Proposal for Health Education Children fall into the category of people that are most susceptible to injuries. Many young people die or become crippled because of suffering life-threatening injuries they cannot recuperate from. Injuries are not genetically predetermined, meaning they can be prevented. The process of growing up incorporates getting...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The suggested case describing the plan to commit a crime of bank robbery is characterized by several elements that are commonly identified in crime attempts. Firstly, the two friends engaged in the planning, which implies their clear intent to commit a crime. Indeed, they found and studied the plan of...
Topic: Banking
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The importance of history is discussed by many people, including popular actors, musicians, politicians, writers, and other public figures. The question is somewhat controversial because when some deny the significance of history, others, on the contrary, promote this science as the essential knowledge of humankind. This essay will try to...
Topic: History
Words: 566
Pages: 2
A database is computerized system of information with the ability to search and process data (Vermaat et al. 556). Data is the collection of texts, images, audio, video, and other items presented in the form of records in the database. Data along with a database management system and applications are...
Topic: Data Management
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction In its many thousands of history, society has had various forms and has evolved through different types and regimes, but one thing has always remained. This thing is money. Once people discovered barter, they invented money, which has undergone much change since then. It has transformed through shells, beads,...
Topic: Credit
Words: 566
Pages: 2
A lexicon is a group of words within the same language. Also known as thesaurus, a lexicon arranges the mental vocabulary of a language according to certain values. The lexicon of a language is the groupings of words, expressions, and vocabularies. A person’s mental lexicon, or lexical understanding, or idea...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Roberto Clemente is a prominent figure and an inspiration to various people, especially marginalized ones. He was one of the best players in the history of baseball, and he is included in the Hall of Fame to commemorate his achievements. However, his sports performance was not the only distinguishing factor...
Topic: Hispanics
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Poincaré was one of the greatest mathematicians, who made significant contributions in serval fields. This scientist was considered the last polymath, discovering the mathematical issues of the 20th century. Over the years of his career, Poincaré has written more than 500 scientific papers. These works were devoted to algebraic topology,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Employee motivation has been detrimental to organizational success because of its impact on the level of commitment, drive, and energy that the workers of a company bring to their roles on a regular basis (Robbins & Judge, 2019). Therefore, without motivation, companies experience reduced productivity, lower output levels, as well...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many established practices and arrangements in people’s social lives, medicine, and business. Many experts point out that these changes will continue to affect society, and workplaces, in particular, are not likely to be the same. Therefore, it seems relevant to look deeper into the transformations...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Painting is one of the most popular forms of traditional art, which has fascinated people by the variability of genres and the uniqueness of ideas hidden behind each creation. My favorite kinds of painting are landscape and still life. In the present paper, I would like to present my own...
Topic: Art
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Professionalism and professional values of nursing are expressed via ethical and moral values of nurses. In most cases, the moral rules and values are presented by the hospital where nurses are working. The social norms are also important as in this case the norms of conduct are included as the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Nursing’s Metaparadigm Person, environment, health, and nursing practice, all these concepts of nursing’s metaparadigm are equally significant to my nursing practice and philosophy of nursing. A person is the receiver of nursing care and thus, is the primary focus of attention for my nursing practice and philosophy (McEwen & Wills,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Background Conflict resolution within an organization is one of the most critical leadership skills that fosters cohesion, enhances work relationships and improves the overall outlook of products and services. In the role play, it is evident that organizational leaders look at employees in a holistic way by providing the correct...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The determinants of health are closely related to the needs and issues of a particular community. According to ODPHP (2020), the determinants of health are personal, economic, social, and environmental factors impacting health status. There are several determinant categories, including policies, social factors, health services, personal behavior, and biology. Community-wide...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
To prevent oral and facial injuries in the contact sports the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends the use of face masks, helmets, and mouth guards (Community Preventive Services Task Force, 2015). The effectiveness of these preventive measures is demonstrated by the findings of a small variety of studies concerned...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction The ongoing convergence of the US GAAP and the IFRS accounts reporting standards aims at providing standardized financial statements for US firms applicable internationally. These standardized financial statements will assist in further clarifying and predicting cash flow trends and hence offer international stakeholders the opportunity to appraise companies’ liquidity...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Quality issues in healthcare are not only focused on improving the health of individuals, families, communities as well as general populations, but also on increasing the value of healthcare, and working round-the-clock to enhance the core concerns involved in defining healthcare quality (Wubker, 2007). The current paper attempts to...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Risk management is an indispensable part of management in the healthcare environment. It came to the fore in the 1970s. At that period, numerous healthcare facilities of the United States lost cases in the court. The decisions made established “corporate liability of the hospital for quality of care and holding...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
In today’s world, there is so much in regards to sexuality. People have varied sexual behaviors and identities. Some of the categories that define the sexuality of a person include bisexuality, homosexuality, and trans-sexuality. People have moved from addressing Lesbianism, gayness, and bisexuality as alternatives. Today, people refer to lesbians,...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Strategic Plan for the Orange Door Health Center Addressing Environmental Issues and Perspectives for Development Because three areas will be considered in a strategic plan – staff development, managerial approaches and technological advancement – a transformation of the Orange Door Health Center should be carried out about these aspects (Filipovitch,...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
A brand is a logo, mark, symbol, name, etc. that creates point of difference amongst various organizations in the market place. I believe that it gives a product or service the expression that differentiates it from other brands seeking to satisfy similar needs. Therefore, branding is the process of using...
Topic: Brand
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Roberts (1997) asserts that Human resource management is an organization’s function that entails all aspects that are associated with the human resource or work force in a particular organization, company or institution. It entails aspects like recruitment, coordination and control of the people working in an organization. Some of...
Topic: HR
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development is an outstanding modification of Sigmund Freud’s core ideas into a more structured and organized format of assessing one’s development-related inadequacies. It is important to note that the main concepts revolve around eight critical stages of development, which are integrity vs. despair, generativity vs. stagnation,...
Topic: Erik Erikson
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper is aimed at the identification of the research question and hypotheses concerning the study of tooth decay conducted earlier. The research question is the following: What is the connection between the percentage of untreated tooth decay in the US among different ages, ethnicity, gender, and income groups?...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The intersection of public and private lives represented through public and private places where people are situated implies subjectivity in judging and attitudes. Indeed, since the line between the private and the public is so vague and not clearly distinctive, it is a manipulative area where assumptions and bias take...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Every year people spend more and more time tapping a finger on the smartphone screen or clicking a computer mouse. According to the statistical data provided by Statista (2021), in 2015, people spent approximately 80 minutes on the smartphone, whereas in 2021, the average time increased up to 155 minutes...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Shame by Dick Gregory Dick Gregory’s story Shame demonstrates that poverty is about multiple hardships and pain; yet, there are still many ways to reach happiness and pride by respecting someone and making small actions. Shame narrates about a little boy Richard living without a father in the ghetto; he...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Relationships with family members play one of the essential roles in the life of any person. Children take an example from their parents and try to be like them. In addition, parents ensure the safety of the child, which no one else can provide. When relationships change in the family...
Topic: Hope
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The study under review explores the practical aspect of the ketogenic diet implementation in the context of athletes’ performance. According to Zinn et al. (2017), it represents the extreme form of a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet (LCHF). As such, such diets are theorized to have a positive effect on the...
Topic: Diet
Words: 566
Pages: 2
In the chapter under the title “Culture, Ethnocentrism, and Contextualization,” Michael Rynkiewich focuses on three main aspects. First, he describes how the perception of the environment used to differ across the world, which predetermined the formation of various cultures. The next issue under review is the prevalence of a certain...
Topic: Culture
Words: 566
Pages: 2
As a tool of oppression, gender roles have been affecting the lives of women across the globe. The problem of rigid gender roles and the suffocating effect they produce on women and girls has been studied from various perspectives, including artistic and, particularly, literary works. In her seminal short story,...
Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Renaissance Humanism Definition Renaissance humanism refers to an intellectual movement characterized by a revitalized interest in the classical world and studies that did not focus on religion but what it is to be humans. It is traced to have originated from 14th-century Italy, and its pioneers comprised authors such as...
Topic: Humanism
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The ethical dilemma chosen revolves around the social worker dealing with a situation involving a 21-year-old female client who her father had sexually molested. Although the two have been separated for some time, the man still works as a 3rd-grade teacher in a school. This poses a potential threat to...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Postcolonial theory claims that the members of decolonized cultures develop a specific postcolonial identity, shaped by the unequal power dynamics of their colonial past. This identity is based on the collective trauma and exists in response to the oppression the identity holders had experienced in the darker parts of...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food production have been arousing debate for years. The multifaceted topic has many angles from which it can be analyzed: from the economic benefits of GMO use to the potential health risks it implies. Now, with the establishment of the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard...
Topic: Food
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction When it comes to the discussion of the U.S. presidency, with the election of every new president, his policies and traits are compared to those characteristics of other presidents throughout history. Such a comparative analysis allows to find patterns in potus’ agendas, decision-making principles, and overall interaction between personality...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Information technologies are now used in many industries, and such an important area of human life as healthcare is also involved in this process. The latest digital developments have a positive effect on the development of the most promising methods of organizing the provision of medical care to the population...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The narrator wanted to take revenge with impunity, also making sure that it would be recognized as revenge, otherwise, there would be no point in it. The retaliation could go unpunished if it was portrayed as an accident, but, in this case, Fortunato would not understand the meaning of the...
Topic: Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Every educational institution has a canteen that provides complete meals. In theory, everything is organized, and students should not feel any discomfort because they spend most of the day away from home, but things are quite different in practice. Statistically, about 60 percent of people suffer from stomach problems, which...
Topic: Food
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Prototype in life design infers getting a short preview of the possible future by gathering information on the topic from experts and experiencing a portion of that future to understand reality and perspectives better. It includes conceptualizing and arranging, then, at that point, encountering the expected future to check whether...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The primary intention of engaging in any commercial venture is to make a profit. Therefore, it is no surprise that profitability is among the core elements considered in evaluating business performance. Profitability shows the proportion of profit made relative to equity, asset investment, or sales, and is a critical determinant...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that the concept and perspective of objective social structure place social elements above individual subjective interpretation. The implication of such understanding can be most clearly seen in the context of major demographic factors of a population. These aspects include race, gender, and socioeconomic class,...
Topic: Gender
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The petition for freedom by the enslaved Blacks was an example of the Revolutionary ideologies rapidly spreading throughout the colonies. Reading the text, it was evident that the slaves sought to co-opt many ideas of the revolutionary movement and apply them to their struggles. The primary purpose of the American...
Topic: History
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The problem of racial inequality has been an acute one in society for many years. Despite the fact that it is actively raised in all sources of media, literature and films, it remains quite problematic. One example of a work that raises the issue of race is the film by...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Media has become one of the most powerful communication tools in the modern world. For this reason, it has been given much attention, and numerous researchers have investigated this phenomenon. Thus, one of the major insights regarding the topic is the media’s ability to promote communication by creating new communication...
Topic: Communication
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction It is impossible to underestimate the importance of both voluntary and involuntary groups in societal life and, more specifically, in establishing its structure. However, the former type seems more advantageous for promoting collective interests, whereas the latter is more effective in addressing issues on an individual level (Mohita, n.d.)....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Project cost and funding mix Kimura et al. (2020) state that the company is a joint venture between the Indonesian Government (Pertamina) – 55%, TotalFinaElf Indonesia – 10%, VICO Indonesia – 20%, and Jilco – 15%. According to Bontang LNG Plant (Liquid Natural Gas Project), Indonesia (n.d.), the project was...
Topic: Business
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Geriatrics is a discipline of healthcare that deals with the challenges and illnesses that occur with getting older, as well as the medical care and therapy of the elderly. Establishing a distinct system for the elderly, often known as a geriatric court, is one option to address a variety of...
Topic: Court
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Can You Be Addicted to Food? Food is any substance consumed by living organisms to provide nutritional support. Addiction is the condition of having a craving for a particular substance. The story “Can You Be Addicted to Food?” involves Matthew Mahon, a 46-year-old man. Mahon is worried about whether he...
Topic: Food
Words: 566
Pages: 2
There are many options for food choices these days. Traditional Chinese cuisine and its many modern adaptations are one such option. The Chinese also brought their traditions, customs, ingredients and recipes to the United States, sparking a renaissance in food culture. Later, Chinese cuisine became popular and consumed not only...
Topic: Food
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The Definition of the Concept of Foster Care Foster care is a system that helps children whose parents are unable to provide them with decent living conditions. As a rule, such children can get help from child welfare agency staff. According to the rules and norms of foster care, a...
Topic: Foster Care
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Systematic and Unsystematic Risks A company’s activity is always associated with a specific set of potential risks. The term is defined as “the potential of losing something of value,” and there are two categories of risks: systematic, which are associated with the vulnerability to various events that can negatively affect...
Topic: Business
Words: 566
Pages: 2
It is important to note that since W.E.B. DuBois’s publications, the living and housing conditions for African Americans did not improve significantly. One can even argue that despite a gradual recognition of the problem, these factors became worse than before. It is stated that throughout the twentieth century, ghettos inhabited...
Topic: African American
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Legal consideration presumes the exchange of several valuables in terms of a legally binding contract. Due to various political reasons, numerous courts are able to enforce several types of promises, even if they may not be considered (McKendrick, 2020). There are different types of commitments that can be executed without...
Topic: Law
Words: 566
Pages: 2
To Live in The Borderlands is an eight-stanza poem published in a 1987 semi-autobiographical book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldua. The work investigates the meaning of mixed heritage and its implications on one’s self-identification. The author explores her understanding of being a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual individual through...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Title of the video: Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism. Location where video was taken: Allendale, Michigan, United States. Organization or website where video was posted: YouTube. Summary Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism is a video where Dr. Erkmen G. Aslim shares his professional opinion on criminal...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 4
In the article “The Death of a Parent Affects Even Grown Children Psychologically and Physically,” published in Fatherly, Krisch explains how parental loss affects adults. Although people are aware that they are likely to outlive their parents, this knowledge does not make the death of a parent easier to process...
Topic: Death
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Modern television is hard to imagine without popular culinary programs created by so-called celebrity chefs. The most famous among them at the moment is Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver, who became popular for hosting cooking shows, publishing recipe books, and developing restaurant businesses. It is noteworthy that the two...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Once Upon a Time is the West is a 1968 “spaghetti western” made by Sergio Leone and Sergio Donati. The film is recognized as one of the major influences for the biggest directors of the past 40 years, from Martin Scorsese to Quentin Tarantino. In this film, Leone managed to...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The purpose of the research study was to analyze how professional health institutions have suggested reducing surgical site infections. The interventions told included both actions to be taken before the operation was conducted and after it had been conducted. The suggestions included pharmacological and non-pharmacological ways to help care workers...
Topic: Infection
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The perception of poverty in America critically contributes to deepening the social divide between the elite and the impoverished. In the past, the focus has been on how the individual encourages patterns of poverty without acutely representing the country’s societal failings. It is essential to analyze the history of political...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Developing responsible relationships and remaining abstinent is crucial for adolescents and young adults, especially for their mental well-being. Many people in youth do not have the information regarding how to build healthy relationships, which might lead to a number of issues, which are usually psychological, though sometimes they can...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Socrates and Aristotle are among the most famous ancient philosophers who may be described as founders of Western philosophy. Their opinions concerning ethics and way of life do not coincide, and that is why both of them should be analyzed in order to figure out where the truth lies. Socrates...
Topic: Aristotle
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The Unemployment Rate In the context of present-day developments, the unemployment rate appears to be a crucial indicator for evaluating the economic situation in different countries. It reflects the general living standards of the population and the level of poverty. However, the question about which categories of workers should be...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Humanity is currently living in a digital age, defined by the Internet. It plays a huge role in the everyday lives of millions of people. It provides work and self-improvement opportunities, communication with others, all sorts of entertainment, from visual media to music, news about current events around the...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Accessibility of medical care providers and evidence-based care may be improved and enhanced through online therapy. Counselling can use both synchronous and asynchronous modalities, for instance, phone calls or online sessions, as well as text and email contact (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, 1999). It is particularly feasible for individuals...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Harlem Children’s Zone is an initiative aimed to assist families and children in Harlem in terms of improving health outcomes, educational measures, and career readiness. The project is centered around multiple areas that it covers, including reducing the rates of preventable diseases, providing academic support, helping parents with helpful information,...
Topic: Health
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Many theories view conflict as a life situation. The hallmark of this relationship is the point of contention, which makes the conversation so heated. It should be understood that this type of conversation is very different from the usual one conducted by two or more people. An important feature is...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction The Mona Lisa is among the globe’s most popular paintings because of several reasons. First, it is the brainchild of art genius Leonardo Da Vinci, who painted it as a respected and talented painter during his prime. However, several other features of the painting, apart from its captivating dynamics,...
Topic: Leonardo da Vinci
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Background PepsiCo was founded in 1898 with the sole purpose of manufacturing and distributing beverages, diversifying over the years into other sectors such as restaurants. In the period under review, the company underwent different growth strategies under different CEOs. Under this review, the company went through different growth strategies, with...
Topic: Growth Strategy
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction In the past, Madeleine Leininger noted and advocated for the notion of adequate care in nursing practice. Throughout her career as a nurse, she evaluated how nurses ignored to appreciate the patients’ culture while delivering care (da Silva et al., 2021). I chose Madeline Leininger’s theory because in the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction The diamond market is a relatively difficult field to operate in, which means that gaining a competitive advantage is challenging. Thus, it is certain that a corporation’s success in this domain is economically proficient in both micro and macroenvironment. De Beers is, indeed, the world’s largest diamond company specializing...
Topic: Success
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Literacy is a complex subject due to its importance and ambiguity. The significance of literacy is evident from the requirements modern society places on its members. It is expected from virtually every individual that they can communicate effectively via reading and writing. Meanwhile, the ambivalent nature stems from the...
Topic: Ethnography
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Non-verbal is the first type of communication a child can exhibit. Expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body movement are the aspects of non-verbal communication that a child can employ to express emotions, feelings, desires, or thoughts. Thus, educators are to understand such cues and respond to them accordingly. Working...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Peter F. Drucker contributed to the conceptual and practical underpinnings of contemporary corporate management through his publications. He also can be referred to as the father of modern management because of his contributions to the establishment of management education. In his paper “What Makes a Successful Leader,” he discusses the...
Topic: Business
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The machine learning process in data and analytics can be faced with an array of different challenges. Among them is overfitting, which is the result of loss of bias and an increase in variance (Provost and Fawcett, 2013). In other words, overfitting is “a concept in data science, which occurs...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 566
Pages: 2
During the first month of the course, nursing work in an emergency department (ED) was discussed from the perspective of current issues that influence clinical practices and patient outcomes. The learning material included crucial theoretical aspects, studying which assisted me in developing an understanding of fundamental principles of interaction and...
Topic: Emergency Department
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Summary This article discusses some of the essential ideas about camouflage in the wild, an important component of the evolutionary process. There are three main functions disguise plays in nature: worsening detention, imposing difficulties for identification, and redirection of attack. Detection means that camouflage makes it hard for predators to...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 566
Pages: 2
It is important to note that domestic violence can have a wide range of forms and types. Each category has a unique set of behaviors, issues, and emotional elements involved, which is why distinguishing them is of paramount criticality. The research and analysis process of the different types of domestic...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Nursing is a significant area in the healthcare industry because nurses perform many essential tasks that promote care delivery. This field is flexible, which denotes that these healthcare professionals should engage in lifelong learning and improve their skills and competencies to meet emerging challenges. This statement also denotes that various...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 566
Pages: 2
It is important to note that ancient texts provide insight into how humans viewed divinity, authority, and the world as a whole. By comparing the Tale of Sinuhe with the stories and heroes of Greek mythology, it is possible to see differences in regard to two aspects. These are related...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
It is essential to understand the nature of linguistic styles applicable to the general audience in order to create an efficient advertisement. The persuasive power of ads stems from the development of rhetorical elements specific to marketing purposes that focus on making customers get interested in a product or service...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 566
Pages: 2
It is hard to disagree that the lens of history allows exploring the issue of the gender pay gap in detail. It refers to the past and presently occurring influence of the patriarchy, as well as the historical efforts of women to become more equal. At the same time, the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Nearly everyone on the planet now is familiar with Nike. It is one of the most well-known brands in the world, has been in existence for a very long time, and is present in practically every nation. What is intriguing is that Phil Knight, a young man without any prior...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Child support is an important issue in today’s society because it provides financial assistance to single-parent families and helps them provide a better life for their children. It is a legal right of the child to receive financial support from both parents, and it is the responsibility of both parents...
Topic: Social Policy
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Culture plays an important role in the conditions of the modern era because it defines society’s beliefs, values, and behaviors. Modern national cultures present a result of a continuous process in which different groups of people are united in one nation through shared beliefs and practices. Music presents an essential...
Topic: Music
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Social research traditionally implies the study of societies and individuals in order to identify social patterns that regularly and systematically occur in social life for the understanding of social phenomena. By gathering information about the social world, social research helps develop new knowledge or come up with solutions for particular...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The Middle Ages was a period that lasted from the fifth to the fifteenth century and was marked by a strong religious influence and a feudal system of administration. On the other side, the Renaissance, which lasted from the 14th through the 17th century, was a time of tremendous cultural...
Topic: Renaissance
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The human experience is complex and multi-faceted, encompassing many emotions, experiences, and qualities. Throughout history, writers and artists have attempted to capture what it means to be human, exploring the universal qualities that connect us all. During the Renaissance in Elizabethan England, a time of significant cultural and societal change,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
In March 2018, former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie went public with information on the company’s involvement with the Trump campaign. The whistleblower stated that Cambridge Analytica had improperly accessed the Facebook or Meta data of 87 million individuals and exploited it to create personality profiles of individuals (Perrigo, 2019)....
Topic: Facebook
Words: 566
Pages: 2
As a reader, I take an interest in various literary genres and techniques. Nevertheless, I usually attach much importance to the ability of the writer to characterize a person by depicting his/her actions or words. Additionally, the use of irony greatly appeals to me. In particular, one can speak about...
Topic: The Story of an Hour
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction In Sonnet 116, William Shakespeare attempts to define love, in his eyes appearing, as an unwavering union between two people. Similarly, in his other sonnets, the poet addresses the question of love with utmost romanticism and passion. Shakespeare uses metaphors and other literary devices to convey his ideas to...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction When it comes to love, many challenges purpose to make the relationship difficult. In the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare proves this point when he illustrates the love relationship between Lysander and Hermia, a relationship that Egeus, Hermia’s father, forbid. Egeus decides that Hermia will marry Demetrius, but...
Topic: Literature
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Diabetic patient satisfaction and experience is a topic that can be covered within several spheres of interest. First, it is important to discuss challenges within data collection for patient experience. As patient satisfaction is issued to assess the quality of the healthcare system, it stands as an essential index for...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The period between 1500 and 1815 marked a significant history in the development of modern Europe. This period was characterized by great developments in science and technology, secularized politics and the nation-state. Behind these positive developments, there was an important historical phenomenon; the many wars including the 30 years dest...
Topic: Social Development
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The transition from baroque music to the classical period is marked by key cultural trends including the Romantic movement, revolutions in America and France, increasing scientific progress and the prevalence of logical ideas over religious dogma. The manifestation of Man, as the pride and joy of the Universe’s creation, influenced...
Topic: Baroque
Words: 567
Pages: 3
People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...
Topic: Disability
Words: 567
Pages: 3
In recent times, people are increasingly putting their trust in media and especially the television more than ever before. The media has become a common playfield where political, social, and financial information is relayed to people. Naturally, children tend to remember what they see more than what they hear. On...
Topic: Gender
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Advancements in technology have become intense and have given pressure to college students to learn computer skills in order to be relevant in the job market. Computer skills range from simple skills to complex applications. They involve the use of word, spreadsheets and other emerging applications. The necessity of computer...
Topic: College Students
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Available research evidence demonstrates that one of the critical challenges that leaders face today is how to deal with the very powerful and emotional issue of diversity, particularly in the context of how it can be used not only as a critical component to the long-term organisational success, but also...
Topic: Business
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The implementation of new practices is a challenging task for any nursing community as it requires careful consideration of a suggested method, its scientific validity and the relevance of the research findings. Thus, in the framework of the analysis of Kim, Chung, and Kang ‘s insights, one needs to focus...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 567
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Introduction Father-son relationships have never been easy, and Wiesel’s novel is the exact manifestation of the given fact. Although the novel touches upon several issues apart from the given one, and the family dilemmas are not the focus of the novel, it is quite peculiar to watch the evolution of...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Eliezer loves both his family and God-given his strict reverence to the Jewish tradition. However, he seems to love God more than he loves his father. This is evident when he defies his father’s wish by studying Cabbala. However, as trouble surfaces, he tends to lose faith in God...
Topic: Family
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The fifth chapter of the book looks at the cultural implications of psychiatric mental health nursing. I expect that this chapter will look at the different cultures where nursing care is practiced and the relationship between this culture and nursing. The authors focus on areas such as global cultures and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The term responsibility refers to one’s ability to meet individual and societal requirements. The elements that determine human responsibility include freedom, self regulation, and submission to societal rules and regulations. Human responsibility also implies that every individual has some values, beliefs, and principles that guide behavior and actions. This also...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Greek mythology is filled with gods and goddesses who possessed various powers and greatly influenced ancient Greek. The goods were worshiped and sacrifices were made to them by their followers. Hera is one of the powerful ancient deities in Greek mythology. Hera was worshipped throughout the Greek world and she...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Summary The article written by Myron Tong et al. (2011) is aimed at discussing the management of chronic hepatitis B in Asian Americans. The authors note that this group of people has the highest prevalence of this disease in the country (Tong et al., 2011, p. 3144). Researchers point out...
Topic: Hepatitis
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Fascism is traditionally defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence in Europe at the beginning of the 1900s. It originally was established in Italy in the course of the World War I as an antagonistic form of organizing a nation to liberalism. Moreover, it is...
Topic: Fascism
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Reading summary Xerox was once a well-performing company in the marketplace. The company went through a difficult financial time before the end of the 1990s. It plunged into bankruptcy. To begin with, the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated the accounting practices of the company (Grewal & Levy, 2012). Several cost-cutting...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Purpose The Oasis Company created by a friend of mine has been in business for quite a while (since the 1990s), although it has never gained a large recognition. Belonging to the pleiad of the UAE small businesses, the entrepreneurship has never grown to the nationwide level, not to mention...
Topic: Management
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Reflecting on the success of Vivek Gupta, the IBM salesman, chapter nineteen, discusses personal selling and sales management strategies. Over the years, personal selling has become a lucrative career since salespersons often add value to a product or the selling process (Grewal & Levy, 2011). In the concept of value...
Topic: Management
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Environment plays a very vital role in the developmental studies of children. A larger percentage of children’s literacy skills are learned through observing the immediate environment. They then try to imitate the observed phenomenon before finally making it a habit and eventually a learnt skill. A good reading strategy should...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The Introduction: The Author’s Humorous Tone First of all, I would like to point out that the poem Schoolsville reminded me of my own school life. Of course, it is obvious, that the writer Billy Collins used expressive language devices to impress the readers. In other words, his speech is...
Topic: Literature
Words: 567
Pages: 3
This research project provides an overview of the famous life origin theory that dwells on religious beliefs. Specifically, the report outlines the foundation of the Creationism theory that regards God as a creator of life on the earth. Thus, the argument relies on Christianity and is supported by numerous theological...
Topic: Religion
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Challenges Every person is entitled to quality health support and care. Unfortunately, many underdeveloped nations find it hard to deliver quality health care to their citizens. This problem affects many nations due to various factors such as corruption and brain drain (Mills, 2014). The first outstanding challenge that makes it...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction The primary strength of the crisis plan adopted by the authorities in Mississippi is the commitment of the authorities to safeguard public infrastructure, build temporary and permanent homes, provide emergency health care, and respond faster than they did during Hurricane Katrina. The primary limitation of the crisis plan is...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Promoting improved performance standards in the quality assurance department of a manufacturing company is a challenging task since the behavioral patterns are rather rigid. However, in companies such as the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, where the performance standards define the levels of customer safety, is a necessity. Although Deming’s principles described...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction The legacy of Janet Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of nursing who became famous for her social reforms, helped shape healthcare as it is known today. A century after her death, medical professionals all over the world are still faced with the same challenge of improving the quality of medical...
Topic: Goals
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Why companies undertake sustainability reporting Companies undertake sustainability reporting in order to earn trust from the public and stakeholders. Sustainability reporting can also be used to manage the lost reputation of a firm. Managers, team leaders and employees in an organization can only be made accountable when sustainability reporting is...
Topic: Corporate Sustainability
Words: 567
Pages: 3
One of the most persistent issues in psychiatry is ethnic and cultural bias. The article under the title “Mental health misdiagnosis twice more likely for socially disadvantaged groups” dwells upon this matter. It is noted that the recent research shows that therapists tend to misdiagnose people who have a different...
Topic: Culture
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Love is typically viewed as one of the most complex emotions, which, to some extent, is correct since, unlike other emotional responses like happiness or sadness, love cannot be produced intentionally (Sinclair, Fehr, Wang, & Regehr, 2016). The intricate nature of the phenomenon, nonetheless, allows classifying the subject matter...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Quality in nursing and health care is one of the most fundamental concepts. Though it is frequently compared with safety and positive outcomes, it is wrong to search for similarities or contradictions of all these issues in order to grasp their essence. Quality is a complex and multidimensional aspect...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 567
Pages: 3
A variety of factors can influence consumer behavior, and it is important to study these factors in order to develop a strategy for the most effective retailer behavior. A modern vision of consumer behavior depends on analyzing consumers’ purchasing trends, their use of goods, as well as their emotional responses...
Topic: Apple
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Company Description Bridgeport Drones is a US based company serving most states in the US and other countries, offering commercial aerial drone services through remotely piloted Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and filming among other uses. Specifically, Bridgeport Drones is concerned with image collection through drones, and it...
Topic: Business
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Nursing In the context of my philosophy, nursing is viewed as the process of creating the environment in which recovery will occur at a fast pace, and in which people will be able to engage in the unceasing process of learning about health management, as well as their unique health...
Topic: Health
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Nowadays, in health care, much attention is paid to such issues as quality improvement and patient safety. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a list of “never events” to clarify the conditions under which transparency and quality outcomes may be observed. According to...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Compliance Standard: Strict Substance Abuse Compliance Program Our team here at Exxon Mobil is dedicated to sustaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment for all workers. We recognize that the abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs will inevitably limit the performance of your workers as well as have...
Topic: Culture
Words: 567
Pages: 3
“Heaven” by Cathy Song In her poem, Cathy Song reflects on the ethnic identity of her children, ancestors, and herself. The main character is a Chinese boy, who migrated to the USA for a long time before the author wrote this piece of poetry. The character worked at the railway...
Topic: Literature
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The process of facilitating proper security rates within an organization requires a complex analysis of the existing loopholes in a variety of the company’s domains. First and most obvious, the issues concerning the security of the information transfer process must be analyzed in a very detailed manner. In addition, it...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Current policies on vaccination in Florida need to be improved so that it is ensured that people are not widely deprived of this specific aspect of access to proper health care. The legislation suggests that individuals may refuse to be vaccinated based on their personal beliefs (e.g., religious), and...
Topic: Law
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Background Nursing theories support the importance of health promotion models. Such models focus on the health challenges affecting persons with terminal conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Bayles (2010) indicates that “the prevalence of obesity among young people and adults has increased significantly in recent years” (p. 323)....
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Training to the international audiences requires the consideration of multiple cultural and social differences. The success of training largely depends not merely on the subject content but also on the mode of communication with the targeted audience and ability to meet their interests and cognitive needs. Kenya The logical guide...
Topic: Culture
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Control of personnel is among the essential responsibilities of a manager. To ensure that the workforce is productive, managers have to use their decision-making skills to resolve difficult situations. In the case of Bauer Manufacturing Company, the problem resulted from David Smith’s failure to address the needs of employees sufficiently....
Topic: Business
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Moreover, the continuous debate about funding of the research created another obstacle for the progress of the stem cell therapy (Learn.Genetics, n.d.). In order to successfully continue the study of the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) using stem cell transplantation, scientists would have to address a number of ethical and...
Topic: Stem Cell
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Identified Organization The targeted organization for this discussion is the Health Systems Global (HSG). This global organization attracts members from different parts of the world. The agency focuses on new ideas to promote global health systems (“History,” 2017). The organization’s actions include: promoting the acquisition of new information in health,...
Topic: Health
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The increased demand for the level of services provided by the healthcare sector resulted in a significant reconsideration of the main approaches used to attain success and improve existing practices to guarantee delivery of the most important healthcare services. With this in mind, the given sphere passes through the period...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The concern the western world had with the expansion of the Soviet Union is not based only on the U.S.S.R gaining more territory but also the spread of communism. The Cold War was, in essence, a battle of clashing ideologies between democracy and communism. It is due to this that...
Topic: Speech
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The implementation of an evidence based nursing project requires the participation of several stakeholders with diverse interests and personal orientations (Bohnenkamp, Pelton, Rishel, & Kurtin, 2014). Indeed, as demonstrated by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell (2011), it is important for nursing professionals to engage key stakeholders to a project in...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Philosophers and thinkers have always been the main contributors to the evolution of scientific thought and promoted the further evolution of our society. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the discoveries made by outstanding people. They changed the image of the world and promoted the blistering development...
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Euthanasia is the act of purposely ending an individual’s life to help him or she get rid of pain and suffering. For instance, a medical worker who gives a patient with incurable cancer an excessive dose of relaxants to terminate their life would be well-thought-out to have performed euthanasia....
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The research study under consideration is a report focusing on teixobactin – a new cell wall inhibitor that is obtained from a screen of uncultured bacteria that grow in diffusion chambers (Ling et al. 455). The authors have chosen to study the potential and efficacy of the new compound because...
Topic: Antibiotic
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Description Meditech is an electronic health record system with a wide range of options that facilitate the provision of high-quality healthcare services, ensure patient safety and confidentiality (McMurtrey, 2013). This is an efficient platform for storing and sharing data concerning lab test results, patient vital signs, images, and graphs, medication...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Cultures around the world differ in their approaches to the delivery of healthcare. The past several decades saw a substantial increase in the acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the West (Park, Beckman-Harned, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2012). Growth in the number of Ayurvedic practitioners points to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The film American Beauty reveals the story of a middle-class man who experiences a mid-life crisis. The director of movies confronts the topic with a sense of satire on the concepts accepted in American middle-class society through their recognition of personal satisfaction, beauty, and conformity. At a glance, the story...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Whistleblowing could be defined as an act by an employee of making public immoral or illegal behavior of an organization (Duska, 2011). In light of numerous ethical scandals involving companies such as WorldCom and Enron, whistleblowing became a central element of an ethical structure of business organizations and a hotly...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 567
Pages: 3
PICOT A brief sketch of Methods/Methodology This research will investigate the connection between patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. The sample population will involve from 10 to 20 patients of 65 years of age or older, hospitalized for periods of time of over a week. These people will be split into...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 567
Pages: 3
In the contemporary health care setting, patients are cared for by different practitioners at home and in hospital. This is a reasonable division; however, it also means that the specialists treating a patient in hospital and the home health care nurses need to engage in effectual communication if high-quality care...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives. According to Dr. Archibald D. Hart, people should avoid panic, stress and anxiety. This way, they will live a life of tranquility. Anxiety naturally occurs to people, robbing them off their...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 567
Pages: 3
The development of people’s ability to form intimate, as well as parent-child, relationships occurs at different stages of their lives. It has been acknowledged that the basis of this capability is formed during the early stages of human development, but it is also shaped throughout the person’s life (Makusha, Richter,...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 567
Pages: 3