Personal Approach to Professional Dispositions

The educator profession requires a lot of qualities and competencies to establish and maintain successful interactions with students and colleagues. I have always felt that this field is my heart’s calling, and I will do everything to become a proficient teacher who will inspire students to reach their goals. The...

Learning Approaches: Types and Effectiveness

The home environment is vastly different from the educational environment. Humans’ neural connections are connected in such a way that home has become synonymous with relaxation and comfort (Meyers et al., 2013). People are returning home to gain strength after a difficult day. In quarantine, individuals realized that the home...

Assessing Student Performance Before and After Course

As a teacher, one of my responsibilities is to provide my students with the necessary tools to assess their performance in my subject. This will not only help them to identify their weaknesses and track their general progress, but it will also allow me to see what each student’s specific...

Diversity and Learning Environment

Introduction An individual frame of reference affects the responsibility to handle different students in school. This shape the ways of thinking toward another individual. Culturally different influences the principle of beliefs that one has towards another individual. Learners necessitate guidance during their studies. This needs an unbiased moderator to control...

Special Education: The Role of Collaborative Partnerships

Hargreaves, A. (2019). Teacher collaboration: 30 years of research on its nature, forms, limitations and effects. Teachers and Teaching, 25(5), 603-621. Web. The article features the role of collaboration among teachers and school stuff. A collaborative environment is understood as a space where teachers and school counselors’ exchange ideas on...

The True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Should Not Be Banned in School

A partial autobiography The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian follows Junior, a young Indian, as he navigates life. He experiences problems with the residents of his reserve because he attends school there, and they bully him and treat him even worse whenever he departs. They torment him and...

Project-Based Learning Discussion

The idea behind project-based learning is the study of student-centered strategy that combines a dynamic classroom approach, where students gain more profound knowledge by actively exploring issues and problems from the real world. Students gain knowledge about a subject by researching and coming up with solutions to challenging questions, challenges,...

The 48-Hour Cell Phone Ban in the Classroom

Introduction There must be limitations to avoid unnecessary use of mobile phones, but the 48-hour ban is not good and healthy. It is possible that prohibiting phones in the classroom will encourage students to focus on their studies and pay attention during class. This rule banning students from using phones...

College Advising and Registration Processes

College advising and registration are two important processes in the early stages of enrolment. In this stage, a professor guides a student in preparation for the upcoming semester. Advising gives the student a clearer view of what subjects to take and what subjects he or she is going to deal...

Collaboration in Special Educational Process

Collaboration is an integral part of an effective educational process. Collaborative processes help teachers improve students’ outcomes and arouse their interest in learning. According to Friend and Cook (2017), “interpersonal collaboration is a style for direct interaction between at least two coequal parties voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as...

Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model

Introduction Career concerns start early in life as children try to imitate their parents, teachers and doctors. Accordingly, Sharf (2016) states that satisfaction with one’s job is one of the most significant aspects for personal happiness. Yet, many people are still not satisfied with their employment although they cling to...

How to Improve Student Learning

In accordance with the dictates of the twenty-first century, the traditional approach towards education and teaching, the so-called “education through anesthetizing,” as Robinson (n.d.) identifies it, becomes irrelevant and gives place to a new concept, active learning: instead of the passive perception of information and boring facts, a student is...

The Philosophy of Teaching Reading

Education is an important part of human’s life. People want to get a good education in order to get a good job in future. It is not a secret today that the earlier people start their learning, the bigger account of knowledge they can get. From the very childhood children...

Education for Gifted and Disabled Children

Every child has a right to education, and schools worldwide provide this need. However, disabled and gifted children are not adequately catered for in the regular school setup because they are the minority. Society fails to accept remarkable mental abilities as a gift and maintains ambivalence towards intellectuals. Children who...

The “Student’s Shadow” Method in the Work of a Teacher

“Shadow a Student” is an excellent opportunity for an educator to refresh their memories of being a student and examine the practices that other teachers use. Moreover, from this experience, I understood that educators do not always comprehend the concerns that their students may have or do not perceive why...

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Ethics Program and Sexual Abuse Scandals

Academic institutions have a range of responsibilities to meet to ensure that they meet the needs and secure the rights of students, protection against sexual abuse is one of the foundational responsibilities. Given the vulnerability of the target demographic, academic authorities at universities must ensure that all educators adhere to...

Interaction Strategies in Adult Education

Distinct Tradition On page 121 in the interaction strategies and learning objectives, discussion groups in adult education are seen as the primary learning components. Past experiences among the learners shape their thinking and knowledge acquisition (Seaman & Fellenz, 1989). In addition to that, the main objective of learning activities in...

Why Are Textbooks So Expensive?

Introduction The price of education in the country incorporates the fees for student books, and this circumstance allows publishing companies and bookstores to establish policies for their benefit. This viewpoint is supported by Henry L. Roediger, who writes in his article Why Are Textbooks so Expensive? about the real reason...

The Middle and High School Students and Their Attitude Towards Social Studies

On consideration of the previous research that was carried out earlier and policy makers and stakeholders’ desire to understand more on the attitude of students towards social studies, need arose for further clarification of the students’ stance towards the same. The result pointed out that certain factors generally led to...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the Classroom Environment

Student The imaginary student’s name is Greg, and he has autism spectrum disorder – nonverbal autism. He has no problems with fine and gross motor skills, and the main sign of his condition is the lack of speech. The boy is nine years old, and he is in elementary school....

Literacy Skills and Knowledge: Implementing Literacy Instruction

Introduction Literacy is a fundamental aspect of communication that is based on comprehending or communicating thoughts, ideas, and intentions between individuals. The educator’s role implies assisting students in developing linguistic and non-linguistic patterns of communication. The literacy instruction covers both receptive and expressive skills and aims at encouraging independent thinkers,...

Head Start Teacher’s Qualification and Challenges

A head start teacher may be understood as an educator who offers his/ her services under the Head start development program for children from low-income households under the age of five. Teachers in this program usually need to focus on developmental outcomes in addition to other academically oriented goals. What...

SIOP Lesson Plan: US History. Sample Lesson Plan for Teachers

Subject: US History (1877 to present) Unit Focus: Events of the 1920s and 1930 Lesson 1: Length of lesson 1 day Standard(s): Virginia Standards of Learning. World History “6.4.: The students will describe the ideas and events of the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on the Harlem Renaissance (Virginia Standards...

“The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer

Introduction When learning to teach, teachers are required to read a number of books and texts. The aim is to get knowledge on what scholars in their field have to say about teaching as a profession. Different books address varying themes and subjects associated with learning how to teach. Some...

Summary and Critique of Journal Article

Introduction The paper focuses on students’ learning habits when faced with temptation. The authors portray temptation as anything that would interfere with a student’s concentration levels while learning. Temptation distracts students and makes them stop pursing their activities. Therefore, researchers have implied that temptation hampers the process of learning. Adolescent...

Instructional Strategies in Social Studies Through the Learning Cycle

Introduction Social studies are the academic domain which instructions are characterized by the dominant use of the textbook. However, many student instructors have not received in-depth training in learning strategies involving content literacy. This paper discusses the various activities or strategies to be employed at every stage of the learning...

Internship Report Done at the United Nations

Introduction Graduate employment opportunities are becoming rare by the day. With the global economic crisis that recently hit almost all sectors globally, the situation is worsening with some firms retrenching their staff. This is because it is not economically viable to maintain them when the firm is making losses. The...

Classroom Practices and Students’ Attitudes Toward Science

Introduction The aim of this article is to review major scholarly literature concerning the attitudes of students towards science subjects. The literature are from the last two decades and the studies have been conducted in different parts of the world such as the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Africa....

Plagiarism and the Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been given different definitions by many institutions. According to Merriam (2009), plagiarism can be defined as stealing another person’s ideas and passing them as one’s own without crediting the original source. Plagiarism is committing a literary theft where one may derive an idea from another author and present...

Social Theory in the Function of Education

Introduction Social theories seek to explain the construction of individuals into various classes by the existing practices of a community, define and explain these classes as relates to categories of power, prestige, and special functions in the community (Lemke, n.d.). One of such happenings in the society that has constructed...

Educational Issues: Fractions and Rational Numbers

Representing Fractions with Standard Notation: A Developmental Analysis In order to deeply understand a given concept or phenomenon, one must carry out an intensive research. This study was aimed at investigating the developmental relationship between how to use fractions notations and their understandings of part-whole relations. It also aimed to...

Online and On-Ground Education Comparison

When a person attends an online educational program, he is given the opportunity to set his own learning hours since the classes are done by module packets and classroom discussions are accomplished via forum method. He can learn his lessons at his own pace without having to play catch up...

A Juggling Scenario: Middle-Class Standard of Living

Introduction In today’s world, students do not always manage to get to university right out of high school, and many families simply cannot help with the costs. Some university students do not even realize that they need or want more education until they are older, wiser and more encumbered. Therefore,...

Resources That Support Underperforming Students

Introduction Some of the major issues that should be looked at in solving the issue of underperforming students are to create a conducive environment that supports all the students, assess the culture and climate of the school, community, and the families, encourage the establishment of strong relationships among teachers, administrators,...

The Church and School: Where Do the Children Play

The church and the community as a unit, used to be a source of values, of commitment, of stability and strength for children. Each of these institutions plays an important role in education and upbringing. Teachers might be used to help develop relevant job skills and supply basic literacy for...

Effect of Colour Coding and Test Type On Students

Data Analysis and Discussion The present section is organized into two parts: the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data. The analysis of the quantitative data seeks to answer whether color coding was of any use for enhancing memory retention in students. The first part of the results section interprets...

Teachers’ Use of Assessment Data to Inform Instruction

Introduction Data-based decision-making at school depends on educators’ regular collection and assessment of different types of data regarding students’ progress to conclude about their strengths and weaknesses in learning. This approach to decision-making allows for utilizing mostly credible sources of information, such as summative assessment results, to draw accurate conclusions...

Comparative Education and Opportunities for the UK

The characteristic features of educational systems of different countries vary considerably due to the political, economic, cultural, and other peculiarities of these nations. Globalization has brought new opportunities and challenges related to education as people can now obtain degrees and find employment in any part of the plant (Banks 2015)....

Reflection Process from the Biblical Perspective

Introduction The completed class has presented numerous ideas that can guide people to write effectively and share their ideas with others efficiently. Appropriate communication is an evidence-based approach that can guide human beings to address their common problems, make superior decisions, and achieve their objectives. The Bible becomes a powerful...

Modern Motherhood and Toddlers

Introduction Human history reveals that mothers play a significant role in every society. This fact explains why existing social frameworks allow them to take good care of their babies, breastfeed them, and ensure that they grow to become productive members of society. However, numerous transformations have been recorded in the...

Career Opportunities for Business Students

Education Requirements The creation of a career in business is one of the major goals for millions of students around the globe. Some people prefer to choose a clear path for their education; still, many famous businesspeople admit that even the presence of a high school diploma is not critical...

Higher Education: Benefits of Having a Degree

Introduction The essay dwells on the benefits of entering a university and obtaining higher education. Some arguments against the prevailing trend of entering higher educational establishments are mentioned. Overall, the paper presents a discussion on whether it is worthwhile to get a degree and what advantages it offers to its...

Community Service Hours for High School Graduation

Introduction In the United States, community service is a mandatory requirement for high school graduation in some states. As a result, school districts expect students to complete a certain amount of hours in service. For instance, in the District of Columbia, students are required to complete 100 hours of community...

Academic Achievement and College Admission

Making a decision in terms of college admissions has never been easy for the admissions committee – it is a complex process with many variables to consider. Universities and colleges pay attention to many aspects of future student applications in order to determine who will be admitted. The top decision...

Educational and Social Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction in a School Located in an Informal Urban Settlement of Nairobi

Introduction Integration of information and technology in the educational process is generally considered to enhance educational methods in general and the learning process in particular. Computer-aided instruction or computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive educational technique that involves presenting instructional material by means of a computer. The main advantages of...

Math and Science Opportunities in a Preschool Program

Introduction Mathematics and science may seem like difficult subjects for young children to understand, but with the selection of right approaches, an educator can reach considerable success in increasing preschoolers’ learning opportunities in these spheres. To make young learners eager to study some mathematical and scientific concepts, a teacher has...

College Dropouts from a Sociological Standpoint

Introduction The failure of numerous students to finish their postsecondary education despite enrolling in a college is a concerning matter. As the period after a person grows out of adolescence is essential to his or her formation, such a significant lack of success can result in considerable damage. College dropouts...

Safety and Security Solutions at School

To summarize, the current proposal is concerned with enhancing the safety and security of students at schools by following three basic steps. The proposed program is necessary to implement because of the number of unfortunate events, such as shootings, occurring across the country each year, and Texas is not an...

Dealing With Procrastination Among Students

Abstract Procrastination is an important problem among university students, for it wastes their time, decreases their effectiveness, lowers their academic achievements, leads to stress, and might even cause mental and/or psychological problems. The current study used a survey to find out how often students of a university procrastinate, whether they...

“Mathematics Dynamic Assessment” Article by Allsop

Research-Supported Assessment Practices for Struggling Students The four research-supported assessment practices for struggling students highlighted in the article include (1) assessment of students’ interests and experiences, (2) concrete-representational-abstract assessment within authentic contexts, (3) error pattern analyses, and (4) flexible interviews. Assessment of students’ interests and experiences is basically done to...

Educational Psychology and Learning

Introduction Teachers make a difference. Nowadays people pay more and more attention to the qualities of the teacher and the educator. The offered chapter one and video clearly demonstrate the difference between the above notions expressed in different approaches to teaching. Main body First of all, the teacher is the...

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom created a framework that would help educators focus on the intellectual comprehension of their students. The taxonomy provides a hierarchy of perception levels and is used for creating performance assignments and ensuring feedback from students (Churches, 2009). The taxonomy features three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor,...

Self-Determination of Students with Disabilities

Introduction This essay paper provides a summary of four different articles, each article with a separate heading. Each article answers pre-assigned questions in a given order. Depending on each of the articles, this essay revolves around the concept of self-determination and key players such as special educators or teachers and...

Action-Based Teaching, Autonomy and Identity

The article under analysis is entitled “Action-Based Teaching, Autonomy, and Identity” and is written by Leo van Lier in 2007. In general, in his article, the author provides a thorough description of action-based teaching. He examines different agency aspects, including the relations between process and structure, classroom democracy, and control...

The Role of Life-Wide Learning and Personal Development

In my belief, while getting a sound education is of uttermost importance in the life of an individual, complimenting it with other activities outside of the school setting not only increases the value of education but also results in personal development. For this reason, I have tried to ensure that...

Holistic Assessment of Students with Special Needs

A holistic assessment of students is a specific process that includes several steps and procedures in order to interpret test results and draw certain conclusions. In this context, a holistic approach means focusing not only on the assessment data received with the help of interviews, standardized tests, and different types...

Eight Informal Reading Inventories

Critique This article reviews the strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics of the current informal reading inventories (IRIs) available to classroom teachers and other reading specialists. More specifically, the author seeks to identify various issues underlying the use of the selected IRIs to give teachers and other professionals in the education...

Adult Education in the “Real World” Classroom

Abstract At the present, demand for higher education has continued to rise especially in the case of adult learners who perceive added credentials in education as a stepping stone towards a better position and a more fulfilling career. Suffice it to say there are many means of continued education that...

Special Education: Principles and Legal Background

The principle of zero reject ensures the identification of children with disabilities. What are the two other issues addressed by this principle? The principle of zero rejects addresses two issues. First, it is aimed at ensuring that no child is denied access to education because of his or her disability...

Alumni Associations and Benefits for Members

Almost every university and college has an organization where former students get a chance to gather from time to time and choose the most interesting themes, activities, and events for discussions. In some institutions, it is obligatory to point to contribute to an alumni association. However, the vast majority of...

Communities Needs and Wants: Lesson Plan

Lesson plan Content Objective(s) The students should be in a position to identify the jobs done by the members of their communities to earn a living. It is an important lesson in building students’ community appraisal skills. Life has been changing over time, and students of this millennium have to...

College Teacher’s Personality and Skills

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important in the world. In fact, teaching is a kind of art. A good teacher is not only knowledgeable in his or her field of study; he or she also has the excellent rhetorical skills, the ability to prepossess the...

Effective Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities

Wheelchair Etiquette Touching a person’s wheelchair is almost always acceptable-false. Make sure not to reach out your hand to shake the person’s hand; they may have physical limitations-false. Rarely speak to the person in the wheelchair; focus on the person assisting him or her-false. Never use expression such as “Let’s...

Gifted and Talented Students

Existence of Gifted Programs Gifted programs have over the years been helpful and beneficial to students who have been enrolled in it. These programs should exist and the money allocated to cater for the programs should be provided. Talent and gifting is part and parcel of our lives and academic...

Chinese vs. Canadian National College Entrance Exams

Chinese National College Entrance Examination Since the state of China is in the process of modernization, the importance of university entrance is increasing. The national examination is geared toward meeting the needs of the rapidly growing economy, which is marked with a concomitant increase in the number of students joining...

Helpful Tips for Students: Writing, Health and Relaxation

Boost Your Writing Despite the fact that there are quite a number of educational establishments, courses, and disciplines directed at improving writing skills of students of all ages, there seems to be a common mythological perception of writing proficiency as some gift or blessing. Students claim that there is a...

How to Become a Straight-A Student by Cal Newport

Reading the book, How to become a straight-A student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less by Cal Newport has made me surmount my poor study habits. Before reading the book, I found my studies overwhelming since I often complained that I never had...

Receptive Letter Identification

Introduction The program used in performing discrete trial training (DTT) is called “Receptive Letter Identification.” Discriminative stimuli (Sd) used to trigger responses were letters, namely, “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The student identified each letter by following five series of steps with a progressive level of distraction. In the first...

Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships

Early childhood education is guided by a variety of standards. In 2010, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) formulated the initial standards to regulate professional preparation in the context of early childhood education. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Standard Two as one of...

Prevention of Bullying in Schools

Introduction Peer victimization, also known as bullying, comprises commonly recurring, unsolicited, hostile behavior among school-aged children involving a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying that takes place in educational settings is a relevant and critical global issue, and while it affects all children regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender, or race,...

An Ethical Dilemma in Education

Introduction The incidence of academic dishonesty has been on the rise for the last decade (Orosz, Farkas, and Roland-Lévy 1). Unethical behavior is often pursued to obtain passing grades that are regarded as real indicators of success by some students. In an attempt to receive a passing grade on assignments...

Classroom Tools and Materials Management

The unit plan in question contains several helpful strategies to employ in the classroom. Notably, students write in their journals and they have an opportunity to contemplate their progress or problems. The teacher can also learn more about issues students may have through reading the journals. It is an interesting...

Teacher Effectiveness and Performance Assessment

Introduction Abstract Increasingly, efforts aimed at understanding why some teacher’s impact on students more than others, is on the rise. Determining what is effective teaching and how it can be evaluated is now a concern for educational policy makers. On the whole, proper teaching is directly related to performance of...

Positive Learning Environment for Student Nurses

Introduction The creation of a positive learning setting allows students to feel well-cared-for, engaged, and comfortable, which makes them motivated to strive for success (Henderson, Cooke, Creedy, & Walker, 2012). In an environment where ideas and tasks stay constant, and focus is set on the positive attributes of learning, learners...

Marquez’s A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: Reading Lesson

Rationale The lesson on reading Gabriel Garcia-Marquez’s “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” is developed for students from Grade 9 in order to explore the principles of Magical Realism as a specific genre of literature. Students are self-motivated readers who prefer reviewing interesting and surprising stories. Therefore, strategies for...

Career Choice and Diploma Despair

Do you know how much time you are likely to spend at work? One-third is not exactly correct since you do not work all your life. Most definitely, though, the number of hours you will have spent working by the time you retire equals 80 000. It is an impressive...

Educational Psychology: Bloom’s Taxonomy

A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy The article “A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview” by David Krathwohl (2002) provides an overview of the revised structure of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The original Taxonomy consisted of six main categories: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Krathwohl, 2002). Almost all...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

Evaluation procedures In education, there are several methods of evaluating a learner. These methods are known as procedures. These procedures assume different approaches and have different objectives. One of the common evaluation procedures used in the evaluation of an individual in a learning setting is the diagnostic procedure. This method...

Special Education and Child Development

Towards the end of the 20th century, educational theorists presented meaningful insights that continue to support the needs of more learners with special needs. Such changes emerged after the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975 (Belkin, 42). This Act echoed the ideas of the civil...

Content Enhancement Strategies and Tools in Teaching

Introduction When teachers work with people who have special needs, they should adapt instructions and provide students with appropriate resources. The focus is usually on adjusting some information and offering certain content enhancements. The problem is in the fact that such enhancements should be of high quality to guarantee that...

Multiple Intelligences Theory in Education

Introduction The paper provides a model of the innovative school development, which is based on the multiple intelligences concept. The approach was elaborated by the professor from Harvard University, Howard Gadner. In contrast to the traditional understanding of human mentality, Gadner’s methodology claims that intelligence should be viewed as a...

Preschool Teachers’ Professionalism & Initiatives

Introduction High levels of education and lifelong learning are important tools in improving the professionalism of workers of most specialties. However, they are especially valuable for representatives of several professions, and teachers, including preschool educators, are one of them. In this paper, after discussing the importance of good education for...

Reading Program for First-Grade Students

Reading Program for 1st Grade The reading program discussed in this essay is going to focus on the first-grade students. The key components of an effective reading program are fluency building, phonemic awareness, and phonics. Phonemic awareness is especially crucial for first-grade students because it is the basis of the...

Realism Philosophy in Teaching Literacy

Introduction Realism philosophers postulate the presence of a distinct real-world of existence that compels understanding and perception of the actual order of the world. Contrary to divergent subjective thoughts and perceptions that may deviate from the reality of things, realism teaches sanity and common sense in ensuring acceptance. Realism proponents...

Childrens’ Misconceptions about Seasons and Days

Students’ misconceptions about seasons, days, and nights Students often have many misconceptions regarding changes of seasons or changes in days and nights. The researchers who study these misconceptions usually pay attention to the following ideas declared by children: the Earth is viewed as becoming closer to the Sun when summer...

Early Childhood Education Programs

Montessori Focus on socialization. The learning environment is supportive and interesting. Learning through sensory feelings. Learning through manipulating objects. Learning is similar to real-life experience (The Montessori Early Childhood Program, 2009). High Scope Focus on active participatory learning. Learning is organized according to the Plan-Do-Review cycle. Learning through observing and...

Teaching Literacy and Reading Lesson Plan

Education is an important part of a human’s life. People want to get a good education in order to get a good job in the future. It is not a secret today that the earlier people start their learning, the bigger account of knowledge they can get. From the very...

Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals

Here’s an invitation to my world; as a child, l grew up in a free environment where one could discover and let themselves loose. One day, as we were with my playmates sprinkling water at each other from a nearby stream, one of us saw a frog. I wanted to...

Technical Writing Ethics

Introduction Ethical considerations in writings are of great importance as they determine the popularity of such writings and their significance to the society or the intended audience. In this regard therefore, writers should always be sensitive on what they portray in their works so as impact positively on the target...

Ireland’s Education System and Student Performance

Introduction Education is an essential aspect of a person’s development. It allows people to obtain knowledge, various skills, and social identity. Social factors of education include the building of confidence, compassion, and the ability amply to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings. It allows pupils to obtain a wide-encompassing perspective of...

Teaching Strategies in Special Education

Children with various abilities absorb the most study material and are best immersed in learning when the classroom is adapted to their needs. Modern teaching techniques for children with special needs have proven to be effective. They can be divided into two large groups – approaches to creating an effective...

Inclusive Learning Environments and Barriers

Race & Ethnicity Race- and ethnicity-related relationships may involve some of the most complex issues in terms of preventing the promotion of biases and prejudices. Among core strategies for preventing and addressing biases in class, a combination of classroom lessons and school policies must be used. Furthermore, active efforts to...

Foundations in Early Childhood Education

The formation of a new educational environment is built on a fundamentally new basis – a multidimensional understanding of life and is accompanied by the creation and improvement of a variety of school educational systems. The educational environment is a surrounding or a child, which accompanies his learning activities and...

Instructional Leadership and Teaching Practices

Instructional leadership is a form of leadership that enhances teaching and learning by promoting best practices. Instructional leadership was introduced in the 1940s with a minimal growth trajectory for its literature experienced up to the 1980s (Hallinger et al., 2020). The principal’s role as an instructional leader was emphasized by...

Principal Instructional Leadership and Its Benefits

Several special issues based on instructional leadership are found within the journal article. First, teachers regularly engaging in collaborative practice is essential for student success (Bellibaş et al., 2022). It happens when instructors routinely engage in activities such as discussing strategies for teaching, visiting one another’s classrooms, and consulting with...

Effectiveness of Online Quizzes to Assess Students’ Learning

Introduction Online educational tools such as Google Classroom have gained a massive following over the past years due to their reliability in assisting teachers in sharing content with students, irrespective of geographical limitations. As a result, many institutions worldwide have shifted all their education initiatives online or adopted a mix...

The Lumen Learning Website Analysis

Lumen Learning is an educational website that caters to both students and instructors. Lumen’s reasonably priced course materials are made to improve learning through open educational resources (“About us,” 2022). They offer interactive learning materials of the highest caliber, online homework, personalized feedback, and individualized study programs. There are several...

Grammar and Children Development

Introduction Grammar is a language concept that encompasses the rules guiding the correctness and interpretation of sounds, words, and sentences. The basic components of grammar are phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics (Nelson & Greenbaum, 2018). The combination of these components should be taught thoroughly for children to develop adequate writing...

Critical Thinking and Active Learning Model

Introduction Critical thinking is the capacity to think clearly and logically without allowing emotions or personal prejudices to cloud one’s judgment. It involves thinking about things systematically and logically to conclude (Liang et al., 2021). Critical thinking is essential because it allows people to evaluate ideas and information rationally and...

Students’ Oral Presentation Assessment

When it comes to learning, many students indicate better performance with oral presentations. However, there must be certain criteria that will help evaluate the oral presentation of the individual and see how well they understood the assignment and provided the material. In this sense, when it comes to a sample...

Academic Performance in Public vs. Private Schools

Introduction People popularly assume private school attendees exceed public school students’ academic performance. Although this statement rings true for an overwhelming majority of countries, there are still unique cases which disapprove this norm. Current literature questions the common belief in the superiority of private education. Researchers still cast doubts on...

Stressors for the US and Romanian Students

Introduction Culture is a broad term that depends on the subject of study; however, it generally includes a range of issues such as religion, race, nationality, gender, class, and language. People from different cultures have varying psychological perspectives, which explain the differences in their behavior. In addition, multicultural people are...

Cost Effectiveness of Public Schools

It is important to note that the American K-12 education system is comprised of two main sectors, which are public and private schools. Despite their advantages and disadvantages over one another, the root cause of such disparities can be found in the funding and costs. The selected study focuses on...

Diversity Field Experience in Classroom

Introduction Education is an essential step in children’s development; thus, universal access to it is critical. The United States is a country of multiple racial, ethnic, religious, and economic groups (Gollnick & Chinn, 2017). This paper aims to define the concept of diversity in a classroom and discuss culturally responsive...

The General Education Development Program

Introduction Within the last few decades, the aim of penal institutions has shifted from punitive to rehabilitative in public discourse. Recent studies have demonstrated that the causes of crime are rooted in a lack of education and meaningful employment opportunities. It has been proven that an important component of rehabilitation...

School Library Promoting Reading and Literacy at School

Introduction A library is where works of literature, music, art, or reference (such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are preserved but not available for purchase. Besides providing materials, libraries offer the services of librarians who are trained and experienced in searching for, redistributing and arranging data as well as...

Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Introduction Policies promoting affirmative action seek to improve the representation of minority groups and women. In the workplace, this may imply practices that encourage the hiring of disadvantaged minorities. Through affirmative action, special consideration can be given to minority candidates in college applications. Affirmative action has sparked heated arguments, numerous...

Blended Learning Method Overview

Education is a necessary process that every modern person goes through in the course of their life, acquiring the essential knowledge and skills. However, in addition to what a person studies, the form of education itself is fundamental. The final result may depend on how this process is built and...

Mind Mapping for Adult Learning

Today, I would like to discuss mind mapping and how helpful it can be for adult learning. Adult education is more complicated than many people may think because it occurs at a time when individuals have already had some educational and professional experience, and adjusting to new knowledge can be...

Professional Standards: InTASC and NPBEA

InTASC and NPBEA Comparison The updated Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards have about 15 cross-cutting themes, which are sometimes explicitly stated or infrared in the document. In many instances, the InTASC standards’ themes are similar to those in the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) standards...

African American Students’ Perceptions of Higher Education Barriers

Davidson, J., Clark, T., Ijames, A., Cahill, R., & Johnson, T. (2020). African American students’ perceptions of higher education barriers. Educational Research Quarterly, 43(4), 59-69. The research by Davidson et al. (2020) explored the perceptions of African American college students regarding the barriers associated with enrolling in higher education institutions....

“What Is “Good” Education Research?” by Hostetler

Introduction Hostetler’s argument states that education must improve the general quality of education and at the same time provide acts of service to society at large. The scholar’s position rests on three pillars: the emphasis on whether a human better the current situation of people’s lives. His second argument is...

Clinical Supervision: Ms. L. Pedagogical Case

The given clinical supervision will primarily focus on supervisor and teacher interactions within three essential phases of observational measures. The educator, Ms. L, is a proactive user of integrated lessons, where she puts a major emphasis on engagement and comprehension. In the pre-observation phase, the teacher accentuated her approach to...

The Lancasterian Education System: History and Overview

In the early 19th century, there existed problems in the education sphere because not many parents could afford to send their children to school. It was evident that a new decision was necessary to make school education more accessible and preserve decent outcomes. Joseph Lancaster, an English developer, made a...

Difference Between an Assessment and an Evaluation

The process of teaching leads to the need for an assessment to be carried out. In other words, when learning is the key point of focus, the need to assess comes into play. Usually, when assessment is being carried out, the key area of concern is ascertaining the result of...

Korean and Finnish Education Programs Analysis

Introduction The education system is the branch of the state that determines the very future of the country. For several decades now, the Korean and Finnish education programs have provided their countries with highly skilled students, while the United States school education is experiencing stagnation. This work aims to analyze...

University Transfer: Arguing and Presenting Advice

The topic of this paper is “to transfer/not transfer to a university,” arguing for transfer to another campus, alongside presenting advice for and against transferring. The first counterargument establishes that culture shock would limit one’s integration to the new institution, thus hampering the stay during the first semester. Yan and...

Bachelor of Science in Social Work: Self-Reflection

Introduction Studying in the Bachelor of Science in social work program was a deliberate decision that I came to during my previous education. The opportunity to acquire professional skills that not only contribute to my personal development but also provide an opportunity to contribute to society. The current learning process...

Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Introduction Literature education is an essential part of the school curriculum that is intended to teach students to read and analyze literary works. However, in the modern world, which is centered around information gathering and information processing, worker productivity, and economic success, it seems to be a redundant discipline that...

Book Clubs: Professional Development Among Teachers

Introduction Professional development among teachers is one of the most common expectations because this profession requires regular improvements and new opportunities. The sphere of education is not about teaching or sharing information but the enhancement of skills and knowledge that play a critical role in life or job performance. There...

Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes Concept Map

The outlined concept map demonstrates the existence of links between the planned course outcomes and activities that had to be performed during the course. The MSN Program Outcome #2 presupposes the acquisition of knowledge related to the creation of a caring environment and the achievement of quality health outcomes. First...

Research Methods for Teaching

Introduction The ways of scientific research and approaches to the presentation of academic work have always evolved in parallel with technological progress. Various scientific developments significantly improved the already existing long-term methods and principles of both quantitative and quantitative methodologies of the study. Digital and Internet technologies have enabled students...

Popular and Scientific Writing: Finding Difference

Introduction The research projects or papers are typically grounded by different sources, including books and scholarly publications from periodicals (magazines and/or journals). When an instructor or a professor issues an assignment, he or she specifies whether the used articles should be from popular (referred to as “magazines”) or academic (referred...

Determination of Average Height

As part of this assignment, a survey was conducted to assess the height of 10 male students studying in Miami, Florida. The sample included males aged 20-25 who attend the University of Miami. The sampling method used for the study was convenience sampling because participants were approached on campus. A...

Role of Parental Involvement in the Modern Era

Factors that affect academic achievement and adjustment are a matter of increased interest among scholars. Recent research revealed that students are affected by a myriad of factors that can be subdivided into four categories: academic, social, cultural, and financial (Son & Cho, 2020). Family is also known to have a...

Attendance and Dropouts in Education

Introduction Problematic absenteeism is connected with several factors, such as teenage pregnancy, life problems, mental issues, and some others. Having a decent education is vital to guarantee that the graduates have the best opportunities in their grown-up life. School or college attendance has always been mandatory, and it significantly impacts...

Health for All: Community Teaching Plan

Introduction The proposed community teaching plan is intended for university/school health centers. However, it can also be implemented in any other setting if the audience is similar to the one targeted by the initial program. The location of teaching is North Shore Medical Center, as agreed with its managers. As...

“Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” by Marilyn Jager Adams

The current research study is based on the summary “Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print” written by Marilyn Jager Adams. The reading instruction is analyzed with a view to different methods and approaches suchlike logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic. Such aspects as the impact on reading instruction and implications...

Public Education: Challenges, Failures and New Ideas

Abstract This essay provides an insight into the challenges and failures of public education systems in the United States. It also examines new ideas that are being used as pertinent solutions to educational dilemmas. Public schools in the United States of America face a number of challenges such as limited...

The Value of PLC Process

Introduction The significance of professional learning community (PLC) to school culture has been proved many times. In the following paper, the two articles “Development of a model for building professional learning communities in schools: teachers’ perspectives in Thai educational context” by Narongrith Intanam, Suwimon Wongwanich, and Nuttaporn Lawthong, and “Collaborative...

EFL Teacher Training and Development

The focus of research As every person has the abilities and skills to learn something new, this capability should be used for the improvement of professional skills and knowledge acquisition. For instance, the Cambridge online dictionary suggests the definition of development as an activity “when someone or something grows or...

Teaching Strategies and Their Application

Meeting the needs of a diverse learner Diverse learners can perform well academically because they exhibit the characteristics necessary for excellence. They have positive attitudes towards learning, are obedient, have excellent social skills and perform excellently in other areas of the school curriculum such as sports. However, they may have...

Academic Honesty: Cheating & Plagiarism

Plagiarism is unacceptable for academic papers writing – it contradicts the law, ethics, and moral principles. Every student, professor, and scholar has to use only his or her own thoughts and conclusions for one’s scientific work. The importance of plagiarism-free academic papers among students is to be discussed below. Academic...

Analysis of Cultural Disconnect in Virtual Learning Environments

Introduction There has been a cultural disconnect in learning environments, in both basic and higher education (Romaine, 2009). Language has emerged as the most significant contributor to cultural disconnect within the educational centers (Gollnick, & Chinn, 2002). The introduction of virtual learning environments worsened the situation in institutions of higher...

Earning a Doctorate in Business Administration

Doctorates are the highest academic degrees attainable by scholars in universities. The qualifications enable the holders to impact positively on the social lives of other people and their own. Individuals pursuing doctorates must have goals, which should also hold personal or professional strengths. These enable the realization of the objectives...

Career Plan in Marketing Sphere

Justification of the main idea Following the pathway of contemporary requirements in different job families, it is clear that employees are urging for having success in careers as soon as possible. In this respect marketing is amplified to “break the ice” in contemporary job offers. Moreover, careers in marketing need...

Preschool Education Space: Designing Preschool Centre

The mechanisms through which little kids study are comprehended in numerous diverse means. The same procedures are frequently expressed and streamlined by various hypotheses of education processes and information acquisition. Through the investigation of preschool education spaces, it is discovered that most locations recognize only one or two education theories...

Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis

Bullying is a dynamic concept that refers to repeated experiences of systematic abuse by an individual seeking to dominate others in a social setup. Perpetrators and victims of bullying are vulnerable to the challenges of social stratification (Lösel& Hurrelmann, 2009). Bullying is rife in schools where physical and verbal abuse...

Instructional Methods in Teaching Practice

This paper will focus on instructional methods which are also referred to as teaching methods. Instruction methods describe activities that relate to learning objectives and the transmission of educational information between the instructors and their students (Bates, 2003). There are many methods of instruction and this paper will focus on...

School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movement

It is relatively agreeable that SESI is a Tayloristic model and thus its management has to take a hierarchical approach in any education system. The latter approach is essential since management elements need to countercheck how systems and structures with school settings are run to draw new ideas or better...

The Importance of Implementing the Learning Curve

Introduction The elementary natures of the individuals include the continuous involvement in the diverse activities or tasks which amplify the performance in due course. The result in the performance is highly dependent upon the degree of learning. Learning refers to the fairly enduring alteration in one’s behavior that arises as...

Globalization and Education – Economic, Political and Cultural Dimensions

Introduction Globalization is a network of various factors including political, economic, cultural and many others. Concentrating and explaining globalization based on one or two factors won’t give a complete picture of its aspects and present trends. Understanding globalization can be done from various angles and the conclusion made from each...

Inclusion Effects on General Education Students

Introduction The literature review is based on the research topic How Inclusion Effects General Education Students and it is a guide for teachers and researchers. Researcher is a master level researcher who studied about the effects of inclusion in general education students. Previous studies and researches have often mentioned that...

Second Language Learning: Conscious or Unconscious

Introduction The article under consideration is “Second language learning: conscious or unconscious” written by Yang Chaochun and Cheng Lian (2005). The article is focused on the problem of whether the process of second language learning is conscious or unconscious. The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate critically the...

How to Improve Leadership in Schools Management

Introduction to the problem This article tries to explain the causes of mismanagement in organizations and schools. It tries to explain some of the theories of governance that are pertinent to be used for effective management of schools and organizations. It also investigates in depth, one of the theories that...

Misunderstood Minds: Early Detection and Intervention Importance for Learning Disabled Children

For children with learning problems, early detection and intervention marks the difference between achieving academic and social progress, and languishing at a lower level of economic and social development indefinitely. So posits Michael Kirk’s Misunderstood Minds, a documentary committed to exploring the topic of learning disabilities and their long-term impact...

Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Education

The experts around the world recognize that the early childhood is the period of most rapid physical and child’s mental development, the initial formation of physical and mental qualities which are needed a person during the rest of his life, such qualities and properties that make him human. The feature...

“Virtual Students, Digital Classroom” by Neil Postman

Introduction Neil Postman in his article virtual students begins by saying that the new technology of computers has been given the status of a god. Computers are known to provide a lot of information that motivates students to learn more in their studies.(Neil, 1995).He says that traditional classroom teaching is...