Edinburgh Trams: A Case Study of a Complex Project

Introduction The report intends to study and analyze how the project was implemented and lay bare any difficulties faced during its implementation. The City of Edinburgh Council faced traffic problems due to overcrowded cars on the Streets. With the Scottish parliament’s approval, it embarks on a mammoth Tram network project...

A New Government Entity with Computing Resources On-Site and Remotely

Proposal Overview To assist the US government in managing computing systems use during crisis times, it is important to engage smaller contracting organizations that are qualified to provide consultancy in designing and optimizing local IT infrastructures. In this proposal, the case of Virtual International, a small organization that acquires leadership...

How Have Technological Advances Affected the Workforce in the Past 20 Years?

Overview Technological advancement has had a lot of impact on how man communicates and performs tasks. The most significant impact of technology is that it has globalized the whole world making the globe to be a small village in terms of communication and work. This research paper examines how technological...

Telecommuting Organizational Impacts Due to COVID-19

Abstract The ongoing development of present-day organizations is complicated by the spread of coronavirus infection. This factor has not only significantly damaged their financial indicators but also led to the need to establish the practice of telecommuting. For many companies, it became a challenge due to the previous lack of...

Alternative Spaces of Intimacy

The Digital revolution caused modern ‘romance’ to change significantly because people now have the means to connect via the internet without the need to physically approach another person in the streets. As a consequence, there are more and more people who started dating online or met via social media. Among...

Web Evlauation – Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization

A Brief Description We chose the website of the Internet Mental Health Organization. This website is dedicated to all the individuals in society, trying to inform them regarding mental health disorders, prevention, and consequences. More specifically, this website is directed to that target group, population, which has experienced (or is...

Overview of the Future of Intelligence

What future technologies, not currently in existence, do you foresee being used to further communication, particularly in interview and interrogation situations? I see Developments in surveillance systems, biometrics and DNA analysis that will help the Officer have all the information available to them during the interview and interrogations process. According...

Industrial Ethernet: Requirements and Implementation, Acceptance and Adoption

Introduction Since its invention in 1973 and subsequent adoption as the network standard IEEE 802.3, Ethernet has grown to become the most widely used technology in networking business systems such as back-office mainframe computers, printers and data servers. Over time, factors such as improved speeds, ease of installation and maintenance,...

Comparative Study of Edge Computing

Only recently, the term “cloud computing” had entered the modern human’s everyday use, when suddenly, more advanced types of data processing and analysis began to appear. In particular, edge computing is logical to apply to the situation when it is unreasonable to transfer an array of information to processing centers...

Cyberbullying and the First Amendment

Cyberbullying refers to the deliberate humiliation, insults, and threats targeted at a person via the modern means of communication. This form of mockery is widely spread among schoolchildren and teenagers. The difficulty of dealing with this problem is that the First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the freedom of...

Value Stream Mapping to Evaluate Wastes in Production

Value stream mapping is a crucial lean tool that helps to evaluate the current wastes in the production process and design process improvement interventions to improve the process efficiency. A value stream map (VSM) visualizes all the stakeholders and processes needed to fulfill the order from a customer. The present...

Safety Management: Paris-Le Bourget Airport

We do understand that assuming the position of safety director at one of the world’s busiest airports presents its own set of challenges. It is especially difficult to manage the new work responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our consulting company would be happy to guide you through the process of...

IT Engineering Solution and Development

Modern IT is used in the process of modulating police response, criminal investigations, and communications. The other objective that can be met with the help of modern technology is modulating the response to major incidents and the administration of management and personnel data. The major objective of the research is...

Computer Science and Information System as Disciplines

Coy, W. (2004). Between the disciplines. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36(2), 7–10. “Between the disciplines” was first published in the year 2004 to explain the nature and characteristics of computer science. The journal not only explains computer science in its authentic details but also analyses its usability in a future-oriented manner...

Project Management: Importance of the Right Approach

Introduction Projects are essential parts of any business because they are the means for achieving organizational objectives. While operations are routine activities that are foundational to the functioning of a company, projects are planned and implemented in order to achieve specific goals. For instance, if a business is facing challenges...

Business Intelligence and Information Technologies

Recent research has shown that many companies are data-rich but still information poor, despite having invested heavily in IT. This is because they have not invested in Business Intelligence (BI) systems, which can be exploited to improve business performance, and increase profits. Business Intelligence models are used to obtain business...

Neural Networks and Decision-Making

Abstract Neural networks have been defined as mathematical constructs that have the ability to emulate the numerous processes individuals utilize to recognize patterns, learn tasks and solve problems. For a long time, Neural networks have been characterized in terms of their number and types of connections specifically between the person...

Transaction Processing Systems: Simple Order Entry System

General description The General Purpose of the basic order entry system is to help support firms transact online, their clients to query items details in a catalog, order the item, and ship the item to customers. For a client to order the item, the ordering system confirms the database for...

The Vacuum Vessel Design: Requirements and Limitations

Introduction In engineering design, the procedure of coming up with a component involves idea synthesis at the initial state after problem definition. Creative thinking then follows to evaluate possible designs to meet the functional requirements of the mentioned need. Vetting is also done to come up with a sensible number...

Buying Your First Computer and Its Components

Purchasing a computer can appear intimidating at first, especreally to those that have not been keeping up with IT. Fortunately, it is not as difficult as it might seem, and the internet is full of people that do it regularly and test hardware for a living. Building a PC has...

Automation in School in the 21st Century

The advancement of technology is gradually changing and reshaping the face of the 21st century. All industries, including the world of academia, are susceptible to this “bugbear”. According to Market and Research (2018), automation in the education segment is expected to grow by 47.5% through 2021. The conventional framework of...

Review Baseline Magazine’s Website

Summary The website, baselinemag.com, primarily showcases information that relates to new business developments in the IT industry. This can range from what is currently trending in the industry today, what policies are currently being developed and finally it also showcases articles giving advice to businesses about current trends in employment,...

Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners

Review of Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners The tutorial starts by giving an in-depth analysis and explanation of what is SQL and how it works to get information from databases. The tutorial welcomes readers and prepares them for the learning task ahead of them. Interactive Online SQL Training for...

Radio Frequency Identification in Libraries: Technical and Security Aspects

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (henceforth RFID) is the application of a small tag into a product, animal, or person to identify or track them via radio waves (wikipedia, 2008). This small tag is a low-cost device that can hold a limited amount of dataolnar). RFID is a technology that has...

IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Introduction Data and information are presently being treated as a very pertinent corporate resource. This has come as a result of innovations especially in IT where the corporate world now is embracing these innovations to establish a competitive edge. These systems are of great benefit to the organization, however, the...

Services to Small & Medium Enterprises Worldwide

Introduction Over the last decade, countries all over the world have noticed an increase in small and medium sized enterprises. Rahman, Yaacob and Radzi (2016) explain that this is due to better policies and technological advancements that continue to influence the digital economy. The influx of these small and medium...

Advanced Nuclear Energy Options

Background The need to cut carbon emissions has become a global priority to mitigate climate change effects. Unstable global oil prices, unreliable supply due to political instability in oil-exporting countries, and more importantly, the growing fossil fuel-related carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint are the factors driving the shift to renewable energy...

The IT Project Management Analysis

Having provided a correct and wise addressing of the mentioned non-functional requirements is a guarantee of the adequate and uninterrupted work of the whole calling center of the CD insurance company. Security and privacy considerations, legal considerations, IT compliance, environmental sustainability requirements, and other special requirements are the non-functional issues...

Mistakes in Operating a Business Intelligence Program

The first critical mistake businesses make in employing Business intelligence (BI) programs is to ignore data quality. Organizations frequently assume that data used in BI programs is free of errors irrespective of the numerous processes they undergo, which may lead to errors at one given stage. A solution to this...

Digitisation and Technology: Cultural Industries

Introduction Cultural industries refer to the segments of society that are dedicated to the production and distribution of cultural goods or services. At the time of their production, such products are considered important embodiments of cultural expressions, regardless of their commercial value. These industries are varied. They include music, cinema,...

Turning Information Technology Department into Chief Information Officer Organization

Introduction I am writing this proposal to inform you of the need to change the IT department into a CIO organisation. The proposed modification will improve the efficiency of the department. Besides, it will be easy to track data and other information from a central location. Leadership philosophy The leadership...

Unmanned Autonomous Regulatory Concern

In the era of new technology, authorities and regulatory bodies are concerned with the development and implementation of regulations and reporting practices that would maximize the safety of autonomous systems. Safety4Sea (2020), one of the leading sources of maritime operations news, reports a general regulatory concern related to the future...

The NuclearRUS Company: Plutonium Uranium Reduction Extraction Technology

Introduction Nuclear energy generates over 11 percent of the global total electricity currently (Nilsson par. 1). It produces clean energy without greenhouse gases. That is, nuclear power does not contribute to global warming and related negative consequences. Nuclear energy can produce much energy to meet household and industrial needs. It...

Error Chains and Safety Management Systems

Due to their inherent hazards and lethal potential, aviation accidents constitute critical events requiring thorough investigations. Their major purpose is the identification of the primary causes and the development of possible ways to eliminate future occurrences. However, experience has demonstrated that a single factor, which may be evident at first...

The Effectiveness of Digitalization in Czech

One of the problems preconditioning the slow pace of IT technologies rise is the existing legislation. By the current laws, the Czech state can conduct business through its participation in a joint-stock company or via a state enterprise (Ondrich & Sebestova, 2017). In such a way, state-owned enterprises (SOE) acquire...

System Architecture: The Architectural Framework

Abstract The architectural framework of the proposed system draws on an interactive interplay of a variety of system technologies that make up an integral whole of a single unit of a decision support system (DSS) for the retail industry. The DSS is solely a tool for decision-making for retail managers...

Sampling-Based Metadata Management for Flash Storage

Abstract The garbage collection mechanism for the YAFFS file system incorporates a search strategy defined by the YAFFS garbage collection algorithm, O (K) space [1]. The total number of blocks targeted for sampling to identify the dirtiest block to be erased is algorithmically achieved based on the size of the...

Congonhas Airport Aeronautical Accident Report

Introduction Despite technological advancements, aviation accidents still occur, threatening the air transport sector. To reduce their number, it is vital to investigate past incidences and acquire critical insights to promote the future enhancement and effective risk management. The provided report focuses on the analysis of TAM Airlines Flight 3054 to...

A Sample User Guide to Blackberry Features

A user guide is also known as a manual. In simple terms a user guide or user’s guide is a practical communication document meant to provide help to people using a particular system. User guides are mostly linked with electronics such as telephones, computer hardware and software, radios, cameras among...

Intrusion Detection in Computer Network

Goodall, J. R. & Ozok, A. A User-Centered Approach to Visualizing Network Traffic for Intrusion Detection. USA, 2005. The article is dedicated to the disclosure of the intrusion detection analysis aimed at providing integrity and safety to high-speed computer networks of the modern period. The authors managed to pay attention...

How Emails Have Affected Government Agencies

Through e-mails, communication between government agencies has been made easy and faster. Large corporations can also communicate with one another so effectively. The government can now offer its services to the citizens more efficiently and effectively. This is done by having some of its transactions being done online. Likewise, large...

The Link Between Collaboration and Penetration Testing

Collaboration is critical to an organization’s information security because its lack can be exploited by an attacker as a vulnerability. There is also a tendency to use compartmentalized security measures that can be bypassed individually to gain access to an organization’s sensitive data (Secude, 2020). Furthermore, it is possible that...

Operations of Unmanned Aerial System

Unmanned aerial system (UAS) comprises an aircraft device, payloads, and ground-control systems (GCS). A GCS is dedicated to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and mounted aboard automobiles to enhance proximity to UAS restricted by a variety of communicating capacities (Yang, Lin, & Liu, 2016). UASs are designed with ground-control channels comprising...

Computer Forensics and Investigations: Basic Procedures

In this paper, I am going to show the basic procedures that ought to be undertaken while performing a digital forensic examination. These procedures are evaluated in form of answers to some pre written questions. From what equipments to pack to what to do first after arriving at the scene...

Cybersecurity Awareness and Training in Business Environment

Cybersecurity refers to protecting systems linked to the Internet, including software, data, and hardware, from online threats. Individuals, governmental and non-governmental institutions, business entities, and companies use the practice to secure against unsanctioned access to information centers and other computerized networks. Cybersecurity aims at providing vital protection to organizational servers,...

Tech: Low Voltage Digital Logic Circuits

Introduction The current waves in the developments of electronic devices, especially in their movement towards mobility, focus on the requirement for energy efficiency abreast with productivity. The low consumption of the circuits used in mobile devices represents a large industry. The implementation of low-energy circuits can be seen at the...

Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility

Introduction The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is a unique form of technology under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework applied in the execution of military operations. The IoMT has wide application in advanced combat operations and intelligence-oriented warfare processes (Suri et al., 2016). A majority of the highly advanced military units...

Sifers-Grayson Firm’s Enterprise Architecture Tool

In modern times, the importance of digitalization of the company’s functions can not be underestimated. In the competitive environment that moves towards globalization with each new technological advancement, a company that lags behind in technology implementation will be expected to fail in most cases. However, to deal with the ever-increasing...

Future of Education and Impact of Technologies

It goes without saying that education is immeasurably significant for any person in the contemporary world. The development of technologies is determined not only by certain people’s inherent intelligence but the process of their acquisition of various skills, knowledge, habits, values, and beliefs. Education enhances creativity, develops reasoning and logical...

Current Events in Management Information Systems

The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in various sectors across the globe. In the news article “The Robot That’s Keeping Facilities Clean During Covid-19,” Gaskell (2020) explores how organizations in different sectors are leveraging robots to disinfect their facilities. This article focuses on one robot developed at the...

Innovation: Description and Implementation Plan

Description of the Problem Following the integration of technology such as the hybrid-cloud system, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, API platforms, blockchain, and robotic process automation into company operations, the organization’s susceptibility to cybersecurity threats, particularly cyberattacks, has increased significantly. Significant gaps exist in intelligence or knowledge related to the aforementioned...

Fire Suppression System in a New Residential Home

The inclusion of sprinklers as a measure to fight outbreaks in fire is not included in the countries policies. Although this is so, the many advantages that come with it lead to a need for its inclusion. The sprinkler will not act only as an alert factor in case of...

Software Development Project Using Agile Methods

Introduction Software engineers have been researching widely on how software development methods can be improved. The main aim of doing this has been to provide the client with the best possible application that he or she wants and to promote communication between the client and the developers of the system....

Choosing Between Access and Excel by Microsoft

Introduction Over the years, computers have become an integral part of the business environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which has revolutionized the manner in which business is conducted. An integral part of computer systems is their ability to store and manipulate data....

Adopting Smart Grid to Mitigate the Blackout Disaster

Intervention Natural and human-made disasters are detrimental since they cause deaths and destructions amounting to millions of dollars. The common catastrophes include floods, earthquakes, extreme heat, pandemics, and terrorism. The globe has witnessed many unexpected incidences based on the existing information. For instance, the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology...

Data Analysis Relevance in Music Industry

Data analysis has greatly changed several industries in the last few years (Fuller 1; Innovative Enterprise par. 1; Salim par. 1). Record firms utilize analytics to capture critical information about listening to music online since several platforms allow users to consume music using modern technologies. While producers couldn’t collect information...

Regulating Internet Privacy and Related Issues

Introduction A person’s right to privacy has been highly cherished in the US and in many countries across the world. This is because the consequences for victims of privacy intrusion can be devastating, ranging from hurtful gossips to stealing of identity and even damaged credit ratings (Chiu, 2000). Even though...

Informatics and Healthcare Documentation

In the course of the development of computer technologies, data transmission acquired a new electronic status. Needless to say that paper documentation is in the past and there is a tangible tendency to download all necessary information into the computer as it is considered to be the safest and effective...

Differences and Connections Between Groupware and Ordinary

History Group ware is an extensive concept that largely goes beyond CSCW (Computer- Supported cooperative work). Some authors argue that they are the same. According to Cartensen, collaborative software or groupware is one of the components of CSCW. Cartensen that CSCW and by far groupware tackles problems of collaborative actions...

Racial Inequity Supported by Technology

Introduction Multiple sources, scholars, and scientists support the statement that algorithms and electronic programs tend to support racial inequity, affecting surveillance and criminal justice. The book “Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code” explains how people face discriminative obstacles in the digital world when algorithms tag accounts...

Modern Data Management and Organization Strategies

In recent years, there has been tremendous growth in data volume across all organizations. Data has become the backbone of competitiveness, productivity, development, and innovation in many companies. Fleckenstein and Fellows (2018) note that a large amount of information places people in a particular context in which data management becomes...

Impact of Advancing Technology on Human Innovation: CRISPR

Abstract CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) has emerged as an exciting tool for biological research over centuries. It is used in cell alteration and has gained an advantage over the previously used techniques. Due to its high speed and ease of use, it has been endorsed in agriculture...

The Solar Hydrogen Final

Implications of Climate change and the environment As population centers continue to grow both in technological sophistication and population density so to do the energy demands they place on a center’s energy infrastructure. Based on current estimates of the electrical use per household it has been shown that on average...

Five Key Processes of Project Management

Introduction Project management is a process of scheduling, organizing, inspiring and conniving resources to realize explicit goals. It also refers to submission of acquaintance, skills and techniques to an extensive array of actions with an aim to meet project particulars (Kanda, 2011). Projects are temporary, unique and undertaken to meet...

Computer Information Systems. Computer Security

Executive summary This report gives a comprehensive analysis of several issues associated with computer security. The findings of the report reveal several limitations of software licensing as a measure of ensuring computer security. One of the major limitations that the report has focused on relates to the fact that licensing...

Measurements on Desktop Virtualization

Identification and Operation of Other Works Defining the Variables/Constructs Similar to Desktop Virtualization Other people’s works have defined the constructs or variables that are similar to a functional desktop virtualization system (Johnson, 2011). Their identification and operation refer to a combination of attributes that can be measured and analyzed statistically...

Engineering: Fracture Toughness

In most engineering designs, fracture toughness, a property describing how cracked objects resist fractures, is a chief property in most applications. Stress intensity factor (K), examines the linear-elastic fracture toughness of the sample under observation when its crack begins to grow. KIc denotes the fracture toughness, with SI units of...

Precision Buying, Merchandising and Marketing at Sears

The Problem The diversification of Sears, Roebuck and Company’s clientele to specialty and mass merchandisers stores posed a big problem to its survival in the 80s. There was a mass exodus of its loyal customers as they went searching for discounts on bulk and specialized services in stores that dealt...

Aspects of Communicating With Technology

Communication is essential to most human activities, including business, and, as a result, the available means of communication can either facilitate or undermine the performance of a given company. Thanks to the advances in information and communication technology (ICT), today’s companies have a wider range of communication tools available to...

IMT Advanced : LTE Advanced and IEEE 802.16m

Abstract The increasing demand for the availability of mobile data transfer is closely linked with the development of new technologies that offer the end-users an opportunity to access web data. The process of technological development means the constant increase of the access speed, as well as the decrease of the...

MRI High Field and High Contrast Images

Introduction One of the most important merits of MRI is the capability to create high contrast images particularly for soft tissues. This ability enabled it to be the technique of choice in the field of medical imaging. The high contrast is attained as a result in variations in signal intensity...

Wind Turbines Technology

Wind energy is the latest non-solar energy source, which is widely used. In many parts of the United States, the wind’s patterns and speeds vary because of the differences in terrain, vegetation, presence and size of water bodies (Aissaoui and Tahour 31). Wind power has many purposes in daily living,...

Flow Batteries as a Means for Large-scale Storage of Electrical Power

Flow batteries also known as Redox batteries have been in existence since 1880s and zinc/chloride the first kind of the batteries was first used by Charles Renard in 1884 to power his airship called La France (“Battery and Energy Technologies”). In flow batteries, current is produced in the process of...

Information in the Modern Globalized Environment

In the modern globalized environment, information has become a major asset that can be used to improve people’s well-being and quality of their lives all over the world. Our organization contributes to the improvement in the quality of visual data management by offering the cameras and drones of the best...

Facial Recognition: Advantages and Setbacks

The unprecedented technological development during the last couple of decades has entirely transformed people’s lives, introducing numerous previously unforeseeable opportunities. The enhanced computing capabilities and improvements in graphic processing have turned facial recognition into a widely-spread phenomenon, found in many useful devices. However, one area of its application remains an...

An Experiment on Data Mining Extend

Introduction In our society presently, immunoassay techniques used in data analyses have assumed a place of high significance, particularly as it is applicable to pure/applied researches; where the techniques are adopted for such developments as ultrasensitive immunoassays in antigenic and antibody analyses. Ultrasensitive/rapid enzyme immunoassays, have presented more current, flexible,...

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Benzene Exposure Rule

The OSHA proposal for benzene was aimed at limiting the amount of exposure from 10ppm to 1ppm. This rule was due to the reports in the media about the death of workers who were exposed to benzene levels that were above 10ppm, yet the initial limit set by OSHA was...

Comparative Summary: Hitch and Wepner

Introduction The focal point of the paper is to summarize and compare the two studies. The first one is Shelley B. Wepner’s Technology Run Amok: The Top Ten TechnoBlunders published by International Reading Association, Inc in 2004 and the second article is Leslie P. Hitch’s Being prepared for Technology Snow...

Project Management in the Time of COVID-19

Step 1: Claiming Centrality Recently there has been a spate of interest in the spread of coronavirus infection was the factor, which defined the research orientation of the global medical community in 2020. More specifically, knowledge of the methods for clinical management optimization during the pandemic has proved to be...

Software Development: Creating a Prototype

Front-end web developers usually worry about the look and feel of their design interfaces since it is a major consideration by end-users in their decision to use their product. As discussed in class, Vilar, (2010) proposed eight golden rules of interface design. The first on his list is that the...

Concepts of Current Chinese Internet Culture

Internet culture has spread across China and became one of the most important aspects of people’s daily lives. The one issue that has become a topic for serious conversation is the country’s firewall, which does not allow many Western sites to be accessed (Tereza, 2008). The difference between China and...

Best Practices to Counter Denial-of-Service Attacks

End-User Education Most attacks on the system occur as a result of activity by the users. While the network can be well protected from external attacks, through firewalls, this protection will be inadequate if the users are not aware of fundamental good practices. Users should be made aware of essential...

Radio Frequency (RF) Communication Systems

The creation of a communication system that employs radio frequency signal transmission presupposes consideration of the available channels, equipment that can be used to establish the network, area, and the central purposes that drive its introduction. At the same time, it is critical to ensure that the transmitter can operate...

IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA

The title of my research proposal is Increasing security in e-government through BPM in KSA. Background BPM is a strategy used in organizations and business operations to improve business processes. For example, it can be used to identify missing items that should not be missing or assist an employee in...

Apple’s Technology Effect on Governments

Today, governments should be more receptive to changing government operations, enhancing competence, and providing modern public service. To realize these goals, many government departments and IT firms have to embrace mobile computing gadgets in general, and the iPad and iPhone in particular. Many people, government departments, and organizations are already...

Wireless Network Implementation Analysis

Business Problem Business Unit: Elegant Solutions installs window treatments for home and office use. Issues: They have a large mobile workforce that spends most of the time out in the field with customers. The salespeople follow up on customer leads, visit the homes or offices, take the orders and measurements,...

Data Analytics for Business Students

The major theme of the following article is the issue of introduction to data analytics as one of the essential tools in terms of business and accounting education due to the aspect’s relevance in the context of the 21st century. When addressing the article, in brief, it should be outlined...

The Web-Based Learning

Introduction Web-based learning is a popular approach taken in e-learning directions. In that regard, the development of e-learning website, specialized in the preparation of Sat reasoning test, was a good idea to test several features common to web-based learning management systems as well as aligning to usage simplicity as one...

Enterprise Resource Planning

Methods of Measuring ERP Systems Enterprise Resource Planning can be evaluated using numerical methods; but there are also other nonnumeric methods of analysis. However, experts assert that there are no fixed rules that govern the way evaluation of the ERP systems should be done (Chen & Lin, 2008, p. 300)....

Cyber Attack Scenario Development

Introduction In the cyber world, cyber-attacks are quite a common occurrence. The attacks target computer hardware such as scanners, computers, servers as well as software programs such as operating systems and protocols. The recovery of data is made increasingly difficult by the encryption and steganography programs (Britz, 2009, p. 217)....

Information System for the Newton Public Library

Issues in the existing information system of the Newton Public Library The Newton Public Library operates through the kindness and donations of benefactors, especially Mr. Jimmy Chung. Ever since its inception, it has run through the manual or traditional system, except perhaps a few modifications when computers and the Internet...

Rapid Freight Company’s Architectural Network Diagram

The adoption of Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) will help Rapid freight in enhancing its service delivery, which will promote customers satisfaction. The use of converged networks, as well as converged communications helps in integrating data, voice and video solutions into a single IP based infrastructure. The integration helps employees whether...

Scrum: Extreme Programming Without Engineering

Critics of scrum have asserted that there is no difference between Scrum and XP without its technical practices. This has led to the development of a sentiment that Scrum is just XP without the technical practices and this paper will attempt to validate this claim by comparing and contrasting XP‘s...

Cargo Management Re-Engineering (CRM)

An overview of the Integrated Cargo System This was an ambitious project initiated in the year 2000 by the Customs in conjunction with the government. Now it is called cargo management re-engineering (CRM). The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is part of the CRM. By 2004, the export functionality was successfully...

The Deployment of WLAN (WI-FI) on Open Area Construction Projects

Introduction The economic value of the construction industry is significant and the industry contributes up to 10% of the annual GDP for most nations (Michael 2005, p.2). The industry encompasses the use of many other complementary industries such as electrical, mining, steel and transportation to name but a few. This...

The Importance of Data Recovery Plan

Introduction The issue of information security and privacy is very critical in every establishment. However, important information may be lost through natural disasters and other processes. This can lead to significant inefficiencies in an organization. For example, loss of patients’ health records can have adverse impacts on them. For instance,...

The System of IT Project Management

Project management elements and processes and tools are usually the same irrespective of whether the project is IT based or not. The problem in the management of IT projects however comes in where most people attempt to manage these projects just like the construction or event organization projects. IT projects...

Technical Communication Network Problem in Business

Introduction Any developing company requires an efficient communication network. To achieve great success in this area, transformational action needs to be taken. There is a need for an interconnection that can only be achieved by the use of computer systems. Computer systems have revolutionized the way things are done in...

Home Automated System: Pet Feeding

Abstract The pet feeding system is an automated system that will entail the provision of food to the pet at particular times of the day through a well-regulated system that can be controlled remotely. The system will be controlled by a microprocessor system specifically the Motorola 68000 system. The objective...

Risk Assessment of Network: IBS Electronics

Company network analysis The company in analysis throughout the course of this paper is IBS Electronics. The company is a global distributor foe electronic products and components. The company majors with the difficult to find electronic components and parts, selling of electronic components online, delivery of services to customers, and...

Cooling Water System Overview

Introduction Cooling towers are heat exchange devices that remove excess heat from different components in industries and plants by making use of the concept that water evaporation creates a cooling effect. The setup can be in form of a simple heating and air-condition system in a small structure or a...

Autonomous Vehicles as a Replacement for the Human Workers

Introduction The automobile industry was a significant game-changer in the 20th century in terms of technology. It is also safe to assume that the changes that are expected to happen in the automobile industry over the next twenty years will exceed the magnitude of the developments that have occurred over...

Benefits Mobile Applications on Education Organizations

Introduction Today’s world is becoming more digitalized every day. Mobile culture is rapidly being embraced that most people cannot leave without their cell phones. The mobile phone has become a very useful device both as a communication and networking platform. According to Sharples, Taylor, and Vavoula (2007, 27), mobile technologies...

Cloud Computing: Benefits and Limitations

Cloud computing provides on-demand computing resources such as applications, hardware, and software over the Internet. The key benefits associated with cloud computing services include better protection against disaster, workload balance, reduction in investments costs, improved accessibility, usability, performance, and mobility, as well as sales automation. These benefits have led to...

The Network Layer: Sub-Network and the Network Layer

The present world has the benefit of cheap and readily available IP networking. This has made many users the world over benefit from the advantages of networks especially as far as data transmission is concerned. The work of transmission of data via networks needs several procedures performed. For starters, host...

Website Proposal Document: Green IT

Introduction Green IT is the important issue in the world of ICT today, and most of the organizations are taking the lead in the adoption of strategies that will boost Green IT for the sake of the climate. Green IT has some initiatives in order to apply it, such as...

Design and Management of a Pilotage Service: A Case Study of Port Belfast

Outline This work aims at establishing the procedures involved in the design and management of appropriate pilotage services such as pilotage requirements and the standard criteria for expected ship status. It will also highlight the factors to be considered such as pilot boarding, info to be provided, anchorage area and...

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd: IT Usage

Competitive Environment The emergence of information technology business solutions has enabled Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) to be one of the best companies in Hong Kong offering financial services. As a financial services-based company, there is, therefore, a need to understand the company’s business processes and come up...

The Impact of Technology on Work and the Workforce

Introduction After William Greene, an advocate from Minneapolis was assigned the job of searching through almost one and a half million automated papers for a present occasion; he addressed a professed good computer database. Three contacts have been nominated as relevant articles from a less significant example, thus ‘instructing’ their...

Google Inc. vs. Chinese Censorship Rules

The Google Company found itself in a tight corner explaining its decision for entering the Chinese market. This was a highly restrictive market as the government monitored and limited the kind of information internet users could access. The company operated on core values of satisfying the user interests and expanding...

Constant Organizational Changes and IT Management

Information technology is becoming a basic commodity in most of the business organizations due to constant changes in technology. This means that organizations only need to control costs of IT and at the same time mitigate the associated risks. IT is now being viewed as a competitive advantage tool used...

Technologies as a Dominating Force in the Modern World

Technologies can be viewed as a dominating force in the modern world. Contemporary society benefits from the extensive use of diverse devices, software, and applications in different spheres of activity. They guarantee a significant increase in effectiveness, accuracy, and performance levels, along with the minimization of mistakes rate and effort...

Treasure Trove or Trash: The Internet and Its Ability to Enact Social Change

Introduction In his book “The Shallows”, Nicholas Carr presents readers with the notion that the traditional method of reading books, essays, and various other written works is superior to what is offered today on the internet. This is in stark contrast to the assumptions of Clay Shirky in his book...

The Forces Transforming Production

In Forbes’s article The Forces That Are Transforming How Products Are Made, Beth Ambruch presents several factors transforming product manufacturing in the contemporary setting. These include “digitalization, personalization, “smart” products, connectivity, servitization, globalization and regulation” (Ambruch, 2013, para. 5). The author suggests that the producer’s ability to adapt to these...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Libraries

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is based on the transmission of information through special RFID tags, which was initially used in sectors such as logistics, airline luggage automation or parcel distribution. One of the areas which are receiving a wide implementation of RFID technology in libraries (Kern, 2004). In...

Mobile Forensics: Cell Phone in Everyday Life

Mobile Forensics is the art of extracting information from mobile phones. In the third season of The Wire, David Simon’s critically acclaimed police procedural masterpiece, a core element of the plot concerns trying to monitor prepaid “burner” phones and successfully get the titular wire. They find themselves stymied by the...

How the Knowledge of Human Cognition Improves Computer Design

Abstract The study aims at looking at how the knowledge of human behaviour will help the manufacturers of computers in coming up with better computer designs that are human friendly after incorporating much of how human behaves and relate. After the identification of the dominant human behaviour that can be...

Learning About SQL Databases With Tutorials

The first tutorial, ‘Learning about SQL databases’, focuses on creating and using reports, database security and publishing the web. The tutorial teaches about security and network connectivity, how to connect your web application to SQL server 2005 express edition, getting started with reporting services and how to embed, package and...

Maritime RobotX Challenge System Selection

The robotic competition offers a platform to determine the selection of an efficient system concerning the guidelines and procedures of the challenge. According to RoboNation (2014), the competitors were awarded approximately $20,000 and a WAM-V program to establish a sensory set and propulsion software effectively. In this sense, this report...

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 2001

Introduction On November 23, 2001.The initial global agreement on computer and internet-connected offence was opened for signature in Budapest. The agreement which is know as the convention on cybercrime was developed by the Council of Europe ( CoE ), climaxing a five-year process dating back to 1997.As of July 16,2002,the...

Developing Suspension Carbon Nano-Tubes in Water

Introduction Carbon Nanotubes (otherwise known as CNTs) are distinctive nanostructures which have very notable mechanical and electronic properties and which in recent days of sciences have been marvelously accepted as been of immerse benefit to technology and sciences throughout the world. Presently, the most assured technique for the production of...

Computing Trends: 3D Printing

Before the era of computer-aided design (CAD), models, lasers and prototypes, individuals were laboriously carving materials from wood or sticking plastic pieces. The revolution of technology in the 1980s brought a solution to the problem. The concept of rapid prototyping resulted in the development of more automated methods. Three-dimensional printing...

Becoming Effective Wiki Collaborators

Modern technology of content creation implies the communication of the team of creators, contributors, and editors of the information published on the websites, often in a remote mode. One of the essential content management systems used for such collaboration is a wiki (Hawaiian word for quick), a website that enables...

The Multistage Automated Washer Disinfector

The increased risk of infection due to contaminated surgical instruments has brought to fore the need to use effective and sophisticated methods and equipment for sterilization. Decontamination processes are useful in the disinfection of reusable surgical instruments particularly in the face of increased risk of blood borne diseases (NHS Estates,...

Fire Dynamics Simulator

Introduction Fires can result from negligence, an accident and malicious act causing disastrous fire outbreaks, supported by the presence of air combustion, nitrogen and hydroxyl air. Meanwhile, we employ proper techniques to fight this fire. Individual people and firms have decided to look at the efficient ways and the fastest...

Influence of Google in Modern Societies

Technology innovation has transformed the modern lifestyles of individuals in many communities. I agree with Nicholas Carr that Google is making us stupid by assuming cognitive functions that facilitate effective decision-making. Activities done with hardship in the past are now easy to execute with technology invention in devices and application...

Golden Rice Project: ABC Consulting

Background Vitamin A deficiency is most prevalent in diets that are primarily cereal-based with little consumption of meat or fresh vegetables. Pharmaceutical supplementation and food fortification with vitamin A (VA) are commonly practiced, but these programs have their shortcomings. The inventors conceived Golden Rice exclusively as a humanitarian product for...

Smart Home in Aging Society: Real Estate Industry

Introduction In the real estate industry, increasing population projects a progressive opportunity in estimating future potential demand on dwellings. The significant increase in global ageing population has been recognised for decade in connection with the trends in morbidity and mortality of older adults has continuously dropped. So does in Thailand,...

Cyberspace: Analysis of Current Information Technology Issue

The cyberspace has developed from a simple academic and research network to a complex communication network used to perpetrate many activities on a day to day basis. According to Spinello (2011), cyberspace have turned the world into a global village; but at the same time, it has hacked into lots...

Protection of Information Assets

Introduction Information asset protection is a very critical aspect of business management process for the successful operations and continuity of any business. Any form of threat to the security of the electronic or computerized information and its process is a definite threat to the quality of business end result (Boran,...

Electrical and Electronic Systems Principle

Most of the electronic systems contain amplifier as a major component. The major function of the amplifier is to boost up the weak signal into a strong signal suitable for transmission. The transistor acts as an amplifier when it is in active region, that is, emitter base junction is forward...

Server Virtualisation Models

Introduction Server virtualization is a technique of organizing several separate virtual machines on one physical system. These virtual machines can be thought of as virtual private servers that hide the physical servers, operating systems, and other network resources from people using the servers. By implementing several virtual machines, various operating...

The Security of Data in Information Technology Areas

Introduction The field of information technology has been faced with many challenges in its development. However, the security of data is arguably the main challenge in the whole industry. Every new product has to include an aspect of security to attract customers. This paper looks at the security of data...

The Global System for Mobile Communications: Security and Encryption

Introduction The Global system for Mobile Communications (GSM) is the most widely used system for cellular mobile communication. The GSM accounts for over 100 million mobile subscribers scattered across the globe. The system was developed to overcome weaknesses inherent in preceding analog system that was used for mobile communication. Analog...

Google Search Reliability as a Research Tool

Google Search is a universal information search tool used by millions of people. Many scholars agree that Google Search is also a useful research tool (Miller and Record, 2017). But this tool has drawbacks and limitations, which should be considered when searching through Google Search. Moreover, awareness when using search...

The Radio Frequency IDentification Revolution

Introduction RFID is fast taking shape as manifested by the recent media blitz and newspaper articles about the technology. Not many people are able to distinguish the different categories and benefits that the technology brings. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight on the history, uses and benefits...

Search Engine on Pediatric Ear Infection

Introduction Search engine is a computer program that helps to look for information about a particular topic of interest from the internet (Sullivan, 2006, Para. 2). By using different search engines, we are going to look for information about pediatric ear infection as our topic, evaluate the information they present...

Computer Technology and Business Needs

Introduction Business needs and accounting operations have a great effect on the profitability of a business. Many organizations have integrated computer systems in their businesses to help them in accounting operations and meeting the business needs. However, integration of computer systems in a business is not enough. The most important...

Titanium Diboride Materials Selection Paper

Introduction Titanium Diboride is a hard compound that consists of Titanium and Boron. Titanium Diboride is useful in designing various products (Huber, 3000). One such product is a capacitor. Apart from capacitors, Titanium Diboride is used in the making of extremely hard materials such as army wares and ceramic cutting...

Site Review About New Technologies

Summary description of its structure and purpose The site PCMAG.COM has rather interesting and clear structure with the help of which it is possible to identify the purpose set by the site developers. Looking at the main page of the site, the visitor is free to choose any interesting for...

Management Solution Needed for the Metropolitan Police Service

A dedicated “solution” is needed for MPS staff frequently who have multiple identities associated with their different job roles MPS stands for Metropolitan Police Service which is an organization in the United Kingdom to keep the law and order in the country. “Today, the Metropolitan Police Service employs 31,000 officers,...

Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool

Introduction Computer security and data safety have become the stepping stone for most organizations and individuals. In general data protection and informational safety require increased attention and awareness of the users. Forensic software may be used for various aims, however, the key functionality range is closely linked with data safety,...

Unauthorized Intrusion Into a Database: The Strategies for an Emergency

The companies, which specialize in the development of software solutions, have to attach great importance to business continuity planning because they are exposed to many internal and external threats, for example, the failure of hardware, virus attacks, power cuts, mistakes of the personnel and so forth. Each of these threats...

Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

The term “Anthropocene” was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level...

Sifers: Analysis of the Emerging Technologies

Introduction New practices and technologies are continually advancing every day by using computers to transmit, manipulate and store information and data, concerning the tools and processes deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, destruction, inspection, and disruption. Hardware authentication, data loss prevention, the cloud, deep learning, and user behavior...

Call-In EFL Instruction at Tabuk University

The present literature review, first of all, considers the definitions of attitude and attitudes towards computers, it also sheds light on the concept of attitudes, attitudes and language learning, teachers’ attitudes towards the computers in EFL instruction, Arab teachers’ attitudes towards the computer in EFL instruction, students’ attitudes towards computer...

Computer Crimes against Businesses

Introduction: Facts of the case On February 06, 2014, Ioan Leusca and Dezso Gyapias were charged in a U.S. Federal Court for stealing customer data from automated teller machines (ATMs). The two men had used data acquired from the ATMs to steal from bank customers in Connecticut, New Jersey and...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics

The issue touches on the ethics and legality of OSHA to change the levels allowed for benzene exposure in the workplace after the publication of a new report that reveals the number of deaths caused in places where the level of benzene was above 10ppm yet the required amount was...