How Native Americans Were Impacted by European Exploration

European world powers’ exploration of the Americas has profoundly affected both the Old and New Worlds. The event marked its significance by having European explorers in new lands of the West. Colonies and the opening of new trading paths and markets in the New World were established. The exploration of...

The “Watershed” History Moments between 1960 and 1990

“Watershed” Moments In the period between 1960 and 1990 there were multiple moments in the American history that changed the flow of human life drastically and created important impacts on the being of the whole world. The changes caused by these moments were permanent and they influenced not only the...

Starbucks Company Financial Reporting Accounting Principles

The paper tries to detail why it is a requirement for companies to adhere to the generally accepted accounting principles when following the rules of financial reports. Starbucks has been used in the paper as an example as they are a major company that adheres to the set standard all...

“The Lucifer Effect” Review by Major Joon K. Hong

Introduction This article by Major Joon K. Hong reviews the book “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil” by Philip Zimbardo. It starts with a story about a U.S. Army Sergeant, John M. Russell, who shot five American soldiers while undergoing psychiatric treatment in Bagdad. The tragedy took...

“End This Corporate Welfare” by Chris Rufer

The Op- Ed writings about Corporate Welfare are interesting reading. The writer, Chris Rufer, founded The Morning Star Company. The company has a workforce of not less than 2,000 workers. It deals with processing and agri-business. He started the company in the year 1970. At that time, he used to...

Residence and Genetic Predisposition to Diseases

Judging by the results of the study on the genetic predisposition of people to certain diseases based on their residence places, it can be noted that the information obtained quite clearly emphasizes the influence of heredity. For example, when analyzing the data of researchers that the Japanese living in the...

Public Administration and Its Modern Activities

Abstract Today, it is necessary to state clearly the essential character of public administration’s activities. The question of the essential character of what public administration can do in relation to the public services was proposed by Denhardt and Denhardt. The discussion of the question should be referred to the concept...

Managerial Economics: Mergers and Acquisitions

The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented number of mega-mergers in the banking industry. What are the potential cost advantages of these mergers? Mergers in business management are critical in generating enough resources for an organization to operate effectively while providing a platform for a harmonized management approach. In the banking...

Popular American Beer in Statistical Data Analysis

Executive Summary This paper supplies the results of a descriptive statistical analysis of data related to 71 best-selling brands of beer in the U.S. in 2007. The data is comprised of information about alcohol percentage, the number of calories, and the number of carbohydrates (in grams) per 12 ounces of...

Deviance Causes and Effects: John’s Case

John’s Deviance Story Deviance among members of the society results from different sources. In most instances, some events occur in the life of an individual, and their cumulative effects lead to deviance. Usually, one occurrence causes the other, leading to the formation of a causal chain of event. This paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Education and Inequality in Various Countries

Introduction The article “Which Countries Are the Most (and Least) Committed to Reducing Inequality?” forms part of McIntyre’s works published in 2017. Using data from two research-based institutions, namely, Oxfam and Development Finance International (DFI), McIntyre examines different countries’ levels of commitment to reducing inequalities. McIntyre’s claim that the UK...

The True Meaning of Integrity

Introduction Abstract thinking skills enable people to define and operate ideas and objects that do not exist physically, and they play a significant role in culture and value systems. Being an abstract noun, the word “integrity” is widely used in different contexts (including professional ones) to define a set of...

Balenciaga’s New Style as an Indicator of Modern Youth

The Spanish fashion designer Cristobal Balenciaga would have been particularly visible in the fifties. A great couturier, he laid the principles of the art of high sewing, which has not lost its meaning today. Of course, over time, the heritage of Balenciaga has undergone some changes to survive in the...

Publix Super Markets’ Environmental Analysis

Publix or Publix Super Markets is an American supermarket chain with headquarters in Florida. It was founded in 1930 by George W. Jenkins and it is owned by an employee that currently working in the company or has worked before. It is considered as one of the largest companies in...

Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratio and Advocacy Power

The contribution to maintaining a high level of healthcare depends not only on caregivers but also on those officials who control this sphere of life and, in many respects, influence current changes for the worse or, the better. An opportunity to influence legislators is the prospect that allows attracting the...

The Daily Tribune: Advertisement, News, Collaboration

Introduction The case is about Daily Tribune, a well-established newspaper in eastern Tennessee. The newspaper’s readership is mostly in the small towns and commands a good number of readerships in the counties. The looming problem arises when the publisher of the newspaper, John Freeman announces in a meeting with the...

Benefits of Online Collaboration

Online collaboration encompasses real-time communication that consists of telephone and web conferencing, making use of many groupware package and other tools that help place people and engage them in solving a problem. Online meetings are set up through collaboration technologies. These technologies include phones, faxes, letters, videoconferences, e-mail, and the...

How Creativity Can Make the World a Better Place and How the Course Will Help Achieve This

We live in the age of technological marvel. Where product design and creativity are limited only by the developer’s imagination. Why are these things so important to product design and development these days? Consider the following; cellphones have successfully bridged the communication gap between people. It can take pictures, videos,...

Challenges Facing The Planet And The Human Race

Earth is a piece of space that is a living and breathing entity just as the people who live on its surface. Her main job is to provide us, with shelter, food, and water to ensure the survival of the species. However, our planet does not have unlimited resources and...

The American Cultural Values

Introduction America is one diverse society and the question of if cultural values exist is complex. American society is made up of various ethnic groups and cultures. American culture is enhanced by the values and beliefs, which have shaped the attitudes and behaviors of the majority of Americans. There are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The American Sociological Perspective

Introduction The American Sociological Association defines Sociology as the scientific study of social life, change, causes, and related consequences of human behavior as a result of social action (Livesy, 2005). Sociology studies the social structure and how people interact within the structure. This is informed by the belief that all...

Article Critique: A Synopsis

Identity of the article Noone, J., Allen, T., Sulivan, M., McKenzie, G., Esqueda, T., & Ibarra, N. (2014). A Latino youth photovoice project on teen pregnancy. Hispanic health care international, 12(2), 63-70. Issue of study In this study, the researchers wanted to develop an in-depth understanding of the issue of...

School Leadership Training and Development in Australia

It is apparent that Australia has a long history of teaching and implementing programs in schools similar to the way it has been carried out in public universities. Such programs are meant to encourage learners to build leadership and development skills in schools (Bates & Eacott, 2008). Even though it...

International Development: Goals and Projects

Introduction This is a broad term that can also be referred to as global development. International development generally summarizes wider categories of multi-disciplinary context involving human developments. The main aim of global development is to improve living standards, alleviating and eradicating poverty among the human population globally. International development goals...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Circumstances and Repercussions

Scientists have always found the human body with all its features and diseases fascinating. Over the centuries, there have been many experimental attempts to unravel some of the mysteries. However, several of those experiments remain in history as despicable acts against humanities, also known as research disasters. The purpose of...

Branches’ Work and Problems the Agency Faces

The agency for analysis is called Branches and it is located in low-income communities. The organization is designed to help children from families with little income. Here they receive assistance in completing homework, learning healthy sports habits, communicating with friends, have snacks during breaks. Moreover, the program from Branches also...

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed business groups to side with a candidate during an election company. McCain–Feingold Act limiting the rights of corporations during the pre-election race is recognized as unconstitutional. This Act officially known as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 or BCRA, was passed in...

Hazard Analysis: Initial Risk Assessment, Additional Control Measures

Every workplace has issues that can cause safety risks to the employees, equipment, and the product. Hazard can be defined as a potential for harm and encompasses “all aspects of technology or activity that produce risk” (Manuele, 2014, p. 169). Similarly, inactivity can also cause threats in the workplace environment...

“The Nature of Schooling” by Doris R. Entwisle Rewiev

The Nature of Schooling is an essay addressing the issue of economic inequality and its impact on children’s educational achievements. Entwisle, the author, argues with misinterpretation of the critical studies on the issue that were understood as proof that knowledge is more genetically related than based on environmental factors. She...

A Cartographic History of Water Infrastructure and Urbanism in Rome

Ancient Rome is famous for its cultural, political, and scholastic accomplishments. The city itself was an architectural marvel at the apex of the empire, and many landmarks of the past are still standing. Among these architectural landmarks are the ancient aqueducts that span ravines and rivers and stretch for miles...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resource Recruitment Strategy

Recruiting New Talented Employees Human resource (HR) units are typically tasked with overseeing the recruitment process, designing employee benefits, performance appraisal procedures, reward management, and training and development. HR professionals are generally required to make significant decisions during the enlistment procedure (“The Role of HR”). Some of these decisions include...

Transforms for Digital Image Processing

Functional representation of an image is f(x, y), where x and y are coordinates and amplitude f at any point gives the intensity of an image. Image processing is the conversion of image into image concerned variables using image processing techniques. There are three types of image processing techniques; they...

Counterterrorism: Al Qaeda Training Manual

Introduction The events of September 11, 2001 undoubtedly forever changed the perception of terrorism among Americans. As a result of the retaliatory attacks launched by the US against Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization has changed its tactics significantly. Some of the new tactics adopted by Al Qaeda are articulate in...

Health Care Economics Analysis: The Price of Health Insurance

The price of health insurance is defined by the economic textbook as the fee for loading or the surplus after subtracting the premium from the expected payout. The price of health insurance can be measured using different ways. For example, as aforementioned, the price of health can be measured by...

Recommendations for OSHA Standards

Workplace safety is a critical management concern, as it determines whether an organization makes the best out of its employees. Manuele (2019) asserts that companies tend to encounter accident-related challenges, some of which escalate to lawsuits leading to compensations for injured personnel if they overlook safety. However, having a comprehensive...

Human Sexuality and Media Relations

Several changes in sexual standards have happened since the beginning of the American industrial revolution. Towards the last phase of the 20th century, the United States started witnessing the creation of various social movements. One of these movements was the queer – LGBTQ rights, which has greatly helped bring out...

Adolescent Suicide in South Africa

Introduction Many social problems are encountered by different age groups within the society. Among the teens, drugs, suicide, and involvement in social ills like crime are prominent in many societies. Teenage suicide has been identified as a rising concern in South Africa. Suicide refers to the act of intentionally ending...

Supporting the Organization’s Mission at The Georges Hotel

The case study under consideration is entitled “Supporting the Organization’s Mission (The Georges Hotel)”. It was created by Myrna Gusdorf in 2013. The author describes the current issues connected with the staff’s behavior. The peculiar feature of the hotel is that it is run by the Mitchel Family. The case...

Researching of Testicular Cancer

What Impact Did an Undescended Testicle Have on This Young Man’s Risk for Developing Testicular Cancer? Men with undescended testicles are at increased risk of developing testicular cancer. If the undescended testicle is not in the groin but in the abdomen, the risk is even higher (Cheng et al., 2018)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Police Discretion: Criminal Justice

While in the academy and for their period of training, police are particularly skilled on how to handle various situations that they will come across. A dilemma arises when they get in the field and stumble upon problems which they did not receive training for. Instances of new laws being...

Policy Memo for Opioid Addiction Among Senior Citizens

Executive Summary This policy memo aims to communicate what needs to be done regarding opioid addiction among senior citizens. Since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is well-financed by the federal government, it needs to develop robust strategies regardless of the cost. There is a need to strengthen...

The Local “Birth” Experience in a Hospital

New childbirths are recorded daily in almost every hospital and local clinic, both nationally and globally. Some also take place at home with the help of a nurse-midwife in a situation where the mother is unable to access the medical facility. Such births are known as home births. Pregnant women...

Cyber Bullying Messages in Communication Networks

Introduction Bullying can come in many different forms, but it always causes injury or even worse. Bullying victims may carry the psychological wounds of their ordeal for the rest of their life, even when there is no direct interaction between both the bully and the targeted. Therefore, to avoid harassment,...

Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline

Introduction In the 21st century, the Internet has become a global phenomenon, fully reflecting its name as a worldwide web. State-regulated censorship on the Internet is one of the key topics of heated debates within this context. From one perspective, the contemporary paradigm of human rights emphasizes the essential nature...

Shared Decision Making in Health Care

Introduction The health care sector upholds the importance of shared decision-making in successful treatment processes. It is defined as the process through which health professionals collaborate with the patients in making critical decisions regarding the patient health and treatment (Kon et al., 2016). Another study by Hoffman et al. (2014)...

Is Social Media Bad for You? Evidence and Unknown

Social media has taken a notable position in people’s lives, although society has conflicting opinions on its effects in the long term. In her report on BBC, Jessica Brown (2018) presents considerable studies on how the most popular social media platforms affect the modern population. The purpose of Brown’s article...

Sustainable Environmental Practices, Current Status and Recommendations

Critical analysis of the issue The sustainable approach to constituting business models has been majorly discussed in recent years. Despite its popularity, its success has been fairly limited, and the adjacent eco-practices “are insufficient in themselves to deliver the holistic changes necessary to achieve long-term social and environmental sustainability” (Bocken,...

Endgame Structure: The Structure of the Play

In the first act, a room with two windows is substituted, in the center of which there is a blind man in a wheelchair covered with a sheet. In the corner are also two trash bins covered with sheets. Clov, the servant of the house, enters the room; he opens...

Beauty in “The Most Handsome Drowned Man…” by Marquez

In his short stories, Gabriel Garcia Marquez uses the treatment of strangers to highlight how many characters are treated solely based on their physical appearance, even if we never learn their natural characteristics. A charming man forms the short story The most handsome drowned man in the world, but we...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Freedom of the People: Descartes, De Spinoza

Freedom is the essential characteristic of human life, which is revealed based on the unity and interaction of its spiritual and material components. It consists of the ability of man to create and direct his being in accordance with the laws of the development of nature and intelligent life on...

Houston City’s Bid for Hosting Olympics

Introduction There are several vital reasons why Houston city would bid to host the Olympics. Hosting the Olympics is a prestigious event that can help to raise the profile of the city on a global stage. For a city to host the Olympics, it must have a promising financial background...

Costs of Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Introduction The solutions to the greenhouse gas emission problem incur two types of costs: static and dynamic. Calculation of the static costs stems from the actions which can be undertaken with currently available technologies, while the dynamic costs outlive the life of the specific project (Gillingham & Stock, 2018). Gillingham...

Haitian Immigration in the United States

The U.S has a large number of immigrants compared to any other part of the world since many people move there to join their families while others look for better job opportunities. Other immigrants in the U.S seek safety from the wars in their countries and disasters, while others seek...

Law Enforcement Crisis Intervention from Biblical Viewpoint

The Active shooter crisis in the United States has continued being problematic, with significant concerns falling on the response time of enforcement officers to crisis. It is reported that the time lag of active shooter incidence occurring and the police response to the incidence is approximately 5 minutes (Sikes et...

The Chilean Political Process in “Machuca” Directed by Andres Wood

Set in Santiago, the film follows the military coup that overthrew Chile’s popularly elected democratic socialist president, Salvador Allende, and installed Augusto Pinochet’s long-term, far-right dictatorship. As the story progresses, visual and narrative motifs reinforce the ideology. The painted letters on the stone wall go from “no civil war” to...

Transgender People in Prisons: Rights Violations

Transgender people remain one of the most vulnerable populations, both in the LGBT community and in society as a whole. The issue of protecting gender identity and rights related to it stands especially acute in the penitentiary system. There are many instances of how transgender rights are violated in jails:...

Henkel: A Digital Transformation Journey

Introduction In the present day, rapid technological development has made it necessary for large business companies to change the ways their factories work. Technologies such as automation, 5G, and Blockchain have made it clear to corporate leaders that they need to adopt some of them if they want to optimize...

Standardized Terminology Within the Electronic Health Record

Patient data is one of the most important aspects of healthcare. Nowadays, the number of different methods of diagnosis and treatment in healthcare has increased significantly. The amounts of information about the patients’ health, prescribed medications, laboratory test results, and other necessary indicators, which must be memorized and processed by...

Monkeypox: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Monkeypox refers to a viral zoonosis with signs similar to those manifested in smallpox patients but tends to be clinically less severe. Following the eradication of the smallpox virus combined with the termination of its vaccination, this virus remains the most significant orthopox virus in public health. The virus...

Political, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Business

Businesses, politics, legality, and ethics are interconnected phenomena. The existing political, legal, and ethical issues impact companies’ business operations and financial activity differently. Although these phenomena are integral to the whole world’s functional system, they have imperfections and problems. Businesses may suffer from insufficient regulation, underdeveloped laws, or unacceptable corporate...

Harassment in the Workplace: Types and Misconceptions

The business’s success is defined by a combination of many factors, one of which is comfortable working conditions for employees. The topic of workplace harassment and its discriminative nature received wide publicity in the middle of the 20th century, but legislation protecting workers from discrimination continues to evolve. Exploring different...

Nutrition, Healthy Food Choice, and Nutritional Value of Fast Foods

According to Macdonald (2009), nutrition entails the process which involves supplying living organisms with food or other necessary substances which help in sustaining life. Nutrition can also be defined as food nourishment which enables organisms to grow and be healthy. Nutrition is essential to all living things and more so...

Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the Internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Analysis

Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Analysis: Introduction The short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is a narrative about a girl between the ages of ‘innocence’ and ‘transformative entrance’ into adulthood. Her mother trains her how to be an ideal and respectable lady. She believes that she is the only person who...

The Poem “El Gato” by Jimmy Santiago Baca

Introduction Literature acts as a store for people’s culture. It also communicates one’s feelings as it shows how people in society do things. Poems are forms of literature that are essential in modern life. People use poems to express their feelings or happenings that exist and take place in society....

Mario-Diaz Balart and Affordable Care Act

Nowadays, nursing advocacy training becomes of paramount importance, as these specialists are considered not only as healthcare providers but also as political leaders. The latter can change healthcare legislation in a positive way (Tomajan, 2012). American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) highly supports these initiatives. It helps them find...

Western Movies and Their Effect on Arab Youth

Most of the Western movies shown on the screens reflect on our culture. The movies display desire, identity, fantasy and extravagance. Globalization is on the rise, and the Arab countries are not left out of the process. Thus, the media has made it easy to access everything that one needs...

The Experience of Advanced and Less-Developed Economies

As different countries design and implement policies that intend to advance their economic standards, the global state of the economy affects the impacts of such policies. Evolutionary economic process depends on factors such as the spatial features, levels of technological awareness, and availability of infrastructure. However, the numerous changes that...

Renewable Energy Sources: Popularity and Benefits

Energy is provided in many forms by nature (Luo and Hong, 2016). We need the energy to perform work and operate other tools. Energy helps us to maintain life in the cities. The sources of energy we rely upon are fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and solar, wind, tidal,...

E-mail: Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Asthma, Its Nature and Testing Tools

Asthma in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Demographics Asthma affects a vast number of people, with each population group being nearly as vulnerable to it as the others are. According to the World Health Organization (2016), there are 235,000,000 asthma patients. Therefore, it is crucial to create strategies that could help not only...

Conference Types and Performance

Students participate in conferences to facilitate the knowledge acquisition process and identify themselves in the educational environment. Information transfer is a key component, with formative conferences analyzing student performance and summative conferences collecting and reporting information (Chappuis & Stiggins, 2020). Along with different purposes of conferences, several types of performances...

Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America

Is Biofoam likely to succeed or fail? Biofoam is likely to succeed due to its product nature. It is a resilient, lightweight, and inexpensive product. It leaves no residue of dust, resists the urge to shift in transit, conforms to any shape in bulk, and protects in a much superb...

Infant Development and Family Situation Analysis

Abstract Giselle is two-month-old. She has good reflexes and normally develops except for being underweight. Her mother (Joelle) takes care of her, but she needs to enhance her knowledge regarding infant’s nutrition. Moreover, her grandmother should also pay more attention to their nutrition to provide proper advice and support. Changing...

Corporate Governance in the UK of the 1990s

The Maxwell Scandal The Maxwell Scandal occurred in the early 1990s after Ian Robert Maxwell was found dead in the Atlantic Ocean. After the death of the owner of the huge publishing empire, the banks called in the loans, and the fraud made by Maxwell was discovered by a wide...

Australopithecines to Homo and “The Story of Lucy”

According to “The Story of Lucy”, did our ancestors become bipedal first and get smart later? The discovery of Lucy has revealed crucial facts proving that bipedalism came first. The remains of the skeleton presented specific anatomical features. It turned out that the upper part of Lucy’s body was apelike,...

The Impact of European Cultures on the American One

In the modern globalized world, different cultures significantly affect one another. However, distinct cultures still retain a number of differences; for example, some moral values may be common in one culture and quite alien to another. In addition, differences in language also can cause distinctions in worldviews. It is paramount...

Every Man for Himself: Third-World Economies

Every Man for Himself is an editorial published on September 28, 2017, in a popular daily Philippine newspaper, “Business Mirror.” This research revealed the influence of developed countries on third-world economies. It is a case study that examines a specific theoretical model of the development of the third world countries...

Social Responsibility: Starbucks, New Belgium Brewing and CVS

The impact of ethical issues on CSR strategies is illustrated in the cases of Starbucks, New Belguim Brewing, and CVS. The case of Starbucks presented in the book by Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell (2017) refers to the homogenization of the market and the role of employee happiness. According to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflection on CareerQuest Resources and Network

When analyzing the predominant trends in the Information Technology sector and its further in-depth examination, CareerQuest assisted greatly in such research. It is a valuable online platform for both students and employers that presents a wide range of job and internship opportunities and events such as career fairs. However, the...

The Philosophy of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill

Of the different philosophers that have influenced world political thought, John Stuart Mill’s contribution in the field was very significant and his political ideas have been frequently referred to regarding debates on equality and freedom. His most important work On Liberty is widely recognized as a remarkable and classic contribution...

The Diversity of Family Structures

It is well known that the life of a person does not only revolve around his work. Family life has significant bearing on life and during one’s lifetime a person experiences the creation of a number of family structures which are transformed over time and eventually each one changes to...

The Role and Impact of the U.S. Dollar on the World Financial Markets

Financial reports indicate that the U.S. dollar is weakening. Some times the dollar falls sharply against other major currencies like the euro and the Japanese yen. “Global growth is dependant on the united states and china” (Walayat, 2008).If this is so, it means that instability of the dollar will have...

Political and Social Issues Discussion in the Classroom

Professors should not be allowed to advocate their views on political or social issues in the classroom. I stand on the position that professors should teach students and provoke their thoughts, but not affect them or advocate his/her political or social position. Every citizen of our country has a right...

Physical Educators: Career Changes

Introduction Physical educators usually experience various difficulties in their work; this research is aimed at investigating the various reasons why physical educators are opting for career change. This research used various methods of collecting data such as interviews where they were properly evaluated. Many of the people interviewed were teachers...

“Contra Same-Sex Marriage” by by Jeff Jordan

Review Jordan (2004) begins by asserting that having an opposing opinion to same-sex marriage is not necessarily anti-gay. Marriages across different races were initially opposed. On the contrary, same-sex marriages are upheld by opinions that are not against gay practice. The author further explains three models of marriage which are...

Dr. Bruce Tuckman Stages Models

Introduction Before work teams become mature and productive units they undergo a series of stages of development (Nelson & Quick, 2007, p.205). Dr. Bruce Tuckman in 1960 developed one of the most widely accepted groups development models, the Tuckman model. The models initially consisted of four stages namely; forming, norming,...

Determining the Credibility of Evidence and Resources

When selecting evidence and interventions for addressing certain healthcare issues, much attention should be paid to the quality of sources of information. Scholarly articles are more preferable in this case in comparison to articles located on websites. The purpose of this paper is to discuss credible evidence that is selected...

Differentiation as a Teaching Method

Introduction Differentiation is a teaching method where a teacher takes into consideration that students are different in their personality, social lives, and in their religious beliefs. This calls for a differentiated approach when the teacher is giving instruction this model requires that teachers give different content to students as per...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Faust for Atheists: The Immortal Soul vs. the Knowledge Possessed

Throughout the history of literature, Faust is, no doubts, the greatest poem ever written. Combining the philosophic problem and the dramatic events, it grabs you by the hand and leads you the way Faust was walking. However, the question is whether the impressions about this little walk would be the...

The Theme of Duality in Literature

The theme of duality is a common topic for many literary works, including Shelly’s Frankenstein, Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, and Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The main idea of duality is to underline the worth of opposition that exists in society and human relationships. As a rule,...

The Work Questionnaires Types

Work satisfaction of the employees is an essential part of any business’s success, or if the employees are not satisfied, it’s agonizing failure. Different aspects of employment can be satisfactory to different people: some prefer to socialize with their coworkers and don’t mind dull busywork, while others want to change...

“Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” by Friedrich

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting by a German artist, Caspar David Friedrich, created in 1818. It depicts a young man standing back to the viewer at the precipice, observing mountain ranges that extend in front of him (Friedrich, 1818). He is wearing a long overcoat...

Moses’ Biblical Journey

The hero’s journey, or the Monomyth, is a primary component of stories in historical myths. According to Joseph Campbell, the expedition entails a hero venturing on an exploration, emerging victorious in a defining confrontation, and coming back to his home reshaped or transformed (Ross, 2019). Ross (2019) states that an...

Australia’s Main Problem: Concept Map

Australia’s main problem right now is the forest fires raging there. They are dangerous for several factors, but in the first place, they pose a threat to the life of many animals, including those that are already threatened with extinction (“Silent Death”). The spreading flame threatens not only directly to...

Sampling Strategy and Sample Size

Abstract The present paper critiques the sampling strategy and sample size of the selected article. Overall, it is evident that the strategies used (e.g., inclusion criteria, stratified sampling, randomization, and power analysis) were effective in maintaining internal validity and ensuring that findings could be generalized to the wider population. Introduction...

Emergency Department Discharge Instructions and Patients’ Understanding of Them

Is the framework clearly identified? The theoretical framework of the study “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” is not clearly identified. The authors have not included the thesis statement or research problems to support their research study. The fact that they have reviewed related...

The Importance of the Statute of Limitation

The United States of America law has an endorsement that sets the limit within which a legal lawsuit ought to start. The law has a statute that disqualifies prosecution for crimes or debt, which took place over two years. The statute of limitation does not allow prosecution for an offense...

Walt Disney Company: SWOT Analysis

Walt Disney is a globally recognized entertainment brand that most of the world’s population is familiar with since childhood, thanks to the outstanding cartoons the company has created. Meanwhile, in the business world, no player has a guarantee that its success will last forever, relying only on previous achievements. Strengths,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Private Label Brands and Marketing Management

The business arena continues to get more competitive by the day. As a result, business organizations seek ways of using existing strategies to better their performance while at the same time devising new mechanisms to enhance their profitability. The emergence of private label brands is a case in point. Their...

Concepts of Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness

Cultural and religious beliefs, lack of knowledge of the English language, and low health literacy are the three main factors that serve to create and enforce serious problems in the field of health communication and information. Over the last decade, medical workers started to address the factor of English proficiency...

How Do Human Infants Acquire a Language?

Verbal communication is a singular characteristic exclusive to the human species. This fact triggered many subsequent questions among linguists concerning the nature of human abilities to acquire a language, a large portion of them being on the border of linguistics, philosophy, neurobiology, and psychology. The topic has proved to be...

How to Become More Effective in Dealing With Other People?

Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills As noted by Nachmias and Guerrero (2011), people can be really helpful and supportive, if they know others’ purposes. This experience is applicable to everyday life and improving interpersonal communication skills because it minimizes the risks of being misunderstood. Seeking answers to important questions, asking for...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in Virginia in the 1600s

Indentured servitude and slavery possessed different connotations for individuals in Virginia in the 1600s. Some slave masters would grant freedom to slaves after a certain period. In other instances, they would provide these individuals with a piece of land within their plantation to work. Such slaves would consequently purchase their...

United States Postal Service’s Understaffing and Overworking

Background of the Company The history of the United States Postal Service starts in 1775 with the appointment of the first Postmaster General. Over 250 years history, the company has faced a significant number of organizational changes in order to stay relevant and up to date with the technical progress....

Researching of Law Against the Indigenous People

Summary Cindy Blackstock is an influential Canadian activist who advocates for child welfare and the protection of the Indigenous people. As a member of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, she played a vital part in appealing against First Nations children’s discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal...

Atonement: Theories and Interpretations

Introduction About two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died for all humanity’s sins. It is called the crucifixion of Jesus, by which he produces the atonement for the whole of humankind. Despite the fact of this event and the clarity of its consequences, there are many theories and interpretations of...

Different Perceptions of New York

The two essays by A. Busch and Elwyn White speak about the diversity of New York. Authors perceive this city differently; for instance, Busch says that New York is very adaptive, and every visitor might take what he needs from this city. White claims that the city is enormously huge...

Diversity in Families, Cultures, and Schools

Introduction Diversity creates an environment where people of different backgrounds constantly interact, which results in constant exposure to new ideas. Diversity at the family level comes in different ways, such as having foster children or members of different races. Since family is the primary social unit where members interact close,...

America Counteracting Prejudice, Discrimination, and Violence

America today continues to defend its image as a global democracy that opens doors to all nations and ethnicities. Many Americans continue to believe in the equal opportunity stereotype, or the stereotype continues to live on its own, with the tacit consent of the majority. In practice, however, America is...

Sociological Methods of Assessing Medical Care Accessibility

Introduction All humans have personal problems, and their problems may expand quantitatively and sometimes qualitatively. Subsequently, they get recognition in society and evolve from personal troubles to social issues. As societies differ, so do the issues that plague them. However, humans are presented with problems bringing disturbance to the whole...

The Play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare

As a character, Julius Caesar is defined by hubris and commitment to the grandiose. In Shakespeare’s eyes, Caesar is the ultimate emperor: simultaneously destructive and strangely magnificent in his yearning for omnipotence. The conspirators accuse Caesar of ambition, and his actions back up their claim: he does fight for full...

American Society in the 1980s in the Rocky IV Film

Introduction Sylvester Stallone directed Rocky IV in 1985 in the United States of America. Apart from Stallone, who played Rocky, and Dolph Lundgren, who played Drago, another main character is Talia Shire, Rocky’s wife, Adrian Pennino. The film portrays Italian-American boxer Rocky Balboa’s journey to defeat Ivan Drago, a world-renowned...

Analysis of Candide by Voltaire

The monumental shifts in human nature – in the nature of the main character, primarily – in Candide start with the real historical event of the Lisbon earthquake, which took place on November 1, 1755. From there, the old controversy of the German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz flared back to life....

How Has the Internet Changed the Recording Industry?

Introduction The Internet has become the most critical factor in the development of the music industry worldwide. When the audience of Internet publications began to grow rapidly at the end of the XX century, it was discussed at conferences whether the Internet would displace television and newspapers. Online music distribution...

Scientology: Religion of Success or Pernicious Cult?

Financial Burden as one of the Cults Predominant Attributes Throughout the 1970s, cults became big businesses and a notable social event. However, there has never been any accurate coverage of Scientology in the disarray of books published on these unique religious movements. Nevertheless, its history is rich in outrageous and...

The Nile River’s Geologic Value and Natural Issues

The Nile River is one of the longest rivers in the world, flowing through Northeast Africa. As a result of the floods, the river provided food and water sources for ancient Egyptians, which led to population migration along the river and the development of civilizations. Many sources state different versions...

Human Resources in Military Sphere

Introduction The army is responsible for the country’s security and includes many representatives in various positions – from generals to ordinary soldiers. They have many duties requiring discipline and effective organization from them. The quality of a nation’s protection and life of people depends on how the army forces and...

Interpretations of the Bible in American History

Charles G. Finney, a revivalist, epitomizes the significance of faith and redemption in American history. He highlighted the enormous significance of the personal decision in salvation as early as 1836. When Charles Grandison Finney thought God had called him to become a preacher, he quit a prosperous legal career (Finney...

A Plan to Improve the Way I Lead: The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership

According to the Path-Goal theory, a leader’s conduct is determined by their coworkers’ contentment, encouragement, and effectiveness. The leader’s role is to direct employees to select the optimal route to achieve their and the company’s objectives. According to the theory, leaders must participate in various categories of leadership conduct, relying...

The Mental Disorders Classification and Assessment

Mental disorders have long been considered to be the hardest to define and, consequently, difficult to cure health issues. Although few admit to having mental health issues, millions of people worldwide suffer from various symptoms of mental disorders. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage the perception of mental disorders as...

Employee Orientation and Training Checklist

The first day at work is integral for everyone after being employed. The new employees meet new people, fill out paperwork, and learn about the organization’s work culture. Orientation is very important for new hires because it helps them learn about the company and understand how it works (Pathiranage, 2019)....

What One Needs to Know About Acne

Introduction A person’s skin contains tiny holes known as pores which can be blocked by dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil. When they become clogged, a pimple develops in the skin, known as a blemish or zit (“Acne – Symptoms and Causes”). If a person develops several spots at...

John Locke’s Essay and Definitions Conceptual Analysis

In the John Locke’s Of Identity and Diversity under review, the author discusses several definitions of identity and self and separates them into component parts and terms. His philosophical definitions of thought, perception, and interaction intersect with rejecting and denying certain definitions and concepts. It is necessary to analyze and...

FreshDirect Case: Strategic Challenges and Recommendations

FreshDirect is an online grocery delivery service operating primarily in the US. As the title implies, the company focuses on the delivery of fresh produce, aiming at making grocery shopping fast and more convenient. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company experienced unprecedented growth due to the restrictions. However, even with...

“The Critique of Practical Reason” by Immanuel Kant

Basic Knowledge The Critique of Practical Reason is Kant’s second commentary, one of his three main expositions on morality, and a highly influential work in the history of ethical theory. The Critique, which was first released three years after Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, expands on the central...

“Girl” by Kincaid vs. “Why I Live in P.O.” by Welty

Introduction The stories describe the theme of the mother-daughter relationship, which is relevant in today’s world. Both writers try to convey that the mother is not just an important character in a child’s life. The entire human psyche is formed in the early relationship with the mother. The mother is...

The Western Journal of Communication Analysis

Western Journal of Communication is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Taylor & Francis, an international publishing company based in the United Kingdom. The institutional home of the journal is the Western States Communication Association (WSCA), a non-profit US-based organization that unites people of the U.S. western states interested in...

About Acts I and II Othello: Analysis

In the tragedy, Iago is presented as an ambitious person, ready for any action for his own benefit. The ambitiousness of this character is expressed in the first verses of the tragedy: “I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. / But he, as loving his own...

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The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery

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The Problems Witnessed in the Nursing Field

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Elderly Fall Prevention and Effective Education

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University of the Virgin Islands’ Rules Enforcement

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South African Apartheid’s Effects on People of Color

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Big Business and Exploitation of Workers in the US

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