Exploring the Process of Individuation

Individuation is a necessary process in psychological development and involves a human being taking steps to achieve a form of individuality. The person deems themselves a separate entity with a varying identity from others and starts consciously existing as an independent human in the world (Galipeau, 2013). Nonetheless, some people...

Martin Luther King Jr: Conviction of Self-Respect

Self-respect, a source of confidence and mental strength, can be described as a person’s ability, which often originates from internal reasons, to accept their needs and value. To be able to respect themselves, humans need to appreciate their unique personality traits and the impact they have on the community and...

Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations

Primarily, it should be noted that one of the actual, relevant, helpful, and interesting articles found by the author on the topic “performance measurement in decentralized organizations” is the paper by Alamsa and Rasyid. This work focuses on analyzing the decentralization systems within organizations in terms of productive, effective, and...

Culture and Culinary Traditions

Culture plays a crucial role in society as it affects all aspects of human life. It shapes how people think and act in different situations, their values, choices, and how they view themselves and others. Culture can also impact a person’s attitudes toward foreign cultures and customs. Thus, certain culinary...

“When Worlds Collide” Directed by Rudolph Mate

“When Worlds Collide” takes the audience on a dramatic journey through the first couple of centuries after the Old World collided with the New World. The voyage opens in the city of Los Angeles and proceeds to Spain and Latin America, in which Spanish conquistadors first made contact with local...

Monitoring Compliance of Intravenous Therapy Pumps

Implementing a data migration and monitoring project in a healthcare setting is a complex aim that requires high-quality project management, both in regard to planning, strategic implementation, and risk mitigation. In this particular case, the aim is to implement an intervention in regards to the switch from one EHR (Cerner)...

Public Health Promotion in Everyday Life

One of the most common examples of public health promotion in daily life is the use of various types of educational signage, such as posters and labels. These are usually put in public places, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, public transport, hospital waiting rooms, and others, and meant to...

The Impact of Communication on Human Relations

The need for communication, interaction, and mutual assistance did not arise by chance. A person faced problems that prompted him to unite with other people in order to overcome an obstacle together, to overcome a difficulty that is beyond the power of one person. Communication is one of the primary...

Wal-Mart’s Pressure on Its Vendors

The major problem faced by Vlasic is the devaluation of their premium brand pickle jars by Wal-Mart. Vlasic built a strong brand over the years and convinced its customers to pay premium prices for their pickles (Lerner, 2018). Wal-Mart sold a gallon of these premium pickles for only $2.97, a...

A Forensic Pathologist’s Professional Path

The job of a forensic pathologist needs nearly 13 years of education and serious medical preparation after school, spending about 10-12 hours on foot under challenging conditions, and a daily encounter with death and cruelty. These specialists undergo substantial training, specializing in many spheres, in order to be able to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Visual Arguments in Advertising

Introduction The Coca-Cola commercial from 2014, titled “It’s Beautiful,” has stirred controversy due to the misinterpretation of the scenes. The commercial features households of diverse backgrounds singing in various languages, “America the Beautiful” (Amalina 57). This advertisement faced criticism within and outside of the US due to the appearance of...

The Nursing Education Development

Nursing is an essential area of the healthcare system dealing with the prevention and prevention of diseases, assistance to doctors, and patient care. The work of nurses is one of the most responsible since it is nurses who take care of patients, their well-being, monitor treatment and the recovery process,...

Theory of Mind in Autistic People

Theory of mind (ToM) is an integral social-cognitive skill encompassing a person’s ability to attribute mental states. It is the ability to determine what others are thinking. The theory was coined by Premack and Woodruff in 1978, triggering various issues in human development (Meunier, 2017). It is one of the...

The Division of Nations: Role of Geography

Geography is the study of the distribution of people and resources, along with the associated political and economic activities, as they relate to the physical characteristics and atmosphere of the Earth. Before the Civil War, it was a major factor in dividing many countries. The locations where individuals choose to...

1968 as a Turning Point in American History

In 1968, dissatisfaction with the existing order of things spread to various social strata and took the forms of student unrest, workers’ strikes, guerrilla wars, and national liberation revolutions. The Cold War had already split the world, and the foundations of both socialist and capitalist states were shaken overnight. Today,...

Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Characteristics of Pain in Spain

Health and Sickness in Spanish Culture In the Spanish context, culture plays an important role in people’s approach to sickness and healthcare. Therefore, providing culturally appropriate medical services is pivotal to meeting Spanish patients’ needs and promoting their well-being. In this regard, religion, traditional health beliefs, and lifestyle habits are...

The Article ​”Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” an article by Nicholas Carr (2008) mostly examines the premise and effect of how the Internet influences our studying, thinking, and writing routines. It also alters how our minds attempt to conform to evolving times in the context of reading. From my perspective, I agree...

Harmonie Water: Bottled Water Production in the U.S.

Introduction In essence, the global market for bottled water is a highly competitive and dispersed supply environment. The frequent introduction of several firms into the market is the primary cause of this. These fresh faces include regional vendors or well-known companies that work across sectors. The fundamental reason why there...

Intuitive and Analytical Approaches to Decision Making

Decision-making lies at the foundation of every business and management opportunity. The approach to choosing what to do next can either lead to better results or put the organization and its workers at risk of failure. Thus, it is essential to look at the different approaches to decision-making and see...

“The Beat (Up) Generation” Article by Abby Ellin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the conflict of generations has long gone beyond the relationship between parents and children. For example, in her 2014 article “The Beat (Up) Generation,” Ellin discusses how in the 2010s, for the first time ever, three generations began to work together in offices....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Valley Forge Leadership Case Study Analysis

Introduction The Valley Forge case is a historical episode in the US warfare leadership development. Washington’s approach to arranging the troops’ performance and setting, as well as the unmet needs of the soldiers, caused the lack of discipline in the army. One of the main problems resulting in negative outcomes...

The Crete Battle of World War II

Introduction World War II consisted of various battles among them, the Crete battle in which Germany invaded the territory that was hitherto controlled by the British and Greece troops. Germany needed the oil in Ploesti for its intended invasions and Crete was an ideal place for Germany to access the...

Why Should We Look at Race When Trying to Understand Fascism?

Fascism is traditionally defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence in Europe at the beginning of the 1900s. It originally was established in Italy in the course of World War I as an antagonistic form of organizing a nation to liberalism. Moreover, it is a...

Take a Stand: Underage Drinking

Abstract Despite the actions taken to prevent underage drinking, the specified issue still remains a major problem in the United States. The state law, which prohibits selling alcohol to underage people, does not prevent teenagers from engaging in drinking. However, these are not only the immediate risks such as the...

Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center

Introduction Located in New York City, Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center offers treatment to child abuse victims. Since its inception, the center has adopted a multidisciplinary approach in rehabilitating child abuse victims (SHO, 2013). Indeed, the Center is among the first child rehabilitation centers to offer a multidisciplinary approach...

What Video Games Have to Teach Us

Living in times of blistering development of computer technologies, we should recognize the fact that they have a great influence on traditional things. Every day we observe more and more changes introduced by digital technologies. These technologies help people in their work and study, providing easy access to information. However,...

School Uniform in Learning Institutions

Most learning institutions in areas like the United Kingdom, South America, and Africa have endorsed uniforms or specified attires, which is mandatory to all students. School uniforms identify pupils with a given institution. On the other hand, institutions in countries like France and USA rarely endorse the use of school...

Views on Slavery by F.Douglass and B.Washington

The institution of slavery is presented in both accounts as based on a range of typical features and behaviors which are experienced by all slaves. Thus, Frederick Douglass and Booker Washington draw the readers’ attention to the fact that their situations and descriptions of slave life are the reflections of...

Critique and Evidence in Nursing

Introduction The literature review provides evidence of techniques used in nursing practice. Additionally, literature review unveils theory on nursing practice. The literature review presents past evidence of a practice problem. Furthermore, the literature review presents available methodologies for nursing practice. In essence, literature presents evidence-based practice on practice problems. It...

The Organization of International Business

If you’re looking for information on the organization of international business, look no further. In this sample paper, you will find all about international business organisation management explained. Introduction International business encompasses commercial transactions that take place between two or more countries which involve multinational corporations. International business requires the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Indigenous Religions: Threats to the Existence

Indigenous religions are based on the strong connection between people and the nature which is reflected in people’s treating animals and their attitude to the environment with references to the natural phenomena as the ways to communicate with spirits. All the natural surroundings are full of spirits or gods, and...

Social Institutions and the Society

Every society has social institutions. These institutions cover wider pera iphery from social organization to customs unique to a setting. Often dependent on each other, social institutions align sets of interrelated normatic elements and expected role functioning. Thus, this reflective research paper attempts to define social institutions especially economic, religious,...

Motives for Writing by Robert Keith Miller

It goes without saying that there are no literature works that would not be created under the influence of a particular idea, emotion or event in life. Thus, the three works of literature that we are going to discuss in this essay also were created under the influence of the...

How Do Works of Literature Differ from Works of Visual Art?

There are a number of aspects in works of literature that are completely different from visual arts. To begin with, the appealing nature of visual art is higher than the works of literature. Any form of visual art is also unique. Works of literature refer to all forms of artworks...

Asia: Effects on Regional Growth

Introduction It is important to mention that regional growth is a topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years, and it is especially true for such areas as Asia that are still actively developing. Some of the recent events need to be mentioned to get an understanding...

Nursing and Health Promotion in Family Pediatrics

Family-oriented and family-focused nursing care The modern approach to the delivery of nursing care is focused on the significant improvement of peoples quality of life and the environment in which they live. For this reason, there are various models of care that are considered to be efficient under modern conditions....

Door-to-Baloon Time Reduction: Data Collection

An interview with an IT representative helped explore the existing variety of different types of data collection and reporting tools that are available to be used by nurse leaders to clarify and comprehend quality performance process parameters. At the beginning of the conversation, it became clear that today’s healthcare organizations...

Functional Curriculum Goals in Special Education

Introduction Students with mental disabilities should be given opportunity to access education from the general curriculum that is provided for normal students. This form of curriculum should maximize the students’ independence and self direction to ensure that they enjoy the learning experience. This is applicable at school, home, in the...

China as Africa’s Partner and Not a Colonial Power

China’s growing interest in Africa countries has been viewed by some people as a threat to their sovereignty. In the past decades, Africa’s major source of financial and political aid was the Western countries. However, this started changing after China developed an interest in Africa starting in the 1990s. China’s...

Organizational Vision and Its Importance for the Staff

The concept of vision is rarely taken for granted; nowadays, it is among the top priorities of any company to come up with a unique mission and vision statements in order to get any credibility among the target customers. Usually identified as the manifestation of the company’s goals and aspirations,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Group Projects and Its Problems

Group Assignments Vs Incentive Plans Group assignments given either in educational or professional settings are targeted at encouraging individuals to work together as a team in order to reach a particular objective, for example, successfully getting a deal with a company’s new partner or completing a presentation on a topic...

Occupational Safety Change Management

You are an engineer with authority over human resources and an employee comes to you and says, “I want to tell you something about someone, but you can’t tell anybody.” He then reveals that someone pushed another employee in the company kitchen. What action do you take? According to Bertocci...

Judaism and Christianity: Revelational or Worshipful?

Ascher’s view on Judaism and Christianity as forms of revelational religion It is hard to argue with the fact that many similar elements are present in Christianity and Judaism. Furthermore, Ascher suggests that they both may be regarded as revealed religions because it is a common theme in many writings....

Nurse-Led Email Reminder for Hypertensive Patients

Research title and authors The article under analysis is called “Efficacy of a nurse-led email reminder program for cardiovascular prevention risk reduction in hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial.” It was written by Cicolini et al. and published in 2013. Research problem and purpose The article targets the issue of...

Staff Efficiency and Strengthening Corporate Values

Focusing on consistent quality improvement is one of the essential steps toward enhancing the overall performance rates of entrepreneurship and, therefore, contributing to the success of a company in the target market. Therefore, it is crucial that a firm operating in the manufacturing department could be able to follow the...

Video Games’ Learning Characteristics

Living in times of blistering development of computer technologies, we should recognize the fact that they have a great influence on traditional things. Every day we observe more and more changes introduced by digital technologies. These technologies help people in their work and study, providing easy access to information. However,...

Nursing Informatics Competencies and Nurse Effectiveness

With the development of technology, informatics entered nursing as well as many other spheres. Nursing informatics is expected to reduce the time needed for documentation, streamline searching activities, and provide more opportunities for communication with healthcare professionals and patients. Some of its areas are also relevant to my current position....

Promoting Child Development and Learning Standard

Introduction Education plays a vital role in the lives of people because it determines their future, providing access to particular working places. As a rule, children’s attitudes towards studying and their academic achievements during school and university years depend on those formed in early childhood. That is why the quality...

Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing

Introduction The safety of medicines used in the US has been a primary concern of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for more than one hundred years. It is important to assess the safety of drugs prescribed to patients to detect possible side effects, inefficiency, or danger for patients. There...

Related Services for Students with Disabilities

In general, the concept of related services presupposes those approaches that are used to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Their purpose is to improve educational outcomes and help learners to achieve those goals set by their individualized education program (IEP). Related services help to participate in the general...

The Immersion Project Value

The Immersion Project was an opportune moment for me to interact with several individuals from a different cultural group. After the project, I observed that every culture had its unique values, practices, and rituals. The targeted culture was the Hispanic population. The first observation about the culture was that its...

Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies

According to the VARK testing, my leading learning strategy is kinesthetic. As per scores, they were visual – 2, aural – 3, read/write – 7, and kinesthetic – 14 points. Kinesthetic perception is a way of obtaining information through the establishment of direct physical contact through any type of feeling...

Health Promotion and Autonomy-Based Ethical Concerns

Health promotion initiatives are associated with ethical concerns that affect their implementation and effectiveness. In particular, most health promotion activities could be perceived as limiting people’s rights to choose unhealthy behaviors over healthy ones. For example, although smoking has multiple negative effects on health, many people choose to continue smoking,...

Certified Nurse-Midwives and Family Nurse Practitioners

Introduction For this assignment, it was chosen to compare an Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) specialty of Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) with the specialty of Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) that fall under the category of Primary Care Providers (PCP). Educational Requirements To qualify for the position of a CNM, a nurse should...

Two-Factor Data Analysis: Definition and Examples

Introduction The process of setting an experiment implies that every single factor affecting the dependent variable should be identified and that the crucial one should be selected carefully. In a range of scenarios, the key variable is going to be affected by not one, but two or more factors (Groebner,...

Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Disorders: Learning Plan

Learning Goals and Objectives Heart failure (HF) problems, normally associated with cardiovascular disorders, appear to be the issues of general concern and discussion among clinicians and patients on a global scale. The premises for their occurrences are known to be numerous: changes in climate conditions, air and water pollution, emotional...

Gender Stereotyping among Children

Andrews and Ridenour (2006) assert that gender stereotyping in children is a common reality that superintendents and school principals cannot ignore. In particular, the authors argue that young learners who aspire to work as school administrators must be in a familiar learning environment whereby equality exists between both boys and...

Marketing Principles in “The TED Talk” by Seth Godin

The TED talk prepared by Seth Godin reveals the reasons why some things are not done appropriately. The work of this entrepreneur and blogger can be used in the framework of marketing to explain both successes and failures. During promotion and advertising, a mistake can be made in the printed...

Product Quality Management Flow Chart

Introduction The process of promoting a product, in general, and a new technological brand, in particular, is a complicated task that needs a lot of attention to detail and understanding of how a team of experts needs to be managed. Having a part-time job involving the enhancement of the product...

“The Green Economy” by Mark Wilson

In his article “The Green Economy: The Dangerous Path of Nature Commoditization”, Wilson explores the possible difficulties that can be met on the way to implementation of the ideas described in the paper “Towards a Green Economy – Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” prepared by the United Nations...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Primary School Demographics and Students’ Needs

The school under analysis is Bane Elementary that is located in Houston, Texas. The primary purpose of the paper is to provide concrete data regarding the demographics of the school and highlight how teachers address the needs of the diverse population in the classroom. According to the reports provided by...

3M Company’s Cloud Solution Implementation

It should be noted that a Cloud solution is a convenient and multifunctional tool that both companies and individuals can use in their daily activities. This concept allows having all the applications and data on a remote server on the Internet. Thus, this software is a service that makes it...

Transcription and Translation in Molecular Biology

The purpose of this paper is the review of the major principles and rules of the Central Dogma of molecular biology. The Central Dogma was first introduced in 1958, and it is meant to explain the universal rules of genetic information realization. The Dogma describes the basic principles of genetic...

Cosmopolitan Corporations and Maslow’s Theory

Multinational companies have been operating for decades, and many people believe that these are organizations that fully enjoy the benefits of globalization. It is assumed that these businesses enhance their competitiveness through their diversity. However, Ghemawat emphasizes that the majority of multinationals are deeply rooted in their home countries (94)....

Transgender Patients and Nursing Health Management

There is a growing recognition today among health care providers and researchers that patients’ transgenderism may become a factor in their care (Chapman, Watkins, Zappia, Nicol, & Shields, 2012). Therefore, it should be taken into consideration when organizing and managing the way care is provided. Nursing care plays a particularly...

Public Health Nursing’ Definition

The term “public health nurse” was initially coined by Lillian Wald, who had believed that the primary role of the public health nurses consisted not only of taking care of patients that are sick but also dealing with economic and social problems of their patients. Lillian Wald was successful in...

Connecting Customer Needs in Product Design

Introduction The case presents an issue of poor market performance of a small firm producing glasses which illustrates a broader set of problems. Most of them appear to stem from a lack of cohesion between different departments each of which has their own distinct goals (De Toni & Nassimbeni, 2003)....

“Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children” by E. Taylor

Edward Taylor’s poem ‘Upon wedlock and death of children’ shows the poet’s grief after losing his children. Apparently, the piece was written for personal use only, considering the emotional attachment he develops in the poem. In the beginning, the poem appears to be happy and uplifting. For instance, the poet...

Sexual Assault in Juli Bovard’s “The Red Chevy”

The Red Chevy by Juli Bovard is an emotional piece that describes the author’s experience with sexual assault and is an example of a remembering event essay. In her essay, Bovard successfully conveys the feeling of fear and hopelessness experienced by the victims of rape. The essay starts very abruptly...

Socrates’ Decision to Stay in Prison

Discussion Socrates was imprisoned for corrupting the youth’s minds in Athens as well as defying the gods that the state recognized. Although Socrates’ contemporaries agreed that he had an opportunity to escape, he refused all of them. Socrates’ followers did not want to see their inspiring figure being executed by...

IPhone Product Promotion and Politics in China

Promotion The history of Chinese culture shows that each company that wants to enter the country’s market has to consider Chinese traditions and beliefs. Apple should also pay increased attention to its marketing strategy since its core principles are heavily based on its American origins. Currently, Apple’s plan does not...

The History of Public Health and Nursing

Sue Barton, Student Nurse by Helen Dore Boylston Sue Barton, the Student Nurse by Helen Dore Boylston, is the very first book in the seven-part series. It was published in 1936. Therefore, the story plot refers to such a period of nursing development when the interconnection between a graduate nurse...

“Yellow Jellies” by Ciemon Frank Caballes

Objective Description Yellow Jellies by Ciemon Frank Caballes is an underwater photo of a snorkeler surrounded by jellyfish. The photo was taken in Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk. The photographer took the shot near the surface of the water during the day in the natural light. The snorkeler, a woman,...

Missed Nursing Care’ Effects

A 2014 cross-sectional study features 2917 nurses working in NHS hospitals in England; the nurses were surveyed to determine the association between their workload and care quality (Ball, Murrells, Rafferty, Morrow, & Griffiths, 2014). The study reveals that 86% of registered nurses have missed at least one of the care...

Modern Advanced Technologies Usage in the Media

Introduction The use of modern advanced technologies in everyday life expands the scope of human opportunities and opens up new perspectives for communication. In particular, the application of mass media gives people almost all over the world access to the most up-to-date information and allows the sharing of the necessary...

Efficient Ways to Manage Obesity

Background and Significance of the Problem Today, obesity is one of the most significant health problems. By the relevant statistics, more than one-third of people living in the USA (36,5%) suffer from this problem (AAFP, 2013). At the same time, it could trigger the evolution of numerous heart diseases, stroke,...

Sex without Love: by Sharon Olds

Literature has always served people to convey their feelings and emotions. It is a very powerful remedy which helps authors show their attitude towards some issue and make people think about it. That is why it is obvious that much attention in the literature is devoted to the issue of...

Hypertension Guideline and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Hypertension appears to be one of the most crucial preventable diseases that contribute to the incidence and mortality rates in the contemporary population. Therefore, it is decided to review an evidence-based practice guideline that could decrease the negative impact of hypertension among adults. The guideline under consideration is developed...

The School Board’s Organizational Ethics Issues

The misunderstanding regarding the school administration’s directive to look into the emails of the employees has come to the attention of the School Board. The School Board deems it necessary to initiate an appropriate response. The first thing that has to be done is to examine the key management issues...

Apple Inc.’s Innovation and Simplicity

The technology market is currently dominated by a number of companies. However, one particular company stands out the most with its minimalistic design and unique marketing strategy. Apple Inc. is a technology company, created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1967. The headquarters of the organization are currently situated...

EBay Customer Support Outsourcing and Dalton’s Model

Today, outsourcing, the process of transferring a part of production or business to another company that is an expert in this field, becomes a key practice among such large companies as Dell, eBay, and others. The evidence shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and related issues....

Hegemonic Stability Theory and International Political Economy

Hegemonic stability theory Hegemonic stability theory draws its ideas from the realist, liberal and historical, together with the structuralists views. It is often regarded as a hybrid theory. It emphasizes that for an open and balanced international system to be met there should be a sole dominating or hegemonic nation,...

Lean Principles for Better Company Operations

Introduction The purpose of this memo is to recommend the adoption of a lean manufacturing system at this company. As you are aware, many problems have affected our production process. These include: Late deliveries to customers, underutilization of machines and equipment, increased waiting time as products to be assembled have...

Speech Differences in Bilinguals and Monolinguals

Introduction In this paper what will be examined are the differences in speech between bilinguals and monolinguals through the use of the following YouTube videos: Speaking English in the Philippines Speaking English in the U.S. The videos show two distinct population sets, one being Filipino and the other American. The...

How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?

Introduction The author of the article presents a road map for the study in the “introduction” section. The author also provides a theory section and a literature review. That being the case, the author uses “cultivation theory” to underpin the research. The theory is appropriate for the hypothesis because it...

Responsible Human Being: Personal Account

The question of responsibility is not the easiest one. When I was a child, parents tried to explain to me the notion of responsibility, its significance, and ways of application. Understanding of the idea was quite difficult because I did not have enough experience to link this abstract term with...

Personal Success Factors in the Business World

The fast development of the business sphere preconditioned the appearance of multiple opportunities for individuals to engage in various activities and generate income. However, the popularity of the given field also fosters the increase in the level of rivalry that becomes a severe challenge to both companies and people. Under...

The Progressive Era in America

Characteristics of a Progressive Roosevelt outlines several characteristics that describe a progressive: a vision, intensity of conviction, broad sympathy and imagination in the support of the forward movement, belief in goodness, justice, and righteousness, confidence, and trust in the people. A progressive fights for justice and the will of the...

Indigenous Communities Portrayal in the Letter of Dr. Chanca

The Main Topics of the Document During the second voyage to the Americas, Dr. Diego Alvaraz Chanca faced the life of tribal people on the island of Guadeloupe. The first topic that can be discerned from his letter is the organization of the established communal life. Inhabitants of the island...

The Effects of Modern Technology on Children

Introduction The rapid development of the technology industry has various consequences, including both positive implications and negative manifestations of progress. For instance, the advent of mobile innovations has simplified life significantly, but at the same time, it has become the cause of psychologists’ concerns in relation to users’ addiction to...

The Impact of Greek Architecture on Modern Constructors

The architecture of Ancient Greece possesses immense value for the contemporary world. Not only is it praised from the artistic standpoint but also is recognized for depicting the state of social affairs of that time. For this reflection, it was chosen to take a closer look at the marble column...

Andragogy: Adult Learning Theories

The andragogy theory developed by Malcolm Knowles specifically targets adult learning, implying that adults tend to be more self-directed and responsible for making their decisions. Andragogy is a humanistic theory, which means that it is focused on the learner and focuses on his or her potential for self-actualization, the motivation...

Pressure Ulcers as a Patient Safety Issue

Introduction Individuals with poor mobility are at high risk of having pressure ulcers (PUs) that are defined as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in combination with shear” (Lyder, & Ayello, 2008). My proposal focuses on...

New Technology in Clinical Practice: Patient and Physician Perspectives

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of this study was to investigate the viewpoints and attitudes of patients and physicians with regards to the value of a novel technology application used to detect Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in healthcare settings. What is the research question (or questions)?...

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

IOM Report Discussion The four recommendations proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced a considerable impact on nurses and nursing organization across the U.S. The IOM report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health identified the four major issues in nursing that need to be addressed in...

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

During the past decades, researchers have been questioning the regularities of human illness patterns in order to establish the main factors of disease development in the human body. At first, scientists had a tendency to compare human health conditions on the basis of the health state of other people. It...

Health Insurances and Florida’s State Strategies

Rationale Introducing opportunities for health insurance is a critical part of any benefit package in the contemporary workplace environment. Employers are obligated to create the environment that will be characterized as fully safe for the well-being of their staff members, which includes addressing emerging health concerns and covering the relevant...

Interview With a Healthcare Risk Management Specialist

Introduction Risk management and continuous quality improvement are fundamental elements of the modern healthcare sector. The fact is that these two notions guarantee the stable functioning of diverse health units along with the gradual reconsideration of outdated practices to replace them with new ones and ensure improved outcomes. For this...

The Perspective on the Four Nursing Metaparadigms

Nursing is one of the oldest professions in the world that revolves around caring for the sick and bringing them back to health. Despite the differences in cultures, timelines, and geographical locations, the basic principles of nursing appeared to have transcended the borders of space and time. Evidence-based nursing identifies...

The Relationship Between Executive Functioning and Weight Loss

Introduction Large-scale work on the topic of childhood obesity conducted in the last eight weeks allows making valuable conclusions regarding this problem and proposing relevant solutions. Skills acquired make it possible to continue research on public health issues and describe new areas that deserve attention. In order to evaluate the...

Social Media Impact on Customers

In the contemporary world, free access to a large amount of information transformed customers from passive buyers to active consumers searching for the best ways of satisfying their needs. Therefore, social media have become a significant factor influencing customers’ choices since these technologies supply people with relevant data throughout the...

Gangs, a Social Causation, Societies Disease

Introduction The future of America lies within the hands of today’s youngsters, but there are some serious concerns regarding where these youngsters might take us. Youth gangs, along with the problems associated with them, are growing in many American cities. Children growing up in substandard neighborhoods often perceive that the...

Art Appreciation: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photography

Alfred Stieglitz spent his life in photography just to credit it as a compelling form of art. At these ages, photography was disregarded as a form of art since it was believed that art was not made by machines but was done by work of hands. He tried to imply...

Technological Progress and Technologies’ Use Nowadays

Technologies are everywhere in the contemporary world. It is so due to the progress in science and all applied disciplines which provide people with more facilities in life. The world is changing due to the development of the scientific thought. That is why with the flow of time technologies became...

A World of Art: Laylah Ali`s Paintings

This paper aims to analyze the works of such contemporary artist as Laylah Ali. She was born in New York in 1968. At the present moment, she lives in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Williams College and later continued her studies at Washington University (Art...

The Washington State University Vancouver: Organization Member Analysis

The Washington State University Vancouver is the educational establishment that values the rights of human beings and does everything to protect them. The Student Media Board of the University is charged with the protection tasks, and the two positions in this board are of prominent importance. These are the Chair...

Organization Member Analysis: The Chair of the Student Media Executive Board

The University represents a unique organization which specific educational tasks and goals. In this environment, a good manager should possess the ability to communicate his thoughts and ideas in a clear way and get feedback, which shows that the workers have a proper understanding of what they are expected to...

Sustein and Tocqueville: Two Opinions on Freedom of Speech

Introduction Sustein argues that everyone has freedom of speech and can dissent a belief when the need arises. He says the government should not restrict citizens to certain autocracies. He urges that one’s freedom of speech should be protected instead of condemning it. According to Sustein, freedom of speech is...

Should We Sweat About the Sweatshop?

Right from its conception in the 1980’s, Outsourcing has been a debatable issue and it can be viewed as a double-edged sword. It may be defined as a subcontracting process which hires a third-party company to perform some specific operations of the business. It has done with the intention of...

Ethical Leadership in the Organizations

Introduction In modern times Ethical Leadership is becoming one of the very important aspects of a company. The managers provide a very important angle in this aspect of the moral framework of a company and shaping the collective character of the organization. Organizational characteristics are defined by ethical leadership. The...

Critique of the Website jbizmech.ca

The Site The site’s communication goals are not easy to tell as the home page lacks the basics like icons and taskbars that would act as a guide to the sections and subsection one wish to access. The information on the home page is irrelevant to the visitor as it...

Subject-Informal Logic: Arguable Issue

Arguable Issue Medical topics, specifically concerning issues that involve life and death decisions, are often viewed controversially in the society. In that regard, it can be stated that there issues that have polar opinions on, regardless of their legal status, although such aspect might differed as well. Among such arguable...

“The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” by Jane Straus

The author of the book The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, Jane Straus, dedicated her book to the main rules connected with parts of speech and punctuations usage. Jane Straus highlights the necessity to develop knowledge in this sphere as the basic one for further linguistic education. The whole...

Arguments for and Against Qualitative Research as Against Quantitative Research

Several arguments for and against both quantitative research and qualitative research exist in debate. Generally, critics regard quantitative research as positivism in nature; as a science and being objective, while qualitative analysis is taken as non-scientific (Howe, 1988). There is an argument that the two must not work together. However,...

El Colacho and Christening

Rituals in all countries are an amazing combination of pagan beliefs, magic, folklore, and religion. Sometimes the rites involved can be dangerous, but nevertheless, they have continued to be honored over the years. Some rites date back many centuries. Rituals have become part of the heritage of an entire nation,...

Child’s Play in Neighborhood and Community

Back in the day, play activities were mainly physical with parents and teachers insisting on more outdoor activities. This does not mean that there were fewer indoor activities even though there were higher levels of creativity involved that are identified in modern societies. It was common for us to participate...

Situational Leadership Theory by Hersey and Blanchard

Weaknesses and Justification of Situational Leadership Hersey and Blanchard developed a theory that reflects how a leader should behave towards workers in relations to their different levels of maturity to the work. They argued that a high-maturity subordinate possesses both the confidence and ability to perform a task. Conversely, a...

Critical Challenges Facing the Automotive Industry

Stiff competition has forced automobile companies to come up with better strategies that will help them compete successfully. Bankruptcy and economic crisis has threatened the existence of automobile industry. In order to create synergy, firms are trying to expand their operations through mergers and acquisition. A perfect example is Fiat,...

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

Culture of Safety There are a lot of dangers to hospital staff and hospitals in general when it comes to patient safety. Poor patient safety management often results in nurses and physicians experiencing a lot of stress and losing potential revenue. More importantly, poor patient safety may lead to patient’s...

Women and Their Roles in the Family and Workplace

The modern society focuses on success and self-expression. Today’s world had become more tolerant to different cultures, nationalities, and gender roles shifting. There are many reasons why men and women are changing their social roles more often. It is promoted by changing in economics and structure of society. There is...

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Catholic Moral Teaching on Charity and Social Justice

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Fracking: An Indisputably Dangerous Practice

Introduction In the age of heightened environmental awareness, our growing concerns are calling for an appropriate and timely assessment of new technologies and their impact. Throughout the last sixty years, hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has gained its fair share of traction and grown to be a widespread technique in the...

Possible Godzilla’s Existence Environmental Benefits

Godzilla is one of the most famous characters in horror films – even those who have never watched a monster movie have heard of him. First, Godzilla depicts a massive monster awakening as a result of the H-bomb test (Honda 24:16–27:36). The appearance of Godzilla was a response to the...

Healthcare in Correctional Facilities

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The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 Emergency Management

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Criminology: The Social Control Theory

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Joint Intelligence: Operational Environment Preparation

Planning is an essential aspect of military confrontations, and it is necessary for army leaders to be able to make sound decisions in order to succeed. Without required information on an adversary, it is not possible to defeat them. The primary objective of Joint Intelligence Preparation of Operational Environment (JIPOE)...

Magic and Witchcraft in the Wizarding World

Introduction In the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, magic is described as a supernatural force that defies nature’s laws. These books are popular because they contradict the norms and beliefs that people have been raised to know. Rowling has formed a narrative logic to make these stories believable to...

Bob Knowlton Case Study

The following paper analyzes the behavior of Bob Knowlton, his encounter with a difficult organizational issue, how he dealt with it, and what factors influenced his decision. Knowlton can be described as a team-focused leader, which could prove helpful in achieving long-term goals, but, in the end, his insecurities negated...

A Jury System in Legalville Overview

Although the city of Legalville has a strong legal system that has enabled the community to develop sustainably for years, it should undergo certain changes in order to address the needs of modern society. One of the novelties that can help the community evolve is the introduction of a jury...

Biology: Application of the Holobiont in Humans

Introduction When it comes to the formation of a unique environmental unit, a holobiont can link an individual host to a variety of interactive microorganisms, and microbiota (Bachmann et al. 2017). According to Casadevall and Pirofski (2014), the holobiont relationship explores the connection between microbiome and microbiota. Microbiomes refer to...

Improving Teaching through Reflection

Introduction Teachers’ responsibilities involve making multiple decisions while attempting to promote student learning. The choices belong to three broader categories: implementing, planning, and assessing (Hidayati, 2018). In the adult coaching mechanisms, significant learning experiences involve reassessing, critical self-reflection, and an individual’s self-orientation to action. When the above issues are given...

Morality and Happiness: Philosophical Concept

Introduction Moral issues often appear in philosophy, literature, and even politics, since morality forms the basis of human activity. Morality is a set of norms of behavior adopted in a particular society or the mind of a specific person. People acquire morality in the process of life, and it can...

Split Personality in the Frankie and Alice Film

The film Frankie and Alice follow the life of a dancer (Frankie) who suffers from an identity disorder. The story reveals that she had experienced several traumas that led to a split personality. Her mind harbored three personalities: Frankie, the real her, Alice, a racist white woman, and Genius, who...

Life in Cities: Metropolitan Individuality

In 1903, Georg Simmel wrote the essay titled “The Metropolis and Mental Life,” which is discussed as an influential opinion regarding life in cities even today. Although Simmel analyzes life in the metropolis from various perspectives, the author’s key argument is that to successfully adapt to living in a city,...

Telemedicine: The Improvements to Healthcare Services

Introduction Technological innovations have opened an uncharted world of possibilities for healthcare practitioners in terms of managing patient-specific needs, securing patients’ personal data, and leading to interdisciplinary collaboration in the healthcare setting (Zimlich, 2016). Telemedicine is one of these innovative technologies; offering a method of addressing patients’ needs remotely, Telemedicine...

A Piece of Nature With Modern Comfort

The healing power of nature and its attractiveness to noise-weary inhabitants of large cities contribute to the increasing popularity of such towns as Big Bear Lake in California. This place demonstrates what a compromise between nature and civilization looks like in the present-day world. Its beauty is defined by the...

Influence Tactics and Sources of Power

It is not a secret that effective management is essential for a successful operation of a group, organization, or company. While being able to implement appropriate influence and power tactics, administration can create a positive working environment that will contribute to employee satisfaction and productivity. Therefore, the following paper will...

Should Societies Impose Monogamy?

Monogamy refers to exclusive mate selection and bonding among men and women in society. In a population, individuals compete for partners to reproduce with, thus, creating an opportunity for natural selection. Following the variation of conformity among people, preference for a sex partner accounts for the evolutionary changes realized over...

Competition in the Railway Industry

The rail industry has faced significant competition since the national highway system was built. As a result, the rail industry has steadily declined in performance, but it still plays a significant role in the transport network. The observation that there has been a decline in the percentage of all ton-miles...

Valerio-Jiménez’ Interview on Rio Grande Valley

Introduction Intercultural connections between Mexico and the United States have a long and controversial history. The issues run deep and were created by multiple conflicts between the two nations, for example, The Mexican-American War. Omar Valerio-Jiménez, the professor of history at the University of Texas at San Antonio, discussed these...

Older Adults Patient Education Issues

Introduction The healthcare system of a given country dictates the quality of services available to its citizens. The American government offers adequate resources and support to ensure that more people receive high-quality services. This report gives a detailed summary of the responses obtained after interviewing one of my family members....

Developing a Buyer Persona and Its Role in Market Strategy Development

A buyer persona can be defined as an image of a company’s ideal customer. An adequate and well-researched buyer persona is essential for target market identification. Besides, helping the customers evaluate the company’s services or goods on their own terms helps build a strong bond of trust with them (Buyer...

Exploring Death Anxiety Among Staff Who Work in Outpatient Hemodialysis Units

Abstract This critique is based on the quantitative study by Lee and King (2014) titled: “Exploring death anxiety and burnout among staff members who work in outpatient hemodialysis units”. The article is anchored in the intensity of tasks necessary to extend the life of a patient, which could lead to...

A Summary of a Study About Eczema & Breastfeeding

This article provides a summary of findings of a study conducted in Britain to investigate if breastfeeding indeed protects children against developing eczema and other allergic conditions. Data for the study was collected on more than 50,000 children dispersed in 21 countries, with an average age of 10 years (Bakalar,...

Crisis and Risk Communication in Public Health Leadership

The importance of crisis and risk communications in public health leadership is incontestable (Finset, 2011). Public health leaders need to acquaint themselves with the latest and most effective crisis and risk communication practices because they help response teams to complete their jobs effectively (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...

Behavior Change and “Lifestyle Disease” Era

Introduction Scientific progress and advancements in society have significantly changed the way human beings live their lives. This situation has resulted in numerous lifestyle diseases. Many countries have over the years been able to eradicate and eliminate some of the diseases that existed initially. However, lifestyle diseases have been around...

Dental Public Health Project

Introduction The project revolves around reducing the incidence of dental caries in African American children aged between seven and 11 years. The high prevalence of dental caries among African American children demonstrates the existing oral health inequalities in the United States (Brocklehurst, Morris, & Tickle, 2012). As such, it is...

Social and Commercial Marketing: A Dental Hygiene Program

The health care sector uses a multiplicity of marketing initiatives to not only ensure that important health messages reach the intended populations but also to facilitate behavior change and modification (Twenebuah-Koduah & Owusu-Frimpong, 2013). Most of the marketing initiatives have been successful in modifying health behaviors as people are inclined...