Deficit Spending Overview and Analysis

Introduction The economic system of states is a complex, multifaceted set of procedures and measures initiated by government and society in order to maintain the financial development or stability of the state. Among the multitude of descriptive facts, special attention should be paid to deficit spending, which characterizes the state...

Parenting Styles – Case Study Analysis

At the family dinner Jake’s father said: “It is you who shall decide if you want to leave college or keep studying. Either way, I will accept your choice.” In this case, Jake’s father acts like an affectionate parent who lets his son make his own decisions. This interaction seems...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

Physical Security in DR, BCP Scenarios

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent regulations to reduce its spread, many countries have had to implement restrictive measures on people’s freedom of mobility. One of such measures includes regulations and recommendations that aim at reducing the number of people who physically attend their workplaces. In other words, governments...

Magid and Millat in the “White Teeth” Novel by Zadie Smith

It is important to note that White Teeth explores a wide range of themes and topics through a number of perspectives offered by different characters. Twin brothers of Samad and Alsana, Magid and Millat, are among the outstanding examples of how individual fates and parental expectations can shift the course...

Transactional Directive Leadership Style

Under the leadership style is understood to be a set of all methods, techniques, actions used by the leader in his work. The individuality of styles is demonstrated primarily in communication between director and staff and is closely related to the category of leadership in management. That is the ability...

Global Development: Rapid Industrialization

The world commenced undergoing rapid industrialization, especially between 1700 and 1800s, led by the global north. During this time, countries such as Britain experienced increased production of goods. The two critical theorists and classical economists, namely Adam Smith and Karl Marx, play a pivotal role in explaining this phenomenon and...

The Black Square by Malevich: History and Context

Suprematism is the genre with the main idea to supersede the modernist genres such as Cubo-Futurism. Its paintings are geometric and seem to be primitive. The Black Square is a typical example of a suprematist painting. It is unusual and dissimilar to typical art: it shows no familiar forms, only...

President Reagan’s Address to the National Association of Evangelicals

The speech’s topic The topic of President Reagan’s speech was “change that brings hope and stability.” He addressed the Evangelicals in a variety of matters concerning how they would promote religion and morality in the United States. The speech’s thesis and main point The speech’s main point was to promote...

What Are SMART Goals and Why Are They Important?

Goals are the everyday aspects of the decision-making process that gives an individual or a business that sense of clarity, concentration, motivation, and direction in the goals set. Through establishing smart goals, a person or a company get an opportunity to create a specific target that has to be aimed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Gender-Neutral Conceptualization of Parenting

Gender theory studies social expectations, roles, and behaviors that are considered feminine or masculine in society. Meanwhile, the queer theory focuses on sexual practices outside of heterosexuality and challenges heteronormativity. Two of the week’s readings explore whether gender and sexual orientation have an effect on parenting outcomes. Overall, existing studies...

Business Disruptions for Information Technology Services

The most frequently occurring natural disasters in the US include flooding, hurricanes, and storms. Natural disasters are dangerous for the well-being of people and could severely harm even the performance of companies. In addition to natural disasters, another threat to the business activity of any company is a cyber attack....

The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media

Introduction In Texas, the governor can sway public opinion as well as direct and influence the actions of other officials on multiple powers that the legislature confers to him or her. These are the informal powers conferred to the occupant of the seat of the state governor. Noteworthy, these powers...

Non- vs. Caribbean Individual Differences

Caribbean individuals have both similarities and differences from non-Caribbean individuals. These similarities and differences are primarily related to the identity of the Caribbean individual. Nevertheless, identity is a broad term, which means that it covers several definite aspects. Such terms as language, culture, and territorial origin could describe the identity...

University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art Analysis

When it comes to heritage, most people are not interested in saving the memory of their ancestors. On the other hand, there are special places where everybody can come and reconnect with their past, understand another way of living, and participate in interactive shows that enable the other culture to...

Big Band and Combo Jazz: Musical Groups Comparison

The purpose of this essay is to compare two types of musical groups, big band and combo jazz. Both of these directions are deeply rooted in the history of the music of the 20th century and received the most significant development and popularity in America in the 1930s and 1940s....

Globalization and Personal Identity Intersection

Globalization is an objective reality of the modern world. It is impossible to deny the processes of unification, standardization, integration in all spheres of human society taking place in the world. The conditions dictated by globalization actualize the problem of cultural uniqueness and cultural self-determination, including identity. In the context...

Cola Wars: Strategies, Sales, Advertisement

Competition in the CSD market is fierce between the two Cola giants. The carbonated beverage market is an oligopoly, with only two key players on the standard board. Both companies pursue their policies through vertical product integration, non-price competition and distributions. Product pricing is also influenced by the geography of...

Analysis of the Enlightenment Century

The emergence of man from his self-imposed minority is referred to as Enlightenment. This minority is defined by the capacity to apply one’s knowledge without the aid of another. It is self-imposed if the problem is not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of courage and conviction in...

Video Games Are Harmful to Children and Adolescents

Introduction The debate about the benefits and harms of computer games has been ongoing since their inception. Proponents of video games note their benefits for developing useful social skills and learning. Opponents of video games are alarmed by the negative impact on the psyche of children and adolescents. Habitual exposure...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lithium and Polytetrafluoroethylene

Introduction It is safe to say that people have found a use for all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Synthetic elements are also used in various fields of industry and science. The modern world requires future specialists to know the basics and nuances of multiple materials. That is...

Cisco System: Analysis of Company

History of Cisco Cisco Systems was founded by Leonard Black and Sandy Lerner in 1984 and is currently a major American technology company. Its main achievement is that the founders of the company are pioneers in creating a local area network (LAN) system. It is used to communicate between different...

The Internet and Technology Negative Effects

Introduction In 2008, Nicolas Carr published an article titled “Is Google making Us Stupid?” in an American Magazine, the Atlantic. With its personal mention, the author appeals to all Internet users with a risky question. Carr contemplates historical evidence of people’s minds being affected by a new type of medium,...

“The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri

It is hard to argue that Dante Alighieri’s work has had a resounding influence on the cultural stratum throughout the world. Many writers have said that Dante and his Divine Comedy inspired them when working on their novels. The work itself was written a long time ago, but it has...

Health Education and Social Service Field

Role of Helpers The human services field includes several occupations that assist individuals who face various challenges. These experts are passionate about comprehending the human state and perform at their best when assisting others in finding solutions to problems. The social service field is dynamic and challenging, requiring a range...

Encampment Project: Homelessness Eradication

Three Notes Encampment projects are usually helpful for few people or families. Homelessness eradication is almost impossible without efforts to combat unemployment. Temporary housing is an expensive venture. Article Essentials Taplin Jen published an article on 15th June 2022 in Chronicle-Herald about the intention of Halifax to allow encampment in...

Constructing Team Values in Healthcare

Introduction A leader in the healthcare industry must possess certain leadership traits and skills in order to promote healthy team values and implement organizational changes successfully. In particular, a leader has to demonstrate interpersonal connection through listening and showing respect, exhibit commitment to the goal, have decent emotional intelligence, and...

Treatment Options for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Using psychological interventions as treatment is a productive tool that is used everywhere. Trauma-focused therapy is one such tool that has significantly reduced PTSD symptoms (Coventry et al., 2020). Symptom reduction is seen among such traumas as childhood sexual abuse and participation in military events. In addition, high efficacy...

Factors That Affect Fertility: Sexual Infections

Introduction Sexual infections are one of the most common causes of infertility in women. Normally, after the mature egg has left the ovary, it should enter the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. However, in this case study, due to sexual infection, the patient has inflammation because of which scars...

Pakistan Takes Another IMF Loan

Introduction There are several reasons why Pakistan has persistent economic problems. One is the country’s large military expenditure, which takes up a significant portion of the government budget (2019). Another is the high rate of tax evasion in Pakistan, which reduces government revenue. In addition, Pakistan has several state-owned enterprises...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pediatric Care and Use of Traditional Medicine

Overview of Guatemala Guatemala has a population of 16.3 million which makes it the most populated in Central Africa. The country still holds to many traditional beliefs regarding health and wellness. The women also had more responsibilities in taking care of the children. The people had traditional healers and curers...

Verbal Communication: Empathy During History Taking of Undergraduate Medical Students

Verbal communication is one of the three ways of exchanging information between people, which begins from the birth of a person and lasts his whole life. In childhood, a child expresses his needs, and in adulthood verbal communication is necessary to solve everyday and business problems. The effectiveness of communication...

Effect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Show on Perception of Police

Nowadays, people interact daily with many media sources that depict specific workplaces. This interaction creates many biases toward some professions that can lead to group polarization, intolerance, or unjust treatment. One such media manifestation is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, an American situational comedy that portrays a police station where employees deal with...

The “Euthyphro” Dialogue by Plato

In Plato’s “Euthyphro,” the character Euthyphro offers four definitions of piety. The first definition states that piety is what is loved by the gods, while impiety is what is hated by the gods (Lu). The second definition states that piety is doing what is pleasing to the gods, while impiety...

Why Are Some Animals So Smart? by Carel Schaik

How does Carel Van Schaik define culture? In reference to Sumartan orangutans Carel Van Schaik makes a conclusion that that the animals that the cultural animals are also intelligent. The scientist explores various opinions considering the forces that serve to stimulate the development and evolution of intelligence among animals. Van...

Empirical Research of Different GPS Capabilities

Introduction to article This is a critical analysis of the research article ‘GPS can now measure ice melt, change in Greenland over months rather than years’ in comparison to the steps in scientific investigation (Facione, 2011). This paper will attempt to evaluate the conformity of this research article in relation...

Non Probability Samples and Their Categories

Probability samples are not sufficient for research. This is why some researchers apply non-probability samples. Here, researchers are completely unaware of the probability of the elements contained in each population in the samples provided for investigation. Non-probability samples come with several advantages. They are particularly important when used in an...

Patients with Depression’ Care: Betty Case

Betty, a 45 years old woman, is referred to a local clinic because of feeling depressed. She has a history of three divorces and thinks that she is tired of living the old way. That is why now she is involved in relationships with a woman. In fact, she is...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Legislation Proposal

Situation The problem/concern The problem at hand is insufficient nurse-to-patient ratios often occurring in healthcare facilities of different kinds and specializations. The major causes of this problem are the shortage of skilled nurses and high nurse turnover in healthcare organizations. The lack of clear legislation limiting the ratios based on...

Corporate Responsibility in the Globalized World

Introduction Globalization is defined as the increasing movement of products, services, and capital across national borders. Owing to the rapid technological development and a significant decline in communicational costs, larger corporations have found it efficient to move working assets abroad. With the rise of globalization, companies around the world have...

Afro-American Slaves’ Experiences and World

What were the most important factors affecting the slave experience? When considering the elements of the 19th-century environment that defined the experience of slaves, one must bring up the economic specifics of the area. Seeing that the South was primarily known as the area for agricultural resources, the necessity for...

Floria: Violence in the Workplace

Workplace or occupational violence including both verbal and physical aggression, harassments, abuse, threats and other acts of aggression for a long time has been a major issue in occupational safety and health practice. According to statistics collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Department of Labor, 17%...

Psoriasis Diagnosis and Evaluation

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a disease characterized by red itchy patches on such places of one’s body as elbows, knees, back, face, head, feet, and palms (MedlinePlus, 2017b). Patches of thick red skin can appear in other areas of the body as well. According to Lowes, Suárez-Fariñas, and Krueger (2014), psoriasis...

Circumcision as Controversial Topic in the United States

Introduction Circumcision has been a controversial topic in United States healthcare for a long time. Recently, a more vocal movement against the practice of male infant circumcision has been established. With different debates and perspectives on this issue, it can be hard to choose a position on the matter. This...

HIV/AIDS Infection among Women

The authors of the first study provide two main hypotheses in their research study (Baker, Rodgers, Davis, Gracely, & Bowleg, 2014). Apart from just addressing the hypotheses, they are later tested in order to determine their validity. In order to establish the first hypothesis, the researchers conducted a bivariate analysis....

Foley Catheter Use in Surgical Patients: Stakeholders

The paper identifies appropriate stakeholders related to prevention of complications of foley catheter use in surgical patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurse (RN) Position in the Organizational Hierarchy RNs are in the middle level of the hierarchy and report to a nurse manager (Hierarchy Nursing Jobs, n.d.). Influence...

Educational Challenges: the Role of a Leadership

Introduction In the recent past, managing college affairs through college leaders has become an uphill task. Leaders are facing challenges that range from one field to another. They have been long considered as the voice of the entire student group. Their main function is to make the wants or needs...

Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US

For the last decades, obesity became a serious medical concern in Miami. According to the recent investigations, a significant part of the American population has problems with excessive weight. It is scientifically proved that obesity may lead to severe health problems and increase the risk of a stroke or diabetes....

Chesterfield County Police Department Structure

The specifics of organizational structure can be beneficial or harmful depending on their appropriateness (Swanson, Territo, & Taylor, 2016). Based on the recent module, the present paper intends to analyze the structure of the Chesterfield County Police Department [CCPD] (2014). The analysis indicates that CCPD (2014) has mostly positive features,...

Disaster Management: Terrorism and Emergency Situations

What role does the healthcare facility play preparing for the possibility of WMD use by terrorists? It is truly horrifying to realize that weapons of mass destruction, or WMD, can be used by terrorists to achieve their end goals. However, recognizing the problem means being able to face and prevent...

British Ads in “Soft-Soaping Empire” by McClintock

In the publication Soft-Soaping Empire: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising, McClintock examined the concept of soap as a historical agent that modified the elements of British culture and contributed to its unity (208). I believe that viewing soap as a symbol of “monogamy”, “Christianity”, and “industrial capital” was an interesting...

Ways to Improve the US Healthcare System

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is one of the main areas that need to be improved. There are various ways how to change the system. Medical specialists can influence health care through state and federal policy formation (Rambur, 2015). They also need to constantly improve their professional...

Patent on Genetic Discoveries and Supreme Court Decision

Abstract Supreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon. Nonetheless, I do not agree with this perspective, as the topic is novel, socially beneficial with the recognition of similar discoveries in the past. In turn, legal regulation regarding...

Nursing Definition as a Science

What Constitutes Nursing as a Science? How Does It Differ from Medical Science? An existing extensive theoretical foundation supported by practical experience puts nursing professionals in a remarkable position, wherein they should coincidentally combine both medical expertise and a certain degree of social exemplarity. Merely stating that “the nursing profession...

Computer-Assisted Language Learning and E-Learning

Introduction Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) can be loosely be described as the process of providing language skills to learners by means of computers or computer applications. CALL is a divergent field that encompasses various levels of learning, all supported by computer-enabled technology (Kukulska-Hulme and Lesley 271). Today, computer-assisted learning is...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s Famous Speech at the United Nations Conference

Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum? Mikhail Gorbachev chose the United Nations as his forum for his famous 1988 speech because it gave him a vantage arena whereby the whole world was the audience. Gorbachev prided himself in being a statesman who recognized that the Soviet...

Traditional Budget and Zero-Based Budget

Introduction Modern organizations use several types of budget creation. Each approach has its advantages and is suitable for specific tasks. The following paper identifies the differences between the most common approaches – a traditional budget and a zero-based budget. Concept Definitions In order to understand the differences, it is first...

Microsoft Corporation’s Case Analysis

Is MS’s market share so massive that it can behave like a monopoly? According to the case study, Microsoft’s world market share is so massive that the company behaves like a monopoly firm. The article indicates that Microsoft manages 90 % of all operating systems installed on computers. Similarly, the...

Finance Department and Its Responsibilities

As a division manager, how might the finance department help you to complete the duties of your job? The significance of the finance department cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the input of the skills that are required to steer a corporate body ahead, there is a need for finances to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group African American & African cultural group is represented by individuals who live in Africa or in the African Diaspora in the USA. Haitian Heritage’s socio-cultural group includes people from Haiti (some are of European descent). African Americans initially were Africans who became black...

Slavery Practices of Africans vs. Europeans

Even though slavery had existed among African peoples prior to the European slave trade, its conditions were significantly different when comparing these two regions. People mainly from Spain and Portugal took a lead in transporting Africans to the mainland of America because its local people needed cheap labor for working...

HCA Healthcare Corporation’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction HCA is a corporation that offers a broad scope of healthcare services in areas that encompass surgery, oncology, orthopedics, and cardiology to mention a few (Conte, Vitale, Vollero, & Siano, 2018). It majorly operates in the US and the UK. Its headquarters are in Nashville, the United States. HCA...

HIV Criminalization: From a Bill to a Law

Situation The issue of HIV criminalization has been affecting the lives of numerous residents of the U.S. Because of the current standards reinforced in the U.S., particularly, the necessity to disclose one’s HIV status, a patient may suffer significant emotional distress and be ostracized even when undergoing appropriate treatment (Center...

Emotions and the Perception of Freedom

The relationship between man and women has always evoked interest and received attention in numerous literary works. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is an emotional piece full of metaphors that I find thought-provoking. First Published in 1894, it dwells on questions of psychological stability and suppressed realization...

School Safety and Gun Violence Prevention

Introduction Within quite a short period, a number of cruel massacres have come to define the school shootings in the United States. 13 dead at Columbine, 26 dead at Sandy Hook, and 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, they took the lives of many victims of various age, including students,...

The Phenomenon of Understaffing in Nursing

Problem The phenomenon of understaffing has become quite common in the modern nursing setting, much to the detriment of the overall quality of services. The indicated problem owes its existence to the gaps in nurse education, the change in the nursing landscape, rise in quality standards, and increase in the...

Primary and Team Nursing Models of Patient Care

The model of nursing care One approach to nursing that I observed is the team model, which requires two nurses to work in collaboration with each other. Specifically, I observed how two medical professionals in the intensive care unit (ICU) dived tasks and attended to the needs of individuals in...

History of Aviation in World War I and World War II

Introduction Aviation history has various periods that crafted its unique story. It began before the seventeenth century and is known for several momentous events that led to its development, such as World War I and World War II. Various events, great minds, and brave pilots contributed to the development of...

Nurture Versus Self Concept

Introduction Self concept is a term used to explain how people feel about themselves which determines how effectively they handle life experiences. Throughout the world, human beings have continued to question life’s reason. We often wonder what our essence in this world is and who we really are. In a...

The Benefits of a Home Gym

Introduction Obesity is a health problem that peoples from all walks of life battle with daily. The most common solution to such problems is to follow a proper diet and participate in an exercise program. The need for a proper exercise program is the reason why fitness gyms have become...

Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer

Now that Team B has been selected as the wedding consultant, this paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer. The light shall be shed upon this four-stage project from the...

The Paradoxes of the ‘Standard Account’

Describe one of the paradoxes of the ‘standard account’ of whistleblowing described by Davis. Explain why he thinks it is a paradox and how he thinks his account remedies the paradox. Say whether or not you think he is correct by reference to a real example. This paper by Michael...

Review of the Journal of the Use of Milk Thistle

The introductory part should try to give clear and precise informative ideas which are related to the topic of discussion. This will enable the person reading to have a clear perspective of what the paper is all about hence enabling him to understand more clearly. In regard to this, the...

Debt Regime: Rich and Poor Nations

While studying various instruments of decolonization of the global South, I have learned about the debt regime which occurred in the Third World countries, described in Philip McMichael’s Development and Social Change. Many countries suffered from debt crisis in 1980s. It happened when they realized that they are not able...

Consumer Apathy as an Issue: Resolving the Problem

Introduction Among the problems that companies have to face presently, the increasing levels of consumer apathy represent the most challenging concern. According to Ross et al., the extent of apathy among buyers in regard to the promotion campaigns offered by companies has increased, which a reason for serious concerns (511)....

The Impact of the Industrial Age and the Rise of Capitalism

Project Proposal The topic of this course project is “the impact of the Industrial Age and the rise of capitalism.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to...

History of Iroquois Confederacy

Introduction The Iroquois are a group of northeastern tribes of North America that have an important place in the world’s history. They are known to have established unity based on the principles of peace and equality after years of feud. Five separate tribes living on the neighboring lands came to...

Nursing Research: Types and Practical Relevance

Introduction How particular nursing practices affect populations with dissimilar conditions and demographic characteristics is necessary to know to provide the best possible care, which is why nursing research is needed. Importantly, to act as knowledgeable research consumers and critically appraise research articles before implementing any findings, nurses should understand the...

The CFTR Gene: Review

The CFTR gene has multiple alterations, which means that the delta-F08 mutation is not the only known one. By the research, and resting on the information provided in the table, there are many other mutations of the CFTR gene that might cause the appearance and development of the disease (Freeman...

Downsizing. Stages. Consequences of Layoffs

Downsizing is job cuts amid globalization of world markets, increased competition in international markets, and the emergence of cheap labor. Closure refers to the elimination of redundant jobs, optimization of the size of the company, and the transformation of work processes. It includes components such as a layoff strategy, a...

Aspects of Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is a condition where normal hemoglobin commonly referred to as hemoglobin A (Hb A) is substituted by sickle cell hemoglobin referred to as hemoglobin S (Hb S). Other conditions that lead to the disease are inherited together with Hb S such as beta-thalassemia and hemoglobin C (Hb...

Human Body: Blood Components

Introduction The human body is a complex machine that has various components that play different roles to ensure people develop and grow without problems. Blood plays an important role in the body because it ensures there are efficient gaseous exchange, respiration and excretion systems, and coordination of various parts. It...

The Republic of Texas: Brief Overview and the End of the Republic

Introduction The Republic of Texas was an independent North American state that was located on the border of Mexico and the United States of America. The state existed for a decade then run from 1836 to 1846 (Hämäläinen, 55). The creation of independent Texas had resulted from the Texas Revolution...

Analysis of Disease and Caring for the Nguyens

Caring for the Nguyens During the interview and physical examination of Mr. Nguyen, the nurse is able to gather enough information and identify the existing problems. Relying on the complaints of the patient and his family history, certain conclusions have to be made. However, the creation of medical and nursing...

The Transportation Regulatory Threat to the US Economy

Transportation is related closely to economic and social changes because territorial accessibility, mobility of freight as well as movement of people are the actual basis of such relationship (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.83). Wherever there are efficient transportation infrastructures to facilitate the accessibility of resources and markets and to...

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: Impact of Genetics

The development of natural science challenges the tenets of already existing theories. Today, with the help of new technologies and modern approaches, researchers are able to formulate more sophisticated ideas that affect previous discoveries. Darwin’s theory of evolution is one of the ideas that was influenced by the developing field...

Public Health Campaign on STD Among the Youth

Abstract In this paper, the author analyzed irrelevant and biased messages in the society and how they impact on public health. A detailed analysis of the influence of these messages on public health campaigns is provided. In addition, the author explored the suitability of communication and language in relation to...

Postnatal Depression in New Mothers and Its Prevention

Motherhood is a wonderful experience that married women admire. They carry pregnancies and expect to deliver normal and healthy babies. Pregnancies and their aftermaths may have serious impacts on the lives of women and their children. Postnatal depression refers to a mental health problem that occurs in women after giving...

Definitions of Advanced Practice Nursing

Today, more than ever before, it is increasingly becoming evident that advanced practice nursing (APN) has gained immense popularity in the United States and globally as healthcare systems the world over attempt to address the rising healthcare needs (Kotzer, 2005). This paper not only attempts to compare and contrast the...

Transformational Leadership Style in Geriatric Nursing

Various nursing and management styles impact differently on the goals and objectives of an organization, as well as on the intellectual stimulation and personal development of the workforce (Murphy, 2005). For example, a transformational leader empowers and motivates the workforce differently than an autocratic or transactional leader. The research paper...

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, also referred to as the Brady Bill, was approved as a change to the Gun Control Act of 1968. It enforces a holding back period of at the most five days for the procurement of a handgun through legal trade, and the...

Fear Appeals and Binge Drinking

Binge drinking refers to the excessive consumption of alcohol with the aim of getting drunk over a limited time. This form of alcohol abuse is mostly associated with young people. That is adolescents and young adults. It is considered as a form of having fun mostly during the festive season....

Challenges Faced by Huffman and the Way Forward

From the enlightenment period up to the modern era, activists from all around the world have been fighting for the recognition of human rights and equality for all. Given the effort that has been put to fight for this course, it is unfortunate that there are still individuals, organizations, and...

Outbreak Investigation: Global Issues

A disease outbreak is defined as the occurrence of incidences of diseases that appear to be more than what is normally expected in a particular community, geographic area, or season. On the other hand, a cluster refers to the occurrence of incidences of diseases in several people which is more...

The Most Effective and Successful Diets: The Master Cleanse Diet

The Master Cleanse Diet is considered to be one of the most effective and successful diets of the diets of its type. Since its development in 1940, it helped an innumerable amount of people to solve their weight-related problems along with a row of real health problems (Master Cleanse and...

Chief Intelligence Officer: Why Businesses Need It?

The present-day is often called “The Information Age,” but not everyone understands the reason behind it. People are generally aware of the ever-increasing opportunities to find knowledge, share experience, and obtain competence, but the information goes even deeper. To truly excel in most entrepreneurial undertakings, one must be aware of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Approaches to Metaphysics Comparison

Plato’s and Plato’s and Aristotle’s attitudes to the nature of reality are regarded as the opposite ones. According to Plato, the knowledge of life is based on learning the common inextricable idea that exists separately from the material world. Aristotle, a disciple of Plato, understands the vision and the material...

Orientation in Counselor’s Work

Orientation represents an essential aspect of an addiction counselor’s work. This process helps reduce the probability of miscommunication during the treatment. It is also critical to ensure that the client signs a form confirming that they are informed of the details of the program. The lack of an acknowledgment in...

Medical Ethics: A Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Introduction In the given scenario, the nurse is faced with the choice of whether she should provide relief from choking because the patient has a DNR. A DNR order means that healthcare professionals cannot apply “chest compressions, defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, assisted ventilation, or cardiotonic drugs” to the patient (EMSA, 2018,...

Should Wolves Come Back to Colorado?

“Is wolves’ coming back to Colorado beneficial for citizens?” is the main research question for this project that has to be thoroughly discussed and analyzed. The history of gray wolves in this state can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. A wolf was recognized as a...

“Switching Between Lift and Use Grasp Actions” by Bub et al.

Background The article under review investigates the concept of grasp actions. Bub et al. (2018) state that they are directed by an individual’s stored manipulation knowledge, which retains how one typically uses objects, and vary depending on the objective to either lift or use an object. It is assumed that...

Analysis of Healthcare in Gonzales, Louisiana

The system of public health pursues global objectives, addressing issues of immense magnitude on a nationwide scale. However, the field remains multifaceted, and meaningful efforts at a lower level should not be disregarded. Aside from global concerns, local communities demonstrate a range of varying hazards, the nature, and severity of...

How Did the Civil War Affect the Distribution of Wealth in the United States?

Argument The Civil War resulted in the redistribution of wealth since former slave owners could no longer receive profits from the unpaid workforce. Prior to the Civil War, a handful of plantation owners in the South were able to accumulate extreme wealth. Naturally, the reason for this was them using...

The Maya Civilization History

Historians who are always keen to define what had become of the ancient Maya civilization understand that the Mayans who established their city-states deep within the jungle strived to build complex structures under the guidance of their highly decisive rulers. At the height of the ancient Maya civilization, the Mayans...

Social Media Through Lenses of Social and Applied Sciences

Introduction The perspectives on the creation and development of social media vary depending on the lens utilized to analyze the event. While humanities and history lenses are perhaps some of the most widely-known and widespread points of perspective, others offer valuable and unique insights. Social and applied sciences view technological...

Bias and Confounding as Sources of Lack of Statistical Precision

Introduction In epidemiology, statistical precision and information exactness are extremely vital. As such, accuracy on the associations between outcomes of interest and exposure should be free from any form of distortion. However, different factors may hinder information validity resulting in distorted exposure/outcome associations. This essay discusses bias and confounding as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Knowledge: The Philosophical Concept

Knowledge is one of the most basic categories that people use to perceive the world around them. It forms the basis of how people act and which decisions they make at every point of their life. However, the philosophical concept of knowledge is anything but simple because there is always...

Digestion of Foodstuffs as Process

Digestion of foodstuffs is a vital process for the organism’s proper functioning and an irreplaceable part of the metabolism. Metabolism, in turn, provides the bodies of living organisms with energy and valuable substances, which ensures activity and health. Digestion is a process that is designed to help the body absorb...

Accounting Transactions’ Effect on Financial Statements

Financial statements reflect the financial impact of transactions and other events by combining them into large classes according to their economic characteristics. These large classes are called financial statement elements. Elements directly related to the measurement of financial statements in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. Only...

Data Privacy Regulations in the European Union

Summary In the age of digital technology, the concept of privacy has taken a more important role than ever. With the ability to store, find and share information all around the world, protecting both personal and organizational data from ending up in the wrong hands has become crucial. Different countries...

Discussion of Hostile Emotional States

In a dynamic world, it is difficult to imagine a lack of human relationships. Every time he or she goes to work, to the mall, or public spaces, the individual meets hundreds of strangers, each of whom interacts with him or her in some way. It may be a passive...

Gordon’s Mathematical Model: Predicting the Future Value of Securities

This research paper focuses on the study of Gordon’s mathematical model as a practical application for determining the expected value of securities. The overall research problem is to find an optimal algorithm for predicting the value of securities in an investment portfolio that makes sense to investors. Although not always...

Physical Wellness to Prevent Obesity Heart Diseases

Heart disease remains to be one of the most severe health concerns around the world. One of the leading causes of the condition is obesity. As most people spend most of their time at school or work, their sedentary lifestyles are often associated with poor diet and lack of exercise....

An Analysis of ”Robinson Crusoe” and ”Pride and Prejudice”

For the most part, Daniel Deoe’s Robinson Crusoe tells a story of a man who lives on an island where the class of a person does not matter. Nevertheless, the concept of the middle class still plays a significant role in the book and its narrative. Robinson’s father is a...

Analysis of the Fall of the Roman Empire

Introduction The empire of Rome’s destruction was a complex process, affected by various causes and events. The English historian Edward Gibbon claimed that the introduction of Christianity led to the fall of military spirit and weakened the empire, leading to its fall. He also defined some other possible reasons that...

Motivation in the Workplace: The Organizational Culture

There was a time when my team was assigned to a large multi-department project that was challenging but could serve as a big breakthrough for the company. I felt motivated because management strongly encouraged the workforce, communicating well and emphasizing the importance. We were promised significant resources and support needed....

Immigration of Chinese Students to United States High Schools

Introduction The United States is a popular destination for Chinese students, and their numbers continue to surge annually in United States high schools. The increase of Chinese international students in the United States high school resulted from bilateral trade between the United States and China. Some Chinese students find it...

Apple and Technology Adoption Model

Apple Inc. is an American tech company producing smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and other devices with a broad range of accessories for them. As a technological company, Apple is directly affected by the technology life cycle – a theoretical concept explaining the customers’ willingness to adopt new products based on...

Life Skills of Nursing Students and Clinical Nurses

The previously conducted study revealed my capability to cope with situations when it is needed to provide assistance for people with drug addiction. More specifically, it showed that some aspects of the matter were easier to address, whereas others remain a significant challenge on the way to making improvements in...

The Heterogeneous Repercussions of Killing Osama bin Laden

Presidential Authority The consequences of the bombings on the 11th of September, 2001, have had a profound impact on the way the world perceives terrorism. After the attack, the government of the United States declared the necessity of opposition to the global militant groups, such as Al-Qaeda. That is why,...

Inductor-Capacitor-Resistor Circuit Experiment

Abstract This experiment aims to discover and demonstrate a connection between the voltages across the resistor, capacitor, and inductor in an LCR circuit. We needed a capacitor, resistor, inductor, voltmeter, and power source. To acquire the voltage across the resistor (VR) and the voltage across the capacitor, we employed a...

China’s Exchange-rate Policy: Implications, Development, and Influence

The Implications of China’s Exchange-Rate Policy The actual exchange rate influences open economy policy choices within the countries it affects. They may have detrimental consequences not just on the economy where currencies are over or overvalued but also on other businesses with which it is directly or indirectly linked. In...

Competence in Relationships, Interaction, and Guidance

Introduction When dealing with youngsters, competence in interactions delves into the continuing socializing and guiding procedures in the early year’s foundation stage. Interactions with youngsters and associates that are mutual lay the groundwork for helping children’s social and emotional development as well as engaging and cooperating with colleagues, coworkers, and...

Organizational Growth With Shared Vision

Introduction Opportunities for organizational growth and development are largely achieved due to the successful establishment of such a productivity factor as a shared vision. Senge (2006) defines this phenomenon as “a force in people’s hearts, a force of impressive power” and calls it not an abstract idea but an operational...

Deductive and Inductive Arguments: Granting Abortion Rights

The current debate around Roe v. Wade and the policy of granting abortion rights shows the use of deductive and inductive reasoning. Argumentation often indicates the logic of reason and the strengths and weaknesses of the deductive and inductive methods. For example, a popular pro-choice deductive argument is “my body,...

Feminism Across Decades: Analysis

The fight for women’s rights has been a long and arduous journey that is far from being over. Even though the change might seem subtle, comparing the range of opportunities and rights that modern women have to those that women used to possess several decades ago will show how tremendous...

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