Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky

Being a teacher who is able to maintain his or her students’ efforts to gain and develop a particular skill is not quite an easy task. I should have an in-depth understanding of how to provide students with the continuous and necessary support, which will result in significant achievements of...

Sex Hormones’ Influence on Sexual Differentiation of Behavior

The article by Berenbaum and Beltz (2011) might be viewed as the foundation for further research on sex hormones’ influence on sexual differentiation of behavior, but it does not provide conclusive evidence. The authors suggest that irreversible behavior changes occur in the prenatal stage of human development when androgens affect...

The Act Codenamed H.R. 4861 for Suicide Victims

The problem of the spread of suicides is one of those that require significant measures and serious attention. Unlike various diseases, the situation cannot be corrected in the case of a successful suicide attempt. It is necessary to develop multiple methods to prevent such issues. Besides, it is essential to...

Soto’s “Broken Chains” and “Fish Creeks” by Tan

Broken Chains is a story written by Gary Soto, the main character of which is the boy Alfonso, who did not have a sense of belonging to a group he is in. In turn, the short story Fish Creeks, written by Amy Tan, tells a young Chinese girl’s drama based...

Weight and Health Professional Bias

In an examination where patients with extra weight went through a genetic testing, it was discovered that of 54 patients with weight issues 37 were hereditary disorders, 9 were medicine instigated obesities, and 8 obesities were because of cerebral injury (Kleinendorst et al. 9). Patients with genetic obesity issues more...

Sound Differences in Renaissance and Middle Ages Music

Music from different periods has a distinct sound and character due to several factors taking place at that time. The political situation and overall state of society, technical abilities, different kinds of musical instruments, concerns, and motives of people from that time all contribute to the sound of period music....

Attributes of Gods: Similarities and Differences

Gods and various divine deities were always an object of interest in all times. The phenomenon of an unknown past explains this; contemporary people did not witness any of the Gods, and it encourages even more interest towards these creatures. Fortunately, now almost every human has access to the sources...

Business Social Responsibility Examples: The Body Shop and Others

Practice shows that a business that takes on various social obligations always shows better results in its work. By investing in the social sphere, business organizations ensure their successful promotion. The development and improvement of the social environment correspond to the long-term interests of businesses and organizations. In the long...

Affordable Healthcare Approach and Best Strategies

Affordable healthcare is an essential theme for the United States, as healthcare prices are usually high. According to the study of Skinner and Chandra (2016), they can differ by a factor of 4 in the same city. For that reason, I suppose that the main problem for healthcare is a...

Aspects of Fundamentals of Real Estate

The city’s proper zoning and housing can increase the quality of life and provide free of pollution living conditions for citizens. Moreover, rational planning can ensure the efficient development of the city. Los Angeles is a vast well-developed city that still requires planning improvements. The most essential for consideration points...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising

As a member of society, I find this question crucial in understanding the intentions of modern advertising and its impact on the social structure of gender roles. As for major developments in social science thinking, studies show that advertising is one of many factors that influences people’s views and perceptions...

Cooperation of Government and People, Business and Environment

Throughout the whole history, it is considered that the government is always trying to reduce its expenses and maximize its earnings. However, there was a case when local authorities were interested in increasing the specific project’s effectiveness and maintaining the utility of its services. By providing an effective management decision...

Alberto Giacometti in History of Art

Alberto Giacometti is a Swiss artist interested in sculpture, graphics, and painting, giving more preference to creating memorable and unique figures. Alberto, as a rule, was addicted to philosophical, existential, and phenomenological aspects, which he successfully “transformed” into a creative channel. Uncertainty is the main feature of his personality, becoming...

Understanding the Different Family Structures

A nuclear family is a type of family that consists of a married couple with or without kids. In the latter scenario, one of the partners may bear more responsibility for raising and taking care of the child, or both parents try to divide this duty equally. There are no...

Discussion: Taking Responsibility for the Enemy

Taking responsibility for an enemy is a major phrase that has been mentioned regularly in the secondary source computed by Linahan Jane. The book is entitled “Sermon on the mount and the creation of peace.” Contextually, individuals can use the phrase mentioned above to imply that an individual can regard...

Central Park Five: Documentary Aesthetics

In April 1989, five teenage boys from New York City found themselves embroiled in one of the most controversial cases of the decade. They became recognized as the Central Park Five after they were accused of raping and nearly beating to death a fleeing woman, later identified as Tricia Maili,...

How to Teach Children to Value Money

Introduction Today valuing money plays an important role in managing resources properly and forming a personal financial plan. The earlier a person learns how to value money, the better because the main characteristics regarding behavior are based on childhood. I think that the best way to teach children to value...

Sampling Methods: Probability, Non-Probability, and Stratified Samplings

Probability Sampling Probability sampling is the method that is based on the premise that all the members of the population have an equal possibility of being chosen for study or observation. It usually includes such main sampling types as simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster samplings (Etikan and Bala, 2017)....

Analysis of Divine Command Theory

The Divine Command Theory (DCT) posits that a thing is good because God orders it to be done or wicked because God prohibits it from being done. Thus, to declare that loving our neighbors is good is linguistically equal to arguing that God compels us to love our neighbors. Similarly,...

The Campaign Against the R-Word

The main theme is that a student named Elizabeth Marince absolutely does not support the use of the ‘R-word’. She tries to convince the whole world that its usage is incorrect, irrelevant, and insulting. She has got a brother, Michael, who is nonverbal, nearly blind, has some difficulty walking and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How to Become a Successful Presenter

The statement “enthusiasm is infectious, and boredom is contagious” addresses the crucial aspect of any presenter’s work. Indeed, how they perceive the information they share, how strongly they want to receive feedback, and the positive outcome determines how they behave. If the presenter thinks that their subject is boring or...

The Ethics of Control Groups in Cancer Research

Hypothesis-Driven Study Treatments for breast cancer include several surgeries – mastectomy and lumpectomy – and radiotherapy. Lumpectomy is not as invasive, as only cancer-affected areas are removed, while the breast is preserved as much as possible (Giannakeas, 2018). In the case of mastectomy, the breasts, lymph nodes, and muscle tissue...

Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Labor Workforce

Artificial intelligence is the capacity of a digitized computer or software robot to execute tasks generally affiliated with sentient creatures. Artificial intelligence is one of the prevailing technologies that allow solving many issues of people in different fields of activity (Kersting, 2018). The development of AI often affects drivers and...

Family and Systemic Consultations: The Genogram as a Helpful Tool

There is a significant difference between a systems approach to counseling and an intrapsychic theory that defines the fundamental foundations of therapy. First of all, within the systemic or family approach framework, several people partake in the sessions at once (Madison, 2022). On the other hand, only one person participates...

Andrew Johnson and the Battle Over Reconstruction

After the Civil War, the North was determined to help rebuild the South, leading to a period of Reconstruction in 1865-1877. During this period, states that had seceded from the Confederacy were put under the control of the federal government before being readmitted to the Union. Abraham Lincoln and, later,...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Nursing Intervention

This case study concerns Roslyn, who has been recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Since the closest family members do not have the same disease, Roslyn and her parents lack experience in dealing with this diagnosis; therefore, they will require special attention and additional support. It is necessary for the...

Nike Inc.’s Business Objectives

Financial Objectives Nike’s financial goals rely on current financial statements. Firstly, the organization needs to optimize production in the best way, which will be signaled by the positive dynamics of the gross profit ratio. Secondly, according to the company’s goal of inspiring every athlete in the world, it is necessary...

Globalization and Its Ethical Implications

Introduction Globalization is the modern reality that influenced humanity from economic, social, and cultural perspectives and changed how diverse nations perceive one another. The outcomes of the process are a decrease in manufacturing costs with simultaneous expansion of production volume and overall quality of life improvement as more goods become...

Republicans vs. Democrats on Separation of Church and State

Religion has always been a rather controversial topic in politics. Most Republicans, like Santorum, have a rather negative attitude towards separating it from the state. While many Democrats, however, while acknowledging its value in American society, believe that faith should not interfere with any political deeds and processes. The following...

Drugs and Violence Go Hand in Hand

The problem of aggressive actions committed by drug abusers is relevant to modern criminology, psychology, forensic psychiatry, and narcology. Drugs, like alcohol, have long been considered disinhibiting substances that stimulate inappropriate behavior. From the point of view of American researchers, substance abuse increases the chances of subjects being drawn into...

The Nature and Kinds of Shrines in African Religious Symbolization

The nature of African shrines serves as places whereby the spirits and gods live or manifest themselves, or their holy objects, symbols, statues, and relics, are consecrated. In addition, they are more than places of worship or spiritual vessels (Microsoft Bing, 2022). Therefore, African shrines are physical manifestations of presence...

Risk Management of Global Hazards

Global Risks: Reflection Risk management is a crucial aspect that affects the viability of a business or a project. Nonetheless, the most influential hazards are those at the global level. World Economic Forum (2020) documents several happenings that are likely to influence all people in relation to society, economics, politics,...

Using Smartphones in Healthcare: Ethical Issues

While using mobile phones to share information can be beneficial to nurses and other healthcare professionals, it has legal and ethical implications. There is a high risk of security breaches which can undermine or comprise the security of healthcare services and patient information. It can be difficult to ensure data...

Capitalism and Socialism Systems’ Morality

Introduction The two central systems of capitalism and socialism remain the focus of debates for decades. The manifestation of moral concepts in the systems presents another crucial issue. Many scholars are confident that socialism is a better way to preserve the morality of society and individuals based on the idea...

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Flare Up and Abate Unpredictably

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the nervous system’s disorders whose cause is unknown but dangerous for human survival. The disorder’s symptoms manifest themselves in various forms, and emergency medical attention is crucial. Susanna McLeod in her article, “Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Flare Up and Abate Unpredictably; What Might I expect?”...

The “Patriotism” Short Story by Yukio Mishima

The story Patriotism by Yukio Mishima reflects the ideas of loyalty and sacrifice portrayed with consideration for human feelings and relationships. The events described during the scene are not unambiguous, as they reflect several perceptions of the main characters. At the same time, the story plot represents the direct path...

Aspects of Nonverbal Cues to Portray Interest

Introduction Apart from the ability to express thoughts with the help of speech, people can express their emotions non–verbally through the use of gestures. Sometimes it is essential to show an interlocutor one’s interest or sympathy and there are ways to do it. The most important ways to show one’s...

Aspects of the Nursing Informatics

Introduction Nursing informatics is useful in taking precautions early through the identification of patients with a high likelihood of serious conditions. Its automated alerts help in minimizing the possibility of medical errors thereby improving patient care among nursing practitioners (Role et al., 2021). Project management is needed for making the...

Disproportionate School Discipline

Significant racial differences in the prevalence of disciplinary actions against students have been reported for many years. Black children make up only 16% of the student body, but they are responsible for 40% of all school suspensions and expulsions in the United States (Gage et al., 2021). This study presents...

Family as a Social Institution in Modern Times

Introduction Family is an essential part of society as it is the first agent of human socialization. An individual’s status, education, and upbringing depend on their family. However, the structure and the purpose of the family alter with time due to economic and social changes. These alterations are likely to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rewriting Roosevelt’s Four Democracies Speech

In the speech Four Democracies, Franklin D Roosevelt spoke about why democracy matters, as well as how and why it should be protected. I would choose to expand on this discussion further by explaining my perspective on the matter and why it is important to preserve it. Primarily, one of...

Dante’s Inferno: Personal Version of “Hell”

Introduction The literary masterpiece Dante’s Inferno has captivated the imagination of countless generations. People have been fascinated and terrified by the idea of Hell and the punishments that await sinners for centuries. Based on the concept of divine justice, Dante’s depiction of Hell depicts sinners suffering as a result of...

School-Aged Children’s Mental Health During COVID-19

Steed, E. A., Phan, N., Leech, N., & Charlifue-Smith, R. (2022). Remote delivery of services for young children with disabilities during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Journal of Early Intervention, 44(2), 110-129. Publication by Steed et al. (2022) evaluates the efficacy of the U.S....

FTD Florists Company’ Analysis

FTD Florist was established to serve the floral needs of customers. It offers flower delivery services to its clients. They pride themselves of being full-service florists who serve the needs of each customer and also serve large corporate clients. The priority of FTD Florists is customer satisfaction. It boasts of...

Psychology Coursework Ideas: How to Find Them?

Writing coursework is always a small deed since the writer has only to sit down and compose a piece of academic writing. Still, they have to identify the attractive, fresh, and original field of interest first and produce an in-depth analysis thereof. It is not always easy to generate writing...

Psychology: the Experimental Approach

The experimental approach allows for making conclusions about causal relationships between variables. In experiments, the conditions of the experiment (potential confounders) are kept on a constant level, and the independent variable (IV) is manipulated to see how it affects the dependent variable (DV). The conditions being kept constant permits for...

Child Abandonment and Interventions

Introduction Child abandonment is a voluntary action done by parents, where a child is deserted and left behind. Some parents abandon their children by ensuring that they will be taken care of, but others leave children without any assurance. The primary concern is to identify what are the reasons for...

How Climate Change Increases the Risk of Hurricanes

Hurricanes are a result of warm, moist air from the ocean surface rising swiftly and meeting with cooler air. This creates warm water vapor which condenses to generate storm clouds and rainfall. The condensation releases latent heat to warm the cool air above and causes it to rise and create...

Covid-19 as a Challenge to Global Health Community

Covid-19 is a global health issue, which poses a challenge to the international health community. The pandemic has affected the entire world as it spreads fast with human beings as carriers of the illness. Covid-19 is caused by a virus that transmits through close contact with an infected individual. Many...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Oncology Nurses’ Ethical and Legal Issues

Introduction Nursing is one of the essential parts of cancer patients’ treatment. However, providing care might “raise moral and ethical issues regarding respect for patient integrity and autonomy” (Park, 2009, p. 68). Moreover, the specifics of oncology treatment can pose additional legal challenges for nursing staff. The paper aims at...

Egoism and Altruism: Hybrid Nature

It is effortless to describe altruism and egoism in their pure forms. Altruism is the selfless actions of a person for the benefit of another; egoism – human actions aimed at maximizing benefits for themselves, ignoring others’ interests. The films and books The Hunger Games demonstrated that selfishness could be...

Individualism in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

One of the fears described in dystopian fiction is the loss of individuality. People become uniformed cogs in an oppressive society, so the government could completely control them. Therefore, individualism can contribute greatly to maintaining freedom and independent thinking. In Harrison Bergeron, the author shares his vision of the future...

It Is Not the Responsibility of Celebrities to Be Role Models

Sometimes people dream of being like celebrities so much that they are ready to change their clothing style, hair color, or hobbies. But this does not mean that stars are responsible for becoming role models. Usually, famous people achieve fame through talent, hard work, and a bit of luck. However,...

Overachievement: Winning and Training Mindsets

The winning mindset is depicted as one which is trusting, unlike the training mindset, which seems active as well as reluctant to change. In Inside the Minds of Overachievers, Elliot (2015) opens chapter one by describing an Austrian Alpine skier who showcased a wonderful performance beating the defending Olympic champion....

Job Analysis in the Restaurant Industry

Job analysis remains a critical element for most Human Resource (HR) functions. According to Brannick et al. as cited in (Breaugh, 2017) “job analysis refers to a broad array of activities designed to discover and document the essential nature of work” (p. 12). According to Brough (2017), job analysis (referred...

Airbnb Company’s Strategic Orchestration

Various companies adopt business management approaches in order to stay efficient and thrive in the global market. Maintaining a beneficial relationship with the customers and multiple partners appears to be a remarkable strategy, which allows the organization to restructure the traditional resource management approach. In this work, the concept of...

Letter from Birmingham Jail – Summary & Analysis

The “Letter from Birmingham Jail” was authored by Martin Luther King (1963) while in custody. King references the church leaders as the audience in the first paragraph of the letter. In the article, the clergy term King as a sheer outsider who instigated the demonstrations. In the letter, King uses...

Love in Shakespeare’s “116th Sonnet”

In his poem, “Sonnet 116” Shakespeare presents the nature of ideal love. According to Gale Cengage Learning, the write-up was done during the Renaissance era, when there was a significant influence by the Catholic church (14). Additionally, the artists wished to create new standards of what could be regarded as...

The Cheesecake Factory’s Reasons for Success

The Cheesecake Factory, an international chain of bakeries for the whole family, has been a successful business in its industry for several decades. The company owes its success to competent management and talented personnel. This presentation explains what organizational qualities and metrics help keep the company competitive in the global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Female Circumcision Analysis with Critical Thinking

Female circumcision has been an object of multiple debates among human rights activists and scholars for a long time. There are few perceptions on this topic, and in this paper, it will be viewed from the ethnocentric and cultural relativistic points of view. This work aims to observe both theories...

Michael P. MacDonald’s “All Souls” Memoir Analysis

All Souls: A Family Story from Southie, written by Michael Patrick MacDonald, is a sincere memoir published in 1999. The author uses his talent of putting life experiences and feelings into words to describe the place where he used to live in his childhood. The book starts with the author,...

The Positive Social, Cultural and Political Transformation Between 1815 to 1860

The period between 1815 to 1860 was characterized by significant social, cultural, and political changes that aided the economic expansion of America. Gender roles significantly changed as women began participating in the cash economy. The growing economy led women to work in simple jobs like waiters to supplement their family...

Researching and Analysis of Police Abuse

Although the police must protect the citizens’ rights, officers periodically appear among those who violate them. This phenomenon is known as the “color of law,” which metaphor means using the power to serve justice as a shield for misdeeds (The United States Department of Justice, 2021). The analysis of several...

Hadrocodium as Example of Mammalian Beginnings

General Information One of the first mammals of the Mesozoic era was Hadrocodium, whose external structure may remind modern rodents of the rat, squirrel, or weasel type. Fossils of this animal were found in Early China; it is thought that Hadrocodium lived about 195-200 million years ago. Literally, the Latin...

Why Is Impressionistic and Expressionistic Music So Hard to Understand?

Composers have always aspired to the new and unknown. In any era, some musicians kept up with the times and, under the influence of new art trends, revealed and invented their ways through musical means of expression. Expressionism in music is a reflection of the human soul. Expressionism rejects any...

Accreditation, Regulation, and Certification in the Healthcare Field

In medical practice, it is essential to follow numerous protocols and standards to warrant a perfect environment for patients’ sustainable recovery and remedy. The standard of care for healthcare workers is the degree of care expected of them. It’s a legal term that describes how much care a patient receives....

Interindustry Wage Differentials

The difference in labor value across various industries has attracted the attention of economists for a long time. In this regard, the classic view suggests that competitive markets should achieve a state of equilibrium. It means that workers with similar skills should receive similar wages regardless of the place of...

Art and Humanities as Part of Human Experience

The process of making creative works, participating in them, or examining them enriches the lives of people, impacting an individual’s perception of self and the world around them. The videos and the article discussed as a part of this assignment are all used to highlight the role arts play in...

Virtual Private Network and Its Benefits

VPN is a virtual private network, a set of technologies that allows providing one or more network connections over another network. Deciphering the name: a network is an association of several devices by some type of communication that allows exchanging of information. Virtual intangible, not physical; that is, it does...

Autobiographical Information in “Black Boy” by Richard Wright

Richard Wright’s autobiographical book Black Boy is an account of the insidious effects of racial bigotry in the Southern United States in the 1920s. In its pages, the author reveals the brutal truth about whites’ degrading treatment of African Americans and the limited opportunities for employment and education. Therefore, Black...

Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Green technologies are dominating the global community’s discussion of sustainable energy generation. Renewable energy sources, with solar energy being one of the most feasible and affordable, are being supported and invested into by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology for sustainable energy (Iravani et al., 2017). One of the...

Aspects of Online Marketing

Major online stores and service providers, such as Amazon, Tinder, and Spotify, excel at taking significant portions of their respective markets through disruptive innovations. They have shown that success in the digital market lies in delivering new experiences and adhering to a customer’s tastes (Business Disruptors, 2017). In this paper,...

“Tense Present” by Wallace and “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Anzaldua

The importance of language in the life of a person and society and the functions that it carries is an essential aspect of the existence of humanity. It preserves the spiritual and cultural values of people. Through language, people express their thoughts, express emotions. The words of outstanding people are...

“The Death of Ivan Ilych” by Leo Tolstoy

The story The Death of Ivan Ilych, written by Leo Tolstoy, emphasizes the topic of life regrets. The main character Ivan Ilych, a member of the judicial chamber, and nobleman, has recently died. The story’s narration is centered on describing the character’s emotions during life and illness. The author strives...

Plot and Characters of “The Land of Heart’s Desire” by Yeats

“The Land of heart’s desire” is a play scripted by an Irish poet, playwright, and 1923 Nobel winner named William Butler Yeats. Setting The play is set in a room with a floor-to-ceiling fireplace in the center and a large alcove to the right. There are seats and a table...

Dysthymia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Dysthymia is a kind of depressive disorder, but it is characterized by less pronounced severity and a much longer course. It drastically reduces quality of life and therefore requires scientific consideration, but in a more practical way. Qualitative analysis may seem appropriate enough to describe dysthymia and even to find...

Variables Impacting a Patient With Schizophrenia

Biological Variables The mother brought Demetri, her 39-year-old son previously diagnosed with schizophrenia, because of his deteriorating mental well-being. The mother claims that this was due to his discontinuation of the necessary prescribed drugs about a month ago. This stop in his post-hospital treatment is not the first. The interviewer...

“Black Skin, White Masks”: Stuart Hall’s Quote Analysis

In the 1996 documentary, ‘Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask,’ sociologist and cultural theorist Stuart Hall mentions, “You can’t abstract a cultural sign from its context and no cultural sign is fixed in its meaning.” The scientist makes this claim as a response to Frantz Fanon’s false beliefs that the...

The National Hockey League’s Marketing Strategy

The National Hockey League’s (NHL) marketing strategy seems to depend on fans’ visits to the plays. The NHL attempted to establish hockey players’ presence in media affairs and publications. The NHL developed a number of grassroots marketing initiatives to promote the young public’s curiosity about street hockey, roller hockey, and...

Manifest Destiny and the Effect It Had on the United States

The mid-nineteenth century of American history is defined by the decades-long dispute over westward expansion and the idea of Manifest Destiny. It describes the ideology that God decreed that the American population spread their territory with democracy and prosperity. This idea led to acts of war, a significant expansion in...

Vegetarianism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Vegetarianism, the voluntary omission of meat from one’s diet, is a common practice in many parts of the world. The belief in cultural and religious norms, the pursuit of health, and the protection of animal rights all contribute to its prevalence. The advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism have been extensively...

Nutrition Coach Certification and Further Work

Once qualified as a nutritionist, I plan to launch my channel on social networks, where I will share basic nutritional information and offer health guidance guidelines. On this digital platform, I intend to work with the young population aged between eighteen to thirty years. More importantly, I will focus on...

The Aztec Empire and Causes of Its Fall

Introduction The Aztec Empire was highly developed socially, intellectually, and creatively. It was an organized society with a strict caste system – at the top were nobles, and at the bottom were serfs, indentured servants, and enslaved workers (Bowstead, 2022). My first reaction to an Aztec settlement would most likely...

Cash Flow as Business Performance Measure

Chapter 15 of Financial Intelligence discusses that cash flow is one of the most versatile measures of business performance. Understanding cash allows seeing how well a company is doing at turning profits into cash, spotting early signs of trouble, and knowing how to manage cash flow to keep it stable....

The Job of a Marriage and Family Therapist

Introduction The job of a marriage and family therapist presupposes consulting people who are in close and intimate relationships, partners who are thinking about parting, or couples who want to strengthen and deepen the feeling of intimacy. Such therapy allows partners to better understand each other and figure out exactly...

The Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. Case Analysis

In those cases, when it is evident that recently created governmental regulations violate the rights of people or organizations, it is possible to file a lawsuit and challenge the new mandate. This is what the owners of Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. did in 2012 when it turned out that “their...

Hollywood: The Cultural Influence

There is no doubt that Hollywood has a significant impact on society, particularly young people, in political and cultural ways. It has a remarkable power to transmit ideas, cultures, values, and even geopolitical influence. Thus, it is essential to examine how the studio mentioned above promotes American values, which factors...

Healthcare Service Management Course

Healthcare service management course is a program that encompasses various aspects of hospital administration units. The course is essential in imparting learners with significant skills and competencies required to effectively promote equitable and quality healthcare delivery. During the program, I have learned different techniques that can be used to influence...

Larry Sabato’s Balance Budget Proposal: Pros and Cons

Introduction As America approaches its 250th birthday, it will undoubtedly become a major battleground in the culture wars. Consequently, it pertains to how the American constitutional structure is split or maybe shattered (Jenkinson, 2022). The purpose of a federal government is to serve all of a nation’s citizens and to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Starbucks: Stakeholder Management in Company Change Process

Stakeholder engagement in company change processes alleviates concerns that could arise about future performance. Stakeholder assessment is a critically significant precedent to the actual management, where change movers must identify all parties to be affected and provide adequate briefings and preparations for the new ideas. This paper analyzes Starbucks’ change...

Domestic Terrorism in the United States

Terrorism has become a serious and broad issue for the security of the United States since the 9/11 attacks. Foreign terrorist organizations create a hazard of international terrorism and represent a challenging problem as they obtain significant financial resources and power (FBI, n.d.). At the same time, there is a...

Pain Management as a Component of Modern Medicine

The quality of medical care in the modern world is regularly improved. This shows that increasing attention is being paid to the patient’s comfort and the correctness of his treatment. Modern medicine is designed to provide the patient with as painless treatment as possible, and nurses and medical personnel should...

Women’s Rights and Their Historical Roots

Women’s rights have been a topic of debate and struggle throughout history, as women have long faced discrimination, inequality, and limited access to opportunities and resources. In particular, the 19th century was characterized by the birth of the suffrage movement, which aimed to give women equal voting rights with men....

Self-Introduction and Secrets of Great Presentations

The most outstanding speakers in history capture audiences’ attention from the introduction. Public speaking can be self-introductory or general, each involving audience engagement through rhetoric and tonal proficiency. An effective speech is one that audiences can remember long after its delivery and, in most cases, creates a speaker’s legacy. This...

Marriage in Bradstreet’s, Dooley’s, Larkin’s Works

Marriage is an important event in the life of a significant percentage of people, and it is no wonder that a considerable amount of literature is devoted to portraying the married life. This paper discusses three literary works on this topic: A. Bradstreet’s To My Dear and Loving Husband, the...

Finding the Supply and Demand Equilibrium

How an equilibrium price is set in the supply and demand market Many factors, among them price, population, and income, affect consumer demand for products and services sold in a market. Demand is satisfied either by local producers or importers. The demand curve is downward-sloping, which means that an inverse...

Nursing Burnout: Meta-Analytic Study by Vargas et al.

Summary The analyzed article “Which occupational risk factors are associated with burnout in nursing? A meta-analytic study.” was written by Vargas, Cañadas, Aguayo, Fernández, and de la Fuente. It was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology in 2014. The research aimed to assess the impact of...

Ancient Greek and Roman Governments

The governments of Ancient Greece and Rome had similarities and differences alike. It becomes clear if one compares the High Roman Empire with Athens at the peak of their might. Both governments conquered foreign for economic purposes and used religion to justify their regimes, but Athens remained a democracy, while...

Patients Under the Do-Not-Resuscitate Order (DNR)

One of the most challenging situations in nursing practice is the necessity to provide ethical assistance and care for patients under the do-not-resuscitate order (DNR) and the members of their families. As it is presented in the case study, there can be misunderstandings regarding the DNR status of the patient...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Lifesizing Entrepreneurship“ by Robert A. Miller

The rhetoric of the Text (The Author) The article is written by Robert A. Miller, a Professor of Law and Management and a recipient of the Excellence in Teaching award. A footnote states that the author’s main research area is business ethics, entrepreneurship, and law. Miller has also written at...

The Mouth of Truth: Model State Law

A model state law should maximize the characteristics that encourage whistleblowing by including rewards for reporting wrongdoing and broad protection from retaliation. Organizational Policy Typically, most employees report wrongdoing externally only after the employer’s response proves inadequate, and/or the whistleblower suffers retaliation. Employees will more likely blow the whistle if...

Delia and Jig as the Feminist Women Characters

“Sweat” and “Hills Like White Elephants” are stories about women who are entirely different from each other. Although they have complicated relationships with their husbands, both girls find the strength to survive. This paper aims to describe why Delia and Jig are dynamic characters and name the circumstances that create...

Emoticons Use in an Email at Work

In just a few years, the emoji icons found on most smartphones and e-mail programs have become an integral part of communication, including business correspondence. These funny little pictures can play an unexpectedly serious role in determining the emotional tone of business communication. Employers often use emoticons to soften the...

Digital Media and Intercultural Communication

The role of digital media in globalization’s growing speed could not be underestimated because it made people in all countries immensely interconnected. Therefore, new media indeed influences intercultural communication. The current paper provides answers to the questions concerning the possibility of interaction between different cultures, digital media’s impact on music,...

Bias and Its Role in Argumentation

Although the problem of bias in a piece of writing sometimes consists of deliberate acts, such as propaganda, a person is frequently preconceived, not because they actually want it. Many misconceptions occur because people driven by commitment and interest in the position do not notice weakness of a reason obvious...

Whiteness: Segregation and Gentrification

In any developed society, there is a problem of social inequality and an unbalanced distribution of spaces. Discovering the connection between social and spatial inequalities is considered a vital issue. Historically, the gentrification of poor urban areas may have been carried out by the white population through the oppression of...

Land Pollution and Ways to Minimize Pollution in the US

The biggest environmental challenge that has been witnessed in the US since time immemorial has been land pollution. It can be defined as the disposal of material wastes into the soil or substances that can contaminate it. This type of pollution can be caused by different reasons, such as garbage...

The Boston Busing Crisis of the Mid-1970s

My historical essay’s topic is the impact of the Irish immigrants on New York’s economy of the 1840s-1860s. A secondary source I applied in my research was the article “The economic assimilation of Irish Famine migrants to the United States” written by Collins and Zimran in 2019, published at “Explorations...

Free Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages

Nowadays, the healthcare system is one of the most successful business areas. Ideally, the country’s government should be responsible for providing citizens with equal healthcare opportunities. However, the public healthcare level is much lower than in private clinics, where people pay vast amounts of money to get professional treatment. Addressing...

The Housing Crisis and Its Recession

The crisis or the housing bubble of the United States was a real estate problem that negatively and significantly affected more than half of America. It had severe consequences, including the most serious economic recession in the U.S. since the 1930s Great Depression. The purpose of this paper is to...

The U.S. Expansion: Main Reasons

The main idea that determined the desire of Americans to expand was the concept of a special destiny. John L. O’Sullivan, the editor of the Democratic Review, referred to America’s “manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions” (Manifest destiny,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Universal Basic Income

Introduction Automation and the spread of AI-based technologies have raised significant concerns over the future of the labor market or humanity as a species. Whether AI would be friendly or hostile to humans is uncertain; however, this technology already affects society, especially in economic and social spheres. One of the...

Discussion of Bad Health Aspects Impact

Many aspects factor heavily when it comes to the matters of health. Several of them have potential of actually impairing one’s functional abilities – for example, drug abuse, unsafe work conditions, and obesity due to overeating and lack of exercise. These three risk factors can severely impact human health and...

Persuasion Techniques: Aspects of Culture

People often get themselves pets, someone for a child, someone to always have a loyal and devoted friend nearby, someone for other reasons. Unfortunately, there are life cases when pets no longer have a place in a person’s life, and then the animal can be abandoned on the street. There...

International Expansion and Ethical Values

The difference between international and global corporations is essential to consider in the business environment. While an international corporation is defined as a company that operates in at least two different countries, a global corporation is involved in the market of several world countries (Abraham, 2012). In addition, international corporations...

Jacob Lawrence’s Paintings “The Great Migration”

They Were Very Poor The painting depicts a meal by a married black couple; men and women’s sad and tired faces stand out, with furrowed brows and lips compressed in a thin line. In front of them, there is a vast empty table, plates, and the dishes that look tiny...

The Reproductive System of Females

The female reproductive system is a complex system of organs and processes intended primarily for producing offspring. The external reproductive organs function to protect the internal reproductive organs and provide a structure for sperm to enter (“Female reproductive system,” 2019). The vagina, ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes constitute the inner...

Revolutionary Wars and Insurgent Forces

Introduction Revolutionary wars have rampaged the world throughout its history. Seen as rightful upheavals, they have aimed to change the existing balance of power within societies and countries paving the way for changing the political system through coup d’états or, more rarely, radical reforms. This paper hypothesizes that revolutionary wars...

Could Lao Tzu and Machiavelli Affect the Outcome of Birmingham Campaign?

The Birmingham Campaign in Alabama, pivoted by Martin Luther King Jr., being as controversial as it was, in the end, proved to be a success but might have turned to a different course if arranged by other proponents. Since political activism does not only respond to the urgent problems of...

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A Nurse’s Role and Responsibility as a Health Educator

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Ethics: Definition and Application

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Happiness and Good Life: Review

Happiness is one of the most critical human aspirations in any era. Martin Seligman (2004) outlines three main ways to achieve it. Engagement allows people to be kind to each other and exchange positive emotions. Pleasure relieves people of unnecessary needs and helps them to be happy and confident. Meaning...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

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The Analysis of the Race as a Concept

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Descartes’ Meditations and First Philosophy

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Eco-Tourism Detrimental Effects on Wildlife

Eco-tourism is a rising form of tourism that is aimed at preserving the environment from the harmful impact of regular tourists. Eco-tourism involves the promotion of wildlife conservation and encourages visiting naturally untouched places. However, many scientists consider eco-tourism as the one causing a detrimental impact on wildlife. Firstly, as...