Why Promote Acceptance of Youth Styles Among Adults?

Some adults still embrace negative stereotypes concerning the abilities and perceptions of teenagers. However, youth-adult partnerships positively impact society if rightfully nurtured. A youth-adult collaboration involves a relationship where adults fully engage young individuals on issues affecting them, including programs and policies (Alford, 2022). A true partnership between adults and...

Starting a Mobile Dog Grooming Business

The business that I would like to do if I had fifty thousand dollars is mobile dog care. This industry is not only profitable but also useful and pleasant. This is almost the same as kindergarten because nowadays, people take great care not only of their children but of their...

Teaching Computer Science to Non-English Speakers

Introduction Learning computer science (CS) presents many challenges in itself – however, it becomes increasingly more complicated if the learner has the additional disadvantage of not speaking the language CS is taught in. The current learning methods may not always be as accommodating for non-native speakers as they could be,...

Coser’s Theory and an Example of a Social Conflict

Social conflict results from growing contradictions that appear as a conflict between diverse social groups. Social conflicts unavoidably arise and worsen as a result of the heterogeneity of society and variations in status and well-being. Because this process involves disputes and their resolution, Coser saw social conflicts as one of...

“Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” by Hall

The article “Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” highlights an increasing interest in a newly emerging field of medical humanities in nursing education and medical organizations. Hall (2014) emphasized the important role of humanities in medical care that comes through listening to music, telling stories, and enjoying...

Hector’s Farewell to Andromache and Pericles’ Funeral Oration

Greek culture has a unique perception of values, human nature, and war, and modern humanity may explore it from Homer and Orations perpetuated in ancient literature. Indeed, such works as Iliad and Pericles’ Funeral Oration demonstrated that the willingness to fight was a significant mission for men (Homer). This paper...

Classical Conditioning in the Axe Commercial

Classical conditioning is a powerful instrument to make specific associations in the human brain. In marketing and advertising, it is used to create positive associations with a product or service. As a result, people may find purchasing such products more attractive. In the recent advertisement “The New Axe Effect,” classical...

The Marks & Spencer Firm’s Customer Segmentation

Geographical Segmentation Marks & Spencer mainly operates in three global market regions. The United Kingdom (UK) is their primary one, and it “consists of the UK retail business and franchise operations” (Forbes, n.d., para. 1). The other two economic zones of Marks & Spencer are continental Europe and some countries...

The RealReal’s Strategy in the Luxury Resale Market

The digitalization trend continues to grow, gradually capturing more and more areas of human activities, starting from everyday life, communication, and transportation to integration in business processes. The logical direction of the trend’s development in the luxury goods sphere suggests that all luxury products will soon undergo a digital authentication...

The Return of the Elgin Marbles

Introduction Nowadays, many countries strive to return the artifacts that originate from them to their possession. The Elgin Marbles, which were created and placed in Greece, had resided in the British Museum since the nineteenth century when they were relocated from the Parthenon through an agreement with the Ottoman Empire...

Kidnapping and Its Criminal Act and Harm Elements

Introduction Kidnapping is a crime that receives apt media attention due to the demographic it mostly affects. Whereas statistics for adult abductions are minimal, child kidnappings often account for the cases reported to the authorities. The criminal act element for kidnapping involves removing an individual against their will from their...

Clinical Environment Contributing to Learning

Creating a clinical environment conducive to continuous education is essential to improve the work of medical staff and organize patient care at the highest level. Recommendations include autonomy, supervision, social support, workload, diversity, learning and practice orientation (Seabrook, 2014). Learning while working is an effective means of gaining applicable knowledge...

Corporate Social Responsibility in TOMS Shoes and The Body Shop

Introduction TOMS Shoes and The Body Shop are two companies that are known for their efforts toward promoting ethical and social good. TOMS Shoes has a “One for One” business model, where for every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is given to a child in need. This effort helps...

Protecting Patient Privacy and Health Records

Protecting patients’ health records is critical to ensuring their privacy and safety. With the increasing use of electronic health records and the rise in cyberattacks, there is a growing concern about the effectiveness of HIPAA in protecting patient information (Memmi, 2023). Two potential solutions are to provide a private right...

Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory

The environment in which a person studies and works can influence them and it is advantageous if the university’s mission and vision are correlated with their academic and professional goals. My professional and academic goals as a scholarly practitioner are to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to excellence in practice and...

Sex Education: California Healthy Youth Act

It is quite beneficial that stigma now has less impact and is decreased when addressing sexuality education. This practice allows the youth to be healthier, accept their sexuality as a normal process of human development, build strong relationships, and be aware of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. The purpose...

Workplace Drama: Persuasive Speech Outline

Topic: An easy-to-implement strategy for avoiding drama and conflict in the workplace. General purpose: Persuade the audience. Specific purpose: Convince listeners that workplace drama is not an inevitable disaster and can be easily avoided in five simple steps. Central idea: Workplace drama should no longer be seen as an inevitable...

Strategies for Reducing Medication Errors: A Three-Step Model Proposal

Introduction The paper aims to discuss the problem of medication errors. In medical care, the risks of medication errors pose a significant threat to patient safety. According to Paparella (2018), incorrect prescription of the drug, the use of incorrect dosages, and the wrong medication method can pose a significant danger...

Comparison of Illinois Constitution and US Bill of Rights

Overview of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Like the Bill of Rights of the USA Constitution, the Illinois Constitution contains a list of primary articles governing the rights and liberties of the citizen. The Constitution begins with the Bill of Rights, which contains a list of provisions...

Comparing House Activities and Personal Happiness: An Exploratory Study

Having read your article, Want to be Happier? Hire a Housekeeper, Researchers Suggest, which promotes the idea that spending money to get rid of annoying activities makes people much happier than buying material things, I felt perplexed. On the one hand, the message and the tone of this article seem...

Labor Systems and the Colonial Labor Diaspora

It is evident that raw materials for industrial and domestic use in colonial heartlands were mostly found in the colonies. The items produced included rubber, cotton and palm oil. Similarly, minerals like tin, gold and diamonds were also exploited. In those times, the slaves used to perform all the duties....

The Emmett Till Murder Analysis With Ochberg’s Critical Incident Model

Ochberg (2014) provides an efficient model that can help analyze critical incidents. It is possible to apply the method to consider the Emmett Till murder case. It is possible to start the analysis with the Red Blob (Ochberg, 2014). Thus, a teenaged African American (14 years old) was killed in...

Dr. Pepper Ten Commercials: Masculinity and Diet Soda

Dr. Pepper Ten commercials focus on masculinity trying to convince the viewer that it is masculine to drink diet soda. The traditional picture of a “real” man in the US society as a meat-eater, living in the wild, fighting dangers of life in the wild, wearing a beard (Johansson 28)....

Chapters 1-2 of “In Search of Respect” by Bourgois

In his book In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio, Philippe Bourgois describes his life in East Harlem, otherwise known as El Barrio, and gaining the trust of the neighborhood’s drug dealers. Through personal observations and conversations with local criminals, he reveals a unique culture among them. The...

GrowCo’s Short-Term Incentive Plan: An Examination

Introduction In light of unsatisfactory performance in GrowCo’s design engineering department, the company approved a short-term incentive compensation plan. The plan is aimed at improving engineers’ performance by rewarding them with an annual pay bonus based on three key factors: unexcused absences, adherence to schedule deadlines, and drawing quality. This...

The British Economy: England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland

The fifth largest Economy in the world is the Economy of the United Kingdom also known as the British Economy and this is on the basis of the market exchange rates; in terms of purchasing power parity it is sixth largest in the world. In Europe it is the second...

Managerial Accounting Ethics Role

Managerial accounting aims to provide managers with measurement and interpretation of accounting information so they can make informed decisions to maintain and improve a companys performance. This occupation requires possession and development of several essential skills and qualifications. There are also certain ethical standards employees working in this sphere have...

Perry’s ‘Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God’

Discussions about the role of God in human life attract people’s attention and create many supporters, as well as opponents. In the Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of Good, Perry introduces several characters with rather different positions. Weirob admits that God, as an all-powerful and all-knowing creature, cannot...

“The Eagle Huntress” by Otto Bell

The film is primarily a documentary as it depicts the real story of a young eagle huntress from Mongolia. Moreover, the director showed many details from modern Mongolian nomadic inhabitants’ lives and their traditional occupations. Watching the documentary, the viewer can learn about the living of Altai’s people and the...

Eco-Friendly Approach to Sport Events

Sport unites people not only at major events, games, and competitions. Possessing great influence, it is actively used to draw attention to world problems. The most important role in this field is played by the International Olympic Committee (Greenwell et al., 2019). It actively participates in solving urgent issues of...

Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work

The article conveys the idea that the employee’s time spent on the Internet should be appropriately controlled for the company’s informational security (IS). Personal Internet use takes up 60-80 % of the time staff spends on websites not related to work. Time waste on personal activities is qualified as a...

Internment Camps and Polls for Minority Groups

In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the authority of the U.S. government to order the internment of a minority group in the interest of national security, even though there was no evidence that any members of this group were disloyal to the United States. This paper discusses whether the same...

Immoral Actions and Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism is one of the directions in ethics, the leading position of which is the usefulness of actions, which determines the moral value of a particular act or an entire behavior model. Besides, the benefit of measures refers to those actions that maximize happiness and pleasure for all affected parties....

Badmouthing Employers’ Obligations and Rights

A relationship between employers and employees can be a complex one because these individuals often have various priorities. While subordinates want to maximize their employment rights and freedoms, executives emphasize the employees’ duties and obligations. This situation results in disputes regarding whether subordinates may publicly criticize employers. Thus, some ethical...

The Power of Trust in Effective Communication

Communication and trust are complementary components of a relationship that need equal attention. Consequently, the two elements play a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and objectives. For instance, managers and leaders cannot inspire change among followers without proper communication skills or motivate them towards specific company targets in the...

The Design Principles on Harmony and Variety: “Mother and Child 2”

Any painting can be compared to a puzzle where a variety of elements, including colors, geometrical forms, texture, come together to create a holistic composition and give it interest. Simultaneously, harmony is the principle of design in which these elements are pleasantly combined and arranged. It always reflects the sublime...

Analysis of “Hoodie” Poem by January Gill O’Neil

“Hoodie” by January Gill O’Neil is a poem the central topic of which is a mother’s concern about the safety and wellbeing of her teenage son when she sees him walking in the street. At the same time, in order to understand this work to the fullest extent, it is...

Production Possibility Frontier

Production Possibility Frontier graphs are widely used both in macroeconomics and microeconomics. For the first case, the graph might show the level of efficiency in the production of several goods for a nation, for the second—is for a company (Krylovskiy). In the paper, a graph that reflects the hypothetical PPF...

Ethics Education in Daily Life

In The Significance of Ethics and Ethics Education in Daily Life, Michael D. Burroughs talks about the implications of ethics on everyday life and the importance of developing skills necessary to make ethical decisions. Burroughs challenges the differences between theoretical ethical values and principles and the way we act in...

Reading “Everyone Knows You Go Home” by Sylvester

The first five chapters of the story Everyone Knows You Go Home contain themes devoted to knowledge about family, love, immigration, and maturing. Edges of comprehension are framed as characters’ very own accounts and are uncovered to both the reader and the encompassing characters. One of the topics in the...

Oroonoko as a Hero: Analysis of Novel

Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave. A True History by Aphra Behn is considered to be one of the first English novels – it was published in 1688 when the genre was only beginning to emerge. The story’s protagonist is Prince Oroonoko – an African king’s grandson who possesses all the...

Researching Tesla’s Organizational Design

Tesla is a unique company in many ways, and this uniqueness also extends to its organizational culture. In particular, Tesla, unlike most companies of its size, does not have a well-known management structure. There is no organizational structure or a public list of senior executives; however, the organizational structure of...

Germany as an Example of Coordinated Market Economy

Introduction “Note on Comparative Capitalism” outlines the opposing concepts of liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs) which refer to the structures of capitalist systems. LMEs incorporate the focus on competitive markets and the close relationships of their actors (Clayton and Henderson 2015). CMEs, on the other hand,...

Mechanics of Raymond Carver’s Popular Literary Works

Plot/Structure The author depicts a fight between a woman and a man who is leaving the woman. He packs his things while she is holding her baby, and when he is done, the man demands the baby. They both hold the baby “is slipping out” due to the adults’ struggle,...

Aspects of Muscles of Respiration

Breathing is one of the essential processes of the body that sustains life along with the cardiovascular and neural activities. More specifically, it is responsible for the intake and absorption of the oxygen, which, in turn, is supplied into the rest of the organs through blood. When it comes to...

Native American Myths and American Literature

The most attractive works for my attention in the canon of American literature were those that seemed to illuminate the entire diverse and contradictory characteristics of American culture. The myth of the Great Hare Michabou seems worthy of note as one of the most ancient and mysterious stories read during...

Project Risk Management and Related Suggestions

Risk management is the methodology of recognizing, assessing, and prioritizing risks, then cost-effectively deploying resources to reduce the likelihood and influence of unfortunate occurrences or optimize the achievement of opportunities. Project risk management is a continuous examination by the project team of what risks can positively or negatively influence the...

Ethics in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering

Ethical philosophy as a whole implies a search for definitions and mechanisms for the systematic distinction between right and wrong. Applied in the field of cyberspace, the ethical principle demonstrates itself as necessary to protect users from unwanted invasions of privacy. It is required to consider and analyze two examples...

Nonverbal Intellectual Communication: Cultural Space and Privacy

Privacy Across Culture Intellectual communication is the process of communicating between two cultures. Intellectual communication involves an interpretive, contextual, symbolic, and transactional process where individuals from different cultural backgrounds create and share meanings during interactions (Grothe, 2020). Privacy across culture is one of the essential concepts that enable people to...

Division of House Labor and Domestic Abuse

The gendered division of house labor is generally viewed according to the time-availability perspective. In this case, the division of labor in a household depends on the various labor needs and the ability of each person to participate in the performance of household tasks. The relative resources perspective also greatly...

Vine Deloria on Native American Activism

Vine Deloria, one of the most famous Native American rights activists, dwells on the idea of American Indian Activism to demonstrate the striking difference between the value system of the Native American tribes and the predominant Western culture driving American society today. Thus, when describing Indian Activism, Deloria emphasizes the...

Silent Films and Foley Artists

A silent film is a black-and-white movie without sound. From the invention of film technology to the advent of modern sound films, silent films were the most popular entertainment. At first, there was no sound in the films, then they were with musical accompaniment, and then the help of Foley...

Home Depot Firm’s Competitive Environment Analysis

The Home Depot is an American retail chain that is the most considerable home improvement retailer. The company’s customers are divided into several categories, depending on the purpose of purchase. The most significant part of them are homeowners who purchase products and complete their projects and installations. The company has...

Race: A Socially Constructed Concept

Racial concerns are a major cause of contention around the world. Dr. Samuel Morton started a flawed and biased research study to determine the biological differences elicited in races in the 1800s (Parker, 2021). Science unequivocally refutes Dr. Morton’s findings as race is not biologically evident (Parker, 2021). Individuals’ genetic...

Violation of Social Norms and Moral Development

Social norms can differ from governmental rules as they are not written in constitutions or official governmental documents. Societies build specific standards that might vary in diverse countries, but some norms are common around the world. According to van Kleef et al. (2019), people expect others to have stable psychological...

Aeronautical Decision-Making: History and Importance

Introduction Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM) is a crucial area of investigation for the aviation industry. Throughout the growth of the aviation sphere, additional efforts have been contributed to developing and spreading ADM strategies among pilots (Johnston & McDonald, 2017). In the long term, effectively implemented ADM can account for the reduction...

Organizational Culture: The Role in Business

Organizational culture is often interpreted as the philosophy and ideology of management accepted by the majority of members of the organization. According to Saha and Kumar (2018), organizational culture is “One of the factors that can influence organizational commitment-job satisfaction relationship.” Subjective organizational culture serves as the basis for the...

Familias Unidas: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention

Introduction Familias Unidas (FU) is a family-based program in Miami to prevent delinquency in youth. As a twelve-session minority-oriented program, FU pursues the mission of preventing criminogenic behaviors, ranging from substance abuse to behavioral disorders, in Hispanic students aged 12-17 (National Gang Center, 2021; Rojas et al., 2021). The implementation...

Dell Technologies’ Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions: Advantages and Disadvantages The concepts of mergers and acquisitions are commonly used when describing the methods of increasing companies’ value through purchasing assets or businesses. Thus, the former means the integration of two entities for the benefit of both parties while equally dividing their profits (Hitt et...

Neuroscience of Addictions and Their Origin

Introduction The concept of addiction has disturbed me for a long time since I know how people struggle with breaking their harmful habits and stopping drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. I believe it is of utmost importance to understand how to help individuals who struggle with staying sober or stopping...

Business Strategy and Five Competitive Forces

As the name suggests, Michael Porter’s (2008) article “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy” aims to identify the decisive forces that define competition in the market. According to the author, these forces are rivalry among existing competitors, the threat of new entrants, the possibility of substitutes, and the bargaining...

Leadership in Sports: Sport Psychology

The leader is the most crucial figure in any project or event. That is a person who establishes inner and outer communication and ensures that the desired goal is reached. The leader largely affects each team member’s life in addition to the lives of others who gain from the product...

The Starbucks Firm’s Business Level Strategy

Starbucks Coffee is a brand that is known for its broad competitive advantage and uses a generic strategy of broad differentiation to trade successfully. This strategy assumes that the business of a certain company and its products will be different from other companies in this segment. Thus, the value proposition...

The Psychology of International Politics

Introduction Political psychologist analyzes political patterns by applying whatever is understood regarding human psychology and concentrating on persons within a particular political institution. Political psychology is a prominent subject of a systematic social investigation involving bases in psychology and political science and integration into a multitude of other social sciences...

Nonlinear and Linear Regression Models

A type of regression analysis called nonlinear regression involves fitting data to a model before expressing the result as a mathematical function. It is conducted as Y=f(X,β)+ϵ, where: X is a vector of P predictors; β is a vector of k parameters, and F (-) is the known regression function....

Nursing: Witnessing Death at Work

Introduction Providing psychological support to an incurable patient and his relatives is a difficult test for the medical staff who accompanies the patient at all stages of dying. Therefore, professional burnout syndrome is widespread among medical workers in this category. Although I rarely face death, given the specialty of a...

Discrimination in Charlotte’s Web Book by White

Charlotte’s Web, written by E.B. White, is a children’s book and is often seen as an innocent story of a piglet named Wilbur, who made friends with a spider named Charlotte. However, when analyzing the story closer, one can see that it transcends a simple narration and illustrates discrimination, which...

The Story “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

Introduction The essay provides a great interpretation of the story To Build a Fire by Jack London, focusing on nature’s indifference and human overconfidence. As described in the paper, nature is unpredictable and untamable, which is also a source of its power over people. The essay starts with an exciting...

Down’s Syndrome as a Genetic Disorder

Many people are born with genetic diseases that manifest themselves in one way or another throughout their lives. One of these abnormalities is Down’s syndrome, which occurs as a result of abnormal cell division. The syndrome manifests immediately at birth and is caused by an atypical number of chromosomes. People...

Okonkwo’s Decisions in Things Fall Apart by Achebe

This paper claims that Okonkwo acts consistently in deciding to kill his adopted son Ikemefun. The character of Okonkwo’s hero is more fully revealed in the second and third parts, which illustrate his influence on the people of Mbanta and Umuofia. Despite this, the decision to personally take the life...

Anomie-Strain Theory: Deviant Behavior and Social Norms

Introduction Anomie/Strain Theory is a specific theory that can explain deviant human behavior and the role of social norms and rules in its forming. This theory was first proposed by Emile Durkheim and then developed by Robert K. Merton. It suggests that people usually attempt to fulfill their desires and...

Jean-Leon Gerome’s “Bathsheba” as a Representation of Orientalism in Art

Use of Domestic Subject Matter Reflecting European Attitudes Toward Oriental Cultures The most successful work describing Orientalism is “Bathsheba” by Jean-Leon Gerome, created in 1899. Unlike other works of art, Jean-Leon Gerome used a commonplace domestic subject that reflects European attitudes toward Oriental cultures. Firstly, the ordinariness can be appreciated...

Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities

Problem Background The most pressing issue in the modern world is the inclusion of persons with impairments in the labor force. Employers do not establish specific circumstances for disabled persons to fulfill labor tasks in institutions, making it exceedingly difficult for people with impairments to find and get employment. This...

Cloud Computing Models and Services

Such components as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and IDaaS are essential for any Cloud computing system because they make it easier for users to access important files, regardless of his or her location. The following work will present and cover particular functions and working methods of these services. In turn, this...

“The Grandfather of All Treaties” Film Review

The movie I recently watched was filmed in 2015 and appeared on the screens this year. It was directed by Candace Maracle, who has already won an award for her first documentary, so I expected this one to be rather impressive as well. Being an experienced journalist, the director gathered...

The Discriminant Analysis and the Logistic Regression Compared

Introduction The discriminant analysis and the logistic regression are similar in that both these types of analysis attempt to predict the membership of a case to one of the groups into which the sample is classified by a categorical dependent variable (Warner, 2013). Both of these analyses allow for creating...

The Data of Annual Salaries: Descriptive Statistics

Methodology The data of annual salaries were collected from a sample of 12 operators (N = 12) in a chemical manufacturing company. The sample of plant operators was selected randomly and annual salaries recorded. Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman (2015) assert that sampling of data reduces researchers’ biases in the...

Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing: Accountability and Care

At some points in their careers, nurses may face serious ethical dilemmas in which there is a threat to them of losing their jobs or harming their patients. However, ethical considerations are something incorporated into nurses’ work, and there are smaller ethical dilemmas that nurses may face every day. For...

Human Service Professional in New Harbor Community

One of the primary responsibilities of human service workers is to look into issues affecting individuals or societies (Woodside & McClam, 2014). These issues are related to poverty, family services, employment, and social interaction, to mention a few. Such personnel can either operate directly with their clients or unique populations,...

Nationalism and Republicanism in Australia: Warhurst’s Article Review

Introduction The article discusses the various steps that the Australian government has undertaken in the process of attaining its independence from the British government. The author, John Warhurst, is practical in pointing out the core actions and initiatives that various leaders from the major parties executed in coining the country’s...

Collaboration and Peer Review in Nursing Education

Comfort Level with Collaboration and the Peer Review Process Interaction with colleagues is the successful practice of finding answers to current research questions and problem-solving mechanisms. The peer review process that involves using the opinions of different members of a particular project is one of the forms of such cooperation....

Healthcare Strategic Budgeting Issues & Solutions

Introduction Strategic budgeting, both from a theoretical perspective and in execution, has always been a hot topic for debate among experts in the economic field. This topic is extremely relevant for the healthcare system, which contains questions of effective personnel relations, technological innovations, and new challenges in terms of diseases...

Nursing Leadership: Interprofessional Education and Practice

The article discusses the problems and possibilities of nurses in becoming interprofessional leaders and bringers of change to interdisciplinary education and practice. Clarke and Hassmiller (2013) have brought up a very challenging and timely topic because, as the researchers notice themselves, the current system of healthcare produces many treatment errors...

Public CCTV Surveillance: Safety vs. Privacy

CCTV cameras on city streets are gradually becoming an everyday reality all over the world. The expected result of the widespread introduction of cameras as a measure of social control is an increase in the “transparency” of the streets for law enforcement agencies. However, the concept of a “transparent society”...

Mesopotamian and Greek Architecture Design

Introduction The features of the ancient Mesopotamian and Greek architectures are a unique topic for discussion. These civilizations used different methods of building construction and various materials. The purposes of buildings were also distinctive, although the religious background was one of the fundamental ones. The analysis of the two types...

Reflection on “Pensees” by Pascal

Pascal’s thoughts expressed in Pensees is a philosophical work that can leave any reader frustrated and questioning whether his view on the human nature and descriptions of existing humans’ social and physical worlds is reliable and trustworthy. Pascal’s (1958) comparison of a human to the infinite is the most striking...

Timothy Tow “My Homiletic Swimming Pool”: A Great Religious Book

My Homiletic Swimming Pool is a great religious book written by Timothy Tow. This paper seeks to analyze the concepts of the first two chapters of the book. The first chapter discusses two effective methods of communicating God’s word, which seems to be the central theme of the book; teaching...

Ant-Kickback Statute and Physician Self-Referral Law

Dr. Samuel is an internal medicine physician. This practice does not have lab service. When Dr. Samuel orders lab work, she recommends the patient to Lucky Lab. Lucky Lab is very appreciative that Dr. Samuel’s patients use their lab. Lucky Lab is so appreciated that for every patient of Dr....

The Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide

The State of California has allowed medical doctors to assist terminally ill patients in killing themselves. Disputes about the moral and ethical side of this issue have been going on for many years (Emanuel 339). A lot of opposing opinions are expressed in terms of the law, human rights, medicine,...

Omission and Possession as Criminal Acts

Omission to act should not be considered as a criminal act, because a person should not be forced to put himself or herself in harm’s way. It is important to note that there are some cases where such an act should be criminalized, such as Kentucky law on reporting child...

Race: Genetic or Social Construction

Race People of the modern world discuss the concept of race and racism daily. Some may face it directly, while others experience interracial communication through social media. It happens because today humans live in a diverse society: individuals may look or feel differently, but they share the same work and...

What You Need to Know About Quality Control by Ford

The article under review is “What you need to know about quality control,” written by Mike Ford, on 3 October 2019. The author explains what quality control is and what issues it might involve. Ford also considers the ways to understand whether there is a quality control issue in the...

Aspects of Healthcare System

The central objective of healthcare is to maintain and improve the health and well-being of the population by treating, diagnosing, and preventing numerous diseases, injuries, and physical or psychological impairments. To address its issues and tasks, the sector comprises well-maintained facilities and an appropriately-trained workforce involved in various specialized departments,...

“Saving Face” by James Walters

The film Saving Face ideally addresses the theme of “coming out” in one’s community through Ma and Wil sexual liberation that challenges the Chinese traditions ethnic. In the movie, Wil is reluctant to reveal her relationship with Vivian to her mother and society due to the fear of being different...

Human Resource Challenges and Concerns

Introduction One of the first challenges faced by the human resources (HR) department is redesigning the vision and mission of the company. The HRM department is directly involved in the vision and mission statements since they should be further shared with the rest of its members (O’Connell, 2021). Therefore, this...

The Playboy Magazine’s Marketing Issues

At the moment described in the case study, Playboy has certain pros and cons within the market. On the one side, the distribution of the adult magazine has grown wider due to publications sold in European and Asian countries. This practice has guaranteed high revenues for the firm and the...

Volleyball Technical and Tactical Skills

Coaches are responsible for effectively explaining and drilling team members on the fundamental skills that create a game. Technical and tactical skills are basics that offer players the appropriate equipment to accomplish the physical necessities of the game. Based on the volleyball practice video that I watched, the coach created...

Impact of Workplace Conflict on Patient Care

Like any other field, interpersonal disagreements are inevitable in healthcare institutions. The conflicts might be caused by several factors, ranging from personal discontent, role incompatibilities, lack of information and communication, and workplace anxiety. These disruptive behaviors are more likely to entail stress and frustration, and weak team collaboration among healthcare...

Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Framework

Background I selected GRI reporting framework because, besides providing services, tools, and training, the framework also provides materiality assessment services. For example, companies may disclose their climate change effects to investors and customers using the GRI Standards. It is therefore a good concept to learn since it is useful in...

Vulnerable Population: Safety Concerns

The vulnerable population refers to the disadvantaged subsegments in society that need specific healthcare consideration. In the healthcare industry, safety concerns for vulnerable people result in better healthcare services. Technology implementation works together with the safety concerns for a sustainable healthcare environment. Therefore, the essay will focus on the six-safety...

Supply Chain Management Challenges Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

The risks of managing supply chains have amplified under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Kuwaiti strategies have to be questioned because stagnation and lack of adjustment would have a majorly negative effect on the local market. The increasing number of suppliers and business continuity risks must be considered to...

Healthy Sleep and Its Importance

Introduction Napping is a human physiological need, just like hunger or thirst. If a person is deprived of sleep, he will probably die in the end. It is not without reason that in Greek mythology, the God of Sleep, Hypnos, and the God of Death, Thanatos, were twin brothers (Barnes...

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick Review

Rodman Philbrick’s work Freak the Mighty is an interesting example of a novel for young adults. According to the plot, two very different guys meet in the book. Max is a silent, shy, and clumsy giant. Kevin is small, quick-witted, and terminally ill. They reacted differently to what was happening...

Athens and Sparta: Political and Economic Systems

Athens and Sparta were vital centers that enjoyed influence over other Greek city-states and could unite them. Their political and economic systems differed significantly, which sometimes could even lead to civil wars. Herodotus, who created the founding work of history in Western literature, managed to show considerable differences and similarities...

The Chinese Communist Party’s Economic Adaptation

The economies of communist countries, such as those of the Soviet Union and many of its satellites, are often associated with the rigid application of the largely ineffective principles of the planned economy. However, the history of the Chinese Communist Party suggests that the opposite may also be the case....

Space Exploration: The Liberal Arts Lenses

Space exploration is the study of outer space and is usually carried out by experts in space technology and astronomy. There are four liberal arts lenses of viewing space exploration: history, humanities, social science, and natural science. The history lens provides astronomers with a view of occurrences that happened during...

“Metropolis” and “Battleship Potemkin”: The Idea of the Film

One of the main tasks of any work of cinematography is to convey feelings and bring the audience closer to the idea of the film. The two main paintings closer to me are Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang, and Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein. Moreover, it is worth noting the...

Natural Sciences and Their Significance

Nowadays, the natural disciplines occupy one of the leading places in the system of scientific knowledge. It is challenging to overestimate their role in the development of modern society because they are the basis for productive forces. It is noteworthy that natural science studies are essential not only for researchers...

Ways to Measure Economic Profit

Profit is usually perceived as earnings and measured by subtracting costs from revenues. However, there are different types of costs: explicit and implicit. Explicit costs can be directly measured and expressed in monetary terms, for example, wages, rent, and utility costs (Orsag & Džidić, 2018). Implicit costs refer to the...

Chemical Sense of Smell (Olfaction) and Taste

The olfactory system contains four major components that form the olfactory path. The first component, the olfactory receptor, also called the smell receptor, consists of millions of cluster receptor cells called the olfactory epithelium situated at the back of the nasal cavity. The olfactory sensory neurons provide a connection of...

Slavery in the Texas: Declaration of Causes and Address by Sam Houston

The first document under review is titled “Texas Declaration of Causes”. This piece of writing represents an account of the grudge held by the authorities of this state against the Federal Government. The authors of the “Declaration” describe the history of perceived political oppression that they experienced from the non-slave-owning...

Genetics of Personality Disorders

People with mental illnesses have persistent patterns of strong, inflexible cognition and respond to stimuli in unusual ways. Furthermore, certain psychological problems share characteristics with others, and individuals may simultaneously have two or more mental conditions. An individual with a personality disorder may also have another psychological illness, such as...

Hypothesis Testing in Daily Life

Hypotheses testing in daily life can promote a better understanding of various events and people that an individual deals with daily. For instance, hypothesis testing may reveal how people around the individual treat them. This paper aims to describe the testing of a hypothesis stating that only close people, including...

Importance of Childhood Education and Development

Introduction The first five years of the child’s life have a significant influence on long–term socioemotional, intellectual, and physical development. The essential early-life boosters are comprehensive support and protection from caregivers and the community that have long-term benefits such as enhanced health and quality of life, along with the improved...

The Phonological Processes Analysis

First Video The first child that we can see in the video is reading from a book, together with an adult. She exhibits some of the common phonological processes when attempting to say the worlds out loud, notably including cluster reduction and reduplication. The former can be observed in most...

Contemporary Health Care Systems

Colonists who arrived in the Americas at the beginning of the 17th century carried medical practices prevalent in Western Europe. Thus, during this period, caring for the ill represented Western Europe’s traditional understanding of wellness, sickness, and treatment practices. Due to the authority of the Protestant and Catholic beliefs regarding...

Importance of Phonemic Awareness for Development

The alphabetic principle is a fundamental ability that involves reading and writing by associating letters with their sounds. For most children, learning and using the alphabetic code requires time and dedication. When educating children to understand the alphabetic principle, explicit phonics instruction, and extended practice are critical. Learning that pronunciation...

Informed Consent and Clinical Equipoise

According to Tom Beauchamp, informed consent has two philosophies. In his first explanation, Beauchamp describes informed consent as the patient’s absolute autonomy and authority (Sutrop & Lõuk, 2020). This informed consent focuses on sovereign authorization and client rights. The patient must have a substantial understanding of the condition and intentionally...

German Leadership in the European Union

The rising influence of Germany within the EU has generated much discussion in recent years. The Treaty of Lisbon’s revised processes for deciding EU foreign policy, which significantly delegated formal leadership to the EU level, have changed the relationship between EU institutions and member states and made it more difficult...

Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide

Introduction Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (JITS) is a theory that tries to explain the likelihood and incidence of suicide by analyzing the event based on the presence and prevalence of three main factors. These include the feeling of burdensomeness combined with that a low sense of belonging and social...

How Would You Define Addiction?

The attachment process occurs in people in different ways and under other circumstances. Most people do not even realize they are participating in such a process. The issue of addiction and attachment is common not only in certain circles of interest; such a topic is common in mass media, movies,...

Eating Disorders and Therapeutic Support

Eating disorders are significant mental and physical diseases that entail complicated and harmful interactions with food, feeding, exercising, and self-image or form, resulting in an unhealthy concern with somebody’s existence. In the United States, these illnesses affect roughly twenty million females and ten million males regardless of age, race, socioeconomic...

Social Work in Groups: The Key Challenges

Counseling multiple people simultaneously is a difficult task for a specialist who lacks the necessary knowledge regarding team dynamics. This diary explores Lawrence Shulman’s strategies and advice regarding social work in groups. The primary subject of the reading is the challenges and stages of group work that must be continuously...

Harm Reduction: A Set of Public Health Policies

Introduction Harm reduction, sometimes known as harm minimization, refers to a set of public health policies meant to minimize the adverse social and severe effects linked with various human actions, including those that are legal and prohibited. It entails interventions that try to lessen the negative consequences of harmful behaviors....

Black People in the US: The Infringement of Rights and Freedoms

The three amendments were of great importance in protecting the civil rights of the black population. The federal government was now committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of all American citizens. It was a step of recognizing the equality of all Americans, regardless of race. Power is given to...

The Strategic Management Process and the Day-to-Day Management

The day-to-day manager, who may also be referred to as the functional manager of the organization, is the person who is in charge of making choices regarding what is most beneficial for a particular department or group inside the firm. It involves dealing with problems as they crop up and...

Transformational Leadership in Business

A particular team’s progress in 2021 is documented in the article called “Transformational leadership and the leadership team: the journey continues.” Specifically, it shows how the team has effectively used its incredibly united leadership group to benefit its outside stakeholders involved. The team determined the four lessons to be most...

Hooters, Inc. Discrimination Case

Introduction Discriminatory methods are referred to by the terms disparate effect and unnecessary treatment. While different treatment is purposeful, the disparate effect is sometimes referred to as unintended discrimination. The words unfavorable impact and adverse treatment are occasionally employed as an alternative. Disparate impact arises when seemingly neutral laws, practices,...

Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother Photo Review

The story of Florence Thompson and her migrant experience touches many people who see the works of a documentary photographer, Dorothea Lange. The themes of depression, despair, and the necessity to protect her family are perfectly observed in several images. In my attempt to evaluate the offered shots, I would...

Financial Markets and Their Examples

Depending on the company’s age, development rate, and type of business, a financial market system provides funding in various ways. Financial markets and institutions perform a wide range of services but in varied contexts. They act as financial mediators between lenders and borrowers and direct funds toward business investment. Variability...

Management: Buy-In in Strategic Planning

Introduction Management activity is a complex and complex process that requires a personal approach from the management. In this case, interest is a crucial factor in determining how much an employee or leader is involved in the work. This factor determines how well customers will feel about the company and...

Mandating Employer-Provided Insurance

The issue of mandating employer-paid insurance has been a controversial topic in the United States. The proponents of this policy argue that it will help provide health coverage to low-paid workers. Mandating employer-paid insurance is likely to lead to a permanent loss of jobs because it increases the labor cost...

Precis: Mature Adult Learners, Self-Directed Learning Practices, and Quality of Life

In the 2017 article “Mature Adult Learners, Self-Directed Learning Practices, and Quality of Life” by Grover, Miller, and Porter, the authors focus on the rising number of older adult students and their valuing of life. Grover et al. (2017) indicate that the number of adults has been increasing in the...

Government Strategies to Combat Pandemics and Protect Public Health

Microbes are essential for human health and vital to various bodily functions. One example illustrating the benefits of microbes is their role in the human gut. The gut microbiota consists of trillions of microorganisms that help in digestion, produce essential vitamins, and contribute to the development of the immune system...

Raising Dementia Awareness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Dementia: Definition and Prevalence Diseases associated with a person’s mental state should be of particular importance for the health care system since the mental state of the population affects public health. Dementia is a neurocognitive intellectual disability that can impair a person’s cognitive abilities (Livingston et al., 2002). Thus, it...

Financial Enumeration Strategies and Their Impact on Sustainable Development

Ethical Considerations of Broad Distributional Strategies Broad distributional aspects related to financial enumeration play a key role in harnessing significant growth in the open market. These broad strategies have some null form of ethical influence since they mainly apply to the profit rates that correlate with the type of demand...

Public Welfare Agencies and Their Role in Addressing Neglect

Introduction Although interpersonal difficulties are inevitable, they can harm vulnerable members of the community. Governments have established public welfare agencies to promote human rights by helping people with their interpersonal difficulties. George Hoshino, in his work, “Social Services in a Public Welfare Agency”, explores how a typical child neglect case...

Enhancing Media Literacy with the Center for Media Literacy’s Five Key Questions

Description of the Media Literacy Website Section The chosen website is the Center for Media Literacy (CML, https://www.medialit.org/). It provides a multitude of resources aimed at enhancing media literacy. One particular section that stands out is their “Five Key Questions That Can Change the World.” These five questions are: Who...

Highlights of Art Exhibitions at Meadows Museum

The Meadows Museum is known for its rich reservation of Spanish history. Perhaps, one of the most outstanding attributes of this museum is its nature of art collection that dates back hundreds of years ago. The upcoming exhibition plans to showcase artifacts and art-related objects that span close to 500...

Efficient Data Analysis with IBM SPSS Syntax Programs

It is clear that conducting an analysis of quantitative data using the IBM SPSS software package often requires performing numerous operations so as to compute the statistics for the given data, produce various types of data representation such as histograms, graphs, and scatter plots, conduct transformations of the data, or...

Discussion of the Article “Black Lives Matter as Resistance to Systemic Anti-Black Violence”

In the article “Black Lives Matter as resistance to systemic anti-black violence,” Dominique Thomas (2019) makes extensive use of previous research. Among other sources, the author quotes the article by Thomas and Blackmon (2015). While Thomas (2019) recognizes the central message of the article correctly, it is still misinterpreted in...

Beautiful and Not Beautiful Cultural Customs and Traditions

The contemporary media agenda teaches individuals to seek beauty in any expression of human activity and existence and to respect all the traditions. However, one may hardly take into consideration the fact that many traditions and fashions appear to be products of a violent and patriarchal culture. An example of...

“American Born Chinese” by Jene Luen Yang Review

The form of comics, or a graphic novel, allows combining text with images, making the narrative more alive and engaging. The use of pictures also helps to express the details of the meaning that could not be done so vividly by text alone. In this essay, one of the episodes...

Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which can be an ongoing, and in some cases, debilitating disorder. Some of the widespread symptoms include diarrhea, bleeding, gas, weight loss, and vomiting. During remission periods, patients do not usually experience pain, but flare-ups of the disease are associated...

Ethical Concerns and Managed Care

With the growth and development of managed care, several new ethical dilemmas and complexities are introduced. The relationship between the patient, payer, and provider is a complicated and severe process that may also change over time and face new challenges. There are three areas of managed care, including financial incentives,...

Racial Inequalities in the Context of Pandemic Vaccination

The ideals of contemporary democratic society are marked by a marked contradiction, characterized by the coexistence of diametrically opposed ideas. More specifically, the public recognizes and promotes a philosophy of diversity expressed, among other things, through people’s racial differences. On the other hand, an emphasis on an individual’s ethnicity can...

“Teaching Strategies for Preschool Educators” Summary

Teaching strategies for preschool educators, Editorial Team of Resilient Educator (No concrete author), Resilient Educator, 2021. From the very beginning of the children’s formal education process, they face many challenges related to the basic principles of some fundamental sciences. Consequently, this situation creates supply and demand for preschool educational entities...

Aspects of Nursing Research

Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Design Research in nursing can be experimental and nonexperimental, depending on the researcher’s goal. The former involves manipulation with a variable to determine how it affects the outcome (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). An example would be researching how a nurse’s intervention impacts a mother’s breastfeeding efficacy...

Contemporary Culture Impact on Humanities and Creative Expression

Many aspects of contemporary culture like politics, social beliefs, or commonly shared themes may influence the humanities and creative expression. For example, people demonstrate improved attitudes toward racial and gender equalities and promote international and intercultural relationships. Creative expression reflects current achievements and the ways of how people understand themselves...