The “Speak” Novel by Laurie Halse Anderson

The novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson tells the reader about the girl Melinda who entered high school. People begin to understand why the story has such a name. This is a story about a girl who, due to certain circumstances, became very close and stopped trusting people. The book...

The Endangered Species Act of 1973

Introduction The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 is the United States’s primary law regulating wildlife and natural habitats protection measures. It is called to protect the endangered and threatened species from extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation” (“ESA” 1). Discussion...

Poverty as a Social Phenomenon

In her speech Dr. Payne discusses the subject of poverty, its relationship to other social concepts such as knowledge, and the differences between different social classes. In order to better understand her perspective, it is necessary to compare it to the class readings on the same subject. First, it should...

Inclusion and Disability in Education

The purpose of inclusive education. The difference between inclusion and “mainstreaming” School population becomes increasingly diverse, and inclusive education is meant to address such rapid demographic change and adjust and develop teachers’ professional skills to stimulate the academic achievements of diverse students. While mainstream education implies the absence of a...

The Nurses Role in Strategic Management

From an interdisciplinary perspective, researchers have drawn contrasts between nursing and strategic planning (Carney, 2009). However, there is little evidence explaining the role of nurses in strategic management. Based on the failure to understand the interplay between nursing and strategic planning, this paper highlights the major areas of similarity and...

Nurses’ Ethical Obligations During COVID-19

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in China at the end of December. It has since spread to more than 200 countries, and the number of those infected grows at an alarming rate. Only a small percentage needs emergency care or urgent medical assistance, but they still constitute tens...

Centers Health Care’s Organizational Culture and Readiness

Introduction Qualitative research methods of corporate culture are based on descriptive studies. Vveinhardt (2018) argues that they “are generally appreciated for being explanatory, detailed, and in-depth” (p. 54). They are carried out based on primary data collected by analyzing documents, including observing in-depth interviews. It allows employees to make suggestions...

The Book “Metamorphosis” by Kafka and the Film “Eraserhead” by Lynch

A number of stories throughout the history of occidental societies tie the notions of desperation and isolation to the beginning of a spiritual journey. These experiences may trigger an inciting incident that would send a protagonist into the search of consolidation between their internal and external universes. Works of both...

Food and Wine Pairing Menu

Food and wine pairing is an imprecise process and a personal choice, depending on individual tastes and preferences. However, there is a variety of guidelines and recommendations based on characteristics such as a state of stability and synergy (Wine and food pairing, 2017). Considering the number of sugars, acids, or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The 1969 Moon Landing in American History

There is a significant number of events that are considered the most essential and valuable for the history of the United States. The list of these moments that shaped Americans’ lifetimes includes both positive and terrifying events because there is no such history that may be created only through good...

The Corona Virus and ‘Shock Doctrine’ by Naomi Klein

In the essay, the present situation with the Corona Virus is addressed in terms of the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. To be specific, the current paper refers to price gouging, the governmental reaction. Besides, a simple comparison between Shock Doctrine and the Second Precept is drawn. “The Shock Doctrine:...

What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media?

In the era of social media, viral campaigns are launched to generate public interest or promote a product. The power of word of mouth strengthens the social media’s influence on people, contributes to the emergence of the crowdculture (cultural branding) concept, and implicates various social media marketing strategies (Holt, 2016;...

Strategies Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Employee satisfaction and retention is a process in which resources are motivated and encouraged to remain in an organization and ensure its sustainability. Strategies to improve employee satisfaction encourage loyal workers to stay in the company for a longer time, which in turn benefits both stakeholders (Buchbinder et al., 2012)....

Political Background and a Third Party

American electoral politics is presented by two political parties, which are the Democratic and the Republican. The first political force is a progressive and liberal party on domestic issues that implies the main direction for the welfare of the state, social liberalism, and a mixed economy. This party is the...

Immigration and Red Scare Discussion

The Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas. This phenomenon influenced the perception of immigrants in the years 1910-1920. The threat from the socialist regime prompted a response in the form of an anti-immigration...

Factors Influencing Sleep Quality Among Female Staff Nurses

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic challenged every level of hospital management. The number of confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 is growing daily, overwhelming healthcare institutions with a shortage of staff, equipment, and medications. Hospital staff had to work long hours, resulting in sleep deprivation and various health problems (Kim-Godwin et...

Burberry Firm’s Environmental Scanning and Sustainable Marketing

The recent rise in the pace of climate change has defined the further focus on environmentalism and the integration of sustainable strategies into the present-day business setting. Burberry, as one of the leading companies in the apparel industry, has shown a particularly strong need for the introduction of sustainable marketing...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Hispanic Male

Nicolas, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is F41.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and this issue does not imply any specifiers or severity measures. However, it is possible to highlight additional conditions that can deserve clinical attention. It refers...

Decisions in The Trial of Socrates

The trial of Socrates was undoubtedly arranged since the personality of the philosopher was disagreeable to some individuals. While some of the accusations against him were valid, such as a lack of respect for the gods, the real reason for this trial and its ruling was to get rid of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Servant Leadership in Healthcare

The modern healthcare system is going through constant and rather severe changes that need to be managed properly to benefit the medical landscape. Numerous factors can affect the healthcare environment, including globalization, the population’s aging, and technological and economic ones. Consequently, there should be certain styles and requirements for the...

A Poem “Howl” and a Song “It’s Alright Ma”: A Comparative Analysis

Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” is the most famous and vital piece of the beat generation. Bob Dylan’s song It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) opened an entirely new genre of the song in the music industry. Comparing a literary work and a musical one, critics define them as dark masterpieces. The...

Importance of Life Insurance and Annuities

Financial services are those offered by banks and other financial entities in the financial sector. The phrase refers to mobilizing and allocating funds and encompassing all operations involved in converting savings into investments. Life insurance and annuities are two examples of such services (Alpman & Ünal, 2019). On the one...

Reviews Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and “Theory of Forms”

Plato experienced a variety of influences from previous philosophical movements. The pre-Socratic influential thinkers include Protagoras, whose relativist thought inspired Plato’s dialogues despite contradictions between the two thinkers’ approaches. As for the Sophists, some contempt for them could have encouraged Plato to achieve excellence in reasoning. The impact of Socrates...

Professional Honesty in Engineering

Every occupation has its code of ethics that expounds on the importance of professional honesty and integrity. Ethical standards are paramount because human society consists of a complex interconnected web of mutual dependence. Without a basic level of trust and personal integrity, human organization on a mass scale would be...

Ebonics: Definition, History, and Use

While slang and dialect may seem similar, they represent two distinct scales of linguistic difference. Slang refers to the informal, unsupported institutionally term groups that are usually recently introduced and change rapidly. Individuals’ slang may indicate their belonging to a certain social class, particularly pertinent to groups with a degree...

Industrial Revolution and International Affairs

Introduction Industrial Revolution presents one of the most important events in human history, which determined the future of society’s way of living. However, its’ positive aspects in an increased number of workplaces and higher salaries had multiple negative consequences on the society and economy. This essay will explore how the...

Jamestown Area History Analysis

The Geographic Features The area around Jamestown had fertile soil and adequate water supplies in order to maintain reasonable harvests. This was utilized in the growing of tobacco plants. Similarly, further out, timber and iron could be found and used. These geographic locations and natural resources were instrumental in allowing...

The Ongoing Crisis in the United States’ Politics

Politics is always a contentious and challenging topic. The events of recent years have further created a divide in the United States society, breaking apart friends and families, while shattering the status quo with unprecedented Supreme Court rulings. First there was Pres. Trump with his chaotic approach to leadership and...

Differential Reinforcement Discussion

Discipline is very important in a school setting to provide a safe and calm learning environment. When in the classroom, students behave themselves and are able to sit quietly; however, the same cannot be said about other school areas. Educators have many behavioral management techniques, such as “good ticket” programs...

Gender as a Social Construct and Related Issues

The social construct of gender is a structure that is based on social expectations associated with gender. For example, girls are usually dressed in pink and play with dolls, and boys wear blue and play with cars and transformers. Girls are also expected to demonstrate emotionality and sociability, while boys...

The Yield to Maturity of the Bond and Its Duration

Background of the Case Bonds are loans between investors and corporations. Companies issue bonds in order to raise money for ensuring interest payments in exchange (Bond Issuers). The maturity date is the day when a company is obligated to repay its investor the bond (Bond Issuers) fully. In this case,...

Aspects of Beethoven’s Music

Allowing the viewer to rediscover the majesty of the long-forgotten concept of heroic art that originated from the era of antiquity, Beethoven’s music created a breakthrough in the realm of music and art. Inspired by the art of Ancient Greece, Beethoven’s music incorporates elements that render the notions of heroism,...

“The Mission” Directed by Roland Joffe Reflection

The Mission is a historical movie that is based on real events and depicts colonized Latin America in the 18th century. Its main idea is to show how people struggled to save others and set them free. The Mission is related to Open Veins of Latin America and A Short...

Healthcare Organization Assessment

Introduction After completing the evaluation of Acadiana Treatment, it became possible to effectively understand the value of evidence-based practice in the workplace. The evaluation is based on existing research into implementing EBP in medical settings, comprised of an 18-point list. There is a high degree of recognition and respect for...

Women’s Role Historically and in the Present

Introduction For many years, the status of women has been a source of heated debate. The debates address various pressing concerns, such as girls’ and women’s education, maternal health, female economic empowerment, and the role of women in family, community, and politics, among others. Women have been treated as second-class...

Nightmare Experience in Bipolar I and II Disorders by Ma et al.

Title of the Article The article’s title implies that the study is focused on the relationship between bipolar disorders and nightmare experiences. Purpose and Hypothesis of the Research The study aimed to investigate the frequency and characteristics of nightmare experiences in individuals with bipolar I and II disorders and to...

A Critical Analysis of Gender Dynamics in Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’

Introduction The character of Minnie, who has endured years of violence at the hands of her husband, John Wright, is followed in the play “Trifles.” After watching him purposefully twist the neck of her cherished canary in front of her, Minnie killed her husband. This became her pivotal moment, although...

US Healthcare as the Worst Among Developed States

The health care model of the United States is characterized by the provision of medical care mainly on a fee basis, at the expense of the consumer of health services. The foundation of the healthcare organization is a private market for health services, complemented by public health programs for the...

The Modern Workplace Characteristics

This paper aims to discuss the peculiarities of the modern workplace. Moreover, it will describe the challenges faced by employers and employees. Overall, it is possible to single out the following characteristics of the contemporary workplace: Increasing emphasis on autonomy and creativity of employees as well as the flexibility of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Humanities: Impressionism and Surrealism

Impressionism and Surrealism emerged at different times. The term “Impressionism” was created in 1974 (Davies 871), and 1924 was the year when surrealists proclaimed their manifesto (Bishop 396). Their influences, key ideas, and techniques were also reasonably different. However, both these art movements were built around the idea of expressing...

Joanna Briggs Institute Model Implementation

Being a healthcare officer means being a professional; therefore, there is a need for nurses to take measures and conduct researches to provide people with high-quality care and services. Medical workers need to create an evidence-based practice, and one of the ways to do it is through the implementation of...

Interracial Marriages: Racial Literacy Components and Border Patrolling

Interracial marriages have become an evident positive phenomenon of the present-day United States, but there are still those who share obsolete views and object to them. Bhusal (2017) states that systemic racist discrimination in the country persists despite recent efforts aimed at equality. Rockquemore and Henderson (2015) explore the issue...

Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making

Introduction Building a city for humans to live and thrive in requires the construction of many industrial sites, living next to which is unsafe and unappealing. Such things as wastewater managing plants, landfills, electrical plants, toxic waste dumps, and incinerators, or Locally Unwanted Land Uses, present genuine dangers of polluting...

Is Ornament Necessary in Architecture?

A famous and talented architect Adolf Loos considered simplifying various architectural objects his primary purpose. In his well-known essay “Ornament and Crime,” he suggested achieving a four-hour working day and easier shifts by removing ornament, and though many architects agreed with him, this idea has never been brought to life....

The Image of a Woman in the Book by Emily Walker

Walker’s comparison of women to saints means that females have lost their natural form and meaning: they have acquired “shrines” instead of bodies and “temples” instead of minds (401). This description is bad since the writer presupposes that women cannot lead the lives they want, having to bear the status...

Southern Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements

Realizing a political change takes a lot of time, effort, and resilience. African Americans were on the receiving end of racial prejudice and injustice over 100 years following the Emancipation Act of 1863 (Healey, 2012). They were subjected to race-induced violence and would always be economically and politically oppressed, including...

Transit Authority Financial Report

The formation of the transit authority to create and manage the City of Artichoke, WV transportation system was a significant step toward the city’s sustainability and enhancement. The ongoing financial reporting should reveal the transit authority’s performance, achievements, and challenges for officials to take an appropriate intervention. The review of...

Plot in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is an example of a well-structured short story, in which the five parts of the plot, in accordance with Freytag’s Pyramid, may be found. These five steps include exposition, rising action, climax, or the highest point of tension, followed by falling action,...

Aspects of Sociological Imagination

Introduction To increase the general awareness of social questions, students should share relevant information with others who do not access this knowledge. If I had an opportunity to teach my friends and family members one particular idea, I would choose the sociological imagination. I consider it an exciting phenomenon that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Designer Michael Kors’ Acquisition of Versace

Both American Michael Kors and Italian Versace have been famous fashion brands for many years. They are associated with style and high-quality clothes and accessories. In 2018, Michael Kors Holdings had been renamed Capri Holdings Limited and acquired Versace as a part of its business. This event was desired by...

Employee Requirements in China vs. the United States

In case an association can effectively integrate new workers, they become confident with their ability to perform, feeling acknowledgement by their colleagues. This leads to more successful new employees who perform better and have higher occupation fulfillment, loyalty to the organization, and longer stay in the organization (Bauer & Erdogan,...

Hamlet’s Monologue: A Rhetorical Analysis

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world who lent his name to the whole play by William Shakespeare. Though written in 1623, due to the tense plot and sharp political and love conflicts, the tragedy has remained popular for several centuries (Joughin,...

Racism: A Party Down at the Square

Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. The story is told from the perspective of a white witness from Cincinnati who was visiting his aunt. Throughout the lynching process, there is a violent storm that havocs the town’s residence, making the narrator uneasy....

Healthcare Marketing and Its Evolution

Changes since the 1970s in healthcare marketing During the last several decades, much attention has been paid to the development of healthcare advertising. This process undergoes multiple changes because people find it effective to replace traditional principles of marketing with innovative ideas. American organizations are ready to spend billions of...

Gig Work, the Gig Economy, and Gig Work Trends

The gig economy has emerged after the development of information and communication technologies. The digitalization and proliferation of smartphones have contributed to the development of platforms for hiring temporary contractors. This gig work trend has also created a new format for the employee-employer relationship, primarily based on cooperation on short-term...

Pentecostal’s Church Approach to Death, After-Life, and End of Life

Pentecostals represent a large group of the US population and an even larger group of Christians. About 4 million Pentecostals live in the United States, and about 500 million are members of various denominations worldwide (Casanova, 2021). The Pentecostal faith is very different from the Protestant or Catholic doctrine. Pentecostals...

Breast Cancer: Preventive Measures and Support Methods

One of the most common types of cancer that women encounter worldwide is breast cancer. According to Sun et al. (2017), this disease was the cause of approximately 570,000 deaths in 2015. For this reason, individuals must be aware of the actions that would help prevent the appearance of breast...

Language: Purpose and Implications for Society

Language serves to transmit information and to store people’s cumulative experience – a cumulative function. At the same time, individuals use language in different ways depending on the situation. Thus, teenagers often communicate through text messages where they use slang, jargon, and bilingualism. Additionally, when people try to convey information...

Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health

Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on people’s health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes’ difference in strength, their effects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mormonism: Religious Denomination or a Sect?

There has been an enormous discussion on whether Mormonism is a religious denomination, a sect, or a non-religious movement. This question lingers in every individual’s mind upon mention of Mormonism. This question is pertinent in American society today, following the recent political happenings that involve members of Mormonism. Recently, Mitt...

“Effectiveness of a Web-Based Screening”: Main Topic, Strengths, and Weaknesses

The article selected for the appraisal investigates the benefits of web-based motivational interventions for the reduction of adolescent substance use. The results of the randomized control trial (RCT) conducted by Arnaud et al. (2016) suggest that the intervention group demonstrated a considerable reduction in drinking frequency and quantity compared to...

Discussion of GPS Using in Sports Science

In terms of athletic performance, GPS is a relatively new concept. Sports like football, rugby, GAA, and American Football are among the most common examples of its application. For players and coaches who are willing to give out a lot of money, a high-tech gadget like a wearable device may...

The Need for More Justice: Philosophical Issues

In her essay, Baier discusses the concepts of the ethics of justice and the ethics of care. She states that “the best moral theory has to be a cooperative product of women and men, has to harmonize justice and care” (Baier 1987, 56). In particular, the ethical theory proposed by...

Business Driven Technology: Business Processes

Businesses new streamline their operations and adjust processes in order to be successful. A business process refers to a standardized set of activities targeted at accomplishing a certain task, such as accepting a customer’s order. Business processes play a major role in organizations by forming the foundation for the creation...

President Wilson and European War

President Wilson’s decision to keep America out of the European war was motivated by a number of factors. First and foremost, he wanted to avoid plunging the United States into a lengthy and costly conflict that would have little benefit for American interests (Ambrosius, 2017). Additionally, Wilson believed that America...

Apple’s Decision to Open Retail Stores

There are several reasons why Apple decided to open its own retail stores all around the world, which now accounts for slightly more than 500 physical establishments (McCarthy, 2021). First of all, the company’s choice is explained by the desire to provide a better buying and product usage experience (Macaholic,...

Art Forms: The Changes of the Work of Art

The work of art has undergone significant changes as a form throughout the 20th century. This is probably due to the blurring of the boundaries between different types and types of art, as a result of which the audience often deals with interdisciplinary art, combining several areas simultaneously. Movies, music,...

Credit History and House Purchase

Introduction Credit history determines a person’s ability to manage debt in the future. It demonstrates the time, place, and organization of the owed credit and affects a person’s opportunities and chances for applying for the credits or loans. A person with a low credit history is less likely to rent...

How Stereotypes About Asian Americans Influence Their Lives

Stereotypes have always existed around racial minority groups’ representatives in the United States, influencing their roles in society, self-perception, access to recourses, and life choices. Asian Americans have first-hand experience dealing with biases to build successful careers and become equally valuable citizens as the white majority. Indeed, Canwen Xu mentioned...

The Gold Rush Impact on US History

Introduction The Gold Rush refers to the significant period in the history of the U.S. when many people migrated to California in pursuit of wealth. While the period was marked by negative consequences for the Native American population and natural environment, the Gold Rush had a significant role in the...

Image of Criminal Justice Depicted in Media

The different movies and shows depict criminal justice from different perspectives. The first work chosen for the analysis is the movie called Taking Lives (Caruso, 2004). Criminal justice is depicted through the cooperation of the FBI and local police department. The crime control is realized through the state’s legal procedures...

Vision in Aviation: To See or Not to See

Eyesight is the most crucial sense for secure flight. Everyone operating the airplane, including the pilot, must always be aware of and steer clear of oncoming vehicles. A crucial aspect of avoiding collisions with other aircraft is monitoring their airspace. Pilots must master a scanning method that makes the most...

Data Management and Financial Strategies

Supply Chain Tools for Collecting Data Customers’ demands have compelled supply networks to expand. Therefore distributors, retailers, and manufacturers must ensure that their supply chains operate as efficiently as possible to remain competitive. Supply chain leaders must utilize each tool under their control as the supply chain becomes more complicated....

The Word “Bitch” in the Modern World

Introduction The word “bitch” in the modern world can be used in several ways, for example, traditionally as an insult or as a joke appeal among friends. This word has a long history of use in a negative context against women, but the peculiarities of its meaning were changing. Even...

The Role of Culture in Intelligence Development

Introduction Culture is a unique phenomenon impacting the life of every person. It can be determined as specific behavior patterns, beliefs, and views that are transmitted within a certain group (Cohen et al., 2022). For this reason, it influences all aspects of people’s functioning and abilities. Thus, when measuring individuals’...

The Neglected College Race Gap Article by Libassi

Summary The Main Idea of the Article The article’s main idea is that black students are underrepresented in some of the key areas of study: engineering, education, mathematics, statistics, and physical sciences. The reason for this is the unwillingness of universities to fully acknowledge the impact of structural racism and...

The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran

One of the most famous music videos on YouTube is Ed Sheeran’s clip for the song Bad Habits, which in just one year has collected more than 450 million views. In the video, the performer Ed Sheeran is in a bright and shocking image, and the song itself tells that...

Construction Safety and Its Importance

The article entitled “Why Construction Safety is Important” discusses construction safety and its impact on overall costs of the construction project. The article states that safety is essential for the owner and for the contractor as well and these are their collaborative efforts that finally determine how safe and cost-effective...

Teaching Home Depot Employees Business Etiquette in Nigeria

Introduction I would like to discuss the specifics of Nigerian business etiquette. Although some people may consider the topic of my speech quite simple and require additional explanations, etiquette is one of the key factors for effective communication in business. However, each country, including Nigeria, has its own cultural characteristics...

Quotes from “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

“Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph, but still had genetics and common experiences to link us.” When Sherman Alexie began to learn reading, he discovered the usage of paragraphs in writing. He understood that it was “a fence that held words…that worked together for a...

Ethics in Project Management

Christophe Bredillet (“Aristotelian Insights” author) has provided the theory that traditional ‘codes of ethics’ should be revisited or redesigned, and base upon an Aristotelian approach. Do you agree this applies to the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct? Why or why not? The article written by Christophe Bredillet suggests...

American Coastal Territories in the 21st Century

The article by Reeder-Myers describes the problems of changing the structure of coastal territories in the 21st century under the influence of both external natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion, global warming, intensive building projects, and other issues are mentioned as the factors that adversely affect coastal conditions. The US...

A Proposal on E-Commerce with Sportswear

This proposal will be aimed at establishing an online retail clothing store that will specifically deal with sportswear. Digital sportswear collections will be a new apparel store that will cater to those people who are interested in sporting activities such as football, riding hiking and skating. As the name suggests,...

”Argo” Directed by Affleck: Summary and Opinion

Introduction Movie plots are often based on real events, making the viewers’ experience even more exciting. Besides, the historical presence gives a unique glimpse at remarkable events in the world. The movie “Argo” proves the idea since it won several awards and many viewers’ appreciation. The purpose of this paper...

Civil Rights for African Americans: Evolution From the Civil War to Today

Introduction The history of American slavery is full of ambiguities, which manifested themselves in various social issues and, in particular, affected the civil rights of the African American population. The Civil War was a turning point in the struggle for equality and allowed starting the process of revising the values...

“Gem of the Ocean”: Play Insight

Although slavery is abolished and the characters are legally free, they do not feel their freedom. The main characters are free to do what they want, but they do not let themselves do so because of their moral obligations or past experiences. The play also mentions the mill workers who...

Sociopathy: A Treatment

The film Girl, Interrupted describes the clinical pictures of several female characters, and one of the most striking is the portrait of Lisa Rove, who was diagnosed with sociopathy. The film vividly describes the symptoms of her illness, such as aggression, lack of sleep, distorted perception of reality, and absence...

In-Home Monitoring for Congestive Heart Failure and Rehospitalization

I chose this question and the health promotion theory for my research. My research shows that this is an extremely relevant subject. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. (Kochanek, et al., 2019). Furthermore, heart failure constitutes a significant healthcare burden, which includes mortality, hospitalizations, and...

The Ethics of Simple Life: Crisis as Opportunity

The documentary by Happen Films (2016) tells a story about a group of people who experimented in their way of life and decided to live a year in a rural community trying to use only natural or recycled materials and products. The film demonstrates how people can respond to global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Normal and Abnormal Urine: Composition and Characteristics

Urine, one of the main waste products of the human body, can be an indicator of health and abnormal changes to the body. The first important subtopic is the composition of the discussed by-product of metabolism. Normal urine contains about 96% water, and the remaining 4% is presented by different...

Harding’s “The Return to Normalcy”

The 1920s are believed to be a time of unbelievable economic boom in American history. During this decade, the economy of mass production thrived, as well as mass consumption. In his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Harding promised a “return to normalcy” by the renewal of the practice of...

Friend: What Are the Main Qualities of a True One?

Friendship is an incredibly multifaceted interaction between two people, the nature of which cannot be described in one or two phrases. Like most human relationships, it is an extremely complex concept, and its understanding differs from person to person. For each person, friendship is a slightly different set of ideas....

Emotional Intelligence: Importance in Teamwork

Many people are used to being team members at some point in their life. Moreover, some of them remain working in a working unit professionally. Teamwork is a process that enables a group of people to gain a competitive advantage (Lencioni, 2020). However, I assume that emotional intelligence is the...

Leadership Styles and Their Function in Workspace

Leadership is the central role within a workspace that requires a particular set of skills and level of commitment. Therefore, the leader must be qualified for the job, is well aware of its nuances, and balances the needs of fellow employees and the work standards. While other workers play no...

Physical and Mental Wellness of Young Children in the Early Childhood Classroom

Correcting children’s physical and mental well-being requires various approaches in schools and families. For example, the article by Cekaite and Bergnehr (2018) titled “Affectionate touch and care: Embodied intimacy, compassion, and control in early childhood education” discusses one of the ways to improve children’s wellness in the early classroom. The...

Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise

Introduction The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22. While the page creates an initial appearance of neutrality, its strategies and approaches are inclined towards making people pre-order the game, due to...

Impact of Social Media on Adolescence

Social media has showcased behavioral modification amongst its frequent users. Besides yielding positive impacts, it has given birth several negative effects to its users. According to recent studies, it is clear that social media has had a huge impact especially on adolescents (Keles, McCrae & Grealish, 2020). Past meta-analysis has...

Healthcare Disparities as Determinants of Health: Personal Experience

The role of healthcare disparities as the determinants of patient health is not to be underestimated. In fact, this aspect of public health has become the subject of intense interest for researchers and professionals. Reshetnyak et al. (2020) examined the influence of social determinants of health and concluded that their...

Artificial Intelligence Bias and Ethical Algorithms

AI has been a part of people’s lives for a long time. Some algorithms adhere the advertisements to people of different ages and backgrounds. There are also systems allowing for ordering food online or suggesting alternative routes from home to work. However, the structure suffers from the lack of diversity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Are We Truly Free or Only to a Certain Degree?

The concept of freedom has been a cause of discussion ever since the rise of humanity. In general, I think that yes, we are free since we are always responsible for the decisions that we make or do not make. In a sense, we choose our destiny, but we do...

Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut: Formal Rules

Regarding my community experience, I was a member of Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut – a non-profit organization that helps communities to build affordable homes. The organization achieves this with the help of partners, financial sponsors, and local volunteers like me. The Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut falls...

Is Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

With the ever-increasing technology, new trends and lifestyles occur as a result. Social media has become part of our world, and nearly all youths today are part of various social media networks. There was the need to have a network system that would improve human relations and networking, and the...

What Is Art?: Kehinde Wiley’s Works

People have always tried to display somehow and pass on to their descendants all the most beautiful things. To do this, they used various forms of art. However, to this day, there is no clear definition of this unique notion. Different people can have their unique concept of art. For...

Is Luxottica, an Italian Eyewear Company, a Monopoly?

Introduction Luxottica is an Italian eyewear company that practically dominates the eyewear industry. With the reach and extent of their power, it is apparent that other companies in the industry face serious challenges in competing with them. Naturally, several questions arise from this predicament: could Luxottica be considered a monopoly,...

The Effect of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Late Midlife Cognitive Abilities

Description The article focuses on the effect of one’s childhood experiences on their cognitive development into adulthood. More specifically, the work studied the role of a child’s socioeconomic status in the processes of their cognitive maturing. In order to study the objective, an experiment involving over 1000 male twins was...

Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic Science

Introduction The criminal justice system relies heavily on crime laboratories represented by forensic science. It is an important scientific field that cooperates with crime detectives, police, and crime scene investigators. Aside from examining various items found on the crime scenes or at a suspect’s disposal, forensic science also commences laboratory...

Changes in the Second Vatican Council

There are numerous different religions globally, and each one has its traditions, rituals, and celebrations. Catholic Church also owns certain important and memorable dates on which it holds ceremonies that aim to honor some historical and religious figures or feast holidays. One of such celebrations is Holy Mass, which is...

The Dust Storms That Plagued the Southern Plains

The United States got through multiple challenges throughout history; however, one episode was extremely dark. Indeed, the combination of natural disasters and national economic crises in the 1930s, called the Dust Bowl, disrupted wheat manufacturing, killed the livestock, and resulted in children’s diseases and early deaths (The DBQ Project Document...

Schubert’s the Trout as an Excellent Piece of Music

The Trout or Die Forelle is one of Schubert’s most famous Lied. Its lyrics originate from C. F. Schubart, a friend of the composer. The Trout can be heard as a playful folk ditty, yet the story tells about life and death under a simple and joyous tune. Due to...

The Amazon Company Information

Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among companies engaged in selling all kinds of goods and services via the Internet. It is also a leader in the field of sales of mass-demand goods through the system of Internet services. One of the characteristic features...

Eric Tucker: The High-Profile Statement

Eric Tucker made a mistake and admitted it, trying to convince the public not to believe all information unquestioningly. However, his first tweet was re-tweeted over 10,000 times, and the amended one containing the correct information was re-tweeted only 29 times. It is a rather frightening number because it demonstrates...

Zombie Apocalypse Team

An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an...

Role Ambiguity, Role Strain and Role Conflict

I was a college student who was constantly busy with academic life and work. I was a full-time student, worked part-time at a retail store, and was also the president of a student organization. Despite my busy schedule, I felt fulfilled and enjoyed being involved in multiple activities. However, everything...

The Effectiveness of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age

Introduction After Prohibition was repealed, each state created laws to control the sale, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic drinks. In addition to the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA), other alcohol control laws include excise taxes, restrictions on the days and hours of alcohol sales, and server training. Recent studies have...

Social Classes and Capitalism: Sociological Theories

According to the concept of social classes taken from the leading U.S. social class ranking, I belong to the middle class. This article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Regarding functionalist theory, society’s many structures...

Internet Search and Personal Information

Introduction Access to information today is becoming more comprehensive, and almost anyone can find any data. Scientists note that the use of social media is increasingly associated with suicide attempts among adolescents (Sedgwick et al., 2019). If a person wants to create their own business, get a job, or is...

Pre-Negotiation Stage in Business

The agenda is formed in advance for more effective negotiations. Participants can agree in advance on a plan in which the topic of the agenda can be expanded to reach critical points or minimize risks by hiding the most important topics (Stein, 1989). Given that the negotiation process may not...

Electronic Cigarettes’ Adverse Health Effects

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has summarized experimental and empirical results to form an opinion on the harms of smoking e-cigarettes. The selected document analyzes and investigates the effects of such smoking devices on the health of the smoker and people around and briefly introduces diverse types of e-cigarettes. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Freedom and a Quest for Greatness in Hawthorn’s Wakefield

“Wakefield” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was first published in 1835. It describes the non-trivial life of Mr. Wakefield, who leaves his wife of twenty years to live on a nearby street. From time to time, Wakefield comes to the street where his wife lives, but some...

Aspects of United States v. Lopez Investigation

Introduction Cases may include many jurisdictions for a variety of reasons. For instance, in state courts, the victim of a crime can live in a different state than the one in which the crime was committed. Alternatively, the alleged offender may reside in a different state than where the crime...

The Memoirs “With the Old Breed” by Eugene Sledge

The war on the distant Pacific Front is most often known from numerous games or a TV movie. Eugene Sledge’s memoirs are the very special case due to which the reader has the opportunity to learn about this war firsthand, not politicized or embellished. After so many years (as With...

The Nursing Carrier Concept Map

A concept map is one of the nurses’ most potent tools to help organize and visualize their careers. This map provides an easy-to-read diagram highlighting the relationship between various nursing elements. The concept can help students pre-plan their assessment and gain valuable clinical program insights. Finally, the tool promotes students’...

Understanding the Three Levels of Prevention

Primary prevention refers to interventions that aim to prevent a disease or condition in individuals at risk but who have not yet developed the disease. Examples of primary prevention include vaccination, healthy lifestyle promotion, and environmental interventions (Kisling & Das, 2022). It plays a hugely significant role in public health,...

The Aircraft Systems Comparison

In transitioning to a larger, more advanced aircraft, several similarities can be noticed in their hydraulic, pneumatic, pressurization, and fuel systems. One common feature is that all of these systems use some form of fluid or gas to transfer energy and perform specific functions. In the case of the hydraulic...

Facebook Ad Boycott: Social Media Advertising

In my opinion, by joining the Facebook ad boycott, companies make a significant contribution to social responsibility efforts. Zuckerberg’s networks are effective marketing platforms for large businesses. When well-known corporations, such as Starbucks and Coca Cola stop using Facebook for the purpose of promoting social agenda, it is a sign...

Leadership and Intelligence: Are All Good Leaders Smart?

Leadership is a pivotal component of organizational triumph, which demands the ability to steer and sway people towards a shared objective. However, discerning the attributes that constitute a proficient leader is not always facile, as different leaders possess diverse aptitudes and flaws (Hughes et al., 2022). One area of interest...

Measuring Teamwork in Workplaces

Working in teams is among the key topics in management and education. There are numerous benefits associated with working in teams and cooperative learning in both educational and professional settings. In general, cooperative learning is often regarded as a positive practice because it helps education professionals to make students more...

Managerial Economics: Production Output Rate

The cost schedule and output rate Marginal cost is calculated by determining changes in the total cost when the rate of output increases by a single unit (Mankiw, 2016). The fixed cost remains the same for all rates of output. The average fixed cost is calculated by dividing it by...

SAS Institute’s Generic & Business Strategies

Introduction The report by Stanford University shows that SAS uses a differentiation strategy. The differentiation strategy is focused on the development of a product and service that offers exclusive attributes that are needed by a customer. The company tries to provide a high level of service, and its customer-driven development...

Data Market Regulation: Issues and Concerns

Introduction The issue of data market regulation has now become a controversial topic. On the one hand, some companies use data to make intelligent decisions that led to a revolution in the internet economy. On the other hand, sellers that provide data to organizations create an unsecured market situation in...

Life After COVID-19

COVID-19 is significantly impacting the lives of all people on the globe. Strict quarantine measures changed the attitude towards such simple things as walking in the park, talking to strangers, working, and studying in a team. What is more, people started to value the work of medics as keen as...

Overcoming the Odds: Is It Really Necessary?

The stories of overcoming the odds may be considered both good and bad for society because there are always two sides to the consequences of one’s actions. According to Carney and Patel, for example, the role of people who overcome the odds and contribute to society is enormous because they...

A Brief Review of T-Test

Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...

“New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse”: Article Analysis

The article “New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse: Are Companies and Auditors Ready?” by Douglas R. Carmichael (2019) raises an essential topic of whether the guidance and a standard introduced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board meet the objectives stated by the organization. The author’s...

‘Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy’ by S. A. Anderson

Scott Anderson’s work raises issues for the discussion related to forcing one person by another to have sex. There are many gradations of this problem, the most extreme of which is rape. However, Andreson focuses his reasoning on more subtle activities, such as coercion, seduction, and gender oppression. Moreover, seduction...

Hypercholesterolemia: a High Level of Cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia refers to a high level of cholesterol in the blood. This health condition occurs when the inner walls of blood vessels accumulate and store too much cholesterol, which is released to the bloodstream when it reaches excessive levels (Vettor & Serra, 2018). Coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying blood...

Marketing on the Organization “Marks & Spenser”

The classic clothing brand Marks & Spencer resisted for a long time to fully enter the modern digital world. Until recently, something from Marks & Spencer could only be bought in the store itself or on Amazon. A few years ago, the company finally created its website, which was the...

COVID-19: Vaccine Statistical Testing

The development of vaccines against pathogenic infections, especially if the disease has acquired the status of a pandemic, is a challenge not only for scientific-applied laboratories but also for the department of statistical research engaged in clinical trials. It is known that the standard development of a drug antidote against...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hunting and Gathering Versus Agricultural Society

The hunting and gathering society is considered the most equitable of all seven types, while the agricultural community gives rise to the development of civilization. The societies vary in their structure: the former exists in small nomadic groups to search for food supply, and the latter forms larger groups characterized...

Developmentally Driven Grade Levels

The level of cognitive perception of the information among the school students has now become a subject for a continuous discussion over the past years due to the rapid development of sociological studies and views on education in general. Previously, the children groupings at schools were unanimously formed according to...

Understanding Equity, Inclusiveness and Diversity

Promoting the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion certainly go beyond being a trend that every organization or a leader must partake in in order not to go out of business. One definitely should not do it without the proper understanding of the application of these ideas and where they...

Postoperative Breast Cancer Care

The chosen articles support the implementation of risk reduction strategies for depression in post-operative breast cancer patients. The studies by Kim et al. (2017), Heidari and Ghodusi (2015), Jones et al. (2015), Salibasic and Delibegovic (2018), and Leser et al. (2021) provide a comprehensive overview of depression in breast cancer...

Sticking to an Exercise Program

Exercise programs are usually recommended for patients suffering from illnesses because it helps them remain physically fit or lose some weight. Sometimes it is challenging for a patient to stick to an exercise program. However, there are several strategies they can employ while exercising. The following are some of the...

Beleza Natural: Strategic Direction for Long-Term Success

In combination with opening new institutes, the best strategic long-term approach for Beleza Natural would be to offer a broader range of services such as the different types of styling on various types of hair as well as potentially offering some service offerings to men. Expanding service offerings is a...

Quality of Life Impacts of Computers and Information Systems

The use of computers and digital information has led to various impacts in life. First, due to the innovation and digitization of processes, there has been improved livelihood since most of the resources can be obtained from the internet. Secondly, depending on computer programmed processes leads to replacement of human...

Who Is Controlling the Events in Salem in Act 3?

The third act of “The Crucible” remains the most intense one, revealing the characters’ true traits and attitudes. It takes place in the Salem meeting house, with a vestry room serving as the tribunal. The courtroom shifted the power roles of the act, demonstrating the strong and weak sides of...

Novice Educators Evaluation: Public Health

Mentors have arguably the most significant role in the professional development of novice educators. They need to ensure that their mentees stay the course of their career growth through a holistic approach. In this scenario, even though all students can pass with perfect scores, it is improbable. Furthermore, there is...

The Connection of The Lament Genre with The Book of Psalms

Main types of psalms are praising, teaching, and lamentation psalms. There are quite a lot of Psalms of Lamentation in the Psalter. Its specific concerns and interests are people who are not afraid to talk about their failures and weaknesses, problems and doubts before God and before people. Even in...