Church in Slaves’ Lives and How They Survived

Most of the enslaved people saw church and God as their only foundations of comfort and employed their religious beliefs as a basis through which they anchored their purpose in life. Methodism was the main religion in the course of the early 1900s. It began in England via the inventive...

Nurse Understaffing Problem in USA

Nurse understaffing is a common problem for many developed countries including the USA. The increasing number of older patients, low salaries, and insufficient prestige of the profession contribute to the shortage of nursing professionals. In its turn, inadequate nurse staffing and work-related stress lead to nursing professionals’ burnout, fatigue, and,...

Aging Adult Screening and Nursing Interventions

With age, the independence of individuals can decrease, affecting their physical and mental health. People who maintain their autonomy, however, can also overlook problems that may occur as a normal part of aging or as an outcome of one’s changing health. Thus, it is vital to monitor older patients’ wellbeing...

Corporations Entry Into International Markets

Introduction Companies that want to do business internationally should be aware of different entry modes that are appropriate for new markets. The best choice will be informed by specific factors, including the organization’s financial strength, intended objectives, available time, and the regulations and policies implemented in the identified country. Some...

Career-Related Service for College Dropouts and CCIS Model

Introduction Not all school children and their parents can afford further education because it requires many financial resources as well as significant mental and psychological efforts. It is a severe problem because higher education is considered essential for a person’s professional success in the future. Even though they enroll in...

Recycled Magazine Greeting Cards’ Marketing Communication Strategy

Introduction Corporate social responsibility, as well as environment-consciousness, have been buzzwords for many business organizations and for consumers for a long time now. As issues on the well-being of all parties involved in the product cycle, from manufacturing, delivery to consumption, and even post-consumption, become an integrated part of the...

Healthcare Reform and Ethics in Nursing Viewpoint

Introduction The recent healthcare reforms, including the Affordable Care Act that was passed during Obama’s presidency and the Trump administration’s subsequent attempts to repeal it, concerned themselves with the availability of health insurance as well as the federal costs of healthcare. The policies have been the subject of significant amounts...

Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Global events and attitudes have to a large extent been shaped by religion. The history of humanity have been encompassed by a number of events such as wars, the building of new cities and the introduction of new laws with the central of aim of promulgating or protecting one...

GE Energy and GE Healthcare: Strategic Customer Relationships

Overview of the case study Having realized the numerous benefits of IT, many companies can now advertise and market their products through customers’ sites. This is besides continuous monitoring throughout the world. GE energy grabbed these opportunities thereby creating customer relationships that have had varied benefits and returns for the...

Snow in August by Pete Hamill

Marketing management is a management discipline that encompasses fields such as strategic planning as well as other processes involved in achieving the objectives of an organization through delivery of quality values to customers. The main focus is aimed satisfying the requirements of the customers. It begins with market research through...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Government Role in Fiscal Policy and Recession

Responsibility of Crisis A number of factors may have triggered the 2008 financial crisis. But the factor that stands out the most is the shortfall in liquidity that was witnessed by major banks around the United States. This shortfall was preceded by a phenomenon rise in need for houses. The...

The Men Who Stare at Goats: Human History Against the Backdrop of War

American cinematography is known for its masterpieces touched upon burning issues of the modern world. The Men Who Stare at Goats belongs to one of such films which makes people think over the problem of wars captivated a human history. This movie is based on the book under the same...

EFL Teacher Training and Development

The focus of research As every person has the abilities and skills to learn something new, this capability should be used for the improvement of professional skills and knowledge acquisition. For instance, the Cambridge online dictionary suggests the definition of development as an activity “when someone or something grows or...

Causes of 2008 Financial Crisis in Sony Documentary, “Inside Job”

Causes of the 2008 Financial Meltdown The documentary, “The Inside Job”, highlights some of the reasons why the 2008 financial meltdown happened. The film shows how bankers, regulators, and politicians all contributed to the crisis. One of the causes of the financial meltdown presented in the documentary is the high...

Gone With the Wind’: The War and Love in the Movie

Introduction Feature fiction films are films that tell fictional stories, events, situations, and characters that may be similar to those existing in the real world, though most of them are imaginary. The fictional nature of narrative films is their peculiar feature because the diegesis (the total world of the story)...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangladesh’s Banking Sector

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) denotes a firm’s practices that entail undertakings that benefit the surrounding community, for instance, offering a fraction of the business’ profits to charity, programs of environmental conservation and social welfare, and implementation of greener processes to mention a few. Currently, Corporate Social Responsibility acts as...

Social Media’s Influence on American Culture

Abstract The use of social media has become increasingly popular and important in the globalized world today. People use social media for all kinds of reasons, including economic, social, and political reasons. However, the main reason for engaging in social media for most people is to satisfy their desire for...

The Review of “A Cyborg Manifesto”

Summary The essay “A cyborg manifesto” by Donna Haraway presents a revolutionary view of humanity’s future developments. In her work, the intersections between dualistic concepts like genders, primitivism, truth, deific/humane, order/chaos, and others must be eradicated in order to create a cyborg society (Haraway, 2016). The author chooses the concept...

Deforestation: Causes, Environmental Effects, Solutions

Abstract This paper aims to study the environmental effects of deforestation and suggest potential solutions for this issue. Backed by research, it asks what the primary causes of forest destructions are and whether they can be eliminated. To get a better idea of the problem, thorough research of the existing...

Spirituality, Ethics, and Postmodern Relativism

Christians believe that spirituality and ethics are extrinsic to a person and immutable, as they come from God. Is there truth beyond science? (n.d.) highlights this reliance on knowledge that cannot be confirmed by humans as a characteristic that it shares with science. This purported existence of a singular set...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sports Coaching Philosophy and Practice Factors

When formulating a coaching philosophy, there are three main items that need to be considered. These are self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-disclosure. This essay seeks to explain how the three factors can be applied in coaching practice. To this end, the importance of flexibility and the influence of external factors shall...

Conduct Disorder in Children Analysis

According to the statistics provided by the National Institute of Mental Health (2019), one in five US citizens suffers from mental disorders. Besides, the common knowledge shows that rather often, problems with mental health remain unidentified and are attributed to the character of a person. The critical aim of the...

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Conciliation

Introduction Alternative dispute resolution has been widely used to refer dispute resolution by means other than court adjudication (Staff 231). However, the definition of alternative dispute resolution incorporates a wide range of court oriented initiatives which are designed to facilitate a more effective administration of justice while overcoming delays and...

The Mystery of the Mona Lisa: Who Was the Woman Behind the Painting?

Introduction Is there a painting that has received wider publicity and acclaim than Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa? I do not think so. Other than the masterful artistry that went into its making, the Mona Lisa has an intriguing past that makes it all the more interesting. The Mona Lisa...

The Relationship Between HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma

Explanation of Main Results This paper investigated the nature of the relationship between HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma. The findings of this paper showed that rare skin cancer was the HIV-defining condition in only 48.7% of the cases sampled. Comparatively, 51.3% of the cases sampled did not show a direct correlation...

The Role of Emotional Contagion

Abstract The present study has vested much time and effort to relate customer service to overall market growth without underlying the emotional contagion. This study is limited to the customer service component by analyzing the effect of customer service, employees’ attitudes during their interactions with individual clients, and the extent...

Social Factors and Mental Recovery

Introduction The article is a review of various literature presentations that explain different issues about the effects of social factors and how they affect the recovery from mental health difficulties in patients. This article has identified a gap in this field and explains why most physicians ignore social factors and...

Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination and harassment in the workplace are prohibited in any form in order to protect the rights and interests of employees. According to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which was passed referring to the US Supreme Court decisions, employment discrimination based...

Urbanization: Census in the United States

A census refers to the practice of counting people and property in a particular region. Censuses have existed since ancient times to determine the population’s size and calculate what people require (Sullivan, 2020). Like the United States, most countries conduct a census after every ten years while others, such as...

War on Terrorism on USA After 9/11/2001

The way to treat costs incurred in the acquisition of a new plant When the decision and commitment was made to purchase the plant, the company acquired an asset whose the purchase cost will be equivalent to the amount that will be paid; the purchase price should be capitalized as...

Communication Technology Overview

Communication technology has evolved to become a critical part of human life today. By creating new and innovative modes of communication, people can talk over long distances. Such connections have played an important role in developing the world, with a majority of human beings benefiting from them. Communication technology revolutionized...

Sampling for African American HIV Women Study

Abstract This paper is aimed at defining the appropriate sampling strategy and sample size for the study concerning relationship between HIV treatment compliance and social support among African American women with HIV. The paper consists of an introduction, the estimation of the population group, the analysis of the most appropriate...

Relation Between Rowing and Physics

Physical culture and exercise play a vital role in people’s lives. It becomes a fundamental part of improving the health and well-being of a person and a key factor in developing the psychological state of an individual (Sparks et al. 2). With such meaningful participation in sports in human life,...

Identification of an Unknown Sample

Introduction This laboratory test aimed to recognize one unknown species from a diversified culture. The researcher conducted three trials in the laboratory to ascertain the unidentified species. The experimenter’s tests include; Columbia CNA Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, and the Phenol Red Test (Vega & Dowzicky, 2017). The analyzer realized...

The Movie ”Trainspotting” by Danny Boyle: Presenting Issues and Interventions

Introduction The problem of drug addiction has been a common subject in cinema for many years. First, it allows attracting the attention of the general public to this topic. Second, different techniques of cinema enable filmmakers to depict in detail all the negative sides of the issue, leaving the public...

Who Is the Monster, or Who Are the Monsters, in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a good representation of human evils in literature. The main question concerned is who should be considered a monster: creative insane scientists or people around us. It is difficult to emphasize black and white characters because the situation differs from the classical villain-hero scenario. Each character...

Aspects of Ethical Decision‐Making

Abstract Most ethical dilemmas are conflicts between the whole and its part: organization and individual, society and organization. It is impossible to choose a single concept of ethical decision-making because it will change depending on the circumstances. As for me, over the course, I have learned to draw conclusions and...

Liberal and Conservative Political Impact on Media

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without mass media. Moreover, the press rule over human minds: its power is so great that it can program the entire country to specific thoughts. The confrontation between adherents of conservative and liberal values has been going on for a long time....

Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation

The effects of substances on human physiology are numerous and diverse. Chemical reactions produced by the injection of foreign drugs can change the personal mood, elicit strong emotional responses, and provoke physical reactions. In many cases, people who use drugs lose control and inhibition. Although not necessarily substance leads to...

Lowering Voting Age to 16: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction “Lowering the Voting Age to 16? A Comparative Study on the Political Competence and Engagement of Underage and Adult Youth” relies on the power of inductive reasoning to examine the relationship between political choices and age. Valérie-Anne Mahéo and Éric Bélanger utilize comparative analysis to examine the political competence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“A Doll’s House”: The Problem of Position of Women in Ibsen’s Play

A Doll’s House is a vivid example of the genre of analytical drama. The genre got its name due to the fact that all stage events are the result of what happened to the characters before the action begins and requires a reflexive analysis to understand everything that happens further....

Exposure to Violent Media and Violence in Real Life

The debate regarding the relationship between the portrayal of violence within media and real-life cases of violent crimes is ongoing and unlikely to reach a definitive conclusion. However, staggering evidence has become more prevalent in recent years to indicate that while individual cases of violent crimes may be influenced by...

Responsibilities of Nurses and Principles of Nursing Competence

According to the American Nursing Association, a nurse must promote health, prevent illness, alleviate suffering, and advocate for individuals in her care. There are ten principles of nursing competence: client-centered care, interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, leadership, informatics, safety, client education, professionalism, and priority setting. These principles constitute the...

Giotto di Bondone: Biography and Artworks

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) is a renowned Italian artist who is believed to have been born in 1267 near Florence. He is thought to have grown up as a young shepherd in the countryside. While herding, Giotto would draw pictures of sheep on the ground until one day, his drawings...

The March for Independence and Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War changed the political situation in the United States; it occurred between 1775 and 1783. It is otherwise referred to as the American Revolution and was a reaction to the oppressive governance of the British crown in the United States. The American Revolution was inevitable as it followed...

Consumerism: “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner

The article “On Dumpster Diving” describes people eating behaviors and how they waste food unknowingly. The paper describes how consumers waste a lot of food and if they are aware of their wasteful lifestyle. In addition, it questions if those with wasteful behaviors are knowledgeable or care about their habit....

Whip Whitaker’s Alcoholic Addiction and Its Influence on His Life

Introduction Addiction is the fact or condition of being dependent on a particular substance or activity. Alcohol addiction, on the other hand, refers to the continued excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Alcohol addiction has a huge impact on oneself, family, or society at large. Some of these effects range from...

The “Wood” Exhibition at the Jefferson Museum

Introduction I went to the Wood exhibition at the Jefferson Museum of Art and History located in Port Townsend. The presentation illustrated the history of woodcraft in our region, showing the portraits of many people who contributed to building the town more than a hundred years ago. The featuring craftspeople...

The Power of Media in American Politics

The US media and politics are two entities that cannot be separated in the modern world. Though they are different, they heavily depend on each other, and their impact on the public is immense. Media has a great deal of influence on society and politics in America. The primary role...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Values Impact on Employment Relations

Introduction An employment relation is an association between two parties where one party provides labor on behalf of another. This relationship should be differentiated from industrial relations, which mainly involve employees having labor unions who use conflicts as a bargaining tool for their rights to be met by the employing...

Technology in the Healthcare System

As part of the work, it is required to assess the risks that could express problems with the integration of new technologies for obtaining health care services within a small city. Clerkenwell Vale is a British town with an aging population and relatively low life expectancy. Given the technological backwardness...

Free Public Transportation and Why It Is Beneficial

Nowadays, public transport systems play an integral part in the lives of locals and visitors in all regions around the world. As a result, the issue of public transportation costs has been debated for a long time. While some believe that a free public is unattainable and doomed to failure,...

The Death Philosophy in Religion and Science

Death is an intrinsic part of human existence, as it is the endpoint of life. It is everywhere, and it is foolish to deny the fact that death can be avoided. There are people who try to live much longer than their allotted time. New scientific approaches and research are...

The Big Brother Concept in Orwell’s “1984”

Introduction It is important to note that George Orwell’s 1984 provides a clear and direct message about the implications of a democracy turning into totalitarianism. The given critical analysis will be developed around the subject of mass surveillance and the Big Brother concept from the novel. The installation of a...

The US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East

Introduction The National Security and Defense Policy of the United States primarily revolves around the cooperation between the allied countries globally and the efforts to promote democracy in regions with other political regimes. This issue is particularly relevant in the Middle East, where countries such as Syria, Iraq, and South...

Environmental Ethics and Spiritual Dimensions

Introduction Environmental messaging has become a subject of great importance in the 21st century. With many world problems being present, ranging from climate change to pollution, hunger, and the finite nature of most natural resources, humanity needs to unite in its efforts to save the planet from its own voracious...

Child Development on Harry Potter’s Example

Introduction A thorough analysis of a child’s gradual behavior in different contexts of their life allows for determining the normativity of their development. Furthermore, comparison and evaluation based on the child development theories lead to a wider understanding of specifications related to a child’s actions and details of their developing...

Social Constructivism Theory Applied to Current Event

Introduction Social constructionism, often known as the social construction of reality, is a sociological and communication theory investigating the formation of a collective perception of reality. Social constructionism is a viewpoint that holds that most of human existence occurs as it does due to interpersonal and social forces. Even though...

Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American Foodstuffs

Introduction The Alaska Natives are one of the oldest tribes in America. The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society. Studies have indicated that over 5 million people who live in the United States are identified as either American Indians...

Popular Research Paper Topics

International Development, Colonialism, Social Inequality and Class Stratification

Colonialism This is the situation where a country extends its national sovereignty over land beyond its borders. This is by establishment of settler colonies or administrative representatives in which the native populations are ruled directly or relocated. The country that colonizes usually controls the resources, work force, and markets of...

Greek and Roman Interiors: Comparison and Contrast

Introduction The Greek and Roman interior styles are commonly referred to as classical architecture. The Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by classical Greek style according to Greek history. However, they advanced their architecture so that they looked different from those of Greek. In fact, they created new architectural style. This...

Corel vs. Department of National Revenue

Complainant’s Position In 1998, a number of discussions took place between the Corel Corporation (Corel) and the Department of Public Works and Government Services (the Department) on the basis of the procurement of an enterprise license for an office automation suite (Corel corporation, 2004). In 1989, Corel made significant contributions...

Diamond as a Commodity

Origin Diamond is an important mineral resource. Diamond is one of the hardest minerals and enjoys the application in a variety of fields. The nature and value of a diamond make it a luxurious mineral. It is used in the making of jewelry and rings. Moreover, diamond is used in...

Approaches to Cancer Care

Cancer is one of the most significant health problems of the modern society. Annually, various types of cancer threaten or take the lives of thousands of people. As cancer is an extremely complex disease, the modern medical professionals attempt to provide a multidimensional care of cancer that is based on...

Manley Pointer in Good Country People by Flannery O’Connor

“Good country people” is a short story by Flannery O’Connor, a prominent American writer. It is imperative to mention that it can be regarded as one of the most interesting works by the author, and is considered a masterpiece by some. It has a broad range of interesting characters, but...

Dell Company’s Twitter: Tracking Word of Mouse

Abstract Dell is one of the biggest companies in the technology industry. It manufactures computers and computer accessories, as well as other technology related products. There has been a lot of news trending through various social media sites about the organization, its products, its business, sales, advertisement, and image, among...

Friendship Concept in American and French Cultures

Introduction The United States has a complex culture that is characterized by historical developments since colonization era. The country is made up of various ethnic and racial groups, each with special cultural system. In an interview asking a native citizen and French migrant to give their views on friendships, it...

Nursing Management for Patient Satisfaction

Nursing is a challenging profession. It requires professionals with good knowledge, a variety of skills and personal qualities. Some characteristics include excellent communication skills, intelligence, ability to work in teams and sense of responsibility. Nurse’s responsibilities go way beyond assessing patient’s health and performing medical exams. A nurse has to...

Assisted Suicide: Different Views

Introduction The debate surrounding whether to legalize assisted suicide, or not, rests with evaluating whether it is okay for physicians to help dying patients commit suicide, or not. There are conflicting views regarding this matter. While some people are against assisted suicide for religious reasons and because they are compassionate...

Tanglewood Company Selection Decision Making

There is a variety of different methods of selecting the best candidates to hire. Among them there are clinical prediction, unit weighing, rational weighing and multiple hurdle selection procedure. Tanglewood leaders are searching for the optimized ways to reduce the costs of the recruitment and selection procedures and this is...

Physical Activity and Employees’ Productivity

Strategies and approaches to improve employees’ productivity are actively discussed in the business environment. That is why much attention is paid to discussing differences in the productivity of those persons who are physically active and those who follow the sedentary lifestyle. In order to discuss these differences in detail and...

Persuasive Business & Social Ads and TED Talk

Media is a powerful tool for transferring important messages can change the opinions of the public or make a difference by supporting a particular point of view or persuade to change one’s opinion. This paper will examine three examples of such persuasive messages found in media. A persuasive message is...

Experimental Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Abstract Psychology is a powerful field of study aimed at addressing a wide range of human problems. The field can be divided into two specialties. These include experimental and forensic psychology. This essay gives a detailed analysis of the ideas gained after completing the class exercise. The exercise outlines the...

Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors”: A New Approach

Comedy of Errors has been traditionally critiqued as a comical unfolding of laughable incidents. However, closer examination of the text reveals that the root of the plot and the contexts demonstrated in the drama associates closely with the politics involved in the church-state discourse. Shakespeare has used the form of...

South Korean Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction South Korea has an advanced logistics infrastructure, which the country has been developing since the 60’s. Moreover, the logistics industry is the ninth-largest in Korea with regards to revenue from sales and therefore is among the key drivers of economic growth. As of 2014, the sector employed up to...

The Worth of Heroes and Villains in Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”

Talking about the conflicts between heroes and villains in movies or literature, one should recognize the story of Batman as one of the strongest examples of how evil is born, developed, and controlled. This film franchise contains a number of characters as protagonists or antagonists and, what is more important,...

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in Nursing

In any environment involving collaboration and communication between individuals, there is a likelihood of conflicts happening. Be it poor working conditions, a low level of someone’s responsibility, or personal misunderstandings, disputes occur rather frequently in all kinds of professions. In the healthcare environment, conflicts are not a rare occasion due...

Conflict Stages and Its Resolution in Healthcare

Introduction Conflicts in healthcare settings are often the result of the lack of communication between employees because of weaknesses in leadership or the organization of teamwork and the personnel’s collaboration. However, the problem is that any conflict that can be observed in a hospital has potentially negative effects on patients...

Informatics in the Clinical Setting

The modern period of social development is characterized by a strong influence of computer technologies that penetrate into all the spheres of human activity and ensure the dissemination of information flows. Medicine is one of those areas where the introduction of appropriate equipment today is an essential and integral component...

India Partition in the “Earth” Drama Film

Introduction In the majority of cases, when people make a decision to watch an Indian movie, they want to see a number of beautiful saris, songs, dances, family conflicts, and the development of loving affairs. However, Bollywood can amaze and positively contradicts audience expectations. Earth (Mehta, 1998) is one such...

Motion Pictures: “Film/Genre” Book by Rick Altman

Introduction It is worth noting that theorists have long been trying to resolve the issue of inaccurate genre affiliation of motion pictures. The lack of a strict terminological base and the difficulty of categorizing movies led to the fact that the same film can be attributed to different and even...

Migration as a Social Problem

Sociologists have over a long time studied tribulations of migration and its consequences across and within cultures. Migration is defined in a number of ways but for this paper, it shall be used to refer to the movement of persons from one country or locality to another as defined by...

The Legal Position of Free Appropriate Public Education

In 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was enacted to cater to children with disabilities. Under IDEA a free appropriate public education consists of educational instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities supported by such services that are necessary to permit the child to...

Preparing for and Taking Exams

Introduction The clock says 2:15 and its time for your next class. Suddenly, you’re feeling sick. You feel a bit dizzy, you’ve just broken out in a sweat and you are having trouble remembering which way the classroom is. You just remembered you’re supposed to take a test in that...

US Social Scientists and Civil Rights Movement

Introduction One of the most important event of 1960s US was the Civil Rights Movement. The movement gave equal rights to African-Americans in the US which included right to vote. Although it officially ended in the late 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement has had far reaching impact on the US...

The Marketing Importance for Purchase Desicions

There is a certain food stuff manufacturing firm from which I always purchase snacks. The firm produces different types of cakes, biscuits, and on the other hand processes milk into different final products like yoghurt, cheese, butter, fresh milk etc. I am a constant buyer of this business as I...

“When Did Skivvies Get Rated NC-17?” by Guy Trebay

Introduction Modern world of advertising sees no limitations in attracting clients, which, of course, results in higher profits. Each company is aimed at getting more money for the products it manufactures and advertising is a powerful tool to achieve the desirable. Advertising is especially important for fashion industry which would...

Basic Weight Training. Recommendations.

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to emphasize that the training program is generally suited individually, as there are no equally trained people. AS for the muscles of the back and the neck, it is widely known that these muscles are the most subjected to traumas during training, as...

Analysis and Strategy in Global Marketing

Abstract The paper examines the various strategies used in global marketing. The paper starts with introduction then outlines the Porter’s five forces model in industry competition and the effects of the barriers in global marketing. Then the paper examines the differences that exist among local, national, international and global product...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women as Vigilantes in “Thelma & Louise” Movie

Introduction to the Movie ‘Thelma and Louise’ is a fascinating story of two allies Louise and Thelma, who head for a vacation to escape their tribulations for a while. Thelma is a housewife married to a chauvinistic husband; Darryl. She does not have freedom considering her economic status. Louise works...

Cvs Caremark: Case Study Analysis

Information security seems to have become a hot-button issue for every single member of the entrepreneurship area. Although the recent technological breakthrough has provided a plethora of opportunities for improving the quality and speed of data processing, it has also facilitated numerous malefactors with tools for conducting cybercrimes such as...

Medicine Factory Case Study

Today, pharmaceutical manufacturing is a prospering industry, which is strictly controlled and highly regulated by governmental authorities. Pills manufacturing is an extremely complex process that includes several sections: mixing, granulation, drying, tablet punching, coating, capsule filling, packaging section, and so on (Manufacturing of Solid Dosage Form i.e. Tablet Manufacturing and...

Noise Pollution Issue Investigation

Introduction Environmental issues are particularly serious and urgent in the modern world. A broad range of environmental concerns includes such problems as climate change, waste disposal, and various types of pollution. Sound pollution is not the most popular topic among them, although it is a serious concern that mostly affects...

Ebola Community Outbreak: Control and Prevention

Introduction The chosen community outbreak is Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), which is a hemorrhagic fever. The causative microorganism is a virus belonging to the Filoviridae family (Coltart et al., 2017). Currently, a total of five strains have been identified. They include Sudan, Zaire, Bundibugyo, Reston, and Tai Forest. The disease...

Scleroderma: Etiology, Pathology and Treatment

Selected Disease Being diagnosed with scleroderma is often viewed as a crisis, even when its overall impact can be positively influenced by compassion, input, and education from the medical team. When patients diagnosed with scleroderma are equipped with knowledge about the disease, it becomes easy for them to act as...

Primary Source Analysis Concept: Raw Historical Materials

Introduction Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws this knowledge from sources. The primary source is the subject, with the help of which one can learn certain information about the time it was created. However, in order to establish which fact a historian can obtain from a given source,...

Pop-Up Restaurant Chef: Career Interest

Introduction The hospitality sector has the potential to realize my lifelong aspirations. I have always been fond of cooking and preparing meals. I would like my career to let me sharpen my culinary skills and improve communication with customers. I don’t want to work for somebody else as I value...

Environmental Analysis and Industry Trends

Executive summary The following report intends to create a picture of what is happening in our institution and our current position in the provision of quality health care to the sick in our society. As is well known, the utmost challenge facing our health caregivers is in finding and tracking...

Global Transportation Providers and the Tracking Systems

The information exchange for consignments on transit has played a key role in the long run; their delivery right from the initial stages to its final destination is preferred by the client (Coyle, Barti & Novack, p. 353). Thus, a close nexus between the shipping firm and its client is...

Health Promotion: Community, Nation, and the World

Medical specialists have always called for maintaining and improving health. This process is referred to as health promotion and is a priority in many countries and regions. Its major benefit is obvious: it helps an individual eliminate the risks of diseases and positively influences the overall well-being of the nation....

Healing Hospital: Components and Challenges

Introduction The human body, like those of other living things is prone to instabilities in biological functionality and structural well being. These often lead to disruptions of body functions in form of sicknesses or injuries. The restoration of such states to normal body condition is what defines healing. A healing...

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence for Nurse

Introduction It goes without saying that nursing theories and conceptual models currently play an immeasurably essential role in the research and practice of any competent nurse specialist. In general, the nursing theory is a framework that was designed to support evidence-based nursing practice, organize knowledge, and explain specific phenomena in...

A Community Intervention Trial to Decrease the Rate of Chlamydia Infection

Specific Aim: Sufficient propaganda at schools in combination with obligatory annual screening of males and females starting at the age of 14 is a perfect decision for reducing the rate of Chlamydia infection ages 14-18 among ethnic group in Miami Dade Florida. Goal 1: Reduce the rate of Chlamydia among...

“Race and Redemption” Book by Bailey

Religion was an integral part of the European colonization of the Americas, as was race. From their first steps in the New World, European colonists faced peoples who differed from them both physically and culturally and had no way to make sense of this encounter other than relying on their...

Energy and Environmental Effect of the Pipeline Bust on the US Transportation

The Alaskan pipeline traverses mountain terrain, several hundreds of waterways, fault lines, frost grounds and wildlife migratory routes over a distance of 800miles. Oil exploration hotspots on Alaska’s north form part of a vast oil region spreading out through to Canada’s on the extreme east while, closing into Russia’s Maritime...

Power, Vulnerability, and Resistance in Carol Ann Duffy’s “Circe”

Carol Ann Duffy, a staunch supporter of equality and a fighter for women’s freedom, strives to convey to the reader the idea of ​​the inadmissibility of male domination in the modern world. Her poem “Circe” is a work that carries an overt and even aggressive feminist overtone (Duffy 47). The...

High Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion

Summary of the Health Profile Family violence has continuously been a health issue in the United States for a long time. According to Whyte (2009), in every family, there is always the center of power. In most cases, the physical strength of partners in the family determines the center of...

Collective Bargaining Agreement in Athletic Organization

Introduction The concept of collective bargaining allows employees to negotiate with their employers to arrive at agreements regarding such issues as working hours, conditions, and contract. The current case revolves around a workers’ union that is focusing on a new negotiation with an athletic organization. This paper provides a detailed...

Psychology: Sensation and Perception

Introduction Sensation and perception are distinct, interlinked, and complementary processes that enable people to interact with and interpret the world. The former denotes a sensory receptor’s stimulation resulting in the production of nerve impulses, which travel to the brain for subsequent interpretation as visual images, pain, touch, sound, odor, or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” Film

Introduction David Fincher’s film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2011 detective movie that discovers a scandalous journalist’s and a young hacker’s journey to reveal the truth behind a forty-year-old murder. This movie is based on the first book of Stieg Larson’s trilogy, Millennium. Although the 2011 movie...

Integrating NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework With IT Governance Frameworks

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a primary asset responsible for an organization’s cybersecurity. It structures the unit with respective functions, and organizations tend to follow a defined standard for its design (Susanto & Almunawar, 2018). Those standards are frameworks that determine such aspects of organizational activities as IT...

The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Businesses

The COVID-19 pandemic affected all people on the planet, disrupting their lives, putting at risk their health, and leaving many unemployed. Businesses worldwide were also hit by the pandemic, especially those which relied on international partnerships since, in 2020, global trade and investment activity both experienced considerable falls (Ranald, 2020)....

Current Healthcare Law: Affordable Care Act

Introduction The United States healthcare landscape has undergone various reforms ever since the nation’s adoption of federalism to advance the quality of care administered to its citizens. These reforms have, in turn, significantly impacted nursing practice and roles. This paper discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a legislation that has...

Civil War Veterans and Crime in America

The post-war fate of veterans is not necessarily the most popular but an exceptionally topic in the study of many modern wars. It is certainly true for the American Civil War, which produced maimed, mentally affected, and otherwise traumatized people in a number unprecedented in American history at the time....

Mobile Advertising and Manipulation

The nature of mobile advertising has evolved enormously over the past few years. The advancement of phone technology has, in turn, changed the ways in which marketing is produced, presented, and maintained throughout the medium. Mobile advertising employs a number of characteristics that make it distinct from prior forms of...

How to Reform the U.S Constitution to Function Correctly

The United States Constitution was initially ratified in 1789, marking it as the oldest constitution in contemporary society. Since the initial ratification of the U.S constitution in the early years, it has gone through numerous changes. This has been attained via the lengthy and traditional amendment procedure, which is clearly...

Philosophy: Definition, Branches and Application

The three main branches of philosophy Humans have a natural inclination towards reflecting on their own lives and different aspects of it, unlike other beings. These questions have been a matter of reflection and discussion since ancient times, and they allowed to define the purpose of a good life or...

Malcolm X Predicting the Spread of Information Manipulation by Press

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages coming...

Critical Aspects Attributed to Madonna’s Success

The case outlines the success of a prominent Queen of pop Madonna Louise Ciccone who successfully went through her music career. Despite her career, she also owned Chelsea Girl LLC, a limited liability company, and holds one-third of the record company Maverick. Besides, she is among those pioneers of media,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unequal Treatment of Indigenous People in the US

Introduction It is important to note that the indigenous people of the American continent were the first victims of the vast historic expansion of the European empires. Although centuries have passed with major civil rights and equity improvements, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people are still being treated unequally,...

The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice

The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting. Overall, group activities are prompt to have more commune psychological motifs and tendencies rather than individual behavior or face-to-face communication. Hence, the evaluation...

Foundation of Army Leadership Discussion

Introduction In any organization that aims to achieve success, leadership is essential. A leader’s main activity is to fulfill goals and objectives. It is the responsibility of such people to solve problems and achieve goals. It is the responsibility of leaders to mentor aspiring employees who are too young and...

How Does Weather Affect Pilots Flying?

Introduction This paper will concentrate on aerodynamics and the way weather affects pilots flying and causes major weather-related accidents. This research paper will focus on the impact of each type of weather, such as hurricanes, storms, icing, and turbulence zones. It is also necessary to consider the weather conditions, the...

Supply Chain Management and Trading System

This essay is largely devoted to the discussion of supply chain management and the contemporary trading system. Before diving into the essay’s argument, there is a sense to define the meanings of these concepts properly. Supply chains “encompass the companies and the business activities needed to design, make, deliver, and...

Deterministic Approach and Free Will

In philosophy and social sciences, a debate regarding the existence of free will resulted in the creation of a deterministic approach. The classical doctrine of determinism suggests that every event and incident in human life is controlled by laws of nature and mystical powers. Thus, the deterministic views opposed the...

World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics

Introduction It is important to note that world hunger still remains to be one of the most critical problems on the global scale. Although humanity achieved massive progress in the development of advanced technology, which created an unprecedented level of prosperity and abundance, hunger still impacts the most vulnerable groups....

President Obama’s Authority in Operation Geronimo

Introduction The former U.S. commander in chief President Obama, on April 29, 2011, authorized Operation Geronimo which culminated in the killing of Osama Bin Laden. According to reports, the executive order was preceded by in-depth consultations with the National Security Council (NSC), specifically on whether Osama was within the identified...

Justice: Libertarianism and Utilitarianism

Introduction Justice is primarily concerned with the ideals that should support the state, politics, and the law relevant to Western pluralistic cultures. Sandel provides a three-way argument between utilitarian, liberal, and communitarian viewpoints, with the latter emerging victorious, aided by a healthy dose of neo-Aristotelianism. Reasonable explanations are provided, and...

The Revolutionary War and Its Factors

Introduction The American Revolutionary War was one of the most significant historical events in the history of the US. Namely, the war for independence has established the country as a sovereign entity from the perspective of national and international affairs. As a result, the 13 colonies escaped British rule by...

Cognitive and Behavioral Concepts

Introduction From the time a person is born, their cognitive development commences. Children and adults have short-term memory (recalling a small amount of database from a recent period) and long-haul memory (the capacity to remember information from a long time ago). Various parenting approaches are highly associated with impacting the...

Immanuel Kant’s Constructivist Theory

Introduction Kant’s Constructivism refers to the meta-ethical perspective that explains that there are objective criteria for rational norms. In this case, Kant’s idea was meta-ethical and based on normative truths. Normative truths are independent and objective of our actual judgments while they are still authoritative and binding for people. Kant...

War in Ukraine: The New York Times about Contemporary Ukraine

Ukraine was the vital pillar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the main enemy of United States. The country became the second-most extensive and influential among the fifteen Soviet countries after Russia. Ukraine acted as the headquarters of the Russian navy fleet in the black Sea and a...

Effectiveness of Online Education

It is hard to dispute that online education has recently established itself as a significant component of current educational systems. As new technologies are developed, online learning continues to take on new forms. The majority of colleges, high schools, and other educational institutions throughout the world have embraced this method...

HR Analysis of Walmart Inc.: Progress Report

Human Resource Management is essential to an organization since it controls the workforce and is responsible for the efficiency and production of the business. Walmart Inc., a worldwide retailer, prioritizes its employees and develops policies and measures to improve their working circumstances. The work done thus far on the final...

Discussion: Terrorism in South America

Introduction Terrorism is a significant threat to domestic and global security. The is no universal definition for terrorism as different actors define the term according to varying considerations. The latest publication of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2022 adopts the terminology defined by Terrorism Tracker (Rise to Peace, 2022). The...

The Disaronno Originale Brand’s History and Culture

Introduction For my research, I chose a unique product that enthralls connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages worldwide. Disaronno Originale is a famous Italian liqueur that is famous for its unparalleled almond nut flavor. It has quickly gained popularity worldwide due to its bitter and moderately tart taste, a distinctive feature among...

The Book “How to Lie With The Statistics” by Darrell Huff

The book under analysis is called How to Lie with the Statistics. It is written by Darrel Huff. This book is not his work first work. There were also Career Story of a Young Commercial Photographer and The Dog that Came True. However, only the book under analysis became a...

Planets and Solar System

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidences to support the same. Besides, the paper explores unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the treatise...

Aristotle Theory About Euthanasia – Ethics

Introduction I intend to explain the virtue theory from an Aristotelian perspective. In addition to the virtue theory, there exists the utilitarian and the deontology ethical theories that attempt to explain the wrongs and rights that human beings commit day by day. The ethical theories emphasize the virtues and vices...

Farming Business Innovations: Urban Cultivator and Tree-T-Pee

Introduction Without doubt, fresh herbs are better tasting, as compared to dried herbs. In addition, there is little doubt that fresh garden vegetables are more preferred to those in supermarket shelves. Warmer climates allow fresh greens to grow yearlong, unlike colder regions that are more challenging in winter. The urban...

Extreme Weather and Global Warming

One of the major issues confronting the current world is global warming. Scientists have argued that our production of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is having an impact of heating on the atmosphere, and as a result, this could be harmful to for human life. The Global warming is a...

Workplace Stress Control Among Nurses

Introduction The issue of stress in the workplace can concern people of different professions, but nurses are prone to this problem very often since they are forced to work directly with patients, and their communication is not always smooth. Moreover, additional factors that affect stress and burnout can arise –...

Medical Advances in Consumer’s and Physician’s Views

Introduction In this article, the authors investigate one of the current health-related issues – the implementation of the newest technologies in the health care industry and their impact on providing medical care. They focus attention on such devices as smartphones used for self-monitoring the condition of an individual’s health, electronic...

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction Even though scars are quite a usual phenomenon and almost every person has them, they are able to produce a strong influence on their lives. Scars are perceived as something dark and negative. Basically, they are just the signs that somewhere in the past, an individual has suffered a...

Early Feature Films and Ethical Considerations

The culture of the 1910s and early 1920s and, in particular, cinema underwent crucial changes that were initially perceived with apprehension and mistrust. The transition from the one-reel movies to the so-called feature films consisting of multiple reels was steady yet noticeable. Along with a new format, feature films brought...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Malcolm X’s Ideologies

Introduction Nowadays, the principles of equality and tolerance are discovered as guiding concepts in modern society. It implies that every individual is treated with respect disregarding his/her race, gender, and ethnicity. Nonetheless, the situation was different in the past due to slavery and high levels of discrimination in the United...

Ancient Sparta Community Analysis

Introduction Sparta was a worrier community in ancient Greece that residents in a city known as Lacedaemon. The origin of the community can be traced to 900 BC. However, they rose to prominence in 650 BC when they started demonstrating their unique military skills. According to Cartledge (47), the ancient...

Work and Identity in Huws’s “Fixed and Footloose”

In her article Fixed and Footloose Ursula Huws focuses on the changing nature of work in the twenty-first century and the influence of these changes on people’s identities and their interactions with one another. On the whole, the author gives a very disturbing description of future because it is the...

Influenza, Tuberculosis, AIDS Prevention in Miami

Epidemiological and Surveillance Data Three population-based communicable illnesses have been chosen for analysis: influenza, tuberculosis, and AIDS. To obtain relevant and reliable epidemiological and surveillance data for Miami, Florida (zip code 33018), online resources were used; the Florida Department of Health publishes monthly reports concerning infectious disease services and disease...