The Best Growth Strategy for an Entrepreneurial Venture or a Small Business

The statement “The best growth strategy for an entrepreneurial venture or a small business is a well-planned one” should be understood in a way that when a person wants to create their own business, to achieve success, not go bankrupt and earn an income, he or she must develop a...

Quantitative Easing and Carry Trade

Miyakoshi, T., Li, K. W., Shimada, J., & Tsukuda, Y. (2020). The impact of quantitative easing and carry trade on the real estate market in Hong Kong. International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 958-976. Web. Evaluating trends of the foreign exchange market is a challenging task, which can be...

Nine West Company: Merchandise Marketing

The major classifications of merchandize include shoes and handbags, accessories and apparel. Each group has several sub-groups of goods. For instance, apparel includes jeans and tops, dresses and jackets, outenwear and bottoms. Accessories include such subcategories as wallets and sunglasses, jewelry and hosiery, belts, hats gloves. Nine West pays special...

Stress at the Workplace: Controlling and Preventing

Introduction People experience distress in most life situations, and the working environment is no exception. The growing business competition pushes corporate managers to create high demands for their workers. In chapter seven, Nelson and Quick (2016) delve into strain at the workplace, its causes, how people respond to it, consequences,...

Importance of Leadership Interaction

When a group or an individual worker faces any unexpected issue or fomenting conflict, the leadership intervention comes into play to restore cooperation and improve performance. Leaders’ main task is to increase group cohesiveness, efficacy, conformity, and productivity (van Thiel, 2020). I worked as Purchasing Manager having two Assistants under...

Effects of TransFormational Leadership on Subordinates

Introduction The success or failure of any organization depends on the leadership in place. John C. Maxwell, a reputable author on leadership issues once said, “everything rises or falls on leadership” (Maxwell, 2007, p. 267). This assertion underscores the importance of understanding how various leadership styles affect employees and ultimately...

Twinings Tea Firm’s Eco-Friendly Production

One of the components of the definition of the sustainable product is a life-sequence positioning, which implies that sustainable manufactured goods are continually ecological-friendly throughout its whole time of existence (Chopra 2003). To be more precise, if the product is claimed to be eco-friendly, from the second the raw resources...

Discussion of Goodwill of United Airlines

United Airlines is one of the largest airline carriers in the world, which nevertheless faces certain problems concerning its reputation. For instance, in 2017, a man was taken by force from an overbooked United Airlines plane for refusing to give up his seat (Zdanowicz & Grinberg, 2018). Thus, the company...

Concept of Identification of Potential Risks of Project X

Introduction Risk identification on a project is an important process in Identifying threats or opportunities a project is likely to encounter while in progress. The risk identification on a project usually focuses on eliminating or reducing the chances of a threat whilst raising the likelihood and impact of an opportunity....

Diversity in a Global Sales Team

Diversity is bringing people of all backgrounds into the organization to work effectively and efficiently. Diversity involves understanding, valuing, and using the differences in each individual in a business. For a group of individuals to work as a team, they have to understand each other, then work together to achieve...

Airport Emergency Plan Overview of Analysis

Airport emergencies are unexpected situations that imply adverse and even tragic consequences. That is why airport officials should develop and follow specific plans to know how to manage a crisis. Numerous official organizations offer guidelines on coping with this task, and the US Department of Transportation (2009) is among them....

“How to Create a Project Budget for Your Small Business Projects”

The article, How to Create a Project Budget for Your Small Business Projects (2021), written by Robert Izquierdo, who is a software systems expert, provides five simple steps to create a project budget. Firstly, it emphasizes few considerations to think about before starting to set a budget: cost estimation, budget...

The Essence of Capital Budgeting

Introduction A capital budget focuses on long-term organizational investment strategy, although it can be generated yearly. The primary functions of capital budgeting are expansion and replacement, following a successful analysis of market conditions and opportunities (O’Connell, 2019). Development can occur through the entry to a new geographical area or the...

Smart Pacifiers Product Marketing Forecasting

Introduction The UK is a wealthy developed democracy where the adoption of smart products is already underway. As such, it should account for a significant portion of the global smart pacifier market. The smart pacifier was established early in the previous decade and began sales around 2015. The device was...

Why Should Grandma’s Treats Cookie Company Go Online?

Online Presence to Grandmas Treats cookie companies can reach different varieties of customers if given an online presence. The website will bring Global customers to Grandmas Treats cookie companies who want to taste different varieties, which cannot be possible in traditional business. Getting into the Global market will make the...

Nine West: Retail Environment

For every retailer, store location is extremely important because it influences the number of consumers, frequency of purchase and even a brand image. The store should be located in populated areas with good transportation and parking facilities. The constraints of space are also a liability to the retail trade. With...

Marketing to Generation Y: Targeting Generation Y Strategy

Targeting Generation Y is not the right but rather necessary marketing strategy for banks because now it makes up the major part of their customer base. On the one hand, Generation Y people are the so-called digital natives – the first generation that grew up with easy access to electronic...

Recruiting Staff in Multinational Organizations

Working in multinational enterprises implies a significant amount of responsibility, obtaining in-depth knowledge and skills, and adherence to strict standards of a company. Therefore, it is crucial to employ competent and qualified staff to support the reputation and maintain the quality of service and products. For this reason, there are...

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Models and Social Media

Co-creation appears to be a modern marketing strategy, which implies designing a product or a service cooperating with customers. This approach is considered to be beneficial in a great number of ways. It contributes to avoiding the lack of ideas regarding product improvement and makes the relationships between a company...

The Staffing Plan For Implementing a Laser Machine

Position and number of employees Because the newly integrated product is a laser machine, the staffing plan requires employing experienced professionals who are technically aware of all peculiarities of laser’s work. Specifically, apart from two full-time surgeons and two nurses assisting them, there should be technicians that would take control...

Internal and External Stakeholders’ Role in Company

Business success depends on many factors that are important to consider. The talented management of work processes enables organizations to maximize the value of their results and meet the business strategy they set. Among the factors related to the company’s work, stakeholders stand out. This concept includes individuals, groups, or...

Performance-Driven Teams and Motivation

A performance-driven team, to which some refer as a high-performance team, differs from a common one in its efficiency. It has such general elements as social interaction, meaningful cooperation, different roles, and a purpose (Dominguez et al., 2016). Additionally, a performance-driven team has such features as a direction, a common...

Business Decision Making Description

Introduction Employees who exit a company at the firm’s request and those who leave on their own equally influence disruptions in work team dynamics, unit productivity, and operations. Both types of turnover can affect the organization’s operational costs as employees’ exit after significant investment in staff training and development would...

Servant Leadership and Followership: Comparison

In a work setting, there is a hierarchy that is built on servant leadership and followership. First and foremost, servant leadership is based on one’s desire or even an instinct to lead. A servant leader’s “highest priority is service to others, including stakeholders inside and outside the organization” (Williams, Brandon,...

The Six Questions of External Analysis

The six questions of external analysis present a reliable framework which allows companies to correctly determine their position in the industry and assess available options of gaining a competitive advantage, yet it also has weaknesses. This approach’s primary strength manifests itself in the flexibility it provides since almost any business...

MESA Company’s Effective Competitive Strategy

MESA Competitive Strategy When making strategic decisions, the company’s management needs to fully understand the business’s strengths, goals, available resources, and opportunities. A successful competitive strategy effectively utilizes the company’s resources and capabilities to maintain and increase its competitive advantage. For MESA, an effective competitive strategy needs to be based...

The Benefits of Investing in Information Security

Introduction There are quite some benefits for a firm that invests in information security. The ability to cope effectively with today’s computer threats such as computer viruses/worms, computer threats such as web hacking/breakings/defacement, internet disruptions, and other cyber events is on the verge. Insecurity has caused the delivery of products...

General Motors’ Evolving Competitive Advantages

The automobile industry is one of the most significant contributors to the economy of the United States. This industry provides more than seven million jobs, constituting approximately one-tenth of the country’s revenue (Chuang & Zhao, 2019). General Motors (GM) is the largest American automobile corporation with a more than a...

Workplace Leadership Theories

There are two main leadership theories: transformational and transactional. Transformational leadership is about a leader’s ability to change or transform groups or organizations in a significant way. Transactional leadership can be described as leaders who motivate their followers by rewarding them. This essay examines the strengths and weaknesses of these...

Researching of Human Resource Management

Professional personnel is the main resource of a company, necessary for its prosperity. People are the main asset of any company that develops the business. Chapter five of Fundamentals of human resource management gives a full understanding of the fact that the success of a company depends on the quality...

Eisner and the Disney Company

The Disney company is among the most profitable and successful actors in the industry nowadays. Such state of the art was achieved because of due diligence and policy that the top management has been applying for many years. However, there was a period when the corporation faced a plethora of...

Public Managers’ Leadership Identity

Effective leadership provides organizations with high performance, so the availability of scientific research in this area is essential. The research in the article “Is leadership in the eye of the beholder? A study of intended and perceived leadership practices and organizational performance” is based on a theoretical background regarding two...

Focal Business Process and Supporting Information Systems

For a charity organization, the essential function of an information system (IS) is to improve its accessibility visibility while reducing its operational costs. As for the ALSAC, the radiothon donation application (RDA) brings in a unique opportunity to achieve both higher visibility and make the optimal interaction between the organization...

Virtual Team Case Study. Communication Issue

In this case, a proposal for client approval needs to be developed. While the details are important, it’s imperative that a written proposal is available. A written proposal is important because it will provide an overview of what the company is going to develop. It will also act as the...

Abusive Supervision and Employees’ Deviant Reactions

Peng, Y., Xu, X., & Matthews, R. (2020). Older and less deviant reactions to abusive supervision? A moderated mediation model of age and cognitive reappraisal. Work, Aging and Retirement, 1-11. Web. This article deals with the effects of abusive supervision on the performance of employees pertaining to different age groups....

Evaluating a Presentation at Walmart

Developing a convincing presentation that delivers the key points of an argument cohesively and concisely is an important skill that plays a vital role in promoting innovation in organizations. The specified task plays a particularly vital role in large organizations that require a perfectly thought-out and well-designed pitch that will...

Telecommuting Effectiveness: Impacts Due to COVID-19

Introduction The spread of coronavirus infection around the world has significantly influenced all areas of human life. It can be explicitly seen in present-day businesses which emphasize the need to transform their daily operations in all aspects accordingly. One of such necessities is the establishment of the practice of telecommuting...

Aspects of Transportation and Distribution

Introduction Supply chain management and logistics aim to optimize and speed up the transportation and distribution of products from producers to consumers. It leads to lower prices for goods, attracting an existing customer base and new consumers (Addicted to cheap shopping?, 2007). As a result, both parties are satisfied. Companies...

Greenwashing in Business and Its Influence on the Company

Many businesses in all sectors are increasingly ‘going green’ by offering healthy, environmentally-friendly products to the market. However, many business organizations are providing misleading information in an attempt to create an overly positive image of their brands and environmental practices among stakeholders, particularly consumers (Torelli et al., 2020). Greenwashing has...

Learning Coach Program: Implementation Plan

Introduction The Learning Coach Program consists of a training program that is critical for educating all the key players charged with promoting the success and sustainability of Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts. The initiative assists all employees in improving the skills required in the workplace, provides adequate resources, and provides continuous...

Conscious Capitalism: Marketing Plan Actions

The actions taken in regards to the marketing plan are based on the brand profitability derived from the financial performance. The brand profit for VALOR, Roli Royce 2, Yeeezy Peeezy, and Speedy Gee are $642505, $438153, $90863, and $164675 respectively. Therefore, the former one can be considered as the most...

Financial Incentive and Enhanced Customization

Introduction Customer relationships are vital to the productivity and performance of modern businesses. Companies must establish an association with their clientele to improve the aspects of loyalty and satisfaction. Various strategies can improve consumer relationships, but they have to be tailored to precise objectives. Every business has a unique organizational...

The DHL Company’s Environmental Audit

DHL is a universally known company that specializes in urgent international shipping of letters, parcels, and documents. As such, its environmental impact has the potential to be very damaging due to the organizational difficulties associated with long-distance high-speed transportation. Therefore, environmental audit of the DHL is one of the most...

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales for Workforce

Utilizing Bars in Careers or Skills BARS is a method for assessing workers in a given range of performance metrics by relating their actions to particular action patterns that anchor each performance level. It is a common technique used by companies to compare the output of their personnel against a...

HEB Grocery Company’s Remuneration System

When HR directors define the company’s goal, they conduct an analysis according to the required parameters and make a management decision. One of the important elements of the analysis is the assessment of the applicants for a vacancy, and their professional and personal qualities, which will allow solving problems for...

Researching the Campaign Finance Reform

Introduction Campaign finance, also recognized as election funding or political contributions, refers to money raised to support candidates, political groups, public policies, and referendums. Campaign donations may also apply to funds collected from private entities for particular administrative reasons (Butcher, and Milyo 461). At the national level, Congress’s campaign for...

New Patterns of Corporate Power

The platform business model is the goal of many enterprises because it leads to monopolization. Companies strive to reduce costs and gain leadership positions in every way. The article by Rahman & Thelen (2019) presents market research and change over previous years and the challenges faced by the new management...

Social Justice in Britain’s Workforce

Although racism has been outlawed as a social vice, nonetheless, racial discrimination is still one of the major ethical dilemmas in the modern workplace. Workers from perceived minority and “inferior” races are repeatedly subjected to unfair treatment. Employers in Britain still discriminate against employees along racial lines. Britain is a...

CEO Longevity in Companies: CEO Replacements

CEO replacements are somewhat frequent when viewed across the entire industry. Leblanc (2020) finds 54 succession cases in the S&P 500 during 2017, over 10%. With that said, some companies tend to replace their CEOs relatively frequently while others have the same person in the position for decades. The reason...

Heidi Roizen’s Career, Work Principles and Habits

How have the various stages of Roizen’s career leveraged assets and competences acquired on previous stages Heidi Roizen managed to make use of her past experience and networks at each of the following stages of her professional path. Her first job was at Tandem, a technology company in the Silicon...

Business Leaders: Joe Allen and Suzanne Scott

Introduction Joe Allen is one of the former business leaders in the hospitality industry, who managed to operate restaurants with the ability to host celebrities. Allen’s leadership skills started to flourish when he parlayed a modest pub while living in Manhattan. This pub was known as a theater district before...

Engine Producer’s Business Opportunities

Automotive Manufacturing Industry The problem the company is facing is the lack of growth due to the limited sources of income. In order to ascertain other business opportunities, it is important to analyze motor demand as qualitative data and motor sales as quantitative. The company operates within the U.S. automotive...

Vipshop Holdings Limited: Merger and Acquisition

Vipshop Holdings Limited is a Chinese online retailing company specialized in selling popular brands’ clothes, goods, and apparel. Established in 2008 by Eric Ya Shen, it operates via the website and has the headquarters in Guangzhou, China (WSJ Markets, 2020). Vipshop is the largest online store based on providing...

Forces for Good: Waikiki Business Improvement District Association

Introduction Any nonprofit organization’s work is motivated by the necessity to serve the public to make a positive social change. The needs of communities are met through nonprofits’ organized work through cooperation with multiple stakeholders, engage in volunteer work, initiate fundraising campaigns, and plan programs within their financial opportunities to...

A New Business’s Challenge and Marketing Plan

The enhancement in technology has presented new opportunities in the mobile phone and communication industry. The (name of Company) wishes to enter the global built environment as a key player in the industry. In particular, building and construction are one of the most developed industries in the world, which contribute...

Economics of Organization and Strategy in Hotel Business in Jacksonville

Summary Once the hospitality business becomes successful, the next step is to grow further. The expansion of a company involves both benefits and risks for the business owner, emphasizing the need for choosing and implementing the right growth strategy. The diversification of services can improve brand recognition and expand the...

The Continuing Relevance and Effectiveness of Email Marketing

Although email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing tools, it remains relevant and capable of reaching marketers’ goals by matching customers’ expectations. The main reason why emails remain relevant in the contemporary business world is because email box usage is omnipresent and almost obligatory for any social media...

Standardization in Multinational Enterprises

Multinational enterprises have to cope with some issues, associated with corporate culture, which alters its approach to establishing standards within a company. In addition, local specialties, such as specific environment and cultural features, have a considerable impact on the operation of a company and, therefore, on the administration, which is...

Colonel Cars Incorporated Issues

Colonel Cars Inc. plans to introduce an innovative speaker system in their cars’ steering wheels and prepares an advertising campaign centered around it. Although both the speakers and the campaign are kept secret, the competitor, European Motor Works (EMW), manages to launch a similar campaign before Colonel Cars starts its...

“Future Proof Your Talent Mobility Strategy #1”: Article Analysis

Summary and Analysis of the Context The context of the article is about internal talent mobility and accompanying benefits. The traditional talent management method is failing, forcing managers to think about talent strategy for progression (Averbook, 2021). A talent market place is an ethical, artificial intelligence-powered platform. Talent market place...

Diversification Decision Overview

When considering both the positive and negative aspects of the automotive industry, a diversification decision has been made to expand the business to cover increased motorcycle production and marketing to end consumers. The decision to diversify was made because, in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers have shown...

Strawberry Business: Software Project Management

Multiple tools are available and essential to use when making business management decisions. With the advancement of informational technologies, more and more industries and businesses benefit from using software for analysis and better-informed decision-making. The strawberry industry in general and the Labedo Berries company, in particular, also use business management...

Taking Vacation: Decision-Making Process

I have a part-time job where at least two weeks of a winter vacation is provided, however, my employer would not pay for them. Moreover, the shifts that would be replaced with my resting period mean lower salary for the next month. Considering these crucial factors, I had to decide...

Intrapreneurship and the Corporate Startup

Introduction Intrapreneurship within an organization allows employees to behave in the same manner as entrepreneurs. The intrapreneurs possess leadership skills; they are proactive, self-motivated, action-oriented, creative, and innovative. As a result, they can integrate what they have learned in their work environment to establish their businesses, thus playing a pivotal...

Supreme Sports 2 Implementation Plan

Introduction The plan outlined here is to improve Supreme Sports’ productivity (SS2) to realize more revenue and profits in their business. There are short-term and long-term goals, running from months to more than three years respectively. Long-term plans include activities that will last for years, while short-term plans involve events...

Limited Liability Firms, Partnerships, and Corporations

On planning a business one of the first important decisions any promoter has to take is about the structure of the business. Commonly available business structures are sole proprietorship, partnerships, limited liability corporations, and a corporation. In this write, a comparative study of the structures of the corporation, limited liability...

An Analysis of the Company Entrepreneurs Alliance

Introduction Entrepreneurial organizations are by far the most challenging to establish and sustain. This is because they are mainly grounded on the aspect of bringing new ideas into the market; ideas that may not readily be accepted by the consumers. Most entrepreneurial establishments face somewhat similar problems and it is...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and Strategic Alliance

The Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a media company that works in a variety of business segments, including the internet, media platforms, merchandising, and publishing. The company primarily focuses on selling and advertising homemaking products, how-to content, and similar products for the average population (“2021 media kit”, 2021). The idea...

Conflict Management as an Essential Skill

Various conflicts entail serious consequences, as they damage the bonds between people. Moreover, they may also be the cause of serious stress and mental pressure. Bullying is one of the most common forms of workplace and peer conflicts. Such situations lead to immense stress and even cause the symptoms of...

Company Performance and Production Analysis

Introduction As the company under consideration by Andres, the organization will be reviewed through relevant assessment indicators. In particular, the focus will be on its progress and performance to date. Based on the data on the production process, market segmentation, and financial performance, key conclusions will be drawn regarding the...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Organizational Risk Management Strategies

The outbreak of Coronavirus on a global scale has transformed conventional ways of running business and managing corporations. The social distancing guidelines and closed borders significantly paralyzed the supply chain processes of many companies that outsourced resources. According to Chang, McAleer, and Wong (2020), “the COVID-19 disease has affected tourism,...

Oracle-Sun Merger: Mergers and Acquisitions

Changing conditions of business environment normally result in various measures from corporations. While some aim at responding directly to immediate changes, most of the responses normally focus on mitigating possible crises following adverse effects of the dynamic market conditions. Mergers and acquisitions usually characterize business expansions and strategies aimed at...

Exploiting Virtual Value Chain

Executive Summary Over the past decades, the world has changed dramatically, and the business realm has not been left behind. The scenario is exemplified in the article “Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain” by Rayport and Sviokla, published in 1995 in the Harvard Business Review. The authors argue that businesses nowadays...

Performance-Driven Team and Its Characteristics

Summary Teamwork encompasses the combined assimilation of persons with different skills who work collectively towards achieving a mutual objective. These individuals have to be in alignment to be effective and productive. The group has to put their effort together to realize their goal successfully. Consequently, a performance-driven team has a...

Discrimination Against Women at the Workplace

Modern consumers require businesses to not only deliver excellent quality of their services but also to embrace social accountability, especially in terms of providing employees with equal opportunities. Nevertheless, every month, news emerges on how high-ranking managers at multinational companies mistreat their workers or generally demonstrate inappropriate behavior engaging in...

Emirati Women and Barriers to E-Commerce in the UAE

Abstract Women form a very important part of Emirati society. The days when women were expected to sit and wait to be provided with basic needs by their husbands are long gone. Currently, women have asserted their authority in various sectors of the economy. They are part of the driving...

Discussion of Jesus as a Servant Leader

Servant leadership is a philosophy of leaders within which they are to serve their followers. Within such a framework, the norm of interactions between leaders and followers is inverted: instead of the surrounding people serving the leader, the latter exists to serve them. Therefore, the servant-leader is instead a servant...

Group Development: Working in a Team

Every person in the world has been a member of a group at some point in their lives. It could have been at school, at work, or at other social events and issues. Teams are bound to have people with conflicting personalities and talents, which can potentially lead to conflict...

Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis

Whole Foods is a large international supermarket chain which offers healthy, natural, and organic products. The organization’s mission is to extend its role from sustaining people to feeding the planet (Whole Foods UK). Thus, the individual stores often support local area programs on ecological causes. Employees regularly clean local areas...

Professional Services: Digital Art

Accounting expertise My need for using the professional in the field of accounting is caused by the lack of knowledge regarding insurance and budgeting, particularly in matters of managing cash flows and keeping financial records. According to Henricks (n.d.), “highly technical matters of law, accounting, management, and marketing are usually...

Green Rangers: The Company Goes Global

A Guide for the Expatriates The top management of the Green Rangers is in the process of approving the proposal to go global. The management has identified two countries where this firm will target. As the employees who will be expected to represent our firm in the two countries, it...

Human Resource Department and Mentors in Organization

One of the critical divisions in an organization is the human resource department. This department is responsible for effective and efficient operations in a company. The human resource department’s first role is to design and implement policies, programs, and rules to manage the workforce properly. The second role of this...

The We Are One Sustainable Brand’s Pricing Plan

We Are One The brand We Are One (WR1) sells gender-neutral lounge and athletic wear. The products are divided into several types, including bottoms (joggers, pants) and tops (hoodies and T-shirts with short and long sleeves). All clothing follows a matching pastel color scheme and has a gender-neutral cut. Additionally,...

“Peloton Faces Backlash…” by Lauren Thomas

Peloton faces backlash after disabling the free-running feature on its $4,000 treadmills. Peloton has faced negative reactions from its customers after the company disabled free run settings on its expensive treadmill Tread+. This would have made the users pay extra membership fees on a monthly basis. Peloton’s response was that...

Managing Organizational Behavior: Group Decision-Making

Group decision-making can improve the quality of decisions, provide a variety of perspectives, and assist in developing the skills of the members. Based on the recent meetings I attended, I will describe four problems related to group decision-making. Firstly, I might conclude that I rarely hear the opinions and proposals...

The Cheesecake Factory’s Reasons for Success

The Cheesecake Factory, an international chain of bakeries for the whole family, has been a successful business in its industry for several decades. The company owes its success to competent management and talented personnel. This presentation explains what organizational qualities and metrics help keep the company competitive in the global...

The Framework For a Basic Marketing Plan For the Startup Venture

The framework for a basic marketing plan for the startup venture, a company producing healthy snacks, consists of several stages, which should be implemented in an orderly fashion. First, it is necessary to start with the definition of target customers and their needs (Lindley, 2018). In this case, they will...

Glow Lady: The Business Model Analysis

The business is called Glow Lady and is a makeup business, mainly targeting women. It will be an online-based business in the meantime but will open a physical shop later in Florida. The business will offer delivery to customers at a certain fee, depending on where they live. The business...

Decision-Making in The Edifice Complex Case

Introduction Decision-making in public administration is a difficult task that needs careful execution. Public administrators have the responsibility of ensuring that proper decision-making is exercised to promote the effective utilization of public resources. The performance and success of public administration depend on the decisions made by the administrators (Rhodes, 2002)....

Business Strategies for Candy Ma

The case is an outstanding illustration of how a business focused on education suffered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is evident that the post-COVID-19 period will no longer resemble the pre-COVID-19 era due to the overall magnitude of the virus’s impact. The “New Normal” will most likely...

Organizational Change Process: Facilitating Change

A good communication plan is essential in implementing organizational change as it influences the attitudes of various stakeholders. It lays the ground for change management (Yap et al. 2017). This document is a communication plan that contains the objectives, target audience, procedures, forms, and evaluation of the communication plan. Objectives...

Workplace Distractions and Their Elimination Strategies

Distractions At the workplace, employees or customers can be distracted for various reasons. Indeed, within a customer setting, there are several disturbances for instance, chatty co-workers or gossipers are the first forms of distraction (Tiutiunnikov, 2018). These are the colleagues who leave their working section and move to their fellow...

Ethical Training in Business Schools

Introduction Each new day brings a unique set of tough choices to make. While for most people these decisions do not produce a large impact, business leaders are able to influence entire populations with their choices. Therefore, it is vital that a leader makes ethically correct decisions. Despite this importance,...

What If Employees Do Not Work in an Organization

Organizations depend on people completing tasks and working daily to help achieve the objectives, either business goals or social targets. However, in some cases, employees do not want to work or avoid their responsibilities. This worker behavior can have a negative effect on organizations because tasks remain uncompleted, and other...

“What is Strategy?” Overview

Porter’s article “What Is Strategy?” provides an insight into different recommendations for a company’s development. It was interesting to know that it is possible to outperform competitors only if a company can establish a difference and preserve it. Indeed, customers usually pay attention to companies that stand out from others....

Public-Private Partnerships and Private Sector Organizations

Abstract Cybersecurity is increasingly growing as a strategic problem of the state, comprehensively affecting the country’s economy. This, of course, includes the interaction between national developers of software and control systems, and manufacturers of equipment and components for the provision of IT infrastructure. For the national cybersecurity to match the...

Group Management: Assessment of Team Basics Scale

There are multiple aspects of team performance to understand the strengths and weaknesses of group work. First, the team should choose the optimal size to operate (Andersson et al., 2017). The evaluation of the size (20) got quite fewer points than the threshold of the high index. Despite the assigned...

Transition from Military Service to Entrepreneurship

Identifying the positive and negative traits acquired during military service is an essential aspect of studying the success of veterans in entrepreneurship and creating leadership training programs for them. In addition, understanding these traits can contribute to leadership styles and traits of managers who have no military experience. Thus, the...

Soft Touch Company’s Marketing Plan

Situation Analysis Soft Touch Company has been an operational company since its conception and launch in 2017. Its conception arises after the founder noted gray hair on her head as soon, as she turned 30 years old. By then, no shampoo would clean and dye gray hair. The discovery of...

Features of Different Corporations

The formation of businesses requires adopting statutory laws to ensure businesses follow the set standards. One can choose from Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), C Corporation and S Corporations when forming a corporation. However, these options have similar and unique features in setting standards to regulate, protect, and resolve disputes of...

CVS Pharmacy Inc. SWOT Analysis

Background SWOT analysis is a valuable strategic tool that could be used in planning when doing situational analysis in an organization. The strengths and weaknesses (S/W) aspect depicts the internal strategic factors that could be used to ensure a strong industry position. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats...

Successful Management and Organizational Goals

Introduction Every leading enterprise is deliberately led by a particular approach, role, or style, ensuring the successful management of the company. Managers are responsible for addressing complex organizational issues daily and, therefore, must keep the business on track to achieve the target outcomes. Mintzberg defined the variety of roles that...

Preventing Workplace Stress: Effective Methods

According to Anthony-McMann, Ellinger, Astakhova, and Halbesleben (2017), in an era of economic instability and high competition in business, “many factors increase mental stress in the workplace” (p. 166). HR specialists have long complained that stress during work is one of the main reasons for staff turnover. Constant feelings of...

Servant Leadership Overview

Leadership styles that are of a more traditional nature often provide guidance, directions, and motivation to their followers but focus only on the position of their business, organization, or company on the market. Servant leaders’ main priority is their obligation toward their employees and the ability to provide them with...

Researching of Marketing Strategies

Summary Incorporating appropriate product life cycle (PLC) strategies in the marketing plan of a brand are critical for its success. The demand for such products is increasingly high as compared to the commercialization of goods with little emphasis on tactful advertising techniques. As such, this paper explains the role of...

U.S. Real Estate Industry Analysis

Introduction Real estate concerns the immovable type of property, such as apartments or land. This industry is essential for the stable development of the country and growth of economics since people require a place to live and work at. The current paper focuses on real estate as an industry and...

Decision-Making Styles: Analysis of Plant Fantasies

Keeping a company sustainable in a competitive setting, especially in a niche market setting, requires consistency in decision-making and a clear understanding of the key external (particularly, market-related) and internal (employee- and production-oriented) factors. At Plant Fantasies, Inc., Teresa clearly prefers the Intuitive approach to decision-making since she manifests significant...

FDP Company’s Income Varying with Production Level

FDP Company has been performing below the analysts’ earnings expectation, and the management must either increase production or reduce the prices of items, which would improve sales. Although the latter might raise the firm’s revenue, it may lower its income, therefore, using the former approach would be the most appropriate...

Aspects of Marketing Self-Efficacy

Business-to-business markets involve a relatively small number of buyers and sellers. There are four main types. Producers purchase goods to make them into other products. Resellers sell goods and services of other businesses. Governments purchase goods to provide services to the people. Finally, institutions use the goods in the same...

Boeing Company: Interesting Facts About Boeing Company

Brief History and Background Boeing Company is one of the giant aerospace firms operating globally and a prominent manufacturer of defense systems, commercial jetliners, security and space systems, and service providers of aftermarket support. Being the biggest manufacturing exporter in the United States, Boeing Company supports airline customers in over...

The Insurance Industry in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The insurance system is an important sector and it plays an integral role in the economic growth of a country. This system guarantees the social security of the population and leads to notable and positive effects on economic growth by directly enhancing the financial system of the country. In...

Medical Tourism in Poland: The Effectiveness of E-Commerce

Executive Summary The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effectiveness of e-commerce in international trade with a case study of dentistry-based medical tourism in Poland. To focus on this objective, the first chapter concentrates on the background of the problem, the rationale of the research, the scope...

The ABC Nonprofit Financial Statement Analysis

For a nonprofit organization to maintain its financial sustainability and achieve strategic goals in an efficient manner, specific accounting measures need to be undertaken to ensure the financial health of a nonprofit. Since most nonprofits, including ABC, arrange their performance in a manner that serves community needs and primarily depends...

Effective and Ineffective Managers in Personal Experience

Every organization seeks to have managers who can drive the organization towards the achievement of its objectives. They want managers who can successfully plan, organize, lead, and control the organization’s operations (Gitman et al., 2018). I have encountered a manager whom I consider an effective manager because of the way...

FASB and IFRS Standards Setting for 2021

Introduction FASB and IFRS are institutions that formulate financial reporting standards and frameworks. The FASB is recognized by many other similar US bodies and is the primary regulator that creates and annually optimizes financial reporting standards for US companies. IFRS is an international regulatory body that develops and updates reporting...

Computer Repair Service Marketing Plan

Introduction The company for which I will develop a marketing plan is a Help Desk Service that repairs office computers. Purpose of the Marketing Plan The main reason why I am creating this marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics of my company. A plan helps to direct...

Successful Entrepreneurship: Main Components

Organizational Skill Organizational skills are among the main components of the psychological culture of a person. This concept defines a person’s ability to properly allocate their time for work, study, rest and other activities. How well a person has organized this distribution largely depends on his or her success in...

The Managerial Statistics: Sales Order Form

Sales order Sales order for should include the following information: Identity (Name, Surname, addressing form), address and all the possible contact information (including home and working e-mail); Destination address Shareholder’s number Date of birth The ordering part of the form: Name of the company Security code (identification number) Name of...

Personnel Management for the Information Security Plan

Introduction Within any organizational structure, it is desirable that all departments and their leaders embrace the principles of accountability. This is achieved by ensuring that individuals support the notion of ownership and clearly map out their areas of contribution to the accomplishment of the strategic initiatives set out by the...

Edward Norton’s CrowdRise Fundraising Company

For this discussion, it was chosen to focus on Edward Norton’s for-profit crowdfunding platform CrowdRise. Norton is a US actor and filmmaker who decided to take part in fundraising for individuals and organizations for both charitable and personal causes (Cressman, n.d.). The business implements gamification as a system of rewards...

The Rock Blocks Company’s Recruiting Issues and Solutions

Introduction It is safe to say that recruitment is among the most important elements of not only the success but also the existence of organizations. Recruitment managers have to consider multiple internal factors of the company and external factors of the labor market and society to bring the necessary number...

Drucker’s “Essential Writing on Management”: A Valuable Insight

Today’s definition of business, along with a variety of its constituents, has become extremely popularized by media and overall social patterns, making business something of an endeavor anyone could manage. Moreover, one’s lack of business interest is perceived as behavior specific to outcasts who are not willing to take control...

Primary Risks That Affect the Credibility and Relevance of the Obtained Data

Introduction Designing a plan for the process of data analysis is of the same significance as the process of data collection itself. It is vital to divide it into distinct phases by determining the objectives of each stage so that the process is flawless and the goals of the change...

The Growth of the Gig Economy: Negative Consequences

Today, there are some negative consequences of mass self-employment in the context of business uberization, which is rapidly gaining momentum. The situation is asymmetric – corporations are exempted from any guarantees to employees, and personnel, in turn, cannot normally defend their rights since they do not formally belong to the...

Management Principles for Business Expansion

Abstract Currently, international management at MH Company consists of one person. But for a business expansion – a team from the host countries is required, and this move will also call for a team expansion at-home – management and coordination of the global business network. Specific management principles and practices...

Walmart Enhanced Competitiveness Project Plan

Description Based on initial research and the balanced scorecard, it is apparent that Walmart has an opportunity to expand its competitive advantage and achieve higher performance through enhancing the corporation’s brand, employee satisfaction and offering discounts to the customers. Project Objectives To enhance Walmart’s performance, reputation, and income Operational Step...

Want-It-Now Rapid Delivery Service’s Advertising

Advertising campaigns are indeed sales engines for businesses, but entrepreneurs should refrain from overly aggressive, inappropriate advertising that may cause distortions in the perception of the product or service. To monitor the quality of advertising campaigns, the FTC, a state agency, exists. The FTC can supervise, monitor, and even prosecute...

Coca-Cola Inc. Applying Factor Mix’s Principles

The learning activity identifies marginal decision rule as a vital determinant of a firm’s factor mix. Should the marginal gain of an additional business unit surpass its cost, the operation’s sum should be increased. If the profit is below the cost, the sum should be decreased. Net gains are maximized...

Gore’s Flat Structure Works Well

It should primarily be mentioned that it is surprising that an organization without any structure or hierarchy can achieve the described amazing results. This is primarily because, usually, in order to attain goals and improve performance, there has to be a system that operates and drives the organization in a...

Organizational Management: Cultural Diversity Management

Purpose of planning Business plans and the information they contain are meant for an organization’s management and investors. Good business plans help in pulling the management team in an organization into a cohesive unit with the same goals. It helps stakeholders in the organization to understand the organization’s objectives, their...

Amazon 2016 Annual Report Assessment

Amazon’s 2016 Annual Report for its shareholders allows evaluating the company’s strategic management over roughly two decades. While this period saw it turning into one of the world’s largest companies with colossal market capitalization, it does not necessarily mean that all strategic decisions made in the late 1990s were correct....

Marketing and Use of Emerging Technologies

Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing phenomenon in the online space where technologies are connected to the Internet, providing immense opportunities for businesses. IoT refers to the idea that gadgets can access, store, analyze, and share data as long as they are connected over a network. The concept is...

Food and Beverage Plan: The COVID-19 Pandemic Influence

Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many social spheres and made adjustments to the way people live. One of the sectors that have felt the impact of the pandemic acutely is the food and beverage industry. Both in Canada and elsewhere, catering has become limited due to social distancing and...

The Case About the Number of Chips

The case about the number of chips in cookies has accounting and ethical sides as the reduction of chocolate lead to costs decrease, and the managers involved might have a conflict of interest. When the new manager noticed that the number of chips could be reduced to save the costs,...

High Trim or Low Trim?: Case Study

So, you are in the market to purchase a vehicle, trying to decide on what to get. You narrow it down between two ruby red mustangs, both with low mileage, but you do not understand why one mustang is 5,000 dollars more than the other. That is because one is...

Some of the Common Pitfalls in the Mediation Process

Failing to Prepare Appropriately For the mediation procedure to be highly successful, the concerned parties must be adequately prepared. Many arbitration processes do not succeed because either the claimants or respondents fail to prepare well, and so, do not understand their case fully. People should also know their opponents’ cases...

Creating a New Business within Reverse Logistic Industry

Defining the Business: Jeffrey and Sons Warehousing Business Logistic management: refers to the strategic process of managing the procurement, movement, and storage of products through the business and its supply marketing chains to increase profitability and ensure orders are fulfilled cost-effectively. Procurement management: is a strategic method used by a...

Business Model and Its Impact on a Company

Case studies are an indispensable part of exploratory research. Before setting out on a new business strategy, people in decision-making positions need to collect enough data that would inform their actions. Case studies describe both successful and unsuccessful attempts of making something more or less similar to what one intends...

The Business Process: Description of Outsourcing

Business process reengineering involves redesigning the business processes and the process is also called business process change management. It also involves the analysis and design of workflows and processes in a firm and it cannot be studied without defining the term business process. A business process is a set of...

Methods for Marketing and Distribution

Introduction The Dominican Republic is a country on the island of Hispaniola surrounded by Haiti, the North Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea, with a population of 10 million. With thirty-one provinces, the Dominican Republic’s capital is situated in Saint Domingo, and its legal system stands on French civil codes...

Balanced Scorecard in Service and Production Organizations

Introduction The success of organisations that operate in today’s highly competitive environment requires the deployment of strategic management concepts. Such concepts yield success when there exists of a means of measuring performance so that an organisation can set certain performance perimeters to achieve the desired future goals. Before the development...

Airworthiness Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the entire world to a standstill in a matter of mere months. The new virus has had a profoundly negative effect on many major economic sectors. The air travel industry felt the ramifications of the looming pandemic even before the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Multi-Level Marketing: Amway Service Corporation

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing or pyramid selling refers, to a marketing method for retailing various products or services where the revenue of the company is obtained from non-salaried team members. The workforce is responsible for selling the firm’s products or services while the income for the...

SoftwareService Business Strategy and Balanced Scorecard

Introduction The name of the company in question is – SoftwareService, which was modified for privacy reasons. It is a software development business that began as a partnership between two graduates and has grown to be a global business with over 6,000 employees working in the United States and Europe....

Effective Customer Care

No matter how good of an idea a business is, learning how to attract and maintain clients is solely based on how good the customer service is implemented. I have been a loyal customer of my coffee vendor in the neighborhood for years now. The one thing that gets me...

Profit and Loss Internal Controls

Among the core goals of every organization is to make a profit. Making profit enables an organization to remain in business and be able to transact its operations. Where there are losses, there is a risk of falling out of business and losing its relevance. This is because it runs...

Marketing Plan: Help Desk Service

Introduction The company for which I will develop a marketing plan is a Help Desk Service that repairs office computers. Purpose of the Marketing Plan The main reason why I am creating this marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics of my company. A plan helps to direct...

What You Need to Know About Quality Control by Ford

The article under review is “What you need to know about quality control,” written by Mike Ford, on 3 October 2019. The author explains what quality control is and what issues it might involve. Ford also considers the ways to understand whether there is a quality control issue in the...

Silo Busting: Making the Most of Corporate Social Responsibility

A customer-centered culture creates solutions that cater to their needs. A company that employs this approach must study and understand its market. It frames its ideas, products, and solutions in a manner that makes sense for consumers. The culture, values, metrics, and power structures of a customer-centered organization reward behavior...

Girl Talk Company’s Business Plan

About Me I am a twenty-five-year-old with a passion for business and fashion. I believe that fashion and looking good do not have to be expensive. For this reason, I have invested in both newly made and pre-owned fashion pieces for women. The Problem Many professional women spend a lot...