Whistleblowing and Security of Facebook User Data

In March 2018, former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie went public with information on the company’s involvement with the Trump campaign. The whistleblower stated that Cambridge Analytica had improperly accessed the Facebook or Meta data of 87 million individuals and exploited it to create personality profiles of individuals (Perrigo, 2019)....

War and Social Development

The period between 1500 and 1815 marked a significant history in the development of modern Europe. This period was characterized by great developments in science and technology, secularized politics and the nation-state. Behind these positive developments, there was an important historical phenomenon; the many wars including the 30 years dest...

Classical and Baroque Music Differences

The transition from baroque music to the classical period is marked by key cultural trends including the Romantic movement, revolutions in America and France, increasing scientific progress and the prevalence of logical ideas over religious dogma. The manifestation of Man, as the pride and joy of the Universe’s creation, influenced...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

Role of Gender in Cartoons and Commercials

In recent times, people are increasingly putting their trust in media and especially the television more than ever before. The media has become a common playfield where political, social, and financial information is relayed to people. Naturally, children tend to remember what they see more than what they hear. On...

Computer Skills for College Students

Advancements in technology have become intense and have given pressure to college students to learn computer skills in order to be relevant in the job market. Computer skills range from simple skills to complex applications. They involve the use of word, spreadsheets and other emerging applications. The necessity of computer...

Diversity Competencies for Leaders

Available research evidence demonstrates that one of the critical challenges that leaders face today is how to deal with the very powerful and emotional issue of diversity, particularly in the context of how it can be used not only as a critical component to the long-term organisational success, but also...

New Practices in Nursing Community

The implementation of new practices is a challenging task for any nursing community as it requires careful consideration of a suggested method, its scientific validity and the relevance of the research findings. Thus, in the framework of the analysis of Kim, Chung, and Kang ‘s insights, one needs to focus...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood – “Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis

Introduction Father-son relationships have never been easy, and Wiesel’s novel is the exact manifestation of the given fact. Although the novel touches upon several issues apart from the given one, and the family dilemmas are not the focus of the novel, it is quite peculiar to watch the evolution of...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer and His Father

Introduction Eliezer loves both his family and God-given his strict reverence to the Jewish tradition. However, he seems to love God more than he loves his father. This is evident when he defies his father’s wish by studying Cabbala. However, as trouble surfaces, he tends to lose faith in God...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

The fifth chapter of the book looks at the cultural implications of psychiatric mental health nursing. I expect that this chapter will look at the different cultures where nursing care is practiced and the relationship between this culture and nursing. The authors focus on areas such as global cultures and...

Human Responsibility: Issues Determining Responsibility

The term responsibility refers to one’s ability to meet individual and societal requirements. The elements that determine human responsibility include freedom, self regulation, and submission to societal rules and regulations. Human responsibility also implies that every individual has some values, beliefs, and principles that guide behavior and actions. This also...

Facts about Hera the Greek Goddess

Greek mythology is filled with gods and goddesses who possessed various powers and greatly influenced ancient Greek. The goods were worshiped and sacrifices were made to them by their followers. Hera is one of the powerful ancient deities in Greek mythology. Hera was worshipped throughout the Greek world and she...

Chronic Hepatitis B in Asian Americans

Summary The article written by Myron Tong et al. (2011) is aimed at discussing the management of chronic hepatitis B in Asian Americans. The authors note that this group of people has the highest prevalence of this disease in the country (Tong et al., 2011, p. 3144). Researchers point out...

Race’ Role in the Understanding of Fascism

Fascism is traditionally defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence in Europe at the beginning of the 1900s. It originally was established in Italy in the course of the World War I as an antagonistic form of organizing a nation to liberalism. Moreover, it is...

Xerox Company Business Marketing

Reading summary Xerox was once a well-performing company in the marketplace. The company went through a difficult financial time before the end of the 1990s. It plunged into bankruptcy. To begin with, the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated the accounting practices of the company (Grewal & Levy, 2012). Several cost-cutting...

The Oasis Company Operations Management

Purpose The Oasis Company created by a friend of mine has been in business for quite a while (since the 1990s), although it has never gained a large recognition. Belonging to the pleiad of the UAE small businesses, the entrepreneurship has never grown to the nationwide level, not to mention...

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Reflecting on the success of Vivek Gupta, the IBM salesman, chapter nineteen, discusses personal selling and sales management strategies. Over the years, personal selling has become a lucrative career since salespersons often add value to a product or the selling process (Grewal & Levy, 2011). In the concept of value...

Skills Development: Reading Strategy

Environment plays a very vital role in the developmental studies of children. A larger percentage of children’s literacy skills are learned through observing the immediate environment. They then try to imitate the observed phenomenon before finally making it a habit and eventually a learnt skill. A good reading strategy should...

“Schoolsville” a Poem by Billy Collins

The Introduction: The Author’s Humorous Tone First of all, I would like to point out that the poem Schoolsville reminded me of my own school life. Of course, it is obvious, that the writer Billy Collins used expressive language devices to impress the readers. In other words, his speech is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Creationism, Its Theories and Forms

This research project provides an overview of the famous life origin theory that dwells on religious beliefs. Specifically, the report outlines the foundation of the Creationism theory that regards God as a creator of life on the earth. Thus, the argument relies on Christianity and is supported by numerous theological...

Global Nursing Issues: Challenges, Strategies and Advocating for Health Care

Challenges Every person is entitled to quality health support and care. Unfortunately, many underdeveloped nations find it hard to deliver quality health care to their citizens. This problem affects many nations due to various factors such as corruption and brain drain (Mills, 2014). The first outstanding challenge that makes it...

Mississippi’ Disaster: Hurricane Katrina Crisis Strategy

Introduction The primary strength of the crisis plan adopted by the authorities in Mississippi is the commitment of the authorities to safeguard public infrastructure, build temporary and permanent homes, provide emergency health care, and respond faster than they did during Hurricane Katrina. The primary limitation of the crisis plan is...

Deming’s Principles at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Promoting improved performance standards in the quality assurance department of a manufacturing company is a challenging task since the behavioral patterns are rather rigid. However, in companies such as the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, where the performance standards define the levels of customer safety, is a necessity. Although Deming’s principles described...

Florence Nightingale’s Philosophy of Nursing and UN Millennium Goals

Introduction The legacy of Janet Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of nursing who became famous for her social reforms, helped shape healthcare as it is known today. A century after her death, medical professionals all over the world are still faced with the same challenge of improving the quality of medical...

Corporate Governance and Sustainability Reporting

Why companies undertake sustainability reporting Companies undertake sustainability reporting in order to earn trust from the public and stakeholders. Sustainability reporting can also be used to manage the lost reputation of a firm. Managers, team leaders and employees in an organization can only be made accountable when sustainability reporting is...

Ethnic and Cultural Bias in Human Service

One of the most persistent issues in psychiatry is ethnic and cultural bias. The article under the title “Mental health misdiagnosis twice more likely for socially disadvantaged groups” dwells upon this matter. It is noted that the recent research shows that therapists tend to misdiagnose people who have a different...

Compassionate and Fatuous Love Comparison

Introduction Love is typically viewed as one of the most complex emotions, which, to some extent, is correct since, unlike other emotional responses like happiness or sadness, love cannot be produced intentionally (Sinclair, Fehr, Wang, & Regehr, 2016). The intricate nature of the phenomenon, nonetheless, allows classifying the subject matter...

Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing

Introduction Quality in nursing and health care is one of the most fundamental concepts. Though it is frequently compared with safety and positive outcomes, it is wrong to search for similarities or contradictions of all these issues in order to grasp their essence. Quality is a complex and multidimensional aspect...

Apple Stores vs. Microsoft Stores

A variety of factors can influence consumer behavior, and it is important to study these factors in order to develop a strategy for the most effective retailer behavior. A modern vision of consumer behavior depends on analyzing consumers’ purchasing trends, their use of goods, as well as their emotional responses...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bridgeport Drones Company’s Services and Products

Company Description Bridgeport Drones is a US based company serving most states in the US and other countries, offering commercial aerial drone services through remotely piloted Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for aerial mapping and filming among other uses. Specifically, Bridgeport Drones is concerned with image collection through drones, and it...

Person, Health, Environment in Nursing Philosophy

Nursing In the context of my philosophy, nursing is viewed as the process of creating the environment in which recovery will occur at a fast pace, and in which people will be able to engage in the unceasing process of learning about health management, as well as their unique health...

Quality Improvement and Conflict Management in Healthcare

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Nowadays, in health care, much attention is paid to such issues as quality improvement and patient safety. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a list of “never events” to clarify the conditions under which transparency and quality outcomes may be observed. According to...

Exxon Mobil Company’s Sustainable Safety Culture

Compliance Standard: Strict Substance Abuse Compliance Program Our team here at Exxon Mobil is dedicated to sustaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment for all workers. We recognize that the abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs will inevitably limit the performance of your workers as well as have...

Poems Analysis: “Heaven” and “La Migra”

“Heaven” by Cathy Song In her poem, Cathy Song reflects on the ethnic identity of her children, ancestors, and herself. The main character is a Chinese boy, who migrated to the USA for a long time before the author wrote this piece of poetry. The character worked at the railway...

Security Risk Mitigation using IT in Organization

The process of facilitating proper security rates within an organization requires a complex analysis of the existing loopholes in a variety of the company’s domains. First and most obvious, the issues concerning the security of the information transfer process must be analyzed in a very detailed manner. In addition, it...

The Legislative Changes Promotion

Introduction Current policies on vaccination in Florida need to be improved so that it is ensured that people are not widely deprived of this specific aspect of access to proper health care. The legislation suggests that individuals may refuse to be vaccinated based on their personal beliefs (e.g., religious), and...

Evidence Based Practice Related to Patient Obesity

Background Nursing theories support the importance of health promotion models. Such models focus on the health challenges affecting persons with terminal conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Bayles (2010) indicates that “the prevalence of obesity among young people and adults has increased significantly in recent years” (p. 323)....

International Audiences: Kenya, Australia, USA

Training to the international audiences requires the consideration of multiple cultural and social differences. The success of training largely depends not merely on the subject content but also on the mode of communication with the targeted audience and ability to meet their interests and cognitive needs. Kenya The logical guide...

The Main Responsibilities of the Manager

Control of personnel is among the essential responsibilities of a manager. To ensure that the workforce is productive, managers have to use their decision-making skills to resolve difficult situations. In the case of Bauer Manufacturing Company, the problem resulted from David Smith’s failure to address the needs of employees sufficiently....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Adult Versus Embryonic Stem Cells Study

Moreover, the continuous debate about funding of the research created another obstacle for the progress of the stem cell therapy (Learn.Genetics, n.d.). In order to successfully continue the study of the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) using stem cell transplantation, scientists would have to address a number of ethical and...

Health Systems Global Organization’s Project and Partnership

Identified Organization The targeted organization for this discussion is the Health Systems Global (HSG). This global organization attracts members from different parts of the world. The agency focuses on new ideas to promote global health systems (“History,” 2017). The organization’s actions include: promoting the acquisition of new information in health,...

Patient-Centered Care: New Approaches

The increased demand for the level of services provided by the healthcare sector resulted in a significant reconsideration of the main approaches used to attain success and improve existing practices to guarantee delivery of the most important healthcare services. With this in mind, the given sphere passes through the period...

Iron Curtain Speech: History, Facts and Impact

The concern the western world had with the expansion of the Soviet Union is not based only on the U.S.S.R gaining more territory but also the spread of communism. The Cold War was, in essence, a battle of clashing ideologies between democracy and communism. It is due to this that...

Nursing Project: Implementation Barriers

The implementation of an evidence based nursing project requires the participation of several stakeholders with diverse interests and personal orientations (Bohnenkamp, Pelton, Rishel, & Kurtin, 2014). Indeed, as demonstrated by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell (2011), it is important for nursing professionals to engage key stakeholders to a project in...

Voltaire’s Vision of Religion and Enlightenment

Philosophers and thinkers have always been the main contributors to the evolution of scientific thought and promoted the further evolution of our society. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the discoveries made by outstanding people. They changed the image of the world and promoted the blistering development...

Is Euthanasia Morally Acceptable?

Introduction Euthanasia is the act of purposely ending an individual’s life to help him or she get rid of pain and suffering. For instance, a medical worker who gives a patient with incurable cancer an excessive dose of relaxants to terminate their life would be well-thought-out to have performed euthanasia....

Teixobactin: The New Antibiotic

The research study under consideration is a report focusing on teixobactin – a new cell wall inhibitor that is obtained from a screen of uncultured bacteria that grow in diffusion chambers (Ling et al. 455). The authors have chosen to study the potential and efficacy of the new compound because...

Meditech System: Patient Confidentiality and Security

Description Meditech is an electronic health record system with a wide range of options that facilitate the provision of high-quality healthcare services, ensure patient safety and confidentiality (McMurtrey, 2013). This is an efficient platform for storing and sharing data concerning lab test results, patient vital signs, images, and graphs, medication...

Reid’s Documentary “Inside Ayurvedic Medicine”

Introduction Cultures around the world differ in their approaches to the delivery of healthcare. The past several decades saw a substantial increase in the acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the West (Park, Beckman-Harned, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2012). Growth in the number of Ayurvedic practitioners points to...

Social Psychology Theory in “American Beauty”

The film American Beauty reveals the story of a middle-class man who experiences a mid-life crisis. The director of movies confronts the topic with a sense of satire on the concepts accepted in American middle-class society through their recognition of personal satisfaction, beauty, and conformity. At a glance, the story...

Ethics of Organisational Whistleblowing

Whistleblowing could be defined as an act by an employee of making public immoral or illegal behavior of an organization (Duska, 2011). In light of numerous ethical scandals involving companies such as WorldCom and Enron, whistleblowing became a central element of an ethical structure of business organizations and a hotly...

Personal Visits and Patient Satisfaction

PICOT P Patient and Problem (or population) Hospitalized patients over 65 years of age who have to stay in the hospital for a week or longer. I Intervention (Independent Variable) 15-30 minutes a day spent by the nurse with the patient, talking to them about the news, reading, and providing...

Transition’s Impact for Patients With Diabetes

In the contemporary health care setting, patients are cared for by different practitioners at home and in hospital. This is a reasonable division; however, it also means that the specialists treating a patient in hospital and the home health care nurses need to engage in effectual communication if high-quality care...

Anxiety Cure in Dr. Hart’s Arguments and Criticism

Introduction Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives. According to Dr. Archibald D. Hart, people should avoid panic, stress and anxiety. This way, they will live a life of tranquility. Anxiety naturally occurs to people, robbing them off their...

Expert Systems in Organizational Management

Interpretation systems are used in the human resource department of an organisation. They are used by the personnel such as security guards to watch the camera surveillance and by the managers in fingerprint, eyesight, and speech recognition as security to their office premises. Interpretation systems are also used in the...

Father Absenteeism and Child Development

The development of people’s ability to form intimate, as well as parent-child, relationships occurs at different stages of their lives. It has been acknowledged that the basis of this capability is formed during the early stages of human development, but it is also shaped throughout the person’s life (Makusha, Richter,...

Heritage Assessment and Familial Health Traditions

Heritage Assessment Tool The interviewee is a 63-year-old woman; I will call her Mrs. N. She gave answers to some questions that allowed the evaluation of the family heritage in respect of health practices, which are used to maintain, protect, and restore health. The interviewee told about her actions aimed...

Assessment Techniques and Benefit Patients

Evaluation of the Patient’s Head The first part of the assessment is the evaluation of the patient’s head. Initially, it is recommended to start with inspecting the size of the patient’s head. After that, the emphasis should be put on the temporal artery. The assessment of this area may help...

Fraud Perpetrators in Banking Organizations

Banks across the world are experiencing serious losses because of fraud. Fraud always manifests itself in various ways in such institutions. This can be in the form of providing false information to the bank by some of its customers, hacking into the systems and getting the information that they use...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Services Marketing: Service Encounter Diary

Encounter I had to use the services of this website because I needed to buy an airline ticket online. This organization appeared to me quite reliable and efficient. They helped me to make this reservation; however, a week later, they sent me an email and said that the airline company...

Matthew Effect and the Reader Self-Perception Scale

Despite the popular idea that, due to technological advances, which children are fascinated by, it is very hard to get a child excited with reading, the latter can, in fact, be turned into a child’s hobby rather easily. According to what Dr. Peter Afferbach states, watching children learn to read,...

Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Thermal Power Plants in China

Article Summary: Methods, Key Arguments and Results In their article titled “Nitrogen oxides emissions from thermal power plants in China: current status and future predictions,” Hezhong Tian, Kaiyun Liu, Jiming Hao, Yan Wang, Jiajia Gao, Peipei Qiu, and Chuanyong Zhu evaluate the data acquired from China’s major power plants and...

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Social services professionals play a positive role in every community. They use their competencies to support the welfare of many people and provide adequate services that can improve their living conditions (Diller, 2015). I strongly believe that I have acquired useful dexterities that make me a competent provider of superior...

Pearson PLC: Business Strategy and Organisational Dynamics

Pearson PLC is the leading education and book-publishing company in the world, and it is headquartered in London. Since the establishment of the firm, various management teams have been focusing on adopting the most effective approaches to realise excellent performance outcomes. Organisational capability can be defined as the ability of...

Wikis and Blogs’ Impact on Psychology

Without any doubt, online communication is one of the most widely-spread types of communication between people. Being far from each other, people get an excellent opportunity to share news, discuss various themes, meet new friends, organize their days, and entertain. Of course, writing letters and chat communications are excellent and...

The Congressional Black Caucus and Its Activities

Introduction The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) was formed with only 13 members in 1971. Currently, it has a membership of 42 members. It is critical to note that from the outset, that group membership was racially exclusive, but their goals and objectives were all-inclusive. The group’s stated mission was to...

Customer Integration and Satisfaction

Today we live in the world of customized products, a customer-oriented supply chain, and flexible services. The contemporary customers are becoming more and more demanding towards the goods they can purchase, and the services available. At the same time, product manufacturers and service provides are becoming more and more driven...

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Sociologists examine social occurrences at varying extents and from diverse standpoints. From actual understanding to an extensive overview of society and social norms, sociologists analyze all perspectives from specific experiences to the big picture. There are three primary theoretical perspectives used in sociology and include the functionalist perspective, the conflict...

Families USA: Interest Group Evaluation and Analysis

From your own research, what interest group did you find? Please list its name and website information. Families USA is the interest group that is to be evaluated in this paper. The information about the group was retrieved from their official website. From your own research, list three important pieces...

Domestic Violence and Non-Therapeutic Interventions

Introduction In the United States, the issue of domestic violence is closely related to other misfortunate circumstances in people’s lives. Violence at home is often accompanied by substance abuse, child neglect, and economic instability in the family. Due to the willingness to escape from an attacker, a victim is subjected...

Logical Consistency and Contradictions Definition

Contradictions Being logically consistent implies that a person has inner integrity. This is enhanced by avoidance of contradictions as inner desires are not permitted to conflict with one another. For instance, the need to be honest and brave might be contradicted by an urge to shun trouble and pain (Goldman...

The Declaration of United States Independence

Digital Field Trip The digital field trip to view the Founding Documents Gallery at the National Archives allows for the exploration of historically crucial papers that contributed to the shaping of American society. The Declaration of Independence was chosen as the focus of the reflection on the field trip because...

Sternfeld’s “McLean, Virginia, December 1978” Photo

Joel Sternfeld’s photograph “McLean, Virginia, December 1978” presents a somewhat paradoxical image to viewers. The landscape showing pumpkins scattered on the ground in front of a small and quaint farmer’s market is broken down by a burning building that is being managed by a firefighter brigade. The photograph is framed...

High Stakes Testing Definition

High-stakes testing is a phenomenon widely discussed in the literature. According to Natriello (2009), high-stakes tests (HSTs) are standardized student achievement tests used to assess the academic performance of students, teachers, and schools. These tests were designed to help the government decide the form of punishment, reward, and compensation it...

Henri Matisse’s and Nicolas Poussin’s Paintings

The experience of visiting a museum is often compared to contemplation as visitors reflect on what they see and try to make inferences regarding the various types of art. As mentioned by Duncan and Wallach (1840), museums hold the same artistic and historical value as churches, shrines, and even palaces...

RDB System: Proposal for Relational Databases

Introduction The modern world, full of information noise, is changing every day. A business that meets the demands of a new society must not only be able to adapt to change, but also to optimize existing processes to simplify the work significantly. The main idea of modern information technologies is...

Developing Individual Nursing Philosophy

The Unfolding of My Personal Nursing Philosophy Throughout my nursing experience, I found that the artistic element of nursing is subtle in its expression. It can be seen in the way nurses interact with patients, the dedication they put into even the smallest tasks, and the execution of routine treatments....

Nurse-Patient Interactions Study Methodology

Data Analysis Plans The present section proposes a data analysis plan for a study dedicated to the interactions between nurses and patients with a focus on the patients with heart failure and their readmissions. The following research question is the central one: how can nurses improve the level of caregiving...

Student Veterans’ Experience: Photovoice Methodology

The article featured in this critique discusses an analysis of the lived experience of student veterans that uses photovoice methodology. The author postulates that the population group has trouble adjusting to student life. He then evaluates a group of volunteers who used cameras to convey their transition experience. As a...

Primary and Team-Based Care Models in Nursing Home

Observed Healthcare Setting The healthcare setting chosen to observe staff in the delivery of nursing care is the nursing care home. Nurses delivered personalized primary care to patients, paying significant attention to establishing a positive relationship with them. There are named nurses responsible for the care delivery to an individual...

AIDET Communication Process in the Healthcare

The modern healthcare sector is focused on effective ways of care provision to achieve better results and meet patients’ diverse demands. This approach is considered the key to the further successful development of the sphere and improvement of the health of the nation. In this regard, communication, as one of...

Education Intervention for Elderly Patients With Hypertension

Hypertension, stroke, and diabetes are some of the most frequent diagnoses for elderly persons in the US. As it stands, healthcare professionals are favoring medical interventions over educational ones in managing these diseases. However, these practices are expensive and often inefficient without the follow-up educational intervention to ensure proper use...

1-800-GOT-JUNK? Company’s Global Expansion

Introduction Speaking about the expansion, business owners often focus on the pros and cons of new strategies for their companies. However, to get a full picture, it is also critical to evaluate such decisions with reference to positive and negative changes for new communities to be served. This paper discusses...

Life With or Without Social Media

Introduction The popularity of various social media has grown rapidly over a few decades. Nowadays, almost every single person has a Facebook or an Instagram account that he or she regularly accesses for various purposes, be that entertainment, stress relief, or socialization. Nevertheless, while social media provide multiple opportunities for...

Outbreak at Watersedge: A Public Health Discovery Game

The proposed game simulates the process of searching for credible evidence to detect the source of the infection. For this reason, it includes all stages that are critical and demanding in real-life conditions. First, consultation with an epidemiologist to realize the current situation and the problem is required. Second, because...

Health IT: Lupus Research Alliance Website

The evaluation of consumer healthcare websites is an important step in assessing the overall appropriateness of the patient education information provided online. The evaluation should be conducted according to such criteria like accuracy, design, authors (sponsors), currency, and authority (Bastable, Gramet, Jacobs, & Sopczyk, 2011). The purpose of this paper...

Bower and Paine’s Criticism of Agency Theory

To sustain an organization, one needs to delineate the roles for each participant clearly, which includes the shareholders as crucial agents of the business setting. However, locating the extent of the influence that shareholders should exert on a company is quite a challenge due to the unique circumstances in which...

Conflicts in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

In the short story The Rich Brother, Tobias Wolff vividly portrays a conflict between rich and poor brothers, their family relations and social position affected their life style. Out of the only role to have given his life purpose, Donald lacks a sense of who he is or how he...

French Popular Music, Barbara (French Singer)

Barbara becomes an icon of French culture, music, and the movie industry. In her lyrics and performance, she speaks about social and cultural problems, love and passion, etc. It is possible to say that the qualities of Barbara’s styles are not typically feminine because she speaks about social and personal...

The Aspects of Managing People

In this session it is proposed to take up the aspects of managing people with regard to social skills and expertise necessary in order to take optimum use of people skills. There are several aspects of man management and they relate to the following: Motivation Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement Motivation...

Political Science. Naomi Klein’s “Don’t Fence Us In”

The article by Naomi Klein “Don’t Fence Us In” responds to the world’s significant problems concerned with economic and financial instability in the world. The survey is full of arguments and details about the problem of limits or “fences” which surround vital for life domains of peoples’ everyday life. The...

Dismal City Police Department: “Do More With Less”

Community policing has gained impetus in the recent past in an effort to enhance the safety of the public and the quality of life in communities. This new approach is especially important in this era of recession, high unemployment rates, and increased crime. Frequent budget cuts and a low number...

Greek and Egyptian Ceramics Art Comparison

Introduction The world of art is a versatile entity of different implementations of imageries and creative thoughts fixed in a proper time, event, and epoch. This outlines art in its history as a succession of thought within artistic people so that to illustrate the gradual steps in changes. In this...

The Period of Enlightenment

“The Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and man were synthesized into a worldview that gained wide assent and that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics. Central to Enlightenment thought were the use and the...

Venture Capital and Used Book Store Business

The best solution for the used book store business is venture capital. There are many determining issues when attracting venture capital. First, there tend to be long-term and large-scale practices and business activities, and these activities should be better handled by an independent company like a used book store business....

Nixon, More Than Watergate

Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, will be forever known as the only president that resigned the office in disgrace. When examining the highlights of Richard Nixon’s presidency, his setbacks often overshadow his many accomplishments, a historical travesty. When Nixon took office as President in January of...

Opioid Drug Regulation: Legislative Letter

Dear Senator Nelson, In my practice, I regularly deal with patients affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is a serious condition that requires considerable effort to be managed appropriately. Patients affected by the condition are known to experience a major deterioration in the quality of life (Dueñas, Ojeda, Salazar, Mico,...

Pivotal Group and Sterling Chemicals, Inc.: Acquisition Strategy

Pivotal Group Acquisition Pivotal Group is an investment company based in Phoenix. The company deals in private equity and real estate investment portfolios. Some of the company’s major real estate investments are its hotels, which are in the category of luxury investments; office properties; and community development properties. For example,...

Alameri Group’s Situational Leadership

Introduction Leadership is defined as the social process under which a person can utilize the support of others to achieve a common goal and forms one of the most relevant and important aspect of organizations. Leadership style refers to “the manner and approach in which directions, motivation, planning and implementation...

A Marriage Built on Christian Love

Often people do not even know the meaning of the words they tend to use; this fact leads to misunderstanding, ambiguity, or creates a fundament for jokes and mockery. No one likes to be mocked; therefore, people try to avoid unclear or unknown words. Polite people use simple words if...

United States National Health Reform

Evidently, President Obama has succeeded in establishing the Health Care System reform. The President and democratic leaders claimed that a universal health insurance reform would reduce the deficit by reducing health care costs. As such, signed in 2010, the reform act has now brought the results to analyze and see...

Animal Exploitation and Utilitarianism

Unlike the non-human animals, we live in a society that does not believe the laws of nature to be the sole possessor of ultimate truth. Long years of human development have shaped another law that may be violated by some individuals but has a significant influence on our decision-making process....

Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods

In the organic farming technique, farmers do not use any synthetics or chemicals. The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment. Some of the core methods involved in the organic farming include the use of green manure, crop rotation, biological pests...

Strategic Planning for Collegiate Athletics

Yow (2000) states that planning in sports entails goal identification, analyzing one’s environment, and choosing actions that will assist the athletes in meeting their objectives. It must also involve giving feedback on results. These aspects are vital because the sports administrator, coach, or team leader will get successful results if...

Wiesel Elie “Night”: Eliezer’s Lost Childhood

Introduction ‘Night’ is an autobiographical story written by Wiesel Elie. The short story details the plight of a Jewish family during the holocaust. In the course of World War 2, the Nazi regime under Adolf Hitler unleashed unimaginable and horrifying atrocities against members of the Jewish community living in Germany...

Houston: Individualistic or Traditionalistic?

Introduction The federal government in the United States gives individual states important powers, such as building roads, funding schools, and organizing police work. Given the differences in approaches to lawmaking, the American states are rightly called “laboratories for democracy” (Elazar, 1984). However, no less important is a rather noticeable difference...

Theory of Control in the Healthcare

Introduction The control process is applicable in various disciplines like manufacturing, healthcare, financial consulting, processing among others. In hospitals, control theory is useful in managing cases and monitoring the healing process of patients. One such application of control theory is performance appraisal in the hospital to achieve dependable, reliable, and...

Health Care Reform and American Politics

The United States of America has long been striving to enact the health insurance reform and it eventually became possible with Obama at charge. It is a serious step forward in order to support many Americans who cannot afford paying for the medical insurance. The US has the highest health...

Gender Stereotypes: Should Real Men Wear Pink?

Nowadays, studies regarding the topic of similarities and differences between men and women are becoming more relevant for social studies. Some of the most well-known facts about gender stereotypes usually relate to clothing. Even in the 21st century, there is a strong belief among people that real men should not...

Description of English Vowels and Consonants

Introduction The following paper aims at discussing the peculiarities of English sound creation. Particularly, English vowels along with their classification and basic characteristics and consonants along with their types, manner of articulation, and place of articulation will be considered. The types of vowels the paper observes are basic, mid, lax,...

Michael Welland’s Sand “The Never-Ending Story”

Written to engage an amateur as well as a trained professional, Michael Welland’s Sand: The Never-ending Story covers everything that is connected with the topic of sand. From composition and size to usage, sand is the key subject of Welland’s insightfully written book. A geologist, Welland not only scrutinizes sand...

Sofia Samatar. The Huntress. Character Analysis

“The Huntress” is a fictional short story by Sofia Samatar, which touches on topics of fear, family, and identity. The award-winning author from Virginia, US, creates intriguing, heart-pumping, and blood-boiling literary pieces and “The Huntress: is not an exception. The story discovers the need for adventure and magic within a...

Ethical Dilemmas as an Integral Part of Business

Introduction Ethics has become an integral part of any business due to the prevalence of interpersonal relationships that span multiple cultures, genders, and socioeconomic strata. As the domain of interpersonal communication enlarges, ethical issues are growing in number. Therefore, it is essential to consider business ethics as the required framework...

Effective Leadership Styles and Its Roles

Introduction The world is always changing, and so do the principles and approaches to management. New Science offers a range of methods that help managers to run organizations more effectively. According to Wheatley (2006), the world evolves when people interact with it. She states that it is more important to...

Logistic Trends: Business Challenges

Introduction Client satisfaction is the major concern for any business activity as it is the key factor of its profit. Consumer needs can be met on the condition that the product is cleverly developed, properly manufactured, and promptly delivered. As far as the main logistics’ function is to connect these...

The Value of Learning About Other Cultures and Communities

Introduction Studying other cultures is an integral part of modern education; it is subtly included in almost any program where that is possible. It is generally believed to have a positive influence on the students, and not many people wonder why that would be the case. This paper will analyze...

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Gertrude

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most known tragedies in the English literature, while Hamlet himself is an illustrative example of a turbulent mind. His inner thoughts and his attitude towards his father is often at the center of the discussion, but his relationship with Gertrude, his mother, is...

“Neighborhood Racial Discrimination and the Development of Major Depression” by Russell

Introduction Even though the days of slavery are long over, unfortunately, racism did not become a matter of the past. There are still many stereotypes and prejudices around the world that negatively influence innocent lives by implementing a systematic restriction of the rights of people of color. African American women...

A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making by Snowden & Boone

Introduction Situational framework peculiar to different organizations impacts decision making regardless of its complexity. However, in complicated, complex, and chaotic contexts, the selection of the correct solution can be challenging because of the many unknown factors and high turbulence (Snowden & Boone, 2007). Under these conditions, the application of the...

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The Critical Characteristics of an Experiment

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The Adaptation to Childhood Chronic Illnesses: Parental and Child Perspectives

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The Relationships Between Technology Progress and Communication

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A Civil Trial on the Amusement Park Injuries Case

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Aging Population: A Relevant Problem of the Future

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Net Neutrality – A Free Internet

Net neutrality regulations are critical to the openness and innovation of the Internet. It is a concept that has been built into the creation of the Internet since its foundations almost 30 years ago. Without net neutrality, major internet service providers (ISP) the likes of Verizon and Comcast would be...

Gender, Race, and Trade Unions

Career achievements and personal characteristics may not be the only criteria employers consider during the hiring process. Bias based on gender or race is present whenever an employee or potential applicant is treated in a different way. Moreover, gender discrimination affects wages since it is evident that women are paid...

McDonald’s Restaurant Chain’s Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is of extreme importance for the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Some types of organizations require a rigid hierarchy, while others can be more flexible with the structure. Thus, scholars identify two different types of organizational structures: mechanistic and organic (Hunsaker, 2018). Mechanistic organizational structure is the most...

Sea Poems by Keats and Wordsworth

Introduction The sea is frequently the central theme of many authors’ compositions. The poem “On the Sea” by John Keats (1800) illustrates the incredible power and subtlety of the waves, as well as their capacity to treat troubled eyes and torn ears. It demonstrates freedom and solace that can be...

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

When pondering upon the notion of democracy, the vast majority of people will inevitably think of the United States of America. Since the US declaration of independence in 1776, the state itself became the synonym with the idea of the public will. In fact, researchers who spend years on investigating...

Individual Power Plan in Nursing

My Sense of Power in My Organization My hospital has always provided timely and quality care to every patient. The hospital always focuses on the health needs of its patients. I have always used the best leadership theories to mentor my employees and nurse assistants (NAs). I have always used...

Narcotic Anonymous Experience

Abstract This paper evaluates my learning experience about Narcotic Anonymous. I carried out research on Narcotic Anonymous, its activities, and operational framework. Narcotics Anonymous is a community of women and men who have faced major challenges because of drug influences. Such women and men have agreed to undergo rehabilitation processes...

Nursing Intellectual Capital Theory

Intellectual capital is a theory that focuses on the collective knowledge of individuals and the structures that are present in a given organization (Stewart, 2001). This theory views the knowledge possessed by employees as an intangible asset that is critical to the success of a given entity. Additionally, this theory...

The Irony in: “The Lamp at Noon” by Sinclair Ross

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The Meaning of Consciousness

No universal definition of consciousness exists despite numerous attempts by philosophers, scholars, researchers, and even practitioners to formulate it. Defining this concept remains a daunting task because people hold conflicting perspectives on the term (Vithoulkas & Muresanu, 2014). Dehaene et al. (2017) agree by asserting that consciousness has multiple meanings...

Charles Woodmason: Criticism of “New Lights”

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“Order of Things: An Archaeology of Human Sciences” by Foucault

Argument The central argument that Michel Foucault puts forward in the Order of Things: An Archaeology of Human Sciences is that relevant points of history, knowledge, and humankind come in a specific order. By discussing the order, the author points to a series of assumptions that make up the relevant...

Criminology: The Aboriginal Crisis

The aboriginal people have been living under confinement, in the reserves for a long time. Though these laws have undergone amendments that seek to give them more freedom, they are still under a lot of legal constraints. This law limits the flexibility of the Aboriginal people to adapt to changes...

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars in Singapore

In the 21st century, due to the undeniable globalization processes, it seems normal when companies become international and open their filial not just in other countries but also in distant regions. The economic stimulus for this internationalization is endless: they vary from diversification of markets to incentives for the local...

Substance Abuse among Black Women Aged 22-55 in Miami

The problem of substance abuse is quite prevalent in Miami and it affects almost all demographics. However, substance abuse in black women who are aged between 25 and 55 years is rarely considered an issue of major concern and it is often relegated to the background. The effects of substance...

Star Excursion Balance Test Overview

Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), or The Star Test t is a dynamic procedure that requires strength, flexibility, and proprioception. This is a way to measure dynamic balance which is difficult enough for athletes and physically active people. SEBT can be used to assess physical fitness, as well as to...

Terror and Sikhism

Purpose of violence India has the most religious and ethnic groups in the world. As a result, the country has been characterized by conflict based on religion more than any other country. Among the religious sects in the country is Sikhism. The group has been in tension with the Hindu...

The Importance of Vitamin B and Iron

The word vitamin was initially referred to elements that are soluble in water and essential in the nutrition of babies and they were separated from milk, yeasts, and wheat germ. The word vitamin was taken from the initial invention of the anti-beriberi factor in 1912 by a well-known scientist called...

Lived Experiences of the Time Preceding Burnout

Introduction Qualitative research methods are important in developing factual knowledge in nursing to provide research evidence on matters regarding human health which are then analyzed and documented. (Ekstedt & Fagerberg 2005) Analysis of the research The research methodology used on- Lived Experiences of the Time Preceding Burnout used a small...

Online vs. Face-To-Face Meetings in Business

During these unprecedented times of strict quarantine and worldwide pandemic, online communication became the centrepiece of education and business operations. Meetings play a vital role in all these processes, which is why it is important to discuss the pros and cons of online meetings in contrast with the face-to-face version....