“Managing Execution Risks of Change Initiative” by Ajit

Introduction Change is inevitable. Currently, the world has been reduced to a virtual village due to changes in technology. People from different countries can communicate with each other in real-time due to advanced innovations and technology. A majority of the world’s population can be referred to as ‘digital’ as they...

National Charter School’s Managerial Accounting

Static and Flexible budget The budget for National Charter School exhibits a flexible budget. This is because the budget is prepared at different levels that are, a budget for 120, 100, and 66 students. Static budgets show a plan for a single level of activity. Static budgets are used to...

E-Commerce Business Failure in D. Crenna’s Article

What was the problem the business was solving? The article describes the failure of setting up the e-commerce business. Daniel Crenna (2011) speaks about his own experience of trying to create Lunarbits, which had to be a platform for digital goods selling. He faced several problems during the initial part...

Smartphone Innovation and Powerful Marketing Plan

Introduction Successful companies implement and upgrade their business models in order to achieve their aims. They consider numerous aspects such as the acquisition of raw materials, production of superior products or services, and logistical operations. This arrangement has made it easier for many corporations to produce quality goods for their...

Consumer Experience: Marketing Project Interview

Introduction This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of factors influencing consumer behavior. Through primary qualitative research, the paper explores customer perception towards different purchasing decision elements such as cost, motivation, brand, decision-making conditions, and post-purchase satisfaction. Research Questionnaire Which item did you buy, and what factors motivate you to purchase...

Student-Employer Pairing App as an Innovative Idea

Innovative idea The proposed idea is an application that can be used to collect data from students through their preferred interactions, experiences, and online behavior and to pair them up with potential employers, particularly in regards to internship opportunities. This is a downloadable app that is suitable for all types...

Cultural Variation Across International Organizations

Executive Summary The present report is devoted to the issues of cross-cultural management in the international business environment and the situations of mergers and acquisitions, in particular. It is argued that cultural adjustment is essential for effective organizational operation in the context of global business. To understand why it is...

Operations Management: Factors and Approaches

Importance of Operations Management Operations management is critical for any business because it can be used for effective and efficient work that ensures the possibility to meet the overall business objectives and reach successful performance. To prove this fact, it may be advantageous to consider the ways the most typical...

Cash Door Prize and Ethics of Its Receiving

Facts: Engineer A works for UVW Engineering. As part of Engineer A’s activities and employment responsibilities on behalf of UVW Engineering, he attends various conferences and trade shows. While attending a recent conference and trade show at UVW Engineering’s expense, Engineer A won a door prize worth $5,000. Question: Would...

Peter Drucker’s Management Lessons

One of the major Drucker’s principles is if something can be measured, it can be managed. However, one may inquire how can time be managed if cannot be precisely measured. This problem inspired the author to keep a spreadsheet to count the number of creative hours each day (Collins, 2016)....

Colonial Sugar Refinery Company’s Management Practice

Managers have the role of developing policies, strategies, and tools to enable their companies to attain corporate goals, objectives, vision, and vision. Strategic management is an approach adopted by effective leaders/managers to develop responsive and efficient strategies to make their organisations competitive and increase their sales revenue. The approach aims...

Project Risk Management Plan and Analysis Techniques

Strategies on the PMBOK Guide The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge creates a temporal framework for project implementation. The major strategies include a WBS, project scope, project requirements, defined activities, activity resources, project timeline, project schedules, and cost estimate. Risk Management Plan Risk management is a procedure...

Organizational Culture and Inclusive Work Environment

Unethical Behavior One of the situations, when a company manager behaved unethically, was the scandal with Turing Pharmaceuticals owned by Martin Shkreli. In 2015, the company acquired the rights to manufacture Daraprim intended for people infected with HIV. As a result of the transaction, the company received a monopolistic right...

Online Marketing: Malta Heritage Visitor Attractions

Abstract This study has aimed to scrutinize the emergence and progress of the roles of online marketing for Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta by coordinating with the national economy, local market trends, and ICT skills of the human resource by taking into account customer’s motivation to the new technology. With...

Romastrano Incorporated’s Business Plan Review

Introduction The following paper analyzes the business plan presented by Romastrano Incorporated, in an attempt to attract investors and raise 500,000 dollars in order to open 36 more operating units in the next year and help expand the sandwich-selling franchise into the region. The chain produces famous Italian submarine sandwiches...

Walmart Company’s Value Chain and Industry Analysis

Introduction Walmart’s current approach toward its value chain management can be regarded as directed at international expansion. Specifically, the inbound and outbound logistics of the company have reached the global level, the company having thousands of suppliers all over the world (Nguyen, 2017). In order to enhance its performance rates,...

Commercial Application of Trends

Executive Summary All I Know Is has been successful in entering into the extreme sportswear industry. Not only does it organize and host extreme sports, but it also manufactures and sells the sportswear used by the players and fanatics. Using social media marketing has helped the firm create publicity. However,...

Walmart’s Competitive Litmus Test and Industry Analysis

Application and Asset: Description Retaining competitiveness in the environment of the global market is a challenging task. At Walmart, the focus on integrating IT assets into the framework of the organization and focusing on their regular update can be seen as the crucial strategy of the organization. At present, it...

Primary Care Practice’s Strategy Implementation

Introduction The targeted primary care practice has been growing fast. This fact explains why the practice’s partners have decided to expand their clinic and serve more clients. Unfortunately, the new office will not see patients because of a number of constraints (Wong, 2015). At the same time, Mary Jones has...

Poor Performance and Absenteeism at the Workplace

Describe your first actions to address Peter’s situation. Include your reasons. If I was supposed to address Peter’s situation, I would pay increased attention to his personal data file and the feedback from his co-workers and chief. As it is reported by many people in the company, Peter is known...

Hyde Park Art Center’s Organizational Analysis

A Brief Description of the Organization Founded in 1939, Hyde Park Art Center promotes contemporary visual art in Chicago. The Center brings “artists and communities together to support creativity in art” (Hyde Park Art Center, 2016, p. para. 1). Mandate “Connecting the public to Chicago art and artists while supporting...

Decision-Making Tools: Case Study Analysis

There are several things that Taylor can do to convince Bob that using bar codes could be helpful. First, she should find a lumber company that uses bar code technology and create a case study to present to Bob. A good start would be their supplier. Stapling bar codes on...

UK Business Sectors and Their Value to the Economy

Executive Summary The following report consists of two parts. Part one of the report identifies three business sectors in the UK and explains their value to the UK economy. The chosen sectors are information technology, tourism, and financial services. The report details the industries which are connected to each of...

Hotel Chains Marketing Techniques

This dissertation offers in-depth research on the effects of Hotel Chain Management on the hotel industry and is offered for the fulfillment of a Master’s Degree in Management. The author of this dissertation will carry out in-depth research to find out the marketing strategies that are being employed by the...

Virginia Tech University: Making Sense of What Happened

Introduction On April 16, 2007, the tragedy at Virginia Tech University remained a big sear for the hearts of those who were directly involved as well as those affected, such as the victim’s families or friends. On that terrible day, the struggling loss of lives due to one disturbed young...

Ethically Questionable Incident at Workplace

Introduction Ethics theories offer powerful ideas to govern people’s choices and behaviors. Such theories shape the behaviors of many organizational leaders and policymakers. The best ethical theory has the potential to promote the best practices and support the needs of the greatest number of people (Umphress, Bingham, and Mitchell 774)....

Large Profit Margins and Utilitarian Business Ethics

Evaluate the morality of the large profit margins commanded by the high-end brands For some people who run their own business, the notions of ethics and financial profit seem to have no common points. The issue of the appropriateness of large profit margins that are commanded by many luxurious brands...

Tiffany & Co.’s Luxury Product Marketing Plan

Introduction Even after the near-fall of the U.S. luxury-products industry in 2009, the industry continues to exhibit positive growth. The U.S. economy, although coming out of recession, is better off than it was in 2008. Jewelry companies are fighting to return to the positions of profit they enjoyed prior to...

Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Leadership is one of the most important factors that always dictate an organization’s success or failure in the world today. The administration has been in existence for as long as the history of humankind can be traced. As Rousche, Geropge, and Baker (1989)...

Strategic Controls: Implementation and Contingency Plan

Executive Summary To make sure that the performance levels should be high in the target environment, one should consider using the Balanced Scorecard approach. As a result, the needs of customers, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders will be met. Furthermore, the reconsideration of the company’s approach toward the use of...

Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career

Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist, currently working for Apple. Initially, she worked as an operator in the Silicon Valley and used her connections to become a rather successful venture investor. The personal characteristics that lead her on the way to success are associated with communication and networking. In...

The Unisom Brand Analysis

Research on the Unisom brand analysis and the sleeping aid market is progressing well. It has been determined that the market has a lot of potential as 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia and another 43 million experience other sleep-depriving conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea (LaRosa). The sleep aid...

Skills Development for Effective Leadership

Decision and Power Groups have the potential to achieve positive results if they attract the right members and embrace appropriate leadership models. Different theories on group performance support the use of teamwork to achieve quality results within the shortest time possible (Broddy 2014). Individuals in a group can use specific...

The Worker’s Behavior: Ethics and Privacy

Problem A worker comes to work with a hangover on Mondays consistently. She is reclusive and distant during the first part of her working day. The worker’s behavior interferes with her duties and potentially lowers her productivity. Solutions Communication Having a hungover at work directly affects customers and workers comfort...

Strategic Management: Videos Review

Strategic Management www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU3FLxnDv_A In this video, Erica Olsen clearly and accurately explains the notion of the strategic management process using schemes. First, the company should determine the mission statement clarifying its paramount goal. It is important to identify the starting point from both internal and external angles including staff, customers,...

Organizational Performance: Motivation and Its Impacts

Introduction This chapter contains the background of motivation and its impacts on the organizational performance. It also provides the summary definitions and base theory, the background of the host organization, the rationale for the research area, the research objectives and investigations hypothesis. It concludes with the outlined methodology and the...

Tech Systems Inc.’s Failing Merger

Executive Summary The current business environment is very volatile and competitive. As such, the capacity to solve organizational problems has increasingly become an elemental aspect of strategic management. Nonetheless, this task requires leaders to possess critical thinking skills. As such, the hypothesized mini-case study will provide the opportunity to develop...

Incentives and Long-Term Commitment to Training

According to a study conducted by Ho and Yeung (2015), it is evident that one-time incentives improve long-term commitment to training among workers. Upon analyzing numerous case studies, Ho and Yeung (2015) exemplify that long-term training makes employees competitively employable. However, for workers to be encouraged to enroll in long-term...

IStockPhoto.com Company’s Strategic Analysis

What are the core values of the iStockPhoto.com partners? How do those values express themselves in the current business model? Communication One of the core values of iStockPhoto.com is the establishment of an effective communication between the business partners with its community which initially comprised of amateur photographers, illustrators and...

Management Accounting for Financially Struggling Service Organizations

Abstract Any service-providing organization experiences myriads of challenges especially during recessions. Indeed, during recessions, organizations normally struggle with challenges of increased costs of production, reduced consumer spending and high costs of accessing credit. This means that, during recessions, finance is undutiful a mega challenge to service sector organizations. It is...

Apple Inc: Main Line, Markets and Performance

The main line of business The Apple Inc company deals with designing, manufacturing, and marketing a wide range of products such as media devices, personal computers, mobile communication, and portable digital music players. Furthermore, the company sells a wide range of software, networking solutions, applications, peripherals, and third-party digital content....

Organizational Talent Management Approaches

Challenging Conversations Skills What activities did I do this week on the topic? When I went into this topic, I already knew the basics of employee relationships, but my self-evaluation indicated that I still needed to become more informed, especially in the practical sense. What do I already know about...

Customer Integration and Satisfaction

Today we live in the world of customized products, a customer-oriented supply chain, and flexible services. The contemporary customers are becoming more and more demanding towards the goods they can purchase, and the services available. At the same time, product manufacturers and service provides are becoming more and more driven...

Wheatgrass Smoothie Shop Company’s Marketing Plan

Definition of company Target Market The target market for my new non-alcoholic beverage business will be based in the Chula Vista area of San Diego. The area is known to have a high population growth rate in the country. For a new business that has just started operations, I believe...

Transforming Business Performance: Creativity and Innovation

In the modern world, the development of contemporary markets involves the application of creative and innovative approaches in business. The task of being competitive is the recipe for the success of every contemporary enterprise. The problem is that under the circumstances of a competitive market, a huge variety of companies...

Best Buy Co.’s Corporate Social Responsibilities

Businesses operate in environments where they benefit from communities around and far away from the point of business of the company; the success of a business is dependent on how well it is performing in its operating environment. It gets its profits from businesses secured from the external environments; it...

Marketing Plan for Scafé Fabrics’ P4DRY

Introduction Firms that want to succeed in their respective segments need to develop and implement the most appropriate business plans. Competition remains a major obstacle that can affect the overall performance of a given organization. Scafé Fabrics is a modern company relying on emerging technologies to design and develop superior...

Employee Development Systems and Planning

Introduction The department of human resources seems to be one of the most significant branches in any organization. The achievements demonstrated by the representatives of the human resource department influence considerable the work of the rest of the sections: if human resource members succeed in their activities, the rest of...

Leadership Concepts

Introduction Leadership is essential for the efficient performance of every organization. However, being a successful leader can be rather a challenging task. Although trait theory of leadership states that leaders are born with particular features, the modern practice proves that being a leader requires times and energy. One has to...

Management Leadership Strategies and Values

Introduction Management is the use of both material and human resources to achieve any set goals for an individual or an organization. It includes performing tasks such as planning, organizing, controlling, and ensuring that all the resources are put to fair use to fully reach the desired goals in the...

Armenian and International Human Resource Practices

Introduction With the dismantling of communism in Eastern Europe, former socialist countries have undergone. They will continue to undergo rapid and radical changes to virtually all aspects of their societal economy with the specific objective of modernizing their countries to catch up with those of the industrialized West. While these...

Patient-Centered Approach: Workflow and Staffing

Process Designs – Workflow and Staffing: Case Study Analysis Managing the process design in an organization and, therefore, contributing to an efficient exchange among the project members is a challenging task (1). The issue of workload deserves to be mentioned first. A number of nurses suffer from workplace burnout due...

Business, Government and Society: Multinational Corporations

Summary In this chapter, the authors examine the functioning of multinational corporations. At first, they introduce a story of the Coca-Cola Company; in particular, they show that initially, this organization was a local business, but it eventually evolved into one of the largest international corporations. Additionally, scholars define the term...

Biogenta Company’s System Restructuring

Introduction The demand for insecticides and fungicides are currently on the increase around the world. With this global demand, Biogenta plc has responded to this need by opening several sales outlets in more than 80 countries. The company currently employs 15,000 workers and has manufacturing facilities in 10 countries. With...

Marks and Spencer Group’s Human Resource System

The Organization and Its Mission Background of the company Marks and Spencer PLC, commonly known as M&S, was founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in Leeds under the United Kingdom laws. M&S is a leading British retailer with headquarters in the City of Westminster, London. About 21...

Global Strategic Management: Competitive Advantage

Production of valuable, unique, and hard to imitate products is the best approach that a company can employ to gain a competitive advantage. However, most companies encounter many difficulties in trying to maintain the competitive advantage as explained below. Competition All business people aim at having a competitive advantage over...

Business Within Society: Food Truck

Introduction The business in this instance is a food truck that specializes in selling affordable yet clean meals to various workers in and around (PLACE NAME OF CURRENT BUSINESS DISTRICT IN YOUR COUNTRY HERE). Due to the increasing price of food, food trucks have started to become a welcome alternative...

Women of Ethnicity in Management and Their Challenges

The promotion of male and female employees is one of the most challenging processes in human resource management. In global and US organizations, the percentage of males who take leadership positions is significantly higher than the percentage of females who take similar positions (Cook & Glass, 2014). According to Beckwith...

Leadership Philosophy and Effective Followership

Introduction Leadership is a unique and ambiguous phenomenon. The perception of this concept is greatly affected by an individual’s personal development, experience, and knowledge. More than that, leadership can be viewed from different perspectives, and they usually vary based on the area of human activities – management, education, psychology, medicine,...

Leadership Theory: History and Research

Introduction In the early Ohio State leadership study, we learn that effective leaders embodied a considerate character in their relations with their peers and subordinates; Always showed personal concern for their interpersonal relationships. The effective leader was also showing concern for the accomplishments of tasks and therefore came up with...

School Meal Product in Canberra’s Market

Introduction The primary school-going children in Canberra and other towns provide a good market for food products. Food is often sold to the pupils through convenience stores that are located in close proximity to the schools or inside the schools. This project is dubbed ‘school meal’ and seeks to establish...

Ethical Leadership Model in Organizations

Leadership is an essential element at all levels more especially in organizations. Leadership entails directing other elements, through influence, to get things done. On the other hand, leadership style entails the manner and approach taken by leaders in providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are various leadership styles,...

Proctor and Gamble and Unilever Companies Marketing

Introduction This study analyses the marketing strategies of two multinational companies: Proctor and Gamble and Unilever. Proctor and Gamble have been in the global market for a long time, and their products are sold to millions of people globally. The company started as a privately owned business, but it quickly...

Eric Schmidt’s Speech on Google Inc.’s Future

Introduction: Background Representing literally “the best” of corporate values, i.e., “the energy,” “the enthusiasm” (Stop CEO 00:00:19), Google, Inc. is clearly among the top most successful companies of the XXI century. In his recent speech, the CEO of Google, Inc., Eric Schmidt has outlined the perspectives for Google’s further evolution....

“How to Turn Negative Social Media Into a Positive” by Ciccotelli

How to deal with negative social media responses Contemporary marketing strategies are taking to social media which offers a cheaper and faster means of advertising products and services. Advertisements are commonly seen on social media including Twitter and Facebook, and as such, customers can easily interact with their brands directly,...

Red Bull Brand and Sport Event’s Marketing Plan

Sports event As a student brand manager, I would sponsor different sports events on campus. Since the Red Bull brand is associated with sports events such as the Moto-GP among others, the on-campus sports event would give the brand an upper hand in promoting the message of performance vitality. Through...

Sportswear and Foxtrot Companies Possibilities

Introduction In this paper, the case of the Sportswear Company and the possibility to be bought by the representative of the Foxtrot Company will be analyzed and evaluated. Mr. Leslie Olivera who is the manager at Foxtrot is going to accept the offer of Charles Richards who is the current...

Port of New Harbor’s Employee Diversity Workshop

Due to increased hostility at the Port of New Harbor, Robert Johnson has been asked to facilitate a four-session workshop on diversity and cultural understanding for employees who recently emigrated from Syria. The main areas Robert should focus on are the attitude of the immigrants towards mental health, family, social...

Help Desk Service Company’s Marketing Plan

Purpose of the Marketing Plan The main reason why I am creating this marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics of my company. A plan helps to direct a business owner through each step of setting up and developing an enterprise. The plan makes it possible to organize...

Jellio Company Managing Growth

Executive summary Planning for the growth of a company is important and managers should carefully look at available options before deciding on which growth strategies to introduce. In the case study being discussed, the company (Jellio) seeks to expand its operations because of the increase in the number of customers....

Retailing Strategies and Multichannel Marketing

Introduction Retailing is a process that encompasses all the activities that sellers use to add value to the products that they sell to customers for personal use. An effective retailing strategy takes into account all the 4Ps of the marketing mix, which include price, place, product, and promotion (Grewel &...

Leadership Behavior and Skills Inventory

The possession of leadership skills is not just an ability to use specific techniques that can theoretically help an employee. It is quite a big complex of activities, which is necessary to adhere. Everyone has this or that knowledge, but leadership philosophy requires a particular approach. As for my leadership...

Ethics Scenarios in the Healthcare Workplace

The Affair The scenario involves the affair between Bobby and Leanne, the employees of the hospital, and the aftermath, which ensued after Bobby has confessed the affair to his wife, Kara. While the affairs are a considerable breach of workplace ethics, this particular scenario focuses on another sensitive issue often...

Ruby Lake Resort’s Staff Training Program Outcomes

Abstract This paper dwells upon the importance of program evaluation with a focus on a specific program that is aimed at training workers in Ruby Lake. In this paper, specific strategies that can help evaluate the program effectively are outlined. These strategies focus on the accessibility of the program, its...

Tenet Healthcare Corporation’s Training and Development Plan

Abstract The paper provides a discussion of the training method selected for the development plan to be implemented in Tenet Healthcare Corporation. Reasons to choose e-learning are provided and discussed in the context of the determined goal and learning objectives. The audience and fundamentals of the cross-cultural training are discussed...

British Petroleum Company’s Executive Retirement Issues

As the board chairman, how will you address the issue of the CEO’s early retirement and his severance package? When confronted with the issue of early retirement of the current chief executive officer, I will try to dissuade against the idea of early retirement. As presented in the report by...

Good Mark Industrial Ltd.’s Marketing Project

Project Title An evaluation study of the marketing project/policy, implemented by Good Mark Industrial Limited, since the year 2009 in aspects of exports, sales turnover, high precision of products, customer appreciation, sustaining the competition and the environmental effects on the performance of the company. Rationale Major Problems and Challenges Good...

Employment Program for Non-Native English Speakers

Abstract Accessibility is one of the most important aspects of any program. Therefore, possible language and cultural gaps have to be taken into account while developing an action plan. The present program takes place in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, and participants have a different level of proficiency in English. The...

Understanding of Marketing Strategies

Introduction One realizes that the last dramatic changes in a society conditioned the increase of the significance of business and triggered the reconsideration of the traditional approaches used to attain success and guarantee prosperity. The scale of the change process is so significant that it results in the introduction of...

Ethical Leadership and Philosophy in Practice

Hassan (2015) argues that leadership is a powerful function that can be used to align an organization around the best ethics and values. The manager or leader at the helm of a group or organization should guide the targeted followers to act ethically. The leader sets the right ethical tone...

Leadership Skills and Change Encouragement

While the importance of encouraging cooperation and promoting cross-cultural communication in the context of an organization is a crucial step in leading a team to victory, a leader must also possess conceptual skills. Northouse (2016) defines the subject matter as the ability to use ideas and concepts as building blocks...

Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations

Dealing with the negative reviews On the one hand, dealing with negative reviews is an emotionally unpleasant task. On the other hand, from a strategic point of view, the complainants of customers reduce the effectiveness of marketing through word of mouth (Berkowitz, 2016). When I worked as a physician in...

Hackensack University Medical Center’s Financial Analysis

Liquidity ratios Ratio 2015 2014 Industry average Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 914,952/291,969 3.13:1 838,589/266,158 3.15:1 2.2 Collection period (Accounts receivables * 365) / total revenue) (157,884 * 365)/1,631,737 35 days (158,823 * 365)/1,564,562 37 days 23 days Days cash-on-hand (cash + short term investment) * 365 / total expenses...

Investor’s Role in Creating Culture of Excellence

Abstract This study shows that at the present, the U.A.E construction industry is severely lacking in terms of proper employer-employee engagement in that the higher-ups within the company neglected to implement any form of IIP standardization or talent management practices that did not involve members of the upper management team....

Marketing for Sports Brands Using Mobile Advertising

Abstract The growing intensiveness of market competition creates a new marketing challenge for sports brands. The leaders of the global sportswear market seek new ways to conquer the hearts and minds of the new and existing customers. The emergence of new media forms provides unique marketing opportunities. Mobile advertising has...

Perception of the Service Quality for Airline Passengers

Acknowledgment Firstly, I would like to thank and dedicate this project to my husband and kids for their patience, love, and continuous support to me during the dissertation phases. Also, I would like to thank Mr. Mark Burridge and Mrs. Helen Goworek for putting me on the right track and...

The Impact of Human Asset Retrenchment on Job Satisfaction

Abstract This mixed-methods study conducted a survey and a follow-up focus group with employees of the Uganda Public Service in order to ascertain the impact of asset retrenchment on job satisfaction. The Uganda Public Service has made a number of organizational moves, especially in recent years, to make non-productive and/or...

Google Duo Product and Consumer Decision-Making

Steps of the consumer decision-making process in deciding whether to adopt Google Duo The decision-making process (Hoffman & Bateson, 2011) would be as follows. Need recognition The need might be recognised on its own, or the process of need recognition could be induced by hearing about the new app. Search...

Sumo Salad Retail Chain’s Marketing Mix

The target market for take-home single serving salad tubs will be concentrated (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2011), for it will target mainly one segment of the market – single individuals (although it might be possible to state that the target market is multi-segment, for the set of single persons is...

Marketing Lessons from Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk

The most important message delivered by Malcolm Gladwell in his “Choice, happiness, and spaghetti sauce” speech that can be linked to marketing (and pricing policy in general) is the innovation that should be brought to the pricing strategy. This innovation regards examples in which companies revolutionize their pricing policies, strategies,...

Food Company Managing Business Activities

Organizational Report and Recommendations Processes It is imperative to mention that most processes and functions of the firm are not complicated. The ones that are viewed as the most important will be explained and discussed. First of all, employees receive orders from customers and record every item in the computer...

Effective Leadership in Global Virtual Teams

Executive Summary With the advent of globalization and advancement in information and communication technology, multinational corporations have been able to do business in different parts of the globe. This has seen the emergence of what are referred to as global virtual teams. These teams are composed of people who work...

ABC Consulting Organization’s Innovation

Abstract In the innovation field, the existing theories have suggested that organizational culture affects the capacity of a corporation to innovate. Most organizations have been unable to innovate because of the prevailing culture that inhibits the propensity of the workforce to generate and effectively use new ideas. This paper has...

Women and Glass Ceilings in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction Rationale for the study Significant progress has been made over the years to attain gender equality at the workplace. As a result of combined efforts between governments and nongovernmental organizations, the number of women in the employment sector has increased significantly. A research by the International Labor Organization further...

Positive Leadership Styles for Organisational Performance

Abstract The focus on globalization and multiculturalism has led to the importance of understanding organizational productivity and team effectiveness. This paper focuses on the UAE business context by evaluating and comparing leadership styles in the UAE and their effect on the competitiveness of the country. Mainly, this paper evaluates the...

Airline Pricing Strategies Versus Consumer Rights

Introduction As indicated by the case study, the main problem evident in the airline industry today is a lack of financial discipline which, when combined with its over-optimism as seen in the case of numerous willing entrepreneurs looking to own their own airline, has created a situation where profitability is...

Strategic Marketing Management in an Organization

Marketing planning process The first consideration in a marketing planning process is analysis, this involves establishing the characteristics of the customers, the strengths and weaknesses of the company and competitors, and the external environment. The subsequent step in the process is planning, this involves selecting a target market, formulation of...

Amazon’s, Zara’s, Ocado’s E-Business Processes

Explain Amazon’s core business model People know Amazon as the world’s largest online retail store. The Amazon name traces its way to the Amazon River. In 1994, Jeff Bezos incorporated the company as an online bookstore (although the company publicly started a business the following year) (Schneider 2011). The companies...

Afren PLC and Apache Corporation: Current Performance

Profitability drivers have conventionally been a significant exploration domain in financial statement evaluation field; in reality, profitability analysis can take place through a classic vehicle such as DuPont analysis (Nissim and Penman, 2001). Operational profitability can be investigated by decomposing the ROA (Return on assets) ratio based on DuPont analysis...

Clinx Clinic’s Structure and Operations Plan

My medical practice area is that of a privately-owned clinic. This clinic will be located in the State of Florida in the United States. The customer type for my clinic will be patients and those people who need medical consultation. My stakeholders will be the local government, the ministry of...

Financial Accounting for Decision-Making

Use of financial ratios The first group contains the return on capital employed. It is a fundamental ratio used to assess the financial health of an institution and a suitable measure of profitability of an entity. Even though it is not adequate, it provides a good indication of how a...

Entrepreneurial Capability of Students and Business Development

Introduction According to the case synopsis, Steven has shown his entrepreneurial capability at the rising stage of his academic career through an initiative of starting a part- time home forwarding job. With a vision of moving for the achievement of twine goals (academic qualification and organizational success), Steven is now...

Risk Management Concept in Academic and Business Circles

Risk Management on EBSCO: Chart Analysis Risk Management refers to the process of identifying, analyzing, documenting, and presenting the possible risks that an institution is facing, and then devising techniques and strategies to mitigate those risks. The chart above shows how many references to the concept of Risk Management existed...

Zappos Company and Its Key Executives

Nick Swinmurn Swinmurn is currently the chairman of Zappos. He founded Zappos.com (an online shoe retailer) after being disappointed in his shoe search. (Anon. “Zappos.com, Inc. CEO & Executives” 2011). His responsibilities as the founder and the chairman include; Ensuring the company offers the best service in comparison with its...

HRM Strategy: Agency Carers’ in London

Abstract In organizations operating in the Agency care industry in London, their employees are allocated jobs in homes of individuals to ensure the clients live conformably within their local communities. To retain the clientele, the capacity of the services delivered by these employees to satisfy the clients is essential. This...

General Electric: SWOT Analysis and Future Plan

SWOT stands for Strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of a company while some of such variables of General Electric are – Strengths Some stronger criteria of GE are – General Electric Co. (GE) has long experience as it established in 1892; GE has a strong brand image in the global...

“Operations Management” Term in Academic Literature

EBSCO Search This paper is aimed at discussing how such the business notion “operations management” is introduced in the academic literature. The following graph will plot the number of academic sources in which the notion is discussed. It should be noted that this chart is based on the results of...

Executives’ Compensation Levels: Social Network Analysis

Abstract The present research investigates the impact of networks and connectedness on the CEO compensation, CEO appointments, CEO labour market outcomes, and CEO termination. In addition, this research establishes the connections between the CEO and the hiring board and compares it to the general connectedness of the CEO. The study...

Diversification of the Family Business

Foreword Analysis of family businesses, as well as research into issues that may not only be unique to the family business concept such as diversification, succession and corporate governance, to name a few is not a new practice, but rather a well established practice from both, an academic as well...

Apple, Alphabet, Amazon Companies’ Design and Success

Fortune Magazine prepares annual reports publishing the rankings of the world’s most admired companies. The approach to determining a company’s position in the list centers on nine factors referred to as key attributes to reputation, including “innovation, people management, use of corporate assets, social responsibility, quality of management, financial soundness,...

Intercultural Competence in Modern Organizations

It is possible to define intercultural competence as a specific ability of a person to interact easily and appropriately with representatives of different cultures while having positive attitudes, demonstrating cultural awareness, being flexible, and maintaining effective communication. Global organizations pay much attention to developing the intercultural competence in their leaders,...

One North Company’s Supply Chain Management

Executive Summary The aims of this report were informative and analytic. First, this report aimed to inform the directorate of Carillion plc about the current contract negotiations with One North, an ambitious long-term project that sees the importance of interconnecting inter-modal transport in the regions in the North to create...

Function Analysis and Risk Management

Introduction Valuation management requires the assessment of the functions and risks involved in a project. The author of this report will carry out a functional and risk analysis for a project with a budget of £9.5m. The two are essential in determining the viability of a project. A logic diagram...

Adapted Product Development: “Contactless Payment” Case

Background The rapid progress in the development of new technologies over the last three decades such as the Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) payment technology, which is used in banking and other industries have dynamically shifted to the digitalised systems. For example, in the last few years, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) payment technology...

Organizational Design Factors in the Food Industry

No organization can operate in isolation because reaching strategic objectives such as continuous growth and high levels of performance requires cooperation with customers and other economic agents. In addition to it, organizational performance is often influenced by the developments in the external environment, which includes legislation, technology, the situation in...

Marketing Management in the Largest World Companies

The Role of Marketing in the organization Shell Oil Company is a global group of energy and petrochemicals organization that specializes in producing oil, natural gas, and chemicals. The company’s major production and exploration units are located in the deep waters in the Gulf of Mexico with origins in Anglo-Dutch,...

Employee Benefits in Today’s Work Environment

What aspects of the Jones Investments benefits program are likely to appeal to Aden? Subsidized meals at the company will be appealing because they provide an immediate cost-saving benefit to the potential employee. The allowance of time off for attending classes will also be most appealing because it gives the...

Scientific Management and Sociology of Work

What is scientific management and why it was important in the Fordist Era? Scientific management was a practical application of scientific management theory, which was concerned with workflow analyses, synthesis, and specialization of work to stimulate workforce productivity. Scientific methods emphasized mechanization, specialization, and simplified repetitive tasks (Vallas, Finlay, and...

Employee Churn: Cost Reduction and Predictive Analytics

HR analytics has become increasingly important in generating quantitative data to create strategic value for HR. Discuss how quantitative data can help strengthen the credibility of the HR function The complexity of the HRM function cannot be underestimated, as it involves decision making on multiple levels while establishing the coherent...

“When a Happy Worker is a Productive Worker” by Wright et al.

Purpose of the article The purpose of the article is to define the contributions of job satisfaction, psychological wellbeing, and dispositional effect on workers’ productivity and happiness. The article also focuses on the factors that influence employees’ motivation to work. All the constructs are tested and analyzed both theoretically and...

Compensation and Reward for Nonpermanent Employees

Introduction Compensation and reward for non-permanent employees is an area that requires a lot of understanding. Employees who are not full-time workers are mostly driven by the pecuniary reward that they receive from the employees. Given that labor cost should not exceed 30 percent of the total sales, the employer...

National Library Board’s Business Excellence

The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework The SPRING Singapore’s Business Excellence framework is a detailed structure that outlines and provides businesses with a set of management standards. This structure was developed by SPRING Singapore, an agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry responsible for supporting the growth and development...

Polaris Industries Inc.’s Innovation and Success

Our world has changed greatly during the last several decades. Technologies develop, and many things we use in everyday life are constantly enhanced (phones, TVs, etc). The same happens in other spheres; better services and products enter the market and compete for costumer’s attention. But people are not surprised by...

Alibaba Group Influencing Sales Through Media

With the possibility of slowing the business in China because of the pollution control, some companies place their assets into the alternative branches of economy. The issue with the leading Chinese E-commerce company Alibaba Group is that it is determined to improve its positions on the both Chinese media marking....

Ads and Marketing in “The Selling Game” Video

What are the main messages and themes in the video “The Selling Games”? The video is aimed at delivering the following main messages and themes: Video advertisements have inspired the qualitative shifts in the ad world thus leading to a whole new approach to producing ads – making them brighter...

Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment

There are many processes any organization has to consider when it tries to identify the goals and achieve them in a required period. Human resources planning is one of such processes. It is a kind of link that exists between HR management and strategic planning. People can use this process...

UK Corporate Governance: Chairmans and Executives

In ‘The UK Corporate Governance Code’, what issues are addressed within comments included in the preface? The main issues addressed in the comments included in the preface are related to the benefits received by the society since the beginning of the usage of the Code and the specifics of the...

Management Theories: Shareholding and Stakeholding

By claiming that stakeholders are involved in an exchange relationship, the authors mean that they are both affected by companies and have an impact on the companies, as stakeholder groups provide the companies with certain contributions and expect to receive the bonuses they need in return. For example, the general...

Ultimate Battlefield Simulator: Marketing Project

Executive Summary The Ultimate Battlefield Simulator is a gaming product designed based on military war games in order to present an intriguing battlefield condition. The battlefield simulator includes specific features to present real war combat conditions. Thus, it is a gaming product that is designed to ensure the target customers...

Women Discrimination Impact in Telecommunication Industry

Aims of the Dissertation My dissertation will aim at investigating the Negative impact of women discrimination in telecommunication industry in Europe and Middle East. In investigating this matter, my dissertation will answer the question of whether the discrimination is justified or unjustified. Methodology The kind of research methodology to be...

Starbucks Corporation’s Financial Analysis in 2015

Horizontal and vertical analysis Accounts receivable The net value of accounts receivable rose from $631 million in 2014 to $719 million in 2015 (Starbucks Corporation, 2016). The increase is equivalent to 13.95%. The proportion of accounts receivable to total assets declined from 5.87% in 2014 to 5.78% in 2015. This...

Management Functions for Better Company Performance

Abstract Amanda is the owner of a company that was founded as a small business, yet has recently started to expand. Because of the challenges that this growth presupposes, and the inconsistencies between the old strategy and the new environment with its new demands, Amanda will have to reconsider her...

Women Involvement in Telecommunication Industry

Aims of the Dissertation My dissertation will aim at investigating the hypothesis that women involvement in telecommunication industry in Europe of Middle East is limited. This dissertation will endeavor to investigate and come up with concrete information on the above hypothesis. A hypothesis can only be regarded as a valid...

Interview with Aldo’s Restaurant and Bakery Owner

The Olivieri family immigrated to the United States in 1950, where they first settled in California and opened a small family business in the same year. Originally from the Italian coastal town of Sestri Levante, the Olivieri family like all Italian natives knew the art of making good tasting Pizzas....

Allison Sims and Her Paleo Foodies Brand Campaign

Executive Summary Alison Sims is the managing director and founder of Paleo Foodies, one of the leading online brands in Australia. Through the brand, she advocates for the consumption of healthy foods. The brand generates its content. It also advertises the content provided by other trademarks operated by like-minded individuals....

Chief Executive Officers’ Unique Work Aspects

In modern corporate management, the work, role, and responsibilities of the chief executive officer (CEO) or any other person in a similar capacity are not only difficult and complicated, difficult to understand from different perspectives. In his article “What only the CEO can do”, Lafley, the former Proctor, and Gamble...

Designing and Managing the Supply Chain

Introduction Variability in customer demand refers to the difference in what suppliers expect from customers and exactly what they order or buy. Firms use various variability tools in focusing variability in customer demand. How can firms cope with huge variability in customer demand? Risk pooling The tool suggests that variability...

Philosophy and Business Ethics Role

Understanding, accepting and applying ethical standards Understanding, acceptance, and application of ethics play a very important role to individuals and certain groups. First, all workers want to feel good during their work and enjoy proper working conditions, only in this case, people can present successful work and results. Proper understanding...

Jobs in Season 5, Episode 3 of “Undercover Boss”

General Information Donatos Pizza is a family company that Jim Grote founded in 1963. It specializes in the preparation and supply of pizza. The company makes close to $ 170 million in one year. Jane Grote is the chairperson of the company. She has a staff of five thousand employees....

Appropriation and Professionalism in Corporate Governance

Assignment Corporations are a business form in which the owners are not involved in the day-to-day running of the business. This explains the phrase ‘separating ownership from control’. A management team is put in place to run the business profitably (Hooper, Davey, & Presscot, 2009). This team includes specialists such...

Leading Change and Managing Transitions

In the article, “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail,” John Kotter, the author, argues that change in the business world is inevitable. However, people are reluctant to accept change, and thus in most cases, they resist it. Therefore, the majority of organizations fail in the process of implementing transformations. Kotter...

Organizational Culture and Behavior

In which situations do companies tend to adopt assimilation strategies normally? Assimilation is a type of amalgamation when two or more companies merge. Several things come into play when companies think of merging. For assimilation to work as a merger strategy, it has to be well thought out. Towards this...

Production Processes Used by Stooges Enterprises

Analyzing the suggested control charts, we can find out some important data related to the functioning of Stooge Enterprises and the quality of wooden mallets manufactured by it. As we can see, the chart provides data about the diameter operation observed in workers during all three shifts at different periods....

Marketing Strategies: Customer Experience

Introduction First of all, it is necessary to point out that meeting the extremely high demands of the increasingly competitive market depends upon a variety of marketing strategies companies rely on. Customer satisfaction is recognized to be of particular concern, as it affects the profitability of a wide range of...

Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Analysis

Introduction to the firm Granite City Food & Brewery has a comfort food menu, which includes homemade food and craft beer.1 The company aims to provide customers only with fresh products, and thus, has private brewers at every restaurant. External environment As a matter of fact, the United States have...

Clipboard Tablet Company’s Strategy Implementation

Introduction The paper will examine how Clipboard Tablet Company has strategically positioned its tablets: X5, X6, and X7 in the market. Each of the tablet types has its cost, price, and R&D expenditure. There are specific decisions that the company needs to make related to these products to maximize their...

The Effect of Rental Price Ceilings and Wages Price

The equilibrium price for Prescott single-bedroom rental units The equilibrium price is obtained at the point of intersection between the demand curve and the supply curve. First, a table is constructed from the demand and supply functions as shown in Figure 1. The second stage involves plotting a graph using...

Business and Management Research Methods

Understanding business and management research methods Research is a very important discipline for scholars. Scholars with superior research skills are always placed at an advantage because they can use these skills in their career fields (Creswell 1994, p. 3-15). It is therefore highly important to know that as a scholar...

Managing Human Resources and Its Challenges

Downsizing: Anathema to Corporate Loyalty? Why is Daniel Sensitive to DSI Recruitment Efforts? Daniel is sensitive to DSI’s recruitment efforts because future growth in company operations never picked up as anticipated and the company had already recruited many new interns in anticipation of improved business. The challenge with the company’s...

Organizational Change Process and Challenges

The chapter 15 on Organizational Change speaks on the forces and process of change in an organization, the difficulties of change implementation and how to manage these challenges. Change can be described as the process that causes an alteration in the organization’s processes or structures (McShane, Olekalns, and Travaglione, 2010,...