Globalization: Impact on Modern Society

Globalization contributes to establishing relationships between individuals, independent social objects, and phenomena, embracing all spheres of people’s lives. Some people consider globalization a threat to national cultures. Others believe that free trade between states implies prosperity and economic growth of all nations and businesses. That is why it is difficult...

Bretton Woods Monetary System

The establishment of the US dollar as the global vehicle currency in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference influenced the global economy after World War II. This economic system created a resilient platform for the stabilization of global economic performance in the 1950s and 1960s. However, this system was short-lived...

The Consumer Behavior Concept Analysis

Abstract The customer behavior concept is the study of how individuals make purchasing decisions. It assists businesses and marketers in capitalizing on these behaviors by anticipating when and how a consumer will buy a product. It aids in the identification of factors that influence these decisions, as well as the...

Ivory Coast’s Social and Economic Challenges

Summary Despite the level of development of technology and society, modern Africa is not much different from its historical copy. This stage of development is a locality in which numerous social problems are particularly acute. Thus, the population is forced to live in frightening conditions, including the economy, minimal sanitation,...

The Great Recession: Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand in the USA

The Great Recession is fairly described as a horrendous financial collapse that left millions of families with fewer money or even deeply in debt, it also caused multiple companies to go bankrupt. Remarkably, nearly 8 million Americans lost their jobs, 4 million homes were foreclosed, 2.5 million businesses were closed...

Border Management Agencies and Principles

Introduction The modern world is characterized by a high level of globalization and multiple travel opportunities. The development of different means of transport, especially civil aviation, provided millions of individuals with a chance to move to numerous states. This openness is viewed as one of the most outstanding achievements; however,...

Benefits of a Cashless Society: TED Talk Analysis

I learned from the video that the world needs to keep pushing forward to financial inclusion. Currently, over 2 billion people are either unbanked or underbanked – people outside of the banking systems and people who cannot access the full scope of opportunities these systems offer (TED, 2021). In other...

Definition of “Flotation Costs”

The analysis of various expenses of publicly traded companies provides the chance to understand that the factor of issue type may influence the organization’s choices. The flotation costs can be defined as the expenses of the company aiming to become publicly traded related to issuing new securities. When an organization...

Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality

Introduction Financial inclusion is important in improving economic growth by reducing income inequalities. Economists agree that reducing income inequality increases disposable income among the poor, which is a primary demand. Governments have attempted various strategies to tackle the issue over time. Income distribution through financial institutions has been given prominent...

Planned and Actual Saving and Investment Difference

Various firms and households make savings and investments that influence the economy in general. Planned savings and investments are the amounts that the companies intend to save or invest during a given period. Actual savings and investments are the quantities that are retained and invested during a specific period. These...

Bank of America and Financial Analysis

Bank of America is a leading US financial institution dedicated to serving individual consumers, large corporations, and small and medium-sized enterprises with a broad range of banking, investment, and management products and services. It provides easy-to-use online products and services and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (Bank...

Capital Structure: Modigliani & Miller’s Theory

Reasons why Modigliani & Miller’s propositions were initially misunderstood Modigliani and Miller’s propositions were initially misunderstood because of the irrelevance of the propositions that were proving to be irrelevant, still raising hackles in academic circles. The criticism revolving around M&M’s failure to recognize the great importance of adhering to taxes...

Application of Behavioural Finance in the Market

Introduction Behavioral finance is based on the concept that market inefficiencies can be identified and effectively exploited for making accurate predictions on future investment market movements. It is an alternative view of the efficient market hypothesis or EMH. “A growing field of research called behavioral finance studies how cognitive or...

Target Market Segment Description

Description of the Primary Target Market A primary target market is a segment of a market section that the business believes will provide an opportunity for it to sell its products or services. My full-service beauty salon business seeks to attract these potential consumers to purchase the services and products...

National Competitiveness and Quality of Life

The competitiveness of a country is determined by the competitiveness of enterprises, industries, types of economic activity, clusters, municipalities, regions. However, the company’s competitiveness is affected by the national competitiveness in which it operates. Almost every sector of the economy contains the following five factors of competitiveness, including quality, price,...

Researching the Types of Business Structures

Sole Proprietorship Steps to Form The proprietor decides on the product or service to render and selects a unique name for their business. There are no legal formalities required during the establishment of the enterprise. However, the proprietor is required to obtain the prerequisite business licenses, depending on the location...

FIFO and LIFO: The Main Differences

For businesses to manage a good stock flow, inventories help balance between new and old stock as it protects businesses from recording preventable losses. In most cases, this is achieved by the use of First In First Out (FIFO) and Last In Last Out (LIFO) models of stock tracking. LIFO...

AUD and NZD Exchange Rate Forecast

Australia and New Zealand are neighboring countries with highly intertwined economies and cultures. Australia, which has a larger and more industrialized economy, utilizes the Australian dollar (AUD), while New Zealand with an advanced market economy utilizes the New Zealand dollar (NZD), informally known as Kiwi. The two countries maintain a...

Terminals and Locations: Hinterlands and Forelands

Hinterlands are the lands or regions behind a coast line served by a port as the terminal for commercial activities. These lands are where the port as a terminal draws its commercial activities from. The forelands are the lands beyond the sea serving as a destination of goods and services...

Conscious Capitalism and Fair Trade

The concept of conscious capitalism supports fair trade and is relevant to many types of businesses. The approach hinges on the philosophy that commercial activities can elevate humanity if they are executed cautiously through socially responsible economic and political practices. According to Kotler (2016), conscious capitalism entails a relationship between...

Asian Currencies Sink in 1997

Economic activities are internationally integrated at present to an exceptional degree. Alteration in one country’s economy can be swiftly transmitted to its business partners. The rise and fall of economic activities are replicated almost instantly on fluctuations in exchange values. As a result, multinational corporations having incorporated cross-border productions and...

Impact of Bank Regulation, Market Structure, and Institutions on Cost of Financial Intermediation

Introduction Existence of financial intermediaries is a key element for smooth functioning of an economy. Financial intermediaries refer to all the financial institutions such as bank and non-bank financial institutions that are established within an economy (Richard, Burton & Norman, 2004, p.2). Financial intermediaries play a significant role in linking...

Global Financial Crisis: Organizational Behaviour and Analysis

Corporate organisations are social entities or systems where people of different ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures, and calibres merge to form an organisational structure. According to Boddy (2011), modern organisations exist in a hierarchical arrangement where leaders and subordinates interact and share views. Socialists have argued that almost all organisations are...

Market Screening: Review and Analysis

The rate at which the use of computers in Africa is growing so fast. There is an increase in the need for computers plus their accessories in countries like Kenya. Educational institutions, the public, and the private sectors are all undergoing computerization. There dire need for computers to enhance efficiency...

The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank

Introduction Exploring the nature of the company’s microeconomics is an essential part of developing a successful strategy for its future growth. This paper will review the banking and financial management of the Russian company Sberbank, which began to expand globally in recent years. Frexias and Rochet (2008) describe banks as...

Investment Strategy: Principle of Asset Allocation

Executive Summary Portfolio is a collection of investments held by a person or a company. The aim of selecting a portfolio is to achieve a desirable result of return through diversified risk. It will be unwise for an individual, to invest all his money in one project or security, since...

“Modeling the Short Rate” by John Hull

Financial researchers are focusing on deriving a model that calculates a Q-measure and P-measure distributions. Q-measure focuses on risk-neutral that has a role in pricing. P-measure focuses on real-world that receives more attention than Q-measure. Real-world measures depend on pricing and risks. The modelling process involves the use of potential...

Process Selection, Product Design, and Capacity Determination

The process of developing a new product is a complex set of various activities, closely related to one another. The process of product design and selection of technology, based on which production is organized, is an important process in the creation of a product. Product design and capacity determination are...

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory

When designing a practice change, it is crucial to utilize an appropriate change model to ensure the effectiveness of the process. Change theories can help in a myriad of ways. For instance, a relevant model is beneficial for planning future change by identifying the critical stages to achieve success (Batras...

Dividend Payout Policy

In this specific case BP is slashing it dividends due to environmental recovery operation in the Gulf of Mexico. The originator of the theory of “Dividend Payout Policy” Miller and Modigliani had the following assumptions in the theory (Miller and Modigliani 1961). The market structure is of Perfect competition. In...

Limited Liability Company: Advantages and Disadvantages

The limited liability company is a comparatively new type of business entity that remains popular because of some benefits that arise from the existing regulations and legislation. There are several advantages that explain its topicality and its consideration as a beneficial option. First, it suggests special pass-through tax treatment that...

Newmont Mining Corporation: Analysis of Risk and Return

Performance of the stock The graph below shows the performance for the stocks of Newmont Mining Corporation and Fossil incorporated as well as the market. It shows that Newmont Mining Corporation was doing well in the market as compared to Fossil incorporated. Both their performance is in upward trend apart...

International Trade Payment Forms

There are various methods of payment in international trade. Credit in any international trade transition is provided by the exporter, importer, bank, or a combination of these. Exporters who have sufficient cash flows can finance the entire trade cycle, starting with the production of the product by the exporter down...

Making Rental Housing More Affordable in Toronto

Introduction Issue The city of Toronto is Canada’s financial capital and a major business hub that attracts not only the local Canadians but also many people around the world. It is one of the most attractive destinations for people because of its improved transport and health infrastructure, high levels of...

Case Study – Cyclone Larry

Main issue On March 20th, 2006, cyclone Larry devastated the banana industry in Australia. This was a cyclone with devastating effects which destroyed fruit worth of $300 million and approximately 4000 employers left without work. It was an event that took the producers by surprise because during a whole day...

Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition

The market is not a constant structure, but an ever-changing and complex construct. The well-known ideals of monopolistic and competitive markets are not as widely applicable as they would seem at first glance. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly are examples of mixed market systems. In terms of output and pricing, they...

Assessing the Reasons behind Store Closings

Assessing the reasons behind store closings can highlight important industry trends and market changes. In the selected article, Stebbins and Sauter (2018) show that all of the retailers chose to close their stores to reduce expenses. Another similarity between the businesses is that the products they sell can be purchased...

Robert Wilson Contribution in the Development of Economic Thought

Introduction Economics is a branch of social science that deals with the manner in which goods and services are produced, distributed, consumed, and managed. This is an integral part of society with regard to improving the standards of living. The effectiveness of economic theories in achieving this feat depends on...

Issues in Cryptocurrency Trading

Introduction Ever since the success of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have been steadily growing in number as well as the volume of transactions that occur through them. Despite early assertions to the contrary, they have been found to be valuable tools for trading due to their variety of unique advantages. As a...

The Removal of Cash Equivalents

Under the current rules, the statement of cash flows features both cash and cash equivalents, short-term stable liquid investments that can easily be converted into cash. However, the FASB is currently considering eliminating the second category, working purely with money, and reclassifying noncash transactions as different categories on the statement....

The Types of Leasing Agreements

Leasing is an alternative to purchasing an asset, which can be more beneficial for a business in terms of cost-efficiency. In general, there are five types of leasing agreements. The two that will be compared in this paper are – operating, financial, sale-and-leaseback, combination, and synthetic (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2017)....

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity

Undoubtedly, to start and develop a business, people need to have specific financial resources. There are different ways to get them: for example, borrowing from a bank or cooperating with investors. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, but both provide a right to exist. In particular, borrowing money...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangladesh’s Banking Sector

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) denotes a firm’s practices that entail undertakings that benefit the surrounding community, for instance, offering a fraction of the business’ profits to charity, programs of environmental conservation and social welfare, and implementation of greener processes to mention a few. Currently, Corporate Social Responsibility acts as...

The End of Cash Payments: Effects of Cashless Transfers

All over the world, people pay by cash in more than half of financial operations. There is a trend of substitution paper money by electronic transactions on a full-scale basis, and banknotes and coins will be of value only to numismatists. In the last decade, almost all countries have mainstreamed...

Researches on the Housing Prices

Literature Review The topic of house pricing is very well researched. The housing market is often associated with large cash flows which make sellers and advertisers research the reasons and factors that affect the price of houses and apartments. Beijing as a capital city with a huge market for real...

Demand-Side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

The United States employed fiscal and monetary policies to respond to the Great Recession of 2008. The Federal Reserve, Congress, and Bush and Obama administration responded well to the financial meltdown. The fiscal policy entailed an increase in government spending coupled with tax cuts. The fiscal policy spurred economic growth...

The Important of Globalism and Nationalism

The issues of globalism and nationalism are essential for modern society. Multiple researchers of globalization focus on examining its products, phenomena, and the actual processes in which globalization is manifested. They barely touch upon and illuminate the essential question about its real sources and driving forces (Steger 21). This especially...

How Globalization Affects Governance?

Nowadays the phenomenon of globalization can be described as a dominating power behind major political, business, and sociological developments all around the world. From day to day global economy, politics and culture become more and more autocratic in every land. The process of globalization inevitably affects governance all over the...

1987 Black Monday: Outline and Prevention in the Future

Dear 1987 Black Monday Black Monday occurred on the 19th day of October 1987, and it greatly affected the stock market. It came to an end on Tuesday 20th with the government’s intervention. Before opening the financial market the Federal Reserve issued a short statement that said it would intervene...

Economic Globalization: The Role of Geography

Introduction Globalization is by no means a modern phenomenon closely connected with the geographical structure of the world and location of a particular country. From ancient times countries have never lived in isolation. In the West, Ancient Rome was responsible for control and economic integration of the adjacent countries. And...

Managerial Economics, Market Power

This is a research paper on market power which is a part of managerial economy. It starts with defining the topic and area of research, later getting into the path for recognition of different aspects and scopes of the topic. The major ideologies linked with market power are stated and...

The Problem of Corruption for the Economic Development of Countries

Introduction Although corruption is widespread in most countries of the world, nonetheless, the level of corruption in some of the countries is extremely high in comparison with others. In the majority of public institutions, corruption is widespread due to bureaucracy and politics (Osipian, n.d, p.35). According to the World Bank...

Monopolistic Competition and Market Structure

Introduction Monopolistic competition refers to a market structure where products are differentiated and a large number of producers compete with each other to satisfy the unlimited customer base. In this marketing structure, producers have a certain level of price control, trade barriers are few and the customer perception on price...

International Trade Simulation and Report

Absolute advantage Absolute advantage is the ability of a certain economic unit like a particular country to produce a product in high quantities with a lower cost of production than some other unit. This is done when the units are compared. This is done to calculate the efficiencies of production....

The Economic Development of the Asian Tigers

Introduction We start our discussion by trying to understand the Asian market as a whole. Asia as a continent that has grown in all aspects including its economy; this growth is not unique to the region but was also realized in other parts of the world. The economic development of...

Budget for Project: Report

Introduction LRH Products is preparing to attend a major trade show event in Sacramento, CA. In order to attend the trade show various activities should be incorporated which is considered as individual tasks of a project. The activities include stocking up the collaterals, staffing the sales people, transportation etc. The...

Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the UK

Introduction Fiscal and monetary policies in every country are the two major tools to sustain macroeconomic stability and to ensure the functioning of the state. These two policies differ and use different inventory; however, their interconnectedness and hence the necessity to carefully interrelate them has been proven long ago, thus...

Are MNCs Responsible for Poverty and Violence in Developing Nations?

While multinational corporations (MNCs) play a big role in the development of economies in developing countries, evidence supports that they are responsible for much of the poverty and violence in some developing countries they operate in. Multinational Corporation is a term that is used to refer to the companies that...

Churches in the Arabian Gulf – Arabian Peninsula

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is made up of the countries that constitute the Arabian Peninsula except for the Republic of Yemen. These countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the Sultan of Oman. The aim of the GCC, which is largely political, is to...

Supply & Demand, Price Elasticity and Shift Factors

Supply and demand are the cornerstone interdependent variables in economics theory and practice. Supply is defined as the amount of goods and services available for customers to buy. Demand on the other hand is the number of people with the desire and willingness to pay for the available goods and...

Disadvantages Faced by Multinational Corporations in Markets

Outline Due to invention of highly developed technology business community has more and more become a unit and as a consequence, global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due globalization concept there have been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the governments of many countries...

Economics – Production and Cost

Introduction Production refers to the process of converting inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that involves use of resources in creating a good or service that is important for trading purposes. Production covers aspects of manufacturing, aspects of packaging, shipping and storing (Frank, 2004). Isoquant in economics is...

Fixed Cost vs. Variable Cost

Introduction This paper seeks to analyze whether it is a good idea to convert fixed cots to variable costs for Claire’s Antiques. This will also discuss when it is proper to convert fixed cost to variable cost and will identify the types of costs that Claire’s Antiques would probably incur...

International Trade and Investment

Although international investment continues to influence growth in the global economy than trade, it has developed without the necessary presence of a formulated international system of rules according to Aaronson (2004). In fact, policymaking in this field has been without success. This is for example due to reasons of disagreement...

Social Media Impact on Customers

In the contemporary world, free access to a large amount of information transformed customers from passive buyers to active consumers searching for the best ways of satisfying their needs. Therefore, social media have become a significant factor influencing customers’ choices since these technologies supply people with relevant data throughout the...

International Economy. Oakley’s Globalization Theory

Introduction Thomas Oakley is an economist who has written the critically acclaimed book International Political Economy. In it, he discusses globalization, its drivers, and its effects on various actors in the international scene. The book distinguishes itself by its modernity and continuous updates that analyze new policies by prominent nations...

Young Female Customers’ Luxury Fashion Purchasing in the UK

Abstract The primary objective of this research study was to present an insight into the motives defining the purchasing and consumption of luxury fashion among young female customers in the UK. The researcher applied quantitative research designed since the study was focused on a single market segment. Through direct interview...

“Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not a Problem” by Jay Richards

Introduction The last century was marked by a spectacular battle between two powerful economic systems and ideologies: communism and capitalism. By the end of the 21st century, it has become exhaustively clear that capitalism seems to prevail and bring countries to prosperity and economic domination. Communism, on the other hand,...

Spent: Looking for Change

The issue of debt is the most pressing problem that unites the subjects of Spent: Looking for Change. The first subject of the documentary, a young man named Justin reflects on his poverty-stricken childhood and discusses his aspirations of having a successful production company and building a life with his...

Multinational Corporations Challenges in Global Environment

Introduction Multinational Corporations are complex in their operation (Jones, 2004, p.45). This arises from the fact that they involve a number of business units that are autonomous in their operation (Bohlander & Snell, 2009, p. 659). In their operation, MNCs are required to respond to diverse foreign issues such as...

Film Industry’s Profitability in 1988-1999

Introduction The database displays the US film industry net benefits from 1988 to 1999. Six major distributors have constantly dominated the market over the decade. The most profitable studios produce the most profitable films. Paramount is the market share leader with a 14.74% share. A CPI index higher than 100%...

Customers’ Views on Service Dimensions

Executive Summary Two important factors for understanding how to improve the success of service-oriented businesses are customer satisfaction and service quality. This analogy is true for telecommunication firms because their success depends on their service quality. Therefore, to quantify their success, they need to measure their service quality. However, service...

Sales Revenue Forecasting for 2005 and 2006

This paper seeks to examine historical sales revenue data to establish a forecast for 2005 and 2006. The historical data exhibit quarterly seasonality, which will be verified by plotting a scatter diagram of sales revenue against time. This scatter diagram, otherwise called a time series plot, further demonstrates the trend....

Chapter 9 of “International Business” by Hill

Chapter summary This chapter talks about what foreign exchange is and explains the meaning of a foreign exchange market, shows how the market works and indicates the forces that determine exchange rates, explains the association between exchange rates and international business and highlights the functions of the foreign market. Foreign...

Natural Rate of Unemployment

Explain clearly how the natural rate of unemployment is determined in a wage-setting and price-setting model of the labor market In determining the natural rate of unemployment, analysts focus on evaluating price and wage settings in the labor market. In this regard, they analyze price relations within the scope of...

Globalization and National Security Issues

Comparing and Contrasting the Views of Stephen Brooks and Eugene Gholz In the past two decades, a multiplicity of analytical fulcrums have been advanced from diverse quarters about the role of globalization in either promoting or weakening national and international security. Many international relations scholars and security experts have taken...

Budgeting for Events: Venue Reports

The first chapter of this report discusses many issues concerned with event organization. The author writes about how the feasibility of a sports event can be determined, how finances can be organized and budgeted in order to realize the success of a particular sports event, and the risk management involving...

Microeconomics: Production, Costs and Profits

Economic cost Costs are defined as opportunities foregone when a decision is made; therefore, opportunity costs are costs of any action considered in form of greatest opportunity forgone (, 2010). It is surrender value associated with the second greatest choice presented to the individual or firm which has selected amongst...

Barclays Bank History and Analysis

Introduction Barclays bank is one of the oldest banks in the world. Its history dates back in the 17th century when, banking services were being introduced in the United Kingdom. Although the bank has generally been successful over the years, it has encountered numerous challenges. The most recent one was...

The Political Economy of International Trade

The chapter focuses on international trade and how most governments usually view free trade as ideal but may interfere with the trading for political and economic reasons. The instruments used by governments to regulate trade include; tariffs, subsidies on goods, import quotas on goods and services, voluntarily restraining some exports,...

Traditional Budget and Zero-Based Budget

Introduction Modern organizations use several types of budget creation. Each approach has its advantages and is suitable for specific tasks. The following paper identifies the differences between the most common approaches – a traditional budget and a zero-based budget. Concept Definitions In order to understand the differences, it is first...

The Halo Effect in Business

Abstract The halo effect in business is a kind of a cognitive bias, which is created as a result of the customer’s tendency to perceive brands, companies, or products relying on the overall impression. The effect appears when the rater develops a holistic opinion before performing a detailed analysis. As...

The Net Present Value Concept

Introduction The Net Present Value Rule (NPV) states that in the case of a positive NPV, an investment is to be accepted and in the case of a negative NPV, the investment should be rejected. The NPV Rule stipulates that by investing in the projects that have the NPV over...

Friedman: Liberalism, Individualism, Market Economy

Milton Friedman’s astounding contribution to the U.S. economy is something that continues to affect the present day. One of the primary ideas he espoused focused on the value of liberalism in developing an overarching theory to govern modern society. However, Friedman lamented the fact that contemporary interpretation of the term...

Exploitation and Profit in Capitalism

Introduction Profit is defined as the financial benefits one receives when the revenue gained from a business transaction is greater than the expenses that were necessary to perform said operation, including costs and taxes required for a business to remain sustainable. Regardless of the nature of the business, the end...

Thailand’s Macro Environment in 2016-2017

Executive Summary The report delves into the peculiarities of the current macro environment in Thailand. The rapid economic growth of the state that can be observed in the last several decades preconditions the increased level of investors attention and numerous attempts to enter the local market. However, the peculiarities of...

Credit Quality in Banking Lending and Investment

Introduction For the last 30 years, bank institutions have represented more than half of the commercial lending sector and approximately a quarter of the entire corporate credit market1. The institutions are cautious creditors and repeatedly work to make credit accessible to credit-worthy companies and individuals throughout the country. Bankers analyse...

Raul Prebisch’ Contributions on Economic Development

Raul Prebisch was an Argentinean economist who contributed greatly to the international debates on economic development in the period between the 1940s and the 1970s. Although he was a theorist, he is known more as an economic diplomat who contributed significantly to debates in regards to development and international trade...

Economic Systems: Attitude to Work in Capitalism

Work attitudes Sheehy recounts his encounter with workers with a “don’t-care attitude” during his undercover activities. These workers only completed the assigned task because they needed to get paid, and as such, they were less concerned about how they performed tasks. They did not feel the need to be responsible...

Gulf Cooperation Council: Current and Future Prospects

Introduction Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a socio-economic and political pact, which consists of six of the Middle East nations including Saudi, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Arabia, and Oman. Founded in Riyadh Saudi Arabia on May 1981, the GCC has been keen on safeguarding the interest of its...

Biggest Economic Threat: Student Loan Debt

Introduction Student loan debt is not just a problem for individuals in the United States. It is equally a concern for the society as a whole. According to Bennett and Wilezol (2013), the fact that graduates have to spend most of what they earn to pay up their loans denies...

Global Consumer Culture and Behaviour

Introduction Knowing the different roles that family members play in decision-making concerning purchases is not enough. In addition, it is important to understand why certain family members directly influence decisions of the household, while others do so indirectly. At the same time, being familiar with the latest trends in role...

David Ricardo’s Contribution to Economics

David Ricardo was a modern orthodox economist whose main ideas centered on positive economics. He is notable for his contribution in economics during the classical period of economics. The period lasted about 100 years and his book “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” that was published in 1817...

Institutions and Economic Growth

Introduction Governance in the community must be performed through institutions that dictate the specific behaviour of the people and groups of people in the community. The power held by specific institutions depends on the mandates that they are granted by the law and their ability to compel other organisations to...

Keynesian and Neoclassical Economic Theories

Neoclassical Neoclassical economic school of thought emerged in the early 1900s from what is known as the Marginal Revolution. It was a response to the Classic economic theory which did not accurately reflect items on the market. Ideas began to form which based value on the relationship between a buyer...

Price Determination and Its Economic Factors

Main economic factors that determine price of good or service According to Connor (2006, p. 64), price determination is dependent on demand and supply of goods and services. In economics, price depends on the balance between these two forces. However, there are also other several micro-economic factors that determine the...

UK Housing Industry Macro Analysis

Economic The 2008 financial crisis had had greater effect on the housing industry. However, in 2010, the industry has regained its normalcy of recording positive revenues. Following the re-structuring that characterised the industry in 2009 and 2010, the available data indicate that the turnovers of the top firms rose by...

Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena

Synopsis The article under consideration entitled “Introduction: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena” is a piece of writing by Max Kirsch taken from the book written by the same author. The article was published by Routledge in 2007. The author introduces information about the controversial nature of globalization in...

The Effect of Globalization in Economic Development

There are fundamental concerns, issues, and resolutions arising from the association of the communities living across the world as a global community. They merge to form a self-sustaining system that facilitates further developments related to their mutual capabilities and abilities. These aspects termed as globalization make them massive and undefeatable...

Child Labor Role in Westernization and Globalization

The claim by a sixteen-year-old inmate that he came from a rich family was more interesting to fellow inmates than concerns regarding the boy’s innocence or guilt. The mention of fifty six thousand dollars mesmerized the other inmates who “could not stop talking about the cars and clothes he could...

The Issue of World Poverty and Ways to Alleviate the Poverty in the World

Poverty is defined as the state of deficiency of a certain amount of material wealth or money. In common use, it normally refers to a lack of enough food materials, safe and clean water, healthcare and education, and clothing and shelter. World poverty figures have been rising since the second...

Economy Functions: Production, Consumption, Distribution

Every economy has its purpose and role in society. It is necessary to comprehend a true worth of economy to use its benefits and succeed. As a rule, there are four main functions of the economy: the identification of what should be produced, the analysis of production amount, the description...

Maximizing Profits in Market Structures

Introduction A market structure is the number and size of buyers and sellers who are interested in a product or service. Apart from buyers and sellers involved in the market, market structures for a commodity also include the likely entrants. Because of the differing level of competition within the market,...

Government Spending and Taxation

The US government incurs significant expenditures in each fiscal year to ensure the well-being of its citizens. Over the past decades, the country has been spending mainly in areas such as social security, defense, transportation, income security, and payrolls. The system of governance is divided into three key categories; federal,...

Gramsci’s Idea of Cultural Hegemony in Political Economy

International Political Economy (IPE) is a topic of study that explores the confluence between politics and economics in a global environment. It aims to comprehend the complexity of the global economy and how the activities of numerous players, including nations, multinational firms, international organizations, and people, impact it. Through the...

Navigating Cultural and Business Considerations in Argentina

Purpose of Global Expansion First, the company will have new revenue potential as it obtains access to a broader customer base. Given that the company discussed produces cellphone cases, the demand can be relatively high because most people have cell phones today. However, the competition may also increase if there...

The Analysis of Consumer Behavior During COVID-19

Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic has irrevocably altered the global economy and human life. There was undeniable evidence that limiting people’s freedom of movement affected business and home operations and, by extension, altered consumer behavior and spending patterns. According to Pollak et al., consumer behavior studies how people decide which items...

Evolution of Modern Banking: Middle Ages to Present

Introduction The history of banking began around 2000 BCE in Assyria, Sumeria, and India when wealthy families kept gold and silver coins in their homes. However, in the U.S., the banking system was started in 1782, where the first real bank was chartered in the then young republic. Hiding of...

Housing Discrimination: Redlining Continuing Affects

Introduction The issue of homeownership inequity, such as the historic redlining practice, is one of the most challenging aspects when buying a home. Housing discrimination limits certain homebuyers’ capacity to build equity. Housing discrimination is the unlawful act of discriminating or acting in a biased manner toward those who purchase...

The Adoption of New International Financial Architecture

Introduction Financial accounting makes a crucial element in companies across the world. Accounting bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, international companies, regulators, and professional institutes rely on several guidelines in accounting. Regulations vary between countries and regions based on the established factors considered important in each jurisdiction. These differences are the...

Government Regulations: Effects on the Economy

The successful collaboration of public and private entities within a national economy is a valuable prospect that many governments seek to pursue. However, in some cases, it is not possible to achieve fairness in market coverage, budget allocation, and other factors directly affecting capacity development. State interventions manifested in strict...

France: Macroeconomics Analysis

Introduction The French socio-economic model’s specificity is the state’s traditional high role in the economy. After the Second World War, indicative economic planning and a comprehensive social protection system were created, and by the mid-1980s, as a result of three waves of nationalization in 1936, 1945, and 1982 the largest...

Commercial Banks in Nigeria: Impact of Cash Reserve Ratio

The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), which entails the set percentage of cash required to be kept in reserves as against the bank’s total deposits, has over the past increased in Nigeria, lowering commercial bank earnings and thereby harming the country’s economy. Therefore, if commercial banks in the country want to...

Tax Reforms From a Judeo-Christian Perspective

Introduction Tax is a primary method used by most governmental organizations to collect revenue. Tax cuts are the depletion and changes made to taxes paid by citizens, saving taxpayers money (Martinez, 2017). The government implies many forms of tax cuts, including on assets, revenue, sales, and profit. Expansionary fiscal policy...

Boeing and Airbus: Trade Barriers and Government’s Role

Treaties, tariffs, taxations, and trade barriers limit free international trade. The impact of these limitations on global business is vast. Moreover, the government’s role is considerable, as seen from the example of Boeing and Airbus. Trade barriers are crucial for the financial prosperity of countries, as they encourage international trade....

Balance of Payments in the Indian Economy

The balance of payments, as one of the most critical indicators showing the effectiveness of the foreign economic policy pursued, makes it possible to analyze the movement of funds for the formation and servicing of external debt, as well as to calculate the scale of the country’s external debt and...

The Economic Development of Latin America

Introduction Before the learning journey, I thought I knew enough about Latin America, but the trip made me change my mind. In recent years, Latin America has undergone significant changes. While some countries experienced major economic and social crises in the late twentieth century and early 2000s, the region experienced...

The Industrial Revolution: Key Factors

The Industrial Revolution is a developmental period characterized by the transformation from the rural and agrarian way of being to modernized and industrial. An industrial revolution depends on four key factors: natural resources, capital resources, human resources, and entrepreneurship. The combination of these factors allows a nation or a region...

Global Economic Systems Comparison

Introduction At its core, the state represents the intersection of its political, economic, social, and cultural elements. Due to the cultural differences in world views and visions of how society should work, many diverse political ideologies were invented and implemented economically and socially. As a consequence, the economic organization was...

Turkey’s Customs Union with European Union

Customs unions and free-trade agreements (FTAs) are the backbone of the modern globalized trade, creating conditions for more profitable exchange of good and developing closer ties between nations. However, there are instances where these trade agreements are asymmetrical, and benefit one of the parties more than the other. The article...

Oil Industry: Scandals and Crises

Biezma, M. V., Andrés, M. A., Agudo, D., & Briz, E. (2020). Most fatal oil & gas pipeline accidents through history: A lessons learned approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 110, 104446. Web. This source is a scholarly research conducted by Biezma et al. (2020) and posted in the Engineering Failure Analysis...

Foreign Direct Investment of Multinationals from Mainland China

Introduction Change in the competitive domains of several firms, technological advances, improved cross-border labor, and Foreign direct investments are the leading forces that are responsible for the contemporary internationalization of various enterprises. Mainland China has got a substantial number of multinational corporations that are rapidly growing. Some examples of the...

Aspects of Monetary Policy

It is crucial to understand how the Federal Reserve affects the country’s economy and why its approach is not apparent to the public. Monetary policy can be defined as the official regulation of market operations based on the analysis of the most recent economic developments (Mankiw, 2018). It represents the...

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Globalization

Introduction The fourth industrial revolution marked a period of technological development in the last half of the 18th century that has mainly changed the manufacturing, assembling, textile, and economic growth in the European and other Asian countries. Most commodities that were being crafted by hand initially have started to be...

Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in the International Environment

Introduction The idea of expanding into the global environment and capturing an increasingly large audience is typically represented not only as a desirable goal for developing companies but also as a natural stage of corporate growth. As a rule, cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBM/As) are regarded as essential tools in...

Job Losses as a Result of the Pandemic

In the Weekly Economics Podcast, Thomas-Smith (2020) describes recent job losses in the United Kingdom due to the pandemic. In this episode, Thomas-Smith invited Alfie Stirling, a head of at the NEF, and Nikki Pound, a support officer in Policy and Campaigns at the TUC, to discuss the unemployment problem...

Gross Domestic Product: The Role in Economics

GDP, or gross domestic product, is an economically and socially significant value. It is the monetary estimation of all goods and services produced in a specific territory. The overall GDP over a year, along with its general growth, is used to estimate the well-being of an economy. The value is...

Going Public in the USA: Lifecycle Information Transformation

Financial markets provide an avenue for selling and exchanging physical assets, and many businesses go into these markets to raise capital and make investments. The markets have five major components; the derivative market, equity market, debt market, foreign-exchange market, and mortgage market (Sobti, 2018). The derivative market is a component...

Oil Prices as a Trend in Real Estate Business

Background At the moment, the real estate business is developing more rapidly. Despite the difficulties that the global coronavirus pandemic has brought, this area of human activity is gaining lost strength. Thus, there are more and more different trends in this area. Researching relationships with them can significantly help in...

Africa’s Underdevelopment Factors and Reasons

Introduction Africa has been struggling for years with attempts to increase the country’s economic growth and make it more progressive. Although the government eventually succeeded in some areas there is still a lot to achieve compared to the developed European countries. The main three reasons for slow growth are economic...

Early Education Center Program Budgets

General development classes are very important for the mental education of young children. During classes, a child gains important qualities necessary for successful cognitive development. However, not all parents are ready to dedicate much time to teach their kids. Thus, numerous early education centers have developed special programs that help...

Corruption: The Global Problem

Regarding human rights abuses, Morocco, which is ranked 39 on the index, proposed an emergency law that denied citizens their right to movement, as well as assembly and free speech. Furthermore, the act was applied as legal protection targeting government critics and advocates of human rights. Thus, companies that would...

The Rental Housing Market Challenges During the COVID Pandemic

Introduction In addition to its social importance in human life, housing is also one of the primary investment instruments for investors and households in Turkey. In countries with a high population growth rate and where capital markets are not deep enough, housing investments are widely preferred by individual investors. As...

“Pandemics Are Not War” by Wilkinson: Article Review

In her article “Pandemics are not war,” Alyssa Wilkinson writes about the use of war as a metaphor for pandemics. The author argues that it is unfair to view pandemics as a force of terror rather than a disease that spreads rapidly and affects the lives of many citizens (Wilkinson,...

The Gig Economy: Purpose and Benefits

Gig Economy is a free-market system that employs independent workers for a short-term commitment. Due to the advancement of technology, it has become possible. The Gig Economy participants happen to treat the gig as their primary source of income. It is very significant in organizations and industries. Gig Economy has...

Junk Food Taxation in the United States

Taxation for junk food has many supporters and an even bigger audience of opponents. Supporters of this initiative declare the health benefits of potential consumers of junk food and select the most optimal taxation methods, such as excise or product tax. Scientists and experts are proposing introducing the tax at...

Financial Market Issues Due to the War in Ukraine

Introduction The current situation in Eastern Europe has had a significant impact on the world. Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, various sectors of the economy have been impacted negatively, thus tempering the normal operation of the financial institutions. For instance, financial markets such as the stock market, the...

Consequences and Remedies of Information Asymmetry

Introduction Access to information is a crucial factor that influences market operations. In an open market, buyers and sellers may have different access levels to information regarding the products, implying that asymmetric information is common in many market situations. According to Pavlov et al. (2022), asymmetric information denotes imperfect, skewed,...

Impact of Consumer and Producer Surplus

Introduction Sales conditions dictated by today’s market trends are largely based on supply and demand indicators as the key parameters that determine the dynamics of seller-consumer relationships. Corresponding fluctuations of these factors directly affect the share of production and pricing. One of the economic concepts to take into account, in...

New Evian Water Product and Customers Analysis

Evian drinking water is a sort of bottled water produced by the French company Evian Inc. As mentioned by the producer, water is collected from the French Alps consisting of naturally occurring electrolytes and enhanced with zinc and magnesium. Water costs $12.53 for six one-liter plastic or glass bottle. As...

Restructuring of Los Angeles Police Department Fiscal Budget

Abstract The compilation of LAPD’s annual budget involves the administration of all fiscal resources, including the acquisition of all equipment and supplies, management of contracted services, and the processing of travel and training expenses. The Administrative Services Division (ASD) is responsible for the centralization of fiscal wage bills and synchronization...

Facilitating Trade and Securing Import & Export

One of the European Government’s concerns is to facilitate trade while also securing import and export procedures. Currently, customs, Value Added Tax(VAT), and duty are all handled separately, although the data is nearly identical. Customs administration using electronic means is seldom regarded as inventive as product design or factory automation...

The Effect of Independence and Interdependence in the Global Economy

The Implications of Integration in the Light of Brexit and the COVID-19 The United Kingdom, which constitutes Wales, North Ireland, and England, has one of the major economies in the world. In 2019, the GDP of the UK was 2.83 trillion dollars. Due to the diversification of the economy, living...

Banking in the United States of America

History Of Banking The United States of America has the most powerful banking system in the world. However, this system is one of the youngest, and banking has its own specifics with a lot of restrictions and even archaic elements. Its own banking structure appeared in the United States during...

Bank’s Digital Trends, Opportunities, and Threats

The essay demonstrates the most crucial digital opportunities and threats for a commercial bank. In addition, the strategies to reduce the number of abandoned baskets are discussed. Notably, nowadays, digital currency is one of the most influential trends in the financial industry. Xu and Tang (2020) claim that central banks...

Fair Enough? Big Business Embraces Fair Trade

The involvement of big business in fair trade has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, fair trade promotes the production of certified goods, fosters stable long-term trading partnerships between suppliers and retailers, contributes to the development of online shopping and global marketing, and minimizes the involvement of intermediaries....

Gainful Employment with a Living Wage for All People

These days, capitalism prevails in the world, the main goal of which is to make money. At the same time, annual inflation is also relevant, forcing the prices of products and other services to rise. Some goods are recognized as necessary for normal human existence, and therefore the state has...

Riding the Rails: Hobo Kids During Great Depression

The decline in stock production in market in October 1929, which was accompanied by calamity, resulted in numerous Americans suffering from economic declines. Millions of people ended up losing their job, which was associated with a reduction of their incomes. Moreover, this led to a reduction of learning period in...

Poverty and Inequality: Income and Wealth Inequality

The Stanford Center of Poverty and Inequality does an in-depth job of finding causes and capturing statistics on poverty and inequality. This website researches education, labor market, income differentials, legal issues, and incidents of discrimination, as each case in these areas, have an impact on poverty and inequality. For example,...

Global Financial Markets and COVID-19 Impact

Abstract Financial markets have been under a lot of pressure, volatility, and uncertainty since COVID-19. Since the end of February 2020, global financial markets have been in a state of extreme uncertainty. Unlike other pandemics, the spread rate of COVID-19 is much higher and more challenging to control. This paper...