Four Processes of the Pharmacokinetic Phase

In order to describe the four processes of the pharmacokinetic phase, one is to primarily turn to the definition of the pharmacokinetics. According to Le (2020), pharmacokinetics is essentially the drug’s movement through the body, as well as in and out of it – or, in other words, the body’s...

Health Information Privacy and Security: EMR

If implemented by medical institutions, electronic health records can prove to be very beneficial to doctors, patients, and other healthcare professionals. However, fears regarding patient records’ security and privacy may drive a lot of health facilities to utilize EMRs at a slightly lower rate. One of the major issues of...

Evaluation of the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan for Stroke

Introduction Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability among people globally. Those who survive the disease oftentimes suffer from many functional impairments and depend on individualized treatments for years (Deutschbein et al., 2020). Therefore ultimate care requires a combination of approaches, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech...

Health Promotion Plan: How to Protect Babies?

Introduction Newborns and children under twelve months old are one of the most vulnerable populations because they cannot satisfy their needs and are dependent on their parents. Infant morbidity and mortality rely on the environment, medical compliance, maternal health, and other factors. Mothers are aware of their children’s health because...

Spatial Cognition in Blind and Neglect Patients: The Role of Visual Experiences

Introduction For human beings, knowing the objects’ location and the ability to navigate have always been crucial for survival and performing the majority of activities. The acquisition, storage, utilisation, organisation, and revision of individual knowledge about the environment are closely connected with spatial cognition, a complex and multidimensional process of...

Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Genetic and Environmental Factors

Introduction Diabetes is a serious health concern for people of all ages. There are distinct epidemiology, developmental considerations, pathophysiology, and therapy between pediatric-onset diabetes and adults. Nevo-Shenker et al. (2020) observed that the incidence rate of type 1 diabetes globally is rising at a rate of 2 to 5% annually....

Healthcare Social Issue for Indigenous People in Canada

Nowadays, there are many different social issues throughout the world, some of which are difficult to solve. It is formulated by the fact that the solution of these issues often is not beneficial for a certain group of people, usually for authority bodies. The reason for this is the necessity...

Health Education and Promotion

Today, health promotion has become more relevant than ever in addressing challenges related to public health. The adverse effects of climate change, sedentary lifestyles, financial crises, security threats, and access to unhealthy foods contribute to public health challenges (FRAC, 2017). Therefore, implementing efforts to make healthier lifestyle choices can help...

Overworked Healthcare Systems: The Case of the US and Canada

Introduction In the 21st century, the world’s healthcare systems have been undergoing major transformations that stem from a variety of factors. First of all, the very understanding of medical care providers as a one-way avenue has been rendered obsolete. Today, this process is a dialogue between clinical experts and patients,...

Importance of Bone Health

The article under consideration is written by Jane E. Brody and entitled “One broken bone? You may be at risk for another.” Brody (2021) draws readers’ attention to their bone health, with the focus on middle-aged people and the elderly. The author states that people who have fractures in their...

Healthcare Industry Challenges: Information and Service Integration

Introduction Nowadays, the healthcare industry faces various challenges due to technological advancement that has significantly impacted service delivery. Although the innovations aim to improve the working processes within the medical field, they are also associated with specific issues. Thus, there are four prominent healthcare industry challenges, which are presented on...

Athletes’ Injuries and Coping Strategies

Sport: an athletes’ sense of identity, source of self-esteem, and way of dealing with stress It is very accurate that injuries affect athletes’ everyday lives to a greater extent. As such, injured athletes find it difficult to cope with sustaining injuries. Sports injuries generally traumatize and alter athletes’ psychological state...

Regulation, Accreditation, and Ethics in Health Care

Introduction Healthcare regulatory compliance is the compliance of a health care organization with laws, rules, guidelines, and specifications. It is a continuous process of meeting or exceeding the legal, ethical, and professional standards applicable to a particular healthcare organization. Health care organizations need to develop effective processes, policies, and procedures...

Reduction of Nurse Burnout Through Group Therapy

Summary High burnout rates are detrimental to the United States healthcare system, causing major losses in both finances and lives. The most suitable approach to their reduction can play a critical part in uplifting the quality of care to the desired standards, especially considering the current increase in pressure on...

Data-Based Changes: Big Data Analytics

The Healthcare sector is heavily relying on the use of data to make significant changes in recent years. Data-based changes help healthcare systems to predict risks, plan for prevention, and recovery strategies to minimize losses. The use of big data and data mining enables healthcare facilities to detect infectious outbreaks...

Vaccination and Immunization Promotion

The plan of the session COVID-19 has overwhelmed our society and divided us into confronting groups that either support vaccination or not. The virus disrupts the health of the community and presents even more threats than it might seem. So, it is necessary to know about the medical suggestions for...

Case Study for Agnes: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

According to the case scenario, Agnes is most certainly suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She was traumatized by the previous account of the storm in which her grandfather and her father who were fishing were washed away by the force of nature. Despite the fact that relatives did not...

Importance of Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Neuron Communication Neurons refer to specific cells designed to transmit and receive electrical or chemical signals and are what constitute the nervous system. To perform these functions, the glia cells offer support to the neurons. Neuroscientists compare neurons to electrical wires since they have the same purpose of transferring signals...

Reproductive Health and Abortion Practices in Fiji

Introduction The legalization of abortion has always been a difficult and contentious topic of discussion, both in the academic field and politics. In a large number of countries, abortion is made legal and is paid for by the government or other associated agencies (Grossman et al., 2016). In Pacific Island...

Sports Medicine and Inherent Ethical Issues

Introduction The sphere of medicine is an essential part of the sports industry since, to a considerable extent, it influences the careers of athletes. The majority of sports activities are characterized by the high probability of receiving injuries and traumas. As a result, physicians and other doctors play a major...

Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Explanation

Schizophrenia is a major therapeutic issue nowadays because it is one of the most problematic mental illnesses known to modern psychiatry. Its most common symptoms include visual and audial hallucinations, delusions, inability to organize the thinking process and express emotional reactions adequately. Moreover, patients with schizophrenia often have social disfunction...

The Impact of Burnout on the Quality of Medical Care

Introduction One of the central focuses of clinical care continues to be the unwavering desire of workers to provide the best possible care for the patient’s health and to create the most constructive environment for rapid, pain-free, and effective recovery. Patients use clinical organizations for this very purpose, but it...

Infant Understanding of the World

The first social manifestations of a newborn child are associated with physiological needs (food, drink, thermal comfort, movement, absence of pain, comfortable body position). The human brain begins to learn, explore and adapt to the world around it while still in the womb. With the help of modern technology, scientists...

The Pain Rating Scales in Healthcare

Pain is an indelible part of human life, yet it is almost impossible to communicate its existence or breadth to others. The majority of the healthcare industry is concerned with minimizing pain, but no machine or procedure exists that can quantifiably measure it. Today, three methods are most commonly used...

PTSD Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice

Treating PTSD: A Review of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Interventions Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: a review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 258. Web. Summary: The article reviews recent guidelines for PTSD treatment and discussed each methodology through evidence-based analysis....

Root Cause Analysis at Downtown Medical

The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) team consists of the nurse manager, the director of the pharmacy, and the facilitator. These experts can use their knowledge of administering medication procedures, electronic documentation, medicine ingredients, and the components of identifying the errors’ root causes. The effective collaboration between the nurse manager who...

Social Distribution of Illness in the United States

Introduction Health and illness sociology is a discipline that scrutinizes the interactions between society and health. The main objective that sociology seeks to achieve is to determine how people’s social life affects mortality rate and morbidity and vice versa. The difference between this sociology and medical sociology is that branches...

Diversity Project Kickoff: Diversity in Health Care

Introduction. The Necessity for a Diversity Project Promotion of the population’s access to healthcare services. The outcomes of culturally competent: The better public acceptance of nurses; Meaningful client-provider communication. Aims of the Project Forming a Workforce Diversity Council. Appointing a person responsible for the inclusiveness policy. Raising the committee’s awareness....

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

Summary Nursing informatics is the profession and science of using nursing knowledge, information, and communication technology to improve the health of communities, individuals, and families around the world. Within the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI), the nursing informatics community provides numerous opportunities for networking, conference presentations, leadership, recognition, and certification...

The Upper Respiratory Infections Treatment Methods

Each person has experienced upper respiratory disease (URI), which is a contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract. Common cold is the most well-known URI; however, there are some more critical requiring extra powerful medication. The following paper will include a comparison of several articles on the methods of upper...

Healthy Food for Learning Achievements in School

Every educational institution has a canteen that provides complete meals. In theory, everything is organized, and students should not feel any discomfort because they spend most of the day away from home, but things are quite different in practice. Statistically, about 60 percent of people suffer from stomach problems, which...

Evidence-Based Strategy in Autism

Introduction Challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, and nonverbal communications are common among children in the United Kingdom. According to BMA, it is estimated that 700,000 people in the United Kingdom have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Out of every one hundred children, one is diagnosed with ASD (Mehlmann-Wick, 2020). Quality...

King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital: Electronic Medical Records

Introduction With the introduction of electronic medical records (EMRs) in the King Abdullah Specialized children’s hospital (KASCH), it is vital to explore the perspectives of patients and doctors towards the intervention. Almory et al. (2016) found that integrating EMRs in providing patient care reduces severe medical errors in pediatric patients...

Covid-19 Effects and Leadership Challenges

After the emergence of Covid-2019, leadership has faced many challenges where each challenge requires a different tactic to address them. The disease has been spreading at an unprecedented rate, and it has become more difficult than ever to provide a high quality of care and manage the hospital work. The...

Family Nursing Theories and Concepts

Family nursing utilizes many concepts and is ingrained in numerous Nursing Theories. One of the most important concepts is the perspective of recognizing the strengths of the family, which are believed to be in the ability to cope with stress, time spent together, positive communication, spiritual well-being, appreciation and affection,...

Sexual Issues Confronting Healthcare Providers in the 21st Century

Sexuality involves the ability and needs to experience mutual emotional closeness to another human being. Sexuality matters because it goes beyond more than sex, influencing people in their lives. Healthcare providers in the 21st century have experienced sexual issues pertaining relationship between sexual wellbeing and health (Fortenberry, 2016). Sexual well-being...

Registered Nurse Career: Analysis of Required Traits

Upon selecting a profession that will most likely be a part of one’s life for quite a long time, it is critical to learn about its detail and determine whether it is suitable for a personality. Based on these reasons, the following career research paper will examine an occupation of...

Eyewitness Testimony Overview

Eyewitness testimony occurs when an individual observes a crime or an accident; later, they reveal the details on the court’s stand to help investigate the case. Typically, it is a more complicated process than one might initially presume. Collecting testimony includes what happens during the crime scene, before, and after...

Characteristics of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) refers to disorders of the nervous system. Neurological disorders are based on prerequisites of a neurological nature. Preconditions most often appear during childhood and are detrimental to personal, social, academic, or professional growth. They are usually associated with stopping ongoing responses after feedback on errors,...

Drug Dependency: Construction of a Rehabilitation Center

Drug abuse amongst youths is the leading problem facing society in almost every region of the world. This problem is severe and widespread amongst the young in our communities. Drug addiction begins with using a specific drug for pleasure, but as time goes on, the pleasure gradually decreases and leads...

Nursing Interventions to Prevent Pressure Ulcers in Bedridden Residents

Abstract Many patients experience extended stays in nursing homes where a significant number are bedridden. The special attention needed by such clients may take a toll on the nurses due to the constant care needed. Additionally, elderly patients face a particularly challenging time because their health and well-being are affected...

Interprofessional Communication in the Healthcare Team

Inadequate communication between professionals of the healthcare team often leads to errors and adverse events that adversely affect the patient and the healthcare team. Effective collaboration and communication are essential to improve the healthcare system quality and reduce the errors associated with risk. Interprofessional learning by nursing students has been...

Artificial Intelligence: Integrated in Healthcare

Introduction Artificial intelligence is one of the innovations that promise to have a significant impact on healthcare delivery. AI refers to the simulation of human performed tasks by machines such as computer systems and robots. AI helps in data analysis through electronic health records, diagnosis, and disease management (Bresnick, 2018)....

Communication Skills in Healthcare Workers

Windsor Westbrook Sherrill and Rachel M. Mayo’s article “Medical and nursing student communication skills: Preparing to treat Latino patients” focuses on communication in healthcare settings. The authors’ main objective was to evaluate the previous experience of nursing and medical students with Latino patients and the effectiveness of their communication skills...

A Head Nurse as a Hospital Manager

Introduction The profession of a head nurse occupies an important place in the modern world since the person in this position bears tremendous responsibility for organizing the treatment process. Patients and their relatives or friends trust the head nurse’s words and look forward to being active in the workplace. This...

A Discussion Board Post on Nursing Values and Ethics

Professional values and ethics determine competence among individuals working for profit-making entities. Medical practitioners, similarly, are expected to participate in activities and decision-making which enhance quality services to clients. Several ethical values and morals exist for healthcare expert working in different healthcare settings (Tilley et al., 2019). For instance, nurses...

Maternal and Paternal Factors of Fetus Development

There is a higher risk for an adolescent mother to have pregnancy complications including pallor, and hypertension. Gestational diabetes typically disappears after the mother conceives an offspring. If untreated, gestational diabetes can cause untimely birth, the child having breathing issues upon entering the world, jaundice, or low glucose. There are...

Servant Leadership in Healthcare

The modern healthcare system is going through constant and rather severe changes that need to be managed properly to benefit the medical landscape. Numerous factors can affect the healthcare environment, including globalization, the population’s aging, and technological and economic ones. Consequently, there should be certain styles and requirements for the...

Dementia and Its Controversial Treatment

Dementia is a progressive decline in cognitive ability, an ailment commonly thought to be inseparable from the concept of the elderly. Dementia causes people to lose practical skills and the ability to perform everyday activities. According to the World Health Organisation, as of 2018, 47.5 million people have been diagnosed...

Diabetes: Etiology and Expected Treatment Options

Case study A 21-year old female (A.M.) presents to the urgent care clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever for 3 days. She states that she has Type I diabetes and has not been managing her blood sugars since she’s been ill and unable to keep any...

Collaboration Problems in Nursing Practice

Introduction Interdisciplinary collaboration is a partnership between the patient and all healthcare workers involved in delivering personalized care. Interprofessional partnerships are instrumental in the implementation of health reforms and the improvement of patient outcomes. It is based on values like partnerships, sharing, and interdependency (Rosen et al., 2018). This paper...

Panic Disorder: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

Panic disorder is a condition where one experiences repeated unanticipated panic attacks. People who have the disorder stay in fear of experiencing panic attacks. One may have a panic attack when they experience sudden, overwhelming fright with no definite cause. A panic attack’s physical symptoms include sweating, having difficulty in...

Improving Healthcare Staff Communications

Interactions between personnel are among the key points that are necessary for the success of any organization. In a health care context, well-coordinated teamwork is even more critical, as the lives of others depend on it. Studies show that communication disruption between health workers accounts for more than 60 percent...

Information Management Improving Patient Care Technology

The need to improve patient care in hospitals has led to the development of new technologies that assist nurses in managing, monitoring, and controlling clients’ conditions within the facilities. Information management allows each patient’s data to be recorded, stored, and easily retrieved by health professionals when needed (Bhatt & Chakraborty,...

Mental Health Issues in Uganda

Mental health is an essential component of human health. It is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the everyday stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to the community. However, in underdeveloped countries, such as Uganda, the issue of psychological health is very...

Thinking Like a Nurse: Clinical Judgement

Clinical judgment is an essential concept in healthcare and, more specifically, in nursing. It is a process that involves collecting client data, interpreting the data, making diagnoses, and identifying proper steps. Essential components of the process are critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving. Clinical judgment is required for somewhat ambiguous...

Pros and Cons of Universal Health Care

Universal health care (UHC) refers to a national health system in which the government guarantees that a person will receive health care services regardless of whether he or she is able to pay for them. UHC is considered an ideal that every country should strive to achieve. Yet, upon reviewing...

Insulin Price and Unaffordability

Executive Summary These days, high prices for insulin and its unaffordability present a pressing concern. A significant number of people do not take the prescribed dose due to financial hardships. Moreover, from year to year, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes is increasing. Insulin is a vital drug for...

Food Allergies and Eating Disorders

Although food allergies are most common in children, they may appear at any age. Allergies may even be developed into products a person has consumed for years without any issues. The foods most associated with food allergy in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. Some products might be outgrown, such...

Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Incivility consists of all the behaviors that are rude, disrespectful, or insolent in a workplace. Incivility may lead to emotional pain, which might threaten the working conditions. Some workers decide to be impolite to fellow employees knowingly without considering their feelings, while others may be discourteous without their conscience....

Prediction of Falls in Rehabilitation and Acute Care Geriatric Setting

The aim of the project is to answer the following question: “What is the effectiveness of increased patient education and participation with regular exercise-physical therapy versus current hospital fall prevention programs with limited exercise-physical therapy, in promoting balance and stability thus minimizing falls and fall-related injuries, in senior patients within...

Congestive Heart Failure: Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

The nursing intervention plan is to be started from the patient’s education within the scope of CHF. The daily intake of fluid should be appropriate and include all liquids consumed per day, including tea, juice, soup, fruits, and vegetables. When dry mouth and thirst appear, one needs to rinse mouth,...

The Use of TeamSTEPPS Tools to Advance Patient Safety

TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) was developed in order to provide healthcare employees with the opportunities to advance patient safety, as well as to make work in teams smoother and more consistent. It should be emphasized that TeamSTEPPS is founded on the four core...

Care Coordination as a Vital Process in the Health Care System

Introduction The importance of care coordination in achieving a high-quality, high-value, patient-centered health care system is generally acknowledged. Improving care coordination is vital to stakeholders at multiple levels within health care systems. For example, for policymakers who want to deliver high-quality, high-value care to individual patients; doctors who wish to...

The Diversity of the Rosalind Franklin University Community

I am firmly convinced that my life’s mission is to help people lead fulfilling lives, which is impossible without being healthy. Therefore, I would like to become a person who can treat people to increase their life expectancy and quality. I believe that every person deserves healthcare, both people from...

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a significant element of an organization’s response to potential hazards. Although they may remain the same for one area throughout the years, new tools for vulnerability assessment and population warnings appear, potentially improving the strategy. The EOP under consideration is outdated and requires a...

The COVID-19 Vaccination: Side Effects

The COVID-19 vaccine can protect people from getting infected by the virus. However, the scientific examinations of the vaccine side effects show that many dangerous conditions could cause severe illnesses among the vaccinated people (Kleine-Tebbe et al., 2021). The author of the practical research points out that the most significant...

Nursing Leader and Manager as Different Roles

A nursing career is characterized by a number of interesting and sometimes challenging tasks and responsibilities, and, in the majority of cases, it requires the development of leadership and management skills. Either as leaders or managers, nurses have to make sure that patients receive high-quality care and that the environment...

Nursing Attitudes toward Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Pediatric Patients

PICO Question The improved cultural competence is essential to the improvement of nursing knowledge and attitudes on the transgender population. Nursing knowledge has guided nurses to interact with trans patients in multiple settings such as inpatient, outpatient, medical, and surgical. The PICO question developed for this evidence-based research aims to...

Military Sexual Trauma: PTSD in Female Veterans

Introduction Traumatic experiences that military personnel encounter during their profession predispose them to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that PTSD that military personnel experience in their lives emanates from cumulative stressors of pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment experiences (Fisher, 2008, p. 50; Fullerton, & Ursano, 2004, p. 1374). The...

The Smartphone Technology in the Healthcare Sector

Background On September 25, 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations confirmed its collective commitment to making the world a better place through extensive utilization of information technology in various spheres of life. It formulated and embraced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets for global attainment...

Electronic Health Records Recommendation

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are a widespread and practical application of information technology in healthcare. They contain data about the patient in digital format while protecting the privacy of the person. Information in this form can be effectively used by providers to treat one patient and be transmitted between...

Transformational Leadership and Its Role in Nursing

Leadership is the ability to absorb knowledge and apply it in current work in such a way as to motivate others not to turn the work process into a routine, but to seek and find those methods and means of execution that lead to the best result of the whole...

Nursing Issues: How to Deal With Difficult Patients

Introduction The various technological innovations have entirely changed the world. Moreover, these advancements have lead to rise in medical conditions. However, appropriate handling of these medical conditions; it is mandatory that the medical practitioners have appropriate information, and expertise to ease the amount of energy that they require in handling...

Life Insurance: Types, Value of Money

Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy. The insurer is bound to pay some money incase an even happens to occurs. If the insurer...

The Discussion and Solution of COVID-19 Ethical Dilemma

The pandemic of COVID-19 emerging globally showed weaknesses of the healthcare systems worldwide. The rapid spread of the unknown virus, lack of medical equipment, and protection tools put constant stress on medical workers. During the time of the global pandemic, the priorities of healthcare workers changed from providing the needs...

Nursing Ethics: Reflection on the Survey

The survey has allowed focusing on ethical and legal issues that need further investigation and discussion to guarantee a nurse can make confident decisions. In most cases, it was rather difficult to be decisive and choose strongly agree or disagree answers because of lacking additional data for consideration. Therefore, most...

Importance of the State Nursing Boards

Introduction Boards of Nursing (BON) are the institutions responsible for protecting the patient’s well-being by ensuring high-quality nursing services. These professional bodies regulate the scope of practice of nurses within their jurisdiction. They offer licensure examinations for the preparation of nursing in each state. This organization comprises nurses, physicians, attorneys,...

Interpersonal Skills in Professional Supervision

When training health practitioners for autonomous practice, experienced professionals in healthcare play a crucial step in stimulating their interpersonal skills. This implies that education programs incorporate units of means of improving relationships with other people. Through clinical supervision, a health organization can improve on its professional support by encouraging self-assessment,...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Plastic Surgery

Main Post It should be noted that the main purpose of research lies in directing and guiding nurses while treating the patients. To enlarge on this, nurses should be open to changes while identifying a particular problem and looking for viable solutions. Being a Director for an Ambulatory Plastic and...

Safer Opioid Use: Simulation Exercise

Overuse of prescription pain medications among patients is a common problem in medical practice. A patient’s description of pain is often determined by one’s cognitive perception, resulting in drastic variation in ache tolerance (Edelman et al., 2014). Although various relief measures are available, patients with a significantly high level of...

Aspects of Pregnancy and Childbirth

This site is called “FamilyDoctor”, and it is dedicated to various family tips. This site contains materials with various tips and recommendations for pregnancy. The articles are also related to the topics of the course. Thus, some topics reveal the essence and meaning of pregnancy for novice parents on this...

Benefits of Vaccination against Coronavirus

Among the numerous recent healthcare advancements, vaccines occupy a specific place for their unique benefits for individuals and society in general. They constitute a relatively cheap measure which has allowed to prevent the outbreaks of many life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Moreover, they play a critical role in achieving herd...

The Impact of Education Access and Quality on Health Equity and Patient Outcomes

Introduction It has been acknowledged that several social determinants influence people’s health. These social factors include income, race, unemployment, social support, and education, among others (Coughlin, 2019). Although multiple factors shape people’s behaviors and their health outcomes, education is one of the central domains that require specific attention as it...

Healthcare Marketing and Its Evolution

Changes since the 1970s in healthcare marketing During the last several decades, much attention has been paid to the development of healthcare advertising. This process undergoes multiple changes because people find it effective to replace traditional principles of marketing with innovative ideas. American organizations are ready to spend billions of...

Employee Risk Management Plan in Healthcare

A risk management plan refers to a comprehensive document detailing the process of risk management in an organization (Burt, 2016). The risk management process involves identifying the risks, analyzing them, identifying risk tolerance and developing risk mitigation measures to manage various risks (Lam, Figueroa, Reimold, Orav, & Jha, 2018). This...

Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison

Global Health Issue Despite seemingly overwhelming amounts of food and consumable products, one of the major global health issues remains food insecurity and malnutrition, with the number of people affected by famine rising since 2014. It is just as much a social issue as it is a health problem. Causal...

Building Rapport on Public Health Issue

There are different kinds of qualitative research methods. Soriano (2013) says the most common methods involve collecting research information using key informants, focus groups, interviews and secondary data. For purposes of addressing the questions raised in the vignette, focus groups emerge as the best qualitative research method. According to Stacciarini...

Informatics Technologies in Healthcare

Introduction Technologies are an integral part of coherent society as they penetrate all areas of human activity and drive radical changes. The modern digitalized world is also characterized by significant shifts in people’s mentalities and their perspectives on traditionally essential issues, such as healthcare. The scientific progress and the demand...

Evidence-Based Practice and Its Implementation Barriers

Introduction Nurses are always expected to use evidence-based practices in their work as patients see them as the basis for quality healthcare delivery and reliability. Evidence-based practices might be excellent strategies for the treatment of complex diseases. However, many nurses face a problem of lack of knowledge and inability to...

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleague

Introduction Care coordination entails purposefully planning aspects of patient care and disseminating information among all parties involved in a patient’s treatment to provide better, safer, and more efficient care. A care coordinator is a trained health care professional who assists in the coordination of a patient’s care, such as the...

Decision-Making: Euthanasia in Switzerland

With just the mention of death, it is a real shock to the world. Then, it is surprising how one can comfortably walk into a medical center and demand to die. Michele’s case could not be the only one in the world but watching her die is flabbergasting (Bueller, 2012)....

Biomedical Model: The Nurses and Midwives Council Code

Introduction Several models have been derived to look at health-related theories but biomedical model brings out an interesting coverage of the topic. Biomedical model looks at health from an individual point of view. In this case, the body is a machine with constituent parts that could be repaired or manipulated...

United Healthcare Firm’s Readiness to Meeting Healthcare Needs

Description of the Organization United Healthcare (UH) is an incorporated public firm in the US known for offering healthcare products and insurance services. The organization is based in Minnesota and was the second in terms of revenue and net premiums in 2019. UH had a revenue of close to $260...

Cloud Computing Application for Decision Making

In the age of digitalization, the operation of almost every sphere of humans activities is impossible without the application of technologies. Digital developments hardly affected healthcare by improving methods of treatment, diagnostics, and decision-making. The current paper discusses how cloud computing facilitates decision-making and describes the role of nurses in...

The Forced-Air Prewarming Strategy in Healthcare

The problem of maintaining proper temperature for inpatients has been a concern in the operating room (OR) setting for quite a while due to several challenges. Specifically, due to the impact of anesthesia, patients are unable to maintain their temperature and adjust to the changes in the environment. Therefore, once...

Leadership Styles & Qualities in Healthcare Field

Introduction To understand the differences between leadership and management, an individual should consider his own experience with the terms. The concept of leadership always includes one individual’s influence on a person or a group of people. The influence could occur as a sequence of multiple aspects that include trust, care,...

Understanding the Nursing Recruitment and Retention Process

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to evaluate specific and credible information that pertains to understanding the nursing recruitment and retention process. This process is a very important tool in establishing proper and successful management of healthcare institutions in relation to the nursing profession. Moreover, this paper contains valuable...

Ethics of Researching Mental Health Issues

Ethics is a discipline of philosophy that deals with decision-making processes and helps in determining what is right or what is wrong. When doing academic research, it is prudent that one looks into the researcher’s values, study population, and the social importance of the community. The ethics of research should...

The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2019-2021

Introduction The latest outbreak of COVID-19, short for “coronavirus disease of 2019”, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had an undeniable permanent impact on a global scale. The pandemic has influenced the life of every member of the human society without any exception, whether in an irrevocable way or through...

The Role of Human Resources in Managing the Nurse Staff

The functions of a human resource manager are confined to facilitating the nurses’ work and activities. It is important for a leader to oversee organizational culture and leadership and monitor compliance of working conditions with existing labor and employment laws (Flynn et al., 2007). While conducting an interview with our...

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Evaluation

Quality improvement models Healthcare organizations aim at improving the quality of care so that they could have better patient outcomes that result in improved patient lives (Hines & Yu, 2009; Kelly, 2007; Kouzes & Posner, 2009). The following six models are applied in healthcare settings to improve the quality of...

Religion and Spirituality in Nursing

Non-religious spirituality is a socio-cultural phenomenon that became widespread after the separation of the church from the state. It manifested in the public consciousness through the distinction between the concepts of religiosity, confessionalism, and church-going, on the one hand, and spirituality, on the other (Dossett & Metcalf-White, 2020). In the...

Pressure Ulcers in Elderly in Health Settings

Introduction Pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis and ulceration on soft tissues that happen due to pressure or pressure in combination with shear. Pressure ulcers lead to significant patient’s pain level, adversely affect the patient’s quality of life, resulting in a continuous economic burden on the health care system. The...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections

Problem Cather-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are the main causes of secondary infection in the blood stream, making up around 76% of all UTIs, due to the wrong use of urinary catheter (Kuriyama et al., 2017). There are three types of catheters, as indicated by the World Health Organization [WHO]:...

Respiratory Compromise and Pneumothorax

Introduction Respiratory compromise due to pneumothorax could occur due to various causes. Two types of pneumothorax were described: spontaneous and traumatic (Porter, 2008). The former was characteristic of young men who were otherwise healthy. Six times more young men had a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Older men usually had the secondary...

Dissemination of Evidence-Based Change Proposal

The dissemination of research-based evidence plays a vital role in the promotion of population health as it relies on objectivity rather than subjectivity. Various strategies for communicating evidence have been developed to ensure that the intended message reaches the targeted population. Such approaches include but are not limited to narratives,...

Digital Health Interventions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Description of the study “Digital health interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes” written by Pal et al. (2018), is qualitative research that involved the data collected from four focus groups of twenty patients. This study aimed to determine the patients’ perceptions about the diabetes self-management education (DSME) limitation in...

Psychosis and Confabulation Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Introduction The behaviour described in case scenario 2 is a clear case of psychosis. Jack gets agitated and appears to have a serious feeling of nervousness. He appears to be so disoriented and does not allow anyone to touch or cool him down. However, amidst being caught in the feeling...

Callista Roy Conceptual Model

Introduction Nursing models are theoretical models that are made up of concepts and theories. The nursing field is one of the fields which determine the survival of an individual depending on the patient care given by the nurses or caregiver. Theories and concepts of nursing assist the health care providers...

The Importance of Health Care Policy in Society

Introduction The core function of any hospital setting is to provide society with complete healthcare. To achieve this, they require strategies to govern them. Hence, health care policies are formulated to offer healthcare practitioners guidelines on how to carry out their daily activities and for making decisions. These policies have...

Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Introduction Depression is a kind of disorder that causes a lack of interest, anger, and persistent sadness. Clinical depression interferes with human feelings, thinking, and behavior that causes physical and emotional malfunctioning. Depression lowers self-esteem making the victim feel unworthy to live. Its persistence makes treatment difficult; long treatment is...

Geriatric Depression Scale, Clock Drawing Test and Mini-Mental Status Examination

Geriatric Depression Scale Depression is a common condition among geriatric patients. According to Greenberg (2019), around 5 million older adults in the US experience significant morbidity from depression. Thus, it is imperative to screen geriatric patients for depression to avoid associated adverse events. Elizabeth M., a 77-year old female, was...

Phineas Gage and Frontal Lobes

Neuroscience psychology involves an integrated approach that is aimed at understanding the brain’s effect on psychological responses. One of the critical aspects of learning to treat mental health and wellness challenges effectively is recognizing the link between physical responses and potential emotional issues. In this regard, in neuroscience, Phineas Gage...

Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern

This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate. More people are becoming obese at present due to much easier access to unhealthy foods and less effort to maintain a regular exercise routine for fitness. For example, in...

Diabetes Mellitus of Type I vs. Type II

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases and causes of death in the world. Much attention is paid to this disease in the public and healthcare as there are measures for its prevention; however, drawing attention to these measures leads to misconception. Most often, people perceive diabetes as...

Governance and Infrastructure in a Small Medical Practice

Background Statement Midtown Neurology has faced significant issues regarding governance and infrastructure management. Initially, the medical practice was founded by a single physician who had over 20 years of experience helping the community members. As the practice grew further, it has changed from a “mom-n-pop” operation to a more significant...

The Importance of Movement

Being sedentary for a long time can lead to issues and diseases in multiple organs and body systems. As far as the skeleton is concerned, excessive sitting causes permanent imbalances in one’s neck, makes the spine inflexible and herniated, and is responsible for the development of osteoporosis (Berkowitz & Clark,...

Democratic, Autocratic and Servant Leadership

The essence of democratic leadership can be defined by the three functions it is able to perform. These include the distribution of responsibility among the group, the empowerment of the members, and assistance or guidance of the collective’s decision-making process (Woods, 2020). As such, many members of a group are...

Medication Regimen: Helen Evans’ Case

Introduction In order to complete the medication regimen paper, Helen Evans and her medication story were chosen to be analyzed. The patient is female, and her age is 65 years old. The woman has serious problems with her health state, and her medical story contains the following diagnoses: hypertension, diabetes...

Nursing Diagnosis at the HOPE Rehabilitation Center

Target Population This program targets women and children from the HOPE rehabilitation centre. A total of 30 women shall be recruited with the help of the rehab’s nurses. The women are aged between 16 and 35 years and they have small children. The targeted women hail from the local Foxford...

Dentistry: Public Health and Clinical Health Care

Health care is one of the most important pillars of any society as it aims to improve the quality of human life and well-being. The institutions of public health and clinical health care, including those in the field of dentistry, are both designed to achieve this goal. However, their approaches...

“Sleep, Health, and Wellness at Work”: Article Analysis

The source under analysis is a scholarly article that focuses on how sleep impacts individual health and wellness. Synthesizing this study is not an elementary process because it is necessary to read 18 pages and understand their content. That is why it will be reasonable to make some notes to...

Children and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction This article plays a valuable role in studying my topic, which is the influence of coronavirus on children’s mental health. In their report, Phelps and Sperry (2020) discuss an extremely important but underestimated issue and try to draw people’s attention to it. A vast number of factors may harm...

American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

The American College of Healthcare Executives’ (ACHE) mission is to promote its members professionally and enhance healthcare leadership excellence through competent education and healthcare management research. It is an international professional organization of more than 48,000 healthcare executives who manage hospitals, healthcare systems, and other healthcare facilities (American College of...

Neuroscience of Schizophrenia: The Thinking Patterns

John Forbes Nash Jr. is one of the revolutionary minds in the field of mathematics during our times. By the time he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1994, Nash had contributed significantly to partial differential equations, differential geometry, and game theory. I know you are wondering...

Examining Nursing Specialties

After considering various options as to what nursing specialty to choose within the MSN program, I have decided to pursue the MSN Nurse Executive degree. During the course of study, my goal is to develop strong leadership skills, learn to manage the budget and the process of change, and become...

Psychotherapy and Counselling Approaches

For years, the terms psychotherapy and counseling have been used interchangeably due to the fact that the notions share many similarities. Notably, both disciplines involve developing a safe, therapeutic, and healing relationship between a patient and a therapist. Conversely, one of the key differences between the two fields is that...

The Role of Graduate Education in Nursing

Introduction and purpose Learning is an active process that requires careful, insightful and guided quest for practical and theoretical application especially when undertaking the graduate program. Activities that are familiar and designed to provoke creativity among students generate greater sense of identity and facilitate personality and cognitive progress. Developing an...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnosis

Introduction The body’s immune system plays a critical role in preventing various body organs from diseases. However, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that is depicted by organs and tissues being damaged by immune complexes and autoantibodies (Harrison, 2008). According to Ben-Menachem (2010), SLE is a chronic inflammatory...

Impact of Leisure and Recreation on Mental Health

Leisure and recreational activities are pastime engagements freely chosen in order to add value to one’s life (Palen, 2008). In general, involvement in leisure and recreation has a great positive impact on the overall quality of the life of a person. In a study by McLean, Hurd, and Rogers (2007),...

Health Psychology and Activists’ Views on Obesity

Introduction Among the latest common and serious health challenges that people face globally is obesity or overweight. It occurs not only in cities but also in rural areas, affecting people of all ages and social statuses. This is a condition that results in an accumulation of excessive or abnormal fat...

Boston Marathon Bombing and Mass Trauma

The Boston Marathon bombing elucidates a mass trauma due to the pressure cooker detonation bombs put by terrorists during the 2013 Olympics. The athletes, spectators, their families, and those who viewed the severely injured and dead victims’ devastating pictures required professional attendance. The pernicious effects of bombing caused colossal damage...

Indemnity Dental Insurance: Pros and Cons

Indemnity dental insurance is one of the several insurance coverage schemes that can be accessed by the American citizens in need of seeking oral health care (Manski et al., 2015). Indemnity dental insurance is a fee-for-service plan, meaning that individuals who subscribe to this type of plan must pay for...

Organizational Performance and Structure in Healthcare

The structure and the leadership of a health organization influence the motivation, work environment and the general feeling of the patients and health care workers. Therefore, the following paper is an analysis of organizational structure and performance in relation to improving the effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Curry et al. (2015)...

Pain Assessment in Older Adults

Introduction Older adults often experience acute and chronic diseases associated with pain. Geriatric patients often take several medications to treat the symptom (Horgas, 2017). However, taking multiple pain management medications attributes to polypharmacy and may negatively affect the well-being of older patients (Horgas, 2017). Thus, it is crucial that clinicians...

Impact of E-cigarettes on Human Health

Electronic cigarettes were invented as a safer delivery device for nicotine. Scientists have proven that nicotine is not the most harmful substance in smoking. The most harmful process is inhaling tobacco tar, which causes cancer and respiratory diseases. Since the tobacco in electronic cigarettes heats up and does not burn,...

Early Childhood Caries: Research Discussion

The nature, epidemiology, and health implications of oral diseases have changed significantly within the past four decades. The prevalence of caries in childhood has increased in the United States. Additionally, the increase of caries is strongly associated with health disparities in different parts of the world (Ezer, Swoboda, & Farkouh,...

Tuberculosis Infections and Healthcare in Brunei

Introduction Tuberculosis is a respiratory killer disease and it poses a health risk to the lives of many people in different parts of the world. Cases of tuberculosis are higher in the South East Asian countries. This assertion implies that Brunei, being one of southeast Asian countries, tuberculosis is a...

Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Health equity is the foundation of patient safety, quality of care, and improved health outcomes for vulnerable populations. A Triple Aim is an approach for optimizing the performance of healthcare systems offered by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The initiative was developed to enhance the patient experience, improve the...

Long-Term Care Services: Administrative Issues

Several administrative challenges are currently facing the development and operation of programs that provide a continuum of long-term care services. Most of these challenges are attributed to the ever-rising number of the elderly population which is often associated with increased cases of disabilities and dependence. For example, a major challenge...

High Mortality Rate in Patients of Major Surgical Procedures

Introduction Life expectancy in the developed world is improving probably due to the improved living standards over the years. Statistics show that in the year two thousand and eight, France had thirty two percent of its citizens with sixty five years of age and seventeen percent was above seventy five...

Musculoskeletal Disorders: Rheumatoid Arthritis

The musculoskeletal system consists of such major elements as the skeleton and the muscles. No doctor specializes in one of these components as they are closely connected and function in terms of the processes taking place in this complex system. At that, it could be important to specialize further to...

Use of Nursing Theory in Practice

Is nursing a science? Nursing is a science as being a nurse means to study new methods and ways of performing tasks. The developments in science are successfully applied to nursing practice. Science is described as the process of acquiring new knowledge and applying that knowledge into practice. Nursing perfectly...

Indian Healthcare Information System

Introduction Technology has become one of the most important aspects of healthcare in the modern world bearing in mind that it has been embraced extensively. In this regard, it has been integrated into various operational functions in the Indian healthcare information system. New programs have been developed continuously to solve...

Feeding & Eating: Binge-Eating and Pica Disorder

Binge-Eating Disorder Definition: Binge-eating disorder is characterized by eating, in a discrete period (for example, within any 2 hours), an amount of food that is larger than what most people would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 350). Moreover, a person suffering from the...

Article Summary: Sexual Dysfunctions

Humans are sexual beings in nature and depend on sex for pleasure and recreation. Unfortunately, some individuals might experience some forms of dysfunction that might affect their sexual responses or cycles. These problems have the potential to affect the level of satisfaction and make it impossible for the patients to...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution

Introduction Water quality influences community health outcomes. People need water to survive and undertake basic human activities, such as cooking and washing clothes (World Health Organization, 2013). However, beyond these purposes, water has a broader impact on public health because it affects people’s well-being (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 1)....

Malignant Hyperthermia Background

Introduction Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is a life-threatening pharmacogenetic condition that induces “skeletal muscle calcium regulation” disorder (Hopkins 48). The disorder was first detected in 1960 when an anesthetist managed to notice the symptoms. The anesthetist also managed to choose an effective treatment strategy. The case is now known as the...

Mental Conditions in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Forman

Movie Summary One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a movie about an ex-criminal – Chief Bromden, who pretends to be insane to avoid prison labor. There, he witnesses the way a nurse (Nurse Ratched) uses unethical manipulation techniques to abuse patients. In his attempts to rebel, the main character...