Discussion of Respiratory Acidosis

Acids are substances that can give off hydrogen ions, and bases are substances that can accept these ions. The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the...

Fear as Catalyst of Madness in the “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Poe

Introduction “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allen Poe presents a dramatic tale of a protagonist visiting his childhood friend who is ill and has gone mad. In a story full of dark imagery and psychological built-up tension, Poe creates an atmosphere that becomes deeply disturbing to...

Plagiarism: Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial

What is one example of plagiarism that was mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial? One of the examples of plagiarism mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial was the word-for-word copying of passages from an original source without using quotation marks and providing credit to the author. This practice...

Deceptive and Misleading Advertisement

A deceptive advertisement is one that contains any deceptive information related to the object of the advertisement and/or the advertiser. Misleading advertising is an advertisement that lacks some of the essential information about the advertised product, about the conditions for its purchase or use, if the meaning of the information...

The Effects of Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a highly inefficient workplace practice negatively correlated with the productivity and morale of an organization. The proposed research on the effects of micromanagement will help in growing the company by identifying the existing and potential issues with the style of organizational leadership and setting tools for prevention. Several...

Health & Medicine: Breast Cancer in XIX Century

The disease of breast cancer was a disease of women, which began to be actively noticed from the beginning of the nineteenth century. John Adams’ daughter, Nabby Smith, was also at the mercy of the disease. Lack of knowledge forced the girl to wander around the doctors in search of...

The Description of Wallpaper in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1981), Gilman describes the wallpaper using different epithets, metaphors, and comparisons. Among the most interesting ones, there were phrases concerning the pattern, It “commits suicide” and “destroys itself in unheard of contradictions” (78) as if it were a living creature. The paper is the cause of...

Snake Handling in Churches Myth Spread by Activists

The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible. They were quite literal as the words “They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents” were considered...

The Current State of the Industry in Which UBS Operates

Considering the current situation in the industry, it is necessary to highlight the position of the organization and important events. Swiss bank UBS belongs to the 28 largest banks, which, according to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) definition, fall into the category of systemically important financial institutions (Financial Stability Board,...

Standards of Healthcare: Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems

Healthcare professionals and organizations require standards of care since they describe the level of competence in the nursing process as a way of protecting and saving a life. Professional standards are vital in maintaining safety and proficiency evaluations for clinical units (Duffy, 2022). Standards of care can be used as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Closer” Drama Film by Mike Nichols

Lead Actors Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen. Plot The story is about four young people: Alice, Dan, Anna, and Larry. Alice and Dan met crossing the road. It was love at first sight, and they lived happily after for one year. A year later, Dan becomes a...

Netflix Case Study: The Firing Machine

As a global company, Netflix must consider each culture’s peculiarities to see which practices would be the most or the least applicable. In HR Planning, Netflix should consider making a development plan for each employee and set milestones to achieve during a specific period. Such a strategy would show a...

The Film “Good Will Hunting” by Gus Van Sant

My definition of a soulmate identifies a soulmate as a person who understands you, supports you both physically and emotionally, and is willing to share life with you for as long as you are alive. The triad concept in Good Will Hunting is applied in the form of defense mechanisms,...

Social Media for Fitness Trackers

The time after the rigorous lockdowns amidst the COVID-19 pandemic presents a great market for fitness trackers. Without access to proper equipment, impacted by the possible mental issues, the average US young adult is likely to invest in proper workout gear and assess the current body condition. Thus, the target...

Globalization and Geographic Information System

Globalization is the process by which the globe becomes increasingly interconnected due to the exchange of commodities and services, information, knowledge, and cultural values. Its profound effect can be assessed both positively and negatively. On the one hand, human rights are violated due to globalization. Because of globalization, farmers earn...

The Impact of Social Media on Education

Positive impact In the modern world, the role of social media in education is increasing. The environment is constantly changing and social networks provide an opportunity to get a scholarship without attending higher education institutions. The ways of obtaining knowledge are diminishing and educational possibilities are developing for students around...

Adult Education Program: The Key Objectives

Adult education program results in creating the learning institution based on the formulated and effective program plan to equip adults with knowledge. It aims to promote the graduates and bring access to new employment after they have been certified as professionals. This program will allow the students to achieve their...

Digital Data Protection: Submitting Hard Copies

Data protection is an important element of the publication of a peer-reviewed article. Manuscripts are usually stored in some type of device (computer or laptop). It is also possible to store a copy of the manuscript on a disc or memory stick. It is essential to make sure that no...

The Problem of Increased Morbidity From Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults

In my project, I plan to address the problem of increased morbidity from adverse drug events in older adults. Currently, adverse drug events are a considerable bother of US healthcare, as it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, longer hospital stays, and higher costs for both patients and care...

The Influence of Social Media

The influence of social media on the adolescent population’s psychological health is a topic thoroughly discussed in contemporary literature. On the one hand, the impact can be positive because social media enables the communication between peers, which may be associated with the emergence of coping mechanisms against stress and anxiety....

The Pomegranate Phone

Introduction The ad about the pomegranate phone is a splendid example of the potential of human fantasy and imagination, which has no limits in producing new ambitions. It shows the future direction for innovation developers, simultaneously inviting them to work in Nova Scotia (the government of this province ordered the...

The Aral Sea Shrinking Process

The Aral Sea is located in Central Asia, and it is a form of a large endorheic lake. The issue surrounding the given body of water is that it has been shrinking since the 1960s, and now, it is considered almost completely dried up. It was a crucial lake in...

Academic Integrity Tutorial on Plagiarism

Plagiarism example mentioned in the Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial Chamberlain Academic Integrity Tutorial mentions several different examples of plagiarism. This is done in order to familiarize students with the potential ways to make a mistake and lose points for assignments. According to the Integrity Tutorial, all the information found in...

Opioids and Alternative Treatments of Chronic Pain

The investigators are interested in the evaluation of alternative treatments for managing chronic pain in various groups of patients. The topicality of this issue comes from the growing concerns about traditional opioid therapy and multiple negative aspects. That is why, Penney, Ritenbaugh, DeBar, Elder, and Deyo (2016) conduct a qualitative...

Billing and Coding Regulations in Medicine

In order to assure timely and orderly reimbursement, healthcare providers need to be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Harrington, 2020). Insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid, reimburse expenses based on the coded information about the diagnosis and performed procedures. Currently, care providers utilize ICD-10 diagnosis codes...

Enhancing the Competence of Nursing Staff

Research Process The investigators created an exhaustive search methodology that was useful in the identification of articles from specific databases. They collected data on a variety of qualitative and quantitative studies published from 2005 to 2015 (Tölli et al., 2017). The sources of information included PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane, and...

Chapter 8 of The Archetypes of Wisdom by Soccio

The eighth chapter of Soccio’s Archetypes of Wisdom discloses the differences between Christian values and classical Greek ones. Whilst Christians were theological, or concentrated on God as a savior of their souls, Greek philosophers believed that objective knowledge and logic would lead them to life improvements. To border the rationality,...

Cultural Aspects of Any Indigenous Peoples of Fiji

Fijian society greets its guests and welcomes them with a special drinking ceremony. A tourist would have to drink a local beverage (bula) from half a coconut shell in a particular manner. The ceremony starts with everyone sitting cross-legged in a circle. Then each guest is given a coconut bowl...

Dual Consciousness Theory by Dubois and Sexuality Theory by Freud

Debunking Freudian theories on sexual orientation Sigmund Freud considered a person is not born with a particular sexual orientation. As the most common cause of homosexuality, Freud names long and intense fixation on the mother regarded the Oedipus complex. Freud’s theory still has little empirical evidence. If the approach is...

Spanish Language: Phonology and Phonetics Investigating

Linguistics is the study of languages while the language is a medium for communication. The study of phonology and phonetics comprises of three aspects of language namely the form, meaning, and the context of language (Roach 14). The research will be based on the following research question: what is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diabetic Nutritional Plan For a 15-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Patient

Diabetic nutritional plan for a 15-year-old type 1 diabetes mellitus patient suggests having three meals and two snacks between them, in order to keep the consumption of food even throughout the day. The patient is expected to eat at approximately the same time every day, in order to develop a...

Communication and Cultural Conflicts

When individuals from different cultural backgrounds find themselves in a community, there are always possibilities for communication conflict because each person holds diverse values, beliefs, and practices. These differences are attributed to the cultural diversity that subsequently leads to communication differences and conflicts (Almutairi, 2015). Cultural differences in a community...

Appropriation and Professionalism in Corporate Governance

Assignment Corporations are a business form in which the owners are not involved in the day-to-day running of the business. This explains the phrase ‘separating ownership from control’. A management team is put in place to run the business profitably (Hooper, Davey, & Presscot, 2009). This team includes specialists such...

Terrorism and Genocide: Traumatic Impacts

One of the major barriers to addressing the needs of military officers is the passiveness of the DOD and VA. This leaves no option for the military officer but to look for an alternative since the employer is never willing to cater to his or her psychological needs. Mental health...

The Movie”Smurfs”: The Problem of Gender Roles

The gender ratio in the Smurfs is one to ninety-nine, with just one main female character. The male Smurfs have diverse professions: an architect, chef, painter, poet, etc. Smurfette is the only main recurring female in the storyline. She is a feminine character: caring, curious, girly, and often helpless in...

“The Dinner Party” Short Story by Mona Gardner

In “The Dinner Party,” Mona Gardner narrates about a table gathering of a colonial official, his wife, and their guests in India. During the evening, a colonel and a young girl become involved in the discussion about women’s reactions to surprising events. The host claims that “…while a man may...

The Producteev Management Tool

Project management tool Project management deals with the organization of time, resource, asset, and personnel. Project management means job completion tailored by a guided objective (Oz, 77). Thus, the ability to correlate different project variables will reduce project risk and improve the quality of work. However, the most assignment does...

Undergraduate Surgical Nursing Preparation

The article written by Foran (2016) presents the results of research aimed at studying the connection between guided practical tasks performed by nursing students and their knowledge related to surgery and the basics of nursing care. The article outlines the results of a quantitative study involving the statistical analysis and...

Diversity Management in Canon

The fact is that the diversity management by Canon Company is regarded to be among the best practices within the large scale corporations in the world. Originally, this company cares for its workers, and the principles of HR diversity management entail a number of issues, such as: Work-life balance The...

Jackson’s “McDonald’s or IBM”: Summary and Response

Summary It can be said that school life is the time when one can really see the potential among the students and students should be molded according to their potentials to become successful in their future life. In recent times some schools of America are trying to involve the students...

Examples of Hasty Generalizations and Their Consequences

One example of hasty generalization is the fallacy which consists of focusing on successful people’s examples and trying to learn from them, forgetting about the unsuccessful who were guided by the same strategy. The problem is that the experience of the latter remains unknown. Therefore, successful people’s strategy and tactics,...

The Reconstruction Amendments

The Reconstruction Amendments are the Constitutional Amendments that deal with the aftermath of the American Civil War. They include the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment, which were passed within five years following the Civil War, starting from 1865. The intent behind the Amendments was to abolish...

Regional and Social Dialects

Languages are typically viewed as the system of signs that allows people to articulate their ideas in a clear manner. However, no language is a monolith, which is proven by the presence of numerous dialects within every language. Although dialects are usually viewed as the characteristics that separate a certain...

The Process of Laying Off Workers

Among the companies’ employees, the most likely people to be laid off are Lisa Parks and Charles Thomas. Their active participation in the future seems dubious since both of them are not going to be devoted to the company due to the former’s upcoming insurance payments and the latter’s rumored...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley

It is crucial to note that “Psychologists have spent decades studying the relationship between wealth and happiness,” writes Harvard University psychologist Daniel Gilbert, is an example of the use of ethos (Begley, 2007, p. 1). This is because reading this sentence, the reader will trust the opinion of a professional...

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The specter of epidemics or healthcare-associated infections is a constant presence in the healthcare environment, and the government institutions are always seeking to implement training methodologies for effective prevention. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion offer interactive training systems aimed...

Bedside Nursing Report Implementation and Outcomes

The article prepared by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) deals with the changes observed after the implementation of a new form of bedside nursing report in a hospital setting. Professionals emphasized that even though there are some benefits of a blended form according to the literature for both nursing staff and...

The Tragedy of the Commons

The tragedy of the commons may be defined as an economic issue that relates to the motivation of every individual to consume a particular resource to the disadvantage of other individuals.When the resource’s demand overwhelms its supply, every person who consumes additional units automatically harms others who will not be...

Racial Disparities in American Sentencing

In my opinion, the most problematic sentencing disparity in need of attention by judicial agencies is the racial disparity. The problem of Blacks and Hispanics being convicted and receiving prison sentences more often than whites is widely known and present in the modern US judicial system. According to King and...

Different Accounts of the Assassination of Malcolm X

Firstly, in the article from The New York Times, the author selected a factual approach to the description of the tragic event. The description of two primary persons, Malcolm X, and his killer Thomas Hagan is organized in sequence including their age, social status, and race. In the article, Malcolm...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Healthcare Administrator: Leadership Abilities

When looking for a job, healthcare administrator leadership abilities are vital to demonstrate to potential employers. These leadership characteristics, in addition to the appropriate education and experience to match the qualifications and requirements of a position, will aid a healthcare administrator’s performance at work. A healthcare administrator can inspire employees...

Nursing Theory in Practice Examples

The profession of a nurse requires specialists to possess certain knowledge to direct their practice. Nursing knowledge has developed through several eras since the 1900s and is now characterized by the theory utilization era (Alligood, 2014). In the current period, nurses are meant to use philosophies, models, and theories for...