Super Micro Computer Company’s Accounting Issues

Super Micro is a computer server producing company based in California. It conducts its businesses under the NASDAQ Stock Market and therefore is required to keep and file strict financial records for different periods. However, from at least FY 2015 through FY 2017, the company was engaged in improper accounting...

Supernatural Elements in “Monkey Beach” by E. Robinson

Introduction Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach is characterized by memories fueled and triggered by trauma. Lisamarie Hill is the main character who features throughout the novel. She lives in the Haisla community on the Coast of the British Columbian, where she faces many problems in the attempt to discover herself while...

Discrimination at Workplace

Employment discrimination is unfair treatment in the workplace when hiring, promoting, and determining wages. Discrimination in employment is characterized by a certain biased attitude of the employer to the qualities of a potential employee that are not related to professional ones. In countries where it is customary to determine wages...

“The Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican Revolution” by Azuela

The primary objective that led to the emergence of the Mexican Revolution was mainly the attempt to displace or deal away with the Díaz dictatorship. However, the political movement further expanded and ventured into a tremendous economic and social disruption, which predicted the fundamental character of Mexico’s 20th-century experience. The...

Postoperative Fever: Risk Management

What is postoperative fever? It is temperature rise above the normal temperature (38 C) on two consecutive days after the surgery. The systematic approach and differential diagnosis help institute proper management and narrowing down differential analysis. Possible causes of Postoperative Fever Also known as Rule of W, they include: Wound...

Strategic Planning: Nursing Shortage

Introduction Since the profession’s emergence in the medical field, the notion of nursing has been one of the most challenging aspects for both management and job description outline. According to the researchers, today’s medical paradigm generally struggles to provide nurses with the workforce fundamentals required for beneficial health care (Anupama,...

The Cow Palace: History and Role for Daly City

The proposal will seek to address the Cow Palace and the vas history with its technicality in Daly City. Daly city has for a long time been connected with San Francisco since it has played many different roles in history. For instance, it played many roles including World War II,...

Affirmative Action as a Solution to the Race Issue

The issue of race has always been a source of concern within the American community. Due to years of oppression and the legacy of slavery, which affects the relationships between African Americans and white Americans to this day, the necessity to reconsider the current approach toward the provision of equal...

Waiter in the International Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Managers and organizations in any field of human activity should take the recruitment process seriously. This is due to the fact that it is the employees who ensure the success, demand, and profit of the company. This aspect also affects the tourism and hotel industry, in which staff must meet...

Postapartheid South Africa: Understanding Inequality

Introduction The abolition of the apartheid policy took place in harsh conditions, sometimes bordering on a civil war. This event was preceded by the radicalization of the black population (permission to carry personal firearms, separatist sentiments in Bantustans). After the 1994 elections and the victory of the ANC, led by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Capstone Project: The Issue of Hypertension

Presentation of Approved Intervention to the Patient, Family, or Group Hypertension was the health problem that I handled for the Capstone project. In this project, I interacted with Mrs. S.J., a 71-year-old-female hypertensive female, and her family. Wenger et al. (2018) showed that hypertension kills 1 in 5 American women...

Recycling Project Proposal: Paper Waste in Offices

Introduction The proper use of available resources and efficient initiatives on their recycling is the key to preserving the environment. In this case, the applicable methods differ depending on the type of materials and other factors, but the most significant aspect is not the procedure but people’s awareness regarding the...

“Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” Book by McMinn

Summary Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark McMinn is a book that reflects the professional experience and the wisdom of the author as both a teacher and practitioner. Combining the Scripture with the context within which counseling takes place in a rather complicated assignment that requires a...

Events in The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico

The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico is a primary narrative source. The source constitutes clear events account as they happened. It details how the Aztecs view and receive the Spaniards, including the encompassing speeches and activities. The Aztecs had spent many generations preparing for Cortés’ arrival, thinking he...

Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents

What is personality psychology? For this presentation, I have decided to talk about personality psychology and describe it specifically in relation to nursing home residents. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what personality psychology is, what it does, and how popular it is. Personality psychology focuses on understanding normal...

Global Over-the-Top Platforms: Artwork Personalization at Netflix

The over the top (OTT) streaming content has a lot of potential for growth and expansion, an assumption solidified by the rapid entry of Netflix competitors into the market. They include Hulu, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, Peacock, and many others. The phenomenon known as “Netflixification” of media...

Social Change and Crime Rate Trends

Introduction Cohen and Felson (1979) have extensively discussed criminology along with the theory of routine activity. This theory dwells a lot on the circumstance with which criminal activities occur with relativity to time, space, the category of offenders, and their targets and agree that criminal acts are considered a routine...

Conflicts, Politics, and Conflict-Handling Styles

Conflicts in society and organizations are inevitable as any environment that presents a common ground for an exchange of different opinions is inevitably subjected to disagreements. Although conflicts are frequently associated with negativity and emotional involvement, conflict as a term stands for the clash between individuals with differences in interests,...

Characters of Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Their Heritage

A short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker was first published in her storybook In Love and Trouble in 1973. In the story, Mama, the narrator, anticipates the arrival of her eldest daughter Dee. Dee comes to get in touch with her roots, but her ideas about reality are so...

Integrating Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Introduction Cultural competency is assumed to be the capability of acquiring particular behaviors, abilities, approaches, and strategies in a structure that allows efficiency in a cross-cultural work environment. With the growth of traditionally diverse inhabitants in the United States, it is critical for nurses to perform their duties without prejudice....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” Film

Introduction David Fincher’s film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 detective movie that discovers a scandalous journalist’s and a young hacker’s journey to reveal the truth behind a forty-year-old murder. This movie is based on the first book of Stieg Larson’s trilogy, Millennium. Although the 2011 movie...

The Health Impacts of Non-nutritive Sweeteners Products

Introduction There is a growing concern about life quality and health-related issues due to the high consumption of food rich in fat, sugar, and salt. The journal explains the potential benefits of using NNS together with associated adverse effects. It uses appropriate methods such as a scope reviewing the approach...

Sociable Letters: Inequality in Social and Economic Status

Literacy in the twenty-first century is usually written in a literal manner, making it simple to deduce the story’s meaning. Unlikely, Sociable Letters, published in 1664, is regarded as “a valuable virtual representation of the material and social factors of English literature in eighteenth-century England” (Sarasohn, 200). It portrayed literacy...

Sociological Approaches to Culture and Anthropocentrism

Introduction Dear tree, It is regretted that the relationship between you, the trees, and us humans is existent on the master-object association. As it is, human beings are continuously cutting down members of your generation. Indeed, many of us are motivated by economic factors to obtain wood from the sapling...

Symbolism in “A Jury of Her Peers” Short Story by Susan Glaspell

Introduction The problem of gender inequality has affected the relationships within society extensively, shaping people’s perceptions of themselves and the extent of their potential significantly. As a force that has caused multiple women to suffer injustice, gender inequality has been the center of numerous discussions and inspirations for artistic interpretations,...

Lockdown Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Lockdown measures are practiced in many regions to control the spread of the COVID -19 virus. It involves restrictions of movement and association in public. Although population health is protected by the set boundaries, several important activities have been hindered. For instance, the ability to socialize, and exercise human...

Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment

Suicide risk assessment is a significant activity because it allows social workers to identify clients’ suicide ideation and offer some ways to minimize it. Dr. Sommers-Flanagan utilized a comprehensive approach to working with Tommi, and he performed a few essential steps. The social worker began with a cognitive assessment to...

“Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior” by Panttaja

Introduction Modern advances in psychology allow us to take a fresh look at fairy tales known to everyone from childhood, finding new meanings and interpretations that differ from the usual ones. The moral of the story is much more contradictory, complex, and ambiguous than the usual interpretation. In the article...

The Bastard’s Best Qualities for Effective Leadership

“King John” is among the most interesting plays by Shakespeare. In the book, the struggle for inheritance and power controls the plot. After the death of King Richard, the Lionheart, Arthur, and John enter a conflict on who rightfully deserves to inherit the throne. At the same time, the Bastard,...

The Influence of the U.S. Foreign Policy During the Late Cold War

As a crucial event in U.S. history, 9/11 has divided the history of attitudes towards Muslims into before and after, constructing the bias about Islam and its influence on people’s consciousness and, as a consequence, social processes. The Muslim concept has undergone many inversions of meaning and reverberations in the...

Discussion of Human Caging Concept Using Hernández’s Article

Introduction Human caging, as used by Hernández to mean incarceration of people, is a key issue in the social and community context domain. Human caging has been used against people who are perceived to be a threat to social order (Hernández 45). Hernández posits that “trampologists warned that the rise...

Researching the Contract Law

Having knowledge of contract law is quite significant for everyday life as people are prone to enter into contracts more often than not. This report examines the contract law by answering a set of questions and examining some case studies. References are given to support the arguments made in the...

The Ford-Firestone Case: Large-Scale Controversy

Summary Ford-Firestone case is a large-scale controversy related to the tire company Firestone and the Ford Motor Company. The event itself concerns a period where an increased number of tread separations were reported in tires by Firestone. The event first gained traction in 1998, when an insurance agent has researched...

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

The Problem of Obesity: Weight Management

Obesity is now a significant public health issue around the world. Fast frequency and associated comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, cardiac conditions, stroke, and metabolism are the main factors. This is to mention only a few. Weight gain and decreased body fat, and changes in fat composition and distribution...

“Doughnut Economics” by Kate Raworth Review

Doughnut economics is a book by a modern economist and researcher, Kate Raworth, that presents a new view of how human society should function. The author suggests replacing the outdated circular flow of goods and money with a modern model, the Doughnut. It received the name from its visual illustration...

Communicating in Teams and Organizations

Abstract Communication is an integral part of human life, including the field of business. Communication in an organization is an essential type of business relationship with other people, which performs several functions. In business communication, people use verbal and non-verbal means, which is also of great importance. Today, in the...

Ethics: What Is It, Why Do We Study It, Specific Codes of Ethics

Ethics answers the question of how people must act to do the right, moral actions. Ethics cannot relieve the individual of responsibility for the decisions made. One cannot hide behind ethics but can rely on it. Ethics becomes effective to the extent that it is continued in the moral activity...

Identification and Review of Bacteria: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Introduction Microbiological examination of samples is a qualitative tool for their identification. Moreover, with the help of developed methods of laboratory analysis, it becomes possible not only to determine the belonging of a microorganism to a particular taxon but also to establish the strain identification of the sample in the...

Problems and Opportunities Created by Having Too Much Data

Introduction In rapidly growing corporations, organizations, companies, and businesses there is a concomitant increase in the size of data generated daily. An increase in the size of data generated directly increases the amount of data handled and required in different departments of the institution, company, organization, or business for marketing,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

SABRE System: Research Brief Report

Introduction For several decades technological development and adoption have been occurring at a dramatically accelerated pace. Companies are seeking ways to enhance their competitiveness through digitalizing their process. However, not all inventions end up meeting the expectations of their creators; some are rendered obsolete even before being launched, while others...

Challenges of the Creative and Cultural Industry

Background and History For the first time, the term “creative economy” was used by the New York magazine Businessweek in 2000, and since then, it has only become wider (Brouillette, 2020). Although the term “creative industries” has been in the vocabulary of cultural economists for over 20 years, discussions about...

Smoking Cessation and Increase in Quality of Life

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ranks amid the most widespread chronic diseases across the globe and is currently the third major source of death in the United States. In the course of the last two decades, COPD-associated measures, including incidence and death rate, have augmented more rapidly among women...

Counselor’s Professional Values and Personal Beliefs

Harmony Between Professional Values and Spiritual Beliefs From the ACA code of ethics, there are two values that were previously not in harmony with my spiritual beliefs. The first one is A.4.b “personal values” that instructs counselors to refrain from imposing their own beliefs and values onto the clients (American...

Values, Theories, and Concepts in Chinese Culture

Introduction China has one of the oldest cultures recognized internationally, dating back to over a thousand years ago. Every nation is identified with its culture and traditions, and China has been conspicuous in maintaining its culture and preventing it from the influence of the outside world. China has a rich...

The Application of Clinical Systems

Robust medical systems can elevate the healthcare arrangement structure around the world. Key care providers should work closely to create and execute sufficient clinical solutions for the advanced efficiencies and results in health settings. The utilization of experiential exercises coupled with information technology has an important impact on stimulating health...

Crossing Language Barriers in the Society

Society relies on communication between people to evolve, but many language barriers rise when different cultures interact. International communication becomes difficult with hundreds of different languages existing all around the world. Despite Internet’s accessibility and versatility, many struggle to learn more than their native language. While some languages gain international...

Juvenile Theft & Burglary and Family Influence

Introduction Juvenile criminal behavior continues to confound physiologists, sociologists and criminologists all over the world. These behavioral specialists have continuously debated the causes of juvenile delinquency. Child ill-treatment has been named as the major facet by several of the behavioral specialists whilst others have claimed that child exploitation unaided cannot...

Global Issues of World Poverty: Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The term ‘poverty’ has almost become synonymous in association with the greater population of the third world, that is, countries that are currently considered either developing or under-developed, especially in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Oceania in respect to their economies (Marie, 2002). The term ‘World poverty’ would therefore...

Crime Level Investigation in the United States

Abstract The level of crime in a country can only be established if appropriate criteria for investigating the extent of crime in that particular country are put in place. Two mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Continuing Education in Nursing

Introduction Education is an essential condition for any profession requiring specialized knowledge. In healthcare, all medical staff working with the patients must have relevant training and qualifications to provide high-quality care. This essay will examine the importance of education for nursing and argue that continuing it should be mandatory as...

Movie Review “Angels and Demons”

The film Angels and Demons is an interesting piece of art as the film truly captivates the audience. The film was directed by Ron Howard and produced by Brian Grazer. The film follows Robert Langdon, a fictional professor of cryptology who helps uncover the mysteries related to the crimes against...

Hospital Contextual Factors and Nursing Proficiency

Abstract The study under analysis used a previously existing data set to examine the outcomes of hospital-related aspects (practice environment, average nurse education, and average nurse experience) and personal characteristics (education and experience) on the level of clinical nursing proficiency. Although the findings of the study showed a positive association...

“The Enormous Radio” Story by John Cheever

Jim and Irene Westcott seem to be ordinary people with no peculiarities. Their lives resemble the lives of their neighbors in many aspects. For example, all of them are married, have two children, go to the theater, and hope to live in a better place (Cheever 1). Westcotts appearance could...

Discussion of Legalization of Abortion

Berer, M. (2017). Abortion law and policy around the world. Health and Human Rights Journal, 19(1), 13-27.  The source aims at providing a clear view of various policies and laws around the globe on abortion. The author, Berer, has played a vital role in establishing a number of social issues...

“A Doll’s House”: The Problem of Position of Women in Ibsen’s Play

A Doll’s House is a vivid example of the genre of analytical drama. The genre got its name due to the fact that all stage events are the result of what happened to the characters before the action begins and requires a reflexive analysis to understand everything that happens further....

Analysis of Realisation Glocalization in China

Introduction Glocalization is a concept that reflects the basic idea of transition from globalization to localization and integration of these practices. In other words, glocalization implies that businesses, NGO’s, or governments place great importance on how global products or practices fit into the local context. This paper aims to analyze...

Two Types of Self-Awareness: Private and Public

The Designation of Terms Psychologists usually differentiate amid two types of self-awareness, private and public. Private self is a propensity to reflect and observe the inner nature and spirits of a person. Public self is a mindfulness of the personality as it is observed by other individuals. This type of...

Effective Management Communication at Work

Introduction Communication serves as the foundation of every facet of an organization. Effective communication means transferring information from one party to another to deliver, receive, and understand messages successfully. Due to the nature of the competitive environment in the financial world, organizations should consider emphasizing effective communication as a model...

Earthwear Clothiers Audit: Employee Stock Ownership

Earthwear Clothiers has a solid corporate structure, with founders Williams and Rogers still at the executive roles. The distribution structure consists of a range of customer offerings. The increase in revenue from 2014 to 2015 demonstrates the firm’s positive business control. The sales volume has undoubtedly risen due to overseas...

The Energy of Future in New Jersey

Currently, energy saving is an elusive quest for the urban population in developed cities. Energy is needed in any aspect of running a household, being an earmark of convenience and modern life. The essential performance of any daily routine, both at home and in-office, requires energy. There are several ways...

Classical Opera and Musical Theater Conventions: “Carmen” vs. “Sweeney Todd”

The world of music is rich and fabulous, provoking the most unpredictable emotions and giving important lessons for human development. Among the existing variety of genres, it is hard to find the one that can be called the best because the choice depends on many personal and outside factors. Carmen...

Health Psychology and Activists’ Views on Obesity

Introduction Among the latest common and serious health challenges that people face globally is obesity or overweight. It occurs not only in cities but also in rural areas, affecting people of all ages and social statuses. This is a condition that results in an accumulation of excessive or abnormal fat...

Poor Staff Management During the Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic imposed a tremendous burden on healthcare institutions and medical workers. This research paper aims to determine what ethical values were violated by inefficient staffing and how cultural stereotypes impacted the emotional state of doctors and nurses. The lack of adequate management in hospitals resulted in breaching...

The Difference between Accounting and Finance

Summary As far as the topic of finance is concerned, it is first of all necessary to understand the difference between the two notions that some people usually use interchangeably. They are accounting and finance, and the exact line drawn between them facilitates the further understanding of finance as the...

Alaska Airlines and Japan Airlines Boeing: Accident Investigation

CVR Data and Crew Actions Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) is a device in aircraft that records the voice. When the reading was at 1349:51, the horizontal stabilizer changes from 0.25° to 0.4° airplane nose facing down. Response to this action by the crew was that the autopilot was engaged. This...

Cultural Issues American Managers Face in China

Introduction The Chinese market is earning increasing recognition for offering unlimited opportunities to global corporations, spurring massive inflows of foreign direct investment. This trend is attributed to several socio-economic and political developments in China, including increased adoption of the rule of law, sound institutional reforms, and high research and development...

Mitigating Climate Change in Massachusetts: Policy Recommendations

Introduction Problem Statement Climate change is an acute problem that involves a number of harmful effects on the environment and living beings on Earth. The consequences include extreme weather events, rising maximum and minimum temperature, poor air and water quality, sea-level rise, heat waves, shrinking glaciers, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification,...

Victimology: Spousal Abuse and Its Impact

Crime involved Jane is a victim of spousal abuse for the past 5 years. Spousal abuse is the primary abuse that has negatively affected her life. Criminal law describes spousal abuse as a form of domestic violence characterized by verbal, emotional, or physical abuse (Malley-Morrison and Hines 3). Acts of...

Nature vs. Nurture: Child Obesity

Introduction Child obesity is a major health issue, which is becoming more prominent and severe. It is important to note that one of the most commonly accepted ideas is based on the environment and its related factors. However, the overall impact of one’s genes should not be overlooked because it...

Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation

The effects of substances on human physiology are numerous and diverse. Chemical reactions produced by the injection of foreign drugs can change the personal mood, elicit strong emotional responses, and provoke physical reactions. In many cases, people who use drugs lose control and inhibition. Although not necessarily substance leads to...

Macy’s and Al Tayer Group Partnership

Executive Summary Venturing into the global market is usually a significant move for a company to make, and thus by doing so, it usually requires one to be prepared for any eventuality. The world of business is unpredictable, especially when entering a new market. Macy’s retail company understands well what...

Mandated Nurses Patient Ratios for California

A mandated nurse-patient ratio is a legislative regulation that was passed as a law in the state of California, about thirteen years ago. The idea of the minimum nurse-to-patient ratios was first proposed and implemented in the State, where it was enacted into law. The enactment would facilitate significant changes...

Conflict Resolution at the Workplace

Introduction Conflicts may occur in any setting where different groups of people interact, such as in a workplace. However, since the workers have different backgrounds, simple issues can escalate into violence or disharmony within the job environment. Thus, it requires both expertise and organizational regulations to bring sanity among the...

Absurd in Thomas Nagel’s Philosophy

The topic of the absurd has been an ultimate ground for philosophical debates and discussions for many centuries. The main issue considered under this theme is the connection between human life and its absurdity. Nagel, in his work, investigates a concern about the inescapable absurdity of human lives and analysis...

Reflection About Teaching Patriotism in Schools

Introduction As a concept, patriotism has been subjected to multiple interpretations, which range from quite neutral to outstandingly positive to downright negating its significance. The perception of patriotism, has become particularly complicated over the past decade due to the rise in political tensions among representatives of different countries, as well...

Homeless Veterans in Ohio State

The problem of people without a permanent place of residence is quite widespread in the United States, and unfortunately, this issue concerns all segments of the population. Homeless people in America are represented by people of a wide variety of typologies and characteristics, from the orphaned youth to the elderly,...

Euthanasia in Relation to Religion: Pros and Cons

Introduction Euthanasia is referred to as a practice where someone is killed basically in the argument of merciful grounds so as to bring to an end the sufferings of patients who may have been ill for a long time. Euthanasia is carried out on three different grounds which include: voluntary...

Liberal and Conservative Political Impact on Media

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without mass media. Moreover, the press rule over human minds: its power is so great that it can program the entire country to specific thoughts. The confrontation between adherents of conservative and liberal values has been going on for a long time....

Painful Route Fighting for American Independence

The United States of America, being a free and developed country now, has come through a long path fighting for its sovereignty and freedom in the XVIII century. Back in the first half of the XVIII century, England was a world hegemon having leadership above a sustainable number of colonies,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Prominent Aspects, Management, and Prevention

Introduction Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity in a person. A patient with ADHD has a hard time keeping their attention on one subject, often suffering from hyperactive bursts of energy and struggling with impulsive decision-making (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). While...

The Issue of Patients Medication Reconciliation

Introduction Patient safety is the priority of the healthcare system as a whole and any given medical facility in particular. Medicine reconciliation is a pivotal element of patient safety that ensures eliminating medication prescription errors and minimizes risks for harmful effects. The problem identified in the worksite is that the...

Social Problem: Hunger in the United States

Summary Hunger problem, income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural regions, and COVID-19 outbreak have severe effects on the hunger problem. For instance, the income gap directly impacts the hunger problem through citizen’s wealth-income ability. Additionally, race discrimination also significantly affects the issue, leading to most territories comprising African Americans...

Analyzing a Scenario – National Initiatives

Nursing is a profession that encompasses empowering people in need and helping them to achieve social, physical, or psychological independence. The vast knowledge of the nurse practitioners provides them with proficiency in making diagnosis tests as well as administering treatment in the area of expertise. However, nurse practitioners cannot attain...

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

Introduction The number of patients suffering from kidney problems is increasing at a high rate worldwide. Most patients with chronic kidney diseases do not seek any form of treatment, especially in developing countries (Bayliss et al., 2019). Thus, it is important to formulate programs that will help in addressing these...

Licensed Professional Counsellors’ Scope of Practice

Abstract Licensed professional counselors (LPC) are recognized as mental health clinicians that are skilled in the examination, treatment, and prevention of various mental health issues, including addiction and clinical disorders. The requirements for becoming an LPC include the successful completion of a Board-approved academic program and passing the National Counselor...

Five Fastest Growing Health Professions

Healthcare has always been a critical area for humans, but its importance will only grow in the future. As a result of the development of this sphere, new professions appear on the labor market, which are becoming more popular and widespread every year. According to Healthcare careers in 2020: Medical...

President Obama Did Have Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

It has been almost ten years since the death of one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. There is hardly anyone who has pitied the person responsible for the killing of so many innocent people. In spite of this fact, some still debate on the legality of Operation...

Benefits of Tribal Tourism

The international practice of tourism has proven that this phenomenon brings a plethora of benefits for both tourists and the places they visit. The scholarly dimension provides enough extent of evidence to discuss the theme from different angles. In particular, the topic of tribal tourism through the lenses of local...

Benedict Arnold’s Leadership Traits

By his fine display of courage and military acumen, Benedict Arnold remains one of the most recognized characters from the Revolutionary War. Born in 1741, Arnold served as an American officer and general and is among the most well-known figures of the Revolutionary War. He worked as a merchant and...

Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?

The performance evaluation method has become a subject of debate both in the scholar and business spheres. The process involves employees or managers preparing the reports for workers of higher rank, where they describe their achievements according to previously stated guidelines that correspond to the company’s objectives. As cited in...

Fitness Plan: Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility

Cardiovascular/Cardiorespiratory Endurance Activity (Mode) for cardiovascular fitness I have chosen cycling as an activity that will enhance cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular exercises are a physical activity designed to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These exercises should be done at least twice a week. Most programs run three to five...

Realism and Naturalism in Spanish and French Literature

Introduction It might be stated that both realism and naturalism played a substantial role in the history of Spanish literature. Hence, the approaches of the founders of these genres are an appropriate theme to discover. It should be mentioned that French authors – such as Balzac and Zola – affected...

Capitalism and Democracy: The Problem of Coexistence

To some, the coexistence of the free market and politics of a democratic nature are inherently connected and cannot exist without one another. However, in recent years, the question has shifted into asking whether the two are compatible. It is also vital to understand that both capitalism and democracy have...

Pain Assessment in Older Adults

Introduction Older adults often experience acute and chronic diseases associated with pain. Geriatric patients often take several medications to treat the symptom (Horgas, 2017). However, taking multiple pain management medications attributes to polypharmacy and may negatively affect the well-being of older patients (Horgas, 2017). Thus, it is crucial that clinicians...

High Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion

Summary of the Health Profile Family violence has continuously been a health issue in the United States for a long time. According to Whyte (2009), in every family, there is always the center of power. In most cases, the physical strength of partners in the family determines the center of...

Evidence-Based Practice-Related Websites

Reason and goal for the selection of the activity There is growing emphasis on the imperativeness of evidence-based practice in medical and clinical healthcare. The clinical practice continues to face enormous challenges that need healthcare professionals to solicit, and implement evidence-based practice in their profession. Whereas increased attention to undertaking...

Does Cellular Respiration Increase as a Person Does Exercise?

Background Cellular respiratory is a set of processes and reactions that occur inside the cells of a living organism. They aim at converting chemical energy from oxygen molecules to energy that can be used by body tissues (Budin 1186). Additionally, these reactions convert nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The cellular...

Health Care Using Health Information Technology

Introduction Health Information Technology (health IT) has enabled health care providers to administer patient care more efficiently. Evidently, there is increased utilization and sharing of health information. Constantly increasing amount of information is stored electronically. Indicatively, the previous period involved the storage of information on paper. The management of health...

Megan’s Law: the History and Other Issues

Megan’s Law Sexual crimes committed by various individuals are quite depressing for the victims and equally highly immoral. In the wake of sexual violence, there are shattered lives, scarred victims, frightened communities, as well as disrupted families (Genord, 2019). Such was the ordeal when Megan, Maureen, and Richard Kanka’s daughter,...

Moving to the US: Challenges and Opportunities

Five years ago, my life changed completely. Born in 1970 in Moscow, Russia, I could never imagine that more than forty years later, I would become a mother of three beautiful children living in the United States. In 2016, my husband and I decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio. Such...

Tesla Inc.’s Stock Prices Analytics

Introduction For this week’s assignment, the stock prices of Tesla are reviewed using Yahoo’s Finance service. Tesla is a United States-based company that works in the industry of electric car manufacturing construction and is one of the companies owned by Elon Musk. Tesla is a great company, both because it...

Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Modern technical progress in the industry is inextricably linked with the improvement of welding production. Welding is widely used in the manufacture of metallurgical, chemical, and power equipment, various pipelines, mechanical engineering, and building. At the same time, welders work under challenging conditions associated with exposure to several harmful factors,...

Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Incivility consists of all the behaviors that are rude, disrespectful, or insolent in a workplace. Incivility may lead to emotional pain, which might threaten the working conditions. Some workers decide to be impolite to fellow employees knowingly without considering their feelings, while others may be discourteous without their conscience....

Industrial Ethernet: Requirements and Implementation, Acceptance and Adoption

Introduction Since its invention in 1973 and subsequent adoption as the network standard IEEE 802.3, Ethernet has grown to become the most widely used technology in networking business systems such as back-office mainframe computers, printers and data servers. Over time, factors such as improved speeds, ease of installation and maintenance,...

Data Collection Methods for Various Scenarios

Introduction The paper aims to compare four ways of data collection, such as survey research, which involves a process of asking questions and analyzing responses, field research, which focuses on making observations, and secondary analysis of existing data, and triangulation, which refers to the combination of the methods. The author...

LED Lighting Fixtures and Refinishing Gymnasium Floor

Summary The Eastern Greene High School (EGHS) gymnasium was constructed in 2009 and furnished with 44 lighting fixtures. Most gymnasium floors are sanded down to bare wood and refinished after every 5-10 years based on the usage of the gym floor. The institution is used for various activities, including PE...

Film “Ex Machina”: An Artificial Intelligence

As described in the movie Ex Machina, the Turing test examines an artificially intelligent computer by use of human interaction. It is based on the human being’s capability to discover that they are interacting with a computer. If the human being does not discern this, then the test is passed....

Why Does Juvenile Delinquency Occur

Introduction Democracy is a process that ensures all citizens of a country get fair treatment from the judicial system. This means that there are no double standards when it comes to punishing individuals who have broken laws and thus committed crimes. The law is a double-edged sword that ensures justice...

Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”: Significance of Letters

Introduction Pride and Prejudice is a passionate epistolary novel written by Jane Austen in 1813. Letters are an important part of this novel as they are used to tell the story, develop the characters and build the exposition of themes. Correspondence was a common way of communication during that era....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are prohibited in any form in order to protect the rights and interests of employees. According to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which was passed referring to the US Supreme Court decisions, employment discrimination based...

The John Rhodes Community Centre Pool’s Business Strategy

The John Rhodes Community Centre Pool is a facility popular among the residents of Sault Ste Marie. Nevertheless, the location still experiences a variety of issues and especially with the attendance, which can be significantly improved. Currently, the pool has to implement seven key recommendations outlined in the memo to...

Balanced Scorecard: Philips Electronics and Futura Industries

Introduction The balanced scorecard is a performance gauging tool that is meant to match business activities with the company’s vision statement. It is a strategic planning system that can be used to monitor business activities and the results that arise from these activities. A survey undertaken by Bains and Company...

Steps and Challenges of Action Learning

The Main Areas of Improvement Previous case assignments have shown that there is a substantial communicative deficiency in coworker relationships. Not only do the team members interpret differently the same instructions, but they also argue about the correct course of action. The resulting disagreements lead to infighting, mistrust, and low...

Theatrical Style in the “Oedipus Tyrannus” Production

Theatrical styles used by Tyrone Guthrie Oedipus Tyrannus was a playwork done and produced by Tyrone Guthrie in the late 1950s. The play is about the Greek tragedy with a clear focus on the Greek text and drama. It was done in mime with several choruses performed to introduce actors...

Loving vs. Virginia: The Supreme Court Case

Loving vs. Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) – a historic decision of the U.S. Supreme Court establishing freedom of interracial marriage. All members of the court unanimously supported the decision. Despite the supreme court’s decision, the old law was still in effect in several states, even though the ruling made...

Design Solutions for Improving Website Quality and Effectiveness

The simplest definition of structure is how the pages of a site are located and are accessible to visitors for navigation. The structure is built using navigation and links, but in addition, it is connected with other elements, such as breadcrumbs, sitemaps, sections, categories, etc. A well-designed structure can help...

Amazon Web Services Review: Proof-of-Concept Report

This proposed project seeks to address the need for a cloud-based to be used by PHI Engineering Design. Cloud technology has gained popularity following its use of services that are not physically located in the business environment. Like any other company, PHI Engineering Design would not like to overrun budget...

The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime

Introduction Organized crime can be defined as unlawful actions by members of a well structured and disciplined organization whose main activities is to supply unlawful goods and services such as loan sharking, prostitution, drug trafficking and gambling to mention but a few. In the past such organizations included; Italian Mafia....

Change in Composition of Bank Funding Since 2008

Component of bank funding and their importance Banks operating in Australia have a variety of sources of funds. The main components are deposits, short-term debts, and long-term debts. Over 50% of bank funding originates from retail deposits. Approximately 40% of the total funds emanate from the financial market. Banks draw...

Dubai Expo 2020, Its History and Initiatives

The History of Expo and Its Effect on the Development of the Humanity The current Expo is hosted by Dubai and it was planned to happen in 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was postponed to 2021. The Expo itself is a global exposition, which provides countries with a...

Fuji Synapse Picture Archiving and Communication System Overview

Introduction FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA, Inc. Is one of the companies of Fuji Film, with more than 70 years in the field of imagery, nearly 40 years in the field of radiology, and more than $28 billion in sales, the company is the leading provider of “medical image and information...

Healthcare Reimbursement in the US

Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle What Reimbursement Means to a Healthcare Organization The U. S. healthcare system is rather complicated due to the existence of several approaches to paying for the provided care. Private payers (insurers and individuals) as well as the government (through Medicare or Medicaid) pay for the...

Risk Management Within the Clinical Setting

Introduction This report aims to critically focus on an aspect of risk management within the clinical setting. The discussion will be based on patient falls and the target group will be nurses or other health care professionals. A critical discussion of the identified risk management will be included, a rationale...

“Neuromancer” and “Snow Crash” Comparison

Introduction It is hard to disagree that most people like specific genres of books and usually read only them. One of the reasons for that is that texts share certain elements, which make them rather similar but still different. Precisely repetitive narrative elements, including plot, theme, characters, and setting, allow...

The Student Learning Analysis: Principal Conclusions After the Internship

Introduction: Choice of Practice Location and Its Description Addiction behavior therapy is a topic that is consistently relevant around the world. The number of psychiatric patients and people with various addictions is now increasing. It is essential for professionals who encounter these clients to upgrade their qualifications to become confident...

Radio Frequency Identification in Libraries: Technical and Security Aspects

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (henceforth RFID) is the application of a small tag into a product, animal, or person to identify or track them via radio waves (wikipedia, 2008). This small tag is a low-cost device that can hold a limited amount of dataolnar). RFID is a technology that has...

Seventh Day Adventists Fight Crime in Jamaica

Introduction Violent crime is a serious challenge in Jamaica. Robberies, rapes, murders, and assaults do not just lead to economic costs but may result in the loss of lives and severe emotional distress among victims. Crime also exerts a high toll on communities as the value of property increases and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Future of Jamaica’s Energy Development

Summary At the moment, the energy sector and its infrastructure in Jamaica are not planned for the long term. The new strategy proposes to consider changes in energy consumption over the next 20 years. Capacities will be created to enable the transmission of large amounts of energy. This will help...

The Case of Sandra Malone: Evaluation

Introduction In order to identify what changes, if any, are necessary in a particular case, it is critical to evaluate the current state of affairs. For a social worker, evaluation means assessing the relevance of any interventions that have taken place in the situation under the review, judging by their...

Dangers of Mob Mentality in ”The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The short story The Lottery is one of Shirley Jackson’s most famous works. Its concept revolves around an annual draw in a small village. Although the lottery is usually associated with a winner getting a grand prize, in the story, it is a process of selecting a victim for...

Protein Stability: Biochemistry

Introduction The stability of proteins determines the correlation between structure and function. Protein stability also plays a role in various properties such as aggregation, solubility, and protein-protein interactions. The stability of proteins is a necessary attribute in cells, as seen in various mechanisms such as unfolded-protein response machines, whose role...

DNP: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among 65-year-old or older male patients is a complex task that requires the development of research skills, leadership competencies, and scientific knowledge. It is not enough to identify the chosen problem at the microsystem (family support), mesosystem (employees), and macrosystem (hospitals) and consider nursing...

Reflections on Christian Ministry Journey

Introduction The desire to study Ministry and dedicate one’s life to Christianity as a profession does not correspond in people’s minds with an easy entertaining career. It is a challenging path with many classes, insights, obstacles, and personal conclusions. The Ministry requires broad knowledge and understanding of details in various...

Preventing Hospital Falls: Research Article Analysis

Introduction Patient falls have been documented as a major area of concern for health institutions and the public due to the adverse outcomes associated with the incidents. Available literature demonstrates that patient falls may result in patient death and disability, pain, exposure to expensive lawsuits, and associated financial costs (Spetz,...

Health Law: Howell v. Hamilton Meats and Provisions

According to Schwinghamer (2011), the California Supreme Court (CSC) ruled that plaintiffs who have injured themselves personally are not warranted full receipt of the entire amount if the insurers paid a small amount of the medical expenses. This decision was held on August 18, 2011. Rebecca Howell was the plaintiff,...

Ozone Pollution Policy in Seoul by Yoo & Chae

Introduction and Context According to the study report by Yoo and Chae, ozone pollution is a serious issue in Seoul, Korea: “The number of ozone warnings has increased from 2 in 1995 to 10 In 1996, to 19 in 1997” (49). The main reasons for such an increase were the...

Terrorism in Northern Ireland and in Middle East

Introduction Nowadays, one of the most urgent issues of modern society is the problem of global terrorism. Every day new terroristic networks appear all over the world. Every day violent terroristic activity takes away the lives of innocent people. Unfortunately, today, this problem constitutes a serious menace to global security....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Watergate Scandal and Impeachment of Trump

Introduction The Founding Fathers of the United States gave the House of Representatives the power of impeachment to remove the corrupt officials from the government because they knew that providing power to one person is dangerous. Historically, three presidents of the United States were officially charged with abuse of power,...

Bullying: A Concern for Modern Communities and Educational Establishments

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there lies a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

Health Promotions in Preschools

Abstract The process of enabling increased control over one’s health and improving health is called health promotion. It is frequently carried out in schools to create awareness of certain health issues. Hand washing has a major impact on public health, and this seemingly trivial activity significantly reduces two leading causes...

Schizophrenia: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Howard R. & Goldsman A. (2001) The movie ‘’A beautiful mind’’. United States Of America: Universal Studios. The Producer uses this movie to bring out a story of a man who was a genius in mathematics, John Forbes Nash Jr. as he entered Princeton who was a clever student with...

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans

Bibliographic Information of the Book Title: Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present. Author: Harriet A. Washington Publisher: Doubleday Books Date of publication: 2007 Edition: 1st edition Number of pages: 569 Summary of the Book The book Medical Apartheid is...

Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens

Ethnic Minority Group Description Hispanic, or Latino, Americans are defined as the descendants of Spanish people, which includes Mexicans. In the U.S., Hispanic/Latino Americans constitute approximately 18.5% of the population, according to the results of the latest census (The United States Census Bureau, 2019). The specified population is characterized by...

Prerequisites of Cold War During Yalta Conference

Introduction The post-WWII years turned out to be rather challenging for the world. It became the beginning of the new era of global development, including the escalating confrontation between Soviet and Imperialistic blocks, the beginning of the Cold War with its détentes and escalations. The invention of missile weapons led...

Economics: The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

Conscience and Moral Development

In order to answer the question of whether a lack or absence of sensitivity may be regarded as immortal, it is essential to address the term of morality that has two controversial perceptions. First of all, morality is defined as the set of particular standards that help people live in...

Allegory of the Cave: Credibility of Information Sources in Acquiring the Right Knowledge

Introduction Acquiring knowledge is actual progress to people as it assures sustained better lifestyles. Plato describes the experience in his Allegory of the Cave as he communicates a message to Glaucon (Peterson 275). His perspective on knowledge entails understanding the worth of doing good. Plato makes a vital comparison with...