The Battle for Union Rights at, Inc., Inc. is one of the largest businesses in the world, created by billionaire Jeff Bezos. The company is known for its innovative approach to retail stores, which gave it an outstanding competitive advantage. However, internal issues may eventually prevent the firm from growing if left unattended. Amazon workers have...

The Values Impact on Employment Relations

Introduction An employment relation is an association between two parties where one party provides labor on behalf of another. This relationship should be differentiated from industrial relations, which mainly involve employees having labor unions who use conflicts as a bargaining tool for their rights to be met by the employing...

The Door-Step Online Reseller Pitch

This is a pitch about an online reselling business that focuses on providing clients with items and materials such as clothes and bags. Online Reselling Business The focus of the pitch is to present a business idea for my online reselling business. The name of the business is Door-step online...

A Path to Creating Steve Jobs Business

Introduction Steve Jobs, the founder of the world-famous Apple company, has become a symbol of everything advanced in the field of IT and an example of a person who built a sizeable profitable business from scratch. Steve Jobs moved into a little-studied field through trial and error, searching for perfection....

Accounting Affairs and Fundamental Mathematics

Modern society, having a highly developed system of commodity-money relations, is experiencing an ever-increasing need for specialists who perform accounting work. A person in this profession is not just an employee in the financial department of an enterprise or organization. This is one of the most important elements that allow...

Mindful Approach in Various Life Aspects

In my experience, leadership, power dynamics, and conflict resolution are aspects that are highly influential and prominent in every society. Therefore, they affect practically every element of a person’s life. In my experience, leadership and power dynamics come from studying and working. While thinking about the connections that I have...

How Amazon Company Manages Logistics Effectively

The Amazon company effectively manages logistics and the supply chain. It offers a fast and organized way to store and deliver products. Sellers using Amazon services receive solutions for storing and tracking their goods. Buyers, in turn, receive the ordered item quickly, with the opportunity to monitor the purchase movement....

Personal Leadership Style, Traits, and Approaches

Introduction Leadership is a unique position within a social group that involves influencing other individuals to achieve goals. Leaders have always existed both in the animal world and in human society. Plato already asked questions about leadership emergence, and other researchers have repeatedly addressed this issue. The central conflict among...

Principle of Statistical Strategies in Business

Introduction Statistical principles are key in any organization as they help when making decisions. Businesses are able to compute, analyze and interpret data numerically relating to their performance. It is through data analysis that an organization can identify trends in their business performance hence making a rational decision on how...

Conducting Retreats: a Business Approach

A successful retreat must not only be educational, but also entertaining and well-planned. The most effective kind of retreat is one that combines work and leisure instead of focusing on just one of the two aspects (Malvicini & Serrat, 2017). It is difficult to evaluate how effective a team-building exercise...

How Conflict Influences Decision-Making

One of the last conflicts that occurred at work was a dispute with a colleague regarding the fact that I noticed how he did not fulfil a number of his duties. The conflict arose on this basis, which led to the fact that all employees had a minor deduction from...

The Marketing Plan of Master Designs

Introduction My company is Master Designs, and my product is spray painting. I offer various spray painting services, including home decorations, house painting, office painting, and other related services. Mission Statement “To quality and affordable services according to the customers’ preferences.” SWOT analysis Strengths Uniqueness: I offer unique services based...

Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Retention

There are two essential reasons why applicant reactions should be considered in the process of selection. The primary reason that cannot be overlooked is the need to give applicants all the reasons and opportunities to perform to appeal to the employer. According to Woods et al. (2020), this is a...

The Uber Firm’s Performance Over the Past Years

Uber is one of the most notable technology start-ups from Silicon Valley, which has earned global recognition and is used by millions of people around the world. Uber revolutionized and industry in the sphere of ride-sharing and caused many traditional types of businesses, such as taxi, to lose their clients...

Microsoft Firm’s Organization of Business Strategy

The organization of business strategies in Microsoft concerns diversification and a vertically integrated approach. They offer a wide range of products, and each of these products has a competitor in its field. To stand out among its completion, Microsoft has to rely on the quality of their product and further...

Effect of Big Data and Data Mining on Global Business

Data play an essential role in the present stage of the development of society and human activities. Therefore, the more global a business is, the more seriously it should treat extensive data management. In particular, this aspect affects the process of making informed and thoughtful decisions. Consequently, this scientific paper...

The MAC University Library’s Strategic Planning

As the completed SWOT and Porter analyses demonstrated, the MAC University Library has significant internal weaknesses and external threats that might hinder its competitive advantage in the market and reduce its value compared to rivals. To address these drawbacks and risks, the library should use its strengths and opportunities and...

What Makes The Coca-Cola Company Run?

Introduction Multinational companies struggle to dominate the sales market and capture new economic niches. Such struggles are justified by the desire to gain consumer appreciation, improve sales and audience reach, and, most importantly, increase profits. To achieve these goals, companies use a variety of marketing strategies and business plans and...

Financial Statement Data: The Target Corporation and the Walmart Corporation

As the companies in question, the Target Corporation and the Walmart Corporation, are involved, and their income statements and balance sheets are analyzed. Relevant income indicators are displayed for both companies, which makes their reports similar. However, Target summarizes the information in a more concise form (charts and graphs) (“2020...

The Role of Power in Conflicts in the Workplace

Introduction Thank you everyone for coming to this workshop. Today we are going to learn about the role of power in solving conflicts in a workplace. Conflicts are common in a workplace and they occur do to various factors including poor management, lack of communication, conflict of interest and conflicting...

Has Bureaucratic Structure Lost Its Relevance?

Introduction Bureaucracy is a phrase used to describe a large, multi-layered corporation. Decision-making is slowed down by the structures and procedures that have been implemented, which are made to keep matters consistent and under control (Suzuki and Hur, 2020). Assuming that people always act following their own best interests, the...

Java Corp.’s Anti-Harassment Policy

Introduction There is a continuous discussion within Java Corp regarding various forms of harassment among the employees. Owing to this issue, the company has recruited a new human resource manager whose first task is to generate a formal policy to safeguard employees, the organization, and all other stakeholders. Achieving a...

Organizational Design and Culture

Microsoft’s organizational structure is based on product type, engineering groups, and functions. Despite its scaling and becoming more hierarchical over time, the corporation has maintained its hybrid approach to work between management, engineering groups, and functions, allowing it to have both functional and geographic division organizational forms (Cuefano, 2021). Due...

The Restaurant Portobancos Service and Design

Customer satisfaction and regular visits are fundamental to the restaurant business. Direct contact with the audience will ensure long-term client loyalty and improve the quality of service by motivating the staff. The value of Restaurant Portobancos can be rated according to criteria: service, menu, and overall atmosphere. It is essential...

Organizational Culture and Its Influences

Organizational culture has a significant influence on people and administrative processes. Culture forces people to think, act, and act as it requires. For example, if an organization focuses on the quality of products and services, much attention will be paid to the convenience of customers, meeting their requirements, and even...

Electric Cars Sales: Impact of High Gas Prices

The present article dwells on today’s increasing demand for electric cars in the market as a response to the ongoing gas price increase and uncertainty surrounding gas supply to the US from Russia due to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine and sanctions related. In the article, the author addresses...

Developing Healthy Team Cultures

Nowadays, with the tempo of life constantly increasing, many people tend to feel frustration and disappointment at a workplace if the goals they envisaged cannot be fulfilled in a short time. People increasingly feel as if they are owned something and the inability to get this breeds envy and resentment...

The On-Demand Workforce Model

Introduction It is important to note that the modern transformative changes in the economy did not leave the labor market unaffected. The global rise of the gig economy presents a new and massive opportunity for businesses and freelancers to create a highly efficient on-demand workforce. Therefore, the main facilitator of...

Are Commercial Airlines Minimizing Cultural Diversity?

Acceptance and respect are part of the diversity idea; it means accepting the fact that everyone of us is unique and appreciating our uniqueness. These can be along racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, social class, age, physical ability, religious, political, or other ideology lines. It is also about examining these...

Personal Selling and the Job Search

The concept of personal selling and the process of implementing it is fundamental in the context of a job search. There are six stages involved in the personal selling process: prospecting, approach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up (Kotler et al., 2020). Based on my recent job search experience where I...

Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy

Brief Summary of Two Organizations The two organizations were selected in Oklahoma; they create local, sustainable solutions, namely Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Oklahoma Sustainability Network connects and educates Oklahoma’s citizens about the various facets of sustainability. This organization serves as a catalyst and platform...

Analysis of Fastenal Company

Introduction The company headquarters are in Winona, Minnesota. The company serves both the retail and wholesale markets in the United States and Canada. Fastenal’s founder, Bib Kierlin mainly specialized in purchasing construction materials and distributing them to his suppliers. The company did not manufacture its products. Due to the dynamics...

Marketing of Recreational Therapy

Introduction Recreational therapy provides a wide range of beneficial effects on both the physical and emotional health of a patient (“How can recreational therapy benefit your health?” n.d.). This is especially relevant when the therapy is tailored to their own interests and requirements. Many therapeutic leisure programs promote a person’s...

Cigarette Manufacturers’ Liability

Manufacturing and selling a product that causes serious health consequences may bring various ethical questions. In Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc. 505 U.S. 504 (1992), the court addressed the plaintiff’s complaint, which alleged that cigarette manufacturers (the defendant) were responsible for the death of his mother, a smoker of 42...

Outcome Management in Business

Outcome management is one of the most effective forms of management, which is easy to apply and hard to execute since it requires honesty and working to the limit. In this situation, the application of features of outcome management can be detrimental to the company. At a critical moment, the...

The Role of Human Resources’ Motivation

One of the traits that remains outstanding throughout the video is that employees motivation is vital in enhancing the productivity of any organization. In other words, if employees are well encouraged, they tend to be more productive, and the organization receives more feedback and positive reviews, which translates into increased...

A Criterion-Related Selection Test

A criterion refers to the standards against which people or things will be measured. According to Sanders et al., 2021, a criterion is a set of skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience required for the job in employment selection. For example, it is best to do a job analysis when hiring...

What Is an Organization’s Culture?

In his lecture What is an Organization’s Culture, professor Christensen presented the views of a number of prominent researchers in organizational culture (Edgar Schein, Modesto Maidique) on the definition, genesis, and development of this concept. Based on Edgar Schein’s works, the lecturer defined organizational culture as a social unit “whose...

Importance of Business Technology for Organizations

In the business world, it is necessary to secure an advantage as soon as possible. Many organizations and entities are working in order to derive a profit, competing in a global market. In such an environment, it becomes vital that organizations are able to adapt to the actions of others,...

Johnson & Johnson’s Acquisition of Asaka Inc.

Introduction Johnson & Johnson is suggested to buy ASAKA Inc., which is the company working on AI specifically for healthcare providers. The healthcare industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. As Johnson & Johnson succeeded in its expansion on the market, buying other healthcare-related companies, it is wise to...

Federal Express Corporation: Strategies and Changes Implemented

Introduction Federal Express Corporation is a company that provides delivery services to customers in different parts globally. Since being founded in 1973, it has expanded both infrastructurally and marketwise to a point that it is targeting to use technological innovations such as bots to deliver packages. With continuous integration of...

Harry Markopolos Allegations of “Genron” Accounting Fraud

Summary Personal interest and greed make most accountants alter a company’s financial statements to hide its actual profits. The hidden profits all go to a few men’s pockets instead of the company’s shareholders and members. Most accountants can either overstate the revenues or fail to record some of the expenses...

Social Media and Small Business

Social networks are becoming increasingly important in promoting websites and brands, as well as in the field of large-scale advertising campaigns. The popularity of social networks inspires manufacturers of various products and contributes to the emergence of new projects and large-scale advertising campaigns. For example, Visa has created its business...

Nonprofit Management, Purpose and Income

The primary aim of many nonprofit organizations is usually to help those in need, which can only be achieved with the fruitful cooperation of the board and CEOs. In other words, it seems vital to achieve collaboration that focuses on reaching the same goals, and where every member shares the...

The Global Chocolate Industry and Madecasse’s Business

Five Forces Analysis of the Global Chocolate Industry The study of various industries and their various components can provide a considerable amount of helpful information. An interesting approach for this scientific work is the practical application of the five forces model by Michael Porter. The main task of this method...

Digital Marketing vs. Digital Media

In the heyday of information technology, people utilize it to help them with anything, doing business included. Ferrel notes that there is a term for that – e-business, which means running traditional business and achieving its goals with the help of the Internet (403). In its turn, people use the...

Effectiveness of Organizational Culture

Introduction Any business has goals and objectives that must be carried out as efficiently as possible. However, the main resource of entrepreneurship is the specialists who do the work. To achieve high results, employees must perform the necessary functions with high quality and competence. It is necessary to consider this...

Business Communication Essentials: The Letter

Company Manager, 132 Tamale Drive, Los Angeles, California. 21 April 2022 Dr. Shannon Production Representative Gemmy Inc. 844 Gemmy Street Miami, Florida 3434. Dear Shannon, Punctuality is important for several reasons. First, it helps ensure that projects are completed on time. Second, it allows managers to more effectively plan their...

The Concept of Resilience in the Workplace

There are various strategies and supports that may be used to complement, improve, and enhance the quality of health and wellness in the workplace. The concept of resilience is currently gaining popularity in business research. It is defined as the professional ability to “withstand, recover and grow in the face...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Global Strategy

Caterpillar Inc.’s Short Term and Long-Term Goals Caterpillar Incorporation Group acts like any other blooming firm and adopts short and long-term objectives to steer its advancement. Caterpillar’s long-term objective is economic prosperity, which will enable the firm to put more money into new goods and services while maintaining its worldwide...

Discussion of Metabical Marketing Planning

Decision-making in the case of Metabical depends directly on the manufacturer’s performance, Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals, and the FDA with clearance, including detailed profitability and cost-benefit analysis from Barbara Printup. Stakeholders include consumers, investors, and company management. The high quality of the product will be confirmed by the FDA and the...

Discussion: Applying Management in Life

Management involves various important matters and techniques that can be practical in many areas of life. Of all subjects addressed in the textbook by Kinicki and Soignet, I am interested in the topic of groups and teams. I have learned much about the distinctions, roles, and priorities of teams and...

Strategic Leadership, Leadership Positions, Roles

As an essential phenomenon of society, leadership can be presented in two aspects. It is necessary to distinguish operational or situational leadership focused on the present and strategic leadership focused on the future. Without diminishing the role of a manager’s personal qualities, we view strategic leadership as the ability of...

A Questionnaire for a Client Interview

It goes without saying that a website development questionnaire plays a crucial role in project planning as it helps a company to clarify a client’s requirements. At the same time, a well-structured questionnaire frequently allows clients to understand and clearly express what they want, as well. As a list of...

Marketing Strategies to Promote Domestic Product Export: The Denim Apparel

Introduction The international trade history of the United States has repeatedly demonstrated a tendency to export and import of the same product types. For example, the country’s oil and electronics trades are well known in the business field. Such cases have proven successful over time, which explains the popularity of...

“Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu

This article “Relationship between Logistical Support Factors and Effective Contract Management in Royal Malaysian Navy” by Diekola Akanmu is written to understand how to effectively manage contracts in conjunction with financial, managerial, and technological support to ensure proper logistics in Malaysia. According to the article, logistics and supply chain management...

Labor Relations in New Zealand

Immigrant professionals from different ethnic backgrounds adjust in New Zealand in differing ways. Despite cross-cultural similarities, differences also require attention as they affect the perceived degree of adaptation. The analysis reveals differences in the adaptation process, which leads to changes in their understanding, perception, and attitude towards their work. This...

Non-Profit Organizations: The Ways of Financial Profit

This post is aimed at analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of ways of financial profit for non-profit organizations. The author rightly notes the lack of a philanthropic donation for the giver of money, due to the fact that one cannot find out exactly what needs the money is spent on....

Business Driven Technology: Business Processes

Businesses new streamline their operations and adjust processes in order to be successful. A business process refers to a standardized set of activities targeted at accomplishing a certain task, such as accepting a customer’s order. Business processes play a major role in organizations by forming the foundation for the creation...

Strategic Role of Chief Information Security Officer

The key roles and responsibilities of the staff members in a company are essential to understand so that to be able to cooperate with them successfully. As such, the chief information security officer’s responsibilities often include implementing worker security awareness training, establishing protected operational and business practices, and recognizing security...

The Skidoo Snowmobile: Product Marketing

Executive Summary In the US, several states are experiencing long winter seasons, making the mobility of people to access remote regions impossible. Similarly, the country promotes recreational sporting activities, which influence people to purchase most of the products used in such events. Therefore, it presents an opportunity to export the...

Boston Beer Company’s Strategy to Join the Light Beer Market

Boston Beer Company (BBC) is faced with a critical decision that will potentially impact its operations and sustainability. BBC’s penetration into the light beer market should be based on its past, and current market positioning, and prospects. The company has primarily operated in the craft beer sector and has proven...

Strategic Planning Process in Healthcare

When planning for the strategy, a pediatric clinic should create objectives and set goals on where the clinic wants to be in the coming future. In terms of internal factors, technology is a key aspect that must be determined to ensure success in the pediatric clinic set to be opened...

Health Tactical: An E-Commerce Startup

Project Overview This project is an e-commerce startup going by the name Health Tactical that looks to sell groceries and common goods with a special focus on health aspects. The platform will sell products targeted at health and wellbeing-conscious individuals. The website will provide a convenient online store where enthusiasts...

Sprout&Co Firm’s Entry Mode and Internationalization

Given the nature of the business, Sprout&Co plans to adopt a licensing and franchising entry strategy into the international market since it offers numerous benefits over other market entry approaches. Franchising is a global market entry option referring to a licensing agreement between two parties, the franchisor, and the franchisee,...

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.: Challenges of the Manufacturing Industry

Introduction The past couple of years has been particularly challenging for most industries globally. Due to the economic aftereffects of the pandemic, as well as the rapidly developing political tensions on an international scale, numerous organizations have been struggling to maintain their success. The manufacturing industry has been affected particularly...

Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment

Understanding the extent of competition in the target market, as well as evaluating a company’s ability to withstand the observed rivalry rates, are crucial steps in securing a company’s position in the chosen business environment. Dun & Bradstreet offers an innovative digital tool for evaluating the competitiveness of an organization....

Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition

Introduction Wisdom and social recognition impact one’s behaviors and approaches and contribute to effective leadership. Both concepts are complex, and there is no universal way to define them. Wisdom can be viewed as a mature understanding of life and the ability to utilize experience and knowledge to make the right...

A Manager’s Awareness of Employees’ Working Styles

After completing the assessment questionnaire, the result shows that my preferred working style is analytical. The outcome did not astonish me at all since the presented attribute in the evaluation aligns with my observed style of working. I believe that my analytical working style helps me and the team to...

Social Media and Its Use in Marketing

The Internet is the most massive and prompt source of information, so today, it is difficult to find any area of human activity that would not be represented there. A social network is a social structure that consists of nodes (individuals, groups of people, or communities) interconnected by one or...

E-Bay Code of Ethics and Its Main Points

Introduction A code of ethics establishes an institution’s ethical rules and industry standards for maintaining honesty, integrity, and competence. While working as a consultant at eBay, I studied the code of ethics to understand my rights and opportunities. Organizational members who violate the code of ethics may face punishment, possibly...

Leveraging Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Apple is considered the company with one of the leanest supply chain management in the world (Ross, 2020). Such success is explained by several factors, including strong relationships with suppliers, strategic inventory management, and a focus on sustainability. As for the former, it is mentioned that Apple has strict standards...

YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary The proposed business is named YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE, a name that shows the strong bonds between family members. Following the passion for decoration, the company will be established to offer interior decoration services. Although the sole proprietor has the knowledge and motivation required to start off, they need capital, which...

Leadership Interview on Job Satisfaction

Management hires suitable people with the requisite skills, training, and qualifications for diverse positions, allowing the organization to prosper in an ever-changing environment. When the market changes, the initial leadership must be modified by managers. As an outcome, the company can react to changing market needs and societal concerns. Leadership...

Factory Wages During the Strike

It is possible to predict that the factor wages will remain the same throughout the strike and negotiations compared to earlier in the year. Several factors can be provided to justify this statement. First, the wages are not the major point discussed as the company’s pension and the possible shift...

Nike Inc.’s Successful Collaborations

In my opinion, this post about Nike, Inc. and its successful collaborations provided an appropriate description of the company and its marketing endeavors. Sufficient evidentiary support is provided to show how the company operates and what types of collaborations it seeks as well as the effect of such collaborations on...

“Business-to-Business Marketing Responses to COVID-19 Crisis” by Kang

Introduction Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to accurately predict human casualties and economic damage associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is advisable to consider the individual results of marketing strategies, which will provide a more realistic vision of the possible course of economic processes and assist enterprises in their...

Agreement of RBC and GF: Analysis

Summary The current arrangement made by RBC and GF mainly focuses on a current delivery contract that encompasses a fixated average delivery price despite the quality and quantity. Accordingly, the agreement was a sufficient incentive for Gordon to continue trading with GF. However, the set price was an undermining factor...

Ethical Behavior Issues in the Workplace

Introduction The modern environment is coupled with many ethical issues relating to business management. Companies prioritize inclusive workplace culture and ethical leadership to provide a suitable environment for conducting business activities. To reflect on the future working environment, there is a need to improve the current ethical imbalances and train...

ExxonMobil Firm’s Internal Environment

ExxonMobil’s products can be considered highly valuable due to the increased diversity thereof, as well as the increased profitability of the organization. Its current reputation, highly effective PR approach, and the use of valuable resources for its products make ExxonMobil a highly lucrative organization, which, in turn, defines the value...

Issues Experiencing by the Belgium Brewery

Introduction The idea of the New Belgium Brewing Company (NBB) was founded by Jeff Lebesch an electrical engineer. Since then the business has been experiencing some issues when performing its daily duties. These matters include environmental problems, social responsibility, and the B Corp Certification. These concerns have contributed to the...

Potential Issues of Expanding into Foreign Markets

Introduction International expansion is undoubtedly an essential event for any business that opens up new opportunities. The company’s revenue is expected to increase due to the running of new markets significantly. Besides, it is an opportunity to expand one’s services or products depending on new market requirements. However, it poses...

The Concept of Unions in the Labor Market

Workers’ freedom to organize and bargain with their employers is largely regarded as a basic human right across the world. The post-World War II social compact, in which the advantages of economic prosperity were widely shared, was shaped in large part by trade unions (Nussbaum, 2020). Collective bargaining agreements establish...

Ethical Communication in Comcast Corporation

Introduction Business ethics involves a set of ethical and moral beliefs that enlightens the conduct and undertakings of an organization and its workforce. Ethical standards and principles help to define a company’s goals and values that guide the day-to-day business activities. Organizations need to observe ethical conduct in business communication...

How Color Affects the Desire to Buy

A number of factors, many of which interconnect, regulate consumer behaviors and change how people act. As a term, consumer behavior refers to the combination of actions, decisions, views a person holds when buying, using or disposing of products (Panaitescu). Depending on how products are presented, packaged, advertised or showcased,...

Agency Conflict Between Company’s Owners and Shareholders

A firm’s owners and shareholders often have contradictory interests; while they both want the company to develop and grow, they see this process differently. Owners are interested in realizing their ideas and visions in the firm, stimulating its active growth. Shareholders, on the contrary, want a stable income from the...

Funding an Online Training Program of Employees at ABC Company

Project Description and Significance In the current competitive business environment, firms are under pressure to ensure that they maintain a team of highly skilled and experienced employees who can use emerging technologies to continuously improve their performance. Brewer and Dittman (2018) explain that recruiting talented employees is the first step...

Lockheed Martin: Ethics Program

Lockheed Martin is an American aerospace company employing over a hundred thousand employees. As a part of the company’s ethics and diversity program, a document was published called Setting the Standard detailing Lockheed Martin’s code of ethics and business conduct (Setting the standard, 2020). However, some argue that a company...

The Importance of Organizational Collaboration

The culture of working together as team members has a significant impact on the overall performance of an entity. Companies that encourage teamwork experience a positive work environment because employees have adequate time to interact with each other, making them comfortable performing their duties and learning other useful skills from...

Explaining the Expectations Gap Between Accounting Students and Professionals

The constantly progressing world of economics and its subfields, respectively, require novel ideas and techniques to be acquired by future professionals. At the same time, extensive experience is mandatory for the new strategies to be developed efficiently. In that way, the interaction of accounting students and experienced professionals is an...

Primary Revenue Sources of Non-Profit Organizations

Introduction Their name implies that non-profit businesses do not focus on revenues. However, they still need sufficient financial resources to ensure that they can operate and meet their goals. Currently, non-profits have three sources of revenue, including philanthropy, earned income, and government. It is challenging to mention which of them...

Shop Healthy NYC Assessment

Mannan supermarket maintains a healthy checkout aisle because it has natural food and healthy items rather than sugary snacks or unhealthy items at the checkout section. The Shop has a good produce section neatly arranged along the perimeter of the check out section. The arrangement enables the customers to see...

Selecting Promotions and Spreading the Word

Advertising construction services on the Internet aims to attract customers for contracts, direct sales, and promote the brand and business. The best advertising of construction services is a demonstration of completed objects on the company’s website. Given the high competition in construction and repair, advertising should be aimed at the...

Analysis of Caterpillar Company

Mergers and acquisitions present a vital source of development for companies in global distribution strategy. Caterpillar Inc. specializes in developing, manufacturing, and marketing construction and mining machinery and engines, and other construction equipment. According to the company’s website, Caterpillar’s long-term goal is profitable growth, which prioritizes investments in product and...

Good and Bad Leaders’ Moral Issues

Introduction The states, political parties, non-governmental organizations, private companies, and informal groups – all need leaders. Good, or bad, these people take the responsibility for the greater good of their group. Some leaders perceive their groups as supporters, others – as fans, followers, slaves, or other types of mean people....

Human Resources Management in Global Business

Human resource management (HRM) is a crucial part of any business venture. It can be viewed as a process and activities relating to staffing, training and development of employees, performance evaluation, and compensation (476). Each of these areas of HRM is key to the efficient functioning of global business. Specifically,...

HR Practices at the NYS OMH Inpatient Psychiatric Facility

Introduction Being an RN at an NYS OMH inpatient psychiatric facility, I have learned a lot about the existing HR practices and can identify some of their benefits. Once the applicant is hired, they have several background checks (including blood tests, fingerprints, and others). This rigid control ensures that the...

Professor Henry Mintzberg’s Categories of Managers Roles

Henry Mintzberg identifies ten key roles performed by managers of firms in his works. One of the first roles is a “figurehead,” which characterizes a manager’s legal, social and ceremonial functions and duties. In this case, a leader symbolizes authority, power, and high status. As a rule, subordinates see a...

Servant Leadership from a Personal Perspective

Servant leadership is a type of leadership in which the leader prioritizes the needs of the followers first. For instance, the leader constantly checks up on the followers or guides them on gaining the skills they need, even if they may move on. The followers should feel that the leader...

Researching of Excess Retail Marketing

I do not think there are too many retail stores in the New Jersey area or the United States. The development of modern society aims to instantly satisfy the individual, which also includes easy access to affordable products they want. Moreover, innovation and creativity develop and are introduced into society...

Teamwork, Employee Empowerment and Training

Almost every successful organization allows its employees to work in groups as collaborations may increase the performance of different projects. According to Driskell et al. (2018), it is a cooperative group of people where every participant strives to achieve the same goal. When all members can create a positive atmosphere...

Managing the Employees’ Online Presence

Since almost everyone is now accessing the Internet, employers are utilizing potential candidates’ online presence to determine suitability for employment. Oliu, Brusaw, and Alred (2021) are advising job seekers and current employees on the best strategies to manage their online presence. Recruiters constantly scrutinize any content posted by or about...

Operational Management in Large Organizations

The article analyzes the ways of operational management in large organizations, whose deliveries must be regular worldwide. Thus, using the example of Zara and Kohl stores, the author analyzes the most effective strategies that allowed companies to realize themselves as profitably as possible for production. The managers of Zara attempted...

Risk Management and Project Success

Risk management is a system that includes management strategies and tactics to achieve key business goals. The purpose of risk management in the field of economics is to increase the competitiveness of economic entities by protecting against the implementation of net risks (Segal, 2022). Risk management in an ideal organization...

Cultural Dilemmas in Modern Management

The importance of cultural dilemmas in stakeholder negotiation and conflict resolution is determined by the fact that people traditionally communicate with each other within the framework of their cultural values and beliefs. Culture impacts all spheres of human activities, and its aspects strongly affects people’s behaviors and perceptions. At the...

Amazon as One of the Best Well-Managed Companies in the World

Today, many public and private organizations demonstrate a high level of management and leadership, and Amazon is one of the best examples in the business field. Its founder, Jeff Bezos, has already proved himself an effective and mature leader who could achieve multiple goals and properly motivate many people with...

The Apple and Google Strategic Alliance

Proposed Research Topic Strategic alliance of Apple and Google at the height of the pandemic: Well-developed step or striving to save lives? Overview of the Project The Research’s Direction This research will focus on the strategic alliance of two well-known companies, Apple and Google, deciding to unite their efforts at...

How Corporate Leaders Can Spearhead the Sustainability Agenda in Their Firms

Presently, a majority of corporate governance is faced with insufficient Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Oversight and Disclosures. Consequently, there is an urgent need to promote the right culture that will promote the above agenda in the institutions’ core business. Ideally, there are several ways of achieving the vision in...

Leadership: Forms and Theories

Introduction A charismatic leader can influence people through their ability to communicate, persuasion, and charm. Every captivating leader is unique in their appearance and in the manner in which they operate. This makes it possible for such leaders to influence their subordinate to embrace a particular desirable pattern of operation....

Matt Moreau’s Dilemma Created by Gandz

Introduction Hiring a specialist is a typical process in the life of a growing company. The more the firm itself expands – the more challenging the tasks become. For this reason, genuinely professional specialists are promoted because they have experience in any company and a general understanding of their business....

The Issue of Decreasing the Minimum Wage

Introduction The issue of minimum wage in our country has always been very acute. And now, many politicians say that soon, wages will become even lower, which means that the minimum wage rate may also fall. While some people have the opportunity to regularly fly abroad, buy real estate and...

Imagine You Dialog: Case Study

Imagine You is a non-profit organization dedicated to volunteering to help the unemployed and those looking for a new career. The company’s operations include a variety of seminars, networking opportunities, courses, and training in job-critical skills such as computer use and effective interviewing. As the CEO of this company, we...

Leadership: Transcript Discussion

Summary It could be seen from the conversation that Tyler demonstrates some good leadership skills. When speaking to Gus, Tyler makes it apparent that he has to communicate with Gus about his interactions with the other employees at the organization. Gus’s job behavior appears to be inappropriate and intrusive to...

People Talent Analytics Popularity

Several decades ago, the career of people talents analytics was unknown. While numerous organizations focused on their overall teams and productivity and efficiency levels, little attention was paid to individual employees and their strengths and weaknesses. Nowadays, people talent analytics is mainly applied by Human Resource departments since it provides...

Leadership Behavior Recommended by Admiral McRaven

Positive leadership conduct drives teams to be more productive and helps them achieve their objectives. It also aids in the retention of top talent within departments where team members cherish collaborative opportunities. Admiral McRaven’s speech during the Austin 2014 Commencement Address for the University of Texas points out several behaviors...

The Oasis Cruise Firm’s Marketing Issues

Summary and Business Activities The ship had to start its work during economic decline when the United States dealt with the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis. Managers were aware of certain risks but initially received good feedback from customers. The clients were mainly US citizens, although the company wanted...

Product Marketing of Augmented Reality Glasses

Market Description Over the years, the WDTC and organizations in the media and entertainment industry have integrated AR technology into their systems, allowing their customers to enhance their experience using 3D realistic viewing. Therefore, our proposed product innovation is dynamic and competitive as it will rival some of the best...

Business Ethics: The Case Study

Executive Summary The discussion focuses on the moral dilemma of staying or leaving an environmentally unfriendly company. It was found that Kant’s categorical imperative and ACS Code of Ethics imply that the former option is ethical. The decision-making model of Beemsterboer and Velasquez identified seven steps to come up with...

Amazon’s Online Marketing Strategy and Brick & Mortar Retail

This paper responds to the questions regarding online firms such as Amazon and brick-and-mortar retail stores. The paper looks at the specific advantages of Amazon over brick-and-mortar retail stores. The answers include brick and mortar retail stores’ responses to the online shopping competitors. The possibility of an “even playing field”...

Virtual Reality Market: The New Headset

Introduction This report describes a new virtual reality headset that will bring an innovative experience to the customers. Instead of projecting the picture to one’s eye, it will project the image directly to the brain creating a dream-like experience. The value proposition of the concept includes four key characteristics. First,...

Proposed Small-Scale Business Venture

Client Introduction Michael (not his real name) is a young man aged 27. His dream is to launch a digital business in the near future that will offer online services to the targeted customers. Michael is charismatic, has leadership competencies, and remains enthusiastic. He is self-driven, engages others, and has...

Management Development and Management Environment

Contemporary Management Theories The first stage in the development of management began in the early twentieth century and is associated with the teachings of Taylor after the publication of his book the Principles of Scientific Management, in which he first considered the scientific approaches and principles of building a management...

IKEA’s Expansion Options to Ukraine vs. Oman

The retail and furniture trade are an essential part of the global economy. The furniture industry consists of the production, distribution, and retailing of residential and commercial furniture items. This market also includes additional products such as mattresses and home furnishings. The industry is able to combine new technology and...

Negative Performance Management

Example Suggestions for improvement The manager of an IT company gives a negative performance review to one of the employees. He focuses on the person while giving feedback on his poor execution of the given task. The manager is confrontational and uses character-related and judgmental vocabulary such as “you are...

GlaxoSmithKline Firm’s Whistle-Blowing and Defective Products

Introduction GlaxoSmithKline LLC (GSK), a London-based multinational pharmaceutical company, was involved in a whistleblower case in 2011. The two whistleblowers, Thomas Gerahty and Matthew Burke, who formerly worked for the company, provided the United States government with valuable information about various corrupt malpractices of GSK. According to these witnesses, GSK...

The Future of the Counseling Profession

Most people could argue in support of the old saying that no one knows what the future holds. However, David Snyder has spent his entire profession trying to prove and discover that the prediction concerning the future can be calculated despite the predicament. Snyder, a futurist, based in Bethesda, reports...

The Lyft Company’s Marketing Plan

Lyft must develop a revolutionary technique to strengthen its consumer and business market control to achieve radical output and achieve its aims and objectives. Individuals aged 18 years or older with a valid driver’s license who hold an Android or Apple iOS mobile device are Lyft’s target market (Jiang et...

Tesla Motors Incorporation’s Performance Analysis

Introduction Tesla motor is a firm that deals with advancing, manufacturing, and selling the technology of definitive electric automotive and power train components. The company was founded in Silicon Valley in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning to create electric cars. It was the first firm to commercially produce...

Cola Wars: Strategies, Sales, Advertisement

Competition in the CSD market is fierce between the two Cola giants. The carbonated beverage market is an oligopoly, with only two key players on the standard board. Both companies pursue their policies through vertical product integration, non-price competition and distributions. Product pricing is also influenced by the geography of...

Aspects of a Brewing Litigation Conflict

As part of this critical essay, it is required to propose a plan of action in the context of a brewing litigation conflict between the two companies. Sterling Co., which suffered heavy losses due to an error in the production of a component company, must decide whether to take the...

Measures Versus Concepts or Visions in Business

The measures used by companies for metrics vary depending on the environment and its requirements, and their effectiveness is determined by these factors. In my current workplace, the preferred approach to the task is interval since the grades of students are the main criteria that draw the attention of the...

Emergency Response Budgeting and the Mitigating Effect of This Inclusion

Introduction The emergency management system is a complex regulatory component that necessitates multidimensional work on numerous government entities to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters (Dorasamy et al., 2017). In order to build a model for analyzing the business and functional features of emergency guidelines, this document...

Skills for a Human Resources Director Position

As my desired career field is Human Resources (HR) management, I am highly interested in becoming a director of human resources. This position entails planning, developing, and implementing HR initiatives in a given company, promoting the achievement of personal and team goals by the employees (Career Builder, n.d.). HR directors...

Aspects of Neuroscience and Consumers

A person comprehends the outside world through receptors that transmit signals to the brain, which form reactions, including a purchase decision. In most cases, impulses from nerve endings are processed in the head at a subconscious level. The traditional marketing strategy does not work in situations where the person himself...

Risk Management: The Project Risk Maturity Model

Introduction Risk is defined as the probability that the actual outcome will vary from an anticipated outcome or returns. Some or all of the initial investment might be lost due to the risk of losing money. Organizations set up procedures for analyzing the risks related to the nature of their...

Five Stages of the Profitable Digital Marketing

Advanced advertising is impressively more affordable than other promoting strategies. Any progressive brand that needs to excel in the current business environment should embrace digital marketing investment strategies as a feature of their general procedure (Chen et al., 2017). On the off chance that the item is viewed as a...

HR Strategies Critique: Starbucks

Human resource management or HRM at Starbucks is highly interesting due to its unique and untraditional HR strategies. It is important to note that the company primarily utilizes strategic HR, which allows it to be transformational, proactive, supportive, integrated, and organic. Starbucks’s overall strategy is centered around the element of...

Nonprofit Organizational Analysis

Nonprofit organizations’ activities require high reporting and are strictly controlled by the tax legislation governing the monetary liability of such firms. Under constant supervision by oversight boards, such companies often face challenges caused by legal or financial constraints. To promote charitable or other activities, this is crucial to adhere to...

A Feedback in the Manager-Employee Relationship

A manager-employee feedback system is an invaluable tool in enhancing the performance of a company. In most scenarios, a feedback gap exists between the manager and workers, especially when the former is high up in the hierarchy. Nevertheless, several managerial strategies can be implemented to close this gap. Creating a...

Corporate Governance, Social and Economic Institutions

Corporate governance, design, and government regulations are important aspects of a company. Organizations that adhere to industry regulations and with good corporate governance culture always succeed. In contrast, a poorly designed company with lax government regulations can fail. Government regulations ensure that firms align their operations with community and shareholders’...

Start-Up Restaurant Marketing Opportunities

Introduction Choosing an appropriate marketing strategy is particularly crucial when starting a new business that needs to win its first customer and retain them. A restaurant with a starting capital of $50,000 is bound to face intense competition from many similar small businesses, and, as such, the choice of the...

Analysis of the Caledonian Modular Limited

Modern methods of construction (MMC) is a competitive area of research that defines contemporary standards and techniques in the construction industry. Some of the relevant factors that obstruct the industry in the UK and the analyzed company (Caledonian Modular Limited) are digitalization, thorough observation of the trends, and application of...

Organizational Learning and Leadership

Introduction Most organizations establish learning cultures to capitalize on the departing employees to pass knowledge on to the current workforce. A learning culture helps organizations build a workforce with the correct knowledge and expertise, thus enabling seamless successive planning. Organizations always establish outstanding cultures that allow knowledge to be shared...

Managing the Economic Risk in the Technology Industry

The pace of development in the technology industry is high, which defines the need for up-to-date information regarding threats for executives to make informed strategic decisions. In particular, economic risks for organizations engaged in global trade are essential to consider. Generally speaking, this category of threat refers to risks associated...

Dominic Blakemore: Manager and Leader

Management and leadership are frequently thought to be terms that are essentially interchangeable. A manager is described as someone who assumes charge and is responsible for directing, administering, and seeing that events happen and operate as they should (Leroy et al., 2018). On the other hand, a leader may be...

Creon’s Ideas of Leadership and Power

Creon’s portrayal of Athenian power and leadership tells us that for anyone elected to be a leader, his mind, his soul, and his will are aligned with the throne’s purpose. In other words, what the leader intends for his country and the people must be reflected in the skills he...

Crucial Lessons for a Business Leader

Strategic Role of HR in the Organization The human resource department plays a very crucial role in the management of an organization’s workforce. HR recruits the right candidates, trains them, motivates them, and administers performance appraisals to them. These functions are not easy as they require strategic approaches. Human resource...

Impact Group’s Stakeholders and Corporate Mission

Managing nonprofit organizations means engaging with internal and external stakeholders. Cooperation with investors and partner organizations determines the need for strategic planning to meet their interests. On the other hand, the target audience and paid staff need a well-coordinated in-house optimization mechanism to create a corporate culture. Thus, Impact Group...

Impact Group’s Strategic Planning

Society perceives business as a limitless field for making money and gaining social coverage. It is partly rational, but some enterprises are created to solve more global problems without a financial background. Impact Group is a nonprofit organization committed to improving students’ quality of life and providing them with educational...

Specific Features of the Opening a Restaurant Business

Introduction Opening a restaurant business is one of the complex tasks that have several specific features. Having started opening a restaurant, owners must consider many factors and possible events that will help them start a successful business launch. Therefore, a start-up business should take into account a wide range of...