The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on Business

The pandemic significantly negatively influenced society and the global economy. The pandemic had a massive influence on economics, enterprises, labor supply, and global supply networks, leading to considerable business disruptions. The constriction of the international supply chain brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic had a substantial impact on businesses (Donthu...

Authoritarian Political Systems and Economic Development

Authoritarianism and populism are returning to the world, raising questions about how economically successful such regimes can be. As practice shows, economic growth is less stable under authoritarian regimes than in democratic countries. Economic growth gradually leads to forming an urban class and protests against authoritarian rule. Authoritarianism as a...

Chlorpyrifos Toxicity: How Do Insecticides Work?

Chlorpyrifos Enzymes are protein biomolecules found in all living things and serve as catalysts to quicken various biochemical processes inside cells. Structurally, enzymes bind to reactant particles and retain them together to facilitate the chemical bond-forming and bond-breaking mechanisms. Energetically, enzymes reduce the total energy required for the reaction to...

The Aspects of the Reign of God

Introduction Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly. Discussion One passage from...

Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risks

Introduction: Foreign Exchange Calculations No matter what the underlying spot prices are on April 1st, the corporation has agreed to sell its 4,000 units on January 1st for $1.25 million. This is dangerously near the point where the business stops losing money. The mathematics computation is shown below; The corporation...

Duplication of Healthcare Facilities Within Regions

Hospitals operate in a unique market, which can be entered by distinct participants. Each separate institution, whether already present in a region or recently opened, can affect the functioning of other facilities from the same sector. As a result, such an area is likely to have multiple medical organizations that...

Early Chronic Kidney Disease Screening Advocacy

CKD remains a global problem, and early screening may help reduce comorbidities associated with this condition. As a future nurse practitioner, I advocate for more people to be screened early for CKD. It is possible to delay or prevent the development of ESKD and lessen cardiovascular consequences by identifying and...

America’s Fight Against Terrorism

Following the events of September 11, terrorism threat became a reality to the American people forcing measures to be put in place. An example is equipment to measure the threat level, which I feel is not a very useful invention. The instrument hurts the psychological well-being of the citizens by...

Conducting Successful Leadership Strategy: Generational Leadership

Leadership is the ability to lead people through a process of influencing them to achieve specific goals. There is no leadership without followers, as there are no followers without a leader. Followers are simply some aggregate of people without a leader. All members of the group must interact with each...

Law: Blowing the Whistle Without Blowing Your Career

Introduction It is a human ethical duty to report unlawful activities in the workplace once discovered. While remuneration, stability, and social status are what drives the majority of us careerwise, one should not put their judgment and morals aside for the sake of keeping their job. Every human being has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Russian Federation Is Developing a Democracy

Throughout the history of the Russian Federation, its governmental system has evolved significantly. It is important to mention that the October Revolution was the first event triggering the switch from imperialism to socialism or from the power of the monarch to the power of the Communist Party. The only political...

Mindset of a College Students

Despite being an important aspect of human life, mindset is not taught at school and sometimes even at home. Since childhood, people already have a certain way of thinking, either fixed or growth mindset. A growth mindset is exactly what helps people not only at school, college, and then at...

Ando’s, Scarpa’s, Rietveld’s Architecture & Design

Since the beginning of the 20th century, all the cultural aspects have undergone some drastic changes in their approaches and comprehension of art in general. Even though there is usually a bigger concern over the variations in art and literature, the approaches to architecture and design have also changed significantly....

Childhood Obesity: Research Methodology

An appropriate setting for this type of research would be a practitioner’s office. The two types of intervention require specific resources for implementation. The medication approach calls for a qualified physician to have the necessary tools for the diagnosis of the child and subsequent treatment. Meanwhile, parental education consists of...

“Evoking Sound: Fundamentals of Choral Conducting” by Jordan

James Jordan, in his book Evoking Sounds, Fundamentals of Choral Conducting 2nd edition, gives an overview of how music creators can allow their music to “speak” to the right audiences. In chapter 23, the author explains that there are four main phases that have to be considered when creating memorable...

Information Technology for Healthcare Quality

The development of computer science and technologies brought about new opportunities for the automatization of different processes. Modern information systems have powerful tools that make work with large amounts of data fast and simple. The manager of the care coordination department needs to use these new opportunities to make the...

Accounting Function in Garment Organization

The organisation is dealing with garment manufacturing. It is a medium sized company having 250 skilled labours force including professionals and employees. Its objective is to make quality garment products using the latest state-of-the –art technology for the benefit of customers. When describing the key resources of the organisation, its...

Patient Privacy: Protected Health Information

Ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the patients in healthcare setting is of utmost importance for practitioners and government officials. HIPAA law poses strict regulations on the collection of protected health information (PHI), placing limits to the usage and disclosure of certain types of data. Being aware of the PHI types...

“On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

People challenged its government long before the term “civil disobedience” was coined by Henry David Thoreau in 1849. In his On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, originally called Resistance to Civil Government, the author discussed the issue, providing a clear viewpoint and examples from his life. He expressed that civil...

The U.S. International Affairs

The United States became somewhat involved in world affairs during the first decade of the 20th century. With World War I on the verge of eruption, the US tried to benefit from the policy of isolation. As a result, Woodrow Wilson proposed to implement the “Fourteen Points” that were expected...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Coffee Maker Supreme: Assessment of the Impact of Recent Changes in the Company

Background Coffee Maker Supreme is a worldwide manufacturer of coffee making machines. The company has achieved a global reach in the past few years through its modernized web-based sales approach. The company had manufacturing plants in four different locations across the globe. However, due to the increased demand for specialized...

Women’s Rights. Miss Representation Documentary

In order to fulfill the requirements of this assignment, I went to the Bunker Hill Community College Library and logged on to the Kanopy film database. I selected the film “Miss Representation” because the topics of women’s rights and gender equality are interesting to me. The film focuses on gender...

Melancholy Symbols in “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood

Do you know the feeling where you cannot enjoy the present and live in the past? Such a character is Lois from “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood, who survived her friend Lucy’s death as a child. The girls were walking in the camp’s highlands, and one of them fell...

On Violations of Civil Liberties

The US Supreme Court does not adhere strictly to any universal rules or techniques of constitutional interpretation, enabling cases when civil liberties are violated. The freedom to express one’s views is protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. The government is not to limit the ability of citizens...

Theme of Ambition in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

Ambition is the elementary factor in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The author has used Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to explore the concept of purpose in Macbeth. The two characters’ ambitions and downfall are the key storylines which the author illustrates. Besides, the desire of control by Lady Macbeth...

Effects of the Income Inequality

After watching the CNBC video, which described how the middle-skill workers share has shrunk over time, I thought of my uncle, who was laid off from a steel company in the early 2000s (CNBC, 2019). When asked about the widening income gap between the wealthy citizens and others, he said...

The Story of Chanie Wenjack: Medium and Message

Chanie Wenjack is an Indigenous boy, who died one week after his escapade from a residential school due to exposure and hanger. This occasion is prominent, as it has become the symbol of resistance to the challenging circumstance and the power of colonization in Canada. Gord Downie has contributed to...

Van Gogh’s Art Appreciation: Starry Night

Art has always been one of the most complex subjects of human perception due to the multiplicity of concepts encoded in a single detail of an artwork. Some researchers believe that the idea embedded in the painting by the author should be considered by the recipient before the appreciation for...

Retail and Supply Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is a specific activity in modern business, as it is sensitive to customer loyalty and local regulations. Retail trade is the relevant approach to sales in this area, as clients use services on a personal request or a doctor’s prescription. In turn, the supply chain is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Government’s Role in Business Regulation

In the contemporary world, there are two opposite opinions regarding businesses’ ethical conduct ensuring. One part of society believes that the marketplace is self-regulating and any external interventions are not necessary as they do not provide equality between business owners. Simultaneously, others state that government regulations are essential and beneficial...

Effects of Emotions on Memories

The article by Kensinger (2009) “Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion” is dedicated to the phenomenon of human memory. It is a well-known fact that peoples’ ability to remember the past is flawed. In some cases, memories can be vivid and detailed, while in others, recollection can be limited or...

“Tsunami: Killer Wave” — A Summary

Introduction Tsunami: Killer Wave tells about several devastating tsunamis — the giant waves generated by earthquakes. They can reach up to a hundred feet in height and pose a deadly threat to the population of the coastal areas, racing across the oceans and swallowing people and structures. Tsunamis remain one...

Review of “The Last Leaf” Story by O.Henry

The “Last Leaf” by O. Henry is a narrative that focuses on people’s need to have hope. The story mostly centers on two painters, Sue and Johnsy, living at the top of a three-story building. Johnsy has pneumonia, and she believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside...

Inequalities in China and India

Hans Rosling states that inequalities in China and India are a big issue after looking at the drastic economic differences within the countries. In particular, he mentions that Shanghai is even healthier economically if compared to the United States, whereas Guizhou remains overwhelmingly poor. As for India, the speaker explains...

Earthquakes as the Natural Disaster Posing the Greatest Danger to Societies

Natural disasters have always been a significant threat to human life and safety due to the uncontrolled and commonly unpreventable features. Despite the scope of dangers and adverse outcomes associated with various natural disasters, earthquakes might be claimed to be the most dangerous to societies and people. Due to high...

Global Marketing Opportunities and Challenges

If the simulation were based on the real world, numerous opportunities and challenges would be encountered. The fact that the simulation does not include many ethnic factors would invoke a comparatively easy operational model. For instance, it does not include language barriers, cultural differences, exchange rates, and mode of entry...

Federal Reserve System, Inflation, and Wage-Price Spiral

One important thing learned from the episode of Bloomberg’s Stephanomics podcast is how the Federal Reserve System needs to monitor the economic situation for specific indicators when shaping monetary policy. In this particular episode, the podcast’s host Stephanie Flanders (2021) and her guests discuss what indicators could prompt the Federal...

Characteristics and Specialties of Same-Sex Families

The family type I selected for the course project paper is the same-sex family. With an increase in queer representation and visibility in modern society, discussion of the characteristics and specialties of same-sex families now is vital for family studies. There is a significant lack of literature on the topic...

Laziness as a Modern Enemy of People

Every person has dreams that they want to fulfill. Someone dreams of becoming a teacher, someone a doctor, and someone plans to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is a modern enemy of people because of which problems appear in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Misleading Graphs. The Nature of the Problem

Graphs are usually a representation of data that are given in pictorial forms. As a result, people expect the representation to correspond to the figures that are provided. However, this rarely happens as the graphs often illustrate more misleading information. This usually occurs when the designer of the graphs wants...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

The Sadler Report: Child Labor in the United Kingdom

The Industrial Revolution was a period of incredible advancement. Huge industrial facilities arose that could mass-produce merchandise at a low cost. Individuals ran from their ranches to the urban communities to work in industrial facilities, factories, and mines. In spite of such advancement, life was difficult and stressful as a...

2020-2021 Financial Crisis vs. 2007-2008 Market Crash

The 2020-2021 financial crisis due to COVID-19 significantly differed from the 2009 Great Recession. First, the causes and nature of the crises were different. In 2009, the economy imploded and partially collapsed due to the financial system, a range of poor oversight and negative decisions led to the crisis. Meanwhile,...

Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life

One of the primary lessons I have learnt from chapter 7 of the Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life is the church’s teaching and perspective towards the management and direction of the economy. These teachings are meant to serve our society in a common good, referred to as liberal...

Microbial Growth and Aseptic Technique

Microbial Growth Microbial growth is promoted by various conditions, and the most significant three factors include pH, temperature, and oxygen. According to specialists, their combination can determine the accompanying risks on a case-by-case basis and, therefore, requires consideration from the perspective of competition among microbes (Bruslind, 2021). Thus, pH, which...

Christian Apocalyptic Movements

Christian apocalypticism or millenarianism focuses on believing that the day of world destruction will come and take people to a better world of God. The fascinating aspect which encouraged me to explore this movement is that the apocalypse is treated not as dangerous destruction but as the opportunity to get...

Women in Politics: Biases and Discrimination

I interviewed two women, the first being a family member and the other a friend, to discover why women hold back from pursuing local, state, and federal political office. The first interviewee pointed out that women mainly fail to seek political office careers because of family responsibilities (Interviewee 1, personal...

Global Marketing Environment: Canada

Introduction Entering the global market is essential for growth and development The external marketing environment has opportunities and threats (Lamb et al., 2021) The environmental analysis is necessary prior to entering the country’s market Perigord Bakery from the United States is planning to enter the Canadian market Cultural Factors The...

Evidence of the Evolution Theory

Evolution is a consolidating factor in biology supported by pieces of evidence from unique areas of biology. The areas of biology to be studied for evolution pieces of evidence include anatomy, biogeography, molecular biology, and fossils (Festa-Bianchet & Mysterud, 2018). Over time, evolution changes the genetic composition of species. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Portrayal of Dissociative Personality Disorder in the Media

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is understood as a set of mental disorders, in particular memory lapses, disorders of consciousness, and feelings of personal identity. The condition leads to the fact that a person’s personality is divided. Because of this, it seems that in one person there are several personalities who...

Evidence-Based Policing and Its Main Elements

Evidence-based policing (EBP) refers to a tactical approach supporting police departments in making timely and effective decisions regarding combating and detecting crime. Among the approach’s major elements is the emphasis on the scientific method (Sherman, 1998). The term refers to a knowledge discovery method based on constructing hypotheses that are...

Jackson Pollock in History of Art

Jackson Pollock is a world-famous conceptual artist from the US. Jackson created abstract expressionism, a trend in the last century’s art, which shifted the world’s attention from European classics to American innovation. He spread the canvas on the floor and moved around it, pouring and spraying paint with brushes and...

“The Culture of Martyrdom” by David Brooks

The culture of Martyrdom by David Brooks describes the political strategy that terrorists use to instil fear into their opponents. It discusses how extremist groups benefit from the culture of martyrdom. The book reveals how young people are recruited to advance the political agenda of terrorist groups. The use of...

Why a Home Country Would Promote Foreign Direct Investment in a Host Country

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the purchase of assets like land and equipment in another host nation while running the facility from the home country. In the event of FDI, the foreign investment business must have at least 10% of the voting rights. The primary distinction between FDI and other...

Mitigation Strategies in Crisis

A crisis arises in a normal working environment, affecting work and service delivery in general. According to the research framework, the mitigation method has a critical role in maintaining peace and resolving the issue. It is a strategy that lays out a step-by-step process for reducing risks and dangers as...

Researching the History of Racism

The history of racism shows that it has evolved over time. Namely, the starting point was the radicalized violent behavior of the privileged people towards discriminated ones. For example, Native Americans were mainly exterminated by European newcomers (Griffiths & Keirns, 2015). Next, the transatlantic slave trade brought to the Americas...

Novels Remain a Valuable Form of Entertainment and Art in Our Current Society

Written stories have been the source of public entertainment for as long as the very concept of written language has existed. However, as the pace of global community development increases, the fascination with novels and other long-form storytelling types seems to have been subsiding. Due to the increased time pressure,...

Estimating Life Expectancy: Pros and Cons

The health and longevity of a person depends on health care, genetics, ecology, the state of the environment, and style of life. Each of these areas brings together many extra factors and circumstances. The human body is such a complex multi-level and multi-factorial system that so far, no system of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Blue Ocean Market: Uber Case Study

In comparison with the red ones, blue oceans are the markets that do not exist yet and are to be created by companies through innovative and unique products or services. Hence, the red oceans are the ones where competitors fight for a larger market share, while in the blue once,...

The “Lifeboat Ethics” Article by Garret Hardin

In the article “Lifeboat Ethics,” published in 1974, the American ecologist Garrett Hardin offers an unexpected but quite exciting metaphor of a lifeboat with limited capacity surrounded by hundreds of swimmers. This metaphor demonstrates an ethical dilemma of saving these swimmers: if they are ignored, they will die, and if...

Food Administration on Sustainable Palm Oil

The FDA’s decision to eliminate trans fats from use in packaged foods in favor of tropical oils did not consider the economic, social, and environmental outcomes of increased use of tropical oils. The video from Rainforest Action Network (2013) intelligibly explains one of the adverse outcomes of increased use of...

Public Art: Painting on the Ground in Times Square

My public art project is a painting on the ground in Times Square, imaging the planet Earth, around which representatives of various cultures are depicted holding hands. This art project has an inspiring function. Multiculturalism, which implies a plurality of mutual influences while maintaining national integrity as the basis of...

The Gender Influence on the Language of Communication

Introduction An analysis of the conversation between men and women reveals the extraordinary complexity of their social relationships. Sociolinguistics examines the dynamics of relations between men and women through the prism of the language of their communication. Men and women often understand each other inaccurately during communication. This article discusses...

Importance and Benefits of Mobile Communications for Today’s Society

Mobile communications are now firmly entrenched in the life of a modern person, so it is difficult to imagine the absence of cellular communications. However, such technologies were not widespread worldwide until the 1990s. Countries with a low-income level serve as prime examples of the prolonged absence of these technologies....

How to Cure Inflation: Summary

In the introduction, the video introduces the history of paper money, talking about gold and tobacco. Then, it moves to discuss inflation in the United States. Between 1972 and 1978, wages grew, but the increase in income tax lowered the buying power of people – this is called “taxation without...

Levine’s “The Overstory” Novel Analysis

If one is to refer to Caroline Levine’s definition of a form, The Overstory, as a novel, is a whole. Inside this whole, there is a multitude of other forms interacting with one another and structuring Powers’s (2018) narration. For one, the scene of Patricia’s testimony in the court is...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Discussion

Maslow’s hierarchy is one of the popular theories of motivation. It is a particular description of human needs from the lowest desires to the highest. Based on this theory, a large number of concepts are currently used in numerous areas of life, including business, education, the health sector, and so...

The COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health in New York

The topic that is to be examined is how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of individuals living in New York City. The subject was chosen due to the studies that show a major increase in mental health problems either related to the stress correlating with the virus...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HIPAA Training Session: HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules

Introduction HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act A federal law passed in 1996 (Ramli, 2021) deals with the privacy of patients’ data, including healthcare insurance coverage and uniform provider identity. PII: Personal Identifying Information Health information on an individual created or collected by a healthcare provider important to the...

Short- and Long-Term Memories of Childhood Abuse

The problem of child abuse and its effects on the subsequent years of a person’s life is of increasing concern to memory scientists and clinicians. They believe that memory loss can be caused by physical, emotional, or psychological stress. Although memories can be forgotten for some time, according to the...

Crisis Management in an Organization

Crisis management or communication refers to how an organization identifies a threat and responds to it effectively. Crisis management in an organization can viewed as a procedure whereby the old systems are no longer maintained so as to mitigate certain threats associated with them. This means that crisis management also...

The Issue of Human Rights Violation

Introduction Good morning, I stand here to bring to your attention a crucial issue that has gained more significant attention than ever. First, it is essential to mention that human deserves the right to have a good and safe life. With this in mind, I would wish to question everyone...

The Play “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play since memory molds and inspires both its structure and its substance. The play is narrated by Tom and is based on his memories (Williams and Walker 59). The writer has exceptional flexibility of tradition in a memory play. Tom says that the writer...

Chronic Diseases’ Effects on Emotional & Social States

Many people are diagnosed with various illnesses, and often those conditions are chronic. A significant number of people across the US face long-standing diseases, which are associated with different factors, including education, lifestyle, mental health, and family history (Hayes & Gillian, 2020). Chronic illnesses can have damaging effects on a...

Classification of Menopause as a Disability

Introduction Menopause is the time during which the female menstrual cycle stops due to lower progesterone and estrogen hormones. Even though there are no legal obligations requiring employers to comply with menopause regulations, females should not be discriminated against, and ladies should be treated workers equally based on the organizational...

“The Lady With the Dog” by Anton Chekhov

Introduction “The Lady with the Dog” is one of the most famous short stories by Anton Chekhov. This Russian author is famous for his prose works that perfectly address and describe such essential issues as mood, character, feelings, and settings. Numerous international critics and experts highly appraise Chekhov’s short stories...

The Bible: Literary, Historical, and Covenantal Perspective

The 66 chapters that make up the Bible were penned by 40 distinct authors over the course of around 1700 generations. The Old Scripture [or Old Law], which comprises 39 writings, is the first section of the Holy book. The Torah or Law, the Historic Writings, the Poetry Books, and...

Negative Reinforcement in Pediatric Feeding Disorder Treatment

In this review the researcher’s main aim was to study how negative reinforcement can be used in the treatment of feeding disorder and the participant was an 8-year-old male diagnosed with cerebral palsy (Voulgarakis & Forte, 2015). The subject had challenging mealtime behavior which was maintained by escape and therefore...

The Sund & Baelt Case Study: Business Analytics

Introduction The construction company sector undergoes significant challenges annually due to natural or infrastructure causes. Over 46,000 American bridges are architecturally inadequate and in unacceptable condition, as has been emphasized by the IBM case study (Bertrand, n.d.). The case study that will be reviewed is the Sund & Baelt case...

Theoretical Sampling Strategies in Qualitative Research

I agree that the item evaluation and selection of individual groups’ events and behaviors are the main processes used in sampling. This sampling involves strategies where the selected sample is well explained and referred to the chosen group while researching various items. The sampling theory investigation of the population is...

The “Pine Spirit” Painting by Wu Guanzhong

Wu Guanzhong took motivation from modern western artwork and broke away from the legendary history of Chinese paintings and drawings to produce pieces that perfectly encapsulate the genre. The masterpieces by him that most of his followers are familiar with, which depict this, are from the late 1970s (Liu, 2019)....

The Discussion of a History as a Global Movement

Introduction In Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Adelman, et al. (2021) theorize history as a global movement. According to the authors, all people were of African origin and only later adapted to external circumstances, forming separate communities and cultures. Therefore, all people have a common background, and humanity’s history must be...

Processes Required to Create the Perfect Team

Teamwork is a guarantee that the workflow is smooth and pleasant for participants. Working in a friendly team motivates people to work more and creates a favorable environment for development. However, maintaining an ideal team image is a difficult task that only some groups can do. Conflict-prevention techniques must be...

The Drug Legalization Debate: A Complex Issue With Compelling Arguments

Numerous social issues and concerns require close attention from the American government, including the problem of drug legalization. Some experts believe that if drugs become legal, there will be fewer crimes related to their use, and more regulation and standardization will be available (Hanson et al., 2022). To be more...

Nursing Care Advanced Practices and Aspects

Relationship-Based and Patient-Centered Nursing Care Patient-centered care refers to the approach to care which empowers the patient and engages them the process. This perspective on care is driven by the improved understanding of patients’ agency and respect towards them (Tak, Ruhnke & Shih, 2014). Some of the attributes of this...

“The Real Raymond Carver” by James Campbell

The article The Real Raymond Carver by James Campbell opens by confirming that Carver usually went through various drafts of all his work before settling on a final copy for print. Campbell claims that the joy in reading Carver’s work comes from enjoying the strange scenarios that the author presents...

Early v. Late Maturation: Bringing Puberty to Life

Nowadays, precocious maturation has become rather widespread across nearly all human populations (Seeker, 2016). Simultaneously, there exist individuals whose puberty starts late (Steinberg, 2017). Because adolescence is a period during which children are subjected to significant changes and stress (Nickel, 2010), it is paramount to be aware of the potential...

Transgender Community and Heterosexism in Language

Newspapers started to report stories of individuals who changed their gender identities and concealed their birth sex approximately since the middle of the 19th century. According to McCauley (2016), those stories were primarily about women who tried to “pass” as men rather than about men who assumed female identities. At...

The Case of Salesforce and Wegmans Food Market

Most organizations have unique practices that give them a competitive advantage over their competitors. It is true that employees choose to work in organizations that can enable them further their careers and at the same time also satisfy any of their other personal goals and objectives. The ranking of companies...

Reflective E-Portfolio Definition: Reflective Leadership in Educational Organizations

The teaching experience and the post-primary education system in Ireland is both positively growing but also facing several concrete challenges. There is an overall satisfaction with the efforts, social respect, and salary dedicated to teachers and future educators. The educational system can be described as currently undergoing some updates and...

Professional Nursing Education and Barriers to It

Contrary to classroom learning, clinical education in nursing happens in an elaborate medical learning setup that is swayed by numerous aspects. The setting offers a chance for many nursing learners to gain knowledge experimentally while changing theoretical facts to a range of psychological, psychomotor, and mental proficiencies that are crucial...

Evidence-Based Practice Employed in Intensive Care

In contemporary society, evidence-based nursing is very important because of the increased public demand for nurses and other medical professionals to be held accountable for their medical practices. Besides, the evidence-based practice should be adopted by the healthcare centers to ensure that quality services are provided to the patients, and...

Brand Development: Branding Strategy Insider

Introduction Building a brand or generating response have been subjects of debate over the years, as fighter brands remain an ancient strategy in branding. In their articles “How the GFC has forced brands to rethink their strategies” (Addis 2009) and “Fighter brand strategy considerations” (Daye & VanAuken 2009), the authors...

Secularist Counter-Arguments Against Religion Ability to Give Added Meaning to Morality

Divine command theory was presented by John Calvin, St Augustine, and many other famous philosophers. Its followers argue that “ethical principles are simply the commands of God” (Pojman & Fieser, 2011, 188.4). The theory that appeared in the era of early Christianity and has been dramatically transformed since then has...

The Darfur Genocide: The Causes and the Aspects

Introduction The Darfur genocide in Western Sudan is considered the first genocide of the 21st century. The conflict that resulted in so much death and “brutal, ethnically-targeted violence” (Reeves 1) started in 2003 and has not been resolved to this day. Many underlying causes are attributed to the beginning of...

Cultural Expectations in the Globalized Market

When addressing the issue of cultural expectations in the global market, managers should be ready to encounter quite high demands concerning business ethics and business communication. Namely, it is fully expected from companies entering the global market to have high diversity rates and be open to all cultures without displaying...

The Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918

One of the deadliest occurrences of human history is the 1918 “Spanish Flu” epidemic. Influenza spread to almost every part of the world and appeared in the United States, Britain, and France in the same year. Overall, the virus affected three to five percent of the world’s population, including the...

Career Aspirations in Information Technology

In my opinion, being a qualified professional in the field of Information Technology is a challenging yet rewarding task. My long-term career goal is to get a job in cybersecurity or an IT company. I prefer management to development and testing since, as for me, it requires high levels of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Program

There is a great number of social issues that people still cannot eliminate. One of them is the problem of sexual violence and harassment in the U.S. Army – a place where people learn how to protect their county and fellow citizens but cannot feel completely safe themselves. Fortunately, significant...

Servant Leadership as a Follower-Centered System

The concept of servant leadership has been continuously rising in popularity since the 1970s when Robert Greenleaf’s works established him as the pioneer of the movement. Unlike power-centered leadership, it focuses on empowering and inspiring followers to do their best and succeed. Naturally, the leader’s goal in this system is...

Purpose and Impact of FDIC in Birmingham, Alabama

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) refers to a self-regulating national agency that insures thrifts and deposits in the US banks if a financial institution fails. The agency was established in 1933 to promote a stable financial system and maintain public confidence by encouraging effective and efficient banking practices (Failed Bank...

Nurses’ Education in Remote or Rural Communities

Nurses operating within the rural or remote setting sometimes find themselves with a hefty workload of attending to patients’ healthcare issues in addition to other duties which go beyond their normal schedule. A case in point is the continued training needs of these rural staff especially in third world or...

A Caribbean Restaurant’s Marketing Plan

Restaurant Plans The business I would like to start is a restaurant that targets people from the Caribbean. To reach this target audience, it should focus on offering cuisine and atmosphere that are popular among this demographic. It should also focus on preferentially hiring staff who are themselves from the...

Combating Stress: Methods for Combating Stress

Student life is an exciting time, which simultaneously stimulates and can also cause stress due to severe life changes. General stress can be caused by anxiety about the future, heavy learning burden, exams, and other factors. Sometimes, stress occurs in response to specific events, such as visiting a schoolmate’s home...

Gerald R. Ford International Airport and Its Service

Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GRR) is one of the largest airports in Michigan, covering more than 3,100 acres (U.S. department of transportation federal aviation administration, 2021). According to the statistics provided by the Gerald R. Ford International Airport (n.d.), every day, approximately 10,000 travelers pass through the airport. The...

Shipping Terms to Be Considered for the Contract Loss Minimization: Memorandum

Memorandum To: Mr. Jones, the CEO From: Your Name CC: Other recipients Subject: Shipping terms to be considered for the contract loss minimization Dear Mr. Jones, I am writing to inform you that Okinawa, Ltd., our ink supplier from Japan, has offered for our company a highly expedient deal on...

Structural Humiliation: The Term Definition

Humiliation can be exercised through wide range of possible acts, such as denigration of a child by a teacher in the presence of other students or mild forms of humiliation, for instance, speaking for those who can speak for themselves (Sayer, 2005, p. 161). The same author mentions a special...

“Being a Physician” Personal Experience

It is hard to deny that a person’s life and health are extreme values, but many people fail to maintain good health due to various reasons. Healthcare professionals are ready to help in preventing serious health issues and providing care to those in need. I have been fascinated by the...

Gender-Role Attitudes: Society Values & Standards

Many would not dispute that gender identity is described as a person’s perception of themselves as male, female, or neither. The representations of the differences in gender identity directly link to the issue of sex roles. In case of any disputes, as a consequence of external variables, gender identity is...

Elderly Health Assessment and Communication

In most cases, aging is an inevitable stage of people’s life span, which is accompanied by various noticeable changes in the body, psyche, and the perception of themselves and the surrounding world. In this regard, the primary role of registered nurses (RN) is to determine patients’ conditions and help them...

Technique of Quotation on New Forms of Media

Quotation: “New forms of media have always caused moral panics: the printing press, newspapers, paperbacks, and television were all once denounced as threats to their consumers’ brainpower and moral fiber” (Seyler, 2018, p. 382). A technique that appeals to me: The quotation chosen perfectly addresses the fear that can be...

Comparison of Contemporary Ideologies

Martin Luther King’s memoir on the Montgomery boycott, Striving for Freedom, chronicles 50,000 blacks who embraced the principles of nonviolence and learned to fight for their rights with the weapon of love, and who the process acquired a new appreciation of their human value. In terms of comparison, Luther King’s...

Advantages of Instructional Technology

Instructional technology is a relatively broad umbrella term that comprises a variety of techniques, tools, and approaches. Its simplest definition is “the theory and practice of using technology for education,” which can take numerous forms (LSU Online). It continues spreading across the world, simplifying and fastening the educational process and...

Sociological Issues of Life Stages from 20 to 70

People aged from 20 to 30 years usually begin to explore their professional talents and desires. While people of this age usually have income, spending increases due to lack of estate and the need to pay for rent and make other payments. Depending on occupations, making savings is hard, and...

Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages

In some circumstances, a patient may be enduring painful suffering from a terminal disease. Assuming the likelihood of the illness being treated to free the individual from the agony is zero, the client may choose to allow the doctor to intentionally end his life. The act by which a physician...

Media Account and Its Role in Business

Reasons why Chanel Changed its Media Account According to a statement by Chanel, Omnicom’s ability to impress through their strategic approach led to the selection of Chanel’s new global media agency effective from January. Additionally, Omnicom had a better understanding of the brand and was well organized around the requirements....

The Cultural Adaptation Process in Business

Introduction The psychological process of adapting to a new culture can be referred to as cultural adaptation. Culture adaptation may include learning the language of a new culture, dress code and how to access goods and services in that particular culture. For a business to function effectively, organizations and individuals...

Mia Mottley’s Speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit

Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados, made a speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow. She explained the possibility of climate change becoming irreversible if the temperature increased by two degrees Celsius (UN Climate Change,...

Anselm and Aquinas Religious Leaders

Historical Context Both Anselm and Aquinas were significant religious leaders during the times when the church was a powerful institution. There are mentions of Anselm being acquaintances with the Pope and having conflicts with King Henry I, illustrating his importance in the medieval hierarchy (Himma). Moreover, Thomas Aquinas was described...

The Tone of Voice When Giving a Speech

Rate, loudness, pitch, articulation, pronunciation, tone, pausing or silence, breath, and fluency are all aspects of vocal delivery related to one’s voice. The tone of voice is vital when giving a speech since it helps engage and interest the audience. Moreover, a proper tonal variation is essential in vocal delivery...

The “Koyaanisqatsi” Documentary by Godfrey Reggio

Technological development is an inseparable part of human lives as it influences almost every aspect of everyday routine. During the last centuries, scientific progress provided a large number of benefits, including an increase in life expectancy due to better healthcare and medicine, worldwide communication, superb logistics, and many others. However,...

When to Use Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Choosing a qualitative or a quantitative research methodology is one of the first steps a researcher must take when considering a new study. These approaches to investigating are different at the core – according to Goertz and Mahoney (2012), they can be perceived as unique cultures. This idea is based...

The Song “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday

Musical culture is one of the factors in the formation of public protest. Musical compositions of this genre serve as a protest against the existing situation, politicians, social and global injustice, the way of life, and in general everything that enslaves people, makes them slaves, and perishes a personality out...

Utility Plant Explosion in Burbank, California

Introduction Power Substation, being a complex technological object, must be operated according to specific rules and instructions by high-level electrical personnel. There are many causes of accidents and fires at the substation; some occur frequently, and some cases are isolated. In this case, the events that took place in California...

Animal Replicating: The Ethical Issues

The ethical landscape is complicated due to the various objectives and methods. Animal replicating poses dual kinds of ethical anxieties: it may hurt wildlife, beings, or the ecosystem, and it may breach significant decent boundaries or standards. The initial category of issues presented by animal replication is contextual in character,...

Image of a Zombie: Researching of Zombie Behavior

Zombies are a fantastic element used in popular media, such as films, series, and comic books. While they vary in many aspects, the core concept of a zombie is that of a living dead. They once were people whose bodies became reanimated after death for a particular reason. This happens...

Social Media and Latest Trends in Marketing

In the last decade, social media have been actively used by businesses as instruments to promote their products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the latest trends in social media marketing and opportunities provided by the most commonly used social media platforms. In the article “3 social...

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The “Moses” Painting by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo presents an interesting case of creating surrealistic artworks despite generally denying it herself. Apart from many artworks, which can be considered controversial regarding their surrealistic features, her work Moses (Figure 1) undeniably contains a surrealistic sense and message. The painting reflects her understanding of Moses and Monotheism, the...

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Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke

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The Planning Process in Business

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Grassroots Organizations Collaborating for Change

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The fourth amendment protects Americans from searches and seizures that infringe on their privacy. Police and other investigative agencies must respect people’s right to privacy and search after a warrant has been issued (Peak & Madensen-Herold, 2019). The video presents the case of Jones, a suspected drug dealer caught with...

Workplace Culture and Leadership in Nursing

My leadership style involves encouraging collaboration between the whole team and motivating team members to gain confidence in their decision-making process. This style is based on the belief that each team member is an integral part of the team and should be equipped to play their role in the organization...

Healthcare Costs Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Background It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all spheres of life, including healthcare. In the United States and all over the world, it led to a dramatic growth of national healthcare spending as the prevention and treatment of the infection required the development and implementation of...

Lipids: Types, Structures, and Functions in the Body

Lipids are organic compounds that are present in most living organisms. Alcohols and bile acids represent simple lipids, and the molecule of complex lipids includes various compounds and atoms. Lipids are essential to humans. They are present in food, found in medicines, and are actively used in various industrial sectors....

An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care

Introduction In terms of spirituality, human nature is a vast, complex, largely unknown world. The inner world of a person is shaky, as it is vulnerable to the influence of other people and circumstances. At the same time, it can become a support in difficult times and lead a person...

Healthcare Versus Sick Care

In my opinion, health care is a combination of services to maintain and restore human health by offering appropriate treatment interventions. In addition, health care should prevent and examine diseases and help people understand what might affect their health positively and negatively. However, I cannot ignore various disparities, namely gender,...

Flows, Callouts, and Checklists in the Airlines

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Gestalt laws explore the way people tend to perceive a whole object rather than a sum of its parts. One of these rules is the law of closure. This particular principle of the Gestalt approach states that if a figure has a gap in its form, people still perceive it...

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When you start choosing a college for the first time in your life, it is very important not to make a mistake and consider all your interests, demands, and knowledge. Your college is your future: if you fail, the outcomes may influence your life considerably. It is why it is...

Nurse-Family Relationship and Barriers to It

Introduction Nurses are trained to provide timely and personalized health services to patients depending on their needs. They should work with families, identify the challenges affecting them, and offer appropriate medical support. The purpose of the description of the hypothetical family below is to identify key barriers to forming effective...