Psychological Well-Being of Captive Animals and Types of Enrichment

The psychological well-being of captive animals is essential from a moral point of view and because of the animal’s physical condition. It is well established that animals can be stressed being captivated, and their state depends on the conditions in which they are kept. Enrichment is one of the most...

Secrets to Living a Long Life: Narrated by 109 Years Old Veteran

Everyone in this life is looking forward to having a nice long life where they are happy and full of life. The story of Richard Overton about his secrets to living a long life will have you dazzled. Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he is a war veteran...

Comparing and Contrasting “Casablanca” and “Bicycle Thieves”

Michael Curtiz’s Casablanca (1942) and Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves (1948) are great movies with definite objectives. The production years are relevant for both movies, and the themes presented are factual. Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves fits Italian Neorealism where through the leading protagonist, Antonio Ricci, the movie depicts the...

The Documentary “F for Fake” by George Orson Welles

The film titled F for Fake is a documentary movie that focuses on the topics of lies, deception, and fakery with real-world implications. The main reason is rooted in the fact that it provides examples that are not fictitious in their nature. In other words, direct observations and assessments are...

The Evolution of Cheese and Cheesemaking

Cheesemaking is an ageless art that has existed for thousands of years in human history. According to Bart Weimer, a professor of microbiology at UC Davis, cheese was discovered as a happy accident that occurred when a shepherd found they could store milk in the preserved stomach of a goat....

Cash Flow Estimation for Sneaker and Persistence Projects

Project Value Sneaker and Persistence are prospective projects that offer a lot to customers and investors. They benefit the customer as new products are released and the investors and owners when they make profits. The aim of this case analysis is to assess the two projects and provide a recommendation...

Recreational Therapy: The Freestyle Arm Stroke

Aquatic therapy is one branch of recreational therapy where individuals are engaged in activities in a swimming pool. I am interested in this area of recreational therapy because I enjoy active sports, and I think that aquatic therapy, in particular, can be very helpful for many patients. One of the...

Popular Culture in “Inglourious Basterds” Film

World War II movies are not usually associated with popular culture. Screenwriters use themes of Nazi oppression, the brutality of war, and the bravery of the allied forces, which have been cultivated for over seventy years. Yet, one of the most well-known and controversial movies about World War II, Inglourious...

Tokyo’s Technological Wonder and Innovation

Background Tokyo is considered to be one of the most innovative places in the world. In 2021, it managed to wrestle the title from its previous holder, Boston (SmartCitiesWorld, 2021). It was accredited for its strong application of technologies, increased digitalization of life, and its performance against the ongoing COVID-19...

Canada’s Global Economy and Its Future

Introduction Canada’s economy is among the most sophisticated and most prominent globally. The country’s overall gross domestic product (GDP) in real USD was $1.64 trillion in 2020. As a result, Canada is now the world’s tenth-biggest economy. Exports and imports of goods and services account for around one-third of the...

Malevich’s Black Square Analysis

Until 1913, the world of art was limited to objectivity and realistic representations. Some critics say that art reached the deepest point of its downfall during this year. However, in 1913, a new art movement, Suprematism, laid a foundation for the liberation of art, leading to the development of modern...

The Juvenile Justice System in the United States

The United States today has a well-developed system of juvenile justice, which has been formed over decades. Juvenile justice as a kind of set of specialized rules has its roots in ancient civilizations. In Roman law, for example, in the Pater family, the head of the family, was initially responsible...

Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy

Brief Summary of Two Organizations The two organizations were selected in Oklahoma; they create local, sustainable solutions, namely Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Oklahoma Sustainability Network connects and educates Oklahoma’s citizens about the various facets of sustainability. This organization serves as a catalyst and platform...

Authoritarian vs. Absolute Monarchy System

Despite the types of relationships people need to develop, governance remains a significant element in organizing communities and making sufficient decisions. Addressing human history and experiences, several forms of government emerged, depending on societies, resources, and other internal and external factors. When ordinary citizens do not govern their countries, it...

Researching of Sojourners Truth

Born and raised as an enslaved African American woman, Sojourners Truth’s life significantly influenced the massive development in the United States. The abolitionist and a strong human rights activist traveled across America denouncing oppressors and slavery and highly advocating for women’s entitlement, their freedom, lady’s suffrage, and temperance. The women,...

The Guarantee of the Right to Health Care

The rights and freedoms of the individual ensure a person’s decent life and security. At the same time, health is one of the essential components of well-being and dignity, and the right to it can be decisive for the quality of life. However, the American healthcare system is quite fragmented,...

The Interpretation of Raphael’s School of Athens

The School of Athens is a masterpiece created by Raphael that is viewed as an outstanding achievement of the high renaissance and an impeccable artwork. This pierce of art shows a lively and exciting atmosphere due to the renaissance environment (Bishop 63). The painting could be considered fascinating because of...

The Pink Tax: Inequality Should Be Outlawed

Inequality can be manifested in different dimensions, ranging from racial prejudices to judgment of personal life partner choices. Whereas any kind of unfair treatment is primarily wrong, there are some types the lack of logic behind which is truly baffling. The so-called pink tax, which involves higher prices for ‘female’...

The Nokia Company’s Strategic Thinking Models

Nokia is a large global company that focuses on information technology, telecommunications, and electronic devices. The mill operation that eventually became Nokia Corporation was established in 1865 (Bhalodiya & Sagotia, 2018). Nokia emphasizes respect, accomplishment, renewal, and taking on new challenges as pillars of the company’s culture. These principles serve...

“The Nature of Virtues” by Alasdair MacIntyre

‘The Nature of the Virtues’ by Alasdair MacIntyre (1981) discusses the concept of virtue as it appears in Western philosophical thought throughout millennia. Analyzing the similarities and differences between the ideas of virtue entertained by different philosophers, the author eventually arrives at the definition of virtues as qualities crucial for...

Workers’ and Managers’ Rights and Responsibilities

A qualified HR manager takes care of employees from different departments, regardless of their status, salary, and education. Every employee needs protection and guarantees in case of unforeseen circumstances. The work should harmoniously fit into employees’ hobbies and personal lives. The HR manager develops an initial plan to support employees...

Adolescence Songs: “A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci

“A Teenager in Love” by Dion DiMucci was a famous song during my adolescent years. Some of the most crucial Lyrics are “Each time we have a quarrel / It almost breaks my heart” (DiMucci, 2017, lines 1-2). Essentially, this was a powerful opening considering this was a love song....

Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory

Introduction Attention to patients’ interests and characteristics is one of the key responsibilities of nursing staff. Among the many theories of care, Virginia Henderson’s concept called the nursing need theory is among the main ones. With its help, junior medical specialists can control and address the targeted needs of patients,...

Adam Werbach’s Associations with Walmart

It has been a recurring theme in environmental activism that businesses must be held accountable for their decisions and use their power wisely in helping the green movement. Adam Werbach’s associations with Walmart and his partnerships with business executives have created a significant contention. Subsequently, “Working with The Enemy” by...

Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company

Summary This report was commissioned by the D.M. Pan Real Estate Company’s sales team. The report aimed to study the correlations between the area of the real estate objects measured in square feet and the selling price to benchmark. The final deliverable of the model was to create a model...

Parties, Interest Groups, and Elections in the US

Interest groups represent a collective opinion of like-minded people who want to be heard. They differ in their foundation, as some of these groups are created by professionals, by people who share world views, such as environmental protection, or by companies who seek to benefit from changing policies (“Influence &...

Stakeholders in Business: Roles and Responsibilities

This week’s materials focused on the topic of stakeholder relationships in business. The stakeholder term in business includes many external and internal individuals and groups; therefore, learning more about their role is essential for understanding how businesses operate in the modern world. While the role of external stakeholders in business...

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

Strategic Management of Caterpillar Inc.

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. develops short- and long-term goals to steer its performance, similar to any thriving corporation. Caterpillar’s long-term objective is lucrative prosperity that will allow the organization to fortify its status as a dominant force by developing its products and offerings. Additionally, the company seeks to provide its consumers...

Health Workers’ Experiences During COVID-19 Epidemic

Introduction In this paper, I am reviewing the journal article by Hanna et al., titled “Health and social care professionals’ experiences providing end-of-life Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” (Hanna et al., 2021, p.1249-1257). The qualitative study is written collaboratively by healthcare professionals from the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry...

Gender and Sexuality and Their Role in Life

The importance of studying the subjects of gender and sexuality should be discussed with regard to their role in different aspects of people’s lives. Gender is most often associated with the genital structure, reproductive system, and chromosomal set, that is, biological characteristics. At the same time, gender stereotypes in society...

Workplace Ethical Standards Violations

In Wink and Corradino’s article, it is possible to observe how employees may violate ethical standards in pursuing their own interests. In general, the performance of IMA’s members should be based on the principles of fairness, honesty, responsibility, and objectivity. In addition, they should comply with the ethical standards of...

Environmental Health’s Role in Public Health

Introduction Environmental health is defined as a public health sector responsible for researching and minimizing the impact of certain factors of the ecosystem on peoples health. Natural disasters, global and local environmental problems, and the quality of the atmosphere and hydrosphere are all subjects of research in this health sector....

The Lucifer Effect: Case Analysis

One of the questions that has been the focus of public and academic attention was the question of what makes good, ordinary people commit particularly inhumane crimes, and how impenetrable is the boundary between good and evil. Zimbardo, based on the results of the experiment, came to the conclusion that...

The Gender-Based Pay Inequality Factors

This paper focuses on the factors that influence societal engagement on the widespread gender pay gap. The work presents an overview of the problem, its broad consequences for the public and national economy, and the factors such as biases and assumptions that contribute in one way or another to the...

Children’s Skills for the Basketball Sport

Introduction Basketball is considered one of the most fantastic fundamental sports on the planet, to get the ball through the net rim more frequently than the other team. However, the mechanism through which an individual or group accomplishes this activity is significantly more complicated than it seems initially. Some of...

Comparison Between the UCR and the NCVS

Introduction The UCR is a program run by the FBI that collects and disseminates information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide whereas the NCVS is a survey that the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) conducts to compile information on crime from the viewpoint of victims. Discussion The Summary...

The Competencies of Nurse Practitioners

Introduction There are specific requirements in the work of nurse practitioners that determine the effectiveness and professionalism of their work. Moreover, they determine the quality and success of the services provided to society. The core competencies become the main components of the activity of any nurse, which these specialists must...

Globalized Economy: China’s Role

In reading Sun Yuan’s The following factory of the world: How Chinese investment is reshaping Africa, one can arrive at ideas about why capitalism continues to work and how society contributes to it. The author draws attention to the problems of the clash between the inner core of Africa and...

Literature Studies: the Play “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction The present paper dwells upon production of the play by August Wilson entitled Fences. It is necessary to note that the play is often seen as a valuable “portrayal of the social and psychological effects of discrimination” of African Americans as well as their ways to address the issues...

Hidden Meaning of Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”

Essentially, I like “The Death of the Moth” the most because this reading has a deep meaning related to the struggle of life. The story compares a moth’s insignificant fight to the daily problems of human existence. Nonetheless, I argue that the story’s hidden meaning refers to the moth as...

Factors Contributing to Childhood Obesity and Effective Interventions: A Literature Review

Introduction This literary review provides an opportunity to gain the most valuable evidence-based knowledge that will contribute to gaining awareness of the root of the problem of childhood obesity. In addition, scientific sources identify interventions that may be effective in limiting the problem and improving the quality of health of...

External Recruiting and Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations

Introduction External recruiting is a process that companies often resort to, replenishing the staff and looking for candidates for new positions. Although external recruiting can be costly, it is often unavoidable. Depending on its goals and objectives, the organization may search for candidates through agencies, the company’s website, social networks,...

Importance of Voting: Civic Duty and Democratic Engagement

Voting is a right and an obligation of anyone aged eighteen and above. Many citizens neglect the opportunity to participate in selecting the new representatives of the power branch, which is not justified. Indeed, the right to vote is officially only a right, and no one can be made to...

Different Types of Memory and Their Functions: A Psychological Perspective

There are certain differences between short-term and long-term types of memory that are based on specifics of the performed functions and processes. It is also important to note that short-term memory and long-term memory can function differently depending on an individual’s age (Windsor, 2015). While discussing other aspects associated with...

Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Summary of the Play

Introduction The play begins with Prince Hamlet going back home for his father’s funeral. The prince feels depressed when he finds out that his uncle, Claudius, had already remarried Gertrude, his mother. Claudius immediately becomes the king after the death of King Hamlet, yet Prince Hamlet is the right heir...

Hewlett-Packard Company’s Global Supply Chain Management

One of the key elements of supply chain management (SCM), the design of the agility strategy remains a major challenge for a range of companies due to the need to embrace a huge number of factors prior to responding to a specific issue properly. Hewlett-Packard is one of the organizations...

ECO-Trans Company Case: Project Management

Locating problems in a project management case is a challenging issue, as it presupposes that the case should be approached from a variety of angles, including the financial, the organizational, and the managerial ones (Grisham, 2011). The case of ECO-Trans and the lack of consistency in the leader’s actions, which...

Analysis of Weather Forecast

The phenomenon of the dew point is truly amazing in its simplicity. It can be observed on a regular basis, and it presupposes a change in the state of water, one of the most common chemical compounds on the Earth – or, to be more exact, the most common one...

Illegal Immigration in Border States: Arizona’s Tough Laws

Illegal immigration is one of the major problems that border states face. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants enter the border states from Mexico. Illegal immigration places more pressure on existing social facilities. This is despite the fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes. Therefore, border states have stringent...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God

Introduction This story reminisces Jews’ suffering during the Holocaust. The book reflects what happened in Germany and its colonies during the Nazi era. Wiesel uses Eliezer to express his experiences during the Holocaust. The protagonist (Eliezer) undergoes some of the most terrifying situations in life. At a tender age of...

Amazon Company Performance Evaluation

The main purpose of evaluating a company’s performance is to determine the efficacy of organizational strategies, determine the progress attained with regard to attainment of goals, and provide feedback that can be used to improve performance (Attorney, 2007). Feedback obtained from evaluation is used to improve decision making and streamline...

Technology’s Role in Daily Life: Cell Phones & Computers

Technology has become a part of people’s lives and many individuals cannot imagine a day without their cell phone or computer. I also tend to use technology extensively. For me, a cell phone is a great helper as well as the squeezed world in my hand. I can reach anyone...

Evaluating Genograms as Medical Tools: Methodology & Benefits

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the importance of genograms and relationship maps as medical tools. The methodology and when these exercises can be introduced in the medical field, the advantages of the practices from an evaluative viewpoint and how the maps may be applied in treatment are...

The Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

The artifact that was selected for this reflection is the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis which can be found at the following link. It is originated from the Hellenistic period (300 B.C.). It is an iconic example of the Ionic order column which graced the Ancient...

Collaborative Model of Care in Nursing Communication

Proposed Model Nursing unit managers are responsible for choosing nursing care delivery models that will benefit the practice of the team and will ultimately improve patient outcomes. A collaborative model of care can be chosen for enhancing communication between nursing professionals and promotes their responsibilities with regards to making sure...

Human Actions and Character: Philosophical Insights

Any human being is characterized by his/her actions. Their character determines the motifs of a person and proves his/her intentions. However, the given approach gives rise to a number of critical issues related to the subjectivity of the evaluation of any action. Numerous philosophers have sought to outline the main...

Type 2 Diabetes: Understanding Disease Process and Screening Methods

The Choice of the Topic The disease process selected for this assignment is type 2 diabetes. It was chosen because, among all the cases of diabetic known to modern medicine, this type is the most common. The process of this disease revolves around insulin resistance experienced by the body of...

Electronic Health Record’ Benefits

An electronic health record (EHR) enables healthcare providers to record patient data electronically rather than using a large folder of paperwork (Mitchell, 2013). EHR also has the potential to perform several tasks that can help in healthcare delivery while observing standards of practice. The Health Information Technology for Economic and...

Presumptive Diagnosis of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus in Nursing

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis The accuracy of diagnosis is dependent on various factors. Subjective and objective assessments assist in acquiring the information about the patient’s condition (Rosdalh & Kwalski, 2008). In the context of the presented case, the presumptive nursing diagnosis is Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. This autoimmune disease has a special...

Ear Infections and Pain

Overview Otitis media is a group of infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation, which affects the middle ear (Qureishi, Lee, Belfield, Birchall, & Daniel, 2014). This condition could be caused by various infection agents: respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, bocaviruses, and metapneumoviruses) (Nokso-Koivisto, Marom, & Chonmaitree, 2015). bacteria from the respiratory tract...

Evolution of Warfare: From Total War to Cold War

There are many various examples from the history of humanity which show that force has always been one of the main methods to solve problems at the international level. States and their leaders considered war to be the best way to enlarge the territory, achieve some advantage, or just to...

Robert Frost’s and Virginia Scott’s Poems Comparison

Introduction While at first glance Robert Frost’s Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Virginia Scott’s Snow are remarkably different, after careful consideration it becomes clear that there is a striking similarity between the poems’ meanings and messages. This paper aims to compare the poems and discuss rhetorical and...

Quality Interviewing and Case Management Techniques in Social Work

The main purpose of case management is to promote the well-being of the client through communication, education, consultancy, and empowerment. It is important to recognize, however, that unlike similar services, quality interviewing aims at facilitating self-sufficiency in the client and reduces dependence on external sources. Thus, the ultimate goal of...

3D Animation in “Ice Age: The Meltdown” Film

The animation movie selected for this analysis is Ice Age: The Meltdown, which was released in the year 2002 (Fretts par. 2). The movie centers on three main characters as they try to make their way away from the melting of the ice that was causing a continental drift. The...

Credibility and Dependability of Research

A researcher carrying out qualitative research has to pay specific attention to credibility and dependability. These two aspects form the validity of the research. It is necessary to note that different scholars have come up with various definitions (Winter, 2000). In simple terms, credibility refers to the accuracy of the...

Understanding Brexit: Economic and Political Changes in the UK

One of the major events of 2016 was Britain’s surprise decision to exit the European Union. Signaling major changes in the British economy, Brexit had immediate consequences for the political and economic stability of the region. However, as the process of Brexit will take quite some time to complete, it...

The Appearance of Numerous Ethical Concerns in Modern Healthcare

The modern healthcare sector is one of the most important aspects that might guarantee societys survival and further evolution. For this reason, it is given such great attention. Besides, the nature of this sector presupposes the close cooperation with patients who should be provided with care and other services to...

Impact of Evidence-Based Practices on Nursing: Enhancing Patient Care Outcomes

Evidence-based practice (EBP) models are the approaches that are used by nurses to solve problems, improve their knowledge, and develop the required number of professional and personal skills. These models are focused on current evidence and the importance to interpret the material properly. Many models can be offered to nurses....

Undergraduate Research Forum as an Opportunity for Nurses

Overview Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) is a platform for students of Miami, Florida that aims to promote research academic experience. Students of any major are eligible to participate in this scholarly activity. They may apply online and prepare their presentation in any form: individually, in groups, as a community project,...

Nurse Practitioners as Leaders: Expanding Educational and Clinical Roles in Healthcare

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template for a professional activity for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders. Some aspects of professional performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas...

Pressure Ulcers: Experimental Design and Intervention

Study Design The current study is going to feature an experimental design. This is necessary to address pressure ulcers extensively and include the information that was already identified by other researchers (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2014). One of the main benefits of this approach will be the possibility to create...

Improving Quality Through Motivation and Upskilling: Executive Summary

Executive Summary: Improving Quality Through Motivation and Upskilling Focusing on quality improvement is essential in the context of a multicultural corporation. The introduction of the Six Sigma DMAIC framework was tested as a possible tool for carrying out the improvements. The use of the one-sample t-test as the tool for...

The Proxemics of the Mediated Voice

The author starts the article by highlighting the importance of voice in everyday communication, particularly the fact that it can be used to define the communicative distance between the listener and the talker. He states the aim of the article as being an attempt to address the difficulties arising out...

Authencity in “Fakebook Generation” by Alice Mathias

Alice Mathias is a Dartmouth University graduate in Hanover, New Hampshire in the United States who wrote the article ‘Fakebook Generation’. She argues that the use of social media platforms was turning into a comic. Moreover, she doubts the fact that social media could promote genuine personal and professional connections....

Heart Issues: Joseph Martinez’ Case

Joseph Martinez comes to the hospital complaining about his heart: it has been pounding for three weeks. Also, the patient has been feeling tired a lot before his visit and experiencing shortness of breath after doing exercises. Mr. Martinez is a 48-year-old male of 5 feet 9 inches and 165...

Nurses’ Participation in Implementing Electronic Health Records

Introduction Nowadays, electronic document flow is a rather common practice that helps to save both time and money. However, despite the popularity of such a method, there is still some controversy associated with it. Therefore, the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in clinical settings needs to be investigated from...

Biology as the Branch of Science

We live in a unique era. Today we could observe the blistering rise of science and processes that come along with it. Numerous discoveries of the last decades altered our mentality significantly. We become able to think about fantastic things and, which is more important, we possess enough knowledge to...

Corporate Morality: Integrating Ethical Norms in Business

Ethical Values in the Workplace In the world of business ethics, the definition of human values ​​is constrained by entrepreneurial qualities. People who are actively involved in the trade and financial sphere sometimes have limited freedom to choose their ethical values. Nevertheless, even in an organization with a corporate type...

Work-Life Balance of Nurses

Topic Research question Do nurses have work-life balance in their careers, and how does the potential lack of balance influence their well-being and professional career? Working thesis Modern nurses are under the great pressure considering the rapidly changing work environment due to the technological advancements implemented in the healthcare industry,...

The Coca-Cola’s and Pepsi Co.’s Employee Training

Development for human capital Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola conduct regular training and development for their employees. Training and development programmes for employees in these organisations aim to instil knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the job and promoting organisational culture. Given the ongoing changes in the labour market, it...

Nurses in Quality Improvement: Transparency & Financial Aspects

Introduction The issue of quality is one of the leading concerns in healthcare. Quality improvement should become a continuous intervention to provide better patient outcomes and increased safety. However, quality improvement usually involves many stakeholders and demands funding (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). Primary care is a rapidly changing sector and...

Lenovo Company: Dimensions of Culture

In management, culture is seen as a system of common rules, norms, and perceptions that govern day-to-day operations in an organization. It is a key aspect of both public and private, profit and non-profits organizations that guides and aids the control of human labor towards the achievement of desired goals...

Legal and Ethical Implications of Israeli Border Expansion

Many people argue that the Israeli are unrighteous occupiers of Palestinian land. These concerns, however, seem quite groundless, since the country has historically lost control of more territories than it ever used to detain. The facts say that the State of Israel has a right to expand its borders, and...

Summary of Part 4, Chapter 3 of Representation Book by Hall

Hall Reflection Part 4 of Chapter 3 of the book by Hall is titled “Captivating cultures: the politics of exhibiting” (184). It revolves around the concepts of knowledge and power and describes ways in which the former becomes the latter in the context of colonialism. People nowadays are used to...

Ethics and Profits: Professor Freeman’s Insights

In the interview under consideration, Professor Freeman evaluates the idea of ethics and profits and the necessity to unite these two concepts all the time. The interviewer, Ali Moore, asks the most crucial questions in the business world: whether ethics and profits have to make together, whether it is possible...

Electing Indiana’s Representative: Carson, Coats, or Lugar?

Representative Andre Carson, Senator Daniel Coats, and Senator Richard Lugar are among the most prominent persons in Indiana’s current politics. In the coming elections, the three leaders are faced with enormous challenges. The leaders are to seek support from the people of Indiana to be voted in as their representatives....

Marxism in “Viva la Vida” Poster Interpretation

Introduction In the poster, a section of members of society is seen oppressing some individuals, by threatening and even eliminating them. The strong have weapons that are used to subjugate and force the weak to obey. Some of the weak members of society are unhealthy, as can be viewed from...

Research Components: Proposal, Introduction, Abstract

There is no use denying the fact that writing a research paper is a very complicated process that demands a great level of skills from a researcher. The fact is that the work of this sort implies that only credible sources are used by the author and his/her conclusions could...

Painfree: Why Consumers Should Buy the Product

The short reading under analysis contains one conclusion which is the response to the issue which is not explicitly in the text, but which can be extracted easily. The text also contains nine reasons which are aimed at convincing the consumer to buy the product. The conclusion of the text...

Developing a Vision Statement: Key to Organizational Success

Knowing what your business is about will help you achieve success. Developing a vision statement for your organization will enable the employees, customers and you to be aware of why the organization is there and what it wants to achieve. Having a clear vision for the company will enable you...

Business Activities: External and Internal Factors

SWOT and Pestle Analysis SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) deals with the external and internal factors affecting the business activities. The strengths of Ben & Jerry’s business included the experience they have in the operation of the business that helped them to specialize in the business. The business...

How Samsung Gets Innovations to Market?

Article Summary The above article discusses the strategies that the Samsung Company uses to market its various products in the local and international markets. The authors note that the Samsung Company boasts of a strong vertical integration in its industrial organization. From a single location, the company controls its designing,...

Business Expansion Failure in Hungary Due to Cultural Missteps

After Thomas attempts at expanding the business to Hungary, he immediately faces a variety of issues, the one related to the culture being the primary reason for him to fail so miserably. Thomas has no idea how to motivate the local staff, as most of them either do not meet...

Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems

The minority students still lag behind The NCLB has attempted to create an enabling environment for all the students. In the process, those from the minority groups still lag as the whites continue to benefit. The NCLB should have been specifically set to cater to the racially segregated. Federal underfunding...

The Link Between Job Satisfaction and Worker Productivity

Purpose of the article The purpose of the article is to define the contributions of job satisfaction, psychological wellbeing, and dispositional effect on workers’ productivity and happiness. The article also focuses on the factors that influence employees’ motivation to work. All the constructs are tested and analyzed both theoretically and...

Social Mobility in the US: Types, Stratification Systems, and Factors

Social mobility is the process of changing a person’s social status. Concerning the United States and many other countries, this concept implies the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another or from one social class to another, as well as the movement of values ​​and goods. According...

Real Life Hannibal Lecters: Serial Killers Unveiled

Introduction The movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters” depicts the actions of a serial killer called Hannibal Lecter. The fictional character brings into light the gruesome acts committed by renowned serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne, Albert Fish, and Ted Bunny. They chose targets that they considered attractive and...

Aristotle vs. Aquinas: Views on Happiness and Life Purpose

In his most renowned work, Nicomachean Ethics, the philosopher Aristotle explored the idea of a supreme good of people, which was associated with finding ways to live a life with a purpose and thus reaching true happiness. According to Aristotle, happiness lied in seeing an end purpose of an action...

Professional Ethics and Consequentialism

Introduction Humanity has been concerned with the questions of justice and ethics for a very long time. Different schools of philosophy have put forward a number of approaches and theories regarding this subject. These theories can be used as a framework that helps individuals to go about ethical dilemmas that...

“Firm Father Figures” by Klann et al.

Summary In their study, Klann, Joel Wong, and Rydell (2018) investigate the ways that fathers’ perceptions affect sons’ experiences and gender attributes. Scholars remark that the questions of males’ development of gender role conflicts, sexist behaviors, and subjective masculinity stress have not received sufficient attention from researchers. Hence, Klann et...

St. Augustine’s Concepts of Friendship

Introduction The concept of friendship is one of the central features of the Confessions by St. Augustine. Instead of providing a straightforward definition of friendship, St. Augustine gives an insight into the evolution of thought about the matter. He depicts how his understanding of the phenomenon evolves as he grows...

Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto: Gender and Technology

The concern for the lack of gender equality has been raised quite a few times over the past few decades. The technological breakthrough that occurred in the 20th century created opportunities for drawing parallels between a human and a machine by expanding the notion of human nature as the juxtaposition...

The Issue of Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a persistent issue that can occur in any setting regardless of its social, religious, or cultural characteristics. While this type of violence can affect any individual, women bear the burden of it the most frequently. Importantly, acts of violence can include physical, sexual, and...

Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability

Introduction The milestones recorded in this country have supported the health needs and economic welfare of many Americans. However, the problems of poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism affect a significant percentage of this country’s population. The introduction of a universal basic income for every citizen will help minimize these challenges, guarantee...

Ethics in Business: Child Labor in Chocolate Industry

Business organizations are required to act ethically if they have to meet the demands of all stakeholders. Unfortunately, some companies will pursue specific malpractices in an attempt to maximize profits. This paper describes a newspaper paper that discusses an unethical business practice and how the affected companies can improve its...

Honesty vs. Sensitivity: A Moral Relativism Perspective

Last week one of my friends was preparing to leave for an important date, and before she left the house, she asked my opinion concerning her dress. I told her that the dress was horrible before clarifying that was my personal opinion, and it does not matter in the end....

How Interprofessional Teams and iCare Improve Long-Term Care

Interprofessional teams are becoming the standard in healthcare due to their ability to address a variety of issues. The qualifications of individual members allow them to employ expertise from numerous fields, and they can use their strengths to improve treatment quality and correct potential mistakes. Long-term care units can benefit...

Houdon’s Painting at the Kimbell Art Museum: Artistic Analysis

Art pieces relating to the period 1607 AD – 1865 AD can be found in the exhibitions of the Kimbell Art Museum, located in Fort Worth, Texas. In this context, particular attention should be paid to the descriptions and analysis of the pieces of French sculpture exhibited in American museums...

Healthcare for Hindus: Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Hinduism Healthcare professionals should be aware of the beliefs, norms, and values of their patients. This means that they should have adequate cultural competencies in order to offer exemplary and timely medical services to them. This paper provides a detailed literature review on healthcare providers and Hinduism from the Purnell...

AANP Association Advancing Nurse Practitioners via Networking & Education

The selected professional organization is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). After the merger in 2013 by two older organizations, this association is the largest national professional organization for NPs in all specialties. Similar to other major nursing organizations, the AANP has a diverse focus with the purpose to...

Miami’s Health Issues (HIV) Assessment with Gordon’s Framework

While assessing an individual patient requires an in-person examination, community assessments can be accomplished by synthesizing information found online and in journal articles related to healthcare in the region. For particular areas of Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Framework (GFHPF), such as Health Perception and Health Management, one may, for instance,...

Freud’s Ideas in Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” Film

One of the themes that Freud finds in the relationship between humans and society is that “taboos, laws, and customs impose … restrictions, which affect both men and women” (27). According to the philosopher, there exists a constant struggle between one’s drive to reach happiness by means that may clash...

King Arthur as Portrayed in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

The beauty of literature is that it is one of the disciplines able to reveal already existing characters from different angles. King Arthur is present in many literary works and has become a cult character. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Middle English poem by an unknown author...

Endangered, Keystone, & Invasive Species in the Rainforest

Endangered, Keystone, & Invasive Species in the Amazon Rainforest: Introduction A biome selected to describe is a tropical rainforest biome, and an ecosystem chosen is the Amazon rainforest. This rainforest is among the largest in the world, having a wide variety of species. In this essay, the example of a...

Student Lounge in Educational Institutions

Introduction This essay deals with analysis of student lounge and its role in educational institutions. Its thesis statement is: Student lounge has positive qualities and is needed for all students. This assumption is further developed in three main points which prove its coherence: student lounge has all necessary preconditions for...

Constructing and Ratifying the United States Constitution

Introduction The events which led to the ratification of the constitution were the end of the revelation and opposition between the states, peace with Great Britain, and economic depression that affected all states. The revolution did not solve all problems but deepened social, political, and economic differences. In August 1786,...

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” by G. G. Marquez

The focal point of the paper is to explain how “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Marquez can be regarded as a biblical allegory and what this reveals about Marquez’s views on religion. For this, the first measure would be to understand the biblical allegory presented in the...

Future of Nursing Education in the United States

Over the last couple of years, health care has been changing its focus. There is more need for expertise to observe community health and handle chronic illnesses than treating episodic and exceptional cases (Battié, 2013). Care settings are moving outside of health centers and into communities, and thus, the current...

Energy Efficient Cars: Difficulties in Optimization

Introduction In lots of corners of the world, restraints on the accessibility of energy services raise obstacles to socio-economic enhancement. All over the world, roughly two billion people use conventional solid fuels for cooking and warming, and approximately the same number lack electrical energy. Without admission to nowadays types of...

Advantages and Implementation of Test Marketing

Introduction Test Marketing, if properly implemented, can help marketers to make sound judgments about the widespread introduction of their products in their right manner. Although critics might say that it becomes a reason of extended expenses that would be added to the costs of the system, the benefits that it...

A World of Art: Greek and Roman Masterpieces

Introduction Art is the product of human development and is one of the human peculiarities that differentiate human beings from animals. The peak of artistic skill and talent is rightfully considered to be the so-called Ancient epoch in the history of mankind, during which two major civilizations developed and left...

How Is a Birthday Party Planned?

Some people think that they need to break the bank in order to throw a decent birthday party either for a child or adult. That is because most people get caught up in the swirl of activities and events that some people throw into their parties. They go to the...

Parapsychology and Psychology Relationships

“Parapsychology involves the study of anomalous experiences, such as OBEs, (out-of-body experiences) that may be primarily due to quite normal psychological processes, as well as the study of what we might call the “core phenomena” of parapsychology: phenomena such as ESP, PK, and DMILS, which may suggest the operation of...

Team Diversity: The impact of Team Diversity

A team is a union of two or more people to achieve particular goals. Formal teams are the groups that function within the structure of a particular organization. Contemporary management is hard to perceive without such structure as teams. The fact that managing each member personally is an extremely ineffective...

Elie’s Faith in “Night”

In the novel Night by Elie Wiesel, faith is depicted in a lot of scenes. The Auschwitz environment was not friendly and thus it provoked a lot of religious confusion. At one point, Elie says, “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 17). On arrival...

Real Madrid and Barcelona Football Clubs History

Introduction Nowadays, football is one of the most famous and beloved sports games in the world. During the last decades, the sport has developed: it became more professional, commercial, and businesslike. Proceeding from this, the concept of success has also changed, and there is a variety of methods used in...

Voice-Activated Brake System Pricing Strategies in the UK

Pricing strategies are defined by companies according to their development cost. Changing focus from the domestic market to international requires innovation in all the settings such as technology. Most companies are faced with the challenge to maintain a competitive edge to survive and be prosperous. Strategies are therefore planned to...

Standard Sports Facilities for Nigerian Students

The study conducted by Eruteyan (2012) evaluated the standard facilities of sports as images of competitive sporting attributes from the university students of Nigeria. This study was conducted prior to the reappearing arrogance of universities to release winning techniques in the sports. The researcher pointed out that the universities had...

Sport Coaching: Positive Development in Young People.

The study undertaken by Vella Stewart, Oades Lindsay, and Crowe Peterson investigated the eagerness of coaches in implementing and desiring positive results for athletes directed towards youth development. They examined whether coaches needed the outcomes from the youth athletes that exceeded their on-field success. The results were aimed at providing...

Health Literacy Program for Children in a Low-Income Urban Area

Information on health literacy is essential for children, because health literacy, not to be confused with general literacy, is well-defined as the point at which people can acquire and understand elementary health facts and amenities required to make correct health choices. In today’s hurried lifestyle, we have to guarantee that...

Young Mothers-Smokers: The Transtheoretical Model

Emancipatory Knowing in Practice In terms of emancipatory knowing, it is possible to consider a situation with young mothers, who regard themselves as caregivers and the embodiment of womanhood. Their position is quite satisfactory for them, and the majority does not pay attention to a range of other existing options...

Classroom Activity Showcasing Application of Motivational Theory

Using Discussion to Motivate Students Motivation is a force that enables us to achieve a set goal. It is an essential aspect of learning for it plays a big role in the process of teaching and learning. It helps students to enjoy their lessons in class and therefore enhances learning....

The Destiny of Constantinople

Mehmed II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, played a great role in the destiny of Constantinople. For many years he was under the shadow of his father, who was a great conqueror. That is why when his father, Murad II, abdicated the throne to Mehmed II when he was a...

Public Relation Influence of Media

Public Relation has been chosen as my field of study because it is the influential art that involves shaping opinions of a figure or an organization on the media. It is that challenge and ever changing affect of Public Relation that appeals to me and I look forward to the...

Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” and the Concept of Life Journey

Every person is faced with a creative or professional crisis at some stage in their life. The nature of these events is diverse, as well as their further influence on individual development. The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso has influenced my personal life and career, as it symbolizes the movement...

Creative Analysis of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction Images of the Scandinavian epic had a significant impact on the European culture of the XIX-XX centuries. R. Wagner created the four operas of “The Ring of the Nibelung,” and J. R. R. Tolkien wrote, “The Silmarillion” based on Old Norse literary works. The popularity of the characters and...

Research Drug Safety Approaches

The strategy of Applying Drug Safety Approach Adverse effects of drugs implemented in certain treatment and care plans began to be noted a long time ago by health care specialists and scientists. There are some restrictions to applying pharmaceutical products in health care. However, there is also risk assessment and...

Strategic Estimates and Future Army Leader

There are various analytical mechanisms and tools in the military sphere. According to Scott (2017), “the strategic estimate is a tool available to commanders as they develop plans” (p. 3). One of the things that affect strategic estimates, in particular, is operational variables. Operational variables are aspects of both military...

A Frequency Response Function (FRF)

The word implies a set of interconnected events and phenomena. It means that nothing emerges, develops, and disappears without introducing some changes to an external environment. That is why it is possible to mention that the world consists of dynamic systems, and it is necessary to find appropriate tools and...

“The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemmingway

The novel The Old Man and the Sea by Hemmingway is among his most significant writings. The author explores plenty of themes that are still relevant nowadays. Hemmingway forces his reader to reflect throughout the whole narrative, making him or her emphatic with aspirations, struggles, and achievements of the protagonist....

The Connection between the Ancient and Current World Heroes

Rome and Greece are strongly identified with a culture, which credits heroes. The dynasties in ancient times would create their brave men and make them leaders who they believe in. The gallant notion has been passed on to generations through the word of mouth, to a point where it is...

Population Health: Social Determinants and Risk Factors

Introduction Population health is influenced by contributions of psychological, socio-economic, behavioral, and biological life exposure. In understanding social determinants and risk factors of population health, consideration is given to social distributions; the social determinants and risk factors of population health interact and accrue over an individual’s lifetime; this is also...

The Jean Watson Theory: Human Caring Philosophy

Description of the Jean Watson Theory Human Caring Philosophy This section will focus on Jean Watson Theory, best described as a theory of human caring due to her contribution to physicians’ role in the healthcare hierarchy (Black, 2019, p 203). This philosophy is based on human-to-human relations as applied by...

The Shawshank Redemption Movie Review

Twenty-six years after its release, The Shawshank Redemption maintains its top position in the IMDb’s rating of top 1000 movies of all time. This fact alone makes the film unquestionably unmissable and worth paying for watching; however, there is more to it than that. A banker Andy Dufrense is wrongfully...

Injury and Violence Prevention in Children

Proposal for Health Education Children fall into the category of people that are most susceptible to injuries. Many young people die or become crippled because of suffering life-threatening injuries they cannot recuperate from. Injuries are not genetically predetermined, meaning they can be prevented. The process of growing up incorporates getting...

Attempted Bank Robbery Criminal Justice Case

The suggested case describing the plan to commit a crime of bank robbery is characterized by several elements that are commonly identified in crime attempts. Firstly, the two friends engaged in the planning, which implies their clear intent to commit a crime. Indeed, they found and studied the plan of...