Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services

Chapter 3 has clearly stated a number of ethical issues that relate to minority groups in society. It highlights the introduction of such issues as far as social research is concerned. Ethics are crucial in this research as they involve free people who are the subject of the investigation and...

Crime and Delinquency Theories

Profane, sacred, social constructions ‘Profane’ is something or some reference to a person who is not respectful of Orthodox traditions, mainly in a religious context. On the other hand, ‘sacred’ refers to something that is religious and is connected to God, usually referring to or being attached to a religious...

Partnership Working: Theory and Practice

Reflection Overall, my learning activities during this meeting and the entire module helped me get a deeper insight into the concept of partnership and its relevance to the work of different public service organizations. Overall, I would like to discuss the meeting during which students were prompted to act as...

Cornel West Theories: The Three Pillars of Human Existence and Reasoning

Democracy, as a highly sophisticated social virtue, has frequently been regarded as a utopian thought of peoples having the power over their lives and their choices. Here, the word “utopian” is used intentionally to emphasize the complexity of individual perception of this model and its roots. While striving for democracy...

Maritza’s Human Service Program Evaluation

If this was the first run of Maritza’s program, and you conducted a formative evaluation, what would you expect the evaluation to reveal? How would this help Maritza for the future of her program? A formative evaluation is a process for measuring the results of a program. The evaluation involves...

Understanding Sexual Harassment Law in Action

Based on the scenario, does Paula have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile work environment harassment? Based on the scenario, Paula is viable to hostile work environment harassment. Sexual harassment can either be a hostile environment or quid pro quo (MacKinnon & Reva, 2004)....

Single System Research Design

Introduction To start with, let me introduce the concept of a single system research design. According to Miller (n.d.), it “involves studying a single individual or system by taking repeated measurements of 1 or more dependent variables and systematically applying & sometimes, withdrawing or varying the independent variable” (p. 5)....

Social Psychology and Online Communication

How do you perceive simulations, including telepresence, influencing education, and training in the future, in response to your social media readings and discussions? As it is known, nowadays simulations and online communication have become a part of many people’s lives; they are already used in many fields. One of such...

Public Administration: Employment Equity

Introduction Rights can be defined as claims for privileges. Rights are hardly granted, instead, they are usually won. Rights are usually claimed by the underprivileged. However, when granted, rights apply to everyone. Claim for rights usually arises due to conflict between the violator and the violated. For instance, there is...

Gender Roles and Social Groups

Hypothesis: Those males who share the traditional vision of gender roles in the society are more likely to commit sexual harassment Independent variable: The males’ traditional vision of gender roles. To support this variable, it is possible to ask the following question: Do you share the traditional vision of gender...

Sociological Diversity and Its Impact on Crime Rate

Hypothesis: People in a lower social class have more chances of engaging in crime than those in a higher social class Independent variable Social class- how much do you earn on an annual basis? Response categories are $0-$1 million+ Dependent variable Crime- have you ever engaged in crime? Categorical variables...

Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Society

Sociology Essays What is meant by the concept of multinucleated metropolitan regions and how is it different from urban development of the past? Explain the socio-spatial approach to urban Sociology and the links with global capitalism, the real estate industry, government policies, pull factors, the social organization of settlement space,...

A Profile of Low-Income Working Immigrant Families

Introduction The article “A profile of low-income working immigrant families” is a 2005 publication by The Urban Institute Series B, number B-67, and has been authored by Randy Capps, Michael Fix, Everett Henderson, and Jane Reardon-Anderson. The article focuses on the experiences and needs of low-income immigrant families. Low-Income Working...

Income, Achievement, and Culture Gaps in the US

Income Gaps The modern world is going through all kinds of crises these days. This sad statistic can be observed in Europe and in Asia. Unfortunately, the United States of America is not an exception either. The waves of financial crisis and the growing rate of unemployment keep hitting our...

“The Rights of the Nonhuman World” by Mary Warren

Why do sentient nonhuman animals have certain basic moral rights? Sentient non-human animals are supposed to have certain moral rights because they have the capacity to distinguish pleasure and pain. Moreover, they have a tendency to avoid painful experiences. In this case, the capacity to suffer is the main reason...

Human Service Professional in New Harbor Community

One of the primary responsibilities of human service workers is to look into issues affecting individuals or societies (Woodside & McClam, 2014). These issues are related to poverty, family services, employment, and social interaction, to mention a few. Such personnel can either operate directly with their clients or unique populations,...

The Impact of Slavery

Slavery had a massive impact upon the development of the United States of America and on the transformation of the African-American ethnic group into the way it currently is. This was not an easy period of time for the slaves, and it took a massive toll on human lives, physical...

Solidifying the Company’s Hiring and Promotion Process

The decision definitely has a great effect on the promotion procedure of the company. This is mainly because the enterprise’s 1800 staff comprises individuals from varied backgrounds, though the majority are United States natives. The company’s hiring and promotion processes have always been transparent and the test is mandatory during...

Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Development

The implications of globalization on economic and social rights Globalization has had a massive impact on the economic and social rights of people across the world. Based on Bryzk’s definition of globalization, it is clear that a globalized world makes it easy to have a free flow of information and...

Males’ Stereotypes in Professional and Family Life

The study in question dwells upon the way males’ stereotypes are manifested in such domains as professional life (football) and family life (Steinfeldt, Wong, Hagan, Hoag & Steinfeldt, 2011). The dependent variables were such domains as success, power, and competition; restrictive affective behavior between men, restrictive emotionality, conflict between work...

Community of the Miami Beach City

Community Assessment This type of assessment is of great help in understanding a community as well as several aspects associated with it, which deals with all the services available within a community. In many instances, it is important information to know so that nurses know what kind of access people...

Ethics of Computer Technology in the London Riots

​Introduction Information Technology is closely associated with computer and communication. Instigating from fiscal 1990, the fields of information technology and communication were combined to form information and communication technology (ICT). This has led to the creation of electric products which are merged devices that can multitask. For example, a cellphone...

Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction

Introduction I have chosen the topic of Black Theology and its impact on drug addiction because I have experienced the impact of opioid addiction on my family. My mother has been addicted to prescription opioids for approximately eight years, and it has been a highly traumatic experience for the family....

Domestic Violence Experienced by Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Oram et al. (2013) suggest that there is a direct linkage between the incidence of domestic violence experienced by patients with psychiatric disorders and the nature of their disorders in terms of prevalence, severity, and sociological factors such as age and gender among the control group. Introduction Oram et...

Psychiatric Patients Experiencing Abuse

Introduction Topic Research question: Are psychiatric patients much more vulnerable to domestic abuse than others because of the unique aspects of their conditions? Working thesis: Psychiatric patients have to deal with domestic violence because they are viewed as extremely vulnerable most of the time, and they lack understanding from the...

Domestic Violence Problem: Psychiatric Patients

Introduction The problem of domestic violence experienced by psychiatric patients is particularly acute now that the statistics show the rapidly growing number of cases of family abuse (Chanmugam, Triplett, & Kelen, 2013). As long as the need for addressing the problem urgently seems to be evident, the question consequently comes...

Personality Versus Alcohol

Abstract This dissertation examines the influences of alcohol on personality through a multidimensional study of numerous studies and experiments performed by scientists around the world. By scrutinizing the existing research, I elucidate the process by which alcohol impacts personality. The phenomenon studied in this paper comprises the role of personality...

Social Experiment: Informal Norms of Gender Issues

Since we live in a society, we need to adhere to the social norms, and they have long become part of our life. With many years of adhering to the social norms, we stop noticing that we unwillingly and unconsciously obey them. Deviation from the accepted norms and behavior concepts...

Multicultural Competence in Social Work

Working with multicultural groups The social worker has to explore their own beliefs and differences, whereby they also find out the new aspects of their personality. I believe that racial/ethnic identity development is especially crucial for individuals, including social workers. Our self-perception and identity development depend on the images, stereotypes,...

Equal Opportunity Advisor Constructing Personal Visions

I have always cherished the dream of becoming an Equal Opportunity Advisor as I possessed an aptitude for matters relating to civil rights as well as Commandant Instructions. During my life so far, I have seen people, who, despite being highly talented and capable, have not been able to rise...

Human Services for Immigrants in New Harbor

Just like any other professional in the human services sector, Robert is expected to deliver his services in an ethical manner. Although confidentiality and privacy are vital in the profession, some federal, state, and local laws may provide various exceptional circumstances under which the information can be disclosed to another...

“Care Leavers and Public Services Peer Research” by Lopata

Methodology Methods Used The research in question is based on a “purely qualitative” method as participants were interviewed, and the scripts of the interviews were analyzed (Lopata 2011, p. 5). Notably, the methodology used had quite significant peculiarities, which enabled researchers to acquire more detailed and relevant data. It is...

Anti-Smoking Persuasion: Rhetorical Situation Analysis

Introduction The menace of smoking amongst youth is ruining their future. The smoking craze is picking up fast and good chunk of teenagers are smoking vigorouslyin colleges and high schools in the United States of America. This paper narrates about a rhetoric moment in which I had an argument with...

Joining Gangs Explained by Sociological Theories

Hypothesis The population of the inner city is likely to join gangs. Independent Variable The inner city – where do you live? Response categories are the inner city or other suburbs. Dependent Variable Joining gangs – are you a representative of any gang? Response categories are yes or no. Structural...

Subculture and Employment in Sociological Theories

Hypothesis Prominent representatives of subcultures are less likely to be hired for a top-paying job than the general citizens. Independent Variable (Sub)cultural affiliation – are you a prominent representative of any subculture different from the dominant culture of your community? Response categories are yes or no. Dependent Variable Job –...

Becoming Effective in Dealing with Other People

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills Conducting interview-based research helped me to realize that letting people know what you expect from them is a key to finding appropriate answers to my requests. As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This...

Domestic Violence as a Research Topic

The possible topic for research The main questions to consider are: What is the contemporary perspective on the issue of domestic violence? What are the long-term effects of it? Do both parties involved in domestic violence equality contribute to the emergence of it? What are the possible ways to prevent...

Sociological Theories: Education and Work Abroad

Hypothesis Individuals with higher education levels prefer working in a foreign country. Independent Variable The level of education: What is your level of education? The response categories are primary, secondary, diploma, bachelors, masters, and doctorate levels Dependent Variable Preference to work in a foreign country: Do you prefer working in...

Sociology: Economic Class and Health Insurance

Hypothesis: Higher economic class people are more likely to have a comprehensive health insurance Independent variable: Economic class, what is the average household income? Category of targeted respondents: Those with average household income from $0 to infinity Dependent variable: Health insurance, do you have a comprehensive life cover for your...

Sociology: Economic Level and Drinking Culture

Hypothesis People at the lower economic level are likely to be binge drinkers. Independent Variable The economic level: What economic level describes your living standard? The response categories are lower, medium, and higher economic levels. Dependent Variable Drinking behavior: Do you consume alcohol heavily? The categories of responses to heavy...

Are African Americans More Harassed by Police?

Hypothesis: Members of the African American community are more likely to be harassed by the police than members of other ethnic groups Independent variable: Ethnic affiliation Response Category: Different ethnic groups willing to confess their interaction with the police Dependent variable: Police harassment Response category: Were you harassed by the...

Colonialism and European Refugee Crisis

A definition of colonialism Colonialism refers to the arrangement taken by a country or society to take over full or partial political control. Upon takeover, the dominating country fills the host with its settlers and proceeds to exploit the host economically and socially. Its mandate then turns to the expansion...

Student Commencement Address at American University

American University has always been a place for speeches, ever since the famous speech “A Strategy of Peace” given by the President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963. Despite the fact that the President spoke about the importance of peace for his country in the context of that decade,...

Responsibility Areas in Personal Life

I first encountered the notion of responsibility when I was six years old. I was told that taking out the trash was my responsibility. It meant that, if the trash was not taken out by the end of a day, I was the one to blame. Since then, my understanding...

Responsibility and Its Meaning in Personal Life

Introduction Every human being is a unique creature that has its own peculiarities and perspectives on numerous issues and problems that arise in the course of his/her development. The approach to these questions and the ways to solve the most nagging problems are predetermined by an individuals value system and...

Responsibility from a Personal Standpoint

The concept of responsibility is fascinating because every person understands it differently. To me, a responsible human being is someone who acknowledges his or her influence on the life of other people, as well as on the world in general, and acts wisely. A responsible person cares not only for...

Ethical Conduct in Psychology Research

Ethical behavior in academic and scientific writing is associated with the absence of plagiarism and falsification. Thus, an ethical academic writer cannot plagiarize, and he/she has to make sure that the data provided are valid (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016). Notably, these aspects are also important in the business world. Inability...

Social Worker’s Ethical Dilemma of Confidentiality

Cheryl’s family comes to me, as they face difficulties while communicating with her after a brain injury (Hutchison, 2011). Seeing that they are confused and do not know how to act in the current situation I want to help them, but it is inadmissible to talk about Cheryl’s case even...

Aging Population Issues and Legislative Protection

What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? Ageism is the natural course of getting old. All living human beings get old after a certain number of years. There are a lot of changes that accompany aging – body, appearance, conduct, health, and approach. Ironically,...

Alcohol Abuse’ Treatment Among the Elderly

Introduction Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among medical practitioners and society in general. According to Ham (2007), abuse of alcohol by aging individuals may pose serious health problems to the victims because of the reduced ability of the body system to manage the...

Blog Writing, Its Benefits and Practical Tips

Introduction A blog (or a weblog) is an “online journal where an individual, group or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs” (Dennis, 2014, para. 1). The first of them was created in 1992, and since then the popularity of this kind of communication has been increasing at...

Responsibility Project: Spotlighting Local Leaders

Introduction The Responsibility Project is a website that contains much information devoted to different aspects of responsibility. The website includes articles, blogs, and videos to consider the problem of responsibility from different angles. Responsibility and organizational issues are connected when it deals with working performance. The Spotlighting Local Leaders section...

Intercultural Encounter and Communication Barriers

Context The experience involved interaction with an African American person. The purpose of the interaction was to enquire direction to a certain place. The person that I was interacting with was a complete stranger and there was hesitation on my part to ask the direction from him. He seemed unkempt...

Ethics for Policy Planners and Analysts

Ethics and its types Ethics refers to the process through which people determine what is right and wrong (Dunn, 2015). Also, it comprises the actions that stem from the conclusions made regarding right and wrong. Ethics is a vital aspect of all professions, including planning and analysis. Each profession has...

American Population’s Profile in 2010

Aging is regarded as one of the most serious issues of developed countries. This is also a significant concern for the USA. For instance, the number of people in their 20s equals to the number of Americans who are in their 50s. However, the population of children under ten is...

Gender Stereotypes in Family and Academic Settings

The persistence of gender stereotypes in the USA as well as the rest of the world is one of the most burning issues. These stereotypes often pose various barriers to people’s entry into this or that sphere. It is necessary to note that the research of stereotypes is often associated...

Neurocognitive Habilitation Therapy for Children

Case analysis The study was conducted by Wells, Chasnoff, Schmidt, Telford & Schwartz (2012) with a focus on enhancing the cognition of children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. The study entailed the development of an experimental group that was compared with a control group. The...

Moral Right to Breaking the Law

The law serves to protect the rights and freedoms of the people on which it is imposed and to ensure that these people are governed democratically. It can thus, be argued that the spirit of the law is the provision of fairness, equality, and good governance. In some isolated cases,...

Diversity and Society: Race, Ethnicity and Gender

Abstract Self-identification is a complex process, and it includes answers to questions of how a person views his or her ethnicity and culture; whether a person feels privileged or discriminated ideologically, personally, or institutionally; and even how an individual can identify oneself sexually. Each person needs to answer all these...

The Speech of Thomas Friedman

Introduction The video that we have been required to watch is the speech of Thomas Friedman, the journalist, and writer, who works as a columnist at The New York Times. The speech is well presented and delivered. At first, Friedman seems a bit nervous and constrained; he says “erm” a...

The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

The key question that was raised by Warren was the status of any given fetus and whether it made the latter a person. The idea consisted in the fact that even if the fetus had any rights, it could not overturn the rights of a woman (Warren 44). In the...

Civil Rights: Same-Sex Marriage in Texas

Introduction The fight for civil rights and freedoms is something that has been redefining the history of the United States for many decades. This struggle has made it possible for more people to live in a society that appreciates its freedoms. However, the question of civil liberties has taken a...

The Influence of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits

Introduction to Artemisia Gentileschi’s heritage a famous Italian artist of the Baroque period numerous debates over her works considered a talented and professional artist often treated as a mediocre painter self-portraits as a significant part of her artistic heritage self-portraits popular among feminist supporters impact of self-portraits on the feminist...

“When May I Shoot a Student?” by Greg Hampikian

America has always been grounded on social groups interests and focused on complying the individual needs. The fulfillment of the citizens’ needs by federal and state structures makes American policy. According to Hrebenar and Scott, “the number of participants in American group policies has significantly expanded” (11). But what if...

Language and Cross-Cultural Communication Issues

Who’s on the line? Indian call center agents pose as Americans for the US – outsourced firms One of the major effects of globalization has been the amalgamation of major corporate houses across the globe. The simultaneous advancement in communication technology has further opened new avenues for companies all over...

Domestic Violence as a Pressing Issue

Selected Topic I selected the topic of domestic violence because it is a pressing issue on which the public cannot agree. The controversial depiction of abuse as an attempt to educate a child does not allow this problem to be eliminated. Thus, it was important for me to address this...

Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems

The minority students still lag behind The NCLB has attempted to create an enabling environment for all the students. In the process, those from the minority groups still lag as the whites continue to benefit. The NCLB should have been specifically set to cater to the racially segregated. Federal underfunding...

Proficient Writing: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Proficient writing is a skill developed through regular practice and response to issues raised by readers. It is a two-pronged approach reflecting on one’s writing style and responding to readers’ feedback and evaluations. In two of my previous rhetorical analysis essays, I analyzed Al Gore’s Nobel speech on global...

Writing Skills and Its Effects

Introduction Writing is a skill that grows with time and gets refined with enough practice. Fluency and creativity help writers write excellent articles, consequently enabling the audience to understand the written papers. Depending on how well a writer has mastered writing skills, it affects the quality of work produced. At...

How Personal Can Ethics Get?

Introduction Ethical decisions are essential aspects, which make efficient running of organizations possible. It is evident that, everyone evaluates ethical matters in the best way they understand. Thus, to avoid disagreement involving a person’s views and institution norms, organizations have put up rules and measures that guide individuals during decision-making....

Gender Stereotypes and Employment’ Correlation

Moss-Racusin, Dovidio, Brescoll, Graham and Handelsman (2012) focus on the way gender stereotypes affect employment patterns in academics. They use an experimental approach to check their hypothesis. The research question can be formulated as follows. Will science faculty members reveal preferential evaluation of a male science student to work in...

The Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace

Martin and Barnard (2013) employ the grounded theory approach to explore females’ experiences in male-dominated professions. The use of the approach is evident as the researchers used unstructured interviews to collect data. The data were transcribed, and later initial codes were developed. After that, the axial coding was implemented. The...

Gender Identities Within the Farm Family

The article in question focuses on gender stereotypes and the distribution of roles within Western European families living on farms. This research is the case study as Shortall (2014) focuses on one group. The study concentrates on a particular group, Western European farmers’ families. The case study involves the analysis...

Standards of the Ethical Code: Children and Poverty

The research that will be done will focus mainly on children and poverty. It seeks to study how poverty affects children development; in order to successfully do this, it will deal with questions like; how is poverty related to development of children? Does severity of poverty amongst children vary in...

My Negotiation Style

In most aspects of our lives, conflicts of interest are bound to arise. Disputes can be healthy for personal and communal development. However, all this is dependent mainly on the matches not being allowed to spiral out of control. As such, negotiation tactics are essential as they provide one with...

“The Sociological Imagination” by Charles Mills

In his article on the Sociological Imagination, the sociologist C. Wright Mills discusses the issues of the “personal struggles of the milieu” vs. “the public issues of social structure”. Outline the ways “social media” is impacting both our personal lives and larger social relations. A social network can be defined...

Regular and Friendly Emails Examples

Routine E-mail To: All members of staff! Subject: The New Financial year Hello, We hope you spent some lovely days with your friends and family during the past holidays. Welcome to this new financial year. We have done everything possible to provide you with many tenders for you to bid,...

Conflict Management Strategies

How would you ensure sufficient discussion of contentious issues in a workgroup? How can managers bring unspoken conflict into the open without making them worse? It is not an easy task to ensure appropriate fair discussions of contentious issues that may take place in a workgroup. It is very important...

Unequal Privileges in 2015

Introduction The annals of history are replete with inequalities in human relations including, discrimination based on religion, ethnic extraction, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Discrimination has never augured well with many people and so abolitionists still clamor for justice and equality, and have made major strides towards ending it. Nevertheless,...

Racial and Ethnic Biases Management in Healthcare

Managing Racial or Ethnic Biases Even though many years have already passed since the civil rights movement, racism and ethnic biases remain to be the issues that bother many American citizens. In American society, there are groups organized based on racial hate, ethnic attacks, and other misunderstandings that touch upon...

Understanding Group Dynamics and Behaviour

Dynamics in the Interactions of the 12 disciples The disciples underwent all the four major stages that small groups normally go through in their development. First, there was the forming stage in which Jesus had to select the right members of the group. He had to exercise extreme care in...

Generational Differences Issues: Challenges of Young People

Abstract This essay is aimed at discussing three articles written by Jeffery Zaslow (2013), Stephen Marche (2014), and Lee Rainie (2014) who examine the challenges that can be faced by young individuals. Some of these obstacles can be attributed to various generational differences. For instance, one can mention the attitudes...

“My Mother’s Strange Definition of Empowerment” TED Talk by Khadija Gbla

In this TED talk, Khadija Gbla discusses the two different definitions of empowerment she learned from her mum when they lived in Sierra Leone and the one she got when they migrated to Australia. Her mother’s definition of empowerment was circumcision. She told her that it stifled her sexual urges...

Domestic Violence Article and Conservation Model

Strengths and Weaknesses The abstract is comprehensible and excellently systematized into headings: objective, methods, results, and conclusion, which discuss the content, in brief, devoid of being verbose. The objective listed in the article delineates the rationale behind the study. Irrespective of the absence of an excellently represented literature review section,...

Violence and Violent Crimes in the US

Analysis I find the chapter interesting because it addresses the issue of violent crime in the United States, which has been a problem affecting almost all communities, regions, and states. In particular, I developed an interest in the history and origins of violent crime in the US. For instance, I...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information...

Suicide Among Veterans Issue

The increase in suicide rates among veterans frightens and reveals the magnitude of mental challenges experienced by the group. The most worrying aspect of Clay Hunt’s interview was the revelation that 22 veterans die daily from suicide (CBS News, 2013). Unfortunately, many recruits to the army fit the profile of...

Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

Introduction During the legally forced labor in America, which took place between 1830 and 1865 when towards the end of the civil war, African American narrators intensified one of the country’s truly aboriginal kinds of published texts. The narrative by Douglass examines the North American slave story. Just like all...

Altruistic Punishment in Humans

Basic questions posed The main question that the authors sought to find answers to is why people involve themselves in punishing others in a group, yet there are minimal chances of gaining from executing the punishment. Cooperation among people in a team is promoted by altruistic punishment; that is, punishment...

People with Disability: Issues, Perception and Laws

What does the ADA provide for people with disabilities? The Americans with Disability Act was passed by Congress in 1990. According to the provisions of this act, it is illegal for businesses and organizations to practice discrimination based on disabilities. All people, with or without disabilities, have an equal right...

Models of Mass Communication and Opinion Leadership

Introduction A summary of diffusion of innovations by Robinson Les. The diffusion of innovations is a broad topic that tries to find out how innovations are taken up in a population. Innovation is a behavior, a new idea, or an object that seems to be new to its audience. In...

The Social Capital of Young People

They’re battle scars Using the theoretical works of Hauser et al (2006, p.5), Rutter (1999), Masten et al (2009), Luther et al (2000), McDermott and Graham (2005), Drapeau et al (2007) and Thomson et al (2002), the authors present their own survey research findings to explore how a sample of...

Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and Evaluation

According to Aristotle, rhetoric involves identifying something persuasive in order to convince the audience. In his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans. However, he says that the monument...

Everybody Can: Meaning of Quote

First is to state that most of us would consider this statement to be out of order and insensible. However, I would like to declare it a natural truth because it determines the fate of all men and women. In a bid to show this, I will evaluate the quote...

Feminist Autonomous on Unpaid Work Web 2.0

Introduction While researching articles about Autonomist Feminists, I came across various texts that describe their contribution to the capitalist society. My goal in this paper is to respond to two research questions. My first research question refers to the unwaged labor of Web 2.0. My second research question refers to...

Illegal Immigrants: Controversial Issues

Enduring Question Should illegal immigrants be allowed to apply for a green card or citizenship if they have resided in the United States for a substantial number of years? What I Already Know There are two categories of illegal immigrants: those who crossed the border illegally without being inspected by...

“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz

The third edition of Global issues by Seitz is an introductory analysis to most of the factors that influence the environment, economy, and society (Seitz 2007). The book has a very wide coverage of various perspectives in different societies in as far as continued development is concerned. These issues have...

Discover Canada: Potential Citizens and Immigrants

Introduction I agree with the study guide on The ‘Discover Canada’ booklet. I feel is very important for those who wish to become Canadian citizens. This offers the basic concepts with which the citizens benefit by enjoying equality rights, religious rights, and so on. The employment of these rights is...

Listening Process’ Strategy and Effectiveness

Introduction The effective listening process is often challenged by many barriers that prevent persons from sharing ideas effectively. My listening habits are also imperfect, and I often suffer from such listening barriers as the focus on my mobile phone and concentration on what I want to say to the person...

Crimes in Intimate Relationships

Use of term abuse The term violence refers to the intentional and improper handling of other persons which results in harming them and many of the times the person who is being abused is injured. The use of the term abuse to refer to the violence in intimate relationships for...

Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts

Compare and contrast the effectiveness of group therapy. What elements are particularly helpful for the group? What elements are potentially detrimental to group dynamics? The type of addicts best suited for the Self-Evaluation Group are learners who have to abuse drugs to perform an array of tasks as individuals or...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Effectiveness

The 2008 Illinois state report for the effectiveness of treatment The main aim of treating individuals who have undergone substance abuse and addiction is to offer a channel of services that can assist towards their recovery and support system, treatment of addicted persons, early intervention programs, and community intervention (Saddler,...

Male Teacher Recruitment Issues and Efforts

Few male teachers are teaching in the majority of schools around the world. This is an indication that the teaching profession is more feminized. Research shows that male teachers account for only 25% of all the teachers. This is likely to impact negatively on the performance of boys in schools....

Gender Differences in Mate Selection

Abstract I have studied gender differences in mate selection from advertisements from the personals columns of the newspaper. They contain advertisements of ‘men seeking women’ and ‘women seeking men’ adverts. In this case, questionnaires were used as a method of data collection in the field. I generated and created random...

Community Library’s Role in Civic Involvement

The community library plays a vital role in empowering the community with regard to civic rights and democratic participation. Education reinforces the participation in democracy and civic life by triggering an informed decision making in the light of the power of consents (Seigel, 2003, p 17). Unfortunately, in many schools...

Face-to-Face and Virtual Transactions in Library

The Interview at the reference desk In order to write this report, I visited a large academic library. It took me some time to locate the reference desk since I could not notice any signs pointing the directions, so I had to ask one of the visitors how it can...

The Treatment of Alcohol Abuse among the Elderly

Introduction Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among medical practitioners and society in general. According to Ham (2007), abuse of Alcohol by aging individuals may pose serious health problems to the victims because of the reduced ability of the body system to manage the...

Human Rights in Israel-Gaza and West Bank Regions

Gaza Region In 2008-2009, the Israeli military intervened in Gaza in order to stop Hamas from establishing its rule in Gaza. The war took 22 days. It was termed as Operation Cast Lead. In 2005, Israel had erected barriers around the Gaza region, which did not allow people to move...

Human Rights Advocates vs. Terrorism Victims

Abstract Recently the issue of terrorism has raised major security concerns throughout the world. This concern has increased the need to have effective counter terrorism measures in place. However, the fight against terrorism has led to controversy and friction between the measures taken by the state counter terrorism committee to...

Generational Differences in Work and Career Growth

Introduction The concept of generation as a viable source of social stratification was introduced by Mannheim in 1952. It was one of the key areas of study that had to be researched to gain further knowledge in the field of sociology (Mannheim, 1952). In such a way, Mannheim tried to...

Color Feminism and Feminist Scholarship

Introduction Stasiulis enumerates two themes concerning color feminism. The first theme is based on the understanding of the interconnectivity of the other social differences such as race, class, and sex as the process of development of privileges and oppression. The second theme is to give greater priority race and racism...

Egyptian Revolution: Macrosociological Perspective

The protests and subsequent ousting of the then President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak are what has emerged to be called the Egyptian Revolution. Civil resistance, non-violent disobedience, and labor strikes characterized the revolution. People from different social and economic backgrounds took part in the demonstrations. It began by calling for...

Social Differences Becoming Political

Social differences due to differences in culture, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. have a major impact on political participation and association. From a classical economics point of view of the scarcity of resources and the continuous fight among people for gaining control over this scarce resource, groups in form of gender,...

Generations’ Traits: From Baby Boomers to Gen Z

The social environment in the formative years of growth developed unequaled characters for each generation. The differences range from natural things like an age to beliefs regarding work, family values, roles, and aspirations. There is no commonly agreed on dates when each generation began but there are only estimates. Baby...

Canadian Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928 and Later

Initially when Alberta’s Sexual Sterilization Act of 1928 was drafted it aimed to forcefully sterilize inmates in mental hospitals with a record of mental illness or disorder white being discharged from asylums or mental health institutes. Though the sterilization program was aimed at both the sexes, the representation of women...

Human’s Aggressive Nature in Social Settings

Abstract This paper uses the discursive framework of a Rogerian argument to promote the idea that, even though humans are true ‘naturally’ predisposed towards aggression, it is thoroughly justified to discuss their predisposition, about what happened to be the affiliated social settings. Introduction The fact that people are being more...

Anglicare Company’s Communication Structures

Executive summary This is a report of an interview held with Sarah Drum a worker with Anglicare. The interview was purposed to find out the organization’s communication structures. With this as a guide, it was easy to formulate the questions even before I met with the interviewee. This was measured...

Social Structure and Behavior Theories

What is a violent subculture? Why do some subcultures seem to stress violence? How might participants in a subculture of violence be turned toward less aggressive ways? Nowadays, there is a great number of different movements which have many adherers among the youth. Sometimes, some of these movements become so...

Real World and Its Place in Social Theory

Introduction Sears and Cairns explain that, often, we perceive the real world as an external element in our lives, which we have no control over (83). Also, they make us understand that the real world, which we perceive as an external creation of unknown forces is the making of our...

Personal Ethical Development and Influences

Introduction The world is composed of a huge population with each person having different behaviors from the other. Every individual has a set of personal beliefs and values in society. Personal values and the moral reasoning that translates these values into behavior are important factors in determining the behavioral aspects...

African American Minority in the School Workplace

Interviewing the Minority Interviewer: Student from ABC College Interviewee: Kane Familia, a certified science teacher in a secondary school. Where do you work and is your organization government-based or privately owned? Currently, I am employed as a senior science teacher at a privately owned secondary school. In our school, we...

Minority and Dominant Groups in the United States

Social diversity concepts A society cannot be homogenous. No matter what state, city, or any other area is being under analysis, there will always be basic differences in the backgrounds of its dwellers; and, no matter what aspect is used to draw the line between different members of society, there...

Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution

There is no doubt that social media has increased the power of communication between families, friends, and even among strangers. The Internet has become an important tool that links millions of people around the world. Although it is more convenient to send emails now, instant messaging and video calls are...

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution

The focus on building strong social ties Today, a great percentage of the person’s social activities can be realized within such social networks as Twitter and Facebook and with the help of sharing YouTube videos. However, the role of social media for influencing real-life activities is also important because Twitter...

Domestic Violence: Analysis and Evaluation of Articles

Abstract This paper is an evaluation of peer-reviewed articles that touch on the subject of domestic violence. The first article addresses the current state of domestic violence against women in Nepal. The second article seeks ways of fostering collaboration between child protection services and domestic dispute departments. The third article...

Chinese Immigrant’s Experience in the United States

Immigration to the US has been reported to be one of the most “complex phenomenons” that has resulted in considerable population growth in this particular country. Apart from causing high population growth, immigration to the US is an incident that has dramatically brought many changes in society. In fact, the...

“Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service” by McAdam and Brandt

Summary of the Article The article under consideration dwells upon the civic commitment of people who had TFA experience. The major question which the researchers try to answer is as follows: “do the subsequent service commitments of participants show significant effects of the TFA experience, net of other explanatory variables?”...

Personal Responsibility, Ethics, and Values

Introduction Personal responsibility is defined as being responsible for oneself and the safety and demands of others. For any student to prosper at school, s/he has to be organized, meaning that s/he should be personally responsible for his/her learning by being organized. Students ought to be focused on attaining the...

Sexism, Democracy, and Modernization

The fundamentals of sexism and its relation to democracy When writing about sexism and its relation to democracy and modernization, I would like to prove how the issue of our discussion supports democracy. Generally, my argument will be quite simple. I would like the readers could draw their attention to...

The DREAM Act for Young American Immigrants

Introduction I support the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors). The DREAM Act is not a law. It is an American legislative proposal that the Senate introduced in 2001 (Galindo 600). It addresses issues encountered by young people from immigrant families, who grew up and graduated from...

Social Construct of Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict

Ethnicity can be taken to mean a social creation that generally separates people into diverse social groupings based on definite distinctiveness like a common language, culture and traditions, history, and geography, among others. It is arguably true to state that ethnic conflicts experienced today especially in most African countries are...

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Staff Evaluation

The article is a study of the factors that bar or facilitate evidence by staff in a vocational agency. The report addresses, among other things, the ease of locating and comprehending research findings, implementation funds, professional collaboration, and upcoming research. This article relates to the professional association because it focuses...

Ethnic Identity and Worldview Development

Introduction Our society can only function productively if its members learn how to co-exist harmoniously. This harmonious existence can only come about if everyone follows certain values that guide and inform their choices and actions. These normally well-established norms are known as ethics and they normally determine the purpose and...

Creating Cultural Competence in Interactions With Children

How does the era when the book was published influence how the book might affect the development of children’s attitudes toward people of other cultures? What is the benefit or drawback of using literature to teach about cultural diversity? In the book, cultural diversity is presented in a perfect way...

Domestic Work and Motherhood in Feminist Criticism

Why domestic work is often invisible care work? How does the invisibility of care work shape the experiences of workers? The importance of women’s work has always been of primary interest for feminist movements and discussions. It has been proven thousand times that the notion of women’s domestic work has...

Feminist Organizations and Women’s Status in Society

Women’s rights From the poster, the rights of women have been violated since their body parts are displayed, which, in most cases, is against the wishes and desires of many women. Advertising companies have always used women’s pictures since the public, especially men, would be interested in buying such products....

The Slogan “Stop the Hate”: Characteristics and Efficiency

Introduction A slogan selected for this paper is focused on human rights equality. This topic is chosen because it addresses the main issue faced by the discriminated population, gay individuals in particular. “Stop the Hate” is a phrase used by the HRC to make the members of the LGBT community...

Female Genital Mutilation: Moral Decay and Women’s Rights

Female genital mutilation is known as one of the most urgent issues connected to violation of human rights. FGM involves complete or partial removal of external sex organs of a woman (Abdulcadir & Say, 2015, p. 294). This dangerous practice is considered to be a ritual aimed at making women...

Rhetoric in “Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada”

Introduction To describe how the arguments (extracted from the book Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada) appeal to aspects such as emotion, logic, and character; various scholarly ideas and notions on strategies for successful writing will be used. Moreover, various forms of reasoning will be relevantly used in furthering the...

The Problem of Women’s Discrimination

The problem of women’s discrimination in different spheres of social life can be effectively illustrated with references to the timeline, which presents significant events regarding gender equality. These events are the publication of Judith Sargent Murray’s On the Equality of the Sexes; the labor protest of 1834; Abby Kelley’s lectures...

Race and Crime Among Minorities in the US

Does being a white person still matter in succeeding in America? I strongly believe that the issue of race is still relevant in the United States. This is the case because representatives of specific ethnicities have access to numerous opportunities that can support their needs. Being a white person is...

Social Inequality and Stratification in the US

Factors Leading to Divide in Wealth One of the factors of social inequality in the US is associated with social stratification. As noted by Karl Marx, the source of social inequality is the very development of civilization, and every person cannot master all the achievements of material and spiritual culture...

Racism and Its Definition Challenge

As far as the author is concerned, just like bacteria, the definition of the word race has been changing as time goes by. This is much faster than what many academicians can be understood to define it. There are various implications of this argument and statement from the author but...

Meth Epidemic as a Social Problem: Film Analysis

Meth epidemic as a social problem Methamphetamine (meth) is a synthetic stimulant, which affects the pleasures of the brain by making it to release dopamine (Frontline 2005). Meth has several street names, such as, “speed, chalk, ice, crystal, glass, crank, yaba, tina and tweak” (Frontline 2005). There are many ways...

Domestic Violence in Same/Opposite-Sex Relationships

Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic violence Title: Counselors’ attitudes toward domestic violence in same-sex versus opposite-sex relationships. The title does not give any insight into what point of view is held by the authors. It looks as though Banks and Fedewa (2012) aim at comparing the attitudes of...

Causta Justa Just Cause: Civil Society Organization

I worked as a volunteer with an organization called Causta Justa Just Cause. The organization belongs to a wide network of civil society organizations which operate in San Francisco and Oakland. Its main objective is to build leadership and power at the grassroots level and mobilize low-income earners to form...

Mobile Collaboration and Social Capital’s Role

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays mobile technologies play a very important role in the life and functioning of our society. Giving a lot of undeniable advantages and freedom to move and be supported with data, these devices, however, can be taken as a threat to peoples...

Political and Social Dimensions of Global Migration

The impact, success, and failure of migration Globalization, technology, and integration of culture have been key factors in promoting international migration. Individuals migrate within their locality or to distant lands. In the last two centuries, the levels of migration have increased. Migration has continually become complex and sophisticated that it...

“Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate

Clarity of Article in the Abstract, Introduction, and Its Title The article under review revolves around the issue of drug addiction among teenagers and its effects on their respective families. Remarkably, drug addiction is a problem that continues to affect several contemporary families (Campa, Martinez, & Baum, 2017; Knudsen, 2018;...

Disability Services Administrators: Communication Skills

Professionals providing services to persons with disabilities require advanced skills in order to meet their clients’ unique needs. They should be able to communicate effectively, solve emerging problems, make evidence-based decisions, and empower all beneficiaries. Those working in administrative roles in the field of developmental disabilities should mentor their clients...