Ancient Maya Civilization: History and Culture

Conflicts The conflict between two archrivals, Tikal and Calakmul, can be explained through military, commercial and political perspectives. It is worth noting that Tikal was the first founded. Its historical development can be traced back to the Preclassic period. Its first king founded a new ruling house before the downfall...

Resolving Workplace Conflict: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction An organization requires a workforce working to achieve its goals. The early organization was based on the classical organization theories which failed to capture the “human” aspect of the employees in the organization. An organization’s productivity overrode the employee wellness; the employee was therefore treated mechanically, as a machine...

Global Positioning System Technology in Cargo Operations

Executive Summary GPS technology has significantly added to cargo visibility, a fact which has led to a rapid improvement in the general cargo operations. This study gives an analysis on how the GPS technology has led to improvement in the cargo visibility and safety in the cargo operations. This study...

Dutch-Lebanese Cross-Cultural Management at Clever Clogs International

Introduction The chief aim of this paper is to present a cross-cultural briefing report on behalf of Clever Clogs International to its new female Muslim manager in her mid-thirties who Clever Clogs International intends to transfer from Lebanon to Amsterdam, Netherlands. The report will focus on the current state of...

Agriculture in Honduras: Existing Challenges and Possible Solutions

Introduction The economy of Honduras visibly depends on the agricultural sector. Its influence can be traced in the country’s GDP and is properly reflected in the involvement of the population, with roughly half of the workforce involved in agricultural activities. Unfortunately, the most value-added segment of the country’s productivity is...

Financial Regulation and Its Effect on the US Economy

The purpose of this paper is to examine the history of financial reforms and its impact on the US economy. Thus, we attempt to limit our study to major reforms that sharply affect macroeconomic indicators. For a long time, private financial institutions were gaining the power to control and run...

Homonationalism and Gender Identity in Catholicism

Introduction There can be only a few doubts that as of today, the LGBT-related issues continue being considered highly controversial – especially when discussed in conjunction with the discursively relevant provisions of all three monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). Therefore, nothing is surprising about the fact that the public...

The Rise of Islamic Banking in a Time of Economic Crisis

Introduction On the surface, it may seem odd that Islamic banking is in such demand but when looked at from a cultural and religious perspective, it embodies the very essence of Islamic law. To put it simply, what makes Islamic banking different from conventional banking is that it is based...

IKEA Company’s Circular Economy Model

Description of Organization The subject for this report is IKEA, a Swedish producer of furniture and other home accessories. IKEA provides its customers with a wide range of products including furniture (home, outdoor, and for storage), home electronics, indoor gardening, diverse textiles, lighting, decoration, leisure and safety products, kitchen and...

Electronic Health Records and Plan-Do-Study-Act

Research Literature Support PICOT Question Restated What was the experience and impression of hospital staff such as practitioners, and its effect on the promotion and implementation of best practices to improve health outcomes and improve end-user/staff satisfaction and care efficiency? Observation of Academic Sources The first article under discussion is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Trends and Their Implications for HR

Abstract This paper looks at the demographics of the health care workforce. The trends in this field indicate that the health care workers who are aging are more than the younger ones. This trend seems to persist and in the next few years, the health care industry is going to...

Conservation Biology and Preservation of the Biodiversity

Introduction The aspects of biology conservation, and preservation of the biodiversity on the planet are becoming increasingly important for the humanity. Originally, there are numerous ways of coping with this problem, and this paper is aimed at analyzing the results of a survey, which was offered to random people. The...

Southwest Airlines From the Management Perspective

The success of any business organization depends on its leaders’ willingness to apply appropriate models and theories, empower their followers, and make strategic decisions depending on the forces experienced in the sector. Managers need to utilize their competencies to support all core functions and ensure that every partner is involved...

The Change in UK Pension System

Introduction The UK pension scheme started as a non-contributory testing scheme which began in 1908 and established under the Old Age Pensions Act (Bozio 2010, p. 7). This system later developed into a contributory scheme and enforced under the Widows, Orphans and Old Age contributor pensions act of 1925 which...

Elasticity, Own Price and Demand in Hotel Industry

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of elasticity. It explores the topic by looking at the concepts of own price and income elasticity of demand. The paper also evaluates how the understanding of these concepts may help me as the manager of a luxurious family owned hotel in...

The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society

Book Information Book Title: The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society; Authors: Larry D. Rosen, Nancy L. Cheever, and Mark Carrier; Publisher and date of publication: Wiley Blackwell (New York, NY), June 2, 2015; Authors’ background: Larry D. Rosen has been known as a research psychologist and educator, who...

Huawei Technologies Company Analysis

Executive Summary The report revolves around Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and the primary peculiarities of its functioning. Today, it is one of the most fast-growing companies that function in the sphere of telecommunications. The report provides the in-depth investigation of its financial performance, organizational structure, perspectives, integral strategy, marketing approach,...

Economy Studying: Income Inequality

Introduction Most governments across the world have applied some of the remedies prescribed by the 19th century economists. Some of the solutions applied include progressive tax rates, low population growth rates, minimum wage rates, and educational training. These remedies appear inadequate in preventing the prevalence of income inequality. Even in...

Honda Company’s Defective Airbags and Ethical Issues

Introduction In 2015, Honda Company was fined for failing to respond to safety issues that affected its cars, which were fitted with defective airbags (Lippert). The company learned about the dangers of the airbags supplied by Takata but failed to respond immediately. Instead, the leadership of Honda Company opted to...

Logical Fallacies and Sound Arguments in Introduction

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to examine various logical fallacies to avoid when developing an introduction. First, an introduction with fallacious arguments will be presented. In the next section, those fallacious arguments will be identified and discussed using margin comments. Finally, a revised version of the introduction will...

History of Slavery and Its Impacts on Society

The history of slavery continues to have a significant influence on contemporary society in diverse ways. According to Crane (2013), societies are not blends of distinct people fashioning themselves anew from various generations. Rather, “a complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to form...

“Breakfast Myth” and Reasons to Believe

Introduction The motivation to debunk the “breakfast myth” is the same fuel that motivates the other myth-busting endeavor, the ultimate purpose is to figure out the truth from the lie (Barthes 59). The impetus to figure out myth from reality may require more persuasive exhortations other than the need to...

Diabetes in American Society

Everyone knows that American society is challenged by a variety of diseases. Some of them could be predicted, controlled, and treated, and some illnesses remain incurable because even the most advanced technologies are not effective and helpless. Diabetes is one of such public health concerns, with no particular cure. People...

Investment: A Shift in the Financial Markets, Credit Derivatives

Introduction Over the past few decades, the financial markets have witnessed rampant product innovation. One of the reasons for this shift arises from increased demand for investment by both individual investors and institutional investors. A large number of investors are considering financial assets as a viable investment destination. The banking...

Terrorism. Hezbollah: Ideology and Financing

The problems of combating terrorist crimes in the framework of the modern world are becoming increasingly important in view of the apparent increase in cruelty and more frequent cases of this group of crimes. Like any manifestation of terrorism, its financing is public in nature and aims to create a...

The worldview of Kim Wardlaw, Judge

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention the fact that the work by Judge Kim Wardlaw is featured by professionalism, high qualification, and justice. Originally, by the time she had become the first Hispanic woman in the US judicial system of the Court of Appeals, she clearly knew...

Juvenile Justice: Annotated Bibliography, Evaluation of the Research Methods

Introduction Juvenile delinquency seems to be on the rise in many parts of the world. Many times, juvenile delinquency manifests in antisocial or illegal behaviors which have in the past been defined by existing numerous theories explaining the occurrence of youth crime. However, the biggest debate today is the type...

Nursing Theory Comparison: Needs Theory and Transcultural Nursing Theory

Nursing is a field that is crucial in the livelihoods of individuals. The role played by registered nurses in medical facilities is one that the society cannot downplay. While the nursing fraternity has a code of conduct that promotes the quality of care that patients should receive, there are theories...

Christian Worldview: Ultimate Reality

Introduction Ultimate reality is an existing actuality that surpasses the physical and non-physical dimensions of the world. It is absolute power, a central connecting point, and the source of everything that prevails in the universe. In the Christian denomination, this phrase refers to a transcendent presence, a supreme being, or...

Military Spending by the Government of the United States

Introduction When countries generate budgets for each fiscal year, they always have priorities. Most imperative is always the welfare of its citizens, considering that they contribute immensely through taxation. Ever since the 9/11 attacks of the Twins Towers, the budget took a sudden shift, with the military gaining the second-biggest...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States

Abstract The issue of adolescent pregnancy is of concern to the US policymakers because of its effects. It is considered an urgent issue in modern American society because a number of lives have been lost through illegal abortions and neglect. The major risks associated with adolescent pregnancy include health problems,...

Nursing Education: Course Evaluation Methods

Introduction According to Redman, Lenburg and Walker (1999), nurse educators face several challenges. For instance, nursing students have the assumption that nurse educators will teach them essential knowledge and skills to gain competency in nursing. Nurse graduate employers presume that qualifications and subsequent state licenses are granted because they meet...

The Issue of Global Climate Change and the Use of Global Ethic

Description of the Issue The warming trend experienced in different parts of the world is unprecedented (Dietz and Garrelts 4). The rate of climate change is of much interest because human-induced activities are to blame. Modern technologies such as “the use of satellites have made it easier for scientists to...

Comparing American Slave Narratives to Caribbean and Latin American

Introduction Slavery was the formidable evil that caused long years of suffering and disaster for many innocent people who were segregated from all walks of life, only with the reason that they were blacks. They were treated as separate entities, denied social, cultural, and moral rights. They could not even...

Primary Health Care: Issues and Challenges

Introduction Primary health care as a concept gained popularity following the 1978 International Conference on Primary Health Care jointly held by WHO and UNICEF at Alma-Ata (World Health Organization, N.d; Bryant, 2002). Although different definitions have been adopted by different people, it is the WHO’s definition that has reclaimed global...

Ethnic Principles of Solving Problems in Indians: The Role of the Family

Introduction Intercultural studies have become increasingly important in the current society. The globe is continuously becoming globalized making it significant for people of different cultures to learn different cultures for the purpose of smooth interaction. This paper will examine the Indian culture in reference to the family, communication and worldview....

The Case of Nokia: A Lesson in Leadership and Motivation

Introduction In the 1990s and 2000s, the Finnish company Nokia was a global phenomenon. It grew to be a technology giant, leading the change in how people used mobile phones. Nokia was the number one mobile maker and probably the first phone that many people owned. Today, the days of...

The Methods of Risk Management in Business

Introduction Environmental factors that cause risk The success of any business is highly dependent on the strategies it employs as well as the environmental conditions in which it runs. The business environment of today is being changed frequently. Changes in technology, market, and political environments increase the uncertainties of managers...

English Law System and French Law

Introduction The British Common Law is applied in many nations, including the United States of America and England. Indeed, nations that were colonized by the British Empire have their legal systems based on British law. While many nations only have one system of law, Canada presents a unique case. The...

Multinational Corporations and Climate Change

Introduction At the turn of the 21st century, the global development agenda introduced the element of climate change and global warming. It was noted that economic activities and other human undertakings were affecting the environment negatively. Scientists believe that the toxics and other waste products released by industries are responsible...

Commercial Aviation: What Does Future Bring?

Introduction Commercial aviation, which is a component of civil aviation, is the business of operating aircraft to transport people and goods on hire. The airliners used in the transportation of passengers and cargo range from single-engine freight planes to the Boeing 747. Commercial aircraft were accepted after the Second World...

Genetic Disorders: Diagnosis, Screening, and Treatment

Introduction Today’s emphasis on genetic technology and its application has major implications for healthcare now and in the future. Nurses need to understand the importance of integrating new knowledge of genetics into their practices and be able to help patients cope with the genetic basis of disease. Nurses also need...

Transition to Professional Practice

Introduction Teamwork is important in nursing profession as it determines communication and collaboration between different medical professions. Team work has always been very popular and important in nursing. Because self-managing members are working on permanent teams, the effort and expense involved in changing compensation structures is often justified. However, in...

Environmental Philosophy: Mountain Top Removal

Introduction The coal industry is a large and highly profitable type of business due to the product being an essential energy source. The general direction of the development of the coal industry is to increase open-pit coal mining. The development of new deposits in the eastern regions of the country...

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is now recognized to be a major social issue because teenagers are now increasingly involving in sexual intercourse at an early age, creating severe complexities not only for themselves but also for the society at large. Associated problems include larger numbers of unmarried mothers and social...

Deities in Hinduism and Buddhism

Abstract This paper dwells upon the differences in roles of Hindu and Buddhist deities from mythological and scientific perspectives. It is noted that Hindu gods’ pantheon was very hierarchal while Buddhist deities were almost equal to people. In Hinduism, gods had supernatural powers and were knowledgeable while in Buddhist tradition....

The Issue of Environment Pollution in Peru

Introduction During the millions of years of evolution, our species have left their footprints all over the Earth, but it was not until a couple of centuries ago that they started to think about ecology and environment. Today, the harm we have done to the planet is just too critical...

Gender Inequality in India and Iran Politics

Introduction Gender inequality in politics is a major issue in the contemporary world. In most countries around the world, women have taken political backstage due to several factors that encourage ‘political chauvinism.’ The majority of nations have elective political posts, and this aspect explains the small number of women occupying...

Common Mental Health Problems

Introduction Mental health forms a significant aspect of human health because it determines the general health of a person. Mental illnesses are common disorders that affect how humans behave, think, or feel. Usually, people with mental illnesses exhibit unique behaviours, nurture strange thoughts, and have irritable emotions. Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder,...

Women’s Influence in Russian History

“Behind every successful man is a hard working woman.” This clichĂ© could not be scientifically proved but the contribution of women in all aspects of life has had a great impact on the platform of the world history. Leaders have come and left memorable marks receiving credit for their exploits...

Can Developing Countries Catch Up to Developed Countries

Introduction Globalization has been widely related to the fast-growing economies of the countries around the world. Developed countries are observed to easily catching up with the emerging trends when it comes to the economic issues of the country. As the developed countries continuously grow as a progressive countries, the developing...

Control Regime in Hong Kong: Elements and Challenges

In 1997, the independence of Hong Kong was relinquished to the Peoples’ Republic of China (Wong, 2002). From that time, numerous vital development have occurred in Hong Kong one of them being its taxation regime. KPMG (2007) argues that the Basic Law that came into effect on July 1997 gave...

Subaru Brand With Japanese Origins

Subaru is a brand with Japanese origins that has built its popularity in most developed countries of the world. Its history shows a clear interest in technology and innovative solutions complemented by high quality and reliability. Thus, the new project proposal will root itself in these ideas, targeting such populations...

Nursing Leadership and the System of Christian Values

Efficient leadership in healthcare is a subject that, seemingly, attracts a lot of scholarly interest. It could be linked to several positive outcomes, such as elevated patients’ satisfaction with their visits or hospital stays and improved workplace relations between personnel. Nursing leadership and management is a complex domain that lately...

Proposal on Implementing Change in the Welsh University

Introduction The Welsh University in the UAE, being a local affiliate of the main university located in the UK, was recently tasked by the Chancellor to perform a major transformation from a traditional to a digital educational model. It is expected that this change will be implemented in one year,...

Soft Drinks S.A. Project

Research Proposal The proposed research is focused on the investigation of the company Soft Drinks S.A and its failure to capture the expected market share by its new product. The need for the given research is justified by several factors. First of all, the inability of soft drinks to attract...

Things That a Computer Cannot Do Regardless of Time

Introduction A computer is a programmable machine that many management teams in different organizations have adapted. It receives input from the users, stores it, manipulates it, and provides output in a format that the user can understand. It helps make work efficient using codes that are written for the functions....

The Book “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Mary Wollstonecraft

Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th-century British author and philosopher, was among the first people who openly drew the public’s attention to women’s rights in society. Her fundamental work, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, explores several important topics, and education is one of them. The situation in this regard...

Hezbollah: A Case Study of Global Reach

This paper would seek to analyze and discuss one of the most pertinent issues that have caught the world by storm and with each day passing becomes an even greater a concern; Terrorism. This issue is most televised, reported about and in fact generally talked about most in any political...

International English Language Testing System

Purpose, Test, and Use of the IELTS The International English Language Testing System more popularly known as IELTS is designed primarily to assess the ability of candidates who aspire to pursue their academics or job prospects in countries where English is the principal language of communication (IELTS Handbook, 2007). IELTS...

New Castle Hotels’ Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Introduction High employee turnover or attrition rate in any organization is a problem area for its management and one of its main aims will be to keep this at the level at least with industry standards. This paper deals with the high employee turnover found in the hospitality industry and...

Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing

Color Vision and Evolution While color vision is taken for granted in everyday life, it, in fact, served a crucial role in the progress of the humankind at the dawn of its development. As predators, our ancestors needed color vision to detect and identify various objects, including prey. Therefore, it...

Nurses and Their Role in Healthcare

Definition and description of the issue Nurse practitioners play key roles in health care services. Nurses facilitate interprofessional collaboration for medical practitioners. Barriers to nursing practice continue to exist. Many issues are results of physicians’ lack of awareness. Barriers impede the nurse’s ability to produce positive patient care outcomes (Clarin,...

Google’s Success Story Analysis

Introduction Since its inception, Google has been able to achieve great things. It is ranked among the best companies to work for in the world. On the same note, Google has been consistently ranked among the top 100 companies in the world for quite several years. As far as information...

Bottled Water Impact on Environment

Introduction The bottled water industry cannot be stopped today because of the great awareness of people about drinking only bottled water so that they will not be ill. Another reason for the rise of the use of bottled water is because of the convenience that it offers in terms of...

Polymer Structure of Polyesters and Polyamides

Introduction Shakhashiri B. Z., (1983, pp.213-215) defines a polymer as a substance composed of molecular particles branded by the numerous reappearance of one or more species of atoms or groups of atoms linked to each other in amounts appropriate to provide a set of properties that do not vary markedly...

George Orwell’s “1984” Analysis

Introduction / Thesis Ever since George Orwell’s famous novel “1984” has been published in 1949, its semiotic significance was being discussed from a variety of political and sociological perspectives, with most literary critics concluding that “1984” was meant to increase people’s awareness as to the sheer wickedness of Communism, as...

Battle for Fort Sumter and the Beginning of the Civil War

Introduction Fort Sumter was the last point the Union forces occupied in South Carolina after the state declared secession and lived the Union. Therefore, the battle for Fort Sumter became a starting point for subsequent military actions between the Confederates and the Union. It was also a defining point at...

Economics of Happiness, Hunger, and Famine

Introduction At a present stage of social and economic development of the world community still it is very important to achieve the reliable maintenance of the population of globe with food stuffs. The foodstuffs constantly acts as a necessary and uncontested part of fund of vital means, and increase for...

Activity Based Costing Approach

Introduction Bulks of business entities employ the proposed Activity-Based Costing (ABC) approach to their distinctive pursuits of cost accounting (Vazakidis, Karagiannis & Tsialta 2010). Oseifuah defines ABC as an innovative cost accounting practice that cyphers and evaluates the cost and efficacy of activities, cost objects, and resources (2014, p. 585)....

California and the World Economy

Spanish Exploration of California Spanish explorers are believed to have contributed significantly in the process of ushering California as part of the potential world economy. However, even before these explorations could take shape, there were about 300,000 indigenous tribes already residing in California. These were the Native Americans. Juan RodrĂ­guez...

William Foxwell Albright: Great American Archaeologist

Introduction William Foxwell Albright was an American archaeologist born in Chile. He is well remembered for his involvement in excavation of the biblical sites and his expertise in history and culture of the Near East. During his life, he conducted excavations at several places in Palestine. His most renowned work...

Motivational Pros and Cons of Teams in Organization

Introduction Both group and individual motivation are concepts used by organizations to explain social dynamisms in an organization. In either case, motivation is the driving force that directs and maintains behavior on a particular path that its purposefully intended to draw specific results desired by the individual or the organization....

Stock Market: Fundamental and Technical Analysis

Introduction The economic recession of 2007 affected the operations of many companies and the interests of the public regarding investing in the stock market. The Federal Reserve of the United States adopted immediate measures to intervene and stop insolvency. However, the bond-buying program did swell not only the central bank’s...

The Changing Face of Security Threat

Introduction All countries have a military Almost all the countries in the world have a functional military outfit. These military outfits are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that their countries’ borders are free from intrusion. In the olden days, attacks from enemies were a common occurrence. This called for...

American Studies 1890’s Portrayed in Art

Introduction The relations between the human beings within the society have always been characterized by substantial controversy arising from the conflicts between various social classes. People of the wealthier layers of the society and the people living in the poorer conditions have always tried to defend their interests and express...

Factors of Stress Among Young Adults

Introduction Stress among young adults is a topic of increased interest among sociologists and health professionals. Today, stress is caused by numerous factors, and young adults need to be aware of them to develop sufficient coping mechanisms. For instance, a popular health-related website, WebMD (n.d.), claims that stress can be...

Competitive Advantage: Sources of Competitive Advantage

Introduction According to Porter (1998, p.2), Competitive advantage is the ability of the firm to maintain its strong position against its competitors and continue making profits. Competitive advantage is gained by a firm that can beat its rivals in profitability. According to Porter (1998, p.2), cost advantage and product differentiation...

A Conventional Japanese Family in a Film Tokyo Sonata

Introduction Tokyo Sonata is one of the most recent works of Kiyoshi Kurosawa that depicts a conventional Japanese Family. The 2008 film delves deep into a culture where there are strict roles meant for every member of the family and the consequences that might arise when one fails to or...

The Internal and External Defense Policy of the U.S.

The U.S. Defence Policy The US defense policy has undergone a series of transitions from the Great War era up to the present time. In analyzing the US defense policy, the mention of US foreign policies cannot be ignored at all. The modern US defense policy under the Obama administration...

Zionism: The Evolution of Judaism

Zionism is an international political movement that identifies the existence of a sovereign Jewish national homeland. This is a movement that has been constantly campaigning and supporting Jewish return to their ancestral land since the recognition of the state of Israel. It is a movement that is based on religious...

JĂŒrgen Habermas’ and Michel Foucault’s Contributions to Social Theory

Introduction There has been extensive writings and reviews of the social theory from the classical to the modern days. Classical and contemporary theorists have agreed and differed on the interpretations and the application of the theory. Social theory is defined as the utilization of the theoretical methodologies and frameworks in...

Privacy and Government Surveillance

Introduction Currently, a substantive study of the implementation and protection of the right to privacy in the US has shown that it is subject to numerous violations and restrictions. The practical civil law protection of this right is not sufficiently effective. It is due to the historical tradition and a...

Science and Religion: Historical Relationship

Introduction The historical relation between science and religion is long and has not been that cozy throughout history. The main area of contention is the view that both hold on the world whereby, as science tends to base all its explanations through empirical observations, religion on the other hand makes...

Criminalizing Drug Usage: Effects and Consequences

Introduction Consensus is rising in the matters of drug usage and beyond, that the criminalization of specific drugs is counterproductive and does not convey the planned objectives. Proof is growing showing that criminalization of drug usage, is what’s causing a lot of public health and in fact criminal harm. Some...

Airline and Car Industries’ Operations Design

Introduction The success and continuity of any business or the broader industry is largely defined by its ability to develop effective business operational processes which are in line with the prevailing social economic as well as political environment. This calls for a high level of flexibility and ability to accurately...

Media Representation of Gay and Lesbian Parented

Background There are various relationship issues faced by couples in gay and lesbian parented families. The issues that arise are mainly a function of two major things. First, their family organization comprises of people whose values are different from the society and secondly the society in which they live has...

Community-Based Researching: Research Methods

The toolkit presents a general framework, following which will enable efficient implementation of development programs. The basis of the framework is the concept of “knowledge exchange”, where the guidelines and the practical approaches in the toolkit are directed toward outlining the significance of the concept for the development program. The...

Ways to Defend Against Cyber Terrorism

Introduction With the advancement of technology, newer ways of terrorism are being developed. Equally, terrorist organizations are becoming more organized and established as international businesses. Facilitating this is the aspect of increased availability of technological skills for hire on the internet. As a result, organizations, individuals, nation states, and other...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Korean Multinationals Imitated Japanese Ones

Introduction In East Asia, China, Japan and Korea have been seen to share different things ranging from cultural, religious and economic activities. One of the most visible issues is the imitation of Japanese multinational corporations (MNCs) strategies and operations by Korean multinational corporations. In a bid to enhance their performance...

Pizza: Marketing Communication and Strategy

Marketing Marketing by definition is the organizational activity that includes communicating and convincing potential and actual consumers of one’s goods to buy them, and finally delivering the goods to them. Various organizations and enterprises apply different marketing management strategies to help achieve its organizational goals and objectives. The very first...

The Partiality of the Western Media during the Gaza War

Background One of the often discussed issues in modern times is the Gaza War. The two ever-feuding regions, Israel and Palestine were involved in the war for a long time. The timeline for the war can be drawn from 27th December 2008 to 18th January 2009 and at that time...

Development of a Website for McDouglas Company

Introduction The project will involve development and finally hoisting of a website for McDouglas Company. Technological advance and enhanced professionalism allows static design and maintenance of websites. McDouglas website will not provide information about the company but will also act as its subsidiary marketing tool. It will provide updated information...

Phenomenon of the Anti-Colonialism

Introduction It is believed that public riots or community rebellion, activity boycotts and public marches are descriptive and even more apparent ways to express resistance. Also, any local forms of public expression as well as the media were believed to greatly initiate anti-colonial movements. The print media and literary culture...

The Origin of European Colonialism

Introduction European colonialism can be dated way back to the 15th century with the emergence of what was known as the age of discovery spearheaded by the Spanish and the Portuguese in the American exploration, Africa exploration, the Middle East, and East Asia. During this era, the European attention of...

Women Minorities In Business Management

Introduction The Report by Equal Opportunities Commission UK, after a study of the number of women in top executive positions has observed that for women to take the position of directors of FTSE 100 companies, just in the same number as men directors, it may take about 60 years. The...

The Era of Hitchcock: “Number 17” Film

Abstract The film industry of the 1920s and 1930s was considerably influenced by the political and economic situations in the countries. For example, in Great Britain, much attention was paid to the emergence of sound films and the necessity to create new approaches, plots, and projects. Alfred Hitchcock was one...

The History of Nokia’s Creation and Becoming an Influential Brand

Introduction In this assignment we will show some background of Nokia and demonstrate what problem it is facing in a current environment and what it needs to change, we will also develop possible solutions that Nokia might use to solve it. Our assignment will also include the evidence and concerns...

D. Trump vs. R. Branson and D. Hubbard vs. Jeff W. Griffith

Introduction The dynamic nature of the business environment as well as increased competition has necessitated innovations and inventions from different people, especially those who have the ability to combine different factors of production and make huge returns from it. To do this, one requires to posses the necessary entrepreneurial knowledge,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Film Industry’s Profitability in 1988-1999

Introduction The database displays the US film industry net benefits from 1988 to 1999. Six major distributors have constantly dominated the market over the decade. The most profitable studios produce the most profitable films. Paramount is the market share leader with a 14.74% share. A CPI index higher than 100%...

Social Sciences: Postdevelopment Literature and Theories

Draft The paper is on Post-development literature where the fundamentals of development are evaluated from the perspective of Rostow’s development theory and Wolfgang Sachs’ approach as a post-development thinker. Alongside, Implications of Rostow’s theory is also discussed with priority to understand the basic issues of the study. Discussion of Rostow’s...

Nursing Concept of Pain

Introduction Concept analysis has been gaining popularity in medical research during recent years as it acts as a perfect tool that allows achieving conceptual clarity about various issues related to health care. It can be attributed to the fact that it has been recognized by a number of prominent researchers...

Ecuadorian Politics After 1972

Ecuador is located in South America. It gained its independence in 1830 from the colonial Spanish Empire. The country is 256,370 square kilometers nonetheless it has diverse species and it is among the seventeen megadiverse nations in the entire world. The country is of medium-income and close to 40% of...

Asthma Incidence and Smoking among Immigrants in California

Problem Statement For a long time, researchers and medical experts have investigated the relationship between asthma and cigarette smoking (Cho & Paik, 2016; Koyun & Eroğlu, 2014). This relationship is founded on the fact that cigarette smoking causes the settlement of irritating factors on the air pathways, thereby worsening asthma...

Diabetes and Status among Immigrants in California

Problem Statement Diabetes is a severe disease that may impair an individual and considerably decrease their life expectancy and overall quality of life. According to a 2014 estimate, nearly 29.1 million people in the U.S., or approximately 9.3% of the U.S. population, suffer from diabetes; out of these, only 21.0...

Depressive Disorders, Their Types and Causes

Introduction Depressive disorders refer to various diseases that affect a person’s mood, thoughts, and body. Beesdo, Pine, Lieb, and Wittchen (2010) hold that the illnesses affect a person’s normal functioning as well as daily life. Depressive disorders do not only affect the victim but also individuals who are close to...

Communications and Media: Blogging and Community

The purpose of this research This research is intended to find out the role that a blog plays in the building of the community and also examine the meaningfulness of its social implications. It seeks to establish more of social and community roles as opposed to its common business activities....

The Labour Movement’s Drivers and Barriers

Introduction The Labour Movement is a protest group that plays a major role in calling for changes in society. The movement enjoys a presence in most countries in the world and holds powerful roles in advocating for the rights of workers. This essay looks at the factors that facilitate the...

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Victims of Bullying

Therapy is a form of healing that should be gained from a constant guidance and counselling procedure to meet several challenges in all members of the society. This paper will have an up-close and candid analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as a remedy or a guidance and counselling tool on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Lot of Impact by Leadership Style on Early Childhood

Introduction Leadership is a fundamental part of growth that is required at every stage. The character than an individual displays when they have attained maturity will be a clear reflection of the kind of authority that they submitted to. Proper impartation is mostly experienced during the early stages of life...

Suleiman I: Longest-Lived Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Introduction Suleiman the Magnificent is referred to as Suleyman I. The leader had been assigned different names by different countries with the Turks referring to him as Suleyman; Europeans nicknamed him the Magnificent, while the Islamic world referred to him as the Lawgiver for his valuable efforts in the complete...

International Marketing Management: Advertisement Strategies and Global Market

Introduction Advertisers in the world or global market encounter limitations which include media and products that are unique as well as the language, legal limitations that are also unique in every market. All these limitations are supposed to be considered at the time the advertisers are designing a promotional mix....

Anorexia Nervosa: History, Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract Anorexia nervosa among the eating disorders which is considered in the psychiatric illness. There are categories that have been advanced in the diagnosis of this illness. This paper has critically examined the various research findings related to this disorder, various interventions that are common in treatments of the illness,...

Sloy Hydro Power Station Project’s Environmental Impact

Project Description With the current global concerns on climate change, Scotland is on a mission to facilitate the efficient use of renewable energy. One of the major forms of renewable sources of energy that Scotland has focused on is hydroelectric power (HEP). Sloy HEP station is a major conventional hydroelectric...

Building Design: Fire Service

Building based occupancy types follow certain specific designs in their constructions that uniquely identify the final operational structure. The domestic building designs usually fall under five broad categories depending on the construction models and occupancy. These include garden apartments, row houses, condominiums and townhouses. According to Author Brannigan’s long-term investigations...

American History: Changing America

Introduction Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of the United States of America. Throughout his regime, he championed democracy of representation, something that made him the greatest champion of the course. During his service in various capacities, Jefferson always sought to establish a government that had very limited powers...

The Importance of Job Satisfaction

Introduction Work pleasure is a necessity in every work place. More experienced employees are said to be more satisfied with their work than the junior ones. According to Levy (2009 p. 112), job evaluation is important for every worker as it enables one to choose the job that most satisfies...

Disruptive Nature of Comedian Comedies

Introduction Comedy is a major form of entertainment in the world today. Comedians constitute some of the most known celebrities in our society. Today almost every television runs a comedy series; some of which are greatly adored by their fans. Stand up comedies are also in the increase with stand...

Product Management in the Development of Computers

Introduction Product management is an important stage for project management. Product management addresses all aspects related to the products modelling and support during its development. It helps to analyze how products are to be designed and what are the basic qualities required for the product. The product generally evolves from...

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery Abolishment

Introduction Slave trade carried out mostly in the 17th-18th centuries encompassed the capturing, selling, and purchase of people for the sole purpose of forced labor. Slaves were acquired from the sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world, as early as the 1st century AD. Most of these slaves found...

Godard’s Film History “Le Mepris”

As of today, the majority of movie critics agree with suggestions that the genre of auteur film, which gained a particular popularity with moviegoers during the course of fifties and sixties, should be discussed within the context of many European producers of the era having strived to endow their cinematographic...

High and Low Context Culture in Business

Introduction Different cultures can be classified along a continuum with two conceptual extremes. These extremes are high and low-context cultures. “High context” and “Low context” are the terms that were popularized by Hall (1976) and they are employed to describe the wide cultural differences among the societies of people. In...

African American Leadership: Articles Review

Introduction The African American leadership refers to the leadership in the American states by the African American people. This has for a long time been an issue in the American continent especially due to the issue of inequality. Racism has been the main hindrance to the achievement of the same....

Gender Ideology in the U.S. and Japan

Introduction America and Japan have individuals from different cultures and ethnic groups. In the two countries, there are other variations such as people of different classes. The different races, ethnic groups and classes of people in America and Japan lead to cross cultural variations on the roles of individuals of...

Problematic Nature of Technology Led Development

Technology has been defined in many ways but the basic idea that still holds is that it is a new way of doing things while utilizing the least amount of energy when performing a task. This further explains why children in today’s generation will never understand why they should work...

Themes in Charles Dickens’ Novel “Great Expectations”

‘Great Expectations’ is considered as one of the most sophisticated novels of Charles Dickens, the great Victorian writer. Critics rightly comment that this is a semi-autobiographical work by Dickens decorated with harsh life realities, a tremendous experiment in theme and treatment. The novelist has presented the theme of the novels...

Political Transition in Venezuela

Introduction Political stability is one of the major movers of an economy since it creates a platform on which all the institutions of the government touching on economic or social agendas play their role. Many countries have gone through political turmoil in where dictatorship and political abuse has played a...

The Standard Hotel: Hazardous Chemical Dumping

Introduction This paper is focused on the dangers of exposure to the chemical that was released in the environment by the L. A. Standard hotel. The effect that was felt in the environment was severe that initially it was thought that there was a terrorist gas attack at Metro station...

Design of Workplace Suitable for the Disabled

Introduction In the recent past, a new generation of the workplace has emerged, with new social consequences. In this era of e-commerce, organizations have to re-examine and re-organize what design the office or workplace should take. For example, if the handling of information is carried out more appropriately with a...

GMO Use in Brazil and Other Countries

Introduction As the world entered the 21st century, humanity faced issues that were deemed of utmost importance since thy concerned future survival of the race. Overpopulation and availability of food formed the greatest percentage of the issues in the millennium goals. Food systems particularly what humans have to eat and...

John Locke, Father of American Philosophy

John Locke (1632-1704) has been credited with many of the founding principles upon which the Declaration of Independence was based including concepts of property and religion and the role of government on these in the lives of the individuals governed. Several of these ideas propounded by Locke in his description...

Communication and Conflict Resolution Ways

There is a close link between communication and the spiraling up or diffusion of a given conflict. Communication is what pushes a conflict to reach a critical climax or on the contrary diffuse it, making the issues that are the source of disagreement as part of a constructive conflict. Hence,...

Representation of Sexuality in the Media: Advertisement

It is an entirely difficult thing to underestimate impacts that have been generated from sexual representation in the media. This is because, with the current advancement in technology, sexual advertisement has greatly influenced the cultural behaviors of people in the societies. The representation has also enhanced people to realize their...

“Enough Rope” by A. Denton as a Hybrid of Talk and Current Affairs Shows

Intrduction The twentieth century is known for shift of the frames and Cultural Revolution. The sphere of media programming underwent serious changes in the first place. The emphasis was put on the entertaining purpose of television programs, sacrificing the accuracy of the information provided. Blurring the frontiers of the genre...

Law and Order: Episode “Melting Pot” Analysis

Introduction The commonly used term ‘mass media’ encompasses numerous institutions and individuals that differ in method and purpose. In general usage, the term has been considered to define groups who make up the communications profession in both the entertainment and news industries. The specific role of the media in society...

Survey Data Collection and Sampling Mode

This paper outlines how I would carry out a survey of 1000 members of the general population in the UK in order to explore their experiences of and attitudes towards the police. Of key importance, I explain the modes of data collection I would use. The importance of the mode...

Northern Ireland Peace Process

To begin with, the world is full of conflicts and not always there is enough number of the solutions to cover the global problems. The conflicts, of course, occur due to men’s activity in context of some differences of opinions. People struggle because of the sort of controversy and individuality...

The Various Aspects of Internet Pornography

Introduction Before we understand what internet pornography means, it is necessary to have a look at what pornography means. The word Pornography has originated from the Greeks who described the term as ‘writing about prostitutes’. Pornography can be defined as: ‘Sexually overt depiction of people through different means such as...

Different Factors and Approaches of Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mistreatment of the children may lead to child abuse and neglect. Mistreating a child may be in a form of physical, mental abuse, emotional and even sexual. Child abuse and neglect usually start at home through the people who often accompany the child. There have been different interpretations of...

Out of Home Care in Australia: Child Care Services

Introduction This thesis aims to report on Out of Home Care (OOHC) in the context of Australia. This includes discussion on its importance and the scope of OOHC in Australia. Furthermore, this study will also focus on how OOHC is currently being addressed in Australia and what are the consequences....

Peer Review in Academia: Rationale, Process, and Implications

Introduction On a global scale, the academic fraternity has for a long time now relied upon a collection of peer for purposes of assisting in the review of the work of other authors. This is a necessary process, as it enables an author to realize certain flows in their work...

Homophobia Presence in Nowadays

Introduction Homophobia refers to an acute fear of homosexuals. It can also be used to refer to discrimination on people of the same sex. It is not only the fear of these two groups of persons’ that is referred to homophobia but the discrimination of such groups of people is...

Homer, His Works and Homeric Culture

Introduction Homer is known and remembered as the most significant Greek and Roman writer. In the olden days, the Romans and the Greeks only believed they were educated if they could quote his poems. He wrote a wide range of literature on ethics and morality from his works of art....

Te Whariki Childhood Curriculum: Early Childhood Education

Modern leadership demands are demanding change in all aspects of life. Early childhood education institutions being the pool of all job market resources can definitely not be ignored. It is common to say the children are the leaders of tomorrow and therefore there must be deliberate efforts of how they...

Strategy Sets of the US Cellular Phone Services

Introduction The modern market of goods and services is a rather complicated matter of study because the competitiveness in it is huge, and only the best equipped and properly-structured companies can stand this competition. One of the major roles in becoming a competitive player in the market today is the...

Research Environmental Discrimination and Environmental Justice

Introduction In recent years, environmental discrimination becomes an inevitable evil affected all geographical regions. In the real world, people strive for the national interest as they subjectively perceive it. The relationship between the objective and subjective versions of the concept is inevitably problematic. Is there an objective national interest that...

The Effects of Leftist Movement on Democracy in Latin America

Introduction This paper discusses the contemporary relationship between the adoption of neo-liberal policies by governments, with a special interest devoted to Chile where leftist policies have been in force for over two decades and the related social impact of economic development in geographically adjacent Latin American countries. It seeks to...

An Attempt to Reform the Institution of Marriage in California

On 5th November 2008, Californians cast their votes to mark their stand towards same-sex marriage. This emotional vote was brought about by proposition 8 which called for amendments in the Californian Constitution which recognized same-sex marriages. As it could have been predicted, a majority of the popular vote voted for...