The Roe v. Wade Case: Analyzing Its Impact on American Society in the 1970s

Introduction The era of 1970s saw many historical events take in the United States of America. According to Quigley (2014), in this era, saw some phenomena that happen for the first time in the country. This was the year that a sitting United States president was forced to resign from...

Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech: Cold War Onset

The Sinews of Peace known as The Iron Curtain is the speech of Winston Churchill to the United States and Great Britain in particular that laid the accent on the challenges of the Western World. The speech of the British statesman outlined the onset of the Cold War. As the...

European-Native American Relations

The era of the European exploration and colonization of Americas is attractive for many researchers because investigations in this field allow discussing the origin of the mixed American culture. The traditional discussion of this topic is based on the idea that new settlers changed the life of North America’s indigenous...

The Panama Canal: Its Role in US History and Economic Development

Abstract The building of the Panama Canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was started by the French authorities and businessmen, but then, the project was ruled by the United States which used it to support the idea of the country’s international domination. The building of the Panama Canal...

The Louisiana Purchase: A Landmark Event in US History

Introduction The United States of America experienced a variety of watershed moments that changed the country drastically. The most significant events include the terrorist attack on September 9, the Vietnam War, Race Relations, Kennedy’s Assassination, and the Civil War. The Louisiana Purchase is considered to be one of the most...

The Intersection of Arts, History, and Science in Philadelphia’s Cultural Landscape

Philadelphia is Pennsylvania’s largest city and has a rich historical heritage. This paper discusses some of the important historical features of Philadelphia. The historical features of Australia may be divided into, and discussed in terms of, historical landmarks, arts, and science/culture. One of Philadelphia’s major historical landmarks is the Independence...

The Great Depression and Its Effects on Minorities

This paper discusses the effects of the Great Depression on the American minorities. It describes the groups and individuals involved in the Great Depression and the efforts made to resolve the calamity. The main argument of this paper is that discrimination was the major cause of the extreme suffering experienced...

The African American Struggle for Freedom: Key Events and Milestones

In the 1900’s, African Americans were oppressed by de jure segregation, a social system that has established separate facilities for the minority groups. Furthermore, they had no or very limited access to education and had very poor choices when it comes to occupation. De jure segregation was created to reinforce...

Churchill in His Speech Addressed to the American Nation: Cold War Insights

Introduction One of the longest periods in the political history of the 20th century is the Cold War between the alliance of the Western countries and the Soviet Union. The latter was politically and ideologically separated from the rest of the world with the Iron Curtain. This phrase was first...

Colonial Williamsburg: A Historical Journey through American Heritage

The life of the Virginians during the 17th-18th centuries can be examined in detail with the focus on the life in colonial Williamsburg. Although there is a range of aspects and subjects which can be analyzed with references to the topic because of their historical significance, it is interesting to...

Immigration to the United States: The Historical Significance of Ellis Island

Abstract The history of the United States depends on the idea of immigration. Ellis Island is the place where the thousands of immigrants started the new life during the period of the 1880s-1930s. As a result, immigration on Ellis Island contributed to the economic and social progress of the country....

Impact of World War I on Modern International Relations

Abstract The Great War of 1914-1917 influenced the world in the twentieth century significantly while providing the patterns for the modern development of international relations. Thus, the Great War demonstrated the role of the alliance system, the use of poison gas, and the effect of the genocide on the nations’...

Abu Dhabi Power’ Destructive Effects: Saqr Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

This story comes from the time that is not closely familiar to the modern generations; yet, it can still be used for the edification of people who want to achieve power. Once, Abu Dhabi was a small, but influential sheikdom in the lower Gulf (Davidson, 2011, p. 28). It forged...

Revolutionary Movements and Key Historical Moments That Shaped Modern Cuba

Introduction Cuba is a Caribbean island nation found in Latin America. When Christopher Columbus landed on its shores in 1492, he claimed the land for the kingdom of Spain. At that time, Cuba was predominantly inhabited by the Arawak people, after which came the Spanish invasion and resettlement of African...

World War II Role for the United States

World War II became a great challenge for the American nation because all the aspects of social, political, and economic life were influenced significantly. Every day of the war was associated with the people’s struggle for peace. Millions of soldiers hoped to come back and forget the horrors observed overseas...

Ho Chi Minh’s Influence on the Vietnamese Nationalist Movement: Key Contributions

Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Vietnamese nationalist movement that fought against the Japanese as well as the French colonialists. Until his death, he was the President of North Vietnam (BBC History, 2014, para. 1). First Response In my opinion, the service Ho Chi Minh mentions in his...

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. As the history tells us, “he was mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth, who was a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, in the Presidential...

A Journey Through Texas History: Key Events Shaping the Lone Star State

How the Native Texans impacted the Europeans and later Americans who came into the region? The native Texans mostly influenced both the Americans and the Europeans who came to spread Christianity and to seek for land. However, the importance of the Texan residents to the two groups differed considerably as...

American Demographics from the 1800s to 1900s: Trends and Transformations

Statistics indicate that the total population of the United States of America stood at 106,021,537 in 1920 (University of Virginia Library 1). Statistics indicate that quite a good number of people born outside the US composed the population of the time because of immigration from other countries. In fact, the...

Thomas Jefferson: Author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson is one of the most intriguing historic figures because he is the author of the Declaration of Independence and developer of the ideals of freedom and equality valued in the American society. However, in spite of Jefferson’s significant contribution to the development of the American democratic society, historians...

How Social and Political Shifts Have Shaped Women’s Lives in Contemporary America

The late part of the 18th century in America is the period of developing the complicated relations between the European settlers and Native Americans. In spite of the fact that this topic is interesting and rather controversial, more attention should be paid to the discussion of the women’s lives in...

Angelina Jolie’ and Jennifer Aniston Comparison Biography

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston are American actresses. They are famous for their works in Hollywood. They are known outside the United States for their roles in various works in television shows and films. The two women are celebrities in Hollywood. They have some similarities and contrasts that are debated...

Impact of European Colonialism on Africa: Historical Insights

This paper reveals relationships between Europe and Africa, particularly how the first one influenced the regression of the latter. I present the explanation of the following statement: “colonialism in Africa was a one-armed bandit” providing convincing facts and arguments. The highest peak of colonialism in Africa took place in the...

Leadership Styles: A Comparative Study of Roosevelt and Hitler

Introduction Many of the countries involved in the World War I, despite winning or losing it, had to face hard political, economical and social consequences. The objective of this paper is to compare the economic strategies in the US under the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt and in Germany under...

African-Americans in the Civil War

Abstract The Civil War marked the beginning of the African-Americans serving in the army. The Union side of the war was open to free black volunteers in the war, but the Confederate States treated the blacks as slaves. The irony of the war is that, while the African-Americans from both...

The Role of George Washington in the French and Indian War

The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was a result of the dramatic opposition between the French and British forces which struggled for controlling more territories in North America. Thus, the French and Indian War should be discussed in the context of the worldwide conflict between the French and British forces...

Impact of Civil Rights Movement on Afro-Americans

In the southern states of the USA, centuries of slavery and decades of segregation created a legal and political system characterized by the dominance of White people. For example, the legislation (Jim Crow laws) prohibited the education of Afro-Americans at schools and universities along with White; they had to take...

Examining Historical Changes in the Roles of American Women Across Different Eras

In a retrospect, the evolution of women in the American society truly is fascinating, especially when considering the social roles played by the Native American women at the very start of the colonization era and the roles that American women played in the society by 1850s. Because of a continuous...

Christopher Columbus: The Discoveries That Changed World History

The amazing discoveries of Christopher Columbus made him one of the most well-known explorers in the history of humanity. His voyages have contributed immensely to the sociological and economic development of our society and certainly changed the course of history forever. The persona of Christopher Columbus, his travels, discoveries, and...

The Role of Slavery in Shaping American Society: A Historical Overview

Slavery is one of the historical events that characterize the American society since many people lost their lives in trying to prevent it while others decided to shift to other places, particularly in the neighboring countries owing the conditions that were unfavorable to human survival. Through an analysis of the...

The Role of Christopher Columbus in Shaping United States History

It is possible to discuss Christopher Columbus as a villain than a hero because Columbus not only ‘discovered’ America, but he also changed the economic, social, and cultural life of the Native Americans. Columbus did not intend to discover America because he did not know about its existence. On the...

Cuban Counterpoint – Tobacco and Sugar

Whenever thinking about Cuba, the images of Cuban cigars and the sounds of machete cutting through the thicket of sugarcane is what immediately pops in one’s head. Indeed, according to Ortiz, tobacco, and sugar were a major driving force for the Cuban economy, without which the country would have never...

Thomas Jefferson: Achievements and Controversies in U.S. History

Thomas Jefferson was one of the representatives in the United States General Congress who authored the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was from Virginia. The declaration represented the wishes, the will, and the hope of the people. This was a unanimous declaration by thirteen states. Jefferson is considered one of the...

Antique and Medieval Mediterranean: Treatment of Subject People

Definition and treatment of subject people The antique and medieval Mediterranean world differed significantly in many perspectives. The treatment of subject people, slaves, in particular, was a distinctive feature of every period. The Roman Empire is taken as an example for the comparison of the treatment of subject people in...

A Permanent Record in an Impermanent World: Jewish History in Kaifeng

A story titled “A Permanent Record in an Impermanent World” can be considered a legend, as it tells of events that took place in relation to history and the development of people. The arrival of Jews to Kaifeng was one of the major impacts on the Jewish people in their...

What Was the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution marked a change in production processes. It occurred between 1760 and 1840s (Weightman 7). The Industrial Revolution involved changes from the use of human power for production to machines, new methods of producing iron, chemicals, developments in generating water and steam power, and improvements in machine tools.1...

Japan’s Militaristic Rule: Assassinations and Aggression

During the inaugural speech of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Chief Prosecutor Joseph B. Keenan pronounced the following: The evidence will show that [Japan’s] militaristic cliques and ultra-nationalistic secret societies resorted to rule by assassination and thereby exercised great influence in favor of military aggression. Assassinations and...

Construction of the Identities of the Muslim Women

Abstract Muslim women in the US face a number of social problems when attempting to fit in the American multicultural societies. As the number of Muslims increase in the US, the cultural diversity of the Islamic societies tends to expand with time, increasing the need for studies that focus on...

Evaluating the American Civil War: Key Lessons and Historical Insights

The civil war is one of the most defining events in the history of the United States. The war, which was fought between the two ideological opponents in the country, led to a number of resolutions whose effects still resonate with the American public and the municipal administration. The United...

Latin America and the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has had a great influence on people in Latin America as people there have always been very religious. However, people’s attitude towards Rome as well as the Pope changed in the 1980s in Nicaragua. Socioeconomic situation in the country became intolerable for thousands of people who had...

Unsuccessful Wealth Redistribution Under New Deal

The plan to redistribute wealth under the New Deal program was not successful at all. As a matter of fact, about one million dollars were made available from this initiative. It proved to be quite cumbersome to gather wealth through the proposed plan. According to the initiative, the government was...

The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions is one of the first documents which clearly highlighted the needs of women as well as the problems that they faced. To a great extent, it reflects the Declaration of Independence which identifies the core values of the American society. This paper is aimed...

Defining the 1960s: A Comprehensive Look at the Era’s Cultural and Social Changes

Introduction Scholars and archeologists use several events, objects, and fads to analyze the issues associated with the 1960s. This era is defined by many events and upheavals that changed the future of America. My team of archeologists has made a unique discovery. The discovery unveils several items that define the...

Defying Hitler: A Memoir by Sebastian Haffner

Introduction After the First World War, Germany was conquered, weak and helpless. Its Citizen were desperate and ready to trust that anything someone said, to get any step essential, and to ease them feeling of self denial and overpowered. Due to this, Adolph Hitler managed to rise into supremacy so...

Vietnam War: Cold War Era Conflict (1954-1975)

Vietnam War was a cold war era military conflict which had started in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1st November 1954 to 30th April 1975. North Vietnam had teamed up with the southern communist allies against the South which enjoyed a lot of support from United States as its principal...

1960s Legends: Vietnam War, Berlin Wall, and Apollo 11

Introduc President August 2s can be defined as an era characterized by a number of hallmark activities, legendary personalities, and signs, particularly in the history of the United States, but with significant spillover effects to other regions across the world. The majority of these events had accumulated effects and concerns,...

Anti-Communist Campaign and Film Industry

Introduction The American society has for a long time been enchanted by reconstructing history on film. Filmmakers in the country have always tried to convey their translations of history through films. In this report, the main center point is the effect of the descent of the Iron Curtain and the...

Socioeconomic Consequences of the Great Depression on American Society

In the decade between 1920 and 1930, the United States of America experienced success in their overall national economy performance. However, disparities in the growth of the various sectors of the economy posed a significant threat. In addition, the bulk of the gains from the economic prosperity rested on a...

African-American Slaves in 1776: Economy and War

Slaves in America constituted close to a fifth of the population by 1776. According to Anderson and Stewart (1), the American and European economies were vastly developed using African-American slaves who were bought and sold in well established slave markets. These slaves were mainly deployed in plantation farms to work...

Historic Win: Barrack Obama Defeats John McCain

Introduction A significant proportion of the world’s populace witnessed the U.S citizens making history by choosing Barrack Obama, an Afro – American, as their 44th president. He was elected on November 4, 2008 as the country’s administrator. Obama went to the polls with John McCain, a republican whom he defeated....

Struggles and Scarcities of Peasants in Terry’s 1992 Study

Introduction The major purpose of this study is to explore the struggles and scarcities that were witnessed by the peasants according to Terry (1992). Renard the fox is an interesting book that highlights the carnivorous behavior of Reynard who had made numerous attempts to consume other animals. Reynard the fox...

A Historical Overview: The Cold War and the War on Terror

The ‘War on Terror’ appears to originate from the Cold War era. Cold War and ‘War on Terror’ are similar in different ways, since the American protagonists created ‘War on Terror’ as the core element of national politics, and enforce their manias on other countries. The strategies used in Cold...

A Comprehensive Biography of President Bill Clinton: Achievements and Challenges

President Clinton’s eight-year term as the president of the United States of America was certainly the most concurrently contentious and effective presidency in America’s history. He was respected for his economic and social policies and received criticism for his moral selections. I admired his administration strategy, where he used public...

The History of Indus Valley Civilization

Introduction More than 5 thousand years ago during the Bronze age, when Egypt and Mesopotamia sprouted, great cities blossomed along the flood plains of the Indus and Saraswati Rivers in modern day Pakistan and India (Jonathan, 2002.p.116). Harappa was the first city to be excavated, hence the name Harappan civilization....

Key Developments in the Modern History of the Gulf Region: A Comprehensive Overview

The Gulf consists of two large countries: Iran and Iraq, and the smaller gulf monarchs that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); they are Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. Venezuela is also part of the Gulf countries. Instability in the Gulf region...

Analysis of Slave Emancipation in Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil

Introduction Slavery was viewed as both an infringement of human rights in addition to the existence of forced labor. Numerous differences existed in the manner in which slaves were treated across the globe. These differences were based on gender and age differences, location and other demographic features, such as skin...

Long-Term Effects of Cuban Colonial Governance on Modern Society

In 1762 when Cuba was re-conquered by Spain, this society began to experience a series of economic, administrative, and political changes. This paper is aimed at examining the effects produced by the reforms that were carried out by the Spanish government in order to improve the defensive capabilities of Cuba....

Young American Males and Filibustering in the Age of Manifest Destiny by Robert May

The author, May has tried to convince his readers about the effects ‘filibustering’ had on the American citizens. In his article “Young American males and filibustering in the age of Manifest Destiny: the United States Army as a cultural mirror” in The Journal of American History, published in 1991, May...

Why Was Princess Diana the People’s Princess?

In this contemporary world, the word hero is often used about distinguished personalities who have strived in one way or another to make the world a better place to live in. However, who is a hero? To answer this question, some may say that a hero is someone legendary or...

African American Racial Discrimination: Historical and Modern Perspectives

From the 16th century, African American people were facing racial discrimination. As they had a different color of skin, they were treated unfavorably and even violently. With the course of time, the situation changed but still a lot of aspects are to be improved. Even though slavery was abolished more...

Roger Staubach: Biography and Career

Introduction National Football League in America has had several legends who have helped inspire more individuals into the game and also command a huge fan following. Roger Thomas Staubach is one of the most outstanding players in the history of football. The biographical research paper explores his early life, family...

The Dominican Revolution: Resistance and the Mirabal Sisters’ Legacy

Introduction The Dominican revolution started long before the events of 1965. 1956 was the epitome of the resistance when farmers and workers poured into the streets, demanding an e aboutnd to foreign interference in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic went through phases of foreign occupation by the French, Spanish,...

History of Humankind: From Paleo-Indians to Modern America

History is as old as man is. It tells the story of humankind since the beginning of this planet. The subject can be compared to an old man who is thousands of years old, and who has witnessed the happenings in this world. Therefore, the old man, with a memory...

Rwandan Genocide: Hutu Hardliners’ Massacre of Tutsis in 1994

Introduction The historic Rwandan Genocide, organized by Hutu hardliners, resulted in the merciless murder of approximately one million individuals after a three months rampage in 1994. The casualties mainly consisted of Tutsis and their sympathizers. This tragic occurrence went into the annals of history as one of the devastating genocides...

Barack Obama’s Election: Transformative Impact on America

Introduction Many Americans from different cultural backgrounds celebrated after they elected Barack Obama to become the 44th president of the United States. This victory had both social and political implications. It was impossible for scholars to predict this victory several decades ago. Many African Americans believed strongly that the event...

Arab-Israeli Conflict: Reasons for Arab Defeat in the 1967 War

Introduction Since its formation in 1948, the State of Israel has faced opposition from its Arab neighbors. This hostility comes from the perception that the Jews settled on land that historically belonged to the Palestinians. During the early years of Israel’s existence, the Arabs States made clear their intentions to...

Tensions Between American Colonists and British Government in the 18th Century

During the second half of the eighteenth century, the tensions between American colonists and the British government intensified because the Parliament did not want to delegate some of its authorities to the local people who believed that they had been excluded from the political life. Overall, the nature of this...

Adopting the Constitution: Founding Fathers’ Political Role

The process of adopting the Constitution was one of the most significant events in the history of the American nation. The Constitution was adopted by the Founding Fathers who are discussed as the most influential figures in the history of the United States. In her book A Brilliant Solution: Inventing...

“The Fire Next Time” a Book by James Baldwin

Introduction “The Fire Next Time” is a book written by James Baldwin. It is a collection of two essays “Down at The Cross: Letter from a Region of My Mind” and “My Dungeon Shook: Letter to my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipation”. The first letter discusses the...

American History: Eleanor Roosevelt

Women have always been in the sidelines of men. Throughout the history of our world, men have been playing a key role in society. There is a great number of famous men whose names are familiar to every person. However, very often these men have a woman, who is not...

Neo-Realist Literature: African Diaspora’s Struggles and Empowerment

Neo-realist literature represents some significant changes in the consciousness of African diaspora. The literature of this period gives a realistic portrayal of those difficulties that African people can face. It explores such themes as oppression, lack of opportunities, and injustice. The language is also important for the poets, who worked...

Social Welfare in the USA: From Roosevelt’s New Deal to Today

History of Social Welfare The establishment of social welfare, in the USA, was one of the most critical undertakings in the history of the country. In essence, the true definition and perspective of looking at social welfare have undergone profound evolution. Authors have come up with new and better ways...

Democracy in America: Evolution Between 1780 and 1830

Democracy refers to a form of government in which the public is involved in governance either through involvement in the election of political representatives or through the exercise of control over governance by conducting referendums. The United States has always prioritized democracy since its inception as a nation. There is...

Langston Hughes’ Biography

Introduction Langston Hughes was a Black American born in 1901. He was popularly known for his art that incorporated poetry, prose, autobiography, drama and essay writing. Hughes focused on highlighting existing stereotypes, which rendered Blacks vulnerable to discrimination. Even though he had the political inclination, he failed to publicly declare...

Mercantile System of Britain in the World: North America

Introduction Mercantilism is a system that allows countries to control others. In this case, governments partner with the merchant from their country to suppress the foreign countries. This ensured that the countries maintained their military power. Also, it ensured that the country had a favorable balance of trade over the...

Women in Ancient Greece

Function of women in Greece Classic Greece refers to the period from fifth to forth century before Christ. During this period, the Roman Empire witnessed prosperity that had a potent impact on the development of the Western Civilization. In ancient Greece, women performed three main functions – childbearing, fabric weaving,...

James Horn’s “A Land as God Made It”

Introduction The book A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America written by James Horn, relate to the hardships that the early European colonizers faced in their pursuit of rich and flourishing civilizations. The Europeans had traversed across the Pacific in search of wealth and new...

Ensure that the African Americans Gain Voting Rights: The 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer

This was a civil rights movement in the southern parts of the United States. It was a very interesting move since the whites were involved in the struggle for African American liberation (American Experience, 2009). The movement involved over 1000 white college students who decided to involve themselves in educating...

Working-Class Americans’ Diets at the Turn of the Century: Turner (2014)

Factors That Limited the Food Choices Turner (2014) tells the story of the life of working-class Americans and their diets at the turn of the century. It is noted that money was one of the crucial factors affecting food choices working-class people made. At the same time, there were other...

U.S. Westward Expansion: Liberators or Conquerors?

As the United States began to expand westward, people considered themselves as liberators. The government believed that this expansion would make the territory secure and free from violence. This would in turn lead to civilization of the Indian populations thereby minimizing the Apache threat. During the early years that the...

Claude McKay’s Biography; His Experiences and Poems

Claude McKay was one of the most influential figures during the Harlem Renaissance period of the 1900s. Born and educated in his native Jamaica, McKay ventured out to the United States in 1912 to pursue further education (McKay). While in the US he discovered the cruelties suffered by the African...

Roman Empire: Formation, Prosperity, and Decline in the 1st Century

Introduction The Roman Empire was formed in the 1st century by Emperor Augustus, and it enjoyed a brief period of economic and political prosperity before experiencing a decline that led to its eventual demise. The third-century crisis is considered by many historians to be a decisive period in the history...

The Role of Primary Sources in Historiography: Methodological Insights

The study of primary and secondary sources enables a person to achieve several important objectives. At first, one can understand the general tendencies that characterize a certain historical period. Yet, this approach is helpful for examining the opinion of separate individuals and their responses to changing lifestyles or values. This...

French Revolutionary Shifts Inspired by the American Revolution’s Legacy

Introduction The American Revolution erupted during the 18th century. The revolution was a political uprising, which brought together thirteen colonies in North America with the aim of fighting for liberation from the British who had colonized them. The American colonies were against the British authority over them especially British overseas...

The Industrial Revolution’s Profound Impact on the Lives of British Workers

In 1833, a law was passed in Britain limiting working hours about women and children working in textile mills; this came as a result of a parliamentary investigation into the conditions of working in the textile industry. In the course of the investigations, several people were called up to give...

Overview of American Political and Economic History: Key Events and Trends

President Wilson and the First World War The Great Wars that existed between nations before the emergence of the First World War ensured that America protected its territories from external attacks. It has to form diplomatic relations with countries that share with its international waters to ensure its navy and...

World War I: USA’s Controversial Entry and Mobilization

Being the first global international conflict in the twentieth century, World War I challenged the European countries as well as the USA to mobilize their military forces to oppose German aggression. In spite of the fact the USA insisted on the state’s neutrality about the conflict to protect the interests...

Yasuhiro Ozu: The Life and Career of a Japanese Film Legend

Background Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. His father provided for the family by selling fertilizer, and he was forced to send his children to his rural home in Matsusaka because the urban life was very expensive....

Cold War Effects on U.S. Policies: A Historical Analysis

Introduction The end of the Second World War led to the rise of two major global powers, namely, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., who emerged victoriously. The two nations had different political and economic ideologies, which made them suspicious of each other. America’s economic and political system was capitalistic in...

The Entry of Aviation into the Free Market: Historical Developments and Impacts

Introduction Since its development, the aviation industry continues to play a major role in the world economy. It is considered as an economic pillar especially in cases where a country invests in and streamlines it. Unlike other sectors of the economy, aviation mainly deals with international events and tours as...

Missouri Compromise of 1820: Balancing Slavery in the U.S.

Introduction The Missouri compromise refers to an agreement passed in 1820 as a solution to the differences in government over slavery (Forbes 19). Before the agreement was passed, numerous member of the United States Congress disagreed on the way to incorporate both western and southern states in the government without...

The Colonization Process of New France

In the 17th century, France attempted to colonize new regions in the world in order to expand their influence. Jacques Cartier was the force behind the expeditions in 1534; he claimed the Chaleur Bay for his country, France. Further, the prominent sailor in his several trips conquered St. Lawrence River....

Key Moments in American History: Understanding the U.S. Civil War

Jomini Theories of “Interior Lines” and “Concentration of Forces” The campaign of First Manassas is a good example of the use of “interior lines” and “concentration of forces” during the Civil War. There were four groups of military men. The first group was outside Washington, which was the Union army...

Europe’s Social Development: 1500-1815

The period between 1500 and 1815 marked a significant history in the development of modern Europe. This period was characterized by great developments in science and technology, secularized politics and the nation-state. Behind these positive developments, there was an important historical phenomenon; the many wars including the 30 years dest...

Ancient History: The Persian War and Its Influence on Athenian Progress

Athens, is one of the Greek cities, had importance just as others such as Sparta had. It had a very successful naval power but was behind in other sectors, including arts. All this came to change after the Persian war. This paper will analyze the Athenian progress of attaining democracy...

Exploring Racism in America: 1783-1836

The question that needs to be asked in this instance is whether the concept of the ace existed ninety years ago or still exists in America. Is it a cultural issue or a scientific fact? And lastly, have racial issues been conformed to the historical notions or should be abandoned...

Leadership Lessons from Strauss’ “Masters of Command”

Strauss’ book ‘Masters of Command’ revolves around three war leaders Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Caesar. They stand out as leaders of their time as they ruled effectively and won their battles. Strauss strives to bring out lessons concerning good leadership, which is mostly characterized by good strategy formulation and...

Colonial Unrest in Virginia, New York and Massachusetts

Introduction Colonial unrest is a state of total dissatisfaction or disturbances to colonies during the colonial era. The study explores the disturbances or dissatisfactions experienced by colonies such as New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts under the control of the colonial states such as British, Europeans and Britain. The factors that...

Ancient History: Mesopotamian Empire Achievements

The Mesopotamian Empire had several achievements throughout its existence. The achievements ranged from powerful kingdoms to trade and agriculture. It is worth to mention that this empire spanned over several centuries. This essay explores the achievements of the Mesopotamian Empire. King Sargon created the world’s largest first empire. The Akkadian...

Contributions of Momigliano: A Revolutionary Perspective in Historiography

Brief Summary Momigliano is one of the most prominent historians of the twentieth century. He wrote numerous essays on the history of Christianity. One of these works is his essay “Pagan and Christian Historiography in the Fourth Century AD” (Momigliano 1963). In this essay, the author focuses on the way...

World War II: British and American Home Front Experiences

Did the experiences of British citizens differ from Americans during World War II? The experiences of the British citizens were similar to those of the Americans during World War II. In America, a majority of the nationals sacrificed themselves to ensure their country emerged victoriously. The nationals accepted to operate...

Articles of Confederation

Introduction Events rarely take place in space and only few ideas just get into the scene without prior preparation. Using various ideas here and there, major ideas can be realized and lead to great success. James Madison is one of the people who managed to get ideas from taking notes...

Nuremberg Laws: Legalizing Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany

Introduction Before and during the Nazi regime in Germany headed by Adolf Hitler, there was a systematic- state-sponsored persecution that led to the murder of many Jews. This occurred at the beginning of the year 1933 when the Nazi regime came to power and progressively propagated the belief among the...

Charles Augustus Lindbergh: First Non-Stop Transatlantic Flight

Charles Augustus Lindbergh is an American pilot, has made the first non-single transatlantic flight. He was born on Feb. 4, 1902, in Detroit. He received primary education in the Little Falls (Minnesota pieces), in 1920-1922 he studied at the University of Wisconsin, where the passion for aviation. In 1924 the...

French Revolution: Freedom, Equality, Social Justice

French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe but also in the history of the world at large. It gave humanity the message of freedom, equality, and social justice and paved new roads leading towards the protection of human rights...

Civil Rights and Political Rights: Constitutional Protections

Introduction Civil rights are normally grouped together with political rights. These are categories of freedom and rights that are recognized by a constitution and are meant to protect citizens, both at individual and group level, against unjustifiable actions undertaken by the government, individuals, and private organizations. Civil rights also ensure...

Stamp Act Ignites Colonial Opposition and Revolution

After the conclusion (end) of the Seven Years War in 1763, British, facing no immediate threat from the French turned her interest to the colonies (Pauline 16). British had accumulated enormous defence expenses during the wars and as such needed to collect revenue from the colonies in order to offset...

Benjamin Franklin: Political Satire and Literary Criticism

One of the people who cannot be easily forgotten as far as the history of America is concerned is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is regarded as one of the main founders of the United States because of his active participation in the development of different fields. This paper presents the biography...

Factors Influencing American Foreign Policy

Impact of presidents on American foreign policy and Obama’s influence and change in the international agenda Presidents in the United States often affect foreign policy by deciding whether the country will employ diplomatic means to deal with an international relations issue or whether they will use war. History shows that...

History of Crusades

Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...

Historical Justifications for Slavery: A Critical Examination of Societal Perspectives

Introduction Slave trade was a booming business in America before it was abolished in the eighteenth century. Many contemporary historians claim that the slave trade lasted for more than 2000 years. During the slavery period, people were illegally enslaved and transported under unkind conditions. Slaves who were majorly obtained from...

India’s Transformation: Village Economy to British Colonial Impact

India was a simple subcontinent before its introduction to the West. On the eve of the British conquest of India, it was characterized by lot of disruption and economic fragmentation. The gradual downfall of the Mughal Empire during the 18th century had led to economic disintegration and the constant bouts...

History of Manifest Destiny in US

The middle of the 19th century was an expansive time in the United States, a period when appropriate actions would result in significant benefits. According to these principles, John O’Sullivan was unsuccessful. His risky investments were never fruitful. His political allies never paid him well for his publishing work. His...

Rome from 140 BCE to Octavian’s Reign: Political and Cultural Transformations

Numerous events took place in Rome between 140 BCE and the time Octavian. These events are political, social, economical and cultural. The leaders who ruled Rome during this period are mainly responsible for the changes that took place during this time. The most outstanding personalities in this period include Tiberius...

The History of Gold Rush: Economic Impact and Social Consequences in America

The Gold Rush was a massive event, triggered by the discovery of gold in Coloma, California. James W. Marshall found the gold, while he was inspecting the river’s channel. This discovery led to the development of California as a state. The city of San Francisco had grown from a mere...

War and Diplomacy

War and Diplomacy, the two tactics of different nations through the ages have been used very effectively throughout history. While some people felt that Diplomacy was the best means to avoid war, some statesmen felt that was war was the only solution to settling disputes with other countries. Otto Von...

American Revolutions: Key Events and Their Impact in the Early 19th Century

One of the defining moments in American history is the industrial revolution, a term used to refer to a period in early 19th century whereby production shifted from hand and home based to machine and factory based. The period was characterized by introduction of changes in agriculture, manufacturing as well...

Role of Women in Modern vs. Traditional Chinese Society

The role of women in Modern Chinese Society contrasts greatly from traditional Chinese society. There are more equality and fairness, and most Chinese people back in China and abroad regard their women with respect. “Chinese women are now entitled to occupational and educational opportunities” (e How inc). It is important...

Strategic and Ethical Implications of the US Atomic Bombings During WWII

Controversy over the Atomic Bombing The decision of the President of the United States to drop atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the World War II has been clouded by controversy, with several people supporting it and others criticizing it. Many people, including Congressional Republicans,...

Researching the Second Amendment: Key Issues and Debates in American Law

Choosing a topic for further research is always a challenge because it requires thinking it over and gathering as much detail as possible prior to the study itself, such as making up preliminary plans and identifying the desired outcomes. It should be the subject of interest, but, at the same...

History and Impacts of Nationalism

Nationalism is a divisive issue. World history has plenty of examples of positive and negative effects of nationalism, and its implications are often contradictory. This paper explores the impacts of nationalism and its origins. Introduction Nationalism is considered to be a political principle which is based on the idea of...

History: Hitler’s Regime in Germany in the 1930’s

Introduction After the First World War, Germany was conquered, weak, and helpless. Its Citizen was desperate and ready to trust that anything someone said, to get any step essential, and to ease the feeling of self-denial and overpowered. Due to this, Adolph Hitler managed to rise into supremacy so smoothly...

Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada (1837-1838)

The rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada were the revolts against the British colonial power in Canada, and these rebellions were held between the years 1837 and 1838. The Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 refers to the armed conflict that ensued when the British Colonial authority clashed with armed rebels...

Comparison: Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian Culture

Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian had many things in common, even though they differed in several ways. The two civilizations were always ahead in terms of inventions, something that made them different from the rest of the cultures at the time. Their inventions affected life in many ways, and they still...

Historical Freedom in America: An Exploration of Its Evolution and Significance

America is renowned as a country that espouses freedom in every respect. An important point to note, however, is that this freedom was not easy to come by. It resulted from a continuum of bloody struggles that characterized the nation between the 1950s and 1970s. This essay explores three liberation...

The Civil Rights Movement in America: Key Events and Lasting Impact on Society

Introduction One of the common elements of the history of the United States in the early years was racial discrimination against foreigners. The main target groups were African Americans and other marginalized communities (McNeese, 100). However, the African American community in the United States was not willing to relent on...

Lessons from History: The Civil War and Cold War Compared

History is a very significant subject that displays people’s attitudes and behaviors in relation to their own, as well as foreign cultures. There were several major events in American history that shaped the country in a way that has led to its present state today. The Civil War and the...

The Crete Battle of World War II

Introduction World War II consisted of various battles among them, the Crete battle in which Germany invaded the territory that was hitherto controlled by the British and Greece troops. Germany needed the oil in Ploesti for its intended invasions and Crete was an ideal place for Germany to access the...