Enterprise Application That a Business Should Install First

Enterprise systems provide value by both increasing operational efficiency and providing firm-wide information to help managers make better decisions. SCM – Supply chain management systems automate the flow of information among members of the supply chain so they can use it to make better decisions about when and how much...

Moral Issue of Unpaid Internship

Introduction While hiring interns for unpaid positions with a promise of real-life experience is not illegal, it is a highly debatable approach to finding new talents. An inside look into business operations may help significantly to a fresh graduate, yet the question regarding the sacrifices necessary to be made for...

Google Inc.’s Performance Management System

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, corporate culture has begun to change and shift. Currently, many companies tend to implement more individualistic and experiential approaches to hiring and training their employees. Additionally, with the rapid rise of various technologies appeared alternative means of executing these processes, which allow the...

Dell Inc.’s Business Model and Company Analysis

Introduction Since its establishment, Dell has achieved great success as a company that specializes in the PC market. Dell struggled to maintain a competitive advantage during its privatization in 2013. Carl Icahn, an investor, broadcasted on social media how Michael Dell and Dell Inc. were trying to defraud investors. In...

The Amazon Company’s Ethics in Advertising

Introduction Maintaining an ethical decision-making framework in the realm of skyrocketing competition rates and increasingly challenging sociopolitical and socioeconomic setting is a highly complicated task. Moreover, with the rise in the importance of information management as the main tool for predicting customer behaviors and market changes, a range of companies...

The Role of Market Research in Business

Market research is the process of gathering information to evaluate if there is a necessity for a specific product or service, taking into consideration a variety of aspects. Market research is utilized to figure out which groups of the audience will be most likely to buy the product, based on...

Apple Inc.’s Analysis in the Chinese Market

Apple Inc. is a global corporation that operates all over the world and generates interest in its products among consumers from different areas. However, it is inevitable that specific markets are especially important to cover such a global brand as Apple. China’s emerging economic potency creates an environment in which...

Elon Musk: Evaluating Leadership in the United States

Elon Musk was born on 28th June 1871 in Pretoria, South Africa. He has founded and cofounded some of the most renowned corporations globally, including Tesla Motors Corporation, Space Exploration Technologies, commonly known as SpaceX, and SolarCity. Elon Musk has led these organizations correctly and made them successful. He believes...

Arsenal Futboll Club’s Strategic Business

Introduction Arsenal Football Club (FC) is presently one of the leading professional clubs in England and across Europe. Having been established in 1886, Arsenal FC is one of the clubs that have played in England’s top league for the last seven decades. Historians in the field of sporting acknowledge that...

Controlling and Managing Interpersonal Conflicts in the Workplace

Introduction Interpersonal conflict is often referred to as a confrontation between two people or their disagreement on certain opinions and views. To form such a phenomenon, two contradictory opinions must appear. People, by their nature, often enter into various conflict situations and quarrels with each other. This is due to...

Fitbit Smart Sense Watch Marketing Plan

Summary Fitbit smart sense watch has led to the success of the company due to its upgraded features. The smartwatch tracks blood oxygen, stress, temperature, and sleep. The gadget has helped fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic since individuals can easily monitor their temperatures. Moreover, it helps the user keep...

Aspects of Money Management

Introduction Managing money, personal, family, or invested in a business is significant work in every person’s life. In some cases, managing personal finances causes difficulties and subsequent stress, negatively affecting psychological and financial well-being. For this reason, money management skills are of critical importance. This paper includes a review of...

Company Analysis: Pepsi Crisis Management

Pepsi was lately embroiled in an argument over an advertisement published in April 2017. Kendall Jenner, a white model, appeared in the commercial handing cops a can of Pepsi to terminate what seemed to be a Black Lives Matters demonstration (Bowers et al., 2017). Individuals immediately took to social platforms...

Amazon Inc. in the Context of International Business Economics and Markets

The Key Drivers of Globalization and International Trade on the Context of the Amazon Organization Globalization is the name used to describe the growing cross-border trade in products, services, technology and investment, and people and knowledge flows of economies, cultures, and populations in the world. Various technological developments and progressive...

Multinational Enterprises and Factors Affecting Their Growth

Introduction The international level of a multinational enterprise provides for a complex organizational structure that includes many divisions and branches located on the territory of different states. With colossal capital, multinational companies are the leading trade and economic relations participants in the international market. Most multinational companies are powerful associations...

Nissan Motor Company: Operations Management

Operation Process of Nissan’s Production System Nissan’s production system meets the modern standards of a competitive market and is based on several significant aspects. Firstly, this Japanese automaker maintains a constant interaction with the target audience by reacting to the demand indicators immediately and, thus, adjusting the pricing policy (Reuters...

Chiquita Brands International: Case Study

Introduction The Chiquita case is fraught with ethical intricacies and contradictions. This moral complexity has several root causes: the sociopolitical situation in Colombia, neglect of ethical standards and corporate social responsibility, as well as corporate greed. While it can be argued that the company’s root cause was the desire to...

Green Logistics in the World Analysis

Introduction The primary practices involving green logistics include sustainable strategies that focus on the integration of environmental conservation in transportation and supply chain businesses. The theory of green logistics started during the 1990s. At this time, the standard logistic infrastructure had severe impacts on the environment as the levels of...

Primark Company Supplying Consumers with Ethically Sourced Garments

Introduction The Primark Company supplies its customers with garments based on various ethical codes of conduct. The organisation regards a high sense of responsibility and sustainability among other practices that alleviate adverse social effects. Although the main goal of the Primark Company is to ensure that its products and services...

Cash Flow Statement as a Reflection of Financial Health

Lack of working capital (cash gaps), a constant search for money to repay debts to suppliers, employees, budget, non-payment of buyers, or customers all lead to the fact that a company cannot manage its obligations. These issues increase accounts payable in record keeping (Klammer, 2018). The solution to working capital...

NationaliTea Company: Global Communication Plan

NationaliTeas is a fast-growing online tea shop that managed to grow from an unremarkable local business to a highly popular global organization with international partnerships and ties. At the same time, for the expansion and successful development of the company in the future, specific guidelines concerning communication with both international...

Kohl’s Department Store Case Study

Introduction The story of firing three employees at Kohl’s Department Store for violating its coupon policy resulted in public outrage. To understand whether the company could have handled the situation better, one should consider the process and legal reasons for terminating employees. As Ma (2020) states, relational and political behavior...

Heineken International Success: Business Strategy

Introduction Heineken is one of the world’s largest brewers of beer and cider, in large part due to its business strategy. It pursues a cost leadership approach, providing a diverse selection of beer of both inexpensive and more premium varieties to customers. As a result, its brand is well known...

General Motors – Outsourcing and Success Metrics

Outsourcing a business function is common these days. It involves contracting out to an external provider a business function previously performed in-house. More and more businesses are increasingly outsourcing to suppliers outside their nation. Over the years General Motors has been pushing into multi-sourcing (contracting out to multiple companies), according...

Leadership in Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational Behavior (OB) is basically the study of how individuals and people groups act in a given organization. During the study, a system is established where both individuals and people groups are analyzed and classified according to their behavior. It starts with interpreting an individual’s behavior looks at h/her...

Main Ideas and Characteristics of Service Marketing

Introduction A service is an act of doing something to an individual or something. Therefore, service marketing is considered the process of selling or offering a service to get some returns. Marketing services are different from marketing products (Marketing Teacher n.d., para 1). For example, when a consumer buys a...

The Comparison of ISO 9000 and Baldrige Award

Outline Research has been conducted on the comparison of ISO 9000 and Baldrige awards. ISO 9000 is a standard for quality management systems by organizations for better performance. ISO 9000 works on five categorized frameworks for assessment. And the Baldrige award has been created by the U.S congress for evaluating...

Critical Reflection Report (Leadership)

Introduction Many people mix-up the concepts of Leadership and Management with each other. Leadership and Management are not the same thing. Leadership comes from within the person; where as, management does not. Leadership is not just all about managing people, tasks or resources; it is much more than that. A...

Blood Pressure Device: The Direct Marketing Campaign

Product Description The product selected for marketing is a blood pressure device. The uniqueness of this medical product is that it can be used at home and by all family members. This product can help a person to control and monitor his condition and prevent possible problems caused by hypertension...

Bank of Credit and Commerce International Case

Introduction When the branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in seven countries were raided and taken control of by the law enforcing agencies in the respective countries in early July 1991 one of the major bank scams involving billions of dollars was brought to light....

Marketing Communication for Building Strong Brands

Introduction Research indicates that marketing communication is a very important tool in any business set up; it is even more important in the modern business world. For a business organization to be successful and attain its marketing objectives the marketing managers have to use very effective marketing communication strategies. This...

Project Management: Case Study of a Pharmaceutical CO

Introduction The case study pertains to a mid size pharmaceutical co. in the M 25 region. There are 290 employees in the company and the turnover for the company in the last year is £ 19 millions.They had an additional profit margin of £ 130000.The owner Rose Luxemburg wanted to...

Strengths and Weakness of Using Employment Agencies

Introduction Human resource is one of the greatest assets of any organization. It determines the failure or success of any corporation. This is the asset of the company that ensures things are happening in the organization therefore their acquisition through recruitment plays an important role. Recruitment is the process of...

Leadership and Management: Case Study Analysis

Introduction In order to sustain the business operations in a competitive environment, a company requires to have sound strategies for marketing, communication, research and development, sales, social responsibility and of course in managing the workforce. This calls for an effective management development plan for running the organization. In today’s competitive...

Procurement and Delivery Strategies: Conclusion and Recommendations

Recommendations The procurement authority should adapt fixed-price lump-sum contracts where cost over-runs are met solely by the contractor in case of any. Introducing this new direction in the procurement and bidding world will be fundamental to protecting taxpayers from such risks. Armstrong and Sambamurthy (2006) assert that risk-sharing between the...

Cross-Cultural vs. International Management

Cross-cultural management and international management are concepts that refer to working with individuals coming from diverse cultural backgrounds. In some sources, such as the works by Thomas & Peterson, these terms are presented as interchangeable; however, they are not the same. Overall, both concepts simply being aware of the differences...

Euro Disney: Strategic Human Resource Practices and Takeaways

Introduction Human resource (HR) management is an essential element of organizations’ strategic planning. Any company’s international HR department should take great care of analyzing the factors that can lead to the success or failure of opening a business in a particular region. Euro Disney, which opened in Paris, France in...

Auditing in Amazon: Risk Factors and Compliance Issues

Risk Factors and Compliance Issues on Income Statement The income statement provides an overview of a firm’s performance. The statement provides investors with the knowledge they need to support their decision-making process. In evaluating Amazon’s income statement for 2017, a financial professional must understand three parameters. The parameters include the...

The Advantages of Business Combinations

Reasons to Consider Different Types of Business Combinations Company mergers are a rather common occurrence in the contemporary realm of the global economy. The concept of a merger implies that two organizations join to create a single entity (Hill, n.d.). The specified phenomenon has several explanations, the opportunities for increasing...

Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market

Expanding into new markets is a crucial step for fast food companies that are willing to remain relevant. The specified solution allows organizations to attract the attention of new audiences and increase brand name recognition. Therefore, for the firms such as Wendy’s entering the Chinese market is one of the...

SPAR Company in Oman: Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The report describes a marketing strategy developed to help SPAR Oman grow in the local market and address current threats to its competitiveness. The environmental analysis revealed that the company has a distinctive position in the market and a positive brand image that appeal to niche customers, yet...

E-Commerce in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Introduction With the invention and expansion of the Internet and the outburst in the development of information and communication technologies, our everyday life has changed. Nowadays, we do not need to leave our homes to work, study, communicate, and even do shopping. We are lucky to live in the era...

Employees’ Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Introduction There are a plethora of various companies in the entire world today. Every organisation has multiple competitors that try to attract the best employees in a certain professional sphere to their businesses because their output is dependent on their workers’ performance. In turn, there is almost no chance to...

Huawei Technologies Company Analysis

Executive Summary The report revolves around Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and the primary peculiarities of its functioning. Today, it is one of the most fast-growing companies that function in the sphere of telecommunications. The report provides the in-depth investigation of its financial performance, organizational structure, perspectives, integral strategy, marketing approach,...

The Walt Disney Marketing Strategies

If you are about to conduct Disney market research, you are at the right place! Here, you’ll learn about Disney marketing strategies and campaigns to get inspiration for your paper. How does Disney conduct market research? What is an example of their findings? Disney has been actively conducting market research...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept and Definition

Introduction In the contemporary business environment, businesses do not exist in isolation. Nor do they just pursue the objective of making money. All the stakeholders, including the employees, customers, suppliers and the local community, are affected by the activities of the business in one way or another. The products of...

Apple vs. Samsung: Marketing Strategy & Business Strategy

Do you want to know why Samsung’s marketing is better than Apple? What industry is Apple and Samsung in? How are their business and marketing strategies different? Keep reading to find out! In this essay example, you’ll find everything you should know about Apple vs. Samsung marketing strategy and business...

Transformational Leadership and Management

The topic of leadership development within organisations has become high on the agenda, as businesses need to become more competitive. Nevertheless, there is no clear answer to the question of what makes a good leader. While some think that effective leaders are born, others think that it takes experience to...

Marriott Hotels’ Marketing Management

This study analyzes Marriott Hotels’ marketing management and how it is connected with Marriott brand positioning. Keep reading to learn more about Marriott positioning strategy. Abstract This report assesses the performance of Marriott Hotels concerning strategic marketing. The report assesses the type of segmentation that the firm has integrated. This...

Hyundai Motor Company Success and International Operations

What are the roles of comparative and competitive advantages in Hyundai’s success? Illustrate your answers by providing specific examples of natural and acquired advantages that Hyundai employs to succeed in the global car industry. The success of Hyundai Motor Company, a South Korean carmaker, can be attributed to both its...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: Supply and Demand Analysis

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts — Overview Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is one significant segment of the Walt Disney Company that aims at providing the best leisure opportunities for the family vacation. It was founded in 1971, and since that time became the symbol of the family-oriented entertainment. Currently,...

Managerial Diseconomies of Scale

This paper reviews internal and external management diseconomies. Check it out if you’re looking for examples and causes of managerial diseconomies of scale. Introduction The increasingly competitive business setting motivates most businesses to seek economies of scale. Economies of scale are realized when organizations expand in a way that allows...

Coca Cola Company: Cross-cultural Business Behavior

Coca Cola is one of the most recognizable brands and products in the world. It has a long history, and its expansion to all of the continents is remarkable. It is necessary to note that different companies employ quite different strategies to market their products in multiple countries. Thus, some...

Robert’s Coffee Shop Marketing Strategy

Introduction In the current competitive market, business success not only depended on consumer behavior, but also the number of competitors in the market. Businesses must continuously evaluate their products, prices, distributional channels and promotional activities to ascertain their strengths and weaknesses. Identification of the rivals, their moves and trends helps...

Under Armour Company’ Analysis and Strategic Alternatives

Current Situation History In 1996, Kevin Plank, a former football player from the University of Maryland, founded Under Armour (UA), to the world. Plank was disappointed because of the inability to find appropriate clothing for sportsmen under which accumulated sweat would not be a problem anymore. He used the recommendations...

Planning and Controlling the Supply Chain of Wal-Mart

Introduction Wal-Mart is considered as the king in American retail market and is a total solution for the shopping needs of the people in America. It also operates in some other countries. There is a full fledged operation management system in Wal-Mart which contributes much to the success of different...

The Tesla Firm’s External and Internal Environments

In this discussion, we will explore the external and internal environments at Tesla, Inc. Tesla’s five forces of competition, external threats, strengths, and weaknesses will be examined. Moreover, the mechanisms of how these factors have contributed to the company’s success and challenges will be desribed. The aim of this discussion...

The Pixar Studios Company’s Analysis

Company Background Pixar Studios, based in Emeryville, California, is a visual effects studio with numerous nominations and awards for its ability to advance technologically and creatively. The production of films, merchandise, and other related items for the younger generation is a crucial area of ​​the company’s activities. In addition, the...

The Future of the BrewDog Company’s Industry

BrewDog is a significantly young craft beer maker in the U.K, taking the industry by storm. Owned and operated by two friends from their schooling age, the brewery exhibits significantly unique qualities that distinguish it from the rest. Many people, particularly moralists, regard the business as immoral and obscene due...

Ethical and Legal Challenges at Activision Blizzard

Introduction Companies that employ numerous people often become subject to different legal and ethical challenges that frequently arise due to the failure to ensure proper management. Every year, notable companies encounter issues concerning their ethical conduct, which eventually may translate into lawsuits and conflicts with their employees and partners. The...

Strategic Development Opportunity of Five Guys Enterprises LLC

Introduction Large companies are interested in new markets where their products can be sold. The hospitality industry, including the restaurant business, is no exception. The Five Guys network of fast-food restaurants is world-famous, providing customers with high-quality products. In many countries, restaurants of this network operate on a franchising system....

Lack of Employee Motivation at the XYZ Company

Introduction XYZ Company is a renowned business organization that operates both locally and internationally. The retail firm was established in 2002 in the outskirts of Florida, offering products and services to nearby communities. It mainly deals in grocery, electronics, clothing, and beauty services. Over the past decade, the corporation has...

Apple Inc.’s Environmental Sustainability

Abstract Environmental sustainability describes a situation in which the relevant authorities may address the conditions imposed on the environment without compromising the ecosystem’s potential. Through the above efforts, populations can survive appropriately now and in the future. Due to a considerable amount of information pointing to genuine transformations in the...

London ClubHouse’s Human Resource Management and Operations

Introduction Modern HR managers believe that their work was successful if competitors began to poach employees from their company. It means that they managed to develop the skills of their employees to the extent that it is noticeable to others, including competitors. Strategic HR management is based on market knowledge...

The Walt Disney Company’s Analysis

Company’s Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy is concerned with how an organization packages its business to establish the best value. In 2020, the Walt Disney Company decided to diversify the enterprise into different product segments across entertainment and luxury. The company expanded its overseas market through the UTV acquisition (Gamble, 2020)....

The Face Mask: Marketing Plan

Product Description The product is a face mask that encloses the nose and mouth. The respiratory gear is a half-mask as it will provide cover from high up the nose to below the chin (Matuschek et al. 183). The product has a filtering facepiece that shields the customer and the...

Use of Teamwork in Organizations

Introduction Teamwork in organizations involves taking collective actions at all levels at the workplace to ensure collaboration. Cooperation is in contrast to the concept of individual effort that is devoid of collaboration amongst members of a workplace. Teamwork insists on ensuring that all members of the workplace are put into...

Apple Products and Technology Adoption Lifecycle

The technology Adoption Model describes the lifecycle of a given product from the moment it first enters the market to the time it saturates it. From the perspective of customer segmentation, this model divides the products and their target customer groups into five categories: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late...

Amazon.com’s European Distribution Strategy

The Amazon supply chain is an astounding advancement in retail logistics. It continually optimizes every link in the chain to meet customer satisfaction, aiming to become the preferred retailer in America and beyond. With regard to Amazon’s expansion to the European continent, it has been considered successful in spite of...

The Top Operational Risk to Banks

Introduction Evolving globalization trends have significantly contributed to major changes in the fields of business and economics. The effect of recent technological advances is evident as well, with banks becoming more dependent on online systems. As a result of accidents and faults in the mentioned systems, unplanned events eventually cause...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental Impact

Introduction Modern industries are built on the corporations’ success as the large-scale businesses generate jobs, develop infrastructures and push the technologies forward. Companies, their culture, and values integrate into societies, and it is crucial for the executives to establish values that would help people thrive. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is...

Ford Motor Company: Corporate Analysis

Introduction The current report evaluates the financial position of Ford Motor Company, USA. The report will utilize a number of financial ratios in order to understand the profitability, cash flow, earnings, and financial risks associated with Ford Motor Company. The assessment will rely on the organization’s financial statements for the...

Economic Factors Affecting Businesses

Economic factors play a significant role in making decisions and guiding one’s business. These factors are related to goods, services, and money. Despite their direct impact on businesses, these variables relate to the financial state of the economy at a higher level, whether regional or global. The purpose of this...

Lancôme Firm’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications New technical inventions have always served as a driver of the economy and social change, including the relationship between producers and consumers. The last decades of the previous century are characterized by the emergence of many new technologies and, consequently, new communication tools and channels...

McDonald’s: The Most Popular Fast-Food Restaurant

McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants, and its success is defined by compliance with the needs of the present-day business world. However, any company has specific strong and weak points, and their consideration allows the managers to readjust the operations according to the current situation. Therefore, the...

Operating Budget and a Capital Budget: Difference

Capital and operating budgets are business plans meant to support the achievement of the necessary activities. They differ because the operating budget is focused on addressing immediate future needs while capital budgets are meant to support long-term goals. Operating plans usually run for one year, and managers can review and...

Amazon Supply Chain Management Overview and Analysis

Introduction Amazon is a giant retailer popular all over the world due to its powerful supply chain management (SCM). In 1994 Jeffrey P. Bezos decided to quit his job on Wall Street and start an internet enterprise out of his garage at the age of thirty. The founder wanted to...

Royal Dutch Shell’s Entry Mode

The oil industry works with one of the most expensive commodities in the world, and it includes a few large companies. Royal Dutch Shell is among them, being the top producer of this resource globally. The company has a long development history that implies a few modes of entry in...

The Risk Management Process

Introduction Success in business entails making the best decision at all opportunities. When entering a business an investor is hopeful that the business will be successful, grow and give good returns on investments. However, the ability to evaluate the risk involved in the business, understand and manage the risk is...

Google Strengths and Weaknesses: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Corporates use SWOT analysis as a tool for making decisive and strategic decisions that are essential for the stability of the company in the long run. In fact, SWOT analysis is the most reliable tool managers utilize to come up with the best marketing decisions. SWOT is an abbreviation...

ZZZZ Best Co. Case Study: Key Events and Key Auditing Topics

Key events surrounding the case Barry Minkow learned the carpet-cleaning business from his mother and proceeded to establish his own company, ZZZZ Best Co., at the tender age of 16. However, the capital was a major issue and he soon started undertaking credit card forgeries alongside other frauds that provided...

Organizational Change Theory: Evolutionary Model

Literature Review Evolutionary Model Purpose The evolutional model is one of the most commonly changing theories and it is discussed by most scholars in helping one to understand the subject and how a change would impact organizations and institutions. This model is mostly formulated and disguised in two main topics...

Blockbuster Company Bankruptcy: Case Study

Introduction Managerial accounting is concerned with supporting managers’ decision-making using financial data. It can help managers to understand current performance, anticipate and plan for financial risks, and achieve organizational goals. Bankruptcy is a particularly important concept in this area of accounting since predicting bankruptcy in advance can aid companies in...

Etihad Airways: Strategies Analysis

Introduction The major differences between the organizations that are successful and those that are not is the degree of the effectiveness of their strategies. Any organization hoping to succeed in the market must ensure that its strategies conform to the prevailing conditions in the environment which could have negative impacts...

Ethics and Globalization in Business

Introduction A business will only manage to keep up its reputation if it fully recognizes the established business ethics in its environment. As such, each and every firm that aspires to grow to great heights must be prepared to follow to the letter the codes of conduct that govern its...

McDonald’s Corporation’s Analysis: Intangible Assets

Introduction McDonald’s corporation is undoubtedly the largest chain of hamburger fast-food restaurants in the world. The restaurant serves more than 58 million customers every day. The operation of Mcdonald’s is like a typical large chain that operates as a corporation, a franchise, or at times as an affiliate. It draws...

Business Communication Types and Levels

Introduction Communication is a one of the most important characteristic of business existence. Each day, business people have to converse or communicate by way of citizens at dissimilar levels of the business or by way of people external to the firm. Business communication is every communication utilized by the organisation...

Paying Attention Pays Off for Andra Rush

Outline This case study deals with how a businessman can make his business a successful one through paying attention to the customers. The leadership skills and characteristics are described through the answers to the case study problems. The first question examines the application of leadership competency model in Andra Rush’s...

Marks & Spencer: Detailed Equity Report

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the major UK retailers, that have a great chain of over 840 stores in 30 regions around the globe and they have over 600 domestic and 285 international stores. Marks & Spencer is commonly renowned as the major clothing retailer of the United...

Information Systems in the Business Decisions

Executive Summary This business report relates to the information system applications in the business decision-making process. The business report is designed as a case study of an organization. The business organization selected for the study is Elkat International Food Services Pty Ltd, which is a Frozen Food retailer in NSW,...

Accounting and Finance in Business

Introduction: Need for accounting All types of business concerns require to record financial data relating to various transactions to provide necessary information to the interested groups of persons in the firm. For taking adequate decisions relating to the business firms requires an overview of their past business transactions. For this,...

Leadership Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Introduction Leadership is a very important skill which is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges and the person who overcomes these challenges make a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation...

Sunflower Inc.: Company Case Analysis

Loretta Williams was hired by Sunflower Inc., a large distribution company of alcohol and snack products, as the director of Pricing and Purchasing. She identified the problems with Sunflower and made a plan to counter them. The plans were: To standardize the pricing and purchasing decision in the short-run. In...

Individual Leadership Development Plan and Report

Executive Summary The individual leadership development report focused on conducting a self-assessment to help outline and explain my personal strengths and weaknesses. I was interested in understanding factors that may negatively affect my capacity of becoming a successful senior manager in my current organization. I collected relevant information from various...

H&M: Strategic Brand Management

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz or H&M is a Swedish retail company that specialises in clothing and accessories for the whole family within the fast-fashion paradigm. It operates in 60 countries and has a developed vast network of online shops. Under the main H&M brand, there are several sub-brands such as...

Walmart Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis

This Walmart Porter’s Five Forces analysis will reveal why the company is on top of retail industry. Check it out to learn about Walmart bargaining power of buyers and more. Walmart Five Forces Analysis: Introduction Having recently rebranded itself as not merely a chain of stores but an experience that...

Sloan Women in Management Conference

Introduction The situation in which Sloan Women in Management (SWIM) occurred is disastrous from every possible angle. The conference is under threat of cancellation, and tough decisions must be made. In such moments it is critical to consider all stakeholder’s positions in combination and produce a weighted course of actions...

IKEA Strategy Analysis for 2013-2018

IKEA Strategy Analysis: Introduction IKEA is one of the most well-known global furniture retailers nowadays. It was founded as a small, local business in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in a southern province of Sweden (Lewis). By 1956, the company became highly competitive due to a newly introduced ready-to-assemble furniture technology...

Tiffany & Co.’s Strategic Choice and Evaluation

Tiffany & Co is a company with a strong brand name and famous for its luxury goods. The company was started in 1837 by Charles Lewis Tiffany and John F. Young. They opened a store in New York that was intended to sell Stationery and costume jewelry. In 1845, the...

Retirement Benefits: Advantages and Disadvantages

Due to the lengthened lifespan among the global population, retirement benefits are an issue of growing concern among employers and employees alike. Because of the increased lifespan, the global population is expected to lead more active and healthier lifestyles in the years to come (Rappaport 151). Consequently, we are likely...

Virgin Australia Strategy In Marketing

Introduction Two aircraft, 200 personnel, and one route: this description perfectly fits Virgin Blue Australia in 2000, when it first took to the skies. Now, more than 2 decades later, the Virgin airline has grown immensely. It has also undergone a transformation. From a low-cost, no-frills carrier it turned into...

Rockstar Energy Drink Marketing Research

Psychological factors According to Talloo (205), an individual’s purchasing decision is influenced by a number of psychological factors such as beliefs and attitudes, motivation, and perception. Another psychological element relates to the consumers’ tastes and preferences (Schroder 56). Additionally, the decision to purchase the energy drink is also influenced by...

Employee Motivation and Retention in Microsoft Corporation

Executive Summary Microsoft is a large international corporation that holds one of the leading positions in the global technological market along with a substantial market share. However, ever since the 1990s and well into the mid-2000s, it has been experiencing a problem with retaining its key employees and motivating the...

Jeff Immelt’s and Jack Welch’s Leadership at General Electric

Brief History General Electric is one of the oldest conglomerates that are still actively present on the market. It consists of a wide variety of businesses and is involved in the production of a great multitude of items, resources, and services. The main segments of the company are focused on...

The US Automotive Industry: Quality and Customers

Abstract The dynamic automotive business environment in the US requires industry players to strategize on ways of becoming competitive. In the 1960s, automotive companies in the US did not consider quality management as an important element of their strategies. However, competition has forced such companies to consider quality management as...

Uber Company’s Ethical Business Practices

Introduction Uber is an on-demand transportation service whose mission is to enhance the accessibility of affordable transport services, which has brought a revolution in the taxi industry all across the world. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp founded the company in 2009 with its headquarters in San Francisco, California, United States...

Group Decision Making Theory

Introduction Group decision-making refers to a situation where individuals have to make a choice collectively based on the alternatives presented to them (Fox, 2015). It is common to find cases where decisions have to be made by a group of people because of the prevailing circumstances. Sahin (2014) “Since managing...

PepsiCo Inc.’s Risk Management in Purchasing Department

Introduction In the dynamic organizational operational environment, organizations face various unhealthy situations that influence their ability to achieve strategic plans, goals, and objectives. To deal with such situations, it becomes necessary to embrace the concept of risk management. In this paper, the author is a consultant who has been engaged...

Ethical Dilemmas in Business: KFC Company’s Case

Introduction The ethical decision-making process in business is associated with resolving ethical dilemmas; i.e., situations in which a choice needs to be made among several options, each of which is unethical in a way (Crane and Matten 7). In such situations, it is crucial for an organization to predict all...

The Oxfam Organization’s Information

Introduction Oxfam is one of the leading nongovernmental organizations that have been focused on fighting poverty, injustice and social sufferings of people around the world. Its mission is to enable people to fight poverty by offering them with moral and material means of achieving this. The organization has taken human...

Home Depot Company: Customer Service Information Systems

Introduction The contemporary business world values the incorporation of information systems to facilitate the realization of efficiency in the various business processes. Particularly, information systems integrate technology to improve the management of organizations in various aspects, including the racking of transactions and the facilitation of decision-making processes (Rainer, Cegielski, Splettstoesser-Hogeterp,...

Communication Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Face-to-Face Communication Face to face communication has several advantages. Numerous observers say that face to face contact can never be replaced irrespective of the numerous advancements in technology (Oxford Economics, 2009). It should be noted that face-to-face contact enables the transmission of unspoken or implied knowledge. It also...

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover

Introduction The management topic that has been chosen for this study is the importance of job satisfaction and its influence on the staff turnover. Employee turnover has been a subject of interest for many scholars, managerial practitioners, and organizational managers over the past decade. Employee turnover happens when employees willingly...

Walmart’s Competitive Advantage and Strategies

Introduction Walmart is a global retail firm based in the United States: it operates a franchise of megastores, cheap retail chains, and grocery shops. The company was founded in 1962 and is the world’s largest company by revenue and one of the largest employers in the world (Luo, 2022). Walmart...

Walmart Inc.’s Organizational Culture

Introduction Walmart Inc. is an American company based in Bentonville with many other branches operating a grocery chain, hypermarkets, and stores. Besides groceries and consumables, the company’s shops provide various health and wellness services, hardlines, fashion, technology, entertainment, and home goods at low prices. In the Arkansas town of Rogers,...

Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Academic Literature

Introduction The chosen area of interest for this literature review is entrepreneurial opportunity. In general, the consensus of the term recognizes that the phenomenon exists at the intersection between observable customer demand and the ability to provide the sought product or service. Indeed, it is hard to disagree that not...

EXTRA Energy Drink Company Limited’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The marketing plan comprises the marketing strategies for EXTRA energy drink Company Limited, located in Texas-USA. The company’s mission and vision statement have been analyzed in the introduction section—an overview of the external and internal environment of the company by analyzing the PESTEL and SWOT. Furthermore, a review...

Adaptation of Oil and Gas Companies to a Low-Carbon Energy Industry

Introduction As the world experiences the adverse impacts of climate change, countries have accelerated their efforts in transitioning from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy. The changeover poses a significant threat to the companies operating in the oil and gas (O&G) industry, as the prospective demands for nonrenewable energy sources are...

Reflection on International Human Resource Management

Introduction In the era of globalization, many companies seek to expand their business, yet facilitating knowledge transfer is a difficult task. It requires an employee who is not only knowledgeable in their sphere of competence but also willing to live in a foreign country for an extended period. Their communication...

Jack Welch’s Transformational Leadership Analysis

Introduction Effective leadership skills and clarity of vision have a great effect on a business organization. For many years, the issue of leadership in different organizations has elicited numerous debates and how the impact of clarity of vision and leadership skills creates varied opinions. In the corporate world, there are...

The Impact of Pricing on Consumer Buying Behavior in Saudi Arabia

Pricing strategies is a concept that has been studied for decades. The focus in many studies is put on how a firm can get customers to purchase their product. Pricing affects the buying decisions and the profitability of a business. Apart from these two considerations, the competition should also be...

J. C. Penney’s “Fair and Square” Pricing Strategy

The CEO of JCP devised a “Fair and Square” concept to enhance sales income and market recognition. However, he mainly changed the logo, spokesperson, environment of stores, sales structure, and pricing strategy. Nonetheless, the CEO primarily altered the brand, spokesman, retail atmosphere, sales organization, and price policy. In other words,...

The Amazon Company’s Financial Statement

Introduction Amazon is an American technology corporation that operates in different countries around the globe. Its business line encompasses cloud computing, ecommerce, artificial intelligence, and digital streaming. Currently, its brand is well known in the market following the nature of its services to the customers. The company is consumer-centric, and...

Why Being on Time Is Important

While being on time is a debated topic, not being late is still perceived as a positive trait of an individual. Arriving on time for business meetings, appointments, and other scheduled events means that a person is reliable and can be trusted, allowing others to get an insight into how...

The Global Supply Chain Future Challenges

Executive Summary The paper has focused on the supply chain and the challenges that may face some areas in the future. It is important to study such information as it prepares the industry to overcome the issues. For instance, financially, both the companies and governments of different countries will be...

Business Model and Strategy for Success

It is vital to apply business models and strategies to reach the goal of any business. Owners of companies have to think and adopt various strategies to become successful and apply effective models to their enterprises to become one step ahead of competitors. A business model is a necessary tool...

Nike Inc.’s Strategic Planning

Introduction Strategic planning is formulated to attain the organization’s overall goals, such as the market restrictions, the demand from the stakeholders, and the accounting. A strategic plan is concerned with the organization’s future (Lo & Sugiarto, 2021). Thus for any business to remain vital and successful, it has to formulate...

Lululemon Company: Poor Management Under the Conditions of Fast Corporate Expansion

Introduction Lululemon is a multinational company specializing in selling athletic apparel. While the company has been experiencing worldwide success and opportunities for growth and market expansion, some circumstances turned out to cause the corporation financial issues. Moreover, the customers grew unsatisfied with the selection of items they could reach in...

What Are SMART Goals and Why Are They Important?

Goals are the everyday aspects of the decision-making process that gives an individual or a business that sense of clarity, concentration, motivation, and direction in the goals set. Through establishing smart goals, a person or a company get an opportunity to create a specific target that has to be aimed...

Cross-Cultural Management: A Case Study Analysis

The 21st century has introduced an evolution of the business environment, in which managers face new challenges. This age is characterized by the intense globalization that renders different parts of the world closer together, thus promoting the diversity of the entrepreneurial landscape. As such, companies and entire industries often become...

Expansion of Saputo Inc. into Germany, China and South Africa

Introduction Saputo Inc. is a Canadian dairy company with a history of more than 60 years. Currently, Saputo not only in Canada but also in the USA, Argentina, the UK, and Australia (Saputo, 2017). The current paper examines the profitability of Saputos expansion into Germany, China, and South Africa from...

A Feasibility Study for a Start-Up or a Product Line

Introduction There are several aspects and questions that start-ups and businesses need to consider before releasing new products or services. In order to succeed, businesses need to fulfill customers’ needs and meet the current requirements of the market. A standard method that helps to evaluate business opportunities is a feasibility...

Nike Company’s Performance Management & Logistics

The conceptualization of Nike as a company dates back to the year 1962 when its founders, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, where it was motivated by the notion that there was a market gap for sports shoes. Its initial name was Blue Ribbon Sports, whereby its desired goal was to...

Taylor’s Theory of Scientific Management and Its Relevance to Organizations

Introduction As a result of the industrial revolution and technological acceleration in the 18th and 19th centuries, the situation changed. In both small factories and large enterprises, management strategies established over the years required modernization and refinement. New organizational challenges have arisen due to an increase in the number of...

The Dyson Company Description

Dyson Limited is an enterprise that specializes in technology-related services and products. In 1978, James Dyson, the founder of the company, was inspired to develop efficient and reliable vacuum cleaners after using one which proved to be ineffective after a short period. However, it was not until 1991 that he...

Samsung: The Global Marketing

Executive Summary Samsung remained the biggest smartphone maker in the world until Huawei surpassed it in April 2020. The market share of the North Korean company dropped only to 17%, which is enough to stay ahead of Apple and Xiaomi, who are their main global rivals (Singh, 2020). Such changes...

Asda in the Retail Market and Its Marketing Strategies

Executive Summary The main aim of this report is to identify the current stage of Asda in the retail market and its marketing strategies. Current analysis shows the improvements to be made. The current recession has made the retail market down due to less spending by the consumers. In addition,...

Strategy Implementation at Walt Disney Company

Introduction Strategy implementation entails the process of turning plans and strategies into actions to accomplish strategic goals and objectives. A strategic plan’s performance is more significant than the strategy itself, and many companies having strategic plans usually fail to implement them as required. Moreover, many businesses have a good plan...

Acculturation and Enculturation: Business Issues

Abstract This essay will examine the concepts of enculturation and acculturation in the context of their impact on business ethics. The current state of business ethics and issues related to the moral issues of doing business will be discussed. Researchers began to single out the two analyzed terms relatively recently;...

Porter’s Five Forces and Its Business Application

Michael Porter described the strategic model of the five competitive forces analysis. The analysis is conducted on five factors, or so-called forces: customers, suppliers, existing competitors, new competitors, and substitute products. With the help of these structural units, it is possible to consider how a company, in the long run,...

Kentucky Fried Chicken Company’s Advertisement

Companies that manufacture food utilize various appeals to reach out to the public and promote their products. The goal of food advertisements is to convince people of different age groups, gender, and culture to purchase a food product. Furthermore, promotions play a significant role in convincing people to choose a...

Importance of Process Strategy

Introduction Process refers to the procedures undertaken to ensure a product or service meets the end user needs. It is mainly concerned with planning, developing, implementing, documenting, and reviewing the system procedure. This is meant to make sure that the product is availed at the right place and time, as...

Case Study: Miele. Difference through Marketing

Marketing involves creating and exchanging goods and services that are of value to customers, partners, and the community at large. With increased rivalry from other organizations, a company must always strive to achieve a competitive advantage (Plewa & Conduit, 2016). The resources that a firm has can be used as...

J. C. Penney and Ron Johnson: A Case of Failed Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in business management, and the wrong decisions of a person in charge can significantly harm the whole company’s wellbeing. The case of Ron Johnson’s executing role in J.C.Penney shows how an outside-taken leader who administrates without considering corporate culture and values can destroy a reliable,...

E-Commerce: The Change in Consumer Shopping

Introduction The evolution of e-commerce has undergone several stages, from being a novelty that lacks security and efficiency to an integral part of a modern person’s life. Some researchers focus on how consumer preferences changed the perception of shopping, leading to more retailers developing their online shops. This paper aims...

Walmart Tactics and Action Plan

Introduction Walmart is known across the globe for its revolutionization of retail strategy. It has maximized the cost-efficiency of all processes, including logistics, manufacturer relations, distribution, as well as human resources (Reich, 2018). Throughout its history, the company was one of the first to introduce numerous changes that helped streamline...

Change Management at Nokia Corporation

Nokia Company was established in Finland and was renowned for being the first company to generate a cellular network making it a global leader in mobile phones. Nokia established itself as a market leader in the production of mobile phones. Nokia has its presence in over 130 nations. Initially, the...

Food Festival Event for Westboro Residents

Introduction Westboro is an area located on the west end of Ottawa, which local folk often calls Westboro Village. Located along the Ottawa River, the neighborhood formed in the nineteenth century and quickly became one of the most unique and diverse areas in Ontario. The Westboro community has undergone several...

Nokia Company’s General Marketing Strategy

Nokia, a leading mobile manufacturing company is offering more that 25 different models of mobile handsets to its varied categories of customers (Mooij, 2010). This is strategically meant to meet specific needs of each group of customers. Since not everyone can be fully satisfied with homogenous or same products, groups...

Authenticity of Products on Consumers

Introduction This marketing research tries to investigate how product authenticity impacts consumers to decision-making. Product authenticity refers to the validity or genuineness of a product being sold in the market. Consumers need to be assured that the product and services that they buy and consume are actually the original and...