Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Way of the World Literature Compare

The success of the tragic comedy genre is confined to such dramatic effects as recognition and reversal. These devices contribute to the complexity of the plot and allow the reader to gain the depth of pity, tragedy, and fear experienced by the main protagonists. In particular, the recognition and reversal...

American Literature: Harlem by Langston Hughes

This poem illustrates the occurrence of a dream. It is not just the ordinary dream that occurs when one is sleeping but rather a practical dream or a life goal. This dream seems to be of much importance to the dreamer. The dreamer does not really tell us what exactly...

A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

Though being a comparatively recent addition to the framework of a company’s structure, the relational aspect of the stakeholder association with business still deserves being considered one of the most successful and promising innovations in the field of business and management. It is essential that the needs of all stakeholders...

The Code of Ethics of the American Nurses Association

Introduction The Code of Ethics developed by the American Nurses Association is aimed at protecting the wellbeing of patients and promoting the improvement in the healthcare environments. It is a document that should guide the behavior and decisions of nursing professionals. In this case, ethics can be viewed as a...

Hardees Restaurant’ Commercial Marketing

Companies use critical and creative advertisements to influence the perception of the targeted clients through consistency in appeal to emotion, credibility, and logic. Primarily, the Hardees Restaurant has creatively used the element of sex appeal to advertising its Buffalo blue cheese burger through a renowned celebrity. Through the use of...

Healthcare Research: the Elderly Patients’ Readmissions

Extraneous Variables The extraneous variables that need to be addressed in the study include differences in the elderly patients’ demographic characteristics and external factors that can cause a possible readmission. In order to control the extraneous variables, it is important to use the effective division of the demographic data into...

“The Tempest” a Play by William Shakespeare

In the Tempest, Shakespeare, portrays Caliban as an uncultured half- man, half beast, who is enslaved in his own land by a foreign intruder. Shakespeare portrays him as a person who has limited understanding on how the modern world works. Through Prospero’s own description, Caliban is shown as a beast...

Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment

The target population will include students from different schools regardless of their age, sex, and ethnicity. The total number of respondents is estimated to be 60 people. This amount of respondents seems to be appropriate to make relevant conclusions and suggest the corresponding recommendations to enhance the situation with juvenile...

Fire Prevention to Protect Employees & Property

The article on fire prevention by Ross delved into the various methods that could cause a fire to occur and the preventive measures that can be implemented to stop them. In essence, the document is a generalized guide to various situations, locations, and issues that cause fires and what can...

Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project

Purpose of the Project Since cardiovascular diseases are statistically the main causes of mortality among American patients, it is crucial to target available resources towards eliminating the issue and ensuring better patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of the project is the improvement of quality through the implementation of a strategy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medication Prescription in Nursing Practice

Professional Practice Issue A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is authorized to diagnose patients and prescribe medications. As prescribers, NPs are expected to provide the prescription of medication in close collaboration with physicians. The role of nurses, in this case, is to control the appropriateness of the prescribed treatment measure and continuously...

New Regulations in the US Healthcare System

The US healthcare system is undergoing certain changes, and new transformations are on their way. One of the most recent changes to the existing regulations cannot be regarded as a dramatic reform, but it will have a considerable impact on a particular group of people. The amendments to the Veterans...

Animal Pest Resistance to Antibiotics

The latest advances in such fields as biotechnology, genetic research, as well as pharmaceutical discoveries have resulted in a series of unexpected outcomes. Hence, scientists point out the increased level of drug resistance in certain bacteria and animals. In other words, some of the strains of bacteria have become completely...

China’s Influence Expansion in Africa

There are values that are considered to be common for all nations of our planet, and among them are solidarity and the importance of collaboration between countries. Nevertheless, sometimes collaboration that is said to have benevolent intentions is really aimed at extending the sphere of influence of some country. China...

Health Care Associated Infections in the US

Health care–associated infections pose a considerable problem in the contemporary health care setting. Apart from causing additional suffering for the patient, making their quality of life lower, and often even posing a threat to their life, they result in major additional spending, which means that the costs that could otherwise...

An Observable Experiment: Control Over the Variables

Introduction Setting an experiment is a crucial step toward a better understanding of a specific phenomenon (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014). An observable experiment, in its turn, is defined as the experiment in which the independent variables cannot possibly be controlled by the person or person setting the test. In...

Fall Risk Prevention for Older Persons

Introduction The last several decades could be characterized by significant changes in the sphere of health. The implementation of the new technologies combined with the evolution of the scientific thought resulted in the numerous alterations of the basic aspects of human life promoting the improvement of its quality and increase...

Racial Stereotyping on Television

Introduction Stereotyping is an act of generalizing gathered information. As a matter of fact, it contributes significantly to people’s belief in fictional information. Stereotyping is common and traditional for every race and plays a prominent role in generalizing information about some nations in the world. Despite racial stereotyping proving to...

Noncompete Clauses in Employment Contracts

Introduction The proliferation of non-compete agreements has markedly changed the landscape of the labor market in the US, thereby providing employers with control over their workers’ skills and experiences. This paper aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of noncompete clauses. The paper will also discuss whether workers should be...

Walmart Company: New Technological Strategies

Abstract The advancement in technology has had a lot of impacts on the operations of many businesses all over the world. This is attributable to the fact that as technology advances, businesses get platforms to improve their products, products’ delivery, as well as the provision of better services to customers....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Recycling in Dubai and Its Impact on the Population and Environment

Introduction Recycling is an effective strategy of cleaning the environment from hazardous materials and pollution (Zailani, Eltayeb, Hsu & Tan, 2012). The following research proposal focuses on how recycling can be conducted in the city of Dubai. The proposal provides insightful information as to why recycling has become a necessity...

Rules and Positive Climate in Classroom Management

The completed session is important to provide a teacher with a lot of information regarding the classroom management and collection of data to demonstrate the students’ understanding. First, it is necessary to discuss a general approach to organizing classroom practices and creating the working and positive environment during lessons. In...

Social Service Plan, Its Goals and Actions

Setting aims for the people attending social services is a crucial step in human and social services professionals’ work. When the targets are determined properly, the outcomes of an interview and further work with a client will be successful and rewarding. To establish and reach the goals most efficiently, it...

Bipolar or Manic-Depressive Disorder

Description and Symptoms Bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder is a brain illness that causes sudden changes in an individual’s mood, levels of activity, energy, as well as the ability to perform mundane tasks. It can affect both women and men to an equal extent and usually begins between ages 15 and 25,...

Regal Marine Company Strategies and Competition

Product life cycle explains the life of a product in a given market. This is done in relation to sales measures and various business costs. Products have a life cycle because they pass through various stages. This is in relation to sales and it implies that a product has a...

Nurses-Physicians Communication and Collaboration

Introduction Various studies focus on the effect the collaboration between nurses and other healthcare professionals has on patient health outcomes. It has been found that ineffective collaboration is the “root cause” of more than 70% of medical errors (Fewster-Thuente, 2015). Nurses and physicians fail to share information properly, which leads...

Adolescents’ Health and Life: Sexual History

Taking a Sexual History from an Adolescent Taking a sexual history is a necessary part of a gynecologic examination (Hawkins, Roberto-Nichols, & Stanley-Haney, 2016). It is crucial in case there is a probability of sexually transmitted diseases which are also frequent among adolescents (Neinstein, 2009). Taking a sexual history from...

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment: Heartburn and GERD

As the patient’s symptoms of heartburn remain persistent, stronger antacids might be recommended to reduce the intensity of pain and the recurrence of symptoms. Antacid Maximum Strength can be prescribed to the patient, but only for one to two weeks, as its ineffectiveness might indicate that the patient does not...

Death Perception Along the Life Span

The course on human growth and development was an excellent opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various issues connected to growing up and aging. I believe that a solid understanding of the various developmental stages can help me in my future work as a nurse, as it will enable me...

Design: Times Square as a Main Street USA

Introduction: Strolling down the New York Streets Of all places to visit in New York, Times Square is easily the best choice for a tourist. It incorporates every single American stereotype and allows one to plunge into the delightful world of flashy lights and public entertainment. Though the place still...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardi

Introduction Without a doubt, Ancient Greece had a great influence on architecture in different parts of the world. Its calm and majestic beauty, harmony, and clarity continue to impress people today. The main distinguishing factor of Greek building art was the temple. Greeks liked building temples devoted to various gods....

Current Economic Condition in the United States of America

To explicitly analyze the current economic condition, it is vital to consider the financial status of major investment banks and financial institution in the United States of America. In a study by Lahart, (2007) ‘the financial institutions include: sub-prime and prime mortgages industries, Wall Street markets, the Lehman brothers, Citibank...

Little Red Riding Hood: Original vs. Retell

Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH Two versions of Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH), including the original written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and the retelling by Charles Perrault, focus on similar themes and have a lot in common. However, regardless of the fact that they describe the same...

Logistic Regression and Healthcare Research Design

Quantitative Design Considering the topic of the perspective investigation as well as its goals, the method of logistic regression may be applied in terms of the quantitative design. Logistic regression is a useful classical tool for resolving the issues of regression and classification, serving as an apparatus for analyzing the...

Stress as a Fundamental Concept for Nursing

Nowadays, nursing is introduced as a sphere, an art, and a science, where several important concepts are gathered to create appropriate conditions for patients and medical workers (Perry, 2016). Each concept plays an important role in the work of nurses because of the necessity to cooperate with physicians and other...

Joseph Cyril Bamford Excavators Ltd. in India

Introduction The case describes how the British construction equipment manufacturer JCB managed to expand into the Indian market through a joint venture with the Indian engineering conglomerate Escorts. Despite having a relatively small share of the global market, JCB became on the biggest manufacturers of backhoes in India. This paper...

Nurses’ Perception of Hourly Rounding

Introduction Hourly rounding is a practice designed to enhance the clients’ experience and the nurses’ professional excellence. As the name implies, it is a practice of attending a client on an hourly basis to meet their basic needs, namely: pain and stress management, feeding, hygiene, etc. (Mitchell, Lavenberg, Trotta, &...

Optimal Nurse Staffing to Improve Quality of Care

Introduction The proposal deals with the necessity to avoid the lack of experienced nursing professionals. It is emphasized that a range of critical changes are required in order to enhance the situation. The need to develop this evidence-based practice project can be proved by quality, clinical, and financial aspects that...

The “Poor Kids” Video by Frontline

Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little children....

Fetus Formation and Development: “In the Womb” Video

Video Summary The video called “In the Womb” presents an amazing discovery of the development of a newborn since the moment of the conception to the birth. Using computer imagery techniques, it is possible to observe the fetus in the mother’s womb and understand its complex nature. The video reflects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Understaffing Ratios in Nursing

Understaffing Indicators It has been concluded that the problem of nurse understaffing negatively influences the work setting, the quality of care provided to patients, as well as patients’ health outcomes. However, among the identified implications, poor health outcomes of patients that received care in a facility that experiences understaffing is...

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers Minimization

EBP Prevention of Pressure Ulcers Essential Ideas Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) development is listed among the crucial concerns of contemporary health care; Seven stages of HAPU (stages I-IV, unstageable, deep tissue injury, and Kennedy terminal ulcer) are typically identified; As a rule, the assessment of the entire skin area is...

Clinical Activity: Informatics Systems

A topical US report acknowledged health information system interoperability as the main factor having an impact on patient security and this statement additionally dwelled on the probable risks of implementing health information technologies (Hovenga & Grain, 2013). For this exact cause, an analogous report on medicine mistakes demands for the...

Unilever Company’s Process and Location Strategy

A complete integration of the four business and location strategies by Unilever, a giant global corporation has seen it uniquely maintain a lead in the share of the market and a strong position against its competitors in the field of consumer goods and household favorites for many years. These strategies...

Managerial Role in the Workplace and Organization

The modern environment gives rise to numerous challenges in the sphere of business. The increased number of opportunities also means a great rivalry. In such a way, there is a need for an efficient management system that will be able to maintain the functioning of a certain organization at the...

Meteorology for Future Commodity and Energy Markets

Introduction Understanding the impact of weather change and its timing in any trading opportunity is very crucial. Traders are required to have an immediate idea of the weather change that might have an impact on the price of their commodity. Companies and individuals depend on weather forecasting as they must...

Ethical Manufacturing and Technology Trends

Introduction Nowadays rapidly developing world presents the state-of-the-art technology that is integrated into many spheres of life, thus facilitating human labor. It is especially important to emphasize the role of modern trends with regard to forced labor and child labor as well as slavery. The ethical manufacturing aiming at the...

Solar Power Benefits for Airports

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular in major airports around the world. Solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy sources. Gatwick Airport, Birmingham Airport, and Cochin (Kochi) International are some of the large airports which have embraced the use of solar power as an alternative source of...

Low Staffing of Nurses in Hospital Settings

Background Information The Healthcare industry is characterized by some of the highest turnover rates in the public sector. On average, turnover rates in US hospitals vary between 10% and 25% (Henry, 2014). This creates an issue of understaffing, especially in long-term care and frontline nursing positions. As a result, the...

Mandatory Vaccination of Children in the USA

Introduction Mandatory vaccination of children is a controversial topic in the United States, where many people have negative preconceptions about vaccination and are unwilling to vaccinate their children. However, achieving a high percentage of vaccinated children is essential to ensuring the well-being of this population and preventing outbursts of various...

Gender Stereotypes in Family: Research Methods

Introduction First, I researched a number of online databases and libraries. For example, I used Capella University library to search for the necessary articles. I used such keywords as gender stereotypes, family, parents. I found only one appropriate article on the chosen topic. I also used Open Library and EBSCO,...

Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts

The Legal and Ethical Issues of Social Media Social media have become a big part of our everyday life. We use them for entertainment, sharing emotions, news, pictures, events, and other purposes. However, active engagement and self-disclosure in social media raise a lot of privacy issues. Although there is a...

Hand-Washing Initiative Institutionalization: Reduction of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Overview I attended a change management training program entitled ‘Instituting a Hand-Washing Initiative: Increasing Compliance and Decreasing Infection Rate’ organized by a local community-based healthcare center in the month of March. The program targeted the healthcare providers, especially the on-site nurses and the general community healthcare mobilization team. Specifically, the...

The Net Present Value Concept

Introduction The Net Present Value Rule (NPV) states that in the case of a positive NPV, an investment is to be accepted and in the case of a negative NPV, the investment should be rejected. The NPV Rule stipulates that by investing in the projects that have the NPV over...

The British Colonial Rule Impact on Kuwaiti Literature

Conducting literature research with special attention to particular nations or periods in human history helps specialists to find new facts that explain similarities and differences between people’s mentalities. Knowing that literature is the most precise reflection of everyday life, studying and comparing outstanding literary works is a way to understand...

San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum

Even if you are not a connoisseur of the Asian culture and just want to enrich your knowledge in the sphere of Asian art, you are sure to enjoy the visit to San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum, which houses one the most comprehensive and splendid exhibitions in the world. In...

Behavioral Style: DISC Platinum Rule Assessment

Individual dimensions of behavior The Disk Platinum Rule assessment that I have recently undertaken indicates that my prevailing behavioral style is dominant. It also shows that I value directness and openness in relations with other people. These character traits are closely connected with the dominant behavior style (Robbins & Judge,...

No Student Car: Reducing College Expenses

College and graduate school are so horrifyingly expensive these days that any extra expenditure must be looked at with care. Unless your parents are rolling in money, the cost of tuition is a massive drain on family or personal resources. The money you save now is going to be your...

Buying a Single-Property House in Los Angeles

Information about the house and neighborhood The single-property house which I have selected is located in Los Angeles at 1274 South Camden Drive. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Its exterior design strongly resembles the Spanish architectural style. This house has a very spacious living room with beamed ceilings and...

Starbucks as a Place Away from Home and Work

Starbucks aimed to establish a third place which according to Schultz (Starbucks’s C.E.O) is “a place away from home and work.” He developed a great customer service and an inviting aura for coffee lovers an experience that popularly goes by name “The Starbucks Experience.” The segmentation and targeting strategies employed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management Challenges: Managerial Ethics and Unethical Tactics

Introduction Recently, there have been a number of cases that have been reported within organizations that concern the issue of administrators in big firms utilizing their Information Technology expertise to avoid paying taxes and using their rank to mistreat other members of staff to the extent of developing personal relations...

Women in Male-Dominated International Business

Introduction According to Ricks, male dominance is still the chief characteristic of the modern-day international business (78). Additionally, while the women population makes up a huge section of the workforce in individual countries, they only represent 6% of the business expatriate (Ricks 83). However, the situation is rapidly changing. Organizations...

Responsibility’s Interpretation and Personal Vision of Responsibility

Responsibility is a complex and ambiguous concept the interpretation of which has been the object of numerous debates throughout the centuries. Even though philosophers and analysts have made a lot of effort to work out a framework that would define this notion, every person still has an individual approach to...

Group Discussion: Training and Development

Icebreaker To make sure that the audience is engaged with the subject matter and is ready explore the opportunities that case studies provide, one may consider inviting the participants to take an active part in the deconstruction of the phenomenon of a case study. However, apart from focusing on what...

A Lesson You Learned the Hard Way

Introduction Numerous lessons can be learned from our life experiences and the experience of others. This is a story about a boy returning to his old neighborhood during the holidays. Our hero and his family had to move to another town many years ago, and now our hero and his...

Ethical Conduct in Psychology Research

Ethical behavior in academic and scientific writing is associated with the absence of plagiarism and falsification. Thus, an ethical academic writer cannot plagiarize, and he/she has to make sure that the data provided are valid (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016). Notably, these aspects are also important in the business world. Inability...

“Ordering of Medication” the Bill by Senator Denise Grimsley

Introduction SC/SB 152: Ordering of Medication filed on August 19th, 2015 with the effective date of July 1st, 2016 relates to the revision of a licensed physician’s authority in the area of ordering medication to a certain patient, providing authorization for a nurse practitioner to order medication, and other matters...

Literary Devices in Suzan-Lori Parks’ Plays

Introduction Suzan-Lori Parks is an African American playwright of the 20th century who transformed American theatre with her mythic plays. She has won the acclaim of dramatists, critics, and the public around the globe as a provocative and influential author. At the same time, her innovative approach to language and...

When Military Force Is Justified

Introduction The use of military force implies war, and the repercussions are normally far-reaching. During a war, the collateral damage is usually innocent people who die unnecessarily. Therefore, before the declaration of war against a perceived enemy, there should be strong justification that such a decision would yield the best...

Russian Federation: Developing a Democracy

The process of a country’s development and formation is an extremely complex phenomenon that depends on multiple factors and aspects that impact it at various periods. Geographical location, peculiarities of people’s culture, natural resources, and history influence all states and result in their evolution in particular ways. Speaking about the...

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Mary Flannery O’Connor

The story by Mary Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” is one of the examples of postmodern literature, although it still bears some traits of modern writing. The grandmother is the central character in the story to reveal these traits of two major philosophical thoughts that reigned...

F. Nightingale’s Philosophy and Millennium Goals

Nightingale’s Influence on the Perception of MDGs Florence Nightingale’s legacy had a tremendous influence on my perception of all the Millennium Development Goals that have to be reached today. Her opinion is important to me not only because she was a notable person in the sphere of medicine, but also...

Nurse Activist: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy

Nursing professionals have become empowered to make decisions and question decisions of other healthcare professionals as well as policy makers (Frey & Murphy, 2017). This empowerment has led to significant transformations of the profession and nursing professionals. I believe an effective nurse cannot simply focus on fulfilling a number of...

Conceptual Frameworks in Nurses’ Practice

Conceptual frameworks are significant for guiding advanced nurses’ practice. They are related to concrete theories and provide a perspective on nursing meta paradigms. This paper presents an example of a conceptual framework that can be used in advanced nursing practice. The report describes its main ideas and shows how it...

Elderly Education for Fall Prevention: Nursing Study

Studying the problem of falls among the population of elderly patients is necessary due to the high risks of mortality and morbidity associated with them. Injuries related to falls in older adults are common and represent one of the major causes of long-term pain and functional impairment among the target...

Handwashing Noncompliance: PICOT Statement

Personal hygiene begins with washing hands. Florence Nightingale, who was the pioneer of standard hygienic procedures in healthcare, has noticed the importance of handwashing in doctors and patients as a means of improving outcomes (American Nurses Association, 2015). Handwashing is considered standard protocol in most, if not all, modern-day healthcare...

Developmentally Appropriate Malaysian Toys

Introduction Noticing the dynamics in early childhood development and utilizing appropriate tools for boosting it are central strategies for assisting children in building the required skill set for further critical and creative thinking for various purposes. Malaysian toys, in turn, introduce a vast range of possibilities for encouraging development in...

Urban Chinese Family Life in the “Shower” Film

The reason for choosing this article for the research is its consistent arguments, analysis, and conclusions about the peculiarities of urban Chinese families. Furthermore, it has substantial parallels with the movie Shower and can be a good background for its understanding. The author discovers differences between Chinese and Taiwan family...

US Capitalism. William Leach’s “Land of Desire”

William Leach’s Land of Desire is concerned with exploring the development of consumer capitalism in the US between 1890 and 1932. The author detailed the process within which merchants, advertisers, politicians, and reformers worked collaboratively in order to establish a culture in which consumerism was celebrated and perpetuated. Several important...

Coca – Cola: Business Strategy and Globalization

The process, well known on the international arena, as globalization affects all the spheres of people’s and counties’ life. The economic and business fields are greatly affected by this phenomenon as well. Therefore, it would be relevant to explain the process of globalization in the economic field and its influence...

The Hazards of Taking Children Out to Eat

The basic hazard of taking children out to eat is their taste of food. No matter how injurious it is for their health, kids always tend to prefer fat foods. This is their common behavior and it quickly leads to kid obesity. The latest epidemic in the western world is...

Lack of Water in California as an Environmental Issue

Introduction In recent years, California can run out of water because of technological and social problems affecting the region. From a policy perspective, defining water resources “development” is critically important. That concept typically now includes just such environmental and political attributes; and recently or currently favored approaches to development, such...

“On-Line Live Support”: Role in Company’s Success

Introduction To begin with, a variety of methods and tactics for successful decision-making in business considers the implementation of new technologies, techniques, and ideas, of course. A diversity of services in the company presupposes a streamlined business with prospects on a good work of all departments in a company. A...

Organizational Development in a Global Setting

Introduction Organization Development refers to the evaluation and change of the strategies, processes, and structures of an organization in a bid to improve the performance of the organization and help in the development and contentment of its employees. It may involve things like coaching, work-life balance, leadership development, performance management,...

Progressive Era of the United States History

The so-called Progressive Era has always been viewed by many scholars as the period of the United States history, during which the country drastically changed its economic and political landscape (Gould, 22). However, there is not much agreement as to the underlying causes of this phenomenon and especially its far-reaching...

Organizational Diversity: Term Definition

Introduction This article by Jackson, et.al focuses on the term ‘diversity’, and the kinds of researches that have been carried out to see the effects of workplace diversity on teams and organizations. Diversity in this context has been used as a term that describes the personal attributes of people who...

Position Statement on the Education of Young Children

The importance of education in young children is indubitable. Educators know that young children have a critical need for education because the life of a young child determines their adulthood and the influence they are bound to have on society. Despite our unanimity on the importance of education in young...

Realism From a 21st Century Perspective

What does a person feel before death? Fear, panic, calm, hope, or maybe relief? First of all, pre-death feelings depend on a large number of factors: the emotional condition of a person, the circumstances of his or her life, the circumstances of death, and more. However, the range of thoughts...

Correlational Design in Forensic Psychology

Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design Correlational designs are actively used in forensic psychology research in order to determine the meaningful relations between different types of variables. Researchers choose the correlational design when it is necessary to find out the presence of relationship between certain factors and persons’ behaviors, but...

Birch Point Lodge Firm’s Information System

Introduction A major step necessary for the initiation of IS development is in identifying the current needs of Birch Point Lodge (BPL). In that regard, a strategic problem analysis might be required, in which the needs and the objectives for the system will be established. The initiation of the project...

The Mirror (1975) Movie Review

The Mirror (1975) is one of the greatest Russian movies to be produced after the Second World War which still continues to attract crowds of viewers to cinemas and film stores even nowadays. Its setting and plot revolve around the story that happens during the war time in Russia; the...

Forensic Psychology Guidelines and Assessment

Guidelines and Assessment in Forensic Setting A forensic experiment requires the setting that involves outstanding clarity rates and does not allow for the slightest ambiguity (Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology, 2011). Herein the need to promote impartiality and fairness as the essential elements of the forensic assessment guidelines lies. The...

Suicide-Related Research in Clinical Forensic Settings

Suicide-related research is important to be conducted in the area of forensic psychology to determine the risks associated with suicidal behaviors in patients with mental disabilities. Thus, suicide-related research is significant to provide the grounds for developing the prevention strategies by specialists working in clinical settings (Stangor, 2013, p. 138)....

Relationship Between Coaching Actions and Influences

Introduction The researcher used phenomenological research method to gather information concerning athletes’ experiences of great coaching (Becker, 2009). This form of qualitative research follows different steps as shown herein. Exploring researcher bias – at this stage, the researcher sought to understand the athletes’ experiences from individual perspective as opposed to...

Supply Chain Management in the Business World

Supply chain management is one of the most important twentieth-century innovations in the business world. Practically, it is the managing of a “network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers” (Cooper et al., 7). In other words, it takes care...

What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security?

Introduction In the last several decades, technology has advanced rapidly, and personal privacy has become a major public concern. New technological developments allow the government to enhance national security, keeping track of all suspicious activity, both online and offline. The constantly occurring data breaches and information leaks bring to public...

The Concept of Blasphemy

Introduction Blasphemy refers to an act of striping a consecrated character out of something. In religion, blasphemy refers to a show of irreverence towards holy individuals or things. Blasphemy in Judaism is considered an act of cursing and showing contempt for God. Blasphemy may take different forms depending on the...

Twelve Hours Without a Cellphone Experience

Hypothesis Cellphones are an inherent part of daily life for many contemporary people, including me. Therefore, it is only natural to ask a question of how not using a cellphone for at least half a day will have a significant and noticeable effect on a person’s behavior. There are several...

Evaluating Budget Documents of Police Department

Introduction The Yuma, Arizona Police Department which is managed by administration police is responsible for managing various divisions such as Field Services, Support services, and investigations divisions. The largest within the agency is the patrol division and is in charge of the protection of life and property, preliminary criminal investigations,...

K. Kelly Hancock: The Servant Leader

Introduction Both the individual in particular and society as a whole equally form and lead each other. In my case, K. Kelly Hancock, Executive Chief Nursing Officer, became that individual, namely a mentor or a leader. She greatly inspired me and influenced my worldview by her leadership style and qualities....

Diverse Employees: Attraction, Selection, and Recruitment

All people are different, and this fact has a significant influence on people’s performance at their workplaces. Neglecting the individual characteristics of employees results in ineffective use of their capabilities. Therefore, it is vital for managers to maintain diversity correctly. Furthermore, diverse companies are more able to attract and retain...

Cardiovascular Disease and Framingham Global Risk Model

American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations for the patient management At the time of going to the clinic, the patient has hypertension stage 2. Following the present recommendations, the patient should be recommended to implement lifestyle changes to make it healthy. Besides, at this stage of Hypertension, his medication should include...

“The Life and Culture of the Gebusi” by Bruce Knauft

Introduction In his book, Bruce Knauft describes the life and culture of the Gebusi, a people living in Papua New Guinea. His anthropological research is deep and covers various aspects of the development of this unique culture. The evaluation of life, religion, social relations, spirituality, and other features of the...

Business Structure for Pilates Studio Franchise

Starting a new business is a complicated process covering identification of the most appropriate legal structure; selection of the necessary business form requires balancing all strengths and weaknesses from a legal point of view in order to simplify further company activities. The idea to open a Pilates Studio franchise needs...

Alternative Medicine vs. Modern Medicine

In recent years, there have been a considerable number of discussions around the topic of alternative medicine. Millions of people claim that humanity should get back to traditional treatment methods as they are a more effective way of fighting illnesses. However, other individuals are sure that nothing can be compared...

Gloria Anzaldua’s “To Live in the Borderlands”

The borderland is a special subjectivity and self-awareness of the one who cannot cross the border but lives inside its rift. In her poem “To Live in the Borderlands,” Mexican-American frontier philosopher, poet, writer, and Chicana theorist Gloria Anzaldua describes the experience of people inhabiting the space between several different...

Reimbursement Methods Analysis

Introduction Health insurance is an evidence-based safeguard that ensures that more citizens get timely and sustainable medical services. Third-party payers are entities that pay healthcare claims on behalf of their respective clients. Some good examples of such stakeholders in the United States include insurance companies, employers, and government-sponsored agencies. This...

Functionalist Perspective as a Methodological Approach in Sociology

Functionalist perspective or structural functionalism is a methodological approach in sociology and sociocultural anthropology. This framework interprets society as a social system having its own structure and mechanisms of interaction of structural elements, each of which performs its specified function. The basic idea of structural functionalism is the idea of...

”The Critique of Art Criticism” by Buchmann & Grow

Social discrimination issues and art criticism are intrinsically interconnected, reflecting each other. In their article, Buchmann and Graw (2019) explore the criticism’s fundamental predicament, which they define as its participation in the value production, and identify the need for it to distance itself from the market values. The article looks...

“The Jewelry” Story by Guy de Maupassant (1969)

First of all, before analyzing the main contents of the essay, it would be fair to say that the author manages to grab the reader’s attention by discussing the issue of perception. He begins the analysis by asking if lies affect people in a negative way. The writer also poses...

Effects of Music Therapy on Depressed Elderly People

Purpose of the Study The study sought to “determine the effect of music therapy on depression and physiological parameters in elderly people who were living in a nursing home” (Gök Ugur et al., 2017, p. 1280). Music therapy has been shown to have positive effects among people, and thus the...

Participation in Teamwork as a Leader From Behind

Introduction It is safe to say that communication is the core of the social life of people. Small group communication is the most frequent form of communication with which individuals interacts throughout their life. In order to be a competent social sciences specialist, one must explore small group communication and...

Drug Use and Biological Development in Adolescents

The adolescent period refers to a series of neurobiological changes that take place in people as they transition from childhood to adulthood. The age bracket of children undergoing this phase of life is considered to be between 11 and 19 years. According to Gulley and Juraska (2013), the nervous system...

Health Planning Committee Response to COVID-19

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is one of the central organizations in the state, responsible for developing a response plan for the COVID-19 pandemic. A response to such a global crisis is challenging since the HHS, or any other organization did not have a similar experience in...

Should Social Media Be Banned?

Social media is a platform where people from across the globe interact, share information, and communicate with each other; it consists of synergetic Web 2.0 applications based on the Internet. Examples of these sites include Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat (Bilgin 128). It has brought the world together...

Juvenile Delinquency: Practical Example

The writer would get a court order that would remove Emily from the house and get her parents into counseling. A closer look at the events that culminated in Emily’s punishment indicates that the parents faced a challenge in handling Emily’s failure to perform well in school and do chores...

“Leadership Styles of Nurse Managers in Ethical Dilemmas” by Zydziunaite

Abstract This paper is a critique of the article, “Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences,” whose authors are Zydziunaite and Suominen (2014). The authors carried out quantitative research with the purpose of creating comprehension on the reasons and outcomes of leadership styles in ethical dilemmas,...

US Legislation in Practices of Medical Institutions: Anti-Trust Laws

The policies and practices of medical institutions are governed by the same laws as other private businesses or enterprises. The US legislation explicitly prohibits the activities which may result in monopolization of the market: there are several statutes aimed to ensure fair competition among the medical agencies. Among them we...

Nurse-Physician Collaboration and Hospital-Acquired Infections

This review aims to analyze a research article by Boev and Xia (2015) titled, “Nurse-Physician Collaboration and Hospital-acquired Infections in Critical Care” as a model to describe the problem of hospital-acquired infection. The study was based on the assumption that collaboration between nurses and physicians could have an impact on...

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Neurotransmitters and Mental Disorders

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The Anthropocene: Human Impacts on the Environment

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The Emotion of Sadness: Art Examples

Emotions help communicate with people, make decisions, act or stop at the right moment, and interact with the world. One of the most important human emotions is sadness: everyone periodically experiences it. It helps people survive trauma or grief, slow down for a while, and then keep living. Examples of...

The Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role and Trends

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Healthy Sleep Analysis and Recommendations

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DNA for Identifying Convicts: Article Response

Ensuring safety and security for all citizens is the key priority of state authorities, which is why preventing crime remains a crucial item on the political agenda. However, the recent suggestion concerning DNA-based identification of convicts may spark controversy due to its possible ethical ramifications. In his 2006 article, Danny...

Discussion of Communication Strategies

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Discussion of History of Buddhism

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The Documentary “The Memphis 13”

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The Second World War: Final Stage

The Second World War left a huge mark in history for many countries of the world. Almost every person has a relative who necessarily took part in the fighting. This essay is devoted to the final stage of the bloody war when the Western Front opened, and the rapid advance...

Dealing With Addiction: Harm Reduction

The harm reduction program is carried out by addressing the population’s declining health quality, which is frequently financially disadvantaged or homeless. It is risky to take intravenous drugs in public settings such as parks, tunnels, and public restrooms. Controlled injection sites, overdose prevention facilities, and drug intake rooms are all...

Latest Real GDP Analysis of the USA

The term GDP is used when assessing the economic state of the market at the global level or in an individual state. The concept appeared in 1934, and it was proposed to use the American economist Simon Smith. The value of GDP is reflected in national or foreign currency, depending...