The “Bad Habits” Music Video by Ed Sheeran

One of the most famous music videos on YouTube is Ed Sheeran’s clip for the song Bad Habits, which in just one year has collected more than 450 million views. In the video, the performer Ed Sheeran is in a bright and shocking image, and the song itself tells that...

Construction Safety and Its Importance

The article entitled “Why Construction Safety is Important” discusses construction safety and its impact on overall costs of the construction project. The article states that safety is essential for the owner and for the contractor as well and these are their collaborative efforts that finally determine how safe and cost-effective...

Teaching Home Depot Employees Business Etiquette in Nigeria

Introduction I would like to discuss the specifics of Nigerian business etiquette. Although some people may consider the topic of my speech quite simple and require additional explanations, etiquette is one of the key factors for effective communication in business. However, each country, including Nigeria, has its own cultural characteristics...

The Black Codes: Resistance to Reconstruction’s Progress

Introduction During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which freed enslaved African Americans. Following its end in 1865, Reconstruction appeared as an attempt to transform African Americans’ lives and guarantee them freedoms and human rights. However, this historical context...

Achilles vs. Aeneas: The Main Differences

The heroes of the poems can represent entire nations and be the arbiters of human destinies and states. A variant of such correlation is the category of the epic hero. Heroes are endowed with the best and worst sides of their people. Achilles and Aeneas are a reflection of valor...

The Importance of Clean Water for Health, Nutrition, and Development

Introduction Natural resources are essential to humans because they provide them with vital needs. They include the access to clean water, which supports breathing, nutrition, development, expected growth and all physiological processes. With this component, the population’s quality of life is greatly improved. Providing clean water is one of the...

Film Analysis and Social Commentary in “Get Out”: Racial Tension and Critical Thinking

Introduction In general, analyzing films goes beyond mere entertainment and promotes a broader understanding of social dynamics, creator expression, and human emotion. This is evident in the example of Get Out, which provides a sense of racial tension and an appreciation of the director’s use of horror to demonstrate prejudice...

Quotes from “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

“Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph, but still had genetics and common experiences to link us.” When Sherman Alexie began to learn reading, he discovered the usage of paragraphs in writing. He understood that it was “a fence that held words…that worked together for a...

Revisiting the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct with Aristotelian Insights

Christophe Bredillet (“Aristotelian Insights” author) has provided the theory that traditional ‘codes of ethics’ should be revisited or redesigned, and base upon an Aristotelian approach. Do you agree this applies to the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct? Why or why not? The article written by Christophe Bredillet suggests...

American Coastal Territories in the 21st Century

The article by Reeder-Myers describes the problems of changing the structure of coastal territories in the 21st century under the influence of both external natural and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion, global warming, intensive building projects, and other issues are mentioned as the factors that adversely affect coastal conditions. The US...

A Proposal on E-Commerce with Sportswear

This proposal will be aimed at establishing an online retail clothing store that will specifically deal with sportswear. Digital sportswear collections will be a new apparel store that will cater to those people who are interested in sporting activities such as football, riding hiking and skating. As the name suggests,...

”Argo” Directed by Affleck: Summary and Opinion

Introduction Movie plots are often based on real events, making the viewers’ experience even more exciting. Besides, the historical presence gives a unique glimpse at remarkable events in the world. The movie “Argo” proves the idea since it won several awards and many viewers’ appreciation. The purpose of this paper...

“Gem of the Ocean”: Play Insight

Although slavery is abolished and the characters are legally free, they do not feel their freedom. The main characters are free to do what they want, but they do not let themselves do so because of their moral obligations or past experiences. The play also mentions the mill workers who...

Sociopathy: A Treatment

The film Girl, Interrupted describes the clinical pictures of several female characters, and one of the most striking is the portrait of Lisa Rove, who was diagnosed with sociopathy. The film vividly describes the symptoms of her illness, such as aggression, lack of sleep, distorted perception of reality, and absence...

Normal and Abnormal Urine: Composition and Characteristics

Urine, one of the main waste products of the human body, can be an indicator of health and abnormal changes to the body. The first important subtopic is the composition of the discussed by-product of metabolism. Normal urine contains about 96% water, and the remaining 4% is presented by different...

Harding’s “The Return to Normalcy”

The 1920s are believed to be a time of unbelievable economic boom in American history. During this decade, the economy of mass production thrived, as well as mass consumption. In his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Harding promised a “return to normalcy” by the renewal of the practice of...

Friend: What Are the Main Qualities of a True One?

Friendship is an incredibly multifaceted interaction between two people, the nature of which cannot be described in one or two phrases. Like most human relationships, it is an extremely complex concept, and its understanding differs from person to person. For each person, friendship is a slightly different set of ideas....

Pediatrics: Risk Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development

The advancement in developmental neurobiology allowed scientists to establish the influence of early childhood experiences on violent behavior in adulthood. Brain imaging demonstrated that diminished fear response was present in those children who had an increased tendency for criminal behavior (Sterzer, 2010). The experimental studies demonstrated that exposure to chronic...

Emotional Intelligence: Importance in Teamwork

Many people are used to being team members at some point in their life. Moreover, some of them remain working in a working unit professionally. Teamwork is a process that enables a group of people to gain a competitive advantage (Lencioni, 2020). However, I assume that emotional intelligence is the...

Leadership Styles and Their Function in Workspace

Leadership is the central role within a workspace that requires a particular set of skills and level of commitment. Therefore, the leader must be qualified for the job, is well aware of its nuances, and balances the needs of fellow employees and the work standards. While other workers play no...

Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise

Introduction The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22. While the page creates an initial appearance of neutrality, its strategies and approaches are inclined towards making people pre-order the game, due to...

Impact of Social Media on Adolescence

Social media has showcased behavioral modification amongst its frequent users. Besides yielding positive impacts, it has given birth several negative effects to its users. According to recent studies, it is clear that social media has had a huge impact especially on adolescents (Keles, McCrae & Grealish, 2020). Past meta-analysis has...

Healthcare Disparities as Determinants of Health: Personal Experience

The role of healthcare disparities as the determinants of patient health is not to be underestimated. In fact, this aspect of public health has become the subject of intense interest for researchers and professionals. Reshetnyak et al. (2020) examined the influence of social determinants of health and concluded that their...

Artificial Intelligence Bias and Ethical Algorithms

AI has been a part of people’s lives for a long time. Some algorithms adhere the advertisements to people of different ages and backgrounds. There are also systems allowing for ordering food online or suggesting alternative routes from home to work. However, the structure suffers from the lack of diversity...

Are We Truly Free or Only to a Certain Degree?

The concept of freedom has been a cause of discussion ever since the rise of humanity. In general, I think that yes, we are free since we are always responsible for the decisions that we make or do not make. In a sense, we choose our destiny, but we do...

Is Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

With the ever-increasing technology, new trends and lifestyles occur as a result. Social media has become part of our world, and nearly all youths today are part of various social media networks. There was the need to have a network system that would improve human relations and networking, and the...

What Is Art?: Kehinde Wiley’s Works

People have always tried to display somehow and pass on to their descendants all the most beautiful things. To do this, they used various forms of art. However, to this day, there is no clear definition of this unique notion. Different people can have their unique concept of art. For...

Is Luxottica, an Italian Eyewear Company, a Monopoly?

Introduction Luxottica is an Italian eyewear company that practically dominates the eyewear industry. With the reach and extent of their power, it is apparent that other companies in the industry face serious challenges in competing with them. Naturally, several questions arise from this predicament: could Luxottica be considered a monopoly,...

Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic Science

Introduction The criminal justice system relies heavily on crime laboratories represented by forensic science. It is an important scientific field that cooperates with crime detectives, police, and crime scene investigators. Aside from examining various items found on the crime scenes or at a suspect’s disposal, forensic science also commences laboratory...

Changes in the Second Vatican Council

There are numerous different religions globally, and each one has its traditions, rituals, and celebrations. Catholic Church also owns certain important and memorable dates on which it holds ceremonies that aim to honor some historical and religious figures or feast holidays. One of such celebrations is Holy Mass, which is...

The Dust Storms That Plagued the Southern Plains

The United States got through multiple challenges throughout history; however, one episode was extremely dark. Indeed, the combination of natural disasters and national economic crises in the 1930s, called the Dust Bowl, disrupted wheat manufacturing, killed the livestock, and resulted in children’s diseases and early deaths (The DBQ Project Document...

Schubert’s the Trout as an Excellent Piece of Music

The Trout or Die Forelle is one of Schubert’s most famous Lied. Its lyrics originate from C. F. Schubart, a friend of the composer. The Trout can be heard as a playful folk ditty, yet the story tells about life and death under a simple and joyous tune. Due to...

The Amazon Company Information

Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among companies engaged in selling all kinds of goods and services via the Internet. It is also a leader in the field of sales of mass-demand goods through the system of Internet services. One of the characteristic features...

Eric Tucker: The High-Profile Statement

Eric Tucker made a mistake and admitted it, trying to convince the public not to believe all information unquestioningly. However, his first tweet was re-tweeted over 10,000 times, and the amended one containing the correct information was re-tweeted only 29 times. It is a rather frightening number because it demonstrates...

Zombie Apocalypse Team

An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an...

Role Ambiguity, Role Strain and Role Conflict

I was a college student who was constantly busy with academic life and work. I was a full-time student, worked part-time at a retail store, and was also the president of a student organization. Despite my busy schedule, I felt fulfilled and enjoyed being involved in multiple activities. However, everything...

The Effectiveness of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age

Introduction After Prohibition was repealed, each state created laws to control the sale, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic drinks. In addition to the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA), other alcohol control laws include excise taxes, restrictions on the days and hours of alcohol sales, and server training. Recent studies have...

Social Classes and Capitalism: Sociological Theories

According to the concept of social classes taken from the leading U.S. social class ranking, I belong to the middle class. This article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Regarding functionalist theory, society’s many structures...

Internet Search and Personal Information

Introduction Access to information today is becoming more comprehensive, and almost anyone can find any data. Scientists note that the use of social media is increasingly associated with suicide attempts among adolescents (Sedgwick et al., 2019). If a person wants to create their own business, get a job, or is...

Pre-Negotiation Stage in Business

The agenda is formed in advance for more effective negotiations. Participants can agree in advance on a plan in which the topic of the agenda can be expanded to reach critical points or minimize risks by hiding the most important topics (Stein, 1989). Given that the negotiation process may not...

Electronic Cigarettes’ Adverse Health Effects

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has summarized experimental and empirical results to form an opinion on the harms of smoking e-cigarettes. The selected document analyzes and investigates the effects of such smoking devices on the health of the smoker and people around and briefly introduces diverse types of e-cigarettes. The...

Freedom and a Quest for Greatness in Hawthorn’s Wakefield

“Wakefield” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was first published in 1835. It describes the non-trivial life of Mr. Wakefield, who leaves his wife of twenty years to live on a nearby street. From time to time, Wakefield comes to the street where his wife lives, but some...

Aspects of United States v. Lopez Investigation

Introduction Cases may include many jurisdictions for a variety of reasons. For instance, in state courts, the victim of a crime can live in a different state than the one in which the crime was committed. Alternatively, the alleged offender may reside in a different state than where the crime...

The Memoirs “With the Old Breed” by Eugene Sledge

The war on the distant Pacific Front is most often known from numerous games or a TV movie. Eugene Sledge’s memoirs are the very special case due to which the reader has the opportunity to learn about this war firsthand, not politicized or embellished. After so many years (as With...

Understanding the Three Levels of Prevention

Primary prevention refers to interventions that aim to prevent a disease or condition in individuals at risk but who have not yet developed the disease. Examples of primary prevention include vaccination, healthy lifestyle promotion, and environmental interventions (Kisling & Das, 2022). It plays a hugely significant role in public health,...

The Aircraft Systems Comparison

In transitioning to a larger, more advanced aircraft, several similarities can be noticed in their hydraulic, pneumatic, pressurization, and fuel systems. One common feature is that all of these systems use some form of fluid or gas to transfer energy and perform specific functions. In the case of the hydraulic...

Facebook Ad Boycott: Social Media Advertising

In my opinion, by joining the Facebook ad boycott, companies make a significant contribution to social responsibility efforts. Zuckerberg’s networks are effective marketing platforms for large businesses. When well-known corporations, such as Starbucks and Coca Cola stop using Facebook for the purpose of promoting social agenda, it is a sign...

Leadership and Intelligence: Are All Good Leaders Smart?

Leadership is a pivotal component of organizational triumph, which demands the ability to steer and sway people towards a shared objective. However, discerning the attributes that constitute a proficient leader is not always facile, as different leaders possess diverse aptitudes and flaws (Hughes et al., 2022). One area of interest...

Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’ Critical Analysis

Introduction The Lottery is a widely known short story written by Shirley Jackson. The narrative revolves around an ancient tradition of randomly choosing a member of the village and stoning them. The story provides provocative insights into the themes of conformity and social wrong. The current paper attempts to critically...

Understanding Group Dynamics: Key Elements for Managers to Enhance Productivity

Introduction Group dynamics is the interaction process among group members, including positive and negative aspects. These elements or factors can influence the group’s productivity, making it essential for a manager to understand them and take measures to maintain a productive group dynamic. The five core elements of group dynamics include...

“Lazy Lawrence: Teaching Children Perseverance, Compassion, and Hard Work”

The goal of Lazy Lawrence is to offer insightful teachings for children’s future success. The narrative teaches children that spending time on things that will help them reach their ambitions is essential. It teaches children the value of inner drive and the necessity of perseverance in the face of adversity....

Effective Methods for Measuring Teamwork and Collaboration in Workplaces

Working in teams is among the key topics in management and education. There are numerous benefits associated with working in teams and cooperative learning in both educational and professional settings. In general, cooperative learning is often regarded as a positive practice because it helps education professionals to make students more...

Managerial Economics: Production Output Rate

The cost schedule and output rate Marginal cost is calculated by determining changes in the total cost when the rate of output increases by a single unit (Mankiw, 2016). The fixed cost remains the same for all rates of output. The average fixed cost is calculated by dividing it by...

SAS Institute’s Generic & Business Strategies

Introduction The report by Stanford University shows that SAS uses a differentiation strategy. The differentiation strategy is focused on the development of a product and service that offers exclusive attributes that are needed by a customer. The company tries to provide a high level of service, and its customer-driven development...

Data Market Regulation: Issues and Concerns

Introduction The issue of data market regulation has now become a controversial topic. On the one hand, some companies use data to make intelligent decisions that led to a revolution in the internet economy. On the other hand, sellers that provide data to organizations create an unsecured market situation in...

Life After COVID-19

COVID-19 is significantly impacting the lives of all people on the globe. Strict quarantine measures changed the attitude towards such simple things as walking in the park, talking to strangers, working, and studying in a team. What is more, people started to value the work of medics as keen as...

Overcoming the Odds: Is It Really Necessary?

The stories of overcoming the odds may be considered both good and bad for society because there are always two sides to the consequences of one’s actions. According to Carney and Patel, for example, the role of people who overcome the odds and contribute to society is enormous because they...

A Brief Review of T-Test

Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...

“New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse”: Article Analysis

The article “New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse: Are Companies and Auditors Ready?” by Douglas R. Carmichael (2019) raises an essential topic of whether the guidance and a standard introduced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board meet the objectives stated by the organization. The author’s...

‘Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy’ by S. A. Anderson

Scott Anderson’s work raises issues for the discussion related to forcing one person by another to have sex. There are many gradations of this problem, the most extreme of which is rape. However, Andreson focuses his reasoning on more subtle activities, such as coercion, seduction, and gender oppression. Moreover, seduction...

Hypercholesterolemia: a High Level of Cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia refers to a high level of cholesterol in the blood. This health condition occurs when the inner walls of blood vessels accumulate and store too much cholesterol, which is released to the bloodstream when it reaches excessive levels (Vettor & Serra, 2018). Coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying blood...

Marketing on the Organization “Marks & Spenser”

The classic clothing brand Marks & Spencer resisted for a long time to fully enter the modern digital world. Until recently, something from Marks & Spencer could only be bought in the store itself or on Amazon. A few years ago, the company finally created its website, which was the...

COVID-19: Vaccine Statistical Testing

The development of vaccines against pathogenic infections, especially if the disease has acquired the status of a pandemic, is a challenge not only for scientific-applied laboratories but also for the department of statistical research engaged in clinical trials. It is known that the standard development of a drug antidote against...

Hunting and Gathering Versus Agricultural Society

The hunting and gathering society is considered the most equitable of all seven types, while the agricultural community gives rise to the development of civilization. The societies vary in their structure: the former exists in small nomadic groups to search for food supply, and the latter forms larger groups characterized...

Developmentally Driven Grade Levels

The level of cognitive perception of the information among the school students has now become a subject for a continuous discussion over the past years due to the rapid development of sociological studies and views on education in general. Previously, the children groupings at schools were unanimously formed according to...

Understanding Equity, Inclusiveness and Diversity

Promoting the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion certainly go beyond being a trend that every organization or a leader must partake in in order not to go out of business. One definitely should not do it without the proper understanding of the application of these ideas and where they...

Postoperative Breast Cancer Care

The chosen articles support the implementation of risk reduction strategies for depression in post-operative breast cancer patients. The studies by Kim et al. (2017), Heidari and Ghodusi (2015), Jones et al. (2015), Salibasic and Delibegovic (2018), and Leser et al. (2021) provide a comprehensive overview of depression in breast cancer...

Sticking to an Exercise Program

Exercise programs are usually recommended for patients suffering from illnesses because it helps them remain physically fit or lose some weight. Sometimes it is challenging for a patient to stick to an exercise program. However, there are several strategies they can employ while exercising. The following are some of the...

Beleza Natural: Strategic Direction for Long-Term Success

In combination with opening new institutes, the best strategic long-term approach for Beleza Natural would be to offer a broader range of services such as the different types of styling on various types of hair as well as potentially offering some service offerings to men. Expanding service offerings is a...

Quality of Life Impacts of Computers and Information Systems

The use of computers and digital information has led to various impacts in life. First, due to the innovation and digitization of processes, there has been improved livelihood since most of the resources can be obtained from the internet. Secondly, depending on computer programmed processes leads to replacement of human...

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How Remote Education Can Increase Productivity

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The Next Generation Science Standards Framework

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Action Plan for Achieving Compliance with the Clas Standards

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AES Solar: Advancing Renewable Energy in the US Energy Sector

Introduction The most critical areas of market analysis are supplied market analysis, financial planning, and risk management. For a large company operating in the energy field, it is necessary to calculate all kinds of risks to achieve high-quality financial planning. Focusing on such goals can help the company more clearly...

Understanding Effective Communication Modes in Professional Settings

Introduction A person in the current world has many different ways of communicating. The means of conveying information from one individual to another can range from personal meetings to text messages and video calls. Individuals must know which kind of communication will be more appropriate in specific contexts because some...

Fluid Balance in the Human Body: Intracellular and Extracellular Fluids

The human body comprises approximately sixty percent of water (Westgard, 2011). The distribution of fluids in the body is not evenly balanced and is distributed into compartments known as intracellular and extracellular fluids. There are three important modes of homeostasis, which include fluid balance, acid-base balance, and electrolyte balance. In...

Adipose Stem Cells: Kokai et al.’s Article Review

The article that I have chosen as a target is called “Adipose stem cells: Biology and clinical applications for tissue repair and regeneration” (Kokai, Marra, & Rubin, 2014). It tells about how biology can help people solve such significant problems as tissue regeneration and recovery from serious injuries. The authors...

Promoting Women of Color: Challenges in Leadership Roles

The promotion of male and female employees is one of the most challenging processes in human resource management. In global and US organizations, the percentage of males who take leadership positions is significantly higher than the percentage of females who take similar positions (Cook & Glass, 2014). According to Beckwith...

Greeting Cards Demonstrate Ageism in Modern Society

Ageism is a term that was coined in 1969 after the passage of the Federal Discrimination in Employment Act. It is a broad term that generally isolates and discriminates the older population. Ageism can vary by addressing older people in a condescending manner by using simple words and loud voices...

Digital Security Risks: Wireless Networks & Data Protection

Despite the development of new technological solutions allowing to work with information, the issue of digital security is among the critical problems in today’s business world. Business owners may consider the use of wireless networks as a convenient option since it allows making working practices more flexible, but these benefits...

SWOT for Little League

Introduction SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is one of the most common methods, which allows assessing the internal and external factors affecting the performance of a company (Henry 96). This evaluation method may be regarded as a preliminary research tool used in the preparation of strategic plans and...

Conflict 101: Questions. Analysis of the Conflict

A Current Situation A current situation in a team-related environment that I fear refers to the fact that it is challenging to avoid conflicts within the team. The scariest aspect is that these conflicts and issues adversely influence personal relationships with individuals. As a result, team-related conflicts can endanger or...

The Sources of Tax Revenue in the US

Taxes represent involuntary charges imposed on people or companies and controlled by a government agency, whether local or national, to fund different operations within the country. From an economic perspective, taxes fall on the one who caters to their burden, be it an establishment such as a business or consumers...

Gender Inequality in Modern Societies and Its Reasons

The first essay is devoted to gender inequality in modern societies and its reasons. The best part of the essay is the definitions provided and a short history of society’s development that show the reasons for inequality. The thesis statement is clear and includes contradictive opinions, which are discussed further...

Structure-Process-Outcome and Quality Management System

The structure-process-outcome model (SPO) and the quality management system (QMS) is different when it comes to defining and measuring quality outcomes. The SPO model does not fully rely on patients’ medical records or direct clinical observations to measure outcomes. In this model, outcomes are defined as patients’ recovery and the...

Petplan in High-Context Cultures

Petplan is a corporation with the majority of its employees representing low-contextculture. Yet, the world is diverse, and multiple countries have different perceptions of communication. Relationships between service providers and customers also depend upon the respect of cultural distinctions. For the successful implementation of its expansion strategy, Petplan should consider...

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor: Plot Analysis

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor is a tragic story of a family consisting of a grandmother, her son Bailey, his wife, two young children, and a baby going on vacation. They get into an accident during their trip, meet a violent criminal, The Misfit, and...

“Me Talk Pretty One Day”: Reading Analysis

In his article, David Sedaris (2000) conveys his vivid experience with learning the French language being an adult. The author claims that learning something new is difficult and challenging regardless of one’s age, origin, or general knowledge. The writer wants to teach his audience to appreciate the experience as it...

Henri Bendel’s Closure Overview

Henri Bendel was one of the most successful retailers and set the norms for the luxury retail world, but the trade standards have changed since its first store appeared in New York. According to Les Wexner, Bendel has been closed to improve profitability for the L Brands as a whole...

Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity

The two magazines that will be analyzed within the framework of the current paper are Cosmopolitan and Vogue. Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches are females aged from 20 to 40. These two magazines were...

Introduction to Modern Art: Stylistics

What is Stylistic Evidence? To examine a masterpiece, historians may use specific methodologies on particular art’s features basis. Stylistic evidence is one of the approaches to recognize the age of an example of art. It applies to a distinctive way of artifact production that may be common to a certain...

Creator Spirit in the Evolving World by Johnson

The author of Creator Spirit in the Evolving World marvels at the beauty of the earth as she calls readers to relate God’s presence in their daily engagements with nature. She beautifully describes the planet as seen in photographs taken from space with descriptions that awaken the audience’s curiosity to...

The Use of Antibiotics in the Treatment

A 41-year-old female presents to the doctor’s office you work at complaining of a sore throat and headache. Upon examination, she is diagnosed with a virus that is currently prevalent in the area she works. She is told to rest and drink liquids until the virus has run its course....

Greenwashing in Business and Its Influence on the Company

Many businesses in all sectors are increasingly ‘going green’ by offering healthy, environmentally-friendly products to the market. However, many business organizations are providing misleading information in an attempt to create an overly positive image of their brands and environmental practices among stakeholders, particularly consumers (Torelli et al., 2020). Greenwashing has...

Mental Illness Diversion Program

The criminal justice system tends to incarcerate many mentally ill people without considering whether jail time will benefit them. The cause of their behavior is unlikely to be addressed, creating opportunities for future misdemeanors. A diversion program may resolve the issue by offering some offenders mental health rehabilitation. While not...

Benefits of Vaccination against Coronavirus

Among the numerous recent healthcare advancements, vaccines occupy a specific place for their unique benefits for individuals and society in general. They constitute a relatively cheap measure which has allowed to prevent the outbreaks of many life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Moreover, they play a critical role in achieving herd...

Changing of Art When Life Is Getting Faster

In the developing world, everything is changing rapidly: new technologies are coming, people’s views on many things are changing, and art is also changing to some extent. Perhaps this is due to the change in time, people’s tastes, their interests, and their development. Artists, musicians, and other creators adapt their...

Sony: Critical Analysis, Market Opportunities

PESTLE analysis revolves around six major factors, which are political, economic, sociological, technological, environmental, and legal elements (Perera, 2017). In the case of the former, Sony is experiencing significant political benefits and support from the Japanese government in the form of improved data security (ITA, n.d.). Sociological factors are manifested...

Objectification of Moga in Tanizaki’s Novella “Naomi”

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a toxic enchantment with the West in Japan, which transmitted an extremely negative imprint on women who got influenced by it. Junichiro Tanizaki investigated Japan’s fascination with the West for many years and documented his observations in numerous writings. The central...

Gender Stereotyping at Workplaces

Organizations have been working on gender stereotypes for many decades. They have invested resources in the career development of women. They have even conducted prejudice recognition training within the workplaces. Front runners, including many CEOs, are publicly committed to making the workplace more equitable. Despite this, the progress toward gender...

Automatism as a Defence in Criminal Law

Automatism defense refers to a state directed by psychological and environmental factors in which an individual acted involuntarily and may have committed criminal acts. Essentially, it describes behavior in which a person is unconscious or unaware of an act taking place. Though rare, such scenarios could lead to detrimental cases,...

Organ Transplantation and Donation

Organ transplantation is a process that should initially include various established ethical rules. Truog and Miller wrote, “Before the development of modern critical care, the diagnosis of death was relatively straightforward: patients were dead when they were cold, blue, and stiff. Unfortunately, organs from these traditional cadavers cannot be used...

Neglecting Face-to-Face Customer Engagement in Digital World

One of the viewpoints where entrepreneurs are battling between remaining with the old ways and taking the path of least resistance is the client experience. Associations that can rapidly reconsider their omnichannel way of dealing with a particular client experience will recuperate quicker from the computerized insurgency (Smith and Zook,...

Telephone Culture and Role of Gender Differences

The phone is a convenient and operational means of communication; without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. They exchange personal and official information by phone, arrange meetings, establish and develop business contacts. Humanity has been using the telephone for more than a century: in 1876, the first, still...

Bad Men, Black Poetry, and Black Solidarity

The common topic of chosen poems is social problems and the idea of brotherhood between the Black men dedicated to solving them. It is consonant with the current Black Lives Matter movement, which emerged as the idea of social and racial equity and equal opportunities for all and is possible...

Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model

The ability to efficiently formulate and set goals is an important life skill that can influence how a person lives a life. According to the DAPPS rule, the great goal must be dated and achievable to determine whether the aim is met; and personal to make sure that the person...

The Process of Formation of Ethnic Identity

Ethnic identity as a process and structure is formed in the development of human activity and communication. Awareness of the ethnocultural features of the community determines ethnic self-identification. Identification is the most critical process in the formation of ethnic identity. Similar processes of human social activity are beginning to occur...

Phyllis Wheatley and Philip Freneau: Poems Comparison

In the poems “On being Brought from Africa to America” by Phyllis Wheatley and “On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western country” by Philip Freneau, a few similitudes and differentiations are portrayed. First, taking a gander at the similarities, the two writers discuss a place known for trust,...

Transfer Pricing and Related Problems

A transfer price, also known as a transfer cost or a transfer price, can be used to trade supply or labor between departments. Transactions between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries, or transactions involving subsidiaries from the same company located in different countries, can use transfer prices. In...

Sports Coaching in Improving Athletic Performance

Sports coaches possess a wide range of roles and responsibilities, the completion of which is necessary for improving the students’ sports performance. To effectively integrate the elements of sports science, sports medicine, and coaching, the sports coach must fulfill the roles of a motivator, leader, and role model for their...

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Greenhouse

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Steven Greenhouse is an opinion article published on August 3, 2019, in New York Times, talking about a skewed system with no regard for workers’ affairs. Greenhouse describes the United States as the only developed country with no laws guaranteeing paid maternity leave,...

Joseph Haydn’s Symphony No.101

Description of the Music In his classical style of music released in 1793 and titled Symphony No.101, Joseph Haydn displays artistic skills evident by the incessant quavers in the second drive. Haydn uses movements with complementary structures, time signatures, key signatures, tempo, and themes to deliver contrast, variation and repletion...

Reproductive Adaptations and Embryonic Development

Reproductive Adaptations In the animal world, there are several ways of reproduction – asexual, when genetically identical organisms are formed, and sexual, when male and female gametes unite outside the body during external fertilization or inside the female’s body during internal fertilization. For humans, only sexual reproduction is possible, when...

Operations With Short Life-Cycle Products

When it comes to businesses, many might struggle with forecasting, planning, producing, and distributing short life-cycle products due to inadequate calculations, lack of information, or inefficient approaches. For example, one of the problems connected with forecasting short life-cycle products like fashion apparel or electronic devices is a lack of past...

Urban Industry and Reconstruction

Introduction The Smart City system is a beneficial solution to problems with industrial zones that negatively affect the environment and their residents. The Industrial Revolution has an impact on the industrialization of cities and Steam engines. Even though many cities tried to replicate the industrialization system, the urban development was...

Grades Shouldn’t Represent Student Intelligence Summary

In the article “Grades shouldn’t represent student intelligence” by Diemert, she describes categorically how grades should not be used to measure the intellectual level of students. In today’s world, a parent’s first concern is ensuring their child performs exceptionally well in school (Diemert, 2018). Using “A” for excellent and “F”...

Burger King Company: A Brief Review

Introduction Tracing its history back to 1954, Burger King has successfully developed its franchises throughout the United States and worldwide. One of the major American fast-food restaurants, it has 19,247 locations around the world as of 2021. The company’s reported revenue as of 2021 is $1.81 billion and increasing, partly...

Climate Activism to Prevent Ecological Disasters

The most relevant concern of modern society’s activism revolves around the climate situation and ecological disasters threatening humanity. Greta Thunberg is one of the youngest people to attract attention to such an essential question of the ecological responsibility of world leaders, representing the risks a new generation faces. She presented...

The Importance of the Risk Assessment

Introduction A significant number of different diseases pose a severe threat to the lives of many people around the world. Unfortunately, for some of them, such as cancer, only limited treatments are available that do not guarantee the absence of a lethal outcome. However, the early detection and prevention recommendations...

Human Needs Theory Journal

With the development of science, humankind has gained access to technological advancements, which influence methods of education. In medicine, the modeling of situations has long been in use, with dolls and simulators being introduced to avoid training beginners on living people. Taking the collection of the anamnesis (a scrupulous task...

Gestalt Therapy for Teenagers: Communication and Confidence

Introduction Mike is an Asian American teenager who lives in Virginia with his parents and two sisters. Despite a close relationship with his sisters and mother, the boy has difficulty communicating with his father. The father pressures the child and insists on choosing a profession Mike does not like, and...

Montessori’s Absorbent Mind: Insights into Early Childhood Development

Introduction In Maria Montessori’s seminal work “The Absorbent Mind,” the author delves into the remarkable concept of the absorbent mind, shedding light on the extraordinary capacity of young children to adapt to and learn from their environment in the first three years of life. Montessori’s exploration of this notion in...

Colon Cleanse vs. Anti-Parasitic Cleanse: A Procedural Comparison

Introduction A colon cleanse and an anti-parasitic cleanse are two different types of detoxification methods designed to rid the body of harmful substances, toxins, and parasites. While these two cleansing procedures share the common goal of promoting health and wellness, they differ significantly in their purpose, method, and potential benefits....

Moral Test of Government: Hubert H. Humphrey’s View

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the...

Nursing Turnover Rates in Sampling Plan

Population: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Nurses are a target population for the investigation. Medical and surgical nurses from hospitals in the area will be included in the investigation (Chu, Wodchis, & McGilton, 2014). The study will cover only voluntary employee termination. Temporary staff will be excluded from the study as...

Understanding the Peer-Review Process and Identifying Articles

The peer-review cycle is a time-consuming process that requires a considerable amount of effort. Some essential steps of a peer review include ideas, grants, and research. The first step- finding an interesting idea or a fresh, relevant perspective can be hard due to the abundance of research. Secondly, research can...