Negotiations Class Self-Assessment: Negotiation Skills

Introduction In this semester, negotiation skills were among the paramount topics covered. From the knowledge acquired during the semester, negotiation is a process aimed at settling differences by reaching an agreement. Negotiation skills are paramount especially in business transactions where bargaining is a common phenomenon. In addition, various professions such...

Business Opportunities for Dirt-Market

In what way have Rossi and Matheson shown an ability to identify an opportunity? Rossi and Matheson demonstrated that creativity is the best way of identifying a business opportunity. The idea of the Dirt-Market is a product of combined creativity by Rossi and Matheson who have different professional knowledge and...

Leadership Concepts: Theory and Critical Discussion

Introduction Leadership is a concept that has long been studied, yet there are still no guidelines or at least a clear definition of this skill. Every business needs a leading individual or a group of people who would shape the company’s policies and define strategies. Despite the traditional understanding of...

Organizational Behavior on the Pacific Rim Focus

In chapter 13, the writers discuss the impact that an organization’s structure has on its performance, power distribution and the general operation of issues. Organizations need to have formalized structure that can show how they are working for ease in communication and giving of instructions. Well structured organizations have duties,...

Edward Jones Company in 2006: Confronting Success

Introduction Edward Jones had been pursuing the same strategy for nearly thirty years and had become the fourth largest broker in the U.S. Central to the strategy was the belief that the end consumer was the only client to the firm. With the changing business landscape, stiff competition, and complex...

EBSCO Business Database in Internal Audit

The following table shows the result of references for the ‘Internal Audit’ concept from the EBSCO Business Database by decade. The period ranges from 1901 to 2010. The main objective of this exercise was to analyze by decade the number of times, the term or concept ‘Internal Audit’ is referred...

Business Communication Aspects

Introduction According to Shrivastava (2012), communication is defined as the process of transferring information from one person to another. Communication can be written, verbal or non-verbal. Effective business communication improves productivity, efficiency and minimizes errors. This paper discusses some aspects of communication and how they are relevant to business today....

Entrepreneur Notebook: The Entrepreneurial Process, Strategy, and Problem Solving

February 6th Discovering your creative problem solving is one of the most essential skills that an entrepreneur should possess, in order to develop creative and imaginative solutions to the challenges they face in their businesses. Developing business creativity skills is necessitated by the process of generating and finding new problems...

Entrepreneur Characteristics and the Entrepreneurial Process of a Venture Idea

The entrepreneur (Is Todd the right guy? Does he have the right staff?) The case study shows that Todd has characteristics of entrepreneurs. Despite any negative action, the ability to keep trust and commitment to a certain idea is one of the key attributes of any entrepreneur (Gartner, Jennifer, and...

Organisational Retrenchment Strategies and Job Satisfaction

Abstract This mixed-methods study conducted a survey and a follow-up focus group with employees of the Uganda Public Service to ascertain the impact of asset retrenchment on job satisfaction. The Uganda Public Service has made several organizational moves, especially in recent years, to make non-productive and/or corrupt employees redundant and...

Innovative Technologies Intervention to the Business World

Problem Statement The interference of the innovative technologies in the modern business world is inevitable and may be considered as a positive feature, but the interference of computer technologies in the business human resources has also disadvantages; the research is focused on the consideration of the positive and negative influence...

Team Problems and Tips for Solving Them

Team relationships The first advice I would offer Sally is to make her expectations known to Tony because Tony does not seem to know fully what Sally expects from him. Doing so would make Tony work towards meeting those expectations. Secondly, Sally should build a relationship with him as one...

“Double Deceit” a Book by Agnes Chamber

Summary of the book Dr. Hassan Abel-Hadi Mashaal is conned by one of the yahoo boys with a fake name of Miss Linda Morgan. Miss Linda convinces the doctor that she has $10.5 million which she wishes to transfer to Dr. Mashaal’s account. Miss Linda uses the trick of a...

Nike Strategies for Delivering of High-Quality Products

Understanding business and management research methods Research is a very important discipline for scholars. Scholars with superior research skills are always placed at an advantage because they can use these skills in their career fields (Creswell 1994, p. 3-15). It is therefore highly important to know that as a scholar...

Best Baby Company’s Press Release

BestBaby today made a public statement at the company headquarters on the matter concerning the recent accident which was as a result of a BestBaby stroller rolling down a driveway. The accident resulted in the injury of three-month-old Avery Nelkin who is the daughter of Academy Award winners Nick Nelkin...

Effective Leader and Communication with the Command

The role of the leader in the team Margo Santelli is the head of the group operations and she has four unit managers who are responsible for carrying out sales and handling client issues. From Margo’s point of view, the four managers were chosen because of their qualifications. She does...

Leader-Member Exchange and Transformational Theories

My colleague, Erin, managed to create an informative and interesting post about the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, its peculiar features, strengths, shortages, and relation to another integral leadership theory, known as transformational. One of the first questions that appeared after reading the post was as follows, “Erin, is there your...

The Core Leadership Topics

What similarities and differences do you find when comparing the two sources’ research value to your doctoral journey? The main similarity between the two sources lies in the fact that they can be used to push the researcher’s or student’s understanding of the core leadership topics. Nevertheless, the main difference...

Servant Leaders: Response to the Colleague’s Post

After reviewing the colleague’s post, it can be concluded that Mrs. Noble was a real servant leader who aimed to create value for the community through her contributions. However, there are two questions that need to be asked regarding Mrs. Noble’s leadership: “What sacrifices did Mrs. Noble make in order...

Servant Leadership Philosophy and Leadership Style

According to the results of the questionnaire, my personal servant leadership philosophy revolves largely around conceptual skills, ethics in business and working practices. Another important part is the empowerment of the employees in order to help them do their duties and solve problems on their own rather than ask the...

Ruth Snyder Actions Analysis at Fillmore Financial

What is the ethical dilemma in this case? Why is the not a straightforward business problem? The problem in the case of Ruth Snyder is not merely a business case. It is an example of unacceptable behavior of a business partner. Moreover, the case provoked an ethical dilemma. The fact...

Jones-Blair Company’s SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths SWOT Quality and experience Sales and Services Market Internal Strengths Jones-Blair Company is known for providing the best quality products. The Company follows ISO 9001:2000 quality system and has an additional lab which performs quality assurance tests (Jones-Blair, 2010). Jones-Blair company was founded in 1928 and has mastered...

Return on Investment and Engagement

Managers have employed ROI (return on investment) calculations to estimate the effectiveness of this or that program or project. At the same time, researchers argue that ROE (return on engagement) is as important and can be even more valuable in certain cases (Livingston, 2013). It is necessary to compare these...

Strategy Implementation and Adoption in the Organization

Organizational structure is a simple reporting relationship in an organization. It’s the manner in which work is shared and integrated among its members. Information on the organizational structure can be sourced from the book “Corporate Tides” by Robert Fritz. Proper decentralization is achieved when decision making groups are independent and...

Clipboard Tablet Company’s Strategic Management Process

Introduction The changing spectrum of competition requires companies to monitor the outcome of their strategies on a regular basis. They also need to make changes when required to maintain their business position. Many variables are involved in estimating the product’s success. Clipboard Tablet Company has been in existence for many...

Alaska Supply Chain Integrators Company’s Case

Case analysis Radio Frequency Identification (RFDI) has developed to become a transforming factor in supply chain management (Ma & Weng, 2013). RFID is the solution for connecting information models with elements in the physical world. RFDI utilizes radio waves or optics thus offering various advantages over the barcode system. RFID...

Leadership Development in Organizations

Value in Feedback This is an interesting exercise. However, I do not see any addition to leadership development in it. Leaders, in most cases, do not get the approval of all the people. This distinctive nature of leaders makes them and their decisions natural. The feedback in this closing exercise...

Social Responsibility in Strategic Plan Development

What are the roles of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan for an energy-related organization? Businesses operate in environments that have external factors that are affected by the operations of the business; businesses in the energy industry are affected by environmental conservation campaigns; they need to uphold...

Emirates Telecommunications Corporation: Problem Solving

Introduction All organizations aim to improve their operations and increase their productivity. However, problems can be experienced in the operation of an organization and they may lead to a decrease in productivity. Being able to identify these problems and come up with good solutions is important to the organization’s success....

Decision Making Across the Organization

Break-even point in annual unit sale The break-even analysis gives the number of units of output that must be produced and sold that will ensure that the total cost incurred equals the total revenue earned. Therefore, it will give the minimum number of units of goods that need to be...

Ethical Trade in the UK Garment Industry

Introduction A report on the sweatshops of the UK apparel companies operating their (or vendor’s) plants in Asia reported in 1998, “workers in Bangladesh are forced to work 13 hour shifts, with no time off, for as little as 60 pence a day” (BBC News, 13 November 1998). Almost a...

Women Leadership Perspectives in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Over the ages, a great number of analysts have spoken about women leadership, their role, how they lead and the challenges they face when leading a company or an organization and how they have achieved good results in their leadership. It is imperative to note that leadership is a...

Empress Luxury Lines Company: Antonio’s Ethical Dilemma

Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Antonio The fact that Antonio have been involved in the case by Kevin and is now aware of the fraudulent dealings that the Company has been doing means that he cannot continue working as if nothing has happened. This is especially so given that...

Manager Skills Analysis and Development

Execution skills are regarded as important to a manager. Effective management can develop desired outcomes as planned. Heads of organization opt to enroll into institutions so as to broaden their skills. Based on my skills analysis, I required a skills improvement strategy. My colleagues pointed out my leadership potential coupled...

Women Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Over the years, women have faced discrimination and other forms of challenges in society. This is especially so in the business world, where the market seems to be controlled by men alone. Many business fields are dominated by men, and women control only a small portion of the market...

Organizational Behavior Aspects and Leadership Style

Team dynamics For an effective business, leaders should ensure they have orchestrated teams that are focused and responsive to the needs of an organization; to develop the teams, managers need to understand their team dynamics. Generally, teams are formal groups within an organization; formal groups have some set goals and...

Lenovo and Tesla Companies Cases

At the end of 2003, IBM offered to sell its PC Department (PCD) to Lenovo; Lenovo agreed and purchased it in 2004 (Liu, 2007, pp. 574-575). In this paper, we are going to discuss this decision from the perspective of acquiring sustainable competitive advantage by Lenovo. It is stressed that...

Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in the UK

Justification for Topic choice Customer service is an area that has been of concern to researchers and other practitioners since it plays an important role in improving the performance of businesses and encouraging customers to remain loyal. Customers have different orientations and this may lead them into attaching varying importance...

Employee Union and Productivity Incentive Plans

Employee union Organizations with unions should not try to persuade workers to decertify their union since these unions are a critical part of employee welfare. Reflectively, the basic building blocks of labor unions are identified as the need for collective bargaining and increased negotiation power. Labor unions are responsible for...

Information Management Systems: E-Business of Transport for London

Structured Abstract Purpose This paper explores the benefits accrued by organizations or institutions by embracing the modern methods of managing information. An efficient business needs thorough and methodological information management, which includes processing of information and making decisions. Information management system offers the information vital to run an organization effectively....

Competitive Rivalry: Google vs. Microsoft and Uber

Google and Microsoft are two major American companies that compete in a number of fields, some of which include online search engines and online advertising. In this paper, the question of whether Microsoft should continue competing with Google, which enjoys more success in these markets, will be discussed. Using the...

Critical Thinking for Managers

Everyday we are dared to make proper decisions, normally with limited ideas under serious time restrictions; this requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is a type of thinking that occurs as a result of correct estimation of the arguments and evidence and thus coming into conclusions that are optimal by the...

Employment Relationship: Nature and Tensions

Briefly explain Human Resource Management – ensure you explain the various activities that are conducted under HRM. Provide a variety of research in your explanation. In modern literature two versions of Human resource management have been emphasized these are the rational approach which emphasis on aligning business strategy and Human...

Strategic Decisions Management in Organizations

The first lesson learned from the article is that management makes a difference. Therefore, the management of a firm needs to position it strategically within its industry of operation so that the forces of competition act in its favor. Thus, as an organizational leader, I would ensure that both the...

Cultural Diversity Audit for Grant Thornton Website

Introduction Currently, many organizations strive to embrace cultural diversity so that all their stakeholders can feel welcomed. However, achieving cultural diversity can sometimes be challenging. This essay, therefore, carries out an audit on the Grant Thornton International Web site evaluating its efforts to embrace cultural diversity. From the onset, the...

Project and Operation Management Essentials

What is operations management? Why is it important? Is a good knowledge of operations management more important in service or manufacturing industries? Explain your answer. Operation management can be defined as a system of theories and strategies aimed at optimizing the processes occurring in the setting of entrepreneurship or aimed...

The British Petroleum and the BTC Pipeline

What are the main ethical issues and dilemmas Bp faces in this case? British Petroleum faces various ethical issues and dilemmas, which revolve around the idea of transporting the oil to various states and protecting the communities where the pipeline passes through. Most of these ethical issues include environmental issues,...

Knowledge and Professional Skills Foundation

The Research Question(s) Addressed by the Study In the study, the authors sought to determine the correlation between different approaches that could be used in understanding the employment systems and customer services, dismissals, and quits in an organization. Therefore, the most important questions that the author addressed, include; “which management...

AMEX Company’s Managerial Process

After Thomas attempts at expanding the business to Hungary, he immediately faces a variety of issues, the one related to the culture being the primary reason for him to fail so miserably. Thomas has no idea how to motivate the local staff, as most of them either do not meet...

Creative Problem Solving: Corporate Experiences

I have understood different business tactics and way for implementation of different plans to develop successful operational products within an organization by experiencing different instances where I had to come up with different problem-solving methods. Until or unless, one does not dive into the real practical work, it would be...

Knowledge Management and Incentives: Transition to a New System

What exactly is knowledge management and how does it apply to IT? Knowledge management is traditionally defined as a set of rules and principles in accordance with which information is acquired, transferred, processed, distributed, and utilized by employees and members of a specific organization. While the given definition is rather...

Marketer’s Interaction With Youth and Children

This essay looks into marketer’s interaction with youth and children. Due to enabling technology, government control over the interaction between marketers and the youth continues to wan while marketers, buoyed by technology, continue to increasingly access youths and children using cunning methods. This trend has to be checked and measures...

Weight Watchers: the Analysis of Smoking

In the third paragraph of the article “Weight watchers”, the author highlights the ineffectiveness of imposing high taxes on cigarettes to discourage consumption. The author indicates that the response by smokers to hiked cigarette prices mainly depends on their purpose for smoking. The view of the detrimental effects of high...

Management Care and Corporate Fraud

What is a managed care plan? Provide examples and briefly describe the basic characteristics of each A group care plan, which has been put together in accordance with the new standards, is usually referred to as a managed care plan. In contrast to the plans written in compliance with the...

The Various Enterprise Resource Planning Software Packages

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages that are commonly used by businesses to manage their operations. The ERPs that will be discussed include People Soft, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, and Epicor. The discussion will highlight the features of the ERPs and...

Tesla Motors Company’s Competitive and Financial Analysis

Introduction Tesla Motors is an American-based company that manufactures electric trains and cars at affordable prices in the American, European and Asian markets. Its name was adopted from an electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla. This paper will discuss the competitive and financial analysis of Tesla Motors. Financial analysis In...

Employment Strategies in Developed and Developing Economies

The rapid changes in the labor market in both developing and developed economies have made employers think about how to adopt sustainable strategies that can assist them to remain relevant in the global and dynamic market. Advanced economies such as the US, Japan, and the UK are expected to experience...

Appropriate Use of Transparency in Organizations

Personal experience I have been working as an employee for a five-star hotel for the last six years in California. From experience, the service industry requires efficient and orchestrated coordination of functions between managers and the rest of the employees. In the last six years, I have noted how the...

Wicked Laser Torches Branding and Product Marketing

Introduction The importance of designing the package and logo to brand a product is indisputable. The amalgamation of the three aspects, the package, design, and logo create the imagery of a brand. This paper discusses the packaging, logo, and branding of Wicked Laser torches. This will help to understand the...

Issues of Information Systems Management and Accounting

Issues in Accounting and Ratio Analysis According to Callahan et al (2007), “Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to allow judgment and decisions by the users of the information.” The accounting information must be reliable, relevant, complete, and understandable. Accounting as a process contains two...

The Impact of Terrorism on Walmart Global Logistics

Introduction Terrorism has been rising all over the world for the last couple of decades. Almost every day in the news terrorism activities is reported somewhere in the world either locally or internationally which have been planned by local or international terrorist groups. Terrorists normally attack tactical places which will...

Scheduling at Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company

A staffing plan for Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company Days no Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off Day off 2 Day off 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off 3 Day off Day off 10 10 10 10...

Pearson PLC: Business Strategy and Organisational Dynamics

Pearson PLC is the leading education and book-publishing company in the world, and it is headquartered in London. Since the establishment of the firm, various management teams have been focusing on adopting the most effective approaches to realise excellent performance outcomes. Organisational capability can be defined as the ability of...

Lack of Strategic Management

One of major issues the organization is facing is lack of strategic management. The interim director as well as employees understand the need for change but there is no particular plan how to handle the change (Rubino, 2014). Another issue is inappropriate attitude towards the organization’s rules and culture as...

Xemba Translations Telecommuters Project Assessment

An Addendum to the Risk Assessment Matrix The new project that seeks to increase the number of telecommuters at Xemba is a very ambitious strategy that is meant to lower the cost of operation and increase the efficiency of the employees. However, this project has a number of risks that...

Leadership Concepts: How to Become a Good Leader

What I have learnt about leadership What I leant from the Kouzes and Posner articulation concerning leadership is how to get extraordinary things done within the organization. I came to understand that leadership is about getting the team members do what is expected. In order to succeed, as the leader...

Jordan GP Formula One as a Business Organisation

Internal Analysis SWOT Analysis Strength Strong leadership from Eddie Jordan Ability to recognize other external sources of revenues such as EJ-10, bikes, scooters, and even a personal insurance plan A growing balance sheet The unique notable tradition of attracting young talents and engine partners Focused on cutting costs and improving...

Netflix Inc.’s Short-Term Debt Strategy

Even though investors may view the aspect of no-long-term debt as not beneficial, for a company like Netflix, short-term debt gives the positive public perceptions of its financial health. In reviewing the growth that the company has witnessed since 1999, Netflix has been able to carry out less leveraging. This...

Project Risk Management: Prioritizing Risks

Compare and contrast quantitative versus qualitative analysis and discuss two situations that warrant only the use of qualitative analysis. Defining the severity of a risk is essential for enhancing the project viability and addressing the possible issues in a timely and efficient fashion. Consequently, the application of the appropriate risk...

Intercultural Communication: the Product Names and Logos

When doing business globally, it is crucial to take into consideration the meanings and sounding of the product names and logos into the languages of the cultures a product target. Chevy Nova produced by General Motors was very popular in the USA, yet in South America it had no success...

Managers Contribution to the Organization Current Activities

Case study summary In the article, it is highly illustrated that managers, in an organization should have a responsibility towards their stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who contributes positively towards the running operations of an organization. He or she should affect the development activities in an organization. The activities towards...

Actions to Counter Risk of the Oil Spill

Courses of Action Do Nothing If I were Amora Srinivar, I would choose to sit back and watch as events unfold because my immediate supervisor has no confidence in me. There is nothing that can be disgusting as sharing ideas with someone who undermines your efforts. The supervisor is one...

Customer Risk Avoidance Plan

In business today it is not uncommon for customers to pay for goods and services using credit. The bulk of these credit facilities have been made possible through the banking industry and its increased use of computer networks. The increased push towards globalization and expansion of markets has made the...

Managing Organizational Change and Strategic Planning

Images Paper The six-images framework is a mental model that describes various roles performed by change managers as well as their perceptions of change management. According to this approach, these people can act as directors, coaches, navigators, caretakers, nurturers, and interpreters; their exact role or roles may depend upon various...

Leader’s Shadow and Leadership Talent

Introduction In my life, I have been on the lookout for an incomparable leader to shadow. One day I went shopping at one of the outlets of Mac’s Convenience Store where I met the store manager, Ramesh Thuong. From then on, I became very fond of him since any time...

Host Country National Willingness to Help Expatriates

The focus of this paper is the article titled “Host Country National Willingness to Help Expatriates: The Role of Social Categorization and Exchange” by Arup Varma, Shaun Pichler, and Pawan Budhwar. The work was published in 2016 on the Research Gate database and is a part of Global Talent Management...

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Structure and Culture

Describe the structure and culture of an organization. List the weaknesses and strengths. How does the structure and culture of an organization influence the behavior of its members? What are your recommendations for improvements? There is no use denying the fact that every organization has its structure and culture which...

How Samsung Gets Innovations to Market?

Article Summary The above article discusses the strategies that the Samsung Company uses to market its various products in the local and international markets. The authors note that the Samsung Company boasts of a strong vertical integration in its industrial organization. From a single location, the company controls its designing,...

Azzaz Shop’s Operations and Information Management

Business Process Models Order fulfilment model As a mobile phone and accessories retailer, Azzaz must streamline its activities to support process integration and respond to demand changes. The BPM workflow showing Azzaz’s order fulfilment process is shown below. The model will enable Azzaz to expedite its current point-of-sale ordering to...

Overviewing Managerial Work and Organizations

Introduction The table of contents (TOC) is the kind of navigational section usually found in publications which include books and other texts like magazines. Usually, it is written near the front of a publication and indicates its content together with the specific page numbers of the various sections. It is...

Talent Management Practices Issues

Discuss how the economic environment has influenced the need for talent management practices Several economic issues have increased the need for talent management practice. The most recent economic issues are the recession that influenced the entire world market, it is important to note that with the right people in the...

Employment and Business Communication

Name of the interviewee, his position, and the company he is working An informational interview is usually conducted to gather more information about a field of interest and therefore help an interviewer make an informed choice in the career path and other aspirations. The interviewee in this interview process is...

The Effect of Social Media in Changing Marketing

Introduction Marketing is a very important pillar in business that enables activities to be carried out for the satisfaction of a given demand. The process of marketing involves lots of activities that are geared towards the selling of products and services. The process of marketing means making the products or...

Human Resource Managers Act

Introduction Human resource managers act as custodians between employers and employees. When an employee receives discrimination from labor unions, employment agencies, or individual employers, they have the right to question this injustice. Discrimination can be because of age, ethnic origin, sex, color, religion, or race. On one occasion, if an...

The World’s Most Innovative Companies by Jena McGregor

Ideas of innovators This article, “The World’s Most Innovative Companies,” lists five ideas from the innovators. Here are three of them. The first is about bringing people together. When face-to-face teams are used in an organization, it results in the lowering of late-stage conflicts and speed development times. Secondly, when...

Toyota Company’s New Technologies

Market growth Market growth is defined as the increase in demand for a particular good or service over a given period (Kotler, et al, 2008). Depending on the selling features of the product, the market growth can either be slow or fast (Kotler, et al, 2008). For instance, the Voice-Activated...

When Business Dilemmas Have to Be Faced?

Customers are not getting their orders in a timely manner. It’s your job to find out why. How can the functions of demand management and order management impact your organization’s logistic and supply chain structure? What indicators are you looking for? What actions would you take? Customer satisfaction is one...

Problem Solving for Performance Enhancement

Abstract The research was carried out to determine the relationship between problem solving and performance enhancement with particular regard to routine, rational and creative problem solving approaches. The research was carried out by making use of the survey questionnaire as the primary data collection technique and peer-reviewed publications for secondary...

Talent Management at Home Depot Company

Discuss how the leadership at Home Depot intended to use its organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage in the Do it yourself industry The leadership at Home Depot uses organizational talent to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors by using programs within the Home Depot organization. Such programs...

Human Resources: Consolidated Chicken Products Case

Is there a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women? If so, explain what it is and, if not, explain why not? Yes, I do believe the company is discriminating against women employees based on these points: First Consolidated Chicken products employment ratio of Men to...

Understanding a Leadership Style and Power

The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) was proposed by Hersey and Blanchard in their work Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (Hersey and Blanchard, 1969). According to this theory, there is no optimal leadership style. A leader should choose a type of behavior due to the follower’s competence and attitude toward work...

Chemical Pollution and Loans in Business Ethics

Abstract Business ethics and dilemmas are common in organizations and require people to make informed decisions to ensure they do not compromise the quality of goods or services offered. Lovell, Fisher, and Valero-Silver argue that human behavior is usually motivated by the desire to meet their needs. This paper examines...

Google and AbbVie Merger-Related Issues

Introduction In the contemporary business sphere, international companies have taken on different growth and expansion strategies. A merger is one of the most commonly adopted approaches. Ravenscraft and Scherer defined a merger as a statutory combination of at least two companies by transferring the properties of one business to another...

Dealing With Issues Concerning Supply and Production

Problems with some of your current suppliers have caused your organization to consider alternative options in procurement. Your boss has asked you to prepare a brief detailing the options available to your organization, including the use of e-procurement and e-sourcing. What should be included in your brief? When it comes...

The Current Alfa Corporation’s Operation

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of managerial decision making based on intuition, as in the current Alfa operation? Pros In Alfas’ current operations, several advantages of managerial decision making based on intuition can be identified. First, intuitive managerial decision making is the best in changes that...

Gerber Quality Definitional Perspective

Gerber defines total quality as a process of gradual improvement in the delivery of products that satisfy consumer needs, as a mirror of its excellence (Evans 50). It is an organizational-wide effort encompassing several procedural ideas. It begins with fostering a spirit of teamwork throughout the organization. Once teamwork gains...

Supply Chain Management: Logistics Perspective

Getting orders to your customer in a timely and efficient manner is crucial to the overall success of an organization. What strategies would you use in fulfillment and distribution? Why? What role does logistics and supply chain management play in fulfillment and distribution? Can information technology be integrated into fulfillment...

Greggs Company’s Communication Theory

Introduction Annual reports are written with the purpose to inform the shareholders about the situation in the company, about its achievements and the future purposes. Clatworthy and Jones (2003) state that it is highly important to provide both good and bad news in the report, focusing more on bad news...

Starbucks Company’s Growing Business

Howard Schultz’s idea of Starbuck was to provide not only quality coffee but also the best service and atmosphere. Schultz’s created a chain of coffeehouses with a differentiation on its product which included specialty live coffee, quick service and a cosy relaxing ambience that offered a break from the their...

Women in Male-Dominated International Business

Introduction According to Ricks, male dominance is still the chief characteristic of the modern-day international business (78). Additionally, while the women population makes up a huge section of the workforce in individual countries, they only represent 6% of the business expatriate (Ricks 83). However, the situation is rapidly changing. Organizations...

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Report

It seems reasonable to state that the Metro New Orleans area is quite significant for the restaurant industry. Hence, a comprehensive SWOT report on a notable actor in this area is a relevant action to undertake, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse might be the one. There are two Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse...

J. M. Smucker Expansion Strategy

Introduction Of late, strategic management has been adopted by business leaders to develop competitiveness in their organization; it entails looking into all segments of an organization, which include human resources management, supply chain management, information technology management, and manufacturing costs and processes management. J. M. Smucker is an international food...

Martha Stewart Omnimedia Consulant’s Visualization

Introduction Martha Stewart had been enjoying a successful career up to the year 2001 when she was accused of insider trading and other related charges. These allegations had a heavy blow on her career and her organization, MSO, which she had worked hard to ensure its sustainability and profitability in...

Microsoft’s Strategies to Leverage Its Monopoly Position

What is the primary barrier to entry in the operating systems market? How does Netscape’s product threaten to remove this barrier? Microsoft has succeeded in creating a monopoly in the operating systems market with its Windows operating system. To start with, running an operating system requires very many software programs....

Management Challenges: Managerial Ethics and Unethical Tactics

Introduction Recently, there have been a number of cases that have been reported within organizations that concern the issue of administrators in big firms utilizing their Information Technology expertise to avoid paying taxes and using their rank to mistreat other members of staff to the extent of developing personal relations...

Moral Issue in Business

Background This paper aims at identifying the application of ethics in business. A business ethics program is expected to provide the business architects with the best approach that should guide them in the process of designing and implementing the business initiative with minimal conflict with the societal norms of the...

The Rescue of General Motors Canada Interface

Introduction The day-to-day affairs of a corporation depend highly on various people. It is important to note that a corporation has an influence on all these people, either directly or indirectly. However, each category of stakeholders in any corporation has diverse needs and expectations of the corporation. It is human...

Marketing Strategy and System

Introduction A marketing system is brought about by the interaction of people (Kotter, 1980). A marketing system can have adverse effects on people (Armstrong, 1987). Marketing has improved customer satisfaction, quality of life, and the consumption of goods in several countries (Steward, 1973). In order to reduce the adverse effects...

David Jones Company: Improve the Value of Marketing

Introduction Online market retailing is the process of allowing interaction of the market products through the use of internet facilities. Modern activities are involved in these processes, which include browsing to determine the availability of on line shops, identifying the prices of different products, selling the products, branding the products,...

Technical Communication: Professional Finance Association

Abstract Technical communication, in a broad sense, can be described as a form of communication that encompasses qualitative and, to a greater extent, quantitative forms of research. It has an aspect of research and generates more information about technical processes that are related to an intended audience. Taking in-depth scrutiny...

How to Design a Personal Business Card?

Introduction To provide a proper demonstration, the presenter needs to provide a brief questionnaire to the target audience (Pearson et al. 259-268). The information collected will help the presenter understand the specific needs of the audience (Devito 35). Below is the questionnaire that I will present to my audience. Q1.Do...

“Developing Relationship with Employers” by Stensrud

Abstract This research study offers a detailed description of various focus groups that were carried out among employers. The study was conducted in the Midwestern state using 10 different communities that were made up of 10 focus groups. To obtain a fair representation in the research study, all the segments...

Why Do Acquisitions Sometimes Fail?

Introduction When a firm proposes to buy the shares, stocks, or assets of another similar firm it is called acquisition. The process of acquisition is complete only when there is a concrete agreement signed by two or more parties. The acquisition process requires huge financial input because; firms have to...

Training Is the Answer… But What Was the Question?

In his 1999 article ‘Training is the answer… but what was the question?’, Bob Rosner promotes the idea that, in order for a training process to prove effective, it must be 100% consistent with the notion of purposefulness. Among the main principles of ensuring this process’s successfulness, Rosner proposes the...

Communication Technology Business Units

Fact 1: why is this problem? This is found to be a problem because the flow of information from one point to another is indeed very crucial to any business venture. Through information technology, business units are in a position to fully equip themselves with the transfer of knowledge as...

The Benefits of Outsourcing Operations: ADPC and Teraji Case

Abstract The Abu Dhabi Ports Company is currently experiencing an upsurge in maritime traffic. The development exerts pressure on its core functions and affects the efficacy of non-core functions like procurement. The overall performance of the organisation depends on the collective improvement of the company’s operations. In the current paper,...

Group Presentation Performance: Analysis of IKEA

Introduction In the essay, I am going to give my reflection about a group presentation in a Business Studies class. The essay will focus on my experiences as part of the group as well as lessons learned. The essay will highlight several areas of interest. These areas include giving the...

Industry Competition and New Entrant Threats

The threat of new entrants Economies of scale A South Korean car-manufacturing company that intends to enter the Australian market should bear in mind that it will have to compete with economies of scale such as Toyota or Ford. The main peculiarity of these companies is that they gain a...

Professional Ethics and Legal Responsibility

Professional Ethics, Major Problems The Chapter under consideration discusses the problems of professional ethics. Arens et al. provide several definitions and theoretical frameworks explaining the importance of professional code and rules of conduct in the working environment (76). In the sub-points 4-10, the chapter provides information about the Code of...

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

What are the glass ceiling, glass walls, and the glass escalator and what are their effects on those who are constrained by them? Usually, a glass ceiling is a form of limitation to prevent the upscale of a person to higher positions, based on unfair and discriminatory grounds such as...

Direct Competence and Remuneration Level in the Workplace

What is procedural justice? What strategies should an organization take to ensure that their performance management system is fair? Procedural justice refers to the transparency in the process of issues discussion and decision making on different levels of a company. Thus, procedural justice can be illustrated by the company when...

Cultural Rift in the UAE Construction Industry

Introduction Globalization has created opportunities for employees worldwide. It has also enabled employers to recruit employees from every part of the world. However, this has come with its challenges namely cultural differences and conflict resolutions, among others. Of great concern are cultural differences, which have the propensity of causing conflict...

Employee Subsidies, Benefits and Workplace Safety

Employee Compensation and Subsidies Governmental contractors and firms that receive subsidies from the state are often required to pay the so-called living wage to their workers. In some cases, this requirement can be applied to every firm operating in a particular jurisdiction (York 223). In this case, the term living...

Budgeting and Marketing in the Clinical Practice

One year’s budget for my clinical practice Item Description Amount in USD Anticipated Revenue Startup Requirements 20 rooms Apartment rent for 1 year 60,000 Revenue from consultancy and service delivery 500, 000 Expenses One years’ salary for employees Utilities like water, electricity and tax payment 60, 000 20, 000 Capital...

Managerial Competencies and Must-Have Skills

Introduction For managers to successfully manage and lead organizations, several managerial skills and competencies are a prerequisite. This essay seeks to briefly look at what managerial skills and managerial competencies are. Consequently, the author will nominate human skills and explain it further and show why human skill has been nominated....

Managerial Competencies and Work Culture

The first importance of knowing my ideal work culture is that it would enable me to treat employees with respect. It is important for employees to be accorded reasonable treatment because this motivates them to contribute positively towards achievement of organizational goals. The second importance is that knowledge of my...

The Just-in-Time Management System Installation

Identify the attributes you would expect the claims processing Department at MICI to have once the new JIT system is in place With the implementation of JIT system at the MICI, customer claim processing is expected to be processed in a faster way. As indicated in the case study, the...

The Profitability and Accountability of the Company

Identify the problem The problem presented to the organizations affects the entire company but is mostly rooted in the accounting and managerial department. The problem is rooted in the practice of accounting and especially with regards to forensic accounting. This has had the effect of reducing the profitability and accountability...

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

Definition of Terms and Concepts Organizational Culture Organizational culture can be defined as values and behaviors adapted by an organization. Organizational culture makes an organization to be unique in both the social and psychological environment. It is comprised of organization’s past as well as current assumptions including its values, philosophies...

Brand and Product Manager: Job Analysis

My job of interest is a brand/product manager. This area lies in the field of marketing. This paper shall first describe the brand/product management and the role of a product/brand manager, before designing the program. Brand/product management is the hub of marketing. The brand/product manager is the focus of a...

Pricing Strategies and Marketing Channels

Explain At Least Four of the Seven Steps for Setting an Initial Price for a Product or Service Select the pricing objectives In choosing its pricing objectives, a company must first establish what it wants to achieve with a certain product offer. A company can pursue various objectives and they...

Managing Successful Variable Pay Plan

For a variable pay plan to be successful, the following factors are important: There should be enough financial resources available to kick start and sustain the variable pay plan. The variable pay plan needs to be consistent with the prevailing organizational culture (Belcher 232). It is important to ensure that...

Strategies and Their Planning

What Is Strategy? Strategy according to this article is a way of planning on how a business venture will realize its projected growth in terms of profits. This according to the article includes maximizing service delivery to the customers at the minimum costs possible, reducing both production and operational costs...

Collective Bargaining Role in Management Relations

Collective bargaining is a technique used by public union representatives and public agency managers to negotiate conditions and terms of employment. The goal of collective bargaining is to optimize the employer-employee relationship by facilitating a win-win situation for the various parties involved. Collective bargaining improves the workforce strength and as...

Southwest Airlines Overall Strategy Improvement

Southwest Initial Strategy Southwest’s initial strategy was to avail low fares, especially low unrestricted fares, to business and leisure travels to allow them to fly between short-haul city pairs (departure and destination points) instead of having to drive the distance between the two cities as was previously the case. Southwest...

Equity as Important Consideration in Compensation

Equity refers to fairness or using the same yardstick to ensure that two or more individuals are treated in the same manner. Equity is a fundamental theme in as far as compensation theory and practice are concerned. In compensation, equity involves ensuring that the worker’s remunerations are fair, according to...

The Enron Company Management Analysis

​«Cooker jar’ reserves» concept The ‘cooker jar reserves’ was a strategic technique that was used by Enron’s management to save what they had earned from a ‘rainy day’ using the means of storing extra earnings in reserves. The term ‘reserves from the cookie jar may also refer to a firm’s...

Apple Company: Strategy and Problems Analysis

Historical Major Competitive Advantages for Apple Apple’s historical competitive advantages included: development of easy-to-use personal computers; innovative industrial design in the development of the computers such as the use of graphical user interface (GUI); technical elegance; development of superior software, and; employment of horizontal and vertical integration. Analysis of the...

Mission Analysis: An Operational Approach

Introduction A mission statement is a broad statement, which precisely states and defines what the organization wants to achieve. It defines the greater intent of the organization and it gives the overall goals of the firm that provide a sense of direction and guidance in decision making to managers at...

Lean Principles for Better Company Operations

Introduction The purpose of this memo is to recommend the adoption of a lean manufacturing system at this company. As you are aware, many problems have affected our production process. These include: Late deliveries to customers, underutilization of machines and equipment, increased waiting time as products to be assembled have...

Sikorsky Aircraft Company’s Employee Relations

The company covered in this blog is Sikorsky Aircraft. The company manufactures commercial and military helicopters. The company has its headquarters in Strafford Connecticut and has branches in other states like Texas, Florida, and Alabama. The company has a large number of employees. This makes effective communication within the organization...

Global Information and Technical Management

List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications Answer: Information technology has the potential to establish and coordinate a single customer service center in the company, which will take up the tasks that multiple customer service centers (Webster and Robins, 2006). Although this is quite difficult...

Human Resource Training and Managerial Involvement

Importance of training the Human Assets in an organization Employees in any organization’s structure are mandated to accomplish the organization’s goals through the formulation of policies and also working towards achieving objectives of the set policies. This aspect has changed the perspective of observing employees as part of the workforce....

Change Implementation and Management Experience

Implementing Changes I have always been ready for changes, especially if I understand that the change can help me develop. When I was a high school student, we used to fulfill a variety of projects in groups. One project was concerned with an analysis of a particular job. All students...

Anti-Discriminatory Culture at the Workplace

First, in an attempt to reduce prejudice, formulating and embracing a company’s culture of tolerance and well behaviour among the different workers could limit the extent to which prejudice is exercised. Restructuring the organisation to be in line with the community will reduce the way in which individual workers perpetuate...

Urban Outfitters Company vs. Big Box Stores

Introduction Urban Outfitters is a company that targets diverse cultural groups around the globe and aims at offering them distinctive casual clothing, housewares as well as accessories. Psychological relation with the customers has facilitated the success of this company. As compared to other retailers, Urban Outfitters’ marketing strategy does not...

SBE Innovations Ltd.’s Value Management Project

Executive summary The Public-Private Partnership represented by SBE Innovations has the two-fold objective of ensuring a fair return on investment and enhancing community life. The benefits of applying Value Management early in the Project include a better grasp of the project objectives by the stakeholders, preservation of high-value functions, reduction...

Marks and Spencer Company’s Financial Ratios in 2010-11

Executive summary The report will mainly dwell upon the financial ratios in order to assess the performance of Marks and Spencer (M&S 2011). Thereafter, the report will also highlight the weaknesses of the financial ratios when analyzing the financial performance of the business. Finally, the report will also provide an...

SBE Innovations Ltd.’s Value Engineering

Executive summary The public-private partnership espoused by SBE innovations seeks to develop a civic center in the suburban to stimulate development and to enhance the local community. It will have both public and commercial facilities to provide different services to the community. The project has a great opportunity for benefitting...

The Art of Motivating Employees

What would you have done as an HR professional if you had to deal with similar situations Dr. Grant has dealt with? If I was in the same position that Dr. Grant was in and given the fact that I had the same human resource management knowledge that I have...