Respiratory Diseases Caused by Climate Change

One of the most critical medical issues associated with climate change is air quality, which is rapidly deteriorating. The whole population of the nation is at threat, although some groups of people are at higher risk due to the complex socio-genetic factors (“Climate change health,” n.d.). Respiratory diseases caused by...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Project Change

Cases of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the clinical environment are an acute public health problem because they not only complicate the treatment process but also create a negative reputation for medical institutions. To minimize this threat, a special plan needs to be thought out based on the available information regarding...

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: Project Change

The main focus of this project is the identification and prevention of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers. Pressure Ulcers are a condition that is more efficient and safer for the patient to prevent rather than treat after development. Even though most hospitals treat patients at risk of developing Pressure Ulcers and utilize...

Childhood Obesity and Mothers’ Education Project

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The chosen health-related topic relates to childhood obesity. The nursing practice issue refers to educating children’s mothers on the significance of preventing childhood obesity because it is detrimental for the child’s health and can...

Patient Safety Culture and Practice Change Frameworks

Patient safety is a crucial concern for care providers because it is directly connected to the quality of care and patient outcomes. Fostering a culture of patient safety can help to avoid errors in care provision, as well as the resulting adverse events. It can also impact the quality of...

Abortion Policy in the United States

Throughout the years, abortion has been a controversial issue in the United States, where different policies concerning the termination of pregnancy exist. Abortion regulations have a direct influence on women and can influence numerous aspects of a female’s life. The policies related to the issue target the healthcare industry due...

Drug Prescription Policy Analysis

Prescription drug policy will be examined in this paper. Prescription drug policy is a highly relevant topic dealing with both clinical practice and public health. This type of policy deals with various factors regarding prescription drugs such as methods of prescribing, cost, and the recent opioid crisis which ties into...

Tobacco Regulation: Policy Analysis

Tobacco regulation is an important and challenging policy topic that must balance the health and interests of smokers. The purpose of this analysis is to focus on the impact of tobacco regulation on public and social health. It is significant because tobacco and smoking are strong risk factors for several...

Miami Community Needs Assessment and Nursing

Overview Description of the Community History Having emerged in 1915, the Miami Beach community showed a strong tendency toward urbanization and soon became a major U.S. city (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2015). Miami Beach has been receiving most of its economic resources from the tourism business due...

Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric and Intensive Care Units

Those junior medical employees who work under stressful conditions, for instance, in intensive care units, have a high workload, and, in addition to physical tiredness, nurses experience moral burnout, often referred to as compassion fatigue. While interacting with severe cases constantly, healthcare workers’ stresses accumulate, which may cause nervous breakdowns...

Nursing Research Designs and Sampling Strategy

It is well known that research is an essential part of learning, which allows people to improve their knowledge and practice in any area of expertise. Nursing, as one of the elements of medicine, is not an exception. The need for nursing research is ensured by the fact that it...

Team Nursing and Synergy Models in Primary Care Unit

The model of nursing care In this instance, I observed a group of nurses working in the primary care department. In this particular case, there was a team consisting of three nurses, one of whom was the leader. Upon talking to these nurses, I found out that they decided to...

The Future of Nursing: Solutions and Opportunities

Introduction The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” is an attempt to resolve a multitude of problems that have arisen in nursing practice. It discusses the range of essential functions performed by nurses in health care settings, as well as challenges that arise...

Asian Americans’ Healthcare Needs and Risks

Abstract Cultural competency is crucial for healthcare workers to be able to provide high-quality care for the diverse patient population. The analyzed article helps to acquire a better understanding of the health needs of Asian Americans. The research design to identify three risk groups of Asian Americans according to their...

American Indians’ and Alaska Natives’ Healthcare

Abstract The healthcare challenges that American Indian and Alaska Natives face on a regular basis present significant limitations for nursing practice. The increased occurrence of chronic health conditions as compared to their white counterparts have been attributed to poor health literacy, low levels of educational attainment and income, as well...

Health Resources & Services Administration Website

The HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Data Warehouse is a website that “provides maps, data, reports, and dashboards to the public about HRSA’s health care programs” (“About,” para. 2) in the public domain. The programs are designed for people who are vulnerable in terms of geographical location, economic,...

Life Stages and Age Factor in Health Care

It is known that some treatments can be effective for one patient and practically do not affect the condition of another. The reason for this is the genetic characteristics of patients that affect the metabolism of medicines. The formation of a system for assessing the quality of services in a...

Life Stages and Age Factor in Healthcare Delivery

According to the World report on aging and health, the health needs of people differ depending on such factors as gender and stages of life (Beard et al. 2016). In general, young men and women undergo significant pressures to achieve academic and social goals and to conform to social expectations....

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory Under Concept

Concept analysis remains a powerful strategy for ensuring that readers and users of a specified theory understand and apply it accordingly. This practice is usually designed to ensure that researchers and students have a clear understanding of the intended variable. This approach conveys the desired meaning and eventually supports the...

Falls Among Older Patients and Evidence-Based Care

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Despite the advancements in medical equipment and nursing education, falls are still among the primary causes of physical injuries for older patients. There are forecasts predicting an increase of falls in the future, resulting in more substantial expenditures in healthcare (Bergen, Stevens, and Burns, 2016). The...

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Framework in Miami

While assessing an individual patient requires an in-person examination, community assessments can be accomplished by synthesizing information found online and in journal articles related to healthcare in the region. For particular areas of Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Framework (GFHPF), such as Health Perception and Health Management, one may, for instance,...

Social Determinates of Health in Family Assessment

Introduction Health is a complex phenomenon, and many factors influence its state when it comes to different individuals. Many people tend to believe that clinical services are the only factor that can either improve or worsen a health status. However, since people are social beings, it is impossible to neglect...

Variables Normal Distribution in Medicine

The indicators of the normal distribution of variables in medicine can be used for different purposes, for example, in calculating disease dynamics, growth data, and in other cases. With this distribution, most of the values ​​are grouped around some average indicator, and on both sides of it, the frequency of...

Adding LPN Personnel to Manage the Imbalance in Nurse Patient Ratios

Nursing research requires a profound understanding of current problems in the public health sector as well as specific analytic skills (Burns & Grove, 2011). As it was identified, the problem of understaffing is one of the current prevalent issues in the health care system. The problem is formulated in the...

The Issue of Low Staffing in Nursing

As stated by the report of The World Health Organization “A Universal Truth: No health without a workforce,” made at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in November 2013, noted that in 2035 there would be a shortage of 12.9 million workers in the world health. Modern...

Prevention of Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers

First of all, it is essential to mention that contemporary medicine has made considerable progress in nearly every sphere of caregiving, treatment, and medication. However, some problems are persistent and not easily abolished as they happen due to natural reasons. One of the most widespread problems of this kind is...

Calcium and Phosphate in Proper Functioning of the Organism

The human body is a complex self-regulated system where all components are interconnected. Calcium and phosphate are important elements necessary for the proper functioning of the organism (Nussey & Whitehead, 2013). Such hormones as parathyroid, calcitonin, and calcitriol regulate the amount of phosphate and calcium. Imbalances result in the development...

Alternative Pressure Ulcer Protocol

Introduction Some severe illnesses are still difficult to cure Pressure ulcer is a disease provoked by prolonged pressure on tissues Ulcers emerge in case of individuals’ inability to move Any patient can be exposed to the injury The project proposes proactive measures to prevent pressure ulcer The Spirit of Inquiry...

The Role of Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Leadership qualities are essential for any professional, especially in the medical industry where the primary concern is the health of people. According to Saxena, Desanghere, Stobart, and Walker (2017), the important aspect of leadership is the intentional influence a person has on others. Additionally, one must understand the importance...

Communication in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication as a basic human ability to verbally and non-verbally exchange information is of grave importance in professional nursing. It is fundamental for each nurse to be able to communicate properly in order to comply with practice standards, fit within legal or ethical boundaries, and be able to address...

Effect of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Patient Safety

Introduction Customer service, otherwise known as the patient satisfaction, has become a critical benchmark of modern healthcare. It is helpful from a business and reputation perspective while strongly contributing to positive patient outcomes. Management in the industry has shifted its focus towards patient satisfaction as a key measure of the...

Measuring Factors Affecting Implementation of Health Innovations

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is constantly developing, requiring dynamic leadership and change to maintain quality, upkeep with medical breakthroughs, and manage the complex, multifaceted function of the hospital environment. In the recent decade, there have been significant calls from stakeholders for reforms in healthcare to ensure...

Saint Louis Medical Center: Budget Development Assignment

Introduction Healthcare managers regard budgets as crucial tools that help them to regulate their facilities’ finances and other processes to guarantee efficient and sustainable operations. This paper provides an evidence-based workforce budgeting framework that seeks to help Saint Louis Medical Center (SLMC) in controlling financial expenditures in its Cardiac Unit....

Banner Health Network: Case Study

Organization Presentation: Banner Health Banner Health Network (BHN) is a care organization that unites Banner Health, the largest health care provider in Arizona, and a broad network of facilities including primary care as well as specialty physicians (“About Banner Health Network,” 2018). Banner Health itself is a non-profit care organization....

Health Problems of the LGBT Community in the United States

It is possible to state with certainty that the health problems of the LGBT community in the United States are various. Moreover, it is pointed out that in numerous cases, these problems are addressed inadequately, and also, there are considerable prejudice and social stigma surrounding the population under discussion. One...

Healthcare Policy Issues: Health Equity

Issue Identified One of the main healthcare policy issues that are currently in need of addressing is health equity (HE) (American Public Health Association [APHA], 2015). Alternatively, it can be identified as the presence of health and care disparities (Ubri & Artiga, 2016). In other words, HE is a challenge,...

Prevention of Chronic Disease in the Modern Society

Despite the high level of development of modern healthcare, the medical community still faces problems that have a negative impact on patient outcomes. The tasks faced by doctors and nurses include not only the provision of qualified care but also the search for opportunities to exclude issues related to public...

Prescription Drug Misuse in Elderly Patients

Drug abuse has been regarded as one of the most urgent public health issues in the USA as well as worldwide. The major focus has been mainly on adolescents and young adults, while the growing population of older adults has proved to be more vulnerable (Kirschner, Ginsburg, & Sulmasy, 2014)....

The Changing Public Image of Smoking in the United States

Tobacco use is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and deaths in the United States. According to the survey from 2016, 37.8 million adults in the USA aged 18 and older currently smoke cigarettes (“Current cigarette smoking,” 2018). Scholars have discovered that 15 of every 100 country residents (15.5% of...

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations: Downtown Miami

Overview Description of the Community Downtown Miami is positioned around the Central Business District (CBD) of Miami. This is the major financial area in the city of Miami. The majority of buildings are sky-scrapers competing with one another in height (Viglucci, 2017). History The history of Downtown Miami is not...

The Hispanic Community of Miami

Overview Description of the Community The Hispanic community of Miami is the most dominant in the city due to large-scale migrations that occurred during the 1920s. The population is spread out through multiple areas and nowadays occupies rural, urban, and suburban areas. Physical Environmental Considerations: The Community as a Place...

Health Promotion Among African Americans

Introduction The USA is a host to many minority groups, each of which is different by ethnicity, culture, and other factors. African Americans belong to one of the most widely represented minority groups. However, despite being one of the biggest communities in the US, this group of people faced many...

HIV Among Caucasian, African American, and Latino Homosexual Men

Addressing the Problem of HIV at the Population Level The first step in addressing this problem involves understanding the causative factors behind the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS among the identified group of individuals. According to Cahill et al. (2017), some of the contributing factors to the high incidence rates of...

Managing the Problem of HIV Among Gay Men at the Community Level

Addressing the Problem of HIV at the Population Level among Gay Men in a Local Community Since there are noticeable disparities in the degree of HIV contraction among gay men belonging to different ethnicities, a detailed analysis of the factors to which the vulnerable groups are exposed must be due....

Healthcare Beliefs of the Korean and Mexican Heritages

Introduction The heritage of a given group will dictate its cultural, religious, and healthcare practices. Medical professionals should be aware of the issues affecting or influencing their patients’ behaviors. This paper describes the heritage of the Mexican and Korean people and their respective healthcare beliefs. Discussions and Similarities The heritage...

Clinical Leadership and Hospital Performance

Topic Summary and Thesis Statement There are many ways how to improve the quality of health care and promote the effectiveness of management in hospitals. In modern complex working environments, it is not easy to define the approach and be sure of its efficiency. This paper aims at discussing the...

Miami Dade Hospital: Risk Management Officer Interview

Introduction The meeting was conducted with a Risk Management Officer at Miami Dade Hospital. The responsibilities of a Risk Manager include the identification of hospital risks, the making of recommendations regarding the identified issues, the introduction of a management program, as well as other responsibilities such as employee training or...

Interview With a Healthcare Risk Management Specialist

Introduction Risk management and continuous quality improvement are fundamental elements of the modern healthcare sector. The fact is that these two notions guarantee the stable functioning of diverse health units along with the gradual reconsideration of outdated practices to replace them with new ones and ensure improved outcomes. For this...

Jackson Memorial Hospital: Risk Management and Safety Officers

Introduction Quality of care and patient safety should be among the primary concerns of every healthcare provider. To achieve a high quality of care, hospitals work with Risk Management and Safety Officers whose primary duty is to develop, implement, and support various quality assurance initiatives. I have recently met with...

Health Reform Strategies: Vermont’s Single-Payer Health Care System

Introduction Healthcare reform at the state level often occurs due to legislative and policy changes. These initiatives are implemented to comply with federal law, improve the health care system, or address state-specific challenges. This paper will seek to investigate Vermont’s single-payer health care system reform. Rationale and Adoption Vermont’s health...

Membership in American Association of Nurse Practitioners

The selected professional organization is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). After the merger in 2013 by two older organizations, this association is the largest national professional organization for NPs in all specialties. Similar to other major nursing organizations, the AANP has a diverse focus with the purpose to...

Nursing Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, Education

Licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) are essential in the healthcare sector since they ensure that nurses possess the required knowledge and skills. Every state has specific demands and policies regarding LACE and licensure. This means that all nursing programs have to be approved. These measures support the monitoring and...

Medicare and Medicaid in Nursing Practice

The healthcare delivery system in the U.S. is complicated and more expensive than in neighboring Canada and other countries. Some people go into debt or file for bankruptcy because of their inability to pay medical bills (Banegas et al., 2016). To provide people with affordable health services, the government of...

Wasted Resources and Efforts in US Healthcare

Currently, the healthcare expenditures in the United States continue to grow with exponentially high rates with policymakers attempting to slow the number of wasted resources and efforts in the industry. This assignment briefly describes three manifestations of wasted resources and efforts in health care, such as poorly managed care transitions,...

Wasted Efforts in American Healthcare

To provide proper medical and nursing care, it is of great importance to developing a good resource management strategy. For instance, any assets available to care providers should be used in a way that maximizes their effectiveness and prevents extra expenses. Nowadays, waste resources in modern healthcare systems include money...

Health Insurances and Florida’s State Strategies

Rationale Introducing opportunities for health insurance is a critical part of any benefit package in the contemporary workplace environment. Employers are obligated to create the environment that will be characterized as fully safe for the well-being of their staff members, which includes addressing emerging health concerns and covering the relevant...

“Reliability and Limitations of Automated Arrhythmia Detection” by Kurka et al.

Background Patients with cardiovascular issues require specific care and proper ECG monitoring, which is vital for patients with acute stroke. This monitoring is often implemented with the help of automated arrhythmia detection (Kurka et al. 560). However, research shows that these systems lack reliability and often lead to the staff’s...

Preventing Diabetes and Heart Failure Hospitalizations

Introduction The goal of this research is to acquire data regarding the opinion given by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF). These two instances have had a huge financial impact on the American government. It is crucial to note that cases of diabetes and heart failure...

Communication Principles in Professional Nursing

Introduction Communication is equally important in personal and professional life. However, in health care, improper information exchange could lead to adverse or even lethal patient outcomes (Hood, 2018). Due to this factor, communication as an aspect of the nursing profession can be considered vital and worthy of discussion. In this...

Evidence-Based Practice in Hospital Nursing

The selected organization for this learning activity is the hospital I work for. The leaders at this facility encourage practitioners to use different national databases to identify and incorporate EBP whenever delivering patient care. Some of them include the Joanna Briggs Institute, PubMed, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and...

Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services: Evidence-Based Project

The Identified Healthcare Issue One of the major goals of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is the elimination of the level of hospital readmissions. With this aim, the CMS has introduced the disciplinary punishment for those healthcare establishments the readmission rates in which are greater than expected....

Nursing Doctoral Education: Project Management

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) proposes several Essentials of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. Essential VIII will be the focus of the present reflection, which will aim to review and evaluate the current course from the perspective of project management, as well as fiscal considerations....

Feeding in CHARGE Syndrome: Hudson et al.’s Study

Research Problem The study by Hudson, Macdonald and Blake (2016) seeks to address the issues of packing and problematic feeding behaviors in individuals (particularly children) with CHARGE syndrome. While holding food without swallowing is an adverse event researched and described for autism and Down syndrome, it has not been addressed...

Feeding Children with CHARGE Syndrome by Dobbelsteyn et al.

Research Problem The research problem that the study attempts to investigate is the frequent and long-term feeding difficulties that children with CHARGE experience (Dobbelsteyn, Peacocke, Blake, Crist, Rashid, 2007). This problem is easily identified in the first sentence of the abstract. It is clearly stated and described in more detail...

Nursing in Community Health Practice Settings

Introduction Community health nurses operate in a variety of environments ranging from patients’ homes to public clinics. The key goal of community nurses is helping patients access the highest-quality care not only through supervising their treatment but also through educating and advising them on the appropriate measures of health. Since...

Potential Disasters’ Impact on Nursing Community

Potential Disasters for the Nursing Community The nursing community, which is in Miami, can be exposed to some natural disasters caused by the natural features of this location. Hurricanes in this part of the continent can lead to mass casualties, as well as heatwaves, tornadoes, and floods. According to Rokkas,...

Nuclear Family’s Assessment in a Low-Income Area

Introduction It was chosen to select a nuclear family in a low-income area for the present assessment. The choice was based on the fact that families that live in an environment that lacks resources for prosperity are more likely to have worse health outcomes compared to those who have access...

Health Statistics on Breastfeeding in the U.S.

Women of reproductive age, representing several races, including Hispanics, African Americans, and Asians. The population evaluated was of the nation in general and Florida State in particular. Their health and social status were not taken into account. The data was analyzed and gathered with the help of several sources. These...

Regulatory Agencies: FDA and CMS

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) are two agencies that regulate each nurse’s practice concerning patient advocacy and patient safety. In case a patient requests an alternative form of therapy, each of these organizations has some implications. In FDA, patient advocacy is realized...

Distinguishing the Advocacy of Nurses

Specialists in each of nursing roles, be it RNs, LPNs, licensed nurses, or unlicensed members of staff, regularly perform the function of advocates. A nurse advocate is defined as the person who provides active support to patients by defending their preferences and rights, helping them to make decisions, and guarding...

Medical Education of Patients

Healthcare institutions need to develop measures for improving the medicines use safety Problem description Negative consequences Nowadays situation Raising awareness Solutions Note: Safe medicines use is the basis of healthcare, and ignoring safety rules leads to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Nowadays, many medical institutions face the problem of negligence...

The Team Model of Nursing Care

Step 1 The observed model of nursing care was the synergy model. A patient who had been recently admitted to the intensive care unit was stable. However, he was also vulnerable and unpredictable, as well as demonstrated a rather low level of resilience. The core idea of this approach is...

Nursing Professionalism and Professional Values

The profession of nurse is frequently underestimated in terms of its significance in the patient treatment process. However, even though a doctor takes more responsibility for direct medical interference, it is the nurse who ensures proper communication and patient care. For this reason, nursing implies a number of moral, ethical,...

Differentiating BSN and ADN Perceptions of Top-of-License Activities

Over time, the practical skills of nurses have undergone significant changes. Caring for the patient was the manifestation of compassion to a person in need. Moreover, women had to take care of the sick to a greater extent than men. Among the nations of the Ancient World, only relatives took...

Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Definition

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Non-pharmacological interventions are beneficial in reducing labor pain, with minimal or no damage to mother and fetus, as well as the overall progress of labor. Such methods are simple and cost-effective, however, their application is not yet fully examined in clinical settings, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa....

Professional Association Membership: Surgical Nurses in the American Nurses Association

Introduction A list of professional nursing organizations is impressive in the United States, and each of them has its specific goals and visions. At the same time, any organization has a similar characteristic, which is the promotion of a professional culture to collectively advocate for nurses and support their interests...

Concept of Worldwide Health

Introduction By definition, health is defined as the absence of illness or injury, but the World Health Organization and many medical professionals and theories suggest that health is a state of complete “physical, mental, and social well-being” (Huber et al., 2011). The modern health continuum has evolved to provide a...

ADN vs. BSN Debate: Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction Nurses represent a significant element of the whole health care industry. These specialists serve as a link between patients and higher medical staff, which is essential for better patient outcomes. That is why it is necessary to draw specific attention to their training to provide these representatives of the...

The Shortage of Registered Nurses in the United States

Introduction The realization of population health, collective well-being, and impartial access to quality medical care are reliant on a contented and adequate workforce that has the ability to solve epidemiological problems and satisfy varying demands. Registered nurses (RNs) have an integral role to play in the provision of medical care....

Healthcare Strategies When Treating Readmitted Patients

Research Problem/Purpose Hospitals use the rate at which patients are readmitted as a measure of the quality of care provided. However, it is not known how healthcare workers change their provision of care strategies when dealing with readmitted patients, and thus this scenario presents a nursing problem. Therefore, the purpose...

The Theory of Comfort in Nursing

Introduction Throughout times, various nursing theories have emerged within the healthcare industry, and each of them defined nursing and its major elements in its way. Smith and Parker (2015) define nursing theories as “patterns that guide the thinking about nursing” (p. 2). Different healthcare professionals imply the concepts into their...

Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient

This paper provides an analysis of the case of Mr. C., a 32-year-old patient seeking data about bariatric surgery. The report addresses the clinical manifestations the man shows as well as his health history, noting their possible causes. The work discusses possible health risks associated with obesity and the appropriateness...

Motivational Strategies for Nurses

Motivation in the workplace can be understood as a process that impacts employees’ behaviors and attitudes towards their responsibilities. In the nursing area, motivation morale is significant since the actions of nurses largely determine patients’ health outcomes and their overall well-being. The failure to achieve the standards set leads to...

Dry Eye in Critically Ill Patients: Evidence-Based Study

Purpose of the Study The study’s objective is to determine which method of nursing intervention, liquid artificial tears or artificial tears gel, would be most effective in reducing or preventing dryness in ICU patients. Due to conditions and medications that patients have in the ICU, they cannot produce adequate moisture...

Dry Eye in Critical Care: Evidence-Based Practice

Purpose of the Study A common problem for ICU patients is dry eye due to their conditions, such as being comatose or medications (diuretics, sedatives) that block physical mechanisms of maintaining moisture in the eyes. The dry eye conditions pose significant risks to damaging the ocular surface resulting in irritation...

Dry Eye Prevention in Critically Ill Patients

Purpose of the Study The study offers the background that patients in the ICU often have conditions that compromise eye protection mechanisms resulting in dry eye and other ocular surface disorders. This can lead to discomfort or even damage to the patient’s eye. Nursing interventions can be effective in preventing...

Breastfeeding Practices as a Health-Related Topic

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The selected health-related topic is concerned with breastfeeding practices. The nursing practice issue is related to educating pregnant women and those who have just given birth on the significance of breastfeeding for the infants’...

Primary Care vs. Team Nursing Models

The model of nursing care In the observed setting, nurses were working according to the primary mode of nursing care. Each of the nurses was assigned several patients for whom these professionals were responsible throughout their stay in the hospital. Nurses tended to their patients, including minor procedures such as...

Bedside Shift Reports and iCare Practice

Introduction Interprofessional teams constitute a crucial component of any hospital environment. Teamwork has been cited as an important factor in healthcare, since multiple specialists working in their individual roles all contribute to improved patient outcomes. Due to effective teamwork, “teams that are considered to lack skill succeed where others fail”...

Primary Nursing Care Model in Geriatric Units

The model of nursing care I observed the essential elements of the primary nursing model, including its being oriented at establishing productive relationships between nurses and patients and facilitating individualized provider-patient interactions (Nadeau, Pinner, Murphy, & Belderson, 2017). Moreover, I was able to observe the provision of personalized education to...

American Association of Heart Failure Nurses

Nursing associations may play a considerable role in the professional development of a nurse by providing education and creating information-sharing networks. An example of such an organization is the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN). The organization seeks to set and maintain standards for heart failure nursing based on...

Institute of Medicine on Nursing Professional Development

The Institute of Medicine’s report outlines the four messages that should be considered to achieve success in nursing practice. Message #1 states that “nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (Institute of Medicine, 2011, p.4). The main idea of this passage is that regardless of...

Asthma Management in Children: Research Critique

The article “Does participation in the community outreach for asthma care and healthy lifestyles (COACH) program alter subsequent use of hospital services for children discharged with asthma?” appeared in the Journal of Asthma. It was written by Pinto, Navallo, and Petrova (2019). The purpose of the study was to define...

Roy’s Adaptation Model vs. Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Introduction As valuable and useful guidelines used in nursing practice, special theories and models are utilized, which are designed to address specific cases and promote the necessary principles of work. The evaluation of individual concepts can reveal their significance in relation to a specific care environment, thereby helping to choose...

Forensic vs. Advanced Practice Nursing Evolution

Introduction Effective collaboration among specialists from different healthcare units enables better patient outcomes. To achieve such beneficial cooperation, the understanding of varieties between nursing roles is required. Advanced practice nursing (APN) is justly regarded as one of the most crucial divisions in healthcare settings. The professionals working in this direction...

Hospital-Acquired Diseases & Hand Hygiene Studies

In medicine, research, experiments, and surveys are regularly conducted and serve as excellent tools for the development of new treatment methods, understanding patients’ needs, concerns, and so on. It also helps healthcare professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of new medications and medical procedures. One of the ways to conduct successful...

Community Nursing Roles in Occupational Health Settings

In the modern healthcare environment, nurses are critically important actors who guarantee the delivery of care to patients and their recovery. For instance, in the occupational health setting, these specialists also play a cruical role in achieving positive outcomes. The given environment can be determined as a field of nursing...

Nurse’s Role in the Occupational Health Setting

The classic image of a nurse sitting in a hospital with a clipboard has already been put aside. Nowadays, nurses are engaged in healthcare promotion among all the spheres of life. They serve as a bridge for the dialogue between people and healthcare systems as they directly communicate with workers...

Nursing Understaffing: Evidence-Based Project

Nursing Theory Among the main tasks of nursing management is the development of organizational and managerial reserves for work with personnel and consolidation of professional and departmental efforts for the population’s healthcare. Therefore, the staffing issue is of high importance for the management of medical organizations. During previous years, nursing...

Nursing Shortage Issue in the Healthcare Sector

Selected Issue The increasing global population means that existing medical professionals should work hard to deliver high-quality and personalized health services. Unfortunately, the current number of nurses providing medical support and care in this country continues to decline. This is the case since the consumption or demand for such services...

Medication Errors as a Nursing Practice Problem

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem The selected nursing problem is the issue of medication errors, which falls under the topic of safety. The issue of medication errors is the most important nursing practice problem due to several reasons. First, patients’ lives are put in danger when nurses make errors when administering...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention in Hospital Settings

Introduction Many patients suffer from various conditions that require prolonged hospitalization. This evidence-based practice has remained a risk factor for pressure ulcers. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed description of this topic and its significance to nursing practice. It goes further to present three PICOT questions...

Nursing Development: Inter-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction Continuous improvement of healthcare services with the application of evidence-based practices is crucial for better patient outcomes delivery. For this purpose, nursing leaders are responsible for timely addressing the drawbacks in the staff’s work and adhering to new regulations. Hospital re-admission and poor nursing care are the most significant...

Nurse’s Previous Abusive Relationship and Practice

Domestic violence is a widespread occurrence with long-term negative social and health impacts. Almost a third of women (30%) are likely to experience some form of domestic violence and abuse, twice as likely as men (Bradbury-Jones & Clark, 2016). Nurses often directly work with patients who may experience abuse during...

The Orem Model: Care About Patient’s Inner Desire

The most important and priority function of the health care system is prevention. For this reason, nursing is one of the essential components of the health care system of any country. Health care personnel can suggest ways of prevention to reduce the incidence of disease. Nurses are no longer secondary...

Law and Nursing Practice in Florida and Alabama

Introduction The role of nurses in modern society is extremely important because these people contribute to the quality of human life. In addition to a number of administrative tasks, activities, and ethical aspects, nursing practice is characterized by certain legal regulations. There are specific laws and levels of responsibility that...

Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation

Program Implementation To integrate the Transitional Model of Care into the nursing setting, one will need to plant the proposed technique into the setting of a local healthcare facility. The program will be launched starting with the evaluation of the current extent of success in managing patient handovers and similar...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Handwashing Intervention

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a prevalent cause of infection, disability, or death in hospitalized patients due to the presence of pathogens in healthcare settings. This results in decreased quality of care and negative outcomes. The PICOT statement for this project is: In ICU/post-op patients (P), what is the effect...

Retaining Nursing Retirees to Solve Understaffing Issue

Introduction Nursing understaffing is a prevalent issue in the U.S. healthcare system impacting the quality of care, the safety of patients, and the professional wellbeing of medical professionals. Nurses face increased workloads, long hours, and highly irregular work patterns which lead to chronic fatigue, stress, and sleep deprivation. To prevent...

Patient Hand Hygiene and Nursing Interventions

Nursing Theory in the Project: Self-Care Theory To support the implementation of the proposed project, it is imperative to define theoretical assumptions that best support decision-making and prevent potential problems from affecting practical results. The plan is to make both patients and staff members more compliant with standards and recommendations...

Pressure Injury Prevention: Evidence-Based Solution

Introduction Pressure injuries are a hospital-acquired condition that frequently emerges in environments where patients stay immobile for extended periods, such as intensive care units. These wounds are generally preventable and associated with significant harm, extending the patient’s length of stay, worsening outcomes, and causing financial damage. Their prevalence mostly stems...

Hand Hygiene Education in Nursing Practice

Handwashing in medical facilities is one of the most effective procedures that help to reduce infection rates. However, this preventive measure has limited usage among health workers. For example, a study that investigated hand hygiene (HH) compliance in a children’s hospital demonstrated that the overall preintervention rate among medical staff...

Pressure Ulcers: Perspective and Treatment

The modern healthcare sector is focused on the gradual reconsideration of all services it provides to patients with the primary aim to significantly improve the health of the nation and eliminate various health concerns threatening citizens living in different states. At the same time, there are numerous efforts to improve...

Pressure Ulcers: Prevention, Evaluation, and Management

The present paper aims at formulating the formal project proposal by covering the topics essential for this purpose. The selected healthcare issue is pressure ulcers, which is one of the greatest burdens in nursing care. The paper will incorporate such elements as the explanation of the problem’s significance, the formulation...

Nurse Understaffing Problem in USA

Nurse understaffing is a common problem for many developed countries including the USA. The increasing number of older patients, low salaries, and insufficient prestige of the profession contribute to the shortage of nursing professionals. In its turn, inadequate nurse staffing and work-related stress lead to nursing professionals’ burnout, fatigue, and,...

Stating the Problem of Pressure Ulceration

Pressure ulceration, which is also known as pressure ulcers, pressure sores, or bedsores, is a widespread condition, affecting more than 3 million people in the United States, that needs significant consideration from healthcare professionals and researchers (Santamaria et al., 2015). Even though this disorder is well-recognized in the medical academic...

Issue of Nursing Personnel Understaffing in Hospitals and Ways to Improve It

Project Summary Background The capstone project’s focus is on the issue of nursing personnel understaffing in hospitals and ways to improve it. Staffing describes the number of people employed in a particular establishment. The number of nurses employed and the number of patients in a hospital is taken into consideration...

Spiritual Needs: Spurring the Unceasing Growth

Interview: Exploring One’s Experience as a Patient An overview of patients’ experiences is crucial to the further improvement of the quality of care. Therefore, conducting interviews as the quickest way of analyzing patient-specific challenges associated with receiving appropriate healthcare services is necessary. To improve the quality of care, a patient...

The Nurse as Advocate

The ethics of advanced nursing practice often requires nurses to serve as advocates for their patients to provide them with high-quality care. Considering the complexity of a current healthcare system, people who apply for medical assistance find themselves overwhelmed by the enormous amount of information they receive from clinicians. In...

Spiritual Needs: Managing Challenges

Interview Interviewer (I): Thank you for participating in the interview. You will be asked several questions concerning your recent experience of using nursing services and the nurse’s management of your spiritual needs. Participant (P): Sounds good. I: But first, tell me about yourself. P: I am an Asian American man,...

Drop in the Number of Nursing Staff

Providing patients with instant access to high-quality healthcare services is one of the crucial responsibilities of nursing experts. However, the implementation of the specified task is becoming overly complicated due to the rising levels of understaffing in the nursing setting. Despite being scrutinized closely by global organizations such as WHO...

Healing and Autonomy: The Conflict Between Conventional Medical Treatment and Spiritual Beliefs

The case study presents a frequent conflict between conventional medical treatment and spiritual beliefs that affect medical decision-making. In this case, Mike’s decision to opt for prayer healing instead of temporary dialysis has influenced his son’s condition and created a need for a kidney transplant. Mike is now contemplating whether...

Pressure Ulcer Development in Trauma Patients

Collaboration Comfort Level with Collaboration and the Peer Review Process My personal experience in the peer review process is positive, and I have received a useful skill in working with other people. An opportunity to consider different opinions opens wide prospects and allows looking at the same topic in different...

Nurses’ Practice Environment and Satisfaction

All courses that students take during their academic life are essential, but the one that this paper is focused on was particularly helpful for me. Learning how to write and revise a research paper has given many insights into the future profession, and the skills obtained during the work on...

Nurse Understaffing Issues in the Hospitals

Nurse understaffing is a complex issue that has a direct influence on patient safety and the consequent adverse events that occur in hospitals. Since there is a correlation between nurse understaffing and poor patient outcomes, there is a need to address the issue as soon as possible. Studies conducted on...

Prevention of Pressure Ulcers

PICOT Question Will you have a comparison group or will subjects be their own controls? As the project focuses on the prevention of pressure ulcers and not on their treatment, it would not be possible to use subjects as their own controls. Based on the evidence collected, using historical data...

HIV: The Impact of Chronic Illness

Interview Responses What is your name? How old are you? My name is R. A. I am 29 years old. Do you have a family? Yes, I have. I live with my parents and my younger brother, but I am not married. When were you diagnosed with HIV? I was...

Substance Use Disorders Among Registered Nurses

Introduction Impaired nursing practice occurs when a nurse cannot provide adequate patient care due to being under the influence of chemical substances, such as drugs or alcohol (Thew, 2017). Impaired practice is often viewed in relation to drug diversion, as nurses might use addictive drugs that are prescribed to patients...

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

IOM Report Discussion The four recommendations proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced a considerable impact on nurses and nursing organization across the U.S. The IOM report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health identified the four major issues in nursing that need to be addressed in...

The Problem of Understaffing in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The problem of understaffing in healthcare organizations can be addressed from multiple points of view. However, all clinics should analyze possible retention strategies to detect how they can reduce nurses’ turnout rates and increase job satisfaction (Hughes, Bobay, Jolly, & Suby, 2015). The current state of research shows that...

Efficient Communication in the Nursing

Introduction Efficient communication is critical to the nursing profession, as it assists in the treatment process, fosters a positive organizational climate, and improves patient outcomes. Poor communication, on the other hand, can lead to medical errors and poor quality of care, which make the work of nurses more difficult (Hood,...

Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Introduction Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), also referred to as advanced practice nurses (APNs), is a broad term that comprises nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. In the United States, about 8 percent of all registered nurses are trained to become APNs (“Advanced practice nursing fact...

Addressing the Problem of Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses

Introduction The ability to empathize with patients and their health issues is one of the defining characteristics of a nurse. However, workplace pressure and an array of other factors may affect a nurse’s ability to show compassion to patients, thus, reducing the quality of care. An in-depth analysis of the...

“Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada” the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su

Introduction Varying healthcare systems between countries may create different work conditions for staff. The article examines the relationships between the demographic attributes and secondary traumatic stress, burnout, or satisfaction in a sample of American versus Canadian nurses in the oncology unit (Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, & Su, 2016). From the...

Change Management in Healthcare: Using the Principles of Transformational Leadership

Abstract Managing change in a nursing environment is a challenging task due to the lack of the values, philosophy, and guidelines that allow nurses to improve their performance. In addition, the lack of motivation is evident in the specified context. However, the introduction of the principles of Transformational Leadership (TL)...

Diabetes Issues in the United States and Florida

Diabetes is a serious issue both in the US and in Florida in particular. In the state, it is number six in the list of illnesses that cause death (“Proven Community Based Lifestyle Change Program,” n.d.). According to the program, 7.1% of the population in the state has the disease....

Nursing Manager Interview: C. W. Case

Introduction C. W. is the nursing manager of the chronic spinal cord specialty care department in the Boston healthcare system. I have chosen her for this interview due to the experience of collaboration from the time when I used to work in the acute medical oncology inpatient care unit, where...

Management of Pressure Ulcers: Using Protocols as the Key Strategy

Background and Key Objectives: Pressure Ulcers and Protocols Pressure ulcers (PUs): common occurrence in inpatients; PUs management: essential task for any hospital nurse; Cost of care for PUs: excessively high because of health complications; Mitigation of the risk of PUs development as the current priority; Patient safety levels: current health...

The Relationships Between Nurses and Their Patients

Research Design Since the main problem of the study is the need for improving the quality of relationships between nurses and their patients, the research will be of a qualitative nature. An intervention will be the most suitable for facilitating the study because of the ability to compare pre- and...

The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses

Research Problem/Purpose The article “The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Patient Satisfaction” by De Simone, Planta, and Cicotto (2018) examines the impact of various elements such as work fulfillment, employees’ commitment, and self-efficacy on healthcare officials’ turnover plans and patients’...

Leadership in Nursing and Optimal Functioning at Work

Introduction The concept of leadership is becoming increasingly more significant in the environment of the global communication. Being a leader is no longer linked to managing specific processes. Instead, a leader is deemed as the source of inspiration and motivation within a team (Binder, 2016). Engaging others is especially important...

Life-Work Flexible Work Schedules in the Nursing

Introduction Topic The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations. Context/Background Flexible...

Nurse–Physician Collaboration in General Internal Medicine

Theoretical Framework Although nurses and physicians perform different functions, their major goal is to provide high-quality care and improve patient outcomes. Consequently, their cooperation should focus on quality. Thus, a theoretical framework for this type of interaction can be grounded on a middle-range theory developed by Joanne Duffy, which is...

The Role of Advanced Nursing Practice

Advanced nursing practice roles are associated with a variety of tasks completed by nurses on a daily basis, involving their leadership skills. Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are advanced practice nurses who are responsible for providing care for patients during their lifespan while using a holistic nursing approach. FNPs work with...

Culturally Competent Care in Nursing

In order to determine the modern characteristics of culturally competent care and the principles used in nursing practice for patients with different backgrounds, the experience of various authors may be useful. As one of the examples, the study by Johnstone, Hutchinson, Redley, and Rawson (2016) called “Nursing Roles and Strategies...

Ethical Dilemma of Circumcision: Nurse’s Role

The Nature of the Issue Male circumcision (MC) is a highly debated topic among medical professionals, religious people, and human rights activists. Currently, the decision to agree to this procedure does not belong to children in many countries, while other states try to change their legal structure to make the...

Teaching Sessions for African American Children With Asthma Issue

Introduction Patient education is critical; It helps to control patients’ health; Asthma depends on various environmental factors; African-American children are at a high risk of asthma; Patient education on asthma lacks proper research; Teaching sessions may be useful to address the identified health concern. The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited Many...