Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Limited Mobility

Review of Literature Pressure ulcers refer to those issues that are often faced by patients with limited mobility. They affect millions of people in the USA and often entail critical healthcare outcomes, which proves that they are to be thoroughly investigated and the most effective tools for their prevention are...

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is based around the concept of how humans imagine the world, how they dream, and how they invent. However, the story of the nine-year-old Oscar Schell is much more about the story of invention and imagination. With the setting taking place...

Quality Systems and Their Role in Organizations

It could be hardly doubted that nearly every company strives to please as many customers as possible. It is also apparent that managers of different businesses, companies, and organizations have to implement specific frameworks to achieve their goals. One of the most prominent management approaches is a quality management system...

Selection and Recruitment Process in the Organization

Introduction Recruitment is basically a business activity that comprises all the processes that are involved in the identification, attraction, and selection of individuals either from within or without the organization to fill pre-identified job positions. Basically, the recruitment process involves a number of activities which includes identification and attracting of...

Strategy to Improve Mental Health of Immigrants

Compared with the majority group in a given population, migrants and their descendants have an increased chance of experiencing mental disorders. Most refugees and asylum-seekers face serious obstacles, such as a lack of prospects, poverty, and discrimination, in accessing comprehensive health services, including mental health ones. Therefore, immigrants need assistance...

Nuclear Industrial Purpose: Thorium-Bearing Fuels

The importance of the proposed study in the context of the existing knowledge For many centuries, nuclear reactors in the world hav been relying on fuel cycles based on uranium. Nevertheless, the element thorium is a potential source of nuclear energy in certain types of nuclear reactors. In fact, it...

The Baptist Medical Center’s Quality Improvement

Introduction The persistent flexibility within healthcare institutions requires more robust empirical methodologies for monitoring as well as evaluating programs. These include both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within the hospitals or other healthcare provision centers. The emergent public health problems within developed and developing nations have led to increased global monitoring...

Nursing Assessment of Napa Community

Napa County has unmet health needs. About 13 percent lack medical insurance and pay cash. In addition, not all members of the community have Medicare or Medi-cal. Only 4% of the community is healthy while others are in low-income category. There are environmental risks from Lake Berryessa since more than...

Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market

Introduction Brand-new technologies have become a critical element of the labor market and its working operations. They make it feasible for organizations to automatize the production process so as to increase the level of output and overall performance. However, with the introduction of machines, manual and routine tasks previously operated...

Wars’ Impact on Society in Female Writers’ Opinion

Liberation wars are common for such countries as Bangladesh and Iran, especially the conflicts that happen between the 1970s and the 1980s. Citizens were challenged by the necessity to survive, find food, and gain respect when no support was offered to them. Today, it is possible to read about those...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Electric Vehicles and Their Impact on Climate Change

Internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) that have dominated the market over the recent decades are now giving way to electric vehicles (EV) experiencing rapid growth. Such a tendency marks an essential economic transition from fossil-fueled ICEVs to greener means of transport and implies a possibility for humankind to lessen its...

Radar Site Security Analysis and Plan

The Critical Infrastructure of the Site The components of critical infrastructure include essential services and vulnerable points. On the one hand, an essential service is an ancillary process or utility that facilitates necessary role implementation according to the site requirements. Primary services include, without limitation, electricity, gas, fuel, oil, water,...

Narration in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Introduction Numerous various texts exist in the world, representing different characters, ideas, and issues. Often, those texts address troublesome but significant topics, widely discussed in public. One such example is Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery. First published in 1948, the text describes a small fictional village and one of...

Analysis of the Marketing Strategy of ASOS Company

Introduction ASOS is a fashion retailer established in 2000 and has headquarters in London. ASOS is an acronym that stands for AsScreenOnScreen and is registered with London Stock Exchange as ASOS PLC. It is an online store with over 85,000 products, available in ten languages through a mobile phone application...

Figures of Terror: The “Zombie”

Introduction The term Zombie has been interpreted differently in society and associated with a different context. Its origin can be traced to Haitian culture and religion, although it has spread to many nations globally. Zombies became common in Western culture, particularly throughout the twentieth century, as a symbol for people...

Poor Nutrition: Impact on Poor Sports Performance

Introduction Performance in sports is determined by several factors, and nutrition is among the most important ones. The food that athletes consume determines their level of performance, and it has a direct influence on their strength, recovery, and training. The dietary requirements of a sportsperson depend on several factors, including...

Poverty and Its Negative Impact on Society

Poverty is characterized by unequal allocation of land and resources, a low growth rate of incomes, limited job opportunities, poor population control, and failure in the promotion of a nations’ economic growth. Poor people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, education, and healthcare....

Global Communication in Society and Business

Introduction In the modern world, communication plays one of the decisive roles in the functioning of many spheres of society. Global communication plays a unique role as a way to exchange information with people anywhere in the world. This is facilitated by the development of multiple innovative technologies, such as...

Entering and Operating in the Global Market

Executive Summary In order to conduct the operations of a business in an efficient and effective manner in a foreign country, it is necessary to take into account the benefits the country in question offers as well as the challenges a business is most likely to experience. This paper analyzes...

Stress Impacts on Psychological and Physiological Health

Introduction Different people have different levels to which they can effectively withstand stressing environmental conditions. Factors such as personality types, emotional stability attributes of different people, and more importantly, personal temperaments may determine this ability. Exposure to stressing environmental conditions has negative consequences to both psychological and physiological health of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ron Engineering vs. Ontario Case Analysis

Original Court Decision The case of Ron Engineering vs. Ontario is probably one of the most famous and influential trials in Canadian history. Everything began when the province of Ontario decided to create new water and sewage treatment plant and issued a call for tenders when the consultants offered the...

Role of Dreams in Psychology

Dreams are a sequence of emotions, thoughts or images passing through an individual’s mind when asleep. In the scientific world, the study of dreams is called Oneirology that regards the dreams as the ones referred to different things as argued by various authors. They argue that dreams reflect the past,...

Windows Server 2012 Implementation and Configuration

Abstract The use of up-to-date technology is vital for all businesses operating in today’s corporate world. To this end, companies should carry out thorough research and evaluation before acquiring a technological product. The aim of this is to determine the software that will work best for the company. The management...

Emergency Contraception Debates and Alternatives

Medication History Emergency contraception was in early 1960’s used by physicians as a treatment method for victims of sexual assault. It was used to prevent unintended pregnancy after the incidence and to help the affected individuals to forget the memories of the inhumane experience by preventing unwanted pregnancies. Medical practitioners...

Modern Jewish History and Major Jewish Developments

Introduction The European Jewish life had many challenges after 1800, which greatly changed their lives. The European Jews experienced communal development as the modernized way of life changed their status as Jews. This exam paper will tackle question one, about the Jewish developments after 1800 and question two on the...

Importance of Using Nurse Burnout PICOT Question Frame

Introduction Most nurses face different levels of stress levels associated with the burnout they experience in the places of work. The primary cause of burnout in nurses that predisposes them to stress is workload (Gulavani & Shinde, 2014). Once nurses are faced with such stressful events, they react through the...

Peru as a Country with High Mortality Rates

Introduction: Peru Although Peru has higher than average life expectancy and death rates (about 6.1 deaths on 1,000 people), infant and child mortality are high. Thus, the infant mortality rate is 18.4 (“The world factbook,” 2017). Moreover, Peru has the highest mortality rate in children with upper respiratory infections, and...

African-American Family Heritage Analysis

The importance of analyzing one’s heritage lies in people’s need to understand their culture and compare it to the customs of other people. As individuals learn more about their families and behaviors that are unique or inherent in their communities, they can find that their personal values and habits were...

The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation

The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe book by Linz and Stepan explore the issue of democratic transitions defining the core issues and making adequate assumptions concerning the causes and conditions that lead to them. The post-authoritarian democracies, in particular, post-1989 Europe and...

Professional Development for Strategic Managers

Executive summary This report contains an evaluation of personal skills alongside professional skills that every significant person requires to successfully manage leadership. It offers a step-by-step analysis of the pest practice principles, characteristics, and behaviors that allow individuals to effectively achieve good leadership. Effectiveness in leadership requires a proper plan...

Affirmative Psychotherapy for American Jews

Summary of the Article Reconstructionist. The Jews belonging to this denomination are rather progressive in their visions, and they focus on such important concepts as God, the Torah, and the People of Israel. They accept the principles of modern culture, share traditional rituals, but concentrate on modern ideological views while...

Characteristics and Geopolitical Significance of Russia

One of the most notable characteristics of today’s geopolitical situation in the world is that, as time goes, Russia becomes ever more potent in both: economic and political senses of this word. In its turn, this causes the U.S. and its allies a great deal of concern – the West...

“Letter from Birmingham Jail”: Where Reason Meets Emotions

Introduction The 20th century was marked by a range of social changes and challenges, yet the struggle for equality and the fight against oppression that the United States witnessed in the 1950-the 1960s was, perhaps, one of the most complicated challenges to be faced in addressing multicultural relationships (Colaiaco 68)....

Market Analysis of Allstate Insurance Company

Introduction Allstate Insurance Company began its operations in 1931 as an Illinois Corporation which is currently licensed in over forty states to write property and casualty business. It became a public company in the year 1993 after enlisting in the New York Stock Exchange. It is the largest publicly held...

How Does ‘Police Culture’ Influence Police Practice?

Introduction Police culture is influenced by a number of social and political factors which determine its main functions and internal structure. Police accounts take the efficacy of law for granted: it is assumed that any important variation in the impact of rules (so long as they are competently drafted) is...

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Introduction Written by Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century, The Divine Comedy is considered to be one of the most captivating epic poems in literature. Dante’s Inferno paints an edgy and imaginative vision of the Christian afterlife by combining classical Christian influences with a classic touch of Renaissance culture. The...

Art & Culture. Monet’s Waterlilies & Hirst’s Shark

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said, beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Development in the Femtocells Market

Introduction Definition Technological progress always brings new inventions to humanity, and femtocell is one of such innovative solutions. According to Shneyderman (2008), a femtocell is a solution “used to convert traffic to and from standard cellular handsets in close proximity (typically up to 100 meters) and carry it over IP”...

The Development of the Roman Gods

The Roman Empire was anchored on a polytheistic religious foundation, meaning that the ancient civilization acknowledged multiple gods and goddesses. Wasson, however, notes that groups within the larger empire, such as followers of Judaism and early Christianity, honored a single deity. Apparently, coexistence between monotheists and polytheists was not always...

Poverty: Causes and Solutions to Problem

Introduction Poverty is a global economic and social problem that has persisted throughout the centuries. Attempts to establish the causes of poverty and the solutions to the issue have been made since the emergence of early civilizations. Despite the significant drop in the numbers of the extremely poor in the...

Nursing: Life Cycle Change Theory

Introduction The radically changing environment in the field of nursing calls for urgent solutions to challenges that nurses come across as they perform their responsibilities. One of the problems that have been prevalent is the shortage of nurses in hospitals. Unfortunately, studies postulate that this shortage is likely to exacerbate...

Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio

Introduction Selection of market securities that would be included in a certain investment portfolio requires scanning of various instruments in diverse financial markets. The markets from which the market instruments are picked include the capital market and the money market (Jordan, Miller, & Dolvin, 2012).The capital market is involved in...

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Introduction The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) information system is an essential element of the US military activities due to its thorough focus on document-sharing activities and the possibility to exchange the latest updates from the field among fellow members of the military. From flow sheets to complete medical records,...

Compare and Contrast Fiction Analysis

Introduction In the short story, The Cathedral, the act of looking is connected to the physical outlook, but that of seeing needs a deeper degree of engagement. The narrator depicts that he is fully able to look. He can look at his house, his wife, and even Robert. This story...

Fonterra Company Expanding to New Zealand

Background Fonterra is a New Zealand food producer that accounts for 30% of the world’s dairy exports; the leading consumer of Fonterra dairy products is Australia. The most exported products are whey and skimmed milk powder, their export has increased several times in recent years. The export of other dairy...

Menswear: History and Tendencies

For a long time, fashion and dressing modes have changed from periodically. Clothes have long been used as a means of classifying individuals. Even in the modern-day, some individuals still utilize pricey brand-name apparel as a way to stand out from the crowd. Dressing modes separate different genders, classes, professions,...

Evaluating a Digital Humanities Project

Introduction Culture is an essential part of every community that reflects their past, present, and future expectations of behavior and beliefs. To display the rich heritage, many cultural heritage institutions and repertoires have attempted to stock their facilities with artifacts essential for discovering and appreciating history. However, there is a...

Application of the Behaviorist Theory

Introduction If I had a ton of money and no need to work for income for the rest of my life, I would dedicate my time to obtaining knowledge related to other cultures and learning foreign languages in particular. Although there is a list of languages I wish to learn,...

Oil Prices Impacts on Consumer Behavior in Turkey

Introduction Increase in oil prices will influence on the economy negatively. Its effect on economy can be evaluated through the consumer behavior, i.e. high oil prices will scale the cost of living high since most people depend on the oil either directly or indirectly, as almost everyone uses fuel to...

Cosmological Argument as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction Numerous arguments have been advanced to validate the claim that science can explain the existence of everything in the physical and metaphysical world. However, given the limited scope covered by science, it becomes controversial to claim that humanity can have a theory on everything. Some physicists argue that it...

The New Netherlands and the Indians in the Religion History

Introduction The Dutch settlers came to America with the sole objective of making money. They did migrate from their original land due to political or religious persecution. A majority of the settlers were single men who were out to make money. The Dutch West Indian company facilitated the movement of...

“Much Ado About Nothing” a Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the discursive sense of this word. The reason for this...

Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Teaching

Self-Rating and Effectiveness of Courses for Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Skills, Competence, and Ability to Teach Mathematics The research question chosen for analysis is “What are pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their skills, competence, and ability to teach mathematics?” To answer the question, seven preservice teachers were interviewed on themes...

Just Eat Company’ Competitive Environment

Introduction Just Eat is one of the largest online food ordering companies in the world. Its core business activity is to help customers to order takeaway foods from a variety of restaurants in various cities. The company was incorporated in the UK in 2001 (Just Eat 2015). Currently, Just Eat...

Religion in Marx’s and Nietzsche’s Philosophies

Introduction Religion can be defined as a set of beliefs and practices that explain the relations between people and their God. Every religion is characterized by beliefs and religious practices that all its followers observe. Each religion has its own distinct practices that distinguish it from others (Brenkert 56). The...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Nursing Care Plan

Target Group: CKD Patients and the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Patients with renal failure are the target population the needs of which will be addressed in the course of the study. Particularly, adult representatives of low-income Hispanic families will be considered during the analysis. The identified goal aligns with one...

Juan O’Gorman, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Introduction: Juan O’Gorman, an Innovator and the Proponent of Artistic Synthesis Born in Mexico and now quite famous due to his accomplishments in architecture, Juan O’Gorman created numerous art pieces packed with symbolism. As his father was a painter, O’Gorman had been exposed to art since childhood. This artist promoted...

Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination

Introduction Professionals working in the mental health field have sought to measure people’s personalities to understand why they behave in specific ways. Projective and objective methods of personality measurement are the most common methods of assessment (Gregory, 2014). Objective methods, such as measures of self-reporting, depend on the personal responses...

Human Behavior: Netsilik Eskimo and Igbo Tribe

Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions they inhabit. Numerous variations...

Popular Research Paper Topics

New Labour Is Thatcherism With a Social Conscience

When the New Labour Party won the elections in May 1997, incoming Prime Minister Tony Blair promised to govern “as New Labour”, hinting to the public not to expect socialism. The years of Tony Blair’s premiership will probably be recorded as primarily the institutionalization of Thatcherism. During the years of...

Human Resources Defines a Company in Bad Times

Introduction Owing to varying educational backgrounds, experiences, and certifications, there is the need to check the quality of employees on a regular basis. Organizations usually want to draw a pool of workers who are best qualified for job descriptions. Additionally, Interactions between the top organs and workers are difficult because...

Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types

Introduction A social problem is a condition considered by some members who live in a particular community as being undesirable. The big population generally agrees about some social problems, such as murders and robbery. Other social problems are viewed differently, dependent on the different groups of people in a society...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Alex Gibney

Overview Crime has been part of society for a long time. History reveals various forms of crimes from time to time and in different societies. The reason why people commit a crime has been a difficult puzzle. Various theories try to explain various forms of crime, why they occur and...

Engineering Design and CAD Relations

The Creative Process of Generating new Ideas In engineering design, engineers have to come up with new ideas because if they stick to the same old styles people will become bored with their designs. Besides that, they have to update their skills by finding ways of applying ideas from other...

Modern Technologies: Merit or Disadvantage?

Introduction Technological advances are one of the most significant benefits of the modern world. The fact that various machines perform tasks on behalf of people is considered a characteristic feature of a developed society. However, it is also necessary to comment on the drawbacks of technology when it comes to...

Change and Culture in the Public Health Field

Introduction Most hospitals today face the challenge of limited resources and as such, seek to increase their chances of survival by minimizing duplication and improving efficiency especially by forming mergers and consolidations (Anderson, 1991). Additionally, increased competition due to prospective payment system is yet another factor that compels hospitals to...

How Gaming Consoles Influence the Youth

Introduction Nowadays, young people are involved in numerous activities unknown to their parents. The reason for it is that technologies rapidly and continuously change, dramatically reshaping humans’ lives. At certain times, it causes considerable benefits; at other times, it leads to adverse consequences. Gaming consoles are popular products among American...

Frequency Resolution Ability: Psychophysical Tuning Curves Measurement

Background Frequency resolution refers to the ability of the ear to filter one particular sound frequency from other competing sound(s) occurring in different frequencies (Lutman & Wood 1985, p. 1). In most cases, the masking/competing sound may be presented in much higher intensities relative to the target sound without necessarily...

General Purpose of the IT System

Introduction Cerner Ambulatory HER system is a very instrumental tool that facilitates effective delivery of services in various health institutions. This is evident since the system provides essential support incentives that contribute in minimizing clicks, promoting flexible documentation and automation of reporting processes. It also provides support incentives that enable...

Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Explanation

Schizophrenia is a major therapeutic issue nowadays because it is one of the most problematic mental illnesses known to modern psychiatry. Its most common symptoms include visual and audial hallucinations, delusions, inability to organize the thinking process and express emotional reactions adequately. Moreover, patients with schizophrenia often have social disfunction...

Business and Economics: Professional Development

Self-managed learning entails self-directed learning, action learning, and self-development. In 1978, Ian Cunningham defined the term self-managed learning and since then it has gained popularity among students who until today are increasingly adopting the concept (Serpis et al., 2017). The approach is divided into two different aspects; the first one...

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Canada

Introduction Air Canada is the biggest air carrier in Canada, ensuring safe transportation of passengers since the second half of the 20th century. The organization has extensive power in the region while also providing training services to other airlines and maintaining its international operations (Tang et al., 2020). Value-based approaches...

Personal Eating Behaviors Examination

Abstract Dietary choices are important for the overall health and wellness of every individual. In particular, a combination of physical activity and eating choices can lead people to have a more fulfilling, productive, and healthy life. In recognition of this, this work examines my personal eating behaviors during the course...

The Causes of the French Revolution

Introduction French Revolution was a movement that took place between 1787 and 1799. Due to the fact that it reached its climax in 1789, it is also known as the Revolution of 1789. The movement brought a new era of liberalism, republicanism, feminism, abolitionism, and nationalism to the Western world,...

The Social Construction of Reality

Richard Powers conveys one of his essential ideas through the memories of Dr. Patricia Westerford: She squints and sees her father. The voice is wrong but there are the rimless glasses, the high, surprised eyebrows, the constant curiosity. All those first lessons from half a century ago cloud around her,...

Blueslopes Private Hospital’s Comprehensive Strategy

Blueslopes Private Hospital is one of the leading privately-operated healthcare facilities in Australia. The Sydney-based organization was started in 2010 and boasts substantial growth over the years. The facility is known for managing rare conditions such as cancer and other chronic issues affecting humanity. Blueslopes has over one thousand employees,...

Patient-Centered Nursing Approaches

Babaei, S., Shakibazadeh, E., Shojaeizadeh, D., Yaseri, M., & Mohamadzadeh, A. (2020). Effectiveness the theory-based intervention based on health belief model on health promotion lifestyle in individuals susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion, 8(3), 224-239. Web. A significant number of deaths during old age...

The Role of the “Other” in “Strong Opposition” by Gay

The definition of people as “others” can be based on the conscious or unconscious assumption that a specifically identified group poses a threat to a privileged group. This is primarily determined by politicians and the media, not by personal contact. In most cases, people do not know who they are....

Korean Popular Music’s Contribution to Nationalism

Introduction This study examines the cultural meanings of people’s music-related activities in society, particularly Korean popular music or K-pop. The study is based on a review of relevant literature, musical and textual analyses, participant observation, and interviews with people of the K-pop world, with critical eyes on self-reflexivity issues. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” a Novel by George Orwell

Introduction Written by Orwell (1), Nineteen Eighty-Four is a celebrated literary work of the 20th century. The author sets the novel in a 1949 totalitarian world, where an elitist group in Airstrip One (formerly Great Britain) used politically manipulative techniques to keep their power by silencing “independent minds.” They controlled...

Accountability in Public Administration

Regarding: Accountability in Public Administration The primary goal of the public sector is to provide quality services that meet the demands of the citizens. Nonetheless, the realization of this objective mandates the prudent management of fiscal resources (Anwar, 2007). Accountability is one of the principal tenets that underpin public governance....

Electric and Hybrid Drive Systems Markets Analysis

According to Al-Alawi and Bradley (2013, p. 201), understanding the market is always the first step when developing a new product in the current competitive market. The times when firms manufactured products without understanding the needs of the consumers are long gone. The current market is very choosy because they...

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria on US-Mexico Border

Introduction The topic of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threatens the world by its terrorist attacks and other violent actions. The article under analysis highlights the issue associated with ISIS in Mexico and a range of facts expressed by different people regarding its potential entrance on the...

The Indian Creek Foundation’ Goals

Strategic Goals As an organization whose purpose is to help children and adult people with developmental and physical disabilities, the Indian Creek Foundation has to develop strategic goals that would drive its future initiatives and projects. One of the major weaknesses that characterize this organization currently is its plan of...

Generali Group: Strategic Risk Management

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Preamble Generali Group is a financial services organization that specializes in the provision of insurance services around the world; therefore, it is open to numerous global risks that can materialize in a wide variety of new and unexpected...

One Blue Heart at a Time: Increasing Donations

Introduction Small charities frequently encounter the problem of gaining donors or the source of regular donations to support their operations. As a result, a substantial body of literature emerged in an effort to alleviate the issue as well as organizations that gather donations for an array of charities on their...

HIV and AIDS Pathophysiology and Management Comparison

Introduction More and more are being discovered about diseases that have been a nightmare to scientists, but researchers are yet to discover vaccines for some diseases. Cures for some diseases have also remained equally elusive. “HIV, an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency...

Lead Poisoning in Toddlers

Introduction Lead poisoning is a major problem affecting large numbers of toddlers in the country. The teaching plan aims to provide information to the parents regarding this health problem, which can potentially affect toddlers in their families. It includes sections such as the significance of the topic and resources available...

The Meaning of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson wrote “The Lottery” as a short story, and it was published on June 26, 1948, in The New Yorker. The first readers of the story were surprised by it because, in the past, works of the magazine were not identified as fiction or as events happening in real...

Misinformation Propagation: Fake News

Introduction Misinformation is one of the main issues resulting from social media platforms. Even though various sites have their policies intended to curb such vices, users continue to pass messages, which any credible source has not verified. Most trolls happen online in the accounts of renowned bloggers, who may have...

Why Should Smoking Be Illegal?

Smoking is the act of inhaling or smelling smoke that results from burning something, most commonly tobacco. All enclosed public areas, including bars and restaurants, have been subject to statewide smoking bans in some states; only certain areas have been affected in other states. According to WHO’s Smoking and Tobacco...

Racial Inequality, Immigration, and Healthcare in the US

Introduction American society is characterized by many immigrants of different races who have made their homes in the U.S. Although the U.S. has been applauded for being the destination for many immigrants, especially those from war zones, little has been done to ensure the immigrants’ wellbeing. Over the years, concerns...

Interpersonal Conflict and Worldview

Interpersonal conflict can be defined as the form of struggle that involves two or more people. This type of conflict differs from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself. Sometimes, intrapersonal conflict is called internal conflict, and it can be classified as mild or severe (Shen et al.)....

Assisted Suicide and Its Morality Aspects

Introduction Assisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed only in some European countries, but today residents of several US states are eligible for AS. The essence of the idea of AS is to allow a person who suffers from an incurable disease and experiences severe pain symptoms to die...

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction In the U.S., the rise of age-related chronic conditions has directly increased neurological ailments, which eventually result in the spread of dementia among the overall communities. Dementia should not be considered a disease but instead should be observed through a combination of symptoms. While cognitive impairment on its own...

Gender Equality in Britain in the 20th Century

Introduction At the base of gender, analysis is the difference that exists between sex and the biological sex of a person. Gender is something that is socially created in the environment, whereas sex is a thing of the genetic feature of an organism. Human beings over the decades have had...

Women Offenders’ Punishment and Treatment

Introduction The population of women offenders has been on the rise in the past decade and the criminal justice system has expressed fears regarding the trend. Women offenders require different approaches with regard to incarceration and correction because of variations in their offense patterns as well as social, physical, and...

Five Forces Model: Beer Industry Analysis [Porter’s Model]

Porter’s Five Forces model is one of the most effective tools for analyzing the business environment. Simple but powerful, the model is used in a wide variety of industries. Do you want to figure out the principle of the model operation? Check out the following essay on analyzing Porter’s Five...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Pressure Ulcer Problem

Health care management can be seen as the optimization of internal and external processes within the institution. The effective manager affects the levels of income and expenses, administers the work of the personnel, and ensures the implementation of organizational objectives (DeWit & Kumagai, 2014). Moreover, successful managers know the ways...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Federal Budget Making Process and Procedures

The Process through which the Federal Government makes its Budget The US federal budget is designed to accommodate the majority of Americans regarding their values and socioeconomic status. To ensure that the budget conforms to America’s democratic values, it passes through a lengthy and complicated process. For instance, the Congress...

Launch: Starting a New Church From Scratch

The first acknowledgement presented in the book “Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch” is that the decision to begin a new church can be quite frightening. The book goes ahead to narrate the story of Thomas and Searcy who used unpredictable approaches to plant a new church successfully. According...

Liberalism and Conservatism: Ideological Difference

Introduction American political discourse categorizes certain issues and stances as ‘liberal’ and the ones opposing them as ‘conservative’. This categorization remains true for a wide range of issues such as abortion, gun laws, homeland security, social issues, public spending, education, and foreign policy. It is often argued that the stances...

Nigerian Student’s Education in the United States

When people move to foreign countries, they inevitably start facing difficulties with almost everything. Even going to the grocery store may become a problem because everything is new and unfamiliar. The sphere of education is not an exception. Immigrants in the United States have to cope with countless challenges, the...

Big Data Usage in Supply Chain Management

Abstract This paper gives a summary of the research that was conducted to understand the unique issues surrounding the use of big data in the supply chain. The discussion identifies the major opportunities associated with the continued use of big data. The emerging obstacles affecting the use of big data...

Amory Blaine in “This Side of Paradise” by Fitzgerald

Introduction One of the reasons why Fitzgerald’s novel This Side of Paradise is being commonly referred to as such that represents a high literary value is that despite having been written in 1920, it contains a number of themes and motifs that relate to the discursive realities of a contemporary...

Nursing Trends. Use of Physical Restraints on Patients

Hospital services serve as indispensable tools in providing care to patients. The staff employed may play a prominent role in executing diverse roles during an emergency, intensive care, long term pre and post operative conditions or illnesses. In recent years, patient safety has become a serious concern. Investigations have revealed...

Partnership in Character Education Grant

Project overview The program began with the introduction of the newspaper articles on the topic of bullying. On reading the articles, the discussion between students was organized; its subject was the bullying in other schools and the major problems it caused. More research was needed on their part, it helped...

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Daydreaming? Getting lost for a moment when doing a certain task? Being absorbed in one’s thoughts and forgetting the rest of the world for a moment? These are most common examples of what we call mild dissociation and it is just a normal experience for any person at some...

Importance of Recruitment and Selection of Sales People

In the current economic climate where companies have to grapple with high competition to determine if they stay in business, employing the right sales people becomes the ingredient that determines if a business will maintain a competitive edge or not. Making the right choice in the initial selection of a...

Discrimination in White’s “Charlotte’s Web” and Levine’s “Hana’s Suitcase”

Introduction Human life is surrounded and defined by social issues that happen to people as they attend to their day-to-day activities. As such, authors seek to explore these issues through novels, movies, and other artworks with the intention of understanding or highlighting the underlying principles. Whether in fiction or non-fiction,...

Key Rulings on the Conduct of Investigators at the Scene of a Fire

Introduction The United States Constitution provides protection of civilians from irrelevant searches and seizures of individuals and premises. Such protection is provided specifically by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. In fire incidents, investigations are needed to ensure that a potential recurrence of the fire is prevented, to...

Transportation: Port Development

The port is defined according to Patrick, (2008, p.5) as the area near the seashore and with infrastructure capacities for a vessel/shore interface and customs facilities. Knowledge claims consider Bruges Port as being the leader in Northern Europe in the thirteenth century. In the turn to the fifteenth century, Antwerp...

Inequality in “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara

Socio-economic inequality is the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities to the different groups and races in a country. In the contemporary world of capitalism, this problem is widespread in almost any society. Capitalists have secured the means of production while workers provide the labor force. Corporates and business owners...

Qualitative Evaluation of the Case Study

Introduction Gradual alcohol consumption limitation is about the clinical and mental consideration of patients who are encountering withdrawal side effects because of stopping or diminishing their substance use. The process of withdrawal incorporates not just lessening of the physiological and mental problems caused by the restraint in habitual behavior (Kougiali...

The #Metoo Movement Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse

Introduction Societal changes provoke rapid development of the discourse on the issue of aggressive actions against people across the world. As such, the problem of sexual abuse and domestic violence is widespread and of global concern nowadays. One of the most vulnerable categories of the population suffering from physical, emotional,...

Philippine People: Examining Culture and Traditions

The significance of recognizing cultural barriers to effective communication, as well as the specifics and common aspects of several cultures that allow for building mutual understanding of the target audience. Thus, the integration of effective tools for communication between the group in question and the rest of the community will...

Substance Abuse Issues in Modern Society

Introduction Substance abuse entails using illicit drugs, prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, or alcohol for reasons besides those medically intended or at excessive levels. Social, physical, psychological, and professional problems can all be caused by substance abuse. Initiating and sustaining behavioral change can be difficult for many people. Patients may not...

Identifying Employer-Employee Relationship

Introduction The most basic and most contested unfair dismissal claim is at the heart of evaluating whether a relationship is one of employment or something else, such as an independent contractor. There cannot be a wrongful termination or dismissal claim unless an employer-employee relationship exists (Van der Waarden, 2017). The...

Coups in Latin America: The Role of the US

Counter-Narratives The Mexican Revolution was a milestone on the way to the formation of statehood in the country and the movement toward social reforms designed to improve citizens’ standard of living. However, despite the dominant view that the events of the early 20th century had exclusively positive effects, this can...

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The Kotka-Hamina City-Region and EU Policy-Making

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Comprehensive Management Plan

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Capital Punishment Does Not End the Crime

Capital punishment has become a controversial subject in the contemporary world, with many countries putting an end to its practice. The death penalty has been used in the past years in several nations like Greece, Japan, and the United States of America (USA). It was mainly adopted to punish offenders...

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The Department of Homeland Security’s Creation

Introduction DHS was established in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S. The department consists of several agencies that help in the response to security threats and attacks. The head of the department is the secretary, and the organization has an approximate $50 billion annual budget...

Whether Death Penalty Can Be Applied Fairly?

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Hilton Company’ Investments to the Italian Tourism Sector

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Pharmacare Company Ethic and Corporate Responsibility

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Transportation Cost in the Supply Chain

Introduction All organizations source various materials from different places. Therefore, they establish a department that does supply chain and logistics management. An effective logistics network management ensures that the controlling systems reduce various costs that are associated with supplies. Thus, products and services are availed whenever they are required in...

Parenting Styles by Diana Baumrind

According to Encarta (2007), “parenting is the experiences, skills, qualities, and responsibilities involved in being a parent, teaching and taking care of a child up to adulthood.” Parenting involves using skills, experiences, and qualities that are necessary for bringing up children. Therefore, parents are leaders in the family which require...