Law Contracts and Ways to Break the Contract

Introduction The contract can be perceived as a bond between two parties that is based on reciprocal agreements and is expected to be followed by the parties involved in it. Nonetheless, there may occur situations when the underlying concepts of a contract can be disregarded either legally or dishonestly (Smits,...

Values and Attitude for Effective Human Services

Introduction Values refer to codes of conduct that a person holds as relevant, worth, or essential in life. On the other hand, attitude is the way of viewing or feeling about something, which is usually seen in a person’s form of conduct. Human service goes along with appreciating the well-being...

“The Use of Common Planning Time” by Cook and Faulkner

Cook, C. M. & Faulkner, S. A. (2010). The Use of Common Planning Time: A Case Study of Two Kentucky Schools to Watch. RMLE Online. 34(2), 1-12. Purpose and Problem Since little research has been done on the common planning of time in school, the authors have introduced the studies...

Christian Eschatology: The Destiny of the Unsaved

Introduction Many Christians as well as the representatives of other confessions ask this question: why do loving God allow His creatures to suffer in Hell? Can an idea of eternal punishment be compared with the love of God? Clark Pinnock says: “How can Christians possibly project a deity of such...

Responsibility in Personal Life and Environment

Introduction Every person becomes responsible for something as we all grow up and start realizing the importance of various duties and others’ expectations from us. Responsible people are more reliable and are much easier to communicate with, as they may be considered mature and wise. Every responsibility requires a particular...

The Nursing Shortage Bill Becoming a Law

Situation: Is This Something Than Can Be Legislated? The problem/concern The nursing shortage usually causes an insufficient nurse-to-patient ratio. In turn, this tendency leads to an imbalance in healthcare workplaces. The shortage of nursing staff results in excessive workloads for the remaining nurses. Additionally, it exposes patients to various dangers...

Trading Instructions: Primary Source Analysis

Type The document under analysis includes a set of guidelines regarding the coordination of Fort Hall as one of the essential trading posts at the time. Title The regulation in question is titled N. J. Wyeth’s instructions for Robert Evans at the Fort Hall Trading Post (1834). Author As the...

Climate Change and Social Responsibility in the UAE

The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and...

Robert A. Dahl’s Analysis of the American Constitution

Introduction The American Constitution is one of the documents many citizens do not take for granted. Although some people believe that its framers were inspired, wise, and philosophical, many scholars still question their original intentions. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of Robert A. Dahl’s arguments. The discussion...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Stratification

Wealth and Racial Stratification in the United States The main implication of racial stratification is that it is an inseparable part of the culture in the United States. As DiAngelo explains in his article “White Fragility,” as a white person who spends years examining the race theory, the author concludes...

American Cancer Society: Risk Factors, Effective Care and Enhancing Nursing Knowledge

Introduction The interaction of medical professionals with cancer patients is a topic that is often addressed in the modern world since oncology is one of the most common causes of death. In this regard, care issues play an important role in discussions of potentially effective interventions aimed at minimizing the...

Automobile Industry and Its Evolution in the US

The evolution of the automobile industry has brought in several changes in the world. The book entitled “Twentieth-Century Technologies” mainly focuses on the automobile industry and its evolution in the United States. Though the basic idea of automobiles began way back in the 18th century, it was only in the...

Passing a Test: Process Analysis

Abstract Taking a difficult test is not a simple and easy thing. It involves careful consideration of what one wants to do and what one expects as an outcome. The task of preparing for the test includes thorough study of the material or the subject matter for the test, analysis...

“Charter Schools: Hope or Hype?” by Jack Buckley

In their book Jack Buckley and Mark Schneider attempt to assess the effectiveness of charter schools. The authors try to determine whether they are a real breakthrough in American education or just the result of a well-staged advertising campaign. The major peculiarity of these institutions is that they are accountable...

Communist Manifesto Relation to Other Writers

Introduction The relations of human beings within society have always been characterized by the considerable complexity of processes and theories developed by various scholars to explain the mentioned processes. The idea of class inequality and the struggle of classes in society acquired considerable importance in the middle of the 19th...

What Is It to Be an American

Introduction When my family moved from the Philippines to America, my world suddenly opened up to experiences that, before then, had only occurred in my life as fantasies. I suddenly found myself free of a national dictator – President Marcos – and could essentially do as I liked. And while...

Development of the US Economic Status From a Net Importer to a Net Exporter

The economies of most of the countries are developing toward world globalization, which increases the role of such phenomena as migration of capital, and international trade, which in turn is directly connected with the national debt. In 1985, a vital change took place in the state of the international assets...

The American Supreme Court: Series of Evolution

Like every branch of the federal government, the Supreme Court has since its creation gone through a series of evolutions. When it was first constituted, the constitution did not fully define how the court would look like. In the course of time, there have been many attempts from different quarters...

“Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury: The Roots of Fear

Introduction The novel Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury is a fiction story which unveils the untold and underlying lawlessness in anti-intellectual teenagers in America; who engage in various anti-social activities. In his novel, Bradbury brings the corrupt and evils society build on the fear of unknown as a result of inferiority...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Critical Thinking: Examples From Literature

Introduction Thinking is a complex process that takes place in the human mind and, therefore, is weakly studied by scholars. The ability to think critically, at the same time, is an obvious phenomenon that is manifested in the judgments a person makes and the bases he/she has for those judgments....

Limited Government and Individual Liberty

A fast-growing government of the United States launched a bureaucratic mechanism empowered with unlawful methods of controlling and administering the state. The unlimited power granted to the government deprives citizens of the right of ownership and allows them to ignore the rules and premises established by the Constitution. Therefore, one...

The Ideas of the Enlightenment

One of the key ideas of the Enlightenment having a profound effect on the modern west world is the idea of popular government. According to this idea, there exists no need in the special social class of aristocracy, and common people are able to exercise rule over themselves. The expansion...

Chinese Confucianism: Piety, Loyalty, Behavior

Introduction In Chinese society, Confucianism and governance are intertwined such that the two are dependent on each other. We cannot discuss governance without involving some principles that are associated with the Confucian system in China. While the Chinese people are extremely religious, they are also known to be politically clued-up....

The Book “Meeting the Dead” by Andrew Geyer

Introduction The genre and general style of Andrew Geyer’s “Meeting the Dead” The book under the title “Meeting the Dead” was the first novel written by Andrew Geyer and attracted a lot of readers’ attention with its captivating plot. The events covered in the book take place in northern Peru...

“After the Ball” and “Wedding Ringer Movies” Comparison

Introduction It is been a while since I saw some spectacular romantic comedy. The recent ones are not engaging at all. Considering my intelligibility about good movies, I can only allocate two: “After the Ball” and the “Wedding Ringer”. Now, I want to share with you the impression. Main body...

The Davis Plant TQM Case Analysis

Introduction Total Quality management, as well as organizational development of a team are regarded as the key engines of managerial and organizational process. If TQM principles are implemented, this means that all the hindrances and barriers associated with the company’s regress should be removed. The aim of this paper is...

The US Criminal Justice Assignment

Society always expects a criminal justice system to be fair and efficient. At the same time, it needs to balance the need to enforce the law and the need to protect individuals’ rights. There are two models that have a distinct approach to serving justice. The crime control model was...

National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) and Clinical Laboratory Support

With the development of clinical pharmacy clinical staff started specializing in different clinical areas. (Stephens 2003) The course in Clinical Laboratory Support is aimed at people who work in pathology laboratories. It has been designed to “allow staff in these posts to learn underlying theory and gain credit for their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

From 1932 to 1972, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) conducted a clinical study that was aimed at observing and learning more about the natural process and history of untreated syphilis. The leakage of such a process resulted in numerous questions and criticism. It still remains one of the...

The Form of Change in the Firm: Change Management

In the present society, organizational change is one of the most critical factors for success in an institution. In a simple definition, change refers to the systematic approach, which involves the transition of the company’s goals, processes, or core values. In most cases, these changes continue to occur to help...

Clinical Reflection on Australian Nursing Competency Standards

Introduction Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) is a regulatory body in the sphere of Medicare that is responsible for the training and provision of nursing services nationwide. In this respect, the idea of healthcare protection and stimulation is outlined in the paper using paying attention to competency standards of...

Dominant Culture’s Influence on Immigrants

American society is characterized by a high degree of diversity that has led to various conflicts. Although it is acknowledged that the cooperation of people with different cultural backgrounds can be favorable for the development of society, groups are often unable to collaborate effectively due to polarization, the focus on...

Hipster Subculture and Green Movement Counterculture

Introduction A culture is a complex phenomenon that cannot be isolated from the process of social evolution. It often coexists with an array of subcultures and countercultures that are closely linked to the issue of national identity and the feeling of belonging. This essay dwells on values, norms, beliefs, symbols,...

Virtual Road Trip Through Texas

The Mineral Wells Baker Hotel – an infamous place that has gathered the attention of many paranormal enthusiasts and horror fans around the United States. What decades ago has been a grandiose and luxurious place for relaxation is now only a shadow of its former self, attracting an all-new kind...

My Experiences Handling Stress at High School

Transition to high school can often prove challenging for teens, as they have to deal with a lot of new information. For me, in the first year of high school, Algebra became a source of chronic stress for a few reasons. I felt pressure from my parents to do well...

Health: The Benefits of Running

Introduction Over the years, running has become an extremely popular sport across the age divide. While many people simply run for fun, others do so from the realization of the physical benefits that the sport can bring. With the spread of unhealthy eating habits, there have been increased calls for...

Basketball: The History of Popularity

Basketball – an iconic sport which gathers hundreds of thousands of fans each year in large stadiums while also being the favorite pastime for kids after school. The sport is elegantly simple, two teams of five players each, trying to throw the ball into the basket of their opponent to...

Kelo v. City of New London: The Case Study

Facts Kelo v. New London City, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was a court case chosen by the United States High Court concerning the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one title holder to another to enhance economic development. The allegation emanated from the conviction by Connecticut town in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Type II Diabetes in Obese Children

Obesity refers to a medical condition whereby a person’s body structure is made up of excessive body fats to an extent that is detrimental to their health. More generally obesity and overweight are defined the same way as conditions where a person body fats are above normal levels ( The...

Affordable Care Act for LGBTQ Populations

Effective evidence-based healthcare policies may improve nursing and patient outcomes by promoting safety and quality of care. As a major health policy, the Affordable Care Act demonstrates how political initiatives can transform healthcare (Laureate Education, 2016). The following discussion post will provide a detailed description of the Affordable Care Act,...

Restorative Justice: Principle

Restorative justice advocates for repair and healing. Through restorative justice, the standard punishment is based on the extent of harm or damage caused rather than degree of the mistake committed. It holds three principles which are; the Principle of repair advocating for fair justice, restoration of the offended, offenders and...

Obama’s State of the Union Address Summary

The American president Barrack Obama on the 27th of January 2010 said that the constitution of America required the president to tell congress the information regarding the state of the union. He said that although America may seem to have been destined to succeed there was a time when that...

The Importance of a Proper Accident Investigation

Introduction Business organizations should have proper mechanisms for preventing accidents and injuries. However, corporations might experience different occurrences even if such preventative measures are already in place. The involved parties should conduct proper accident investigations to prevent it from recurring. This essay explains why it is important for the relevant...

Substance Abuse in the Young People

Substance abuse refers to unsafe or hazardous use of substances that are psychoactive. Such substances may include alcohol or illicit drugs (Nisse, 2008). With repetitive use, these substances become addictive and it becomes hard to control the desire to use them. Juvenile justice is part of criminal law that deals...

Symbols in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Poe’s short stories are widely known for the mystery and horror they hide. Being famous as an inventor of the detective genre, the writer filled his narrations with seemingly minute details that turned out to have had substantial importance in the end. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of the most...

Drinking Soda and Weight Gain: Linear Regression

Research question Linear regression analysis is used to describe how a dependent variable (sometimes known as the criterion variable) is controlled by an explanatory variable (sometimes known as the predictor variable). The dependent variable Y is plotted against the independent variable X to obtain a scatter plot (Jackson, 2012). Plotting...

Safety, Communication, and Informatics in Nursing

Introduction Nurse informatics focuses on the integration of modern technologies to gather, process, analyze, and use information to address the health needs of patients (Lavin, Harper, & Barr, 2015). This essay gives a detailed summary of two major informatics trends transforming healthcare practice. The safety issues affecting the use of...

Eroticized Clothing: “Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?”

Introduction It is important to note that fashion and the way people dress are a major element of a society’s perception of acceptable norms and beliefs in regards to representing certain groups. The given article provides an in-depth analysis and discussion on the topic of excessive sexualization of clothing and...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the US

The United States government initiated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to minimize health disparities by lowering costs and improving the accessibility of healthcare. The introduction of ACA highlighted the fact that the healthcare industry is in the need of reforms in order to improve its cost-effectiveness, quality, and accessibility. Healthcare...

Reconstruction Era: Primary Reading Analysis

The treatment of African Americans was still unfair after the emancipation of slaves. Liberation of slaves prompted numerous difficulties for black people, the primary ones being isolation and separation. African Americans got no help from Republicans during the age of Reconstruction, particularly in the South since they believed there was...

Operation Management and Value Chain in Healthcare

Operation management is essential for any organization to ensure effective administration and maximize operating profit. Supply chain management and the value chain of any industry require planning and management of production, logistics, and collaboration with partners (Yanamandra, 2018). Indeed, supply chain management was proven to be helpful in cost reduction...

Predictive Modeling: Regressions and Neural Networks

Introduction Predictive modeling is used to forecast results and outcomes for various types of situations and processes. Neural networks are the tools individuals can utilize for these purposes. This paper provides insight into the complex process of constructing predictive regression models, as well as training them and choosing appropriate input...

Capital Budgeting for Byron Manufacturing

Capital budgeting refers to a process of decision-making by businesses regarding long-term resource allocation. It involves evaluating new projects and investments by analyzing the inflows and outflows of cash and estimating the expected return. Capital budgeting revolves around the concept of time value for money (Menifield, 2021). A decision needs...

Incorrect Assumptions in Mill’s Audit Case

Certified accountant Baker, despite his prestigious status and professional skills, made several inaccuracies and mistakes during the audit of the financial statements of Mill Company. In assessing the risk of controls, the auditor can use audit data from previous years. However, this time Baker changed his approach to a statistical...

Unemployment Rates in the United States due to COVID-19

At present, the increase in unemployment in the United States is associated with the country’s epidemiological situation and the tightening of quarantine measures taken by states and individual cities’ authorities. Unemployment rates are more critical compared to the 2008 economic crisis. Vedder’s point is that US citizens tend to work...

Less Screen Time and More Time Outdoors for Young Kids

The rapid development of technology and its increased availability is bringing about significant changes in people’s lives, especially in their ways of entertainment and relaxation. If earlier children spent practically all their free time in the fresh air coming up with different games, catching fish, and communicating with each other,...

Happiness in Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics”

Happiness is a sufficient and perfect that of human beings. Aristotle argues that there are different lives people tend to consider happiness. The types of lives stated by Aristotle include the life of political action, the life of money-making and gratification, and contemplation or philosophical life study. People appreciate all...

Religion Research: Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism Hinduism is a significant religion with rich history, a considerable amount of followers, and the Bhagavad Gita as one of the most important sacred texts. Hinduism originated from Hindu, which is one of the most ancient religions mainly spread among South Asia. Today there are approximately 800 million adherents...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Systematic Risk, Debt Maturity, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads

Introduction Debt is a dangerous form of money that significantly affects overall credit history and adversely affects future financial standing. Individuals are at high risk of losing assets if they fall behind on payments or fail to repay debt. The general accumulation of debt results in the closing of all...

Appropriation or Appreciation: Clothes of Other Cultures

Since the traditions and customs of each country have their peculiarities, residents of different countries have various attitudes towards the choice of clothing. While in some states, a woman in trousers looks quite natural, in other countries, she can shock citizens. However, there are certain conditions under which people of...

“Does Couples’ Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction”

Overview The research by Lavner et al. (2016) observed positivity, negativity, and effectiveness of 431 newlywed couples to determine the relationship between communication and the level of satisfaction. The researchers analyzed the behavior and attitude of the couples four times every nine months. The results demonstrate that cross-sectionally, relatively satisfied...

Discussion of Genetic Testing Aspects

Should prospective adoptive parents be able to request and receive genetic information regarding the infant they are considering prior to adoption? The primary aim of the adoption process is to ensure that the children move into a safe and loving environment. The parents are expected to cater to the adopted...

Dividend Policy at Linear Technology

The M&M theory is used to guide the management of corporates of all sizes: large, medium, and small-scale. The theory proposes that company value should not be affected by its capital structure. It implies that the company’s revenues, profits, and other financial metrics should not be influenced by its value...

Depression in the Older Population

Depression is a clinical disorder that affects mood and mental health, involving lack of interest in any activities and permanent sadness for a long time. Many people make mistakes when they call any negative, sad feelings depression, though it is a medically recorded disorder, not just a bad mood. Nowadays,...

Procedural Law in Business

Procedural law is a set of legal norms regulating the procedural order procedures for the practical implementation and enforcement of substantive law. Procedural law is inextricably linked with substantive law, as it establishes the procedural forms necessary for its performance and protection (Rammeloo, 2019). There are the following primary forms...

Biological and Chemical Changes in the Artificial Ecosystem of the Aquarium

Introduction The methodology of the present experiment is built on the use of quantitative methods of analysis to study an artificial ecosystem. A brief overview of the entire experiment is that critical changes were consistently measured as a function of time for an aquarium prepared at week 9 with a...

Team Building Across Cultures

Team performance is a crucial aspect of any collective work and can be a difference between success and failure. Team-building is, therefore, an important component of organizational work that requires sufficient attention on the leadership’s part. In the globalized contemporary world, with the personnel often coming from different cultural backgrounds,...

The Impact of Effective Communications in an Organization

The role of decision-makers during a crisis cannot be ignored because they give strategic direction. They work to ensure that the crisis is managed effectively when it occurs (Okoli & Watt, 2018). For example, a crisis manager assigns roles to various stakeholders after assessing the crisis. They also determine how...

Aspects of Buddhist Monasticism

Buddhism monastic orders are the oldest types of institutionalized monasticism and Buddhism’s essential organizations. Buddhist religious organizations began thousands of years ago, during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, in the Indus Valley culture. As they were known, the nuns and nuns-sangha were traveling knights-errant, as this was the livelihood of...

Conservative Approach to Genesis Reading

The accounts of creation in the book of Genesis have always faced opposition from scientific approaches. People have different methods of reading and interpreting creation accounts while seeking the light of truth. Our cultural beliefs significantly influence the inspiration of biblical teachings within the society in truth matters (McGrath, Wright,...

Waltz and Machiavelli Thoughts on International Relation and Politics

Waltz And Machiavelli’s Thoughts This paper will discuss the similarities and analysis of Waltz and Machiavelli’s thoughts on international relations and politics. Waltz began his career as a political theorist to describe state behavior. He used the imagery of human nature and individual leaders, the domestic politics of nations, and...

Multinational Companies in Canada

Introduction Multinational establishments are characterized by the presence of a controlling stake not in one country but in different ones. In Canada, multinational companies account for approximately one percent of all enterprises (TMF Group, 2017). Canadian corporations are actively hiring employees whom they search for outside the country (May, 2017)....

Sartre’s Existentialism Interpretation

Introduction Existentialism is a very peculiar discipline of the school of thought in terms of its historical context. Its periods of active development and popularity paralleled the civilizational era of technical progress, full-scale and technological wars of annihilation, and unhuman state systems. These factors formed the very freedom-loving basis of...

“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: The Role Played by Prophet Muhammad

The significant role played by Prophet Muhammad in the daily lives of Muslims is mainly ignored by Western scholars. Through artistic expressions, texts, and examination of the Muslim religious execution, Schimmel shows the soft side of Islamic religious traditions as practiced and experienced in the Islamic world. She views the...

The Reformation Consequences for Europe and America

The history of humanity is characterized by many historical periods which significantly influenced the path of development. These include wars, revolutions, upheavals, death or rise to power of new persons, and reforms. The latter includes significant changes that have occurred due to the policies and efforts of one or more...

Detection of Genetically Modified Products

Today, people are becoming more concerned about the need to protect themselves from the effects of harmful factors and to buy quality food. The U.S. government has decided to expand expenditures on food quality and safety control programs significantly. Therefore, a federal law was passed to label GMO products in...

Basic Principles of Competent Communication

Introduction Effective interpersonal communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The two individuals present in the video face a myriad of communication problems. While many people do not have good skills in this sector, developing them can boost one’s communication capacity. Interpersonal communication is an integral...

“Harrison Bergeron”: The Fear of Socialism

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut is a short dystopian story that explores the notion of equality. However, the author takes the dystopian genre to an extreme length by portraying all the characters as handicapped, which makes no one superior in this piece. Overall, as “Harrison Bergeron” is based on a...

Free Market and Corporate Social Responsibility

In today’s world economy, there is only one rule that can be applied to a free market: supply and demand. In this case, the free market has nothing to do with corporate social responsibility. Milton Friedman’s philosophy was also based on the idea that despite the claims of large companies...

At-Risk Factors for Youth in Alberta

In one of the provinces of Canada called Alberta, the protection of children and young adults is serious, and the level of at-risk occasions is insignificant. However, one of the massive problems that might influence the youth of the location and their future is an environmental disaster. For instance, global...

Advocacy Plan Assignment: Overdose Prevention in Rural Arizona

The previously identified area of concern is the lack of resources for addressing opioid overdose cases in La Paz County in Arizona. From preliminary research, effective means of drug overdose death prevention include local service providers’ access to opioid agonists, such as naloxone, ensuring adequate training on drug agonist use...

Academic Performance in Public vs. Private Schools

Introduction People popularly assume private school attendees exceed public school students’ academic performance. Although this statement rings true for an overwhelming majority of countries, there are still unique cases which disapprove this norm. Current literature questions the common belief in the superiority of private education. Researchers still cast doubts on...

Resource-Based View in Strategic Management

There are numerous approaches to assessing the value of an organization; however, the resource-based view allows for the most accurate and comprehensive analysis of the key opportunities that an organization can pursue in the selected market. By offering essentially an analysis of the key components of a company’s potential competitive...

Theme as Literary Element in “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

Introduction Literacy texts employ different features of style to convey a message to a reader. The style used will have the impact of attracting and making a reader relate to the story. Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” uses an array of literary elements to capture the attention of a...

Health Resources and Services Administration

Introduction The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is a U.S. government agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HRSA was created in 1982, to help improve access to health care for underserved and vulnerable populations (Health Resources and Services Administration, n.d.). The annual budget of HRSA...

Olympic and Funeral Games in “The Iliad” by Homer

Homer’s Iliad is a full-scale artistic discovery made in the cradle of world culture — Ancient Greece. This is one of the first epic poems in the history of mankind. In the analyzed chapter, the topic of funerals and the Olympic Games in honor of the burial of an ancient...

The Pollution Problem and Its Negative Effects

Pollution is a significant modern problem that negatively affects not only people’s lives but also threatens the environment. Pollution occurs due to the human factor, namely as a result of various human activities. These include industry, farming, chemicals, and other kinds of performance. In addition, the mining industry, namely the...

Philosophical Anthropology and Theological Perspectives

Theology, like psychology, is driven by the urge to understand human nature. Clinical psychology dominates psychology’s discipline, and its subject matter frequently intersects with religious questions. The crucial question is whether psychology can help humans from the perspective of philosophical anthropology. Thus, the essay will compare philosophical anthropology’s psychological and...

A Gemba Walk in a Healthcare Organization

Summary of the Organization The organization in question is a medium size hospital, offering both general and specialized care. The staff works to promote the well-being and health of individuals, providing various healthcare services, referring people to specialized care, and informing the public about current public health issues. The main...

Service User Inclusion and Empowerment in Social Work

Building an equality-based rapport with service users represents one of the essential pillars of effective social work. In fact, the very concept of partnership as the process of collaboration between the participants involved must be seen as central to the proper implementation of social service goals and supporting clients (Empowering...

Enhancing Construction Safety Through ASTM Standards and Technology

Construction Safety Workplace safety policies and procedures protect employees from potential injuries and accidents. These safety measures are particularly important in the construction industry. Electrocution, dangerous equipment, and falls are some of the inherent risks in the construction sector. Therefore, implementing key safety standards would manage and prevent these incidents...

A Hero: Character Definition in Literature

In literature, a hero is a type of character who shows courage and ability to endure dangerous or difficult situations or sacrifice themselves for the sake of the greater good. Heroes often perform feats and brave deeds and usually act according to their strong beliefs. Rayhanova (2006) explains that these...

Debate Surrounding Same-Sex Marriage

Amending the Constitution The Constitution is the legal document that contains the rules and regulations that govern the conducts of individuals within a given society (Harrison et al, 2010). However, due to the dynamism of the society and culture, it is essential for the law to be flexible in order...

The DREAM Act: Development and Education for Alien Minors

The DREAM (Dream, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act is an American law that was first accented to in 2001 by the Senate. This act provided residency options for immigrant minors whose character was considered exemplary. This law applies only to young immigrant adults of good conduct and who...

Spiritual Needs of Patients: Interview Strategies

Interview Tools for assessment In the framework of the modern medical care, there are many challenges and aspects that need to be accounted. The aspect of the spiritual harmony and addressing the patient’s spiritual needs is the one that is often overlooked. However, the aim of the modern hospitals is...

Recording Observations in Field Research

Introduction There is a close relation between field research and qualitative research. However, the observations made while conducting field studies may either be presented as quantitative or qualitative data or both. The data recorded by field investigators are highly dependent on whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative observation This...

Philosophy of Life: Major Principle and Problems

People often mention the philosophies of their lives when they try to share their ideas on different issues. They do not refer to the discipline, but reveal their opinions. It is noteworthy that the word ‘philosophy’ has several meanings, but only some people know them or pay attention to them....

Organizational Theory, Design and Changes

Typical local business in my community The typical local business which I have identified in my community is banking. The political environment under which the bank operates is very stable with minimal political risks. In 2008, the world underwent a global recession, which was the biggest since the great depression...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Early childhood teaching is a profession that is closely linked to interaction with parents and their involvement in the process of their children’s development. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how important a strong relationship between parents and teaching professionals for early childhood education is. NAEYC Standard Standard...

Case Management and Asian Americans Cultural Aspects

Introduction Case Management is a useful process aimed at “facilitating, managing, planning, evaluating, and advocating for appropriate options that can satisfy the health needs of different individuals” (Park, Chesla, Rehm, & Chun, 2011, p. 2374). Case Managers should understand the socio-cultural issues associated with different populations. Such professionals should collaborate...

Simulations for Fluent Reading in Disabled Children

The development of students’ skills in reading is a key task for teachers to guarantee that children can perceive and understand the written information. However, students with learning disabilities can experience problems while developing their skills in reading texts. In their research, Decker and Buggey (2014) have studied the approaches...

Hospital-Acquired Infection and Healthcare Quality

Introduction Any medical establishment faces a number of complex problems in the course of its functioning. The appearance of these problems is conditioned by the nature of services provided to people and by the dual character of results. The fact is that very often specialists fail to help a person...

Sub-Man in Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy

The contribution of Simone de Beauvoir to the development of contemporary philosophy and Western culture as a whole could hardly be overlooked. Primarily, her most recognizable work is The Second Sex essay, which is considered to be one of the central texts of the feminist movement. However, she contributed to...

Company W’s Bureaucratic Leadership

Introduction There are several types of leadership models that exist to suit different organizations. While some industries require the strict following of the rules, others look for a creative approach. Company W belongs to the banking industry and requires a set of guidelines for their leaders. The manual for it...

HIV/STI Risk Factors in African-American Students

Description of Public Health Research Study The published public health report selected for this paper is a study by Shegog, Lindley, Thompson-Robinson, Simmons, and Richter (2010) aimed at identifying HIV and STI risk factors among African-American students attending predominantly white higher institutions of education. The study emerges from statistics that...

Group Polarization and Groupthink

Introduction The power of groups in facilitating various outcomes has attracted many scholarly debates in contemporary contexts. This power emanates from a multiplicity of dynamics and concepts that play a significant role in deciding whether groups will have a positive or negative influence on members (Suhay, 2015). The present paper...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s and His Father Relationship

Are you looking for essay examples on Elie Wiesel and his father relationship? Look no further! Here, you’ll find out how their relationship changes throughout the novel. Keep reading to gain some inspiration for your essay on Night by Elie Wiesel.  A change is as good as a rest, and...

Transgender, Its History and Development

Introduction Transgender is not a new concept and people have discussed the issues associated with it since the 19th century. First, it is necessary to provide a definition of the term. Stryker (2009, p. 1) notes that transgender is “the movement across a socially imposed boundary away from an unchosen...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Makeup and Governance Policies

After Ferguson witnessed one of the highest voter turnouts in its history, residents of this town are now hopeful of changes in governance policies. For the first time, this Missouri neighborhood has witnessed the election of three African American officials to its city council. Previously, Ferguson’s city council consisted of...

Bordetella Pertussis Bacteria: Signs and Symptoms

Definition Bordetella Pertussis is classified as a Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium. It is defined as an encapsulated coccobacillus and belongs to the Bordetella genus (Finger and Koenig par. 1-2). Signs and Symptoms The bacterium causes the development of Pertussis in people. The disease manifests itself in mild cough, frequent sneezing, rhinorrhea,...

IPhone 6 Description and Its Complexity Factors

Introduction Lodorfos, Mulvana, and Temperley (2006) argue that the term complexity is extremely hard to define. However, researchers believe that the term focuses on a phenomenon that arises from different interacting forces or factors. That being the case, there are numerous complexity factors involved whenever describing a given product. The...

Attachment Theory and Its Perspectives

What does the Theory Study? Attachment theory is a psychological model that tries to describe the work of interpersonal relationships mechanism. The theory cannot be regarded as general because it attempts at researching topics that are more specific. For instance, it touches upon the types of reactions that people show...

“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Introduction The modern society is concerned about the increased number of abortions. Some people consider such medical interventions to be a murder, whereas other theorists promote the opposite point of view that seems to be unacceptable at first. The following paper will discuss and summarize the main aspects of the...

History of the Ku Klux Klan

Who were the Victims of Klan Violence? The Klan, commonly known as the Ku Klux Klan, was a distinct movement in the United States that advocated for white extremism that stood to support white nationalism, supremacy, anti-immigration, anti-Catholicism, Nordicism, and anti-Semitism. Their main victims were nonwhite people living in the...

Healthy People 2020 Database Development

As a part of its activities, the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2010) has been developing the “Healthy People” objectives for the US. The project presupposes setting a deadline (for example, the year 2020) and value for a number of health...

Eastern Bank and First Bank & Trust Company Merger

Introduction It is known that a bank merger is a complicated long-term process that requires not only financial but also human resources. The Eastern Bank Corporation and the First Bank & Trust Company have different human resources (HR) policies. For the successful bank merger, a general HR management strategy should...

How E-Commerce Can Help Reduce Production Cycle Times?

Evidently, one of the most significant effects of the internet revolution is its impact on business. Nowadays, individuals and organizations are increasingly using internet technology to enhance their business under the contemporary context of e-commerce. Electronic commerce is increasingly helping individuals and organizations retain consumer attention and expand their markets...

Education Theory for Online Learning

Reflection of Learning Journey Teach and learn online is an emerging concept that has led to an increase in the size of classrooms by incorporating ICT in teaching and learning. Teaching online entails the development of instructions for students and delivering them through technological gadgets. Teaching and learning online has...

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Mission and Vision as Planning Fundamentals

Abstract Mission and vision are important aspects of the company’s corporate image. However, their role is not limited to communicating the company’s intentions. When accompanied by sound planning, mission and vision improve the performance of the organization on several levels and increase the effectiveness of managerial practices. Fundamentals of Planning...

Theoretical Perspectives of the Change Models

Theory of Planned Change Developer: Kurt Lewin (1951). Description of the theoretical perspectives Lewin suggested that change should occur in the environment that compels the participants to accept it. Therefore, the process is split into three key stages (unfreezing, changing, refreezing). Thus, the alterations of the workplace environment and the...

Racial Oppression in the United States

There is no doubt that intercultural differences that exist between people living in the same country become a problem that encourages a series of discussions from time to time. Within the frame of the given assignment, we are supposed to read the statement by Barry Loudermilk who is one of...

Views on Raising Children: Tasks of Parents

Introduction In our family, we have a strong belief that there is nothing more important than raising well-rounded and kind children. My parents and I have our personal views on upbringing which are based on a sense of morality and development of human qualities. The Importance of Proper Upbringing Raising...

Elderly Care, Treatment and Education Plan

Senior citizens need a lot of attention. Their immune system weakens, and they need close monitoring and supervision. Mr. P has various medical needs that require managing and treatment. Mr. P will get advice, treatment, and care. Approach to Care Mr. P is 76 years of age. It means that...

Scope of Practice for Nurses in Primary Care

The Limitations in Florida and the Other States Most states consider APRNs to be nurse practitioners with undergraduate nursing education, graduate nursing degree, and some experience in nursing practices. They are expected to provide such services as medical assistance, diagnosis and treatment of different kinds of illnesses, monitoring the patients...

Healthcare Policy and Pfizer’s Nigeria Scandal

Interview: Health Care Policy Development The interviewee targeted for this exercise was an administrator in a healthcare organization. The respondent indicated that the culturally diverse needs of different beneficiaries are met by involving them throughout the policy development process. Studies are done to identify the cultural differences and issues that...

Chapter 9 of “Criminology Today” by Schmalleger

The chapter 9 “Social Conflict Theories” describes the following analytical perspectives on law and social order. The consensus perspective revolves around the statement that the majority of society members have the same assumptions on the right and the wrong, and people collaborate to achieve some greater good. The pluralistic perspective...

Corporate Publishing International Company’s Internship

The internship took place at CPI in Dubai, UAE from July 7, 2011. The internship focused on communication and media, which was an essential part of my studies in the degree of management information system. CPI was established over 18 years ago as a first participant in the publishing events...

Chavez’s Nationalization of the Cargill Factory

Why did Chavez decide to nationalize Cargill? Do you think he was justified? Though hardly anyone could expect the nationalization of Cargill to occur, the reasons behind the decision taken by Chavez are quite obvious. Seeing that the president has been known for his enmity towards foreign companies within the...

Prices and Sales in Australia’s Mobile Market

Market development strategy In the modern contemporary telecommunication industry, several factors, both internal and external, influence companies in the industry when developing pricing strategies. The following are the external factors that influence pricing strategies adopted by companies in the telecommunication industry in Australia: The competition among the firms; as every...

Barbara Kingsolver’s “Knowing Our Place” Analysis

Behind the Writing: Reading the Author’s Mind There comes a time when a person needs to have a place where he or she belongs. When one knows that there is a safe place worth being called home, no matter how far this place might be, one starts feeling somewhat relieved....

Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Education

It has been noted that, with the advancement in technology, the concept of globalization has come to be part of human development. The world has experienced a high rate of free movement of goods, services, capital, and, more importantly, human beings. The world is characterized by interconnectedness and interdependence. According...

Marc Chagall Paintings

Introduction In this paper, I wish to discuss about Marc Chagall an artist of the 20th century; I find one of his art prints dubbed “Lovers in moonlight” very appealing to me since it reminds me of a wonderful event I once experienced during my childhood (, 2011). Biography of...

Personal Experience in the Covert Conflict

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Florida National University and the Nutrition Concerns

Assessing the quality of services provided by a university rarely goes past evaluating the type of knowledge offered to the students. Though knowledge acquisition is doubtlessly the key purpose of a higher educational establishment, it is not the only service that it should provide. Food service is also an integral...

Native Americans and Navajo Heritage

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Compulsive Buying in Women: Psychological Research

Connecting Research Question to Methodology Some women try to buy as many clothes as they can, some try to make their house as ‘full’ as possible while some invest in their looks or focus on their children’s performance and achievements (at school, in the workplace). All these efforts can be...

Port of New Harbor’s Employee Diversity Workshop

Due to increased hostility at the Port of New Harbor, Robert Johnson has been asked to facilitate a four-session workshop on diversity and cultural understanding for employees who recently emigrated from Syria. The main areas Robert should focus on are the attitude of the immigrants towards mental health, family, social...

Domestic Violence: Control and Prevention

Summary of Social Problems Human beings in different communities encounter numerous conditions. Most of these conditions are usually unbearable or undesirable. Such social problems are encountered in every part of the world (Crosson-Tower, 2012). The first condition covered in class is homelessness. Many people across the globe “do not have...

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Genetically-Modified Fruits, Pesticides, or Biocontrol?

Citrus greening is a bacterial disease originating from China that was brought to the Americas in 2004 (Byrne et al. 506). Ever since, it has affected orange trees across South America, eventually reaching the southeastern shores of the USA. This disease influences the trees from the roots, slowing down metabolism,...

Technological Factors of the United Arab Emirates

Technological Infrastructure: UAE and U.S. Innovations in technology open a plethora of opportunities for rapid and extensive progress in an array of domains, from personal communication to business to industry. Therefore, the analysis of the technological infrastructure of the UAE and comparison to the one of the U.S. as a...

Economic Influence and Interest Groups

Introduction The assertion that a government failure may be worse than a market is not a baseless statement. As Wheelan notes in his book, a government may acquire more problems while trying to fix the currently existing issues (176). These newly aggregated problems may be more damaging to the country...

Capitalism and Its Benefits to the Public Goods

The countries of the world choose different political and economic systems to organize power within their borders. Today, the predominant system in the world is capitalism, which essentially forms almost the entire system of world trade. The basis of capitalism is the freedom of economic activity of individuals within the...

The Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse on the Behavioral Patterns in Adulthood

Introduction Most people who were sexually abused in childhood develop severe personality disturbances in adulthood. Such a psychological myth implies that child sexual abuse (CSA) has acute trauma outcomes within the behavioral patterns in one’s adulthood. It is a significant governmental concern that affects any family and country and should...

Campaigns, Elections, and Political Participation

The question of the role of “big money” in American politics elicits widespread controversies that remain unresolved to date. On the one side, proponents of unlimited and unregulated money in politics argue that such a scenario is the right recipe for a robust democracy. On the other, the opponents of...

Marlaine Smith’s Theory of Unitary Caring

Introduction The provision of high-quality health care is an integral part of contemporary society, and it is essential to observe that nurses are directly responsible for this task (Dyess, Prestia, & Smith, 2015). One of the primary contributors to the development of the modern healthcare system is Marlaine Smith, who...

Roy’s Adaptation Model vs. Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Introduction As valuable and useful guidelines used in nursing practice, special theories and models are utilized, which are designed to address specific cases and promote the necessary principles of work. The evaluation of individual concepts can reveal their significance in relation to a specific care environment, thereby helping to choose...

Hypersomnia Subtypes, Sleep and Relapse in Bipolar Disorder

The article by Kaplan et al. (2015) focuses on one of the most common sleep disorders, hypersomnia. This condition is known to have serious side effects and to lead to numerous functioning problems, which necessitates its detailed analysis. Kaplan et al. (2015) pay particular attention to the possibilities of clarifying...

A Chief Nursing Officer’s Impact on Nurses

The job of a chief nursing officer (CNO) involves a variety of duties and responsibilities and requires a number of professional skills, such as leadership, communication, and knowledge. Although much of the CNOs’ work is done behind the scenes, the value of these professionals in healthcare organizations cannot be overestimated....