that labeling is helpful because it distinguishes those students who have learning problems from those who are regarded as normal. Additionally, they also believe that it creates cultural solidarity. Arguably,...

Ethical Dilemmas in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s tragedy play that was written in the late 14th century. It is believed to be the most popular of his literary works owing to the catchy phrases that have found their way in today’s conversations such as “to be or not to be” (Shakespeare 110)....

Inside Ayurvedic Medicine: Documentary by T. R. Reid

This documentary film casts a light on the peculiarities of Ayurvedic medicine. One should note that it is a set of techniques which have been practiced in India for more than two millenniums. In turn, the movie explores the experiences of a journalist who wants to undergo this form of...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel and His Faith in God

Night is a story by Elie Wiesel in which the writer accounts for the horrible experience he had with his father during the time of the Holocaust. Throughout the novel, Wiesel reproduces the details of his staying in the Nazi German concentration camp during the Second World War. The protagonist...

The Faith in God in Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction: Back to the Biblical Legends. Job and Eliezer Testing the faith is not a new issue to talk about – it is basically as old as the hills, sine even the Bible mentions the instances when a man was tested to prove that he actually was a hardcore believer....

Relations to the Idea of Responsibility

Responsibility refers to the willingness of an individual to control one’s thoughts, actions, and behavior to create and promote a society that gives all people equal opportunity without infringing on their rights and wellbeing. A responsible human being is someone who accepts that his or her behavior and actions have...

Film Studies: “The Sound of Music” by Robert Wise

“The hills are alive with the sound of music”– this eternal line from the song with which the movie begins echoes through our imagination as we speak of Europe or Salzburg (The Sound of Music). Lush green countryside with snowcapped mountains in the background is a nature lovers’ paradise. The...

European and North American Transport Systems

The European and North American transport systems present a mix of similarities and difference. The author must have found it necessary and therefore compelled to compare these two regions because they are among the key global transport powerhouses in regards freight transportation. The regions have been used to offer the...

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Reflecting on the success of Vivek Gupta, the IBM salesman, chapter nineteen, discusses personal selling and sales management strategies. Over the years, personal selling has become a lucrative career since salespersons often add value to a product or the selling process (Grewal & Levy, 2011). In the concept of value...

The University of San Francisco Jesuit Education

The University of San Francisco (USF) always supports Jesuit education. It makes this education relevant in the present century. The university’s Jesuit mission is to support the religious and personal needs of every human being. The university educates students from all backgrounds and beliefs. The diverse student fraternity inspires every...

Everpix Business’ Failure

Everpix was a business establishment that focused on providing customers with an excellent app for managing their photos. The founders of the firm aimed at making the startup become a world choice for the management of photos. The service could help people to manage their photos using digital cameras and...

The Nurse Practice Act Concept

Purpose of the Nurse Practice Act The work of the nurse requires knowledge, skills, and the ability to make decisions. Nurses function in a changing society and focus on different therapy and rehabilitation approaches. As the matter of fact, there are certain risks that the unprofessional and incompetent nurse can...

Music as a Part of Life: Personal Impressions

There are many reasons for why people can like or dislike music because it can reveal the most secret and unknown aspects of a human life. One of the most powerful aspects of music is the impossibility to predict where it could lead. In her book, Sarah Dessen defines music...

Elie Wiesel and His Novel called “Night”

Elie Wiesel is a well known American author of Jewish origin and a Nobel Prize winner. His novel called “Night” is a significant and meaningful work that carries multiple functions. Apart from being an outstanding literary masterpiece, the book has a historical character because it is a reflection of Elie...

“Othello” a Tragedy by William Shakespeare

Introduction Besides love, the play contains other themes such as conflict, war and jealousy, among others. Moreover, most characters in the play exhibit disjointed feelings for each other. For instance, Iago hates Othello for promoting Cassio over him. Additionally, Othello demotes Cassio for alleged fighting. On the other hand, Desdemona...

Literature Comparison: Shakespeare’s Falstaff and Milton’s Satan

Both – Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 and Milton’s Paradise Lost – focus on the moral degradation of medieval society, as well as reluctance to acknowledge the conventionally accepted wisdom of chivalry, honor, and respect. In these literary works, Sir John Falstaff from Henry IV, Part 1 and Satan from...

Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong

The book Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong tells the story of a young boy in a central village in Vietnam. The boy has an unlikely companion by the name Tank, a water buffalo. The water buffalo sends the bullies packing whenever they harass Nhuong. The buffalo...

The Rationalisation Concept in the Work Process

When considering how human beings can get more out of work and life, it is important to consider the concept of rationalisation. Rationalisation as a concept has been defined by Max Weber a leading authority on issues of economy, employment, work, and capitalism. Rationalisation is a concept that applies to...

Xerox Company Business Marketing

Reading summary Xerox was once a well-performing company in the marketplace. The company went through a difficult financial time before the end of the 1990s. It plunged into bankruptcy. To begin with, the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated the accounting practices of the company (Grewal & Levy, 2012). Several cost-cutting...

The Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Communications

The rapid development of technologies led to significant changes in the manner of people’s interactions because of the necessity to respond to the tendencies of the constantly changing world. The progress of Instant Messaging technologies, social media, and Skype means the beginning of the digital era in which the computer-mediated...

“Ode to a Day in the Country” and “The Day My Mother Died” Comparison

Poetry is an effective form of communication. Literature students read and compare poems from different eras in order to understand their similarities and differences. This contributes to the knowledge of an array of issues that exist in societies such as culture, religion, and media. This paper outlines comparative literature of...

Nursing Care Delivery Models: Pros and Cons

Holistic Nursing Holistic nursing (HN) is a type of nursing practice that focuses on curing the whole person rather than just treating the biomedical problems. HN pays much attention to the relationships with the patient, caring for their “interconnectedness of self,” as well as their ties to “others, nature, and...

Hardees Restaurant’ Commercial Marketing

Companies use critical and creative advertisements to influence the perception of the targeted clients through consistency in appeal to emotion, credibility, and logic. Primarily, the Hardees Restaurant has creatively used the element of sex appeal to advertising its Buffalo blue cheese burger through a renowned celebrity. Through the use of...

Literature Image Exploration: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

In the play Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses various images to develop the narrative or highlight the inner world of the characters. This paper is aimed at discussing such a symbol as the cross-roads which plays an important role in this tragedy. To a great extent, it denotes the moment...

Health Promotion Role in Public Health

Health promotion is one of the duties of every nurse practitioner. Most importantly, patients should be encouraged to take responsibility for their health and demonstrated how their initiative reduces health costs and improves their well-being (Evans, Coutsaftiki, & Fathers, 2014). The three levels of health promotion are sufficient in curbing...

Nursing in Israel: History and Changes

Nursing, as a profession in Israel, has grown through various stages to become what it is today. This paper looks at various issues regarding the state of nursing in Israel. It stresses on the history and changes in the nursing profession in Israel. The process of creating a nursing practice...

Patient Confidentiality – Medical Ethics

Moral dilemmas are ones of the most problematic and complicated aspects in the careers of medical workers. Obligations and confidentiality have started their existence in ancient times. Over the generations, these rules were developed and changed, yet the initial concept remained the same. Medical workers are obliged to keep the...

Philosophy of Life: Major Principle and Problems

People often mention the philosophies of their lives when they try to share their ideas on different issues. They do not refer to the discipline, but reveal their opinions. It is noteworthy that the word ‘philosophy’ has several meanings, but only some people know them or pay attention to them....

The Market Potential Index Development

The indicators used in developing the Market Potential Index (MPI) include the market size, which is based on the amount of electricity consumed in a specific market and the urban population with an aggregate weight of 25/100. According to Eizenberg (2014), economists use the Market Growth Rate (MGR) to determine...

School-Age Children’ and Early Childhood’ Differences

School-age children and children in early childhood exhibit differences in cognitive, physical, and socioemotional development. Children in early childhood experience rapid physical growth despite the existence of plateau stages in-between the various growth phases. For instance, their weight increases by approximately 5-6 pounds annually, while their height increases by 2-3...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine is still a topical issue. Mischoulon (n.d.) claims that many people resort to alternative medicine when traditional therapies have failed. At that, Barnes and Bloom (2008) note that different ethnic groups have different views on alternative therapies. For instance, 50.3% of Alaska Native adults, 43.1% of...

Egyptian Culture History: Legacies to the Modern World

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is apparent that its governmental structure, architecture and other aspects had a vehement influence on the formation and outlook of the modern world. Consequently, a primary goal of this essay is to evaluate an effect of each aspect...