RADAR Technology Analysis and Overview

Introduction In the contemporary digitalized world, the application of various technologies has found its positive feedback across multiple spheres. One of the most significant technologies that have yielded numerous opportunities for airline route regulation, autonomous vehicle functioning, weather forecasting, environmental protection, and others is Radio Detecting and Ranging (RADAR). It...

The Internet in the Modern Educational System

Introduction In the modern-day educational environment, technology plays a fundamental role in accelerating knowledge distribution and transforming the overall approach to learning. The increased access to the Internet made it possible for both teachers and students to be at the forefront of digitalization. However, it remains controversial how the Internet...

Discussion of GPS Using in Sports Science

In terms of athletic performance, GPS is a relatively new concept. Sports like football, rugby, GAA, and American Football are among the most common examples of its application. For players and coaches who are willing to give out a lot of money, a high-tech gadget like a wearable device may...

Cloud-Based Computing vs. Traditional IT Infrastructure

Introduction With the rapid development of technology today, the web hosting environment is shifting at a higher rate. Cloud computing is the new frontier of business delivery of applications and software. This web solution is quickly overtaking the traditional IT system. However, several organizations already have the traditional IT infrastructure,...

New Technology for the Human Body

The notion of brain implants has now become one of the most relevant and recent subjects of a heated discussion in terms of the technology’s risks and benefits for the human body and cognition. One of the most recent discoveries in the sphere of brain implant experiments has shown the...

The Portrayal of Artificial Intelligence

In the end of the past century, the topic of cyborgs, cybernetics, and technological advancements for the human body and mind became a prominent idea that remains deeply seated in both scientific and novelist communities. Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be Frankenstein’s monster of the new age. The topic itself...

Extravehicular Mobility Unit: Technical Description

The Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) is a self-contained anthropomorphic spacesuit that provides astronauts with extravehicular activity (EVA) in Earth orbit with environmental protection, mobility, life support, and communications. It is a two-piece semi-rigid suit first introduced in 1981 and is now one of two types of EVA spacesuits used by...

Challenging for Engineers: Roundabouts Case

The Creative Middle Ground Approach In this case, there is a discussion of roundabouts as challenging for engineers and an arguable method to lower the number of accidents on roads. Although it is the elegant solution to the issues of traffic congestion frequently present, emissions of gases from automobiles, and...

The Concept of School 42: Benefits and Advantages

Testing the concept of School 42 within the Centre for Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship could bring new creative minds, ideas, and innovation. The concept of School 42, which later received global development and has more than 15 schools around the world, including in projects such as School 21 in Russia....

The History of Technology in Teaching History

There is an open discussion on whether the history of technology is addressed appropriately in teaching history nowadays. Technology is a part of the development of human civilization, and it has severely impacted the course of history. Thus, this paper aims to examine the role of technology throughout history to...

Positive and Negative Sides of Medical Computer Simulation

Nowadays, computer simulation training is applied in many medical spheres. They include neurosurgery, pharmacokinetics, dentistry, and many others. Live and virtual simulation technologies are getting increasingly popular in medical institutions. However, technology has both positive and negative sides. The main advantage of simulation is an opportunity to safely undertake high-risk...

Gasoline and Electric Motors Comparison

Modern technological development and environmental challenges move motor production towards replacing gasoline machines with electric ones. The latter is known for being more sustainable, yet the power of the former has significant advantages, and the raw materials usage, safety, and affordability must also be considered upon selecting the best solution...

Effective Agile Project Leader

Documentation Using the Agile Concepts The term agile project management may be explained as a sequential method to software design that enables rapid feedback and proactive modifications at each level of a session or development loop. This concept enables project managers to use agile project management approaches to complete tasks...

Telegraph: Role in the Development of Communication

The telegraph is a turning point in the history of communication, as it completely changed its nature. In particular, before the invention of this technology, the transmission of information was possible only through letters, which was extremely slow. The telegraph has become a technology that has given humanity the opportunity...

Budget Narrative for Markia Crime Stopper Program

The following is the budget narrative to enable the Markia crime-stopper program initiative to effectively protect, respond to, and report criminal acts in the community. The program requires a budget to acquire proper machines, qualified personnel, software, and a vehicle and ensure effective marketing to attract customers. The items discussed...

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Fiction and Science

Introduction Although there are numerous technological advancements that are being introduced into society on a regular basis, not many of them have caused such a tremendous controversy as artificial intelligence (AI). Discussions regarding AI have caused many rifts among scientists and philosophers alike, affecting public opinion on this matter. Eventually,...

Computer Security: Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Malicious software allows attackers to gain remote unauthorized access to other people’s devices. They can disable the computer, damage or delete files, steal personal information (for example, read the password from the keyboard) or use the gadget for selfish purposes (for example, send spam). Malware can be divided into three...

Top 3 Linux Distributions for Privacy, Security, and Penetration Testing

Linux is an open-source operating system (OS) family founded on the Linux Kernel. Users usually get the OS by downloading one of the Linux distributions, available for a variety of systems such as powerful supercomputers (Rocks Cluster Distributions), personal computers (Linux Mint), and embedded devices (OpenWrt) (Day, 2021). Currently, the...

The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI (Artificial Intelligence) Development

This article is devoted to the theme of the development and implementation of elements of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of various countries. While this technology can significantly simplify many people’s lives, according to the authors, those with the greatest economic power will benefit most from it (Chen et...

Data Analysis in Design Overview

Data analysis (DA), often combined with artificial intelligence (AI), has found critical applications in the field of design. Whether the subject is medicine, construction, or the user experience of a social networking site, the single most crucial question for design is “what does the customer want”? By tapping into the...

Critical Path Method and Its Utility

In their article devoted to exploring the utility of the critical path method, Deac and Vrîncut (2012) explain how it might be considered one of the possible ways to manage projects properly. It is aimed at finding what timespan is the shortest for a project to be completed in, taking...

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Implementing Drone Initiative

Introduction Problem Statement The civil aviation sector of Dubai has been looking into developing safe and secure projects for driving the implementation of new services to the population. The critical problem to address is meeting the growing demand for air transportation while also considering the adverse impact of pollution and...

Industrial Revolution in History of Engineering

One of the main events that marked the beginning of the industrial revolution era was the growth of the iron industry caused by the discovery of the puddling furnace method to produce iron. Due to a lack of wood resources, people were actively looking for alternative sources because wood was...

Central Thesis of The Archive Effect by Baron

The central theme in The Archive Effect entails the examination and analysis of challenges of representation present in the correctness of archival papers and video footage for storage and reference purposes. Baron argues in his work that the importance and meaning of archived documents can be manipulated. The explanation goes...

AI in Customer Service: Argument Flaws

Flaws in arguments can be a problem that affects the credibility and validity of individual studies and authors’ assessments due to erroneous or partially incorrect judgments caused by the misinterpretation of the existing rationale or subjective arguments. As an article for evaluation, the study by Prentice and Nguyen (2020) will...

Software Development and Evaluation

Developing Software for an Organization In the software engineering field, experts define software development methodologies as those processes that divide the work of software development into sequential, parallel, or smaller sub-processes or steps to enhance project management, product management, and design (Al-Zewairi et al., 2017). The methodologies may involve the...

Artificial Intelligence Bias and Ethical Algorithms

AI has been a part of people’s lives for a long time. Some algorithms adhere the advertisements to people of different ages and backgrounds. There are also systems allowing for ordering food online or suggesting alternative routes from home to work. However, the structure suffers from the lack of diversity...

Online Learning as an Integral Component of the Education System

Online education has become an integral component of today’s learning system in schools. The students who cannot afford, access, and attend physical classes opt to leverage online classes to ensure they complete their courses on time (Busteed, 2019). Online education’s success is attributable to the numerous benefits it offers to...

SDN-IBN vs. Traditional Networking

Background SDN, software-defined networking in full, refers to a strategy in networking that utilizes software-based APIs or controllers to interact with established hardware infrastructure and direct network traffic. The approach is different from the traditional networking approach, which uses dedicated hardware gadgets to regulate network traffic (Bera et al., 2017)....

The Future of Computers and Cybersecurity

The research of technical ties between security and threat perspectives highlights the significant influence that computers have had earlier and the certainty of its growing influence in the near future. Since most people’s personal and professional lives are performed online today compared to earlier on, cybersecurity has become a critical...

Data Privacy Regulations in the European Union

Summary In the age of digital technology, the concept of privacy has taken a more important role than ever. With the ability to store, find and share information all around the world, protecting both personal and organizational data from ending up in the wrong hands has become crucial. Different countries...

Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking

Background Traditional networking has been recurrently addressed in the literature as somewhat outdated due to the limited functionality that could not escape dedicated equipment. For instance, Hadi et al. (2018) mentioned that the majority of functionalities offered within traditional networks were included in the hardware. The utilization of Application-Specific Integrated...

Discussion of Food Security Technologies

The most promising technological innovation to help promote global food security is providing farmers with networking opportunities through mobile technologies. For example, alerting agricultural workers to changes in weather conditions or outbreaks of disease will help them adapt to changes and protect crops and livestock. This can be done through...

SABRE System: Research Brief Report

Introduction For several decades technological development and adoption have been occurring at a dramatically accelerated pace. Companies are seeking ways to enhance their competitiveness through digitalizing their process. However, not all inventions end up meeting the expectations of their creators; some are rendered obsolete even before being launched, while others...

Cyber Security Breaches and Ransomware Attacks

Introduction Significant infrastructure has several sections that experience a weakening effect on the advancement of a country’s economic and security sectors. The development of critical infrastructure and redundancy maintains physical and virtual facilities, systems, and networks. Communication division is a crucial infrastructure that has transformed from ancient systems like voice...

Touchless Technologies in Birmingham Airport

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the urge for technologies that allow people to avoid coming into contact with touch devices. Before Covid-19, the world had no idea about the benefits of touchless technology. The touchless technologies that have been embraced in findings have thus not been common to...

Computer Fraud and Corporate Identity Theft

Abstract Corporate identity thefts involving unauthorized drawing of vital client information is currently on the rise as the most prevalent type of computer crimes. Processing of large volume of personal data, without proper security protection mechanisms make organizational information base vulnerable to malicious attacks by both external and internal agents....

Integrating NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework With IT Governance Frameworks

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a primary asset responsible for an organization’s cybersecurity. It structures the unit with respective functions, and organizations tend to follow a defined standard for its design (Susanto & Almunawar, 2018). Those standards are frameworks that determine such aspects of organizational activities as IT...

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Introduction The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) information system is an essential element of the US military activities due to its thorough focus on document-sharing activities and the possibility to exchange the latest updates from the field among fellow members of the military. From flow sheets to complete medical records,...

Artificial Intelligence and Singularity

Introduction Technological development will inevitably shift humanity’s future in a highly radical way. It is especially true in the case of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to lack any limitations for further development. The point where AI will surpass the human level of cognition will be a hallmark of...

The Issue of the Lack of Competition Among Digital Platforms

Various economic and social factors motivated the recommendations made by the House of Representatives subcommittee regarding digital market platforms. The key economic factors include the discouragement of innovative ideas and monopolizing of the market. The practices adopted by the organizations discussed in the report, such as the acquisition of entrants...

Bitcoin and Ethereum: Authority of Algorithms

Abstract In this research paper, the author expands on the Algorithmic authority concept used in day-to-day life. Algorithmic authority is essential to power in algorithms that direct human beings’ actions to affect the information perceived to be right. The author concentrates more on theories behind blockchain’s algorithmic technology and the...

Random-Access Memory: Training Manual

The confident use of a personal computer involves not only utilizing useful functions that modern devices possess but also gaining knowledge in the field of individual structural elements of the system. The assessment of hardware components and the analysis of the tasks that they perform can extend equipment service life...

Hitachi Power Systems: Case Study

The studied class text provides useful ideas and concepts that project managers should take seriously. The case of Hitachi Power Systems outlines some of the key aspects that corporations need to consider if they are to dispel some of the common myths. At this organization, every project team relies on...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare

AI usage in modern warfare The question of AI usage in modern warfare is topical these days. I have never heard of the controversial Project Maven. Still, I have looked it up, and it sounds bizarre to think that regular Google employees could be involved with the Department of Defense....

The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet

The Internet, social networks, and online streams have become a staple of modern life. Almost every person with access to the Web is influenced in some way by the infinite amount of information. The Internet connects far-flung corners of the world at a previously unimagined level. Yet, despite the increasing...

Digital Technologies Introduce Privacy Issues in the Financial Sector

Introduction Financiers, especially banks, must generate confidence in handling the vast transactions to remain trustworthy in the digital era. The globe has experienced tremendous technological transformations, which have both advantages and disadvantages to the financial sectors. Some of the notable new techs include data analytics, artificial intelligence, biometrics, and blockchain...

Novartis’s Prescription for Invoice Processing

Invoice processing is the complete method of managing a supplier bill, from its receipt to the time it is recorded in the data system and awaiting payment. Novartis is a Switzerland based international healthcare organization that offers solutions for addressing the changing prerequisites of patients in many countries globally (Novartis,...

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 Crises

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 and Germanwings Flight 9525 cases were highly fatal accidents in the airlines’ history. It is important to note that the main cause of the crash for the latter was co-pilot, who deliberately assisted the collision. However, in the case of Southwest Airlines, the investigation showed the...

Navigation Safety Management System & Risk Assessment

Introduction The objective of this research paper is to provide overview of the Navigational Safety Management System and Risk Assessment. The paper composes of the component functions of a navigational Safety Management System. The paper also provides the strategies to conduct a navigational risk assessment. Component functions of a navigational...

Cyber Threat Landscape Change Over Past Years

Introduction Every day, information technology (IT) and cyber security experts work hard to find new ways to defend against potential cyber-attacks. When a company aspires to have advanced cyber security capabilities, it must have a thorough understanding of how cyber security threats evolve. To fully benefit from newer technology, a...

Problems and Opportunities Created by Having Too Much Data

Introduction In rapidly growing corporations, organizations, companies, and businesses there is a concomitant increase in the size of data generated daily. An increase in the size of data generated directly increases the amount of data handled and required in different departments of the institution, company, organization, or business for marketing,...

Security Architecture and Design: Cache Handling

Introduction The cache is a crucial part of modern IT infrastructure. It refers to a category of components temporarily storing data to allow its faster retrieval in future requests. Central processing unit (CPU) cache, web cache, domain name system (DNS) cache, and web browser cache are all examples of caches....

The Vacuum Vessel Design: Requirements and Limitations

Introduction In engineering design, the procedure of coming up with a component involves idea synthesis at the initial state after problem definition. Creative thinking then follows to evaluate possible designs to meet the functional requirements of the mentioned need. Vetting is also done to come up with a sensible number...

Computer Forensics for Solving Cyber Crimes

Introduction Several questions are often asked when it comes to the use of information technology to commit crimes and the possibility of deploying the same technology in detecting and apprehending people who commit cyber crimes. Computer forensics is a strategic field, especially for organizations that need to protect their information...

Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility

Introduction The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is a unique form of technology under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework applied in the execution of military operations. The IoMT has wide application in advanced combat operations and intelligence-oriented warfare processes (Suri et al., 2016). A majority of the highly advanced military units...

Aspects of Communicating With Technology

Communication is essential to most human activities, including business, and, as a result, the available means of communication can either facilitate or undermine the performance of a given company. Thanks to the advances in information and communication technology (ICT), today’s companies have a wider range of communication tools available to...

Cargo Management Re-Engineering (CRM)

An overview of the Integrated Cargo System This was an ambitious project initiated in the year 2000 by the Customs in conjunction with the government. Now it is called cargo management re-engineering (CRM). The Integrated Cargo System (ICS) is part of the CRM. By 2004, the export functionality was successfully...

Risk Assessment of Network: IBS Electronics

Company network analysis The company in analysis throughout the course of this paper is IBS Electronics. The company is a global distributor foe electronic products and components. The company majors with the difficult to find electronic components and parts, selling of electronic components online, delivery of services to customers, and...

Data Communications: File Transfer Protocol

Introduction File transfer protocol (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another over a network connection, such as the Internet. Abhay Bhushan designed the first FTP protocol in 1971. It originally used dos command prompt, but has been redesigned using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)...

Airport Security and New Technologies

The biometric software application can uniquely identify or verify an individual using a comparison and analysis of features based on the contours of a person’s face and behavior. This software can compare it with information in the database for subsequent identification. The author’s thesis aims to identify the benefits of...

Google and Its Advancing Technologies

Tech companies around the world try to outdo one another in coming up with new technologies. For that reason, these companies set aside a large share of their revenue for research and development (R&D). Startups and established organizations also get financial support from governments and NGOs, which helps in advancing...

Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses...

Evaluating Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Introduction In the context of public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria, project success can only be realized when stakeholder performance is evaluated against a performance evaluation framework. A performance evaluation framework provides well established and evaluated standard measures against which the performance of project stakeholders can be measured to evaluate...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Literature review Mobile ad hoc networks are typified by wireless multi-hop channels that are connected to mobile nodes, which “do not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure [1]”. In the recent past, the field of mobile ad hoc networking has attracted a great deal of attention from many scholars as a...

Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries have to be capable of adopting the usage of simulations for validating...

iPhone 12 Mini: Apple’s Smartphone Evolution

Introduction The iPhone is arguably one of the most competitive smartphone brands in the world today. The producing company, Apple, has within the past 13 years designed and delivered superior phones to different customers across the globe. Within this period, the technology giant has succeeded in releasing and marketing a...

Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development

Introduction Software engineering is the activity aimed at developing software programmes and applications appropriate for those programmes with regard to compatibility and usability of programmes by different audience including software developers and ordinary customers/users that purchase and upload these applications for personal use only. Every time a specific programme should...

John von Neumann and the von Neumann Architecture

John von Neumann was a great mathematician, known by his really significant contributions to the fields of economics, numerical analysis, and computer science. This person played a very important role in developing the study of computation and understanding of how effective and practical computers had to be and how the...

Learning About SQL Server Databases

What is a database? According to the video series, “SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Beginners,” a database is defined as a computer file that is optimized to store up data in a structured manner. The way in which data is stored in a database is well organized and ensures...

Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work

The article conveys the idea that the employee’s time spent on the Internet should be appropriately controlled for the company’s informational security (IS). Personal Internet use takes up 60-80 % of the time staff spends on websites not related to work. Time waste on personal activities is qualified as a...

Wireless and Mobile Network and Phone Security Issues

The contemporary world is characterized by an increased use of wireless communication. Such communication entails the use of smart phones and iPods in our daily communications. The use of wireless communication has become very essential which has greatly enhanced sharing of information greatly. Security of the information transmitted over wireless...

New Technologies in the Fire Service

The article researched, “Emerging Technologies Being Incorporated in the Fire Service”, discuses eight new devices developed for the Fire Service. It summarizes these new devices without detailed description, providing an overview of the ways new technology is being integrated into firefighting equipment. These devices include three solutions for monitoring a...

Top-Down Parsing: A Computer Algorithm

Top-down parsing was introduced in the 1970s, and it remains a widespread strategy that has also become the basis for newer and more sophisticated algorithms. The top-down strategy was preferred during an extended period of time due to its comparative simplicity, usability, and an opportunity to customize. As the term...

Modern Telecommunications System in Business Setting

Introduction In general telecommunication systems are the different ways in which the information is passed from one place to another covering a certain distance. The message passed may be verbal or written. The mode of communication used depends on several factors such as the urgency of the message, the magnitude...

Data Quality Evaluation Plan

Introduction This is an elaborate plan on data quality evaluation for GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK). This is a multinational pharmaceutical company with headquarters in London. There are issues in master data management as a result of two firms merging in 2000; Glaxo Wellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham Company. These two companies...

My Telecom: Project Proposal Audit

Introduction Managing a project is one of the major challenges that one needs to face when performing in the contemporary business setting. Projects implemented in the telecommunications industry are, in turn, even more, challenging than others due to the additional need to focus on communication-related concerns and the assessment of...

Overview of Boeing E- Enabled Advantages

Boeing faced the biggest blow in 1999 when airbus, their biggest competitor delivered more airplanes than Boeing. This was then followed by a shrank down of Boeing’s earnings and a consequent laying off of 9,300 employees out of the 126,000 employees that it had. During the gulf war, there was...

European Technological Developments and Its Effects

There is no doubt that the Industrial Revolution dramatically changed the daily life of European people and later on the whole world. However, there are two opposing views concerning its effect on the general population. Some people say that the technological progress led to greater affluence and the rise in...

Biomass and Energy Crops and Technology

Abstract Biomass energy is extracted from living or dead plant matter. This type of energy has an advantage over fossil fuel because it is a renewable energy source while fossil fuel is not. Majorly, biomass energy is used to produce electricity and heat. In this regard, plant matter even in...

Sub Networking: Definition and Role

A subnet is an individually identifiable part of a particular Internet Protocol network. Subnetting is achieved by dividing the computer networks into groups of computers that manifest a distinct, selected IP address routing prefix. Subnetting is important when dealing with many connections of computers in large networks. These large connections...

The Feasibility of Light Fidelity Replacing WiFi

Background WIFI’s reliance on radio frequencies for data transmission has two significant limitations. First, the amount of data that can be transferred at a time is limited; and second, radiofrequency resources are constrained, which might lower WIFI capacity to transmit data in the future. One of the solutions to this...

Email System Upgrade: Project Scope Statement

Project Objective To upgrade the existing email system by January 15th, 2011, in such a way that it becomes: one system with a capacity of 2500 users, replacing the existing 5 systems and making it capable of both LAN and remote (Wi-Fi) access; install new standards and protocols, reconfigure the...

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Introduction Information Technology Infrastructure Library is the collection of practices that should be adopted for better and improved information technology services, information technology operations, and concepts. In literal terms, it is a collection of books that was developed by the British Government. The figure that is shown is a collection...

Airline Labor Relations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Labor relations and human resource management are the fields of study that deal with different aspects of relationships between organizations and employees. The presence of strategies to guarantee employee satisfaction and staff retention is specifically important in the airline sector of the aviation industry. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

The Flower Fairy Tale: Flower Shop Automation

The Flower Fairy Tale focuses on supplying custom and designer bouquets, which means that there is additional stress on the importance of the product being assembled by hand. This eliminates the option which would imply using robots or any other form of mechanical assistance in the production process. However, business...

Modeling of a Network: Deployment and Implementation of IP (VoIP)

Abstract Efficient communication has been identified as a potential tool to enhance organisation agility. Many businesses have benefited from efficient communication systems in order to enhance their competitive advantages. Meanwhile, organisation depends on the real time communication to enhance organisational decision-making. Thus, this proposal discusses modelling of a network deployment...

DBR Technology: Data Networks

One of the important aspects that Information technology has brought forward is telecommunications. Communication networks play an increasing important role in an ever shrinking business world. Organizations, big or small, used these networks to exchange information even beyond geographical boundaries. Through research, new communication standards are developed on regular basis...

Performance in Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Study Design The study will employ a cross-sectional research design in examining regulations and technologies employed in the aviation industry to provide a high level of performance in safety management systems (SMS). This research design is appropriate because it is easy to implement, promotes data collection from a representative sample,...

Cybercrime: Categories and Challenges

Introduction The development of digital technologies and innovations that brought humankind to the era of the Internet has introduced multiple changes of various character in every part of life. One of them is the appearance and constant transformation of a new category of crime associated with computers and communication technologies...

Agile Software Development Process

Agile software development involves an iterative process of creating software where different developers and designers work with the client to ensure that business goals and vision are met. It provides an early and continuous development of software, allowing teams to gather feedback and make changes to suit the dynamic requirements....

Role of the Medical Equipment in the Development of a New Research Project

Summary The provision of the lab and medical equipment plays an important role in the development of a new research project, the improvement of medical services, and the enhancement of academic facilities. Even if researchers and administrators establish clear goals and milestones in their work, there is a need for...

Critical Path Analysis and Project Management

Critical path analysis (CPA) is used to determine the critical and non-critical activities related to the business processes or plans and the amount of float involved in each activity. As such, the result of this method identifies the critical path, which includes the sequence of essential steps that incorporate a...

IPhone and Its Importance in My Life

Any person nowadays, spoiled by the blessing of civilization, is a proud owner of a cell phone. A cell phone is needed to respond to e-mails and messages, to read the latest posts in social networks, and, of course, to follow the news in the world of high technology. Indeed,...

Project Management Implementation Assignment: Beta Distribution

Overview The assignment involves a description of three approximating approaches, namely analogous, bottom-up, and parametric techniques. It also gives a detailed discourse of the individual method and a highlight of the circumstances which may necessitate their preference for use. Additionally, there is an introduction of the triangular distribution and the...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Healthcare has been subject to revolutionary changes as a result of technological breakthroughs in academia and their practical implementation in hospitals. Such advancements have influenced the structure and organization of wellness care since humanoid robots were introduced to the healthcare industry. McKinsey Global Institute reports that “800 million workers worldwide...

Data Scientist and Software Development

Introduction With the technological revolution of the 21st century, data has become an important tool in decision-making. However, to derive meaning out of raw data, it has to be analyzed – a task done by data scientists. These professionals transform data into insight, thus giving elaborate guidance for users of...

Responsibilities of a Technical Professional

The use of internet has created a huge chance for the population using it within the last decade. It is a prime tool of success in the recent era. Thus, it becomes important to analyze and focus on the subject of responsibilities that a technical professional must indulge while walking...

Digital Information Systems for Businesses

In the modern world, any business regardless of its size has to use resources for storing and processing data. The practice of sending information in a physical form to a secure location is about to be entirely replaced by cloud services. They provide a more accessible way for companies to...

Real Estate Appraisal: Single- and Multi-Family Houses

Introduction An appraisal is the opinion of an expert to estimate the value of a residence. This will definitely vary from domicile to domicile with regard to the material and subject of construction and mainly not into a great deal the beautification as compared to the fabric of the structure....

Critical Analysis on IT Strategic Planning

Introduction Companies utilize an IT strategy to be at the forefront of the development and growth across industries. Managers of the company’s divisions must have technical knowledge and skills to establish significant interaction with IT systems, adjust and communicate changes properly. Both business and IT directions need a coherent strategic...

The Present and Future of the Business Communication

The global economy is changing rapidly these days along with technological advancement. Innovations bring both opportunities and challenges for business. E-mail, voice over IP, smartphones and social networks have already revolutionized means of business communication. The progress does not seem to stop, and new technologies will be invented and implemented....

The Gold Coast Desalination Plant

Introduction It is the Gold Coast Desalination Plant at Tugun that amazes with modern technologies and is the focus of this research paper. It is the most energy-efficient plant in the world that makes the process of desalination possible and useful for thousands of people. The plant is taking the...

Zero-Size Intelligence: Essential Benefits

Science and technological development of the modern world provides individuals with numerous opportunities. Today, people can instantly share information, talk to one another being on different continents, and others. This state of affairs was only a dream a few decades ago, but humanity still keeps improving its technology. Zero-size intelligence...

Technological Development in Communication

Introduction Technology makes people’s life more rewarding and adds beautiful colors to them. However, it also has its weak points and becomes a reason for significant newly emerged difficulties. Such a situation with technology is observed in several areas including the area of communication. Nowadays, the expense of personal contact...

Information Technology Project Portfolio Management

Introduction Project portfolio management (PPM) is beneficial to IT professionals in several ways apart from an overall increase in efficiency of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects. There is normally a grey zone in the functions of PPM and the project management office (PMO). The controversy raised is normally that...

Project Management and Important Skills

Introduction Necessity of developing project management skills and knowledge. To succeed in the project planning, it is necessary to apply specific management approaches and techniques to develop a set of skills and talents. Indeed, numerous organizations make a gross mistake by allowing their best technicians and computer managers to handle...

Google and Social Networks: Integration Paper

This integration paper is an overview of the entire week’s projects. All the activities of the week are synthesized in order to provide the value or usefulness of these studies in my personal and professional life. The topics discussed in the week include should spamming be illegal? Why or why...

Information Technology in Firms

Introduction Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) has had a great impact in the way business is conducted in the modern world. Several companies have incorporated technology in their operational and strategic management. Areas among others in which information technology is deployed to increase employees’ competency and productivity include: staffing systems,...

Heartland Payment System Data Breach Problem Solution

Introduction The Heartland Payment System, which serves customers through processing credit cards, was last year (2008) attacked through the extranet and exposed customers’ information over the network. The company reported that the customers’ Phone numbers and addresses, Pin and Card security numbers were exposed. The company was dealing with Visa,...

Lake Worth Church Fire, Texas: Causes and Fatal Consequences

Abstract On February 15, 1999 fire broke out at a church in Lake Worth, Texas. It led to the death of three fire fighters when its roof collapsed and trapped them as they were trying to put off the fire from inside the church. This was a few minutes after...

Art and Science of Security

Introduction Security is more a matter of art than science. It is argued, that a successful security strategy entails both these components, however, the combination of these components is not the science and not the art: it is more the experience that joins both these components, and intuition, which is...

The Issue of Wardriving: Unauthorized Access to Wi-Fi Networks

Currently, many private residents have purchased “Wireless Fidelity” (Wi-Fi) network, in effect enabling their members of the family to gain access to, for example, network drive or a printer from any location within the house. When this technology lacks the suitable security, neighbors, as well as other individuals who could...

Records Management and Documents Destruction

Executive Summary Information is one of the most vital assets in any one organization. Policies and decisions in organizations are made based on the information available. In addition, security of the organization’s information is crucial as its exposure to unauthorized persons or its loss can be a deathly risk to...

Reflective Learning in the Era of High Technological Progress

The era of high technological progress is so fast and effective in many industries and spheres of a man’s activities now provides the educational system with plenty of innovations urged to optimize the educational process and to make it more efficient and versatile. Students of today have forgotten about those...

Competing With the iPhone

The iPhone has taken the world of mobile phones by storm thanks to its sleek design, touch screen, and motion-detecting features, and other camera and video options. But every product, brand, or item has some weakness that can be exploited upon. The iPhone is not similar and even though it...

Data Storage Management Solutions: Losses of Personal Data

Introduction The term data refers to a collection of facts about anything. As it is often said, processed data results to information and he who has information has power. In the modern world, companies are in dire need of faster data processing in order to meet the challenges brought about...

The Meaning of Cyber Bullying

Introduction The meaning of cyberbullying is to embarrass intimidate or in other words, it is the humiliating or treating of an individual using modern communication technology. The purpose of doing this is to acquire power and control over the humiliated person. It is not recommended because it is all about...

Direct Digital Controls Analysis

Direct Digital Control (DDC) is the control system that is aimed to control HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) by the means of electronic schemes and logical elements. DDC receive analog and digital inputs from the sensors and devices installed in the HVAC system and, according to the control logic,...

Computer Graphics: Human Animation Methodology

Graphics is basically composed of pixels and colors and it is used to present images and videos. This world is moving so fast and number of new technologies and trends in graphics are changed now, in ancient days graphics was only considered for creating and displaying static images, with the...

Task Management Software in Organization

Introduction – Executive Summary Innovative technology allows moving a company forward by establishing new options for communication with its stakeholders and increasing the quality of its services and products. However, the described change also suggests facing several challenges associated with resistance to change among employees and teaching them to use...

Drones Usage in Oil and Gas Industry

Abstract The oil and gas industry is beginning to adopt automation for many different purposes, but people still perform many critical and time-intensive jobs. Drones can help save time and costs by avoiding the deployment of human resources, making them an exciting subject of interest to many companies. Infrastructure inspections,...

Usage of AI and Robotics in Project Management

Technological progress has allowed the humanity to use the technologies they could not implement in the past centuries. Some of these innovations include robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), which help individuals to perform regular tasks and often present the features humans do not have. The purpose of this paper is...

The Benefits of Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a ubiquitous technology that makes Internet access on many devices at once possible without much difficulty. It allows devices to connect to a network without the need for a cable, which is an excellent property due to the number of Internet-enabled devices that people currently use. It is...

Online Privacy and Security Strategies

The advent of the Internet era has brought about a variety of useful options for people all over the world. However, along with numerous advantages, searching and sharing data online also has some negative features. The greatest problem that may be encountered by almost any user is the violation of...

Wikipedia: The Concept of Data-Driven Crowdsourcing

At the beginning of its conception, the Internet was a poorly organized set of websites and pieces of knowledge that was scattered across the network. However, as the Internet became an integral part of millions of people’s lives, the necessity to collect, arrange, store, and share data properly emerged. Thus,...

Uber as the Platform Service

With the emergence of the technological breakthrough that has been occurring over the past few decades, the transfer of most services to the digital environment was not only necessary but also inevitable. The opportunities of the digital market had to be explored, and a vast number of companies managed to...

Infrastructure as a Service by Amazon

The demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) services is growing worldwide due to its cost-effectiveness and simplicity of use. While the competition in the sector is high, the sphere is dominated by major providers, which may hurt the competition in the future (Osborne, 2019). The present paper aims to...

Security in the Computer Networking World

Ensuring security in computer networks is a significant issue that requires careful analytical work and utilizing relevant mechanisms to counter the threats of hacking and data theft. The transition to a digital standard for storing valuable documentation necessitates the organization of reliable and stably operating systems with authorization functions, protection...

Cloud Services: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and IDaaS

The aim of this paper is to discuss key service models of cloud computing: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Identity as a Service (IDaaS). The paper will analyze five cloud deployments at East Coast Polytechnic Institute (ECPI) and identify...

Online Education for Clinical Social Work

Since the time of its creation and popularization, online learning has attracted the attention of both users and researchers alike. From aviation to history or from clinical social work to agriculture, online education grants the possibility of perceiving information in an entirely new format, different from traditional learning techniques. Appraising...

Retail Inventory Control Project Management

Overview of the Project Project name: Implementation of the Retail Inventory Management Project Sponsors: JC Penny Stores Project Leader: Navio Start Date: 10th August 2012 End Date: 25th November 2012 Budget: $ 4,900,000 Project Scope The following are the expected project outcomes. The first one is that the project will...

Cell Manufacturing Setup: Project Management

Introduction ABC Company is a large American company engaged in the production and manufacture of truck transmissions in the wider American truck market. The company is currently undertaking a reorganization process that will see it outsource some of its manufacturing process to Europe. This will happen as part of a...

Split Variables in IBM SPSS Statistical Software

The IBM SPSS software provides an option to split a file into groups. The membership of cases in groups is determined by the value of a split variable for that case. It is possible to use virtually any variable as a split variable, but using only a certain type of...

Wired Magazine: Culture Analysis

The name of the magazine is Wired. They have a target audience that ranges from children all the way to adults. To put it simply, it is suitable for both the old as well as the young. The kinds of products sold in this magazine are mainly electronic gadgetsand electronic...

Pulse Code Modulation, Its History and Application

Definition The term “Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)” refers to a digital scheme used to transmit or record analog data (Shi and Sun 17). PCM signals are binary in nature. This means that two states (logic 1 and logic 0) are only possible during the digitalization process. The scheme makes it...

Email Communication and Its Phenomenal Growth

Introduction The internet has continued to globalize our world as technological advances are put into use. Digital technologies that emerged have enabled the digitization of almost all devices in the world. These include digital electronics, signatures, photos, and media, among others. Communication has also taken center stage as the trigger...

Safety Risks in the Modern Aviation Industry

Introduction The modern globalised world cannot exist without the aviation industry which is the key factor guaranteeing the stable and fast intercourse, transportation, conveyance of air passengers, and cargo delivery. Being a strategic mean of transport, aviation also provides numerous opportunities for the further development of the international relations, states...

Database Design: Existing Models Criticism

Paper Summary Chen, P. (1976). The entity-relationship model – Toward a unified view of data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems,1(1), 9-36. Purpose (What are the objectives for writing the paper?): The author undertakes a critical review of the previously proposed models of data management and proposes an inclusive framework to...

Fundraising Event Project Planning at the Camden School

Overview and Scope Definition The current project deals with planning a fundraising event at the Camden School, which thematically ties to the end of their school year, with the raised money being donated to charity. A fair may be an appropriate type of event considering the educational setting, allowing both...

Explosion at Concept Sciences Inc. Facility

One should perfectly realize the fact that the industrial advance we have today is a two-edged sword that could be very useful and dangerous at the same time. The fact is that the tendency towards the increased complexity of manufacturing processes and the use of hazardous materials to produce a...

Uber-U Education Technology for Global Connections

Introduction The 21st-century learning setting has been marked by the heightened use of Internet-enabled platforms such as Skype, Twitter, or even Google Hangouts among others that connect people around the globe. Although these learning environments embrace the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) framework whereby tutors deliver contents to learners who...

Information System Development: From Scratch to Guide

Introduction In all cases of developing an information system from the ground up, it is vital to create an IRD strategy to guide the development process. The system model not only expresses requirements but also provides an informal description of data points and allows for the definition of logical architecture,...

Artificial Technology’s Ethical, Social, Legal Issues

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the creation of intelligent machines that can perform actions that were traditionally reserved for human beings. Another definition describes AI as the study and design of intelligent objects or agents that can follow human thoughts, and as a result, perform acts that are commonly...

Virtualization and Cloud Computing World

Introduction Recently, many IT/IS companies started to use Saas (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). The three services mentioned above provide a virtualized space that replaces all the required data storage, desktop computing, networking, and many other elements necessary for engineers....

Applications, Software and System Development

How Does Understanding Various Microsoft Office Applications Enhance Productivity in Education, the Workplace, and at Home? The use of Microsoft Office applications greatly enhances productivity in educational matters, at work, and in various everyday activities at home. Microsoft Word is a program for word processing that is used to create...

Education Theory for Online Learning

Reflection of Learning Journey Teach and learn online is an emerging concept that has led to an increase in the size of classrooms by incorporating ICT in teaching and learning. Teaching online entails the development of instructions for students and delivering them through technological gadgets. Teaching and learning online has...

The Social Interaction in an Online Learning Community

Online education by Nagel and Kotze The main purpose of the research by Nagel and Kotze (2010) was to see the efficiency of the available teaching strategies for the online classes of large size to address the issue of the limited personal exposure of the learners to the tutor. The...

Tire Recycling, Compactor Machine and Clamp System

Waste or used tire is a mixture of rubber fillers bound with giant blenders. A typical tire combines 30 ingredients during its production phase (Ahmet 23). The features of tire production include ply, belt, shoulder, spie, & grove, beads, sidewall, read and rib. The production process combines different rubbers extracts...