Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have been actively used by organizations to promote new job opportunities and search for prospective employees on both part- and full-time basis. However, the logic of making recruitment decisions is often biased based on unreasonable judgement related to social profile of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 282
Pages: 1
A brand is a logo, mark, symbol, name, etc. that creates point of difference amongst various organizations in the market place. I believe that it gives a product or service the expression that differentiates it from other brands seeking to satisfy similar needs. Therefore, branding is the process of using...
Topic: Brand
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The nature and intensity of intelligence have changed during the last decades in response to a higher security challenge because of worldwide terrorism growth. The approach of outsourcing led to an increase in the number of non-state actors that are involved in the intelligence process. Currently, the private and public...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 659
Pages: 2
Shell: Controversy and Criticism Controversy and criticism regarding Shell’s operations in Nigeria became the public’s response to the company’s actions toward addressing or non-addressing the interests of the Ogoni people located near the Niger Delta. Economic and environmental issues associated with the activities of Shell in this region provoked the...
Topic: Business
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Online retailing is increasingly becoming the conduit through which companies that want to avoid the hassle of owning outlets turn to. E-tailing, as it is popularly known, has created mega-corporations such as and Staples, Inc that have leveraged the shift of buyers to the virtual world Among the many...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 1640
Pages: 6
McCallum makes the case that business schools are currently too focused on leadership to the exclusion of its counterpart. They aim to attract ambitious applicants who are hoping that by developing their leadership ability, they will be recognized and eventually reach an executive position. To that end, schools are making...
Topic: Business
Words: 250
Pages: 1
Innovativeness has become a crucial factor contributing to the firm’s success, and several factors enable it. First of all, innovations are promoted by knowledge and information, which have become a resource of vital importance (Nair et al., 2016). Indeed, today’s science and technology experience unprecedented development rates. The second factor...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 131
Pages: 1
The current Part I, II, and III discuss Chipotle’s marketing expenses, proposed organizational structure, and strengths and weaknesses respectively. The new pieces of analysis draw on the previous research carried out to understand Chipotle’s standing on the market. For Part I (marketing expenses), it was important to identify the company’s...
Topic: Business
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Sports are a rapidly developing area, which will grow in the foreseeable future. This field incorporates multiple events, people, organizations, audiences, and other constituents of mass appeal. Organizing initiatives on such a scale takes managerial skills and project thinking. Any sports manager should view their activities as part of a...
Topic: Business
Words: 553
Pages: 2
iPhone is a brand of cutting-edge smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which has traditionally targeted the high-end market segment through premium pricing and direct selling. Since the launch of the first iPhone generation, Apple Inc. has consistently released innovative and revolutionary models, which are available to consumers through...
Topic: Apple
Words: 545
Pages: 2
The trigger of the story is the fact that Google, one of the largest search engines in the world has decided to exit the Chinese market. This fact is further compounded by the apparent urgency of the exit. The singe dominant narrative frame is the disagreement between Google and the...
Topic: Google
Words: 1261
Pages: 4
The Tentative Title of the Study The spheres of business and leadership have become significant subjects of scholarly investigations lately. Researchers endeavor to find out what the most favorable features of a good leader are, what differences exist between leadership and management, and, most importantly, what qualities of a good...
Topic: Military
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
How Multinational Companies are Managing Challenges in Product Development for BOP Markets I have noted that multinational companies can use several avenues to capture a niche market in BOP populations. To begin with, they can use direct marketing. This is where the company initiates direct contact with consumers in the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 632
Pages: 2
Organizations’ Long-Term Goals and Objectives Every organization or business has aspirations and future positions they want to occupy as compared with competitors. The future image is broken down into long-term goals and objectives, to which all business operations are aligned. According to the video “9 Startup Funding,” long-lasting objectives are...
Topic: Goals
Words: 941
Pages: 3
Introduction The print advertisement for this paper introduces the KIA Motor Company’s new car “Forte” to its potential customers. The advert attracts and encourages the viewer to make the right decision towards purchasing this car. This advertisement is appealing to the consumer. The print advertisement is also interesting and good...
Topic: Management
Words: 618
Pages: 2
I think that William Edwards has the best approach to quality management that would meet the needs of CERG. A brief account of William Edwards Deming (1900-1993): He was a renowned American quality management consultant, professor, and statistician, and wrote several books on product quality and management and gave lectures...
Topic: Management
Words: 719
Pages: 2
Any business seeking to enter a new location would be advised to conduct market research to understand the opportunity costs for every potential decision. World Trade Organization (WTO) data is particularly useful for an export-oriented company and provides an overview of possible markets. Entering a new region also brings the...
Topic: Target Market
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
It is a great pleasure that Media Popup, a portable multimedia center, is to be marketed in the US. This fact can provide GlobeMedia with essential benefits, but it is necessary to choose the right market segment to reckon on any advantages. Thus, the purpose of this business memo is...
Topic: Market Segmentation
Words: 576
Pages: 2
The Main Areas of Improvement Previous case assignments have shown that there is a substantial communicative deficiency in coworker relationships. Not only do the team members interpret differently the same instructions, but they also argue about the correct course of action. The resulting disagreements lead to infighting, mistrust, and low...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1107
Pages: 4
Introduction Share-based payments are notable aspects of employee remuneration offered to directors, senior managers, and other employees. Share-based payments mainly include share options and shares offered to senior managers in an organisation. Besides, an entity can offer share-based payments to parties such as suppliers and key business stakeholders. The aim...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1379
Pages: 5
Health care services are closely intertwined with business management. Each aspect of nursing responsibilities and management of daily operation should be supported by financial issues to ensure that the hospital is run effectively (Ward, n. d.). Though financial duties and responsibilities are imposed on the Chief Financial Officer, each nurse...
Topic: Finance
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Summary The economic term “Talent” refers to individuals that come together to create change in the operations of an organization. Talent management is a process of change, systematic growth and development, reconstitution, re-deployment of assets or talents necessary to create a change in an organization. Talent management transcends from talent...
Topic: Management
Words: 698
Pages: 3
The pharmaceutical industry is a specific activity in modern business, as it is sensitive to customer loyalty and local regulations. Retail trade is the relevant approach to sales in this area, as clients use services on a personal request or a doctor’s prescription. In turn, the supply chain is the...
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 331
Pages: 1
Improving Training and Development and Performance Appraisal Systems Effective human resource management is essential for the success of the organization. Training and development ensure that employees have the required knowledge and skills to perform their job functions. Performance appraisal systems evaluate employees’ work outcomes, which is necessary to inform various...
Topic: Performance
Words: 688
Pages: 2
Introduction Business analysis is the detailed examination of business operations in relation to the environment, in order to explain various aspects of a business. The results of the analysis should therefore, be reflected in a business plan. A business plan is a clear outline of a business’s goal and a...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 4107
Pages: 14
Estimating future retirement needs Planning for future retirement needs should be done carefully. This can be attributed to the fact that retirement is an equally important aspect of the financial well-being of an individual just like investments and purchase of other assets. A challenge that most people face is coming...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 3313
Pages: 12
Making up mind on identifying various options and choosing the best, at the most appropriate times, is a crucial part of a decision-making process. The implementation of policies by the right personnel, at the precise time and using the best mechanisms, can be termed as sound planning. One way to...
Topic: Bicycle
Words: 544
Pages: 2
Introduction Collective bargaining has become the standard for guiding negotiation processes between workers and their employers. The current case revolves around the decision by different employees to unionize. The identified travel agency is based in Miami, Florida, and provides services to residents and visitors from other regions across the country....
Topic: Business
Words: 1125
Pages: 4
In the 21st century global business environment, the increasing rate of globalization has meant that people from different regions find themselves in totally new working environments. Diversity has been a major issue of concern for global business managers in the recent years. However, the article of interest highlights the effect...
Topic: Business
Words: 615
Pages: 2
United Airlines Television Ads One of United Airlines’ traditional marketing channels for promoting environmental sustainability is television advertising. Environmental United Airlines TV ads are part of the United Eco-Skies program (“United Eco-Skies,” n.d.). The advantage of TV advertising is its broad audience reach. However, the lack of instant and direct...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 577
Pages: 2
There are different kinds of individuals across the globe and they all have diverse cultures, personalities, and behaviors. Every person could have a dissimilar perception of what leads a good individual to be caught in bad behavior. This may baffle some people as to how a calm and friendly person...
Topic: Business
Words: 577
Pages: 2
The quest to crystallize qualities pertinent to renowned entrepreneurs resulted in an extensive body of popular and even scientific literature listing a number of requirements that potentially increase the likelihood of business to succeed. Yet, launching a new business is always risky, while different factors and approaches, including lean start-up,...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
For Kay cardholders, the company charges an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 5%-24.99% on purchases not paid within 25 days after the closure of each billing cycle. Billing cycles occur after every month. The charges vary remarkably from one state to the next with Arkansas charged the least (at 5%)...
Topic: Credit
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) refers to “a way to integrate the data of an organization in to one single system, using sub-systems that include hardware, software and unified database in order to achieve integration and to store the data for various functions found throughout the organization” (Article Alley, 2010, para.1)....
Topic: Business Intelligence
Words: 816
Pages: 3
Introduction The active promotion of diversity has become an integral part of practices in numerous organizations, hence the creation of multi-generational workplaces. The described approach allows for the active knowledge sharing and development of substantial experience. However, multi-generational workplaces also incorporate numerous challenges for employees to overcome in regard to...
Topic: Business
Words: 887
Pages: 3
To evaluate a firm’s marketing success, it is critical to explore why customers do not purchase the company’s products. This can help analyze the possible errors in the firm’s marketing strategy and plan future approaches to increase sales. Consumers can have multiple causes for not buying specific goods. This paper...
Topic: Business
Words: 676
Pages: 2
One of the effective ways of obtaining a competitive advantage and improving the agility of a business is diversifying into a new industry. The organization under consideration is a US-based company that builds engines for the automotive manufacturing industry. The sector it should diversify into is the software industry, which...
Topic: Business
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Introduction For several years, managers deployed financial measures to evaluate the performance of their organizations. However, this culture changed in the 1990s following the development of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC). By capturing organizational internal matters and customer perspectives to measure performance, BSC helped to solve the problem of over-reliance on...
Topic: Balanced Scorecard
Words: 3078
Pages: 11
Introduction Marine Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance covers the damages incurred in fires, explosions, collisions, or earthquakes in the marine cargo transport sector. Piracy is a significant concern in hull and machinery insurance around Asia and Africa. In addition to the natural and unavoidable disasters, the insurance also covers damages...
Topic: Insurance
Words: 2288
Pages: 8
Introduction Before starting any business, it is essential to consider the legal issues that are likely to influence its operations. Each business has its own legal procedures that must be followed during establishment. In addition, each business has its own legal acts and statutes which govern its operations. It is,...
Topic: Business
Words: 1376
Pages: 5
The use of cell phone innovation can be viewed as one of the creative approaches to assist organizations in improving their business execution in the global market. The business exercises of an organization for all intents and purposes utilizing data innovation are known as e-commerce (Veronica, 2018). B2C internet business...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Leadership and followership are inseparable as they always depend on each other. However, followership seems to be often overlooked because leaders tend to be in the spotlight due to their power, influence, and authority. This paper aims to discuss the role of followership in supporting leaders and highlight the importance...
Topic: Business
Words: 162
Pages: 1
The preparation of a cash budget is quite vital for a business. Irrespective of the size and the nature of the business, it is important for a company to prepare a periodic cash budget because it has a number of benefits. The budget helps an entity to ascertain the amount...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 639
Pages: 3
Over the past decades, the notions of leadership and management have become so interdependent that some people consider them as almost synonymous in meaning. Hence, to understand whether a manager should be a leader, it is necessary to define these terms. The notion of management denotes the process of coordination...
Topic: Business
Words: 318
Pages: 1
Introduction So games are contemplating outsourcing the production of variety of games. The term outsourcing can be defined as the premeditated application of exterior investment to carry out commerce purposes conservatively run by domestic personnel(Linder, 2004). Outsourcing is done when a corporation takes a fraction of its commerce and gives...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 2869
Pages: 10
Since communication plays a central role in any organization’s operations, it is essential to ensure the presence of a supportive communication climate to foster employee commitment and satisfaction. As an employee in John Doe Corporation, which is a large international business, I find the climate in my team extremely supportive...
Topic: Communication
Words: 639
Pages: 2
As world experience shows, in the field of scientific and technical information, the main path of science runs primarily through scientific electronic libraries. Their purpose is to aggregate and organize access to modern knowledge represented by scientific publications. The criterion of a researcher’s information culture is the ability to adequately...
Topic: Business
Words: 1254
Pages: 4
Executives and professionals are expected to behave in a way that elicits public trust. CEOs, doctors, and accountants are careers that require high ethical standards in the course of duty to maintain general confidence. For instance, accountants depend on impeccable public image to paint a picture of skillfulness to potential...
Topic: Business
Words: 584
Pages: 2
Executive Summary The current situation posed by COVID-19 has forced some companies to advise their employees to work from home. Most of the work done is therefore managed virtually with online meetings being the order of the day. The adoption of this method by company management exposes some of the...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 550
Pages: 4
Every year the Fortune Magazine selects 100 best companies based on given competencies such as number of employees and company growth. Based on Fortune Magazine, top 5 companies to work for include Google, SAS, Edward Jones, Wegmans Food Markets, and Nugget Market (Goldman, 2020). I have chosen Google which has...
Topic: Google
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Introduction Today, businesses need to keep track of global events to inform their decision-making. There is a wide range of emerging economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological global risks that shape the business environment. One of them is involuntary human migration that can be defined as coerced displacement of a...
Topic: Business
Words: 2220
Pages: 8
Boeing’s Capital Structure description It should be claimed that the company has been leveraging its capital structure even further for a long period by continuing the practice of a share buyback, which has been accompanied by the constant, equity-reducing pension liabilities regulations that finance the firm’s pension benefits. Then, this...
Topic: Boeing
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Strategic planning and analysis of various factors are the basis for a successful business. The advantage over competitors is achieved not only by the correct positioning of the company but also by the assessment of the resources available to it. Thus, positioning school and the resource-based view of strategy are...
Topic: Management
Words: 798
Pages: 3
For an employee, it is essential to work in a safe and favorable workplace environment to demonstrate a significant performance. However, there might be an issue regarding the extent to which the process of improving these environmental conditions affects the employee’s job satisfaction and whether this affectation takes place at...
Topic: Business
Words: 622
Pages: 2
Causal and Moral responsibility Causal responsibility is simply a descriptive sagacity of responsibly. Under the causal responsibility, intention or agency is not imputed to the actual cause of an action. Thus, Causal responsibility does not carry any implication of blame or praise in an action. The causal responsibility is inclined...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2001
Pages: 7
Risk Identification Dairy Farm International Holdings identifies the risks facing the company through an audit committee. The committee is charged with assessing areas of risk and uncertainty and the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control processes. This occurs on a regular basis but the reporting of the committee’s findings to...
Topic: Business
Words: 862
Pages: 3
Key Activities For the initial year of M&J Catering and Hosting, the process of prioritization will be essential for putting the emphasis on the most critical aspects of the business. These will include marketing, product development, hiring, and web development. Both marketing and web development are highly intertwined due to...
Topic: Business
Words: 828
Pages: 4
Definitions Classical conditioning is a process that manipulates the human brain by associating everyday items with specific terms. During the elections, this guideline is utilized to painstakingly express politicians’ messages to the residents. For instance, they get the artists to sing them at their assemblies (Quickel, 2020). Classical conditioning has...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 344
Pages: 1
Introduction / Book Summary “Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box” by the Arbinger Institute is a book addressing the problems and misunderstandings that people and organizations face as a result of what the authors call “self-deception”. The book is based on the premise that understanding the concept of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2748
Pages: 10
Equate is a Walmart-owned brand that is engaged in producing and selling medicines and beauty products. The goods of this label include pain relievers, anti-allergic drugs, skin and hair care cosmetics, vitamins, and other products in this category (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The industry is competitive, and individual market...
Topic: Business
Words: 306
Pages: 1
Introduction Who holds good leadership style is a major subject of debate to many people. While many people tend to think that a person is born with leadership qualities, others believe that leadership skills are learned, acquired and nurtured during a person development. However, despite the form in which leadership...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Nestlé S.A. is a conglomerate corporation whose headquarters are located in Switzerland. Being the largest food company in the world, Nestlé oversees a number of subsidiaries. Tombstone and DiGiorno are two brands of frozen pizza that originally belonged to the American company Kraft Foods. However, after being bought by Nestlé...
Topic: Culture
Words: 298
Pages: 1
Introduction Aims of the Report The current paper contains an analysis of the recent major issue faced by Pfizer, Inc, and the way the company solved it. In addition to that, the report critically analyzes Pfizer’s problem-solving approach and suggests alternative approaches to the issue that will be outlined below....
Topic: Pfizer
Words: 2575
Pages: 9
Introduction Costco is a multinational enterprise which manages a global chain of affiliation warehouses, and offers the products at relatively lower prices than other retailers do. It is an American-based retail store headquartered in Washington, the USA. The corporation is the central organization of other members and it provides goods...
Topic: Costco
Words: 1233
Pages: 4
There is a huge demand for elderly health care services because the number of senior citizens in need of assisted living care is high. In this paper, a marketing strategy of an elderly home, Golden Ages, is analysed. The organisation will use a multi-segmented marketing strategy to penetrate its two...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1430
Pages: 5
USA is one of the most powerful economies in the world in terms of economic and financial growth. Over the past three decades, the rate of employment in the United States of America has been increasing. In the 1990s, the work force growth rate was 1.1 % lower than the...
Topic: Demography
Words: 397
Pages: 1
The passion of operating and succeeding in business depends entirely on the sole decision of the person setting up the business. The business requires the owner to have some educational qualifications in business-related courses and good relation with both the employees and the customers. The paper highlights the business environment...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 1758
Pages: 6
Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower a group of individuals in an attempt to achieve a specific objective. Today, headship is essential for firms’ long-term and strategic existence because it aligns the employees with the company’s strategy (Mango, 2018). Multiple scholars have formulated several concepts to explain...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Socially Responsible Efforts TOMS Shoes is one of the most well-recognized businesses in terms of social responsibility in the corporate world. The reason for that is the fact that the company’s operational strategy is inseparable from its mission. TOMS was founded on the principle of giving away a pair of...
Topic: Business
Words: 377
Pages: 1
Introduction The concept of leadership seems familiar to modern people, as it is at the heart of a successful business. However, it is challenging to define who is a leader and what qualities are necessary to fulfill such a role. Even the most successful and famous CEOs who run immense...
Topic: Business
Words: 2258
Pages: 8
The Magnitude of E-Commerce Today Since e-commerce plays out within the large laissez-faire environment of the World Wide Web, there is essentially no central registry that reliably reports the magnitude of global transactions. Hence, estimates vary widely: US retail sales were estimated at $170bn in 2006. While Europe lagged behind,...
Topic: Internet
Words: 3691
Pages: 15
Introduction Leaders are vision careers. As heads of organizations, leaders are anticipated to have the ability to manage their emotions so that they (emotions) do not get out of control irrespective of the challenges that leaders go through while attempting to enhance compliance to their visions (Parker, & Sorensen, 2008,...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 5483
Pages: 20
Introduction Financial planning is an important tool in establishment and achievement of personal and organizational goals. It is important that an individual plans his or her life’s financial well being in order to establish the financial position at the retirement time. Josh Schmidt planned his financial plan that has been...
Topic: Business
Words: 2233
Pages: 8
Introduction Significant advancements in information technology and communication (ICT) have introduced substantial transformations in the current business world. The corporate sphere in the United States has experienced tremendous growth due to the rapid development of pertinent technologies. Google Inc. is one of the premier and most reputable innovative companies in...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 948
Pages: 3
Introduction Supply, demand, and price are among the fundamental economic terms. This essay discusses some of the aspects in which the suppliers and consumers shape the price, the effects narrow and wide price dispersion has on both parties and the role of the cost as a transmitter of information. The...
Topic: Business
Words: 641
Pages: 2
Preamble The objectives of this research report include providing the careful cultural diversity audit of PwC based on the materials from the Website of the company and other sources and identifying the possible improvements required for enhancing the internal cultural diversity of the company. The report consists of the introduction,...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 1766
Pages: 6
Strategic Plan for the Orange Door Health Center Addressing Environmental Issues and Perspectives for Development Because three areas will be considered in a strategic plan – staff development, managerial approaches and technological advancement – a transformation of the Orange Door Health Center should be carried out about these aspects (Filipovitch,...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Sports are some of the social activities which keep various communities integrated and closely linked. Consequently, it is essential to promote sports, which can readily be accepted by society members and contribute to their success. The sport adopted for this community recreational program is soccer, which has existed for...
Topic: Business
Words: 2301
Pages: 8
Workplace safety is a critical management concern, as it determines whether an organization makes the best out of its employees. Manuele (2019) asserts that companies tend to encounter accident-related challenges, some of which escalate to lawsuits leading to compensations for injured personnel if they overlook safety. However, having a comprehensive...
Topic: Business
Words: 660
Pages: 2
Introduction Social media continues to be one of the essential communication channels between businesses and consumers. More than one billion Instagram accounts are active every single month, according to the platform’s internal data (Business, 2018). Therefore, Instagram can be used as an immensely effective marketing tool that helps consumers understand...
Topic: Instagram
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Symbiotic Partnership between Monkeys and Wolves Type of Relationship It is clear that Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves have a strong bond involving the fight for survival. Since the monkeys are not bothered with the wolves entering their territory in most cases, it can be noticed that there is an...
Topic: Business
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Leadership styles refers to the approach that a manager adopts in order to exercise authority in the work place and be able to direct staff towards meeting the organizational mandate as outlined in their job descriptions (Foti, 2007). It is the way that a manager resorts to conduct things in...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Corporate governance Basically, corporate governance is concerned with the manner in which power is exercised in safeguarding resources of an organisation with the aim of increasing and maintaining shareholders’ wealth. Corporate governance is important in bridging the gap between economic and social goals as well as communal and individual goals....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 857
Pages: 3
Advancements in biotechnology have been tremendous for the last forty years. Commercialization has been rampant while researchers have engaged in innovation activities that have led to development of technological tools in biotechnology (Zeller, 2001). The year 1980 experienced substantial investments in biotechnology around the globe which was partially influenced by...
Topic: Success
Words: 2087
Pages: 7
The selected business industry for this scenario is the smartphone industry. The business research topic is customer satisfaction and value perception. The purpose of the global marketing research is to find the impact of consumer perceived value (CPV) on a smartphone purchase intention. Maximizing CPV is a major challenge for...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Summary Using a systematic approach to analyze current organizational problems is a successful business strategy for early detection and further management. However, few companies recognize the importance of business process management, BPM, to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. In the case study under discussion, the automotive component company, which focuses...
Topic: Management
Words: 906
Pages: 3
Computation of Product Mix Variance Item Expected ($) Actual ($) Gross Revenue 3,500, 000 3,500,000 Discount (325,000) (350,000) Net Revenue 3,175,000 3,150,000 Lab testing cost (1,150,500) (1,400,500) Gross contribution 2,024,500 1,749,500 Direct costs (salaries) (870,000) (870,000) Net contribution 1,154,500 879,000 Product mix variance measures the departure of the actual performance,...
Topic: Business
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Company Description The business will be named Star Up Online Company. It will be a sole proprietorship online company that will specialize on selling popular candy brands such as dum-dums, blue berry, Laffy Taffy ropes, safe t-pops, Spangler candy canes, candy corns, gum balls, and other favorite candy brands. The...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 1163
Pages: 4
Introduction Economic growth can be disassociated from the degradation of the environment by the development and use of new technologies (Hoque & Walsh 2011). As such, natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is prudent that governments, organizations, or individuals adopt sustainable innovation strategies (Weber & Hemmelskamp...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Almost any person’s work is associated with communication with other humans, even in those rare professions where the employee is isolated from colleagues. These relations can be presented by teammates and work colleagues, higher authorities, and subordinate specialists. Consequently, the workplace should have its own distinctive ethical culture related to...
Topic: Culture
Words: 644
Pages: 2
Background Investors have the freedom of investing in any business activity provided they respect and obey the laws that govern their practice. Different professional bodies are responsible for maintaining sanity in their industries. The government may step in to help them achieve their objectives. However, the presence of complex business...
Topic: Business
Words: 879
Pages: 3
I have worked for a company that is involved in the sphere of online sales. I would suggest the following inspiring vision statement for it – the best customer is a satisfied customer. Given the fact that the firm has to constantly get in touch with clients, it is essential...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is crucial for running a business effectively and generating revenue. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), careful management of clients’ information and customer touchpoints can help increase loyalty. International Waters, Inc. (IW) has been in the hotel industry for two years; however, the company faces a...
Topic: Management
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Outsourcing is the purposeful allocation of some business processes or systems and delegating their implementation to a third party. It is logical to define the distinguished business processes as those that the organization implements with the least professionalism. Unlike service and support services, which are of a one-time, episodic, random...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Insights Gained Through the Case Study Methods and Their Practical Value Analyzing complex situations, solving specific problems, and approaching relevant solutions are among the priorities that each manager should take into consideration while working in a health care environment. Using the case study method, therefore, is a great contribution to...
Topic: Business
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Managing labor cost is one of the difficult tasks in business management that should be addressed with committed efforts. Successful managers should determine the best strategies for managing the cost to increase productivity and reduce labor turnover in an organization (Pekka 82). It is in this regard that this study...
Topic: Management
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Overview of the environmental issues important in the case considering competition, technology, community service, funding, and workforce Orange Health Door Center is a non-profit organization that offers moderate health care on a sliding-fee scale to under-insured people in Minnesota. Judging from the case presented in the study by Filipovitch (2006),...
Topic: Health
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Large corporations endeavor to diversify globally to enhance their competitiveness, profitability, and market presence. This is a crucial provision when considered critically with respect to the Marisa Corporation’s case provided. The company should consider numerous issues before establishing its operations internationally (Choi & Meek, 2010). It is important for the...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction Risk assessment in the financial market is regarded as one of the key insurance tools for effective asset pricing. Since the prices of the assets are formed in accordance with the market principles, and stock investment strategies, the risks play an important role in defining these strategies. Therefore, the...
Topic: Business
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
A theory of change is a comprehensive description of how the desired change is expected to transpire in a work context. An organization or individual should admit three factors for succeeding in any change. It includes dissatisfaction with the current situation, a clear vision of the future, and the first...
Topic: Business
Words: 1106
Pages: 4
Introduction There are several sources of external finance that are available to a company. A company can raise finance either through equity financing, bond financing, or bank finance. Each instrument of finance has its advantages and disadvantages. There are several things that the senior management must consider when choosing the...
Topic: Finance
Words: 2369
Pages: 9
Introduction The ongoing convergence of the US GAAP and the IFRS accounts reporting standards aims at providing standardized financial statements for US firms applicable internationally. These standardized financial statements will assist in further clarifying and predicting cash flow trends and hence offer international stakeholders the opportunity to appraise companies’ liquidity...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Workflows are processes associated with work processes in administration settings. The technology of workflow helps to support operational processes such as case driven processes. Workflow management system helps to ensure that information reaches the designated computer or individual at the right time (Wil van der Aalst, 2004, p. 74)....
Topic: Management
Words: 1634
Pages: 6
The fact that ethics and compliance are commonly confused demonstrated that they are close in meaning, yet there is a vast difference. As for me, the distinction between these two words seems to be in the fact that compliance rests on a pragmatic basis, while ethics is social and intuitional....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction Companies, both financial and non-financial emerge with a specific set of objectives. Despite the outstanding differences in the objectives of various organizations, the presence of risk is not deniable. According to Marrison (2002, p. 36), all operations face a certain degree of uncertainty. The challenge facing the management of...
Topic: Management
Words: 2482
Pages: 8
Nowadays, competition in the market is constantly growing, and therefore, companies need to pay attention to their business strategies and marketing plans. Proper presentation of products, the evaluation of customers’ buying behavior, and reducing costs while increasing income are only some of the factors that require careful consideration. In this...
Topic: Performance
Words: 670
Pages: 2
Executive Summary Computer-based communication technologies became widely used with Internet connection getting easily accessible. Using these technologies requires only basic computer skills this is why they are popular among people of all possible ages. Computer-based technologies led to the emerging of social media, as well as social networking, instant messaging,...
Topic: Business
Words: 2315
Pages: 8
Introduction Activity based costing (ABC) is commonly used because it gives detailed information on the cost of a product unit that is produced. Under activity based costing, the use of cost drivers is quite significant. These drivers are used to allocate total costs to a unit of the commodity produced....
Topic: Business
Words: 479
Pages: 2
In the modern age, many firms are opting to adopt new technological operations. Companies have had to change from traditional brick-and-motor systems to e-commerce techniques. One of the firms that have accepted the transition is Bolt Inc. After rebranding in 2019, the organization decided to adopt some of the vibrant...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 327
Pages: 1
Introduction All organizations have requirements which prompt the implementation of certain tasks in a bid to improve the overall performance of the organization while at the same time ensuring that the organization is at par with recent developments in the specific area of operation. The overall success of the task...
Topic: Management
Words: 5388
Pages: 19
Introduction This paper is a class assignment that supposes the student to be a graduate trainee at Pevensey PLC with a responsibility to second the company’s secretary, Mary Fulton. It is considered that Mary has requested the graduate trainee to evaluate a project with respect to helping the company in...
Topic: Business
Words: 1227
Pages: 4
Introduction Food is a necessity that cannot be shunned in human for the purpose of good health, vitality, and survival. Hence, a business that its main product is food will succeed under the right business strategy and marketing plan since eating food is inevitable. Sangria restaurant will be a food...
Topic: Restaurant
Words: 2081
Pages: 8
Financial statements are defined as formal records describing business activities and financial performance (David, 2013). Financial analysis is a tedious but necessary task: the survivability of business depends on the decisions many of which are driven by the information found in financial statements. Formal records are useful for projected financial...
Topic: Management
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction The wine market is an extremely promising industry in the United States. However, the industry has faced some challenges lately as it transitions from personal to online sales. In particular, there will be a need to keep the seasonal surge in demand for wine sold online shortly. Besides, the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1746
Pages: 6
Tropical juice manufacturing company is an institution involved in producing and processing freshly blended fruit such as mango, passion, apple, among others. The firm produces a non-alcoholic beverage made from original tropical fruit rich in nutrients and vitamins essential in boosting the body’s immunity (Anjum et al. 2). The brand...
Topic: Brand
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Leading a group is something that requires an individual to apply many leading skills. Some people are naturally born as leaders but others acquire leading skills with time. Whether an individual has received formal training in leadership skills or not, the most important thing is that every good leader must...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1714
Pages: 6
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide an analytical review of the article, “Understanding What Drives the Purchase Decision in Pension and Investment Products” authored by Gough and Nurullah (2009). The business article is peer reviewed and has been published by the Financial Services Marketing journal. The article...
Topic: Business
Words: 455
Pages: 3
I think that the article “Expanding the Lens” presents a well-thought-out perspective on the importance of organization in the work of an early care worker. Organization, according to the author, encompasses the values and beliefs held by the members of the organization, and their existence influences the way an organization...
Topic: Business
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction In today’s business environment, capital happens is regarded by many as one of the most important resources (Padget 2011). One way through which companies are able to finance their business ventures is through private equity (PE). According to Snider and Howards (2010), private equity is treated as capital drawn...
Topic: Equity
Words: 3869
Pages: 14
All types of organizations are required to furnish their accounts and make them available for external users who may be interested in the well-being of these companies and decide about their investments and associations with them based on information provided to them in the financial statements. Whether an organization is...
Topic: Business
Words: 547
Pages: 2
Introduction Nowadays a person needs not only knowledge of sciences, but also the ability to communicate with people. The work of an economist and mathematical statistician is similar since their job is to properly prioritize and set goals to maximize profits with the least loss. The purpose of the report...
Topic: Business
Words: 407
Pages: 1
Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs and artists to kick-start their careers by providing an alternative pathway to raise funds. Usually, entrepreneurs go through the traditional venture capital model by finding potential investors. However, finding the sponsors can be challenging if the project appears too high-risk or abstract. Similarly, the commercialization of art...
Topic: Business
Words: 393
Pages: 1
Various groups such as shareholders, governments, employees, communities and creditors use audited financial statements of companies. Financial statements provide the potential users with a narrow insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Reflectively, financial statements do not give an in-depth depiction of performance of an entity (Siddidui, 2005...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Schildge offers an adequate positioning strategy as a concept of marketing for developing and planning a company’s direction. It is useful not only for starting a business but also for existing long-term ones. Implementing a positioning strategy as part of the firm’s marketing would profit companies in the long run....
Topic: Business
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Chipotle’s mission statement is “To provide food with integrity. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market” (“Chipotle’s mission,” 2016) It is a strong mission statement, as it has many qualities nailed down perfectly. It is concise, inspiring, socially responsible, and broad in scope to be applied to...
Topic: Business
Words: 273
Pages: 1
The Most Significant Prevailing Market Forces Currently, the most important market forces that may have a considerable effect on the company’s development are technology and globalization. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), these are two of the three major market forces that occupy the most prominent position in the modern...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 595
Pages: 2
All the companies strive to acquire the secret of success. In that matter, each particular business has its own secret of success. Thus, businesses require simple models, which will allow understanding and implementing the factors for success. In that regard these models should also be innovative, where models focusing functionality...
Topic: Business
Words: 813
Pages: 3
The term “human factors” encompasses the various influences on the project that its participants can have. In some cases, they will be positive, such as creativity or motivation, which can drive performance beyond expectations. However, in other situations, they will have an adverse effect, such as when team members engage...
Topic: Management
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Introduction A moral issue has emerged as to whether a pharmaceutical company has to release a new drug or not. This drug is thought to be an effective treatment of chronic and severe depression for thousands of people suffering from the condition. However, the company is confronted with a dilemma...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 899
Pages: 3
If a breakfast cereal company wants to introduce a new product in the market, it is reasonable to invest in forecasting demand. Here, the company should choose between quantitative and qualitative techniques. I would recommend using a simple moving average and market research approaches because they are suitable to present...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 299
Pages: 1
The key weakness identified by Škoda was that the company is unable to fit into a fragmented and highly competitive market with its current brand perception in the general public. Market shares for Škoda are small, largely due to the fact that their reputation did not grow a sufficient amount...
Topic: Business
Words: 237
Pages: 1
Heineken is a global business as it produces beverages for Europe, North and South America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Heineken’s main strength is brand diversification, aimed to meet the customer’s tastes (Gaspar and Massa 9). Its main weaknesses include currency fluctuations and poor margins as...
Topic: Business
Words: 551
Pages: 2
Background Conflict resolution within an organization is one of the most critical leadership skills that fosters cohesion, enhances work relationships and improves the overall outlook of products and services. In the role play, it is evident that organizational leaders look at employees in a holistic way by providing the correct...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 566
Pages: 2
In the 21st century, due to the undeniable globalization processes, it seems normal when companies become international and open their filial not just in other countries but also in distant regions. The economic stimulus for this internationalization is endless: they vary from diversification of markets to incentives for the local...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 567
Pages: 2
Abstract Nurses and clinicians are required to collaborate, engage one another, and solve most of the problems recorded in their clinics or workplaces. The concept of teamwork has gained prominence in the field of healthcare since it allows such professionals to provide timely and personalized services to more patients. This...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1661
Pages: 6
The main idea of the observation method is to watch at the setting, participants, and the situation and to present the results of this in the separate section of the research (Patton, 2002). Creswell (2007) is sure that the main strength of the observation is that watching at the situation...
Topic: Students
Words: 1958
Pages: 7
Introduction The relations between human beings within the society have always been associated with danger and risk irrespective of the fact whether these are social, political, or employment relations. The progress of the mankind has resulted in the progress in the area of fighting the risks arising from these relations...
Topic: Insurance
Words: 853
Pages: 3
In order to run a successful business, it is vital to take into account human resource planning. The reason for this is that a proper HR strategy provides the means through which companies can guarantee that they employ professional staff capable of completing tasks. Moreover, a good manager should also...
Topic: Management
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Introduction “Over the last three decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of innovative management accounting (MA) techniques developed across a wide range of industries”(Abdel-Kader and Luther, 2008). Abdel-Kader and Luther, 2008, go further to explain that these new techniques have in the end had effects on...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 2999
Pages: 10
Introduction In the 21st century, there has been an increased use of the Internet to access information, trade, interact and communicate among different classes of people; people have different uses of the Internet, for instance, in modern colleges, the use of the Internet as a learning aid has taken center...
Topic: Business
Words: 3644
Pages: 12
Introduction In April 2017, the now-infamous Fyre Festival was supposed to provide a luxury music festival experience. However, arriving at the private island in the Bahamas, the guests discovered that none of their expectations would be fulfilled. In fact, the festival was canceled the same day it was scheduled to...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 573
Pages: 2
The development of the world economy poses new challenges for various manufacturing businesses. In order to avoid financial crises, present-day companies need to elaborate a management plan to adjust their activities to shifting conditions (“7 essential features,” 2018). However, such a complex process implies the change in production costs as...
Topic: Management
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Introduction This report examines the marketing strategies as applied in Aldus Corporation. The corporation operates in the computer software development industry since its establishment in 1984. In spite of the successes that the firm initially enjoyed, changes in the business environment led to reduced sales revenues hence need to change...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 3797
Pages: 14
As can be seen from the described cases, New Heritage is continually developing new projects in various areas. This allows the company to develop, interest the audience, and attract new customers. These projects relate to different areas of the company’s activities, such as creating new lines of clothing or the...
Topic: Business
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Net Present Value (NPV) is used for estimating the future net cash flows of the project. For computing NPV, all cash inflows and outflows of the project are projected and then they are discounted back to the present date using a suitable discount rate (Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, 2013). The...
Topic: Business
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Just like in the rest of the society, concepts such as transparency, fairness, justice, and equality play an important role in the workplace. Particularly, the employees’ perceptions of both procedural and distributive justice may have an impact on their job satisfaction and turnover intention. In any system, procedural and distributive...
Topic: Justice
Words: 399
Pages: 2
As compared to a firm that only operates domestically (in one country), an international company expands to multiple markets and, therefore, faces unique costs and difficulties (David, 2013). Internationalization is a high-risk high-reward strategy for which multiple global and international considerations need to be made. Financially, an international company will...
Topic: Management
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Introduction Any institution dealing with provision of care to dependent elderly persons should ensure that its strategies are broad enough to cover the wide range of needs of the elderly. In order to ensure quality service provisions in elderly care institutions for the aged, it is important for the management...
Topic: Management
Words: 2561
Pages: 9
Introduction The importance of green logistics as a new scientific direction in supply chain technologies has recently acquired significant interest among academic researchers. The core aspects covered by the aforementioned inquiry include the use of cost- and resource-saving technologies that are equally important to supply chain optimization and environmental security....
Topic: Business
Words: 1382
Pages: 5
Introduction Budgeting, therefore, takes into consideration various factors to come up with an appropriate forecast. For Guillermo furniture to produce correct sales estimates within its forecast budget, it s needs t to consider the factors affecting its production including the competitor’s possession of advanced equipment, and the ethical considerations which...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 838
Pages: 3