The Mechanisms of Inflation

Introduction High inflation is considered a severe problem for many national economies, and there are several reasons for it. It takes place when the prices grow, and the purchasing power of money decreases. According to Sloman and Garratt (2013, p. 203), it is calculated as “the percentage increase in CPI...

The End of Cash Payments: Effects of Cashless Transfers

All over the world, people pay by cash in more than half of financial operations. There is a trend of substitution paper money by electronic transactions on a full-scale basis, and banknotes and coins will be of value only to numismatists. In the last decade, almost all countries have mainstreamed...

Honduras: Global Change and Development Project

Introduction Globalization is an integral part of modern world development, which has an impact on all spheres of people’s life. However, this process affects states differently as some of them receive profit and benefit from it, while others only aggravate their crisis and become dependent on global players. Honduras belongs...

Economic Efficiency. Prisoners’ Dilemma in the Market

Introduction Efficiency in communication is not a big deal while taking into account the main definition of economics as concerning relationships between an individual and a group. In this respect, one should bear in mind the fact that prisoners’ dilemma is one of the milestones in this case. The thing...

1987 Black Monday: Outline and Prevention in the Future

Dear 1987 Black Monday Black Monday occurred on the 19th day of October 1987, and it greatly affected the stock market. It came to an end on Tuesday 20th with the government’s intervention. Before opening the financial market the Federal Reserve issued a short statement that said it would intervene...

Raw Materials – the Heart of Economy in China

Statement of the topic ‘Raw materials’ and ‘energy’ are two factors that I would like to explore in Shanghai during my visit to China. The subject of raw materials is relevant to be because of the problems I am facing in my business in the context of raw materials while...

Real Estate Industry Review

Introduction Real estate refers to land and improvements done on it such as the erection of buildings, digging of wells, and construction of fences. Generally, the improvements have to be immovable or permanent (Case 1992). Countries worldwide conduct real estate businesses in different ways. The way the industry is conducted...

Managerial Economics, Market Power

This is a research paper on market power which is a part of managerial economy. It starts with defining the topic and area of research, later getting into the path for recognition of different aspects and scopes of the topic. The major ideologies linked with market power are stated and...

International Trade Simulation and Report

Absolute advantage Absolute advantage is the ability of a certain economic unit like a particular country to produce a product in high quantities with a lower cost of production than some other unit. This is done when the units are compared. This is done to calculate the efficiencies of production....

Barriers to International Outsourcing in Sysco

The research paper relates to Sysco Corporation. The firm’s background information has been given with reference to the products that the firm deals in. A set of objectives for research paper are outlined. The core objective of the research paper was to conduct an analysis of the barriers that Sysco...

Importance of Globalization on International Business

Introduction International business may refer to all money making deals that occur amid two or more countries and it be private or governmental sectors. This is normally done with the aim of making profit. The government is however not only interested in the profit making, but also on political bases....

The Economic Development of the Asian Tigers

Introduction We start our discussion by trying to understand the Asian market as a whole. Asia as a continent that has grown in all aspects including its economy; this growth is not unique to the region but was also realized in other parts of the world. The economic development of...

Microeconomics: Understanding the Concept of Price Theory

This paper will throw light upon the price theory which is extremely important to understand. Demand and supply play the most pivotal role in deciding the price of a commodity or a service. The same will be elucidated further with the help of Euro star which is a fast-speed train,...

The Features of an Ideal Economy

Introduction Every countries dream is to have an ideal economy but what it is, is not well outlined. In this essay, I shall be discussing this ideal economy, its features, and what is expected from this ideal economy by different stakeholders. For an economy to be ideal the gross domestic...

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The article which has been selected for this particular topic is titled Global leaders are team players written by Dr. Martha L. Maznevski & Joseph J. DiStefano. Martha L. Maznevski is an Assistant Professor of Commerce at the McIntire School. Of Commerce, University of Virginia, where she teaches Organizational...

Globalization Affecting the Role of Leaders in Organizations

Introduction Globalization is influencing leadership because of the way it affects society through its processes. Because the transformations brought about by globalization are not always easy to identify precisely and promptly, they may be hard to take in and even where they are detected, be hard to cope with. Globalization...

Supermarkets: Psychology of Marketing

The world is full of things which a man likes or adores. In supermarkets, for example, people try to choose something about food or about household; in galleries one cannot but admire the pictures of different painters; on railway stations one can be astonished with well-run work of the administration...

Economic Crisis and Its Impact on People

Introduction There is hardly any person on this Earth whose life was not affected by the economic crisis which hit the entire world in 2008. The economy of every single country was greatly influenced by the crisis which resulted in high unemployment rates, increased prices for food, a subprime mortgage...

Disadvantages Faced by Multinational Corporations in Markets

Outline Due to invention of highly developed technology business community has more and more become a unit and as a consequence, global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due globalization concept there have been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the governments of many countries...

Public Budgeting Leadership and Financial Management

Introduction The responsibility assigned to the managers of the public budgeting sector is high, given the importance of the functions that these persons perform. Assessing financial flows, cost analysis, allocating funds, and other tasks require competence and literacy in this industry. At the same time, such nuances as the human...

Bhutan’s Trade and Exchange Rate Policies: Current Issues & Solutions

Introduction Bhutan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia, between China and India. Presently, it is classified as one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC). Close connections with India were conditioned by the 1949 treaty allowing Delhi to influence over Bhutan’s foreign relations. The aftermath of the treaty is...

Price Discrimination in “Naked Economics” by Wheelan

Price is one of the most potent instruments affecting the global economy, different countries’ economic and social stability, as well as the life of millions of humans and even various species on the planet. Higher prices let people earn more and improve their living standards while they can also make...

Inflation in the UK

Introduction This case study analyzes an article on inflation in the United Kingdom. The reviewed work describes the rise of the statistic shortly before the article’s writing and the potential reasons. It adds that the increased growth rate may be temporary, and the predictions and resulting reactions from the Bank...

Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory Perspectives

Introduction: The Issue Divorcing a strong and powerful economic community is a rather controversial decision that will inadvertently cause significant internal and external conflicts for any state. The case of Brexit proves that the refusal to be a part of the European Union (EU) is fraught with serious consequences that...

Price Elasticity: Understanding Demand Sensitivity

Introduction Price elasticity is a parameter used in determining the sensitivity of demand towards prices. Price sensitivity in customers can be induced by a myriad of economic factors, ranging from a lack of resources in the target customers to the presence of competition providing similar products. It is one of...

India vs. UAE: Comparative Analysis of Key Economic Metrics

Introduction The United Arab Emirates is the second-largest economy in the Arab region. It comes closely behind Saudi Arabia. Currently, UAE is the eighth largest oil producer in the world. The country maintains a free market system. The open system gives the nation means that investors from different parts of...

Real Estate Role in Sustainable Development

Introduction As far as adding to the scientific deliberation, the work of scholars gives non-specific systems to sustainable development. Such non-exclusive systems recommend that various procedures can be taken after as a major aspect of sustainable development, each of which views the idea of sustainability through various lenses, or a...

Economic Impact of the Decline in Global Oil Supply and Its Consequences

Abstract The main purpose of this dissertation is to research on economic reality of living with a dwindling supply of oil. In order to do so, the first chapter will discuss the background of the problem like dwindling supply of oil, rationale of the research, the objective of the dissertation...

Public Expenditures in Gulf (GCC) States: Trends & Impact Since 1981

Introduction The oil crisis in 1998 and 1999 and the related financial problems encountered by the GCC states motivated the authorities to institute reform strategies to control deficits. These programs were implemented at different levels in accordance with specific platforms in every state of the GCC. But in all the...

AICPA Code of Conduct: Misrepresentation & Negligence Rules

With regards to the preparation of financial statements, the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (2014) includes key points as to the knowing misrepresentation of the statements, submission of financial statements, negligence in preparation, and subordination of judgment. The knowing misrepresentation of financial statements in the course of their preparation occurs...

Global Accounting Standards: Benefits and Challenges

The effort to achieve a single set of global accounting standards has gained significant momentum in the recent past. The logic behind the development of a single set of high-quality global accounting standards for the world’s integrating capital markets has become more evident especially with the collapse of major corporations...

Labour Rights in International Trade

Should labor practices in another country be a relevant consideration in international trade? Yes: labor practices in another country should be a relevant consideration in international trade; In an ideal situation, labor laws should be harmonized in all countries to facilitate the movement of factors of production more precisely labor...

Analysis of the Canadian Housing Market (1990-2015): Trends and Developments

Introduction The housing market of Canada is managed and governed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. It provides up-to-date and reliable reports, which help monitor the Canadian housing market, analyze it, and make predictions about its development. This resource provides data related to the rental market, housing construction, mortgage...

Barclays Bank History and Analysis

Introduction Barclays bank is one of the oldest banks in the world. Its history dates back in the 17th century when, banking services were being introduced in the United Kingdom. Although the bank has generally been successful over the years, it has encountered numerous challenges. The most recent one was...

Globalization Impact on Developing Countries: Business Opportunities and Challenges

Introduction Background of Study Globalization is the phenomenon through which countries across the globe are connecting through financial trade, political issues, transportation and operations. It is mostly termed as economic globalization since the economy of a particular country carries out trading activities in order to become a part of the...

The Budgeting Process: Planning and Control Cycle

Introduction The budgeting process is the way toward outlining, executing, and operating spending plans. It is the administrative procedure of budget spending and planning, budgetary control, and the related strategies. Budget planning requires volumes of the bookkeeping regarding the firm’s operations (Okpanachi & Mohammed 2013). In summary, spending plan is...

Business Management Issues: 2008 Global Economic Crisis

The Main Causes of the Economic Crisis of 2007-2008 The economic crisis of 2007-2008 was termed as the Global Financial Crisis or the Great Recession due to being the most significant one since the Great Depression (Askari & Mirakhor 2015). Given the importance of the event, it seems necessary to...

Canadian Housing and Construction Statistics

Introduction Growth for housing starts, completions and under construction was negatively affected by the economic downturn in 2008 with only 187,923 units registered. But this has surpassed the 1955 to 2013 historical average, which means that even if there was perceived negative growth the sector was performing well unexpectedly. The...

The 2007-2008 Economic Crisis

Causes of the 2007-2008 Economic Crisis The economic crisis of 2007-2008 had the most far-reaching financial repercussions for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression (Helleiner 2011). The significant increase in sub-prime mortgage defaults caused the bursting of a housing bubble. As a result of the growth in the number...

Analyzing the Relationship Between Market Failures and Public Response: Insights and Implications

Introduction Market failures involve the decentralization of behavior that does not result in Pareto efficiency. Traditionally, market failures are said to be circumstances where a social surplus is enlarged under some form of alternative allocations that result from market equilibrium. The commonly recognized market failures are natural monopolies, externalities, information...

Normative v. Positive Analysis and Hotelling’s Law

Normative vs. Positive Analysis Economics, at large, belongs to the sphere of academia. Still, economists often perform consulting, analytic, advisory, and other roles. Consequently, it is critical that an economist is skillful at making statements and judgments on the function of government policies and can evaluate them to determine the...

Globalization: Managing Across Cultures

Introduction Globalization is an aspect that has changed the way national and international businesses are carried out; it is an aspect that has totally removed barriers between countries, encouraging cross-national business to take place. At the same time, globalization has encouraged most companies, specifically from developed countries to initiate business...

Social and Economic Aspects of Unemployment in the UAE

Introduction The rate of unemployment is one of the elements that determine how well or poor a country is performing about the established global average levels. Joblessness is a multifaceted social and economic aspect that influences the performance of other sectors such as health and education. In this regard, an...

The “One Belt, One Road” Program

The “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative is a program that opens a drastically new perspective to the global communities. The essence of this program is to form, establish, and promote international partnership and development. It is to be achieved through the strengthening of the existing regional bipartite and two-sided...

Contrasting Views on Labor: Marx and Smith’s Theories

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the influence of the capitalist market economy on impoverished working people is the topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. Karl Marx and Adam Smith are two prominent figures whose works are praised and commonly studied. A contrast between...

Stadiums’ Economic Impact on Local Economies

Introduction Governments and international organizations spend a lot of money to sponsor a wide range of sporting activities, groups, individuals, and teams. This practice has been believed to transform the lives of many people in areas that have frequent sports and related functions. This happens to be the case because...

Evaluating Buyer Humiliation: Insights from Nichols, Raska, and Flint’s Research

Abstract The paper provides a critical review on a journal authored by Nichols, Raska, and Flint (2015). The authors conducted a millennial customer research on the impact of buyer humiliation on volume and worth. This journal was based on how millennial and non-millennial clients were affected by their emotional impacts...

UK Housing Industry Macro Analysis

Economic The 2008 financial crisis had had greater effect on the housing industry. However, in 2010, the industry has regained its normalcy of recording positive revenues. Following the re-structuring that characterised the industry in 2009 and 2010, the available data indicate that the turnovers of the top firms rose by...

Brazilian Economy: Strengths and Weaknesses

Brazil is becoming an economic powerhouse in the world today. This country has continued to enjoy a stable economic growth for the past 15 years (Sachs). Brazil has been opposing the industrialized world on many issues such as global warming and climate change. Brazil embraces the best economic practices and...

Starbucks Company’ Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial ratios are used to predict the liquidity, solvency profitability, as well as the performance of a given company within a specified period. Thus, investors and other shareholders need to understand accurately the meaning of each ratio before making any investment related decision (Lewellen, 2004). This paper provides an...

Oil Prices Impacts on Consumer Behavior in Turkey

Introduction Increase in oil prices will influence on the economy negatively. Its effect on economy can be evaluated through the consumer behavior, i.e. high oil prices will scale the cost of living high since most people depend on the oil either directly or indirectly, as almost everyone uses fuel to...

Globalization Advantages and Negative Cultural Impact

Grid Outline Thesis: Although globalization is somewhat harmful, it has many advantages for example: sharing new technology, sharing knowledge, cultural export, and food export. Supporting points Sub-points Evidence Industrialization Share new technology Knickerbocker, If the poor get richer, does the world see progress? p8 Share knowledge Ma, Paths of globalization...

Consumer Spending and Choices

Introduction With the endless demands that life has and the scarce resources consumers are endowed with, consumers are faced by challenges in making choices on what to spend and on what can wait for another time depending on the urgency of the need. Thus, it is important to note that...

Challenges of Zimbabwe’s Economy: Mugabenomics and Inflation

Abstract The paper outlines the primary challenges of Zimbabwe economic system and provides a consistent account of inefficient economic strategies that disrupt the country’s well-being. The notion of Mugabenomics is reviewed in the case study. Due to the findings of the case, there is a threat of Zimbabwe becoming the...

Starbucks Company Financial Reporting Accounting Principles

The paper tries to detail why it is a requirement for companies to adhere to the generally accepted accounting principles when following the rules of financial reports. Starbucks has been used in the paper as an example as they are a major company that adheres to the set standard all...

The Deluge: U.S. Economic Policies, Global Instability, and Their Consequences

Introduction The Deluge asserts that the United States’ economic strategies during and following World War I, such as deflation and tariff increases, significantly influenced its emergence as a global economic power. However, these measures also triggered the Great Depression and World War II by fostering economic and political instability, obstructing...

Impact and Evolution of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Overview of The Policy The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a social welfare policy that provides tax credits to low-income working families in the United States. It was initially established in 1975 as a temporary program under President Ford, but it was made permanent in 1978 (Boardman, 2019). Since...

Analyzing the First Home Owners Grant: Economic Theories and Market Dynamics

Introduction The suggestion that the First Home Owners Grant is potentially being pocketed by developers rather than reaching first-time homeowners can be analyzed using economic theories such as the theory of subsidy incidence, the principles of supply and demand, and the concept of rent-seeking. The Theory of Subsidy Incidence The...

The Role of Security Interests in High-Risk Lending

Introduction In today’s world, extending high-risk credit to individuals or businesses can be a risky endeavor. Lenders need to protect themselves from default or bankruptcy on the part of the debtor. One mechanism that can help in this regard is the establishment of a security interest. This essay will discuss...

The Impact of Interest Rate Hikes on Australia’s Residential Real Estate Market

Introduction The Reserve Bank of Australia has undertaken one of the most aggressive interest rate hikes in recent years. With 11 consecutive increases in one year, the interest rate reached 3.85%. Although the RBA continues to work to maintain cash flows and ensure high economic stability in Australia, an increase...

Market Risk and Beta in Investment Portfolios

Case Background Daniel, a Starbucks barista and finance student, has RSUs (restricted stock units) that convert to shares after two years of continuous employment. Starbucks established the Bean Stock program, allowing employees to “participate in their financial success.” Daniel decided to invest his stock in the stock market after five...

Equity Schemes vs. Grants: A Comparative Analysis of Housing Support Mechanisms

Introduction Equity schemes are often seen as preferable to grants for several reasons from an economic perspective, mainly due to their ability to prevent artificial price inflation and offer continuous support. Equity Schemes and Grants in Housing In the context of housing markets, equity schemes function by the government, providing...

Advantages of Land Tax Over Stamp Duty: Economic Efficiency and Housing Accessibility

Introduction From an economic perspective, land tax is considered preferable to stamp duty due to its efficiency, equity, impact on speculation, and potential influence on affordable housing. Benefits of Land Tax Over Stamp Duty One key advantage of land tax lies in its efficiency. Unlike stamp duty, a lump-sum tax...

Economic Climate and Investment Risks in Russia Amid Political and Market Challenges

Economic Climate The Russian economy mainly depends on oil and gas exports since this country is rich in these resources and is one of the leaders in the world market. Accordingly, the national currency, macroeconomic indicators of inflation, or the critical rate are adjusted depending on the dynamics of oil...

Supply and Demand Dynamics in the Electricity Sector

Market dynamics are based on the interaction between supply and demand. The need for a steady supply of power increases as the world’s population rises and urbanizes. The utility sector, with electricity as a good example, is crucial to this knowledge. To highlight how important the electricity sector is to...

Understanding Global Interest Rates, the Yield Curve, and the Federal Reserve’s Impact

Introduction Embarking on a virtual journey through Bloomberg’s rates and bonds webpage, we’ll explore the dynamic world of global interest rates, delve into the importance of the Yield Curve, dissect the causes and consequences of an Inverted Yield Curve, and unravel how market interest rates sway bond prices and yields....

Housing Market Dynamics: Rising Demand vs. Limited Supply Over Five Years

Introduction The housing market is an integral part of any economy across the globe, encompassing a wide range of activities, including construction, buying, selling, and renting of houses. Over the last five years, the housing market has experienced significant changes, particularly in demand and supply. Such changes can be attributed...

The Impact of Mexico’s Economy on Healthcare and Seguro Popular

Introduction The healthcare system in Mexico is a complex combination of public and private providers. The government, through the Ministry of Health, controls access to health care to a significant degree. Mexico has a universal health care system known as Seguro Popular, which was implemented in 2004 to ensure that...

The Effects of Inflation on Purchasing Power, Borrowing, and Wealth

Introduction Over time, prices of goods and services tend to rise, and this process is known as inflation. It is a phenomenon that affects people’s lives significantly and in various ways. From this perspective, the effects of inflation can be both positive and rather negative, depending on the circumstances and...

Types of Investment Vehicles: Risk, Return, and Liquidity

Introduction Investing is a great way to build wealth and generate income, and there are many different types of investment vehicles available to help investors reach their financial goals. They vary in terms of risk, liquidity, and return on investment and include short-term investments, stocks, fixed-income investments, exchange-traded funds, and...

Economic Events and Their Impact on Business Development

Introduction Economic, political, and social processes in society can have a significant impact on how the financial and business sphere develops in the country. With various major shocks, crises, or vice versa, great discoveries can become a significant test for the country’s economy. Their influence can have a negative effect...

Signs of Recession in Texas: Impact of Inflation and Job Market Stability

Examining Economic Trends: Is Texas Heading Toward a Recession? There are signs of recession in Texas, but people do not feel it yet. Instead, they are concerned about other relevant issues. According to the journalists, despite the signs of the recession in Texas, things are going well (KVUE.). For instance,...

Innovation Economics in JPMC and HSBC: Growth and Technological Investments (2018-2023)

Introduction Innovation economics is a relatively young and expanding area of practical and theoretical economics that places a strong emphasis on innovative thinking and entrepreneurial activity. It includes putting any innovation, particularly one of a technological nature, to use for commercial purposes (Uzunidis, Kasmi, and Adatto, 2021). In the U.S....

Strategic Decision-Making by the Bank of Canada

Introduction Rare, important, and directive strategic decisions determine an organization’s long-term course. Leaders rely on policies to help them evaluate and make strategic decisions since they greatly impact the entire business. This paper examines a recent strategic choice made by the Bank of Canada. Furthermore, it considers the decision’s level,...

Hedging Strategies for Treasury Bonds: Insights from Investment Portfolio Managers

Introduction Clark Dale, a pronounced specialist in investments and portfolio management, now faces a choice of strategy. It’s about hedging a treasury bond portfolio worth $15 million. Clark is considering using treasury bond futures. His decision will ultimately be either successful or lead to unnecessary losses. Thoughts about hedging strategy...

Navigating the Stock Market With Seven Steps for Smart Investing

Introduction The term stock market pertains to the marketplace where purchases and sales of shares and other securities happen. This essay discusses the seven steps to follow when investing in a surging stock market. The outcome of a diversified shares portfolio is relatively stable in the stock market (WSJ, 2014)....

Insights on Portfolio Diversification: Analyzing Market Performance Across Industries

Introduction Creating a portfolio that would yield high returns during economic growth and recessions is complicated. This situation is because past performance does not always set the ideal foundation for predictions, and many geopolitical, social, and economic factors can lead to significant changes. Kane and colleagues (2021, p.11) mention that...

Feasibility of Investing in Italy’s Booming Tourism Sector

Country Information Country name: Italy; Population size and age structure: 61,021,855, where 64.61% are people of 15-64 years, 12.08% – 0-14 years, and 23.31% – 65+; Government type: parliamentary republic; Legal system: civil law system; The size of the economy (GDP): $2.478 trillion (2021); GDP growth rate: 6.74% (2021); Major...

Iconix Brand Group: Financial Analysis, Revenue Growth, and Risk Factors

Cash Flow Statement, Earnings, and Cash Flow Quality The Iconix Brand Group, Inc.’s cash flow statement offers information on its earnings and cash flow quality for the three years that ended on December 31, 2014. According to the statement, the company produced cash from its core business operations in each...

East Los Angeles College Foundation’s 2023-2024 Sample Budget and Financial Priorities

A Sample Line-Item Budget for a Human Services Organization The sample budget for the fiscal year 2023/2024 for the East Los Angeles College Foundation (ELACF) is based on the comparison to the fiscal year 2018/2019 budget, considering rising costs and expenses, as well as an increased income. The fiscal year...

Houston and New York City Budgets: A Comparative Analysis

Overview of the Houston City Budget The Houston budget is approved by the City Council annually. The procedure involves discussing all critical issues and amending budget items such as the police, fire departments, and, for example, solid waste management. Each city has different specifics and dynamics of financial requirements –...

The Debate on Raising the National Minimum Wage: Pros and Cons

Introduction The topic for the discussion is whether raising the national minimum wage is harmful to the economy. The argument put up by proponents of the hike is that raising the minimum wage will improve the conditions for workers’ social security. However, others opposed to the hike also contend that...

The Economy-Stock Market Relationship for Investors

Measuring GDP Performance: Analyzing Sequential and Year-to-Year Data It is crucial to gauge the performance of sequential and year-to-year data when assessing important macroeconomics to determine GDP growth or decline. Sequential data, which contrasts current economic performance with the previous quarter, can be used to spot trends in the near...

Exploring the Bertrand Oligopoly Model Through Practical Experience in Pricing Strategies

Introduction Oligopoly is one of the most common types of markets in modern economics. The Bertrand model was chosen when choosing an oligopoly model to study, as it represents a particular interest in practical applications. The Bertrand model describes a situation where multiple firms compete by setting product prices (Puu...

Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Target-Date Funds for Pensioners

Introduction Target-date funds are investment tools that allow pensioners to significantly simplify the accumulation of pension funds and make it easier to access them. These funds are an interconnected system that can automatically adjust the assets contained in the funds. This is done in parallel as the investor approaches their...

Stock Valuation Methods: Dividend Discount vs. Discounted Cash Flow

Introduction In the modern economy and investment analytics, two methods of stock estimation are used more and more often – the assessment of dividend discounted and the discounted monetary model. Both models differ in the principles for stock valuation and yield different results. In practice, both models are used to...

The Necessity of Bank Regulation in Capitalist Economies: Analyzing the Paradox

Introduction The paradox between capitalism and bank regulation is perhaps one of the most debated topics in financial circles. A capitalist nation such as the United States has adopted a regulatory framework that controls institutions in the financial sector and limits their participation in a free-market economy guided by supply...

The Importance of the Forward Foreign Exchange Market in Trade

Introduction The forward foreign exchange market is a crucial component of the global financial system because it enables individuals, businesses, and governments to mitigate the risks associated with currency exchange rate fluctuations. This market allows parties to purchase and sell currencies at a predetermined price for future delivery, providing a...

The 1929 Stock Market Crash and Its Lasting Impact on the Global Economy

Introduction The Market Crash of 1929 is classified as one of the climatic events that marked the end of one age and the beginning of another. This is because the U.S. economy, which was booming, was forced to a sudden reversal leading to the massive crash. The Stock Market Crash,...

The Life-Cycle Permanent Income Model: Understanding Consumption and Saving

Introduction Life-Cycle Permanent Income Model, sometimes called Life-Cycle Hypothesis (LCH), is an economic theory that predicts human consumption and saving, considering future income possibilities. Milton Friedman framed LCH in the 1950s, and his idea that he wanted to prove is that humans plan their spending throughout their lives, considering future...

The Role of Base Interest Rates in Shaping Corporate and Individual Financial Decisions

The Role and Impact of Base Interest Rates (LIBOR and SONIA) on Corporates and Individuals Central banks such as the Federal Reserve mainly use a base rate interest to control borrowing rates and encourage or discourage spending. Base rate interests are defined as interest rates that a central Bank charges...

UK Housing Market Challenges Amidst Soaring Inflation Rates

Abstract The rising inflation affects the UK housing market and has caused significant fluctuations. Research findings report that the current inflation rate is 9%, an increase of more than 1.5% from the previous year’s recorded rates. However, the trend in the increasing rate of inflation has been experienced for the...

The Federal Reserve’s Tools and Their Impact During the Great Recession

Introduction The U.S. central banking system, known as the Fed, is responsible for monetary policy and regulation. The Federal Reserve Act was enacted in 1913 to establish the Federal Reserve, which functions as the central Bank of the United States. The Federal Reserve has several responsibilities, including maintaining a stable...

Impact of Intra-Industry Trade Index on UK Trade Policy

Introduction Hello and welcome. I am your host and today we will be talking about UK trade policy implications from calculating the intra-industry trade (IIT) index. This is an important matter, so ensure you listen in all through. Trading between different stock market indices or IIT is common. Most investors...

Oil Price Dynamics: Economic, Political, and Geostrategic Impacts

Introduction Of great importance is a correct understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships that determine the dynamics of the price of oil, which directly affects the prices of other types of products, both exported and consumed domestically. The dynamics of the price are characterized by periods of sharp ups and downs,...

Analyzing Microeconomic Principles Through Simulation Games

Introduction This memorandum report identifies and explains key microeconomic principles using a set of simulation games. The outcome of these games illustrate how microeconomic principles can be applied within real-life situations to help us make better business decisions. This report is a summary of the simulations I played and their...

Exchange Rate Determinants and Long-Term Economic Factors Affecting 4D Travel

Introduction As a travel agency, 4D Travel (Dalal’s Deliciously Delirious Departures) plays a crucial role in the tourism industry by providing tailored travel packages to meet clients’ diverse needs and preferences. These packages streamline the travel planning process and offer significant cost savings by bundling essential components such as transportation...

The Impact of the Great Depression on US Economy and the New Deal’s Legacy

Introduction It is no secret that the Great Depression (1929-1933) was the most significant and prolonged U.S. economic recession, which developed into a global financial crisis. It was synchronous and comprehensive, affecting virtually all spheres of society, and it got its name from the emotional state in which people were....

Hedging Strategies for Exchange Rate Risk Exposure

Introduction Exchange rate risk refers to the potential financial loss that a firm may experience due to fluctuations in exchange rates. Firms with international operations or cross-border transactions are exposed to exchange rate risk, which can negatively impact their profits. In order to mitigate this risk, firms use various hedging...

Income Inequality: Causes and Impacts on Wealth Disparity

Introduction Growing income inequality in advanced countries has drawn more attention to and concern due to the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. This essay will examine the various reasons for income disparity to argue that these causes have come together to create a system that has enabled...

Financial Analysis of Intsika Yethu Municipality’s 2022-23 Budget and Capital Program

Analysis of Expenditures Given the numbers provided in the 2022/23 medium-term and expenditure framework, the municipality will adhere to its allocated budget during the MTREF. Even if the budget is financed, there is evidence that this municipality is not producing sufficient money to support its operational expenditures, not to mention...

Global Impact and Trends in U.S. National Debt and Foreign Investments

Understanding the U.S. National Debt The United States national debt is the federal government’s debt to creditors. The funds are borrowed to meet the budget deficit and cover all costs, including health care, infrastructure, and defense. This is also advantageous to creditors because it is not typical borrowing as in...

The Global Impacts of Corruption

Corruption, which is the abuse of power for personal gain, has long been a global issue that affects both developed and developing countries. It is a problem that undermines the rule of law, hinders economic growth, and erodes public trust in institutions. The negative impact of corruption on a global...

Market and Subsistence Economies

In the process of a long evolution, all countries have established the predominance of the market economy as the basic and most efficient form of economic management. It is based on commodity production, which is possible due to technology. Market economy assumes the production by individual, isolated producers specializing in...

Free Trade: Positive and Negative Sides

General Issue Free trade is considered the predominant economic approach worldwide, with many countries subscribing to free trade entirely or partially. The idea is that through free fluctuation of goods and services, inefficient premises are removed from the market, and existing ones provide the customers with the best quality of...

Risks Associated with the Increase or Decrease in Yield Rates

Bond yield risk is the possibility of investment losses brought on by an increase in the going rates for brand-new debt instruments. For example, if interest rates increase, the secondary market value of a fixed-income investment or a bond will decrease. The price and yield have an inverse relationship, and...

Globalized Economy: China’s Role

In reading Sun Yuan’s The following factory of the world: How Chinese investment is reshaping Africa, one can arrive at ideas about why capitalism continues to work and how society contributes to it. The author draws attention to the problems of the clash between the inner core of Africa and...

Mortgage Lending Violations in 2022

Introduction The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) publishes a report every six months on violations of the law that were identified during inspections. The Bureau vetted companies and suppliers for compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The CFPB found multiple violations, especially inaccurate information in credit reporting and...

Government Spending and Taxation

The US government incurs significant expenditures in each fiscal year to ensure the well-being of its citizens. Over the past decades, the country has been spending mainly in areas such as social security, defense, transportation, income security, and payrolls. The system of governance is divided into three key categories; federal,...

Post-Fordist Immaterial Labour in the Information Economy

The shift toward Post-Fordist immaterial labour in the information economy was originally hailed as bringing more flexibility for workers and freeing them from tight control by bosses. At the same time, this shift has resulted in the rise of precarious gig work and the primacy of unstable short-term contracts. Using...

Mexican Peso Crisis: Restructuring and Forgiveness

Introduction By the middle of the 1990s, Mexico seemed to be a prime example of economic liberalization. The country managed to attract a significant inflow of foreign investments. However, the success was short-lived since the political instability led to a drastic deterioration of the investment climate. The situation worsened because...

Geopolitical Environment in the Asian Region and Car Sector

As the second and third biggest economies in the world, respectively, China and Japan are the two most powerful nations in Asia and substantially impact political and economic cooperation within the area. However, at best, ties between these two nations are cordial. Due to the disagreement over the Diaoyu or...

Insider Trading: The Key Aspects

Insider trading is trading in shares or other securities by people that have access to confidential information. However, alongside illegal forms of insider trading, there are legal ones. The insiders are not only directors or people from management, but any person “with a stake of ten percent or more in...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the US Economy

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented contraction in the economy of the United States. The impact of the pandemic cuts across all departments within the federal government. Hiccups in supply chain management led to inflation due to the high demand for goods and dependability on imports. The lack...

Bangladesh: Investment Climate of the Developing Country

Introduction Bangladesh is constantly developing and is one of the most populous countries in the world. Because of its large population, a large number of the young and hardworking labor force. The country’s location attracts a lot of investment – Bangladesh is on the trade route between South and East...

Biden Administration’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

In recent years, the rising cost of college tuition and the increasing burden of student loan debt have created a college affordability crisis in the United States. To address this issue, President Biden’s administration has proposed a student loan forgiveness plan to relieve millions of Americans struggling with student loan...

Options to Combat High UK Inflation Rate

Introduction Inflation is a significant point of concern for all experts in the economy, as well as for ordinary citizens. The rise in consumer prices, which is not comparable to the values of the next few years, has a significant impact on consumer behavior and business. In order for society...

Circular Flow Diagram and UK Economy in 2021-2023

Introduction The Circular Flow Diagram paradigm is a beneficial tool to grasp better how the economy functions. This model’s primary goal is to explain money circulation throughout a market. It distinguishes between the marketplaces for products and offerings and the sectors for these entities’ production parameters. Krugman and Wells (2020)...

The Minimum Wage: Positive and Harmful Effects

The minimum wage is one of the many political-economic systems measures that work to redress the economic imbalance. It is the minor salary that an employer must provide to their workers at any given time. Many have strong feelings regarding the minimum wage principle, which is a contentious subject. It...

Gramsci’s Idea of Cultural Hegemony in Political Economy

International Political Economy (IPE) is a topic of study that explores the confluence between politics and economics in a global environment. It aims to comprehend the complexity of the global economy and how the activities of numerous players, including nations, multinational firms, international organizations, and people, impact it. Through the...

Are Minimum Wages Harmful or Helpful to Economic Growth

The minimum wage is an economic policy in which the state controls the minimum income of the citizens. It is distributed all over the world and is embedded in any economic model as an essential element. This model has both economic benefits and disadvantages that affect the outcome of any...

What Are the Three Most Important Changes in the American Economy?

Over the last 50 years, the American economy has experienced several key changes that have impacted various economic indicators. This essay analyzes the effects of the changes on the American economy, focusing on supply and demand, production, unemployment, entrepreneurship, and other economic indicators. By examining the interconnectedness of different components...

Tax Return Form 1120: Internal Revenue Service

Tax return Form 1120 shows the company’s profit, deductions, taxes, credits, and payments. Deductions allow you to reduce the company’s taxes by calculating them from taxable income. Some of them the company can make in the expense column in the income statement. In addition, certain categories of deductions allow you...

Strategic Management in the Evolving Landscape of Cashless Payments

Problems/Issues The field of cashless payments continues its expansive growth and development as the demand for innovative payment methods grows in need to optimize and speed up payments. Traditional players in the market of non-cash payment systems still retain their weight and leading positions. However, due to the rapid development...

The Use of the Circular Economy Approaches

Introduction One of the basic laws of nature is the cyclicity of life. As the need to improve business sustainability increases, many companies adapt this cyclicity to their processes and conditions. Thus, by using the circular economy approach, firms are able not only to reduce their negative impact on the...

The Importance of Strict Budgeting

A strict budget is essential for a company to follow, even when experiencing phenomenal profits, for several reasons (Boyd & Pitre, 2020): Sustainability: Following a budget ensures that the company has a plan for allocating resources, and it helps to avoid overspending during a period of high profits. This helps...

Gross Domestic Product: Measure of Economic Health

In today’s modern world, economic health is a crucial indicator of the overall well-being of a nation. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most commonly used measure of economic health and is used to assess a country’s economic performance (Amacher & Pate, 2019). This essay will examine the importance of...

Comparison of Settlements of Virginia and Massachusetts

Introduction The purpose of the original settlements of Virginia and Massachusetts was very different. Virginia was founded as a commercial venture by the London Company in 1607 (Chet, 2019). Its primary purpose was to make a profit, as the settlers were expected to find gold and other resources to bring...

Expected Returns on Investment

Estimating expected returns is crucial for the investors, as it helps to make informed decisions. Expected returns help to anticipate the profit or loss from an investment in a situation of uncertainty (Magni, 2020). Investors can estimate returns from either one investment or a portfolio investment based on historical performance...

Unveiling the Benefits and Drawbacks of Free-Market Capitalism

Introduction Free-market capitalism is an economic system in which goods and services are produced and exchanged based on the laws of supply and demand, with little to no government intervention. It is a system widely adopted in the Western world, making it a widespread and often controversial topic. As such,...

Financial Performance of the US and the State of Georgia

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a division of the US Department of Commerce, is in charge of generating economic statistics, such as data on the GDP, personal income, and global trade. By disseminating timely, pertinent, and reliable economic statistics, the BEA aims to advance understanding of the US...

Irrational Exuberance Chapter in Civil Society by Edwards

There is no doubt that capitalism has proven to be the most efficient model for economic relationships so far. However, with the consistent focus on expansion and profit increase, which companies are expected to pursue in the capitalist environment, the opportunity to support vulnerable and marginalized communities is reduced substantially...

Mexico’s Economic Integration Issues

Introduction Mexico, a member of several economic integrations and regional trading agreements, has been actively participating in initiatives aimed at deepening its economic integration with other countries and increasing trade. While Mexico’s membership in various agreements has helped to boost its economy, it has also faced challenges such as increased...

‘Made in China 2025’ Plan and Economic Nationalism

‘Made in China 2025’ consists of a ten-year-long plan that aims to improve the manufacturing foundation of China, which is primarily led by the government. The plan focuses on the high-tech industry and more specific assets such as improved information technology, energy vehicles, robotics, telecommunications, and AI (McBride & Chatzky,...

Marxist Political Economy as an Independent Branch

Introduction The Marxist political economy, as developed by Karl Marx, is a distinct and independent philosophical branch of governmental policy that significantly diverges from traditional financial systems. Notably, traditional economics tends to concentrate on the resource allocation and study of markets, assuming that people act in their self-interest to optimize...

Free Market vs. Regulation of Hospitals’ Entry

The idea of a free market, defined by rivalry, price cues, and a lack of governmental involvement, is a popular concept. However, there is debate regarding the claim that entry into the market is too easy for hospitals in free markets and that entry restrictions by regulators can promote societal...

Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risks

Introduction: Foreign Exchange Calculations No matter what the underlying spot prices are on April 1st, the corporation has agreed to sell its 4,000 units on January 1st for $1.25 million. This is dangerously near the point where the business stops losing money. The mathematics computation is shown below; The corporation...

The SEC’s Role in Protecting Investors and Navigating Market Volatility

The United States government agency in charge of the country’s securities business is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It keeps an eye on both transactions and the acts of financial experts. Its goals are to uphold fairness, integrity, and transparency; stop fraud and other dishonest behavior; and guarantee efficient...

The Impact of Government Spending on GDP Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation

Introduction Real GDP Refers to every financial activity done by the government, including consumption, investment, and transfer payment. Each form of public spending is dependent on the availability of government revenue. Most governments use different approaches, such as taxation, to generate revenues (Moore & Prichard, 2020). While some obtain it...

Differences between Accruals and Payables

Today, all organizations are responsible for creating specific financial statements representing all financial activities and performances that might affect their businesses. Different types of expenses are necessary for investors to identify the main features and changes in the company’s financial health and potential earnings. Accruals and payables are common accounting...

The Federal and Georgia Budgets Differences

Introduction The federal and Georgia budgets are both financial blueprints that detail how their governments will spend the funds. The President and Congress developed the federal budget, which is the budgetary blueprint for the United States government. Individual income taxes account for 51% of the federal budget, estimated to reach...

The Budget Expenditure Distribution in Exampleton City

In general, a city’s budget may be defined as a plan of income and expenditures with an expected allocation of available resources among services, departments, and programs. As a small yet developing city, Exampleton requires an efficient distribution of existing revenues to contribute to its growth. The city’s budget is...

State of Romania’s Economy Aspects

Romania’s GDP per capita has grown over the past ten years but remains much lower than the EU average compared to that of the European Union leader, Germany. So far, Romania ranks, respectively, penultimate in the EU in terms of actual per capita individual consumption, which in 2018 was 59...

Aspects of the Home Warranties

Introduction The maintenance, repair, and replacement of household devices that may break down over time are covered by a home warranty, a contract between a homeowner and a private business. An assurance can lessen the stress and unforeseen costs that frequently accompany home purchases. The repair or replacement of kitchen...

The Importance of the Home Warranty

Introduction Purchasing a considerably old home cannot always be regarded as a safe deal as information related to the items, their age, or useful life cannot be readily available. In addition, in the case of breakage, the search for a qualified service provider or handyman may be cost-efficient and time-consuming....

Affective and Cognitive Factors That Hinder Banking Relationships

Introduction The modern banking system presents a set of difficulties for an average consumer that can harm their best interests and lead to a loss of finances or inadequate handling. For various reasons, financial operations require a certain level of cognitive and psychological abilities that many potential bank clients lack....