Social Isolation: Risks for Health Problems

Introduction If at the beginning of this year, people were told that later they would be allowed to leave their apartments only for shopping or walking a dog, no one would have believed in such forecasts. However, the global coronavirus epidemic has radically changed the lives of people all around...

Plantation Rules: Slave Labor Management as the Key for Production

Alexander Telfair was an American planter who lived before the Civil War, and the end of slavery. He owned Thorn Island cotton plantation in Savannah, Georgia, and left many papers now collected by the Georgia Historical Society, such as receipts, letters, deeds that show how the land was ruled. Thorn...

Juvenile Delinquency – Causes & Prevention

Introduction Juvenile delinquency refers to the breaking of the law by children. By virtue of being minors, offenders of this nature may or may not be treated normally by the judicial system of a country. Psychologists continue to grapple with the problem of finding out what causes this behavior. They...

Chemical Dependence and Defense Mechanisms

Social-cultural determinants of substance abuse Children born in families with parents who abuse drugs are more likely to do the same. Parents and TV stars are role models. As a result, children copy this habit to abuse drugs. Prevalence of drugs misuse is common in families with low socioeconomic education...

The Meaning of Consciousness

No universal definition of consciousness exists despite numerous attempts by philosophers, scholars, researchers, and even practitioners to formulate it. Defining this concept remains a daunting task because people hold conflicting perspectives on the term (Vithoulkas & Muresanu, 2014). Dehaene et al. (2017) agree by asserting that consciousness has multiple meanings...

History of Eugenics and Birth Control in the U.S.

Eugenics is the act of mating people with desirable traits to improve the human species and was first introduced by Francis Galton. Charles Darwin’s theory of the origin of species is what caught the attention of Galton who became interested in the work. In 1859, Galton embarked on research that...

The Research That Johanna Brenner: Review

The first article that I want to summarize concerns the research that Johanna Brenner conducted about intersections and class relations. The research method that she seems to have employed was a secondary data analysis and archival material. In the beginning, the author presents her theory regarding the connection between feminism...

Religious Liberties in the Face of Employment Discrimination Reforms

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is arguably the largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) advocacy group and political lobbyist organization within the United States. HRC primarily focuses on protecting and spearheading the civil and human rights of LGBTQ individuals within the United States. Their policies notably include prescribing...

Mind Control: Ethics of the Experiment

Maintaining ethical integrity in scientific experiments is central to the credibility of the outcome and the well-being of the participants, which is why the research linked to the topics of mind control and free will has always been seen as a morally grey area in terms of its research potential....

Dependence on Computers in the Modern Era

Introduction The focal point of paper is to present a discussion on over dependence on computers in the modern era. For the purpose the paper would summarize and compare the studies. The first one is Shelley B. Wepner’s Technology Run Amok: The Top Ten TechnoBlunders published by International Reading Association,...

The Homeless Shelter’s Staff: A Well-Being Program

In this paper, I am going to form a survey as a part of the implementation of a well-being program for the homeless shelter’s staff. The homeless shelter was chosen as an object of the survey because it appears to be a bright example of a non-profit social services organization....

Women’s Equality in the 1960s

Introduction In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Carol Oates presents a story of a 15-year-old Connie, who has poor relationships with her mother and sister. The girl began to spend more time in front of the mirror and giggled constantly. Such incomprehensible and joyful sensations of admiration...

The Phenomenon of Racism

Racism is a multilevel phenomenon that, unfortunately, is quite common in the modern world. Despite the development of technology and the amount of knowledge about the world, many people are still subjected to racial discrimination. This inhibits the processes leading to social harmony and mutual respect. In addition, racism causes...

Ethical Considerations, Limitations, and Implications on Medical Care

Ethical Considerations and Human Rights When researching human subjects, one should never dismiss ethical implications. One of the main requirements that should be met in such studies is obtaining informed consent to participate and submit personal data. In the case of this study, all the patients enrolled in the educational...

Ethical Dilemma: Eight Key Questions (8KQ)

Ethics is one of the core components of human society as it regulates relations between individuals and protects them from undesired outcomes. However, the given area remains extremely complex because of the differences in human thinking and approaches that are used to judge about the ethical components of particular situations....

Understanding Our Gendered Selves

The issue of gender identity has always been topical and was developed not only by sociologists but also by representatives of many other scientific groups. Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The...

Social Determinants of Health in Australia and the Philippines

This paper focuses on the wellsprings of health equity in social policy, pointers of inequity, and how two national contexts and approaches to education effect better health outcomes. In particular, the paper investigates the most important manifestation of health inequity for Australian Aborigines. There being no such racially-oppressed minority in...

The Social Care Services and Their Role in Social Policies

Social care is a profession. In this profession people work with the other people who have some needs, who are practicing marginalisation. These services are mainly offered to children, people who are physical disable, and older people. People who don’t have home, alcohol or drug addicted persons also use these...

Race and Healthcare in the 21st Century

Introduction Although modern society asserts its allegiance to the idea of universal human rights, the extent to which human individuals can exercise those rights varies significantly based on several factors. Despite prohibitions on official discrimination based on race and occasional claims of an approaching postracial era, the individual’s racial classification...

Abortion: Analysis of the Main Causes

Research Topic The topic of abortion has long been the subject of heated debate. However, studies investigating the causes of abortion did not appear immediately due to confidentiality and the lack of such discussions (Biggs et al., 2013). Chae et al. (2017) utilized seven categories for investigating the causes of...

Antebellum Period Southerners and Slavery

Introduction The Antebellum Period is an era in American history that was characterized by slavery and the slave trade. The period was witnessed just before the civil war of 1812, although historians believe that it extended in the years after the war. [1]It was the time when American society was...

“Charlottesville: Race and Terror”: Fighting for Rights

The recent conflicts sparked due to the violent actions of the police against African American citizens have been tearing the American community asunder, leading to multiple protests and collisions between the representatives of different political groups. Most importantly, the problem of the Black community’s voice not being heard due to...

Adoption: Can Same-Sex Parents Nurture a Stable Child?

Introduction Gay couples should be allowed to adopt, as parents’ sexual orientation does not affect children’s emotional and behavioral functioning. However, the controversial question that has been asked is whether same-sex parents can nurture a stable child. This has attracted supporters and opponents in equal measure. Nevertheless, experts agree that...

Substance Abuse Among African American Women in Miami

Aggregate Description Drug and alcohol abuse are among the leading causes of health issues among individuals from all racial and ethnic backgrounds (Miller, Forcehimes, & Zweben, 2011). The vice has been on the rise in the past few decades. Unfortunately, little research has been done connecting the rising number of...

Aspects of Non-verbal Communication: Kinesics and Paralanguage

Why is it relevant? The meaning of any communication is determined not only by the words that are pronounced. In most cases, it depends on what non-verbal signs and messages are sent at the same time. The topic is relevant because non-verbal communication is the most ancient form of human...

Ariana Grande & Feminism

Introduction It seems rather popular among famous female pop stars to make high-talk statements about feminism and the role of women in modern society. Feminist notes have been subjects of songs and performances of such stars as Christina Aguilera and Beyonce. Ariana Grande’s recent feminism manifesto may be regarded as...

To Right the Wrongs: Reparations for Slavery

The question of reparations is by no means new, but a new impetus to the discussion of this topic was given by the activation of the Black Lives Matter movement. All of the Democratic presidential candidates in the upcoming US presidential elections have addressed this issue in their speeches. Several...

Heroin Distribution and Its Use Within the United States

In the past two decades, the United States has been facing an escalation in abuse of opioids, primarily heroin. According to Congressional Research Service, in 2016, approximately 0.4% of the U.S. population older than 12 years old reported having used heroin in the past year (2). Besides, the majority of...

Ethnic Differences Impact on the Latinx Immigrants’ Lives

There are three predominant Latinx populations in the United States: Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Dominicans. The populations were forced to flee their countries and become immigrants in the US, eventually facing an array of prejudices. The significant issues that led to their migration include racism and ethnic differences, discrimination in...

Retirement: Transition From Work to After-Work Life

Introduction Many workers find it challenging to transition from work to after-work life, a significant transitional stage for every employee is retirement. At the moment, the number of people retiring from work is almost 46 million, and the number is expected to rise to 90 million by the year 2050...

Video Games and Violence: Danger of Video Games

Introduction The idea of associating video games with violence has existed for almost as long as the medium itself. Many titles enable the person to enact a character that is encouraged to participate in violence against other people, both computer- and player-controlled, without suffering any consequences for it. In some...

Domestic Violence and Its Impacts on Children

Abstract Domestic violence is an issue that has raised concern in the society because of its impact on the affected people. Domestic violence has serious impacts on children. When they grow up in a violent environment, they get affected psychologically and sometimes physically. Men and women also get affected in...

An Unusual Offer From Neighbor

William had never felt alive before he met Austin, his new neighbor, who was young, energetic, and handsome. His every gesture revealed absolute confidence and great zest; his words presented high intelligence and unusual broad-mindedness. William, who turned 30 a few days ago, admired the youth but was too shy...

Determination of the Effectiveness of Opiate Detoxification Programs

Introduction Opiate abuse has grown over the years, currently reaching crisis levels. One in eleven Americans could be classified as either dependent on or an abuser of illicit drugs as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSMIV, 2008) guidelines. A significantly larger population, as...

Importance of Carbado’s Lists

Carbado’s lists help one think intersectionality about privilege since this author illustrates how privilege and oppression co-exist in people’s everyday lives. People’s identities are linked with the system of pressure, and therefore, some people benefit from unearned privilege while others are unjustly discriminate against (Braithwaite and Orr, 2017). Carbado’s lists...

Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA

Introduction Over the years, public service announcements have become a genre in themselves, creating an environment where the focus on warning and prevention warrants significant exaggerations and, at times, even the presence of logical fallacies. A closer look at one of the earlier PSAs will show that a single announcement...

Animal Testing: The Notion of the 21st Century Cruelty

When speaking of the context of the 21st century, the notions of cruelty and violence do not seem to fit there, considering all the positive changes taking place around. However, while the vast majority of people take care of their environment, others desperately look for a way to exploit everything...

Messaging & Face-to-Face Communication: Setting Goals

Communication plays a great role in the modern world as it ensures that people properly understand each other in different settings. The exchange of information is related to the flow, coordination, as well as learning and listening skills. In addition, communication is the basis for establishing both personal and professional...

Sexual Abuse Factors and Protection

Sexual abuse refers to the act of forcing an individual to take part in a sexual behavior against their own free will. It can also be referred to as sexual molestation. The most common mode is rape, which is defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated by one person or a...

This American Life: Toxie Asset by Planet Money

In January of 2010, the reporters of NPR News in cooperation with Planet Money have purchased a toxic asset to learn more about the 2008 financial crisis. Toxic assets are usually financial assets that have lost their value due to mortgages not being paid and cannot be sold at a...

Poverty in America: Socio-Economic Inequality

Although the United States belongs to the group of the most developed countries in the world, poverty is one of the main problems of the state. Forty million Americans live below the poverty line, struggle to pay the rent, or find affordable housing (DeParle, 2016). The primary cause of poverty...

Gender Identity in Life-Span Development

Gender identity is an issue that affects an individual’s lifespan development. Today the question of gender identity is acute for people who struggle to find themselves in a world full of stereotypes and misunderstandings. It is vital for a social worker to develop strategies to help such individuals and their...

Disabled Americans in the Workplace and Discrimination

Introduction The American Constitution provides a detailed framework for supporting all citizens irrespective of gender, age, disability, religion, or ethnicity. However, cases of discrimination are rampant and tend to affect many victims differently. Fortunately, the government has implemented numerous laws and policies to protect this at-risk population in the workplace...

TV Shows: “Transcendent” and “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”

This media analysis will focus on two LGBTQ+ centered TV shows: currently airing Transcendent and 2003 Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. As it concerns Transcendent, the set consists of five transgender women working in the AsiaSF nightclub. Xristina is a social rights activist of Dominican descent who appears to...

Aetiology of Violent Crime

Introduction Violent crime has become a major part of the crime world. Sexual crimes, terrorism and hooliganism are just some of the violent crimes. Violent acts cause 1.43 million deaths in the world (Siever, 2008). The majority of occasions of violence are due to aggression. Aggression and violence in schools...

Enabling Harm and Ethical Decision-Making

Many situations present an opportunity to identify whether an individual has or has not caused damage, while other cases, less unambiguous, also exist. A considerable body of philosophical literature is dedicated to the notion of harm and its examination. In some cases, individuals actively participate in damaging actions. In other...

Effective Cross-Functional Involvement in Terms of Personal Development

What Is Meant by ‘Cultural Grain’? Before implementing a particular strategy, an organization should examine the peculiarities of a cultural change process within its structure. In order to understand the specifics of organizational culture, a particular emphasis should be put on the development of leadership competencies, analysis of critical incidents...

Family History for the Genogram

Alcohol and substance abuse is an endemic problem in modern society that affects both the addict and their immediate family and friends. Apart from arresting the addict’s physiological and emotional growth, chemical dependency on illicit drugs is an expensive behavior that is hard to kick. Thereby, the patient and his/her...

Prejudice Against Interracial Couples

Modern social values include celebrating and promoting diversity and the peaceful co-existence of individuals with dissimilar and even incompatible views and characteristics. In this context, mixed-race couples should be treated just like same-race couples and face no discrimination, prejudice, or misunderstanding related to their personal choices. However, interracial couples have...

Gender Norms, Roles, and Stereotypes: Act Analysis

Introduction Gendered roles, norms, and stereotypes play a highly significant role in any community all over the world in any stage of its development. As a result, they are dramatically embedded in both individual and social consciousness and observably resistant to changes. In general, all kinds of stereotypes and norms...

Homelessness Due to Unemployment During COVID-19

The 2019 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is both a health and an economic crisis across the globe. For the past two decades, the level of extreme poverty has experienced a rise worldwide. Before the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, approximately 88 million adults lived in the US under poverty line...

Cover Letter: Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces

August 19, 2020 Tammy Duckworth Washington, D.C. 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-28 54 Dear Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, My name is Your Name, and I am writing on behalf of myself and the people of the USA. We are deeply concerned about the issue of...

Problems and Concept of Mass Transit

Transportation is definitely a critical input in the economic activities of a nation. The choice or portfolio of the different modes of transportation adopted in a country or region is an important determinant of the proportion of the costs of production which go towards the transportation. In cases where this...

What Social Factors Prevent Adolescents to Acquire Appropriate Education in Their Later Life

The choice of the topic for the research is justified by several factors. First, juvenile detention and the further rehabilitation and socialization of individuals acquire the top priority today because of the growing rates of juvenile incarceration. Statistics show that over the past decade, the number of young people with...

Methods for Avoiding Relapse

Introduction Human beings have used pscychoactive substances to alter mood and induce pleasure since prehistoric times. The complexities of today’s world have however contributed to the accelerated use of drugs and alcohol therefore leading to an epidemic of chemical dependency. The prevalence of this problem can to an extent be...

Institutions Violent – What Should Do and Factors

Introduction Human service professionals often encounter acts of violence in their daily work. James, Gilliand, and James (2008) have noted that violent behaviors in institutions are mainly precipitated by such elements as gender, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, gangs, as well as deinstitutionalization. Increased cases of violence have been...

The Problem of Alcohol Addiction in Russia

Russia now acknowledges alcohol addiction as a problem. Previously, alcoholism and other harmful habits formed part of the assumed degenerate lifestyle of the western world, thus alcoholism was not considered as a problem (Fleming, Bradbeer, & Green, 2001). Presently, Russia is encountering an alcohol mortality crisis. Leon, Shkolnikov, and McKee...

Summary of the Article “On the American Working Class”

The article On the American Working Class were published more than a few weeks after Sartre returned home in May running from June 6 to June 30 in 1945. Sartre conducted research on topics that affected the American working class across different cities such as New York and San Francisco....

Beyond the Binary Sexual Identity

Multidimensional Sexualities of Modern Youth Human sexuality is a complex of emotional, social, erotic behaviors, and feelings that people express toward other individuals. According to Westbrook, such categories as “sex, gender, and sexuality are… socially constructed systems, changing over time and varying across cultures” (33). Given the intricacy of the...

Day of Compassion as a Social and Educational Engine

Introduction The world of the 21st century has become one of the most vivid definitions of the “cognitive dissonance” notion. While people have been struggling in a society replete with wars and innumerable flaws, the last decades have also symbolized an explicit discussion of equality and universal respect to an...

Illegal Immigration and Its Consequences

People have always looked for a place under the sun and the quest for a better life is never-ending. However, the world is not a free place anymore and most of the people cannot choose where to live. Those who do not want to put up with it choose a...

The Problem of Homelessness in America

Ethnic minorities remain disproportionately over-represented in the homeless population in the United States. Despite accounting for a small portion of the national population, African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos are the majority of the homeless in the country, representing 40%, 22%, and 3% of the homeless population, respectively (National Alliance...

France: Border Security and Mass Migration

As is the case for many economically developed members of the European Union, border security is a pressing problem in France. That is not to say that the country is at risk of being invaded; instead, it is facing a moral dilemma. The state struggles to deal with the pressure...

Neurobiology: Epigenetics in Cocaine Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is characterized by long-term changes in the manner in which an individual acts. Drugs of addiction are believed to initiate and maintain obstinate changes in neuronal pathways especially those of the limbic system, specifically in nucleus accumbens (NAc) medium spiny neurons (MSNs). Even though evidence exists of...

Changing Identity: Key Development Issues

Identity is a complex topic and consists of many interrelated items. The theory behind this notion has not yet developed to the stage when it can provide answers to all questions. Some believe that people are born with identity, while others consider culture as the primary influencer. These beliefs attribute...

Sexual Health Literacy in Social Adaptation of Women

Introduction Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) literacy is one of the significant prerequisites of promoting the social adaptation of women. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the concept of SRH literacy in women as the ability to have cognitive and social skills required to access, understand, and use the information...

The Role of Public Spaces in Managing Racial Experiences

The societal perception of race is built and manifested directly in the environment that a particular ethnic group occupies. The vision of race as a social construct in the sense of a group’s understanding of themselves and others is influenced by social context, which includes public spaces. Political, social, and...

The Racist Views on Community Integrity in Bruce Norris’s Clybourne Park

Bruce Norris’s play Clybourne Park touches upon the issues of racial discrimination, political correctness, prejudice, segregation, and gentrification illustrated by a story of two generations living in the same neighborhood. As the characters get into heated arguments to protect the integrity of their communities, Norris explores the development of racist...

Gentrification as a Consequence of Redlining

Gentrification is a government policy of renovating city areas seeking the purpose of attracting large private investments into new buildings that would improve the picture of the cities. It is only apparent that to need renovation, the areas must have been neglected and disinvested before. With this in mind, there...

Violent Behavior in Institutions

Human service professionals are at an increased risk of becoming victims of violent behavior. The problem has become so persistent that some psychologists have reported incidents of assaults by their patients. Social workers are becoming increasingly concerned about dealing with the most emotionally, economically, and socially disintegrated persons (Kelen &...

Oppressive Gender Norms and Roles

Introduction Social roles are often enforced through the cultural upbringing of children, religious beliefs, and legal laws. In the 19th century, a group of feminists decided to oppose the derogative gender expectations that were designed to domesticate and suppress women (Allen 207). Different avenues, including the media, Constitution, and street...

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

How My Life Values Have Transformed After the Global Lockdown

Life is full of surprises; we all know this, and yet are never ready for them. Coronavirus pandemic was indeed a surprise that brought fears, losses, unexpected discoveries, and controversial decisions. When there is a burden of doing the same thing day by day, it feels that nothing is going...

Socioeconomic Background as a Barrier to Success

The books The Dreams of Two Yi-min by Margaret Mai and Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Lilia Villanueva and Craig Scharlin have many vital points in common. In their stories, the authors reveal the lives of people who arrive in the...

Resistance against Racist Nativism

The interesting aspect of the article by Ramjattan (2019) is the strategies adopted by English language teaching (ELT) non-native professionals to resist racist nativists. Racist nativism refers to false perceptions about non-whites being non-native of countries like Canada and the United States because of racial differences. This perception is regardless...

Human Systems and Relationships Observations

Introduction Human relationships are never simple, and many theories can be applied to understand how people behave, make decisions, and cooperate. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, many families are challenged to spend much time in isolation and change their regular activities. Some people find it interesting to consider new...

Human Subjects Protection: International and Regional Human Rights Standards

It is crucial for any clinical expertise to be integrated with the best possible scientific evidence. Otherwise, it is impossible to provide patients with all the needed options. If patients have no choice, they are unable to express their preferences. Patient preferences include spiritual and religious values, cultural and social...

Ethnographic Study: Observation and Interviewing

Introduction The development of science involves the progress of combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Every investigated subject of existing science is a mixture of theory and observation. The majority of social sciences, specifically sociology and anthropology, were constantly giving considerable attention to observational research. Cultural anthropologists commonly focus on ethnographic...

Oppositions in Martin Luther King’s Letter

First, it should be noted how King approaches the issue of white privilege opposed to the lack of it for black people in his letter. This is a critical issue even in the modern world, and sometimes it becomes more acute. To fully describe the difference between the lives of...

Social Security Retirement Fund System: Analysis

Introduction Ensuring that aging people have a decent life of the required quality is an essential part of the government’s function. However, in light of the recent developments in the global economic and financial field, as well as on local levels, some of the present frameworks for supporting the aging...

Violinist Analogy in Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion”

Introduction The practice of abortions is one of the most debatable issues on the social agenda. Even though this discussion has been one of the earliest in the feministic narrative, the public opinion on it stays ambiguous. According to the Pew Research Center studies, during the last 25 years, about...

Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context

Drug abuse is a social problem, which is prevalent in society. A study done in 2016 has shown that the increase in substance misuse is attributed to the disconnect between the social context of addiction and neuroscience (Sunshine Behavioral Health, n.d.). In society, addicts experience marginalization and progressive social exclusion....

Socially Accepted and Deviant Killings

Introduction Never has killing been perceived as a socially tolerable behavior. The killing has different connotations: some may view it as heroism, others identify it as a sin (Goode, 2016). However, some states consider homicide as a necessary measure in some instances. Primarily, taking a human life is legally condoned...

Job Satisfaction Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many established practices and arrangements in people’s social lives, medicine, and business. Many experts point out that these changes will continue to affect society, and workplaces, in particular, are not likely to be the same. Therefore, it seems relevant to look deeper into the transformations...

Social Class and Socialization Relations

Social class relates to a tightly bound and largely closed hierarchical set of social strata that determines its members’ life opportunities. It influences an individual’s future success and livelihood (Furstenberg, 2010). On the other hand, Lareau (2007) describes this concept as an aspect that divides society as per the underlying...

Trump’s Responsibility for the Charlottesville March

Introduction Racism has always been a pressing issue in the United States, which is still prevalent. The beginning of the 20th century bore witness to the re-emergence of ideas of white supremacy. Its most infamous manifestation took place in Charlottesville in 2017. Representatives of far-right ideologies marched, shouting anti-Semitic cries,...

Retail Trends of the Millennial Generation

Introduction Generation Y (Millennials) have confused many informed retailers for longer than a decade. They are characterized as those born within the early 1980s and the late 1990s (Fry, 2020). Most importantly, Millennials are currently the largest generation (Fry, 2020). Overall, about seventy-five million United States residents are part of...

Defining The Harm of Alcoholism Disease

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a public health issue, given that it is the most common cause of substance abuse disorder. According to Arya et al. (2017), it is associated with at least 200 diseases; in 2013, it was linked to 6% of deaths globally. Related findings have also been recorded...

Addressing School Shootings

Introduction School shootings are a pervasive safety and security issue that continues plaguing the nation for the past several decades. There is a need to implement effective and consistent solutions that would guarantee the safety of the population while also providing a measure for risk assessment and prevention. The issue...

Intersectionality of Gender With Race, Culture, and Politics

In contemporary world organizations, race, culture, and politics are keys to an individual’s personality. However, politics, culture, and race are intersected with gender to form inequitable and discriminatory world structures, thus, affecting life experiences. The intersectionality provides a theoretical context of learning through examining the dissimilar coinciding world classifications and...

Feminine Sexuality: Review

Feminine sexuality is associated with confusing and often contradicting messages. As explained by Tolman, girls often face double standards when it comes to expressing their sexuality (137). On the one hand, girls who are reserved in terms of clothing and behavior are labeled “virgins” or prudes (Tolman 138). On the...

Adolescents With the Experience of Juvenile Detention

Adolescents with juvenile detention’s previous experience face multiple social barriers such as neglect, lack of financial support, biased attitude, ineffective policies, and high risk of recidivism when trying to rehabilitate and acquire the appropriate education. Outline Introduction Background The rates of juvenile detention continue to grow today, which means that...

Is Racism a Natural Condition of Human Society?

Despite the widespread progressivism in the developed countries, the juncture demonstrates that the issue of racism does not belong exclusively to the times of slavery or institutional segregation. The discussion around the new wave of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the United States, for instance, proves that it stays...

At-Risk Youth and Sex Trafficking Issue

Introduction Children are an important part of life and an integral asset to society. Healthy development and growth are that which is responsible for the continued development of human civilization. By encouraging and securing Children’s safe upbringing, people can establish a society that will be carried on into the future....

Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society

The utopian vision of a peaceful world, in which all of the wars would end and violence vanish, has never been realised in practice. Some argue that it is due to contemporary economic and political approaches that prevent people prosperity and promote unethical conduct. Others believe that it is the...

Creating a Collage about Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction The black Lives Matter movement gathered a lot of public and media attention, so I decided to join in and create an art piece that would reflect my attitude towards the protests happening all over the United States and internationally. The Nature of Protests Eight minutes and forty-six seconds...

Alcohol Consumption: Negative Impacts

Introduction An alcoholic brew is consumed by several individuals to calm down or rest and exists as a collective icebreaker. It is a technique used by individuals to adjust their disposition by lessening embarrassment. Alcohol consumption is generally acknowledged and is routinely assumed to be offering the foundation of social...

Development of Meaning: Social Science Value

Like any other science, social science has led to discovering new ideologies and evidence through a continued exploration of hypothetical perceptions. Stuart Firestein (2013) in “The Pursuit of Ignorance” argued that science traces its evidence from the unknown and that the acknowledgment of what data fails to solidify fuels scientific...

Women and Political Leadership in America

For a significant period in history, men have held the most potent ranks in leadership. The past governmental construction was hugely archetypical with male political leaders, in both powerful and lesser positions. Until the last few decades, females in legal administrative offices were significantly lacking (Rhode 35). Women’s prejudice was...

The Teaching and Learning of Ethics

Introduction With the rising attention that is being accorded to ethical values both in research studies and specialized practice, there is a need to comprehend the way that such moral principles are attained. There is often the assumption that learners will easily realize necessary obligations as they continue with their...

Issue of Social Equity in Public Administration and Criminal Justice

Public administration plays a pivotal role in serving all the citizens in an equitable and honest manner, specifically the criminal justice workers, such as law enforcement officers, correction officers, and judges. They are highly responsible for facilitating efficient crime control measures, implementing innovative advanced policies, and encouraging a relationship of...

Reading Summary of Two Social Articles

Freedom of Association is Not the Answer In her study, Fine (2010) analyzes the premises underlying the concept of liberal principles of exclusion. The author bases her article on the investigation of Christopher Heath Wellman’s article, “Immigration and Freedom of Association.” Fine (2010) has summarized Wellman’s arguments on the states’...

Culture as a Key Point to the Gender Issue

Introduction The world is constantly on the move, and so is society. Back in the 19th century, it was hard to find a woman having a typical “masculine job” or a man spending time with his children all day long. The gender stereotypes, together with gender roles expectations, made life...

The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse

Introduction Drug abuse is one of the most prevalent crimes in the world. It is a concern for both local governments and international organizations. In fact, many countries around the world have understood that they cannot win the ‘war on drugs’ without a proper international cooperation. This came after the...

Miami Families: Financial Issues

Despite global efforts aimed at economic growth and people’s well-being, financial issues remain topical in developed nations. Miami, Florida, retains an image of an affluent city, and it may be difficult to imagine that some of its population experiences severe financial issues. Nevertheless, the area’s median income remains below the...

McGuffey’s Justification of Inequality

Starting with the 19th century, American education had to deal with the conflict of interest between poor and wealthy children. As representatives of both social classes were taught together, the tension was inevitable. William McGuffey offered a solution to this dilemma by teaching appropriate behavior through stories with moral lessons....

Addressing Health Care Access Barriers for Immigrant Women

Each year five to ten million people cross international borders to seek a new home all over the world; moreover, women make up more than half of the incoming immigrants. There are many reasons why the amount of immigrating women is higher; they include family reunification, economic incentives, and educational...

Personality and Communication Styles in the Workplace

Introduction The uniqueness of individual differences goes beyond personal appearances to personality. Personality entails how different people act and react in given situations. The personality style of an individual is more natural but also influenced by many other factors such as cultural orientation, interaction with other people and challenges faced....

Community Resources that Promote Safety. Marion Senior Services

Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe...

Free Will: Responsibility or Predetermination?

People use their free will to make decisions every day: what to eat for breakfast, when to leave home, how much time to spend on social media, and many others. The choice is often quick and subconscious; the current pace of living simply does not leave much time to analyze...

Killing Animals and Their Rights

Introduction The modern world changes fast, and people evidence multiple processes that have a significant impact on their lives. The rise of science, development of technologies and industries, along with the globalization and digitalization, are the basic features of contemporary societies. However, being involved in multiple significant processes and enjoying...

“Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Taylor

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book “Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” explores how the Black Lives Matter (BLM) began, its history, and how it came to shape the black liberation movement. It also features the role that neoliberalists played in the development of the BLM. Although most people would think the movement...

Black Lives Matter as a Sociological Issue

Event Background Today’s society and media context, in general, are replete with events that tend to interfere with the fundamentals of ethics and sociological issues. In fact, every single endeavor that takes place in the world has the ability to be assessed from a sociological perspective. However, one of the...

The American Deaf Community: Mission and Functions

Introduction Currently, the American Deaf Community is recognized as an indigenous linguistic and cultural minority group. Previously, deaf people were viewed as disabled or handicapped. Today’s society realizes that this cultural group has to be included in various cultures that cover the “hearing” educational, health, and other social services through...

Systemic Racism and the American Justice System

Introduction Systemic racism is not a myth as it was perceived since it affects many Americans, especially minority groups. One of the biases concerning this position is that most citizens consider justice systems as tools to serve a particular political agenda. Another way of thinking that may affect this kind...

Job Limitation and Gender Sensitivity

Various organizational structures, processes, and practices are some of the issues which undermine gender equality. Women, just like men, have rewarding ideas if given opportunities to be heard. Female employees are made to live with aspects of discrimination, yet their work production capability is substantial. Much worse, human resource managers...

The Impact of the COVID-19 on the Mexican and Black

Introduction Presently, the United States is one of the most affected countries that are facing substantial socioeconomic and human damage during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this situation, minorities, especially Mexican and black, remain the most vulnerable groups of the population because of predominant poverty and limited access to quality healthcare...

The Abortion Debate: The Conservative and Liberal Arguments Against

The conservative argument against abortion holds that abortion is not permissible, except under certain conditions. According to this perspective, abortion should only be allowed under some circumstances, such as pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. However, the extreme conservative position argues that abortion is not permissible under any circumstances (Sheldon,...

Social Workers’ Contribution to Elevating Welfare Programs Stigma

Introduction Once the problem of stigmatization is identified, it is necessary to develop strategies for eliminating it. Unfortunately, the stigma around social welfare programs is strong on the micro (self), meso (family, society, institutions), and macro (cultural) levels (Grand Challenges for Social Work, 2020). The approach to stigma elimination should...

Aspects of Privilege Reflection

Focusing on privilege as opposed to oppression has been a mostly comfortable experience for the author. Many of the items on it were not particularly controversial or difficult to accept, and the author went over their boxes without difficulty. The insinuation that some of these privileges are not available to...

Animal Poaching: Threat to the Biological Diversity

Animal poaching – killing and capturing animals in their natural habitats in order to use them or their body parts for profit or protect crops or livestock – poses an imminent threat to the biological diversity. This issue has been a problem for many years as traditional monitoring techniques proved...

Religion and Education Role in Socializing

Education not only passes on knowledge but also teaches an individual to take an active part in society’s life. Through education, a person learns about society’s history, political, and geographical position (Giddens et al., 2006). Moreover, this social institution provides an individual with credentials, allowing them to get a job...

Breaching Social Norms

During their lifetime, people generally contact with a considerable variety of material objects and enter into relationships with each other as well. Although there are different types of social interactions, social norms may be regarded as the most essential tool for their organization. In general, social norms determine what behavioral...

Poverty and Its Effects Upon Special Populations

Introduction The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most pervasive and persistent, as well as consistently ubiquitous. People are affected by poverty even in the states that are deemed as the safest financially, which is why it is important to look at the phenomenon of poverty as a composite...

The Need for Reforming the Current Immigration System in the US

Approximately, after the Second World War, the United States has become one of the countries that attract the largest numbers of immigrants. Despite that fact, current immigration policies need to be renewed in order to manage the flow of the newcomers more effectively. Even though the United States is considered...

Being Human: Human-Computer Interaction

Computers are everywhere. Computers already pervaded the homes and offices of many industrialised countries. Computers used to be considered as mere machines, tools to help man become more efficient. A complex machine that is a great help when it comes to processing a considerable amount of data. Computers can be...

Mass Incarceration and Race

The United States has the highest incidence of incarceration of its residents. Almost 2.5 million US citizens are in detention centers, and this is about one percent of the grown-up population at any particular time (Williams & Battle, 2017). African Americans form more than 30% of the imprisoned population despite...

Smoking and Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Introduction Among the extraordinarily vast range of habits that hurt one’s health, smoking is often seen as the most common one. Smoking is typically associated with a plethora of health issues, including respiratory complications, increased threat of heart disease, and other multiple concerns. However, due to a set of preconceptions...

Alcohol Abuse as It Pertains to High Risk Families

Introduction Substance abuse has been a great problem across the world and in particular, the abuse of alcohol. The United States has been faced with serious implications as a result of the issue of alcohol abuse. For this reason, there is increasing health promotion and disease prevention strategies that have...

The Structural Determinants of Neighborhoods and Crimes

Sociologists and criminologists believe that there are marked variations in crime rates across US neighborhoods. In their study Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earl examine the impacts of collective efficacy on violent or deviant behavior in the community. Their hypothesis is that social cohesion and peoples willingness to intervene...

The Webinar Organized by the U.S. Ethnic Writers

Webinar Reflections The webinar organized by the U.S. Ethnic Writers course teachers and students was supporting the Scholar Strike. It included a series of teachings meant as a form of social protest and inspired by Baldwin and Peck’s I am not Your Negro book and film. The speakers reflected upon...

Technological Sustainability in a Society

Introduction Human well-being in society is the fundamental key to development and is part of the signal to measure economic growth. To achieve economic growth in a given society, there should be the improvement of people’s welfare, and achievement of economic development requires efficient use of available natural resources to...

Domestic Abuse of the Mexican Women

Statement of the Problem In the article, the researcher has paid close attention to the findings and used them to explain his hypothesis on the reason as to why the Mexican women are reluctant to report cases of domestic abuse. However, the researcher has not paid close attention to the...

The Influence of Context on Individual Achievements

Why do some have everything while others have nothing? Why do some become successful while others drown in a river of failure? Why do some live to the fullest, while others just exist and even try to survive? There are two opposite points of view on these issues. On the...

The Problems of Racism in Modern Society

Introduction Racism is one of the oldest problems known to society. Although all humans in their essence are the same, many people are prone to this issue, considering one race better or worse than another. The analysis includes a comparison of two sources devoted to this topic. The first of...

What Should Be Considered to Effective Communication

Any researcher, speaker, or lecturer wants his or her document or presentation to have an appropriate effect on the audience. In general, people provide positive feedback if the ideas or findings of the author were clearly presented. However, for effective communication, the audience, context, media choices, and purpose of a...

How People Changed Their Communication Values

Communication is an integral part of society, without which it cannot exist. People share information both verbally using words and sounds and non-verbally using emotions, facial expressions, and gestures. Human relations can be described as a collection of various tools for transmitting information. Access to data is a crucial characteristic...

Mental Disorder and Criminogenic Behavior Association

Introduction There are quite a number of research studies that have explored the association between mental illness on the one hand, and violence, on the other hand (for example, Paterson et al 2004; Friedman, 2006; Sirotich 2008). Even then, there those amongst the scholars who are of the opinion that...

The Orphan Train Movement in the United States

In the mid-19th century, New York and other American cities were full of street children and orphans. In 1853, The Children’s Aid Society began a program known as The Orphan Train Movement (Gajda-Łaszewska, 2018). Orphans, mostly immigrants whose parents died, were grouped, put on trains, and transported until they were...

Difficulties in Communication of Children

Children of between 3-5 years of age that face difficulties in communication often consider playing a core part of their personalities. A challenging situation may stimulate a child refuse from engaging in play. When a kid is bullied by friends while playing, he or she may develop reduced ability to...

The Attitude to Inequality of Two People

In each society, there have always been people who differentiated from others. The characteristics that lead to the differences include sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other important issues. In some periods, those who did not belong to so-called standard groups were treated badly; at times though, they received...

Pride and Moral Pressure in A&P

Society consists of representatives of various communities and unspoken rules and norms that define the paradigm of everyday life. Sammy is the main character in the short story “A&P” by John Updike. The young man witnessed a taboo on female attractiveness in the 20th century with sexism and inequality characteristics....

Mary Church Terrell and Her Activist Achievements

Mary Church Terrell was an outstanding historical figure that was engaged in social activities in the late nineteenth and second half of the twentieth century. As an activist and defender of the rights of oppressed groups of people, she acted at the macro-level of social work, which involved fighting for...

A New Cultural Order: New Americans Stir Old Fears

Immigration is a major issue facing developed countries such as the United States. It is the act of moving people who are not natives or do not possess necessary documentation to settle as permanent residents to a destination country. This paper aims to discuss the perspectives which Native Americans had...

Biopsychologic Model of Alcohol Consumption

Treatments To achieve the best results, it is vital to incorporate methods effective against a specific type of addiction. Reportedly, medical treatment is the most effective in combating alcoholism (Anderson Redal, Thomas, Sim, & Campbell, 2019). The second and third best treatments are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and non-medical outpatient care...

The Needle Exchange Program: Aims and Drawbacks

The needle exchange program’s main objective is to reduce the number of bloodborne disease cases by preventing the reuse of needles. According to evidence by Fernandes et al. (2017) and Elkins (2017), needle exchange programs are effective for reducing the number of bloodborne diseases. Mainly, Fernandes et al. (2017) found...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Motivation

Maintaining a healthy level of self-esteem and self-respect seems to be indispensable for a well-functioning person. Esteem needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy represent a desire to have a realistic and, at the same time, positive opinion about oneself. Statements similar to “it is important for me to do the best job...